PrisonerChapter 2 free porn video

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Of course she didn't call him – not the next day or the next week. And of course he didn't dare call her; too many unspoken taboos surrounding their relationship (was it even that?) He tried to dial once or twice, but never got past moving his thumb over her name in the display – a strange name, exotic. His lips formed the syllables, soundlessly, searching for the correct pronunciation. It would most probably be the French way, where you leave the last part mute, stress the middle, while giving the first part this slightly nasal quality.

When he added sound to his mimed efforts his voice echoed in the empty flat, sobering him up. What on earth was he doing, playing the moonstruck teenager mumbling his would be lover's name? She hadn't shown any signs of real affection on her side, had she – let alone commitment. A sigh deflated his chest as he realized that playing the love struck teenager was exactly what he was doing; and it wasn't even playing.

Though he never missed a day at work, he started missing dead lines that week. He sleepwalked through meetings. He was perfectly able to stare at his laptop's screen for a full hour, believing minutes had passed. Phone calls went unnoticed; people had to repeat their questions. On Friday afternoon his boss called him into his office.

They had always had this rather impersonal relationship of two professionals who were too different to connect on a private level. André knew his boss thought him slightly weird; he might very well call him a faggot behind his back. He even seemed to dislike his name, calling him Andy. André, on the other hand, considered the man a boar, lacking in tolerance for tastes and inclinations other than his own. But, well, he was his boss and as long as the man respected his work, he didn't mind.

That Friday was different. Jenner closed the door behind them – always a bad sign. He gestured towards a chair and placed his own huge rump on the edge of his desk; a casual touch he'd never shown before.

"André, what's wrong?" he said, trying to give his voice a fatherly quality. André had no idea what he meant. The almost intimate tone of voice worried him, though – just as the correct use of his name.

"Wrong?" he echoed. His boss raised both hands, palms outward.

"You've been acting strange these days," he said. "As long as you've been working here, you never missed a deadline. This week you did so twice. Or even three times, maybe. What about the El Bulli article for Monday?"

"Almost ready," André muttered, knowing he had hardly begun.

"So," his boss said, rising to his feet. "To repeat myself: what's wrong? Are you ill, stressed out? Are you in love, Andy? Did you get an outside offer?"

What about all of the above, André wondered. But he said: "Nothing wrong, really, just rotten coincidences. On Monday you'll have it all – first Monday morning, no worry." He could see the man didn't buy it; he had trouble believing it himself. Three big projects, two of them he'd hardly worked on, to be finished in two days?

His boss shrugged. The usual awkwardness crept back into their relationship. He started gathering folders and papers. André knew he was dismissed.

"Have a nice weekend," he said before leaving.

The confrontation somehow cleared his muddled mind. That same evening he finished the article that was already mostly done. He even started on the second one before dropping his face on his keyboard. He slept for a few hours. Then he woke up with his neck hurting from the awkward position. He rose and stretched his creaking body.

After showering and eating an old croissant he'd flushed down with a glass of juice, he returned to his laptop. First light crept through the blinds of his windows. The short nap and the shower had refreshed him, but what revived him most was the proud realization that he'd gotten some work done. He was halfway into reading a piece of research when his phone rang, shattering the silence. It was 5 a.m., who on earth would be calling him?

Her voice was chipper.

"Good morning, sweetie," she chirped. "Did I wake you?"

The crisis of the lost deadlines had truly wiped all thoughts of her from his mind. He hadn't thought of her ever since his boss had given him his ultimatum. He'd shielded himself with determination. And now her first words made it all flood back in – the bittersweet helplessness, the humiliation, the thumping of his heart against his throat.

"N-no," he said, clearing his throat. "I'm working. Deadlines, you know. Missed two. Have to get three articles ready on Monday. My boss, he ... my job..."

"Oh my, you're working!" she exclaimed, cutting through his rambling avalanche of babble. He almost heard her tongue click in mock disapproval. "At this hour, honey – and in your weekend? Shouldn't you be partying? Or even sleeping?" Her laugh sounded metallic in his ear. He had to finish this call quickly before it all slipped out of his fingers again. But he knew the damage had been done. His hard-won new focus was shattered. Shapeless thoughts ran away from him like a herd of scared animals. Once more his world turned around this voice worming its way into his ear. He screamed on the inside, but he had no answer.

"Honey?" she went on, replacing the silence with her sweetest voice. "I loved it at your wonderful mansion. Let's go there again. Let's go now, I have so many plans."

He couldn't move; he couldn't think. He knew he could never drop his work and be with her, not now. His job would be shot, as would the last remnants of his confidence.

"No," he said, already regretting the bare rudeness of the word; but glad he'd dared say it. No, he'd said. No. But she didn't seem to have heard it.

"Okay," she said. "In an hour. You are sweet!" And the connection died with a click. He stared at his cell. Her name was still there. He erased it with a touch of his thumb.

In the next hour he tried to return to what he'd been doing. It was like reaching through veils of gauze – touching and yet not touching. He reread whole paragraphs and still had no idea what he'd read. His mind was elsewhere. He imagined her getting out of her cab and walking up to the closed gate. He remembered the sway of her hips, the flow of her gestures and the confident smile on her face. She had no concept of a world where things didn't go her way. He smiled at the thought. Then he frowned. He imagined her pressing the bell with one long red-nailed finger – and the surprise on her face when no one responded. Her thick black brows knitted, darkening her emerald eyes. He saw anger after her first surprise, a cold rage building.

He trembled, knowing he was the cause.

He'd said 'no, ' but she hadn't even heard him. How could she have? In her world there was no such thing as a 'no' from someone like him. He'd knelt beside her in a restaurant, being fed by her. He'd allowed her friend to jack him off in a public place. She'd sat on his bare back, while he only wore a frilly apron. So how could there even have been a 'no' to overhear? And yet, here she'd be at a closed gate to an empty house – her wishes denied.

His phone rang. He knew without looking it must be her. He tried to ignore the ringing, but as it went on it seemed to get angrier – until it stopped. He found his hands clutching his ears and his thighs pressed together.

A minute later the phone rang again. He bent over in his chair, holding his ears and making his body as small as he could. He gently rocked. When the ringing stopped, his soft moaning went on.

The third time he picked up the call. He couldn't say a thing; he didn't have to.

"André?!" She sounded angry. Or was it something else – surprise from the unexpected, maybe? Incredulity? No, it wasn't that...

"André, why aren't you here?" He knew now what it was in her voice. It was disappointment. She'd never expected him to deny her anything; never thought that he wouldn't be there.

"I'm here," he said at last. "I'm at my flat."

"But ... but you promised... ," she muttered, letting her voice peter out.

"I have to work; I told you," he said.

"But I need you here." She didn't say it as a command; she said it as a need. It came surprisingly close to begging and it shamed him that he was the cause of it. This incredible woman begged; this Goddess said she needed him?

"I am so sorry," he whispered.

"I don't need your sorry's, André," she answered, her voice back to her calm self. "I need you here."

He felt like a lab rat in a mace, running left and right in perplex nervousness. Hands seemed to pull and push him into every possible direction. Sweat trickled down his spine, his throat felt constricted.

"I ... can't," he croaked. "I'll lose my job."

A profound silence went on for seconds.

"Your job?" she then asked. "Anyone can have a job, André. But you were allowed to love me. Remember?" He nodded.

"Remember?" she repeated. "I heard you say you loved me and now your job is more important? What kind of love is that?" He shook his head, too confused to realize that she couldn't see him shaking it.

"Am I mistaken?"

"No, Miss." His voice was almost a whisper. He wondered why he felt so ... liquid, so spineless. "I do love you; I really do."

"If that were true, you'd have been here already."

His phone clicked. There were beeps.

The light traffic had him arrive at the estate within a quarter of an hour. He already saw her from a distance – a black speck against the stone-and-iron gate. He pulled up and left his car. She looked paler than ever, he saw, the whiteness of her skin set off by her tight black outfit. Her legs seemed endless in her heeled boots; her eyes were huge and dark inside the square frame of her haircut. But to his surprise she didn't look angry; she seemed calm. It made him nervous; his heart pounded.

"You made me wait," she said, her voice soft, yet carrying. It seemed a statement, not a reproach. He kept his silence, not even looking for an excuse. He'd given her the reason; if she didn't think it valid there was no use to repeat his sorry's.

"Hand me the keys of the house," she said, putting out her hand, palm up. The question surprised him, but when he thought about it, it made sense. Handing her the keys of the house would be another step in accepting her dominance over him. Did he want to take that step? Oh yes, he did. But the house wasn't his. People who knew him had trusted him with the keys. They wouldn't agree at all that he'd give them to this woman.

Her fingers curled, moving in a gesture of impatience.

"Come on, give them to me," she insisted when he kept hesitating.

"But I can't," he said, noting the whine in his voice. "They are not mine."

"No," she said, smiling. She reached for the keys and grabbed them. "You are right. They are not yours; they are mine." She turned on her heels and opened the gate with the largest key. The iron scraped over the pebbles as she pushed it open. She never looked back, walking up to the house.

He stood, staring at her backside – then he closed the gate and followed her along the short driveway and up the few steps to the front door. She found the right key after one try. The high hallway took them in with a cool sigh; her heels rang on the tiles.

"I love places like this," she said. Her voice echoed. "But they are so big; one really needs servants." Her laugh was short and silver. She looked over her shoulder; he was only a few steps behind. She stopped and turned around.

"But where does one get affordable servants nowadays?" she said. He stopped too, extending his hand.

"Please, Miss," he said. "Give me the keys. The owners really wouldn't want to..."

"But of course!" she cried out, cutting him off. "Why didn't I think of that? It would be perfect!" He fell silent. What did she mean?

"The keys, please," he repeated. She didn't hear him, spinning around on her heels, arms wide as if to encompass the hallway. Then she suddenly stopped, her back towards him.

"Get naked, honey," she said, looking up to the ceiling.

He froze, his jaws clenching.

"No," he said. The word squeezed past his teeth. "Please give me the keys. I have to go home and work or I'll lose my job." For a second nothing happened; then she whirled around and reached him with two steps. Her hands clenched his shoulders; her face was right into his.

"Home?" she hissed. "Job?" She pushed him away. Then she rose to her full height, folding her arms under her breasts. He could not look away from her face. Her eyes were like chunks of green ice on fire, yet her lips curled in a smile.

"André, André," she said as if tasting his name. She shook her head in mild disapproval. "You are such an indecisive little boy. What is it you want from life, honey? Work? Career? Money?" She once more shook her head, clicking her tongue. "I don't think so."

She shifted her weight from one heel to the other. Her hand left her folded arms, touching his face. Her fingertips were cool.

"We both know what you really want, André honey, don't we?" The fingers traveled down his jaw and rested on his lips. "Tell me."

The touch to his lips was maddening. The fingertips were like probes sending tingling sensation up his head. He felt as if his entire body hung from the anchor of her touch. Who could shape any coherent thought, captured like this?

"Please, Miss, have mercy," he mumbled.

"Mercy?" she echoed, smiling. Then she once more shook her head in denial. "You don't want mercy from me, boy, now do you? Think..." He couldn't think; he told her so.

"I ... I can't think, Miss." She nodded.

"That's fine, honey," she whispered. To his amazement she leant in and pressed her lips on his. The kiss caused the last remnants of rigidity to leave his body. He closed his eyes and felt himself dissolve, disappear between her velvet lips – ceasing to exist.

A voice penetrated the darkness surrounding him.

"André," it said. "It is about time you find the courage to be who you really are. Time to give up these silly tries at normalcy. Your clock is ticking away precious time. I could send you back to your empty flat so you can finish your silly projects and satisfy your fat little boss. You'd safe your puny career and drift on into your little life."

The soft mouth came back, her tongue probing. Hands cupped his face, holding it up. His jumbled thoughts dissolved into a perfumed buzz.

"André, sweet André." The voice proceeded as her lips left his. A cool breeze touched the emptiness of his abandoned mouth. He opened his eyes, finding hers.

"How could that be what you want, honey?" she asked. "You were born to serve women. You were born to serve me." She smiled, nodding, her face almost into his.

"You are precious, darling," she went on, her breath caressing his skin. "Who'd want to serve fat macho boss-men if they could serve me? Who'd want to waste their life not doing what they crave to do? That would be such a shame. Thousands of men could satisfy your boss, honey, but there is only one who'd be allowed to satisfy me..."

Her eyes shone. Her lisp returned for another kiss. Her soft breasts pressed into him as her tongue dashed around his teeth. He knew he was lost and yet he knew exactly where he was.

He was where he ought to be – home.

A slight pressure lowered his shoulders. He gave in to it. His face slid down her chest and her belly until it rested against her crotch. She pushed it into him as his knees touched the floor.

"Satisfy me, André." Her voice drizzled down on him like a soft spring shower. The words thrilled him. His fingers opened the buttons of her tight trousers. He found her bare, shaven pussy; she wore no panties. He smelled her arousal; it caused a flush of pride – she was aroused for him and wanted him to make her come.

He felt her hands at the back of his head, pulling his face into her furnace. Her bare cunt lips electrified his tongue. He started lapping, spreading her lips and finding the slick, musky flesh inside. His nose touched her clit. He rubbed it and felt her stiffen. Her hands closed his ears with a tighter grip. Now he couldn't see, couldn't hear – just smell, and taste. He lapped and probed. He sucked and nibbled. He felt the vibrations of her moaning.

His world was perfect.

Nirwana lasted ten minutes. They felt like hours. Nothingness flooded his senses. He smelled her blood-hot cunt and tasted her squirting wetness. He felt her skin and heard the muffled sounds of her moaning. But there also was the unrelenting pressure of her hands and – later on – the strangling of her thighs that robbed him of his breath. He heard humiliating curses when her climax crested, and there was the pain of her raking nails. Finally a stream of piss gushed down his face and chest.

Now he lay face down on the drenched tiles. She'd pushed him away. The smell of her urine was overwhelming; its bitter flavor blended with the salt of his tears. He cried without knowing it; he just did. The water ran from his eyes, mixing with the juices and grime on his cheeks. It wasn't misery that caused it. It wasn't happiness either. It was just salt water escaping for lack of resistance. All his facial muscles hung loose; his limbs felt no tension. He just lay there, soaked and drained.

Then he felt a sudden pressure on his left shoulder blade, followed by a piercing jab. A heavy weight pushed his shoulder down. It lifted only to be replaced by a similar weight on the small of his back. The accompanying pain was worse – like the stab of a knife, followed by blunt pressure and new sharp pain on his thigh. He groaned into the stinking tiles. A veil lifted from his mind and he knew: she was walking over him on her high-heeled boots. She used him as a rug. What he felt were her foot soles; the pain came from her stiletto heels. He screamed when she reached his calf. Then the pressure was gone.

Lying down, panting, he heard the click clack of her boots walking away from him. He was stunned and not just from the pain. She had used him as a doormat, just like she had used him as a chair. She had wiped her feet on him and stabbed her heels into his flesh. He could still feel the throbbing pain.

He knew he should be shocked by her indifference, and he was. He also knew he should be indignant, and hurt, but he wasn't. A soothing flush of warmth spread from where the heels had punched him. It blended with the cocktail of emotions simmering below his blanket of numbness – there was excitement and a curiously sweet bitterness of loss. There also was a lingering soreness mixed with the unexplainable thrill of humiliation; it spread through the melting fibers of his resistance. Then it became a groundswell, flushing out the debris of whatever compromises he had made during his confusing life. Cleansing was the word, whatever that might be.

He sobbed, not able to lift a finger.

The rhythmic pounding of the pestle in the stone mortar caused exotic flavors to curl up and spread throughout the kitchen. The blend of roasted kummel, dried peppers and coriander took him back to the spice market in the hot and crowded souk of Marrakesh, as it always did. His nose had perfect memory, just like his tongue. Every scent and every taste, even the subtlest, brought associations of the first time he'd smelled or tasted them – making him relive colors and sounds, pictures and adventures. Even now the memories flooded in, as he stood only dressed in a cheap gauzy apron, scrutinized by the woman who had walked over him.

He didn't look up; he didn't have to. He knew she was watching him like the feline predator she was. She'd told him to prepare lunch for her; she might even eat it. That was after she'd been soaking for an hour in the antique bathtub she'd had him prepare. He'd brought her tea, dressed like she told him to: stripped of all his clothing, only wearing the frilly apron. She'd been on the phone for most of the time, conducting business and sharing gossip in equal parts. When he entered with the tea, she'd abruptly stopped and giggled. Then she murmured something into the phone in a language he didn't understand, before turning her iPhone around and shooting a picture of him. She went back to her phone, informing her party that her naked servant served her tea, and that a picture was under way. Only a few moments later she dissolved into a bout of giggling.

He retired to a corner, feeling the heat of his blush.

The sore imprints of her feet could still be felt all over his backside, but maybe what he felt wasn't just physical pain anymore. Pain and humiliation seemed to be fighting for precedence by now, feeding on each other. It was easy to mix up his feelings and emotions. Was he humiliated by her act? Or did he feel humiliated because he'd let her do it? Had her stabbing heels only caused pain? Or had they also caused the delirious state of mind he felt right after? And why was he still here anyway?

He ought to be working on his projects. Each minute he stayed here brought his dismissal closer. And yet here he still was.

After he had picked himself up from the floor, he'd gone looking for a shower to get out of his soaked garb and clean off the stench. He'd found a robe to wear before looking for a pail of hot water and a rag to mop up the puddle in the hallway. The stench had gone stale, attacking his sensitive nose even stronger. After cleaning the floor he'd taken his soiled clothes to the laundry room, starting the machine to wash them. When he at last returned to the kitchen, she was there, asking him to make her a coffee.

"You are a splendid rug, honey," she said, sipping her cappuccino. "Please drop the robe and show me your backside."

He'd been resolved to tell her things would stop at this; he had to save his job and must leave for home – no more toying.

"No need for that, Miss," he said, sipping his espresso. "There are no bruises at all, I'm fine."

She rose from her stool and walked over to him. Her hand was a sudden blur when she slapped him full in the face.

"You don't understand," she said, calmly. "Get rid of that robe and turn around. Please."

His head spun. The suddenness of her violence stunned him as much as the blow itself. Anger flashed, but just as soon dissolved, scattering like dead leaves in a storm. He stood frozen, not able to act. His hand touched the burning spot on his cheek.

"You ... hit me," he said, too dazed to notice the lameness of his remark.

"Yes, honey, I did," she said, taking away his hand from his face, squeezing it. Then she leant forward and kissed the spot. "Now lose the robe and turn around."

He didn't know what his hands did, but soon the robe slid off his body, rustling around his feet. He slowly turned his back to her, hearing a sharp intake of breath. A fingertip touched the sore spot on his shoulder blade. Then it travelled to the spot on the small of his back. When it halfway passed his spine, he shivered.

"God, honey," she whispered, "you are so brave." Her finger found the bruise on his ass cheek. She rubbed his flesh with her open palm, making the warmth spread. Then he felt her body press into his back – her breasts, her belly and thighs. She breathed on his neck, her lips touching his ear. Every fiber of his body trembled; he closed his eyes. The spot where she had hit his face burned like fire.

"You are incredible, honey," she breathed. Her arms closed around him, one hand rubbing his belly, the other tugging at the coarse hair around his left nipple. He wondered if he'd ever felt this low. He also wondered how he could feel so alive at the same time.

"This ugly hair has to go, darling," she said, pulling harder. "I hate hair on bodies." A blinding pain stabbed his chest when a few hairs came loose. He cried out, tears squeezing from his eyes. She chuckled softly.

"Don't worry," she said. "We'll shave you nice and baby bare." Her hand started a slow caress of the spot where she'd pulled the hair. "And maybe less painful."

"I... ," he began as a teardrop slid across his cheek. "I really need to go home. You know that I have to." But he didn't shake free; he just stood there, eyes closed, feeling the warmth of her body wrapped around him.

She didn't answer. Her lower hand sank to his genitals. She cupped his balls, kneading them. Her other hand took his penis.

"Is it an act or do you never get hard, honey?" she asked, slowly rubbing the shaft. He kept silent. She squeezed his balls. "Is something wrong with it?" asked.

"I, ehm ... No, nothing's wrong," he then said. "I just try not to." Both her hands were now holding his balls, fingers entwined to form a little basket. She pulled hard, making her embrace even tighter. Her tongue started licking the short hair of his neck.

"We'll see to that," she said at last, letting him go. "Now you draw me a bath."

He didn't move, still dazed. Then he picked up his robe and left the kitchen.

He could have easily run when she was taking her bath. Why hadn't he? And why would he use the word 'run?' He could have left for his apartment anytime – even only wearing his robe. She didn't know where he lived, did she? Now why did he think that? He was free, wasn't he? She couldn't make him do things; she was just a woman he'd met. She wasn't even sexually attracted to him, was she? She was a lesbian as far as he knew.

But first he had to have the mansion's keys back. He couldn't let her have them; what would the owners think? Now where did she keep them? He couldn't very well ask her. Or could he? He wondered why he thought he couldn't. His hands strangled the pink gauze of the ridiculous apron she'd made him wear. Made him? Who was he kidding? He knew he was very good at finding excuses and explanations for his behavior, but he knew better than believe them. He just couldn't say no. That was all there was to it – not to women in general and certainly not to this ... witch.

Did he call her a witch? Why? Was it just another excuse to put the blame on others? Implying that she might have some kind of magical power over him so he was a poor victim, really? Oh come on, he mumbled, is this a fairy tale? Let me get those damn keys and I'm out of here.

Her things were on the bed in the en suite bedroom – a black silk top, satin bra, black tight trousers. His fingers trembled when he lifted up her things. Her boots were there too; he touched the cruel stiletto heels, estimating their length at four inches. Why on earth would he do that? And where was her bag? That was when she called out to get her some tea.

The bag was in the bathroom – a bulky black leather affair, no doubt filled with the thousand-and-one things a woman couldn't be without. He saw he'd never get into it without her noticing. It took him seconds to realize how stupid that thought was. What on earth would keep him from grabbing the bag and taking what was his? That was when she snapped the picture and shared it with her friend, giggling her head off. The humiliation devastated him. As usual it shut his mind down, pushing out whatever thought he might be having. It shrunk his world into a tiny, constricted place. He wondered who might be on the other side of the conversation ­– Tasha? – or more likely a total stranger, seeing him in his hairy nakedness sporting the ridiculous see-through apron.

The thought caused another hot flash of embarrassment. He crept out of the bathroom, his ears ringing with her giggles.

And now here he was, still naked but for the silly apron, preparing lunch for the bitch. Witch, bitch ... he tried to focus his scattered anger by calling her names and ignoring her predator eyes. Making the Moroccan beet salad also helped. He concentrated all his frustration on squeezing the juices out of an innocent lemon.

"I'll eat it at the table, darling," she said, putting away her cell phone. "Make me a lovely plate and add a nice glass of chardonnay." He arranged the colorful salad on a white plate and placed it on the table with a freshly baked roll of white bread. Then he filled a glass of wine. Finally he stood straight, waiting for her to come over and sit down. His hand pulled out the chair to help her sit down, but she didn't. She just stood and stared, making him wonder what she wanted.

"This sure isn't the chair I had in mind," she then said, looking up and smiling. He understood; he should have known. But he resisted. Not again, he thought. Not this time.

She waited; so did he. Then she chuckled.

"Don't be like this, André," she said, touching the back of the chair with her fingertips. "It's not you. I know you want to be my chair. You enjoyed it so much last time. Why let your silly pride come between you and my delicious ass cheeks?"

His stare projected more stubbornness than he felt inside. His mind was in turmoil. She was right of course. He might not want to obey her now, but that wasn't because he hated being her chair. Remembering the sweet pressure of her body made his heart beat faster – the soft and tender weight shifting; the radiating warmth, her perfume, even the growing pain in his muscles. Why did he resist? He loved to obey her, to be with her and be her toy. He'd never felt as alive as these last days.

Same as Prisoner
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"Yeah Steph he's cute as in real cute. I know I sound crazy, but this guy's a stud Stephanie as in the 'real deal'. Hehehe, oooohh I hafta watch what I think don't I? No, nobody's around right now. I'm out in the back picking some tomatoes in my garden so no one could hear me." "Sally, said Stephanie on the other end, you hafta to be careful. Don't start those kinda thoughts because they're gonna get you in trouble, you know that all to well. So how long have you been with Bill?" "Yeah Steph...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 7 and 8

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 7 & 8 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Charlie introduces Will to the passenger who has been hiding in the Pacific Wanderer...

2 years ago
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KarlaChapter 18

Alfred had done well. After breakfast he handed Elise a thick bunch of pages, texts and pictures alike. "Elise, there is so much to be found, I just printed what I thought to be most relevant. My tiny printer has its limits. It's fascinating stuff, I hardly slept. But also quite frightening, if I am to think that Lexa and I have to start all over. We won't have much time for anything else should we take a liking to the procedures." His chuckle was proof enough. He had recovered. Now for...

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A Close Call Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 10

Two of the women were particularly skilled in basket making, so Doug assigned them the job of making the casings for the bombs. He wanted the baskets to be as strong and as dense as possible, so the women made them as double layered containers. There was no need for them to be spherical; the trebuchet certainly didn't care! The structure they came up with was a nearly cylindrical, truncated cone. There was a flat bottom and a flat top, and the fuse was run out the top. The casing was lined...

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The Massage

There are many different types of massages, and they each are for a specific purpose. Swedish, Sports, The****utic and even Erotic. I have enjoyed each type from time to time. Last week I had a Swedish massage with a masseuse I had been to a couple of times before. She is tall, attractive, probably in her mid-30s, has a very nice body, and is an awesome masseuse! She had always had on shorts and a tee shirt in the past. Today she had on short shorts and a halter top. I had felt amazing after...

4 years ago
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An Incest BirthdayChapter 18

I woke up at about 10:15 well rested and ready to start the day. I sat up and noticed Rita was still sleep next to me, a smile on her face but nonetheless still sleep, which is unusual because she almost always beats me out of bed. I kissed her on the forehead and rolled out of bed, excited for what the day was gonna bring. We had an actual planned day to ourselves, with no interruptions, no having to cut the day short, and best of all, no dad to get in the way. Just as Rita surely was, I was...

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A Controlled Life 9

A Controlled Life Chapter Nine Princess Dee created several goals for Tom; they included 'DreamLover ChronoVault' for four hundred and ninety nine dollars, 'DreamLover 2000 Pro' for one thousand four hundred and ninety nine dollars, 'Tiffany's new wardrobe' for one thousand dollars, and 'D-Link camera system' also for one thousand dollars. Tom was flabbergasted; he didn't know what these DreamLover things were and he couldn't believe that Princess Dee was going to make him spend all...

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IntemperanceChapter 8B Imagery

The movie premier that Jake and Matt had been pretty much ordered to attend (their contract stated they were required to make themselves available for public appearances as arranged by the record company — this was without compensation, of course, with only travel being paid for) was for a film called Thinner Than Water. Neither Jake nor Matt knew anything about it other than it starred Mindy Snow and Veronica Julius, two of the hottest young female actors on the movie scene today, though two...

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COVID19 Crashed on an Island with your Mother

You feel the false softness of cheap foam in your seat, barely offering any relief for your sore back. You'd been carrying suitcases and suitcases all day: ... you and your single mother had just moved out of your one-bedroom apartment, and it amazes you how you two managed to pack so much when you didn't actually have many things. At least you've got the window seat! Your mother shuffles-in beside you, and you turn to look her way... she's just had her 40th birthday. She has soft white skin...

4 years ago
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“I would love to be sexually pleasured by two women while my man watches, even better if he masturbated while he watched. A favourite fantasy of mine is being pleasured by two lipstick lesbians, both younger than me, perhaps one barely twenty, a blond baby doll. “Lu Xi has arranged two lipstick lesbians, both younger than me, for my pleasure next Sunday. I want you to watch and enjoy, my pleasure is your pleasure. And I want you to masturbate for me, are you fine with that honey?” I asked my...

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Sex with Mom

Hi to all I am himan and I m form blore and I am study in college. I don’t know about this type of things but after getting in touch with this ISS community I got lots of things and material about this I love this. I am looking average. Lets come to point and turn to story. I have a college and I am going at 8 am and come back to 7 pm after coming home I take my breakfast and come to my room switch on pc and start to checking mail and start to surf ISS and in that basically I like incest and I...

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THE VIRUSBy Amanda WrighterCHAPTER ONEPARKHOUSE APARTMENTSPHILADELPHIA 9:13 AMDAY ONE Veronica Alvarez was thirty two years old, a mother, and a writer for the online news blog, The Unappreciated Truth. Sadly, she had nothing to write about. For the most part, it had been a practically uneventful week in the media and the world. Her editor had called to nag her three times already since Monday and here it was nearing Thursday and she’d yet to turn in a single headline for the fledgling,...

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Incestia 8 rev

Ince.stia: Where everything that is agreeable is also legal.Everything---------------------------------------------------------------------Part 8.“I’ve tried, Verity. Honestly,” Avan Volka said.His niece hissed, “So, you’re telling me you can’t do it?”“I...I’ve tried Verity. I’ve fucked your little brother’s mouth over and over every day and he still wants more.”“It’s what you wanted. It’s what you begged for, and now you’re telling me it was a mistake?”“No. No, it wasn’t a mistake. I love...

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Black Bodied BeautyChapter 2

There was a new assistant minister at church that seemed quite interested in Evelyn. She had encouraged that interest and would invite him to tea if he didn’t soon make a move himself. He was about five years older than she and seemed quite progressive so might understand and embrace her sexual lifestyle, one she was loathe to abandon. A series of innocent dates and outings with Melvin, the minister, developed into some deep discussions of philosophy, spirituality, and human nature. Evelyn...

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NubileFilms Foxii Black Lovers Embrace

Foxii Black is reading a steaming hot novel while she enjoys the sun outside. She can’t help but slide her romper aside and slide her hand between her thighs. She’s just fingering the folds of her meaty pussy when Josh Finley spies her from the balcony. Seeing that buffet of sensuality laid out before him is too much for Josh to bear. He gets downstairs ASAP and entices Foxii inside with a kiss. Hot, horny, and oh so willing, Foxii follows Josh to the bedroom and lets him help her...

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QVC Julia The Affair Part 6 Revenge of the Mrs

QVC Julia: The Affair Part 6 – Revenge of the MrsFrom the view of the Mrs.As I closed my hotel door and walked across the corridor to open her door, the anger was still there, but what had surprised me was how turned on I was. Ever since I watched that video and Charlie and Claire, and even bought some lingerie. I felt different somehow. I’d even bought a tool kit and was turned on about what I was going to do with.When I entered the room, I was very quiet. I could hear Julia resting, she was...

2 years ago
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Dead and Horny Book 1 and 2Chapter 6

Safe Harbour Lily gazed across the water, her eyes trying to find any sign of land. She was floating in the ocean, the technicolor clouds above her tumbling about like cotton candy in a dryer. She was unable to get enough lift out of the water to fly, and the dark depths below shifted as if alive. She was in the Dreamscape, of that she was certain. “Lily...” It was Dana’s voice, but it sounded impossibly far away. She had been hearing Dana for a couple of days now. At first she had tried...

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Collettes New Formula

Collette’s Finds older brother in compromising position My name is Jim I was twenty-one good build worked out every day and swam a lot in our pool. I was six foot about one hundred seventy pounds Blond hair blue eyes. I was well endowed for my age about eight inches. Collette was eighteen years old very cute for her age she had strawberry blond hair Blue eyes such deep blue you could get hypnotized looking into them. Her face was that of a twenty year old model, something you would find in a...

4 years ago
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Threesome In The Theatre Bathroom

We usually indulge ourselves in phone sex a lot, almost daily. We fantasize about many things while having phone sex such as outdoor sex, gangbang – almost anything and everything. The following story is one of those fantasies. This is my first story. I hope you enjoy it. (For better reading experience, this story has been written in my girlfriend’s perspective). Do let me know if you enjoy it and what genre of stories would you like next. We always wanted to have sex in theatre, so one day...

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My submissive fuck slut Donna

DonnaMadonna is my personal submissive slut MILF. She makes herself available to me on a regular basis for mutual sexual enjoyment. As requested, Donna met me at her door in a very sexy red low cut, short hemline dress (no panties, of course) that is one of my favorites. It not only displays her tight little body, manmade 34D's and protruding nipples to perfection, but also provides easy access to any part of her body that I want to explore. Whoever did her boobs was a master - they are the...

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Confessions Danni Rivers Vina Sky Hot Lesbian Encounter

Vina Sky runs the same path every day and every day she runs by the most beautiful woman ever; Danni Rivers. Vina imagines what it be like to get into those tight yoga pants. Would her pussy taste as sweet as hers or would it be better? Would Danni licks the juices off of the vibrator with their tongues colliding as they enjoy their sweet cum together? Vina so badly would love to bury her face in that pussy and taste just how wonderful that pussy is… maybe some day their paths will take...

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Daughters Friend Part 9

Samuel Kane was born at a healthy seven pounds, thirteen ounces. He arrived a little earlier than any of us expected. Alex went into labor on a brisk Wednesday evening, and Sam came out crying his head off early Thursday morning. The delivery was quick. I only lost feeling in my hand for about half an hour. Alex sure does have a strong grip! It’s been about three months since then and mother and son are doing wonderfully.So, that’s about it, I think. I don’t think there’s anything else that...

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RebirthChapter 15

There was a fog on the ground in the morning. It was quite cool. When it was light enough I studied the topo map. We were much higher now and I took out the compass I had found in the cabin. The kidnapper, or Carl Honzer, would keep the hydro road well patrolled and try to keep us from getting to Vockner. The more sizable town of Malute could be reached with more difficulty and the man could not be in both places at once. Though it was chilly I did what was necessary. I dumped my water and...

1 year ago
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Night Games0

you never know what can happen late at night in an old subarban neighborhood Thud Thud Thud, that was the only sound that hit her ears as she walked through the endless rows of houses in her neighborhood. For some reason, she had so much energy tonight. At 15, she had the body of someone almost ten years older than her age. She stood 5’4” and was dark skinned with black hair, and, coming straight from her house, she was wearing only tight sweat shorts and a tight...

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A Year In My Life Part I 2

A Year In My Life Part I-2 Friday, March 10 The previous week was a blur. We spent a lot of time at Mary's, and in the pool house. Kate had done my makeup a couple of times, and the job she did was as good as, if not better, then what Mary had done. She'd taken me to a unisex beauty shop, to have my split ends taken care of. And, they had also treated my hair, so it was softer, and shinier. I had worn the shoes as much as...

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College Party Night

College Party Night By Delilah Magne I was a junior in college, and my roommate was gone on a date. It was a Thursday night, the "weekday party night", but I didn't feel like going out to the bars, so I decided to have a little fun in my dorm room. After I locked the door, I dug into my underwear drawer, and deep down underneath all of my boxers, I found what my wandering hands were looking for... A pair of red silk panties, matching bra, and some black pantyhose. I absolutely...

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Little Slut Nicci

Daddy called,and said he'd be there in about 15 minutes. I took my bags out to the curb, and sat on one while waiting, and when Mr. Thompson from down the street stopped to ask me if I was running away with a laugh, I told him about going to spend the summer with my father as I noticed his eyes dropping down between my legs. The sundress I wore was kinda short, and with my legs uncrossed I wondered if he could see my white panties. Just after he told me to have fun, and drove off Daddy pulled...

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I Want To Ride A Cowboy

 I Want To Ride A Cowboy My car is broken down in a lonely spot out on a country road. I am wearing my black fishnet stockings with suspenders up to my crotch, with my cherry-red mini micro skirt riding my smooth tight arse, and my lacy see-through black top with no bra; my favorite knee-high, lace-up boots completing my slutty look.I am wondering what do when I glance over into a paddock. A nice-looking man is fixing fencing; he looks like a cowboy with all the gear. A dark blue, checked shirt...

Quickie Sex
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The Kidnapping of Justin Bieber

Justin soon fell asleep, dreaming about the girl. He hadn’t even learned her name, but she stood out to him from the thousands of screaming fangirls he saw daily. Poor Justin felt sad because he was sure he would never meet her again. Maybe he wasn’t right on that count. Might as well find out, eh? James Roberts was feeling depressed, which wasn’t a surprise either. James led a hollow shell of an existence; living with a deep hole in his soul that he felt nothing could fill. He had divorced...

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Gay College Roomates Part One

Junior year started out in a new apartment, new friends, new experiences... I was straight at the start of the year, and slowly I became VERY bisexual to completely gay by my senior year. First it started with my batshit crazy girlfriend...Crazy girls are the best lay, and my girilfriend at the start of the year was insane. She was very curvy, huge DD tits, blonde and always horny. Even when we broke up I couldn't quit fucking her, which kept getting me into trouble. My roomates would complain...

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My Pakistani friend is sleeping with my wife Real

Guys this is as real as it gets. I wouldn't just write a story otherwise but it's been crazy what has happened. Obviously these things are very rare in my culture. anyway, here it gies, I'm married and have an Arab wife. When I got married my mate came to our wedding. He is very close to me and we been through a lot in life. We have even had the same girlfriend years back at one stage. We live in Birmingham. I got married abroad a year ago and all my family and he came to wedding. He said my...

4 years ago
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In the Dark

August 2003 "Oh yes. Oh fuck me harder Carlos. Oh god I love how you fill me up." Carlos, encouraged by my words, fucked me harder and faster. I felt my pussy was already stretched to the limit as if Carlos was shoving a soda bottle into my pussy rather than his eight inch cock. I was bent over the settee, my legs apart and my hands braced against the wall as this man I had only met a few hours ago attacked my pussy with his large battering ram. I knew the moment I saw him on the dance...

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A New Roommate

Hello! I'm BigBoySkeletor, and this is more or less going to be my first story to stretch my creative muscles and see if I enjoy the CYOA life over here. So, a few things about the story to begin with; This is going to include furry/anthro content, if you haven't guessed already from the tags or the picture I've used. There's likely going to be multiple branching paths including more characters, situations, etc. If you've got any requests, feel free to drop a big ol' message in my inbox. So...

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She Just Wanted A Big Cock

I was working in a nightclub when I was around 20 or so. I had long hair and loved to party. I was part of the music side of the business, and I met lots of well-known musicians and worked with them to put on shows in the club. It was lots of fun, and it was the age of sex, d**gs and rock & roll. A VERY voluptuous blonde started as a waitress, then quickly moved up to bartender. She caught my eye like most of the hotties. It was not my style to hit on women, since back then it was the...

1 year ago
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Didnt Know I Had It In Me

Don't get me wrong...I am straight, at least i think i am. There is nothing more exciting then straddling a cock and riding out a nice long orgasm but recently I've had other thoughts consuming my mind. Thought that don't involve a guy and his hard dick, but a girl with a nice, supple chest and a tight, shaved pussy. I couldn't get the most bizarre thoughts out of my head. In the shower i thought about it, at night as i lay awake it crossed my mind. I couldn't understand why. Which is why i...

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Dost Ki Sister Ke Saath 3 Ghante

Hi mera nam Suraj hai.  Me aaj apni true story lekar aya hu joki mere friend ki sister ki hai. Usse phle me apne baare me kuch bata du ki meri height 5 feet 7 inch hai rang saanwala and lund ka size almost 8 inch hai . Baat tab ki hai jab meri nayi job lagi. Waha meri dosti Rahul naam ke ladke se huyi wo roz sham ke ghumne ata tha and uski sister bhi ati thi. Uski jyada boring taareef to nahi karunga haa bs uski height 5 feet 6 inch hai dubli patli si hai but uske boobs bahut bade and juicy...

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Coalton Correctional Facility

Coalton Correctional Center Coalton Correctional CenterBy JSMIles3000 Chapter 1 ? Sentenced Little fifteen year old, Kelsi Stewart and her friend AmySue Nelson, sat in Judge James W. Brown?s courtroom and listened to all of the charges that had been brought against them. The charges including school vandalism, shoplifting, lewd and lascivious conduct, and now breaking and entering, with the theft of property from Mr. Richard Goodman?s mercantile store.  Kelsi Ann was a gorgeous,...

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A Fortunate Accident

Jay Silas coughed from inside a cloud of multi colored smoke. He waved his had to try and clear the air and tried not to panic. He hadn't been working with anything too caustic and he couldn't feel any tingling or burning on his skin. Blinking a few times he was thankful to see the smoke quickly dissipating. He coughed again and inspected himself. Other than a few singes to his lab coat he seemed unharmed. Jay had been working hard on developing a new formula for perfumes. His goal was to make...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 11 Cruising

That was pretty much it for grand romance for a few weeks. School was ending the following Thursday, and Saturday Kelly and her mom were flying out of Atlanta to London. Neither set of parental units were allowing us to date on school nights, not even during the last week of school. We were able to go out on Friday night, and we got in some quality time then, but that was it. She was going to be gone the last week of May and the first two weeks of June. She got sort of tearful and clingy and...

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Back to the hotel

The moon outside was bright and the evening temperature quite comfortable so we decided to walk back to the hotel along the quayside. The side we were walking on was a sort of paved piazza, with house barges moored along side. The other side of the river, probably about 40 yards across, was lined with apartments fronting on to the river. There were many other couples in the vicinity and a few groups enjoying the warm evening. I slid my hand down the inside of her waistband and caressed her...

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A to Z Fuckstories ndash E is for Ending Friday

So, shortly after Catherine got fucked in her van for two hours, She drove me back to school so I could go home. I got home about 6, about ten minutes before my Mom. Great timing, so I wouldn’t have to explain anything. I ate supper, then retired to my room to reflect on the trip to the park and subsequent sex in a van. Catherine’s Double D tits were firmly engraved in my memory, as was her tight ass and willingness to suck and fuck. I’d be revisiting her church sometime.I pulled my cock out to...

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Thw weekend she became a slut

This is a fantasy story, names are made up.let me know what you think.many thanks.As i stood there looking at my fiancée covered in load after load of cum I could not help but let my mind wonder back to the start of the most amazing weekend of my life so far. Let me tell you all about it. It was friday afternoon, 3pm and Tina had just finished work. It had been a long week and she was looking forward to having the weekend off. As she made her way home her mind wondered through the week that had...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Judy Jolie A Taste Of The Good Old Days

Rick (Marcus London) and Glen (Jack Vegas), two buddies, are kicking back and enjoying the game on television. Even though they are both married and have families, they reminisce about the good old days where they could get with girls as pretty as the cheerleaders they’re watching. Everything was so much simpler back then… That’s when Sally (Judy Jolie) shows up to study with Rick’s daughter. After she excuses herself, Glen and Rick are dismayed about how they’re...

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she is perfect

Jack had the girls standing naked before him. There was eight of them in all different stages of pregnancy. He had a very smart business. He would breed these beautiful sexy girls and then the babies would be sold to couples that could not have babies. He had a long list of want to be parents waiting for babies. They paid a lot of money for a baby. He now looked at each girl. Liz was about to give birth to her fourth c***d. Then she would rest for thirty days before he would begin fucking her...

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City LimitsChapter 13 Vengeance Is Mine

Four people had been hospitalized. Seeing the woman just beyond his reach, there was only one thing Ryan could do. He stripped and dove into the water, gasping air into his shocked lungs. It took longer than he expected to wrestle the body onto the shelf of rock that jutted into the water. The ledge was a good foot above the surface and the water was deep. He had nothing to brace himself against as he pushed the girl up. But he didn’t give up. As soon as they were both on the ledge, he...

3 years ago
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The Cosca Episode 3 Keeping PromisesChapter 3

Joe entered his house with his wives, after returning Clarisse Martelli to her own home. The women had been strangely silent, again, throughout the trip, and that worried him. On entering the house, they had immediately disappeared into the bedroom while he secured the entry door. It had been a long day, and he was tired. Loosening his tie (yes, he still wore one of those archaic affectations!), he made his way toward the bedroom, hoping that the ladies only had sleep in mind. Entering the...

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New Fantasy 23

THE NEW FANTASY 23 BY PAUL G JUTRAS Paul woke up in bed with a start. His legs began twitch and he felt like he had a hard-on between his legs as the pressure to go to the bathroom become almost unbearable. He didn't even bother turning on the light or lifting the seat. As he felt the relief he heard the roar of a lawn mower outside. As he took some toilet paper and whipped the pee that dripped on the seat cover, he looked out the window. First thing he saw his sister's cat in the lit...

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Our secret beach

Three of my top sensual experiences in life include: 1) Making love to my wife. I never grow tired of this. 2) Getting a full body massage at The Rubb Inn in San Diego where we live. 3) Going naked on a beach in Hawaii. This story combines all three. After two weeks of great sex at our time share on Kauai, my wife and I were spending our last day on the island at our own little ‘secret’ beach. This is not the famous “Secret Beach” that is clearly marked on all the maps – a place which is not...

1 year ago
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Chosen Mate Ch 13

Epilog Harry’s notes: Ad Interim Hoc. So, here it is, the last save my closing remarks and perhaps a tease for which may follow. It’s been fun sharing my dreams with you, there are pages of others and more swirling ‘cross my thoughts, and if I’d stop writing poetry, there’s more instead of naught. I’m placing this in Romance where the story began, a good place to end. I think Oldman would agree. His encircled listeners were silent as the last words were spoken. Of course they did not live...

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Lises Bar the Development

It must have been about 9 in the evening. I woke up slowly, not sure exactly where I was. I opened my eyes and there was Eva, Greta’s girl, standing beside the bed. She smiled down at me and I realised I was alone in the bed. ‘Miss Greta would like me to help you prepare for the evening, Miss Kitty. I have chosen clothes for you that I think will fit and which will be prefect for your evening.’ She slowly, almost lovingly, pulled the silk sheet that covered me away and I thought, perhaps hoped,...

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No Pictures Please

My wife of 15 years and I were taking our first vacation since our honeymoon. We were both heavily involved in our careers and had no c***dren. They were never really a part of our game plan as we enjoyed the freedom to do whatever we wanted to do whenever we wanted to do it. Almost all of the free time we might have acquired was aimed at our jobs. We lived well and had a very good sex life. We used toys and role play but we never really went to any extremes or became involved with others. My...

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The Saga of Tuck Chapter 4 Tuck Foy

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Tuck Foy Copyright 1997 by Ellen Hayes. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical...

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