Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 74 Alya Conquers Lissa
- 3 years ago
- 15
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This is my very first submission and I welcome positive/constructive critiques. I am trying to improve my writing and hope you enjoy the story.
‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ The car idled in the parking space of Avalon Apartments. The lights of the parking lot combined with the faint light from the dashboard served to illuminate the two young women in the front seat.
‘Only shot I’ve got. My parents are away for the weekend and I have two nights to make this happen.’
Jen looked at Melissa worriedly. ‘You didn’t answer my question. Are you sure you want to do this?’
Melissa peered through the car window and gazed at the light in the upper apartment. They had driven through the parking lot to make sure his car was here. He was in.
She took a deep breath. ‘Yeah, I’m sure.’
‘Can I ask why? I mean you have plenty of guys who would love to take you out. Why him?’
Melissa looked at her and shrugged. ‘I don’t know. There’s something about him. He’s always been there for us…for me.’ At her friend’s raised eyebrows, she hurriedly continued. ‘He’s funny and caring. Gentle and kind. And I don’t know, when he looks at me I just want to melt into him. I know he’s older than me.’
‘Ya think?’
‘But he’s not that much older. I mean he’s my dad’s friend but he’s not old enough to be my dad. Well unless he knocked up my mom at age fifteen or so. It’s not like he and my dad were old high school buddies or anything. They met at work and became friends…so it’s not that big of a taboo right?’
Jen just looked at her and said, ‘If you say so’ and handed Melissa the cell phone. ‘Okay, moment of truth.’
Melissa looked at the small pink phone in her hand and took another steadying breath before dialing his number. She counted the rings while she waited for him to pick up. When she reached four she began to worry. What if he had gone out with friends and taken one of their cars. Or even worse what if he had gone out on a date and was currently with said date in the very apartment she was watching right now. Images of what he might be doing to some other woman leapt into her mind, making her jealous and aroused all at the same time. Melissa began to chew at her lower lip. By the time she got to ring number six she was about to hang up and cry in frustration, when she heard his voice. For a moment she thought she had reached his voicemail and so it took her a moment to realize that it was a live voice on the other end of the dial tone.
‘Hello…hello.’ His deep voice rumbled into the phone and caused Melissa to pause for just a moment.
‘Hello?’ he said again impatiently.
‘U-Uncle Robert?’ Meliisa stammered. She wished she weren’t so nervous, but everything she wanted was on the line. She had been waiting for this opportunity for three months now. Longer if you counted the years she’d had a crush on him. But it was only three months ago that she had turned eighteen and decided that for her birthday she was going to get her own birthday present—that being in the form of her father’s good friend Robert Sheehan. She had plotted and waited for the perfect time. That time was now. She just had to make this work!
She smiled at his childhood nickname for her and blew out the deep breath she didn’t know she had been holding. ‘Yeah Uncle Robert, it’s me.’
‘Is everything okay?’
‘Oh yeah… yes. Everything’s fine. Well kind of fine. See I’m in a bit of trouble—’
‘What’s wrong? Where are you?’ he interrupted. She could hear the anxiousness in his voice and couldn’t help looking at Jen with a smile.
‘Wait, wait. I’m fine. But I have a problem.’ She crossed her fingers and began the rehearsed tale. ‘You know how Mom and Dad went out of town for the weekend for their anniversary? Well Jen and I decided to go out for a little while tonight and I wasn’t thinking and left my keys inside the house. Which means I’m now locked out. I was hoping you might still have the spare set.’
‘Um…yeah, they’re right here. I assume you want to borrow them.’
Melissa gave Jen a thumbs up and continued on to the second part of the story. ‘Well, see there is one other little problem. Jen has to be home in like twenty minutes. There’s no way she could get to your place, grab the keys, drop me off at home and still get home in time. But your apartment is on her way home. If she dropped me off, would you be willing to give me a lift back home?’
The two girls traded worried looks in the fractured light. Melissa reached out for Jen’s hand, needing the support as she waited for Robert’s answer. She heard a sigh.
‘Yeah, I can do that. Where are you?’
Melissa squeezed Jen’s hand and smiled. ‘About five minutes away. See you then. Thanks Uncle Robert. You’re the best!’ She made a kissy noise into the phone and quickly disconnected the call.
‘Eeeeeee!’ The two girls hugged over the console. ‘Omigod! Omigod! I can’t believe that worked!’
Jen pulled back and looked Melissa in the face. ‘So you are going to do this. You are seriously going to try to seduce your dad’s friend?’
Melissa again looked at the light in the upper apartment window and bit her lower lip. ‘Yep, I sure am.’ Then she clenched her thighs together as the mere thought caused her to pussy to pulse in anticipation.
‘Okay. Well, let’s get this show on the road.’ Jen pulled out of the parking space, in order to circle the block. They had decided that it would be better for her to pull up to Robert’s apartment, just in case he happened to be looking out the window for Melissa.
Robert set down the phone and shook his head. Man why did this shit always happen to him? Here he was ready to have a nice quiet night at home, and she had to fuck it up. She being little Lissa Grant. God if ever there was temptation in physical form it was Melissa. He had known her since she was a little nine year girl in pink ballet shoes doing pirouettes in the living room. He had gone to little girl ballet recitals, middle school softball games, and high school track meets. Everything had been fine until about a year ago, when one day he had looked at Little Lissa and seen not the daughter of his good friend, but a stunningly beautiful young woman.
The years of first dance and then various sports had helped to shape a lithe, svelte, muscled body. Her hair had gone from the blonde of childhood to a darker, richly hued brunette of almost adulthood. He didn’t know if she colored it or if it had darkened on its own, but whichever it was soft and beautiful and every now and then he caught its light citrus scent when he hugged her. Her eyes were still the most beautiful shade of blue-grey though, that had never changed. From the time she was little she had these eyes that would shift color depending on what she was wearing or feeling. You could always tell if she was angry because her eyes would become bluer, while in the winter her eyes became a weird almost grey color as if to complement the weather. Lately though he had begun to wonder what color her eyes would become if she were aroused. His cock began to stir at the thought.
God, what would her father, and his friend, do to him if he ever figured out that Robert was having positively pornographic thoughts about his daughter?
Robert scrubbed a hand over his face. He never wanted to find out the answer to that question. Better to just get the keys and take Lissa home. A quick in and out, he groaned at the ironic turn of phrase, and then he could get back to his plans for the night. Or to be more accurate his lack of plans for the evening.
Figuring that the whole debacle would be over faster the sooner he had Melissa in the car and on the way home, Robert grabbed his car keys and the spare set of keys to her house and went outside to wait for her. He walked down the stairs and let the night chill cool him, hoping that it would have an effect on his
thoughts and his body. Leaning railing at the foot of the stairs he waited for Melissa and her friend to show.
‘Oh shit!’ Melissa groaned as she spotted Robert lounging against the bottom of the stairs. His feet were crossed at the ankles and his hands were in his pockets. The cool breeze ruffled his hair and she had the urge to walk up and brush it back it place.
‘What? What’s wrong?’ Jen asked.
‘What’s wrong? He’s supposed to be upstairs in his apartment. How am I going to convince him to sleep with me if I can’t even get him in a room with a bed?’ Melissa moaned.
Jen tried to answer helpfully, ‘Well there’s always the backseat of his car.’
Melissa mock punched her friend in the arm. ‘I’m serious. What am I going to do? He looks like he’s ready to just jump in the car and take me home. I need to get him somewhere where we can get, you know…’
‘Naked?’Jen supplied.
‘Horizontal,’ Melissa answered.
Jen laughed, ‘Oh honey, horizontal is so not necessary!’ Melissa giggled in reply and then sobered. Taking a deep breath she looked first at Robert waiting for her and then back at her best friend.
‘Wish me luck?’
‘Who needs luck when you have boobs?’ Jen smiled and dragged Melissa into a hard hug. ‘Okay, luck.’
‘Thanks.’ Melissa returned the hug. She grabbed her purse and climbed out of the car. With a quick wave, she turned toward Robert as Jen pulled away. Suddenly shy, she began to worry that she might not be able to pull this off. She watched as Robert pushed away from the stairs and started toward her. Frantically she tried to think of a way to get him to stay here.
The night air carried his spicy scent to her and made her knees weaken. When he hugged her and his warmth enveloped her, she wanted to simply sink into him. She turned her face into his neck and was barely able to restrain herself from tasting him. She shivered with desire.
Robert felt the tremor and leaned back. ‘Are you okay?’
‘Yeah…yes,’ she stammered, arousal making it difficult for her to think let alone answer. But finally she had a moment of inspiration. ‘Um…do you mind? Can I use your bathroom before we leave?’
Robert hated the idea of being around her for longer than necessary. Hell, the hug had played havoc with his senses. And now she wanted him to take her back into his apartment? He eyed the stairs leading to his home and groaned inwardly. All he wanted to do was put her in his car, drive her to her house, drop her off, and come back home. But what could he do?
‘Sure, come on,’ he heard himself saying.
She put an extra bit of bounce in her step, making sure to give her ass just a little jiggle as she mounted the stairs in front of Robert. She hoped he was paying attention, but didn’t dare look over her shoulder to check. Meanwhile Robert couldn’t take his eyes off of her round little ass as it bounced its way up the stairs. Swallowing he tried to look something else, please God anything else to take his mind off of her beautiful backside. Instead his eyes landed on her delicate hand gripping the railing. He began to imagine how her slim, petite hand would look gripping his cock. He groaned.
Melissa heard the strangled sound behind her and turned. ‘Are you okay Uncle Robert?’
Robert’s mouth went dry due to the fact that because he was a few steps below her, when she turned he was now eye level with her breasts. He tried to swallow, tried to speak.
‘Yeah…yeah fine,’ was the gravelly response. He quickly stepped past her to unlock the door. And then knowing it was ungentlemanly but not able to think of anything else that would hide his erection he stepped through the door and continued on into the kitchen area of the apartment. ‘Bathroom’s down the hall, first door on the left. I’m just going to get a quick drink,’ he called out over his shoulder.
Melissa scurried down the hall and into the bathroom. She closed the door and leaned her forehead against it. This was so not going the way she had planned. Okay not like she had a completely formed plan. The idea had been to get him alone and then…and then, well let nature take its course.
She looked at herself in the mirror critically. She knew she wasn’t drop dead gorgeous, but she wasn’t exactly ugly either. The boys had seemed to be interested, and she thought that Uncle Robert was somewhat interested too from the few times she had caught him looking at her. So what was going on here? He was acting like he couldn’t wait to get rid of her. Oh God! What if he had plans? What if she had interrupted an evening that just had gotten started yet? Chewing worriedly on her lower lip, she began to think. Okay. Well, he would just have to change his plans! She knew what she wanted, and she wanted him, damnit!
Squaring her shoulders she cleaned up and left the bathroom. She found him standing in front of the sink with his back to her, he was guzzling a glass of ice water and staring out the window. She paused at the threshold to the kitchen.
‘Uncle Robert?’ she said his name softly.
‘Hmmm?’ he answered, not even turning around.
‘Uncle Robert,’ she repeated.’Have I done something wrong? Did I interrupt something?’
His shoulders slumped. ‘No,’ he sighed. ‘I’m just tired and was looking for a quiet night in and an early night. That’s all. I’m sorry. Here let me get my keys and we’ll go.’ He set the glass in the sink and turned. It was the sight of her standing there chewing on her lower lip that about did him in. That little gesture of vulnerability and uncertainty shot an arrow of longing to his gut. He wanted to take her into his arms and soothe her, but he knew that way lay destruction. He watched as she shifted on her feet, her uncertainty more and more apparent.
‘Is something wrong, Lissa?’
‘Well, umm…I don’t want to put you out. I have a couple dollars. If you want, I can take the keys and grab a cab home.’ Her voice quivered a little at the suggestion and he could tell that she didn’t really want to do that. ‘I mean I didn’t mean to ruin anything,’ she continued.
Melissa wanted to cry. Nothing was going the way she had thought it would. God she was so stupid she thought. He didn’t want her here. Maybe she should just go home and forget all about this. She hung her head and tried to get her emotions under control. When she finally raised her head and met Robert’s gaze, it was to find him narrowly assessing her.
‘All right, out with it. What’s going on here?’ he asked gruffly. Somehow he knew this was about more than just being locked out of her house. The tension in the room was palpable and he was lost as to the cause. He took a stab at what might be bothering her. ‘Is this about your parents being gone? Are you afraid to stay in the house by yourself?’
Melissa blinked. Save she thought. ‘Well, I am a little nervous to be there alone.’ She thought quickly about how to use this to her advantage. ‘I mean the house is so big and without Mom and Dad it just seems so empty, ya know? I guess I didn’t…’ she let her voice trail off, hoping he would fill in the blanks and not ask her to explain a feeling that didn’t exist. Instead she just blinked and tried to look frightened and miserable.
Robert shifted and cleared his throat. Christ what the hell was he going to do now he thought. He looked at her standing there miserably and realized that he was in deep trouble. Before he could stop himself, He heard the damn words coming out of his mouth. ‘Okay. Look you can stay here for tonight.’
Melissa squealed and launched herself at him. ‘Oh thank you, Uncle Robert!’
The next thing he knew his arms were full of lush teenage body and he was again hard as stone. Setting her back, he tried to give himself some space to gain control. ‘Yes, well. It’s only for tonight. Maybe tomorrow you can stay with a friend or something,’ he said gruffly, his sudden arousal making his voice ragged and deep.
She nodded. ‘Of course,’ she said. She would worry about tomorrow when it came. All that mattered right now was that for tonight she had him all to herself.
‘Have you eaten?’ he asked, turning again to hide his erection. He opened the refrigerator and looked inside. The cool air felt good against the raging heat of his body. ‘I don’t know if I have anything, but I might be able to scrounge something up.’
It was Melissa’s turn to eye him critically, and she could have sworn she saw a lump forming in the loose fitting trousers he was wearing. ‘Um, Jen and I had a pizza earlier. But don’t let me stop you, if you’re hungry.’
He stood for a minute longer in the chill air. ‘No, I’m good.’ He shut the door and turned to face her. He hoped that he had his body under control, at least so that she didn’t notice. Please God don’t let her notice. An awkward silence filled the room.
‘So, umm…’ they both started. He paused and she giggled. He clenched at the sound. ‘So,’ he started again. ‘There’s a spare bedroom down the hall where you can put your…Ah hell, you don’t have any things, do you?’ he asked.
She looked down and shook her head. He took a deep breath and thought for a minute. ‘Okay,’ he finally began. ‘You can borrow one of my shirts to sleep in. It should be big enough. It’s only for one night after all, right?’
Melissa gave him a small smile and nodded. Not if I can help it she thought to herself, but she let him think what he would. Again there was an awkward silence.
Finally Melissa couldn’t take it anymore. ‘I don’t want to cause any trouble. Are you sure you didn’t have any plans for tonight?’ she asked.
‘Nope, just a movie and a cold beer,’ he responded.
‘Well don’t let me stop you,’ she teased. ‘What were you planning on watching?’
There was no way he was going to tell her the type of movie he was probably going to end up watching, so he prevaricated. ‘Uh…some action flick. I guess.’
‘You guess?’ Melissa laughed. ‘You mean you didn’t have one picked out?’
‘Nah, I was just going to look at Pay-Per-View and see if anything caught my attention.’
‘That sounds great!’ she said as she walked into the living room of his small apartment. ‘So, let’s see what’s available.’ Every fiber of her being wanted to scream I’m available! I’m available! Instead she plopped down on the sofa and picked up the remote.
Robert turned to grab a beer out of the fridge and joined her. After a few minutes of bickering back and forth, they finally settled on a light-hearted comedy and settled in to watch. As the movie played he found himself beginning to relax. Melissa sat next to him seemingly absorbed in the movie, laughing and giggling at the appropriate parts. He didn’t know if he could get that relaxed but as he continued to drink his beer, he could at least begin to not be so aware of her presence next to him.
Melissa was barely paying attention to what was happening on screen. It took everything she had to giggle and act like she wasn’t affected by his nearness. God he smelled so good. She noticed that he had finished his beer and jumped up to get him another one. She took a sip before handing it to him. She just smiled at his raised eyebrow and sat down next to him, this time a little closer than before. Robert could feel the warm curves of her body pressed against his side. She had taken off her shoes and curled her feet up on the couch, a move that pushed her into his side. He lifted his arm across the back of the sofa in an effort to get comfortable. Melissa took it as an invitation to snuggle closer. The scent of her hair wafted over him and he felt himself getting hard.
He took a sip of beer and lifted his ankle onto his other knee to try to hard the evidence of his arousal. With calculated nonchalance Melissa reached across him for his beer.
‘Just what do you think you are doing, young lady?’ he asked. Melissa turned her head to give him a coy smile.
‘Oh come on Uncle Robert. It’s just a sip of beer,’ she pouted. ‘Please?’ She reached across him again, but he held the cold bottle just out of her reach.
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A lost lover, Changes for Melissa by MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. I appreciate the editing assistance of Santacruzman There is an inspiration for this tale and the character Thom in the film directed by Jean Negulesco: "How to Marry a Millionaire". I love the three women characters, Shatze, Pola and Loco and their manipulations. This tale does NOT follow that plot though. I hope you enjoy this story. MQ Part ONE Being...
The short blonde with the legs of a dancer ans slightly exaggerated breasts stood unsure and naked within the cone of bright light. It's heat made her skin feel like the beginning of a sunburn. Her hands crept, shakily toward covering her private parts.„Don't even think about it,“ Madame Loraine commanded, looking right trough Melissa.Her hands fell, helplesly at her sides. She opened her mouth to plead, but she was so frightened nothing came out.Madame's deep green eyes took in every curve and...
Melissa was a truly sexy woman. At just 5 feet tall, and 22 years old, she was a reasonably successful account rep who moonlighted as stripper for extra money. She loved the attention from men, as well as the money, but by now she took them for granted. She could be a slut or a tease, depending upon her mood, and she despised men, because they were willing to give up so much money for the faint hope that she would sleep with them. This added up to an arrogant attitude, which ill became her...
FetishAs I pulled into her drive, there she stood in the doorway, wearing only panties. Gypsy practically bounced out the door and jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. We shared a deep hot kiss to celebrate our first day's success. Then we walked hand in hand back inside. She poured us a Tequila shooter as we settled in to talk about the appointments. "Howdy," Gypsy started, "where have you been all my life? We made nearly a thousand dollars today! We...
MatureI was in the Lindbergh Westfield Mall, minding my own business and shopping for a gift for my cousin Bobbi for her upcoming birthday. I wasn’t expecting any trouble out in the open, like the mall’s main concourse was, so it was quite unexpected when my front wheels wound up in a flowerbed and I almost tipped over. “Out the way, crackuh mutha fuckah.” “Sheeit. Gimpy muh fuckin’ road bump. Move out da way when we ‘round, hessay!” There were three of them, and I’m not going to disparage...
Series 4, Episode 11: MELISSA We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner-city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking down at a crowded street market – barrows selling everything from fresh fruit and veg, to handmade jewelry and knock-off designer handbags. Then we’re on a busy street in an old English city - not a lot of food traffic, but plenty of cars...
Melissa's Story It was my duty, but I really did not want to do it, however I had no choice, and besides, it would, I was sure, have a very pleasant result in the long run. But I hate crying women, despise them. I knocked on the girl's door and let myself in without waiting. She was still in her bed, the covers loosely bunched about her hips and her luscious body nearly bare, dark hair spread widely across her pillows. But then the sun was barely up, painting her gold and red. I felt the...
At eighteen, Melissa was hardly sexually experienced. This was a small college town in a state in which abortion was not legal. A girl of her age couldn’t just walk into the family doctor’s office and say, ‘Hey, I really want to fuck! Put me on birth control pills.’ When she started college in the fall in the big city, she was sure she’d be able to get on the pill. Her first, ‘lover’, if you could even call him that, had been an upper classman at the university in town. They’d really only had...
Taken me a little while to get around to writing this, but... for those of you who have read the first 3 parts of The Family Arrangement, you’ll know that a few years ago, me and my then girlfriend Carol, had a couple who were regular play partners (Steve and Brenda) and that they got us into playing along with their k(id)s, Debbie and James. You’ll also know that we ended up at a party at their house where they’d invited a few more people more in their k(id)s age group – two lads from Steve’s...
Breaking your leg has got to be one of the most painful experience’s imaginable. Not to bad if you have a partner to help you get around, otherwise, like me. You end up hobbling around, banging into everything. Bathing or taking a shower was a nightmare, you have to put you leg into a plastic bag, to stop the plaster getting wet, but trust me, trying to stand in a shower with one foot covered in a plastic bag is not easy. I even tried having a bath with my broken leg hanging over the side of...
"Dad, I have to make a confession, but I believe something good will come of it.It really is no secret that your marriage to Melissa is in shambles. You even sleep in separate bedrooms. This was such a happy house in the beginning. You married a vivacious, beautiful young lady who could easily be my sister and I was looking forward so much to a cheerful household again after Mom had passed away. It is so obvious that your relationship has soured, that Melissa is unhappy, and that you are...
IncestMelissa punched in as usual for her day job, yawning in spite of the energy drinks that she guzzled to stay alert. Her other profession was an open secret, but as long as it didn't interfere with her performance at this one, none of her supervisors would take any notice of it. She was popular with many of her colleagues, after all. There were exceptions, of course. Crystal, for example, hated Melissa. She viewed blondes like her as the deadly enemy of the rest of womankind. Heather had a...
Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco). She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises, victories and disappointments. The geography of San Francisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons and bicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate is cold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more. Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine hair curls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area than any other area...
Melissa grew up in Baghdad by the Bay (San Francisco).She had a normal c***dhood, all the normal sc****s, bruises,victories and disappointments. The geography of SanFrancisco eliminates back yards and playing with wagons andbicycles as a c***d because the hills are so steep. The climate iscold and damp enough to require everyone to dress up more.Hairstyles suffer because thick hair goes straight and fine haircurls up. You see far more hats and gloves in the Bay area thanany other area of...
I’ve been sitting here crying for the last few hours. I know a man isn’t supposed to cry but I just can’t help myself. You see I love my wife very much. I love her with every fiber of my being and that is why I can’t understand why I make her do what I do. I met Melissa my junior year in college. She was just a freshman and we met at a fraternity mixer. I saw her the moment she came through the door. She had an innocence and a vulnerability that made we want to hug her...
I love crystal glasses. The sound of crisp clear ice cubes ringing into a tall, heavy-bottomed cut-glass tumbler is as sensuous as nylon-covered legs whispering against each other. The feeling is rendered even more delightful on a sunny Saturday afternoon fresh from a round of golf. The pristine sound of ice dropping into a glass on this particular afternoon was overwhelmed by a staccato of conflicting sounds. Garage door opening, car driving in, garage door going down, all heard through a...
Ben Holden fumbled with his key ring as he exited the building where he was a paralegal for Milford and Saxe. He had thought to go directly home, but was eyeing the donut shop across the street. It was 6:00AM and he was flat burned out and hungry. He'd been up all night with some of the rest of the M&S high priced staff preparing documents and making last minute calls overseas for the firm's top litigator Dirk Grimes. To say it had been a long night would be an understatement of heroic...
I've been sitting here crying for the last few hours. I know a man isn't supposed to cry but I just can't help myself. You see I love my wife very much. I love her with every fiber of my being and that is why I can't understand why I make her do what I do. I met Melissa my junior year in college. She was just a freshman and we met at a fraternity mixer. I saw her the moment she came through the door. She had an innocence and a vulnerability that made we want to hug her and protect...
"Yes! Yes! Give it to me!" Melissa Miller urged the man sprawled on top of her as he drove his cock in and out of her pussy. "Make me cum! Make me cum!" Jay Wood was in no hurry to reach that point, admirable though it was. To do what she wanted, he would have to keep fucking Mellie until she was close to an orgasm and he was also ready to cum. Then, at the right instant, he would yank his cock from her pussy and finish by stroking it with his hand until he sprayed his semen on her face. That...
Melissa made her way through the thick foliage and found herself at the edge of a pristine lake, the gorgeous crystal water surrounded by a clearing of soft deep green moss. Shaking, she removed her clothing and, taking a step up onto a rock that bordered the waters, dove in to the cold haven, shivering at its icy temperature. Floating in the water, she let her outer protectiveness melt away and began to sob. It was hard to believe the plane had crashed over 3 days ago. It felt like just...
Erotic"You no good fucking cunt! How dare you?" I'm rarely that loud. I had rung Melissa's bell, perhaps a little too insistently, but I didn't think so. After the Venetian blinds rustled at the window alongside the door, it had opened to reveal Melissa Johnson, with her grandmother standing near her. Her eyebrows went up and her mouth opened when she heard my opening tirade but she said nothing. Emily reacted in similar fashion. Melissa looked past me to note that I was alone, then spoke...
Christopher Richman. He was without a doubt the most irascible, intractable man she had ever known. Why else would he persecute her so, skulking around her stage door, always with that same amused smile lifting the corners of his immaculately trimmed mustache? They’d hardly spoken in over a year, so what had excited this new attention, this grand patronizing between the dark, dusty curtains of Booth’s Theatre? Why her, why now, she wondered, as night after night she recovered from the...
This story took place a few years ago when I was 18. Up until that day, I had thought I was just a normal girl with an average heterosexual sex drive but it all goes to prove that if you allow yourself not to be tied to what is considered normal, then, anything can and will happen. My name is Joanna, I’m from central England, I’m about 5’6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 ‘b’ cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia,...
I have written this quickly because I just have to get it out and I am horny and find it difficult to type while masturbating. One hand typing is not easy!I took a trip to a small town called Lillooet. There is a gorgeous lake called Seton where I spent all day Saturday of my visit soaking up the sun and enjoying the views. One view that I really enjoyed was a young First Nation girl who was beating the heat while swimming in the cool water. I watched her for a while, she appeared around 18...
This story took place a few years ago when I was 18. Up until that day, I had thought I was just a normal girl with an average heterosexual sex drive but it all goes to prove that if you allow yourself not to be tied to what is considered normal, then, anything can and will happen. My name is Joanna, I'm from central England, I'm about 5'6 tall, with shoulder length dark hair, hazel or green eyes, an English size 10 in clothes, with 34 'b' cup boobs. I was on holiday in West Australia,...
ExhibitionismChapter 1 It had been a long and frustrating day at my stand in the vast exhibition hall, lots of enquiries but not one firm order! I'd counted at least fourteen invitations to dinner, twelve requests for a drink that evening and at least two blatant, "come with me and I'll show you a good time" offers. I'd responded to the second one from a middle aged man with a paunch that looked like he was pregnant by asking politely, "Why, is there someone else coming?" Jenny, the girl on the...
Author’s note: No sex this chapter. Nothing but politics, business and real estate. Chapter 21 — Deja Vu, but Not What I intended to do had many difficulties. For starters, I was dressed to meet with high priced lawyers. For another, I was not about to expose Shadow to the south side. Most important, I was not about to expose Elspeth to Veronica, or vice versa. To solve two problems at once, I told Elspeth to take Shadow to the garage and return with the Toyota. She did not want to go and I...
Author’s note: Virtually no sex this installment. Siobhan goes into business and gets pulled into politics. Chapter 17 – Office Politics The dinner in White Plains would echo for years. I am very glad I had no true understanding of the importance, because even Dr. Richards might have frozen. That said, it had little impact in Hanover. There is a reason higher education is referred to as a tower, ivory or otherwise. What happened in the real world took its time filtering into our world. For...
Chapter 12 – Storming Hanover After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars’ transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage...
Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...
Hi all....I have been so bad about posting stories here, I actually enjoy writing when I have the time and have many, many great true stories that I want to share with all of you naughty perverts ;)So watch this space for several new stories shortly.....This is an entry that I wanted to share with you about something that happened earlier this evening when I offered to take a fellow Xhamster writer's fantasy and flesh it out into a story...... They had no interest in doing it and I and several...
LittleMissLipService Gets More Than She Bargained For...So I was having a conversation with a friend on here and we started talking about how sexy our painted toenails and feet made us feel - I started to tell her about one adventure of mine. This friend insisted she wanted to hear the rest and so I ended up having to take my time and type it up because i hadn't really shared all the details with anyone before - and it was very sexy - and I wanted to be able to remember everything years from...