Felicity Ch. 15 free porn video

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My life changed as the result of a court ordered paternity test. Every guy that had attended a party at a fraternity house had been summoned but since I was not a member of the fraternity I was one of the last ones tested. I vaguely remembered attending the party but I did not remember getting laid. The party had taken place nearly a year before.

I figured that whoever they were looking for it was not me.

It was me.

The photograph of the girl I had impregnated meant nothing to me and even though I conceded the validity of the test I could not remember having sex that night. I admitted to probably being very drunk.

It soon became a matter for lawyers. The girl’s family seemed to think they had won the lottery. Whatever the child won in court they thought it would be theirs to share.

When my Dad died Mom and I inherited a large amount of money. He had been a shrewd investor. As soon as the girl’s family and lawyers learned that piece of information threats and accusations came flying in my direction.

Our family lawyer hired a private investigator to check on the girl and her family and when it came into our hands Mom and I spent an evening poring over the report. We debated the details of the report at length but eventually came to the conclusion that the girl was a good and honest person that with one exception was born into a family of slime-balls.

The exception was the girl’s older sister who was also her lawyer. She had put herself through school in spite of her family. She had been working since she was a sophomore in high school.

The mother of my child had been attempting to do the same thing.

I had derailed her plans.

Mom’s original thought was to fight the whole process to a standstill, she was positive I had fallen into a trap. She now conceded that a naive girl had simply been caught up in a situation well over her head and I had been too.

The next day Mom called the girls lawyer and asked her to join us for dinner that Wednesday night. She told her that our lawyer would not be present and that she wanted her to bring her sister and her new niece. It was to be an informal get together just so we got to know each other. To Mom’s great surprise she readily agreed.

The next evening changed everything. The girl suing me for paternity was Miss Victoria Russell. She was small, maybe five two, one hundred pounds. She had dark hair and wore glasses. She was plain looking although a bit on the cute side. Her body was excellent.

She did look familiar but not sex partner familiar. We may have had a class together and may have been someone I nodded to in passing. She was very nervous and apprehensive.

Her older sister, the lawyer, looked vaguely like Victoria was three inches taller, maybe as many as ten years older, no glasses, and a blonde. Her name was Fay.

She seemed to be quietly confident in a non-adversarial way. She had a genuinely friendly smile. Mom seemed to like her immediately and allowed some of her defensiveness to drain away.

My daughter was in a carrier and was all bundled up so I could not see her until she was taken out it.

Fay handed her to me without speaking and my world changed.

As soon as I had her in my arms I was a father madly in love with his baby daughter.

Fay and Mom saw that of course and the entire tone of our meeting changed.

Fay said, ‘Everything I am going to say is off the record and I will deny we ever had this conservation or that I was ever here if I have to. My family wants to share in what they expect to be a large settlement. Vicky and I would prefer to keep the family out of it.

I apologize for all of the veiled threats hurled at you, they have come from the family and my firm. None have come from Vicky or me.

Vicky has always known who the father was but thought the pregnancy was completely her fault and intended to raise the child by herself. Our mother thinks that fraternity people are rich people and wanted the money so demanded the discovery.’

Mom asked Vicky, ‘You knew who that father was all the time?’

‘Yes. He is in fact the only one I have had sex with in three years. I had seen him often and knew he was smart and polite. He does not remember but often he has held a door for me as I entered or left a building. We had a class together once but he would not remember me from that. There were over fifty people in that class. I admired him from a distance.

‘At the frat party I was an easy conquest for him and I was sober. I do not drink.

He seemed to think I was gorgeous so I knew he was drunk. He had his choice of girls that night so I was very flattered that he was spending time with me. We laughed a lot. We played a video game and I beat him easily, he could barely handle the controllers.

He asked me what he owed me. I said a kiss. That kiss led to another and another until a couple interrupted us and asked to play the video game. We gave way to them and headed for a couch to continue our kissing but by then every part of the room had couples having sex. I decided to let him have me and took us to a small space between the back of a couch and a wall.

I expected him to simply take me and brag about his easy conquest.

I expected to brag about getting laid at a fraternity party to my girlfriends.

Neither happened.

He made love to me, he made me feel like I was the most important girl in his life. He never hurried, he waited for me.

He made me faint.

When I recovered he was gone. I dressed and went home.’

‘Do you remember any of that?’ Mom asked me.

‘A bit more now than I did before. I remember getting trounced in the video game and I remember the kiss. The only part I remembered before tonight was going to the couch with a glass of water to give to someone on the floor behind it.

Since there was no one there I thought I was too drunk to think straight and I came back home. I am kind of glad I had not been hallucinating.’

‘You came back to find me?’ Vicky asked with surprise.

I nodded yes as I gave her a closer look. I briefly closed my eyes and remembered the kisses. I had eaten them up.

Mom asked Vicky, ‘When did you learn you were pregnant?’

‘Fay does not believe me but I knew before I stepped out of the back of the couch. One missed period later I got confirmation. I was on the pill but I was not very consistent in taking them.

I am too plain even for horny college guys and most of my sex was with a nice toy Fay gave me when I started college,’ she said and immediately regretted it.

She blushed a deep red.

I could see that Vicky could not believe she had said that. Fay was blushing too. Mom had a knowing smile on her lips.

Vicky stuttered a bit before she added, ‘I can tell you that I was not a bit upset over the pregnancy.

I kept the condition to myself until I began to show. My parents insisted I tell them who the father was but I told them I had been to a fraternity party and was too drunk to remember. They heard the word fraternity and they saw dollar signs.

I knew you did not belong to the fraternity and did not expect them to summon you but apparently someone remembered you were there. Sorry.’

‘Thank you for trying,’ Mom said to Vicky. ‘That was brave of you.’

‘I just wanted to cause the least amount of trouble,’ Vicky said.

‘Life at home had been difficult at best, after my condition became obvious it became a living hell. Fay made a bit of room for me in her small condo and I have been spending most of each day there.

She was the only member of the family with me when the baby was born.’

‘Had I known I would have been there,’ I said.

Three sets of female eyes looked at me in astonishment.

I wanted Mom to understand so I gave her the baby to hold. She knew what was go
ing to happen and was reluctant to hold my daughter, her granddaughter.

A minute later she said, ‘Had I known I would have been there too.’

I saw a tear slide down Vicky’s cheek.

Fay was barely containing her own tears but managed to say, ‘Vicky is dead set against my even bringing this up. In fact I had to promise her I would not call you and I was ecstatic when you called me.

I have a proposal,’ Fay said.

‘Fay don’t,’ Vicky said.

Fay continued, ‘The goal here is to do the best for the baby. Having her grow up in our family does not guarantee fair treatment or loving care. It did not for Vicky or me.

There is however one solution to the problem, a way to make sure your daughter gets every advantage we never had and keeps our family out of it for good.’

Fay looked at me and said, ‘Marry Vicky.’

Mom and I were stunned by the idea. As we mulled it over in our heads Vicky scrambled to say to me, ‘It does not need to be a real marriage, we do not have to live together or anything. Fay thinks that it would only need to last one year. We would then divorce and you would have to provide child support but it would be a lot less than you would have to pay on a court order now and you would know where the money was going.’

I looked at Vicky and saw that she was borderline terrified. I looked at Mom and saw conflicting emotions as she looked at me then looked at the baby in her arms. Fay however was confidently calm, she knew her plan was the best solution.

I quickly found myself agreeing with Fay.

‘What is my daughters name?’ I asked.

‘Fay,’ Vicky answered.

‘No it’s not,’ said Fay

‘Actually right now it is baby Russell. We have not filed the papers as they were missing a last name.’

‘Her name is Fay Marie Chapman.’ I said.

‘Marie?’ Vicky asked.

‘It’s the name of the old woman that won’t let go of our daughter.’

‘Fay Marie Chapman it is,’ Vicky said in confirmation.

Mom and Fay seemed to be on the verge of tears.

I asked Vicky to join me in the kitchen since the best chance of eating supper was going to be if we served it ourselves.

‘You two figure out how the wedding part is going to work,’ I said to Mom and Fay.

I had already decided that I needed to have ready access to my daughter.

Fay had a big grin on her face. Mom had a worried smile but I could see she was not going to object to my decision. We had a deal.

Vicky and I served dinner on the kitchen table. The original plan was to eat in the formal dining room but that was for dining with strangers. Vicky assisted me the best she could although she was in a complete state of shock. I kissed her on the cheek and that seemed to help some but she was pretty much out of it all through dinner.

Mom only released Fay Marie to return her to her carrier as we ate.

The wedding plan was simple, we were going to elope to Vegas as soon as possible. Fay did not want her family or her firm to have an opportunity to gum up the works. Vicky was twenty years old but as a student living at home her parents held considerable clout.

Fay knew that if her parents put full pressure on Vicky she would do as they wanted.

Fay had a prenuptial agreement already drawn up. She confessed that after she had run a check on me she was confident that I would approve of her proposal. She though I was a good guy, (a real boy scout she said), and would probably maintain a relationship with my daughter even after Vicky and I divorced. It took her two minutes in my house to see that she was right.

Mom led Fay to the dining room and they went over the document as Vicky and I cleared the dishes before returning to the living room.

After a few minutes Mom came to the living room and asked Vicky to stand up. As soon as Vicky did Mom hugged her.

Vicky seemed to hesitate but I soon saw her close her eyes and return Mom’s hug.

Vicky needed that hug, she fought back tears.

Mom whispered something into Vicky’s ear that may have been a question. Vicky did not say anything but her eyes widened and she blushed and that may have told Mom what she wanted to know. Mom kissed her cheek and hugged her again then without another word returned to the dining room.

Shortly after she rejoined Fay in the dining room we heard a squeal of delight from Fay and a loud kiss.

‘I think they are getting along nicely,’ I said in a major understatement.

Vicky nodded with a smile and as she did a tear slid from an eye. Apparently our treatment of her had been completely opposite of what she had expected.

Mom called Harry, our family lawyer, and he came over in about thirty minutes. While he and Fay went over the papers with Mom in the formal dining room Vicky and I became better acquainted.

I held my daughter in my arms and asked Vicky if my daughter was dating anyone, had any speeding tickets and so on. Talking to Vicky was easy, she enjoyed my outrageous statements and had the sense of humor to extend the jokes.

She told me that I needed to talk our daughter out of getting a tattoo on her butt.

We laughed at everything with a sense of relief as we felt the dark cloud over us acquire a silver lining. I now somewhat remembered that on the night of Fay Marries conception Vicky and I did laugh a lot, that we shared a droll sense of humor.

When Mom returned to the living room Vicky and I saw a lipstick imprint of a kiss on her cheek and I asked her why Fay had kissed her.

‘Because I am a fine looking old broad, why else?’ she said.

Vicky and I smiled and waited her out and Mom finally said, ‘OK. Fay really liked some suggestions I made. That’s all. Harry seemed to think they would be fine.

Fay kissed him too. Your sister is a pushover,’ Mom said to Vicky.

‘Yes, I know. That is how I ended up invading her condo.’

When Mom began to kid us about proper fraternity party behavior she got Vicky to confess that she had wanted to kiss me long before the fraternity party.

I was flattered.

Mom confiscated my daughter away from me. She did not ask, say please, nothing. She just took my baby out of my arms. My protest was cheerfully ignored.

I could see we were going to have a running battle over Fay Marie.

Mom finally gave up control of baby Fay when she took coffee to the lawyers in the dining room. When she returned to the living room she said, ‘The agreement is done, has apparently been for some time.’

‘When do we get to sign it?’ I asked her.

‘As soon as they come out.

Vicky, your sister does not realize it yet but she is in the middle of a job interview.

It’s hard to believe isn’t it? Harry, our lawyer, was positive we would have dirty a war because your sister works for a company of shysters.’

‘Yes, she does,’ Vicky said. ‘She is always complaining about them. She was very embarrassed by what they said about him.’

‘Well with any luck that is about to change. Harry obviously likes her.’

Suddenly Fay Marie let the world know that she was wet and hungry. Mom took Vicky and the baby to my sister’s room and helped with the diaper change.

It had never occurred to me they might have wanted privacy so I had followed and watched the diaper change proceedings.

I left the room when the breastfeeding began but quickly returned with my camera. I took a picture of Fay Marie at her mother’s breast as Mom placed her head on Vicky’s shoulder and watched with a radiant smile.

It would become my favorite photo of all time.

Mom burped her granddaughter.

Harry and Fay were waiting for us in the living room when we returned and the legal papers where on the coffee table ready for us. Vicky and I were shown where to sign and we did so without as much as a glance at the details.

I figured that if Harry was
OK with it I was too.

Vicky figured that if Fay was OK with it she was too.

Fay and Harry each put the originals in their briefcases and copies on the table then the conversation immediately turned to how adorable my daughter was.

Harry asked to hold her claiming her as his new client, which brought an immediate challenge from Fay.

We saw that her indignant reaction was a complete sham, her big smile gave it away. I saw that Harry was already one of her heroes.

Harry gently said to Fay, ‘No need to get uppity young lady. We are on the same side.’ Harry gave Mom a wink then formally introduced himself to Fay Marie as her back-up lawyer.

Fay did not catch the wink or the implication of Harry’s remark but when Vicky saw the smile on Mom’s face she got it and flew to her sister and gave her a big hug and kiss then gave Harry a big kiss on the cheek.

As Harry was leaving he told Fay that he would leave some papers for her at our house on Monday. He kissed Mom and Fay on the cheek and said goodnight.

Fay then turned to me and gave me a lung-squeezing hug as she said, ‘I knew you would not disappoint us. I just knew it.’ She kissed me on the cheek then repeated the act with Mom except that the kiss for Mom was enthusiastic and on the lips.

Fay returned to the coffee table and pulled out a paper from her briefcase and placed it on the table.

When Fay turned to look at us she saw three big smiles for her.

‘What?’ she asked.

Fay was still clueless.

Mom asked her, ‘What do you know about Harry’s firm.’

‘Completely first rate, the most important firm in the city. I expected a war. My firm expected a war we could not outlast. They were hoping for an offer to settle.

I was terrified.

I am so shocked and so pleased at how well it went. Harry even pointed out some errors I had made that would have cost Vicky in the long run and showed me how to rephrase some passages to make them clearer.

Thanks again for your suggestions,’ Fay said to Mom and kissed her again, this time it was a soft kiss on the lips.

It apparently suddenly dawned on Fay that it was the second kiss on the lips she had given Mom in less than five minutes. Fay quickly became embarrassed at her boldness but before she had the chance to apologize Mom kissed her back.

Fay gave Mom a hug then continued, ‘The entire negotiation took twenty minutes. Harry did not object to a thing. I was very flattered over that.

Doing the changes you wanted took ten minutes and we had printed copies with our signatures in just over thirty minutes. We were just shooting the breeze the rest of the time.’

‘No you were not,’ Mom said. ‘You were in a job interview.

You have been hired.’

Fay was shaking as she sat on the couch, on the verge of tears. ‘Oh no, I can’t. It’s out of my league,’ she sobbed.

Mom sat with Fay and hugged her. She said, ‘That nice old man you just talked to is the shrewdest judge of character in the world. He is also the managing senior partner in the firm. If he thinks you will be an asset then you will be an asset.

Anyway, for what you did tonight you are certainly going to be fired on Monday. Just think about how nice it is that you already have another job.’

Mom helped a stunned Fay stand then led her to her bedroom as she caressed Fay’s shoulder and back.

‘You are apparently spending the night,’ I said to Vicky. Lets go back to my sisters bedroom, I will bring you something to wear in bed.’

As we walked to my sister’s room Vicky asked, ‘Where is your sister?’

‘Married and living in Luxembourg. You will meet her Thanksgiving.’

‘She is coming home?’

‘No, we are going to Luxembourg. I will be right back with a t-shirt.’

I searched for my more comfortable t-shirts and brought her a couple.

‘I don’t have a passport,’ was the first thing she said when I returned.

‘Then make sure Fay brings your birth certificate when she goes to your parents house next time. We will need it for the wedding anyway.

‘Fay already has my birth certificate. She was convinced that you would accept her proposal and we would be married.

I though you and your mom would get mad and throw us out. Fay is a lot better at reading people than I am.’

‘I am glad you came over. I did not expect to say yes to a marriage proposal tonight but as they say in one word, youneverknow.’

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Dinner With Mum

My mother is 32 years old and is not a knock-out, but she does dress well and takes care to look as good. She has great 38D breasts that fill out everything she wears and she has the body to go with them - a little on the big boned side with thick thighs and a full arse. I've spent many hours thinking about her.Around the house we are pretty comfortable if we happen to be in our underwear in front of the other person. It was never a big deal growing up so we've kept it casual. While I may...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Houseguest4

Tonight is the fundraiser. I had not seen Jessee all day and it is time to go to leave. I haven’t seen her costume to know if it is appropriate or not. “Charles, have you seen Jessee?” “Yes sir, she left a message saying she was running late she would meet you at the party for you to go on ahead.” This is great, not knowing if she would only be wearing a mask for the party or if she would find a way to have a suitable costume was beyond me. I couldn’t be late I have to mingle to try make...

3 years ago
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AbiI got home from work late, it was about 11pm and the house was in total darkness, mum and dad had gone away for a couple of weeks holiday, my brother was New York on business and my little sister Abi must have been around a friends house, or though I thought. I walked in and on the kitchen side was a note from Abi saying “dinner in the microwave and i’ve gone to bed”, I went upstairs to see if she was ok thinking she would be watching t.v or playing with phone. Her room was dark with the...

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Trained Step Sister pt1

Summers were the worst, she would be out by the pool in her bikini, and he would come out and try to talk to her, all the while ogling her tight young body. It got to the stage that she would instead go to friends houses to avoid being around him. She had tried to explain things to her mom, but she had just brushed it off as an over-reaction. Once he graduated and left for college, it was a lot more comfortable around the house. Now he was back for the summer. Great. As she walked...

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Gujju Bhabhi Or Uski Saheli

Hi all me maulik jamnagar se ek bar fir hajir hu aap sab ke liye apni aap biti sunane.. Aap sab to jante hi he muje jo nahi jante unko batadu ki me maulik gujrat jamnagar se hu dekh ne me thikthak handsome married 28 sal or mene apni bahot sari aap biti aap sab ko sunai he jese ki tel (oil ) vali bhabhi / mami sathe akhi rat maja kari / bhabhi or uski dost ko choda or gujju bhabhi ke kya kehne ye kahani last vali ka dusra part he .. Pichli story me apko bataya ke kese sapna ki gadi ka punckcher...

3 years ago
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My Mom Loves Black 8211 Part 1

I’m Pranav.I’m 25 years old. I’m currently living in Mumbai working in an MNC. I’ve been reading Indian sex stories and decided to write few myself. As you’ve read in my story description, this is a story of my so homely and conservative mom who turned as a whore for a black man. And yeah, this story is a fiction. So, getting into the story, this happened when I was a teen. My mom was 38 and my dad was 45. We were living in Chennai in ground floor of an individual house. My mom was hot and...

4 years ago
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Park Adventure

We meet in town for lunch to catch up and have a laugh..I arrive early and order a drink from the bar and take a seat in a quiet corner....I see you come through the door about 15 mins later....and stand up and wave.....our eyes connect and we smile as come over and we kiss.I ask what you would like and go and order from the bar.....I return and you are looking as gorgeous as ever.....today you are dressed in ankle high heeled boots, tights or stockings (yet to find out), long dress for a...

3 years ago
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Stolen Innocence Chapter 2

“Bite me.” I say. “Sure, baby, anything you want. But right now, you need to get on the bike. I paid good money for that pussy and I am not done with it yet. You didn’t think you were worth that much for one fuck, did you?” he says. I feel the wind get knocked out of me. I should walk right past him. I should run back into the diner. However, I remember I am trash now and swing my left leg over the seat. I feel the smooth leather on my thighs as I scoot up behind him. “Hang on baby. ...

4 years ago
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Endless Tournament

World war 3 in 2035 leaves the world devastated. The economies have collapsed and civilization as we knew it has ended. Technology is pushed back several years and the surviving population lives in poverty, hunger, struggle and the worst of all, lack of recreation. The new American Empire announce a new tournament, an endless tournament where people will fight one another and get paid with money for each victory. There is no finale, no champion. Just endless bout after bout. Everyone above 18...

2 years ago
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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 13

When she recovered "toy now I'm really going to hurt you. I'm going to gag you because of the lack of sound insulation. I'm going to watch your head. Shake it hard when it gets too much. That will be your safe word. Now open wide." She must have the same kind inflatable gag that Red has because it did not take long and I thought my jaws would separate. I shook my head and Cindy let a bit of the air out. When it became tolerable I just nodded. "Good boy, I like it that you communicate...

2 years ago
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Porsche the mischievous minx

I was running a bit late that morning and stopped in the local coffee shop to grab a coffee.  When I walked through the door, I was happily surprised to see Porsche sitting at a booth with a friend.My eyes secretly inspected her as I walked to the counter.  She looked particularly hot today in a soft flannel shirt, unbuttoned down enough to show the white tank top underneath and a short jean skirt with a pair of white tights.She was busy chatting away with her girlfriend looking over some...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend K Sath Khet Me Sex Kiya

Hello guys myself shanu .. I m 21 years old from Nagpur . mai ek student hu or mai part time job b karta hu . recently I’ve completed my graduation and now I m doing my higher levels education In MCA . so aap logo ka zyada time waste na karte hue mai direct story par aata hu but uske pehle mai apne baare me kuch bata du . I belongs to a middle class family so I can’t afford the expenses regard hotel staying and all. So Maine Jo b kiya apni Gf k sath sab achche mauko ka fayda uthakar he kiya...

2 years ago
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Boyfriendss Fantasy

Kayla's boyfriend Christopher had just returned to the dorm following an outing to the bar with Kayla, her roommate Ivy and some other guy friends. He was wiped out. But he couldn't shake the feeling of some spark between himself and Ivy, who was a very mysteriously alluring girl. There was something about her eyes. You could just look into them and become hypnotized... His thoughts veered away as he drifted into a deep sleep and began having a vivid dream.Ivy was touching herself, alone in the...

1 year ago
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Bhanji Ko First Time Choda Diwali Per

Hi friends, mera naam tarun hai and main mumbai me padta hoon and age 21. To baat aaj se 1saal phle ki yaani 2014 ki diwali ki hai. Meri ek cousin sister hai wo surat me rehti hai meri mausi ki sabse badi thi wo toh meri mom se bs 8-10 years badi hai and unki ek 18 years ki beti hai. Diwali vacation bs 3 days ka tha toh maine socha ki di ke yaha hi ghum aate hai. Meri bhanji ko leke mere man me kabhi koi bura nhi tha but is baar wo sb hua jo kabhi socha b nhi tha. Toh main di ke yaha chala...

1 year ago
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A Step Mothers Sin Ch 2 Mistake Two I Join Him

Chapter 2 - The next day: my second huge mistake, I agree to join him... I awoke and went to work, but I spent most of the following day deeply distracted about the relatively innocent interaction with Robert the night before. I was anxious on several fronts. The embarrassment of the incident notwithstanding, I also had to admit that the image of his very large, very erect penis was etched indelibly in my mind’s eye. The memory was arousing me despite my best intentions. I could not rid my...

2 years ago
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Your Heart In My Chest Chapter 1

Naturally I was curious, and why wouldn't I be when she's the girl who took my heart the first day she stepped into the class. She was different and odd and silent. I loved the mystery I loved the way she walked the way she talked, wait, my mistake, she doesn't talk. She has been here in my class for like a week now and I have never seen her talk to anybody. She just sits there and stares at the board. And once or twice, the teacher asked her a question or two, but the stare she gave them,...

3 years ago
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Steam Room Fun

I loved going to the pool, it was my way of de-stressing and clearing my head for a couple of hours. I was 5’ 4’’, with brown hair and a slim body. Every other day I was in the pool, keeping fit and getting wet. My usual routine was 10 lengths then into the steam room for 15 minutes, then out for more lengths. I always had my eye on the cute lifeguard who was usually on duty. Always making sure to push myself out of the water on his side, just to see if I caught his attention, which I did.

2 years ago
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A Night At The Sub Shop

This experience is from the summer between my graduation from high school and my entry into college. During this time I worked at the sub shop on the edge of town. It wasn't a very well known one, and if you weren't from our town, you never would've heard of it. This caused us to have slow periods, where we would be left to our own devices. Only two people ever worked at a time, and I often found myself working with Chyanne on the 4pm to midnight shift. The uniforms we had to wear were a red...

Straight Sex
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 164

HOW VERY TRUE! My mum used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread butter on bread on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn't seem to get food poisoning. Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper in a brown paper bag, not in ice pack coolers, but I can't remember getting e.Coli Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake or at the beach instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring), no beach closures then. We all took PE ... And...

1 year ago
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My sisters first time Part 1

100% fiction! I sighed as I sat with my friends, watching my sister and her friends serve cake. We were at a birthday party. I sighed as my tanned,18 yr old, tall and lean,sister(with a great rack, by the way) gave everyone cake. I felt a dent in my pants. I quickly hid it as the party ended. I walked with her and our parents to the car. We got in and drove home. I looked over at her as she wore a shirt her and her friend got at the fair, jean shorts and grey and pink Nike's. We climbed out as...

First Time
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School and story around it

hello everyone. I know some may don't like my story's because involved my c***dhood. But this is the truth unexpected harsh truth it made us for who ever we are now.Any way I want to write about my life out side of home. In school I was one of happiest k**. But after my father start to get very close to me he would always telling me about don't let anyone get very close to u , do not make physical joke and all kinds of this advice. He wanted me for him self he get some sort of protecting mood....

3 years ago
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The Jogger Socks

I had just sat down at the picnic table in the local park, when I heard a noise that caused me to turn around and look. I thought I was the only one at the park that morning hoping to do a little bird photography, but it looked like maybe not. I sipped my coffee with a disgruntled look on my face. A young woman walked past me. She put on some earphones and started to jog off. Her calves were so perfectly formed. I watched as she took step after step, then jogged out of sight. I quickly...

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In Uniform in Mom

I received an e-mail from a reader recently. He told how he and his mother had a loving, sexual relationship during his teenage years after his father had died suddenly and he and his mom had emigrated to the U.S. from Eastern Europe. Poor, scared, alone, and not fluent in English, they sought solace in each others arms during some truly troubling and difficult times. Eventually he joined the Marines and proudly served his new country. He subsequently married, had children and led a "normal"...

2 years ago
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The Village 4 Raisa

Part 1: http://xhamster.com/user/catherine-belmont/posts/448244.htmlPart 2: http://xhamster.com/user/catherine-belmont/posts/450107.htmlPart 3: http://xhamster.com/user/catherine-belmont/posts/451760.htmlRaisa was dragged along sobbing. She shivered as the massive iron door creaked open to the main house. The things that she had already witnessed were overwhelming. She was so innocent. She had her whole life ahead of her. She had never dreamed that women or men could be used as slaves, and yet...

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A Welcome Intruder

Later that night you wake up on the sofa, 'god I did it again!' you think, falling asleep on the sofa is getting to be a habit! You decide to have a shower to see if that will relax your aching muscles before you go to bed. 15 minutes later as you get out of the shower you hear a noise, you stay quiet but don't hear anything else and thinking it was your imagination you stroll into the living room without turning on the light, there you see a shadowy figure move quietly round the room.......

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adopted part 5

Margaret stood at the kitchen counter the next morning, smiling as she prepared the tuna salad sandwich that her nephew would take to school. Four more times her hung, horny teen nephew had fucked her the night before, shooting load after load into her wet, juicy pussy. Margaret felt more sexually satisfied than she had been in months. She was naked now, eager to teach her dead sister's son more about sex before he left for the day. No matter how often he satisfied the wet...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Sister Rishika

Hi everyone my name is Vishal I am doing my Eng 2nd yr now and I have a sister named Rishika she is doing her 9th class and we family are of 4members dad mom me and my sister coming to tell about my sister she is doing her 9th class and she has a very good body and good boobs too though she is doing her 9th class she has good size boobs and coming to the actual accident happened It was the day Saturday and I had a holiday to my college and so I was watching movies sitting at home and my sister...

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Mami Ki Gaand Choda

Mere Doston ….. Mein is site ka deewana hi hoon yeh site se mujhe bahut sare tricks patta chala ki auntiwon ko kaise sex ke liye pattana hain…. Thanks but auntia bhi bade chalak hain apne chut ki bhuk mitane ke liye bahut hi naatak karte hain aise hi kuch hua mere saath … Pehele kuch mere baare mein keheta hoon Mein Rocky philhaal bhubaneswar mein reheta hoon aur apne photograph studio mein kaam karta hoon aur yeh experience mere saath 3 saal pehele hua jaab photography ke liye KIIT mein class...

1 year ago
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My First Time with my uncles wife

Note : This story is completely fictional! I remember my first time with my uncle's wife. I was 18 and recently arrived from Ghana. Dad is a retired white army colonel while mom is a black Somali laundry woman. Since Dad family didn't want me I have to live with my uncle Sean. His wife Jane is only 30 years old while uncle Sean is 45. She appears to be an ideal housewife but very few know that she is like a wild teen ager on her free times. Uncle Sean is very rich workaholic doctor. Jane works...

First Time
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Delta TrixyChapter 18 Home

Alec took us home. Lee had dropped a 3m square by 6m long transport box in the entertainment area, and we piled all the pressies in it. I blinked as we were transported and I opened my eyes to find myself in a dome home similar to Lee’s. The bridesmaids and best men had come with us. I now knew why they were moving too. James had apparently taken a fancy to Lee’s home the first time we went there. A guy called Jim Hoyle who used to be Lee’s trade assistant on the starship Fortune had...

4 years ago
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Sean didn't like it when his sister Karen broke-up with a guy. Karen wasn't known for picking great guys to begin with and she was the type who always had to be attached to someone. When she wasn't she was known for making bad decisions and being, well, flighty. So when she called Sean on a cloudy Saturday and told him that she was going on a mountain bike ride in a local National Forest by herself, he tried to talk her out of it. Karen and Sean were the last two members of their family to...

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NubileFilms Alya Stark Mia Evans Forbidden Pleasures

A hot red body suit clings to Alya Stark’s curves as she checks herself out in the mirror. Meanwhile, Alya’s girlfriend, Mia Evans, settles into a warm bath and watches Alya preen. When Alya is satisfied, she struts over to join Mila by the tub. Lingerie may be sexy when it’s on a girl’s body, but there’s nothing hotter than when it comes off. Mia watches with greedy eyes as Alya strips and then joins her in the water. The girls exchange a deep kiss, but what Alya...

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The brain fungus

The nature all around us is wonderful ! It is so full of life, so full of gifts just laying there for you to pick ! Every forests, every lakes, every mountains can sustain your needs, if you know where to look ! It was Sara's case. The 25 years old blonde loved to walk and hike in the surrounding forests and hills of her hometown. By now, she could identified almost every birds, trees, flowers living there. She also had a very good knowledge about mushrooms, growing a lot between the logs and...

Mind Control
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SolitudeChapter 4

So Rhonda continued to heal and I did everything I could to aid her recovery. We couldn't take long hikes because of the cast on her leg, but we managed about an hour of walking every day around the clearing. She was chomping at the bit to get some real exercise, and the cast on her leg was driving her nuts. We talked a lot about her and Jeremy, how he was doing without a dad. From what she told me, he was as well adjusted as a kid could hope to be. Just about anything a dad could provide...

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Ana handles me a video

The first time I saw my sexy wife spread her legs and her pussy lips for a well hung nigger, it was the most erotic experience of my life. Once I experienced it for the first time, I wanted it again and again.I absolutely had loved always to slid my hard cock into her slick, wet pussy after she had taken a big load from a hunky black man.I had always loved also feel his sticky semen coating my cock as I pump in and out of her stretched cunt and add my own load there.One Saturday afternoon, I...

3 years ago
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Sex With Classmate 8211 Part III

Hi, yeah meri pehli story hai, please friend comment on it if you like. Now come to point, I’m going to write this story in Hindi. Mera naam inder hai, good looking, smart with sexy body,dick size about 7 inchess. Mai us waqt +2 mai tha, meri ek class mate thi jiska naam hai ‘Sonia’. Woh itni sunder thi ki mai shabdo mai uski tareef nahi kar sakta. Uski height 5″9, bright face slim body, boobs abhi bahut chote the, uski umar us waqt 18 saal thi, woh class mai mujhse aage wale bench par bethi...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Francesca Le Brenna Mckenna Anal Hazing Threesome

Adorable Brenna McKenna wears pink undies and a matching fetish harness for her threesome with married swinging libertines Francesca Le and Mark Wood. Dominant MILF Francesca fondles the longhaired brunette’s natural tits, smacks her jiggling butt cheeks and fingers her holes, pressing a hammer-shaped toy against the chick’s clit. Francesca gives Brenna lesbian cunnilingus. Mark pries his big cock into Brenna’s tight slit, and she gives him a blowjob. The women share his meat...


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