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Broken-record time: Almost all of my writing is based, to some degree, on real people and / or events in my life. This one is no exception, but it's about 99% fiction.

There's a lot (I think) of character development, and some explicit sex; but this is not designed to be a stroke story. It's intended to be about loving relationships, both sexual and nonsexual, within and between generations, and healthy, renewable family bonds.

Also: after looking at the finished product, I must say I had not planned for the story to be as long as it turned out. It took on a life of its own, and I refused to shortchange it. It may be too long for some readers; the ending leaves a lot for the reader to infer, and I have faith my readers will fill in the gaps correctly.

Sex and love are serendipitous — the really good stuff happens when we aren't looking.

So it was with Rebecca and me.

I was married, twenty years ago, to a woman named Rachel. She presented her virginity to me on our wedding night. She was demure and proper before we wed; afterward, she was uninhibited. We made love at the drop of a panty, any time and almost anywhere. Our love produced a daughter three years into our marriage, a golden-haired little stunner we named Bonnie.

Bonnie doesn't really remember her mother. Rachel awoke in the middle of the night, some eight years ago. She sat up, said, "I feel really funny..." and sank back into her pillow as if she were asleep. I was about half out of it, but I knew something wasn't right when I tried to rouse her to tell me what was wrong (or if I had been dreaming). She was unreachable. I turned on the light, and saw she was turning bluish. I call 911, but it was already way too late. She had suffered an aneurysm, and was probably dead before she finished speaking.

I soldiered on, a single dad with a little daughter to rear. I did the best I could on my own, but we lived in the burbs and I worked downtown. I couldn't fulfill my obligations to work and Bonnie, and live where we did, so we moved into a nice apartment downtown. That allowed me to carry on.

All went well for a few years. Bonnie became a second edition of her mother, a model-quality little girl.

One evening about five years ago, right after dinner, I heard some noise outside our apartment door. I opened the door and noticed some boxes in the doorway across the hall. I took them for moving boxes, based on what was printed on them. As I was examining them, the door opened and a young woman grabbed a box. She seemed a little startled to see me.

"I'm sorry," I said, " I was just about to conclude someone was moving in."

"That's me," she said.

"I live over here," I said, pointing to my door. "My manners are gone," I stammered. "My name is Jeff. May I give you a hand?"

She hesitated, and then, "Okay, sure. This one's going to be a beast," she said, pointing to the largest of them.

At that moment, my door opened behind us. Bonnie came out with her book-bag in hand. "Hey, Daddo, you mind if I..." Her voice trailed off as she saw us standing in the neighbor's doorway, grunting over what was in fact a very heavy box.

"Here, I'll hold the door," Bonnie announced, jumping over the box, into the apartment, and pulling the door open as wide as it would go. We were able to get the box in easily enough.

The neighbor stood up and wiped her hands on her pants, offering it to me, then to Bonnie. "I'm Rebecca Benton."

"Hi, Rebecca," I said.

"Nice to meet you, Ms Benton. I'm Bonnie," Bonnie replied.

"Hello, Bonnie. Please call me Rebecca," said Rebecca.

"Well, I dunno ... Daddo sort of has a thing about me calling adults by their first names," Bonnie answered, shooting me a sly glance.

"If she wishes to be known as Rebecca, then Rebecca it is," I said, and both smiled. "So what was it you wanted to know if I minded?"

Bonnie did a double take, and said, "Oh, yeah, Mindy wants to know if I can come up and work on our HE project. I'll finish up the dishes when I get home..."

"7-8-9," I replied. "And don't sweat the dishes. I can get those."

"Thanks, Daddo," she said, her face breaking into a huge grin. "Very nice to meet you, Ms ... I mean, Rebecca," she said; and with that she grabbed her book-bag and headed down the hall to the elevators.

"Such energy!" Rebecca said, laughing a little. "Nice manners, too. What's 7-8-9? Or do you mind my asking?"

I chuckled. "It means, 'I want you home by seven, so be home by eight, and nine at the latest.'" Rebecca looked puzzled. "It just means don't be out too late. It's a private thing between us."

Rebecca said, "I'm sorry, I'm being rude. Please sit."

We both sat down, and she asked, "You trust her to go out like that? My folks would never have let me go out on a school night. No criticism intended," she added hastily.

"None inferred," I smiled. "She's just going three floors up, to work on a Home Ec project with her friend. They're great kids. She'll be home before eight, I imagine."

"You give her plenty of rope. You must trust her a lot," she observed.

"Yes," I said, and I felt the smile fading. "She's that rarest of creatures, a no-nonsense free spirit. I just don't want to crush that in her. She's so much like her mother ... Well, I don't mean to wax melancholy."

"So where's Mom? If you don't mind my asking," Rebecca asked.

"She died some years ago. I doubt Bonnie has any memories of her at all."

Rebecca murmured some words of condolence, and we lapsed into silence. "I should go," I said, after a moment. I stood and made for the door. She rose and followed me.

"Well, I appreciate the assistance. Perhaps I can return the favor sometime," she said, sounding as though she meant it. I winked and grinned, and got a grin in return.

I saw her from time to time after that, in the hallway, or at the grocery store. We exchanged pleasantries, and even had a few brief conversations.

Then the clock stepped in and set other things in motion.

I was doing the laundry one day, and noticed some dark red spots on Bonnie's underwear. Well, I thought, it's about that time. It struck me in that moment that she had been a little less outgoing for a week or so. Time to bite the bullet and prepare for "the talk."

The next morning at breakfast, I said, "So, is there anything in particular that's bothering you?"

"Not really," she grunted.

"Anything we need to talk about?"

"No!" she snapped.

I was silent for a moment. "You know, Bonnie, this is a time when changes occur. Girls' bodies..."

"I don't wanna hear about this!" she cried, and put her face in her hands. She was really distressed.

I put my hand on her elbow. She shook it violently away.

Another few moments of silence elapsed. "You know, Bonnie, we can talk about these things. I am Daddo, remember?"

She looked up, thoroughly wretched. "I'm sorry, I just can't."

"Is it because it's me, or because I'm a guy?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied.

I thought for a moment. "Okay," I said, and got up. I began to put the dishes away.

She sprang up and grabbed me in a huge hug. "I'm sorry, Daddo, I just don't know what to do."

I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. "Well, I do. You need to get ready for school." I spun her around and swatted her bum. "Move, lady," I commanded.

She laughed as she complied, more relieved at the temporary return to normalcy than anything else, I suspect. I dropped her off at her school and went on to work. I formulated a plan I hoped would work.

That evening, she ran up to Mindy's again for some other homework deal. As soon as she was gone I walked across the hall and tapped on Rebecca's door.

She opened it, and said, "Jeff! How are you?"

"Well," I began, " I have a problem, and I kind of need your help."

"Come on in," she said. We both sat on her sofa.

"What can I do for you?" she asked earnestly.

"Well," I began, "it's about sex."

Her eyes widened, and before she could say anything else I held up my hand and said, "It's Bonnie. She's about to start her period, I think, and she needs to have ... you know ... that talk."

Rebecca regarded me for a moment. "So, why don't you just talk to her?

I shook my head. "I can't. I mean, I can, but she doesn't want to talk about it with me. I know they talk about the mechanics at school, but I want her to know the whole story. I could force her to listen, I guess; but, our relationship has always been so firmly based on trust, I don't want to ... impose my will, I guess is what I'm trying to say."

She was silent for a moment. "Look," I said, "if you don't want to, I'll find another way. It's just that she likes you, and you'd probably do a great job..."

Rebecca smiled. "Okay," she said, "I'll do it. Just fill in the parameters."

I thought for a moment. "The parameters are whatever she wants to know." I was silent for a moment. "Rebecca," I continued, "this is my baby. I don't want her to get hurt. I want her to have all the information she needs."

Rebecca pursed her lips. "How far should I go?"

I shook my head. "I don't care. Just answer whatever she wants to know, no matter how detailed or explicit the conversation gets, I just don't care. Well, okay, within reason. All I can say is, use your best judgment."

She nodded sagely. "How about tomorrow evening?"

The next day was Friday; I could always find something important to have to do. I told her so.

And so it was done.

The next evening, just before dinner (which I had lamely told her would be cold cut sandwiches, 'in a few minutes') there was a tap on the door. Bonnie opened the door, and said, "Hi, Rebecca! Daddo, it's Rebecca!"

"I can see that, Bonnie. Hi, Rebecca, come on in."

"Well," said Rebecca, "I was sort of hoping Bonnie would come have dinner with me. I'd like to get to know her a little better."

Bonnie's eyes lit up. "Cool!" She looked at me. "Daddo, may I..."

"Go clean up a little, and have a great time," I interrupted.

"Cool!" she repeated, running out of the living room.

"I really appreciate this," I said.

"We're going to have fun," Rebecca promised.

Bonnie ran back into the living room. I gave her a quick kiss goodbye, and the two of them left.

Bonnie did not return for about three hours. I was not particularly worried, though I had begun to wonder what was going on.

Right about then the door flew open. Bonnie came roaring in. "Daddo," she exclaimed breathlessly, "Rebecca wants to know if I could sleep over?"

Rebecca was right behind her. "Girls' night out, without going anywhere," she said, a twinkle in her eye.

"Don't let the door slam you in the butt on the way out," I replied jauntily. Bonnie squealed with delight and ran to gather her things for an overnight.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Great," replied Rebecca. "You are officially off the hook."

Bonnie ran back in and hugged me. "See you tomorrow, Daddo," she said, and they retreated.

Bonnie returned the next day, her old self. She had clearly had a wonderful time.

The next evening, I was sitting on the sofa. Dinner was over, the dishes were washing, and I was deeply satisfied with the change in Bonnie's demeanor. She came and sat beside me, something she had not done in a while. "Daddo?" she said, looking serious, "will you tell me the truth? I mean, if I ask you something?"

"Always," I replied.

She thought for a second, and then said, "Did you and Mom really do all that sorta stuff? I mean, the sorta stuff Rebecca told me about?"

Time to play it cool. "Hmmm ... I guess it really depends on what she talked about," I answered.

"Well," she began, "she told me all about sex. You know, intercourse and all that."

"I suppose we had to," I countered lightly, " or a certain Bonnie wouldn't be sitting here having this conversation with me, now, would she?" I grinned.

She narrowed her eyes to slits in mock anger, and then said, "No, but I mean, you know, all that other stuff. Like, the oral sex stuff."

You told her you'd answer truthfully, I told myself. "Yes, sweetie, we did."

She was silent for a moment; then: "So what made you want to do that?"

I shook my head. "Sorry, Punkin, that's private. That was between your mother and me. One day you'll understand. It's just ... something I keep precious to myself."

She laid her head on my shoulder, and said, very softly, "I'm sorry."

I chuckled and placed my arm around her. "Don't be. Not your fault for wanting to know," I said lightly. "I'll tell you this: We did just about everything except for ... what should I say, here? ... the kinky stuff."

"Oh," she said, sitting back upright, "like anal? Oh, that sounds so gross. Well, it all sounds gross to me, but that part was too weird."

"There are other things, too, like tying people, and hurting them ... we never came close to that," I added.

"Oh, yeah, she talked about that stuff, too. She said they were okay for con-send-ing adults..."

"Consenting," I corrected.

"Yeah, that's it, and she said some people did even worse things, but she wouldn't talk about them."

"Did she say why they did those things?" I asked.

"She said some people use sex to show love, and some people just use sex for themselves.," she answered.

"And do you understand that?" I pressed.

She frowned. "Not really, but I think I kind of get it."

"Okay," I said. "Tell me exactly what you think it means."

"Well," she started, and thought for a moment; then, "I think what she said was, if two people really love each other, they use sex to make each other feel good."

Pretty simplistic, I thought, but accurate. "And what does that tell you about when to have sex and when not to?"

"She said you should never have sex just because someone wants you to, because they might just be using you like you were some kind of toy."

Bravo, Rebecca, I thought. "Anything else?"

"Yeah," she said, apparently excited to be remembering so much. She clearly felt like a young woman with all this newfound knowledge. "She said girls a little older than I am have sex and get pregnant, and that meant you have to make bad decisions."

Bad? "You mean, tough decisions?" I ventured.

Her eyes lit up. "That's it! Tough decisions. But she wouldn't tell me any more about them. I guess I was getting kind of tired by then, and she wanted us to get some sleep."

She seemed to have grown up a visible notch. Not physically, mind you, but emotionally. She seemed a young woman, not a preteen.

She placed her head on my shoulder again and we fell silent. "Daddo? Do you miss her?"

"Your mom?" I asked. She nodded.

"Every day," I replied. "I really loved that woman, Bonnie. But it's not like it was, years ago. It's sort of faded away. Besides, I have you, and you remind me so much of your mother."

For the first time in my memory, Bonnie wiped away a little tear for her mother. I held her like that for a few minutes; then I arose, went into the kitchen, and poured two small glasses of ginger ale, which I brought to the living room.

I took my glass and held it up. "No more talk about the past. Here's to the future, and to a wonderful new friend named Rebecca," I said, and she raised her glass and clinked it with mine. We drank, and she kissed me on the cheek. All was right with the world, again.

All of this had happened just before the end of school. Bonnie went to visit her maternal grandparents every summer; and since I work for a governmental agency with a fiscal year of July-June, I was barely at home at all during June.

So it was I found myself relaxing over a very long July 4th weekend, the fiscal year successfully put away; when it occurred to me I had never properly thanked Rebecca.

I knocked on her door that Saturday morning. She opened, and looked happy enough to see me. I sensed a slight undercurrent of tension.

I explained, without sounding like making excuses, why I had unintentionally neglected her. She appeared to relax a little as I proffered a sincere apology.

"I suppose," she said when I finished, "I thought you had sort of forgotten about me. Not that I expected anything ... I was just sort of hoping ... Oh, I don't know..."

"That I would ask you out for a nice dinner as repayment?" I grinned. "That was my intent all along." We made plans to go to a very nice seafood house in town that evening.

Dinner was nice. I got to know more about her — she was divorced, no kids, older than I originally thought by a few years (she was almost thirty) — and I told her about the years I had spent with Rachel. It was a good time.

Throughout the meal, especially when I was talking about Rachel, I felt stirrings of nostalgia. Here I was with a gorgeous woman, having a pleasant evening out. Sex had not been a priority with me for so long, I had actually made the date without even thinking in that vein.

The longer we talked, the more I began to take stock of her. I had not noticed, but her breasts were small and very pert. Her hips were wide, though she was by no means fat. She was, I had to admit, sexy. My libido was awake.

We returned at about 8pm, and she accepted an invitation to have a glass of wine with me. I poured a Chardonnay apiece. We sat on the couch, and before anything else could happen the phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Daddo!" came a familiar voice. We talked for a few minutes. She outlined a lot of the things she had been doing. While she chattered, I held my and to the mouthpiece and mouthed, "It's Bonnie." I made a yak-yak-yak motion with my hand, and Rebecca smothered a giggle; then she made a 'hello' wave.

Before Bonnie melted the phone, I said, "Slow down, kiddo. Write a letter. Remember them there thingies? A letttt-tter! Now, there's someone else here who wants to say hello."

I handed the phone to Rebecca, who said, "There must be a Bonnie on the other end of this phone!" She giggled; and from the way the giggling continued for the next few minutes, not to mention the low voices and back-turned to-me snippets, there must have been some serious girl talk going on.

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Die Silvesternacht war der letzte Abend, den ich bei meinem Bruder verbringen sollte. Entsprechend war der Plan, noch einmal ordentlich feiern zu gehen, bevor wir uns für einige Zeit nicht sehen würden. Ich hatte mir extra für den Abend noch ein neues Kleid gekauft, Weihnachtsgeld sei dank, dessen schwarzer Stoff hauteng saß und um den Hals mit einem Träger gebunden wurde. Die Schultern lagen frei und auch der Ausschnitt, den es präsentierte, war nicht zu verachten, zumal ich mich dafür...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 61 The Goat Whisperer

Friday, September 5, 2008 I had to do a lot of yard work at that resort. Kelly was very insistent that the lawn needed to be mowed as often as possible. I also had to ‘clear the weeds’, ‘trim the shrubs’, ‘edge the lawn’, and perform every other possible type of yard maintenance. On the other hand, I considered it critical to provide the best customer service possible. It’s just the kind of guy I am. Still, we did have to get out of the room on occasion, if simply to gas up the mower....

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Daves Wife Carol Becomes a Complete Slut to

My husband and I were married at a very early age against the advice of our parents. I was only 18 and Dave was 19. We had been dating in school and now that we were both out and because we were so much in love, we didn't want to wait any longer to get married.I should say that we were in LUST, because we were having sex on a very regular basis before we got married. I was virgin when I meet Dave and he introduced me to sex. To say it was like a duck taking to water would be an understatement!...

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Sallys Slut Stories The Beginning

What you are about to read is based upon a true story, as told by a Grateful Reader who has lived a life very close to the one you will soon come to know. Names have been changed, and some scenarios constructed, but the story is essentially as it was related. Prologue: To see Sally Sorrento today, you would barely guess at the fathomless depths through which her life has been drawn. Now aged 43 years, she is a successful career woman, a buyer in women’s fashion for a major Southwestern...

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Airstream DreamsChapter 5 Things have a way of working out

I'm not sure why I felt so good after leaving Merlin and Felicity Wiseman's home that evening. Maybe because I got a lot of questions answered about what I'd been experiencing since Loving Hands had come into my life. But then again, it left one huge question that needed to be answered. What did Karen feel about me if it wasn't for the smell of that cleaner? I knew I was going to have to find out for sure, because she was working her way into my heart and I would have a hard time of it if...

2 years ago
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MageChapter 8

“We have a new creature,” Seer Melanie announced. “Any clues as to what it’s for?” Roxanne asked looking at a squat bulbous form, somewhat reminiscent of a hippopotamus. “It has a complex biotech sensor suite built into its nervous system; I suspect it’s an advanced form of tracker. However, there are a few oddities about it too which might merit an investigation from the medic Mages as the body appears to have a number of folded appendages attached, the use of which is obscure.” “Let me...

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Lakeside Affair

I don’t remember a time when my thoughts didn’t include Randy. The affair started as a way for me to finally get my sexual needs met. At home I had many things others would love to have but I always felt there was something missing. I never knew what it was until I met Randy. Randy had a way to make me feel alive and gave me the attention that I was lacking at home. Over the past eight months I have shared many intimate details with him and was never ridiculed in what I had to say. Our...

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This was written in 2003 and is copyrighted.  Permission is given to copy on any free site so long as the story is not changed         John   Jack-Off I am a jack-off and have no apologies to anyone for it. I am an old jack-off, being 68 years of age, and have been jacking since I was nine years old. That makes 59 years I have masturbated, and I have enjoyed every second of it. While it may be of no real interest to many people, I want to relate the masturbatory aspects of my life just in...

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The parlor room

[Written in 2007]Please please don't flag. Yes I wrote it. Yes, it's taboo. Get over it!Time period: early 1800s, antebellum south"Stella, come back ova heah! You gonna help clean these dishes or else Mastah is gonna be angry!" Stella rolled her eyes as she moved back into the washer room to help Aunt Jessie with the dishes. Her rich caramel skin dived underneath the water, with her fingers grabbing china and washcloth to scrub the food off."Aww, Aunt Jessie, can't I get some time ta jest look...

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The Wellig Asylum

MIDAFTERNOON “Hurry up man! We don’t have all day for this” - said Dean with a desperate voice looking at each side of the street, making sure no one would see them. Dean and Han climbed the fence effortlessly and entered the gloomy asylum through a broken window, when they entered the asylum, everything around it was broken, it was a huge clutter, something terrible had obviously happened in there. Han and Dean were recording all the footage they could with a video camera they had...

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Learning to Kiss and Other Stuff

“God these are ugly, I look like a freak.” My sister April was standing in front of fthe bathroom mirror inspecting her new braces. She turned to me “Do they look okay, I mean do you think they are ugly?” My fourteen-year-old sister was in shock while she poked at her new braces for the first time. “Nobody will like me, they’ll all laugh at me.” “Come on April, they aren’t that bad. I can’t even see them when your mouth is closed, no lumps or bumps to give you away. Why are you even...

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Tipsy girlfriend gets dressed in leather to fuck

This one happened a few weeks ago and as you may know from my story, ‘Getting girlfriend into leather’. She has started to wear it on her own without me asking/begging her to, and this is what happened after she had a few drinks,which, gets her horny plus she was wearing leather which gets her going now. And also to add to the sheer thrill she knows how much it turns me on when she wears it anyway. She was going on a night out with a group of work friends so I was to get a relaxing night on my...

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Wife Fucked By Another Guy

This story is about my wife Rittu with whom I got her fucked with another man. I was married to Rittu who had a very ripe body with fig 36 34 38 and she had nice boobs and big ass and we very much used to enjoy sex initially she was a shy girl when we got married but gradually I taught her all the art of sex then she blossom into a ripe lady and she often used to wear saree. She looks very sexy in it with her big boobs hanging out of her blouse and she used to deep throat my cock and take all...

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The Diary of A Older Man

Last month I had a great experience that was not only unexpected but very unforgettable. I was working on a side job over the weekend doing some restoration work at a client's house, which the homeowner was somebody I went to highschool. He seemed to be happily married now and had three c***dern from what I observed from the family pitcures on the walls. The family had been staying at a motel in town now for almost two weeks now, paid for by their insurance company until their house was back to...

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Morgans Organ Part 2

I moved in with Morgan about four months after we met. That first night was the most incredible night of my life. I fell madly in love, and she did too thankfully! We decided to make the big change and live together since we were always with each other anyway.The sex is always incredible. And we continue to explore new things, which got me thinking one night while we were eating dinner."You need to let me fuck you sometime," I said. "What do you mean?" she asked. "You are always fucking me, but...

4 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 69

Meredith was waiting for him outside the player's exit. The game had run long and she knew he would shower and dress as quickly as he could. Rather than head back to the hotel, she decided to wait for him. She was already thinking of how to congratulate him for his stellar performance. She saw him frown when he saw her waiting for him but it didn't deter her. "You were awesome!" she said, wrapping her arms around him. "When did you plan to tell me about your TV appearance?" he...

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TheDickSuckers Aubree Valentine She Worships Dick

Aubree Valentine. What a piece of ass. Aubree doesn’t fuck around, either. I mean, just look at her kick off this high-energy, totally gonzo porn flick! Working the camera with her intense eye contact before making her way over to Mr. POV’s throbbing boner. Once it’s revealed, and Aubree whispers “I’m so lucky”, it’s Mr. POV’s swollen nut sac getting sucked on. Aubree loves worshipping dick, as her amazing performance shows here. How about the way...

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A further visit to the toilets

The following week I went back. It was the same day around the same time. The toilets were empty. There were a couple of cars in the car park but no one inside them. I felt like there was no one there. I stepped inside it was quite dark and there was no sound. Looking across to the two toilet cubicles, I could see both doors open, no occupants. I stepped further in… Then I saw at one of the two urinals, a man standing seemingly urinating. He was fiftyish stocky with a beard, wearing casual...

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Therapy for Cheri

Therapy, Part 1It was my medical doctor who suggested that I should speak to a counsellor, or ther****t about my sexual fantasies, and how they had started to overwhelm my life.  At first, I was not particularly interested in talking to anyone about this, but obviously my doctor felt that a counsellor could help me, and that not seeing one could eventually harm me.I booked an appointment for two weeks ahead, thinking that this would give me some time to get my shit together, and I could call...

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40 year old plain Jane

I'm a tradesman. I build houses, renovate houses; sometimes just do minor repairs to houses.In the early 90s, I was doing a renovation for a couple in Adelaide. They seemed happily married, with three k**s. The wife was called Jane. In private, the other tradesmen and I called her "Plain Jane" because she was a lovely person, but not pretty. She let us know that she was not altogether happy about the fact that she was about to turn 40. It was 1993. She was about 5 foot 6, with a small build,...

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Santa Cums Early

Santa, aka Justin, sat in his chair in the middle of Santa’s Wonderland, half-listening to the children while his eyes scanned the scurrying shoppers. Seeing a group of young women, he eyed them up and down, noticing that they kept giving him glances and were giggling.Although he couldn’t hear what the three girls were saying, he sensed they were up to something. It seemed to happen each year when he played Santa.That little redhead is pretty cute. Any other time, he would probably have made a...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 54 Shifting Points of View

The Judson Rocket football team was not used to these feelings. They didn’t lose. The players had grown up living the life of football gods, and their only losses came at the end of the season when meeting better teams from other sides of the state. Yet, even then, the players walked by the trophy case to their lavish locker room every day. The trophy case featured stories of twelve prior seasons, since the 1980s, when the team won the final game of their season, the state...

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Mature Cougar get Young Black Cock

I'm a 49 year old mother of 4, I'm 5.8, 160 lbs, firm Ass & D cup Tits long blonde, black & grey hair mix. I work out regularly and am in very good shape for my age. I work as an executive for an accounting firm and do travel on occasion for work. I've been married for 27 years, my sex life at home would be called routine, never anything new, I've tried my best to make things happen with my husband but just seems he's not into it. I've been known to have one night stands while on the...

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Craig HillChapter 69

Life went on much as normal. Mark and Victoria found their relationship deepening still further. Not only did they still often speak as one but also they found themselves thinking as one. Equally, in conversation with others, one might produce a complete non sequitur but the other picked it up without a pause. Mark found too that a similar empathy as his one with Serena evolved. Victoria, with her relationship with Rupert, went further and was always aware of Mark's moods, even at a...

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Amandas 18th Birthday Story II

Part B [Book5] "There is no turning back now," "Dog Man" said with a sinister grin. Mandi tried to kick the men holding her as she began to cry and scream. She was fighting as hard as she could to get away from them. She was in a total panic begging them to let her go as she lost control of her bladder and pee began running down her legs onto the floor. "Do something with her," Ralph heard "Dog man' yelling at him, "I didn't pay this kind of money for another hysterical cunt, I...

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Oil of RosesChapter 50

Galena kept her face and body rigid, holding on to her demeanor like she was clinging on to the edge of a cliff with a long fall beneath her. The trial and discipline of Dayna Spyderchylde had been brutal; she'd hated every minute of it and was horrified that the fun and loving power games her family played could be turned into such ugliness. But as much as it had sickened her, when Carol returned to the club, and Galena understood the full measure of her irresponsibility, she was...

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Model Sex SlaveChapter 7

Lee met Diana at the door when she got home from school, wearing her maid's uniform. Diana, happy to be home kissed her warmly. "We're not supposed to do that Diana, there's no one in the house," Lee spoke teasingly yet seriously. "Ups, I forgot." Lee took her hand as they walked to Diana's room where she undressed her. She let her know that they were supposed to take a shower, so Diana undressed her as well. After they finished showering, they put on each other's slippers and...

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Neha Bhabi Ki Chudai

Mera name jugal kishor h.Ye storie meri or meri bhahi neha ki h. Yah kahani aj 2,3 year pahale ki h.Jb m ba first year m tha . Me ek makan me rent per rehata tha.Kuch dino bad ek coupal mere makan m rehana aya tha.Jis m bhabhi bahi 2 hi member the .Bahi ek compani me job karte the..Bhabhi ka name neha tha bo dikhane me sunder or sexy thi bhabhi ki gand jab chalti thi to asi machal ti thi ke budde ka bhi loda khada ho jay. Bhabi ke mote or goal chuche moti or bhari gand or gadryia hua pet tha...

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Sneaky Nephew

I know what you're thinking, it's usually sneaky uncle, and it's usually the older person who starts these things, but this time it was the other way around. But first let's start off with a disclaimer; he wasn't really my nephew, just a friend of a friend. I met him when he was 17, his girlfriend worked at the Subway I managed, and he and his friends asked if they could use our parking lot to practice their skateboard moves. What gay man in his right mind wouldn't let a bunch of teenage...

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My Best Friend CameronChapter 3

During August of 1996, the only thing most Atlanta residents thought about was the Olympics. I didn't have that luxury. For me, almost every waking moment was spent with Cameron, my former best friend, and current lover. When I wasn't with her, I constantly thought of ways to get away from her, while leaving our friendship in tact. By the time the closing ceremonies had rolled around, it had been almost two months since that fateful night when I had stripped her down for the first time,...

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EvilAngel Proxy Paige Megan Inky Morea Black Proxy8217s Crazy DP Orgy Boat Trip

Bon Voyage! Director/performer Proxy Paige and six of her lusty friends set sail on a freaky floating orgy. Action goes down simultaneously in different parts of the boat, with crazy fuckers moving between rooms, finding fun above and below deck. Among the highlights: Brunette cutie-pie Morea Black sucks on inked stud Damien Soup’s big cock; Proxy adds her blowjob expertise as they share his massive meat. Damien rims Morea’s butthole and bangs her pussy. Tattooed goddess Megan Inky...

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Being Shared with Mother and Daughter

A few years ago I meet this sexy white woman at the mall. She had a very sahpely body and an ass like a "sista". That was my 1st atraction to her. After exchanging numbers and a few late night talks on the phone, she finally invited me over. She lived on the "upper crust" part of town and definitely had money to blow. After we talked and had a few drinks of wine, she asked me how many white women had a fucked. I didn't want to brag, just meeting her and all that, so I told her she would be the...

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Cassies LoveChapter 8

“Damn, that breakfast was even better than usual, Margie. Trust me, you’re getting one hell of a tip!” Hector winked at Margie while Cassie put the waitress’s hands on her breasts. “Why, thank you, dears ... I won’t forget that ... or anything else, trust me,” Margie swayed her hips and ass more than a little as she dropped the check and walked away. Just then, however, Hector’s cell phone rang. It was Karl and he didn’t sound good at all. “Bro ... I hope that you’re sitting down for this....

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I saw her as soon as I walked in. She was perfect, a mass of straight, dark hair framing her pretty face, tight-fitting yet business-like black silk shirt, slim waist and softly flared hips, gorgeous tight ass and slim, shapely legs accentuated perfectly by a tight black pencil skirt. She looked like a business woman or an executive assistant. She was standing with her back to the bar with a nearly empty white wine glass in her elegantly manicured fingers, her eyes subtly scanning the room....

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