Rebecca free porn video

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Broken-record time: Almost all of my writing is based, to some degree, on real people and / or events in my life. This one is no exception, but it’s about 99% fiction.

There’s a lot (I think) of character development, and some explicit sex, but this is not designed to be a stroke story. It’s intended to be about loving relationships, both sexual and nonsexual, within and between generations, and healthy, renewable family bonds.

Also: after looking at the finished product, I must say I had not planned for the story to be as long as it turned out. It took on a life of its own, and I refused to shortchange it. It may be too long for some readers, the ending leaves a lot for the reader to infer, and I have faith my readers will fill in the gaps correctly.

Sex and love are serendipitous – the really good stuff happens when we aren’t looking.

So it was with Rebecca and me.

I was married, twenty years ago, to a woman named Rachel. She presented her virginity to me on our wedding night. She was demure and proper before we wed, afterward, she was uninhibited. We made love at the drop of a panty, any time and almost anywhere. Our love produced a daughter three years into our marriage, a golden-haired little stunner we named Bonnie.

Bonnie doesn’t really remember her mother. Rachel awoke in the middle of the night, some eight years ago. She sat up, said, ‘I feel really funny…’ and sank back into her pillow as if she were asleep. I was about half out of it, but I knew something wasn’t right when I tried to rouse her to tell me what was wrong (or if I had been dreaming). She was unreachable. I turned on the light, and saw she was turning bluish. I call 911, but it was already way too late. She had suffered an aneurysm, and was probably dead before she finished speaking.

I soldiered on, a single dad with a little daughter to rear. I did the best I could on my own, but we lived in the burbs and I worked downtown. I couldn’t fulfill my obligations to work and Bonnie, and live where we did, so we moved into a nice apartment downtown. That allowed me to carry on.

All went well for a few years. Bonnie became a second edition of her mother, a model-quality little girl.

One evening about five years ago, right after dinner, I heard some noise outside our apartment door. I opened the door and noticed some boxes in the doorway across the hall. I took them for moving boxes, based on what was printed on them. As I was examining them, the door opened and a young woman grabbed a box. She seemed a little startled to see me.

‘I’m sorry,’ I said, ‘ I was just about to conclude someone was moving in.’

‘That’s me,’ she said.

‘I live over here,’ I said, pointing to my door. ‘My manners are gone,’ I stammered. ‘My name is Jeff. May I give you a hand?’

She hesitated, and then, ‘Okay, sure. This one’s going to be a beast,’ she said, pointing to the largest of them.

At that moment, my door opened behind us. Bonnie came out with her book-bag in hand. ‘Hey, Daddo, you mind if I…’ Her voice trailed off as she saw us standing in the neighbor’s doorway, grunting over what was in fact a very heavy box.

‘Here, I’ll hold the door,’ Bonnie announced, jumping over the box, into the apartment, and pulling the door open as wide as it would go. We were able to get the box in easily enough.

The neighbor stood up and wiped her hands on her pants, offering it to me, then to Bonnie. ‘I’m Rebecca Benton.’

‘Hi, Rebecca,’ I said.

‘Nice to meet you, Ms Benton. I’m Bonnie,’ Bonnie replied.

‘Hello, Bonnie. Please call me Rebecca,’ said Rebecca.

‘Well, I dunno… Daddo sort of has a thing about me calling adults by their first names,’ Bonnie answered, shooting me a sly glance.

‘If she wishes to be known as Rebecca, then Rebecca it is,’ I said, and both smiled. ‘So what was it you wanted to know if I minded?’

Bonnie did a double take, and said, ‘Oh, yeah, Mindy wants to know if I can come up and work on our HE project. I’ll finish up the dishes when I get home…’

‘7-8-9,’ I replied. ‘And don’t sweat the dishes. I can get those.’

‘Thanks, Daddo,’ she said, her face breaking into a huge grin. ‘Very nice to meet you, Ms… I mean, Rebecca,’ she said, and with that she grabbed her book-bag and headed down the hall to the elevators.

‘Such energy!’ Rebecca said, laughing a little. ‘Nice manners, too. What’s 7-8-9? Or do you mind my asking?’

I chuckled. ‘It means, ‘I want you home by seven, so be home by eight, and nine at the latest.” Rebecca looked puzzled. ‘It just means don’t be out too late. It’s a private thing between us.’

Rebecca said, ‘I’m sorry, I’m being rude. Please sit.’

We both sat down, and she asked, ‘You trust her to go out like that? My folks would never have let me go out on a school night. No criticism intended,’ she added hastily.

‘None inferred,’ I smiled. ‘She’s just going three floors up, to work on a Home Ec project with her friend. They’re great kids. She’ll be home before eight, I imagine.’

‘You give her plenty of rope. You must trust her a lot,’ she observed.

‘Yes,’ I said, and I felt the smile fading. ‘She’s that rarest of creatures, a no-nonsense free spirit. I just don’t want to crush that in her. She’s so much like her mother… Well, I don’t mean to wax melancholy.’

‘So where’s Mom? If you don’t mind my asking,’ Rebecca asked.

‘She died some years ago. I doubt Bonnie has any memories of her at all.’

Rebecca murmured some words of condolence, and we lapsed into silence. ‘I should go,’ I said, after a moment. I stood and made for the door. She rose and followed me.

‘Well, I appreciate the assistance. Perhaps I can return the favor sometime,’ she said, sounding as though she meant it. I winked and grinned, and got a grin in return.

I saw her from time to time after that, in the hallway, or at the grocery store. We exchanged pleasantries, and even had a few brief conversations.

Then the clock stepped in and set other things in motion.

I was doing the laundry one day, and noticed some dark red spots on Bonnie’s underwear. Well, I thought, it’s about that time. It struck me in that moment that she had been a little less outgoing for a week or so. Time to bite the bullet and prepare for ‘the talk.’

The next morning at breakfast, I said, ‘So, is there anything in particular that’s bothering you?’

‘Not really,’ she grunted.

‘Anything we need to talk about?’

‘No!’ she snapped.

I was silent for a moment. ‘You know, Bonnie, this is a time when changes occur. Girls’ bodies…’

‘I don’t wanna hear about this!’ she cried, and put her face in her hands. She was really distressed.

I put my hand on her elbow. She shook it violently away.

Another few moments of silence elapsed. ‘You know, Bonnie, we can talk about these things. I am Daddo, remember?’

She looked up, thoroughly wretched. ‘I’m sorry, I just can’t.’

‘Is it because it’s me, or because I’m a guy?’ I asked.

‘Yes,’ she replied.

I thought for a moment. ‘Okay,’ I said, and got up. I began to put the dishes away.

She sprang up and grabbed me in a huge hug. ‘I’m sorry, Daddo, I just don’t know what to do.’

I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. ‘Well, I do. You need to get ready for school.’ I spun her around and swatted her bum. ‘Move, lady,’ I commanded.

She laughed as she complied, more relieved at the temporary return to normalcy than anything else, I suspect. I dropped her off at her school and went on to work. I formulated a plan I hoped would work.

That evening, she ran up to Mindy’s again for some other homework deal. As soon as she was gone I walked across the hall and tapped on Rebecca’s door.

She opened it, and said, ‘Jeff! How are you?’

‘Well,’ I began, ‘ I have a problem, and
I kind of need your help.’

‘Come on in,’ she said. We both sat on her sofa.

‘What can I do for you?’ she asked earnestly.

‘Well,’ I began, ‘it’s about sex.’

Her eyes widened, and before she could say anything else I held up my hand and said, ‘It’s Bonnie. She’s about to start her period, I think, and she needs to have… you know… that talk.’

Rebecca regarded me for a moment. ‘So, why don’t you just talk to her?

I shook my head. ‘I can’t. I mean, I can, but she doesn’t want to talk about it with me. I know they talk about the mechanics at school, but I want her to know the whole story. I could force her to listen, I guess, but, our relationship has always been so firmly based on trust, I don’t want to… impose my will, I guess is what I’m trying to say.’

She was silent for a moment. ‘Look,’ I said, ‘if you don’t want to, I’ll find another way. It’s just that she likes you, and you’d probably do a great job…’

Rebecca smiled. ‘Okay,’ she said, ‘I’ll do it. Just fill in the parameters.’

I thought for a moment. ‘The parameters are whatever she wants to know.’ I was silent for a moment. ‘Rebecca,’ I continued, ‘this is my baby. I don’t want her to get hurt. I want her to have all the information she needs.’

Rebecca pursed her lips. ‘How far should I go?’

I shook my head. ‘I don’t care. Just answer whatever she wants to know, no matter how detailed or explicit the conversation gets, I just don’t care. Well, okay, within reason. All I can say is, use your best judgment.’

She nodded sagely. ‘How about tomorrow evening?’

The next day was Friday, I could always find something important to have to do. I told her so.

And so it was done.

The next evening, just before dinner (which I had lamely told her would be cold cut sandwiches, ‘in a few minutes’) there was a tap on the door. Bonnie opened the door, and said, ‘Hi, Rebecca! Daddo, it’s Rebecca!’

‘I can see that, Bonnie. Hi, Rebecca, come on in.’

‘Well,’ said Rebecca, ‘I was sort of hoping Bonnie would come have dinner with me. I’d like to get to know her a little better.’

Bonnie’s eyes lit up. ‘Cool!’ She looked at me. ‘Daddo, may I…’

‘Go clean up a little, and have a great time,’ I interrupted.

‘Cool!’ she repeated, running out of the living room.

‘I really appreciate this,’ I said.

‘We’re going to have fun,’ Rebecca promised.

Bonnie ran back into the living room. I gave her a quick kiss goodbye, and the two of them left.

Bonnie did not return for about three hours. I was not particularly worried, though I had begun to wonder what was going on.

Right about then the door flew open. Bonnie came roaring in. ‘Daddo,’ she exclaimed breathlessly, ‘Rebecca wants to know if I could sleep over?’

Rebecca was right behind her. ‘Girls’ night out, without going anywhere,’ she said, a twinkle in her eye.

‘Don’t let the door slam you in the butt on the way out,’ I replied jauntily. Bonnie squealed with delight and ran to gather her things for an overnight.

‘Everything okay?’ I asked.

‘Great,’ replied Rebecca. ‘You are officially off the hook.’

Bonnie ran back in and hugged me. ‘See you tomorrow, Daddo,’ she said, and they retreated.

Bonnie returned the next day, her old self. She had clearly had a wonderful time.

The next evening, I was sitting on the sofa. Dinner was over, the dishes were washing, and I was deeply satisfied with the change in Bonnie’s demeanor. She came and sat beside me, something she had not done in a while. ‘Daddo?’ she said, looking serious, ‘will you tell me the truth? I mean, if I ask you something?’

‘Always,’ I replied.

She thought for a second, and then said, ‘Did you and Mom really do all that sorta stuff? I mean, the sorta stuff Rebecca told me about?’

Time to play it cool. ‘Hmmm… I guess it really depends on what she talked about,’ I answered.

‘Well,’ she began, ‘she told me all about sex. You know, intercourse and all that.’

‘I suppose we had to,’ I countered lightly, ‘ or a certain Bonnie wouldn’t be sitting here having this conversation with me, now, would she?’ I grinned.

She narrowed her eyes to slits in mock anger, and then said, ‘No, but I mean, you know, all that other stuff. Like, the oral sex stuff.’

You told her you’d answer truthfully, I told myself. ‘Yes, sweetie, we did.’

She was silent for a moment, then: ‘So what made you want to do that?’

I shook my head. ‘Sorry, Punkin, that’s private. That was between your mother and me. One day you’ll understand. It’s just… something I keep precious to myself.’

She laid her head on my shoulder, and said, very softly, ‘I’m sorry.’

I chuckled and placed my arm around her. ‘Don’t be. Not your fault for wanting to know,’ I said lightly. ‘I’ll tell you this: We did just about everything except for… what should I say, here?… the kinky stuff.’

‘Oh,’ she said, sitting back upright, ‘like anal? Oh, that sounds so gross. Well, it all sounds gross to me, but that part was too weird.’

‘There are other things, too, like tying people, and hurting them… we never came close to that,’ I added.

‘Oh, yeah, she talked about that stuff, too. She said they were okay for con-send-ing adults..’

‘Consenting,’ I corrected.

‘Yeah, that’s it, and she said some people did even worse things, but she wouldn’t talk about them.’

‘Did she say why they did those things?’ I asked.

‘She said some people use sex to show love, and some people just use sex for themselves.,’ she answered.

‘And do you understand that?’ I pressed.

She frowned. ‘Not really, but I think I kind of get it.’

‘Okay,’ I said. ‘Tell me exactly what you think it means.’

‘Well,’ she started, and thought for a moment, then, ‘I think what she said was, if two people really love each other, they use sex to make each other feel good.’

Pretty simplistic, I thought, but accurate. ‘And what does that tell you about when to have sex and when not to?’

‘She said you should never have sex just because someone wants you to, because they might just be using you like you were some kind of toy.’

Bravo, Rebecca, I thought. ‘Anything else?’

‘Yeah,’ she said, apparently excited to be remembering so much. She clearly felt like a young woman with all this newfound knowledge. ‘She said girls a little older than I am have sex and get pregnant, and that meant you have to make bad decisions.’

Bad? ‘You mean, tough decisions?’ I ventured.

Her eyes lit up. ‘That’s it! Tough decisions. But she wouldn’t tell me any more about them. I guess I was getting kind of tired by then, and she wanted us to get some sleep.’

She seemed to have grown up a visible notch. Not physically, mind you, but emotionally. She seemed a young woman, not a preteen.

She placed her head on my shoulder again and we fell silent. ‘Daddo? Do you miss her?’

‘Your mom?’ I asked. She nodded.

‘Every day,’ I replied. ‘I really loved that woman, Bonnie. But it’s not like it was, years ago. It’s sort of faded away. Besides, I have you, and you remind me so much of your mother.’

For the first time in my memory, Bonnie wiped away a little tear for her mother. I held her like that for a few minutes, then I arose, went into the kitchen, and poured two small glasses of ginger ale, which I brought to the living room.

I took my glass and held it up. ‘No more talk about the past. Here’s to the future, and to a wonderful new friend named Rebecca,’ I said, and she raised her glass and clinked it with mine. We drank, and she kissed me on the cheek. All was right with the world, again.


All of this had happened just before the end of school. Bonnie went to visit her maternal grandparents every summer, and since I work for a governmental agency with a
fiscal year of July-June, I was barely at home at all during June.

So it was I found myself relaxing over a very long July 4th weekend, the fiscal year successfully put away, when it occurred to me I had never properly thanked Rebecca.

I knocked on her door that Saturday morning. She opened, and looked happy enough to see me. I sensed a slight undercurrent of tension.

I explained, without sounding like making excuses, why I had unintentionally neglected her. She appeared to relax a little as I proffered a sincere apology.

‘I suppose,’ she said when I finished, ‘I thought you had sort of forgotten about me. Not that I expected anything… I was just sort of hoping… Oh, I don’t know…’

‘That I would ask you out for a nice dinner as repayment?’ I grinned. ‘That was my intent all along.’ We made plans to go to a very nice seafood house in town that evening.

Dinner was nice. I got to know more about her – she was divorced, no kids, older than I originally thought by a few years (she was almost thirty) – and I told her about the years I had spent with Rachel. It was a good time.

Throughout the meal, especially when I was talking about Rachel, I felt stirrings of nostalgia. Here I was with a gorgeous woman, having a pleasant evening out. Sex had not been a priority with me for so long, I had actually made the date without even thinking in that vein.

The longer we talked, the more I began to take stock of her. I had not noticed, but her breasts were small and very pert. Her hips were wide, though she was by no means fat. She was, I had to admit, sexy. My libido was awake.

We returned at about 8pm, and she accepted an invitation to have a glass of wine with me. I poured a Chardonnay apiece. We sat on the couch, and before anything else could happen the phone rang.

‘Hello?’ I answered.

‘Hey, Daddo!’ came a familiar voice. We talked for a few minutes. She outlined a lot of the things she had been doing. While she chattered, I held my hand to the mouthpiece and mouthed, ‘It’s Bonnie.’ I made a yak-yak-yak motion with my hand, and Rebecca smothered a giggle, then she made a ‘hello’ wave.

Before Bonnie melted the phone, I said, ‘Slow down, kiddo. Write a letter. Remember them there thingies? A letttt-tter! Now, there’s someone else here who wants to say hello.’

I handed the phone to Rebecca, who said, ‘There must be a Bonnie on the other end of this phone!’ She giggled, and from the way the giggling continued for the next few minutes, not to mention the low voices and back-turned to-me snippets, there must have been some serious girl talk going on.

Eventually I got the phone back, and Bonnie said, ‘Luv ya, Daddo. Gotta go! Hey, wait!’ she called before I hung up.

‘Yeah?’ I said.

‘Doofus me almost forgot, Grampa wants to talk to you,’ she said. She held the phone away from her mouth, and called, ‘Grammmmpa!’

I covered the mouthpiece and said, ‘Another short conversation is about to happen,’ and grimaced an apology.

‘It’s okay,’ she replied, ‘I’ll go to the little girls’ room,’ and left the sofa.

About that time, Rachel’s father Frank picked up.

‘Jeff?’ he boomed, as always, ‘how you feelin’?’

I laughed. ‘Great, Frank,’ I replied.

‘Look,’ he said, cutting to the chase as was his wont, ‘we’ve had a little excitement here, and we’d like to know if Bonnie could stay another few weeks.’

‘Now, Frank,’ I said, ‘how do I say ‘yes’ to that without sounding like I want more solitude from my boisterous preteen daughter?’

We shared a nice chuckle over that. Frank and I had always been able to tickle one another’s funny bone.

‘Well, like I said, we’ve had some excitement.’ He sounded a little more sober when he said, ‘A cousin of mine, he and I used to be real close.. well, we fell out of touch a while back. Been about thirty years since we saw one another, about the time Rachel was, oh, fifteen or so.’

‘You’ve re-established contact, I’m thinking is the next thing you’re going to tell me,’ I interjected.

He chuckled. ‘No moss growing on you, my friend. See, we’ve sort of planned a family reunion for the first week of August. Now, he’s got grandkids about Bonnie’s age, so she’s excited about that… but,’ and he sounded very sober again, ‘the adult kids remember Rachel, and they want to meet you. I mean, you and Bonnie…’ He trailed off.

‘I get it. You want me to come up and join in the shindig,’ I observed.

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I feel the bark biting into my hands, as I lean into the tree. With each stoke delivered, he leaves fiery streaks across my thighs and ass. In this stance, I know he sees my skin quivering, hears the deep breaths I take as they pass my lips, and senses the true meaning of my pleading. I look behind me every now and again, but will knowing what to expect help ease the pain of every slap? It never does, but it gives me the chance to catch a glimpse of his desires, burning brightly in his eyes. I...

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TimepieceChapter 14

The symposium was tremendously received by the audience and the newspapers. The box that we carried everywhere in Egypt was a disguised top of the line digital camera. It was a simple thing to set the camera to line drawing, project those drawings on a photo sensitive glass plate, follow the procedure for the plates and use Mr. Edison's electric light in a magic lantern to project the glass plate images on to a screen. The biggest problem was choosing which plates to show. Luxor was...

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Porn is consistently at the forefront of technology. Human history has been affected by porn many times, and we wouldn't be where we are today without it. Whenever new forms of print or digital media are developed, it's porn that decides many of its features.Porn is the reason VHS beat out Betamax, and DVDs still reign over Bluray. So, when smartphones began being developed, you knew they had to be porn friendly. At first, no one knew just how integral to society these phones would become, but...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Satisfying Jane Chapter 1

It was a bright sunny morning, a brand new year, and my girlfriend and I had decided that some fun needed to be a part of our routine.   We had lived together for sixteen months, but because we were both older and economics demanded it, we had not gotten married.   Living in sin, so to speak, was just how it needed to be.   All of our friends understood that, so it was fine, even though we live in the Bible Belt of America, and attend the church of our choice, where we are welcomed with open...

Group Sex
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Tiresias Vol 1

Most Characters belong to Marvel. I introduced Lumen, Breaker, Archie, and a few others. I hope they don't mind me messing in their alternate backyard, but hopefully someday I can get them to publish this idea! Again, thanks to Eddie G! This story is dedicated to Tumbleweed. This story takes place pre-Heroes Reborn. If I should ever get the chance to do this in Marvel continuity, I would update it. Tiresias By Indiana Jones ([email protected]) Vol I An old man...

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Camping Trip

About a year ago my wife and I decided to take our vacation in the mountains. Now camping to my wife is meaning you better have a cabin with shower and a bathroom, LOL.We got a place with nice cabins and not attached to each other, so you had a little privacy. First night was uneventful, some hiking, BBQ and hit the sack early from our driving. Woke up our second day I had to use the bathroom of course and just happened to look out the window and saw right into the cabin next to us. Getting...

3 years ago
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Watching a ganbang in the kitchen

My wife’s Boss had invited us to the annual party he used to celebrate at his house.Ana knew that I was not in the mood for this kind of parties; but she insisted we should go; I could meet some interesting people there.I finally got convinced and we drove to the house party.I was made very welcome and introduced to lots of people. It did seem a bit odd that most of the guests were male; but I also knew that they were mostly business associates.We got separated as I chatted with some...

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Sarahs First Time

Sarah and I had been seeing each other for a while and going out on dates together, she was very open and said that although having boyfriends - she was still a virgin. And the thought of just putting my cock into her tight little virgin pussy made me tingle.After about our fourth date together, I thought this could be the time - I invited her back to my place. We laid on the bed like usual, kissing and cuddling - but with her wearing such a short, cock-teasing skirt I felt the need to slide my...

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Tv Nudist

TV NUDIST My name is Clinton Crayle, and I'm a very different kind of Private Eye. I specialize in untangling the kinky sex problems of the very rich. My fee is One Thousand Dollars a Day, and I'm seldom out of work. My clients know that my discretion is absolute and I guarantee my results. So if you're rich and in a jam, come to my office. Harold Belt did.... "Mr. Belt," I said, "Your problem sounds interesting. Blackmail from a professional Dominatrix is, fortunately, rare. But...

3 years ago
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Secret Love Pact Ch 01

‘Jamal, what would I do without you?’ those words played over and over in my head all night. Chantel’s voice had so much hurt in it. It wounded me to see her hurt. I had known her since we were in 5th grade, back then she would bully me because I sucked at ‘Down by the Lake’. It wasn’t long before I out smarted the bully though. Back then she was stronger than me, but I was faster. I still tease her now about how she hits like a man. Back then though, brace face had me running scared. I...

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‘Please, Danny? I know you can play and I promised the gang. We can go forty bucks, and there will be plenty to eat and drink.’ Dave told me over the phone. I knew Dave sort of in passing, he was an OK kind of guy. But it wasn’t any kind of ‘buds’ thing so I was surprised when the phone rang. Some party, they wanted live entertainment, and I did some of that. But I charged $100 a night, and this gig was damn near a 100 mile round trip out in the valley. Most of the time I played at weddings...

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In The Park – Part oneThis is a continuation of the exhibitionist adventures of Andrea and Mike as depicted in the 'Carried Away' story which appeared earlier this year. The story is kind of long and it is divided into two parts. I would appreciate all comments.I hope you enjoy the story.Andrea had become increasingly curious about exhibitionism since her experience at the beach with her husband. She surfed a lot of web sites and eventually came upon some personal ads. She ended up e-mailing...

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A night on the boat

Looking into his room he was not surprised to see it tidy and clean, both boys were fastidious about the boat and their cabin was being kept immaculately. Only two things seemed out of place. Mick’s trunks, which were hanging from the handle of a cupboard no doubt ready for an early morning swim, and Luke himself. The boy was sprawled out across his bunk asleep but still dressed. Jake let his eyes rest on the body lying face down, one arm tucked under the head, the other dangling over onto the...

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My New Hobby Sucking BBC Gay

Now, at this time in my life, I never even thought about the prospect of being with a man. I loved pussy, and pussy is all I ever wanted. Never in a million years would I consider being with a man, especially with our black cleaning man Eddie. Eddie grabbed my garbage and emptied it into his pale, dusted a few fixtures, and moped the floor. As he performed his errands we briefly talked, like we usually do, about cars, women, and what ever game was on that evening. I enjoyed watching him talk;...

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The Dungeon of Lust

As she explores through the dense forest, Sydney, a 21 year old adventurer, is excited and motivated to find the new dungeon she has heard all about. She learned about this place and its amazing rewards from people in her town, but they warned her about going. A lot of the other adventurers that attempted to explore this dungeon were never heard of or seen again. Maybe they took the treasure and ran? or maybe the dungeon really is that difficult? Sydney did not care, and the idea of being...

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Accomplice? What the fuck? Angie knew Evan dealt drugs, but she thought he was too small time to get any attention from the police. Still…she had been stupid enough to live with him, and now she was getting arrested, too, and being charged as an accessory to his drug business. Ironically, she had nothing to do with his drug business….she was a waitress at the local diner, so she couldn’t believe she was now being woken up with guns in her face because Evan was a fucking idiot drug...

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An Erotic Christmas Carol

Evan was bored. Not just momentarily bored, but chronically and perpetually bored. As the president of his own company, he had met and surpassed his own personal life goals by the ripe old age of 45 and was now struggling with “what next?” He had everything he wanted: a private jet, a yacht, luxury cars, servants, a huge California mansion and a vacation home in the Caribbean. And yet, Evan was bored. Even the upcoming holidays did nothing to spark his interest. He knew he would be invited to...

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Our First Kiss

The sun is barely coming up and I am already in the barn. I notice an extra horse in the barn and wonder discover that it is Biscuit – Ella’s horse. Why is Biscuit here, I wonder to myself, but the concerns of Biscuit’s presence are quickly replaced with thoughts of Ella. Recently, I have seen a lot of her…in the barn down on her farm, in the woods…always with a boy, but I dream at night of her with me. I wonder how she tastes, how she feels. Before I know it…the discovery of Biscuit has me...

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The Elevator

97.Angel blinks at the number again to make sure she's not imagining it, that there isn't another digit that she just overlooked.Nope.97. Holy shit.This number is on her PornHub profile, just below the picture of her standing naked in front of a swimming pool on a beautiful cloudless summer day, naked except for a pink thong hanging off her left ankle, one hand running through her buzz cut pink hair while the other is plunged deep inside her pussy. The number means that she is now one of the...

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The Christmas Party episode three

At the end of my first fall semester at UGA, I arrived home for Christmas break to find my mom making a big batch of fried apple pies that smelled great! As I took one, mom told me that the family was going to a big Christmas party in Atlanta at her, very rich, friend’s house. I thought, ‘oh gee how can I get out of this?’ She said she wanted me to meet up with her friend’s daughter again. I was thinking this was sounding even worse than I could imagine. If a guy’s mom mentions a girl she...

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Carmen and Ali part 2

Needless to say Carmen went out the next morning and bought some books to read up on pets, and to do some other shopping. Carmen came home in the early afternoon to a clean apartment, and a committed pet husband still wearing my, or should she say his black panties. Carmen was just a little crossed with Ali for hiding his domestic skills from her previously, but how can one stay angry when your pet has done exactly what you have told him to do?Carmen could have picked apart his efforts easily...

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There were only two things Rose knew for certain when she opened her eyes, firstly that she was being suspended in mid-air - how and why, and how high she didn't know, but the clear air beneath her feet told her that she was - and secondly she was wearing nothing more than what felt like a pair of bikini bottoms, well that and a piece of duck tape across her mouth. Oh, and there was one other thing, she was in complete darkness, so dark that at this moment it didn't matter if her eyes were open...

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The motel

Craig couldn't believe his luck! Buying the Sunny Day Motel had been the best decision of his life! He had gotten the idea to install hidden cameras in each room from one of those "Candid Camera" shows on television. Right from the beginning Craig knew that this little ten room motel could be a gold mine if it was run "properly"! After taking possession of the motel, Craig got down to the business of installing his hidden cameras and microphones in every unit, until by the time he was finished...

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Fitness Training To Girls 8211 Part 1

Hi all this is another experience of mine while fitness training for those who are reading me for the first time. I am based at Ahmedabad working in an MNC at a senior post and travel across Gujarat for my work. You can send me your feed back on This is another experience of mine while providing fitness training. I hit my gym on regular basis but not daily and I have been following same gym for last 5 odd years and now I am almost like a senior member there. It is during winters when I was...

2 years ago
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Sometimes Life Is Not a Bowl of CherriesChapter 4

When I reached the entrance to the student parking lot I turned in and headed towards the back of the school. I stopped when I was off of the road a little ways and rolled my waistband under one more time. I looked down at the results. I wasn't sure how exposed I was. I wished there was a mirror handy. The student parking lot was empty. I began to wonder if I would get lucky and Cody would be a no-show. I walked through the parking lot and around to the back of the building. As soon as I...

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What If Reading EroticaChapter 6

Marsha came in about 7:30 and said, "The weirdest thing happened at the hospital. While I was visiting with Nancy, I went down the hall to get us a soda. The machines were near the emergency door. While I was standing there, they brought a Gurney in. You're not going to believe this but Jim from the agency was on it. He was beat up pretty badly, he had to have 18 stitches on his forehead and 6 above his eye. He also had a broken nose. He looked worse then Nancy when she was brought in. He...

4 years ago
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Magic Happens

MAGIC HAPPENS Winning 37 million dollars changed my life, anyone that says money wont change them is lying. After winning, the first thing I did was clear all my debts, give a million to each of my parents, my sister, and some friends, then I planned the extended holiday of a lifetime. Id always wanted to spend more time in the United States, and as California was the sunshine state of the US, I planned on spending at least a month there. After a very long 14 hour flight on first...

2 years ago
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En rigtig varm sommer

"Er du oppe" spurgte hun lidt forbavset. "Jah, jeg kunne ikke sove mere. Jeg vågnede af at jeg havde det alt for varmt." Svarede jeg. "Skal du så ikke med ned og tage en morgemdukket?“ spurgte hun. Hun var iklædt sin bikini. Jeg funderede lidt over om jeg mon skulle sige ja, og besluttede mig for at det ikke kunne skade. "Hvorfor ikke, så går jeg lige ud og skifter" sagde jeg. "Jeg venter her" svarede hun. Jeg skyndte mig at skifte over til badeshorts. Jeg tog mit badehåndklæde...

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Waiting for faith

Waiting for Faith by alexcarr © I live in a block of purpose built retirement flats. We have our own community gardens to keep us pensioners happy as well as a community room where we hold regular functions. Not being the social animal my aim was to settle for a quiet uneventful life, believing all things sexual were long gone. Except for the looking of course and I could always imagine how it was when I was young. But who was I kidding! You see, there are lots of lonely spinsters and...

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Backmailed for money

This is about a story of a young girl who got fucked for money by her friend. Neethu is 16 yr old sweet beautiful girl who was studying 10th class.She has a neighbor and friend called Suman who is also stying with her on the same class.They both were friends for more than 10 yrs. One day Neethu’s Mom felt sick, she took her to the doctor and came to know that her Mom is affected by severe brain tumor and it will cost 2 lakhs to cure it. Neethu belongs to poor family lost her dad is at a vey...

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my wife and I 4som

Me and my wife always had a very good relationship and we're always looking to explore some of our sexuality although at times we never really seen eye-to-eye on what she wanted or what I wanted but we always met in the middle. This particular day we were talking about exploring our sexual Horizons and I always said let's bring in another couple she was very much against it in the past but this time was different she says I thought about it many times and I would love to try to do something but...

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Lucky shopping

It was a lovely early spring morning as I went into the local supermarket not really my favourite pastime, but as a middle aged widower, I have to do it!Browsing at the greengrocery section I noticed a woman ahead of me as she was bending over the potato trough. She had a remarkable bottom, and I enjoyed the glimpse of the tight skirt over full rounded cheeks.I came across her two more times, and was able to get a better look at her. She was quite attractive, if rather heavy, and must have been...

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After School On the Crowded Bus

It was pouring rain, I huddled under the bus shelter to try & stay dry, my hair was already damp & my white school blouse was more than a little see through, the cold air made my nipples stand to attention & it seemed my breasts were all the boys at the bus shelter could lear at & giggle about. I just wanted to get on the bus, go home, get out of these wet clothes & take a shower & cuddle up in bed with my pj's & a hot chocolate.The bus finally arrived but it was way...

2 years ago
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Seeing my first hard cock

Hopefully this is OK, we were both u******e. Not quite sure how it started, but my friend Tommy wanted to show me his cock. He was nice and hard. Now I know he was quite small. I was 13 and and he was was a bit younger. We spent the summer showing each other our cocks. I would jack off for him. We would look at stolen girlie magazines. We lived in a small town and our parents would leave us to fend for ourselves in the summer while our parents were at work. I even attempted to cook breakfast...

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To Oz and Back

To Oz and Back By Heather St. Claire The endless horizon of the Kansas plains stretched before Danny Gale. It was a beautiful evening, the sky a rich golden hue as the sun set, and as he stood on the porch of his family's white farmhouse, Danny could savor the beauty of the land. Most of the time, the 14-year-old couldn't help feel that the vastness of the horizon was mocking him...although the plains seemed to go on forever, his life was lived within tightly constricted limits. It...

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Hogmanay TeasingChapter 2

As Connor thrust his young tongue ever deeper and harder into my mouth, Niall's hand was slowly working it's way up my nylon clad left leg. He very tenderly, was stroking my inner thigh and then found the gap of my crotchless suspender tights that allowed him to feel bare naked flesh. "Oh what's this then?" he quipped as his hand now met my skin. I trembled slightly with anticipation and also with sheer wanton lust. "Oh fuck yes!" I moaned. "Go on, go on, get my cunt felt...

1 year ago
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What Boundaries

My boyfriend, Carl and I had been dating for a few months now. Senior year in high school was really looking up. Our relationship wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for one reason. My boyfriend’s dad hated me. Why? Because I wasn’t “attractive.” I’ll give him that though. I didn’t have the most beautiful face, and my tangled deep brown hair was nearly always pulled back into a ponytail. My brown skin was darker in some places, and I was a bit pudgy. Carl didn’t seem to care, but his dad, his dad...

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