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Le pale del uh-60 blackhawk su cui ero a bordo fendevano l'aria provocando un leggero sibilo che mi entrava costantemente nelle orecchie, eravamo partiti dalla base Nato Diyarbakir un ora prima del nostro arrivo e per tutto il viaggio rimasi concentrata sull'importanza di quella operazione, cercando di cacciare via ogni mio pensiero e problema personale. L'abitacolo era praticamente vuoto in quanto a bordo oltre a me c'era il mio compagno e il pilota, tutti e tre in comunicazione tramite auricolare.

Prima di partire ricontrollai il mio equipaggiamento ben cinque volte con l'ansia di lasciare qualcosa di utile, ero decisamente paranoica riguardo certe cose ma tutto l'utile era con me.

Portavo addosso circa una trentina di chili tra equipaggiamento standard più una tenda.

"un minuto al punto d'infiltrazione, effettueremo un HHMAD" spiegò il pilota.

"ricevuto" rispondemmo quasi a coro io e il mio compagno.

La tecnica HHMAD prevedeva che l'aero non sarebbe atterrato ma avrebbe sorvolato il terreno ad un metro di distanza così da permetterci di gettarci giù.

Durante le esercitazioni era capitato diverse volte che qualche soldato si fosse preso una storta, addirittura ci furono casi di caviglie rotte, una cosa del genere avrebbe compromesso la mia missione ancor prima di iniziarla: quando i miei piedi toccarono il terreno sentii il peso dell'attrezzatura su entrambe le caviglie ma andò tutto per il verso giusto e così fu anche per il mio compagno.

Black bird 3 a Bighouse , ho consegnato il pacco, faccio ritorno, passo" sentii dire in cuffia.

"affermativo Black bird 3, procedere, passo e chiudo" risposero quindi dalla base.

L'elicottero quindi si allontanò e mentre ci lasciò soli nel deserto siriano il suo sibilo sparì con lui poco per volta. Ora stava a noi, avevamo studiato per due settimane la cartina del posto e le foto satellitari che oltretutto avevamo portato dietro , sapevamo già dove recarci e iniziammo a camminare con un passo abbastanza sostenuto e nel mentre mi guardai attorno.

Non sembrava nemmeno di essere sul pianeta terra, era solo una landa desertica e rocciosa che si estendeva a perdita d'occhio.

"Bighouse a Delta, Irish, Cheese, passate al canale dedicato 3, confermate nel canale designato" si sentì in cuffia. Senza quindi rispondere ascoltai le indicazioni date dalla base e una volta sul canale 3 risposi

"qui Irish, confermo il cambio al canale 3, passo"

"qui cheese, confermo il cambio al canale 3, passo" disse anche il mio compagno.

"Delta, procedere verso il punto indicato, passo".

Mentre ascoltavo gli ordini stavo già salendo lungo un piccolo sentiero che portava verso l'alto di una montagna, avremmo dovuto percorrere parecchia strada in salita per trovarci in un punto abbastanza alto.

"Delta in movimento, passo"

"va bene Delta, silenzio radio fino al raggiungimento del punto indicato, Bighouse passo e chiudo"

Da quel momento solo il vento spezzò quel desolante silenzio, fischiava contro le rocce di quella montagna come fosse la voce di chi sa quale creatura mistica.

Mi entrava nella divisa tinta con una mimetica desertica, sopra di essa indossavo una rete resa mimetica che avrebbe aiutato il mio camuffamento una volta in posizione, lo stesso valeva per il mio compagno che mi seguiva a pochi metri di distanza.

Guardando il cielo successivamente mi sorpresi di quanto fosse stellato, mai vidi tante stelle in vita mia e fu uno spettacolo che avrei ammirato ore se solo non fossi costretta a camminare facendo attenzione a dove mettevo i piedi, un solo passo falso infatti mi avrebbe fatto precipitare lungo il precipizio sulla mia sinistra e rotolare lungo il fianco di quella montagna mi avrebbe sicuramente uccisa.

Lo spazio per poggiare i piedi era davvero irrisorio e la mano destra si teneva sulla parete alla destra in quella lunga quanto pericolosa passeggiata.

Qualche minuto dopo per fortuna raggiungemmo una parte più ampia ma a quel punto sarebbe arrivata la parte più pericolosa.

"usiamo qui i rampini?" mi domandò Cheese affiancandomi, entrambi con lo sguardo rivolto verso l'alto. Una trentina di metri in verticale divideva entrambi dal punto d'arrivo.

"affermativo" risposi piegandomi per afferrare lo spara rampino sul mio fianco destro, una sorta di piccolo fucile con un mirino, un calcio e un contenitore molto grande nella parte inferiore per la corda.

Bisognava andare a segno al primo colpo in quanto arrotolare tutto e riprovare avrebbe richiesto tempo prezioso che non dovevamo sprecare.

Mirai quindi per bene verso l'angolo più alto di quella parete rocciosa.

"pronto quando vuoi" mi confermò Cheese.

"lanciamo" risposi immediatamente e i due rampini, quasi contemporaneamente volarono nel buio della notte portandosi dietro la corda dipinta con un colore simile alle rocce.

Qualche secondo dopo udii chiaramente dei suoni metallici e le corde restarono sollevate, avevo quindi fatto un buon tiro e guardando alla mia destra, anche Cheese non fu da meno.

Io come lui tirai ripetute volte la corda con quanta più forza avevo in corpo, sembrava davvero arpionato per bene così quando mi resi conto che anche la sua non era caduta gli indicai l'alto.

"saliamo" sussurrai e lui rispose con un rapido "ricevuto".

Tenendomi con le mani iniziai ad issarmi dopo aver legato una cinta che avevo in vita tramite un moschettone che mi avrebbe salvato in caso di caduta.

La salita fu piuttosto pulita e non incontrò difficoltà se non per qualche folata di vento freddo che ci fece dondolare ma nulla di più.

Il punto d'arrivo era coperto a sud da un grosso masso incavato, praticamente perfetto per accamparsi, soprattutto a fronte delle diverse ore che saremmo dovuti restare in quel posto.

Premetti il tasto dell'auricolare per mettermi in contatto con la base.

"Irish a Bighouse, Delta in posizione, attendiamo ulteriori informazioni, passo" dissi e qualche secondo dopo mi risposero.

"Ricevuto, Irish, ora Delta dovete stare in posizione, monitorate ogni movimento e avvertite Bighouse per qualsiasi evento non previsto, avete luce rossa, solo fuoco di risposta, Bighouse passo e chiudo".

Non dissi più nulla quindi, la base interruppe la conversazione anche con una certa fretta, non ne capii il motivo ma mi limitai a preparare la tenda dove ci saremmo appostati, un telo che avremmo messo sopra di noi e che ci avrebbe mimetizzati in caso di monitoraggio aereo o satellitare.

Entrambi posizionammo i nostri Mc millan tac50, due fucili di precisione e posizionammo sui fianchi i fucili m4 che serviva in caso di breve o medio ingaggio.

A due chilometri di distanza si trovava una grossa abitazione nei pressi di un oasi molto rigogliosa.

Il nostro obbiettivo era quello di attendere osservare ogni movimento sospetto in attesa dell'arrivo di: alfa, bravo e charlie.

Gli altri componenti della squadra che si sarebbero infiltrati nell'abitazione, a quel punto il nostro obbiettivo era quello di assicurarci che nessuno si sarebbe allontanato.

Era di vitale importanza che chiunque, dopo l'arrivo di tre precisi obbiettivi, non uscisse più da quell'abitazione.

Gli obbiettivi erano di altissima rilevanza; tre presidenti di stato che stavano manovrando contro la nato, quello russo, turco e iracheno.

Secondo alcune spie della Intelligence si sarebbero radunati in quel posto sperduto in modo ufficioso per discutere della possibilità di un imminente conflitto.

La missione del mio intero team era no due; la prima consisteva di eliminare i tre presidenti e la seconda era di far sparire tutta l'eventuale documentazioni che i tre si sarebbero portati dietro. Era importante la presenza di tutti e tre, avremmo colpito rapidamente una volta che fossero tutti nella stessa stanza.

"avvistamento tango confermato, sul tetto a destra" mi disse Cheese così lo cercai con l'ottica del mio fucile provvista di visione notturna.

Era a due chilometri ma potevo guardarlo come fosse a pochi passi da me, sarebbe bastato un colpo per farlo volare via diversi metri ma il mio fucile aveva la sicura.

Iniziamo ad esaminare ogni punto annunciando l'avvistamento di nuovi obbiettivi.

Era una villa di forma rettangolare, uno stile moderno e lussuoso, ogni piano diviso da una balconata e sue queste camminavano diversi uomini.

Le altre squadre avrebbero quindi trovato una buona e numerosa resistenza, per questo avrebbero dovuto fare il più rapidamente e silenziosamente possibile.

"quando avremo fuoco verde i primi ad andare saranno quelli sul tetto, priorità uno, se loro vedono i ragazzi sarà finita ancor prima di iniziare" dissi restando stesa sulla dura roccia, sentendo i seni pressati su di essa e le costole stringere.

"ricevuto" rispose cheese.

Osservammo ancora, ad un certo punto fui sicura di aver visto ogni tango che potevamo vedere.

Stando steso Cheese prese dal suo zaino un taccuino e una penna, disegnò un rapido schizzo della casa in due fogli, il primo era disegnata dall'alto mentre nel secondo era nella nostra visuale.

Iniziò poi a fare dei punti dei vari bersagli numerandoli in piccolo in alto a destra rispetto il puntino stesso, disegnò perfino i loro schemi di ronde con delle righe e in alto a destra su entrambi i fogli, scrisse le varie coordinate per poterli colpire nel punto più pulito possibile.

Era un genio in quel genere di cose e mi fidavo dei suoi calcoli.

A quel punto il nostro da fare era preparato, bisognava semplicemente aspettare e comunicare spostamenti o eventi anomalie alla base.

Quindi avremmo passato la notte guardando attraverso i nostri mirini, il che era la parte più "pallosa" del nostro lavoro.

La notte era calma, silenziosa e pacata, l'aria fredda sferzava la tenda sopra di me che intanto regolavo il respiro cercando di muovermi nel trovare una posizione comoda dove stazionare.

"pensi che accadrà?" mi domandò Cheese, usando il tu.

Sia io che lui non ci guardavamo in faccia nonostante fosse praticamente appiccicato a me tanto da sentirne il calore corporeo.

" cosa Cheese?" domandai quindi sollevando un sopracciglio, non capii a cosa si riferisse ma la risposta arrivò immediata.

"ok si è una domanda un po cretina ma... pensi che stia davvero per scoppiare la terza guerra mondiale?" mi domandò lui.

Presi un respiro muovendo verso sinistra la canna del mio Barret per ispezionare i movimenti dei bersagli.

"probabilmente" risposi con molta più sicurezza di quella che avevo in realtà, ero spaventata anche io all'idea di un conflitto mondiale anche perché si sarebbe svolto più con le testate nucleari e coi razzi piuttosto che con la fanteria.

Non che con la fanteria andasse bene ma un conflitto mondiale nucleare avrebbe davvero messo fine alla vita come l'avevamo sempre conosciuta.

E quella reale possibilità mi distrusse lo stomaco, lo accartocciò per poi tirarlo e sballottolarlo. Una motivazione in più per non far uscire vivi gli obbiettivi da quella villa.

Una volta recuperati i documenti la nato avrebbe potuto dimostrare pubblicamente le intenzioni belliche dei russi, turchi e iracheni e virtualmente far chiudere la faccenda in sanzioni una "bella sculacciata" a entrambi gli stati.

Ci fu ancora del silenzio nel quale non stavo poi così male ma evidentemente non era lo stesso per Cheese.

"hai... hai pensato alla cosa che ti ho detto prima di partire?" mi domandò.

Socchiusi gli occhi per qualche secondo e poi tornai sul mirino.

" un po si, lo ammetto." risposi velocemente, la scelta giusta forse era quella di essere fredda così avrebbe smesso di parlare, feci tutt'altro "alimentando il fuoco"

"grande! E mi dispiace per..." sapevo già dove sarebbe andato a parare quindi gli parlai sopra per zittirlo.

"cheese, concentrati è un ordine del tuo caporale" gli dissi quindi e lui sbuffò restando in silenzio.

Quella del caporale servì, infatti sorrisi divertita dal fatto che riuscii a farlo tacere ma... qualche minuto dopo tornò alla carica.

" parlami della tua vita" mi disse, sollevai gli occhi al cielo incredula per poi riprendere a guardare verso la casa.

" Cheese, davvero? Siamo in una missione che potrebbe cambiare il mondo e tu mi chiedi una cosa simile? Non possiamo fare stasera? Davanti una birra?" proposi quindi sperando che accettasse ma così non fu.

"è che mi annoio, dobbiamo stare qui ore a guardare questi idioti camminare senza poter sparare nemmeno un colpo, almeno se mi racconti qualcosa mi passa la noia" disse lui.

Effettivamente aveva ragione ma quando decise di diventare un cecchino, sapeva benissimo di poter andare incontro a cose simili.

" perché hai scelto di essere un cecchino se non sai stare un minuto in silenzio?!" commentai quasi ridacchiando.

Non c'era molto che attirasse l'attenzione, nessun auto in avvicinamento dal deserto ne tanto meno velivoli o truppe, solo le solite guardie con le solite ronde che ormai avevo imparato a memoria.

Decisi di accontentarlo così comunque avrei avuto qualcosa da fare mentre guardavo la villa.

"cosa vuoi sapere?" gli domandai quindi in modo rassegnato. Lui sembrò entusiasta del fatto accettai infatti mi rispose praticamente subito.

"tutto quello che ricordi... voglio conoscerti davvero, conoscere Elisa oltre che Irish"

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My mom is fucking my girlfriend

100% fiction! When I was first writting this story I did know where it would belong. is it a gay story or incest. i guess thats what happens with real things This is a story of me, my boyfrind and mom. it happened when I was in my varsity year doing my honours degree. By then I was goin out with this cute guy who lived next to our house. He was handsome but more especially. i liked the way he sucked my dick. he was the fucken best. he used to suck my ass not in the rough way like those stupid...

4 years ago
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What would it be like

by Vanessa Evans Author’s Note This story is a prelude to the story ‘My Boyfriend Tells Me to Get Naked in Public’, however it can also be read as a standalone story. Intro I consider myself to be your pretty average young girl, my name is Jenna and I am 18 years old, 4 foot 10 inches tall with long, blonde hair. I’m skinny and have a 32AA-23-30 figure with my little tits high up on my chest. I have recently left college, got a job and moved out of the family home and now share an...

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Private Jan

I was on the verge of burnout. I had been an instructor in the Army, teaching helicopter mechanics for almost four years. It was always the same thing over and over again. Every few weeks I would get a new class of Privates, teach them what they needed to know and send them on to the next section. From time to time, there would be a female student, but every instructor knew better than to fraternize with them. Occasionally we would hear about someone getting busted for doing just that. I had...

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Baby Candy chap 16

See how easy that was? You post some responses, and I post another chapter. Simple, huh? BJ Chapter 16. Playing Babies. When I finished colouring-in two pictures of Barbie, I closed that book and opened the 'My Little Pony' booklet. A few people wandered along the sidewalk past our house, and most of them turned to stare at me in my playpen but kept walking. I kept my eyes on my colouring books and tried to ignore their curious glances. After filling in two pages of...

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Hailey Gets Harassed

You play as Hailey. Hailey is a 24-year-old, white girl with black hair. She was rather unassuming. She had a pretty enough face, but nothing out of the ordinary. Her breasts were only B-cups. However, she made up for it by having a stellar ass. She had a round bubble butt, which often got her a fair amount of attention. She could easily pass as a goth, though she doesn't act too gloomy. She's kind, sometimes can be a push over (Other times can find the strength to stand up for...

2 years ago
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Ghazzi Pathan Bachacha

Its true story around 8 years ago and I met this boy name Gazz at that time he was 18 years, very cute handsome slim very fair white complexion. He is about 5’8 and 115 lbs very sexy looking and very girlish boy. He is Pathan from Peshawer and newly migrated to Canada. His family is rich and business people. Let me introduced myself and I was 25 years of age at the time of this story now my age is 33 years and I was a university student doing my masters degree in sciences. I am 6’2 tall and...

Gay Male
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hot summer sex

Please do not copy this story onto other websites or for any other uses without the permission of the publisher, Enjoy.It was a hot summers day, I could feel the sweat dripping down my face onto my ample breasts. Laying down on my front yard, I was sipping cool lemonade. I was so horny I couldn't help myself. I reached down into my denim shorts and started to play with my clit, slowly teasing it around the outsides, rubbing up and down my pink lace undies until I was able to slide my finger...

2 years ago
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My cousin Jo and I Part 13

As we are walking. I’m telling Jo how much I care for her. That I don’t think I can bear the thought of her leaving when summer is over. Hell, I’d still be a virgin if not for her. Jo looks at me smiles stops walking. Then says “Oh I don’t think you would have been a virgin much longer. Your a great guy. I’m pretty sure that even if I had not pushed Christy a bit to start. She would have made a move on you anyway.” “Right, as backward as I was I would have chickened out and ran...

3 years ago
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Large Black Anniversary gift for wife

I was 19 when I met my wife Jessica who was 18 at the time, we have been together for 3 years and still to this day 5 years later I still feel like I lucked out she is to this day absolutely beautiful she is about 5'10 small but a perfect petite body she has amazing tits a solid c cup and a tight round ass. She has jet black hair with purple streaks, A diamond bellybutton ring and a ring on the left side of her lip. I am about 6'1 blonde hair thin and have a 6.5 inch cock. Our sex life is...

2 years ago
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Angels TaleChapter 10

As they took a well worn shortcut through a corner of the State Park, Angel stopped so suddenly that Robin ran into her, and they nearly fell down. When Robin started to ask what was up, Angel just held up her hand. Angel! Don't go home yet! Lena sent her. Why? The police are on their way to talk with you. They think you are involved with something very bad. A kidnapping, I think. How do you know? Cassie warned me, so I took a quick mental peek and called you. They're close. Contact...

2 years ago
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We got together at a party in a hotel that was all inclusive. We booked adjoining rooms so our party could start early.We brought snacks and booze with us.We arrived first with Joe and Carol arriving an hour later. We started our party early with some wine and beer and some sexual foreplay. I had already gotten Beth naked removing her skirt and blouse skirt and blouse. I stripped and Beth dropped down on her knees taking my cock in her mouth. She was really doing a great job when we heard the...

3 years ago
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From the Ashes CATU Book 6 Ch 17

The Sahara Africa THE MOON CASTS ITS EERIE GLOW across the cool sand of the vast empty desert plains of the Sahara as the wind steadily sweeps across and over the many already windswept dunes. A desert viper prepares to strike out at a shrew as it munches on a beetle. It coils and is about to strike when suddenly it is interrupted as the ground begins to shake. The shrew drops its meal, totally oblivious to the viper, and looks off toward the direction of the giant facility in the distance...

1 year ago
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Personal punishments

In the year 2050 there was a radical change in the counrty. The new government in power was determined to save the bankrupt counnty by cutting soending in everything possible. Slowly, over a decade, the system was reduced by almost 90%, housing just the most extreme cases if criminals. By the year 2100, the judicial system was completely changed. If you were found guilty of a crime, you were examined by a psychiatrist and given a punishment that would be sufficiently humiliating and...

4 years ago
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My First Time With a Black Man

Years ago after watching some interracial porn which I have always enjoyed I decided I wanted to be with a black stud and entertain him like the girls do in the movies. I was always turned on by seeing those black cocks go in and out of those white mouths, pussies and assholes ,So I had to try it out. started out at the Wal-Mart buying some panties and women's stuff and some black sex toys from the local adult book store .I was so anxious to get home and shave up my body and dress and play with...

2 years ago
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A Smooth Operator

Smooth Operator …. So it was just another boring day as phone sex professional. Horny guys (and sometimes gals) calling me all day just wanting to stroke that cock and go. If I do my job right and take enough calls I can make 100 a day with my voice. My little girl voice that every man wants to hear screaming for daddy to fuck me. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy … my panties are so wet daddy …. mmmm my pussy is so hot daddy mmmmm Booooorrrriiiiinnnggggg! Every guy wants a certain fantasy girl that is a...

4 years ago
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Married Sister Blackmailed Into Fucking 8211 Part I

“Zahid, you go and deliver this package to Tahira today. Your sister is going to wear this dress on her friend’s marriage on Sunday. She insisted that she tries it today so that if any changes are required she can get them by tomorrow. Now be a good boy and go to Tahira’s house and tell her mom has sent her dress” My mother Shabana told me. I did not want to go but my mother is not used to hearing no. So, I phoned my girlfriend Kajal(sister of my friend Altaf) that I would not be able to meet...

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Raped by Pep 14

“ahhhhhhh. Pep heel boy.” I managed thru clenched teeth. This command only seemed to excite him. He sunk his teeth deeper into my back and pounded harder. The pain was unbearable. It felt as if the huge monsterdick was getting bigger, and my back was on fire. Stretching my hole wider, ripping the opening. The room starts to spin. “Arggggggg. Please heel Pep” I cried. Pep pumped as hard as he could while letting out an ear piercing howl as he exploded deep in my womb. Cum mixed with...

2 years ago
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Daughters DelightsChapter 18 Oxford

Months passed in a whirl of work and frenetic social life typical of an undergraduate final year at Oxford. The question of Nicola moving out of Sharifa’s flat never arose. Indeed, it was because of the energetic social life that they both enjoyed that the bond between the two girls strengthened and in a way that Nicola never expected. It all happened when Nicola arrived back at the flat earlier than expected one afternoon. Sharifa, for her part, had managed somehow to circumvent her...

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Drinks To Sex With Super Hot Aunt

Hi guys, hope you all doing fine. This is Abhi, and this time I am coming with an incident happened to me last year. I hope you all will enjoy and like my experience which I am going to share with you all. The incident happened to me with one of my Aunt and her name was Ekta. She was around 33-35 years old, and was married to my uncle who was quite aged than my Aunt. At least there was 15-18 years gap between them. So coming back to the incident I used to live in Bangalore alone as I was...

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A late fall night

It was a late fall night. Sitting around in the kitchen among friends. She just wouldn’t stop, after warning signs. Several hours later there were a few of us left, playing hungry hungry hippo. That’s when she grabbed my ass. I stood up glaring down at her. I go to fix myself refreshment. She follows. I push her up against the cupboard and tell her you have no idea what you’re doing and what will happen to you. She simply whispers in my ear I know all about you and what you do.Fair enough....

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Sexually Frustrated Wife

I am divorced and haven’t been with a woman in about six years now. I have been horny as all hell lately; even more so than usual. Talk about the pressure of blue balls. Of course you women wouldn’t know how painful that feels. I have tried getting myself off, like I normally do, but it just hasn't been doing the trick lately. This time I need the real thing; a woman to take care of matters for me. So I go on one of those personal sex sites looking for a “Wife for a night.” I fill in my...

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HeadacheChapter 4 The Good Lawyer

Sunday was interesting. Virginia and I experimented with my new powers. We found out I could make contact with her within a five mile radius and if in contact could stay connected until she was about 10 miles from me, then I would lose the connection. After a morning nap to sleep off the effects of the headache we ate lunch. I then worked with the pencil and was able to lift it two feet above the table but had a tremendous headache, which made my eyes light sensitive so I went back to bed and...

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My fantasy was to be takenand he did

I was high as fuck that night. My current boy-toy was fucking my ass as I was chatting with this older guy who had this huge soda-can wide cock on xhamster. Boy-toy and I had taken some ecstasy and smoked a little pot earlier in the night. He knows about my account on the xhamster porn site, in fact he's taken some video content for me. So here I was, bent over the back of my desk chair, with a cock in my ass trying to chat with an on-line guy I like. It was fucking hot.Let me back up a...

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the first thrill of strength

They decided to go to a movie, getting there was a little complex but they eventually made it. He notices how comfortable and fun it is watching a movie with her, the whole time still hoping for just five minutes for her to put everyone else out of her mind, and give him his one chance to prove his feelings to her. Finally they walk out of the theator smiling and he is starting to think he is about to get his chance to see what it would be like to have her full affection....

4 years ago
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Party Rape

I was looking for a new girlfriend, but you know how it is, when I was in my recent long term relationship, I was always seeing available girls, now I had split with Trish, I was seeing none. I was at this party with my flat mate Phil, when this pretty thing in a red dress gave me the eye. Oh my, she looked nice, not tall, probably five one, five two at the most, but boy was she stacked. Her large tits were overflowing her low top and a pair of shapely thighs appeared from under her short...

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Sharing my girlfriend with an older man Bella

This is a true story. AND A LONG ONE (You've been warned)My name is Brad (obviously) and I have been with my girlfriend Bella quite a while now, she has a beautiful bubble butt, a lovely pair of 34DD's and prefers to trim down below, rather than shave.Earlier this year me and my girlfriend Bella took a two week holiday up in Scotland, to a camp site; a rather expensive one!The view was gorgeous, fresh air, country all around and the site was full of mostly older...

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My First Experience With Moina

Hi, all my name is Rajeev I am 30 yrs old from bangalore . I have read a lot of  indian sex stories in this forum.This has motivated me to share my experience which I had during my teenage.Hope you will like it pardon me if there are any mistakes as this is my first time. To start with the story the names have been changed for privacy Moina was my aunt’s caretaker and they use to stay about 100 km away from my house they use to visit our house every now and then as both my mother and aunt are...

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Warm and Clear

The night was warm and clear. I drove, she took a taxi. We met for a late-night drink. Just one. A martini, cold and harsh in an empty bar. We made small talk and allowed our legs to touch beneath the table. Her bare legs rubbed against the fabric of my pants and I saw spots of colour that had nothing to do with alcohol appear on her cheeks…a tinge of rouge colour on the pale, oval face framed by jet-black hair. She put her fingers on my forearm while we talked, then traced her lips slowly...

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The Diner

‘Pull over here…..yes here, at this little diner.’ I told the cabbie. Even though it was pouring down rain, I wanted a quick bite before heading to the hotel. I bolted from the cab to the front door, managing to get inside before getting totally drenched from the unseasonable downpour. At first glance I wondered if the place was even open. There wasn’t a single diner inside and only you, the waitress, seemed to be on duty. And about half the lights were off. As I surveyed the place, you...

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Humiliated By Shorter Friend

Last year I was cuckolded and humiliated in a most shocking manner by my childhood buddy (Let's just call him Mike). This is a true cuckold story. But, a little background. I'm a burly six foot with a protruding beer belly. My arms are strong and muscular though after years as a carpenter. Buddy Mike, on the other hand, barely exceeds five foot and is wiry and looks seriously in need of nourishment. My wife of three years has voluptuous hips, a deep navel and an ample, natural bosom. She...

5 years ago
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Star of my Fantasy

I'm having fantasies about my co-worker. Sexual ones. Yes I'm already in a relationship, but I haven't had sex in more than 2 months! Don't even ask. So I figure a little flirting and mental gymnastics never hurt anyone...right? So I'm sitting at my desk, studiously trying to finish this report that was due like yesterday. But the face right across me is so damn distracting! There is a time and a place for fantasy, and this is not it let me tell you. But he's so damn gorgeous! Caramel skin and...

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The Lady Past The Woods

NOTE: This is much longer than my normal stories. The Lady Past The Woods When I was in high school I got an idea for my photography class from a Relaxation CD that Mom had given me a few years ago. I would lie in bed not being able to sleep and listening to the babbling brook. Eventually I was relaxed and asleep. When I told my teacher about my idea she was excited that I had envisioned a scene to go along with the sound and now wanted to marry them into a movie. There was...

2 years ago
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Nothing I Can Do About It NowChapter 2

As I remember, to start with it was like all the other Fridays when I’d just returned from one of the regular foreign trips, that I had to make on behalf of my employers. Sweet-talking trips, that’s what they were really. The company liked to call them planning or liaison visits, but the whole point of the exercise was to keep our local agents happy and show them that we hadn’t forgotten about them, or their customers. Oh - and to chivvy the lazy buggers along a bit as well. These visits...

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