Friends and FamilyChapter 7 Lissa ndash Part 2
- 4 years ago
- 18
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“I don’t think that an orgasm that knocks you unconscious should be the foundation of a loving relationship,” I told Lissa.
“It’s not. But you took care of me. You set me on the table and not the floor. You held me and cared for me,” Lissa explained her statement about being in love with me.
“We’ll talk about it later. How long do the dryers run?”
“For a load of these sizes, about forty minutes.”
“We have about thirty minutes to go. Can you walk?” I was still worried about her.
“OK, put your arm around me and let’s go for a walk down by the pond. The sun is still up but not too intense.”
We walked out of the laundry and headed for the pond. As we got closer, we could see our friends playing volleyball. I led Lissa to the pond and we walked in up to our waists. I gently washed her vagina and anus clean of the juices she had generated. She was too exhausted to react to my rubbing of her vagina.
“Thank you. See what I mean? You didn’t do that out of lust, you did it because you care. I love you, Mick.”
“We don’t have a towel, so I can’t sit you down on one of the lounge chairs.”
“Diana will let us use hers.”
I walked her over to the group of chairs and got Diana’s attention.
“Can Lissa sit on your towel?” I asked.
“Sure. Is she ok?” Diana answered, concerned.
“I’ll tell you later. Thank you.”
I helped Lissa to sit and she collapsed against the backrest. I watched my friend’s breasts flopping around as they played, except for Sasha, she had no breasts, only large, almost black nipples. It was a sight that I was learning to enjoy. It was more an aesthetic enjoyment than a sexual one. These ladies were beautiful. I focused my attention on Diana and her body. She caught me looking at her and smiled. I thought that she was beautiful in the extreme.
At least to me.
In the Army they taught us that what you don’t know can kill you. What my friends taught me is that I had a hole in my life that was hidden from me. Now that I knew it was there and I realized that it existed, I also realized that it needed to be filled. Tasha could fill it, so could Lissa. Diana could fill it in a way that seemed more ... special.
I was sure that way more than thirty minutes had passed.
“Lissa, I am going to go and get the laundry. Stay here and relax.”
“OK, darling.”
I walked back to the laundry and for some reason my brain started to wrap around the names the ladies were calling me. Tasha called me ‘baby’ and Lissa called me ‘darling’ and ‘sweetie’. I wonder what Jos and Diana would call me. I hoped it wasn’t ‘pookie’.
The dryers had stopped, so I went to the one with my and Diana’s laundry and pulled the towels out. A little bolt of static hit me right on the end of my penis and made me jump a few feet. That stung. I folded the towels and put them in the laundry bag. Then I went and did the same with Lissa’s towels, minus the shock.
I was walking back to the pond with the bags when I was approached by Emicka.
“Excuse me, Mick?”
“Yes?” I answered flatly.
“I wanted to tell you I really was sorry and I was hoping we could talk.”
“I’m sorry, but I’m with those ladies and they are more than I can handle already.”
She smiled and walked away.
“What did the princess want?” Lissa asked quietly.
“She wanted to talk. I told her I wasn’t interested. She left.”
“OK. Mick? Where is my dildo?” She asked.
“What’s a dildo?” I looked at her with a blank expression.
“Really? It is a facsimile of a penis. Some of them have vibrators built into them. When the man is away, a dildo is a girls’ B.O.B.”
Yeah I had THAT look again.
“Battery Operated Boyfriend, Mick.”
“Oh, the rubber penis that was on the washing machine! I put it in the bag after you passed out. I didn’t want anyone coming in and freaking out because one of the washing machines had grown a penis.”
“Thank you.” She hugged me and kissed me in a very gentle way.
She even used a little tongue. We then walked hand in hand back to the cabins. I put my bag in the cabin Diana and I shared, while Lissa put hers in her and Jos’ cabin.
We met up outside and hugged and kissed again.
“What is the plan for dinner tonight?” I asked.
“Would you believe hot dogs and bratwurst?” Lissa said.
“With sauerkraut?” I was more than enthusiastic.
“I hope so.”
“You like kraut?” I asked Lissa.
“Nope, but if you’re going to eat it, I’ll need to defend myself,” Lissa smirked.
“Oh, I see how it’s going to be,” I smacked Lissa lightly on her butt.
We walked back to the clubhouse and there was a big grill set up outside and it was covered with sausages. No one was going to go hungry tonight. We walked into the clubhouse and found the others at a table, with the ‘Scrabble’ game already in the middle of it.
“Are we going to play while we eat?”
“Mick, is that a trick question?” Tasha smiled at me.
“Oh, here we go again,” I rolled my eyes.
She got more serious and patted me on the butt several times and hugged me to her breasts.
“We can play while we eat, or we can do it afterwards. Once everyone sits down, we can figure it out.”
A young man stepped into the room and announced that the food was ready. The guy asked that the tables on the right side of the room go first, then the tables in the middle, then the tables on the left. We were in the middle, so we sat and waited and talked about the shopping trip tomorrow and tonight’s sleeping arrangements.
“You are sleeping in Lissa’s cabin and Jos will sleep with Sasha. I am sleeping in you and Diana’s cabin.” Tasha said.
I made a little smile at Tasha for saying that the cabin was Diana’s and mine. She looked at me and nodded. I nodded back. Our table got up and went to the grill. I asked for one dog and one brat, so they gave me a hot dog bun and a bomber roll. When I got to the grill a very nice lady placed a brat in the bomber roll and a dog in the hot dog bun. It didn’t occur to me until I was walking away that I didn’t think of her as being naked.
We then walked to the condiment table and I loaded up the brat with brown mustard and sauerkraut. I put ketchup and onions on the dog. I returned to the table to find that one of the ladies had poured six glasses of red wine. I sat between Lissa and Diana, leaning over to kiss Diana on the cheek, then leaning the other way to kiss Lissa with a little tongue.
We talked and ate, and I went back for seconds, getting two brats. I loaded them both up with brown mustard and sauerkraut, causing Lissa to make some bad faces.
“Are you going to spend the entire night farting up the cabin?”
“No. Real men don’t fart.”
All the ladies at the table almost spit out their food or drink.
“Mick. Really?”
“I never claimed to be a real man, but do I intend to fart like a professional.”
“Great. I’m going back for more kraut.”
Everyone laughed as Lissa headed for the condiment table.
As soon as the food disappeared the ‘Scrabble’ stuff was spread out. We played eight games before everyone got tired. I won none. Diana won three. Tasha and Jos won two each and Lissa won one. I gave a hug to Sasha.
“It’s OK. Us losers can stick together.”
“In a few days you’d better stick it to me.”
“You too?” I asked as Sasha kissed me and rubbed her hard nipples against me teasing me even more.
We packed up the game and put it back on the shelf. Then we all kissed each other good night. I wrapped my arm around Lissa, and we walked back to her cabin. Once inside we went to the toilet. Lissa went first and I went second. When I came out Lissa was in bed and she flipped the covers back and I crawled under them.
“I know I said it under tense conditions, but I want you to know that I do love you,” she said quietly. “When we got here, I really thought it was going to be a couple of weeks of fucking and pussy eating and that was all. I never expected that you would be the kind of man you are. I intend to fight for you.”
“I’m not sure that I’m worth fighting over. I’m still learning about the relationships I need to build if I am going to become some ladies partner.”
“Would you do me a favor?”
“If it doesn’t make me break the rules, sure.”
“Use this on me before we sleep.”
She gave me the dildo she had used earlier.
“What should I do?”
“I want you to use it in my pussy, then in my butt. Then I want to wrap myself around you and have the best night’s sleep I have ever had.”
I took the toy and kissed Lissa passionately. As I kissed her, I massaged her breasts and pinched her nipples. She reacted to the pinching and increased the intensity of the kiss. Lissa took my penis in her hand and began to stoke me.
“Mick, would you please do 69?”
“Sure ... what is that?” I asked innocently.
“I’m still learning stuff,” I defended myself.
“69 is when I lay on you with my head sucking your cock and you eating my pussy. That way you can use the toy on my pussy and my butt. Once we get into position, use your imagination.”
Lissa got up and stretched out. Her breasts are smaller than Tasha’s but larger that Jos’. I didn’t include Sasha’s for obvious reasons. They were tipped with dark brown nipples that never seemed to be not erect. After she stood, I scooted to the middle of the bed and Lissa mounted me. She lowered her vagina over my face, and she began kissing and licking my penis until it was erect.
I kissed the open vagina in my face and began to lick from the little pink button to her rosebud. I nibbled the skin all around it, I nibbled on the skin of her butt cheeks and left a few hickies, before going back to licking her butthole. Lissa gasped from around my erection.
I had the dildo lying next to my thigh and I picked it up and got it wet with Lissa’s juices and my saliva. I put the tip into the opening of her vagina. I wasn’t sure the thing would fit. It had to be a good eight inches long and six inches around. But since it had fit into her anus earlier in the day, I pushed it into her and continued to use my teeth and tongue and Lissa came several times.
Now that I had it all slippery, I slid the dildo into Lissa’s anus. She had orgasm after orgasm until she collapsed on top of me, unconscious, with my erection in her mouth. I rolled her off of me, pulling my penis out of her mouth. Standing, I picked her up and turned her around setting her head on the pillow.
“I love you, Mick,” she mumbled, half unconscious.
“Good night, Lissa.”
“Get in bed I want to cuddle and spoon to you.”
I crawled in next to her and rolled to my side facing away from her. Lissa wrapped an arm around me and took my erection in her hand. She threw her leg over mine and pressed her pubic hair against me.
We fell asleep like that and I woke up in the same position. I woke to the sensation of Lissa’s hand stroking my erection. I had to pee, but I knew Lissa was determined to get me to squirt. So as she stroked faster, and I got closer to my release, I rolled to my back and Lissa moved and took my erection into her mouth and began to face fuck herself.
“Lissa, I am going to cum.”
She increased her speed and intensity until I groaned and began to cum. Lissa made a choking noise, then I could feel her swallowing. I squirted, she swallowed, and we repeated squirt, swallow, squirt, swallow over and over. Finally, Lissa felt that she had collected everything I had to offer, and she let my penis slide out of her mouth with a sloppy, slurpy noise.
“Mick, you taste wonderful. When we go home, I am going to have to bring you up to HR for special meetings. I don’t know that I can go very long without tasting you.”
“Your pussy tasted pretty nice last night too. It’s too bad that you pass out so easily after you have a number of orgasms. I wanted to cum with you last night, but you were out, and it didn’t seem right to get off and squirt all over your face.”
“Today, you are going to give me a facial.”
“A facial?” I really didn’t know and I made a face that Lissa must be getting used to by now.
“Sorry,” I shrugged my shoulders.
“A facial is when a man cums and squirts all over a woman’s face. Some women really like the sensation. I would rather take it in the butt. However, if I can’t get it in the butt, I want it in my pussy and, if not in my pussy, then in my mouth. Let’s spend more time in The Glade today and you can give me a facial or two. Then we can share it when you clean it off. OK?”
“Sure. But first, I am starving.”
We walked down to the clubhouse and showered before entering and taking a table. I pulled out some bagels and cut them and dropped them in the big bagel toaster. Lissa got out the butter and the cream cheese. The coffee maker was cranking out the coffee for everyone. At the table, I set out the plates with the bagels, while Lissa set out the butter and cheese, then got out the coffee mugs.
I took a seat. Lissa sat on my lap and put an arm around me, then kissed the top of my head. I looked around and saw no one looking, I leaned forward and sucked on one of her nipples, before kissing the tip of it.
“Oh, that was lovely. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
The door opened, and the ladies came walking in. Sasha and Jos were holding hands. Lissa saw that and smiled.
“Looks like someone isn’t so worried about sleeping with a girl.”
Sasha blushed, and Jos hugged her.
“Don’t pick on Sasha. She is a warm and loving young woman. I like her a lot and, I personally think, that her pussy is the best tasting pussy I have ever eaten.”
“Jos!” Sasha almost shrieked and blushed.
“Don’t be embarrassed. It’s true and Mick needs to know that he has that to look forward to. And you need to know that he IS looking forward to tasting you. As a matter of fact, let’s go back to bed, I want some more.”
Sasha turned a brighter red and ran off towards Tasha.
“Is the mean old Jos bothering you?” Tasha asked like the mother hen she was.
“I don’t want what we are doing in bed broadcast all over the camp.” Sasha complained.
“Jos, cut it out,” Tasha ordered.
“Yeah Jos, don’t be a bitch,” Lissa said.
“Lissa, did you call me a bitch?” Jos looked a little stunned.
“Hey, if the bra fits.”
Jos stood quietly before walking over to Tasha and Sasha.
“I’m sorry Sasha. I WAS being a bitch.”
Jos held out her arms for a hug and Sasha released Tasha and walked into Jos’ arms.
“What time do we need to leave for shopping?” I asked changing the subject.
“I’d like to go right after breakfast. Is that ok, everyone?” Diana asked.
All the other ladies nodded. I shrugged and smiled. We finished eating, cleaned up and, holding hands like the good friends we were, we all walked back to the cabins as a group. I kissed Lissa and we followed Diana towards our cabin. When we arrived at our cabins, I kissed Lissa again.
“I’ll see you at your car.”
“Are you riding in with me?” She asked.
“I would like to; it’s still our date day. Of course, if you are sitting in the car, I won’t be able to see your magnificent butt.”
“You really like my butt, don’t you?”
“It is the best part of your body, as far as I know.”
“Well you will get to know more today, and later in the week, you will get to know it all.”
“We’ll see how it goes. But right now, it certainly looks like I am going to know a lot more about a lot of women.”
“Hurry back to me.” Lissa kissed me on the lips and turned to her cabin.
I watched the little extra she put in her hip movement as she looked over her shoulder at me. My burgeoning erection, and I, turned and I walked into Diana’s cabin. She was still naked and looked at my stiffening penis.
“How are you doing, Mick?”
“I’m OK. I’m learning a lot about women and relationships and sex. I hope I don’t mess up.”
“You won’t.”
“Diana, so far Tasha and Lissa have told me they love me.”
“I did too.”
“And that means that somebody could be getting really hurt after these two weeks.”
“I hope not.”
“Me too. Do you need any help getting dressed?”
“Sure, I could use some help getting my breasts into my bra and making sure that my pubic hair is brushed out.”
“I am at your service. I don’t know if I remember if my penis goes to the left or right when I have underwear on.”
“Well we can move it around and see if it jogs your memory.”
We helped each other dress and I did make sure that her pubic hair was brushed and combed out before pulling up her bikini bottoms, and I got her breasts seated perfectly in her bikini top. We found that my penis doesn’t go left or right when it is erect and can’t be bent.
We walked out to the cars and the others were waiting for us.
“Did you guys forget how to put clothes on?” Lissa asked.
“Actually, we did,” I said.
“Right! Next you’re going to tell me that you have to help each other get dressed.”
Diana and I looked at each other and chuckled.
“Let’s go,” I said.
I got in the passenger seat and placed my hand, palm up, under Lissa’s driving position. I left my hand under her butt as we went to the store. The shopping list was divided among the three pairs of us. We paired up and took off to fill our list since the place was a sort of a super store. It had food and drugs and clothes and sporting goods and hardware. As a guy, I found it very interesting.
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I want to thank everyone for the positive comments and encouragements. I especially want to thank aussie_101 for all his time spent editing and talking me through this process. All mistakes within this work are mine and mine alone. And a big ‘thank you’ sleeplessgurl for introducing us. I owe you guys! Anyway here is Chapter Two, I hope you enjoy it! For those of you new to the story or cursed with a really bad memory like mine, Melissa has manufactured an excuse to come to ‘Uncle’ Robert’s...
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“Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight Everybody’s feeling warm and bright It’s such a fine and natural sight Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight.” King Harvest - 1972 So there we were. It was midnight and my three wives, and I were out in the back yard at midnight wrapped in each other’s arms, dancing in the moonlight to the sound of that great 1972 song booming from the stereo on the deck. The three bellies of my three pregnant wives were rubbing against my not pregnant belly as we swayed...
Julie out on her own – with Mike and Vicky – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about and my roommate Mike, how we’d come to terms with my crossdressing, my attraction to him, and his willingness to have a horny busty T-girl go wild on him.Since we both were comfortable with it, as time went on, I began staying dressed more in our apartment. Nothing fancy, but during evenings and practically all weekend, more often than not, if I had no immediate plans to go out, I would wear the following. Pink...
Christmas Day is a favorite day for me. When I was married to my first wife, my life-long dream was to have a Christmas dinner surrounded by my family. When we got divorced all of that went away. I couldn’t see or hear my ex-wife without going into a severe depression for days. So, there was no family get together for any holidays. Christmas hurt me the most. After they graduated high school, my daughter went into the Army followed by my son and get togethers never happened... Now, I am...
I held Erin and kissed her and pulled out of her, laughing my ass off. We walked hand in hand down the stairs, my penis still erect. As we hit the ground floor, I heard a voice. “Oh daddy. Look at that.” “Oh oh!” “Taylor, you and your sisters and mommies have a ‘gina’ and daddies have a penis. Sometimes, when daddies show their love to mommies, it gets big.” “Ok!” That was it. Keep it simple stupid! Right? After putting the older girls to bed, my wives and I White Castle farted ourselves...
This story is a work of fiction, it NEVER happened. This is chapter two so if you have not read chapter one you should start there ( This series began when I read a story here on XH about a woman going to her gynecologist and ending up in a sexual event. The story has since been deleted so there is no way to send you there. Many men, me included, have no clue what goes on in a woman’s exam but many of us wonder if the doctor may...
Honey Moon TripRahul got an official trip to abroad, so we also joined him and booked our tickets of the same flight. We did not meet Rahul coz he was in business class with another company guy. All were slept in flight, I saw Alia who talked with the window stranger, and her hand touched his bulge. After sometime, he stood and walked to toilet. Then Alia passed a smile to me and walked behind him to toilet. Then the guy returned and sat and slept. Soon Alia came back and kissed me and shared...
After that first night of service to our new Masters things started to become somewhat normal or at least as normal as they could be in our situation. I went off to work every morning and the girls went to school. Carol stayed in the apartment, cooked, cleaned and did normal stuff a stay at home wife would normally do with a few exceptions. On our day off Masters took the family to the community center and pool. The girls had a great time and Carol and I even forgot about our predicament and...
(This story is the continuation of "Ann – At The Beach – 1. A New Bikini". Please do read that first!) girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers and Alex's younger sister Ann had just arrived at the beach on a gorgeous, sunny day during the summer holidays. Alex asked me to turn over so she could apply sunscreen to my back, and then asked me to return the favor. To my surprise, she'd brought sun oil instead of the typical sunscreen...
It all started one beautiful day during the summer holidays. The early morning already promised great temperatures, and when we left for the beach, the sun was shining pleasantly warm on our skin. When my girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers, her younger sister Ann and me arrived at the beach, it was already pretty crowded.After finding ourselves a nice spot, we began settling, spreading out our towels and changing into our swimwear which we had already put on at home. Until then I had never taken...
Interlude 3 – The Farthest-Out Times (so far) – TV/CD , mast, fetishesWell, I believe I may have covered most of my fetishes between my previous blog posts and my intro paragraph here on Xhamster, but I may not have covered the extreme maxxximum extent to which I have taken each one. So for a quickie post, left let see if I can remember the “best of the best,” so to speak. I started typing one up for a conversation I was having with another user, and it got me so exxxcited I had to go...
This is a continuation of one of my previous stories. Please see parts 1 & 2 on my profile.I woke up spooning Rick; my arm d****d over him, my face directly behind his neck, breathing in his skin. But I had had such a peaceful rest, which I hadn’t had in a long time. As my groggy eyes opened, I realized how cozy I was nude under the sheets with him. Of course my first thought was of my raging hard-on, as is customary each morning, but this time it was pressed against the small of his back....
I had been on XHamster chatting with Paul for a little while now. Even during our first chat in the messages he’d hinted that his wife was open and adventurous in their sex life. So, when we skyped and watched each other wanking off, he showed me the double ended vibrating dildo that she’d fucked his arse with. There was a short and long end with a disk in between, Paul slowly slid the long end, (his) into his arse and switched on the vibrator. From the way his body jumped, I guess he liked it,...
Julie out on her own – First Threesome (Part 2) – CD/TV/TS, MFM(Continued from Part 1)Sure enough, there was Vicky was, head above mine, eyes closed, sucking on her fingers. I reached my arm up and snaked it around her head, and pulled her lips to my face quickly, making her faceplant into pools of sperm. She was surprised, but relaxed and started slurping – I knew I had her. I whispered quietly, “You still owe me … bitch!”To my surprise, as much as she’d seemed to be into it, sharing Mike’s...
Julie out on her own – First Threesome – CD/TV/TS, MFMRemember how Vicky, the blonde busty sexpot, owed me a favor, because she knew I knew she’d blown my best friend Mike at the bowling alley, but was going to keep quiet for her? If not, see the story two entries ago! Anyway, about two weeks later I called her up during the week, when I knew her boyfriend Frank wouldn’t likely be at her place. After a few rings, she picked up the phone.“Goodbody’s Mortuary, you stab ‘em, we slab ‘em, Elvira...
Sara flipped off the radio when she turned into her Tinderwood Apartment complex. It was late and she was exhausted. Her younger sister, Lauren, was asleep on the sofa with her chemistry book open on her chest, when she walked in. Sara looked frazzled and worn out for a 19 year sophomore in college. Her hair was windblown and her makeup was a mess. Her new flowered sundress was wrinkled and only held closed by three buttons. When she plopped down in the chair, Lauren could see her bare breasts...
Julie out on her own – Bowling Aftermath – CD/TV/TS, MMSo last time I wrote about how my roommate Mike hooked up with flirty Vicky at the bowling alley, how I knew about it, how Mike knew I knew, and how Vicky knew I knew, but how Vicky didn’t know that Mike knew I knew. Confused? Read last entry!Anyway, when Mike and I got home that night, we thought it was hilarious how Vicky’s horny lusts had gotten the better of her, how she’d blown Mike in the bowling alley men’s room while I watched over...
Sara was jolted from her nap when the phone rang. She glanced over at the kitchen clock. It was 6:15pm. She’d been studying hard since school started three weeks ago and had passed out in the process. It was her trucker friend, Cliff. “Hey babe, I’m coming north on 95 and was wondering if you’d like to meet me at the truck stop up above Richmond?”Sara could feel pussy waking up faster than she was. It quivered in her fleece shorts. “Ummm, yeah, sure. How long before you get there?”“Probably...
“Lauren, wake up. Wake up hon, we need to get on the road,” Grace said softly as she nudged at her daughter. Grace yanked back the covers to speed things up, and paused to admire the eighteen year old's tall, tan, beautiful body.“Yaawwwnnnnn, good morning. Did you say we? You’re driving me back?” “Yes hon. I talked with your dad and since you’re still on Percocet, we think it would be better if I drove you,“ Grace stated. Lauren had her wisdom teeth removed Friday morning, but was still hurting...
Hey to you all, what`s up? :)Here it is another blog post about the Dating Game topic, which means one step forward for you to start learning how to approach and date women the right way.This time, we`ll cut straight to the chase, I mean, no more introductory, bla bla stuff. ;)In one of my last blog posts I`ve been recommending you to meet and hang, as much as possible, around the right people, which consists of, among others, the guys that are already successful with women. Naturals, if...
Vacation Fun – Chapter 2 – The Next MorningWith the curtains closed only a little light shined through the windows, but is was more than enough for Sam’s eyes to take in every curve of Carly’s body. Carly always looks so peaceful when she’s asleeep, and now Sam could freely lay in bed and stare for as long as she wanted or till Carly woke up.Before Carly climbed into bed just a little after midnight she striped down to only her underwear, slowly Sam started tracing patterns on Carly’s bare arm...