EllenChapter 15 Lord Lambert
- 3 years ago
- 41
- 0
*Author’s Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.
Chapter 1
‘I seen you, oh God, where was that?’ the hostess of the Casa Ole restaurant said to Bobby Elswell as he and his sister Valerie Elswell waited to be seated.
‘The Prejean Hour,’ Valerie suggested.
‘Yeah, yeah, that’s it!’ the girl said, excited to be speaking with a celebrity. ‘You was, oh God, what was it?’
‘I’m the owner slash operator of Parasols magazine,’ Bobby said and pulled out a business card and offered it to the attractive girl.
The hostess recoiled, as if taking the offered card would somehow taint her.
‘No shit?’ a man behind them said.
Bobby turned and smiled at the older man.
‘No shit,’ he said and offered the man the card.
‘Damn, man, what’s it like, huh?’ the man asked, quickly taking the card before Bobby could change his mind, and before his wife could snatch the card away. ‘I Mean, being around all those gorgeous women all the time?’
‘You tell me, you’re standing right next to one,’ Bobby smiled and the man’s wife gave Bobby a grudging smile.
The hostess saw a table finally ready for seating and led Bobby and Valerie to the table.
‘Monique will be your server,’ she said, thrusting the menus at them, trying to beat a hasty retreat.
‘You tell me, you’re standing right next to one,’ Valerie imitated her brother’s voice, teasing him.
Bobby smiled at his older sister and softly kicked her leg under the table.
‘Ola,’ a chubby girl smiled as she put down a bowl of corn chips and a small bowl of salsa. ‘Get you
Something to drink?’
‘Margarita, frozen, no salt,’ Valerie ordered.
‘Agua, please,’ Bobby said. ‘I’m driving.’
‘We got a twelve ounce, a sixteen…’ Monique said.
‘Twenty ounce, thought I said that,’ Valerie said.
‘No, you said ‘no salt,’ not how big,’ Bobby corrected.
While they waited for Monique to return with Valerie’s drink, both brother and sister swept an eye around the restaurant. The dinner rush was dying down, it was already eight thirty on a Wednesday evening.
Valerie was an attractive brunette, twenty six years of age. Her long brown hair hung down in waves, framing her square face perfectly. Her brown eyes danced with merriment, a little mischief as she saw a couple of teenaged boys, obviously out on a double date with two girls.
The girls were busily texting, ignoring the two boys.
The five foot six inch woman waited until she was sure she had the boys’ attention and spread her legs, raising the hem of her short pleated skirt. Both young men gawked as they saw a neatly trimmed triangle of brown fur and slightly moist pussy lips. She licked her red lips
Suggestively, then put a red manicured nail to her mouth and smiled.
‘Stop that,’ Bobby smiled. ‘You keep showing it for free, they’ll never buy the magazine.’
She dropped the hem when Monique put her drink down. She made sure, though, to lean forward, showing her thirty five D breasts, capped with light brown nipples to the boys, and now their agitated dates as she took a big gulp of her drink.
‘You know what you want?’ Monique asked.
‘Number five, beef, please,’ Bobby said.
‘Number seventeen, chicken, please,’ Valerie said.
‘Twins,’ Bobby said as Monique walked away.
‘Huh?’ Valerie said, looking around.
‘We’ve never had any twins,’ Bobby said.
‘Oh yeah,’ Valerie said, looking at the twin brunettes that were scraping the last of their meals into their mouths while their bored looking dates. Both men had already finished their meals and were just waiting for the twins to hurry up.
‘Be right back,’ Valerie said and grabbed her purse.
‘Hi, I’m Valerie Elswell,’ she said as she approached the table.
‘There be anything else?’ Stephanie Hebert asked as she held the table’s check in her hand.
‘Hey, Stephanie, how you doing?’ Valerie asked the twenty year old waitress and May issue’s cover girl.
‘God, you don’t want to know,’ Stephanie forced a smile to her face.
‘Actually, yes I do,’ Valerie said and pushed a business card into Stephanie’s hand. ‘Cell’s on the back. Please, give me a call. I’m serious.’
Then she turned her attention to the two girls at the table.
The girls didn’t promise anything, but Valerie, as Editor In Chief of Parasols magazine, could read the interest in their eyes. As she sauntered back to their table, her
Eyes constantly looking for any other attractive female or male candidates.
‘Food’s here,’ Bobby said needlessly.
‘Really? Is that what that is?’ Valerie said sarcastically.
‘I don’t know why I even tolerate you,’ Bobby said.
‘Yeah you do,’ she smiled as she playfully stepped on his foot. ‘I’m the best Editor in chief you’ve Ever had, I’m the finest piece of ass your magazine’s ever seen, and I’m your big sister and I’ll beat you up if you’re not nice to me.’
The friendly little wave one of the twins gave to Valerie as they left the restaurant told Valerie that they’d be hearing from the attractive girls.
In the queue behind the swinging doors, Monique looked over at Stephanie. For some reason, the woman at table five had gone over to table eleven and had given Stephanie a Card.
True, Stephanie was pretty, with nice, round breasts and tight looking backside, long brown hair and night brown, almost golden eyes. She had a smile that seemed nasty, seductive. Even Billy, the manager seemed to favor Stephanie, even though most of the other waitresses had been working at Casa Ole longer.
‘Why that lady give you her card?’ Monique finally demanded.
‘Huh? Oh, Valerie?’ Stephanie asked as she waited for her two shrimp tostadas to be prepared.
Stephanie thought quickly. She had posed for Parasols magazine, posed with her belly sticking out at eight months pregnant.
Valerie had offered Stephanie a thousand dollars for the four hour photo shoot, and because Stephanie had been the cover girl, she’d been given another thousand dollars.
At the time, that two thousand dollars had been a very welcome windfall. Her roommate and former best friend was getting married and moving out, Stephanie’s mother had let Stephanie know, under no circumstances, was she moving back home, pregnant or not, and her manager at Super One Foods had reduced her hours to under twenty hours a week. Pulling twelve to seventeen hours a week, Stephanie wasn’t even eligible for insurance.
‘What the fuck, Patrick?’ Stephanie had screeched at Patrick Gernaud, the manager of Super One Foods grocery store when he cut her hours to just seven hours for the week.
‘Hey, sorry,’ the man smirked.
He’d asked Stephanie out several times, even offered her a place to stay when he’d heard about her roommate, Wanda Eckles moving out.
Stephanie had let the forty seven year old, five foot five, three hundred and twelve pound balding man know that she had no interest in sleeping with him. When her belly began to stick out, he redoubled his efforts to entice, ensnare the unmarried, pregnant beauty.
Failing that, Patrick decided he’d make Stephanie desperate, or make her quit. Stephanie had opted to quit.
But now, standing at the queue, Stephanie had no desire to let the obviously jealous Monique know, or let any of the numerous male coworkers that constantly berated, harassed her know that she had posed nude for a magazine.
‘She was my next door neighbor, real sweet woman,’ Stephanie said. ‘Hadn’t seen her in a while, she didn’t even know I was working here.’
‘Oh,’ Monique said, having no way to verify or deny Stephanie’s claim.
Stephanie grabbed her shrimp tostadas and swept the floor with her eyes before proceeding.
Yesterday, a couple in Denise’s se
ction had let their three year old boy run wild through the restaurant, making no effort to control the child. The four waitresses had complained to Billy Theriot, but the spineless manager had not gone to speak to the parents. Stephanie had a tray laden down with four plates when the ill-behaved child plowed right into her. Of course, the child cried, the food went everywhere, and the parents threatened to sue Casa Ole, the manager, Stephanie.
‘Ma’am?’ a well-dressed young man had said, getting to his feet and helping the still stunned Stephanie to her feet. ‘If these ill-behaved parents, who obviously have no sense and shouldn’t be allowed out in public even think about suing you, give me a call, huh?’
The man pressed his business card into Stephanie’s hand and sneered at the parents.
‘My companion has the entire thing on her cell phone and I will be requesting a copy of the restaurant’s security camera footage,’ he sneered. ‘Your child is your responsibility, not ours.’
So Stephanie made sure to look before proceeding with the tray.
‘And here we go, anything else?’ she cheerfully said as she put the plates down.
She hated the red, white and black uniform blouse she was forced to wear, it billowed open, showing off her thirty six C lacy bra. She especially hated the very short black skirt and the high heels she had to wear. She could feel the skirt ride up, exposing the backs of her thighs. Another two inches and the table behind her would see the crotch of her black thong.
‘I asked for another water five minutes ago,’ the woman snapped.
‘I do apologize, I’ll get that right now,’ Stephanie said.
She knew the woman had not asked for water when she’d passed by their table five minutes earlier. But she also knew that arguing with the customer was a sure way to lose the tip. Tips made up the bulk of her pay and with a three month old baby girl at home, Stephanie needed
Every single penny she could get.
She’d asked her mother for help, Asked her mother if she’d baby-sit every now and then while she worked.
‘Oh no, you made this bed? You lie in it,’ her mother had cheerfully said. ‘You’re the one Decided get yourself knocked up? You’re the one decided not to get an abortion? You deal with it.’
Stephanie’s feet ached, her back ached, and her head ached. And this bitch was snapping at her that she’d
Asked for water five minutes ago, when Stephanie knew the woman had not asked for water.
But Kristina Marie Hebert needed formula, and diapers and a roof over her head. Just thinking about the roly-poly little brown haired, brown eyed girl, with her wide toothless smile made Stephanie smile, so she went and got the woman some water.
‘There we are, anything else?’ Stephanie asked.
And even after smiling, and putting up with the surly woman and the lecherous stares down her blouse from the male customer, they neglected to leave her a tip.
Chapter 2
Donald Pellichet, the ‘Pellichet’ of Richards, Pellichet and Jones Law Office smiled as Trevor Williams took a seat in front of his desk.
‘Trevor, I know you’re still kind of new to this legal stuff, so let me see if I can explain it to you,’ the older African American man said.
‘Oh, please do,’ Mr. Pellichet,’ Trevor said. ‘Is there more to it than playing Solitaire on my computer?’
‘When you’re a brand spanking new graduate, trying to see if we’ll take you on as an associate, you’re
Supposed to bring in paying clients. Paying. Not pro bono work,’ Donald said, pushing a few papers toward the young man.
‘Those ass holes,’ Trevor said, reading that Robin and Claire Boudreaux, the couple with the ill-behaved three year old child were proceeding with a legal suit against Casa Ole, Billy Theriot, and Stephanie Hebert.
Trevor explained to Donald what he and his sister had witnessed and Donald smiled as he pushed some more papers toward Trevor.
‘They’re professionals, that’s how they make their living,’ Donald said. ‘They sue people and get them to settle out of court.’
Donald slid some more papers to Trevor.
‘It stops here and now,’ he said. ‘We’re counter-suing for harassment and negligence, go get that girl to hire us as her attorneys.’
‘Do you know…’ Trevor said
. ‘Name’s Stephanie Hebert, twenty years old, lives at eight twelve Bailey Street, apartment three C,
DeGarde. Has a cell phone but we don’t have that number yet, see if you can get it, huh?’Donald said, pushing Richard Boudreaux’s three by five info card toward Trevor.
‘Eye color?’ Trevor joked.
‘A delicious chocolate brown, oh, you meant hers, not mine, I have no idea,’ Donald said.
‘Yes sir,’ Trevor laughed, standing up.
Donald also stood and shook the young lawyer’s hand.
‘Good work, Trevor, good work,’ he assured the young man.
While Donald was ushering Trevor out of his office, Stephanie was trying to hurry through a shower, trying to get ready for another seven hours on her feet, putting up with rude, demanding customers.
She shaved her legs, the uniform pretty much dictated that she couldn’t even skip a day. She did reflect, however quickly, that she was grateful she’d no longer waxed her pussy.
When Greg St. Charles, Kristina’s daddy used to come by, she kept her pussy completely bald for him. He liked them nice and smooth, and according to him, Dianne, his fiancé and now wife would never do that for him.
Well, Stephanie had done that for him. And he still married Dianne anyway. Now, Greg and Dianne lived in a charming little house in Baylor Lake while she lived in a tiny one room apartment.
Greg and Dianne St. Charles had two Persian cats, while she had a baby. A baby that needed constant attention, constant feeding and diaper changing.
At her last check up, the doctor had cleared her for sexual intercourse again and Stephanie had just snorted. She didn’t even have time to masturbate, much less any desire.
Finished with her shower, Stephanie pulled on her bra, found the matching pink thong panties then pulled on her uniform.
Kristina was awake and gave her mother a big toothless smile.
‘You’re Mommy’s sweet girl, yes you are, yes you are,’ Stephanie crooned as she took the girl into her arms.
A knock sounded at the door and Stephanie quickly peeked through the peephole.
Outside, Trevor had almost put his thumb over the peephole, he had thought that funny when he was a teenager. But he did not, reminding himself that this was a young woman, living on her own. He did not need to frighten her.
Inside, Stephanie looked at the handsome young man and frowned. He looked familiar, but she couldn’t place him.
‘Yes?’ she called out through the door.
‘Ms. Hebert? I’m Trevor. Trevor Williams, I’m an attorney?’ he called back. ‘I gave you my
Card when you tripped over that little bast… The child that tripped you? At Casa Ole?’
‘Oh, okay, hang on,’ Stephanie said, then thought about it.
‘How’d you find me?’ she called back, anger creeping into her voice.
‘We have a private investigator, ma’am, I really don’t feel like yelling through a door,’ Trevor called out. ‘If you’d be more comfortable meeting me at say, Jitters?’
‘Like I fucking have time for…’ Stephanie groused, put Kristina in her crib and unlocked and unchained the door.
Sitting at her tiny table, Stephanie filled out the forms, with Trevor’s assistance. She smiled as he made smacking sounds on Kristina.
When he had asked if he could pick the baby up, she had stared at him.
‘Love babies,’ he smiled. ‘She’s what? About two, three months?’
‘Will be three months tomorrow,’ Stephanie said and watched him as he scooped Kristina out of the crib.
‘Oh no! You’re a lawyer?’ Trevor said in a high pitched voice. ‘Mommy, help me!’
‘Yes, but I’m one of the g
ood ones,’ Trevor answered.
‘No, no, there’s no such thing as a good lawyer,’ Trevor said in a high pitched voice.
‘Okay, here, where it says plaintiff?’ Stephanie asked, giggling.
‘You on the fifth page?’ Trevor asked.
‘Uh,’ Stephanie counted through what she’d already filled out. ‘Yeah.’
‘Then that’s you, we’re counter-suing the Boudreauxs,’ Trevor said, then reverted to his high pitched voice. ‘All lawyers are douche bags!’
‘No, no, little girl,’ Trevor answered. ‘It’s ninety nine percent of lawyers that give the rest of us a bad name.’
Stephanie burst out laughing and Trevor grinned at her.
She signed on the seventh page, then went back and initialed the other six pages and tapped them and straightened them before handing the papers back to Trevor.
‘Now, give me my little girl back before you corrupt her,’ Stephanie smiled and Trevor gave Kristina a quick kiss on her forehead before giving her to her mother.
The Haitian woman from next door came to the apartment and glared at Trevor.
‘You the father, eh?’ she snapped in her heavily accented English. ‘Eh? Put a baby in her and No pay nothing, eh? You not a real man. Go on, get out of here, eh?’
‘No, no, Clarisse, this is my lawyer,’ Stephanie called out before the black woman could slap Trevor.
‘Ah! Ah, good that good!’ Clarisse said, smiling now. ‘You find that bum, make him pay eh?’
‘And, here, I forgot to pay you last night, God, I was beat,’ Stephanie said and handed Clarisse some money.
‘Oh, it’s nothing,’ the woman said, stuffing the money into her bra cup. ‘I knew you’d remember, you a good girl. You go, have good night at work, eh? Me and Miss Kristina, we have good time, you don’t worry.’
Trevor politely walked Stephanie down to her car, and then went to his own car. Then he drove back to the office of Richards, Pellichet and Jones.
‘Mr. Williams, not an hour ago,’ Donald mock sighed. ‘Not even an hour ago, I sat right here and
Explained to you how a law firm works. You get paying clients, clients that make us money and we pay our bills. That’s how it works.’
‘Yes sir,’ Trevor said.
‘But is that what you do?’ Donald asked. ‘Noooo, that’s not what you do. You find little girls got
Them a baby daddy ain’t paying his child support.’
‘Sorry sir, I’ll do better next time, ‘Trevor said.
‘I’m sure you won’t, get out of here and get her to fill out the forms for child support,’ Donald said and sipped his green tea.
Chapter 3
Stephanie did smile as she thought of the handsome and amusing lawyer that had stood in her dumpy little apartment and held and rocked and talked with her baby.
She carefully parked her car, and then warily checked around before getting out.
Two of the waitresses and the bus boy were outside, smoking. The bus boy thrust his crotch forward, but the two waitresses ignored her as she entered the restaurant through the kitchen door.
‘Ola,’ the dishwasher greeted her, flexing his sweaty arms for her benefit.
‘Ola,’ she politely agreed, found her time card and clocked in.
‘Uh, Stephanie, I see you for a minute?’ Billy called out and she sighed and went into his small office.
Maybe it was because she’d just had an attorney in her apartment, or maybe she was getting wiser in her old age, but Stephanie made Billy write out a letter, stating why he was terminating her. Then she clocked out and made him sign her time card so he couldn’t stiff her the twenty seven hours and twelve minutes she had coming to her.
‘Hey, he, you leaving?’ the dishwasher asked.
‘Yeah, ass hole fired me,’ Stephanie angrily said.
‘Uh, hey, you uh, you ever need anything, huh? You just come see me, huh?’ he crooned and Stephanie nodded her head curtly and left the restaurant.
Trevor looked at his cell phone and answered it.
‘I just got fired because them ass holes are suing the restaurant,’ Stephanie said when he answered.
‘You’re not going to like this,’ Trevor couldn’t help but smile as he stood outside of Donald Pellichet’s office.
‘Oh, I’m sure I won’t,’ Donald smiled. ‘Are we taking on more charity cases? Hey, Trevor, I tell You what, why don’t I give you my ex-wife’s number? I’m sure she’d be glad to cost this firm some serious money.’
Donald lost his smile when Trevor relayed to him the phone call he’d just received from Stephanie.
‘Okay, we need to set up an expense ledger for her, don’t worry, we’ll charge that against her earnings from this case,’ Donald said and pressed a button on his phone.
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LesbianIt has been a month since I started my relationship with Sara Johnson. She makes me feel so good, so alive. She has taught me so many things. I to kiss, touch and make love to another woman. Her daughter Kelly, my best friend, has no idea. I believe her husband knows, after all it was with him that I had my first time with her. He seemed to have his hands all over me too. He was a dark, handsome man and I did not mind the thought of having him fuck me once again. So, I didn’t take it badly...
AnalIt was a long two week after my little love session with Mr and Mrs Johnson, my best friend’s parents. They made me feel so good, so wanted. I had a great time and loved the feeling of Kelly’s dad fucking me hard. But to tell the truth, what really turned me on was getting touched and played with by Sara, my best friend’s mother.My name is Briana and I am seventeen years old. I have long blond hair and sharp blue eyes. I am very into my body and keep fit through exercise. My best friend Kelly...
LesbianOh my G, I can’t wait to tell you what just happened at the Johnson’s house. Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself, let me calm down. Okay, here goes. My name is Briana and I am seventeen years old. I have long blond hair and sharp blue eyes. My friends all tell me I’m pretty, but they would say that, wouldn’t they? Anyway, I am 5’3 with 32b breasts, a flat, toned belly and shaven crotch. I am very into my sports so I keep quite athletic and I am a member of the cheerleading squad in school. My...
Group SexThis is Amy Jo Johnson. Isn’t she beautiful? She played Kimberly Hart who was the pink ranger on the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. She also started in a few other shows shortly after. She was my first crush. She was also the first girl I ever masturbated to. One of the things I noticed about her when I was in my teens was…Below is a few pics of Amy doing a back flip on power rangers. Notice how big her butt looks and how broad her hips are.Also notice her figure in the pics below... I always...
The Holidays with Mrs. JohnsonWell its December again and the holidays are here with people doing plenty of shopping this year along with lots of parties to go too. But my story and its beginning is about one party which was extra special for me during this holiday season. I got an invite to go to a party near the college which I attend and it was about 9 days before Christmas. Dressing nice and going over to the party and finding it to be an old house, very big and I do mean a big house...
I had sex with Amy Jo Johnson on the set of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers while she was playing Kimberly Hart... the pink ranger. I once told her I wanted to eat her out. She replied by saying...We arranged to meet up in her dressing room. She was wearing the outfit you see in the photos below...When I arrived there, I saw her wearing the same outfit including the tight pink shorts. Keep in mind Amy Jo in only 5'2 tall. I slid my hand down the front of her shorts and under her panties. I started...
My name is Todd Johnson. My story begins when my mom married a guy from another part of the state and we were lifted from our low income housing and settled in my white step-father's home in another town. They met through an online dating service and 'Bazinga' two years later I'm sitting in this nice house in a very white neighborhood. I was pissed that we moved. I was going to be the starting quarterback on the high school varsity team my sophomore year. Now I would have to start all over at a...
InterracialI had sex with Amy Jo Johnson on the set of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers while she was playing Kimberly Hart... the pink ranger. I once told her I wanted to eat her out. She replied by saying...We arranged to meet up in her dressing room. She was wearing the outfit you see in the photos below...When I arrived there, I saw her wearing the same outfit including the tight pink shorts. Keep in mind Amy Jo in only 5'2 tall. I slid my hand down the front of her shorts and under her panties. I started...
The first girl I ever masturbated to was Amy Jo Johnson on The Power Rangers.She had the most amazing butt and amazing legs I had ever seen. I remember the very first image I masturbated to ever in life was of her wearing these tight pink spandex shortsThis was the first image were I realized that I wanted to put my mouth on her vagina. That was a thought I never had before. I began to wonder... did Amy shave her pubic hair? Did she wax it all off? How tight was her vagina? Or did she trim it?...
The characters in this story are above the age of consent for their respective state.Thursday 6:15pmHaley Johnson's frown radiated from her face as she made her way back to the girls locker room. She had finished her softball practice, gotten showered and changed and headed out to the parking lot to meet up with her teammates to discuss the upcoming weekend's tournament. After nearly 45 minutes of gabbing about everything under the sun, everyone broke off and headed to their cars to leave....
Every night I was in the bathroom stroking my dick slowly like Mr. Johnson showed me. I was able to last a little more each time. I was happy I lasted as long as I did and wanted to tell him.Mom was going to work tomorrow and I was excited about going back to his house. After school I went straight to Mr. Johnson's. He smiled when he opened the door and said to come in. He asked me if I played with it while I was home, I said yes every night. Good he said. Why don't you take everything off and...
It has been a couple of days, and mom had to go to work. She kissed me goodbye. I went to school and she headed to her job. When school ended I went straight to Mr. Johnson. He answered the door and asked me what I needed, thinking he forgot about what he said I asked if he could help me with my math since mom was at work. He said sure come on in. He guided me to the dining table and I took out the math book and notebook. We worked on it for about thirty minutes and he asked if I needed a...
Jenny and the JohnsonsIt is fair to say that the tale of Jenny and the Johnsons is a little unusual. It comprises of many different incidents, some of which are brief and others more protracted; most - it will please readers to learn - are filled with wild sexual escapade, which, on occasion, border the realm of the bizarre. Before delving into these events, I will give some background regarding our main character, Jenny Harrington, beginning with a description of her physical appearance. Jenny...
Lisa Johnson was glad that the school year was coming to an end. Her students had been good but in her personal life had fallen apart. Her husband of twenty years announced that he was no longer in love with her and walked out the door but before he did he told her that she was as sexual as an amoeba and that he had found a woman that actual enjoyed sex.It was devastating to say the least! At first she denied that any of it could have been her fault but then she thought about it and could not...
I was 18 years old and while listening to the radio this ad came up and said if you're the lucky caller you'll be on an episode of Youtube's Teens React and I knew my crush Lia Marie Johnson is on that show so I have to try to win this contest. I called after alot of other teens called in and lucky enough I won! I was so happy because I knew I was on my way to meet my crush i had to fly out to San Diego to do the episode. My plane finally landed. After that I went to my hotel and got ready to...
I went to the front desk to make to pay my bill. A guy was standing therewith his 6 year old son.My first thought was, "What an incredible body."My second thought which pushed my first thought out of the way was, "God, Iwould love to suck on that."He was about 5' 10", probably 30+, black wavy hair, outdoor tan, with ahard muscular boy to die for. He was wearing jeans and a form fittingsleeveless light blue t-shirt. He wasn't handsome but his body made up forany visual deficiencies.He was a...
"Hello, is this Howdy?" the soft feminine voice on the phone asked. "Well, I guess that depends on who is asking," I replied in a slightly flirtatious tone. Veronica, my wife of over thirty years had only been gone a few days. The annual month long ski tour from Heavenly to several Colorado stops to Jackson Hole was under way without me this year. A nagging running injury had made me reconsider joining my wife and her two female cousins this time around. The only down side I could see by not...
HardcoreIt was our last full day in Vegas, the teachers conference was really informative, and I did a lot of networking. Bonnie, (Ms. Johnson) and I, attended a seminar the last morning, I noticed that Bonnie was sitting quite close to a teacher from a district 150 miles from where we teach. The seminar was about "dynamic classrooms" and the teacher giving the presentation wasn't half bad looking. After the seminar ended Bonnie came to me with her teacher friend in tow and asked if I wanted to go with...
When Shawn entered the locker room, she was all by herself. Most of the team had already left for their quarters and only she and Nastia had stayed behind to make sure every move would be perfect for the competition the next day. Nastia still wasn’t satisfied, but Shawn didn’t want to tire herself out. She went to her locker and took off her leotard and underwear. She grabbed what she needed from the locker and headed for the shower.At first she just stood there, enjoying the feeling of warm...
NettieShe was so beautiful and so young.The power she had over me was immediate and irresistible. I tried to avert my attention, but she sparkled in the August sunlight. My wife and I were greeting our new neighbors shortly after the moving van pulled away on Friday. They were from Connecticut, an attractive couple with a high-school daughter that was a heavenly vision.It was the coquettish way she delighted in the effect she had on me that let me know she was trouble. At least I should have...
“Lola, do you want to marry me?” I was shocked. I was lying on Dave’s bed and he kneeled in front of me, holding my hands. I did not know what to say. I am a 21 year old student who lives in Japan and comes to the US every year for summer holiday. I can’t just get married to my summer lover! “Dave, Dave… I don’t know what to say.” I saw unspeakable pain in his eyes. He cast his eyes down, and let my hands go. I took a deep breath and sat up on the bed. I felt another gush of cum oozing out of...
TabooThe Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Let Timmy Johnson tell his story in his own words: Introduction Hi Everyone. First off, "Timmy Johnson" is not my real name. So, don't try looking me up in any catalogues or registers. When I was born, too long ago to think about now, my loving parents named me; Timothy Andrew Johnson. But, for some reason, ever since all those changes, they call me Timmy. I suppose, after all these years, I'm okay with that. ...
Miss Johnson's Halloween If you had an aerial view of the small town of Benson Corners this Halloween, you would see many costumed youngsters scampering around the neighborhoods, closely watched over by their parents and other chaperones. Most of this throng seemed to be headed toward a quaint Victorian style cottage, home of Miss Johnson, everyone's favorite second grade teacher. The kids knew she would have great treats for them, but they also enjoyed how scary she became, just for...
The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson Part 2 By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Introduction Welcome back to the story of my adventures with the wonder-drug 'Re- juve'. In case you don't know, it was a brand-new therapy designed to rejuvenate old people. What it actually did was to regress men down to the age of adolescents while turning women into the dominant, masculine gender. I don't think that's what any of us expected when we started on all this but that's what happened. My name...
Damn - that the first thought that came into Trey's mind as his daughter introduced her new friend. Trey was a lonely divorced man; he hadn't had a good fuck in years. Sure, he had a few one night stands but they weren't good enough to satisfy him. Every night he dreamed about fucking the brains out of a hot, young girl, whose pussy was tight as hell. This girl was hot - she had long black hair, beautiful big green eyes, seductive smile, tanned skin (Trey thought she could have been a Latina),...
First TimeIf you enjoyed the first two chapters words of the story, feel free to visit my website at http://stores.lulu.com/jmplays - there you can find the entire 34,000 word novella, and other hot femdom action.The Johnson Family - by James P.Table of Contents Chapter One – The Stage is Set Chapter Two – Femdom Bill of Rights Chapter Three – Controlling Big Brother Chapter Four – Diapering Big Brother Chapter Five – Tightening the Screws Chapter Six – The Doctor and the Turkey Chapter Seven – Femdom...
Miss Johnson Part 2 F/MWhen I was in sixth grade, my teacher, Miss Johnson, would spank me. I felt that it turned around my life and helped me do better in school. Now I am a freshman in college and I am studying to become an accountant. My grades currently aren't so good, and I seem to have trouble concentrating. So on spring break, I went back to the old school and had Miss Johnson spank me again. Before I left the old school, we set it up where I would go to Miss Johnson's home every...
SpankingMiss Johnson FF/M By [email protected] I look back at my early education, one teacher who met a lot to me was Miss Johnson. She taught my sixth grade class, and she helped me get serious about my education. Up until that time, school to me was just something you had to sit through. Until I had Miss Johnson as a teacher, I didn't do my homework, and I didn't pay attention in class.When and where I went to school, corporal punishment was allowed. All of the teachers had a paddle that hung...
SpankingMiss Johnson P 3 Sue F/MI had first met Sue under some very embarrassing conditions. I'm in my first year of college and I had driven an hour to visit my old sixth grade teacher. She had agreed to spank me to help me improve my grades and concentration in college. I was completely naked and bent over her desk for my spanking. Sue arrived in the middle of my spanking, and my old teacher also allowed Sue to spank me. Also, I found out that Sue attended the same college that I was...
SpankingSissy Dick Johnson by Throne He was really annoying. Dick Johnson was a wimpy guy. Short, unathletic, with his brown hair falling over his forehead and ears. At 21 he had no significant experience with females. And he was smitten with Angel Giovanni. She was stunning. Short and buxom, with her jet-black locks streaming halfway down her back. At 24 she had confidence born of being a sex bomb. And she was irritated by Dick Johnson. Since he had moved into her apartment...
The food at the state home was awful and a long cry from the spread that Mrs. B and the girls prepared every night. The bed was hard, and instead of one room mate, I had five. The showers were far from being private. In the showers, there were dozens of shower heads coming out of the wall. At night, dozens of guys of all ages lined up and showered. Showers were always an adventure. Luckily, due to my size, I never had a problem. However, some of the smaller built guys were bullied by the...
Football had ended three weeks earlier. Since there was no practice, my afternoons had been filled with studying and helping Mrs. Johnson decorate for Christmas. We had put up the tree, but was waiting until Samantha, the Johnson’s daughter, to come home from college before we placed the lights and ornaments on it. We had decorated around the house, inside and out. At night the house glowed with red, green and blue lights. I had never had a real Christmas. Most of the homes,I was in, made...
Tasha was an all-around athlete. Her father had been transferred to the power plant that sat on the outside of town. He was an engineer and worked long hours. Her mother had passed away from cancer three years prior to her moving to our town, so it was just her and her dad. She had been an all-district hitter and outfielder in softball. She also ran cross country and soccer. She was eagerly welcomed to each of the respective teams at our school. She instantly moved up to be one of the most...
We arrived at the Family Services office around 9 am. My deposition was scheduled for 9:30 but we had left early in case of traffic. We walked into the office and Mrs. Johnson informed the receptionist what we were there for, and we sat down. After we were there fifteen minutes or so, Mrs. Rich appeared. She invited us back to her office. When we walked in, her desk was stacked with folders. She cleared out a place for us to sit, and she moved behind her desk. She explained what was going...
I, Oliver Tress, considered myself to be a good lover and she agreed. Nevertheless; she had had numerous affairs and she had left me several times for other guys. She eventually would grow tired of them or the other way around and she would return to me begging for forgiveness and I would always take her back. Why did I take her back? Because in bed; she could bat your balls right out of the park. You know what I mean. Gina loved to drink and party. It didn't take much booze to really get...
I, Oliver Tress, considered myself to be a good lover and she agreed. Nevertheless; she had had numerous affairs and she had left me several times for other guys. She eventually would grow tired of them or the other way around and she would return to me begging for forgiveness and I would always take her back. Why did I take her back? Because in bed; she could bat your balls right out of the park. You know what I mean. Gina loved to drink and party. It didn't take much booze to really get...
Thomas Klingman left the Confederacy CAP testing center walking with his usual shuffling gait, with his head pointed down towards the cement walkway. He was five foot four, and had been born with a spinal condition that had left him somewhat stooped over and caused him to have severely rounded shoulders. He'd also been born with a condition known as cleft lip and palate, and also had a congenitally weakened right arm and leg. If all that hadn't been burden enough for him to carry, he'd had...
Foreword: This is a series of short, to longer stories, that will cover twenty or so years of the life of Bobby Dalton, a young man who, while he grew up in a way that might seem foreign to those of us in this day and age, wasn’t at all bizarre in his own day and age. Life was both more simple, and much more complex back then, than it is nowadays. His story starts when he was two years old. Because of the nature of his experience, the stories will start with relatively short accounts of what...
Finally it was summer. Not just any summer. The summer after my senior year in high school. The summer I, Cassandra Marie Wiles, would be eighteen and start the rest of my life. Graduation was two days in the past. Michelle Curran, my absolutely best friend in the world, and I spent the day together, reminiscing about what our life had been and dreaming of what was to come. I slept over at her house that night, but she got sick, running a fever and throwing up in the middle of the night, so I...
Goddamn George Bush anyway Janice thought as she pulled up in front of the address that her friend Joan had given her. Just when she and Tom were finally getting their financial act together Bush had to activate Tom's reserve unit and ship him to some god-awful place in case we have to fight Saddam Hussein. All well and good for making Bush look tough, but not good for the Johnson's who now didn't have enough money coming in. She hoped that she could land the job that Joan had told her...
It was much like the tricycle in Laugh In, a decidedly non-spectacular accident but enough to break my right leg below the knee. Oh, the acute pain was long since over with, but then, weeks later, I'd been reduced to the chronic malaise of boredom. The doctors--the "orthopods" -- had done a magnificent job of patching me, but it required a couple of operations and a long-leg cast only a little lighter than the Staten Island Ferry. I was mostly confined to a lumpy day bed that'd been set up...
When Karen Evans started working for Johnson Homes, she was married to Gary Evans, who worked for the Great Southern Banks. That was five years ago. Now, Karen was newly divorced. Gary was always so prim and proper. Not a hair was out of place. He would push her away before he left for work so as to not get her lipstick or powder on his clothes. As you might imagine, he was a lousy lover. Karen wanted more out of life, but wasn't quite sure how to go about it. She had never really been in the...