Mr Johnson And I
- 3 years ago
- 30
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Thomas Klingman left the Confederacy CAP testing center walking with his usual shuffling gait, with his head pointed down towards the cement walkway. He was five foot four, and had been born with a spinal condition that had left him somewhat stooped over and caused him to have severely rounded shoulders. He'd also been born with a condition known as cleft lip and palate, and also had a congenitally weakened right arm and leg. If all that hadn't been burden enough for him to carry, he'd had some kind of prenatal neurological injury causing him to be born somewhat cross eyed as well.
In spite of this myriad of physical challenges he'd been afflicted with from birth, Thomas was, in fact, an extremely intelligent, persistently helpful, perpetually optimistic and pleasant young man.
This happy condition of his mind and splendid personality had come about in spite of the cruel mistreatment from many of the other children that he'd had to endure for most of his young life. No one could possibly count the number of times where he'd been made the butt of the many thousands of cruel taunts aimed his way, and all the spitefully malicious name calling he'd been subjected to.
In second grade, one of his classmates had jokingly referred to Thomas as being the grandson of Quasimodo, after the character in Victor Hugo's novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, which was being read to the class. The name had been picked up by most of his other classmates, and, after being shortened back to Quasimodo, had been stuck on him ever since.
Not everyone called him names however. Many of his fellow classmates made a conscious point of refraining from all the taunting and the bullying taking place around Thomas. These people always tried to stick up for him, shielding him from the others if they could. They were also the ones always making it a point to refer to Thomas by his Christian name.
It had taken Thomas more than half an hour to walk back home from the testing center. His shuffling gait and weakened right side made walking more than a hundred yards or so, a difficult feat for him to accomplish. When he'd finally managed to complete his journey, he'd wanted nothing more than a cold drink, and the opportunity to sit on the living room sofa and rest for awhile. With his physical limitations, his body had never developed the stamina to accomplish any demanding physical activities. All the walking he'd done had left him fatigued far beyond his usual limits.
In the small village where Thomas resided, there had never once been a Confederacy pick up and extraction of volunteers. Delta Valley Village residents had been picked up though, usually in one of the three larger cities which were all within fifty miles of the village. Even the village's Confederacy CAP testing center was only open for one afternoon each month.
People in Delta Valley didn't pay too much attention to what was going on in the war being waged against the Sa'arm. For the most part, they had troubles enough just keeping a roof over their family's head, and sufficient food on the dinner table to keep everyone strong and healthy.
It was a hand to mouth existence most of the families lived. Independent coal mining had never been more than subsistence living at it's very best. In bad times, like over the last ten or so years, as the known coal deposits became increasingly over mined and played out, miners and their families had been forced to admit defeat and move away from the land of their birth.
For some others though, like Thomas's grandfather, the man who had raised him after his only son, Thomas's father, had died in a mine cave in, running away just wasn't an option. Thomas's mother had run away from Thomas, her husband, and the village, as well as a lifetime of poverty, knowing there were bleak prospects for any of it improving.
Thomas was only six years old when his mother had run off. He was nine when his father had died. Along with the many physical burdens he'd had to accept, losing both parents was like adding two more bricks to the heavy load he was already being forced to carry.
There was one tradition that remained alive in Delta Valley, long after it had died off in other towns and villages, and that was the Saturday children's matinee at the local movie house. Every Saturday, promptly at noon, there was a double feature playing there. The movies were always preceded by no fewer than three or four serial shorts and another two or three cartoons.
Cyrus Curtle owned the movie house, and had done so since right after he returned from soldiering in World War II. Within weeks of his return from the war, he had turned his late father's livery stable and blacksmith shop into a movie theater. Cyrus had other, far more profitable, businesses he'd inherited, but the movie house had always been a labor of love for him. Almost ever child from the ages of eight to sixteen that lived within walking distance of the movie house, would show up on a Saturday morning presenting his quarter at the box office and purchasing his ticket of admission.
It should be mentioned that none of the movies shown at the movie house were what could be called first run features. All of the serials being presented were at least thirty years old or more, as were the cartoons offered. Mr. Curtle knew that the movies being presented weren't what was drawing all those youngsters to his theater for these weekend matinees, it was the chance for all of them to get together, without their parents or teachers being present, to see and be seen, and to practice developing some of their social skills, ones that weren't easily practiced in other settings that might be more commonly available to them.
Most first dates that had taken place in the village, over the past sixty plus years, had begun, one way or another, within the walls of that old converted livery stable. People met there in ways that were more private and intimate than what was possible in a school yard, or out on a sidewalk, in plain sight of anyone caring to look. While a movie was playing, all the lights were turned way down, if not off. Nothing helped to allay social shyness more than a profound absence of illumination.
Mr. Curtle always had a young girl he hired for taking the kid's admission money, and another who took the tickets and worked behind the snack counter. He didn't use any theater ushers, and only the projectionist, more often than not Mr. Curtle, ever interfered with the privacy of his young theater audience. Everyone knew that Mr. Curtle wouldn't interfere, not unless someone did something it was impossible for him to ignore. If he had to turn up the lights and come down on the movie house floor to take care of a problem, you could count on it that someone was about to be banned from the movie theater for a good long time. For a second offense, the ban would be forever.
The lights were always turned back up in the theater for the ten minute intermission they had between the two feature length films. During this break, kids were either sitting in their seats, or else standing up, talking with their friends close by, or else shouting across the theater at each other.
Couples would all be taking a break too, from all the making out they'd been busy doing while the lights were down. It was comical, watching the couples all trying to look so innocent, while most of the girls would be hunched over in their seats, trying to resettle their breasts back inside their bra's. Many of their boyfriends were busy too, using the back of one of their hands to wipe away the lipstick stains from their mouths, and the other hand to reposition a certain non cooperating body part so it wouldn't give away what they might have been up to.
Now that people once again had sufficient light to see by, a lot of attention was being paid to seeing which boys were still sporting a hard on, as well as which weren't, and to seeing which girls could be observed frantically attempting to reharness their breasts, redo the open buttons on their blouses, or else pull down their sweaters.
The movie house was buzzing with conversation and laughter, too busy paying attention to what was happening in their social circle to notice the appearance, on the stage, in front of the drawn curtains, of three Confederacy Space Marines, each dressed in full battle armor.
"Listen up people, My name is First Lieutenant Frank Jameson of the CSM. We're here to perform an extraction of five Confederacy volunteers. By now you all must know the drill. Anyone not at least fourteen years of age, and anyone who doesn't have a Confederacy CAP card on them, should move all the way to the back of the theater. Those women who are past their childbearing years, and those who have no wish to be chosen as possible concubines, you too should get to the back of the room, as quickly as possible.
"Now, those of you over the age of fourteen, with valid CAP cards to prove it, who wish to be considered as companions for these five volunteers, you should remain up here in the forward part of the theater, so that all the possible sponsors will have a chance to see you. I want the following people to come up here on the stage, just as soon as I call your names. Fred Milton."
Fred Milton an eighteen year old high school senior moved quickly over to the stairs and moved up on stage. Fred was a musician in the high school band, and was in the running for either valedictorian or salutatorian honors at the graduation ceremonies that were scheduled less than two weeks from now.
"Donald Perry"
Don was a fifteen year old. He too was one of the best students. He'd gone out for football last year, but his chronic asthma hadn't allowed him to make the team. When Don walked up on stage, his sister, Dana, and her best friend, Margaret Taylor, both started clapping for him.
"Charles Weatherly, Jr."
Chuck Weatherly's name resulted in loud and boisterous clapping, foot stomping, lots of shouting and some whistles. Chuck was eighteen years old, and had been that year's student body president, as well as a member of both the football and basketball teams. His girlfriend, Betsy Dillon, was holding on protectively to his arm, not taking any chances by allowing Chuck to get even an inch away from her grasp. One of the Marines stepped forward to tell her she wasn't allowed up on the stage with the volunteers, but Chuck said that she was his first concubine pick, and the Marine allowed her up on stage with Chuck.
"Sarah Cornwell"
Sarah was a little mouse of a girl. A sophomore at the local high school. After school, she could be found at the village lending library. People thought she worked there as a volunteer, but she didn't. She just liked to stay at the library until it closed at six o'clock. She felt safe there, and it was much quieter than it would have been back home with her six younger brothers and sisters. When Sarah's name was called, there was no clapping or shouting. There was a little buzz of talking by some of the boys in the audience though, they seemed happy to learn that at least one girl would be picking concubines too.
"Thomas Klingman"
Of all the announced picks, his created the greatest noise and the most vocal commentary. No one in the audience knew he was even in attendance, not to mention their having any idea that he might have a CAP score that would qualify him for service to the Confederacy. About half the comments were positive and congratulatory, but there were also numerous slurs and expressions of disbelief shouted out as well.
After minutes had passed and there was still no sign of Thomas, one of the Marines came down from the stage and made his way hastily through the crowd gathered in front of the stage, then continued on up the aisle towards the theater lobby. When he got there, he found Thomas Klingman surrounded by five other male youths. All of the young people were forcibly blocking Thomas's pathway into the theater.
Thomas, as per his usual habit, had been sitting up in the projectionist booth, helping Mr. Curtle by rewinding the reel that had just finished, then putting it back in the film tins that the reels were stored in. This made things go faster whenever Mr. Curtle needed to change projectors in the middle of one of the films. For providing this service, Thomas got into each matinee free of charge. As soon as his name had been called he'd left the projection room to walk to the stage.
Thomas went from being thrilled and excited at having his name called, knowing that soon most of the physical afflictions he'd always been troubled by would soon be part of his past, to dejected and despondent after Karl Evans and his group of local low life thugs told him that they were planning to keep him from finally achieving what had been his long held dream.
Corporal Glasson, the Space Marine who'd been sent to find the boy, quickly took in the scene laid out in front of him. He listened as the AI identified each of the individuals in front of him. He wasted little time, sensing that the volunteer he'd been sent to find and escort over to the stage was in some sort of danger, or at least the threat of danger. Raising his hand held stinger, he pressed his fist in until the two teenagers who had their backs to him, crumpled to the floor, unconscious from the stinger's instant bite. As soon as the first two dropped, one of the other youths grabbed the boy the AI had identified as being young Klingman, slipped his arm around the other boy's neck while moving behind him, hoping to use the boy as both a shield and as a bargaining chip when he tried to negotiate his own escape.
Karl Evans had no idea of the potential for harm these armed and armored Marines posed. He never felt the bolt of lethal energy that struck him full in the face and laid waste to every synapse and nerve ending in his body. He was limp and lifeless even before his arm fell harmlessly away from his would be victim's neck.
Seeing what had happened to Karl, and to their other two friends, the remaining two members of the team of young toughs quickly put their hands up, palms forward to demonstrate that they weren't armed, showing the universal sign of surrender, as they backed themselves carefully away from Thomas. The whole time they did this, their eyes were fearfully locked on the Space Marine's closed fist. Corporal Glasson used the stinger on them anyway, but at a lower, non lethal, setting. Space Marines were getting fed up with the increased resistance they were finding at these volunteer extractions.
"If you're Thomas Klingman, I've been sent to take you up on stage to see my Lieutenant."
Thomas nodded that he was, then tried to hurry ahead of the soldier, moving as fast as his physical limitations allowed, striding towards the front of the theater. Thomas didn't normally try to speak much to people, his cleft palate and lip made it extremely difficult for almost everyone to understand his speech. When he finally got up on the theater stage, he had difficulty communicating the information that he had no intention of picking any concubines until after he'd had a chance to get all of his physical disabilities taken care of.
No one had greater need of taking advantage of the Darjee medical technology than Thomas Klingman. He'd studied the published capabilities of those near miraculous medical bay units the Confederacy routinely used on volunteers and concubines alike.
He knew that he had nothing wrong with him that a combination of carefully infiltrated nannites and the liberal application of certain other alien medical technology couldn't take care of. As a Confederacy volunteer, he also knew that he'd soon have access to all that advanced technology, and that it would quickly remedy all the physical infirmities he'd suffered from his whole life.
It took Thomas quite a while to communicate with, and later convince, Lieutenant Jameson that he didn't want to select any companions at that time. By the time he'd managed it, all the other volunteering sponsors had selected the people they wanted to take with them.
By the time Thomas got taken aboard the Confederacy colonial pod transport freighter, he was feeling weak from all the internal excitement he'd had. On his own authority, Lieutenant Jameson had sent Thomas to the ship's medical bay with instructions that he be placed in one of the healing chambers so that the first part of his physical repairs could be tended to.
Even with just attending to his various birth defects, Thomas spent seventy eight hours inside one of the Darjee medical chambers. It took every bit of that time to undo the damage that a lifetime spent adjusting and accommodating himself to his body's limitations had produced in him. Fixing the opening in the roof of his mouth and smoothing away all the gapped area on his lip had been mere child's play for the alien technology. Balancing muscles and sinew on both sides of his body, along with straightening out the curvature of his spine were far more complex. Little problems, like with his eyes, took mere seconds to correct. Rerouting muscular controls, and matching up his brain activity with corresponding reflexive responses of the somewhat involuntary larger muscles in his legs, chest, stomach, and buttocks regions were where the greatest concentration of time was spent.
Thomas wasn't aware of even a moment of that passage of time. He went to sleep, and when he awakened, after that seventy eight hour period in the medical chamber, he found himself in, what to him, was a completely different body. It wasn't so much the changes that were easy to see and notice that thrilled him. For the first time in his entire life he felt strong and whole, able to now compete, on an equal footing, with anyone. To his mind, he'd already been given the greatest possible gift he could ever ask for. He knew that he'd always believe that he'd gotten the best of the deal, even if he ended up giving his life in service to the people of Earth and the Confederacy. He was positively amazed that he could have already received so much from them when he'd done absolutely nothing yet to earn any part of it.
The technician who had awakened him directed Thomas to seek out Lieutenant Jameson, giving concise directions for where to find that officer.
It took Thomas more than half an hour to get to where the Lieutenant was billeted. Not because he needed to walk slowly to conserve energy, but because he was still practicing what it felt like to have a mouth that could now form all the sounds, and could thus give his words their correct pronunciation. He could speak, as clearly as anyone else. He could verbally communicate, something that almost everyone else took for granted being able to do. It took him that whole half an hour to get to the point where he was willing to let go of the wonder of it all, and to then tend to the business he'd been directed to accomplish.
"Lieutenant Jameson, my name is Thomas Klingman. The technician in the medical bay told me to report to you."
"Klingman, Klingman, oh, yes, I remember you now. The pickup from that little movie theater a few days ago. You're the boy that had so much trouble speaking. Well, it looks like they've managed to fix you up just fine. Let's take care of the first order of business, shall we? Klingman, in all the excitement, we seem to have forgotten to have you give us a verbal statement of your willingness to be a member of the Confederacy defense forces. Embarrassing, our omission, but no permanent harm done if you'll just give me your consent now."
"Yes sir. It is my intention and desire to volunteer. What do I need to do?"
"You just did it. Now, getting to our second order of business, you are entitled to have four people accompanying you as your concubines. When we first picked you up, back there in your home town, it was my belief that you had informed me that you did not wish to have anyone else accompanying you. My associates and I all assumed this had something to do with your physical handicaps. Now that they've been dealt with, are you still not inclined to pick out your allotted quota of concubines?"
"I didn't think I had any choice after we got picked up. Are you saying I can go back to Delta Valley and pick some girls from there?"
"No, there's no way I can authorize that I'm afraid. What I can do is send you over to the ship's Civil Service officer. As I understand things, she's carrying somewhere between twenty and thirty people on her roster at present. Somewhere close to half are currently unaffiliated former concubines who are being transported over to the colony we're heading out to. The rest are people we were forced to bring with us after an extraction that went bad over in Arkansas.
"Headquarters decided we'd keep all the ones who wanted to stay with us, rather than just send them all back, so they're being sent out to our new colony along with most of the sponsors and concubines we've been picking up on this run. Could be that you could find something there that meets with your approval. A lot of Marines ship with open slots. If they see something they like, when they do get into a port, well it isn't difficult to acquire any unattached concubines that are stranded out on one of the colonized planets. Why don't you go down and see the Civil Service Decurion and look over what she's got?"
With new directions from the Lieutenant on how to find the Civil Service officer and where all her charges were billeted, Thomas started off on his search. Lieutenant Jameson had assigned him to his own pod, now that he was released from the med bay. Thomas was anxious to see where he'd be staying, but even more interested in finding the Civil Service woman and trying to see if he could get himself a concubine.
Thomas wasn't greedy. He'd never even had so much as a date in his life, let alone anything like a girlfriend. He dared hope now, what with the startling changes made to his appearance, and with his new found ability to speak so that people could easily understand him. He wasn't after more than one concubine for now though. Who knew how steep the learning curve was for building a mutually satisfying relationship with even one girl?
Following the directions the Lieutenant had given him, Thomas finally arrived at an area of the transport vessel where the five joined pods of the Civil Service were located. This was where the current thirty one unassigned concubines, along with their dependent children, were being housed and cared for.
"May I help you sir?" Thomas found his way effectively blocked by an attractive women who appeared to be somewhere in her late twenties or early thirties. She was wearing some sort of a uniform, a blouse and skirt, made of some gray colored material. She had dark brown hair, styled in a very short, no nonsense, manner. Thomas's first impression of her was that she herself would be a no nonsense person.
"Lieutenant Jameson sent me to find a Decurion Freeman of the Confederacy Civil Service."
"I'm Karen Freeman, why did the Lieutenant send you to see me? Are you an unassigned concubine?"
"Uh, no, I'm a volunteer. He said I could maybe find someone who wanted to become my concubine. When I was picked up, I didn't take anyone with me."
"I'll have to see your CAP card, please."
Thomas took his card out of his pocket and handed it over to her. He saw her lifting her head up slightly for a second or two, then she looked back at him and handed his card back to him.
"Mr. Klingman, now that I've satisfied myself as to your status, welcome to our temporary Civil Service center. As I understand, from your card, and from what you've told me, you have current openings for up to four new concubines. I'm sure that you'll have little difficulty completing your household staffing needs from the individuals we have available for your immediate selection. Have you given much thought to the makeup of your concubine staff? We have four gentlemen, twenty five ladies, and two minor children who, while not available to be taken as concubines by you, have been kept aboard this vessel as wards of their two older, and thus available to you, sisters."
"I only came to see about getting one for right now. I'm new to all this. I thought I'd start out slow, with just one girl, and maybe add more later, once I get comfortable with having just the one."
"Of course, that's entirely your decision to make Mr. Klingman. As you may, or may not, be aware though, the life of a Civil Service unassigned concubine is precarious at best. They are all aware of what awaits them after we get to the colony where we're heading. Most of the girls will be made available to service the sexual needs of any unaccompanied Marines stationed at the training base. The Confederacy needs to get babies from these women, as this is the only currency they have to make it worth while for them to continue being carried on our books. I'm sorry to say that at least two of the male unassigned concubines will need to be recycled upon arrival, if I still have four in my care when we disembark. It's always more difficult to place males with new sponsors, and, unfortunately, using them as breeding studs goes counter to current Confederacy policy."
"I'm pretty sure that even one is going to be hard for me to get comfortable with. I'm hoping you can find someone for me who knows a lot more than I do about how everything should be. Someone with lots of experience I mean."
Karen looked at the nervous young man in front of her and sighed. It really hadn't been fair of her to try to coax him into taking on four of her charges rather than the one he was asking for. It was just that she felt so helpless, knowing what the probable future prospects for these poor women were. The ones who weren't already pregnant would be assigned to a military comfort station, just as soon as they made planet fall.
Most of them would end up being little more than whores, passed around from stranger to stranger in the hope that they would soon get pregnant and add what might end up being another potential volunteer to the Confederacy's future defense forces.
After having their babies, they'd once again be sent back to repeat that same process. It wasn't the life any woman would choose for herself. It was better than being recycled though. As long as an unassigned concubine was still alive, there was hope that she'd catch on with a new sponsor.
"If you'll please come with me then, Mr. Klingman. I'll show you to one of our interview rooms, and bring you up to speed on how to operate the machine that will assist you in the selection process."
Karen took the young man to one of the rooms she'd set up in the front of the first pod, the one that housed her own quarters, and most of the official Civil Service machinery, including the lone replicator she'd been given to provide for all thirty one of her current charges as well as the additional twenty seven minor children that traveled with their mothers.
She took him to the console and brought up the list of available unassigned concubines currently in residence. She showed him how to operate that machine, and how to ask the ship's AI for any other information about any of the individual's. She assured him that he'd be provided with anything he'd want or need to make his decision.
She went through a demonstration, showcasing one of the girls she thought might appeal to him, even demonstrating the availability of life size holographic images of them. She explained that all Thomas needed to do was make a verbal request to the AI, if he found anyone that he wished to personally interview.
"They'll come here for the interview?" Thomas turned around and looked more closely at the room the Decurion had brought him to. Over in the back corner of the room was what appeared to be a bed.
"Yes, they come here. Feel free to ask them any questions, or to request they perform any act you might want them to engage in with you."
"You mean sex too?"
"Yes, whatever you want to help you make a selection. I'm sure you'll find that all the applicants will do their best to try to make a good first impression. They'll all try their hardest to persuade you to select them. There are two minor females in amongst the thirty one available concubines you'll find in the selection files. You may not ask any sexual favors of either of them. They are both off limits to you, as far as you asking them for any sexual favors. Kathy, the thirteen year old, might offer to perform oral sex on you. If she does, it is permissible for you to accept her offer. She is thirteen years old, and has that right. Her sister, Lee, is only twelve years old. You aren't allowed any sexual activities at all with her, not even if she volunteers them to you. It is permissible for you to ask both girls to remove their cover garment however. If you need me for anything else, press this button. It will buzz me in my office."
After Karen left, Thomas sat in front of the screen and tried to make himself be calm. What he was planning to do was far outside any previous parameter's he'd lived his life by. Hell, even trying to hold a conversation with a female had been outside those parameter's until today. Girls had talked to him, many times, usually the ones trying to be as kind as they could to the poor cripple they thought him to be. They were right too. He had been a cripple, and not just physically either. The years had taken quite a toll on his emotions as well. He'd closed off any social ambitions he'd ever found himself hoping for, seeing them as pure fantasy, rather than anything that might possibly become reality one day.
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Saturday, July 3, 1976 The nurse stepping into the room awakens me, I must have heard her open the door. It is the same nurse I met when I awoke from my coma. I was relieved to see her, but also slightly disappointed that it wasn’t Eve. The nurse stepped to the side of my bed. I read her nametag, and it read ‘Shirly Maxwell RN’ now I had a name to go with the face. I greeted her by saying, “I missed you yesterday.” “Oh, wow! It was my day off; I’ll be here throughout the holiday weekend....
Four hours by plane and another three by limo. That's how long it took to reach the estate of Cormac Johnson, billionaire, tech-guru, and charming businessman. The estate, out in the middle of the mountains of Coloardo, was as close as you could get to isolated without leaving the country to some obscure island in the middle of the Pacific, or the far northern reaches of the arctic, where the summers were cold and the winters were uninhabitable. John Doe was more than exhausted after the trip,...
Damn - that the first thought that came into Trey's mind as his daughter introduced her new friend. Trey was a lonely divorced man; he hadn't had a good fuck in years. Sure, he had a few one night stands but they weren't good enough to satisfy him. Every night he dreamed about fucking the brains out of a hot, young girl, whose pussy was tight as hell. This girl was hot - she had long black hair, beautiful big green eyes, seductive smile, tanned skin (Trey thought she could have been a Latina),...
First TimeSissy Dick Johnson by Throne He was really annoying. Dick Johnson was a wimpy guy. Short, unathletic, with his brown hair falling over his forehead and ears. At 21 he had no significant experience with females. And he was smitten with Angel Giovanni. She was stunning. Short and buxom, with her jet-black locks streaming halfway down her back. At 24 she had confidence born of being a sex bomb. And she was irritated by Dick Johnson. Since he had moved into her apartment...
Jenny and the JohnsonsIt is fair to say that the tale of Jenny and the Johnsons is a little unusual. It comprises of many different incidents, some of which are brief and others more protracted; most - it will please readers to learn - are filled with wild sexual escapade, which, on occasion, border the realm of the bizarre. Before delving into these events, I will give some background regarding our main character, Jenny Harrington, beginning with a description of her physical appearance. Jenny...
Did you ever hear of the term “Helicopter Mother?” Well, Dara Johnson was exactly that. She basically would watch her son and know what he was doing every minute of the day. She was kind of overbearing with wanting to know the whereabouts of her son.When he was little, she’d take him to the park but instead of parallel playing with other children, she’d be right behind him like his shadow. She’d encourage him to make friends but would help him so he wouldn’t fail.She was always in the PTA...
MILFIt has been a month since I started my relationship with Sara Johnson. She makes me feel so good, so alive. She has taught me so many things. I to kiss, touch and make love to another woman. Her daughter Kelly, my best friend, has no idea. I believe her husband knows, after all it was with him that I had my first time with her. He seemed to have his hands all over me too. He was a dark, handsome man and I did not mind the thought of having him fuck me once again. So, I didn’t take it badly...
AnalMy name is Todd Johnson. My story begins when my mom married a guy from another part of the state and we were lifted from our low income housing and settled in my white step-father's home in another town. They met through an online dating service and 'Bazinga' two years later I'm sitting in this nice house in a very white neighborhood. I was pissed that we moved. I was going to be the starting quarterback on the high school varsity team my sophomore year. Now I would have to start all over at a...
InterracialLisa Johnson was glad that the school year was coming to an end. Her students had been good but in her personal life had fallen apart. Her husband of twenty years announced that he was no longer in love with her and walked out the door but before he did he told her that she was as sexual as an amoeba and that he had found a woman that actual enjoyed sex.It was devastating to say the least! At first she denied that any of it could have been her fault but then she thought about it and could not...
"Hello, is this Howdy?" the soft feminine voice on the phone asked. "Well, I guess that depends on who is asking," I replied in a slightly flirtatious tone. Veronica, my wife of over thirty years had only been gone a few days. The annual month long ski tour from Heavenly to several Colorado stops to Jackson Hole was under way without me this year. A nagging running injury had made me reconsider joining my wife and her two female cousins this time around. The only down side I could see by not...
HardcoreDid you ever hear of the term “Helicopter Mother?” Well, Dara Johnson was exactly that. She basically would watch her son and know what he was doing every minute of the day. She was kind of overbearing with wanting to know the whereabouts of her son. When he was little, she’d take him to the park but instead of parallel playing with other children, she’d be right behind him like his shadow. She’d encourage him to make friends but would help him so he wouldn’t fail. She was always in the PTA...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson Part 2 By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Introduction Welcome back to the story of my adventures with the wonder-drug 'Re- juve'. In case you don't know, it was a brand-new therapy designed to rejuvenate old people. What it actually did was to regress men down to the age of adolescents while turning women into the dominant, masculine gender. I don't think that's what any of us expected when we started on all this but that's what happened. My name...
At Samuel Ezra Xander University, a small, private, liberal arts college on the east coast there are several options for freshman living. One of these options is the Johnson Complex, and it’s considered the best place a freshman could live. Twelve buildings, Forty-Eight students per building, a lounge, every room has AC, and it’s in a great location on campus. Due to a scheduling mishap, however, one of the buildings is even better to live in than expected. They accidentally put only one...
I had sex with Amy Jo Johnson on the set of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers while she was playing Kimberly Hart... the pink ranger. I once told her I wanted to eat her out. She replied by saying...We arranged to meet up in her dressing room. She was wearing the outfit you see in the photos below...When I arrived there, I saw her wearing the same outfit including the tight pink shorts. Keep in mind Amy Jo in only 5'2 tall. I slid my hand down the front of her shorts and under her panties. I started...
I had sex with Amy Jo Johnson on the set of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers while she was playing Kimberly Hart... the pink ranger. I once told her I wanted to eat her out. She replied by saying...We arranged to meet up in her dressing room. She was wearing the outfit you see in the photos below...When I arrived there, I saw her wearing the same outfit including the tight pink shorts. Keep in mind Amy Jo in only 5'2 tall. I slid my hand down the front of her shorts and under her panties. I started...
First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Mable. I have lived on our street for a long time and I like to keep a close eye on things. My husband, Walter, wrongly accuses me of being too nosy. I am curious, not nosy, and there is a difference. I do admit, sometimes I get a little tingly in my lady parts when I watch my neighbors. And underneath my proper floral dress with coordinating cardigan, I like to rub my swollen little hot button. I remember when I first spied Elizabeth out my window....
VoyeurMy name is Johnson Swappe. My name has always been a bit of a joke with friends. They call me dickhead, penis, or just Long Johnson. To make matters worse (or better, depending on the day), I have a very large cock. I have never measured it, but my friends, who have definitely peaked in thy gym showers, say it is about a foot long. I take them at their word. Besides a few friends, male and female, I belong to a pretty tight knight family. My mother (Jenny) is a short, roundish woman, with large...
IncestThe first girl I ever masturbated to was Amy Jo Johnson on The Power Rangers.She had the most amazing butt and amazing legs I had ever seen. I remember the very first image I masturbated to ever in life was of her wearing these tight pink spandex shortsThis was the first image were I realized that I wanted to put my mouth on her vagina. That was a thought I never had before. I began to wonder... did Amy shave her pubic hair? Did she wax it all off? How tight was her vagina? Or did she trim it?...
Every night I was in the bathroom stroking my dick slowly like Mr. Johnson showed me. I was able to last a little more each time. I was happy I lasted as long as I did and wanted to tell him.Mom was going to work tomorrow and I was excited about going back to his house. After school I went straight to Mr. Johnson's. He smiled when he opened the door and said to come in. He asked me if I played with it while I was home, I said yes every night. Good he said. Why don't you take everything off and...
It has been a couple of days, and mom had to go to work. She kissed me goodbye. I went to school and she headed to her job. When school ended I went straight to Mr. Johnson. He answered the door and asked me what I needed, thinking he forgot about what he said I asked if he could help me with my math since mom was at work. He said sure come on in. He guided me to the dining table and I took out the math book and notebook. We worked on it for about thirty minutes and he asked if I needed a...
It was our last full day in Vegas, the teachers conference was really informative, and I did a lot of networking. Bonnie, (Ms. Johnson) and I, attended a seminar the last morning, I noticed that Bonnie was sitting quite close to a teacher from a district 150 miles from where we teach. The seminar was about "dynamic classrooms" and the teacher giving the presentation wasn't half bad looking. After the seminar ended Bonnie came to me with her teacher friend in tow and asked if I wanted to go with...
“Lola, do you want to marry me?” I was shocked. I was lying on Dave’s bed and he kneeled in front of me, holding my hands. I did not know what to say. I am a 21 year old student who lives in Japan and comes to the US every year for summer holiday. I can’t just get married to my summer lover! “Dave, Dave… I don’t know what to say.” I saw unspeakable pain in his eyes. He cast his eyes down, and let my hands go. I took a deep breath and sat up on the bed. I felt another gush of cum oozing out of...
TabooNow that the Church of Divine Intervention had their official status as a Non-profit Religious entity confirmed, They began to unofficially incorporate the Hatfield sister’s moonshine operation into their regular distribution network and more often than not when they gave out the bibles there was a couple of bottles of home-grown hooch in the box as well. The Hatfield sisters began to dress all in white to give a spot of color to their Sunday services and they started to accept a few of the...
The cook served me breakfast and said that she and the other staff would leave at 9 but be back tomorrow at 5. I thanked her and she said, “You and your sisters are very close. It’s good that you can be as intimate with each other as I saw the other morning.” Alarm bells went off in my head, thinking where this conversation was going. “I was as close to my two brothers,” she said, “and wouldn’t change a thing. I love them both. We still get together when their in the country.” She took my...
Introduction: Charlie goes on vacation with Alison and Mr. Johnson, and Josh. Heres another part to Charlie and Mr. Johnsons adventures ,) like before, feel free to rate, review and PM me suggestions. It had been almost two months since Michael and I had had sex. We had continued having wonderful sex at least twice a week since then. Sneaking around Alison and doing it whatever chance we got. It was extremely exciting, and he was my first love. My crush had completely gone from being a mere...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
We open with a mini-montage of the architecture and beauty of the historic city of Cambridge. Universities, churches, museums, old houses ... We see a couple being taken for a romantic trip along the River Cam on a punt. There’s lots of people about, and it’s a beautiful sunny day (observant viewers may note that this establishing footage was taken from an old episode of Antiques Road Show). It’s a beautiful city. Then we slam cut to the inside of a large concrete and steel barn – where we...
Friday, November 5, 1976 I remember bits and pieces. Like little flashes. They’re not real. Or was I insane? I not sure which. I died, I died and died and died. Each death was more horrible and painful than the last. Each made less sense. I was unable to recall how many times my death occurred. Suffice to say I was dead. I took it as a fact; I was dead, I wasn’t in Heaven, nor with The Guardians. Where were they anyway? Weren’t they supposed to protect me? They gave me a mission. I can’t...
The Holidays with Mrs. JohnsonWell its December again and the holidays are here with people doing plenty of shopping this year along with lots of parties to go too. But my story and its beginning is about one party which was extra special for me during this holiday season. I got an invite to go to a party near the college which I attend and it was about 9 days before Christmas. Dressing nice and going over to the party and finding it to be an old house, very big and I do mean a big house...
Monday, November 8, 1976 “Michael, I am going to discharge you this morning, all of your test results have come back negative, there are no traces of toxins in your blood. You have active antibodies for the many diseases you were afflicted with. I am amazed by your recovery. I have honestly never seen anything like it. I talked to Dr. Albright about your case and your earlier hospital stay, he told me about your previous remarkable recovery. So, I think holding you any longer would be...
Friday, July 2, 1976 I woke up just in time to see Eve enter the room with my breakfast. “Good morning Michael,” she said with a smile. “Good morning, Eve. Is that my breakfast?” I asked as she placed it on the rollaway table. It consists of unappealing plain yogurt and apple juice. I looked at it. I am not impressed by the doctor’s idea for my dietary needs. “This food will be the death of me,” I jokingly say. Eve has a horrified look on her face. “Oh, please don’t say that. It’s bad...
Saturday, July 10, 1976 I woke up early, the sun was just rising on the horizon. I dressed for my morning run, and I decided to tempt fate by running at the park once again. I also decided to up my run this morning to three miles instead of two. I didn’t feel that it was much more difficult, but I didn’t want to push too hard too soon. I did my usual cool-down exercises and went back to the hotel. Today I decided I was going to enjoy myself. I got back to the suite, took my shower, and...
Winter Term, 1977 Monday morning, school was back in session. The Christmas Break was over. I needed a vacation from my vacation. The uproar surrounding my pending lawsuit had quieted down. There weren’t any reporters screaming out questions or taking photographs around the school or trying to talk to me. Everyone close to me was curious as to how much I was going to receive from my lawsuit. I told them I was not sure. Finals were a week away, I had yet to hear from the school concerning if...
Oh my G, I can’t wait to tell you what just happened at the Johnson’s house. Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself, let me calm down. Okay, here goes. My name is Briana and I am seventeen years old. I have long blond hair and sharp blue eyes. My friends all tell me I’m pretty, but they would say that, wouldn’t they? Anyway, I am 5’3 with 32b breasts, a flat, toned belly and shaven crotch. I am very into my sports so I keep quite athletic and I am a member of the cheerleading squad in school. My...
Group SexThe situation had gotten worse that morning for Jake Johnson; it was evident by the way he sprint across the branches of the jungle, the agitated breathing and droplets of sweat over his nervous face that made clear something didn't quite went as he had planned. As sounds of gunshot became louder it was time to think on a better alternative to lose the goons that have been tracking him, he couldn't go running forever, and surrendering wasn't an option after he had seen how these guys...
I was 18 years old and while listening to the radio this ad came up and said if you're the lucky caller you'll be on an episode of Youtube's Teens React and I knew my crush Lia Marie Johnson is on that show so I have to try to win this contest. I called after alot of other teens called in and lucky enough I won! I was so happy because I knew I was on my way to meet my crush i had to fly out to San Diego to do the episode. My plane finally landed. After that I went to my hotel and got ready to...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
*Author’s Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. ***** Chapter 1 ‘I seen you, oh God, where was that?’ the hostess of the Casa Ole restaurant said to Bobby Elswell as he and his sister Valerie Elswell waited to be seated. ‘The Prejean Hour,’ Valerie suggested. ‘Yeah, yeah, that’s it!’ the girl said, excited to be speaking with a celebrity. ‘You was, oh God, what was it?’ ‘I’m the owner slash operator of Parasols magazine,’ Bobby said...
“I can’t believe you.You’re such whore. My mom and my dad? Really? I can’t believe you’d fuck them, they’re my parents. You’re meant to be my best friend.” I was reckless, I sneaked a kiss from Sara and Kelly walked in on us. She saw us kissing, she saw my hand up her mum’s skirt. She could see what was going on and was not happy. After all, I had lost my lesbian virginity to her. We were sitting on her bed in her bedroom. She looked close to tears. It’s not as if we were exclusive lovers, we...
LesbianGoddamn George Bush anyway Janice thought as she pulled up in front of the address that her friend Joan had given her. Just when she and Tom were finally getting their financial act together Bush had to activate Tom's reserve unit and ship him to some god-awful place in case we have to fight Saddam Hussein. All well and good for making Bush look tough, but not good for the Johnson's who now didn't have enough money coming in. She hoped that she could land the job that Joan had told her...