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apathetic_smileyface suggested a spin off with just Bree and Keyes from the story 'CLOSURE'. I liked the idea and here’s what I have. Hope you like it, too. It turned out really sweet.


I'm horny. Bree said to herself rubbing her breasts deliberately and lewdly as she breathed deeply and lolled her head back and forth.

“Ahh, I'm horny,” she pouted, aloud, stretching and rolling on the bed.

“Mmm?” Keyes said looking up from his laptop.


“You have time to rub one out; just don’t make too much noise.” Keyes said with a smirk never taking his eyes off the screen of his laptop.

“I already did.” Bree said still pouting. “Last night while you were asleep!”

“I’m sorry baby, but I have to finish this.”

“I know. I know.” Bree said falling back on the bed, her pale blond curls fanning out behind her. The soft sheets just covering her naked curvy body.

She had been without Keyes’s ‘companionship’ for almost three weeks, which was fine for one of them because she was cycling. But now she was ready for action however, Keyes was still swamped with work.

“You better be glad I love you, Chi.” She continued. Bree called Keyes 'Chi' especially when they were alone, being the Japanese word for 'life' and 'energy' she thought it was very fitting for him.

She sighed heavily and tangled herself playfully in the sheets. The physical contact of the bedding was a poor excuse for her boyfriend, but it did feel good.

“I am glad you love me.” He beamed taking time to look at his extremely beautiful yet frustrated girlfriend. Her thin long ringlets of pale blond curls cascaded down her caramel colored back. His eyes followed the sensuous curve up to her round bottom. She was a tantalizing carnal sight laying in the crisp white sheets of their bed.

“Ohhh.” Bree moaned, squirming in the bed. “Chi, I'm not trying to bother you. It was just a statement of fact. I'm horny.”

“Note taken.” Keyes chuckled as he focused back on his work.

Bree huffed in defeat and rolled onto her stomach, flipping her hair seductively, but he wasn’t looking. Keyes’ his fingers flashed across the keyboard. He had been working nonstop it seemed for the last month and a half. Only stopping for the bathroom or until he fell unconscious sleeping; all to get some proposal or something together for work. Thank heaven it was almost over now.

“Bear with me just a little bit longer baby, ok? I’m practically done, when I get finished, I'm off to take a shower.” He hadn't had one in over 48 hours. “Then I'm all yours.”

She smiled like a little kid rolling over in the bed stroking her body as she waited.

'Practically done', turned into late that evening.

Bree was now dressed only in Keyes’ tank top, laying in bed trying to stay awake, when he finally, saved and sent the documents to his partners.

She smiled excitedly, though she knew it was hopeless. He looked so tired; he could barely stand when he headed to the bathroom rubbing his eyes, going to take a shower. And when he came to bed, crawling seductively under the sheets with her it was all of two minutes before he passed out asleep.

She stared at him lovingly for several minutes, stroking his lean muscled chest and brushing his wild sandy blond hair out of his face as he slept. He was so handsome.

She breathed deep as she stroked his strong jawline. He still hadn't shaved and blonde stubble scattered his chin. Her thumb glided over his thick eyebrows. When he was awake his sensual green eyes always had a twinkle in them, like he was up to something, which he was half the time.

And his body. She stroked his muscled arms and chest, gliding her hands down his torso, and the hard slab of abs, letting her fingers dip into that sexy V just where his abs hit his hips, and down his lean muscular legs, that had such power. Ohh, such power.

She smiled and kissed him on the chest, then his cheek then his lips. He snored softly.

He was the coolest, most charming guy she had ever met, not to mention the hottest. It made her stomach flutter with butterflies.

She knew she was lucky. And he was very grateful for that.

She snuggled into the curve under his arm and draped hers across his chest and went to sleep.

“I'm horny.” Keyes said late the next morning, well rested and refreshed, as his lean muscled naked body stretched in the bed. He had just woken up and rolled over ready to fuck his girlfriend senseless finding her already up and dressed.

“How many days have I been saying that?” Bree said putting on her earrings.

She was wearing a short coral pink sundress that looked fabulous on her honey brown skin; the halter top style of the dress cradled her large breasts in a very alluring way. Though Keyes loved the halter top style on her, he knew other men would like it a little too much.

“I had to finish that report.”

“Now we have to go to that company thing for Cam.”

“I don’t remember agreeing to that.” Keyes said rolling over on his side and watching Bree walk around the huge master bedroom.

“Well I remember you telling me you agreed to it 2 weeks ago when you went out drinking with him, Travis and Shinji.”


She had a good memory when she wanted to.

“Come lay down with me for a minutes.” Keyes said lowly, giving her his most charming smile, and patting on the bed.

Bree looked over at the bed she shared with Keyes. He was laying stark naked in the middle of it. His cock as hard and stiff as a steel rod.

“Hmm. No. If I get in there with you, we’ll never get outta here. And were already late.”

“What time are we supposed to be there?”

“At 12.”

“It’s only 10:30.”

“So. We have to go pick up that cake, then get across town. By that time we'll be late.”

“So technically right now we’re not late.”

“Technically, no.” She said with an exasperated smile. He was trying to be difficult and it didn’t help that he was hot as hell.

“Well then, come get in the bed.”

She shook her head no, even though she had a huge smile on her face.

Keyes started to perform for her, stretching his body and stroking his cock slowly, never taking his striking jade green eyes off her.

Bree’s eyes burned into him, drinking in every lean muscle of his body from head to toe, as her breathing became shallow and fast. She bit her lip taking a step to the bed as if mesmerized by his carnal flirtations, but she stopped herself.

A wicked grin spread across Keyes’ face as he slid from the bed and stalked towards her, his thick hard cock bobbing in front of him.

“You better get dressed.” She squealed, giggling as he trapped her against the wall, hands on either side of her.

Keyes eyes pieced her with an erotic lewd gaze. Bree felt naked and felt she was melting inside.

“You promised him you’d be there.” She said weakly, a smile in her voice, thinking of what he could do to her, what she wanted him to do to her.

“He’ll understand.” Keyes replied leaning in and kissing Bree on her neck, her absolute weak point.

Bree sighed in delight at the warm erotic sensations swelling in her. Keyes trailed amorous kisses up and down her neck flicking his tongue at her earlobe, feeling her small warm hands reach out for him.

He kissed her along her jaw line, slowly ending with a full deep warm kiss on her full lips that she welcomed with a sweet mewl and her tongue meeting and swirling languidly with his.

He pressed himself aginst her, his hard shaft poking her in the belly as she wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him deeper, the passion building quickly between them.

Suddenly music rang out in the room. The two tried to ignore it but it continued.

Keyes groaned. It was his cell.

“See, I bet that’s Cam now.” Bree said taking a deep breath blinking several times to try and clear her head.

Keyes picked up his phone from the night stand.

“Shit, it’s him.”

Bree giggled.

“No man we are heading out the door right now….. I know it’s important…. We’ll be there. Alright… Yes we will pick up the cake as well… alright, alright bye.” Keyes looked at Bree who was trying not to smile.

“Don’t say a word Breezy.” He said heading to the closet.

“So how did I become the go to guy.” Keyes said behind the wheel of Bree’s Mini Cooper as they sped to the bakery, his small Audi wouldn’t be able to transport the cake.

“I think he’s got a man crush.”

“Well I’ll be happy when Desia dumps him.”

“Chi!” Bree said slapping his arm. “That’s mean. Besides I think she really likes him, so you two better get along.”

“Lift up your dress, please.” He said glancing over at Bree’s honey brown legs as he watched the traffic.

Bree continued looking out the window as she lifted up her dress.


She casually lifted it up higher, just high enough for Keyes to see her panty covered mound.

He smirked licking his lips. He slid his hand between her legs tickling her already moist flesh as he pulled into the bakery parking lot.

She squealed slapping his hand away as they got out of the car. The two grabbed each other’s hands and walked into the small but bustling bakery.

They were immediately overrun with the warm delicious smells of cakes, pies and cookies.

Looking around the shop, Keyes suddenly remembered why he had wanted to pick up the cake for Cam.

“Hey, Breezy, look at this.” He said pulling her to the far side of the store where various cake designs were on display, including huge ornate and beautiful wedding cakes.

“Look at these.” He said grinning ear to ear.


Bree took a breath and looked up into Keyes shining face as he beamed smiling down at her.

“They are beautiful.” She said hesitantly. No wanting to have this conversation right now.

“So, when the time comes, what kind do you want?”

He was never going to give it up. Not that she wanted him too.

“Hi, are you all interested in ordering a wedding cake or engagement cake?” A pretty bouncy red head said coming up to the two as they looked.

Keyes looked down at Bree, who smiled at him sheepishly.

“Nothing yet it seems,” he said. “But we’re here to pick up a cake for Cam Lanier, I'm Keyes . He should have called to say I was coming.”

“Oh, yeah. I remember seeing that.” The girl said. “I’ll be right back.”

Bree was still looking at the cakes when Keyes moved behind. He wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her; he put his head on her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

“I love you.”

“Me too.” She said stroking his hands as they lay across her belly.

The girl came back fairly quickly, and had two men load the huge box containing the cake in the car.

The ride to their destination was silent, but Bree kept her hand on Keyes thigh as he drove.

“We just pulled up.” Keyes said into his cell as he was opening the back of the car.

Cam seemed to come out of nowhere with two of the wait staff.

Cam, Desia’s latest boyfriend was about 6’ tall and unlike Keyes lean muscles, Cam had a thicker muscular build. He had brown glossy hair and bright blue eyes. He was an all American looking guy but very polished, like a model.

“Thanks so much Keyes.” Cam said grabbing Keyes open hand and bumping shoulders with him.

Bree rolled her eyes.

“No, problem.”

Cam didn’t breathe until the two wait staff members had the cake and were moving swiftly towards the back of the luxurious building.

“So what is this place?” Bree asked. “Is this a country club?”

“No, it’s Mr. Liam’s house.”

“This is a house?! Sweet Peaches, it’s huge!” She said. It looked like three large homes put together, and it was sitting far back on an immense piece of land.

“Yeah, you can see why I’m trying to make a good impression. That cake is an anniversary cake for him and his wife. The guy always forgets every year. He even planned this party forgetting so I kinda got the cake to cover things for him. His wife will be happy and I’ll be the lifesaver of the night.”


Keyes and Bree followed Cam into the midst of the party, mostly filled with Cams other coworkers, none of which the couple knew.

“Breezy.” Desia shouted. She was wearing a short and sassy sundress that clung to her petite curves and she ran up to hug Bree like they hadn't seen each other in days; when it had only been about 10 hours.

“I didn’t think you guys would make it.”

“We almost didn’t.” Bree said squeezing Keyes hands.

Keyes made hearty greetings to his other friends, Travis and Shinji and their respective dates.

“Hey, Abs.” Bree said hugging another friend from her inner circle. The group caught upon what was new news since they had last seen each other the day before.

The party dragged on, but the young couple had sneaked away from the festivities. Keyes and Bree were walking the immense grounds of the mansion.

Bree looked over her shoulder. The party goers were out of sight, only the huge house could be seen.

“You know what I want to do?” She said with an impish smile holding his hand as she stepped in front of him.

“Yeah.” Keyes nodded, the fact that they were walking further and further from the party had not gone unnoticed.

“Do you?”

“Yeah.” Keyes replied with a knowing cock of his eyebrow. It was the same thing he wanted to do. This wide open space and greenery of the well-kept lawn was an aphrodisiac for her.

Bree looked behind them again, not a person in sight. Then she sat down at the bottom of a small slope making sure her sundress rode up high on her thighs.

Keyes sat down beside her, his passion quickly building as his dick lurched in his pants.

“We gotta be careful; we don’t want to screw things up for Cam.”

“How can we? No one’s here.”

Keyes lay back as Bree straddled him just below his crotch.

“We’ll make it fast.” She said leaning in and kissing him.

“Ok.” Keyes said breathlessly, as if he had a choice, as she unbuckled his belt. She hurriedly unbuttoned, then unzipped his pants licking her lips as she did.

His cock was already stiff, throbbing and poking out of the top of his boxer briefs.

Bree gave Keyes and impassioned wet warm kiss as she pulled her panties to the side of her swollen pussy lips and forcefully grabbed Keyes long wide cock..

“Hey, not so rough.” He said wincing. He was built like a sex toy. He bottomed out before her got all the way inside her, but she loved the sweet pain of him trying.

“Sorry.” She replied with a warm smile and a wink. She rose to her knees and moved forward a bit until she was positioned over his thick straining shaft.

He watched her hot erotic expressions as she guided his cock into her wanton hungry pussy and slowly lowered herself down on him, mewling in erotic delight as she did.

She draped the bottom of her dress over his lower abs to conceal their coupling; collapsing forward on him, kissing him. He wrapped his arms around her while he slowly pumped into her.

Bree mewled happily with each thrust as Keyes hands became more insistent, roaming over her body.

He was making sure not to get too carried away incase someone did happen to pass by; they would just look like two lovers kissing.

It always felt so damn good with him, Bree mused in the haze of lust as his thick cock spread her pussy deliciously wide with each thrust.

Bree arched her back as hot lusty kisses from Keyes traveled down her neck and across her collarbone.

Keyes, his impassioned hunger growing, started grabbing for her breasts. He palmed her large supple globes in the halter top, crudely pinching her hard until he could feel her nipples through the fabric. All as he continued to pump into her silky tightness while she undulated her hips obscenely.

“Ah..” Bree’s voice was a high sweet intensely erotic mewl. “I’m cumming baby, faster.” She moaned in his ear.

Keyes gripped her waist bucking his hips faster.

Bree ground her pelvis into the invading cock frantically as she felt a violent cascade of raw blissful pleasure burst in her. She bit into Keyes neck, her tongue slathering his skin as she sucked on him.

Keyes cried out in jagged breaths, as the force of her lips and tongue on his neck and her squeezing inner walls sent him over the edge. His hands pushed down on her lower back as his hips powered up into her and his pulsing shaft shot ropes of hot cum into her convulsing pussy.

Keyes rattled breath was thick with lust and pleasure as he continued to pump long steady finishing strokes into Bree until their orgasms waned.

Soon their breathing slowed and Bree sat up lazily. A pleased cum drunk smile on her face, as she lifted herself and Keyes slipped from her, cum and all.

He pulled up his briefs and zipped himself while she adjusted her panties. Once everything was secured, she rolled to the side of him and lay in the curve of his arm, her favorite place to be.

Once they made it back to the party, they were more eager to leave than ever. They stayed until the anniversary cake was shown and cut. Then they said their good nights and hurried home.

They were now in their living room, rushing to undress for ‘bed’, not having made it upstairs to their room in the frenzy of kisses and clothes flying.

Bree stepped on Keyes pants as she was stepping towards the sofa, where he was now. Her foot landed on something hard in his pocket.

“What's in your pants?”

He sat up, reclining on his elbow, on the sofa, naked and hard already, stroking his cock with one hand and trying to pull her to him with the other.

She was going through his pockets to see what she had stepped on.

He knew exactly what it was. He carried the object around with him most everywhere he went with her for the last three and half years. Always waiting for the chance to use it.

From his pocket, Bree pulled out a small black velvet box. She paused, looking over her shoulder at him.

“What is it?” she asked.

As if she didn’t know.

“Open it and see.” He said coyly.

She held it in her hand without doing anything.

“Just know if you do open it, you have it wear and take all that goes along with it.”

She still didn’t move.

He smirked, watching her debate. Her little hands had started to shake.

“It’s okay if you’re not ready.” He said pulling her back to the sofa, brushing her hair to the side rubbing her shoulders as he kissed her back. “It’s ok.”

Bree took the small black velvet box and put it on the coffee table still looking at it. Then she turned and got on the sofa hugging Keyes playfully and straddling him.

She stared at him for a long moment as she sat up looking down at him. His twinkling green eyes smiled warmly back at her.

“Are mad at me, Chi?”

“Why would I be mad at you?” he said putting one hand behind his head and grabbing her breast and gently palming it with the other.

“Cause of the ‘marriage’ thing.”

“No. I haven’t given up. I’ll keep asking.” He smiled broadly at her. There was no bitterness or sarcasm in his words or face, and that made her feel even worse.

“It’s not that I don’t want to marry you. I love you, I want to be with you. I love being with you. And I'm not going anywhere but….”


Her lip puckered out like a pouting little girl.

“I don’t want to be a wife.”

“Hmm?” He looked at her baffled.

“I don’t want to be a wife. I think that’s what screws things up. People stop being themselves.”

His head tilted as he looked at her, trying to figure her out, but he was still puzzled.

“It’s like let’s say, Ted and Jane for instance. They love each other.” She continued. “They decide to get married. Then boom! They take on the husband and wife roles. She starts trying to be a good ‘wife’, he’s trying to be a good ‘husband’ and along the way they stop being Ted and Jane. They just turn into what they think a husband and wife should be and stop being the person the other fell in love with.”

Keyes gave her a warm smile as realization washed over him.

“Do you get it?”

“I think so.”

“I don’t want that to happen to us.” Her face filled with sudden urgent distress. Her eyes tearing up. “I'm so scared of that happening. And I’d hate it because I love you so much. I don’t want to lose you. I love us the way we are, the way we get along; the way we love each other, the way we fight and make up. Even though there’s a lot we have going on. It’s still so simple and clean. Cause we’re just us.”

“No labels.”

“Right. I’m Bree and you’re Keyes. We just do what needs to be done for each other and for ourselves, because we want to. Because we love and respect each other.” She took a breath looking at him. Hoping he did understand. Because it all made sense to her in her head. “ I don’t want to be a wife not even yours. I just want to be your friend.”

“My best friend.”

“Yeah, your best friend like I am right now.” She was smiling again.

“My partner in crime.”

“Right. I can even change my last name, though. If you want me to.”

He shook his head chuckling.

“So, its semantics.”

“Hmm? I guess.”

“So… if understand correctly. If I were to say, will you be my partner in crime for the rest of our lives and the wedding ceremony is just a celebration of that. Does that feel better? You don’t have to be a wife or do ‘wife’ things; you just get to be my Breezy the way you are now. And I'm your Chi.”

“Hmm. Yeah.” She said brightly. It did feel better now that he said it that way.

Keyes slapped his hand to his forehead laughing loudly. She had the oddest most round about way of thinking about things sometimes. But it all made sense to her, and to him. That's why they were so good together.

“What’s so funny?”

“You are so weird. But I love you so much.” He laughed grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her down to his chest, hugging her then kissing her on the forehead.

"Mmm. I love you, you weirdo."

Bree giggled and hugged him back. They lay in each other arms stroking one another as lust ignited between them again.

After a few minutes, Bree sat up on Keyes as he stroked her bottom; she was looking at the black velvet box. She reached over and picked it up.

Keyes watched her intently as she opened it up revealing a thin platinum diamond encrusted band.

Her eyes widened in awe and a huge grin lit up her face.

“Do you like it?” he asked sitting up.

“Yes! It’s beautiful! It’s perfect!”

She wasn’t one for ornate pieces of jewelry, but this ring hit the spot. Simple, elegant yet very sparkly.

Keyes took the ring from her putting it on her ring finger.

“Ok?” He said sliding it into place.

“Yes!” she shouted throwing her arms around his neck. .
~ end

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Educating a Coed Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had been dressing as a girl for years, but it was only when I went to college that I was able to improve myself by going out more often. Within the first year I had mastered many of the problems I had, like makeup and hair, and was able to expand my wardrobe quite a bit. In my second year I even dated a few times, but never let things get too far, and although I was getting better, it wasn't until I found some sites on...

3 years ago
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Flashing women while driving on the interstate

This is a story about one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had from masturbating. So you can get a good mental picture of what I am about to tell you: I am male, 36, 200lbs., short brown hair and said to be very attractive. I have an athletic job, so I am in pretty good shape too. I like to masturbate. My dick is 7″ long and pretty thick, cut, and has a pretty big head. I know, not huge, but not small either. I came across these archives about six months ago and have masturbated to...

2 years ago
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A Most Favoured Pet

Please note, the following is a heavily fantasised, entirely fictional depiction of a sub/dom relationship. It does not truly reflect/depict a real life healthy sub/dom relationship and so therefor there are certain themes of abuse which should/would never be acceptable in a real world setting between a true sub and a true dom.With that in mind, please enjoy the following fictional story for what it's worth, and let me know your thoughts on it in the comments below.Happy...

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My loving hot mom

Hi friends, I am Rishi from Mumbai. I’m studying in college. I am also a great fan of indian sex stories and have always enjoyed reading the stories here. I also have some experiences I’ve had in real life to share with you and these are not picked up inspirations from the other stories here. These are real life experiences. We are family living jointly in 3 BHK flat. My Dad usually goes on tours for uncertain periods for business. I have always had great respect for my mom. She has also always...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Bride

Lori was a very beautiful young bride as she walked down the aisle toward her soon to be husband. Her white gown helped accentuate her deep blue eyes and long blond hair. Her breast filled her gown to near overflowing. A good bit of her cleavage was spilling over the top of her gown's bodice. The form fitting gown wrapped around her firm body and offered a nice view of the shape of her tight butt. The gown's short train flowed behind her as she walked toward the altar of the church....

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Wonderful Sex With My Ex In Chennai

Hi friends, this is Jaks and I’m 24 years old guy working in IT industry from Chennai, Tamilnadu. This is my first story so please ignore my mistakes. I love this site and I have read lots of stories here. I really did not even dream that I too would have sex that too with my Ex lover about my girl friend, her name is Kavitha, she got married now she is very innocent and she has really a sexy figure having a great body of sizes 28-30-28.Viewers can share their views and comments to my mail id...

1 year ago
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I finally made it, I have a full football scholarship to a small college and I’m away from home, for the first time in my life. I checked in, they had a whole staff to help you if you needed it, but I was fine, so I got my schedules, both football and academic and the key to my room. I knew I was getting a roommate, it was a small school and I was curious to see how the luck of the draw worked for me. He was already in the room and unpacked when I got there, it took me all of thirty seconds to...

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Control Sam Control Ch 02

The next day Sam could feel her before he saw her on the platform. Such connections were never uniform, depending on how resistant the subject was, but he tested hers as they waited for the train to arrive. It was hard to concentrate on the crushed and noisy platform but he closed his eyes and made most of the world melt away. He felt his heartbeat steady and then her heartbeat resonated inside of his chest, next to his but in no way kindred. His steady base line was supporting a fast,...

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Beth Enjoys the Riverwalk

As soon as Shane walked in the door, he was surrounded by chaos. Each c***d demanded his attention, trying to blame the others for whatever had gone wrong.“Where’s your mother?” He asked.A guilty silence followed.Finally the oldest spoke up. “She locked herself in her room a while ago.”Shane gave them each a look that left no uncertainty as to what he thought about his c***dren’s behavior.He went back to their bedroom. “Beth, honey, I’m home.” After a few minutes the door opened, and Beth...

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Night Of Revenge

Night of Revenge is a side-scrolling hentai-packed Metroidvania by D-LIS. Are you a masochist fuck who likes your fap-worthy porn games to be a harder time than you trying to get a single match on Tinder? Come on; it just becomes pathetic when the fat bitches won’t even match with you. That’s when you know you’re a lost cause. Good. I want those hardcore gamers to come out of their sweaty fap dens and try the game I have for you fucks today. It’s a game where you have to get good and earn your...

Free Sex Games
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Glorias Gloryhole Adventure

Gloria ground her knees tightly together and closed her eyes and tried to think happy thoughts but it wasn't working. She needed a bathroom stop. BADLY. "Evan," she murmured plaintively, "I really need to go. I can't hold it much longer." "Gloria, we just got onto the highway. Couldn't you have gone back at Sylvia's house or ten minutes ago while we were eating? There's going to be nothing around here for miles ... shall I pull over so you can squat behind a bush and then look...

2 years ago
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We got home and Sammi, with her daughters’ help, got out the photographic equipment. Michael and Rose helped set it all up, under her direction. My son may have a crush on Samantha! Sarah was on the Internet, looking at something, as Kalista and I went up to change. We got into our matching red outfits we’d purchased while in San Francisco for IGB event. After our pictures were taken, Rose and Michael wanted to have theirs taken, so I told them to change into something they dance in, while...

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Claires Conception Part

I think I fell in love with Claire the first time I saw her, standing with her team mates in her hockey kit in the queue for dinner in the refectory of our University Hall of Residence. Dark haired, athletically built and sporty, she seemed a long way out of my class. Despite being basically tall and good-looking myself – in great shape after many years playing rugby – there was something about her that I found different from other girls and, frankly, intimidating but I couldn’t get her out of...

Wife Lovers
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Sues mother

I told you I would tell you ll about Sue's Mum.Sue was big. Sue was chubby with enormous porcelain-white tits that I shot many loads over. Sue was nerdy with a freckled face and long jet black hair. Her mother looked nothing like her...We went to lunch at a pub to be introduced. Irene needed a lot of repairs on her house. Sue recommended me. Sue and I arrived first and got drinks. Sue said; "You will like her". Halfway through our beers. Sue's tits jiggled as she waved to someone, "Here she...

1 year ago
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Real Experience

Hi, this is my first experience i ever had about a month back, i am a 28 year old software engineer working for one of the biggest indian software company in cochin as a senior engineer,I Am about 5ft6: and having a average body, this story is about my first experience with a married lady in cochin,her name is devika and she is my landlords daughter and married to a doctor,she is around 26 and was having no kid, he husband was doing his MD after mbbs in chennai and she was staying with her...

1 year ago
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Cheating Sluts

Reddit CheatingSluts, aka r/CheatingSluts! Don’t you just love it when girls become sluts? There are some rules to what this subreddit is actually about, and they tend to be very specific. While the subreddit is called r/CheatingSluts/, that does not mean that this subreddit is all about cuckolds and selfies. I will get more into that in a bit; I just want you to know that this subreddit is all about chicks who are a bit too slutty.Everything starts making sense eventually, and the first thing...

Reddit NSFW List
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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 50

The business didn't change at all. The changes were all behind the scenes with lawyers, accountants, and CEOs. John had batted a thousand when he made predictions about the CEOs and whether they'd stay or go if we gave them the chance. It was like a victory tour or a lap around the track after winning the race, as I went from business to business. I'd talk with each CEO and invite their wives and families out to nice dinners or weekends away, so I could personally thank them, make sure...

1 year ago
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From Chuck to Irene 2

Chapter 2 Cleaning They went to the city and talked to Helen. She was surprised. "You both want to be in on cleaning the apartment?" Donna seemed to want a discussion. "Look, sis. How long would it take you to clean it yourself?" "Forever and a day. I never liked cleaning." "Precisely. If I should do it alone - I'd say six hours - minimum. With Chuck pitching in - probably four. In time he'll get better, I suppose. They discussed exceptions. Window panes - cupboards -...

2 years ago
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Selling My Teen Panties

When I turned sixteen, my mom cut my allowance back. She gave me a lecture about how when she was my age she got a job and I should do the same to learn the value of money. I wasn't opposed to working, but it would've meant giving up some of my after school activities like volleyball and theater. Right around that time, my mom was addicted to Orange is the New Black. I couldn't really get into it, but I would do my homework on the living room floor while she watched and an episode came on...

4 years ago
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Under Her Control

It was Saturday, 5:58 PM and my shift just started an hour ago, so I was bored scrolling through social media while I sat at my desk. I run the printer service desk at my university and nights like these can get slow especially on a weekend when everyone is out partying. I was scrolling through pictures and saw a few cute girls making sure to like their pictures in between. Just mind numbing fun really. Scroll…tap…scroll…double tap…repeat. Thoughts were rolling through my head as I was...

Mind Control
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Doin My Toes

My name is Ashlee… And last week, it took me 2 hours to do my toes!!!Not because I’m slow or something… it’s because I had to wait till everyone else was done with them.Seriously, I was sitting in the living room at the end of the couch, checking out some colors. I had already done them in an electric blue the other day and wanted something to go with the new pink tank top I had brought. I had it lying in my lap while putting different colors on it to see how they matched up. My feet were...

3 years ago
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Boss Lady

The door popped open as the shapely blonde and the handsome stud approached the car. The spaghetti straps of her little black dress were challenged by her full bust, and the hemline showed more of her legs than if she were wearing his white shirt. That shirt was half unbuttoned and his tie draped loosely as she had started undressing him before they left the club. She dove inside and he followed. An older, smaller limousine, the seats formed an “L”, with the forward-facing seat at the back...

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The Hostel Slut

Hi, readers, I’m a slightly curvy, average height, dark-skinned bisexual teen. I currently reside in the US but have lived in a hostel in a school in the foothills of the Himalayas. This is one of the many sexual adventures I had during my ten-year-long stay in India. I have been reading ISS for about two years now and I have enjoyed many of its stories and felt like sharing my own experiences too. So, here I am. All the characters mentioned here are 18 and above. Have fun! It all began on a...

Gay Male
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WebYoung Bobbi Dylan Lilly Ford My 18th Birthday

Lesbian teen Lilly Ford is about to celebrate her 18th birthday with her girlfriend Bobbi Dylan. Bobbi refused to have sex with Lilly until she turned eighteen, but the second her birthday arrives, she initiates their specially planned encounter. Birthday girl Lilly is super excited, but she has absolutely zero sexual experience, not even kissing. But Bobbi is taking good care of Lilly. After some playful kissing, Bobbi reveals her small natural tits and her pierced nipples. Lilly gets turned...

1 year ago
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Her miracle came to the door

She lies on her bed thinking how nice it would be for a man from her past to show up at her door. As she lays on the bed her hand rubs her clit and lower lips making her feel a bit satisfying .Her other hand plays with her nipples making them hard as she teases herself. Trying to make her self feel good without a man, knowing deep down she wants her own man. As she rubs her pussy up and down feeling herself getting wetter and wetter. She hears a knock at the door .Her hopes of it being a man...

2 years ago
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Bait and Switch Retype Ch 0708

Chapter 07 It seems like any other Monday, except for the whispers and stares I receive as I walk around campus. In one way it’s an improvement, no one calling me dweeb, or nerd, but it’s also a little disturbing. Did someone discover my ability? Did Gina tell someone? I remember Lindsey saying that I’m the talk of the campus, and that had been before I'd told Gina, so I doubt she'd told anyone. I walk towards a couple guys talking, to see what’s up, but when they see me coming, they...

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My Sexual Journey ndash Part 4 Classmatersquos Roommate

I and my classmate harushi (“HARUSHI” is real name of "cumonmesus”) were under the shower, tired and relaxed. My dick was slowly getting smaller and it was crushed against harushi ’s big ass. Then suddenly I remembered that I had not worn a condom. I got scared and turned harushi around.Me: We did it without a condom! What to do now?!I was so scared and was looking at her face. We were under the shower naked and she was looking so beautiful. She did not say anything but just laughed.Me: Why are...

2 years ago
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Decent Family Kannada

Hi, Idhu bengaloorinda nataraj bareyo kathe. Nanna vayasu 37, maduve aagi 10 varsha. Hendthi hesaru lakshmi, vayasu 34. Samanya jeevana, nanage baro sambaladalli samsarana sukavagi nadesuthidde. Nanna hendthiya ammana mane ille sumaru 30 km deerada ooralli. Andre nange athe , avala maneli avala ganda andre nanage athe mavandiru, ibbaru makkalu nanna bavandiru, avarigu maduve aagi hendthira jothe adhe maneyalle vasa. Maduve aadha hosadralli nan hendthi aagaga athe manege hogi barthidlu eega...

4 years ago
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The Great Shift Kylie Part 2

The Great Shift: Kylie - Part 2 Part 1 here: =134768335997310897 ** DAY 2 ** The toilet paper roll was finished. Kylie checked the cupboard under the bathroom sink, after all that's where mummy and daddy kept the spare rolls. Nothing. Either Stephen and Jess kept their spares elsewhere or there was no more toilet paper. "Darn" Kylie whispered. "Darn, sugar, doggy doo, stink, vomit..." She paused and then...

3 years ago
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Moms fucking their bulls a collection of stories

Story 1: Mom’s BBC Hookup at WeddingThe following is based on actual events. I just recently created an xhamster account because I feel like my story needs to be told. I still can’t believe what happened…My mom and dad are open swingers. I have known about their swinging lifestyle since I was in high school. Today I’m 22 years old and in college. This past weekend, we all attended my cousin’s wedding in Las Vegas. My mom, who is in her mid-40s, wore a tight leather dress to the wedding...

2 years ago
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Between Lovers

She was between men right now and hated going without. It was difficult to describe the feelings she was experiencing. She read erotica, both on line and in hard copy. She had to laugh at that term ‘hard copy’. One of her favorite books that she had bought in the local bookstore was literally falling apart. She remembered with slight embarrassment the night she set out to find a naughty book to read. She wore a black slinky skirt, with no panties, and black thigh high stockings. She shaved her...

1 year ago
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Lindas Lay on the Thames Part 8

Day 12 SaturdayThankfully there was no awkwardness between Becky & Me after we woke up. We had a little kiss and cuddle, though it sadly didn’t develop beyond that due to time, though we did shower together – after all, two hands are better than one. We dried off and I repacked my backpack with my things, including everything Becky had kindly washed for me overnight. After breakfast and once more fully dressed I gave her a kiss and we arranged to meet when Becky was next in London, which...

4 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 10

Holding Sam’s hands and smiling were the easiest things I had ever done. I was lighter. I pushed the door closed against the cold stillness. The snow would need to be shoveled, and I didn’t trust that my landlord was going to clear it like my lease assured me he would. For the moment, I didn’t care. None of us were going anywhere. My only wish was that there were marshmallows for the box of hot chocolate packets I had in the back of the cupboard. “Take a deep breath. Look at me.” I coached...

4 years ago
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Mark Tells His StoryChapter 5

After watching Melissa drive away, I know there is no way I can meet her at the mall. There is no way I can pretend that I did not just witness her leaving her lover's apartment. I decide to just drive around again for a while to think things through. After driving close to campus, I realize I'm somewhat of a danger on the road right now. I decide to just park and go sit somewhere to think things through. I know I can't ignore this like I did with Debbie. I know how that ended up. If...

2 years ago
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Wizards LegacyChapter 21

I spent hours that week skimming every book in the trunk. Nothing was mentioned concerning witchcraft. Nada. Zilch. Zip. I really had high hopes that the Art of War tomes would explain what was happening, but no. Strangely enough, it was the mysterious wizard "Harold" that I was obsessed with. Other than the obscure reference my birth parents had written, we knew nothing about him. They said he was powerful, but what kind of power? No element was mentioned, and no reference made to him...

3 years ago
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Castaway Part One

CASTAWAY - PART ONE By Jane Howard The following story is copyrighted and cannot be reprinted or reproduced in any way without the express consent of Jane Howard. ***** Lynn Flowers sat very still on a plastic chair behind the green canvas screens that separated her mother from the other patients in the Intensive Care Unit. The only sounds Lynn could hear were occasional murmuring coming from the nurses' station and the steady beep...beep...beep coming from the monitor...

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Gay for a Day

In hindsight, I believe that was the reason I took the job I did, as it meant working away from home for weeks at a time on the other side of the country, staying in accommodation provided by the company. I enjoyed the single man’s life when away at work and played the dutiful husband when at home. The site I worked at was as large as a small village and was split between a main work site and an accommodation area that included a large staff restaurant. During the week, the site was chaotic...

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Waruming Up The Lakers

Authors Notes: This story was co-written by myself and my long time partner Kristi in 2009. Since a piece of trash named CamDogg claimed it as his own, and since Xhamster has refused to take it down along with with other stories that scuzzball ripped off from other sites, I decided to post the original version here, complete with our original notes, fully explaining the background of the story. For those who wish to see more of the work Kristi and I have done, check out the Women of Wrestling...

1 year ago
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Lonely Horny Mumbai Housewife

Hello all friends, I am Aniket from Andheri , Mumbai. I am 28 years of age, 5’8″ tall, reasonably good looking, athletic yet with boyish charms. I work with a MNC. You can read my earlier experience at Now coming to the story, it happened a few days ago. I had a stormy fucking sessions with a washi (Navi Mumbai) housewife. We are good friends and meet often whenever her husband goes outstation. She has a very close friend with whom she shares everything in her life. That friend was also...

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Olgas Bakery

I started my grand tour of the world, flying from California to Iceland. I stayed in Iceland for about a month and explored the country, staying in hostels. I made friends everywhere I went and did activities like hiking, camping, and excursions. I enjoyed Iceland, from the lush greenery to the hot springs, glaciers, and seeing the Northern Lights. After Iceland, I made my way over to Spain and traveled across the country. I stayed in Seville, Madrid, and Barcelona. I had the time of my...

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Most of our conversations ended up being filled with subtle hints, plenty of innuendo, and plain basic thoughts of what we would do to each other given the chance. So, when she told me that she was coming to town I couldn't wait to get together with her. We met at a fast food place about halfway between where she was staying and where I lived. I knew she was there when I pulled into the lot because I saw her truck with the out of state plates on it. I was surprisingly calm knowing what was...

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TheDickSuckers Lulu Chu Kimmy Kim Stepdaddy8217s Favorite Show

Imagine walking into your front room and seeing your stepdaughter Kimmy Kimm playing with her “bestie”/”BFF” Lulu Chu. Oh sure, you came home way earlier than you told the girls, and what you should probably do is just tip-toe outta there and let the girls have their fun. But you know yourself better. Why not sit down, pull down your trousers, and enjoy the show? Worst-case scenario is the girls get creeped out or mad or both and tell you to leave. Or they haul ass back...

2 years ago
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Pool HouseChapter 2 The Fun Begins

I knew that my discovery would bring a lot of fun to my life. Several times over the next few days I was able to see my daughter and her friends as they changed or showered. I saw several tight young pussies and just developing breasts. I also saw Jane for the first time. Her dark pussy hair had re-grown and it somehow made her look even sexier. Two weeks later I was working in my office when one of the TV sets came to life. My 12 year-old son Ed entered one of the rooms with two of his...

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