A Very Naughty Favour. free porn video

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This is another totally true story, although the names and places have been changed to protect the guilty.


The guy had, almost by accident, become a good friend. He was thought of as quite a strange kind of person, by those that knew him. He was one of those completely useless types, no confidence at all, no self-esteem, he even said that he must have got his degree by mistake. His degree, yes it was in some weird, obscure subject, that few people had ever heard of.

However, he did, for a while anyway, gain a teaching post at some university or other. There wasn't a great deal of interest in his subject, he had very few students. Somehow, he kept the post for some years, perhaps almost forgotten by the faculty.

Then one day, fate caught up, and he was made redundant. No one wanted him, he had nowhere to go, completely lost outside his small academic field, he was completely shattered.

Then, his father died, and it was his mother who came to the rescue. She told him to find a wife, and she would buy a house in Italy, somewhere she had always wanted to live, and he and his wife would live with her.

Problem was, he had no chance of finding a wife, well not the usual way. So, he took himself off to Thailand, registered with an agency, and before you know it, he struck gold. Well, I think so anyway.

His bride to be was a very pretty girl, much younger than him. She was clever, had been at university before family problems had made her drop out. Her main problem was that she was semi-crippled, she had been born with a badly deformed leg. A series of operations had got her walking, but with a terrible limp and a peculiar gait.

The family were financially struggling and told her she had to go, so in desperation, she had turned to a marriage agency.

Along came David, he seemed pleasant enough, a bit old for her, but at the end of the day, it got her away. She soon found, that his peculiar ways, that he was actually a very nice person, certainly kind and considerate. David doted on her, her every need was catered for, but one. He had never had sex in his life, he was scared stiff at the prospect, needless to say, he found that he was impotent.

They had been married five years, and never once, had she had a glimmer of sex. Naturally, I knew nothing of this.

I had known them four for years, I quite often had a meal with them, and a drink or two. I had found that I thoroughly enjoyed their company, we would sometimes debate for hours about all sorts of stupid subjects.

At times, I thought that Mya, seemed to be glancing coyly my way, but I surmised it was just my overactive imagination.

Then one day, David asked me to drop by, I thought it would be the usual, you know, fix a leaking tap or some such. When I arrived, he invited me to sit, then in an awkward kind of way, he shoved a glass of wine in my hand, one of your favourites, he had said.

I happened to just catch a glimpse of Mya, peering from a slightly open bedroom door. I looked at David expectantly.

Hesitantly, he began, "You do know that you are my best friend, well, to be honest, my only friend. I've got the greatest favour in the world to ask you." A pause, then "This is very awkward for me, so the only way is to come right out with it." He looked at me, I was really puzzled. Suddenly he blurted, "I want you to make love to my wife."

I was dumbfounded, well you would be, wouldn't you?

He went on to explain their problem, and that he and Mya had discussed the issue in some depth, naturally in a very academic way knowing David. The conclusion being, that she would still be happy at home, if only she could have some sex with someone, really with anyone. Someone of his choice, she said, although he got the impression that she was hinting at me.

He said, "Have some more wine please," he sat back, looking at me. I saw the bedroom door move, and this time, clearly saw Mya's face staring at me with a pleading look.

I felt dreadfully embarrassed, for David more than me.

He went on, "I'm taking mother to the hospital tomorrow, we won't be home until late evening. Mya will be here alone, perhaps you could drop by to see she's okay sometime."

The next day, after I had seen David's car disappearing down the lane, I knocked at the front door. Mya came and opened the door, it was so quick, she must have been stood right there waiting for me. She was beautifully dressed, in a traditional Thai dress, it was absolutely stunning. Her hair was up and adorned with a little jewellery, and a colourful flower to one side.

She did their little bow, with hands clasped in front, her eyes cast down. She stepped back and asked if I would like to come in. She indicated my usual chair, and the glass of wine already sat there waiting for me.

When I sat, she came and knelt in front of me, reached for the wine, and held it to me with both hands. The look on her face almost brought a tear to my eye. It was beseeching, almost begging.

I had a sip and then put the glass down, a worried look crossed her face, I held out my arms to her. She made a strange little noise, and then fell against me, her hands clinging, with her head below my chin, as she rested on my chest. I tipped her chin up to look at me, those deep black eyes, they just stared into mine.

I only had to lean a little, and my lips brushed hers. Then, she smiled. Her hands went around my neck, to pull me tight to her lips. It was a kiss borne of desperation, of wanting and need.

I eased her away, again the worried look, "We have all day, take your time." I said.

Now again, she smiled, then reached and hugged me. Then, she stood, felt for the pin in her hair, it fell to cascade, long and black, around her shoulders, it was truly beautiful hair. It was the first time that I had seen it let free.

I stood, and took her in my arms, again we kissed, this time with passion, but a little more controlled. My hands moved to touch her, caress her back, just down to her waist. I went back up, to her shoulders, then caressed her neck beneath the hair, one hand moving slowly around. until I touched her cheek.

I slowly let the hand find it's way down the front of her neck, the little area of exposed skin above her dress, then still down, to cup a breast through the material. A little squeeze and then a gentle rub, her mouth pressed harder to mine, and her lips opened, her tongue pushing it's way between my lips, to gently probe.

My hands dropped to hold her side, I slid them down to her hips, and she pushed them against me. Her hands went behind her back, I heard the zip pulled down, she shrugged her shoulders, and her dress fell to the floor. She was not wearing a bra, her breasts came into view, not large, but perfectly formed, with quite large, very dark areolas, surmounted by perhaps the biggest nipples I have ever seen.

She watched intently as I looked at them, she smiled at me when I said, "They are beautiful," as I bent to kiss a nipple, my hand coming to softly caress. I sucked gently, then a little harder, as she gasped, her fingers in my hair.

She was wearing a waist slip, that reached almost to the floor. As my hand went to ease it down, she stopped me and slightly shook her head, I understood immediately what her reticence was. Instead, she took my hand and pulled towards the bedroom, it was her room, not a shared room.

In the semi-darkness of the part draw curtains, she reached to undo my shirt, she eased it off, then kissed my chest, her kisses exploring all over me.Then, she sat on the bed, as her fingers were busy undoing my trousers. They fell to my ankles, she looked up at me, whilst slowly pulling at the top of my pants, and slowly she eased them down.

I have a heavy cock, it sort of sticks out when free, rather than standing upright. Till now, it had been held down in my pants. As she took my pants further down, she first saw my cock's base, beneath my pubic hairs. Then suddenly it made her jump, as the pants passed the tip, it sprang into full view, to hit her below the chin. She laughed, two hands going to her mouth, eyes wide staring at its size.

She moved a hand halfway towards it, looked up shyly at me, then reached to touch, just the merest of touches, as her fingers traced along the length. She again looked up at me, "It is the first time I have ever seen one, it is bigger than I imagined, I think that I am a little frightened now."

I took her shoulders in my hands, bent and laid her on the bed, I moved beside her, "Don't be frightened my little angel, there is nothing to be afraid of, you'll see."

My lips found hers, it was a long lingering kiss, a true discovery of each other.

I moved a hand to fondle her breasts, moving from one to the other, exploring their beauty, occasionally pausing to pull and twist at a nipple.

She broke from the kiss, to snuggle her head into my neck, and she kissed wherever her lips found me.

I eased her head aside, moving my body tighter to her, my mouth went to the top of her chest. Where my fingers traced, my tongue followed and teased her skin. Then, I was at her breasts once more. I loved their feel, as I kissed them all over, then a nipple coming to life, quite huge in my mouth.

Her waist was narrow, her stomach was flat and firm, I could feel the muscles quiver as I kissed it all over, then down to the waistband of her slip, where I licked a line right across, she squirmed when my tongue paused halfway and teased her belly button.

At her left side (her good leg side), my mouth continued down along her leg, on top of her slip. Just above her shin, I reached bare skin once more. I kissed her toes, as my hands held her foot. At the same time, my free hand moved to caress her other foot, and once more I leaned and kissed the toes, then the ankle and her shin, kissing softly all over.

As I slowly moved upwards, my hands were slowly sliding her slip up her legs, I never stopped kissing. Her hand went to my head to halt my progress, but I just continued to caress and kiss with the softest of touches at the point I had reached.

Gently I pushed my head against the pressure of her hands. At first, she resisted, but I had allowed one hand to glide, with fingers tracing, up and passed her knee, to her inner thigh. I let it sit just holding. The grip on my head relaxed, so I inched higher, as I kissed the inside of her knee, I also gently pushed her legs wider apart.

I could now feel the scar tissue beneath my lips. I brought my fingers to it, and I felt her tense. "Sh-sh, it's okay," I whispered, as I kissed again.

I felt her relax slightly, as I trailed my tongue along the puckered lines. Her slip went higher, for a moment I held her leg between two hands, then laid my cheek to her thigh and let it rest there. I kept it there, but let my fingers continue up either side of her leg. I turned my head again, kissed once more.

I moved my hands to the top of her slip and began to ease it down, this time she raised her hips from the bed, her tiny panties appeared in front of my face, so I leaned and kissed her just above the waistband. She raised a knee and pushed her slip right down.

I moved my lips across the front of her panties She moved her legs yet wider, as I pressed my mouth over her mound, and then down to the narrow crotch. The wet spot I found, smelled musky, yet delicious. I dragged my tongue hard along the length where her pussy was, then to the side, to lick her inner thigh. I could feel her squirm at my touch, I pressed my tongue back to the centre, then slowly upwards, as I heard a moan.

Her own fingers took hold of her panties, and she pushed them lower. I buried my mouth in the fine hair I could feel above her pussy. My tongue flicked down, following her panties, as she pushed at them. Her lips were large and puffy, as my mouth played, sucking on each, in turn, then my tongue parted them, to delve between and lick deep.

Her clit, when my tongue found it, was not large, only just appearing from the thick fold of skin surrounding it. But when my tongue teased, she jumped at the shock, her pubis bashed into to me as she thrust up. I sucked and played with it, and it did grow a little, whilst she now clasped at my head. I eased a finger in between the lips and slowly pushed in, to feel the warmth and wetness of her.

She was now writhing frantically, I moved up her body until our faces and lips met once more.

I positioned my cock to her pussy, then withdrew my finger, and guided my tip between the lips. With only a light pressure, it slid slowly into her. Her hands flew to my back, to grip me with an intensity, one leg went up around my waste, as she drew me into her. With a slow rhythm, I began to stroke in and out, gradually getting deeper. She moaned into our kiss.

Her body started to thrust to meet my own, it became more urgent, her hips pounding off the bed, her nails raked down my back, to cling to my ass, her face moved to my neck and she bit me hard. Then, staring hard into my eyes, with a wide-eyed startled look on her face, she orgasmed! Her small hands were now clutching and then releasing at my ass.

Slowly the tension drained from her, her hands now caressed, as she smiled up at me.

I was still working my cock in and out, I had not yet reached my own climax.

I saw by the look on her face that she realised, she hesitantly pushed me to one side, so I rolled on the bed, pulling her with me, she was now laying on top, along my body. Her elbows resting on my chest, she closed her thighs tight, then began to move her hips.

She tried to sit up, but her leg would not allow it, then she grinned and scooted our bodies nearer the edge of the bed. She allowed her foot to drop to the floor, bending the other leg at the knee, she could now sit upright. One foot to the floor and one knee on the bed, she lifted and lowered herself on my by now throbbing cock, bursting for release.

Her hands at my hips for support, she rode me, one moment to rise up, and then bury me deep, right up inside. She reached and brought my hands to her breasts.

I knew I was fast approaching my time, then I saw her head roll back, she screamed, "It's happening again!" I felt her vagina clamping on my cock. It immediately took me over the edge, and I was pumping into her.

I saw she could no longer move, her body taught and bent like a bow. I managed to thrust up to her several more times, then she climaxed again, the orgasm shaking her body.

She collapsed onto me, her fingers took my face and she smiled, but there were tears running down her cheeks."I have been waiting for a long time for this moment, I really didn't know, I never dreamed it would be like this. It was so very beautiful? Thank you for being our friend."

We rested for a while, then she sat up and took my hand. "Please, to come with me." She led me from the bedroom and into the light, I noticed she had forgotten all about her leg, and completely naked, she pulled me to the stairs, I followed her beautiful little ass up. I had never been up there before, the stairs, I mean.

She waited for me at a door, then eased it open, put a finger to her lips and motioned me in. I was astounded, I was standing in a temple. The walls covered in the most gorgeous tapestries I had ever seen. A quite large statue of Buddha at one wall, candles and incense burned everywhere.

She pointed me to a chair by the door.

Then, she went to the ornate carpet in front of the Buddha. She sat awkwardly because of her leg, her hands joined in front of her as she prayed for a while. Then, she changed from sitting to kneeling, albeit, on one knee with her other leg sort of spread to the side. She lit a candle, placing it in front of her, then bent her head to the floor.

Suddenly she gasped, and as she looked at me over her shoulder, a hand flew to her backside, to cover the ass hole I was staring at, embarrassment written all over her face. But I smiled at her and winked.

I helped her up, and we left the room. Her hand staying firmly at the back of her ass, as she giggled her way down the stairs.

Back in the front room, now seemingly at home in front of me with her nakedness, she passed me a glass of wine. From beneath lowered eyelids, she said, "Did you like that view?"

One large gulp and my wine was gone, putting the glass on the table, I held my arms to her.

She smiled up at me, then came and hugged me tightly. She looked at me, "Now I must wash you, then we can dress and you must go."

"David has said that I can invite you as often as I would like, but not every day." she grinned, "Would you come again for me, if I asked? Would you want to?" A look of doubt crossed her face. She took my hand, pressed it between her thighs, "Did you like it, was I okay for you?"

"Mya, I should be asking you that, not the other way round, but I loved it, it was fantastic, you only need to snap your fingers, and I'll come running, anytime you want. And of course, I want to."

For the next three years, I made love to David's wife, Mya. We met on a fairly regular basis, it was all she wanted.

She was happy with David, as long as I was there to satisfy her other needs.

Things ended when David's mother died, and although I never knew why, he decided to move back to England. For a time we kept in touch, until one day, a couple of letters came back as undelivered.

What happened to either of them, I have no idea, I did for a while try and find her, but without success.

Today, I am married, and happily, but always in my heart, just hidden away from anyone else, is Mya.

The end

p.s. I said at the beginning, that this was a true story, and it is, I have cried in the retelling, it has all come to the surface again after all these years that I've kept it buried. You see, I came to love that girl, but she didn't want me, she didn't need me, she loved her David and just wanted some sex, and somehow, her philosophy allowed that.


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Chapter Eight: Futa-Daughter's Naughty Pics By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I sat in Mr. Tate's boring class thinking. Pondering. Plotting. I had to figure out a way to fuck Mrs. Reyes, my math teacher, before my lunch break. That was when I had thought I would do it. But, of course, my mother had to find and seduce a virgin for me to fuck. She was obsessed with keeping me from having any fun with married MILFs. So what if they...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 11 Futa Cutie Enjoys the Reverends Wife

Chapter Eleven: Futa Cutie Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow “That really, really is not an appropriate outfit to wear in public,” said Mrs. Matthews, the reverend's wife, as I sauntered into her apartment. “This?” I asked, plucking at the black miniskirt I wore. “Just something casual for my study date with Georgia.” “Study date?” The married MILF folded her arms beneath her breasts. She had on a pink...

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Editing Reality Book One Naughty Fantasies CreatedChapter 7 Edited Lives

Becky Davis I lay on my bed trying not to hear the moans bleeding through the walls. She did it. That little trollop did it. My younger sister was such a whore. I couldn’t believe she would seduce Dad while Mom was out of town visiting her friend. It was sick. And Dad... He let the little trollop do it. Such a fury ran through me. I knew that nasty tramp wanted to screw our father. I knew it. She was such a whore, always pressing against him, pretending to like fixing cars so she could...

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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 9 Daughterrsquos Naughty Futa Scheme

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I panted, my cock buried in Mrs. Reyes’s pussy. The pantyhose I’d torn through ripped a little farther across her right butt-cheek, exposing more of the golden-brown flesh beneath. It looked so hot peeking through. I grinned at that. She had a great ass. So perky and bubbly. She was perfect for my plans, but I wanted to have more fun with her. I shuddered and pulled my girl-dick out of her. My sixteen-year-old body quivered. It had...

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Whos Been Naughty

This story only available on Lush Stories.“You’ve been a naughty girl.” The deep bass of his voice resonated low and sinister in her left ear, a shock of peppery fear oozing from the pit of her stomach, up into her chest, making her heart race and her face glow with a spread of crimson blush.A thrill of dread coldly washed over her, and he stepped closer so that she could feel his body the whole length of her as she stood washing the dishes. His arms snaked under hers from behind, his fingers...

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Naughty Times With Sexy Bong Neighbor

Hi Friends… I am Gary, originally from Delhi, but currently based in the city of lust i.e. Kolkata. I have been amazingly fortunate to get the love and steamy hot sexcapades of naughty and lusty bong women here in Kolkata. Our sexxy readers, who are reading my real life incident for the first time, I am a 38 year old married guy, but with lottts of sex drive. I keep myself fit by regularly gymming, running, swimming, badminton and yes lotts of sex. Since i stay at a high end residential...

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Futa Naked in School 12 Futa Changes the ProgramChapter 3 Birdiersquos Naughty Coeds

Principal Birdie McTaggart, Tuesday Shock rippled through me to see Florinda Matos. It cut through the orgasmic bliss the titty fuck Kalena Apikalia had just delivered to me. My cum dripped down her golden-brown face and across her large breasts piled around my futa-cock. My body buzzed from my orgasmic pleasure. “How long have you been abusing your post as principal to take advantage of the students?” demanded the heated Florinda, the head of the school board that oversaw Rogers High....

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Naughty America Twitter 3800 738000

I'm back with another Twitter account for you today, this one for an old favorite: Naughty America. I'm sure that all of my readers have made a visit at one point or another, if not today.And It Was Good PussyNaughty America got its start in 1776, as the porn producer Naughty America likes to remind us. The porn website, however, had to wait until 2001 to be born. It wasn't a moment too soon.Upon its creation, Naughty America was branded as SoCal Cash. They only had a tiny staff, and no one was...

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 19 Futa Spank the Naughty Girl

Chapter Nineteen: Futa Spank the Naughty Girl By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean The minx coat felt so wonderfully naughty around my naked body. The woman who ran Elegant Accouterments panted, the cum running out of her pussy. She had a big smile on her face. I thought getting fucked by my amazing futa-cock was worth two minx coats. My dick thrust out hard before me, bobbing as I headed back to my car. I didn't care about going...

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Santas Perverted Helper or Susie Learns What Happens To Naughty Girls

(or Susie Learns What Happens To Naughty Girls) By rutger5 (An original story-copyright 2012) “Would you keep up you little brat. Really Billy you’re impossible sometimes. If it’s not bad enough I have to walk you home everyday instead of going to the mall with my friends you always have to be a slowpoke.” “I’m sorry Susie but my legs are shorter than yours” the adorable tyke replied as he struggled to keep up with his much older sister though his backpack laden with...

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Fritz Kringle and the Naughty Girls

"Come on, Dad. I can do this," Fritz insisted. "I've been out with you a dozen times! Trust me!" "Awwww, I don't know," said the old man, pausing to belch. "You've never flown alone at night..." "But last year I did all the flying! You said yourself that I handled the team as well as you could have!" "He's right, Kris," said his mother. "You're in no shape to do it with this flu of yours and Fritz is perfectly capable of doing the work." Good old mom! "I can just leave...

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Submissive Incest Mind Control Chapter 1 Naughty Daughter Spanked

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Naughty Daughter Spanked By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “We're not angry with you,” my mother said, giving me a slight smile, “we're just disappointed, Bess.” “Disappointed?” I groaned. “That's it? Disappointed?” I glanced at my father's car, the front end crumbled, radiator fluid forming a larger and larger puddle. I pushed up my glasses and then rubbed at the back of my...

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Futas Wild Passion 12 Futas Naughty Busty Teacher

Chapter Twelve: Futa's Naughty Busty Teacher By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! The three of us froze as the front door opened. The twins were home and about to catch the incestuous between my little sister Allie, our mother, and me. Fear flooded through me, my cock twitching in Allie's pussy still rippling from her orgasm. My eighteen-year-old sister had our busty, blonde mother sitting on her face. Her tits still swayed from her...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 09 Naughty Little Minx

Chapter 9 - Naughty Little Minx It was a typical Sunday afternoon; Ron sat at the table with his wife, each going over notes for the coming week’s work. Atypically though, Hermione was doing nearly nothing. She sat staring at an open card that had arrived by owl half-an-hour earlier; her pen hung in the air, poised to respond, but remained unmoving as Hermione stared off into space. Unable to take the suspense any longer, Ron slid from his chair and walked around behind his wife. She...

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Futas Naughty Scented Candles 2 Mommy Joins the FutaParty

Chapter Two: Mommy Joins the Futa-Party By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta readers! Britney Meyers My friend and I squealed as we rushed my mother. She stood shocked in her blue robe at what she had found, the four of us naked, our nineteen-year-old bodies dripping with cum and pussy juices, big futa-dicks thrusting from our pussy lips. Thanks to this awesome scented candle I'd bought, we had been changed. I loved it. “B-Britney!” my mother gasped. She...

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Futas Naughty Scented Candles Chapter 6 Little Sisters Futa Wish Come True

Chapter Six: Little Sister's Futa Wish Come True By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! Daisy Baker “'Alexis, my darling,' the vampiress cooed, her lips stained red with Delilah's blood. 'You have nothing to fear from me.' “'S-stay back!' stammered Alexis. She backed against the wall, her heart beating so fast beneath her nubile breasts. The young maid trembled as the shadowy countess sauntered forward. If it wasn't for the...

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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 4 Futa Mommyrsquos Naughty Plan

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I am so bored waiting for Mrs. Matthews to get here so I can fuck her brains out! I texted to my bestest best friend, Natalie. I’m going to explode. You’re going for a reverend’s wife and I’m going for your mom, Natalie typed back. This is one messed up day. I can’t believe you and your mom had sex. That’s so fucking hot. I know. I added a winky face emoji. I lay on Georgia’s bed. I was waiting in her room for her mother to come...

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Avery Scarlet Scarlet Makes Her Confession

"Shit, Avery's back," Scarlet moaned, getting off me. "Avery, this is not what it looks like," she said, putting her hands up."Really, it looks pretty damning, Scarlet. I thought you were my best friend, but now I see you're having sex with this cunt?""Hey, fuck you," I added, getting off the bed with Scarlet. "Don't you dare get pissy at her, and you better be nice to me too. I might be a flawed woman, but you need to respect me and not just jump to conclusions."Avery put her hand up, so she...

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Introduction: A man discovers how decisions can change your life years later It is funny how random and coincidental life events can be. Or, perhaps things are not as random as they seem, could it be fate at work which leads us to our destiny? Its hard to say for sure, I suppose. Simply because my best friend needed help moving, my life was forever changed. But I would find out years later, it was actually events had taken place years before (when I was still in college) which made that...

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Avery Scarlet Winning Avery Over With Scarlet

They each took a side of me, but Avery still didn't appear to be all that enthused, though. Nevertheless, she did help herself to feel my left tit. She didn't speak, but I could tell by her vibrations that she liked it."Go ahead, Avery lick her nipple or kiss her. She's a sweet woman and not just the bitch you've branded her as, remember," Scarlet made clear, before I felt her licking my other nipple."Fine, Scarlet," she groaned, prior to bringing her head towards mine. "I don't hate you,...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 1 Daughters Rebellious Futa Passion

Chapter One: Daughter's Rebellious Futa Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! “I'm totally going to do it!” the futa-demon Spice said. She had her hands on her hips, her big boobs bouncing before her and cute devil's tail swishing back and forth. The gold chain, connected to the two rings that pierced her nipples, jingled. Red hair cascaded down around a youthful and mischievous face, black horns peeking out of the fiery curls. She unfurled...

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 01 Naughty Contest

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter One: Naughty Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Today, I'd won. My wife kept staring at the two angels, Anael and Jophiel. She could see them now thanks to my second edit of Linda. My contest with Seth Meyers, the other person who'd been granted the power to edit reality by the Most High, had ended. He'd forced me into a corner. He'd driven me into a place that he thought...

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MindControl Panties Story 11 Adorable Naughty Gymnasts

Story Eleven: Adorable & Naughty Gymnasts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure was quite adept at slipping in and out of stores to drop off its mind-controlling panties. It stepped out of its mist, appearing in the mortal world, and entered the department store. It was one of those big block stores, the sort of place that families would go shopping together. It knew that its next target would be here. She would come across these panties....

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 13 Futas Wicked Mommy Plan

Chapter Thirteen: Futa's Wicked Mommy Plan By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I ripped my cock out of Mrs. Spencer's pussy, anger boiling through me. I felt so hurt. Betrayed. Sky was lying to me. I didn't know why that was shocking. She had been lying to me since Sunday while I had believed that she had changed. That things were different now. That we were finally close. Bonding. That she could trust me. “What's wrong?”...

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 13 Sultry Genies Naughty Competition

Chapter Thirteen: Sultry Genies Naughty Competition By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Corey Derrickson – Wednesday, September 9th The four genies' delightful mouths all pressed into my cock. They knelt around me as I lay on the bed in the center of my new dorm suite. The genies had arranged that, too. They wanted me close at hand. Their tongues all fluttered against my cock. Four of them at once, bathing my shaft. It was delicious....

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 01 Futas First Naughty Birthday Chapter 2 Danielles Naughty Birthday Game

Chapter Two: Danielle's Naughty Birthday Game By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Danielle Carter “A naughty party game?” Adelia Tash asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning towards me. I sat closest to her on my loveseat, my half-sister Bethany beside me with Leah on the other side of her. On the opposite side of Adelia was another love seat on which set my other three half-sisters. Christina, Rebecca, and Lola sat there along with Lola's new wife, Jen. “Oh, it...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 15 Princesss Naughty Lesson

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Fifteen: Princess's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Three: Princess's Naughty Lesson Princess Ava – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I stared with loathing at the shelves of leather-bound tomes and tightly wrapped scrolls stacked before me. The receptacle of lore contained within the University of Az's library. The air smelled of musty sheepskin and dry...

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Public Incestuous Passion 3 Sisters Naughty Display

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Sisters' Naughty Display By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Melody Samuels I smacked my half-brother, and my lover, on his naked, muscular ass. “Fix those pipes, stud.” Clint turned around, a big grin on his mouth. “I'm skilled at laying pipes!” It was the next morning after he pinned me against the refrigerator and fucked me hard. It was nice to be hammered so hard by him. It had me buzzing, but it...

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The Worlds First Futa 05 Futas Public Delight 3 Futas First Naughty Live Interview

Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Live Interview By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy...

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The Son of Lust Chapter 17 Naughty Princesss Buzzing Ecstasy

Chapter Seventeen: Naughty Princess's Buzzing Ecstasy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I held the leash to my newest...

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Submissive Incest Mind ControlChapter 2 Naughty Daughterrsquos Vibrating Punishment

Sixteen-year-old Cindy sat with her twin sister, Mindy, in their father’s office at the Institute of Apotheosis, the two of them watching the computer monitor with rapt attention. An excitement built inside of Cindy’s pussy, a ball of heat that had her shivering. The new goddess, Bess Atwater, moaned and gasped as her father fucked her hard from behind, her ass glowing red from being spanked. The sight had utterly captivated Cindy. Witnessing the goddess being spanked after she revealed to...

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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 2 Hot Daughterrsquos FutaMommy

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Autumn Holt I swallowed as I held the syringe full of the pink liquid in my hand. The cum in my pussy slowly leaked out of me, matting my red bush. It wasn’t a man’s cum. That was a woman’s cum dripping out of me. It trickled out of me, this thick flood. It felt so naughty. The woman who fucked me, the futa as she called herself, was at my fourteen-year-old daughter’s door about to seduce her and fuck her. Given how easily that wonderful,...

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Ive Been Naughty

"Daddy, I've been naughty." I looked at my watch. Right on time. "Yes, Sweetie?" I asked, as I picked up the remote and switched off the television. Natalie walked past the kitchen and into the room. She was wearing just a black silk camisole and panties that matched. Her strawberry-blonde hair was pulled back from her face with several bowed barrettes. She stood in front of me, her hands folded in front of her thighs and her eyes on the ground. "Daddy, I've been naughty," she...

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 12 Wifes Naughty Edits

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Twelve: Wife's Naughty Edits By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Becky Davies “Oh, I can't wait to have sex with Marissa,” moaned Sam. My younger sister squirmed on my bed. She'd just slipped in with me. She was spending the night in my room. She had a lot of options. We couldn't stay with our parents tonight. For one, they were at the airport waiting for Marissa's plane to land. For another,...

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 04 One Naughty Choice

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Four: One Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My barely legal daughter, eighteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to...

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