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THE VELVET TRAP by Rachel Ann Cooper (c) 1999 All rights reserved It was the dawn of Aquarius, actually, the turn of the century, the 21st one that is. Mind you, I didn't do this sort of thing very often, but while surfing, I found a rather interesting site called 'Fictionmania' after typing a keyword into my search engine and running through a very large list of hits. What an unusual place! I'd never seen anything like it before. It was positively HUGE archive and had the most unusual stories on it. I must admit that I'd never read a transformation story before, at least not where guys became girls, and a few minutes later, or so it seemed, I had been on the site for over two hours. What's that they say, 'time flies when you're having fun?' I chose a category called, 'Chemical or drug induced change' and got stuck. Then I found a link at the bottom of the page called 'The Hidden Woman' and decided to go exploring. Surely this type of thing wasn't possible! I mean, how could you take an average looking GUY and turn him into a good looking girl in the real world? And then I thought back to a recent interview I'd seen on a morning program with ...what do they call them...a transsexual? Well, if that girl was EVER a guy, she sure could have fooled ME! That was a FOX! Just then I heard my Mom calling, "Gary, what in the world are you doing? It's dinner time honey." "OK Mom. Be right there." "What were you so involved in Gary?" "Oh, nothing special Mom. Just doing a little research." "Well, I called you three times and the first two didn't count. It must have been really interesting research." "I suppose so" was all I could think of to reply. I think I must have blushed. It surely felt like it. I hoped I was getting to be a little better liar, but at 16, Mom had pretty much seen through me every time so far. ************ My dad had died in an industrial accident three years ago and Mom worked from our little colonial bungalow and once in a while she would use my computer to do a search while she was working on something else. I came home from high school and logged on to that interesting site again. Darned if it wasn't a bit addictive. I went to that section on 'Femdom, authoritarian' stories. Geeze, I wonder what it would be like to be stuck in a situation like that, to actually be forced to become a girl. How RUDE and yet, fascinating. *Easy there little fella* I thought. *Surely you wouldn't succumb to anything like that without the fight of your life. Naw, of course not. Besides, who would do it to me? I don't know anyone who's that much of a control freak, not even Mom or Amy and CERTAINLY not Tommy. He's a wuss.* Just by chance, and don't ask me why, I clicked the down arrow on my URL bar. Now, I really wasn't that hip to all the ins and outs of computers but there in plain sight was evidence that someone ELSE had been to this site too. There wasn't a time track on it but it had to be today. That someone had to be my Mom. Oh, please, I hoped I was wrong but it sure looked like it. *I've just got to find a way to erase this trail* I thought. *If she really did see this, why didn't she mention it?* I figured that she'd really be ticked if she thought I had been to site with any "X" rated material on it but she hadn't said a word. *How odd!* I clicked on it. Well, at least she hadn't gone beyond the original page. Whew! That little incident scared me off the site for about a week but it drew me back against my will, or so it felt. And about two days later, there was evidence again that she had been there. This time, 'there' was to a page with all sorts of creams and capsules on it that were supposed to Feminize a guy. There was a picture there of an average looking man that morphed into a neat looking chick. WOW! *Boy, you'd have to be nuts to try any of that stuff* I thought. *What if it actually WORKED? A guy like me, just average decent looking and only 5'7" tall with long hair could be in a LOT of trouble. Imagine all that sexy fat accumulating on your body! Oh, MY! An intriguing thought.* Well, that was never going to happen to ME anyway. No chance! I'd read some of those stories, just the 'G' rated ones of course, but I'D never get caught in THAT trap, wanting to be a beautiful GIRL in sexy clothes and spike heels, no WAY. I admit I liked to LOOK at girls though, all jiggly and wiggly.. At this point someone may think, 'well, why didn't you just password the machine' and that would ordinarily be a sensible thought. However, Mom not only had forbidden me to do that but she had a program that could, in time, decrypt just about anything so I figured it was useless. One way or another, I'd end up grounded. Why, after she had been to the site twice I wasn't ALREADY grounded, I hadn't a clue. I was surprised she hadn't at least taken my car keys away. Well, 'don't look a gift horse in the mouth' they used to say. A couple weeks and two dozen trips to that site later, I found Mom had added three new vitamins to my daily regimen. "Geeze Mom. I'm already taking seven. Now three more?" "Don't complain honey. These will do wonders for you, honestly, guaranteed" she said with a warm smile. "It may take a while to reap the benefits but you'll notice a change." "OK Mom, whatever." And I began taking the new ones too. Got to keep her happy after all. We did have a good relationship and I didn't want to blow it. I wanted to go to college and she had promised that if I kept my grades up, I could go. My little part-time job sure wasn't going to pay my way there for SURE! It wasn't hard to keep my grades up, even with taking out time for the weekly meeting of the camera club. I was an avid photographer. They even published some of my sports pictures in the school paper. There wasn't too much I couldn't do with darkroom equipment and it had gotten me a second place in a national Scholastic photo competition last year. "Gary, would you do me a favor?" "Sure, Mom. What?" "It's that hair. Would you mind taking a little better care of it? You need to keep it clean and get a hair cut once in a while so the split ends don't stunt it's growth." "Oh? I didn't know that about split ends. So, what do you mean, 'take a little better care of it?" " "Like, would it hurt you to wash and condition it a couple times a week?" "Aw, Mom, that's for girls! Condition it? That takes time, doesn't it?" "Only a few minutes dear." "Oh, alright." And so, knowing she meant, 'do it NOW Gary,' I went to the bathroom and washed and conditioned my hair with her stuff. *Gee, that sure makes it smell nice* I thought. My next thought was, *yes, maybe a little TOO nice Gary, like a girl's hair. Soft, fluffy and shiny though. Huh! Sort of looks like one of those wigs on that site when it's clean like this. Now, that IS scary!* And so, when I had it all dry and floating freely, Mom said, "Oh, that's much better honey. It can only get better. Keep it up." "Yes ma'am." So, life went on as usual, school, work, camera club, eat, sleep, the same routine as always. Except for when I heard, "Gary, I think it's time for another haircut. I'm making you an appointment for Saturday morning." Mind you, this was oh, maybe six months and three haircuts AFTER I'd found her on what had become my favorite web site. Need I mention the name? So, I went in that Saturday and Gwen sat me down and gave me a haircut but with a twist. "What are you doing Gwen?" "Just sit still Gary. Your Mom is paying and we'll do this her way, OK?" "Yeah, OK." Boy, I sure didn't want to tick Gwen off. She could ruin this beautiful head of hair. With the care I was forced to and now USED to giving it, my hair did look very nice, a little TOO nice! She put some kind of smelly lotion on it after she cut it and rolled it up. She put it in rollers last time too. Said it was to give it body. Well, it had body alright, TOO much body. After she'd taken the rollers out when it was dry and combed it out, she gave me my first look. "Holy cow Gwen! You've ruined it." "Don't be silly Gary. We just shortened it a little. It's still below your shoulders." "Yes, and you curled it and look at the color!" "Don't you like the color? I think that's a beautiful light auburn." "Well, of course it is but on ME? C'mon. What are the guys in the camera club going to say?" "Probably that you have very pretty hair Gary." "EXACTLY!" "Well Gary, this is what your mother wanted so try to enjoy it, OK?" "What else can I do now?" I reflected in some disgust. I gave her the usual tip, paid and left to wonder around the mall a while. As mad as I was at Mom for doing this to me, I didn't want to go home right now. *Maybe I'll catch a matinee before I have to go to work* I thought. As I strolled past shop windows, I couldn't help noticing my reflection. *Oh, gawd! If I'm not careful, I'm going to end up looking just like one of those 'new girls' on that website like in the stories with images. Darn it. I actually think I like the hair though. It IS a cute style. You just referred to yourself as having a 'cute' hairstyle Gary. I know! When did I start thinking like this anyway?* When I got home after work at 9:30, Mom just gushed. I mean, it was embarrassing! "Gary, your hair looks just beau----grand. How do you like it?" "I didn't much at first Mom but I guess it's OK. I'll get used to it." "I'm glad honey. You'll have to take good care of it now and I got you some new shampoo for color treated hair. It's very gentle. Wash and condition it every other day now, alright?" "Yes Mother." *You know, this hair thing isn't the only change in my appearance. I think I'm getting FAT!* I stripped down to my bikini shorts and took a good look in my bedroom mirror. The mirror was too small so I went to Mom's room to look. Well, that DID it. I WAS getting fat. No wonder my jeans were getting tight on me. It was weird though because my waistline didn't have a bit of a roll to it. It was in the hips that they were getting tight. I went back to my room and put on my light terry robe and went in to the living room. "Mom, would you get me a full length mirror? I think I'm getting FAT!" "Honey, you look just fine but I'll get you the mirror. You couldn't weigh over 130 pounds." "What's that got to do with it? My jeans are all tight and so are my shirts. It's embarrassing!" "Well dear, our eating habits haven't changed. It must just be your puberty coming on. You haven't even started shaving yet. There's bound to be even more interesting changes dear, so you might as well resign yourself. Growing up is a process that takes time." "OK. But will you get me some clothes that fit please?" "Of course dear. I'll take care of it this week." "Thank you." "Just to be safe, I'd better measure you. Let me get my tape." So she measured. I have no idea what the numbers were but was sure she'd know what to get me. The only problem was, two days later I had new clothes but they still seemed to fit a little snug. She had gotten me that mirror I asked for and I'd installed it on the inside of my bedroom door, which gave me a good long shot of myself. *Darn Gary. Cute butt! GARY! Well? A guy can have a cute butt too, can't he* I asked myself? *Well SURE but you're ogling yourself. What's with THAT? Get a grip Gary. The clothes fit nice. I wish the shirts were a little looser though. It almost looks like I've got little breasts. No way! Yeah, way, and with that pretty hair... Oh, please. Just sit down and go to Fictionmania and relax.* So I logged on to the site and went to the 'chemical or drug induced' page again, noting the three new stories there and started reading the latest one. Boy, that was a neat story. How sneaky that mom was. Well, I had homework so I closed down my online fun library and did it. After I was done however, I went back to the site. Out of the blue, I had an urge, a very powerful one. Some of those stories began their transformation journey with a nightie and I wondered, based on those descriptions, how one would feel. With heart racing, I entered my mother's room and went to the bottom of her night clothes and came up with one she didn't wear any more since dad died. It was a little on the sexy side and came just below the knee. I went back to my room as quickly as my terrified legs would carry me and stripped. With my body signaling excitement all over, I let it slide over my head. Now, I know this only took a few seconds but the sensations certainly lasted WAY longer than that. They were right. It was wonderful feeling. Oh, man, here I was in a slinky nylon nightie reading transformation stories. Could I be in deep quacha? A resounding MAYBE to that one for sure~! Now, my friend Amy's reaction to my new clothing was instantaneous the next school day. She had LOVED the new hair and now she just gushed all over me. "Gary, you look DARLING. You actually have a waistline. Who would have thought" she jibed! "You don't think the jeans are too tight?" "No, just right. Nice tush! What size are they?" "To tell the truth, I never even thought to look Amy. What difference does it make as long as they fit?" "Oh, none I guess. Just wondering. Amy was in camera club with me. She was a cute little blonde, about 5'4 or 5 inches but she didn't date much. She was a serious student. Nobody else said much about my appearance, so I just passed off Amy's comments as those of a friend who wanted to make me feel better. "Gary, you're starting to have a skin problem" said Mom. "Did you notice?" "Yeah, why?" "Well, I got you this cream that's suppose to help your skin. Use it on your face and then just rub the rest into your hands, OK?" "If you think it will help, sure." I took the jar which, for some reason had no label on it, and put it in the bathroom cabinet. I began using it right away. I surely didn't want any acne scars to ruin this face. I'd gotten rather fond of it like it was, only lately, I was looking 'different'. Just growing up I guess. Still, I liked what I saw, even if it did look a little feminine lately, what with the hair and all. I'd kept up the tinting. The style and color grew on me and besides, Mom was footing the bill. I suppose I didn't mind looking nicer than the other guys at school. It had been, oh, 8 months or so since I'd found that web site and I have to admit that I had come to enjoy those stories and all the devious ways boys became girls. Once in a while I even read an "R" rated one. They were racy enough for me. Some of them actually got me excited. I mean, what exactly WAS it that I was excited about? Was it how it was done to them or the inevitability of the changes or was I at some point, putting myself in the hero/heroine's place? Too scary to dwell on. Besides, other than reading the stories, I was fine except for some occasional sexual excitement and that couldn't be all bad. Nothing wrong in my universe except this darn fat which, if it kept up, was going to have me into new jeans again and underwear too along with some of the things those poor guys got into, like a BRA! Man, I was getting a flabby chest lately but at least my skin was in great shape and I was grateful Mom had gotten me that cream, whatever it was. I was on my 3rd jar now. It even looked like my pores were finer now but even though I'd be 17 soon, still no beard. I hid Mom's nightie as best I could. Certainly didn't want to risk taking it back and getting caught in the act. However, less than a week later, I found myself raiding her panty drawer. I just HAD to try panties. The gown just screamed at me for wearing men's shorts underneath it. You understand, don't you? I knew Mom loved pretty lingerie and she sure had enough of it so I was reasonably certain she wouldn't miss the two pairs I borrowed. They were a little loose on me but the feeling was great, just like the gown and, almost like I had no control over the situation, I started sleeping in the gown and panties. I was VERY nervous and excited at first and had to relieve myself several times over the ensuing week, but then I calmed down to the point of just enjoying the lingerie. I was indeed beginning to feel like one of those poor souls in those stores and yet, the way I felt, discovering my liking for lingerie seemed more like a blessing than a curse. "Hey Mom?" "Yes dear." "I think maybe that cream you gave me is softening my finger nails as well as my hands. I'm having a horrible time with bending. Is there anything I can do about that?" "Oh, sure honey," said my mother. "Just use some of this on them." She handed me a nail treatment. "I'd advise two coats followed by this other clear to seal them. You want to file them nicely first though to get rid of the rough edges." "Oh, well, if that's what it takes. Give it here and let me get to work." To appreciate this last exchange, you'd have to have known me a while. I NEVER took care of my nails but now, well, it just seemed the logical thing to do. Besides, I had nice looking hair and clothes that fit me all to well now. The fat had continued to accumulate. Why NOT nice nails? My hands had gotten quite soft. So I filed. I mean I sort of was influenced by that darn favorite site of mine, but I filed them. They ended up with no snags, well ROUNDED, a little longer than usual and with those three coats of whatever on them. *Well darn, they look pretty nice if I do say so.* I admired them the way I had seen Amy and mom do it. OK. I can live with this I guess but it's another time consumer. I've got to use my face cream and do my hair and now my nails. I'm becoming high maintenance!* I complained seriously to Amy about it. She got a little vocal on me. Must have been a 'bad hair day' for her or something. "Gary, if you think just taking a little care of your hair and nails is time consuming, I just wish you had to go through everything I do to look pretty. I've got to pluck eyebrows, do nails and hair, toenails, shave pits and pubes in the summer and do legs all year long. On top of that I have to wear a bra and hose and heels. You have NO idea how easy you have it." "Whoa lady! I admit I'm not shaving ANYwhere yet or doing my toes or wearing all that look pretty stuff but other than that, I'm doing it too OK?" I fired back. "And actually, I DO know, but I'd rather not go there if you don't mind." "Whatever do you mean?" "Just don't go there, OK?" "Alright, maybe, but while we're on the subject, how about letting me do your nails?" "Silly girl. I just did them. Can't you see?" "Yes, and they look very nice but I meant the OTHER set." "A pedicure? ME?" "Sure. Why not?" "I'm a guy is why not." "Oh? And how many guys do YOU know who have gorgeous hair like yours and sculptured fingernails and flawless skin and no beard and a 25 inch waist and hips and TITS. HUH, GARY?" "Please Amy, I asked you not to go there." "Oh yes sweet cakes. We're GOING there." Just then she came up to me and grabbed a double handful of boobie. "Well, missy. That's a nice set you're hiding there. But the dead giveaway is those large, protruding nipples." "Amy, I don't understand any of this. I finally looked at the sizes Mom has been getting me and I'm into a nine jean and a medium shirt, top, whatever. Did you enjoy copping a feel?" "Actually, it WAS sort of fun. Why?" "It felt good" I said as I looked at my shoes, disgusted with the admission I had just made. "Look Gary, why don't you just let me give you a pedicure and we'll take this one step at a time?" "What color?" "Oh, maybe a brownish red. Certainly nothing with blue in it. Your palette is warm not cool." WHAT are you talking about?" "The colors that will look good on you of course. Red heads can't wear cool colors. Nothing really strong and nothing with blue tint. You really should learn these things." "Why, for heaven's sake?" "Oh, I think you might need to know this stuff Gary. Maybe really soon." "Are you saying what I think you are saying?" "I might be. If you are asking me if I think those should be in a pretty bra, absolutely baby. You have just gotten way too cute over the last year Gary, WAY too cute. You should be in home ec class with me and the other girls; maybe even in a dress and makeup." "Damned Internet!" "What?" "Oh, never mind. It's not important--- probably. I'm just beginning to put two and two together, that's all, and it's adding up to my MOTHER." "What could your mother possibly have to do with that darling figure you've gotten?" "You would be very surprised Amy, but I think she may have had a LOT to do with it." "You mean you think something went wrong when she was making you?" "No, not at all. Much more recent than that. Could we just get on with the nails? Pretty hair, pretty feet, pretty hands, hairless body and curves. This is definitely going somewhere I NEVER expected to go Amy!" So, I got my pedicure. Amy labored at least a half hour filing and polishing and then putting some kind of quick dry stuff on up in my room. "Well, how do you like them Gary?" "If I have to have painted toes, I guess they are alright." "After all my work, just alright?" "I'm sorry Amy. They look very nice. Now all I need is the bra, a dress and some high heeled sandals and I'm all set," I said sardonically. "Why Gary, you surprise me. Well, then again, maybe NOT. Would you let me measure you?" "Like how and for what?" "Like with this tape to see what size bra and dress you should have." "You ARE serious, aren't you?" "Like a heart attack sugar. Please?" "Oh, Amy, what has happened to me? I've become just like those people I've been reading about. Like, I don't seem to have any control over this situation at ALL. I was a normal kid a year ago. Now I look at my body and I know you are right. I'm even sleeping in a nightie and panties. Mom is going to have a cow if she sees me in a dress and heels. What does the tape say?" "The tape says you take a 34B bra and a size 8 regular dress." "I'm dead meat. I can't even believe this is happening. It's JUST like those stories!" Just then, Mom called me. "Gary, would you come into the office and help me move this box?" "I can't at the moment Mom." ---[What am I going to do Amy? My polish isn't dry yet.] "the only thing you CAN do bro. Tough it out." "Oh, noooo!" "Gary, NOW please?" "Alright Mom, I'm coming." And so, I padded down the hall in my not so bare feet with their red/raisin almost dry nail polish. "Right over here son. This one." I lifted, shoved and moved with her help. Now, I would have thought I was strong enough to move that little thing myself but was I ever surprised. It took both of us. "Nice shade honey. Your finger nails look really nice too. "Thanks Mom." I left at once. *What the 'he double hockey sticks' just happened there? Nice shade? Thanks Mom? Am I NUTS? Did that conversation just take place for real? Oh, yeah, it did! She didn't blink an eye about her little swishy son. What the going ON around here anyway?* I went back to my room and Amy. "Well, what did she SAY?" "Nice shade!" "Nothing else?" "Yes. She liked my long shiny finger nails too." "Well see? Honey, you ARE turning, HAVE been turning into a feminine creature for months. Don't you realize that?" "I...heaven help me....yes...I guess so. I just didn't want to admit it. A whole 'B' cup? Are you SURE?" "Absolutely." "Would you buy me a nice bra Amy? I couldn't possibly do it by myself." "Sure, but I want you to come with me and get something you like, OK?" "Yes, OK." Understand, to a way of thinking that had been, I suppose, creeping up on me for months, I was elated. That was the girl side of me. The boy side was now more terrified than ever because I had now admitted that there even WAS a girl side to me and she was becoming stronger. We went to the mall. I did NOT get out of that store with just a bra however. Amy knew I had some money on me and she seemed determined to spend some, so we also got 6 pairs of lovely panties and a nightie of my own. It was SO pretty. I can't believe I swooned over how pretty a nightie was. Size 5 panties were a little tight but considering I still had jewels to hide, better idea than 6 even though my bottom could probably stand a 6 and would, I'm sure, later. Turns out Amy was a pretty good judge of sizes and I only made a little bulge in them. When we got back to my place, we went to my room and I had to try on everything. Well, I must tell you, that was a little embarrassing and a revelation. "I'll go to the bathroom and get into this bra Amy." "Don't be silly. Girls see each other all the time and you my sweet, are more girl than you can imagine. Just unleash them and try it on." Well, what could I do? I stripped. "Gary, that is pitiful." "Oh, THAT! Yes, I guess it is. It's been really hard to find it lately so I've been sitting. And instead of getting hard like it's supposed to, I just get all twitchy down there." "Why am I not surprised?" she grinned. "How do I do this?" "Fasten in front and turn it around. You should be limber enough to get your arms through the straps by now." "Yes, you are. See? That is perfect Jeri." "Did you just call me Gerry?" "Yes but I spelled it in my mind, 'JERI' like a girl. It's as close as I could come to Gary." "Oh!" "Try on the nightie." I slipped it over my head like a long T shirt. It fell around my legs and sent shivers through me just like Mom's did. I went to my mirror and looked at the girl I now saw. No doubts now. Even without makeup, this was a girl...long hair, nice bod, painted toes, claws, slender arms. Oh boy! Just then, Mom knocked and burst right in without further adieu. "Oh honey. That is very pretty on you. I didn't know you girls were having a fashion show . Did you just get that when you two were out?" "Yes Mom. Why aren't you upset with me? This is so strange. And you said GIRLS!" "Well honey, I have a little confession to make. I found your favorite site over a year ago." "I knew that mother." "I thought you might. Then I noticed how often you went back to it and so I checked it out. It IS the one that has the link to at the bottom of the page?" "Yes, that's the one." "And so you decided you liked the idea of boys becoming girls, right?" "Well, it did kind of get to me, yes." "I knew it did honey. That's why I got you something to ease you through the bumps ." "Yes mother, bumps; BIG bumps!" "I'm sorry . Couldn't help it. Anyway, I got you some things from that site." "The extra VITAMINS? You mean I've been ...I've been ...what about that cream?" "Yes, that too." "Well, I hope you're SATISFIED mother. You've turned me into a girl for sure now." "Yes, I think that is safe to say, along with everything you learned about how to be on that site. You see, I logged on to it too on MY computer. Guess we did a pretty good job Amy. Now all we have to do is complete your transition and get you some nice clothes Jeri. It IS Jeri now, right?" "Amy, you were IN on this?" "Yep! How'd you like my incredulous act? Never mind! Your mom called me and asked me about you, how you related to people and what you were like away from home. So, I told her. I'm afraid what I told her just confirmed what she had been seeing in you too for some time. Then she showed me that site. I can see where it might get a boy with girlish tendencies to fall over the edge. Are you terribly upset with us Jeri?" "Am I going to keep changing?" "Of course. We'll get you to my gynecologist and get you some full blown therapy now and you'll mature into a lovely girl, I'm sure." "Then no, I'm not upset. I don't think I'll mind being a girl. I just want to get ON with it. May we go SHOPPING mother? Please? I'm dying to get some pretty dresses and heels and LINGERIE." "Of course dear. The three of us will get you all the basics on Saturday and get your ears pierced along with a makeover. In the meantime, I'd better call your principal and let him know there's been a little change in his student body . Well, just ONE body! There IS only one of you isn't there?" "Well, I DID tell Tommy Newsome about the site and he said it was really neat. He HAS been acting a little unusual for some time now, kind of femme as they say." "We'd better have a talk with Tommy then too. I'm glad you are finally happy honey." "Me too Jeri," said Amy. You've been a dear girlfriend to me. Now you can dress the part. I love you." The end

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The Velvet Boy

Velvet Boy By A Happy Wife Note: This is a delightful little conversation between a husband, his wife and his mother in law all from the wife's point of view. Just for fun. There now you look so cute. You don't want to look cute? Everyone wants to look cute. What do you mean you don't like the shorts? You said all the men would be wearing shorts. Well yes they are velvet shorts, I know that silly. They are not girls shorts, they are your shorts. Well I know they zip in...

2 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Extreme Porn MILFs

OHGirl:My stomach was really getting bigger and it was growing rapidly. I was only 5 months pregnant with triplets, from an invitro fertilization procedure, that my husband and I had gone through, and I already looked like I was 9 months pregnant. My tits were huge and I was lactating constantly, since my nipples were so sensitive and hard, on a consistent basis. My cunt was wet and my clit was erect while I laid on my back and let Mikey rub my baby belly with oil. I wanted to fuck him so bad...

3 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Pregnant Again

OHGirl: I had gone through the invitro fertilization process about a week after Velvet had returned and now I was waiting for the results. My menses had not occurred and the physician was sitting at his desk with the results from my test. He smiled and told me that I was pregnant. I was so happy and at the same time I knew that it was true, since my subtle hormone changes had once again brought about my extreme sexual urges. I had been fucking Mikey quite a bit now, since Velvet had returned to...

4 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Pregnant Whores

Velvet: There was a knock on the door as I rode Shawn’s giant, black erection. My ass was impaled on his shaft while I rode him reverse cowgirl, looking at the door and waiting for the friends that he had called to come over and party with us. I had arrived 20 minutes earlier and had caught Shawn just as he had gotten out of the shower. He was getting up at his usual late afternoon time, but one thing I never worried about was his cleanliness. He enjoyed smelling good for his ladies, even if...

4 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet The Tale of Two Whores

Velvet: Warm, sticky semen ran down my chin as blast after blast of hot jizz filled my mouth. Mikey’s cum shot was so huge and I barely swallowed down the first gulp before he filled my mouth two more times. I loved the taste of his spunk and I used my fingers to make sure that I got the drops that oozed between my lips and shoved them back into my mouth. I sucked and licked his cock until it was spent and then crawled up to lay on him, kissing him over and over, my tongue plunging into his...

3 years ago
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Velvets Present for OHGirl

Velvet was more than halfway through her first semester in college and she had been working with me as an escort for the last 6 months. Her recent gangbang, while attending a fraternity party at school, had made the rounds on the internet, but it hadn’t deterred her ambition to get her education. The film had definitely boosted not only her client list, but mine also, as our foray into the mother and daughter sex duo had really taken off. When the video of her taking on 22 different guys went...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 14

STEEN The Hard Eight had made planet fall. Tirkov got up from his seat. “Well we made it. I hate flying across Freespace without so much as a cutting laser for offensive weaponry.” Lagda Phoenix his First mate.”She’ll might be here you know. We should make her pay for what she did to us.” “She let us live, let us keep the Hard Eight. We are not hunting her anymore. We are here to buy new teeth for our ride, hire and replace fighting crew and go back to business.” The cybernetic woman...

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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 18

ALVOR’S COVE I had the same thoughts as we dropped out of Quasi-space here at Alvor’s as when we approached Sin 4. I hoped we would not be stuck on this depressing planet for long. As always we had gone to sub light speeds at the outermost orbit and would now slowly approach Alvor’s Cove, which was the second planet of this 12 planet system. The bridge was a hub of activities and all departments were busy doing their evaluations and tasks. Narth said. “There is much activity on Alvor’s in...

3 years ago
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OHGirl Bukkake Queen Velvet Gives Birth

Nearly two months passed by as my mom and I remained in LA to shoot more films for Rudy’s company. Mikey stayed the entire time, still renting the condo and alternating nannies. He also hired a couple of local c***d care workers to help with the k**s too. My mom was spending 2 or 3 days a week with my dad and the rest of the week she was with Rudy, shooting videos and having sex at the various parties that he threw. I was still shooting too and had just finished my 8th video in two months. All...

4 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Surprising Changes

OHGirl:The nanny, whom we had hired, had made my job at home much easier, especially with the constant feeding and cleaning. I seemed to always have one of my three newborns attached to my tit or sometimes two of them hanging on to my massive, still full breasts. They were still tiny for their age, but were growing rapidly. I continued to stay home to take care of them and my soon to be one year old and my granddaughter, whom I took care of while my daughter, Velvet, was working. The nanny kept...

2 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Horny MILFs

OHGirl: I was lying on a massage table covered in oil as my two sexy masseuses rubbed my muscles and body, prepping me with a mixture of edible oils and sexual lubricant. They both wore scrub outfits and their massive erections outlined their long, stiff cocks through the material. My ex-lover and the father of my most recent c***d, Hondo, was playing the part of one of my ther****ts and my son and often time sex partner, James, was playing the other masseuse. I parted my legs slightly to let...

5 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Slut Queens

OHGirl:Both hands spread my butt cheeks and held my huge, gaping asshole open as one of my fans pulled his spent cock from my just fucked behind. I had just taken two loads and my third fan was moving up behind me so that he could slide right into my cum filled creampie. The two camera men shot the scene up close as my ass was stuffed again. I had been fucking between two to five fans almost three times a week for cam shows and my escort business was keeping me extremely busy, while I tried...

3 years ago
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The Velvet Glove

I’d been seeing Carla for almost three years. It was a fading romance, with the emphasis on fading, rather than romance. A year of separate colleges hadn’t done anything to pull us back together after the fading started in our last year of high school. I’d looked forward to the Memorial Day holiday as we’d both be home and maybe things would be better. In hindsight, looking forward to spending time with Carla and rejuvenating our relationship was optimistic of me.We’d gone out for a reunion...

Straight Sex
5 years ago
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Velvet Crush Vegas Marriage

“Hi sweetie!” I yelled, as I ran up to John, my neurosurgeon lover and client for the last 2 months. He had contacted me again, through my escort agency and this time he had flown me down to Cabo to spend time with him. This was the 5th time in 8 weeks that he had hired me for a vacation get away and I had loved them all. He was a wonderful lover and had the biggest cock I’d ever had. It was sad that he was married, but I was his, however he wanted me, when we were together. He had originally...

4 years ago
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Velvet Crush and Her New Boyfriend

I did my best to not look back, behind the cameras, while I shot my latest porn film. Anthony, my current boyfriend, of only 2 days, was watching as I performed in a scene for my newest video. We had met in the LA airport, while I was dropping off my uncle James, and we had become sex partners not long afterward. He was only 19 years old and had come to visit family when I saw him and had to flirt. He was a really cute and sexy white guy who had put off his visit for the first two days, so that...

4 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Denise The Saga Continues

Velvet: My mom’s husband, my mom and I all sat in the theater room watching the rough footage from my daughter’s newest videos, which had been sent to us before production. She had just shot her third US porn with an all black production company, who contracted to use Denise in a series of gangbang films. She had told me about her fetish for black men and I could tell from her sex scenes that she was loving it as she came during her multiple penetrations. It felt wonderful to see my daughter...

4 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Home Again

OHGirl: The girls were sleeping and Mikey and I were lying naked in bed, after a long round of intense sex. He was rubbing my gargantuan belly, with a special cream to prevent stretch marks, while I was rubbing the cream on my swollen breasts, pulling and pinching on my long, thick, erect nipples. I was still horny and my sexual addiction was running high with my surging hormones. I was now two weeks past 7 months pregnant with triplets and my doctor said that they could arrive at any time. Our...

2 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Dirty MILFs

Velvet: We were all staying out at our country home, when my mom and I were finally released from the hospital. My dad, Mikey, and my brother, James, had set up a nursery in a spare bedroom and both of our little girls were sharing the space. My mom had named her and Hondo’s baby, Neesha, and my little girl was named Denise. They were both such beautiful babies and they would probably grow up like sisters. It was amazing that we had given birth on the same day and after a bit of private...

3 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Sex and Porn

Velvet:Nearly 4 months passed by quickly as I toured eastern and western Europe for my porn tour. Mikey followed me where ever I was sent and, although I tried to spend as much quality time with him as I could, he either watched my shoots or went sightseeing without me. I was busy nearly every day with something related to my career. In between my fetish shows at various private and public clubs, where I would fuck those who paid me for my service, I was shooting scenes for multiple websites...

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OHGirl Velvet Fucking Fans

OHGirl:I held onto the metal rail, that made up the head of the bed, and gripped it tightly as one of my fans pumped his cock into me from behind. I had lived up to my plan to fuck my internet cam fans and there were currently three on the bed with me having fun. I had blown each of them on cam before I led them onto the bed to let them each have a turn fucking me. The other fans were busy sending messages and questions wondering how it felt and when they could be next. There were currently...

4 years ago
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OHGirl and Velvet together

My mom’s head hung over the edge of the bed in front of me, a hard, white 8 inch cock fucking her mouth, while she reached back above her head to stroke it. Her legs were spread wide, as she moaned with her mouth full, and my head was buried between them, while she held onto my hair with her other hand. Three of my fingers were sliding in and out of her cum filled, gaping cunt as I licked and sucked on her swollen clit and labia, swallowing the warm jizz that my tongue lapped from her hole. We...

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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 25

I was still thinking about that meeting with the Karthanian as I sat at the table in our Den and had dinner the next day. Har-Hi took a plate and sat next to me. He forked himself several slices of roast beef on an open bun he gave me a side look and said. “If I see you stare at your food that way I would almost suspect you are contemplating doing something about that Karthanian situation.” I pushed a pea around with my fork and said. “Of course not, there is nothing we can do anyway. We...

4 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet The Life of Porn Stars

Velvet: I missed the girls and Mikey, but he was still getting things organized. He had purchased a home in Japan and was getting it ready for the move, while he sold his and my condo in Las Vegas, our country home and my mom’s Condo in Columbus. The k**s were being cared for by him and mostly the nannies and they would be with us once again in the next month. Three weeks had already passed and my mom and I were keeping busy as the two hottest, fetish porn stars in Japan. We were sometimes...

2 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Back to Work

Velvet: I was a little jealous of my mom, seeing the number of men she had been taking on in her extreme gangbang films. She had probably fucked over 350 men in the last two weeks and that was a conservative estimate. Her new director was pushing the limits of bukkake and she had been drenched in cum in the last photo that I had seen and her pussy was a gaping mess, filled with jizz from her last internal affairs gangbang, when she had fucked over 150 Japanese men. She had let each one of them...

4 years ago
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OHGirl and Velvet Gangbang Girls

Velvet:Cum splashed across my face and two large streams hit my open mouth as another of the 28 men, who were performing in my newest Japanese Gangbang and Bukakke film, covered me with their jizz. My legs were spread while one Asian cock after another speared my gaping slit and pumped me until it was ready to erupt into my mouth and onto my face. I had toured Florida for a week before I had flown to Japan and this was the third gangbang film I had taken part in, since I had arrived five days...

4 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet The Saga Continues

OHGirl:Mikey was mine once again, as we fell back into our family routine of taking care of our 4 babies and my grandc***d. It felt great to be a mom again and we had much more time together, since Mikey had semi-retired. The money from his business and my career as an escort allowed us to live a luxurious life if we wanted, but we lived fairly comfortably and invested wisely for our future. Mikey had controlled our finances when we got married and he kept me from blowing my money when I was...

3 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Expecting Sex Addicts

OHGirl: Warm spunk filled my mouth in large blasts as I swallowed down each sticky gulp quickly, making room for more, while I kept my lips tightly wrapped around my current sex partner’s throbbing shaft. I was rubbing his balls with one hand as I stroked his long, brown cock with the other and milked him for more warm nectar. I had no idea who he was, but he had been staring at me while I shopped for croissants that morning and I led him to an alley where I offered my services. He had paid me...

3 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Sex Addicts and Whores

Velvet: My cunt was soaked as my newest partner’s long, black cock pumped me full of his jizz. I had been in Atlanta for almost four weeks and I had been busier than ever. Rudy had scheduled me to shoot 5 new movies during that time and I was currently shooting my fourth of the five films, doing a scene for an all black cast XXX porn titled “Teenage Size Queens”. This was the third scene from my most recent film and my current co-star was slamming me with his 10” inch cock as we fucked for the...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 6

AT THE TAVERN ONCE MORE We went once more to the Tavern, this time however openly to make our entrance as the pirate crew we pretended to be. The barkeeper eyed us with interest for about five seconds, took our orders and lost interest after we paid him. We found ourselves a table and sat down. I had no clear plan what we should do next and at this point I decided to just stir the pot a little and wait to see what would happen. One point on my agenda was to put the Bennett family out of...

3 years ago
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Booby Trap

Booby Trap Copyright Oggbashan April 2018The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.This story is set in the 1960s.+++I like big breasts. Since I was adult I was attracted to big women with large breasts but my lack of height made me an unlikely boyfriend for any woman who had them....

2 years ago
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Honey Trap

“Emma said she saw you at the gym last week, and that you had a long chat.” Holly stood close to her neighbour, looking up into his brown eyes.Randy could smell the woman’s perfume, it was heady. He wished she wouldn’t stand so close when they were alone like this. It took all his self-control to stop from grabbing her and kissing her. Kissing was not high on his wish list at this moment though as Holly was dressed in only a tiny bikini and her tits were scantily covered. He wondered what it...

4 years ago
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Velvet Ropes

Lynn and I have been friends for years now. We had known each other for decades and our kids went to the same school, but it wasn’t until we had a good chat at a networking event for executives four years ago that we really connected.At that point in our lives, we were both struggling. Our marriages were in the final innings, our careers were in transit, and we drank too much. But it was after that event that we started our own business together and really became good friends as we sorted our...

Straight Sex
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OHGirl Velvet and Denise The End of the Porn Tou

Denise:New York was a fun city and the number of clubs that stayed open, all night, made for a fun week during our most recent stop. The first day in town we did a few interviews and my mom and grandma both made a return to Howard Stern’s show, this time bringing their youngest protégé. They had done an interview with him years ago and this time I joined them, to explain how all three of us were carrying on the porn and escort business. Some of the younger staff flirted with me and before I...

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OHGirl Velvet Expecting More

OHGirl:I landed in Columbus in the early morning and caught a cab back to my condo. I spent a few hours catching up on all of my mail, emails, messages and general work before I decided to head back to our country house. I needed a little rest from the long flight and afternoon of work, so it would be easier to relax at my house. When I arrived the house was quiet and it appeared that no one had been home for months. A message on the door from our mail carrier let me know that there was quite a...

2 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet on Vacations

My mom had been out of town for two days and things were getting out of hand. I was sitting on my half-brother’s long black dick as I took a hit off of a bong he had stolen from Shawn’s house. He had also taken a big bag of weed that was laced with the same stuff I had smoked on the night that I had fucked him, his dad and three other guys. It had made me so horny and now I was dripping down my little brother’s thick ebony shaft as I rode him. Neither of us could believe what we were doing, but...

5 years ago
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Velvets Secret Life

I had been working with my mom and fellow escort, Brandy, for over 4 months now and I was loving it. I had probably been with 250 different men since I had started sharing my mother’s condo and having sex for a living. I was surprised that she had slowed down from her usual number of clients, but I was keeping busy with my clients and performing for parties and small groups. Of course, my mom was setting it all up and also playing the part of my chaperone, who on occasions would join me, and...

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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 20

As I came back to my senses I sat at a long wooden dinner table laid out with fine china and silverware. The room looked like a natural cave of sorts. The place was elaborately and expensively decorated. The art and decoration was selected by a talented interior designer and the shelves and furniture had been expertly blended into the rough cave walls. Wall sconces and crystal ceiling lights illuminated the place and fireplace radiated warmth from what seemed to be burning gas. The place, the...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 23

Chula survived, his men did too, because most of them ran as fast as they could. However the prince regained consciousness, with a broken jaw a broken sword and swollen eye. His armor flex suit in tatters. A bird like being kept laughing.”Never seen such a lucky fool, threatening a Juth-Ni and surviving it.” Someone else in the onlooking little crowd said.”You and your goons better get up and get back to your ship or hotel. When the Karthanian street patrol shows up, you will dig for...

4 years ago
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BrotherInLaw Made Me A Porn Star 8211 Part 1 8211 The Trap

Part I – The trap It all started 3 months back with my sister Anu when she got pregnant with her boyfriend. Anu was elder to me by 6 years and worked in a call center. At 25 years of age, she wanted to enjoy the world like anything and was a free bird in true senses. In contrast, I was a hot headed, shy traditional Indian girl with firm belief in Indian cultural values. Dev was Anu’s co worker and boyfriend for last 2 years. They both were Same in nature ‒ extrovert, flamboyant and party...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book TwoChapter 9 Caught in the trap

Water flowed through a crack in the wall. On the other side, Mike could hear the river. Placing his hands against the hard stone, he could feel the vibrations through it. Cupping his hands, he collected a mouthful of water and drank it. It was cold with a slight metallic taste, but Blue had informed him that it was safe enough to drink. “Is it good?” Blue asked from her perch on his shoulder. “It tastes like water,” Mike responded, sucking down huge mouthfuls. Wiping his mouth, he turned...

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The Red Velvet SuiteChapter 2

The farther I walked from the house the lighter I began to feel. I decided to do a little outside exploration and walked around to the west end of the yard. The grass was so tall that it came up to my waist. The seed tops were dry and the chaff clung to my clothing. I discovered some over-grown roses with a few late blossoms still clinging tenuously to life. I picked one and was just inhaling its fragrance when the hair on the back of my neck began to stand on end. I could feel my entire body...

2 years ago
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The Velvet Steel Gym

Well, you're here. Velvet Steel. This is a far cry from the previous gym where you were a member - a typical commercial gym, with way more cycle machines and treadmills than anyone needs. The dumbbells for the "women's section" were pink, cutely shaped and far too light to be of any use. You're trying to get strong, damn it! You don't care about looking "manly"; there's nothing "manly" about having strong, broad shoulders and sturdy thighs, about having a body that can actually do things. You...

4 years ago
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Velvet Crush On Her Own

Velvet Crush: Two weeks passed in Japan as I learned that my grandmother’s husband had left the porn empire to her and with her death it had passed to my mom. I was the sole person to inherit my mom’s estate, so it passed to me. I was now the owner of my own porn company and I had lots of plans. My grandfather’s family had other plans though and they fought me in court to retain their ownership rights. During that time, I was legally the head of the company, so I began planning for a re-release...

3 years ago
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Velvet Crush A New Beginning

Denise:I finally realized where I was, as I pulled the filthy blanket down to find that I was naked. I was lying on a mattress in a dirty room, in some house, somewhere in LA. Our tour had ended nearly four months ago and I had been on a sex and d**g binge since then. It had begun as a party to celebrate our tour and after a sequence of events, had degraded into my demise as a street whore, d**g abuser and live sex act star. After two days of partying, I had returned to see my mom and grandma...

2 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Pregnant Porn

OHGirl:I bent over the bed, holding onto my stomach and tits as my current client drove his cock deep into my ass. He was my third customer of the day and my asshole had taken on all three of them. My pregnant belly didn’t keep the men from wanting blow jobs or from fucking me, but most of them wanted to take me anally, due to their uncomfortable feelings about fucking a pregnant hooker. I had been very busy lately and had grown used to having lots of anal sex, but I spent most of the time...

2 years ago
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apathetic_smileyface suggested a spin off with just Bree and Keyes from the story 'CLOSURE'. I liked the idea and here’s what I have. Hope you like it, too. It turned out really sweet.O   I'm horny. Bree said to herself rubbing her breasts deliberately and lewdly as she breathed deeply and lolled her head back and forth. “Ahh, I'm horny,” she pouted, aloud, stretching and rolling on the bed. “Mmm?” Keyes said looking up from his laptop. “I’MMMM HORNY!” “You have time to rub one out; just don’t...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Velvet Acres Leisure Club

We were just three guys that hunted and fished on the Chesapeake Bay. For years, we had thought that Kent Island, just West of Annapolis, was the home of a nudist colony. While fishing, we had often used our binoculars to observe the naked men and woman sunning themselves, or playing volleyball on the beach. Then, last November during Goose season, we learned the truth. A storm had come up. Instead of returning to the marina, we landed on the island. Velvet Acres Leisure Club was closed for the...

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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 2

Two hours later I too had boarded the alien ship had reached what must have been the bridge. Our Tech-Stop and Paralysators have worked like a charm this time, everyone was asleep and none of the alien ship’s equipment worked. Har-Hi stood beside me and said. “Don’t you think they look like Terran cattle?” He pushed a sleeping alien aside who was still floating, as there was no Artificial gravitation either.” Now as he mentioned it I had to agree, and I remembered the large feedlots on...

3 years ago
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The Silk Trap

The Silk Trap By Cindy V "Do we have Microsoft Access on our computer, Alex?" my wife Mary yelled up to me from the kitchen. I was upstairs in the den, on the computer, surfing the web. Well, to be more honest, surfing for, shall we say, adult sites. My sex life with Mary was okay - there's nothing wrong with the missionary position - but Mary was completely disinterested in anything a little kinkier. I fulfilled my wider sexual interests by visiting adult sites. Mary did not...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Trap

It was the chime of the doorbell that pulled me out of the world inside my computer. My wife was gone for the day so I was getting in some trap porn. She didn’t care if I watched porn as long as I fucked her when she wanted it. But I didn’t think she would like trap porn so I always waited until she was gone. I opened the door to see my wife’s 19 year old sister, Jen, standing there. She was so hot. About 5 feet and 8 inches she was almost my height. She was about 100 pounds. I loved my women...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Trap

It was the chime of the doorbell that pulled me out of the world inside my computer. My wife was gone for the day so I was getting in some trap porn. She didn’t care if I watched porn as long as I fucked her when she wanted it. But I didn’t think she would like trap porn so I always waited until she was gone. I opened the door to see my wife’s 19 year old sister, Jen, standing there. She was so hot. About 5 feet and 8 inches she was almost my height. She was about 100 pounds. I loved my women...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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