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A Favour BZZZT! BZZZT! BZZZT! The alarm clock woke Peter with a start. It was just another normal Tuesday morning for Peter Gamble. He got up and showered, got dressed and drank his coffee before he headed off to work. While he was walking to his office, a flash of light out of the corner of his eye caught Peter's attention. He stopped and turned to see the source of the flicker but it was gone. "What was that?" he thought to himself as he looked into the alley. He'd walked past that same alley hundreds of times over the last seven years of working for the same small software company. Peter took a few steps into the alley towards where he thought the light had originated. He was surprised to see the source of the flicker when he finally found it. "Who are you?" he asked the small lady trapped in a cardboard box. Small was an understatement - this woman was no more than four inches from head to toe. She was struggling to get out of a delivery box. "What?!" the lady jumped. "You can see me?" "Of course I can!" laughed Peter. "Are you alright?" "DO I LOOK ALL RIGHT?" the lady fumed. "First I get my wings ripped off by some stupid cat, then I fall into this box that I can't get out of. And now a human has seen me!" "You're not human?" blinked Peter. "What are you?" "Do you know any humans that are four inches tall?" laughed the lady. "Are you always this dense?" Peter bristled at the comment. He was a very intelligent person and he didn't like it when that intelligence was insulted. He had a lot of faults but that wasn't one of them. "I'm sorry," the lady said quickly, noticing Peter's reaction. "I've just had a really tough night. Can you help me out of this box? I'll pay you back!" Peter's face brightened. "Sure, I'll help." Peter offered her his open hand and she climbed in. He lifted her up so he could take a closer look at her. She was a cute blonde girl wearing a short green dress. "Say, you look a bit like..." "If you say Tinker Bell, I'm going to punch you." she warned. "My name is Lina. I've been hearing about Tinker Bell since that stupid Disney movie came out in '53." "1953?!" laughed Peter. "You don't look old enough to..." "I'm old enough!" Lina interrupted. "Thank you for helping me. What's your name?" "My name?" Peter blinked. "Oh, sorry - I'm Peter Gamble. It's nice to meet you. So... what can I do for you? Is there somewhere I can take you or...?" "I think I'll stick with you for a while, if you don't mind," Lina answered. "I can't go anywhere until my wings grow back and that'll take about one of your days." "You want to hang out with me for the day?" blinked Peter. Women generally didn't want to be around him for very long. "Should I just put you in my pocket or something then?" "No, silly," laughed Lina. "Now that I'm out of that box, you can bring me out into the sun for a little while. It'll restore my magic powers enough so that I can pay you the favour I owe you." "You don't owe me anything," laughed Peter. He started walking, careful not to drop the small lady. "I'm just glad I could help. Anyways, I'll bring you out into the sun." Once the sun hit Lina, Peter watched as her entire body started to sparkle and glow. He was amazed, but before he could say anything she disappeared. "Lina?" Peter blinked, staring at his now empty hand. He kept his palm open and waited a few seconds, looking around to see if she would reappear. When she didn't, he felt silly and dropped his hand to his side. "Aaahhhhhh!" he heard Lina scream. He looked but saw nothing. "What the hell did you do that for?" he heard her voice but couldn't see her. "What?" Peter asked, looking for the source of the voice. "Lina? Are you here?" "Whoops!" Lina laughed. "I forgot that once I got some of my energy back, I'd become invisible to your people again. Here, let me cast a little spell so you can see me." Peter blinked a couple times as his eyes suddenly stung. "Lina, I see you!" he smiled, noticing the small girl dusting herself off right under where his hand used to be. He looked around and his eyes widened. "Lina?" "What, Peter?" Lina asked, looking up at him. She saw his big eyes looking around and she knew what he saw. "Oh, shit!" "I see lots of little people flying around. Are those fairies?" Peter asked, amazed. Lina wasn't the only little person he saw. There were hundreds of them flying in the air all around. He saw humans too, but no one else could see the fairies but him. "Sorry, Peter," Lina frowned. "You weren't supposed to see that." As quickly as he saw them, they disappeared again. Lina, too, returned to being invisible. "How many of your kind are there?" Peter asked. "I can't tell you that," Lina answered. Suddenly, a human-sized version of Lina materialized in front of Peter. "There, this should do for now." "You became human?" Peter blinked. "You can do that?" "I'm magic, Peter." She winked. "I can do anything. This is just temporary until I get my wings back. Now, about that favour I owe you..." "I told you, I don't want a favour." Peter answered. "You've already given me so much!" "Isn't there anything you'd like?" Lina asked. "We fairy-folk don't ever go back on our word, so I can't leave you until I repay what I owe." "Well, I'm late for work..." Peter said, looking at his watch. Thinking about how his boss was going to yell at him for his tardiness, Peter suddenly had an idea. "It would be nice if I didn't have to go to work anymore." "Done." Lina smiled. "Done?" Peter blinked. "What's done?" Suddenly Peter's phone rang. "Hello?" Peter answered. "Hi, Peter," his boss' voice surprised him. "I'm glad I caught you before you got to the office. I have some bad news so I'm just going to say it. Your services are no longer required. I'm sorry, but with the recession we've had to make some tough choices. I'm sure you can understand. You can come by and clean out your desk on the weekend." "I... what?" Peter was shocked. With all the extra hours he'd been putting in recently he was certain he was due for a promotion. "I'm really sorry, Peter. If you need anything - just let me know. I'd be happy to give you a good reference." his boss said. "Umm... Thanks?" Peter didn't know what to say. "Goodbye, Peter." His boss hung up. "What the hell just happened?" Peter asked out loud. He looked at the smiling Lina. "You're welcome," she said cheerfully. "Wait, you did that?" Peter asked angrily. "You got me fired?" "Are you not happy?" Lina frowned. "You said it'd be nice if you didn't have to go to work anymore. Now you don't!" "That's not what I meant," sighed Peter. "I need to work." "Why?" Lina asked. "I need money to survive," frowned Peter. He thought about what his options were and decided he'd best go home and get his resume updated. "I'm sorry, Peter," Lina answered. "Let me make it up to you. You gave me sunshine, so let me give you money." Peter stopped in his tracks. "You can do that?" "I'm magic, Peter," she winked. "I can do anything. Now how should I give you money?" Peter thought for a moment. It would be odd if a bunch of money just magically appeared and if it suddenly went into his bank account, the police might come asking questions as to where it came from. "How about this - can you make me the next big lottery winner?" Peter asked. "I sure can," nodded Lina, smiling. "Ready?" "I guess," Peter shrugged. He wasn't sure what he needed to get ready for and then it hit him like a ton of bricks. His whole body grew tingly and then numb. A second later everything returned to normal. Somewhat. "What happened?" Peter asked, blinking his eyes to try to clear his vision. "I can't see." "Here, let me help you," Lina said cheerfully. She put something into his hand. "You need to wear your glasses." "My glasses?" Peter frowned. "But I don't wear glasses...." "You do now," Lina answered. Peter put on the glasses Lina had given her and the world around him came back into view. He looked at his hands, noticing something had changed about them. "My hands," he said. "They look so old. What did you do?" "I made you the next big lottery winner. Your name is now Roger Daniels and you are 72 years old," smiled Lina. "Whaaaat?!" Peter's heart skipped a beat, not something it should be doing at his advanced age. "I don't want to be old!" "Are you not happy?" Lina frowned. "You said you wanted to be the next big lottery winner and now you are. Roger Daniels bought the winning ticket last night." "I want to be myself," Peter frowned. "You'll always be yourself," smiled Lina. "I can't change who you are - my magic isn't that powerful. I can change your body or your situation, but you'll always be Peter Gamble." "I thought you said I'm now Roger Daniels?" Peter asked. "Well, you're in Roger Daniels' body and to the other humans that's who you are. But you, the person driving that body, is still Peter Gamble," she said, trying to reassure him. "Can you reverse this? I want to be in Peter Gamble's body again," Peter asked. "Are you sure?" asked Lina. "Peter Gamble isn't going to win the lottery. If I change you back, I still wouldn't have repaid the favour..." "That's okay, Lina," Peter answered. "If the choice is money or youth, I'll take my youth." Lina frowned. "You know, magic isn't such an easy thing to do, Peter. I know I owe you a favour, but please be specific when you want something so I don't waste my powers. My wings won't grow back if I keep spending all my energy on frivolous wishes." "I'm sorry, Lina," Peter replied. "I'm grateful for what you are trying to do but maybe this was a bad idea. I don't know anything about magic so I shouldn't be fooling around with it." "I understand you want to be young again. Is there anything else you need before I cast this spell?" Lina asked. "What do you mean?" wondered Peter. "I don't need anything... do I?" "I just mean is there anything you've wanted to change about yourself. From what I've seen, most people don't like at least one thing about their bodies..." "You mean like the spare tire around my gut?" laughed Peter. "That's one thing I can do without." "Yes, exactly," Lina nodded. "Anything else?" "Well..." Peter thought about what he used to look like. He knew he was smart and funny but girls never looked twice at him because of his appearance. This was the perfect opportunity to improve that aspect of himself. "I guess there's a couple things that could be better about my body..." "Go on," prodded Lina. "I'd be happy to help you." "My hair is getting a bit thin on top," admitted Peter. "Okay!" smiled Lina. "I'll give you a full head of hair to go along with the flat tummy..." "And I don't really like my face. I think I'm a bit ugly," frowned Peter. He had one or two scars from the acne that afflicted him in his teenage years but it was nowhere near as bad as he always felt. "Okay - a more attractive face," Lina nodded. "I guess I just want to be in better overall shape," said Peter. "I mean, my belly is one thing but my entire body could use a workout. And I wish I was more coordinated too. My fingers can type at 150 words a minute but I always trip over my feet." "Uh huh," nodded Lina. "A new, fit body that is as graceful as it is attractive." "Heh," smirked Peter. "I guess that's just one or two things... my hairline, my head and my entire body. What else is there?" "Just your mind," agreed Lina. "And I don't want that to change at all," answered Peter. "Okay - if that's all, I will cast the spell." Lina looked at Peter for confirmation. Peter nodded his head, eager to get out of this old man's body and into his new and improved version of himself. The tingly, numb sensation coursed through Peter's body again. Peter blinked his eyes as his vision returned. Everything around him looked even sharper than before he'd become the old man. Lina's spell had not just improved his body but his eyesight as well. "How do you feel?" Lina asked hopefully. "I feel great!" Peter answered, stretching out his athletic new build. He gasped at hearing his voice. "Lina?!" "What's wrong?" Lina asked. "My voice!" Peter clutched at his throat. He quickly realized what else had changed. "I'm a girl!!" "And a very attractive one at that," nodded Lina. "Oh, no!" Peter hung his head. Long, auburn hair fell into his face blocking his vision. "What's wrong?" Lina asked. "Isn't this what you wanted? A full head of hair, an attractive face and a new body that is graceful and athletic?" "But why a girl?" asked Peter. "You could have made me an attractive athletic man, couldn't you?" "I..." Lina blinked. "I guess I could have. But where I come from, grace is a trait attributed to women and I just assumed..." "You thought I wanted these?" Peter asked, grabbing the new breasts hanging off his chest. "Well, those come with the rest of the package," smiled Lina. "It's not so bad being a girl, you know." "Actually, I don't know," smiled Peter. "But I guess I'm about to find out." "I'm sorry you're not happy, Peter," Lina frowned. "This repaying the favour thing is harder than I thought. No wonder my people don't like interacting with your kind - you humans are never happy!" "Does this mean you can change me back?" Peter asked, hopeful. "I'm magic!" Lina winked. "I can do anything. Let me change you back into yourself and then we can figure out the favour later." "Phew!" Peter sighed in relief. He looked at his small hands with pink- painted nails and couldn't believe they were really his. He closed his eyes waiting for the tingly sensation that he knew was coming. It never came. "Oh, no!" Lina cried. "This can't be happening..." "What?" Peter asked. "What's wrong?" "My magic..." frowned Lina. "It's gone..." "Gone?" Peter asked. "What do you mean gone?" "I've been casting too many spells in too short a time. My body is trying to regrow my wings and the combination of all that is too much stress on my magic powers," Lina looked scared. "I don't know if they'll come back." "Oh my gosh," Peter gasped. "I'm so sorry, Lina. Is there anything I can do for you? Should we go to where it is sunnier?" "That's a good idea," Lina nodded. Her face was full of doubt but she didn't know what else to do so she let Peter lead her into the sunny park. The two girls sat in the grass field under the sun in silence as Lina tried to absorb as many rays as she could. As he sat with Lina, Peter took the opportunity to look over his new body. He couldn't believe how small he felt, but at the same time he felt strong. He was in the best shape of his life, even if that shape was now female. Looking at the bare legs poking out of the short skirt he now wore and the breasts sticking out of his chest, he could tell he was quite a sexy girl. He assumed his face was as attractive as the rest of his new body. "This wasn't supposed to happen," Lina finally said. "I was just trying to have some fun with that stupid cat when it caught my wing. I barely escaped but not before it took off my wings..." Peter nodded. "And then I met you and thought things were looking up," continued Lina. "You're such a sweet person and I just wanted to help you have a happier life." "I know, Lina," Peter smiled. "I appreciate the gesture. But now I need to help you." "I don't know what else we can do, Peter," Lina answered. "The sun is going down and I still don't have my wings. I don't feel any magic inside of me anymore. I feel like I'm just a regular human now." "Don't say that, Lina!" Peter answered, trying to sound encouraging. "There's nothing regular about you! You probably just need a bit of rest and tomorrow when the sun comes up, everything will be fine again!" "Maybe..." sighed Lina. "Come on - you can stay with me tonight," Peter said, getting up off the grass and pulling Lina to her feet. "Let's go back to my place and order in some food." Lina hesitated for a minute before finally nodding and following Peter. Peter led Lina back to his apartment, just a few blocks from the park. As they neared his building, Peter reached into his pocket to grab his keys when he realized that his skirt didn't have any pockets. "Check your purse," laughed Lina. Peter was glad that her mood was brightening, even as he was embarrassed to be carrying a purse. She was right, though - he found a set of keys inside and led Lina into the apartment building. As they headed for the elevator, Peter recognized Jim, one of his neighbours, who smiled at him. "Hi Penny," he smiled at Peter. It took Peter a minute to realize Jim was talking to him. "Oh, hi Jim," Peter forced a smile. He wasn't expecting anyone to recognize him in this female body. It seems Lina's magic had changed more than just his body. "Who's your friend?" Jim asked, eyeing Lina. "This is Lina," Peter answered. Lina smiled at Jim and said hi shyly. "She's a friend from out of town. She'll be staying with me for a couple days." "Awesome!" Jim answered. "If you need anyone to show you around town when Penny is too busy, let me know. I'd be happy to show you some of the sights." "Thanks," Lina said as Jim got off on the fourth floor. "I might take you up on that some day." As soon as the doors closed and the elevator started moving again, Peter looked at Lina. "Penny?" he asked. "It's short for Penelope," answered Lina. "It's a nice name." "Why does Jim think I'm Penelope?" Peter asked. "What exactly did your magic spell change?" "I made you into Penelope," answered Lina. "It was just a small change..." The extent of the change was revealed when the two girls arrived on the tenth floor and Peter opened the door to his apartment. Inside, where once there was a messy bachelor's pad with dirty dishes in the sink, a big-screen TV hooked up to numerous game consoles and a tricked out PC was now a neatly arranged, non-gaming apartment. "What the..." Peter gasped. "Wow, nice place you got here!" Lina exclaimed. She walked around looking at all of Peter's things. "This isn't my place..." Peter said quietly. "Everything has changed..." "Maybe the spell was bigger than I thought," answered Lina. She picked up a picture of Peter with his parents from when he was a child. The small girl sitting where Peter once posed was more proof that the change had far- reaching consequences. "You didn't just change me into a girl," Peter realized. "You changed my entire life into a girl's life! I was born and raised as a girl! My parents named me Penelope. My friends never knew Peter Gamble. They only ever knew Penelope Gamble." "That would explain the amount of magic I used..." Lina pondered. "It does seem like a much bigger change than just a few physical attributes..." Peter ran into his bedroom and flung open his closet doors. He had thought he was prepared to see a girls' wardrobe but nothing could have prepared himself for what he saw. Inside was full of femininity. Drawers with panties and bras. Pantyhose and stockings. Skirts were hung neatly beside the blouses. Dresses were on another side. On the bottom was several shelves full of shoes of all shapes and sizes. "I am Penelope Gamble," Peter frowned. "And I am just a human girl," Lina frowned. "Me too," Peter hugged Lina. It felt odd feeling Lina's breasts pressed up against his own, but not in a bad way. Lina hugged him back and they remained holding each other for several minutes. "Quite a day," Peter said, finally breaking the silence. "Sure was," nodded Lina. Her stomach growled. "I have a pain in my belly." "Yah, I'm hungry too," nodded Peter. "Let's order some pizza." "Hungry?" Lina looked like she'd never been hungry before. "What is hungry?" "Your body needs food to survive," Peter explained. "You've never eaten before?" "Not for survival," answered Lina. "We don't need to eat - our magic sustains our bodies. We only eat when we choose to, and that's usually just for fun." "I guess you really are human right now," Peter realized. He called up his favourite pizza place and asked for his usual pepperoni pie. Twenty minutes later and they were chowing down. "Pizza is good," grinned Lina. "I'm going to have to remember this food when I get back to my people." "Yes, I love ordering from this place," nodded Peter. "They make the best pies in the entire city." Peter turned on the news and the two girls sat on the couch and watched. The usual drivel about politics and sports did little to hold the interest of either of them. Just before Peter changed the channel, he recognized a face in the caption of the upcoming story. He turned the volume up so they could hear it better. "... Mr. Daniels won over $100 million dollars this evening. This is a story of perseverance and a whole lot of luck," the newscaster laughed. "Roger Daniels bought the same numbers from the same store he buys his lottery ticket from every week. Here's Ryan Andrews with the story." "Thank you Cindy," Ryan Andrews started as video of a convenience store was shown. "I'm standing in the store where the lucky ticket was bought and the clerk who sold the ticket. He says that he's been selling Mr. Daniels these same numbers for over thirty years." "Yah," the clerk explained to the reporter. "I've known Roger a long time. Every day he comes in here and buys a newspaper and a coffee. Once a week he buys a lottery ticket and tells me that today is his lucky day... well, Mr. Daniels, today you were right." Peter turned off the TV, happy not to be in the old man's body. He might be a cute young girl at the moment but he was sure it was better than being an old man, no matter how rich. "What do you think is going to happen tomorrow, Lina?" Peter asked. "I have no idea, Penelope," she frowned. "I've never heard of any of my people ever returning from your world. My people are terrified of your people." "Why?" wondered Peter. "Are we so scary?" "What do you think will happen to a fairy if one was ever discovered by science?" Lina asked. "Your kind have a natural curiosity about the unknown but it is often overcome by a natural fear. Your fear make you do horrible things." "I'm not afraid of you," Peter answered. "No, you are a kind soul," nodded Lina. "But you are a rarity amongst your people. The last time a fairy tried to reach out to a human they were trapped in a jam jar and made to grant wishes. That fairy tried to escape so the mean human made the fairy cast a spell that tied him to a small, tin oil lamp and the only way for them to get free is if a human wishes him so." "What?" blinked Peter. "It's true," nodded Lina. "To this day, we still hear stories of the poor fairy trapped in a lamp, forced to grant wishes for humans. If he doesn't grant wishes, he's trapped. If he does, the human master becomes greedy and refuses to free him. It's a horrible fate..." "That's so sad," frowned Peter. "Do you know where he is? Maybe we could find him and he could change us both back!" Lina's face brightened. "That's a great idea!" she smiled. "We could free the fairy and we could free ourselves at the same time. We'd be heroes!" "Let's do it!" Peter smiled back. He felt hopeful that he could become a man again. "Okay," Lina nodded. She yawned and stretched. "I... I feel strange..." "That's called tired," laughed Peter. "Let's hit the sack - we'll get started tracking down the genie tomorrow." "Genie?" blinked Lina. Her brow furled suspiciously. "How did you know the fairy's name? I never once mentioned it..." "We also have a legend of a genie in a lamp," laughed Peter. When Lina didn't relax Peter quickly added, "I only know what I've heard in legends. I never once thought it was more than a kid's story. Believe me." Lina's face relaxed a bit. "I believe you, Penny," she sighed, too tired to argue. She looked around confused before asking, "Where is the sack I am to hit?" -- Peter had given his bed to Lina and decided to sleep on the couch. They both went through Peter's newly stocked closet to find some pajamas to wear. Peter was disappointed to see that Penelope was less a pajama girl and more of a nightgown girl. Lina put on a pale pink nightie and Peter selected a longer blue one. "Good night, Lina." He hugged her before tucking her into his bed and turning out the light. Sitting on the couch in a nightie, Peter found himself wide awake. He couldn't help thinking about the situation he found himself in. The breasts swaying on his chest every time he moved only reinforced the strangeness of it all. Turning on the TV, Peter tried to distract himself with late night infomercials. As he watched them drone on, his eyes started to get heavy. Before he fell asleep, though, a late-night porn came on and he started to feel aroused. "Oh shit," he thought as his new vagina started getting moist. He was about to change the channel when a girl dressed as Tinkerbell showed up on screen. He watched with growing interest as Tinkerbell ended up blowing the Lost Boys and giving Captain Hook a one-handed hand job. He drifted off before seeing the finale with Peter Pan... -- That night, Peter had some really strange dreams. He dreamt he was an old man winning the lottery and then spending all his money trying to become young again. Countless plastic surgeries and he finally looked like a hot young girl. Before Peter had time to complain to the doctors, Captain Hook appeared and proceeded to introduce the new girl to her new sex. As the Captain bent Peter over the table, he struggled to free himself before rolling off and... BANG! -- Peter realized immediately that he'd rolled off of the couch. Looking outside he could tell it was already morning. He cooked some bacon and eggs and waited for Lina to wake up. As soon as the apartment filled with the aroma of breakfast, Lina appeared. The two girls ate together in silence as they collected their thoughts. Peter finally broke the silence with a question. "So, do you have any idea how to find the genie?" he asked. "Yes," nodded Lina. She didn't look very happy. "That's great news, isn't it?" smiled Peter. "Where is he?" "I know where he is, but he won't be easy to get to," frowned Lina. "I reached out to him last night in my dreams. He told me where he is but..." "But what?" Peter asked. "He is completely crazy," Lina answered. "He has been trapped in the lamp for so long that his mind is warped. He spoke to me. He said he doesn't want to be saved - he has found a way to exact revenge on the humans through their very wishes..." "Ah, yes," nodded Peter. "We've always been told to be careful what we wish for. There's even stories warning of genies that twist wishes into curses." "Those stories are true," Lina nodded. "I don't know if it is a good idea to save him, Penelope." "But I can't be a girl forever!" frowned Peter. "We have to try." "What's so bad about being a girl?" Lina asked back. "I'm stuck being a human girl just as much as you are. You don't think I'd rather go home and see my family and friends?" "So let's go find the genie and you can see your family and friends," Peter answered. Lina was silent in her protest so Peter tried another tact. "Okay, well how about this - let's go talk to the genie and see what he has to say. We won't make any wishes until we are sure everything will be fine." Lina pondered for a full two minutes before finally agreeing with Peter's plan. "Okay, but we are only going to talk to him. No wishes!" she ordered, making Peter promise. "So where is the genie?" Peter asked. "That's where it's going to be a little tricky..." Lina frowned. "What do you mean? Is he across the globe or something? The middle of the Sahara?" Peter wracked his brain trying to remember his genie trivia. "No, no - he's in town..." replied Lina. "Maybe it's better if I just showed you..." "Okay, sure. Let's get ready and get out of here," he answered, cleaning up the breakfast dishes. Lina agreed and went into Peter's room to get dressed. Peter followed soon after to see if he could find something decent to wear. Lina ended up wearing a cute one-piece dress whereas Peter donned a pair of cargo pants and a t-shirt. -- "Are you serious?" Peter asked, looking at the bar across the street. "The genie is in there?" "Yep," nodded Lina. "The owner of the bar has the lamp in his safe." "How the hell are we supposed to get in there?" Peter frowned. "It's not like we can just waltz into the place and grab it." "Why not?" Lina asked. "It's a peeler bar!" laughed Peter. "The only girls who go in there are working." "So let's go work there," Lina suggested. "I don't think you understand... A strip club is a bar where sexy girls dance for men while taking off their clothes," sighed Peter. "I don't know the first thing about stripping and I'd wager neither do you." "How hard can it be?" asked Lina innocently. "A lot of the girls working there are in the same situation you are." "What do you mean?" blinked Peter. "I can sense the magic over them," Lina explained. "Take that girl there in the hot pink dress. She was a man just three days ago. Look how uncomfortable she looks just walking in those heels." "She was a man?" Peter stared. "But she doesn't look at all like a man. She's gorgeous!" "And since when do men-turned-girls need to look like men?" laughed Lina. "Have you taken a look in the mirror recently?" "Point taken," nodded Peter. "Why are all the dancers in there men?" "The owner," explained Lina. "He makes the genie turn them into employees when they can't pay their tab or if they abuse the staff. A few of them he did just for his own amusement. He's got bars throughout the city stocked full of such men." "He sounds like a real asshole," spat Peter. "So what you're saying is that we have to be careful because the owner is not going to give up the lamp easily..." "Probably not," nodded Lina. "Okay then. We need a plan," Peter said. He thought about the problems and could think of two main obstacles. "Even if we can find a way past the owner, how are we going to open the safe?" "Maybe we need to wait for the owner to open the safe for us..." Lina suggested. "Yes!" Peter blinked. "Oh, Lina, you are a genius! I've got the perfect plan!" "What do we need to do?" Lina asked curiously. Peter spent the next few minutes laying out exactly what he had in mind. Lina didn't look convinced. "I dunno, Peter, that's kind of risky..." "If you've got any other ideas, I'm all ears..." Peter didn't like the plan much either but it was a plan and it could work. "We could just go home and forget about the genie..." Lina said seriously. "Come be a human girl with me and we can explore this strange new life together!" "I can't, Lina," Peter frowned. "I need to be me." Lina nodded. She knew she couldn't change Peter's mind so she agreed to help him with his plan. The two headed off to prepare. -- "How in the hell do girls walk in these things?" Peter grumbled as he nearly tripped over the five inch heel on his foot. "Practice," smiled Lina as she coached Peter. His body had been magically enhanced to be graceful but he was still having a hard time adjusting to the height of his new shoes. "And these bloody miniskirts are ridiculous!" Peter continued to grumble. "I feel like I'm naked." "You practically are," laughed Lina. "But that's what men like and that's why you're wearing them." Peter nodded. It was his plan so he had to accept the outfit. After several more minutes of walking back and forth with one hand against a wall, Peter finally started getting the hang of the heels. Within ten minutes, he was prancing around like he'd been walking in them his whole life. "See, Penny," smiled Lina. "What'd I tell you! You're a natural. Your hips are even swaying sexily as you walk..." Peter blushed at the compliment. "It's all part of the act," he answered. "Well, I think you're ready. Shall we go?" Lina asked. Peter took a deep breath and looked at himself in the full length mirror. The hot girl in the short dress and heels looking back at him was ravishing. Finally, he nodded and the two girls left. -- "You want to work here?" the bartender laughed. She was a pretty girl but Peter could tell she didn't take very good care of herself. She must have been a former man too. "That's right," nodded Peter. "Are you the owner?" "Me? No." The bartender's voice got low. "And if you two have any sense in your pretty little heads, you'll get out of here before he sees you..." "Who's that you're talking to?" a deep voice bellowed from the stairs. Peter and Lina looked up to see the only man working in the establishment coming down. "These two girls are looking for work," the bartender answered. "Looking for work, you say?" grinned the man. "Why don't you two come up to my office and we can perform a little interview..." "Sure!" Lina smiled, heading to the stairs immediately. Peter followed closely behind as quickly as his heeled feet would let him. The three entered the large office at the top of the stairs and the man motioned towards a couch that the two girls could sit on. Peter wondered how sanitary the couch was as his bare legs touched the cold leather. He pushed those thoughts out of his mind. "First off, my name is Gary Stevens and I own this place," the man said with a grin as he sat across from the couch in a chair. "And you are?" "My name is Lina and this is my good friend Penelope," Lina explained. "And why do two pretty young things like yourselves want to work in a dive like this?" Gary asked. He looked suspiciously at the girls. "Honestly?" Peter answered. "We don't. But we're running short on cash and between turning tricks on the street or taking our clothes off in here, I think it's an easy choice..." "And those are your only two options, are they?" Gary's brow furled as he studied Peter. "Well, there is a warrant out for our arrest..." Peter lied. "Lina's boyfriend was smacking her around and we tried to teach him a lesson. He ended up dead and we ended up running. That was three months ago and we've been running ever since..." "I don't want to go to jail!" Lina frowned as Peter had taught her. "So you come into my place? What makes you think I won't turn you in myself?" Gary asked. "You wouldn't!" Peter gasped. "You could convince me not to..." Gary grinned wickedly. "Consider this part of your interview..." Peter's eyes widened and his mouth fell open. Lina reacted quickly and jumped up to get Gary's attention. Peter followed suit soon after. "What do you have in mind?" Lina purred. "We'd be sooo grateful if you just kept quiet," Peter added. "I like gratitude," grinned Gary. "Show me how grateful you can be...." -- Lina quickly undid Gary's belt and one of her hands slipped into his waist. Peter shuddered as he saw the head of Gary's hard dick poking out of the top of his pants. He decided to work on Gary's upper body and massaged his shoulders as he watched Lina work. "Have you girls ever done this before?" Gary asked. "Never," the girls answered in unison. "You're both naturals," he closed his eyes as Lina wrapped her lips around the tip of Gary's now fully exposed cock. She slowly worked up and down his shaft as he began to moan with pleasure. Peter was still too nervous to do anything more than rubbing shoulders or moving his hands down Gary's chest under his shirt. As Peter leaned over, Gary grabbed his head and pulled him in for a kiss. Peter instinctively pulled away and Gary pulled harder. "You want to work for me or not, sweetheart?" Gary whispered. Closing his eyes, Peter pressed his lips to Gary's. When Gary inserted his tongue into Peter's mouth it was all he could do not to retch. "Oh, fuck!" Gary gasped as he sprayed Lina with hot cum. A few seconds of sustained orgasm was followed by a deep, satisfied sigh. "Whatever the hell you just did, that was amazing!" Lina winked at Peter as she headed for the bathroom and cleaned herself up. "That's something I learned from Penelope," she laughed. "Oh, really?" Gary grinned at Peter. "I wonder if she's able to do that as well as you..." "She's even better!" Peter's eyes widened upon hearing Lina talk about him in such a way. "But you'll have to wait a while before you can do that again..." "Normal guys have to wait a while," Gary laughed. "Watch this..." Lina returned from the washroom in time to see Gary point at his flaccid cock and make it stand at attention again. "What the-" Lina gasped. "This little guy follows every one of my orders," Gary grinned. He looked at Penelope and licked his lips. "Come on, sweetheart, I don't have all day..." Peter looked at Lina, and then at the massive cock pointing at him, and then back at Lina again. She looked as surprised as he was to see Gary ready for action again so soon. He must have enhanced himself with a wish, Peter guessed. "Do we have the jobs or not?" Lina growled. "I gave you what you wanted. You have to give us something..." "I don't have to do anything," Gary barked. "Didn't you see the bar downstairs? I'm fully staffed as it is. I've got more girls than I know what to do with - what the hell would I want with a pair of fugitives? That's just asking for trouble..." "What if we weren't fugitives?" Peter asked. "I mean, there's gotta be something you can do. Can you help us get new identities or something?" Before Gary immediately dismiss the idea, he stopped in his tracks. He looked at the two hot girls in front of him and then at his safe. "Well, I might have one or two tricks up my sleeve..." he said. -- "We'll do anything," Lina cried as Gary watched the two girls. "Just please help us." Before Gary could answer Lina, Peter interjected. "Wait a second... before we agree to do anything more, what exactly can you do for us?" Peter asked. "Well-" Gary took a deep breath and thought for a minute. He decided there wasn't much these two girls could do so decided to tell them. "Believe it or not, I am the proud owner of Aladdin's lamp. I have a genie that can wish your problems away..." "A genie!" Peter scoffed. "Are you for real? I thought you said you were going to help us!" "I'm totally serious, sweetheart!" Gary laughed. "I've got the lamp here in my safe." "Fuck off," Peter spat, trying to sound angry and hide his true feelings. "You expect us to believe in magic? And even if you had a genie, why would you waste one of your three wishes on helping us?" "I don't expect you to believe in anything," Gary shrugged. "But I can prove it. And that three wishes thing is a total myth. I have already made hundreds of wishes and there's no end in sight." "So prove it then," Peter answered. Gary moved to the safe and hid the keypad as he typed in his code. The door opened and he pulled out an old lamp that looked exactly like one would expect a genie's lamp to look like. "Nice," Peter laughed. "Is that a prop from the Aladdin movie or something?" "Watch," Gary rubbed the lamp. Peter and Lina both watched with building anticipation as they waited for something to happen. Nothing did. "Okay, you had me going there for a minute," Peter laughed. "I was half- expecting a cloud of smoke and a big blue guy to appear." "I'm not big and blue, and I'm not a guy, but I did appear," a voice said from behind Peter and Lina causing both girls to jump. "You called, master?" "Genie," Gary greeted. "Meet Penelope and Lina. They are in trouble and looking for help that only you can provide." Peter and Lina both turned to see one of the girl's from the show downstairs walk towards Gary and sit down. She sized up the two in an instant then looked back at Gary. "Are you serious?" she laughed. "You actually want to help these two?" "I'm thinking about it," Gary answered. "You know about their past?" the genie asked. "They told me," Gary nodded. "It's a sad story and it broke my heart. They came here for help and I intend to give it to them..." "Really?" the genie blinked. "But these two are..." Before she could continue, Peter cut her off. "Are you kidding me?" Peter laughed. "You expect us to believe that your stripper from downstairs is your genie? I saw her onstage when we came in!" "She's a genie!" Gary insisted. "Let me prove it. Genie, I wish Penelope here was naked." In an instant, Peter felt the heels on his feet disappear and his breasts fall free with the lack of support. "Holy shit!" Peter screamed as he unsuccessfully tried to cover himself up, much to Gary's amusement. -- "Now do you believe me?" Gary grinned. "Please!" Peter felt himself blushing all over. "Give me back my clothes!" "I wish Penelope here was dressed again, only this time in what I think she should be wearing," Gary answered. Peter felt himself in heels again. This time, though, the leather boots came up all the way to his thigh. He could feel a thong between his ass cheeks being barely covered by what he assumed was a really short skirt. His midriff was bare and he wore a small red tube top over his breasts. "You weren't lying," Peter gasped. "You really do have a genie! That's amazing!" "It sure is, isn't it?" grinned Gary. "So how many wishes do you get then?" Peter queried. "I mean, you said that three was just a myth... do you just have an endless supply of wishes?" "Yep," nodded Gary. "That's so cool!" cooed Peter, trying to sound authentic. "Your life must be so awesome!" "Well, it is pretty awesome, as you can tell..." Gary frowned. "Why are you running a strip club when you could be doing anything you wanted?" Peter asked. "If I had a genie, I'd be lounging on a beach somewhere with a ton of cash in the bank and nothing to worry about but what my next drink would be..." "Yah," Gary sighed. "That's what I thought too when I first got the genie..." "Master," the genie interrupted. "I really think you should..." "Quiet!" Gary snapped. "I wish you'd sit down and shut up until I say otherwise." The genie nodded her head and sat down quietly. "It can't be that hard, can it?" Peter laughed. "Are your dreams so complicated?" "The simpler the wish, the more freedom the genie has to screw it up," Gary laughed. "It's easy to wish for fortune and fame but when it actually comes, it's not exactly what you expect. When I wished for money, I ended up owing the mob. When I wished to not owe the money to the mob and instead own the money myself, I ended up being part of the mob and hunted by the cops..." "Sounds like quite a tale..." Peter lauded. "It is only scratching the surface," Gary answered. "Needless to say, the genie is a real stickler and any loophole you leave in your wish, the genie will exploit. I think that's why the lady just gave it to me..." "You got the lamp for free?" Peter gasped. "Yah. I was at a flea market and this hot blonde girl gave it to me when I bought something from her," laughed Gary. "I thought she was nuts but who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth. She warned me not to make any wishes but I didn't listen. I guess she was probably a victim of her own wishes too..." "I still think it shouldn't be that tough..." Peter laughed. "Especially if you have an unlimited number of wishes to fix any mistakes... I've always thought three was more than enough..." "Oh, really?" Gary raised an eyebrow. "Genie, I wish Penelope had three of your wishes with the restriction that she cannot wish to harm me or to take you away from me." "What?" Peter gasped. "Seriously?" Gary nodded. "Give it a try, if you dare..." Peter looked at Lina and then at the genie. Before Lina could stop him, Peter made his first wish. "I wish I looked like Peter again," he wished. The tingling sensation that went through his body, restoring his male likeness was a welcome feeling. He felt the tightness in his clothes as he split seems. The boots, in particular, were very uncomfortable. "You fool," Lina frowned. "What the hell?" Gary jumped up. "What is the meaning of this! Genie, I wi-" "I wish time was frozen for everyone except me, Lina and the genie until I unfreeze it," Peter wished. Immediately, everything and everyone stopped moving. Lina looked at Peter and at the genie. "What are you doing, Peter?" she asked harshly. "You not only blew our cover but just about got us trapped by this madman." "I know," Peter nodded guiltily. He unzipped the boots and removed them from his feet. Unfortunately, the skirt and tube top were going to have to wait until he found something better to wear. "I was just so excited, I wasn't thinking. At least I'm me again." The genie watched silently as the two friends talked. "What are we going to do now?" Lina asked. "You only have one wish left and we can't hurt Gary here or even free the genie..." "I could wish you were a fairy again. Then you could use your magic to free the genie," Peter suggested. "Hmm..." Lina shook her head. "Gary is in the middle of a wish. I don't think we have time to stop him from making it... and who knows what it could be..." Peter looked at the genie for help. The poor girl was still under the sit down and shut up wish and couldn't move or speak. "Do you know who we are and why we are here?" he asked her. She nodded her head. "And do you know where Lina is from? And that she wants to bring you back home?" The genie thought for a minute then nodded her head again. "Is it possible?" he asked her, happy to see her nodding again. "Any clues for us?" The genie motioned for something to write on. Lina brought her a pen and paper she found on Gary's desk. "Get to the lamp before Gary ever does," she wrote. "You mean go back in time?" Peter blinked. She nodded again. "Won't that cause some really screwy timeline issues?" he asked. The genie shrugged with uncertainty. Peter looked at Lina. "What do you think?" "If we wish ourselves back into the past to moments before Gary ever gets the lamp from the flea market lady, we can get it for ourselves. If our wish says we return to this time once we have the lamp, it?ll be a brief bit of time travel..." said Lina. ?But that seems like a giant problem," Peter replied. ?If Gary never gets the lamp, we?ll never end up here and now and we?ll never get to make the wish to go back into the past...? ?It?s a different timeline, silly,? Lina laughed. ?Don?t worry too much about it. Our story will go on, regardless of if Gary has the lamp or not. We met by chance, remember?? ?I?m willing to give it a shot if you both are,? Peter replied, looking at the two fairy folk. They both nodded, so Peter considered how he should properly word the wish. When he thought he was ready, he spoke. ?I wish that Lina and I will go back in time and space to the flea market that Gary got the lamp from and that we will be the recipients of the lamp instead. Once we have the lamp, we?ll be returned to our own time and space again," Peter wished. In an instant, everything went black. -- ?Peter, wake up!? Peter heard Lina?s voice as he came to. ?We did it, we?re at a flea market in 2002.? ?Let?s go find the blonde lady,? Peter answered as he sat up. He quickly realized he was sitting on the ground beside a blonde lady?s booth. ?It?s about time you guys got here,? she said. She pulled out a bag and offered it to Lina. ?Here, take it quickly.? Lina took the bag and looked inside. It contained the lamp. ?Thanks,? Lina said before blacking out again. -- ?We have it!? Peter exclaimed when he looked in the bag. ?We?re back in 2012 and we have the genie lamp! We?ve won!? ?It certainly would seem so,? smiled Lina. She was still basking in the sun in the park the two had found themselves in upon returning to the future. ?Should I rub the lamp and get you your wings back?? Peter asked. ?That sounds nice,? Lina smiled. ?I did enjoy my time here with you, Peter. It was quite an adventure...? ?It sure was,? he nodded. ?But it is nice to be home again. And male again too.? ?I will know that feeling once I am home,? smiled Lina. Peter nodded and took that as his hint to rub the lamp. ?Hello, genie,? Peter smiled. He was surprised to see a seven foot tall man standing in a pair of puffy blue pants before him. ?Hello, master," the genie answered before doing a double-take upon seeing Peter. ?You are not the one I was expecting... you... what?s this? 2012? Already?? ?Yes, genie,? nodded Peter. ?Lina and I have had quite the adventure to try to free you.? ?Yes, I can see that," the genie nodded to Peter, still studying him. He looked at Lina and continued. ?I see that you two have been through quite an ordeal and that not everything is as it should be.? ?Correct,? Peter smiled. ?So I will ask that you agree to try to help us when I make the wish to free you. Please don?t distort my wish in any way. I just want things to go back to normal and live my normal life and I want the same for Lina and for you too.? ?I can see your heart is true,? the genie smiled. ?I will do my best to restore things to as they should be upon your wish.? Peter looked at Lina and she nodded to him. ?You can trust him,? she smiled. ?Okay," Peter took a deep breath. ?Here goes nothing... I wish that the genie was free from the curse that keeps him in the lamp.? The lamp tarnished immediately and then shattered in Peter?s hands. The genie stood taller as he breathed in his first breath as a free fairy after so many millennia. ?I thank you, master.? The genie looked at Peter. ?I?ve been in that lamp for too long. It was your kind souls that freed me and I am forever in your debt. As we agreed, I will restore your lives to normal. Please say your goodbyes now before I cast the spell...? Peter blinked. He didn?t expect to have to say goodbye. Lina had tears in her eyes as she moved to give him a big hug. ?Peter, my eyes are leaking!? she cried. ?I?ve been a human too long - my body is starting to break down...? ?You?re crying!? laughed Peter, tears welling up in his eyes too. ?That?s not broken. That?s beautiful. Thank you, Lina, for everything. I will never forget you.? ?Nor I you, Peter,? smiled Lina. ?Once I return to the land of the fairies I will not be able to return again. I never thought I?d be able to go home but you made that possible. I am forever in your debt.? ?Farewell, Peter,? Lina kissed him. Peter kissed her back. ?Goodbye, Lina.? The genie clapped his hands onto both Peter and Lina?s backs. ?Thank you both so much. You two have done such brave and kind things, it is my honour to restore you to your rightful lives.? He pinched Peter on the shoulder. Peter felt the world around him begin to spin before he collapsed into darkness. -- BZZZT! BZZZT! BZZZT! The alarm clock woke Peter with a start. He reached over and hit the snooze button. ?Thank goodness,? he thought to himself. ?Finally, things are back to normal.? For a brief instant he wondered if he?d just dreamed the whole encounter. He remembered the details so vividly, though, that he was certain it had to be real. When the alarm buzzed again, Peter got up and showered, got dressed and drank his coffee before he headed off to work. As he slipped his nylon-clad foot into a high-heeled pump, Peter realized that not everything was back to normal. He immediately ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see Penelope Gamble looking back at him. Peter wracked his brain trying to figure out why he was Penelope again. He searched his home for clues, finding nothing but the prim and proper apartment he?d taken Lina to so long ago. And then it hit him like a two ton truck. Peter fell to his knees. He looked at the picture of his parents holding the little girl. He?d grown up as Penelope Gamble. Lina had seen to that. Peter?s wish was only to look like Peter again and he did. It didn?t affect his life, his apartment, his childhood. It only affected his appearance. The genie of the past never knew about Peter. How could he? When he said he was going to restore Peter and Lina to their rightful lives, he had meant he was going to restore Penelope and Lina?s lives! Peter closed his eyes and wished with all his might that things would go back to normal. He squeezed his eyes so tight that he thought he might never open them again. And then it happened. A calm washed over Peter and he did open his eyes. Penelope Gamble picked herself up off the floor and put on her high-heeled pumps. She walked to work the same way she did every morning and greeted the security guard cheerfully as she entered her office. She sat at her desk and did her work quietly and efficiently before calling it a day. On the way home, Penelope heard a racket from an alley. She saw a flash and then heard a cat squeal. Penelope cautiously looked down the alley and noticed a homeless man talking to a light in a box. ?Is everything okay?? she asked. ?I heard quite a lot of noise.? ?Everything?s fine,? the homeless man answered angrily. He shook his hand at Penelope. ?Now go away!? Penelope waved back at him before turning to leave. The homeless man turned back to the box and she heard him say, ?Of course I can see you!? She laughed to herself before continuing home. The last thing she heard was the man introducing himself to the box as Gary Stevens. Her pace quickened a little after that.

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Valentine8217s Day Gift From My Wife Sneha

Hi ISS Readers. Thank you for the responses to my previous stories. Dhruv here again sharing another one of my sexual experiences. After my the gangbang of my wife Sneha, our sexual life was fully spiced up. We started trying many adventures such as wife swaps and more gangbangs. Sneha was very happy with this. For those of you who don’t know Sneha. She is my sizzling hot wife, 5 ft 5 inches tall, long hair and a fair face with no marks at all. She has a decent tight ass but round bubbly boobs...

3 years ago
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Good Girls Dont Do This Sort of Thing

"Do you want it?"His hands sliding up the back of my skirt, he bends me over the kitchen counter. The dinner dishes are completely forgotten."Do you want it?" this time he's more insistent.I hate it when he makes me beg. He makes me feel so filthy for asking."Underwear? Really? You know that won't stop me." he questions me before dropping my damp panties to the floor.Every night, he'll tease me. Prod me into asking. My self-control has gotten quite strong but after a week, I'll crack. Then I'll...

3 years ago
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The Sea Cave Submerged Desires 2Part 2

“Where are you taking me?” Only the waning moon and stars lit their path down the seaside cliff. Cass’s stomach fluttered in anticipation, and fear. One wrong step, and she could go tumbling down. “Just wait. You’ll see.” He was subdued, and held her hand firmly, apparently unruffled by the darkness and the rocky shore beneath them. They hadn’t spent more than a few hours apart over the past several days, and it had been one of the best weeks of her life. Javier had shown Cass around the...

4 years ago
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Anywhere But Here

Anywhere But Here By Teagan Braedan        It was cold and dank like a good dungeon should be. The only light came from cheap pillar candles, many of which had melted to the point that they were no longer able to sustain a flame. Others flickered as the flame fought to keep alive as the wax it had burnt pooled from its grave to seek its revenge. Soft grunts could be heard in one of the cells. Thick stone walls muffled what surely would have been much louder cries of pain.        Fists and...

4 years ago
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Girls Night Out

I am so excited, tonight is the night I get to kick back, let my hair down and just be me. I made plans to hang with a few friends. A little drinking, eating, and maybe going out to the club afterward. Just a girls night out. And getting laid as much as I can.I need to go to the store to get something sexy to wear. I go to the mall and find this cute black halter top, and some stretchy blue jean skirt. Now, time to go to the shoe store. Oh my! I found a pair of high heels to match the halter...

Group Sex
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Holli Earns Her Wings

Holli Earns Her Wings ? by: Nova If you are less than eighteen years old or offended by material of a sexual nature, read no further. Although this story is autobiographically based, all names and situations have been fictionalized and any resemblance to any real person or event is purely coincidental. ONE Early in my career as a design-builder I decided to take on a housemate to help keep myself financially comfortable while my client list grew. I had started my business...

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Celeste Blake The Evindium Affair

You are Celeste Blake - an ex-special forces reconnaissance operative, this helped pave the way for her greatest gift... Infiltration. Now a freelance mercenary, you are a self-made millionaire and still one of the best in your field. You specialize as an infiltrator, a ghost in a time where mechanized security has become the norm. Highly fit, genetically enhanced, and a bit of a natural extrovert. You can sometimes be a bit of a party girl during your downtime. Now pushed to your limits, you...

3 years ago
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Elf World Part Two

ELF WORLD Part Two (c) 3014, 2017 by Anthony Durrant Not long after I left the temple, I found a stream running through the forest, and it was there I practised Imy martial arts moves. As I was working on my Tambok-Chan, I heard leaves rustling and realized I was not alone. Seconds later, a huge doglike creature came to the stream and drank the water. Silently, I watched as the creatire finished the drink and walked away, followed by another...

3 years ago
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Farm Helper Part Two Lara Has More Work To Do

It had been a few days since Lara and Peter had fucked in the barn. Since then, they had exchanged some lustful looks, but they hadn’t gotten a moment alone to do it again, even though they both clearly wanted to.That day when Peter had fucked her and then made her walk home fully naked, covered in his cum, he had sneaked after her and left her clothes right outside her door for her to find. When Lara found her clothes there later that day, she noticed that her panties were missing, Peter had...

Straight Sex
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Parkway Fun

Huggs surprised Rascal with a nice picnic on the Blue Ridge Parkway after she got off of work one Saturday. While Rascal was at work, Huggs prepared a small array of finger foods that they could enjoy with some wine. Once Rascal got home, Huggs told her to take a nice long shower because they were going to have a picnic on the parkway. Rascal must have saw the gleam in his eyes, because Rascal quickly asked, “It will not just be us at this picnic?” Huggs had to confess that another gentleman...

4 years ago
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Bird SongChapter 11 Friend and Ally

17:12, 3 August By chance, Laura happened to be close by Assam when the two terrorists who had grabbed her came running into the prayer hall. Assam had been talking to Fisah and Laura was trying to remain close to the woman in the hope of getting to speak to her again. Laura was sitting on the floor pretending to read the little, green-covered book that she had been given. The book was an English version of the Qu'ran and a copy had been given to every teenager in the hall. "Assam! Assam,...

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Train Encounter

Mark Hogan was a man in his mid-thirties and he was on an underground train heading east after spending his day deep in London. It was not yet peak time, but getting towards it and the trains were getting very busy and Mark, and many others, were standing. Mark lived alone and although he had a few female acquaintances, some of whom he had sex with, he had nobody special in his life.At the next stop, a lot of people got on and one was a woman of obvious West Indian descent and her's and Mark's...

2 years ago
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The Unexpected Incident

Hi ISS readers. I frequently read the stories here. I want to share my real incident with you. Thank you ISS for giving the opportunity. Let me introduce myself I am Lavanya. I am 22 fair girl just completed my graduation. I have a quite curvy body structure of 32b-28-34. Boys usually stare at my body and comment. I feel happy on hearing those comments and just put an angry face. Coming to my incident,this happened after 2 years from joining in my graduation. Life was quite simple and good...

3 years ago
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Murat was one of my first loves. We met online in college. He was the photo I slept with for a year. He was the guy in Turkey that wrote me love letters and sent me music and jewelry and post cards of couples kissing. He was the first person who ever awakened my sexuality. I spent hours thinking about him when I was 21. I never got to see him, the emails stopped. I could not remember if his parents had told him to stay away from me or if he had just tired of me. I went on to marry someone else...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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God, every muscle in my body aches. I haven't felt this exhausted and kicked around since I took on those five archmages from the Brotherhood of the Crystal Flame- Wait. That was years ago. What happened to me? More to the point, where the hell am I? And come to think of it, who am I? I took a quick look around. Light forest, with moderate undergrowth. I was lying against the trunk of an oak tree at the edge of a small clearing. Complete with babbling brook running through it. A more...

4 years ago
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A born Jack off

My name is Bill and I’m a fucking Jack off. Seriously. I masturbate at least 3 times every day on weekdays and even more on the weekends. I discovered it when I was 11 years old and ever since I have jacked off every chance I got. I knew how a man and a woman would have sex and I also knew that fondling my penis felt good. I knew that a man would thrust his penis into a woman’s hole and I knew that It felt good to use my hand on my dick so eventually I put two and two together and I started...

5 years ago
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Z New HorizonsChapter 22 Mel Alice

We finalized our rules at 19:00. Just then Mel left his study to discover his naked wife with three younger naked ladies. He went back returning nude 30 seconds later. Dinner had just been delivered into a dual side cabinet. One side of the cabinet was in the hallway outside their apartment, the other side in their kitchen. Alice put dinner on their glass top table and we ate. While we ate Mel spoke to the young naked ladies at his table. “Fran, although we have never met in person I feel...

3 years ago
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The Necklace

Sarah locked the door to the law books reference section of Library West and set the keys into her pocketbook. She smiled, seeing the clock on the wall. There was still enough time for her to wander through the Plaza of the Americas and see the booths. It was the last day of the Arts Festival on campus. She had heard that there was a booth with beautiful jewelry and wanted to treat herself to a crystal necklace like Cindy told her about.She rode down the escalator from the second floor,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alice and Angela go Golfing 12

Chapter -12- The sun was streaming in the window when I awoke the next morning. Rolling over I saw immediately the bed was empty. Lucy had left some time earlier as the bed was cold, no doubt he had to get to work. I dragged myself out of bed, disheveled, would be a generous description of how I looked. How I felt was something else, a new energy was building inside, I was beginning to see a new future for me and I very much liked what I saw. Many of my inhibitions had flown off into...

4 years ago
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La infiel Diana y sus cornudos Antonio parte 3

Les seguí contando ya al día siguiente seria el último día que estaríamos en la finca desperté a eso de las 9am nuevamente sintiéndome como un miserable como poco hombre arrepentido de dejar que ahora el primo me le surtiera pija a mi novia y la dejara bien cogida me decía no lo voy a permitir no me la voy a dejar coger nuevamente.Baje el camarote David seguía dormido con cara de satisfacción, me puse una camiseta unos zapatos y baje ya la mayoría estaban despiertos incluso el tio que pervirtió...

2 years ago
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Under Cock Control

Jacob Morgan gazed out of his office window overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, which was loaded with both foot and auto traffic. When furnishing his office, he had made sure to have the furniture arranged in such a way that the great view was available to him throughout his workday. George Moyers tapped on the door frame to Jacob's open office door rousing him from his reverie. "Hey, Jacob, can I see you for a second?" "Sure George, what's up?" "We may have a live one for a takeover. I want...

5 years ago
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The Class Project Chapter 12

The Class Project by Janice Dreamer Chapter 12 "Hi, is Brad Franklin there?" Robyn gripped her phone tightly. She closed her eyes and crossed her fingers. She'd already left three messages on his home phone and two at his fraternity. He just had to be there. "Sorry. He's not available right now. Do you want to leave a message?" Robyn bit her lip uncertainly. God, would he think she was turning into some stalker chick? "Um, yeah. Just tell him Robyn called. He can call...

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Sacha Pyar

Hi Friends This is Rajesh (Name Changed) here. 28 Im New Delhi. This is my first real story.  Now I am starting in Hindi. Ye story mairy aur mairy girlfriend sonia ki hai. Ye aaj se karib 4 saal pehle ki baat hai jab main Sonia se pehli baar mila tha. Us waqt Uski umar kareeb 21 years thi aur meri 24 years. uski figure 36-24-36 thi aur rang doodh (Milk) jaisa. She is very sexy. Mairy nazar se dekho to sonia se sunder larki aaj tak bani hi nahi. Ab uski shadi ho chuki hai. but I still love...

4 years ago
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Banker Lady Ki Chudai

Mai ek sexy handsome mast dikhane wala ladka hu mere lund ki size 7+ inch hai.Muze sex karne ka bahut man hota hai.Agr kisiko sex karna hai to muze pr mail karna aunty,bhabi,housewife,girls mai aapko pura maza dekar satisfy karunga secretly.Ye meri pahli story hai. Mai hamesha clg bus se jata tha usvakt muze samaz aagaya ki yaar mere mai koi to khas baat jarur hai kyuki mai dekhane mai handsome aur sexy tha sayad is vajah se kai bhabhiya,aunty aur girl mere se hamesha bat karne lagti kisi na...

4 years ago
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The Dutch model

It was May 2017. A friend of mine George, is a photographer, and he had a new job at a famous fashion magazine. It was the firts time he had such a big deal and was really nervous. Until then he was working at locan magazines and the models he had to deal with where girls that wanted to become famous, most of the selfish and arrogant and working with them was not that easy. So when he signed for that new job he thought that if it was so hard to deal woth these girls, having to deal with famous,...

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Training CentreChapter 9

Monday; fourth active week. Megan Sanderson – Zero Nine – seemed inclined to co-operate with the Centre regime. At any rate, she got up when called (if slowly), and presented herself at something approximating the prescribed parade rest. That she was the ninth to show up was not commented on, possibly because Ten – Linda Burgin – didn't appear at all. Linda was treated in the same way as Jesmina Knott, up to and including three consecutive five minute spells on the wooden pony, with an...

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My Quickest Fuck

What is the quickest fuck you have ever had???My quickest is 10 minutes (give or take a minute).I arranged to meet my girlfriend at a party in a house.She was (as usual) running a bit late.She was coming with my mate and his girlfriend all in the same car.I got to the party, knew nobody, grabbed a drink and squeezed onto the couch.Within 2 minutes a horny and sexy girl (a bit older than me) squeezed in next to me.She told me she was a rock singer in some local band.We said very little but our...

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A Dark and Stormy KnightChapter 3

Gavin managed to slip the two of them out of town and deep into a patch of woods to the west. Nadia was horrified at how easily he knocked out the gate guards with a simple word of the harsh speech, both men slumping to the ground as if they had been struck with clubs. They traveled through the night and came to a small farmstead in the wee hours. Gavin spoke a few moments of killing the inhabitants and resting here for a while. However, he noted that there may well be more than he could...

4 years ago
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To Catch a Thief

Things were disappearing in my neighborhood. Jewels, expensive-looking heirlooms, some medicines and spirits. There was a thief in the area; Harry Moser's wife had gotten a peek at him, and a rendering was put up on the town board. He was handsome, if the likeness was true. A strong jaw, sharp eyes beneath a dark brow, bearded. The day of St. Valentine drew near, when any man or woman without the warmth of another body in their bed was a thing to pity. I'd gone five years without that joy,...

Straight Sex
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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 7

Kyleigh lay on her bed, still in the clothes she had worn the day before. She forced herself to get up and take a long hot bath. The teen laid in the tub of hot soapy water thinking about what she had been forced to do with Alex and Grant. Surely, Elaina would have warned her if she had known about the video. After her bath, she dressed and called Elaina’s cell phone. When she answered, Kyleigh told her friend they needed to talk, but not at her house. She’d meet her at the park down the...

4 years ago
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the club pt 2

Well You had been at the club most of the day and you had come out of your shell in a big way. I had brought you here as a Xmas resent and introduced you to the naked Spa which once you saw the others there relaxed and enjoyed it. I took you to the indoor heated pool and as we swam around in the steamy water you relaxed and I began to grab you under the water, hands finding your big nipples as my arms wrapped around you from behind you could feel my hard cock as I pulled close to you and it was...

4 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionEpilogue While the West is Paling

Paris — Late Autumn, 1934 The man and woman sat on the park bench, their postures straight and proud. Although they were quite obviously elderly, they held hands much like newlyweds. They gazed at the statues on 'their' fountain, thinking back to the day a very nervous Erik proposed and a possessed Christine accepted. "I am very worried, mon amour. There are rumors of another war brewing in Germany. A war to end all wars! Bah! As long as there are men whose only wish is to dominate...

2 years ago
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Romancing a Stranger

I had watched her for a long time. She had a style about her that drew me like a moth to a flame. Now my tastes transcend the normal and I find my attractions to women more based on attitude than physical form. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a great rack and a sweet ass, but the mind is the playground I enjoy the most. But I digress, this woman was a mystery to me. I only saw her for brief periods often in the elevator. We never spoke, but her scent seemed to fill me with a primal need that...

5 years ago
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Sex At the Office RP

Introduction: another RP story with Jane (Guest_jazzyscampi). This time a office worker staying late as a chance encounter with a security guard with dark plans for them both… enjoy Guest_Devilhorns95: -He enters the office area to patrol it before he sees her. With his hand on his baton he moves closer to her slowly- ma'am? What are you doing here?Guest_jazzyscampi: ~She jumps in surprise, putting a hand to her chest as she turns to face him~ Oh I'm sorry Sir I was just finishing up this...

4 years ago
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The Hive

Author's note; This is my first time writing something like this... Hope it goes well and you guys enjoy it. Well, here goes nothing. You awaken with a gasp and in a cold sweat, the sheets around you soaked in the liquid that drips from your skin. With a groan you sit up and climb from bed, instantly forgetting whatever nightmare awoke you. Still panting slightly you make it to the bathroom connected to your sleeping room, finding the light-switch inside the bathroom doorway with some ease. You...

2 years ago
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Pasayten PeteChapter 4 Goat Man

His Arkansas drawl was thick like rich molasses, slow and easy. Ezekial Patterson seemed ageless; tall, slightly hunch-shouldered, and he shuffled along with a slight limp. "Patch," as folks called him, was as much a part of the 300-acre river-bottoms as the fields, the willows, and the cottonwood trees. His best pal Purdy dressed all in black with a floppy black hat. Patch wore blue denim that went unwashed once he put it on new from the General Store. The jacket and trousers were crusted...

4 years ago
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Duval Big Booty Boi

Duval Gates decided that he wanted to fuck new femboi so he got on the chat line. His greeting stated, “Older dominant nigga lookin’ to fuck a phat booty faggit. I’m six-three and two-hundred-pounds. Eight inches of dick. Dark-skinned. Hit daddy up.”He browsed the messages for about five minutes before he got private one from Mouse. The soft voice said, “You can fuck my faggot ass, Daddy! I’m five-ten and weigh about one-seventy. I have a 48-inch ass, with a 32 waist. I’m brown-skinned. Horny...

2 years ago
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Breaks of the Game Ch 5

Spade quickly gets dressed as Nikkie grabs her phone and enters Pard's number. The phone rings three times and Nikkie snarls into the answering machine. "Pard this is Nikkie, my man tells me that you were here and said we need to talk. We will be waiting on the front porch and when you get here we can talk. But you are going to be doing a lot of listening. Get your ass over here. Don't make me come over after you mister." Slamming the phone down she puts on a sweat suit and heads for the door....

Love Stories
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The Dirty Old Resident

Meranda thinks as she enters the huge building. 35 floors, the biggest building Meranda has ever worked in. She walks down a long hallway to the clock in machine and swipes her badge. It beeps and she decides to go to the restroom to see how she looks in her new uniform, the 21 year old redhead makes a crooked grin as she looks at the dorky light blue button down and baggy dark blue work pants. No one would ever guess that the young redhead had a nive curvy body underneath. She shakes her...

3 years ago
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Walking the dog and sex with a stranger

Walking the dog and sex with a stranger. I’m Jack and to those who don’t know me I’m a fit 55 year. Currently I’m sitting on a log in a rarely used area of countryside to walk my Doberman, Curley. I’ve only ever see a plain looking woman around my age, with a collie, a grumpy 35 something guy with a boxer and two twenty something female joggers. I’ve seen grumpy and in the distance the two joggers pop into view. Two stunning lycra clad brunettes. Their boobs tightly secured in sports bras...

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