ReconnectingChapter 12 free porn video

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The central Texas sun was hanging low on the horizon when Dad and I, now showered and dressed, bid our farewells to the remaining members of Jack’s gang. It seemed that both Tom and George were keen on enjoying Mammaries of a Geisha one more time, and then spending the night at Jack’s camp. Despite their pleas for us to join them, Dad and I were completely spent, and mutually agreed that we needed to return to the world of the clothed and normal. We climbed in Dad’s truck and headed back down the dirt road that had brought us there earlier that day.

“Man, I don’t know about you, but I’m completely exhausted,” I said with a big sigh.

“Yeah, I’m draggin’ pretty bad myself.”

“And you guys do this once a month?! I don’t see how you manage it.”

“Well, to be honest, it’s usually a one-cum affair, so today was very out of the ordinary. I’m sure Jack is gonna be dead on his feet with those two other knuckleheads hanging around. It’s good we left when we did.”

“Yeah, I just can’t wait to get home and relax ... Maybe even take a nap,” I laughed.

“I second that idea! Hopefully the women-folk are still enjoying themselves in San Antone so we can get a few minutes of peace and quiet to ourselves.”

“If I know Erika, she’s probably asking Mom to stop at every antique store between here and the city.”

“Let’s just hope there are a lot of them,” laughed Dad.

Despite our best attempts at normal conversation, however, the truth was we both felt a great deal of awkwardness caused by the events of the day. We had both said and done so much, and the quiet sanctuary of the truck finally gave us time to reflect upon all of it. Taking his eyes off the road and turning to me, Dad finally broke the pregnant pause.

“Ya know, Charlie ... a lot of crazy shit happened today, and I just wanted to make sure that you’re not regretting heading out to Jack’s with me.”

“Well...” I began, “it was definitely unexpected,” I admitted, “But it was also very real ... There was a shitload of fantasy involved, but for the most part, bullshit was kept to a minimum.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. One thing I’ve learned from my trips to Jack’s is that it’s hard to sling bullshit when you’re standing there buck naked in front of other people,” he laughed. “To be honest, though,” he continued, pausing and shaking his head a bit, “one thing I’m not too proud about is how worked up I get when the testosterone starts flowing. You heard me today ... I usually end up saying and doing things that I regret later. I mean, like some things about Erika slipped out that definitely belonged in the world of fantasy. I hope we’re OK despite everything I said and did.”

I appreciated Dad’s candor. “Are you kidding me?!” I growled. “You really thought that you could say those things about my wife and think I was OK with it?!”

My reaction honestly shocked him, and I saw a look of guilt creep over his face as he stared back over the highway. The silence was deafening.

“Gotcha, you son-of-a bitch!” I suddenly shouted, reaching over and slapping him on the shoulder. “That’s just partial payback for dragging me out to meet all of your friends with a raging hard-on! I’m still thinking about the rest of the payback, so you’d better watch your step,” I warned with a big smile.

“Oh shit!” he sighed, unloading a huge sigh. “I really thought you were pissed.” The look of relief on his face was priceless.

“Listen,” I began, “you didn’t say or do anything that I wasn’t thinking myself ... I mean, I’m like every other guy. I don’t like admitting that, when it comes right down to it, I’m a huge perv at heart when I get all horny and shit. Well ... at least now I know where I get it from.”

“Hey, don’t look at me!” Dad exclaimed. “Blame your grandparents! They were even worse than your mother and me, if you can believe it.”

“What?! Are you putting me on, old man?”

“I shit you not, my boy. But that’s a story for another day. Truth is, I think we’ve had our fill of excitement in that department,” he said, rubbing his crotch.

“Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it, I’ll have to agree with you on that one,” I replied. “But there’s one thing that has been bugging me, and I hope you don’t mind me asking.”

He shot me a suspicious half-glance coupled with a sly smile. “I’m afraid to ask ... But go ahead and fire away.”

“Well, it’s just that you said Mom was your first girl, but you never really said why you never had any before her. I mean, I’m assuming that you had your obviously healthy sex drive before you met. What kept you from dating other girls?”

“I think you mean, what kept me from fucking other girls, right?”

“Yeah, if you wanna be specific about it.”

“Well, you’re definitely right about always having a healthy sex drive. I knew about sex before puberty hit, and had my first orgasm around that time. From that moment on, I came to appreciate the joy my cock could give me ... pun intended,” he said with a wink. He paused, and a more serious countenance inhabited him, as he seemed to be choosing his words carefully.

“What I’m about to say next is something that I’ve never told anyone, Charlie ... not your mother, not Jack ... no one, so I hope you don’t treat it lightly.”

Not sure what he was about to divulge, I nevertheless agreed to treat it with the utmost seriousness.

“Well when I was growing up, I had a slightly older female cousin who was a little more worldly and advanced in the ways of sex than I was. One summer I stayed over at her house for a few days, and, long story short, she initiated me into the world of oral sex. Basically, she forced me to go down on her the whole time I was there, and told me that she’d tell her parents if I didn’t do what she wanted. She never reciprocated or asked me to fuck her. I guess she wanted to keep her virginity or something. I really don’t know. Anyway, even though experimenting sexually with a female was extremely exciting, the fact that it was my own cousin, and I was basically forced into it honestly traumatized me to some degree. I swore off girls ... until I met your mother many years later, anyway. When we were finally in a situation to be intimate, she made me feel comfortable in my own skin and showed me the beauty of sexuality instead of the guilt.” There was a pregnant pause. “Sooo ... I think that’s the basic answer to your question.”

It was Dad’s turn to blush a bit and feel the tinge of embarrassment. Me, I didn’t know what to say, really. It seemed like I had unwittingly dragged a painful memory into the light of day, so naturally my first instinct was to apologize.

“Hell, It’s not your fault, Charlie. This is something that I should have mentioned to your mother long ago, but felt too ashamed to. I feel it’s something that I’ll just have to keep from her.”

“You really should let it go, Dad,” I suggested. “I mean, it happened so long ago, and you were just a kid. You didn’t have any control over it.”

“Yeah ... sometimes I wonder about that ... I mean, I was young, but I was also really curious because I’d never been with a girl before. Deep down, I think my curiosity led to those events happening.”

“Even if you were curious, she had no right taking advantage of you like that. It was her fault, not yours. Maybe one day you’ll realize that and let mom know the whole truth.”

“Maybe. I’ll have to think more about it, Charlie. The time would have to be right.”

“I mean, who knows ... maybe Mom had a similar experience, or maybe she has other secrets entirely,” I offered, wondering if that could possibly be true.

“Who knows.”

“The important thing is that you guys have been together for almost 50 years and still have a spark and a connection with each other. Truth is, this year apart from Erika has really strained our relationship, and it’s made me wonder if we’re really meant to be together ... Honestly, I’m really hoping this vacation will help us recapture our old spark ... And not just the one in the bedroom.”

“Well ... might as well start with the fun spark first,” joked Dad.

“If you insist,” I replied with a wink, glad that Dad’s good humor was returning.

A silence fell across the cabin of the truck as Dad piloted it back home. Due to shear exhaustion, I must have dozed off at some point, because the next thing I remembered was being awoken by the gearshift lever being slammed into park.

“Good nap?” Dad asked.

“I guess so,” I replies groggily.

“I should have had you do the chauffeur duties so I could grab a little shuteye. Hell, I nearly dozed off myself a couple miles back. Good thing this truck has autopilot.”

“Good thing the autopilot didn’t fully engage, or we’d be fishing ourselves out a ditch back there!” I observed.

“Well, at least we made it in one piece. The bad news is that it looks like your mom and Erika made it back before us, so there’ll be no chance for a proper nap.”

“Damn!” I thought to myself. I was really looking forward to crashing on the couch for a few more winks.

“Well, I guess we’d better go see how much money they spent,” Dad joked.

We both fell out of the truck on less-than-steady legs because of all of the action at Jack’s.

Opening the garage door to the kitchen, Dad called out, “Hello! We’re back!” But there was no reply.

“Maybe they’re taking a nap,” I suggested.

“Heeeyyy! We’re out here!” we heard Mom’s voice call out faintly. “Why don’t you guys grab a beer and come join us!”

“Sounds like they’re on the back porch,” said Dad. Opening the fridge, he grabbed two beers and handed one to me. “By the way,” he whispered, “if hey ask, say that we were helping Jack all day with a little construction project at his camp. That’ll explain all the sun we got.”

“Gotcha,” I whispered back, “I just hope we don’t tangled up in our story if they start asking more questions.”

“Just let me do all the talking.”

“Gladly!” I agreed.

As we walked through the darkened living room to meet the ladies on the back porch, I didn’t see anybody sitting in the deck chairs. It was only when I got closer to the sliding glass door that I suddenly noticed that Mom and Erika weren’t sitting out on the porch ... instead, they were enjoying themselves in the hot tub.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I was greeted with an even more unexpected sight ... Erika and Mom were both chest deep in the tub, holding glasses of wine ... and clearly topless!

“Well, well ... what do we have here?” chimed in Dad, nudging my shoulder from behind and giving me a wide-eyed perplexed look.

The women both started giggling hysterically. “We thought you might be surprised,” replied Mom. “Well ... after our grueling day on the road spending lots and lots of money, Erika suggested that we relax Japanese style once we got home. Let me tell you ... it took her awhile to convince me, but eventually her words ... and this here bottle of wine ... were all I needed. So here we are!” she said slurring her words a bit and raising her arms up to expose more of her full bosom to the Texas air. “And let me tell you, gentlemen ... It ... feels ... fabulous!”

“It certainly looks fabulous from this perspective,” agreed Dad with a huge lascivious grin on his face. Unfortunately, I wasn’t sure who he was scoping out more, Erika or Mom.

“The water feels great, Charlie. Why don’t you guys join us?” asked Erika, with both a slur and a grin of her own.

“S-Sure,” I managed to mumble, spellbound by the sight of two fine pairs of breasts floating languidly on the bubbling water.

Without skipping a beat, I heard Dad ask, “Are you guys au natural, or should Charlie and I go dig up some shorts?” Dad asked.

“As naked as jaybirds, darling!” replied Mom giggling. “Do you boys have a problem with that?”

While I was busy tripping over my own tongue, Dad was quick to reply, “Are you kidding me?! It would be very rude of us to turn down such an enticing offer by two fine ladies. Don’t you think, Charlie?”

I nodded in agreement. “Yeah, very rude,” I finally managed to say

Before another word was said, Dad was already in the process of taking off his shirt. I quickly followed suit, realizing that as each article of clothing dropped away that I was revealing myself to my mother for the first time since I was a young kid. The excitement and embarrassment of the revelation caused a wild explosion in the pit of my stomach, and breathing became a chore. When it came time to shed my pants, I instinctively turned toward the patio table instead of the jacuzzi. As my boxer briefs fell to the deck, I was naked yet again ... but this time at my own house ... and in full view of my mother and wife. I felt a more-than-subtle plumping of my cock, so I concentrated as hard as I could to suppress any further development.

When I was done, I placed my clothes in a heap on a patio chair and the turned to see that my father had finished undressing as well. He shot me a big grin, which I reciprocated. Before we could turn around, though, to face our female audience. I heard Mom shout out playfully. “My, my Erika, it looks like there are a couple of full moons out tonight!” After which both ladies started laughing in unison.

“More moon than you can handle, Mable!” Dad replied, giving his ass a couple of full slaps.

Turning around to complete the Full Monty, he strode over to the hot tub with his spent cock swaying lazily from side to side. I was curious how Erika would react to seeing my father naked for the first time, and her facial expression clearly indicated that she was impressed with what she saw. I even saw her whisper something to Mom causing her to giggle and nod.

In typical Dad fashion, he did the unexpected by walking over to Erika’s area of the tub and trying to sit down next to her. When Mom noticed what he was up to, she let out a big “Ahhmm!” “I think your spot is right next to me, Mr Evans.”

“Oh, was I in the wrong place?” replied Dad, feigning ignorance.

“I have to watch this old guy every minute, Erika, or he’ll get himself in real trouble,” she said giving Dad a sour look and a jab in the ribs as he entered the water next to her.

“She doesn’t have anything to worry about Erika. I’m a one woman man,” he said, planting a big kiss on Mom’s lips.

“You’d better be!” Mom scolded after the kiss was broken.

Turning to me Dad said, “Hey Charlie, don’t forget the beers when you come in.”

I grabbed both cans and strode to my spot next to Erika feeling everyone’s eyes upon me ... especially Mom, who smiled a bit as her gaze looked me up and down. I noticed it was her turn to whisper something to Erika. I wondered what she was saying and thinking as I handed Dad his beer. In the meantime, I slowly eased into the warm water next to my wife.

“Hi, honey,” I said kissing her. Under the water I felt a familiar hand waste no time wrapping itself around my cock. The little vixen, certainly aided by the wine warming her stomach, was definitely horny.

“Ahhhh ... this feels great, Dad,” I said, noticing the double meaning as soon as the comment left my lips.

“If you guys ever come to Japan, you can enjoy something like this everyday if you want,” explained Erika.

“This is definitely the life,” Dad purred. “Do they also rent out geishas to soak with you?” he continued, shooting me a look.

That comment brought a splash of water and a loud “Robert Evans!” from Mom.

“Just kidding! Just kidding!” countered Dad, but it was too late.

“They’ve already downed a half bottle of wine,” I warned, “so you’d better be careful what you say, or else you’ll get the other half broken over your head!”

“I hear ya ... I hear ya ... but your mother didn’t let me finish. What I was trying to say was, ‘Do they rent out geishas to soak with you that look even half as good as these two fine ladies, because I don’t think it’s possible.”

“Yeah, yeah, Bob. Nice try trying to worm your way outta that one,” chided Mom. “Erika do you have to put up with the same kind of crap from Charlie? Because if you do, heaven help you.”

“Luckily, Charlie keeps his comments to himself ... even though he’s probably thinking the exact same thing.”

Trying to change the topic before Dad’s comment somehow got me in trouble with Erika, I asked about the girls’ day out in San Antonio.

“Well ... it took us a little while before we finally got there,” Mom began, with an obvious wink to Erika, “but after the traffic thinned out, we were able to head to the outlet mall and then we found a couple of great antique stores.”

“Did you buy anything interesting?” I asked.

“You might say that,” said Mom enigmatically.

For her part Erika just smiled and gave my cock a slight squeeze. That gesture added to the mystery.

“Well I hope we don’t have to take out another mortgage to pay our Visa bill this month,” Dad teased.

“Don’t you worry. I used my own private stash.”

“Well that’s a relief!”

“And how about you guys. What have you been up to all day. It looks like you both got plenty of sun,” inquired Mom.

“That’s what happens when two hardworking guys help out a friend in need, darling. Jack asked us to help out with some cabin repairs, and we were more than willing to oblige.”

“Really now ... And how much did he pay you? Or better yet, how many beers did he give you?”

“It was all gratis, love. But of course, the next time I need some help around the farm, I’ll have his number on speed dial.”

To my relief, the conversation continued naturally, and the initial awkwardness of being nude in the hot tub with my parents quickly faded. As the beer and wine continued to flow, however, the conversation became bluer in nature. Although I tried to be discreet, I constantly found my attention being drawn to my mother’s uncovered breasts, which, despite her age, had a fullness that Erika’s lacked. As they floated and bobbed on the water, I was able to get peeks at her nipples and noticed how long they were compared with Erika’s ... I reasoned that it was probably due to all the nursing that I did as a baby. This intimate realization sent a wave of excitement to my loins.

“Whew, Erika, I’m getting pretty warm. How about we sit up on the edge for awhile,” suggested Mom.

“Sounds good. I’m sure the night air will feel good and cool us down.”

As if synchronized, they both stood up in unison, treating Dad and I to a gorgeous view. He was on the same page as I was.

“Aren’t we lucky, Charlie. The night just got more beautiful!”

The women’s smiles made it obvious that they enjoyed the ogling they were getting. Steam rose from their warm skin, and droplets of water clung to their bodies and glimmered like jewels.

“More wine, Mable?” asked Erika

“Don’t mind if I do,” she replied, extending her glass.

“How about you dear?” she asked her daughter-in-law. “ I can’t possibly drink the whole thing by myself.”

“Well, since you insist,” she replied, holding her glass out to be filled.

“How about you, Charlie?” I heard Dad call out, snapping my stare at Erika’s body. “You up for another one?”

“Yeah, sounds good. You want the same?”


I stood up and jumped out of the tub. Since I hadn’t bothered getting a towel before getting in, I had to shake and squeegee the water off as best I could, agreeing with the ladies that the cool night air did feel wonderful after such a hot soak.

“Charlie told me that he’s been working out a lot up in Seattle, Mable,” said Dad unexpectedly. “Don’t you think he looks like me in my military prime?”

Mom’s eyes scanned my body, causing me to feel more self-conscious than I wanted to. I felt the familiar rush of blood to my loins, which I tried desperately to suppress. Unfortunately, with each beat of my heart, my cock began to tick upward like the second hand of a clock until it was pointing directly at Erika and my parents.

“I guess I’m not used to all the attention,” I blurted out. Embarrassed, I grabbed it and brought it up against my belly, hiding it away in my hands as best I could. I hoped the dark night was hiding my beet-red face. It was the first time that my mother had seen my mature erect cock.

“Don’t worry, Charlie. When your Dad was in his ‘military prime,’ as he likes to call it, he was always saluting unexpectedly, too. Isn’t that right, dear?” Mom assured me.

“Well, with a fine lady like you in the house, who wouldn’t!” agreed Dad, kissing Mom on the cheek. “And since we have two fine women with us tonight, I think it’d be strange if you weren’t at full attention, Charlie,” he laughed. “Even though she won’t admit it, I’m sure your mother’s curious to see how you’ve changed since the last time she saw you in your birthday suit. Why don’t you show her what kind of beefcake Erika gets to enjoy these days?” he suggested with a wink.

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The beautiful Ashley Lane is a stunning natural blonde with an insatiable taste for dark pleasures. Her partner in crime Mr. Pete just pulled off a huge heist and scored a big take. These two were sitting pretty, but someone took the cash! Mr. Pete suspects it was his back stabbing partner Ashley. Abducted and tied up in restrictive rope bondage. Gagged and left alone in a dark shed, Ashley tries to escape. She wiggles her tight body but has no luck being freed. Then Pete enters. It’s...

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Helping Hand

Emma was rummaging through her dresser drawers, throwing bikini tops, bottoms, tankini tops and bottoms and one piece suits flying onto the bed behind her. Her friend Terri had called 30 minutes ago to say that she was bring her youngest daughter, Beth, over to Emma's subdivision pool for a play date with another 10 year old girl who lived in the development. Terri wanted Emma to come and lay by the pool with her and catch up on what was happening with Emma and Doctor Robert Goode (Emma's...

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A Southern WarmingChapter 4

"Do I have permission to enter?' she asked with a smile. I could see a little sparkle in her eyes. I immediately got up from my chair and turned toward the woman who had recently beaten me in a race. "You are a hard person to catch," I said, as I flashed one of my, (so I'm told), infectious smiles. She laughed at my comment and with a chuckle said, "I live on the island across the bridge. I like to take my run on the beach in the morning. I have been doing it for quite some time....

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Jenns CoverupChapter 15 Jenny is the featured Performer

Jenny was humiliated at being paraded around town like this, but couldn't think of any alternative if she wanted to keep her husband alive. Next to the whorehouse, Omar also had a Topless Bar. After an hour or so of parading her through town, he took her to the Topless Bar. They sat at a table for two on the back row. Omar ordered some drinks and let Jenny get acquainted with the place and what the girls were doing. There were several very young girls sitting with customers. The customers...

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Now a Family Affair

You are mad. You wanted to make love when you got home from school. Setting the table for dinner, Mom just home and changing to something so I can give her a massage. She moved some furniture at the store and is tired and so sore. I ate you before she got home. I have plans and would not let you have any cum. Just a little sucking my cock to get you ready for my lips and tongue. Mom tells you that you should wear a bra even at home. You have your tight little shorts on without...

3 years ago
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My first Glory Hole 1

It was a late fall afternoon when I was walking home from band practice. My dad was running late in picking me up so I told him I would be walking home, and he could pick me up at the park. When I got to the park, I needed to go to the bath room really bad, so I went to the public restroom all parks have. I did not see the hole in the wall in the stall until I was hit with a rude and nasty surprise. While doing my business I felt something thumb me on the back of my head. I was in shock when I...

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Making it with the boss

This story which is true but has been spiced up to meet readers expectations. Please feel free to comment both good and bad makes for better stories in the future. During the 1980's a full time job was hard to find as a result i worked many temporary jobs and had many experiences with these jobs. The job that brought me most pleasure was working as an office boy for an accounting firm. As an office boy i had many duties such as delivering mail to the staff and running errands for them as well....

4 years ago
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Hornets Nest Ch 06

— Violet I was going to see what David’s life was like. What it really was like, not just how he behaved at university surrounded by other students. Last time I was there, I only got a glimpse. We didn’t take a train that time. Amelia was in a nearby town for something to do with work, so late afternoon she arrived with Zack’s car to pick us up. She was dressed in a navy blue pencil skirt and blazer, relatively low heels clicking the floor, hair tied up high atop her head. Wherever she had...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 397

After coming over the mountains, the Citation X glided out of the low clouds, its nose soon lined up with the faint lights of Boulder’s runway in the distance. The heavy, snow-laden clouds hung, darkening the day. Snow flurries obscured the pilots’ view, but the instrument package was the best money could buy and the aircraft was also equipped with Jeff’s radar. Jeff’s brainchild, however, couldn’t help with the gusting crosswinds that any sane pilot hated. Eileen had landed a plane in worse,...

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A Red Valentine Valentines Day 2014Chapter 2

I went to town and bought the necessary supplies, along with another bottle of wine and some more salad fixings. My main dish was going to be Veal Scaloppini with morel mushrooms and rice. I had not made that for a long while, and it sounded good, not too filling, but always delicious. I bought the veal and beat the hell out of it to make it thin and tender. I was able to make the sauces, as well as the mushrooms, and kept them just barely warm in the oven. I would finish the rest of the meal...

1 year ago
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My wife loves to show off her little ass

We had already been living together for two years, but it was now when I realized my girlfriend loves to show off her little ass  to all men.  To confirm this was true, she told me she used to draw the doorman’s attention in the building where we were living now, by shaking her ass before his eyes. I’ve already read many erotic stories, but the majority of them I found to be unreal, imaginary, and I still can’t tell whether they are true or just fake. But this story I’m about to tell you is...

2 years ago
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Mom got pregnant with me while she was still in high school. By the time she graduated, I was already ten months old and my father was out of the picture, not that he or his parents ever wanted to see him married to mom. My grandparents (mom's parents) made him pay up, big time, especially if he wanted visitation rights. When he stopped paying after three years and moved away, mom got another decree and he's now garnished from who cares where! I have learned not to feel guilty for cramping...

2 years ago
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Teddys Tiny Dick

Teddy's Tiny Dick by dale10 (revised)        THE SIXTEEN YEAR OLD HIGH SCHOOL BOY WALKED TO THE WOODEN STOOL AND CLIMBED UP ON IT AS INSTRUCTED. He stood there trembling with fear and embarrassment. The Ten older guys in the room leaned in  to get a better look.  They all held cocktails, martinis mostly, and already had a slight buzz.  The boy was naked except for a pair of baggy boxer shorts.  His body was smooth and almost hairless. He looked younger than his sixteen years. He was a slow...

1 year ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 3

“What’s going on?” Tricia asked suspiciously when she saw the two of us come down the stairs. “I’ll tell you later,” I promised with a smile. “Everything’s fine. You worry too much.” She looked like she wanted to say something else, but I took the pause to roll off, looking for a drink, dragging her along. Patty had taken over the job of bartender and poured me a soda. I hadn’t had a chance to talk to her much this evening and I felt bad about that. “You outdid yourself on the cake, Mamma....

1 year ago
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Motherrsquos Ectasy

am Raj, male 28 Mumbai. This happened when I was just 16 yrs old. Mom got married at age of 19. I use to look at my Mom as she is really beautiful even at 36 and she has marvelous structure. She uses to call me to scrub her back while bathing. I always do it willingly and happily as it allow me to have the glimpse of her beautiful back and her butts even though sex was never in my mind at this age.I have quite fair complexion but she was extremely fair and her skin has milky shiny. Let me tell...

1 year ago
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Teaching the Taboo ndash Lesson 3 Catfish

It was around November when my cousin, April, brought her classmates for a group project at home. Just for formalities, she introduced me to her classmates. Normally I could care less having 7th Graders hanging around at my house but one girl caught my attention. Her name was Anja, pronounced as Anya. She had a bit of Scandinavian in her blood, she was taller, paler, and more “developed” than the others.Later that night, I went to my cousin’s room. “Do you need any help?” I asked, though it’s...

2 years ago
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Sunny TooChapter 22

“Dave! Abby! Myndee! G’day.” “Day-ee, Jim.” Abby said, “So this is the mysterious Jim.” She extended a hand. Jim wasn’t having any of that; she got a fantastic hug. “Growing up, sheila,” He gave her the once-over, and stopped to look twice at selected places. She blushed. “A milestone, Dad. First time I’ve been a sheila. Now I know I’m growing up.” “Watch yer self, Jim,” I said. “I’d rather watch Abby.” “Two compliments. I swoon.” She placed one fluttering hand over her heart and flung...

4 years ago
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A Nice Way to Spend a Cold Morning

A Nice Way To Spend A Cold Morning. -- G Man They ran into each other at the front door. He was just on his way out andCheyenne was on her way in. ?Greetings,? he said with a smile, pulling his coat on. He stopped long enoughto give Cheyenne a friendly kiss. ?Gabrielle up yet?? Cheyenne asked. ?She's still in bed.? ?She remembers what we were supposed to do today, doesn't she?? ? I think so, but she wouldn't get up.? He fished his car keys out of hiscoat pocket and headed out the door as...

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Memories to last a lifetime

I've been together with my boyfriend for some 6 years now... We had a very happy relationship, and we even got engaged. We're supposed to take the big step next Spring. Lately though, he seems to not be the same. Sex, which was never his strong point to begin with, is now even more boring and dull. And I am starting to wonder if I still love him... I'm having second thoughts about the wedding, also. So I have decided recently to reactivate my account on a well known porn platform. Why, you ask?...

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Busted screwed but hey I got a raise

Recently I dropped my company car off at our service dept for an oil change. I was intending to leave it over the weekend and pick it up on Monday morning when I would head back out on my sales route. Its a independently owned trucking company and its not unheard of to have to come in for an hour or two on a Saturday to iron something out. So I wasnt surprised when the owner called me and said he needed me to come by for a little while before lunch on Sat to take care of something and pick up...

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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 14 Guests

Ten members of the Circle had strolled over to the construction site after dinner. One of the framing crews was still working on the end of the townhouse complex farthest from the existing circle of homes on Circle Drive even though the hour was late. Nancy asked, “What’s going to be our address when some of us live here? The homes aren’t really on Circle Drive.” Jack responded, “I took the liberty of naming the street Airport Drive since it leads to the airport; duh! This and Circle Drive...

2 years ago
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Carl Naked in School Beths StoryChapter 7

"Are you sure you want to do this?" mom asked me for the umpteenth time. Naked as the day I was born, I was sitting at my desk, looking in the mirror as mom pinned my hair up the way the beautician had shown her, using pins with little fake diamonds on them. They made my hair sparkle like a cluster of stars caught in a dark nebula. Okay, romantic it's not, but it's the way I, ever the scientist, saw it. Anyway, combined with the highlighting the hairdresser had done I had glamorous...

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PART - 18 SEX IN SHIMLA We planned a holiday in Shimla and have arranged a bungalow there on rent for our stay. We were very happy to be there for spending a lovely and sexy time together in beautiful cold weather in Shimla. We had visited here in past also but, than we stayed in hotel. This time we have booked a tourist bungalow for more and more enjoyment in privacy. We reached there in evening and our planning to stay here was for two days. My hubby have park the car in front of the...

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Sow and ReapChapter 6 Let Him Go

A teacher with gambling debt found a file identifying half a dozen high profile students. Mokuba happened to be in the right place at the wrong time. KaibaCorp ran better background checks on the full staff and found four others with severe financial issues. In addition, there were several with addictions, two actual pedophiles and a sexual offender. I was appalled that this institution had been entrusted with my brother's safety in the first place. I'd been in France for four days when...

1 year ago
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Main Behen Aur Wo 8211 Part 1

Ye meri first story hai to pls sorry for any mistakes. Pehle main aapko apne baare mein batati hoon mera naam hai raadha, mera hometown jammu hai. Main last year hi delhi, new friends colony mein shift hui hoon. Meri figure 32-28-34 aur rang bilkul snow white hai. Main aiims se mbbs kr rahi hoon. Ab main aapko apni di ke baare mein batati hoon jo phle se hi delhi rhti thhi aur ab hum dono saath rhte hai. Wo amity noida se llb kr rahi h aur wo b bilkul meri trh gori h bs unke boobs thode bade...

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Part 6 of Pinky and now a new game in play

Part 6 Well we last left off with me off to work and Pinky heading home. I couldn't shake sourpuss and all that happened out of my head. Plus I missed a message from the wife, who felt it was urgent to talk to me. I had a few minutes of free time before checking in but I knew that it was not enough time to talk to her. I had a feeling the wife realized that she sent me the video of her toy and her. I text that I will talk to her later and off to work I went. The day was the normal busy and over...

1 year ago
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Futa Witch

Authors Note: Press like if you like it and anyone is welcome to add whatever they want to the story. I like to sleep late which is why it was annoying when my room shook and I heard "WELL THEN I DIDN'T REALIZE YOU STARTED USING WOMEN'S MAKEUP MY MISTAKE JOHN" before something else was said and a door slammed. Doing what was came naturally I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Listening for a few more moments I heard my roommate Morgan stomp around knocking shit over in anger. After a...

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Away for the Summer Part IV

Away for the Summer, Part IV by Forsythe This is a continuation of an ongoing story. Please read Parts I through III before continuing. Further edited versions to the segments of this tale may be found on my Deviant Art account: Opening up the door to the nursery slowly to avoid further startling her already rattled nephew, Sally poked her head around the door just in time to see Joe turn his face quickly away to avoid possibly looking...

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Girlfiend Ki Sath Ki Virginity Loose

Hi..This is Aryan from Chandigarh. Main 22 saal ka hu aur profession se ek artist hu. Ye meri pehli story hai so plz frnds ise ache se like and support krna. Ye story meri aur meri gf k pehle sex ki hai. Main dikhne men normal height 5’6″ ka ldka hu.. dick ka size exact ni pta bt meri gf bolti thi ki mera bhot bda hai..more den 7 inches toh hoga. Ab apni story pe aata hun. Ye baat tb ki hai jb main skul men tha..wo meri junior thi bt hmari kbi baat ni hui thi..phir kisi event pe hum sath kam kr...

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Sex with my virgin angel college mate

I first saw Chitra in college.She was the about 20yrs , 5’1″, very fair complexion.Her breasts were small and her ass was round shaped. The first time I saw her I couldn’t help but stare at her.It was like watching an angel ascend from heaven. I couldn’t concentrate in my studies because I kept thinking of her day and night. Somehow those horrible exams were over and our college day I was passing by the bustop when I saw Chitra standing there. I slowed the bike down.She also saw me...

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Summer Night Beach Walk

We waited for this moment ever since we laid eyes on each other in the dorm hallway so many years ago.  The part of us we had been denying for so long was finally being satisfied.  After it was finished, you simply held me as the water fell.  You are too afraid of letting go or closing your eyes.  Afraid the moment will pass, and you’ll have to give me back to him all too soon.We finally separate when the water begins to cool.  You re-dress into your swimming trunks and I in my cover-up. ...

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Die verhaumlngnisvolle Keuschheitswette

Diese Geschichte ist nicht von mir fand sie aber sehr anregend und wollte sie euch nicht vorenthalten. Hoffe sie gefällt euchMax war ein erfolgreicher Banker, machte in seiner Freizeit viel Sport und hatte einen Körper der eigentlich gar nicht zu einem Banker passte. Er war sehr muskulös und gut gebaut. Seine Frau Hanna arbeitete in einer Firma, die Polizei und Gefängnisausrüstung herstellte als Entwicklerin. Sie sind ein glückliches junges Ehepaar. Sie 26 und er 27. Zusammen haben sie ein...

1 year ago
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At The Late Night Double Feature Picture Show

I moaned."Unless you want to get caught, I suggest you keep quiet," he growled."There's no one here," I said. "And besides - it's not my fault I can't keep quiet."He looked at me reproachfully."Oh? Whose fault is it then?""Yours. If you wanted me to be quiet, you should have let me wear panties. That way, you would have something to stuff in my mouth." I smiled wickedly.I could feel him get harder against me, the fabric of his jeans rough against my bare ass. I felt like I had won until his...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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MAU Infinite Crisis Part 8 Finale

MAU: INFINITE CRISIS, part 8 Written by: Set3 Everyone had quickly boarded the helicopter from the Canadian frigate which then took them inland to Vancouver island. As they waited while it continued to the airport in Victoria, Jeffrey turned to Noel who was seated beside him. "Are you okay?" he asked as he put a hand on Noel's shoulder in concern. "Yeah I'm..." Noel's voice broke. It was then that the past weeks of imprisonment caught up to him. He pulled his arms around his...

1 year ago
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Twelve Steps to the StarsChapter 2

Day 2 "Sam, Privacy one, please." With that, the lights dimmed. There was a spotlight on a young lady as the transport slowly lowered her down into the main level. All brides are beautiful, but she was beyond words. She stepped off and waited, breathlessly as her mother and her two sister concubines came down behind her ... She was dressed in a gown of shimmering white. Through it, I could see her full breasts standing tall and proud. Even her nipples looked as if they were ready to pop...

4 years ago
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Sequel to A New Thing

A New Thing Sequel The buxom blonde and the equally buxom brunette are straddled on the bed. Their long hair hangs almost to their middle backs. It’s obvious the blonde is in control since she is on top. Their tongues war with a vengeance as the blonde bounces her pussy against the brunettes. What seems like a long time comes to an end as she reaches for the thick double ended pink dildo. She moves back a bit before she pushes it home inside the brunettes soaking slit then moves it in herself...

3 years ago
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Write Lynn your fantasy story

To make a change the following story has not written by me  but has been written for me by some lovely guy who has read some of my stories and seen some of my pictures, It’s been a real turn on to receive e-mails that tell me in story format all the things they’d like to get up to with me whilst my hubby watches, I think they have done an outstanding job as they really got me turned on and wet. I hope you enjoy this one as much as me and if you fancy typing up a little something for me, then...

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FilthyFamily Misty Stone Fucking My Stepson and His Coach

Lil D is coming home from a winning football game with his coach Rome. His stepmom, Misty Stone, is furious. He was late and never called her to tell her he was going to be late. She yells at him and his coach. The coach can’t help but stare at how fucking hot she is. She walks to the bathroom and is in awe over how much of a fucking hunk the coach is. She hasn’t had some good dick in a long time, and she’s ready for a nice, long, black cock. She goes to the living room and...


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