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A wide smile decorated Jessica's face as she looked out the window of her hotel room, drinking in the sight of the ocean, and the beach.

She could hardly believe that she was here, the hazy reflection of her red curls and green eyes staring back at her in the window. Nobody in the office had ever won a top safety prize in all of the drawings since she'd started at the warehouse. The free week of vacation and the all-inclusive resort were a dream come true.

A summer vacation with all the perks.

Since she didn't have anyone to bring with her, selling the second ticket also gave her a tidy sum of money to spend while she was here — guilt free.

She needed the time away. Only a month had passed since the end of the long, bitter divorce from her philandering husband. She was snapping at everyone, and needed some time to relax, if she was ever going to be herself again.

Thirty-nine and single, she thought with a sigh. The thought of dating again made her feel almost ill. She didn't know if she could possibly go through with it. Her vibrators had already gone through innumerable batteries over the last couple of years, ever since her husband started fucking his secretary. Now, with nobody else in the house to wander in and catch her, she used them even more.

Both were safely stored away in her luggage, too. She knew that she wasn't going to make it a week without them.

Enough of that. I'm here to enjoy myself. She looked into a mirror between the two beds, glad to see that the dark circles beneath her eyes had vanished between sleeping on the plane and her first night here. The sacrifice of a day of her vacation was well worth it for that reason alone.

The shirt she'd put on was too tight, wrinkles stretching between the over-abundant breasts that were her blessing — and sometimes curse. She stayed in good shape — not that her husband had noticed — and looked like a woman several years younger. She shrugged and decided against changing the shirt. She would just be taking it off as soon as she hit the beach, anyway.

She slung the strap of her bag over her shoulder, and headed down to the lobby of the hotel. Only a short distance away, she stepped onto the sand of the beach. A little of the burning-hot sand creeping over her flip-flops to contact her toes made her glad that she'd worn them. The beach was well populated, but not overly crowded.

Well populated with perfect specimens of manhood, she noted, drinking in the sight of the shirtless, muscular young men cavorting about. There were of course many far less desirable sights, but she did her best to ignore those. An open spot that would give her a good view of several young men playing volleyball — without making it obvious that she was watching — drew her attention, and she made her way there.

After laying down her beach towel, Jessica stripped off the shirt and shorts to reveal her green bikini. She was pleased to see that several men looked her way, the contrast of green and the red of her hair making her stand out in a crowd.

That, and the top struggling to contain her breasts. She could never find one that really fit right.

Feeling better already from the attention, she sat down on her towel and pulled a racy romance novel from her bag. Between it and her sunglasses, she could sneak peeks without anyone noticing.

What she hadn't counted on was how strongly she was going to react to both the hot words in the book and the revealed male skin. Her nipples hardened against the bikini top, and she had little doubt that her bottom would be wet soon, without ever coming anywhere near the ocean.

I really need to get laid by something that isn't plastic, she thought, putting her book away. The easiest way to hide her growing condition was in her plans anyway. She had no intention of sunning herself on the beach the whole time she was here. She loved the ocean, and she wasn't going to just look at it.

Fortunately, she didn't have to burn her feet on the sand for long before reaching the cooler shore. She felt a burst of exhilaration as the first lap of waves tickled her toes, and then curled around her ankles. She waded out into the water, the power of the ocean rushing around her body almost as sexual as her thoughts on the beach.

Jessica bobbed in the waves, watching the birds overhead, the fish that occasionally darted around her legs, and the sailboats farther out to sea. She reveled in the power of the ocean, daydreaming about sailing around the world on one of the boats she saw.

A commotion snapped her out of her trance, and drew her attention toward a group of young men engaged in a friendly scuffle. Water splashed as they tripped and dunked each other, wrestling amidst the waves. Her eyes widened when one of the boys jerked down another's swim trunks. The young man was well endowed, and it was the first real cock that she'd seen in quite some time.

Distracted by the scene, she never even noticed the larger-than-average wave that rolled in behind her.

Jessica came up coughing, her eyes burning from the salt water. The wave had felt like a truck running her over as it engulfed her and swept her off her feet. She tried to get the water out of her eyes, and her throat, her dim vision revealing two men wading toward her.

"You okay?"

She coughed again, and finally didn't feel another building right behind it. She blinked her eyes, nodded, and said, "I'm fine. Thank you."

"Yeah," the young man replied with a wide smile on his face. He was blond-haired, muscular, and handsome. Next to him, an equally attractive man with dark hair echoed his friend and chuckled.

"Here. You sort of lost this when you got dunked."

Her vision finally clearing, she noticed that the pair were both staring at her chest, and hadn't looked away since approaching her. When she realized what the one was holding, she knew why. She looked down at her bare breasts, and snatched the bikini top from his hand with a gasp.

She turned away and knelt down in the water, pressing the cloth against her exposed assets.

"Need some help?" the other young man asked.

Her face as red as her hair, Jessica said, "I think I can manage. Thanks," without turning around.

"No problem. Our pleasure," the blond said, and then the pair thankfully moved away.

After some wrestling against the swirling water, she managed to tie her top back in place — if not very securely. She hurried to the beach and pulled on her shirt, feeling the eyes of every man following her. Everything went back in her bag without the slightest attention to the sand going with it, and she did her best to look casual while walking back to the hotel.

Once safely in her room, her embarrassment subsided. She took a shower to wash away the sand and sunblock, and walked back to the window. Great. Now I'm going to feel uneasy every time I go out there. This is starting off wonderfully.

With a sigh, she sat down on the bed. She felt a little drowsy, and decided that a nap couldn't hurt. She'd been working on short sleep for months due to the divorce, and it wasn't surprising to her that she felt like sleeping all the time.

She eased back onto the pillow, and drifted off to sleep.


Jessica awakened with a gasp, her body burning with desire. She let out a disappointed moan, realizing that she had only been dreaming.

She could remember every detail of the dream, and blushed a little when it dawned on her waking mind that she'd inserted the pair that had returned her bikini top into the torrid fantasy. She had been right on the verge of orgasm from both of them taking her at the same time when she awakened.

The feeling wasn't diminishing, either. Her panties were damp, and her nipples painfully stiff. She knew all too well that once she was this worked up, she had to do something about it.

The dream prompted her to dig into her luggage, retrieving several things: her two vibrators, a bottle of lube, and an enema. Nothing short of reliving that fantasy as best as she was able was going to work. She didn't use a toy in her ass very often, as the preparation was a turn-off, but she always kept everything on hand, because she always came so hard when she did.

She emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, her bottom all cleaned up and ready. She'd left her clothes on the bathroom floor, because knowing what she was going to do only intensified her arousal. She lay a towel on the bed — just in case — and put the lube close at hand. As soon as she picked up the first of her vibrators, she realized her mistake.

Having heard too many horror stories about toys turning on in luggage, she'd taken the batteries out before packing them. Worse still, after tearing apart her bags, she discovered that she hadn't packed the batteries at all.

Things only went downhill from there. No matter where she looked, she couldn't find the double-a batteries that her vibes required. She went into four places before finally locating some.

She bought three packages, to make sure that she didn't have to do this again.

Her arousal had dimmed to a few fitfully simmering coils as she searched in frustration, but roared back to life as she walked down the hall toward her room again. She tossed two of the packs of batteries onto a table near the door, and tore open the other even as she walked toward the bed. She'd just finished inserting the batteries into the first of her vibes when someone knocked on the door.

"What now?" She muttered under her breath. She lifted the pillow, stuffing the vibrators and lube beneath it to hide them.

When she looked through the peep-hole, she quite nearly fainted. The two men from the beach — and her dream — were standing outside her door.

She bit her thumb in indecision for a minute as the blond knocked again. Then she opened the door a crack. "Yes?"

"Hey," the blond answered. "We've been looking for you for hours. You left your book on the beach." He held it up where she could see it.

Jessica laughed and let the door open a little farther. Both men were wearing shorts, and sleeveless half-shirts that bared their rippled midriffs. "That's sweet of you."

"I kind of felt bad about..." His eyes darted of their own accord to her breasts for a second. "Err... You know. Anyway..." He held out the book to her.

She took the book and said, "Thank you, and it's okay. It's sort of flattering that you'd even want to look, I guess." The words tumbled from her lips before she thought better of them, and she realized that she'd leaned against the doorjamb, striking a flirty pose as well.

"They're great," the dark-haired man interjected.

"Dude," the blond scolded, and elbowed his friend.

Some part of her — conscience, common sense, or something — screamed in her head. Oh no. Don't even think about it. Are you crazy?

She wasn't paying attention to it. Her dream had merged with reality. She couldn't stop herself. "Do you want to come in?"

The pair looked at each other and smiled. The blond answered, "Yeah, sure."

Jessica opened the door wide, only now hearing the voice in her head and thinking twice about what she was doing. It was too late, though. She closed the door behind them and cut loose all her inhibitions.

"So, you liked them? I'm not too old to be hot?"

"No fucking way. You've got great tits, and a hot bod," the blond answered, seemingly tossing away his reservations as well.

"Fuck no," the other said at the same time.

She couldn't believe what she was thinking, but said it anyway. "Well, you've seen mine. It's only fair that you show me yours."

She'd barely finished speaking before both men pulled down the front of their shorts. They were both half-hard, and rising — shaved and a little bigger than average in size. Jessica was sure that she'd never seen two more beautiful cocks in her life.

Though she'd fantasized about it all of her adult life, she'd never actually been with two men at once. This was her chance, and no nagging doubts were going to deter her from it. She crossed the room without another word, and wrapped her fingers around the hard organs.

The pair of them worked with seemingly practiced speed. The blond tugged her shirt over her head, freeing her braless breasts. The other pulled down her shorts and underwear, unveiling her pussy. As she stroked their cocks, the pair squeezed her breasts, tweaked her nipples, and slipped fingers into her saturated sex. A series of moans erupted from all three of them.

Jessica sank to her knees, filling her vision with hard, young cock. She didn't stop there, though, and promptly filled her mouth as well.

The dark-haired man gasped as she took him deep, almost to the root. She kept her hand pumping on the other man's shaft while she slowly sucked back to the purple helmet of the cock in her mouth.

Once it popped free, she switched. The blond groaned, "Holy shit. Deep-throat that thing."

"Feel good?" She asked as the second bulbous head popped free of her lips, looking up into the men's eyes and rasping her hands over their turgid flesh.

"Fuck yeah."

"Damn, you know how to suck cock."

Even though it was more than a little late to be thinking about it, it dawned on her that they didn't know each other's names. "My name's Jessica," she told them, and tickled each of them in turn with her tongue.

"Neil," the blond offered.


"Pleased to meet you." She licked her lips with a sultry smile, and went back to work.

Her red curls bounced as she sucked one, then the other — both men offering tangy drops of pre-cum for her efforts. When she returned to Neil for the third time, his grunts, the throbbing of his cock, and his fingers twining into her hair let her know that he was close.

Jessica sucked him hard, in short, fast strokes. His groans grew even louder, his fingers tightening in her hair. His hips bucked forward, threatening to gag her, and she released Robert's cock to keep Neil at bay. She didn't have to do it for long, because only two sucks later, he erupted in her mouth.

An inarticulate half-groan, half-growl rumbled from his chest as he filled her mouth with cum. She moaned around him, still sucking the tip as he throbbed and pulsed. Warmth spread through her from her belly when she swallowed, and he pushed her away long before she was ready to let him go.

While the blond collapsed heavily onto the bed, Robert swung his bobbing organ in front of her face. Jessica licked her lips, looking up into his eyes, and engulfed him in her mouth.

Both of his hands settled on the side of her head, his fingers curling around to the back. "Oh yeah, suck that cock," he encouraged her.

She took his hairless orbs in her hand, caressing them as her head bobbed over his erection. He was holding out longer than his friend, but she hoped that they would both have some staying power after letting off a little steam — or rather cum.

He groaned, the pressure of his fingers on the back of her head increasing. "Damn, you should be teaching cock-sucking at the U. You want a mouthful?" His voice grew a little tighter with every word.

"Mph hmph," she moaned around him.

"Keep that up and you're going to get it."

He stopped talking after that, and as with his friend before, she had to lift a restraining hand to keep him from jamming his cock down her throat as he drew closer to orgasm. He pulled hard on her head when he reached the point of no return, and shot his cum straight into her throat.

Jessica coughed from the sudden burst of viscous cream, her cheeks puffing out, but she maintained enough control to keep her lips locked around him. His arms lost some strength as he came, letting her pull back a bit to accept the following spurts and dribbles, draining him dry.

Though he twitched and gasped, he let her continue until he had nothing more to offer. She let him slip from her lips, and then kissed the tip several times before standing up. She crawled into the bed near the pillows, and rolled onto her side so that she was facing the two men closer to the foot. She bent one knee, her fingers slipping between her legs to serve the dual purpose of taking the edge off her own need, and teasing her bedmates. Her baby-smooth nether lips let them see everything, as she left only a little tuft above her clit unshaven.

Neil reacted first, having had more time to recover from feeding her his cum. He crawled between her legs, replacing her fingers with his tongue.

"Oh yes. Lick my pussy. I need it so bad," she cooed, her fingers mussing his hair. "Do I taste good?"

"Great," he muttered, the word muffled by her folds.

She moaned in approval when Robert crawled over and pinched one of her light brown nipples. "Never seen nipples this big," he remarked while twisting the stiff nub between his forefinger and thumb.

"You can do more than see," she hinted, and then gasped from a particularly strong swipe of the tongue tantalizing her pussy.

He took the hint, and lifted her breast to take the pinky-tip-sized bud between his lips.

Though young, the two men weren't inexperienced. She shivered, holding both men's heads in position. The blond lapped, probed, and sucked her pussy, a far cry from the lovers she remembered when she was that age. Most of them had one stroke, like they were painting a fence with their tongue. Her other bedmate never let either nipple feel left out, switching often, and using a free hand to tease whichever one he wasn't sucking. He sucked them hard, just the way she liked it, making her juices flow for his friend to lap up.

Robert sucked her right nipple hard, pulling back until it popped from between his lips, causing her breast to quiver. "Let me at that pussy," he told his friend.

Jessica let out a moan of disapproval when he slipped from between her legs, but she wasn't left unattended for long. His friend dived into her pussy with gusto, lapping far faster than his predecessor.

The blond took over where his friend had left off as well, sucking her nipples in and out like a little cock. That thought sent her passion soaring even higher, but she wasn't about to risk what she already had to suggest that they might play with each other.

The rapid-fire darting of the tongue between her legs soon pushed her to the cusp of ecstasy. She panted for breath, moaning and yelping in delight, her body writhing beneath the two men making her feel so good.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she cried out as she felt the tingle in her depths grow to an itch. The speed of his tongue kept her perched on the edge for long, torturous seconds, and then she came with a warbling mixture of a moan and a scream.

"You coming?" Neil asked after releasing her nipple.

"Y-y-yes!" she stammered. "God yes!"

Jessica twitched and lurched, her body beyond any semblance of control from the throes of ecstasy assaulting her. Small, high-pitched sounds of release tumbled from her lips in an endless stream, even after cool air kissed her folds.

She could feel the mattress shifting when the two men moved, but it was only when she forced her eyes open that she discovered what they were up to. Neil was hard again, and she didn't resist in the slightest when he pushed her knees up and out.

He groaned and she yelped when he pushed his cock into her soaked pussy in one smooth stroke. "Holy shit, you're tight," he said as he pulled back to thrust again.

"Oh, your cock feels so good. Fuck me."

"Hell yeah."

He took her hard and fast, making her breasts jiggle and bounce from the power of his thrusts. She squeezed her intimate muscles around him, adding to the sensations that both of them were experiencing. Their bodies collided with loud smacks, accompanied by her sounds of pleasure and wet slurping sounds every time he thrust, a testament to how wet she was.

"Tear that pussy up," Robert said, and then knee-walked over to her. She turned to see that he was hard as well, and didn't waste a moment when his smooth balls were within reach. Her tongue tickled the wrinkled orbs, making his shaft tap against her face.

The relentless assault of the big cock inside her soon stole her concentration, and she only managed to fitfully lap her other bedmate's organ as her pleasure mounted. The sudden void in her depths a minute later made her moan, "Oh no, don't"

She looked down to see Neil panting for breath, pinching the head of his cock.

"Fuck. Too good," he managed to groan.

"My turn," his friend declared, waving the blond out of the way.

"Don't make me wait," Jessica pleaded.

He didn't have any intention of doing so, and buried his cock inside her with the same eagerness his friend had exhibited a few minutes earlier.

Something about the curve of his cock or his stance caused him to hit different pleasure points inside her. He also rubbed two fingers back and forth over her clit, stoking her fires even more.

A tap on her lips caused her to open her eyes, which had fluttered closed as her pleasure mounted from the hard cock plunging into her. She hesitated, seeing Neil's pussy-slick cock aimed at her mouth. A mere moment later, her heightened sense of arousal caused her lips to part.

"Hell yeah," the dark-haired man pounding her pussy groaned. "Your pussy taste good?"

Jessica was just noticing — with no small amount of surprise — that it did. The taste was just a little bitter and tangy, but exciting. "Mmm hmm," she moaned around the cock in her mouth.

She sucked as best as she was able, fascinated by her own taste, as the other man took her. She was getting close — the itch of her approaching climax mingling with a warm, almost hot sensation beneath her mound.

"Dude," she barely heard over the thunderous sound of her heart in her ears.

The blond moved, pulling his cock from between her lips. Jessica watched him move over next to his friend, and then yelped as a quick jerk left her pussy empty — for a few heartbeats.

The two traded places, and Jessica fought against her dimming ability to think to lap her juices from the dripping shaft in front of her. After a few halting laps, she felt the fires inside her surge to white-hot intensity.

"I... I... I'm... Ahhh! Com—ing!" She screamed, the last word broken, and rising to ear-piercing pitch as an orgasm ripped through her.

Shortly after the first spike of her climax faded, another hot on its heels, she was empty again. She popped her eyes open and drew in a breath to protest, but need not have bothered. Another hard cock filled her before she managed to fill her lungs.

Jessica came, and came, her screams turning to croaks. Her strength faded, and she was barely able to do more than twitch in response to the electric current of orgasmic energy coursing through her. The two men took turns, pulling free whenever close to coming, giving her little respite. Eventually, they were both within a few strokes of an explosion, and let her settle down from the dizzying heights of ecstasy that had gripped her.

She had no idea how long it took her to regain her senses, but she croaked out, "D-drink. P-please," as soon as she could form the words.

She heard Neil's voice say, "Here," a short while later. Upon forcing her eyes open, she saw him holding a glass of water, his hard cock still twitching between his legs.

"Damn, that was hot," he said to her as she sipped the water, trying to keep from choking on it.

"Tore that pussy up," the other laughed, and the pair high-fived.

Jessica offered a weak nod, and took a bigger drink of water. She was mentally ready for her ultimate fantasy, even if she wasn't sure that her body was. "I want you both — at the same time."

"One in your ass?" Neil asked, almost incredulously.

"Mmm hmm," she answered.

"Dibs!" his friend called out.

"And I want you to come."

"Inside you?"

"Yes, I want you to fill me up."

"Oh yeah, let me at that ass," Robert declared, taking his cock in hand.

Jessica drained the last of her water, and flipped up the pillow to reveal the hidden lube and vibes. She handed the first to the man eager to violate her back door, and kept the smaller of the two vibrators close at hand.

"Lie down on your back," she instructed Neil.

He flopped over in the center of the bed, and held his cock straight up, more than ready. At the foot of the bed, the other man smeared lube over his manhood.

Her heart beating fast in anticipation, Jessica straddled the blond's cock. She sank down onto it with a moan, and wiggled her hips a little before leaning forward. She grabbed her vibe, turned it on, and wriggled it between their bodies to touch her clit. He bent his knees, allowing him to make short thrusts up into her pussy.

Robert maneuvered into position between two pairs of legs, and spread her cheeks wide.

"Give it to me," Jessica begged, trying to relax. Despite the effort, her muscles clenched tight when the head of his cock pressed against her back door.

He pushed hard, his cock bending as he tried to jam it into her ass.

"Wait. Easy," Jessica pleaded, again willing the tightly clenched muscles in her ass to relax.

He tried a different approach, putting just a little pressure on his cock, and pulling her ass-cheeks out wide. When she managed to relax for a fraction of a second, the head of his cock popped into her ass.

Jessica growled at the burning stretch of his cock violating her puckered ass. She took several deep breaths, and then gasped as another inch of rock-hard cock slipped into her.

Though it seemed as though it would take forever, and her vision swam a little by the end, she managed to take all of him. "S-so full. Oh, I love it."

The blond beneath her returned to bucking his hips up into her, causing her to yelp. A mere moment later, the cock in her ass moved as well.

Jessica's eyes and mouth both popped wide open as two cocks filled her for the first time. She had to bend her head down onto the blond's chest, because one arm alone was not enough to support her. She managed to keep the vibrator centered over her clit, and panted for breath as the two picked up the pace.

A few pained whimpers escaped her as the cock in her ass pushed harder and faster. Slowly, the pain lessened, and she could almost feel their cocks touching inside her. It felt as if both were all the way up in her belly. Between gasps for breath, she demanded, "Do it. Fuck my ass. Fuck my pussy. Make me come. Fill me up."

The burning pain returned when Robert shifted his stance, allowing him to thrust even harder and faster. The vibrator tumbled from her nerveless fingers, but from the knot of crackling energy growing inside her, she doubted that she would need it. The reluctant muscles of her ass finally gave up the ghost, and she felt balls slapping against her pussy on his next thrust.

She half wondered what the odd, a****listic sounds were, until it dawned on her that she was making them. Grunts and growls sounded from behind and below her, the two men now giving her their all.

"Oh please," she squealed, begging her own body to give in. She teetered on the brink of orgasm, the sensation a mixture of pain and pleasure. Her senses reeled from the unbelievable feeling of fullness. A rapid series of grunts sounded from below her, followed by a hot blast of breath and a scream.

The blond's cock pulsed, filling her pussy full of cum. He continued to grunt and growl, unable to move from her gripping pussy. Still, Jessica couldn't reach the brass ring. Her orgasm refused to come, teasing her maliciously, swelling and retreating with every heartbeat.

Her body jolted forward, her pendulous breasts smacking against Neil's chin when Robert jammed his cock into her ass with an explosive cry. She could actually feel the spurts of cream in her ass, and that was what finally set her off.

Jessica came hard, nothing more than a tight, quiet scream able to pass her throat. Every throb of the cocks inside her felt like an earthquake, sending violent tremors crashing throughout her body. Her vision dimmed, growing black at the edges. Sandwiched between the two men, she could only twitch, despite her muscles trying to make her lurch.

She slipped in and out of reality, the little death claiming her more completely than it ever had before. One second she was drifting in an almost numbed state, and the next, the ecstasy of her orgasm hit her like a lightning bolt. Over and over again, her body gave her a moment's respite, only to make the following jolt of climax feel all the stronger.

She didn't even remember how she ended up lying with the men on either side of her, her ass still lifted high in the air, and cum running down her thighs from both of her abused entrances. It was the last thing she remembered before she drifted off to sleep, the pain in her ass a minor thing compared to the aftershocks of her incredible orgasm.


Jessica awakened from a dream much the same as the one the day before. This time, though, she looked on either side to see her two lovers sleeping, morning erections twitching in the dawn light.

A little twinge of pain in her bottom let her know that she wouldn't be doing that again for a few days, but her pussy tingling as it lubricated screamed that other things were certainly within reason. She slipped out of the bed to take a shower, as her thighs were sticking together from the glue-like mixture of her juices and their cream.

Before she walked into the bathroom, she looked back at the pair on the bed, half expecting them to vanish. Neil's eyes opened, and he smiled when he saw her standing nude in the bathroom door.

Jessica smiled back, twitched her eyebrows suggestively, and walked into the bathroom. She heard his footfalls a few seconds later, and moaned when he wrapped his arms around her to squeeze her breasts.

All the perks, indeed, she thought as she led him into the shower.

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Winter Trip It is winter time and I am on a short vacation in the States. I have booked a lovely lodge in the mountains, far away from any city or village to get some time to relax. It’s my time to find some rest after a long year of working. My only plans are to enjoy the surrounding mountains and forest. And also take some walks and read some books that I have brought with me. This is what I told all my friends at home a nice excuse. My main reason is a lovely lady who I have known almost 2...

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Kettle full and bubbling, Matt sat and played the piano to her. Mia loved it when Matt played, it made her feel part of something special. The couple made their way upstairs. Mia took the lead so she could let Matt get a good look at her sexy, curvalicious body. She knew this would get his mind racing. As usual she took a long look in the mirror trying to re-do her windswept hair, although she knew there was no point as he loved her hair natural in every way. Matt crept up behind her and...

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Le pale del uh-60 blackhawk su cui ero a bordo fendevano l'aria provocando un leggero sibilo che mi entrava costantemente nelle orecchie, eravamo partiti dalla base Nato Diyarbakir un ora prima del nostro arrivo e per tutto il viaggio rimasi concentrata sull'importanza di quella operazione, cercando di cacciare via ogni mio pensiero e problema personale. L'abitacolo era praticamente vuoto in quanto a bordo oltre a me c'era il mio compagno e il pilota, tutti e tre in comunicazione tramite...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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Winter Trip It is winter time and I am on a short vacation in the States. I have booked a lovely lodge in the mountains, far away from any city or village to get some time to relax. It’s my time to find some rest after a long year of working. My only plans are to enjoy the surrounding mountains and forest. And also take some walks and read some books that I have brought with me. This is what I told all my friends at home a nice excuse. My main reason is a lovely lady who I have known almost 2...

Love Stories
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Kettle full and bubbling, Matt sat and played the piano to her. Mia loved it when Matt played; it made her feel part of something special. The couple made their way upstairs. Mia took the lead so she could let Matt get a good look at her sexy, curvalicious body. She knew this would get his mind racing. As usual she took a long look in the mirror trying to re-do her windswept hair, although she knew there was no point as he loved her hair natural in every way. Matt crept up behind her and...

Straight Sex
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The alarm blared from the tiny phone's speakers beside my head. I fumbled around until I felt the cold plastic of the case and swiped the screen. Immediately, the sound of the alarm stopped and I contemplated returning to my peaceful slumber. That idea was dashed rather quickly, however, for I knew I had to get myself on a regular schedule if I was ever going to get a job. Lazily I slipped from the bed, practically rolling out, and grabbed my glasses from the bedside table and put them...

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She loved the city at night. It lay stretched out for miles before her, a beautiful, twinkling mural, almost devoid of all the sounds of life as she observed it from above. The faint noise of traffic and the pedestrians that strode slowly along the sidewalks hardly reached her. It would be the last night she would see its pulsing beauty from her balcony. She had taken a break from the hours of labeling and packing away each material piece of her life in the condo. The movers would be there in...

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Women say that men 'have their brains in their balls and think with their dicks' and if there's a grain of truth in that (let's face it guys - there probably is) then Tracy blew my mind regularly! At home and alfresco - in the back of a black cab going home after a night out; in the cubicle of a public restroom; in the park, in the woods and on the beach - anywhere, anytime. In privacy or for an audience; although my personal favourite was after enjoying a leisurely Sunday morning breakfast...

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“I don’t hear anything,” screamed my wife from outside of the door. I shrugged and looked at the woman sitting on the bed beside me. She was naked and so was I. I wasn’t ogling her boobs, although I knew how awesome they were. I was pretty sure I knew what they felt like, even though I had never touched them. “Give us some God damned time!” she screamed back at my wife, in almost the exact same tone and timber. She stood up and positioned herself in front of me. Her body was thin and...

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As you will notice, this is all written with a north London accent. Almost all"H"'s are dropped e.g 'ouse-House, 'eads-Heads, 'ave- Have etc. I have written He's as 'ees and Handsome as 'aandsome because people from that area tend to stretch out those words. Slang words some people may not be familiar with are listed below. glossary Beemer – BMW Bell – Telephone call Bird – Time in prison Bog - Toilet Bollocks - can mean rubbish or testicles, depending on context Bollocksed –...

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This is a story about twins who got more friendly than they should with each other. The twins can be any gender: male/female, male/male or female/female. That choice is yours. I’ll split them up so it doesn’t get clustered. Make sure the main characters in your stories are actually twins and not just siblings. These mfers need to come out of the same womb on the same day. They could also be twins who were separated at birth for some reason. Adding your own stories is highly encouraged, you may...

1 year ago
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Swingers Date Club aka SDC Swingers aka! Not every website that you visit in order to feed your endlessly lustful appetites has to be an orgiastic smorgasbord of whores and porn and all-out fuck fests with anal gaping and deepthroating and double penetration galore. Consider for a moment that you might take some time out of your day to become a little more enlightened about sexuality. Have you ever stopped to consider that possibility? That you might educate yourself on the nature of...

Hookup Sites
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SwingLifestyle! Do you live the Swing Lifestyle, or have you ever considered swapping partners with other horny local couples? Before the Internet, it was hard to find like-minded swingers to fool around with, but we’ve come a long fucking way since the days of awkwardly asking your coworkers if their wife would be DTF. Why risk a sexual harassment accusation or an uppercut from a dude who takes it entirely the wrong way when you say you’d really like to bang his old lady? Today, we’re going to look...

Hookup Sites
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Is Porn Rewind worth your time? Well, you should be embarrassed if you’re still watching shitty low-quality porn this late in the game. In a world full of free 4k, HD, VR porn why would you ever choose otherwise? It’s time to ditch those shitty sites once and for all. Trust me, you won’t miss it once you get a taste of what’s on the other side. You’ll be busting the best nuts of your goddam life without having to put up a single cent. Try not to get too addicted to this next site, or do, who am...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Fab Swingers (fabsw)! The only thing I can think of that might be better than porn is actually sticking your dick into a warm, wet, living hole. Yeah, sometimes the broads yammer too much, but what can you do? That’s just the price of entry, I guess. Speaking of, the front page of says their price of entry is a flat rate of zero. Not bad for a swinger networking site where you can meet other freaks for a hookup.There ain’t much to look at on the landing page, but it...

Hookup Sites
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Cum Swallowing Movies! Enjoy the steamiest action featuring filthy sluts get down on their knees and have charged up studs drain all their perverted juices in their mouths. There is nothing these cum-addicted whores like more than swallowing jizz. Shit, it’s almost like they were born with cocks in their mouths. Make no mistake, these cocksuckers are hot and nasty and seeing them get all dirty will leave a big ass throbbing in your pants. The best part thou is that they all seem to enjoy taking...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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Swing Towns! Man, things just get better and better for people who like sex. I say that as a totally depraved pervert, but even normal folks are more open than ever about their freakiness, kinkiness, and sexual desires. Apps like Tinder are fun for a quick hookup, but real swingers recognize the value of a dedicated platform like SwingTowns. The site has been around for a couple of decades now and helps around half a million visitors a month get a little bit of calls...

Hookup Sites
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Swinger Porn Fun! What’s worse than finding out your parents are a couple of sexy swingers? Cumming upon them at a party. Well, maybe that’s just a matter of opinion, because I know plenty of you freaks out there would love to get down with any kind of swinger, cuckold or hotwife situation. Not everyone has the confidence to pull off, though, not to mention a wife who’s down to let you have a little strange. Fortunately, sites like SwingerPornFun let you live vicariously through swingers and...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Reddit Wincest, aka r/Wincest! I am sure that some of y’all actually thought that you would get to see siblings or whatnot getting it on in a subreddit called r/wincest/. While the word wincest does suggest something like that, you could also use your fucking remaining brain cells to figure out that this is all in good fun. So you will get plenty of wincest themed content, but not actual incest.Let me explain it a bit better. Win + Incest are the words that were used in the creation of...

Reddit NSFW List
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I’ve always wanted to be a Thai Swinger, but kind of assumed my status as an American disqualified me from making the team. After spending some time perusing the Thai Swinger Network, I’m starting to consider the dream even more seriously. Their shelves are stocked full with some of the finest Thai poon ever captured on video, and it looks like a bunch of white tourist dudes are the ones doing the smashing. Fuck, now I’m really wondering what the COVID quarantine rules are if I book a flight...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Kiwi Swingers! I know some of you fucks out there actually know how to get some pussy. You can’t all be basement-dwelling fappers with chafed cocks and bacne. Hell, some of you might even have a kinky girlfriend, partner, or spouse who likes to get down and dirty with other sex-addicted couples. Maybe you like being cucked. Perhaps you enjoy sharing the fun. Or, hell, possibly you just want to land a devil’s threesome with another couple. I sure as hell am not here to judge your tastes. What...

Hookup Sites
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Win or Lose PT 2 Creampie Eating

It had been over a year since Janice made her bet with me that I couldn't last long enough to make her cum before I blew my load in her pussy. I lost twice the first night, and I lost every time since then, but I still held out hope that I could win. My prize? If I win my wife will, for the first time ever in our relationship, willingly suck me to completion and swallow my cum. My penalty? If I cum first, I have to go down on her and get her off with my tongue. In the process I end up eating...

2 years ago
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Periwinkle Pink Part 2

Periwinkle Pink Part 2 By Cheryl Lynn This is a force feminization fiction story. Part 1 should be read first for this to make sense. Any similarity to real life is purely accidental. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. All standard disclaimers apply and may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use by author's permission. Comments are most welcome at [email protected]. Periwinkle Pink Part 2 As Perry stepped out of the bathroom, he was blushing as...

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Periwinkle Pink Part 1

Periwinkle Pink By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of forced femininization fiction and all the standard disclaimers apply. This story is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. It may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use by author's permission. Comments are welcome at [email protected] Periwinkle Pink Perry Mathews had just turned eighteen and graduated high school. He was a scrawny mop haired young man with bright sapphire blue eyes. He was brought up in a...

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Winona Ryder Goes To Jail

Having lost her case, Winona Ryder was now being processed, and issued her orange overalls, prison underwear and toiletries. She was totally humiliated. Her lawyer had assured her it would never come to this. Now, mostly due to his ineptitude she would be spending 90 days in the county jail. "Strip" the female guard ordered, and she began to remove her clothing. As each item was shed another guard took it from her and deposited it in a plastic bag. "It'll be returned after you serve your...

2 years ago
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Win Win Move

Win, Win MoveBy: Londebaaz ChohanKevin was such a good friend that he convinced his father to give me the job in his office after graduation. He also convinced his mother to speak with his father for the say-so of my short stay at their house until I found a reasonable place for rent to shift there. Kevin had his room on the first floor. His parents had the master bedroom on the ground floor. They had a guest room on the ground floor next to his parent’s bedroom and another larger bedroom...

1 year ago
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Winifred Was WillingChapter 2

CORNELIA'S HIDDEN DEPTHS You have probably read my sister Winifred's story called "Winifred Was Willing". I want to state right up front that her portrayal of me as "plain" and destined to be an old maid is sheer and utter poppycock. It is true that I have no love of the French powders and scents that my sister Winifred and Annette are prone to employ in their shameless pursuit of male admirers. I seldom simper and daydream about this cute boy or that. There is a huge gulf between my...

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Win or LoseChapter 2

It had been over a year since Janice made her bet with me that I couldn't last long enough to make her cum before I blew my load in her pussy. I lost twice the first night, and I lost every time since then, but I still held out hope that I could win. My prize? If I win my wife will, for the first time ever in our relationship, willingly suck me to completion and swallow my cum. My penalty? If I cum first, I have to go down on her and get her off with my tongue. In the process I end up eating...

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Ok, I admit it. I had found the perfect chick magnet. So what if it was just a CAT, yes a kitty cat. Well, not just any old cat. My cat loved walking on a leash. And it’s extremely friendly. It will let anyone pet it and would hop into your lap without a second thought. It was a very handsome chocolate point Siamese male. Today, I’m sitting at a shady picnic table at a nearby park. Right in line for the parade of young women headed for the beach. “Oh! Cute kitty! What’s its name?” as the...

4 years ago
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Winifred Was WillingChapter 3 No No Annette

It is all a bit too much for a god-fearing, good girl to take. I am too well aware of the fact that my two devious sisters, Winifred and Cornelia have "poisoned the waters" with regard to my character and moral demeanor. I must protest and offer some enlightening perspective on my private affairs. There is some truth in the obvious fact that I am easily the most attractive and intelligent of the three Winkle sisters. Even my scheming siblings would admit to that simple fact. I believe it...

2 years ago
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Winnies Boarder

[To the readers-- my comma is broken so bear with the prose!] WINNIE "I can't forget anything " Winnie thought bleakly. Cheryl gets so impatient when I lose focus. Winnie's broad bottom still stung a bit from the night before when Cheryl had forced the sobbing Winnie to lie naked on her own king-sized bed wrists bound behind her back. Winnie had looked over her shoulder pleading as the other woman had tossed her blonde curls before raising her hand the red nails clutching the straightened coat...

1 year ago
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Winters A Bitch

Winter's a Bitch! - Lexi Hawke - Thank you for taking the time to read my story. As with many of my stories, there was an event that happened that the story is built around. This story belongs to my friend, Winter (not her real name). I also inserted myself into the storyteller since he was just an anonymous Craigslist poster (and Winter did not like the story told from her point of view. Maybe someday, I will post the story I wrote with her being the storyteller.) I did take some...

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Winky Dink

Winky Dink By Margaret Jeanette Toby and Margaret Bower were making love. Margaret wished he was better endowed as he could just reach her magic spot sometimes. This was not the time. She just wished she could do something about it. The next morning she said to him, "We have been married for five years and I think only twice in those five years you have managed to hit my magic spot when we are making love. Why don't you check with a doctor to see if there is something to make...

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When my kid brother died, I inherited his daughter. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the kid. She had all the good attributes of both of her parents; her mother was incredibly beautiful. Even though Winnie was pretty much a stick at thirteen, she showed signs of being just as pretty, once she filled out. And she had my kid brother’s smile and up-beat attitude. She would need it now. I was all she had. My wife had left me over a year ago, and the one kid we had still at home went with her. She had no...

2 years ago
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Win a Date with Quinn1

know all the specifics or exactly why the law makers did this, but do any of us really know why politicians do anything? To be perfectly honest I do not really care why they did it, because, to make a long story short, the outcome of the passing of this law has completely eliminated the `age of consent' and has made all child pornography legal. It did not take long after this law was passed for `kiddy porn' to move out of basements and warehouses and become professionally produced at...

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Win a Date with Quinn0

know all the specifics or exactly why the law makers did this, but do any of us really know why politicians do anything? To be perfectly honest I do not really care why they did it, because, to make a long story short, the outcome of the passing of this law has completely eliminated the `age of consent' and has made all child pornography legal. It did not take long after this law was passed for `kiddy porn' to move out of basements and warehouses and become professionally produced at...

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Baldwin Ford

ENGLISH BORN American immigrant Archie Baldwin opened Rasper Stables on High Street in the village of Rasper in October 1886, the same month that the Statue of Liberty was dedicated in New York, although only one of those two events received widespread attention. Understandably, some Rasperians were upset that the smelly stables had been erected at the end of the village’s main street instead of being placed behind the funeral parlor where the last stables had been before collapsing under the...

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Darwin Girls8217 Middle School 8211 Nudity Training

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); “So, tomorrow is your first day! We’re proud of you. How do you feel about it?” “Daddy, I feel great. It’s like I’ve got a new start, a chance to really do good.” “How do you feel about Darwin being an all girls’ school?” “Pretty good. Boys waste class time, like showing off and stuff. I think it’ll be more serious with all girls.” “Where’s...

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Winning is So Sweet

"Winning is So Sweet" by Carousel Susan En~Rose copyright 2009 by Carousel Susan En~Rose / Girls With Big Eyes, LLC Carousel's short story is written in the "Shoujo Manga*" style of storytelling. "Winning is So Sweet" shares the First Place Gold Medal for the Reader's Choice Award at the 2009 Girltalk Creative SF Writing Contest. SYNOPSIS---Twelve year old Darla D'nell Ryan never expected such excitement to happen when she introduced a new game, a...

4 years ago
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Winston the wonder dog

"Good morning Mom, isn't it a beautiful day?" Mom was at the stove turning with her ever present smile. "Good morning dear, it's easy to see your happy in not going back to that school" Both of us chuckled with Dad coming in the kitchen. "I thoiught you would have slept in to-day" smiling at me "She's overjoyed" Mom said serving Dad first "that school in finally finished. "Ah!" Dad smiled "So what kind of a summer job are you looking for?" taking a bite of his...

3 years ago
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Wingman (Based on John Tucker Must Die) Kate Spencer, a long-haired blond girl, sat in the stands for her university basketball game as star player John Tucker made the winning basket. He was fairly tall, had an athletic body, short brown hair, pale complexion, and was often compared to as a Greek god. He also had that winning smile. After the game, John was interviewed by a school reporter, Carrie Schaeffer, a short-haired blond. John casually put his hand around her flirtatious...

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Twink Night at the Bathhouse

TWINK NIGHT AT THE BATHHOUSE This is a (mostly) true story that happened on Tuesday, June 5, 2018. And I loved every second of it! So it turns out every Tuesday is Twink Night at the Seattle Steamworks bathhouse. Guys under the age of 25 get in free. I had never been to the place on a Tuesday figuring the whole twink promotion was probably a scam to get people my age in to see hot young guys who probably never actually showed up.But a few Tuesdays ago I had an evening free and I was horny as...

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RewindChapter 2

It was a damaging time for both of us and Terry and I bickered and rowed. We had never had any arguments before. Lovemaking dropped off to once a month, then stopped altogether. We had a final row, both saying upsetting things to each other that should have remained unsaid. My beautiful butterfly declared I had become a pathetic parasite hanging onto her cosmic coat tails, that I meant less than nothing to her any more and so I stormed out, vowing never to return. I said a few things I...

1 year ago
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Edwina Pussy Arm

Cool crisp air filled the room as Kyle opened the window. There was a distant sound of birds chirping. To him, they sounded as a big brass band. The flowers were beginning to bloom, showing off their vibrant colors. Spring had finally filled come and admiring it was a great way to spend the morning. A fantastic morning was a good way to ensure a fantastic evening. Kyle was expecting an evening of spectacular adventures. Not long ago his friend of many months and moon phases, Jed, had informed...

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RewindChapter 6

Terry was exhausted, 16 hours later. Our third child, Jake, short for Jacob Henry Donaldson, the young challenger in the blue corner, who weighed in at 8lbs 12ozs, had completed his very first feed and had just been wheeled off to the baby care unit for a few short hours while his mother and I rested from the ordeal. We were alone for a few moments. Enough time to settle Terry down before I scooted home for a shower and a couple of hours sleep. Then collect our other two kids and...

4 years ago
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Winning the Lottery

I am counting the days until I win the lottery. Any day now, I will hit the lottery. ‘What’s the number? Does anyone know what the lottery number was last night?’ I’ve been playing the same loser lottery number now for more than 25 years, ever since the stupid thing started. Over the years, I’ve won a few dozen free bets, I won $10.00 a few times, and, once, I one $100.00. I deduced from my losing percentage in lottery winnings that I am not lucky in that regard. My luck, thankfully, comes in...

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