Johnson Johnson Lambert
- 4 years ago
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The countryside looked its best in early May. The fresh green of trees and shrubs was a feast for the eyes, especially eyes that had become accustomed to the soot of the large City. Although Ellen felt a little guilty about it, she could not help feeling true happiness. She sat snuggled against Richard in the open carriage, the spring sun warming them nicely, and the fresh air feeling like champagne to her lungs. Now they passed through the village of Matcham, the people on the streets looking up in surprise at the line of coaches that rattled through the narrow street. Some of the villagers doffed their hats to greet the returning squire in the first coach and Ellen observed the friendly nature of the greetings.
Sitting across from her, Eleanor was in a mood that could only be described as sour. She had begged for almost two weeks to be excluded from the trip to High Matcham, even offering to stay with her grandmother. Lady Cater had been uncompromising. If the budding relationship of Eleanor and Antonio Ruiz could not survive a four-week hiatus, there was not much future in it anyway. As a result Eleanor had been sitting grumbling all the way from London and made it a point to comment sarcastically on the two lovers facing her.
Eleanor’s foul mood bothered Ellen somewhat but she knew something about Lady Carter’s plans that would improve Eleanor’s outlook. Eleanor did not know that her mother had invited the Ruizes to join them as guests and that they had accepted. They would just be a few days behind as Ellen knew and she watched Eleanor’s antics with silent amusement.
When the manor, her childhood home, came into sight, Eleanor’s bad mood vanished considerably. She loved the place and she had to acknowledge that the fields and meadows surrounding the manor beat any London park by a large margin.
They arrived at the gates and were greeted by Nadine and the rest of the staff. She had made the trip a week earlier to get the place ready and the family settled into their home within a few hours. Ellen had her old room again and she noticed that two other guest rooms had also been cleaned and readied. With a smile she wondered when Eleanor would notice.
The young people dressed in riding garb and made a tour of the land on horseback, something to which Ellen had been looking forward. In felt so good to be in the saddle again! Ellen did not have much practice, but she loved horses and was a natural in the saddle, even if not as skilled as Eleanor. Ricky was elated and bounded around the trotting horses. After all, he was less than two years old and bursting with pent up energy. They stopped at the grove where Richard had rescued her a year ago and Ellen rode up to Richard’s mount and squeezed his hand. They looked at each other and and then leant over to kiss each other, but the horses were somewhat irritated and pranced nearly unseating them.
They rode along the river for a mile before turning south to ride the eastern boundary of the estate towards the road. Following the road, they rode past High Matcham and towards Woodbridge Manor. From afar, Richard could already see that the remodelling of the manor had proceeded nicely. The roofs cleaned, the window frames painted in shining white, and the driveway covered with fresh gravel, it looked like a nice place to live. Richard and Ellen decided to inspect the interior as soon as they could get a hold of Mr. Brown.
When they rode past the gatekeeper’s lodge, Ellen noticed a broken pane in the door and showed it to Richard. This looked suspicious. Richard told the young women to back off and to ride for High Matcham at full speed should something happen whilst he inspected. Richard had a double-barrelled percussion pistol in his saddle bag which he pulled out and cocked. The Tremonts had never been accounted for and Richard had decided to go armed whenever he rode his father’s possessions. He approached the door to the lodge cautiously, pistol at the ready.
“Anybody in there, come out, and no harm will come to you!” he hailed.
No direct response came, but he heard the sound of a shutter opening in the back of the lodge and the yell of Eleanor.
“Someone’s running for it, Richard! Here, in the back!”
Remembering to put the pistol on safety, Richard mounted his horse and rode towards where he heard the girl’s horses. He saw a running figure, darting left and right like a fleeing hare, but increasingly boxed in by the girls on their horses. He closed in with them in a few moments and the small figure looked about in despair. Surrounded by three riders on an open field, there was no hope for escape.
The figure was rather small and long brown hair flowed from under the hood it was wearing.
“Stop and make yourself known!” Richard demanded. “I am the son of the squire and you will suffer no harm if your intentions are honest.”
With a gesture of resignation, the figure pulled down the hood, and the three riders looked at a girl. She could not be older than 15 or sixteen years Ellen guessed and she dismounted before her companions could react. She knew intuitively that the girl was frightened and having been in a similar situation, she sympathised. Handing her reins to Eleanor she approached the girl.
“Will you tell me who you are?” she asked in a friendly tone.
The girl looked at her with suspicion and did not answer.
“We need to decide what to do with you, do you understand that? If you don’t tell us about you, we must assume that you broke into the lodge to steal.”
“I’m no thief, indeed not!” the girl protested. “An’ I didn’t break into no lodge. I just came ‘ere yesterday and the lock ‘ad been picked before.”
Ellen nodded patiently.
“So you are no thief. Will you tell me your name then?”
The girl swallowed and looked up.
“Millicent Wade.”
“Fine, Millicent,” Ellen continued whilst Richard and Eleanor watched with interest. “Will you tell me what you are doing here all alone? Where’s your family?”
That brought tears to the girl’s eyes and she had to sniff a few times before she answered.
“Them’s dead. Smallpox got ‘em.”
“So you are all alone now?”
Nod. Sniff.
“Nobody took care of you?”
“Farmer Mills took me in as ‘is maid. I was to milk ‘is cows, but ‘e said I was to milk ‘im too.”
Ellen raised her eyebrows when she understood what the girl had said.
“‘e wanted more, like keep ‘im company at night, but I was afraid and ran off.”
“Have you eaten today?”
The girl’s eyes grew big and she shook her head. Ellen glanced at Richard and he nodded. He would have to ask his parents, but knowing his mother he was sure that they would agree to take in the girl for a few days at least. He rode back to the lodge and inspected it from the inside. Nothing had been broken or taken. On the contrary, the girl obviously had cleaned away the dust. He returned to where Ellen and Eleanor were waiting with the girl. He looked her over; she was not really dirty although a bath would do wonders for her appearance.
“Millicent,” he began, “my father is the squire of High Matcham. I am not sure whether he may want another maidservant, but at the very least I can promise you food and shelter for a few days. Will you come with us? I promise, no milking of any sort,” he added with a smile.
The girl nodded reluctantly, and Ellen led her to Richard’s horse. Richard gave her a lift and Ellen helped her sit behind her fiancé. It was not easy for Ellen to mount without help, but she managed and the three riders returned to High Matcham in a slow trot.
As expected, Lady Carter, after one look at the starved girl, ordered her to be taken care off. It was Nadine who took charge of the efforts, first feeding her in the kitchen and then sending her over to the maids’ quarters to be scrubbed clean and clothed. When Ellen came to see Nadine and check on the girl, she found the latter at work in the kitchen peeling potatoes whilst Nadine gave her instructions and corrected the girl’s speech. Ellen almost laughed, thinking how the girl would soon speak with a French accent if Nadine kept up teaching her ‘proper’ English. She would be safe under Nadine’s care. Nobody on the estate dared to be on the housekeeper’s bad side, not even the Carters.
“Do you feel better now?” Ellen asked, and the girl nodded shyly, her eyes big as saucers. Ellen was already dressed for dinner, and the charcoal dress in combination with a cascade of blonde tresses made for an impressing sight. Ellen caught the look of adoration in the girl’s eyes and smiled at her. Millicent was quite pretty herself she thought. Her waist-long, chestnut coloured hair was still damp from the washing and framed a heart-shaped face with large brown eyes. She was terribly thin though, as revealed by the short-sleeved maid’s dress. Her arms were mere sticks and her hands showed the traces of farm work such as broken nails, barely healed scratches and calluses.
“Don’t work her too hard, Nadine, before she has some flesh back on her bones,” she told Nadine and the older woman nodded.
“I shall keep ‘er in ze kitchen, Miss Ellen. Zat way, she vill not go ‘ungry.”
Ellen smiled at Nadine with affection.
“Will you teach her how to cook? Richard and I will need a cook.”
Nadine was pleased. She took pride in her cooking and Ellen’s question implied appreciation.
“I vill try,” she said ruffling the girls damp hair.
The next two days continued much in the same way. Richard and Ellen enjoyed riding and visited Woodbridge Manor, planning the changes they would need before they could move in. Ellen liked the house already. The idea to live next to Richard’s parents was appealing to her. When they returned on the third day, they saw a coach in the driveway indicating a visitor. Entering the house the footman approached Richard.
“Sir Anthony’s compliments and would you join him in the study, Master Richard?”
Curiously, Richard walked towards the study whilst Ellen went upstairs to change. In the study, Richard found his father and an elderly man whom Richard recognised as Mr. Tremont. The man had aged considerably. Obviously, the worry over his sons must weigh heavily on him Richard thought.
“Ah, there you are, Richard. You know Mr. Tremont of course.”
“Certainly, father! Your servant, Mr. Tremont.”
Tremont bowed in response.
“Mr. Tremont came here to inform me that he has knowledge of the whereabouts of his sons. It seems as if they have made a fresh start in the former colonies, in South Carolina, wasn’t it?”
Mr. Tremont nodded. “They found honest work as caretakers of a tobacco plantation and they describe the opportunities there as very tempting. They will never come back to England, but I would ask you to withdraw the charges against them. I would not have my sons under that cloud. I have a letter here, signed by both of them, in which they ask your forgiveness and express their regret.”
Richard thought only briefly. “If they are honest in their regret, I can forgive them.”
The old man smiled. “I always knew you had a good heart, Master Carter. You see, I will join my sons. I cannot live alone and away from them in my old age. I will sell my property here and move. The yields from the sale should be enough for us to start a new life in the Carolinas.”
“Mr. Tremont has offered to sell the property to me,” Sir Anthony interjected, “and we have come to an agreement. Since you and Ellen will live on the Woodbridge estate, I wanted you to know about this.”
“I will tell my sons that the young lady is your fiancée now. They will write a letter of apology to her,” Mr. Tremont offered.
“That should help to quell any misgivings,” Richard nodded.
“We’ll have our solicitors draw up the contract then,” Sir Anthony offered and the old man shook his hand.
“I regret this whole affair, but perhaps it was meant this way. My lands would have never supported both of my sons. They have a better chance now. I thank you for your time and for your understanding.”
Tremont left and Richard was astonished to see that his father was rubbing his hands.
“You seem to be in good spirits, Father.”
“Oh, but I am,” Sir Anthony confirmed. “Tremont’s house is not much to speak of, but the soils are good and he has quite a lot wooded land. His sawmill is turning in a tidy profit. I shall have a new manor built there as dowry for Eleanor.”
Richard understood. “That will be wonderful! To have her as neighbour would mean a lot to me and to Ellen.”
“It will mean a lot to your mother and me too. Not a word to the women though. This will be our surprise.”
Richard grinned. “Let me know where I can help.”
A day later, whilst the three young people were out riding, Antonio Ruiz and his mother arrived in a coach. Eleanor and Ellen came into the house after the ride and were intercepted by Harriet.
“Eleanor my darling, I would like you to meet somebody in the garden room,” she said winking at Ellen. Ellen grinned whilst she pushed Eleanor towards the back of the house and through the door into the sunlit room. She could hear Eleanor’s squeal of surprise whilst she closed the door from the outside.
She came back an hour later and knocked on the door. There was no answer, but she opened the door anyway, prepared to withdraw immediately. Antonio and Eleanor sat on opposite sides of a table, obviously talking to each other. Ellen would have been fooled had she not noticed that the little bow tie that adorned Eleanor’s blouse had been retied. She smirked causing Eleanor to blush.
“Your mothers ask you to join us for tea,” Ellen grinned.
They both rose uneasily and followed Ellen to the tea room. There was no teasing for them and they soon relaxed. Eleanor gave her mother an accusing glare to which Harriet responded with a smug grin, but soon she found herself in a conversation with Donna Maria.
With Eleanor on cloud nine, the next three weeks were very pleasant indeed. Weather permitting, the young people rode their horses every day, and the exercise in the clean spring air did wonders to their mood. By the end of their stay, Eleanor and Antonio would often ride by themselves. Ellen and Richard could sometimes see them from afar, their horses in a slow trot and deep in discussions.
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Jacquilt and Stephen sat on the bench and watched Kat and Bitsy spread out the blankets and open the picnic baskets, as the men took off their jackets, rolled up their sleeves and started kicking the ball Rav had brought around. Hank felt like crying, he wanted to join in so badly, he started to walk back to the bench, his whole body seemed to shrink in defeat. Rav ran over picked Hank up and tucked him under his arm, laughing "where do you think your going, you can't go sit on the bench,...
***So, … off to Japan. Not to a part that he’d ever really heard of, but one goes where the money is, after all. Valdemar learns first hand what Cor had been talking about regarding becoming known and trusted. In case you need to read it, the characters and placenames in this are fictional. 0_0 —————————- When autumn came, they set off, Valdemar along for the ride to learn the way of things. It would be well into winter by the time that they arrived. His mentor on the trip was the man...
***The last chapter to the strange little tale. Check the tabs again, just sayin’. 0_o ————————- When they left the inn, the wind had turned into a vengeful banshee, moaning and shrieking, driving what fell from the sky hard enough to sting any exposed skin and obscuring everything that was more than perhaps a dozen feet away. The pair rode off together through the howling maelstrom, their heads hung as low as that of their horses, though Matsu could see that Valdemar looked up now and then...
If truth be told I was dreading my return to Marchington Hall, my brother Charles the Fifth Baron Marchington was barely cold in his grave before I found myself dragged from service overseas to oversee his estate, though in truth it was no longer his but mine. He left his dear wife Marjorie, as frigid an ice maiden as ever walked England's hallowed turf, and her mother Deloretha, the perfect model for any artist wishing to depict a witch as ever walked abroad, and with an evil manner to...
I realize that this chapter is short, but I need to move past it to develop the story because it’s been stalling me. Such are the vicissitudes of reading amateur work on the web, I suppose! I hope you all enjoy the feast of 2 chapters after a famine, sorry my disability has been kicking my ass lately! Please vote and remember that I have a comment fetish. * Lilac’s knees and shins burned in agony on the stone floor as she woke, groaning to find herself still in the world and not heaven,...
Heh, thank you, loyal readers, for giving me feedback on my previous piece. To address some of the points people made, since I can't really do it elsewhere (skip to the story if you're not interested): Yes, the first piece was basically plotless. I wrote it because it was a 'fapping piece' and story wasn't really the first thing on my mind. Nevertheless, one has developed, and you get to see a little more of the storyline in this part. I appreciate the ego boost (when I read the...
Mary was much more open with her affection for me after our tryst. Mrs. Bennett seemed also to understand that I was not interested in her older daughter and had attached my affections to the second daughter. Like a good General, she saw what opportunity presented itself and charged into the breach. In short, Jane was no longer pressed forward and Mary was. I noticed Jane looking my way a few times, but that passed as her mother took aim on a recent widower, a prosperous farmer, Mr. Owens,...
That evening I entered the library of the Manor house. It was large, larger even than the Woodhouse library. I assumed that the library was at least 500 years old and perhaps older. I knew from the servants that the previous Lord was a learned man and read much. Of course, with 500 years of learning and reading, he should have been such. Truth be told, I had been drawn to the library not in search of Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom but by Calliope, the Muse of Epic poetry and therefore, of...
My education of the powers of the ring came slowly. For one thing, there were no women about on whom I needed such power. The females on the estate already did my bidding without resort to supernatural power. Gradually, I came to know the local gentry as I was introduced into society. As the estate was worth many thousands of pounds annually, I was immediately of the higher gentry myself. The estate was titled, and I wondered how could I explain the previous master had been born hundreds of...
I kept my appointment two days later. We were sitting in her conservatory during the afternoon. The sun was out this day making the glass shine and the flowers quite radiant. I was about to bite into a biscuit when my hostess asked me, "So, which of the girls do you plan to bed?" I spilled my tea and biscuit all over my vest. She was up and laughing as she helped my wipe off my vest. "Lady Warren," I gasped. "What sort of question is that?" "An honest one, Lord Northam. Simply an...
I pulled on my robe, thoughtfully left out by Bekker while we were sleeping, and headed out into the courtyard, where I was greeted with applause. Enna was seated on one of the couches under the pavilion, grinning at me and clapping her hands. “Y’know, if I hear another performance like that, I’m going to be gettin’ in line, m’lord!” I flushed, embarrassed. Everyone else was already up, Calliope giving me a cool look as she studied her spellbook under the pavilion, Katriana giving me a...
Rosalyn longed for the simple comfort of facing down a hundred screaming barbarians charging at her with swords drawn. Or marching through the Direwood Forest, black as night even at the highest noon, a brigand behind every tree. Anything to avoid spending another minute listening to these selfish old windbags and their small, petty desires. ‘No, absolutely not,’ was her response to the latest scheme. Once again Lord William, Duke of Ambrose, badgered her for more men and resources. A full...
With the same, wickedly sharp blade her clothes are also savagely cut from her, not without a few more nicks over her tender nubile body, which only serve to enhance the sight of her standing there with hands bound behind her, tears streaming, her sobs hard and catching in her throat. With the blade he traces over her soft, trembling breasts and nearly nude mound. Her eyes widen in terror as she watches, afraid to move in her fear, her soft whimpers now sobs as her fear rises, and she begs him...
Hey, new submitter here at Fictionmania, you know the drill. I don't mind other people posting this story to their sites, as long as they don't charge and ask me first. This story contains sexual content. You must be of the legal age relevant to your country of residence to view it. Just remember, Menoth is watching you and he knows if you're bad. Then he sets you on fire. This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any people or places, living or dead, is entirely...
Lord Dagmar’s EstateChapter 1Dress appropriately. That’s what the letter had said. It wasn’t a letter you ignored either. The calligraphic script and the weight of the paper showed you it meant business. No exclamation mark or other intonation was necessary; the whole thing reeked of old school, old money, old power. That was not to say the age behind the power lessened it, it was still as strong today as it had always been, strong, stable and unmovable. A relentless force driving the...
Greetings once more. Welcome to the third part pf my story. While I do appreciate the fact that people have actually bothered to at least post some sort of commentary to my stories so far, I have yet to reach my rather lofty (it would seem) goals in terms of numbers... I'm also keen to actually get some discussion on my work going, but don't really want to start something without actually getting other people to participate in it... AS such, there is a post I put to a forum a while...
The circle was perfect, the pentagram inside it had obsessively straight lines. I'd spent too much time and the risk was too great to make even the slightest mistake. I knew what I was doing, and I knew the risks, and the punishments of failure. I didn't even need the book to recite the incantation, the summoning. The words were ancient and powerful, and nobody knew quite what they meant. But it was obvious what the words did. In front of me the air started to swirl, the atmosphere...
I. Sometimes during the course of history, unforseen events help shape the future of a country that otherwise might have taken longer to happen or never would have occurred at all. Such was the case of a little country called Ruudania, which was nestled in the vast Krumea valley and bordered by the Zaxon and the Mandes Rivers during the 17th century. It was during the year of our Lord, 1683, when this little tale begins. Ruudania was at peace with all its neighboring countries during this...
I would like to thank all of my readers who have been so adamant about wanting this storyline to continue. For those of you who are familiar with my work, you know that I do not write sex stories meant for a quick yank, but rather write a story that has sex in it. If you have read the first 2 parts of this story then you know that this storyline is no different. I am currently working on part 4 of this story and hope to have it up for validation in the next few weeks. Again, thank you all for...
Running, lots and lots of running. Through that hallway. Through this one. Left, right, double right, forwards, back. "Good, lost them for now... " I said. I was on the run. God, I really shouldn't have been a peeking Tom but her tits were hot" I said. Panting after every few words. I was on the run. I have peeked on Rasllon. He was a very important time Lord, resently turned time Lady after dieing in space and being saved by a passing ship. Now the whole of Gallifrey was after me. Peeking,...
The full moon is bright tonight making it easier to see where we are walking as it bathes the rough track at our feet. We have parked back a way and are making our way down the track to the picnic area by the river. Rumor is that this is a place to watch and play.I'm trembling a little, not from cold as its a warm night but in anticipation. I must have slowed as I feel the gentle tug of the leash on my collar, the other end of the leash is wrapped in my Lord's hand as he leads me.Feeling owned...
The Lord of Petty Revenges Anthony was a small man who worked at the DVLA in Swansea processing driving license photo cards using the large machine they had there is churn out the new licenses. He did not have much of a social life, and spent much of the time he was not drinking down the pub with his only friend Bernard (who worked at the local zoo) doing sculpture in his own home. Anthony was a man who took being slighted very seriously and ever since he had been bullied at school...
Your name is Dan, you are currently at high school working to finish up your 3rd year right now. But a few girls discover an artifact with chaotic powers to curse people and do a multitude of things like, changing their clothes, turning them into girls, or even removing their sense of dignity. Little did either of you know, but this Orb would turn you into something much greater than anything this world has ever seen. As you touch the orb, you feel an incredible power start to surge throughout...
BDSM"My text today is from the First Book of Kings Chapter eleven verse thirteen: 'and Solomon had three hundred concubines'." Pastor Tony Grifman paused to let the congregation ponder his chosen text. "Just think, three hundred concubines. Three hundred! What a CAP score Solomon must have had! Do we not read in First Kings 3:9 that Solomon asked God for wisdom and it was granted to him? We can see why Solomon had the CAP score he did, because God granted it to him. Once again the Holy Word of...
As I pondered in Boston, I hit upon a scheme that would help me recover my place in England. It was now many years since I had fled but I had not aged. How could I return to the estate, having aged not but a day or two in appearance? I wrote a letter to the estate informing them that I was sending my son, Jeremy, to the estate to learn of his past. He had lost his mother, my wife, and I wished him to assume his place as my heir designate in the manor. I then took passage to England as my own...
In mid-century, the tensions rose in America over the trade in human chattel, a criminal and ugly trade. Various provocateurs like John Brown committed acts to terrorize the slave holders and convince them to give up their human property. They responded by attacks against the more radical of the abolitionists. Battles raged in many of the territories. The two sides became more and more certain of their own moral superiority, reaching an almost religious certainty, which of course led to...
Hello to all of you out there in internetland. This will likely be the last piece I will ever psot to Fictionmania. To be honest the admins don't answer my e-mails excpet once where they did so with as short a message as was humanly possible to get thier message across, so I'm moving to a different location. When I post any new parts of the story it will now be at the Yahoo! group I have created for that purpose. This will also allow me to respond to comments and criticism from...
You drug ur parent of opposite sex (my mom) and have sex on a pentagram surrounded by five candles while Lucifer the devil watches then you sighn your name in the book of the damnd. Dad says after the rising its all secrets that he can't tell me till after so i have to wait two more days for my rising. Karen has always just wore lingerie and a silk house coat not really covering up her body. But lately she has been showing off more than usual her sheer bra and panties have left nothing to the...
This was no good, no good at all. She entered my life so unexpectedly, so forcefully, so inevitable that after returning home I felt like a ruin. And that’s me, so-called Iron Lord. Yeah me, the one who is barely conscious now, almost in the limit of alcohol toxicity, with another full glass in his hand. Didn’t even know what I was drinking.I betrayed. I betrayed myself, my rules, and my code of honor. How could I make it with a customer?Yet still when I remember the events, I notice there was...
Straight SexTommy Goodfellow had stopped by on his way to Abbotsford on that Tuesday morning to tell us as he knew of my former acquaintance with Lady Ablington I felt a mixture of emotions. Lord Ablington had recently wooed and then married my childhood sweetheart one Miss Amy Merry of whom I remained immensely fond, one could not blame her, Ablington owned most of the village and plenty more besides while my family while not impoverished were some two to three classes lower them in the social...
Copyright© 2005 by Stormbringer "Your wife must really love you," said Tony shaking his head while he brought up files on his computer. George grinned. "I don't know what I did to deserve her." He looked over at the big black man. Tony Daniels was a former pro football player thanks to a busted knee. "Hot babes like Carrie do not belong with a geek like you." "Oh there's more, Tony, but I shouldn't say anything." George picked up the hard plastic Darth Vader mask. He glanced at...