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The offices of Marley Johnson Associates were unremarkable. The street they were in was nothing out of the ordinary; the small English town that surrounded the offices was similar to many other prosperous towns up and down the country. Marley Johnson was a medium size accounting firm. Business was good and as such the well-known local firm had no problem in recruiting local staff. One of those was Rebecca Lord, director of Personnel Recruitment. Rebecca hadn’t gone to university, one of the few in the company who had not. She had started as an admin assistant straight from school and worked her way through the company. Being ambitious she had managed to make herself useful to Mr Charnley, one of the elder statesmen of the company. Having been his secretary she managed to convince him of the need for a Personnel department, run by her of course.

And now here she was, a director of a prestigious company. The road to the top hadn’t been easy. She had trampled on some people and abused the goodwill of others. Some were impressed by her aggressive, go-getting attitude. Others were intimidated by her abrasive manner particularly her subordinates who were often upset by her demanding nature. She had, unbeknown to her, made many enemies. However while old man Charnley was manager of the company she could do no wrong. And she knew it.

Rebecca Lord lay back in her chair and surveyed the large office with a smile. She had everything, at 28 she was Personnel Director of a large, respected, easy-going firm, nice house, nice company car, impressive salary, and even if she said so herself the looks and the brains to go with it. She was single she was in control of her life she was going places.

She leaned over and spoke into the intercom.

?Tanya in here now please?

Tanya Reeves was her secretary just out of school and in Rebecca’s opinion something of a non-entity. Clever though went to the local girls’ Grammar. That was a black mark as far as Rebecca was concerned. She didn’t really like ‘book-clever’ girls. They were usually swots with none of the real-life experience that she herself had accumulated. And any way who wants a clever girl in the office? Usually they were too big for their boots. Could be a rival one day. Rebecca smiled as she remembered requiring the girl to come to her interviews in her smart grammar school uniform. Remembering her embarrassment at having to come to the office in it. Kept her in her place though.

A knock at the door


?You wanted me Rebecca??

Rebecca looked up as Tanya entered. Whilst not exactly fat Tanya could well be described as buxom. She was quite tall and well developed. She had jet- black hair and brown eyes.

?Yes Tanya as you are aware head office is about to land us with some sort of management whiz-kid to replace old Mr Charnley. Therefore I need the work I left you typed, copied and left on my desk by 9.00am tomorrow morning. In triplicate.?

?But Rebecca I..I will never finish all that by 5.30 ?


?Well I’ve got to meet someone tonight.?

To be honest Tanya that’s not my problem. What I want is that work on my desk before you leave tonight, do you understand??

?Y.Yes Rebecca?

Spineless wimp thought Rebecca any way who on earth would be interested in you?

?In fact for your cheek young lady I would like my office to be thoroughly tidied before you go as well, understood??

?Yes Rebecca, sorry Rebecca.?

Idly Rebecca imagined taking the submissive girl across her own stocking clad knees, raising her skirt and spanking the insolence out of her. Maybe that pleasure lay in the future. Being fairly small herself, a little over five feet and one inch, she preferred her subordinates to be bigger than herself. It gave her a strange feeling of pleasure ordering them around.

Also her assistant’s taste in clothes and her general appearance was irritating Rebecca. Why did she have to dress in such a frumpy way? Why were her choices of colours so dull?

?Oh and Tanya, try and smarten yourself up tomorrow for God’s sake. Let’s try and make an impression on the new boy.?

?Yes, I’ll try Rebecca.? Said the girl blushing.

?Try hard Tanya because if you are as dowdy tomorrow as you are today then I’ll send you home to change into your old school uniform. Do you still have it hung in your wardrobe.?

?Y..Yes Rebecca.?

?Would you like that? Having to work in the office in your school uniform? Now that would make an impression on our new director.?

? Rebecca?

?Smarten yourself up then! Look at me at least I make the effort.?

Her thick designer-cut brunette hair tumbled over her shoulders, she wore an expensive grey pinstripe suit with a short skirt, sheer black stockings and 3 inch red heels. Of course her make-up was perfect. She liked to make an impression. That was part of her job as she saw it. She aimed to intimidate and titillate the men she met in business. That policy had worked very well with old Mr Charnley. She smiled to herself when she remembered the little old man’s pathetic attempts at flirting with her. The whispered threat of a sexual harassment case had worked wonders at crushing her manager’s puny libido. When she could no longer ignore his gnarled old hands ‘accidentally’ brushing past her when they moved about the office.

As far has her assistant and her other female colleague were concerned she dressed to impress merely to intimidate them. All other women and especially female management were simply competition that had to be pressured and bullied until they saw thing her way or better still resigned and left the company. In her mind’s eye she saw the legend Marley Johnson Lord above the offices.

?Until tomorrow then Tanya?

She dismissed her assistant.

At four p.m. she gathered her things together and left her office. Over her right shoulder somewhere she could hear the sounds of the photocopier

whirring away.

‘That will teach the little madam’. She smiled grimly to herself,

As she wandered downstairs towards the car park she could feel the eyes of the workforce as she headed for the exit one and a half-hours early. ‘The perks of management’. She smiled again.

As she drove home in her smart company car she idly speculated on the identity of her new boss. Perhaps it would be Stevens from the London branch. She half hoped it would be, the little twerp. Better still John Neil. She sniggered to herself when she remembered turning down his offer of dinner at some seminar they had both attended. The look on his face had been simply priceless. He was obviously an admirer and she would soon turn that to her advantage.

The following morning Rebecca was surprised to see a strange woman sat at her desk.

?And you might be??

?My name is Angela Stone, your new MD,? She replied coldly.

?Oh? said Rebecca momentarily surprised ?It’s just that we were expecting.....?

?Yes I know what you were expecting.?

She wasn’t a beautiful woman but she had slate grey eyes, which bored into the back of Rebecca’s head. She was large and imposing, certainly not fat but a strong-looking woman. A woman used to getting her own way. She was dressed in a black suit with a pale blue silk blouse; she wore horn-rimmed glasses and wore her blonde hair scraped into a bun.

?You I assume are Mrs Lord??

?It’s Ms Lord actually?

?Oh is it really??

The two women glared at each other. Neither willing to give an inch

?Yes Angela it is. I have worked for this company building up this department for ten years. I think I deserve a little respect. Don’t you??

?Indeed you do Ms Lord.?

She stood and offered her hand.

? I apologise if I upset you. Let’s not get off on the wrong foot. I feel that you and I will be working with each other very closely in the coming weeks.?

Rebecca took the proffered hand trying to ignore the fact that her new superior towered over her and had a bone-crushing grip as well. Up close it was apparent that she also had beautiful unflawed skin and perfect white teeth.

For the next few days the office operated in much the same way as it always had done. Angela Stone was introduced to all the staff and made a couple of well-received speeches. She appeared to settle in seamlessly. She had a natural aura. People respected her. She didn’t need to shout or cajole to get the best out of her workforce. She simply requested and her staff carried out her wishes. Everything appeared to be going very well. Everybody appeared to be happy. Well, not quite everybody. Rebecca

Lord had begun to actively dislike the woman. She was everything that Rebecca hated. Obviously well educated, very well spoken and always immaculately dressed. She simply reeked of old money and good breeding. Her very appearance evoked disturbing memories for Rebecca. She reminded her of a particular prefect at her boarding school in Surrey who had managed to make her life a misery. Both had that similar air of assumed authority that only wealth and power could bring. In short Angela Stone was everything that she herself aspired to be. When measured next to Angela, which people would surely do, Rebecca could only ever be second best. Not a position that came naturally to her.

What was equally galling for Rebecca was the apparent shine that her new boss had taken to her assistant, Tanya Reeves. For heavens sake why would an apparently rich and sophisticated woman like Angela Stone be interested in a non-entity like Tanya? It simply defied belief. Hearing the two of them laughing together was starting to drive Rebecca mad. What were they giggling about? They weren’t laughing about her were they? What was there to laugh about? Had she committed some social gaffe she was unaware of? What could they possibly have in common that would exclude her from their little circle? These thoughts seemed to be continually swirling in Rebecca’s head. So exhausted was she that she decided to leave and go home early. She packed her bag, put on her coat and was walking down the hall towards the lift when she met Angela Stone.

?Ah Ms Lord I didn’t realise you smoked.?

?I am sorry, I don’t follow you,?

?I assume you have put your coat on in order to go outside and smoke.?

?No, in fact I don’t smoke at all.?

?Well then why do you have your coat on in the office at three o clock in the afternoon??

?I am not feeling too well I..I thought an early finish??

?I think we should get a couple of things straight Ms Lord. Let’s go to your office.?

Without another word Angela Stone led the way back to Rebecca’s office. Her long strides made Rebecca almost have to jog to keep up. Once inside she sat on Rebecca’s desk and began.

?I am not sure how you view your position here at  Marley Johnson but the rest of us work a minimum nine to five thirty shift. Why do you feel free to leave at three??

?As I have said, Angela I don’t feel particularly well. I think it would be best if..?

?If this were the first or even second time that this happened then I could understand but from what I hear this is becoming a regular occurrence.?

?What do you mean ‘a regular occurrence?’ Have you been spying on me??

?Certainly not Rebecca. However it’s not as if you sneak out the back way. All the staff can’t help but notice and it sets a bad example. Don’t you agree??

She smiled sweetly and waited for an answer.

?Well I have been under pressure recently Angela and I am feeling a little under the weather. But no you are right.?

?That’s fine dear you know that if you genuinely need to go early at any time you only have to ask.?

?Yes Angela.?

?I am so glad we had this little chat Rebecca. Oh and by the way I am not in tomorrow so no sneaking off early!?

Angela Stone laughed, as she exited the room, not bothering to wait for an answer

Rebecca slumped in her chair. Had she really just heard that? She ‘only had to ask?’ Had she not been so shocked by Angela’s words she would have screamed in anger. Who the hell did the woman think she was? She only had to ask indeed. She had worked bloody hard at Marley Johnson and now she was required to ask permission to leave the bloody building. Who did that arrogant stuck-up bitch think she was? She would have to learn that nobody treated Rebecca Lord like this and expect to get away with it.

At that moment there was a knock at the door and Tanya Reeves entered carrying some papers. Still furious Rebecca looked up and saw her young assistant with a pleasant smile on her face. Oh no, she must have heard every word of her humiliating put-down from Angela. That little bitch, eavesdropping again.

?Come here young lady. What are you grinning at? Do you think its’ clever to listen outside my door? Come here and stand in front of my desk.

??I wasn’t grinning Rebecca and I wasn’t listening at your door.?

But Rebecca wasn’t convinced. She needed to re-establish her authority in the office

?Do you really think that what you are wearing constitutes smart Tanya? Look at yourself!?

The girl was wearing her usual unflattering sweater and slacks combination. Totally fine thought Rebecca if she was waiting tables or working behind a bar but unacceptable here at  Marley Johnson. Doubly

unacceptable considering that she works for me.

?Yes I..I think it’s ok.?

?What did I say to you only last week about your clothes??

?You said you would send me home to change my clothes if ..if you didn’t like them.?

?It’s not a matter of me not liking them I warned you that you should dress appropriately for your position. As my assistant people expect a certain style and you my dear are very much failing that test. You dress like a shop girl and that’s perhaps where you should be. Would you rather work behind a counter than here at Marley Johnson? Well I have threatened and I always keep my word Tanya. I want you to report here in my office tomorrow morning at nine-o clock. You will wear exactly what you wore for your final interview here. Which as I recall was your St Clare’s school uniform. Do you remember it? I went it exactly as you wore it. Tie blazer the lot. Don’t forget all your cute prefect badges either.?

The next morning a beetroot red Tanya Reeves found herself stood in front of her boss’s desk dressed horror of horrors, in a school uniform she hadn’t worn for over a year. Rebecca leaned back with a derisory smile on her face looking her assistant up and down.

?That uniform really suits you Tanya. You look every inch the schoolgirl in it.?

The truth was that Tanya had outgrown her old school uniform and although it was still smart it was too short and too tight especially across her boobs and her bum.

?I don’t necessarily want to humiliate you Tanya but this uniform punishment will be a regular feature of your life in my office unless you learn too dress with a modicum of style. Now I want you to go back to your little desk and answer the phone in your best big-girl manner. Do you think you can do that dear??

Too ashamed to answer Tanya nodded and then turned and fled to the relative sanctuary of her own office.

But that was just the start to her miserable day. Rebecca Stone took every opportunity to humiliate her assistant. Whenever a delivery arrived, it was always Tanya who was called to sign for it. Whenever a visitor came to her office Rebecca called her subordinate into the room on some pretext. At one point, in front of an elderly male client, she made the girl take off her school tie and retie it because it had become loose.

At lunchtime she sent Tanya, minus her coat, into town to buy food. It seemed to the unfortunate girl that everyone in the town had seen her in her old school uniform. The looks and remarks she got especially from lascivious older gentlemen made her blush with shame. Oh this couldn’t be happening to her. All this for the sake of that old bitch of a boss.

When the office clock signalled the end of the day Rebecca still wasn’t satisfied. She called her assistant into the room and closed the door after her.

?How was your day young lady. Did you enjoy being the centre of attention and the object of every man’s dirty thoughts??

Tanya lowered her head scared that her tears might be seen. Oh how she hated Rebecca Lord right at this moment. She was nineteen years old and stood in front of her manager’s desk at work in school uniform! What could be more humiliating than this? It wasn’t as if she had even done anything wrong.

?I think that your lesson needs reinforcing Tanya, don’t you??

?I?I?don’t know what you mean Rebecca.?

?Come around my desk and stand next to me. There’s a good girl. Now when you were at school Tanya and you did a naughty thing how were you punished??

?I don’t know Rebecca I was never very naughty.?

?At my old school naughty girls had to report to their form mistress or their housemistress or in very extreme circumstances to the headmistress. Do you know what happened then Tanya? They were spanked. Either a hand spanking a ruler or the slipper.

Tanya didn’t reply but her face had gone a pretty shade of pink

?Do you know why I am telling you all this Tanya?


?Because you are about to go over my knee.?

Tanya almost laughed aloud despite the situation.

?You can’t be serious?  You can’t spank me I am not a child.?

?You’re certainly dressed like a child and recently you have been acting like one.?

?You still can’t spank me though. It’s illegal.?

?That may be true young lady but you will be requesting a spanking from me.?

?How do you mean??

?It’s simple Tanya. A well-educated girl like you should have no problems with comprehension. Listen carefully. Your first yearly assessment is coming up this month. The management relies a great deal on the director’s opinions. Should you receive another bad report from me to go with your half yearly one then I imagine that you and Marley Johnson will soon be parting company. Do I make myself quite clear??

?That’s blackmail. You can’t d??

?Oh but I can do that Tanya. I can do it because you don’t have the guts to stand up to me. Also because who is going to believe the word of a jumped up shop girl like you against that of a director??

Tears started to well in Tanya’s eyes. She knew she should leave right now but she couldn’t. She simply dare not. Besides if she walked out now where else would she get such a well-paid job at her age? The prospects of promotion in such a large organisation were so good.

?Well Tanya? Are you going to ask me for that deserved spanking across my knee? Or are you going to walk out of this office for the last time?

Slowly, reluctantly Tanya began to lower herself across her superior’s stocking clad thighs. She felt the hem of her slightly too short grey skirt being lifted from her knickers and placed on her back. Then she felt a finger on each side of her navy schoolgirl knickers. Slowly they were pulled inside out to her knees. Finally she felt Rebecca’s cold hand resting on her bare buttocks.

?Don’t you have something you want to ask me Tanya? Don’t you have a request?

?Erm ?er could you please spank my bottom Rebecca?

?Now why would I do such a thing Tanya??

?Because?because I’ve been a?a.?

Rebecca’s hand crashed down on the upthrust buttocks eliciting a shriek from her victim.

?The answer is ‘because I’ve been a naughty girl miss’. You say it.?

?Because I’ve been a naughty girl miss?

?Let’s start again. What is it you want me to do Tanya??

?Please spank my bottom miss.?

?Why Tanya??

?Because I’ve been a naughty girl miss.?

?If you insist young lady.?

Rebecca’s hand rose and fell with alarming frequency. Ignoring the cries and the pleading she simply slapped the girl’s buttocks until they were crimson.

?The problem is Tanya.? She gasped between blows. ?Is that you have such a large bottom that it takes a lot of time to cover the entire surface. Either you will have to lose some weight or I will have to buy a slipper.?

The implication that this would not be her last spanking was enough to set Tanya wailing again. She squirmed around on the smaller woman’s lap all thoughts of preserving her dignity gone. Rebecca could not help but notice her young assistant becoming more and more flustered as the spanking warmed her backside. Her legs were scissoring now wider and wider. Dare she put her hand down there? She decided that it was a little too risky with the young girl in her present state. She smiled to herself. There would be plenty of time for that sort of thing later on. Meanwhile her hand gradually slid down her victim’s legs until she was spanking Tanya’s plump thighs. These she decided could take quite a lot of punishment. She belaboured them until the entire backs of her thighs were pink.

?Up you get Tanya.?

She hauled the girl to her feet and was gratified to see her perform a little war dance her hands clasped tight to her buttocks and thighs. Her white hands contrasting sharply with the red of her chastened posterior. Rebecca watched amused for a couple of minutes until impatiently she ordered,

?Put your knickers back on unless you want more of the same.?

Hurriedly the girl struggled into her tight blue panties grimacing as they pulled over her bottom.

?Now take yourself and your wobbly bottom and stand in that corner.? Rebecca indicated the furthest corner from her desk

?Stand to attention, nose pressed against the wall. There’s a good girl.?

Tanya was left in the corner for thirty minutes. Only interrupted by Rebecca coming across and tucking the hem of her skirt into her knickers and delivering two hefty swats to the backs of her legs before returning to her seat and continuing with her paperwork. Eventually she was dismissed from the room and left with her face almost as red as her chastened backside.

The following morning Tanya arrived at work at the normal time and simply carried on with her duties. She worked diligently but could not look Rebecca in the eye much less acknowledge what had gone on between them. It was if by refusing to meet Rebecca’s superior smile she could wipe away the previous night’s humiliation.

She had however ‘made an effort’. She was wearing a skirt and blouse, which were not exactly stylish but were an improvement on her usual attire. Rebecca made her come to the office and then do a twirl to show off her new appearance.

?Are you wearing stockings Tanya??

?Yes Rebecca.?

?Show me.?

?I?I beg your pardon??

?For a supposedly clever girl you can be very stupid at times. Lift your skirt and show me your stockings.?

Blushing bright red Tanya lifted her skirt and stood so that her boss could see her black stocking held up by a white suspender belt.

?Turn around slowly again. Better young lady but not ideal. Your skirt is too long and the colour of your blouse doesn’t really suit you. But at least I don’t have to put you across my knee again. Well not for now anyway.?

Tanya left the room with the mocking laughter of her manager ringing in her ears and returned to her own desk.

Rebecca really enjoyed her lunch. She was in a very good mood. Business was going well. She was slowly getting the better of that bitch Angela Stone. But best of all her assistant was falling further and further under her control. Whilst she ate her dessert she slowly squeezed her thighs together under the table and considered what further indignities she could visit on her young assistant. Making her wear her uniform had been a masterstroke. Not only did it belittle Tanya but it also emphasised the gulf in seniority between them. Almost as if Tanya expected to be punished whilst wearing it. Somehow she became more malleable, easier to bully. With a jolt of excitement Rebecca realised that was what was turning her on. The opportunity to bully. When she was younger and less experienced she was always the victim of the bullies. Small for her age and very self-effacing she had suffered for other people’s amusement. Especially at school. Penelope Stanton-Keith. She could remember that bitch’s name even now. She was hardly likely to forget it. Her parents had scrimped and saved and gone without to send her to St Mary’s. At first it had been great the excitement of boarding, the thrill of new friends. However it had quickly gone sour. She had for some reason that she had come to the attention of a senior prefect named Penelope Stanton-Keith who had simply decided that Rebecca didn’t belong at St Mary’s. From then on she had made her life a misery. It started by Penelope hiding her books and calling her names but it soon escalated. Rebecca’s few friends were intimidated into abandoning her.  Penelope and her little gang would wait for Rebecca and ambush her. Sometimes they would take her to their dorm room, sometimes to an empty classroom. There alone and frightened she would have her accent or her manners mocked by the girls. Then it would progress to hair pulling and slapping. Then the little pocket money she received was regularly taken from her. The final episode involved her being tied across a desk with old ties and school scarves and then being slapped and slippered across her bare backside. Then, after suffering the punishment, she was brought to her first ever climax by a knowing and mischievous hand. That of Penelope Stanton-Keith she assumed.

It was at that moment that a teacher discovered the little group. Of course the school hushed up the whole affair. There was no point in dragging the good name of the St Mary’s through the dirt. It was even rumoured that Rebecca was somehow in on the whole affair and that she had consented to the acts being carried out on her! Certainly Penelope Stanton-Keith was never held to account. Perhaps the fact that she was the daughter of one of the school governors had something to do with it thought Rebecca bitterly. The only concrete outcome was that Rebecca’s parents were encouraged to remove her from the school.

But know; now she had the power. She had waited long enough for her revenge. The fact that Tanya Reeves was the innocent party and in fact had done nothing wrong was irrelevant as far as Rebecca was concerned. She had escaped her victim status and was well on the way to exorcising her personal demons. What should her next step be? Ideally she would like to exert even more control over the hapless teenager. Ultimately she would like the girl to be her ‘special friend’. Rebecca had not thought of herself as a lesbian but the thought of the submissive girl lapping at her pussy was almost too much for her to handle. She could feel her left hand straying to the hem of her stylish office suit as she imagined the scenario. Only by an effort of will did she drag herself back to the reality of the little coffee shop in which she regularly ate her lunch. She glanced at her watch. Her lunch hour was virtually up. She had better return to the office.

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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH3

The success I was having with Rebecca was not limited to just the office. My sister was thoroughly enjoying the results of a few well worded messages to her as well. During that first month, while I shed a few pounds fucking Rebecca like she was a ride at an amusement park, my sister managed to lose 16 pounds. When she came by my apartment to drop off some movies she had borrowed the change in her figure was already noticeable. “Wow! Don’t you look great?!” I exclaimed as she strode in...

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Rebeccas new fuck buddy

Rebecca finds a new Fuck Buddy - My wife Rebecca had my best friend Joe fucking her on a regular basis until he was transferred to another location. It had been a couple of years where we had very little outside “recreational sex”. But that changed a few months ago.A new family moved in next door and we became good neighbors. They had a 19-year-old son Jake that was just getting out of high school. He was in great shape, played several sports, and was heading for college in the fall.I hired...

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Rebeccas Summer Vacation 4 By Jarvis80

It was my third week in Puerto Rico with Robert and Ryan, and we were having a fucking badass time there. Going down to the beach talking with all the beautiful ladies and making some of the guys around us jealous. We went on a speed boat racing with another group of people, we worked out in the gym to stay fit and run a couple of laps as well. It was a great time to be alive and we were hitting up lots of clubs and after parties with some people having a couple of drinks and some one night...

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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH2

Sitting in my office and waiting for Rebecca to show up was agony in the most brutal definition of the word. The minutes seemed to crawl by at a snail’s pace, making me more and more nervous with each passing second. All evening I could not get what had happened with Rebecca out of my mind. The ease at which she succumbed to the suggestions was mind boggling. And it had all happened by accident! Now, what was the morning going to hold for me? Would the police and an angry husband show up...

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Broken-record time: Almost all of my writing is based, to some degree, on real people and / or events in my life. This one is no exception, but it’s about 99% fiction. There’s a lot (I think) of character development, and some explicit sex, but this is not designed to be a stroke story. It’s intended to be about loving relationships, both sexual and nonsexual, within and between generations, and healthy, renewable family bonds. Also: after looking at the finished product, I must say I had not...

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Broken-record time: Almost all of my writing is based, to some degree, on real people and / or events in my life. This one is no exception, but it's about 99% fiction. There's a lot (I think) of character development, and some explicit sex; but this is not designed to be a stroke story. It's intended to be about loving relationships, both sexual and nonsexual, within and between generations, and healthy, renewable family bonds. Also: after looking at the finished product, I must say I had...

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Rebecca Do My Bidding

Working for a software corporation has its perks. One of which is you are set up with the finest in computer hardware that there is. This is to ensure that the quality of product you produce is really on the top shelf. But it also means, for the industrious, that materials for personal use can also be made. This whole ordeal began when my sister approached me about some way to lose some weight. After her failed marriage and subsequent divorce, she managed to put on a few extra pounds. ...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 14 One Girls Determination

Savannah, Georgia October 1984 Rebecca's left hand slipped ominously on the bar, her grip caught briefly, and then gave way completely. She fell, again, only to have strong arms wrap her up from behind and hold her off the mat. She had never actually hit the ground when she fell, ever. He was always there, right behind her. This was the end of her fourth week in physical therapy and he'd been there every day, both in the pool and here at the physical therapy center. "That's it Tony. My...

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Rebeccas Secret

-1-The hour was growing late as I looked around the cozy living room. Six of my friends were sitting in various places, in various positions, all watching some late night horror movie on the television. There was a feeling of general contentment. We had arrived at the house several hours earlier and were enjoying our visit already. It belonged the family of one of the group and her family had allowed us to use it for a week in the height of summer. Life couldn't have been sweeter.My girlfriend...

2 years ago
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Rebecca meets Jim

We first met Jim on the Internet. We agreed to meet him in a lounge at a local Holiday Inn. Jim was a handsome young man in his early thirties. We ate in the dining room and enjoyed a nice dinner with some wine. We started some small talk about R and I enjoying “recreational sex” and the swinging lifestyle. Jim kept looking at Rebecca and touching her hand at times. I could feel the “electricity” between them. Then I noticed that Rebecca’s hand was below the table and was moving back and...

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Rebecca and Robyn

The sky was clear not a visible cloud for miles in any direction, there was a large palm tree casting shade on the spot where Rebecca had clambered out of the warm Indian ocean and passed out after the three mile swim she and the other two had no choice but do. Her flight had ran into difficulty and the pilot had radioed the position he felt the plane would be in after he ditched it best to his calculations. All it was suppose to have been was a medium haul flight from the mainland to an...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 6 A Kiss for Understanding

Tony returned to the waiting room near the ICU carrying a small cardboard box with three cups of coffee. Mr. Harris looked up as he sat down. "Tony! What are you doing back here so soon?" Tony offered Mr. Harris a cup of coffee and chuckled, "It seems the school is somewhat, ah, agitated at me for leaving rather abruptly yesterday. They decided I needed a bit of a vacation to remind me of the rules. Somehow the logic of that escapes me." "You got sent home from school? That doesn't...

1 year ago
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Rebecca More 3600 376000

There's much to love about the UK: tea, crumpets, football violence, and ruthless colonialism. But one thing that pisses me off is when people constantly mistake who the actual (late) Queen of the UK was. No, it isn’t Elizabeth II; it’s Her Majesty Rebecca More.There are few pornstars from the UK, or anywhere in the world, who leave an impression on you as Rebecca More does. This busty, blonde, and extremely vocal porn slut is a proud whore and was one of the few elite pornstars who went viral...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Rebecca the slut

“So Becca” her dealer said “what if I told you I could hook you up with an extra quarter?” Rebecca slurped hard on the cock once before looking up and asking “What have I got to do?” Then before getting her answer went back to sucking the cock. “I’m going to have some people over. You’re going to be on the coffee table and we’re going to take turns fucking you” the dealer answered as he reached down and unbuttoned Becca’s jeans and began to pull the down. Rebecca hadn’t answered...

3 years ago
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Rebecca Pees at Peter and Stacy 1

REBECCA STATES HER FANCY FOR 'P' -- AND BI-SEXUAL ABUSIVE SEXRebecca discloses it in a comment at a FFM trio SEX VIDEO -- with PEEHer hot hopes for foxy fornication with a 'switch' man 'n slave domineeRebecca is discrete: ,he demands the same of her sex partners in realHer fantasies are less strict as she has a vivid domination imagination!Rebecca is turning on our dear readers by promising to share a videoHer lookalike has her way with slave-girl Stacy and 'hubby' Poet-PeteRebecca is woman...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 7 Discovery Mode

Tony had dropped Tina at school the next morning and gone to the hospital to pick up Rebecca. They had left the hospital heading downtown in the middle of the morning when Tony asked, "Do you want something to eat?" "Oh please Tony could we get something? I haven't had anything edible in the last two days except the Frosty you brought me. They're supposed to make you better in that place not starve you to death with that awful food." "I know just the place, probably the best...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 11 A Day on Kalliste

Monday was Labor Day and the teens had planned a day-long outing on Kalliste. The sun glittered off the water of the channel clear and bright in the morning as the group prepared the boat for the voyage. The day promised to turn quite sweltering by afternoon. Summer was not yet done with South Georgia. Rebecca smiled at Tina's antics. She was wearing a navy-blue, sleeveless button-up top with a white and red anchor embroidered on the chest. White cotton shorts and a silly white sailor's...

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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH4

The next morning Rebecca came striding into my office with a huge smile on her face. She was wearing a very nice dark blue knee length skirt and a white blouse with no hose and dark blue shoes. Her high heels really made her calves stand out as she walked into my office with her usual steaming cup of coffee. “Good morning,” she said with a very satisfied look on her face as she sat down in her usual place. When she spread her legs she grimaced, depicting a little bit of discomfort. “Good...

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Rebeccas Secret Ch 02

bigger breasts – breasts make – dick butt – orgasm experienced – pink hole – cock pointing-5-Rebecca lay in my arms, trembling after the most incredibly orgasm she’d ever experienced. Hell, it was the most incredible orgasm I’d ever experienced and I wasn’t even the one who’d had it! We held one another in the darkness, myself stripped of every article of clothing, Rebecca in nothing but her flannel pajama top. We lay together quietly, simply enjoying being together.I guess now would be the...

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Rebeccas Revenge

Rebecca by Alex Bragi Rebecca by Alex Bragi Special thanks to my mentor Bragi. Edited: Electric Badger and Cromedome11. My thanks to both. Warning: This story contains descriptions of murder and mutilation, also if you are a theist, or more particularly a Christian, you may find this story offensive and may prefer to back click now.?  Revenge is an ugly emotion. It's a poison that threatens the very purity of your soul. It's an abscess that time allows to fester into a ghastly wound. The...

4 years ago
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Rebecca DancedChapter 12 A Charitable Option

On Tuesday morning Tony sat in Rebecca's wheelchair out in front of the school mentally shaking his head. The wheelchair had magically reappeared over the long weekend. There were a few modifications. The formerly drab blue chair was now a deep, automotive grade, glossy shade of midnight blue; metal flake midnight blue. Inset in the magnificent paint job were intricate hand-painted orange and yellow flames streaking back to the rear of the chair. The seat and seat back had been reupholstered...

2 years ago
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Rebecca DancedChapter 3 A Setback

Rebecca was surprised when returning from church the next morning to find Tony, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, working on her porch. He stood and walked to meet the family's car as it pulled into the drive. "Well aren't you looking particularly beautiful in that dress today," Tony said as he was helping Rebecca out of the car. She was wearing a floral print dress that even sitting down draped well below her knees. Rebecca started to protest then caught herself. Perhaps Tina was right...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 4 Little Sister

Tina Smith waited in the school's office. She should have passed Tony and Rebecca in the hall on the way to English. When she got to Mrs. Finch's room she found out that Tony had taken Rebecca out of class earlier. Getting information from the office was like pulling teeth; there seemed to be no one here. What two police officers were doing leaving the office as she came in was a mystery for another day. She was about to head to Tony's trig class, if she could find it, and see if he was...

1 year ago
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Rebecca Michael and Lisa part 1

One night after a long hard day driving truck Michael came home to his beautiful wife. Rebecca had a surprise for her man. After a wonderful dinner and a glass or 2 of wine Rebecca blindfolded Michael and lends him into their bedroom. Made him sit on a chair and took his blindfold off. There he sees this beautiful woman, she about 5’8, 120lbs with long jet black hair. Beautiful round DD breast with hard pink nipples that just begged to be sucked. His wife says to him “Honey I know its your...

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Rebecca Pees at Peter and Stacy 2

REBECCA STATES HER FANCY FOR 'P' -- AND BI-SEXUAL ABUSIVE SEXRebecca discloses it in a comment at a FFM trio SEX VIDEO -- with PEEHer hot hopes for foxy fornication with a 'switch' man 'n slave domineeRebecca is discrete. She demands the same of her sex partners in realHer fantasies are less strict as she has a vivid dominating imagination!Rebecca is turning on our dear readers by promising to show a videoHer lookalike has her way with slave-girl Stacy and 'hubby' Poet-Pee!Rebecca is trusting...

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Rebecca in trouble part 7

David was worried about Rebecca. She had left Tuesday for Brazil and he had not heard from her since. It was now Thursday, so he decided to fly down to Brazil and see if he could find her before their parents found out on Saturday.David was one year older than Rebecca. He was over six feet tall and was in great physical shape, keeping his lean body completely hairless as this was the latest craze in his school. There was little body hair to remove to begin with, and his youthful face was...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 10 A Swimming Pool

Half an hour later, Tony was coming from the basement door of the house with a tray of sandwiches. As he approached the table he noticed that Rebecca and Tina had arrived from their discussion inside. Both were wearing wraps over their bathing suits and getting comfortable in lounge chairs. Most of the rest of the crew were sitting in chairs around a table. The exception was Chrissie, who had stripped down to her one piece suit and was sunning herself on another lounger. Chrissie was fully as...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 16 Birthdays

Savannah, Georgia November 1984 The audition was scheduled for the following Wednesday. At everyone's urging Tina had convinced Beth and her committee to come to the house. As bands go, Chaos was pretty large. They currently had 3 keyboards, 6 guitars, and Jerry's double bass drum kit, as well as his veritable menagerie of percussion devices. Rebecca ended up with most of those as well as a small xylophone that was Tina's. Whenever needed she doubled as a percussionist, even having a set...

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Rebeccas Summer Vacation 3 By Jarvis80

I needed to head back and relax a bit. While I reached for my phone I noticed that my friend left me a message saying that Rebecca wasn't being cooperative at all. It was time to teach the dog a couple of rules, ones that she'll never break again. Once I got back to my room I noticed that my room was a bit of a mess. "What the fuck happened here?""You left the door unlocked for some random maniac to come in here take advantage of me who the fuck does that!?""Hey she's pretty messed up in the...

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Rebecca Discovers The Temple of The Vestal Virgins Chapter 2

On three separate occasions that day, Rebecca did her best to ask Rudy if he would be so kind as to remove the stigma of the pitiful unbroken hymen from her vaginal channel. She was far too ladylike and reserved to brace the question directly, but it seemed to her any red-blooded man would get the point when she said in a stage whisper, “Did you ever wonder what it would be like if we both were at a Roman orgy and had to 'do it' just to keep our hostess happy?” Her very last effort was to...

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Rebecca the Maid

Rebecca is a maid who works for Gary and Stella Hamershmit. One day, Rebecca was cleaning Mr. Hammershmit’s office while his wife was out shopping somewhere. While Gary was heading home from work, Rebecca notices a hidden stash of porn in a secret compartment in the drawer. As she was looking through them, she got herself to be horny and began to play with her pussy. Gary comes home and starts going upstairs towards his office. He comes in and sees Rebecca having fun with herself, noticing her...

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Rebecca Discovers the Temple of the Vestal Virgins

There was an annoying pattern of flickering spots destroying Rebecca’s field of vision in the shadowy underground chamber. She was not certain if it was real or some creation of her overactive mind. The damp cavern was scary enough to make her want to call it a day and wait for the power to be restored. The flickering light of the oil lanterns made it extremely difficult to decipher the wall carvings recently unearthed. She was totally unaware of how her buttocks were twitching about as she...

2 years ago
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Rebecca Gets Hers

‘Andy, I’m going to get my mani and pedi. Be sure to have the minutes of the staff meeting typed and on my desk before I get back. And pick up my dry cleaning on your lunch break, but get back to work on time in case anyone calls for me. And this time, lay them in you car neatly. Last time you picked up my things they were wrinkles in my shirts from your carelessness. You may not care that you look like a useless fucking slob but I do. So help me if you bring them back to me in anything other...

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Rebecca meets Ron

Rebecca meets RonMy wife, Rebecca, of 11 years was an absolute excellent cock sucker. She loved doing oral sex so much that we had several “friends” that would visit on a regular basis to get their “job”. We met a new friend (female) that also liked oral sex and she, Cheryl, was bisexual, enjoying the company of both male and female... Cheryl had joined us a few times in bed and it was great times for all three of us.In our talks of our past, Cheryl mentioned a “swing club” that she and a...

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Rebecca Gets Hers

"Andy, I'm going to get my mani and pedi. Be sure to have the minutes of the staff meeting typed and on my desk before I get back. And pick up my dry cleaning on your lunch break, but get back to work on time in case anyone calls for me. And this time, lay them in you car neatly. Last time you picked up my things they were wrinkles in my shirts from your carelessness. You may not care that you look like a useless fucking slob but I do. So help me if you bring them back to me in anything other...

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Rebecca Chapter 02

Chapter 2. The First date. Jasmine kissed me on the cheek and went upstairs. I smiled as I watched her pert bottom swing from side to side, encased in her tight grey pencil skirt, as she climbed each step. I turned and walked to our kitchen once she’d rounded the top of them and disappeared into our room. I wondered what she meant by leaving me a present as we were entering new territory in our relationship. When I had originally told her about my transvestism, she had been helpful...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 9 A New Musician

Savannah, Georgia September 1984 Bright morning sunlight fell through the windows into Tina's room. Some intangible feeling woke her and her eyes fluttered open, seeking focus. Her left arm was still around Rebecca and the smaller girl's right arm was around her shoulders. Tina's head was lying in the crook of Rebecca's neck. Without moving her head she raised her eyes to see Tony standing in the half-opened doorway. A smile came to her lips. "I think I took an extra flight of stairs...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 13 A Very Wealthy Boy

Tony pulled up to Rebecca's house in his father's Lincoln. Two weeks had passed since the three teens had discussed what was initially just called "The Wheelchair Project". It would have been nice if there were a way to make it a surprise for Marj and the hospital but the logistics were just too great. It had, however, eventually raised some questions. To most everyone else who asked, the answer was simple; an anonymous donor was financing the project. Tony and Tina's parents knew who...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 5 A Confrontation

Terry Smith, soon to be Terry Johnson, shared her siblings' brown hair, hers cut short, and blue eyes. She slotted neatly between Tony's six feet and Tina's 5'4", splitting the difference. The fact that they were siblings was instantly obvious to any observer. "Thought I'd find you two out here," she said, getting her younger siblings' attention. Tony and Tina shot up, both eager for some news. "Mrs. Harris said I could tell you everything so here is what we know. Rebecca is almost...

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Rebeccas New Position

This story features: forced babying, consensual M/F sex (epilogue), consensual F/F sex, masturbation, diaper humiliation, and Wet and Messy diapers.Last night Rebecca had diner with her boyfriend and felt a little funny, so she went to bed early, when she woke up she was aware of many strange feelings, her arms and legs were immobile, something was filling her mouth, there was strange damp thick bulk between her legs, she was cold. Two figures stood above her in each other's arms. She realised...

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Rebecca (MMF, wife-sharing, reluc?) by Anonymous Author Don't read if you're u******e... or don't care to read about fantasies of sex with someone outside of one's marriage. I'll start off by saying that my wife and I have been married for 16 years and sex was becoming a bit stale and uneventful. I enjoy fantasizing and suggested a fantasy involving her and two men but her reaction was, "You couldn't love me if you really wanted that..." It became a 'special occasion only' fantasy that she...

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Rebecca swayed lithely from side to side as she danced in the firelight. Here in the darkness of the trees at the bottom end of the three-acre garden little light penetrated. She swayed and sashayed around the fire, enjoying the heat from the flickering flames. The orange and yellow flames enhanced the natural sheen of her body as she danced. It seemed so natural to dance naked in the warmth of the African night. The fire was hardly necessary to add warmth, but its glow, and the flickering...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 17 A Big Night

The dance was being held in Riverside High School's combination auditorium and cafeteria. The stage was simply huge. It was meant to host stage plays and musicals for the drama department so it was raised three feet above the rest of the room. Jerry was, of course, in the back center. The girls' keyboards were set up slightly to the front of the drums, Rebecca to Jerry's right and Tina to his left. Dewayne, Tony, and Kyle were lined up across the front of the stage with what had just...

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Rebeccas Summer Vacation Part 2 By Jarvis8

I was back in Puerto Rico for summer break luckily my school was let a bit earlier compared to the rest of the US. It gave me free time to roam around have some fun on the island. I spent a lot of my time in night clubs, and at parties by the beach, but I remembered some nasty fun I had about a month ago with a young girl named Rebecca. She was pretty, she was virgin at the time until I showed up to take her on a ride on my cock. I remember her being inexperienced completely, even having an...

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Rebecca Are You Ready

Rebecca Are you ready Rebecca Are you ready? Part I ?Stop, please!? She begged him. ?You always do this.? He sighed and slid his fingers out of her pussy. ?Look, I told you already. I don?t want to cum until I know I love you for sure. I want to share it with the right person.? She pulled her panties up and leaned over to kiss him. ?Does this mean I can?t cum either?? He looked over at her, his eyes pleading with hers. She got on her knees and crawled in between his crotch. She slowly...

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