BurrChapter 51 Patricia Ford
- 2 years ago
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ENGLISH BORN American immigrant Archie Baldwin opened Rasper Stables on High Street in the village of Rasper in October 1886, the same month that the Statue of Liberty was dedicated in New York, although only one of those two events received widespread attention.
Understandably, some Rasperians were upset that the smelly stables had been erected at the end of the village’s main street instead of being placed behind the funeral parlor where the last stables had been before collapsing under the might of a tornado eight months earlier, financially ruining the owner.
Years later in 1912, with the horse servicing business in a slide, old Archie and his son Dick changed the face of the business and residents awoke one morning to find the stables had been renamed Rasper Automobiles Service Depot. Smelly horses were relegated to a rear extension to the premises and smelly gas engines began polluting the air from the front of the building.
And so to the present.
Thin-faced and sallow in complexion, pugnacious by nature and possessing a lamentable sense of entitlement, wealthy Mayor Sally B. Moss, nearing the end of her second term as First Citizen, and Bob Clay, veteran city manager of Rasper (pop. 66,640), stood on the balcony of the mayor’s office and discussed possible sites for the new City Hall.
Mayor Moss, who with her husband owned Moss Transport, Moss Quarries and Moss Broadcasting that operated the city’s most popular TV and radio stations, reached agreement on the best site for the replacement HQ. The decision was Rasper Ford Sales Inc., a property that ran through to Silver Street, occupied the only suitable site. The company also owned the slightly smaller property parallel with its southern side boundary. Part of that second property was leased to two stores on the High Street frontage and behind them the land was leased to a vehicle crash repair and auto painting business.
Bob said as the mayor’s chief adviser, ‘You’ll buy a fight with the Baldwin family if you attempt to buy their patch of dirt that has been in the family for generations.’
‘Yes I believe so. Be a good boy and get that double site for me and don’t take too long about it. I want to have the replacement Town Hall underway and this site sold before the next election so that I can point to it as the major achievement of my current term.
‘I suggest that might be rather optimistic Sally. I don’t think citizens will be overly thrilled with the mayor and council building grandly to house ourselves without any apparent gains for citizens.’
‘I’ll deal with that Bob. Off you go and plot how we can acquire the Baldwin’s land with minimum fuss and the lowest possible price.’
Bob wandered off thinking the power hungry woman appeared to believe she could have everything she wanted, when she wanted and that any opposition would be crushable. Rasper didn’t deserve to have that woman as its mayor. He decided he didn’t want her lording over him for another mayoral term.
* * *
Widow Moira Baldwin, president and CEO of Rasper Ford Sales Inc., combed her hair and then went to the office of Paul Mancini, her vice-president and chief operating officer.
‘Figures are looking good for this month,’ she said, sitting down and peering over the top of her reading glasses.
‘Everyone out there is working hard, there’s a bit of surplus money about now the squeeze on credit is lifting and so we have better figures Moira. That means better results for us is not one of the surprises of life.’
‘I was thinking about your retirement.’
Paul smiled. ‘And now comes the good news. You are about to suggest I take early retirement with a big golden handshake?’
‘Six month’s salary from the day you resign plus a Taurus demonstrator.’
Paul rubbed his chin and asked, ‘Coffee?’
‘No thanks.’
He leaned back on his chair and said, ‘I think 12 months’ salary plus a Lincoln MKX demonstrator would be a really fair deal.’
‘My offer was my top offer Paul. That is six month’s salary in compensation for taking early retirement plus a car as a long service gift. It’s a Taurus demonstrator but you may upgrade by paying the difference. End of negotiations.’
‘I’ll speak to Julie.’
Moira was driving home when Paul called. ‘Here’s my offer. Six month’s salary and a new MKX and I’ll finish here on Friday week.’
‘We are almost there,’ Moira said. ‘Make that a demonstrator MKX and for a tidy business exit you leave at the end of the month.’
‘You ought to be selling vehicles Moira. Okay we have a deal.’
‘Excellent Paul. You will be missed because you have been a good buddy of mine and I hope a social relationship continues between you and Julie and me. We will have a business cocktail party on your departure day and Kevin and I would then like to take you to dinner. I’ll hand you your exit agreement to sign tomorrow. It’s time my son succeeded you because he’ll turn thirty tomorrow.’
‘Thanks and a piece of advice. If you want Kevin to stay, find him a good wife to tie him down.’
‘I’ve tried to match him up without success. As you know he’s star-struck on Veronica Clay but regrettable she married last year but not to Kevin.’
‘There are plenty of good young women around Moira and he ought to know that. But I guess you tell him and that’s greeted in stony silence.’
Moira laughed and said so true.
An hour after she arrived home her eldest child Kevin drove up and came out of the garage whistling, feeling perky after having been to the gym. Kevin had said, unwisely perhaps, he’d stay living at home until either she remarried or his sister Rebecca, finishing off a PhD at university and return home to live as planned.
‘Fat chance of me remarrying or Rebecca coming home indefinitely,’ she muttered, mixing a martini and grabbing a beer for Kevin. This was the ritual, observed most nights, something she enjoyed.
‘Hi baby,’ said her towering son with curly black hair she often itched to comb tidy. She loved the stupidity of him calling her baby when they were alone. The fool had the knack of making her feel special.
She sniffed to confirm he’d showered at the gym and asked, ‘Good day?’
‘Yep,’ said the sales manager. ‘Three sedans and two Explorers sold, six trade-ins went out and listen to this, Tony sold four pickups to Blue Ridge Ranch and told Gus we didn’t want their clapped-out vehicles they were replacing and Gus said he’d already arranged to sell them to his men.’
‘Well that’s an excellent day for your department. Is Keith ready to become your successor as sales manager?’
‘He’s fully trained.’
‘You become vice-president and chief operating officer from the 1st of next month. Paul agreed this afternoon to take early retirement. Your birthday present for tomorrow means handing over your Taurus to Keith after we tell him over morning coffee about his promotion. You can have a Mustang V6 Premium or V6 convertible.’
‘What about a GT Premium?’
Moira sighed and said she supposed so but if he wanted to load it with extras he had to pay for them.
‘Thanks baby,’ he said, hugging and kissing her. ‘You might be an old bag but you are my mom.’
Moira sighed, knowing he regarded that as teasing and therefore assumed she must like it.
* * *
Bob Clay waited patiently until Tuesday night when his son-on-law regularly went bowling with some pals and that was the night his daughter Veronica came for dinner. She ran a small business called Mr Fix-it for Home Computers. The enterprise wasn’t very profitable but kept her busy until she went home to care for her husband John Hill, IT manager for a bank.
They were sitting outside and when Dolly (Doreen) went off to prepared dinner.
‘Vonnie can I trust you to tell you something in utmost confidence?’
‘Oooh, intrigue. Of course you know you can. Remem
ber I slept with you in the same hotel bed one night about five years ago and I gritted and didn’t take advantage of you.’
Bob grinned.
He waited and Veronica’s brain clicked and said she promised absolutely.
Bob told her about the mayor’s plan to acquire the Baldwin’s land, by legal force if necessary.
‘God daddy, that is awful. This is America.’
Bob snorted, ‘Hah!’
Veronica sighed.
She was sickened to learn what the Mayor Moss planned to do.
Bob didn’t reveal his motivation was to stop the mayor from succeeding with her grandiose plan and thus spoil her re-election chances. He just said the plan was grossly unfair as the Baldwin’s were the descendants of the fourteen families living in the tent settlement at the time it was named Rasper village. [Sergeant Rasper and his troopers drove away hostile Indians who were harassing the pioneers two days away from where they settled on flats beside a small clear river that today cut through the city].
‘That is diabolically unfair,’ huffed his pretty 29-year old daughter. ‘That bitch needs stopping and stopped hard.’
Bob had known he could count on his feisty daughter coming through for him.
‘I want you to engineer the revolt to kick in as soon as the mayor reveals the plan.’
‘Who me?’
‘There is no one else here sweetie.’
‘But even if I remained in the background as the planner of the counter-attack, I would eventually be unmasked and for that you’d be fired.’
‘What for, being the father of a revolutionist acting lawfully in Free America? I don’t think so.’
Veronica studied her wine glass and then said, ‘Dad I actually believe this has to be done and yes you’d be the wrong person to do it because you think too mildly. When the time comes I’ll collaborate with Kevin Baldwin.’
”Why not Moira?’
‘It’s called tactics dad. Younger people have the vitality to fight hard, dirty if necessary and they ignore things such as protocols and what others might think about them taking on the establishment. We bring in Moira when we launch our ‘rally behind us’ call.’
‘Good gracious Vonnie, don’t go over the top over this.’
‘Sally Moss will fight dirty dad. Our side will have to clobber Sally and her ochlocrats.’
‘Well promise me you’ll do nothing illegal.’
‘Like what dad?’
‘Aw I don’t know, um like bringing in a terminator?’
‘Jesus dad, you watch too many late-night films but thanks for the idea. Oh there’s mom calling me to assist her.’
Bob watched the sleek shape of his daughter disappear into the house and sighed. Well at least she had no reason to be bored with her life now. This would be an issue that would split the city, er that’s not counting the dopes that just wouldn’t care. He thought Vonnie would be a great mayor when she was into her mid-forties after a bit of experience on council under her belt.
John arrived home from 10-pin appearing elated, shouting their team had advanced four spots up the ladder in the club championship. Sighing and fingered herself wet because she knew he’d want sex and would be rough because he’d been drinking and he’d end up cursing because he couldn’t get off, being in that condition. She disliked the smell of beer when they fucked. Why couldn’t he drink wine?
‘Hi baby,’ he called, entering the bedroom and grinning. ‘Open those legs because I’m coming at you. You heard me call we won and went up four positions?’
‘Yes and congratulations.’
John knelt between her legs and rubbed up his dick.
Veronica sighed because she knew he really wasn’t long enough for this position and would keep slipping out, interfering with the rhythm. Both Molly and Maria said it was their husband’s favored position and they had been disgusted that their husbands apparently discussed favored positions.
‘Isn’t anything sacred?’ Maria had said and they’d burst into raucous laughter when Veronica had pointed out they were discussing it.
John penetrated and called ‘Let’s go baby’ and she sighed four strokes later, she’d counted, he slipped out and said the inevitable, ‘Crap.’
Veronica let her mind drift and thought she knew one guy who would be long enough to hold her on his thighs and ram her stupid, Kevin Baldwin. At the party on the last weekend before the old college gang by then college seniors began to disperse to go off to college she’d been coming out of the bathroom just as Kevin was coming in. He’d pushed her back in and locked the door and told her to learn over the vanity and get ready while he had a pee.
She’d often wondered about Kevin but had remained faithful to Mark Phelps, the guy voted by the class to be the student most likely to succeed in life spectacularly. Ha. Mark was now a town planner working for the council and had married dull rich kid Elsa Kirk, now blown up like a balloon again, expecting another child very soon.
Kevin had slid up behind her and had no need to hitch up her skirt. She’d done that for him and had dropped her panties to her ankles. Kevin’s thumb had touched her butt hole and she’d smothered a yell, ‘God no, not up there.’
He’d laughed and said just teasing and had pushed in a fat dick that was ever so long.
Thinking back to that night, the most astonishing fuck of her life even now, Veronica grabbed John and held him closer and banged back at him. She was of course imagining she was fucking Kevin Baldwin. She came twice and kept going and finally John unexpectedly came with a roar.
‘Gawd, what was up with you tonight?’ he panted, looking very red-faced and exhausted.
What after only one fuck? she thought.
‘Nothing except your success at bowling excited me I suppose. You don’t normally have too many highs in your life. Also you felt bigger in me tonight.’
John eyed her proudly. ‘Truly?’
‘Yeah without a word of a lie.’
Well he often lied to her.
* * *
Kevin handed over his ex demo car to Keith, the new director of sales and said, ‘You’ve been going well Keith. Set some sales records in categories this side of Christmas and I’ll upgrade your car. Also train either Tony or Glenys as your deputy.’
‘Which on would you prefer I work on?’
‘Your wife would probably feel more relaxed if you chose Tony but in my view you should choose the one worthy to be your lieutenant.’
‘Ah I can see why we all think you’re your mother’s natural successor and would have been even had you not been family.’
‘Work your people to sell vehicles Kevin, that’s the real way to butter me up.’
They grinned and arranged to go for a beer that evening.
‘Don’t bring Katie,’ Kevin said. ‘She’ll only want to seduce me for promoting her darling.’
‘When I phoned to tell her, she was ready to give you anything you requested buddy.’
‘Well tell her I’m partial to a homemade fruit and nut cake.’
Back in his office Kevin was checking through recent deals when his phone went and the caller said, ‘Hi it’s Veronica.’
He decided it was wind-up time.
‘Just how many Veronica’s do you know?’
‘Only one, the hot bitch Veronica Clay as she was then. But now that she’s married she doesn’t talk to me and drives a fucking Chevy.’
‘Oh god, this is not going well,’ said Veronica, who considered herself rather skilled at handling males.
‘It’s okay, talk to me.’
‘I’m sorry I drive a Chevrolet. John got two for a great deal.’
‘Come and see me when you decide to upgrade to a V6 Mustang convertible.’
‘Yeah perhaps. Can you meet me for lunch today?’
‘I mean in a park out of earshot of people. I’ll pack a picnic.’
Kevin attempted to work out what she might be after but drew a blank. ‘Okay what about on the river flat at the end of Walton Street.
‘Omigod where we all used to play as kids.’
‘Yeah. I reckon 1
:10 would suit me.’
‘Me too. See you there.’
Although it was a cool day, Veronica was in a floral sundress and looked very pretty.
She stood and he grinned and asked, ‘Do we kiss’ and kissed her like a lover before she had time to reply.
‘God you can kiss,’ she said, dabbing her lips with a handkerchief.
He said he didn’t get much practice and she gave him a look that screamed LIAR!
Veronica sat beside her picnic hamper and Kevin sat directly opposite her. She handed him a beer and poured herself a glass of wine from a half bottle and then drew up her legs.
As expected Kevin received an eyeful of leg right up to her high-cut panties, just as she’d planned and while they exchanged pleasantries his eyes wandered a little.
‘Right the reason why I’ve asked you here today is monumental and directly affects the Baldwin family. At this stage what I tell you I demand you tell no one, not even your mother.’
‘Is that a promise?’
‘Of course it is. You’ll tell me when the embargo is lifted.’
”Right and thanks Kevin. Now when I divulge what I know you promise to take it calmly and no rant or hit me.’
‘I’d never hit you, not when possessing legs like that.’
Veronica steadied herself and left her legs hoisted. ‘Leave my legs out of this. Do you promise not to lose your temper or to indicate in any way to tell anyone about what I will tell you?’
‘Yes, I promise. Let’s have some food.’
‘God you sound as if we’ve just had sex. Oh god, I didn’t mean to say that,’ Veronica said and slapped her hand over her mouth.
He grinned and she handed him a plate and a container of chicken and another of salad.
The city council is planning to build and new City Hall and its No. 1 choice of site is all the land your family owns in High Street.
Kevin tensed.
She said steady and slowly she relaxed.
‘Good boy.’
He said grimly, ‘Did your father tell you this?’
‘For obvious reasons I don’t wish to disclose my source of information.’
Kevin nodded. ‘And you are telling me this because you wish to join with me acting with our without your father’s approval to oppose the council or should I say the mayor on this outrageous proposal?’
Veronica nodded and placed a finger over her lips and Kevin nodded, making sure she had seen that gesture.
‘As I see it,’ Veronica said, ‘it is up to you and me to play strategy and lay the groundwork to oppose any such move. You must understand this offensive by the council is only a suggestion at this stage. It has to go through council to be initiated but the mayor will ensure she has the backing to get at least a reasonable majority in support. With that approval she will then send in a team to began negotiations with your mother to acquire the two blocks of land. At that stage we still do nothing, saving our powder so to speak.’
‘Then if your family decides to sell, she announces grandly the plan for the new City Hall and that’s end of story. But wait Kevin, there’s more,’ Veronica said, lowering her legs because Kevin obviously was no longer interested in her thighs.
‘If the Baldwin family refuses to sell those sites that’s when we jump in ahead of the mayor as she begins preparing to have the council to invoke the instrument of Eminent Domain to legally appropriate your family’s private property. We jump in boots and all to catch the mayor and her cohorts by surprise, throwing them off balance and perhaps upsetting the support she had within council for the project.’
‘I see and agree. The counter-attack has to come as a surprise and create disruption otherwise the council machine would simply flatten any opposition.’
‘Exactly but if you can think of a better way let’s hear it in the next day or two. There are various issues we can raise but our objective must be to get the council to back off or alternatively to mobilize huge support of citizens to oppose the council’s predatory actions and grandiose concept to build a new City Hall instead of upgrading the existing one. Who needs a grander looking City Hall?
‘Exactly. Perhaps I’ll arrange to have it blown up and then a replacement paid by insurance can be built on the existing site.’
‘Kevin we must do nothing illegal because…’
‘Of course.’
‘We must arrange to meet at nights and not be seen together until this is over.’
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Helen was sitting in between Simon and myself watching a new dvd slowly wanking our cocks back to life,the dvd we were watching was a Bi one 2 guys and and 1 female ( Helen had sent me to Oxford that afternoon to buy a new dvd for tonight ) Helen asked how I had enjoyed Simon giving me my first male BJ,I told them both I really enjoyed it Helen said it was one of the most sexy things she had seen. On the dvd it got to the part when the girl got hold of one of the guys cock and was guiding it...
An ode to Marianne and to Oxford by Apple ----------------------------- So... I'd left it all behind. No more comfortable drunken nights with the internet, reading stories of improbable transformations, chatting with the others who'd liked them... Here I am, walking down the high street of a new city, carrying everything I owned on my shoulders... My bass guitar, sketchbooks, and far too many clothes... So, I guess, about now, you're asking 'why'? Well, it wasn't...
Helen was sitting in between Simon and myself watching a new dvd slowly wanking our cocks back to life,the dvd we were watching was a Bi one 2 guys and and 1 female ( Helen had sent me to Oxford that afternoon to buy a new dvd for tonight )Helen asked how I had enjoyed Simon giving me my first male BJ,I told them both I really enjoyed it Helen said it was one of the most sexy things she had seen.On the dvd it got to the part when the girl got hold of one of the guys cock and was guiding it into...
Months passed in a whirl of work and frenetic social life typical of an undergraduate final year at Oxford. The question of Nicola moving out of Sharifa’s flat never arose. Indeed, it was because of the energetic social life that they both enjoyed that the bond between the two girls strengthened and in a way that Nicola never expected. It all happened when Nicola arrived back at the flat earlier than expected one afternoon. Sharifa, for her part, had managed somehow to circumvent her...
February 4, 1989, Chicago, Illinois All through breakfast and karate, I thought about my conversation with Jorge. It seemed that he had identified the core issue underlying the problems Jessica and I were having. I thought through the events from the time I received that fateful call about Bethany’s accident, to August, when I’d proposed. I’d need to talk to Kara before I talked to Jessica, but I had all day Sunday to do that. I was going to see Kimmy later in the day. Kimmy, who had...
The sleepover had been fun but Melissa’s mobile just kept ringing. I watched as she reached out and grasped it, sleep still holding her eyelids closed while she answered. After a few mumbles and nods of her head, she sighed, ended the call and started to rise from the adjacent bed. I had been watching her sleep for a good thirty minutes. Looking at her breathe. Wondering.“I gotta get ready,” she said, “Mum’s picking me up in ten minutes.”She swung her legs off the bed, grabbed a towel and...
First Time"A.I., we're about a minute out," Sergeant Mike "Hammer" Hammerton said softly. He had always been a big man even before the standard Confederacy Marine package; now, though, what had once been muscle with a burgeoning over-layer of fat was nothing more than taut, bulging, sinewy muscle. Of course, everyone around him was basically the same thanks to that Marine package; the aliens that had dragged humanity kicking and screaming into space had some wonderful tech in their arsenal not the...
"Okay, I gotta head to work now," Dan said, before kissing me. "I'll see you two after work. Bye, Gabe.""See you later, Dad," Gabe replied, waving.He left the kitchen and then I glanced at Gabe. "Hey, Gabe, could I ask you something?""Sure, what's on your mind?" he pondered, strolling to the fridge.I watched him rummage through it for a moment as I was four feet away, and I clenched my fists. I couldn't seem to let the words flow out of my mouth, even after he rose back up and I saw his face...
TabooJust the other night my good friend Noel calls me and tells me she has been kicked out her house and needs a place to stay. "Of-course come on over" I tell her, well later that night as we slept in my bed cuddled up. I slipped my hands down her pant front the front and some times behind, I was feeling her pussy lips and clit, her ass cheeks and her lips. She never woke up through all the touching. the next morning she did not mention a word about it so I am pretty sure i got away with feeling...
Tall, seventeen-year-old sixth former, Charlotte Beccles sat behind her desk in Miss Downey’s classroom and awaited the arrival of her quiet, but extremely strict, Form Mistress. The straight A* student had no idea how Helen had found out about the practical joke that Charlotte had played on her Maths teacher, Miss O’Driscoll, but the no-nonsense History teacher knew and had awarded the extremely tall and thin, Charlotte Beccles an after-school detention that following day.As the young lady...
SpankingA Small Cock's Story by Cindy (c) 2001 Part 1 I remember my life turned upside down on a Friday evening in June of the millennium year. It all started when I was about to stick my cock into my wife's pussy. There was no warning of the storm approaching, the routine seemed the same. But just as my cock was about to slide into Lisa's pussy she reached down between her legs and latched onto my cock so hard it brought tears to my eyes. She grabbed one of my nipples with her...
Finally, after I came inside Mara, I told Dad, “Go ahead and cum now.” Naturally, he came instantly, and then I ordered Agent Frostbite to, “Release him at once. He’s been restrained for a crime that he didn’t commit long enough.” The agent then uncuffed Dad, who felt his wrists, at which point I told them both bluntly, “Okay, no half-measures anymore. I now claim the whole bodies of everyone here. I also claim the whole bodies of everyone who has set foot in this house today. That should...
Introduction: I LOVE the taste of my mans cum Sweet to Eat Lots of women complain that they dont like the taste of their mans cum. What seems funny about that to me is that they will take a load in their mouths but they wont swallow. Tastes buds are in your mouth, not your stomach. Once youve got the cum on your tongue, it seems a bit ridiculous to spit it out, the damage has been done so to speak. While Im definitely not a fan of taking a load on my face and it seems sort of a waste to have...
Lucy said, "What... ?" "When... ?" asked Grace. "Do you know New San Antonio Rose?" asked Grannie. "You mean the one by Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys, Grannie?" I asked. Grannie sang, "Deep within my heart lies a melody A song of old San Antone Where in dreams I live with a memory Beneath the stars all alone It was there I found beside the Alamo Enchantment strange as..." She stopped. Grannie is one of the Crane Girls ... they have perfect pitch. I was playing right...
This is a story of a sweet and a sexy girl who made me go mad after her beautiful body. Her name is Vartika; she made my world upside down. She was such a hot girl that after fucking my girlfriend i shagged at night thinking of her. Well this story is about my dream in which i fucked her like animal. So here it starts: I was walking on the road and found her standing on the ice cream stall. I went near her and asked her how was she doing? The response was positive, after purchasing it was time...
I felt as if I was in a daze. Gold and bright orange leaves crunched underneath my combat boots. The path I traveled was dimly lit and framed by trees that looked like gnarled fingers. Ahead I could see a ticket booth. This is a dream. This does not make sense. I thought to myself. I neared the booth and peered inside. It was wrapped in a thin coat of dust. Out of a fog I could see a metal gate. Inscribed upon the gate were the words, Der Zirkus der Nacht. The gate creaked open from a sudden...
SeductionIt’s Christmas Time and Bang Bros is celebrating with you for a special holiday treat. Santa is making his way around town to deliver presents on Christmas, but when he shows up to Kira’s house, he finds out that she doesn’t believe in Santa anymore. Santa has to think quick, he thinks of the one thing that EVERY 20 year old girl likes. DICK. Big, long, fat, dick. He takes it out and once she sees it, she’s a believer again. She takes him inside and gives him an amazing...
xmoviesforyouThe heavy rain that had been falling for the last few hours continued to beat against the large bay window as Olivia Stone sat in the plush recliner, watching the droplets run down the glass. It had been raining on and off all week and while the annoyingly cheerful weather girl on channel 4 had promised clear skies for the weekend, it was already Friday night and it hardly seemed likely that they were in store for anything but more of the same. Originally, the forty-two-year-old blonde had...
The day begins at 4:30 a.m.. I am awakened by the alarm next to my bed on the floor in my tiny cell. It’s barely big enough for the old mattress I have to sleep on, but it has been my bedroom for the past 8 or 9 years (I’ve lost track). Every day is basically the same. I wake up and crawl from my room to the bathroom at the end of the hall in the basement. Cameras watch my every move, so trying to cheat by walking (ever) is a no-no. The punishment is far worse than the crime, so I am always...
Louise, already completely naked, lost another hand and had no articles of clothing left to give up. "What happens now?" I asked. "Is the game over?" "If you're ready to take pictures, it is," Don said. "Otherwise, if we're going to keep playing, Louise has to do a forfeit." "A forfeit?" "Sure. Louise will have to take orders from the person with the best hand. That would be you, Tad. You won the hand." "Hmmm," Tad said. "I have to tell her to do something?" "Right,"...
At the glory hole.A while back I wrote about how Id like to take my wife Tina to a glory hole. Well I finally found a place that had them. Its a truck stop/adult book store about 30-40mins from where we live. We took a drive this past Sat and guess where I pulled in to? Yep! Tina wasnt to happy with me, and once again told me she wouldnt go in. After about 10mins of sitting there I talked her into going in with me by telling her we would only stay 10mins. The place was very small, but had 6...
Dave -The next morning I again woke just after 6 am and strolled down to the beach, along to the end and up around the golf course. On the way back to the unit I stopped and had some breakfast. Cath arrived not long after I sat down; she collected some food for herself and came over and sat with me.“Alright if I sit with you?” she asked.“No problems. You are up early, I thought I was the only silly bugger who gets up early on holiday.”“Oh I like to sleep in, but if I have things on my mind, I...
Group SexHet is inmiddels ruim 2 jaar geleden dat ik hier wat geschreven heb. Gelukkig heb ik nu weer tijd om wat verhalen te delen. Nog niet zo lang geleden had meneer nog een vergadering aan huis. Zijn secretaresse was er bij voor de ontvangst. Het was een mooie dame, rondborstig.. heerlijk om naar haar te kijken in haar mantelpakje. Meneer ontving 4 gasten en voordat de vergadering daadwerkelijk begon schonk ik voor iedereen een kop koffie in. Het is mijn taak om ervoor te zorgen dat de kopjes...
You are a person living in an environment with many dominating and bossy women. Be it your job, home or school. You have always secretly fantasized about having more power in your life, but for some or other reason you just can't get people to listen to you. That's where The Submission Multiplier comes in. A handy little app, that seems to appear out of nowhere on your phone. It tells what the current submission of everybody around you is, and it enhances your commanding abilities...
Mind ControlRyan gave herself a mental shake as she got her guitar out. It was Saturday, and in seven days, they'd be headlining at the 9:30 Club. She thought she must be excited; she kept telling herself the butterflies in her stomach meant she was excited. She chatted with Lara and Mitch as they got ready. Nate came in a few minutes later, and Ryan was surprised not to see Jason with him. Mitch and Nate started talking, and Ryan turned to Lara. "Where's Jason?" she asked. "He and Nate usually...
Mona lost her parents in a car wreck when she was sixteen and was sent to live with her grandpa who lived alone on a small farm. He had a one bedroom home so he put a rollaway bed in his room for Mona. Grandpa was a handsome energetic man and happy to take Mona in. The first night Mona was there grandpa heard her crying. He got out of bed and went to her bed and hugged her telling her not to be sad that he was going to take good care of her. He held her tight and kissed her on the cheek. She...
We live in the Southwest and love to take a vacation to Lake Powell (in Page, AZ) at least once a year. This is an opportunity for just Nick and I to go on our boat and enjoy several days camping on the lake and exploring different bays and canyons.If you’ve read either of our stories, you’ll know we love to get naked. So when we find a private area in a cove or bay, which isn’t difficult since the lake is so massive, we strip off our suits, go skinny dipping, sunbathe and spend a lot of time...
ExhibitionismHolding hands, they left the Center for Performing Arts, and walked towards the subway station. It was snowing lightly, the night crisp and sharp, and Hayley felt giddy, like she wanted to skip, and couldn’t stop smiling. They had just seen the Nutcracker, always a dream of hers, and it was a Saturday night in New York during Christmas! At the stoplight, still holding hands, she pulled him close and kissed him. That earned her one of his good smiles. She asked, “Did you like it?” He...
BDSMFriends, family, and church members were arriving at the home belonging to Elder Calvin “Wilk” Wilkerson, Sr. and his wife Ginette. The couple had just purchased their first house - a one-story, three-bedroom, two-bath in a new construction development. Elder Wilk was an assistant pastor at Tree of Life Church of Holiness of Christ. In his day-to-day job, he was a chef at one of the casinos about 45 minutes away. Wilk was a proportionate dwarf standing at four-feet-ten-inches. He had grown up...
Fate would have it that the World was scheduled to end on Aine's birthday. The first time she read that, she laughed out loud, thinking some one was playing an elaborate prank. A bit like seeing "Bad Wolf" here, there, and everywhere. How could a long dead, ancient civilization predict the end of the World to happen precisely on her birthday?As the time grew closer, the doomsday prophesizers, pundits, and believers became more vocal, and worse, more believable. There were even scientists that...
Skinny babe Sony Smile comes up with the idea to start her morning by cleaning the house. Her boyfriend doesn’t like this idea because he wants to start the day with sex. He sits angry in the center of the room and prevents her from cleaning. But she looks so sexy in her short skirt barely hiding her panties. Therefore, the boyfriend cannot hide his erection and hints that he wants her very much. So, Sony decides to help him with his boner. She puts the vacuum cleaner away and gives him...