ComrieChapter 4 free porn video

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As they pulled out of the parking lot of the company where Madeline's Group worked Marge said to Fred, "How do the photos look?"

"Very good. We have at least two good ones of each woman's face. They are all lovely."

"Yea. I noticed that and I'm a bit envious. I wonder how Evelyn and Chad did."

"Based on the past experience with our dreams, probably just as well as we did."

Arriving at the US Attorney's office building, they saw Evelyn and Chad getting out of their car. Neither group had to ask if the other had seen the other group of women from their dreams; it was evident in their expressions.

The guard recognized them as soon as they entered and called Clarence to inform him that they were there. The guard said, "As often as you all are here you ought to ask Clarence or James for a badge."

Marge laughed and said, "We already have but Clarence thought if he did that, he wouldn't know where to find us."

The guard released the door and said, "Clarence is waiting for you in his office. He said to go on up."

"Thanks," they replied, "Have a nice day."

When Clarence saw them approaching his office, the hair on his neck tickled. "An interesting omen," he thought. After exchanging greetings and before they could say a word he said, "Me thinks, this needs to be recorded, that is of course, if you all are agreeable." Their expressions showed their surprise. "A recording will be very important to all of us, if this is as big as your expressions seem to indicate. It will preserve the details, because as the information is retold, it can change a little at a time. With these twerps, we need to make sure we leave no loose ends, and we may need to refresh our memory on where we started." They all nodded their agreement. "If we get too close without realizing it, we could disappear ourselves. With these recordings on file, someone will be able to follow the trail we were on. Now having said all that, I presumed that this was about the lodge incident."

"Well to be truthful we aren't sure, but we are certain that we need to tell you about it." Each then described their dream and listed the key points they remembered. One of Sarah's Clan eavesdropped on the conversation to be sure none of the critical pieces were missed. They were pleased, as the journalists had not missed any key points and had described them almost perfectly.

"What else?" he asked with a smile. "As well as I know the three of you, it isn't just a dream you are bringing me."

Marge said, "Well, before we came here, we divided up and went to both locations. We saw both groups of women from the dream enter the buildings. It was exactly as our dreams indicated they would. Each building requires an access card to enter. They used their cards, and then talk to the receptionist before going further into the building."


"Of course, we have still and video. We know how thorough you are," said Evelyn with a smile.

"Okay, let's see if we have enough pieces from your dreams to work out a time line for what you think is going to happen later today." They looked at him questioningly. "Look, I believe what you've told me, however, we need more substantial evidence. This has been the strangest case I have ever worked on. It would have died a long time ago without your talent for noticing odd clues, even if some of those have been strange, but good." Their faces looked a bit happier. "Chad, are you aware of our working arrangement?"

"Yes, I think so, although they didn't say much to me. The ease with which they were admitted to your office says a lot. Even though I work for a different paper, I am willing to work with them and abide by any arrangement they have with you. However, I should talk to my editor before I get too involved."

"Which company has the three pregnant women on the upper floor?"

"The one these women went to," said Marge, as she pointed to the photo of Madeline's group.

While they were working on the time line, an investigator came in and confirmed that the two company presidents had gone to school together. Even though their public face indicated a strong dislike for the other, it was clear from other information that they were quite friendly. He laid a picture of the two homes on the desk. Marge, Evelyn and Fred gasped, as one was the house from their dream. Seeing their reactions, Clarence said, "Which one?" as he picked up the phone.

"James, I hope you haven't made plans for this evening, or, probably, the entire weekend. Our three friends are here with me, plus one. With the leads they brought and what we have, it should be enough to initiate three searches." He paused. "Sure, we can come up there, but do you want the journalists to be seen up there? Okay, we will be in my office."

"Can you all stay with me until this is over? It could be all weekend and even into next week."

"Can we talk to our editors?" asked Marge. "It shouldn't be a problem for us."

"Sure, use this phone. If they want to talk to me, fine."

Chad called his editor, Paul Smith, to check in. As they chatted, he described in general terms the story he was working on with his three friends. He told Paul who the friends were, and, generally, what the story was about. He cautioned him that they didn't think they would have anything until Monday at the earliest. With some reluctance, Paul gave him the go-ahead, but indicated that he had concerns. He was uncomfortable, both with the risk, and the fact two papers would have similar stories.

When Marge, Evelyn and Fred talked to Rob O'Brien, their editor, he pressed them for more details. He was concerned, due to their contributions dropping off since they had become focused on the lodge incident. Finally, he said, "Are you sure enough about this story to risk your jobs here? We really need you to work on other stories. I have to be honest with you, as I really don't want to lose any of you. All of your stories are very good, but I need a continuous flow for our readers."

They took a deep breath and said, "Yes. We are certain the risk is worth it."

"Okay. Please, be careful. The group behind this is apparently very ruthless, and you could become a victim, just like those seen in the videos."

"One more thing, Chad is working with us this time. He talked to his editor, and received his approval to continue. We hope that doesn't cause any problems."

"No. It shouldn't. I'll call Paul later."

"Thank you." They had worried looks on their faces as they hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" asked Chad.

"Rob just asked us if we were sure enough of this to risk our jobs. We said yes, but now we are a little apprehensive. At the same time, he seemed very concerned about our welfare."

"I don't think you need to worry about being out of work," responded Clarence with a smile. "It is not likely your editor will fire you, since you all do good work. I am certain several news organizations would be very happy to add you to their staff. As to your welfare, we all need to be careful, very careful. Always travel in twos and leave secure notes on where you went and why."

"We do," replied Marge with the others nodding.

Due to the timing of James MacFarland entry to Clarence's office, he heard most of it. He immediately added, "Yes all of you need to be careful or you could disappear as well. Sorry. That is not a good way to greet you all. Good morning."

After replying Marge said, "Mr. MacFarland, do you know Chad?"

"We've met a few times. Chad are you aware of the working arrangement we have with them?"

"Yes, sir. I find it quite acceptable. This case is especially intriguing to me since several of my friends from college have disappeared without a trace."

"What school?" asked Clarence as he sat up further in his chair.

"WMU, the Northeast campus."

Clarence called the IT department on the campus and chatted with the department head for a few moments, before he asked, "Who supplies and supports your database software?" He listened for a few moments, and then thanked the person before hanging up. He grinned, "Looks like we have another piece of circumstantial evidence."

Clarence asked the journalists to repeat what they had told him so James could hear it. After they finished, Marge said, "I just realized something. Remember earlier this week we talked about people disappearing after working for a company. This group went into a building that looks very much like the one we saw when we learned that information."

"Yes," responded Evelyn and Fred immediately.

"Another dream," asked James with a raised eyebrow.

"Well of course," responded Marge, "with these vermin we need all the assistance the spirits can give us."

Her response gave all of them a good laugh. When they quieted down James said, "I hate to say this but for this case, that is absolutely true. We could probably use the assistance of some aliens." Clarence raised an eyebrow as the others chuckled.

On Dóchas Tara said, "You already have it." Her spouses chuckled.

"Someday soon he will know his wish has already been granted," responded Aoife.

Back in Clarence's office, James said, "Considering our experience with their information, we have to check this out. So do what you need to."

Clarence then initiated stakeouts at both companies and presidents homes. In doing so he noted that the buildings exit into the enclosed parking lots needed to be monitored. Then on a whim, he asked one of his staff to see if they could locate plans for both buildings, and if possible the homes.

With that set in motion, together they reviewed all the information regarding the locations, and what was their dreams indicated would take place. Clarence expressed concern about having sufficient officers that they could trust, as he was nearly certain he had at least one leak. Another concern was being able execute simultaneous searches at three locations. Asking for assistance from other law enforcement agencies would be difficult because of the lack of hard evidence, but to a larger extent because of the time constraints. Although not said, asking for assistance also increased the risk of tipping off the suspects. Based upon what happened at the lodge, they felt that it would be very important to remove all potential evidence as quickly as possible.

"Clarence, James, we have a couple of friends in the local guard unit," said Evelyn, "is that help you could use? It is a military police unit. My friends are always complaining about not have enough real-world training. Besides, I think they have drill this weekend."

"Yes, that just might provide the manpower we need to get the records out of the two buildings, and, possibly, the estate."

James called the local guard commander to inquire whether was a drill weekend, and whether they would be interested in assisting in an evidence recovery operation. Captain Dole told him that they would be very interested. James advised him that the participants would need to wear body armor and carry loaded sidearms. Captain Dole told James that from his perspective he saw no reason why they could not do that, but he needed clearance from his commander. Even so he did not think his commander would object and he thought he could have an answer within the hour.

While waiting for the call back, Clarence initiated checks on the companies and management employees. With Marge, Fred, Evelyn and Chad looking on, Clarence met with his two key assistants as they planned the raids. It was decided that Marge and Fred would go with the group going to the location where they thought the pregnant women were. Chad would be with the group going to the other company, and Evelyn to the estate. Half the guard unit would go with three of Clarence's investigator's to each company. Clarence, along with the rest of his team, would go to the estate. James would go to the estate after he had secured the search warrants. The warrants would be obtained, after-hours, at the judge's home.

Captain Dole called James and said, "We have approval to assist. How are we going to do this?"

"We think it is best to use your location as an assembly point," replied James. "That way we can brief everyone at one time. Can we start assembling at 4 PM?"

"That will work just fine."

After the journalists left, Clarence continued his theme of keeping as low a profile. A couple of hours after the journalist left, he called his investigators in one at a time. Supposedly, these were normally scheduled meeting to go over progress on cases. They were except select investigators were told that a raid was being conducted that evening. Their assistance was needed, provided it didn't cause any issues with prior commitments. All were asked not to say, or allude to, the potential raid. To those who were available, they were to be at the armory by 1600 hours.

Meanwhile James went to draw up search warrants, using the two bot paralegals, focusing on this being an extension of the lodge incident. Paperwork was also prepared so that the guard members would be deputized, as this would give them a stronger legal basis to assist.

When Clarence arrived at the armory, he was met by the journalists along with the Unit Commander. Captain Dole said, "Since I talked to James, our Division Commander has given us approval to assist." Clarence gave him a puzzled look. "The Battalion Commander decided after giving his approval that he should talk to Division. They expressed concerns about our legal status, especially if we had to detain anyone."

"We don't expect to find anyone to detain in the company buildings. However, we plan on deputizing everyone, so I don't think that will be a problem."

"Do you have the plans for the building?"

"We had some earlier but there is supposed to be a better set delivered here very soon."

–-- –-- –--

Sarah said, "What is the status with O'Toole and MacFarland?"

"They are at the armory, going over the plans for the raids on the two companies," responded Muireann in Dóchas Intelligence. "All the investigators arrived well before the requested time. No one seems to be surprised by how easily the detailed floor plans were found. They are on the third pass of walking through the sequence of expected events at each location."

"Good. How about the women?"

"They are all doing as well as can be expected, from what we can see with the drones."

"Okay. Do you have enough resources?"

"Yes. Two shuttles are over each location, with 12 Security team members on each. Their suits are configured to look like those of either Clarence's group or the National Guard unit they will support."


Adam, Todd, Sal, Leo and Kurt spent most of the day with the women they had met the previous evening. Both groups had quickly become very comfortable with each other, and found that they had many of the same interests. Quite often they all thought about those in their group who were on Security teams. While they had a great time, each group was surprised to occasionally feel like they were missing someone.

It was late afternoon, and they were relaxing with Nancy and Bob in the recreation room. "Mom," said Adam, "Todd and I would like to link with Briana and Cathan, but we're not sure what to do. We can sense they are quite stressed at the moment, which worries us as we have felt it, on and off, all day."

Nancy appeared to hesitate, when in fact she sought an answer to his request. "Alison, Sally, who is monitoring the Security teams? Adam and Todd want to mind-link with Briana and Cathan."

"Just a minute Nancy, while we get their permission," said Sally. After a few moments passed, "It is fine with them. They will ask the guys to respect some limits as to what they look at, for now."

"Okay, I'll tell them. Will they need help?"

"Most likely, Aoife will be there in a moment."

"The deal is this," said Nancy. "Briana and Cathan are fine with establishing a mind-link with each of you. However, they want you to limit the link to just their current activity, for the present. Aoife will be here in a moment, to assist you with establishing the link." Before she finished speaking, Aoife appeared, standing next to them and startling all of them.

Seeing Aoife, Todd commented, "In a moment? An interesting concept of time and way to arrive." Todd chuckled and Adam laughed.

"This shouldn't take very long," said Aoife with a grin but ignoring his comment. "Both of you can see objects in your mind for each of the women, right?" They nodded. "Okay, Adam I will help you join with Briana, and then I'll help Todd. An analogy to establishing this kind of link is that it is like opening a door to a dwelling, only, in this case, it is into their mind. Each of you need to realize that, once inside, the whole house is open to you. For tonight, Briana and Cathan ask you to just enter the first room, or living room in concept, while in their dwelling. Most of their attention will be focused on the activity surrounding them. You will also see the mind-link they have with their tactical suit AI." Both looked concerned.

"Don't worry, I am sure this will work, or we wouldn't let you do it. Safe achievement of our tactical goals is our prime concern tonight. Okay?" Both nodded. Aoife formed a mind-link with Adam, and showed him how to unlock the door so they could link, as she had already unlocked her side. Adam was immediately awed by what saw going on around her.

"Adam, let's wait until this is over before we explore a deeper link," said Briana.

"Not a problem, I will wait for you to tell me. On my side, feel free to draw on any of my training or experience, if you think it will help. Todd is going to mind-link with Cathan in a moment."

"Yes, she told me. My friends are in this link, as well."

"Now go back to what you need to do. I think I will find a seat, so I am not a distraction."

"Good. Don't forget to eat dinner. This link is dynamic so, you can leave the link and come back without bothering me. We will begin the operation just as soon as everyone is out of the buildings."

Aoife slipped out of her link with Adam and Briana to mind-link with Todd. She showed him how to unlock the door they could link, since she had already unlocked her side. Todd was immediately awed by what was going on around her, and surprised that he could see her surroundings as well.

"Hi Todd. Will you wait until this is over before we explore a more extensive link?" asked Cathan. "I would like to do that with you, but I want to be physically with you when we do."

"Not a problem, I will wait for you to tell me. Now go back to what you need to do. From my side of the link, draw on any of my experience or training you think will help you. I suspect Adam has said the same thing to Briana."

"Yes. Now don't forget to eat dinner, since you'll need your strength, as, with this link, I think I will draw some energy from you. Our part of the operation won't start until everyone is out of the building. You can leave the link and come back without bothering me. I think you can also put it in the background, while you do something else."

"Okay. I like this. Earlier, I felt very comfortable and close to you, now I understand why. Meeting you was a wonderful thing."

"Thanks, and I have the same feeling. By the way, my friends are in this link too."

Todd looked around the room at the Enclave. Aoife was gone, but Nancy was sitting there, watching the two of them. Adam had sat down. He nudged Adam, to get his attention. "Hey, bud we need to eat now, since I think we won't be interested later."

"You got that right. Come on Mom, why don't you join us? Besides, I think you want to be close to us while this is happening."

"It would be a pleasure to join you two for dinner. Yes, I would like to monitor the two of you. Mostly because I am your mother, and your link is a new sensation."

When they reached the dining room, Adam was joined by Cass, Abaigeal and Charlotte. He immediately sensed why they were there with him, as he now saw the tight bond between them and Briana. He hugged each of them as they came up to him.

"Ellie, Anita, and Cindy would also be here, but they have other duties this evening," said Cass. Adam was at a loss for words, but watched as four women joined Todd as they went through the buffet line with his mother.

"Yes," said Cass, "the four women joining Todd have a special relationship with Cathan, similar to what we have with Briana."

"Can we talk this way without disturbing Briana?"

"Yes, just focus on us."


Bob, Susan and Alice joined them as they ate. Adam had always enjoyed discussing current events with his family at meal time. They quickly resumed that activity, with Todd and the women joining in the conversation with them. During this Adam indicated that he thought they would be going to Afghanistan in the near future, but they had not had any formal notification of the assignment.

They had hardly finished dinner, when Adam said, "I am going back to the lounge, as I think it will be more comfortable there." As he rose to clear his dishes from the table, the others did as well. Little was said, as they returned to the lounge.

The stakeouts at the company buildings radioed Clarence that the two groups of women were boarding vans at their respective locations. This was followed by continuous update on their progress. It wasn't long until it was reported that Larry had left and there were three cars still on the lot. Shortly after that it was reported that Dale had also left and there were now only two cars on the lot.

As he listened to the updates, Clarence thought it was interesting, the effort the two were making to avoid public contact with the women. Even their routes to Dale's estate were different.

The van containing Kim, Lace and those in Ursula's group arrived at the estate first and pulled under a portico, partially obscuring the view of them. It wasn't enough to keep the women from being identified before they entered the building. Once the van was empty, it was moved to a parking area near the garage. The van with Elsa and Madeline's group arrived and the women promptly went inside. Two people came out and removed a large trunk from the van before moving the van to the parking area. The other person pulled the trunk inside the house.

In neither case were the surveillance crews able to identify who moved the vans. The arrival of the trunk was a puzzle, until someone remembered it was similar to those at the lodge. Larry's car arrived first and its lone occupant went into the house. Dale's car did not arrive until a few minutes later. In both cases, the surveillance crew was able to confirm their identities before they entered the house.

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  Daniel knew he was in for a spanking. 23 years old but his Mother would put him over her lap for sure.   He looked at the shop manageress as she sat behind her desk and then across at the middle aged woman sitting crossed legged next to him, clearly annoyed. It had been a joke. Mum had sent him to the mall to buy a couple more wooden backed hairbrushes to replace the ones worn out through so much use on his bare bottom. He bought it from the first floor of the ladies clothes shop his...

2 years ago
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My Life With Alex I

I became a widow a few months ago, as my wife got cancer and passed away. we were married for nearly 30 years. A calm and very pleasant marriage. I am retired and with a decent amount of money, so I bought a small motor home. The idea was to travel around and visit the fantastic wildlife in our country. The lady that sold me the motor home, a beautiful woman in her early forties and very good looking, became my friend. I could take her to lunch, or sometimes to a fancy dinner or a movie. She...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotist Ch 01

Here he was with a PhD in psychology and a medical degree less the medical internship and residencies from a top university augmenting his university salary by working the summer sales meeting circuit as the entertainment event. He rationalized that the money wasn’t bad, he got to visit high end resort locations that he probably couldn’t afford and there was at least a modicum of research value. He was a hypnotist and a damned good one. There was science to what he did, it was far more than...

1 year ago
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Into It Book 2Chapter 15

They went in and the door closed. We were all listening. We heard Tom exclaim, "What? No, I can't." We heard Marianne speak more quietly. "You will. Tom, I won't play fair. If you love me, you will do this." After that it was quiet though we could hear some quiet grumbling from Tom. They came out a few minutes later. Marianne was grinning and Tom's face was red. Karen grinned. "Six sets of buns! It should be quite a view. Marianne, do you have enough sun screen? That's going to be...

4 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 74

The next two weeks as Timmy and his family got ready to return to Verna's home, were two long, sad weeks for me. I took Timmy and Sally to several water parks as well as looking at horses all over Virginia. We didn't find anything, but we had fun doing it. As the time passed and got down to the last day, my heart felt like it was shriveling in my chest. For some reason, I loved this little boy like he was a part of my soul. I was sitting by myself in my office on the eve of their departure...

2 years ago
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Hot Sand Hilton Head

Middle age doesn't feel like the middle anymore, not like it was portrayed in black and white movies, when forty-five year old men were bespectacled, with gray mustaches, mostly bald heads, a pipe in their mouth, and a newspaper in their hands. There was usually a dark leather chair involved, in a wood-paneled 'den.' Forty-five was old.These days, thank God, men my age feel like they're just getting started. Or maybe not. There's always those lingering thoughts of a misspent youth,...

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Virgin Slave

Note : This story is completely fictional! When I was eighteen, the only sexual encounter I had was with my ’s 24-year-old brother. I went over to Tam’s house one afternoon right after school like I did every other week when Tam’s brother answered the door. I had never seen him before as he had previously been off to boarding school, the was working in the city before he came back to work for Tam’s dad. He was way over six feet five and blonde hair with beautiful blue eyes. After finding out...

2 years ago
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Aficionadas part one

Creative Non-FictionCreative Writing 214Clara GouldQuestionsI saw you running in PE class! Your buns are really cute! They make me hot! the note read. Below the message, as a signature, was written: Your Admirer! Peter had waited until almost the end of the class on Wednesday afternoon. He wanted to put off disappointment should a note not be there, and to make the discovery of the note, if present, sweetened by anticipation. He folded the note, slipped it into his left jeans pocket. He pushed...

Love Stories
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A Woman Whom I Met In The Mall 8211 Part I

Hi, this is bobby. I have been reading many stories in ISS since 6 years. So I have thought of sharing few of my real incidents with u. I stay in Hyderabad, unmarried, 5.11 in height n with athletic body. Get in touch with me at: This happened in the end of 2012. I with few of my friends went for shopping in chandana brothers mall at ameerpet in hyd. There were few girls in our group. They were selecting few clothes n I was suggesting them about the colors n other things, a lady around 32...

3 years ago
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My Chennai Experience With Neha

I am 30 year old south Indian working in Bangalore currently. It’s a real incident which happened to me in 2011, when i shifted from Chennai to Bangalore. In Bangalore i found a PG, and started staying. Those were lonely days. Since I am new in Bangalore i didn’t had any friends, and couldn’t even go out because of rainy climate then. Though I was in touch with my Chennai friends, I really missed all of them, and workplace. Any way thanks to Vodaphone for 500 sms/day offer, this changed things...

1 year ago
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Almost Gone Forever

It's been three years since my mother disappeared from our lives. I was the last person who spoke to her before she left the house for her appointment at the nail salon. She was getting a manicure and pedicure in preparation for the annual Christmas party thrown by the company where my dad worked. My mom, as always, wanted to look her best. After she got her nails done, she was supposed to pick up a new dress, then return home. Well . . . it didn't happen that way.Mom never came home that night...

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leaking girl

I had originally met this woman on a blind date when some mutual friends decided to set us up. When I first arrived at her apartment, I saw her through a screen door and at that point I nearly turned around and left. This girl was quite obese, she was about 5 ½ feet tall but she weighed around 270 lbs. Most of her weight was in her upper half where she had massive udders mounted on her barrel chest. Although her face was really pretty, she had a double chin and big round cheeks and lips. ...

4 years ago
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Why I am the Way I Am

As I get on in years I am trying to figure out why I am the way I am. I mean I don't seem that unusual on the outside but on the inside I know I am wired very differently than most males, a fact the I am beginning to enjoy even more. I have been a closeted cross dresser for as long as I can remember and I have not given that much thought until recently. I must have had some suppressed memories that are beginning to unfold which indicates there is a reason why I am the way I am. I came from a...

3 years ago
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Babysitter has an orgasm

Her breasts were slightly larger than Ashleys. Sam lay on his bed waiting and finally the doorbell rang and he heard his dad answer it inviting the two girls to come in to the house. His parents talked with them for a short time then called him out of his room at the back of the house. He admired the two girls as he rolled his wheelchair into the living room. Ashley introduced him to her girlfriend Kayla. His mother told them they were set till monday with food and money for food to be...

1 year ago
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two for the price of one

Let it be known everytime i right here rest assured that these are some of my experiences. It was another one of those hot days and I decided to go to my local adult book store with the private booths and private rooms. But before I wanted to go in I decided I would just sit outside and relax in my car, no need to rush it. As I was sitting there relaxing getting ready for an adventure I noticed a white car pull up and these sexy somewhat short stocking filled legs popped out of the car. I was...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 95 Spring Break Mission Distracted

While I was taking my break the attendant had put up a sign saying it was being cleaned. She was supposedly taking my “tips” to the boss. She didn’t want to have any chances that something was going to happen to it or she get robbed. It had to be more money than she would make in here in a year or more. When she came back I could hear the women outside the VIP bathroom grumbling about the wait. They were offering her large sums of money to jump line. I didn’t expect that the first five women...

3 years ago
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Educating Harry Ch 07

Aunt Diane invariably preferred breakfast on the verandah if the weather was fine, and as it was, that was where Harry found her. ‘Good morning Harry,’ she greeted him, ‘If you want a cold breakfast everything is here, but if you want something hot, you’ll have to cook it yourself.’ He kissed her perfunctorily, not noticing her briefly quizzical glance at him. ‘I’ll cook some bacon, would you like some too?’ ‘Hmm,’ she thought for a moment, ‘I hadn’t intended to, but I won’t be able to...

1 year ago
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Jamie Searching for Answers

Jamie in the rush of time, jogged the way that complimented his athletic abilities, arrived at James greeting by the University entrance. James had observed his steps were perfectly spread, his body near pedestrians would watch him jog in awe of Jamie’s athletic body, where his sexual attractiveness aura swiped the hearts of many. Jamie had arrived breaking no sweat and showed no signs of fatigue by face and body. James made the first move and gave Jamie a bear hug. “Hey, thought you was going...

3 years ago
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My first experiences

In the house lived my cousin Steve, his sister Tamara (who is 6 years younger than me), my aunt Sharon (born 1962) and my uncle Adam (1950). Not to forget Freddy, the big and lazy german shepherd dog and Sherry the hyperactive cat. Of course, they still live there. On our excursions we often played in the mud and near watersprings or at the creak in the woods. So needless to say that we and our clothings most of the time were grungy and stained. It didn't matter to us, because it was great...

2 years ago
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Blue Summer Sky

Blue Summer Sky A Blind Pig Vignette By XoYo The car shuddered briefly as Michael killed the engine. "All right," he said. "You can open your eyes now." Gemma lowered the hand that he had kept over his eyes through the last stage of the journey. They were parked on the side of a country lane. A gentle slope, grassy and punctuated with the blues, reds and yellows of the last wild flowers of the season ran down to the banks of a slow-moving stream. A copse of leafy...

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The CockSucking Transformation PT2

I had just swallowed Max’s load, which meant that I could not go back to my old life as a guy. I had the option and in a moment of spontaneity, I had just sealed my own fate to be a girl for the rest of my life. I wondered if there would be a time that I would regret the decision, but at the moment, on my knees, holding an enormous softening cock in my right hand and looking up at Max, it felt like I had made the right call.“Holy fuck,” he said. “I get the feeling like my dick isn’t enough for...

2 years ago
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His Willing Victim

Fear would have made me speechless, were it not that I had already lost the ability to speak. My eyes desperately tried to pierce through the intense darkness; the gag that had been placed in my mouth making it impossible to call for help. I was tied to a wooden chair which was pressing against my back in a way that was far from comfortable.The rope that bound me was digging into the tender skin of my wrists, making it not at all tempting to struggle and increase my discomfort that way. To my...

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Encounter With Fazila

Hi Guys , this is my first story I am sharing in this site, I am a hardcore fan of ISS from my 17, now I am a 26 years old boy now exploring the life , any ladies who wanna spend some good time can get me at Coming to the story, when I was 23 I was staying in Thiruvanmiyur. An old lady was my house owner’s; he was around 69 years of age, suddenly one fine day she fell in bathroom and become ill , from then she was bedridden for 2 months and then died , Her grandson came and took care of all...

3 years ago
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Do Unto Others

"Alright, God damn it, settle down," the voice of my childhood friend, Dave Peterson grated in my ears. Dave was standing over me, staring down at me as I tried to explain my part in the incident. Dave was the county sheriff now in our small town in Ohio. Above my head, very bright lights beamed down on me. It was like on one of those old TV shows where they try to sweat a confession out of the nefarious perpetrator. It was so cliché and so funny that I kept laughing, even though this was...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 4

FRIDAY NIGHT — SEPTEMBER 27 At the second exit, Jill turned off. Instead of gassing up at one of the stations near the exit, she drove the couple of miles into the little town. It, like many small towns, had been bypassed when the Interstate was built many years ago, the old highway looping back around to rejoin the Interstate a few miles later on. I didn't notice a sign with the name of the place on it. Oh, well, no matter. I have too far to go to worry about which little town I'm in just...

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My friendrsquos future wife

Before I begin I want to say that everything from this story is 100% true. Maybe for many of you this story will not be extraordinary, for me it is because it is the kind of story which I have dreamed in my wettest dreams.I am living a normal life, working hard for a good deal of money, have less time for friends, having a fiancée etc . 3 years ago the guy whom I grew up with and my best friend moved out of the country and we saw each other once since his departure. When he left, he took with...

1 year ago
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The Scat Island

This is not an advertisement for the scat island, but instead description and narration of activities and events that take place there. Somewhere in pacific, there is this island not shown in any maps and can hardly be seen on google-maps! The island has a rim of narrow yellow sand beach and in the middle it is mainly green. On one side the island is slightly elevated like a small hill, and where this elevation starts, there is a small plain strip where woods are less and if you look down...

3 years ago
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The Object Of Our Holidays Desire Part 1

The sun shining through the open windows of our temporary house of sin wakes me. I lick my lips as my throat is dry and the taste on my lips is enticing and intoxicating, I feel myself get hard in the blink of an eye as images of last night race through my mind. Lying naked on your stomach next to me I roll over and press up against your thigh, the initial intention to roll you over. I push your knees up to your breasts and pull you up by the buttocks and plunge my rock hard cock inside...

1 year ago
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Good Friends Are Hard To Find

1 Rape. Elaine couldn't forget what happened two years ago. But she refused to dwell on the details. It was not just something she didn't want to do - it was something she didn't dare do. Like most of ours, Elaine's memory had become blurred around the edges - no one wants to remember the bad things that happen to them and, thankfully, the brain does seem able to lose those sorts of memories. But, Elaine could remember the fear, the loathing, the disgust - the emotions surfaced...

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A Night With Friend8217s Hot Mom

This is Ragav from Chennai age 22. Coming to the story which happened for real in my life when I was in college vacation one year ago.  I was a cricket player back then. My school friends used to play cricket almost everyday. Once the exams are over we started to spend the whole day in ground. We planned to conduct a cricket tournament and am being vice captain I was active in managing things for tournament. My parents planned to go native place to attend some function for three days. I...

2 years ago
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Helping the Homeless

My beautiful, sexy, 38D-25-36, twenty-one-year-oldwife and I are devout exhibitionists. We love to fuckanywhere, but especially in public, and preferably inbroad daylight. We've screwed inside all-night super-markets, drive-in theaters, shopping center parkinglots, in hallways and on balconies of hotels, in parks,and even on a school's playground. Anyway, the best was when we went downtown at noontime, to an alley behind some businesses. There wereareaways between the buildings that kept you...

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Slutty Simran Gangbanged

hi i am HUMA,with a new story. you may send your comments at Simran stopped sucking my cock, and looked up and smiled. The rain was in full force. Simi ran her hand over my chest and said ” Bhaiya, I feel like a bitch and wish to be fucked in all my holes today, but your ass fuck was too good. Now I must rest so that we may have new fuck soon.” I put on my clothes and rushed to Sanjana’s house as I wanted to avoid the gang of rascals whom I owed big money. They were Gugu, Raghu and Kala and...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Man Part 1 The Massage

“Welcome to manhood!” Matt beamed as he walked in and sat down.It was early October in my senior year of high school. Monday morning study hall, hanging out with my usual group of friends. I was officially an adult now, having turned eighteen over the weekend, just a few weeks after Matt. Several of the guys at the table had been to my party on Saturday, but Matt had missed it due to a family function.“Yeah, I got your manhood right here,” I retorted in my best fake New York accent, standing up...

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my milf get lucky at the movie theater with younge

My wife and I went to the movies one afternoon and as usual we were getting very frisky. She normally wears no panties or bra when we go out to play.I was playing with her tits and pussy and I had her tank top pulled up above her tits and her skirt up on her belly. Peggy glanced out to our left and one row up. there was this handsome young man turned in our direction and he was staring at her tits and looking down at her pussy. Peggy let me know and had me lean back out of his view so he could...

4 years ago
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that night

he set down prod of the long week of working and think .. tomorrow is my day offi want to have some fun tonight.. so he dressed uo will and went to a nice pop wow he says .. there is a big Chance to me get laid tonight he set to the par and get a cuopel of drink he sow a gorges girl a cross the poolwow.. if i only have a chance with that check he take another class and walk to herenice party he says...she looked at him and give him that not interested smael ,,he was going to walk away but some...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 49

I never got back to chatting with Asana or Bizana once we got back. Unfortunately there was too much to do and not enough daylight left to do it in. The good thing was that I didn't have to get into what had happened on the trip with my family. We were all too busy to chat. While I headed off to the slaughterhouse to deal with the buffalo, Emma took charge of our guests. The good thing was that our 'benefactors' had been on the ball ever since last night. I saw that the moment I pulled...

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A Great Date

I was so excited to sign online and see a message from my sexy college boy. We hadn’t spoken in a while and I guessed that we would never get the chance to finally meet. Many a night had I masturbated thinking about his lovely cock, though I had only pictures to please me. It turned out that he had been thinking about me too. ‘I can’t get you out of my mind,’ he said. ‘I need to meet you. Let’s go on a date sometime.’ He knew that I wanted so badly to have a sweet man take me out on a real...

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Locker Room

 I am a graduate student at an Ivy League school, and with the workload that entails, I don't usually have the time to go looking for much adventure. But, this time adventure found me. My friend Mike and I had just finished playing basketball at the gym, and while we were showering we were discussing whether we should head back to our office and work on our already-overdue assignments, or whether we should hit the grad center for a quick beer. It was only about 9:00, but since it was a Friday,...

Group Sex
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My Encounter With Liz

By : Hotguyroby Hello guys and gals, this is Roby again with my second story which happened 5 years ago. Thanks for the feedback and comments for my first story ‘My Encounter with Leena’ posted under the Couple Category. Now let me share you guys with the second encounter with a North-Eastern beauty which happened in the Capital of India. I was working in BPOs in New Delhi and I was new to job and city. I had a friend from UP who was my roommate for couple of months during my initial stay over...

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