Martina's Twist 2 free porn video

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Martina's Twist 2 I woke up when the pilot initiated landing in Rome. Julius obviously fell also asleep and - to my relieve - did not wake up till touch down. Soon we were out of the plane and on our way to get the suitcases which in turn reminded me of the fact that I had nothing than the clothes I was wearing and they did not belong me. After another 20 minutes three suitcases were taken from the belt and we went through custom. On the other end a young woman with a sign of our travel agent waited for us. There were already about two dozens people waiting close to her. They were mostly women and a very few man with their kids. I remembered now that my mother told me that she will book a two weeks tour through Italy for parents with their kids, in order for me to have company of my age. The young woman who introduced herself as Giovanna found us four on the list and just marked an 'a' behind my first name. After my mother told her about my lack of clothes, she told us just to get the most important things in the airport shops since we would leave in 20 minutes for the hotel in Rome. She also gave us directions to a lingerie store where she thought we will most likely find some night wear for me. We - unfortunately Mrs. Hunt and Julius felt obliged to help us - hurried to the indicated store. It turned out that it was a woman's lingerie store without a teen's selection. All the PJ were by far to large for me. Finally the sales lady with a strong Italian accent but in perfect English told me, that I should try on a babydoll since with that a larger size would not matter to much, the hem of the skirt would just be a bit lower and less sexy. ~ What a relieve!~ I got a glimpse of the leering gaze of Julius out of the corners of my eyes and was sure that I certainly would not make him happy by presenting myself wearing that thing in front of him. My mother made it very clear that only she will accompany me into the fitting room - Mrs. Hunt was very much disappointed and so was Julius. Finally, my mother and I were alone for the first time we met on the train station but the thin curtain and the bystanders outside did not allow for a verbal exchange other then what a mother would tell her daughter while trying on some clothes. "Martin...a, take of your skirt and sweater while I'm getting the babydoll out of the plastic wrapping. You have to take of y...our bra also but can keep on the panties, for trying on the panties of the set. Ok, a bit on the wide side but should anyhow be ok. Now let's try the babydoll, hold your arms up. Yes, that will work, I assume you do not care that the hem is almost at your knees." "No, Mom, I'don't." I was looking with wide eyes in the mirror and saw me wearing a signal red flimsy, transparent thing with some embroidery around the breast region and a lot of ruffles at the hem and above. Also the panties were full of ruffles. My mother had a kind of sad lock but quickly found here composure again. "Ok then, take it off again and put on your clothes, we have to hurry to get the other things." "What things do you mean?" "Well, toothbrush and things, you know what I mean!" Three minutes later mother had paid and I was also ready again after some hassle with putting on the bra. We hurried to a store where we expected to find a toothbrush and the other things - whatever my mother was looking for. We did find the toothbrush quickly then my mother got some tissues in a plastic wrapping. I was sure to find out soon what they were for. Then some nail polish remover, a pink and a red nail polish, a pink lipstick, a compact and finally a small case with coulors. I could imagine what they were for. When we went to the check- out. Mrs. Hunt came running toward us waving with a box in her hand. "Finally I found it, here are the tampons for Martina." Everybody's eyes in the store were turning towards me - at least I had this impression - and I turned beet red. "I overheard you while you were in the fitting room that Martina was needing 'you know what I mean'" My mother was obviously spent and did not want to go into a discussion and paid for everything. "Ok, we have to move, five minutes till we leave." Hurrying back we passed a young fashion store an Mrs. Hunt stopped us by pointing to a pink shift dress in the window. "Martina, this is my treat for you if they have one in your size." Mrs. Hunt said and pulled me into the store. And to my mother and Julius: "Just tell them that we will be there in a minute!" Mrs. Hunt grabbed the nearest sales lady and asked her about the dress in my size. The sales told us that it was wool stretch mix, came as one size and would certainly fit. We just arrived with an additional bag in my hands when the others started to enter our bus. While entering, we had to walk trough the aisle to the rear since all front rows were already occupied. "Did you find a nighty?" "Did you find some clothes?" ....Everybody we passed was so polite to ask us. Obviously my story was now common knowledge. "I would like again to welcome you to our trip trough Italy the next two weeks. I am Giovanna and your guide during the whole time. If you have questions or need anything, please just let me know," came via the loudspeakers in the bus. "We will now drive to our hotel in the centre of Rome and have dinner there. Since, it is already quite late, please just put your suitcases in your rooms after checking in and then come immediately down to the restaurant in the 1st floor. Tomorrow at 8:30 we will meet at the hotel lobby for our tour through Rome. The afternoon is free and you will have time to get to know Rome by yourself and do some shopping if you like. I certainly hope, Martina will find some nice outfits. What a chance to fill a suitcase with fashion from Italy!" Everybody cheered and they meant it as a support. However, I again turned beet red by the attention I received and prospect for the next two weeks. When we arrived at the hotel we were almost the last to check in since we were sitting in the rear of the bus. We hurried up into our quite nice little room, left my mothers suitcase, my jacket and mothers coat there. By entering the restaurant, somebody was waving us and I was fearing it was Mrs. Hunt, but instead it was a woman at a table for six. Another woman and two girls in my age were at her table. "Hi, I'm Emily and this is Anna and this is her daughter Caroline and here is my daughter Sonja. We thought that you would like to join us since our daughters are all about the same age." "Oh, that's very nice of you, we'd love to. I'm Susan and this is Martin..a, but you probably know that already." "Yeh, but don't care. It is vacation and tomorrow afternoon you will be set again and Martina will be equipped with Italian attire, not such a bad result for being a bit forgetful." She was laughing in a sympathetic way blinking at me, which made us relax a bit. The two women were nicely dressed in pants and matching tops, some jewellery and light make up. Actually quite similar to how my mother was dressed. Caroline wore a jumpsuit with a flower pattern and Sonja some leggings and a sweater. I was the only one in a skirt I suddenly recognised. The three women sat together on one side of the round table and the girls [sic] on the other side with me in the middle. "I like your skirt and sweater and how your necklace and earrings fit perfectly, and your pretty tights. I see you like fashion," came from Caroline. "I will wear a dress tomorrow but for travelling I find leggings more comfortable." Sonja explained. "Did you find something to wear for tomorrow or will you have to wear your skirt and sweater again till you bought some new clothes in the afternoon?" "I have only this clothes and the dress Mrs. Hunt bought me at the airport. But I don't know if it fits since I had no time to try it on." Sonja: "What colour is the dress?" "It is also pink." "Ah, that's perfect. It will fit your tights, shoes and jacket. Would be odd to wear, let's say, a green dress together with them. By the way, if the dress does not fit and you want to wear something else for tomorrow morning, I could lend you my jeans skirt and a white blouse, which will work with your shoes and jacket." I was a bit puzzled by the colour issue since I normally did not care at all about matching colours: Jeans, some t-shirts and sneakers, that's all. The two girls were really nice and after the fashion issue we talked about school, hobbies and friends. I thought I mention only my female friends Cathy, Barbara and Monica. It was easy going and finally I could relax and enjoyed the evening chatting with them. From time to time I caught an inquisitive look from my mother who also obviously enjoyed her company. It was already quite late when we kissed our good nights and went to our rooms. Finally, mother and I were alone. "Now, Martina, tell me how I became the mother of a daughter." "C'mon, Mom, don't call me that. I'm Martin, your son." "I was observing you this evening chatting with your new friend and more than once was not so sure about that anymore. Now tell me." She said in a kind and sympathetic way. I told her the whole story and she had to chuckle or laugh several times. When I had finished she said:" You really brought yourself in a situation. You know it is allowed to say 'no'. You just went with the flow without any resistance. Now you have to be my daughter for two week or who knows how long." "But, Mom, could we not just separate from the group or fly home?" "Certainly not, you won't spoil my vacation. You have just two choices: Either, we will buy you boy's clothes tomorrow afternoon and tell the whole group who you really are - nevertheless you would have to change back to Martina for leaving the country with your new passport. Or you play along. In this case we will go shopping for Martina: dresses and skirts only, just to teach you a lesson. What do you choose?" "Mom, I cannot let everybody know that I am a boy in girl's clothes, what would they think? Please, leave me some alternative!" "Ok, then it's Martina for the whole vacation, there is no other choice I will offer you. We might even have some fun playing mother and daughter, at least I will. How I missed to have the chance to go shopping with a daughter!" "Mom, please!" "No more arguments it's settled for now. You still can decide tomorrow afternoon in which part of the store you would like to shop, but you have to live with the consequences. Now put your babydoll on, I will clean the make up off your face and then you go to sleep." Reluctantly, I undressed and put the red thing on. Mom gave me a good night's kiss after rubbing away the make up with the tissues she had bought at the airport and said:" Good night, Martina, sleep well and have nice dreams." I just muttered: "night" With all the hassle and impressions of the day, I fell asleep in no time. ---- "Wake up sleepy head! It is a very nice day and already quite late; we have to hurry for breakfast!" "Mmmh, I'm still tired, can I not stay in bed a bit longer?" "No, get up now. We will have a busy day and you have to eat something before we leave." Only when I got up and saw the hem of my babydoll, the memories of the last day came back. ~ What a chain of events had been triggered by Cathy's remark less than 24 hours ago. Was it really just one day ago? How should I act now? Just continue to go with the flow, like Mom put it, or should I oppose and tell all that I am a boy? But what would they think? Would they believe that all happened against my will? Was it really against my will? And in the end I would have to switch back into Martina's role to exit the country while all the participants of the tour knowing my real gender, how humiliating! ~ "Girl, move it, don't dream!" "Please, Mom, I'm not a girl!" I went for a shower and when I came out of the bathroom my mother had already laid out the dress Mrs. Hunt had bought me yesterday evening. The rest of the clothes were obviously the same as to ones I was wearing yesterday. "I'll help you dressing, and then some lipstick and blush." When I was done, Mom placed the wig back on my head and brushed it out for some time. I had a look in the mirror: The dress fitted perfectly. Martina was back. We went down for breakfast. "Oh, what a lovely dress!" Sonja greeted me. She was also wearing a dress with a flower print, a long flaring skirt and a tight bodice showing off nicely her developing breasts. Caroline was wearing a short jeans skirt and a wide red mohair pullover. Close by was Julius eying us but in the company of my friends he did not dare to approach me. In addition to the fun talking with Sonja and Caroline this was another plus to spend time with them. The other girls [sic] in the group where all much younger and the boys with the exception of Julius and two others too. "How do you like your dress?" Mrs. Hunt was asking while touching the fabric and pulling a bit here and there. "It is wonderful, I love it. You were so kind to buy it for me. Thousand thank!" I tried to sound enthusiastic. But surely, the dress felt and looked nice. After the breakfast we had 15 minutes before the bus for the city tour left. My Mom told me to get rid of the tights since it will turn out to be a warm autumn day, and also the jacket would not me necessary. With just the dress, the shoes and my pink bag I was leaving the hotel room and felt a bit too girly, a bit too exposed. (As if my clothes yesterday were less girly...) The trip through Rome with the bus and many stops where we went off the bus to visit different sites was very interesting and I enjoyed it together with Sonja and Caroline. The three boys in our age also teamed up and seemed to get a long quite well. Now and then, they tried to get our attention by playing the clown or acting funny. Sonja and Caroline just ignored them and I just copied their behaviour. Vatican, Forum Romanum, Colloseum, Piazza Navona, Ara Pacis, Bocca del Verita, Circus Maximus and finally Trajan's market which we could explore by ourselves for three quarters of an hour. It was sometimes like a maze with the many cubicles which once where tiny stores. We went in every corner to explore. "What do you think of Robert, I think he is rather cute," Sonja announced when we were in a remote small cubicle. "Yes, he is, but I fancy Julius more, despite the fact that he always tries to get attention, I guess he tries to supersede his uncertainty. What about you Martina? This leaves only Martin for you if we don't want to go in a fight for the boys. That would be funny: Martin and Martina!" "Ahhm, I really don't know." "Are you a prude? Never kissed a boy?" "Nooo, but yes, I never kissed a boy before and I don't think that I want that." "Are you a lesbian then? Not that we care or that we would act differently in our friendship." ~ What should I answer. Somehow I feared to risk our new friendship anyhow. ~ "No, no, but I just don't feel ready yet!" "That's fine with us. At least, you don't care or interfere with Robert, Julius and us. Haha..!" I had become quite relaxed with the girls and took it already as granted that they shielded me from the boys and now this. ~ If Sonja would start to show some interest in Robert and Caroline in Julius, Martin would most likely try to hit on me. What a mess! ~ Finally, the tour came to an end and we had a light lunch in a pretty restaurant. The waiter, a young man of about 20, did not hide his interest in the three of us and treated us like princesses - what an experience. Robert and Julius obviously felt challenged and mimicked his behaviour in an exaggerated way, while Martin did not play along with them. "You are just a bunch of immature brats!" Sonja told them. "He is a real gentleman and knows how to treat young ladies!" "You are no young ladies but just some little girls still playing with your dollies!" came from Julius. "Are you jealous? Would you like to play with our dollies? Caroline was laughing. "Martina, we have to go shopping for you," my mother announced. "Ohh, Mrs. Berger, could we join you," came from Sonja and Caroline in unison. "Call me, Susan, and yes, if your mothers agree." They agreed and we were off as a company of four. I guess, no chance anymore to go into the boy's part of the shops and since my Mom told them that I don't like pants, no chance to collect a kind of androgynous set of clothes. That much about my choice in which part of the shop I would like to shop. Anyhow, I have had the feeling that to go with the flow was easier. What followed was quite an experience: I in the fitting rooms of about a thousand stores and three people with specific senses for very feminine fashion carrying piece after piece of clothing to my cubicle to try on. Mom had bought a suitcase before we started and this filled up now with delicate and colourful fabrics gradually: A dozen bra and panty sets, some plain, some locking like made of silk. Many pantyhose in different colours and deniers. Nine skirts in different lengths but mostly well above my knees. Many tops, pullovers and sweaters. Seven dresses, two of them more formal ones for evening events. Four pumps in different colours and texture with one to three inch heels. Three sandals, one with a four inch wedge heel. A brown boot with long shaft and two inch heel and shorter pink boots with a wide three inch heel. Three handbags, three jackets and one long wool coat. I was totally exhausted when we arrived back at the hotel room. Mom gave me there some jelly bra inserts and a make up set she had bought while the girls were busy. "Thanks, Mom, but you spent a fortune dressing me for just these two weeks." "It was a pleasure and I hope we will repeat this sometimes in the future!" "Mom, please be serious! It is just these two weeks!" "We'll see, but now hurry and put your dresses on for dinner!" She has laid out the black satin dress with a short flaring skirt and a tight bodice, a black sheer pantyhose and the black pumps with a three inch heel. "Oh, no, Martina, you have to change your underwear, you cannot wear pink under this dress. Put these on. With this she gave me a black silk like bra and lacy panty set, which felt totally different than my boys underwear or also the pink one I had been wearing. When I finally had the bra on - I was getting better putting it on - she slid the two jelly pieces into each cup. When I looked down my breasts were quite pronounced. "Is that not too much?" I pleaded. "No, they are fine for a girl your age. Caroline and Sonja are about the same size if not larger." Then, I was shown how to put on the pantyhose without creating a run into the delicate fabric and finally, mother held the dress open for me to step in. She pulled it up and closed the zipper which made the bodice quite restrictive around my breast. Then she bound the black sash around my waist with large bows on my back; and finally the shoes. When I looked into the mirror I only could find Martina, no Martin what so ever. Below the bodice with my breast and my narrow waist the short skirt was flaring out since it had a kind of stiff fabric made into it underneath. "Martina, you are... gorgeous!" And she gave me a kiss. "Now, let's remove your pink nail polish and put a red varnish on which will fit your dress better." When she was done and I was holding my fingers apart to let the polish dry, my mother removed my earrings and replaced them with large gold hoops and a matching gold necklace. "We did not think of new jewellery for you today, hence you have to wear some of mine. Do you mind?" "Mmh, no, I think, thank you." ~ Mom was really getting into it. Is that just a game to teach me a lesson or is she trying to turn me into a girl? She is a bit too enthusiastic for my taste. Just to play the part without all the fancy stuff would be sufficient. ~ Finally, she put red lipstick, matching my nails, and some blush on my lips and face, respectively. She had changed into a silvery shift dress with matching high heels while I was waiting for the nail polish to dry. A pearl necklace and dangling pearl earrings completed her look. Before we left she insisted to take some photos of us in the mirror - 'Mother and Daughter pictures' as she called them. ~ These certainly are no Mother and Son pictures and I hope she is not showing them around when back home. OMG, she has taken dozens of pictures today while visiting all the sites and insisted that I was on them together with Caroline and Sonja. How could she tell her friends at home about Rome without showing pictures? I surely have to be more careful for the trip not to be on too many photos. ~ She gave me a small black handbag we had bought this afternoon with the compact, lipstick, powder and a tampon in it. "Mom, why did you put this thing in here?" "Just to make it more realistic. As a girl close to your days you have to be ready." "But Mom, I'm not a girl and not close to my days...!" "But if somebody sees it, they will think that and that is good for your cover. Or do you wanna wear one?" she was smiling. "Mom, please, stay serious. Well then, I see your point." Some spritz out of a perfume bottle covering us in a flowery smell and we were out in the hallway both clicking our heels while walking to the elevator with its large mirror doors. In these mirrors an attractive woman with her young daughter were making their way through the hallway towards it. The daughter's skirt was swinging with each step. ~ She is sooo pretty. Never ever would I have dared to approach her; but I'm this pretty girl! ~ When we arrived in the hotel lobby, most of the people joining for the restaurant were already there. Somebody was whistling; Julius as I have thought. But in a sense it made me proud. We walked together with Caroline, Sonja and their mothers to the restaurant which was, thanks god, only a few hundred meters from the hotel; my feet in the high heel were already starting to hurt. Close to the restaurant, I hit a hole in the pavement with my right heel and started to tumble, but before I could fall down, somebody just grabbed me around my waist. "Bella signorina, devi stare pi? attento!" "Oooh, many thanks for catching me!" He was still holding me with his strong arm around my waist till he was sure that I regained my balance. When I raised my head, I ran my cheek against his and felt his stubbles and smelled his scent. I breathed deeply again and could not classify the effect of his smell on me. He quickly gave me a light kiss on my left cheek. A shudder run down my spine. "Buona notte, carissima!" He told me and left, when Caroline and Sonja took me in the middle. I was just standing there and staring at him leaving, stroking softly my left cheek with my fingers. ~ What was that? Am I turning crazy? Why this silly reaction? It didn't feel silly, though. ~ "Earth to Martina are you reading us?" From my two friends. "What was that? Is that your way to make acquaintances?" They were giggling. "Sorry, I was just... I don't know." With this we entered the restaurant which had tables for about sixty customers. About two thirds were already occupied while the remaining tables were reserved for our group. There was a live band playing Italian songs with muted volume. Between the table and the band was an empty dance floor. We six sat together, we three girls [sic] at the three sides at one end of our table. "Your dress is really nice. I told you in the store how good it will look on you! And these gorgeous earrings! When did you buy these?" "They are my mother's." "Cool!" Caroline was wearing a short black skirt, a white blouse with ruffles running down both sides of the front buttons and a black bolero with sparkling glass stones all along its hem. Sonja on the other hand a dark blue body con dress which pronounced her developing body nicely. After some hassle to find the right thing to eat on the all Italian menu card, we ordered an then had some time chatting. "That was a good-looking guy you caught on the street. You shouldn't have let him walk away!" "You told us that you never kissed a boy before. Obviously, you make men kiss you! We have seen that!" Caroline was laughing and Sonja was joining in. I was blushing but also could not refrain from smiling slightly. Then we talked about the impressions of the day until dinner was served. I mimicked my two friends in how they held their fork and knife and how they ate. From time to time I noticed approving looks from my mother; she was also enjoying the company of her two new friends. As soon as most of the people in the restaurant had finished their meal, the band increased the volume of their music and the first people started to dance. It took only a few minutes until Robert and Julius were coming to our table and asking for a dance. Sonja was quick on her feet an taking Robert by his hand. Caroline followed her with Julius in her tow, leaving me back alone on my seat on the head of the table. After a few minutes I spotted a sad look on Moms face. Obviously, she thought that I felt left out. In a sense I did. On the other hand I didn't know if I could handle dancing with a boy (yet). I looked around to find my two friends on the dance floor; they were enjoying themselves moving their body in tune with the music and getting the attention of their dance partners. By looking back at the tables I then saw Martin looking back at me, but as soon as our eyes met he lowered his head and looked away. ~ What is wrong with him - ok it's fine that he is not trying to hit on me - but still? Does he know my secret? OMG, let's pray he will not tell Robert and Julius. ~ I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I looked up it was Martin. "Wanna dance?" I was still in my thoughts and before I could answer, he was turning red: "Oooh, sorry.... I.... I didn't want to bother you!" ~ He is shy! Ok, I would be too in the same situation. Actually, I wouldn't have dared to ask this young lady to dance. What shall I do. He is kind of cute in his shyness and was brave enough to ask me. By the way it is getting boring to sit here by myself. What the heck. ~ I was standing up before he could leave and said: "Was about time you asked me!" He was just looking at me with huge eyes: "You don't mind?" "No, not at all. C'mon let's have some fun!" As soon as we arrived at a free spot on the dance floor the music stopped. Then the band started to play a slow song. Quite a lot of people left the dance floor including my two friends with their dance partners. We two were standing there, looking at each other and both kind of red faced. "Ehm, I...I didn't know that.... they will play a slow one, sorry!" I was kind of pissed off to have spent twenty minutes sitting by myself while my friends enjoyed the dance, then finally in a joint effort with Martin to dare to have a dance and then to just walk back to my seat. "If you don't bit me, I won't bit you, ok?" And I put my hands around his neck. For a moment I was fearing that he would collapse, but he found his composer again. Still he did not dare to put his arms around my waist. (I wouldn't have neither in his shoes!) ~ Hey that's cool, I'm in total control! ~ I was looking up at him (despite my heels he was almost half a head taller than me). He had no plan what to do. "That's a bit odd to stand her just like this. Put your arms around my waist like the other dancers do, I'm ok with it!" He followed order but hardly touched my waist on both side just above my hips. Slowly, we started to dance to the rhythm of the music. Still I could feel how strained he was. I was so fascinated by the effect I had on him that it did not sink into my consciousness that I was pushing a boy to dance with me - me pretending to be a girl. "Are you ok?" "I...I'm sooo ...sorry that I brought you in this...this situation. I... I..." I looked up at him and smiled: "I'm fine, just relax and enjoy it too!" A faint smile was building up around his lips. The band played three slow pieces in a row and I started really to enjoy to move with the music. Martin was still hardly touching me. When the last song came to its end, he pulled his hands quickly away from my waist. Obviously, during the whole time he was that strained that he was tightly holding on to the loose ends of my sash. Now with his abrupt movement the bow came free and the whole sash with it. I feared that he would fall apart. I could just grab him at both of his wrists before he was sprinting away and was starting to laugh: "Hey, you cannot leave me alone like this! Cold you please knot it up again into a bow?" He was looking at me with huge eyes: " I....I...I'm soooo sorry. I ....I didn't wanted to do that, sorry, sorry!" "Hush, hush. Just tie it up again, I can't do it nicely on my own. I know that you didn't do this on purpose." He took the sash which I already held around my waist, knelt on the floor on my back and did the bow with shaking hands. As soon as he was done he was up again and starting to make his way to his seat. I took him by his left hand: "Let's dance a bit longer please." The band has started with a faster song and the dance floor filled up again. He bend down and said into my right ear: "Are you not mad at me, I was so clumsy, sorry, sorry." I did not know what was riding me but instead of an answer I gave him a soft kiss on his right cheek. Surprised and visibly relived he also started to dance and to smile. After quite some more faster songs the band took a break and Martin brought me back to my seat. My mother said, "Martin, that was nice of you..." Before I could ask her what she was referring to, she continued: "to dance with my daughter!" ~ Ooh, ok, the other Martin... ~ "M'am, it was a huge pleasure to dance with your gorgeous daughter. She is just the perfect girl and so kind! Without her encouragement I would never have dared to dance with her!" ~ Wow, more words from him in 30 seconds than during the last hour. What will Mom think? That I urged him to dance and was eager to do dance with a boy as a girl? ~ Mom was just laughing. "Yes, really a perfect girl!" "What was that all about? You put up quite a show there! You never kissing a boy...You are quite a little witch: First this good-looking guy and now this poor boy!" Both Sonja and Caroline were laughing. I was just smiling back. "We feared that he will start to undress you on stage when he had you sash in his hands!" From Caroline. "Yeh, we didn't judge him to be that briskly!" From Sonja. "Oh no, not at all. He was just too clumsy and totally stressed. He is much more the shy guy. Actually quite nice." I was defending him. "We know, we were just kidding. But good to know that we will not fight for a guy. Robert and Julius are nice too if still a bit immature." I was looking over to the boys and there Robert and Julius were clowning again and pushing Martin in a kind of friendly way. Martin's dreamy gaze was on me. Since it was already quite late and we had to get up early next morning, our people started to get up. While walking back, each time Martin came into my field of vision his was looking at me. He was quickly looking away every time. ~ Funny how he is behaving. ~ In our hotel room mother asked me, "Did you enjoy the evening?" "Aha, was quite ok. It was just a bit boring to sit by myself for some time. I felt a bit left out." "Do you think of Sonja and Caroline as your friends?" "Yes, they are really nice and itis fun to talk and to do thing (~like shopping~) with them." "I was just wondering. You did not notice when Robert and Julius came to ask for a dance, they were both trying to be the first asking YOU. But the girls in an orchestrated way snatched them away and let you sit by your own. Didn't look fair to me." "Really, they wanted to ask ME?" "For sure!" "Nah, that's ok. Sonja and Caroline told me today that they were fancying Robert and Julius and asked whether this was ok with me. And that Martin and Martina would match. It was ok for me since I had no intention mingle with the boys." "I see! But still you ended up dancing with Martin. Was it ok for you to dance with a boy and with Martin specifically?" "Much better than to sit around alone! Was kind of fun but he is extremely shy. Still I can understand, I would be the same in his place. I had to encourage him a bit." "I have seen that. You acted extremely self confident like never before." "Really, I didn't notice." "I was assuming that you pretending to be a girl would make you even more timid, but quite the opposite was happening. Amazing!? You know, If you continue like this, Martin will follow you like a little puppy; he was totally mesmerised. Do you want that?" "I...I don't know. I was not aware of that. Its confusing!" "Think about it. But now get to sleep we will have a long day tomorrow! Nice dreams!" She was giggling. "Night, Mom" It took me some time to find sleep after all this different impressions of the day and mother's remark. ~ Ok, it went quite well the first day of my 13 days ordeal! Ordeal?" ~ to be continued...

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Martina McBride Lusty in Every Way

Country music star, Martina McBride, is an amazing woman. She's very attractive, she's got a very distinctive voice and singing style, she's extremely successful as a country music performer, and she's married and the mother of two little girls. One of the amazing things about Martina is that she's very petite and yet she's a very awesome woman in a small package. She's fairly short but Martina is gorgeous and she's pretty nicely blessed in the chest area. And, she's one very hot sexy...

2 years ago
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SRU Poker With A Twist

I can't get enough of stories about games with slightly different rules than normal (I think you know what I mean!) so thought I would try one myself. They're all pretty similar so this one results in changes through a slightly different technique which I don't think has been used before. Enjoy, and don't forget to tell me what you think! I'd love to see more game stories on the site so keep writing them Please! SRU: Poker With A Twist By Gina R I stared at the strange store,...

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Martina Mothers Monks

Martina wanted to do something useful with her life besides mothering. Pushed into a marriage at sixteen, when three children arrived eighteen months apart she visited the government health clinic and unbeknownst to family and spouse and church, had the operation that shut down the production line. She wasn’t yet twenty-one. Seeing the small note at the supermercado in their small town in northern New Mexico, she was intrigued and borrowed her brother’s rattletrap truck to check it out. Up in...

2 years ago
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A Surprising Twist

Here is my story about a surprising twist between some close friends and I, and one that I found to be very erotic and one that has been somewhat life changing for us all. Some time ago, I met this hot looking gal through a co-worker of mine. He had told me some stories about her that seemed rather far-fetched, or so I thought. Anyway, a few years ago she came to our work to visit my co-worker, since she and he were friends. He took me aside and told me that this was the gal he had...

1 year ago
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Getting Even with a Bad Twist

I have been married to Deb for the past three years. Deb is blonde, twenty five years old and college educated. She's cute and very sexy at the same time but I'm still very unhappy in our marriage. Now don't get me wrong, she's great and I love her very much. I just have to tell you the story of how my marriage changed. She was a great wife cooking and cleaning without complaint. I only had one problem. She just wouldn't get on the birth control pill. The only way she would let me have sex with...

4 years ago
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Leading Lady or The Transsexual Twist

Leading Lady, or The Transsexual Twist By Cal Y. Pygia Howard Clifton ignored his leading lady's plaintive look, regarding it, quite rightly, as being a final, last-minute, silent appeal. Several times, she'd asked not to have to film the film's love scenes in the nude--to no avail. Her repeated requests that Howard use a body double had also been turned down. "There's nothing wrong with your body," he'd assured her, and, of course, there wasn't. Like most Hollywood actresses, her...

3 years ago
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LISSA C Chapter 6 Stick it to them and twist

Jack wasted no time in the sim lab. With the medical teams attending to the unconscious seals, Jack headed for his office. Time was really of the essence now. If all of this was going to work, Linn was going to have to instruct Sam of the things she would need, and Sam would have to get it all keyed in before they arrived back at Langley. This gave Jack just under an hour to get his shit raked into one pile. As soon as his office door closed behind him it immediately reopened with a...

1 year ago
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Gay naked twister

We are sitting in the living room. I’m on the couch; you’re in the recliner. We’re drinking, because drinking is what we need to do if we’re really going to do this tonight. Are we really going to do this tonight? After several drinks we decide to get out Twister. It’s a k**’s game, but we’re both drunk enough that we’re feeling pretty playful. We put the mat on the floor and start the game. A few turns in, you make the suggestion that we should play naked. I guess we are going to do this...

3 years ago
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Lets play Twister

We are sitting in the living room. I’m on the couch; you’re in the recliner. We’re drinking, because drinking is what we need to do if we’re really going to do this tonight. Are we really going to do this tonight? After several drinks we decide to get out Twister. It’s a k**’s game, but we’re both drunk enough that we’re feeling pretty playful. We put the mat on the floor and start the game. A few turns in, you make the suggestion that we should play naked. I guess we are going to do this...

4 years ago
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Janie and David had been together for many years, since a fling turned serious. They kept it exciting by, well, fucking a lot basically, with whatever twists they could think of and organise. A favourite type of 'Treat Sex' was when Janie's other lover Chris came to stay, and the three of them could get off in combination. Fantasising about other expansions on the basic couple was another regular turbo boost to a sex session: "What about if X were here, how would we set about seducing...

1 year ago
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Taking punishmentthe final twist

Parts 1 & 2 combined “……you will be taken from here to be executed by hanging in accordance with the law. Your execution is set for tomorrow.” Hearing those words Marie was stunned as the two guards in the dock hurried her down the steps and back into her holding cell. She had not stolen her mistresses’ necklace! But still she was now sat in a dark, damp cell with no light save a shaft from the small slit in the door. The door opened with a crash and she cowered in the corner as a man entered –...

3 years ago
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Olivers Twist

A Shotgun romance, or a twist of fate? Peter. I saw him on the first day of the second semester. Despite being in the same school for the previous one, I never one can remember if I saw him. However, this anomaly ended when I walked into the final gym semester of my high school career. Pushing open the door into the locker room, a pungent gale of teenage sweat assaulted my nostrils. Being early on purpose, I walked directly into the changing process of the previous class hour. Skinny,...

4 years ago
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Tactical Twister

“Twister, the Game that Ties You Up in Knots” gave new meaning to the phrase “contact sports.” Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show twist with peek-a-boob Eva Gabor goosed up the sales. A problem with Twister, however, is that once the contestants begin twisting together, a third person must be present to spin the spinner. The solution: forget the spinner and take turns making up the calls. But the Milton Bradley version is where to start. Take off your shoes and face your opponent from opposite...

2 years ago
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Olivers Twist

I hope Becky gave me the right place… Becky and I are in the same co-ed business Fraternity at Gennecho University. She’s one of the most gorgeous girls I’ve ever laid eyes on. She’s got dark brown hair that barely touches her delicate shoulders. A body that only angels could compare to. Petite is another word that could describe her. But she does have what one could describe as a bubble butt. And legs that go on for days. Even though she’s more than a couple inches taller than me, that...

3 years ago
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A night of DJing takes an interesting twist

Before I get into much of the story let me describe myself. Names Mitch, I’m 5’10” with brownish-black hair, and while I’m not the most muscled guy around I could hold my own in a fight. Most of my body weight was natural muscle. Mainly in my chest and shoulder areas. I’ve had more than one lady comment on my broad shoulders and my stamina in bed. I’ve never been super big as some of the other guys. 7” dick and about an inch and a half thick. Too me I laughed at the “jar-heads” that thought...

4 years ago
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The Guy Next Door Chapter 9 The Final Twist

The Guy Next Door – Chapter 9 – The Final Twist Jane and Bill never really set eyes on each other. Their respective work meant that they always left their houses at different times and Bill was none the wiser that Jane was actually living next door. The fact was, he was worried about where she was living, but figured it would be her mothers or sisters, but whenever he phoned her mobile he never got through. He was not the sort of person to chase after a woman anyway, that was something that...

2 years ago
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The World With a Twist

The question of "What if" is probably one of the great unanswerable questions. A single flip of a coin can lead down a million different paths. Here is one such flip, what if the roles and natures of the genders were switched. What if women were strong and men soft? (this is an expansion of the concept of my "Prom Night with a twist" story.")

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Date night with a twist

the wife Jane and i decided to do date night with a twist, i told her to go out with her blonde wig on instead of her long black hair and for her to go out 1st and wait for me in the bar so i could pick her up and do it like as if we had 1st met. when she puts the wig on she looks totally different and i told her to wear her glasses which she only wears at home for reading. Jane left the house 1st and walked to the pub which is just round the corner and i would call in 5 minutes i...

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Wake up call with a twist

I've always been an early riser. As soon as the sun breaches over the tree line, it dances in through the window and instantly warms me. The sun kisses my skin and wakes me up to a brand new day. I usually lounge in bed, with the sheets down around my waist, enjoying the natural warmth. In the summer, the window stays open through the night, and in the morning a cool breeze moves through the room in a sensual accompaniment with the sun’s rays. This morning is one of those, the warm sun and a...

2 years ago
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SURFING THE WEB WITH A TWIST.I love to surf the web my favorite sites are the porn sites I just love all the women that put there photos on these sites and even there videos, I love the amateur’s section, as these are real people and not models,This one day I decided to do some surfing and as always you get popup messages The usual ones are sign up for free sex and then the camcorders one’s shag a local woman in your area,The usual crap I just want to find some good wanking material somebody...

3 years ago
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The Witness Protection Plan With A TG Twist

****************************************************** THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM WITH A TG TWIST by Deane Christopher Copyrighted 1999 ****************************************************** "I have no further questions for the witness, your honor.", the attorney who was leading Jason Tamborn's defense team said in a off-handed manner; knowing with a certainty that though he had tried every ploy he knew during the course of his lengthy...

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Boy Became Man With The Help Of Sister 8211 With A Twist

Hi all…my name is Sravan (fake name)…I am 20years dropped my studies as I don’t have interest trying to start my own company in animation and I am 5.10 height with athletic body. Thank you all for responding on my story… this will bee really big story and bear with me am not that good in narration. This is my second story how I have sex with my elder sister…for new readers my first story – “Boy Became Man With The Help Of Sister”…And guys many are asking to share my sis for sex…is this kind of...

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The SRS Race with a twist

are you ready for a twist. the SRS race continues.. as Dale turns into Daisy.. oh as far as the punctuation i'm lazy.. so you'll have to bare with me. Maggie , Jennifer, Wing, and Sue all stood up and put on this lotion around their huge cocks.. and slowly they took them off... they were state of the art electronic cocks that atttaches with glue... i held each cock and looked them over.. and then started sucking on one.. and pushed another back up into my pussy.. the girls just...

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Two Lovers with a Twist

Two Lovers with a Twist By Kathy Smith Kenny Goldstein was an undergraduate at Carnegie Mellon University. He was in his junior year, doing mechanical engineering. He is thinking about graduate school in the same area of research. He lives off campus with his girlfriend, Annie Fitzgerald. She is 1 year older than him and she is a student, too, at Community College of Allegheny County. She is taking art as a major. She is very talented pottery maker! She was born and raised in...

3 years ago
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The Guy Next Door Chapter 9 The Final Twist

The Guy Next Door - Chapter 9 - The Final Twist Jane and Bill never really set eyes on each other. Their respective work meant that they always left their houses at different times and Bill was none the wiser that Jane was actually living next door. The fact was, he was worried about where she was living, but figured it would be her mothers or sisters, but whenever he phoned her mobile he never got through. He was not the sort of person to chase after a woman anyway, that was something that was...

1 year ago
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Dubai Vacation with a Twist

Dubai Vacation with a Twistpart 1 The early morning was getting hotter by the minute and Dubai was waking up beyond the large hotel's compound. Linda was just stepping out of the shower and was wrapped in a large towel, drying her long dark blond hair with a smaller one when she realized she was not alone in the suite. Two dark shapes stood over by the door to the corridor. It looked like two persons, presumably women, wearing the traditional niqab in black.- Excuse me? But what are you ...The...

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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 12 An Unexpected Plot Twist

Friendly and emotional greetings to all of my ISS family. It’s been a long road, and I have successfully come this far with your help. I never thought I could have written a story, and that would be loved by you this much for which I will always be grateful to you. Please read the previous parts to enjoy this unexpected plot twist. Here I continue. Now our lovemaking was insatiable. We used to make love every opportunity we get. We were both addicted to each other. We couldn’t stop each other...

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Late For DinnerChapter 38 Just a Little Twist

"'Best seat in the house, ' that's funny," Billy laughed as he plunged into Christi's tantalizing backside. Kathy's locked her vision onto Christi's sad blue eyes and mouthed a silent "I love you" to her special friend. A long, hard "EEEEEEEE" spilled from between Christi's clenched teeth every time Billy thrust into her bowels. A gentler "wwwwhhhhhheeeeeeeeeee? and a soft half-smile accompanied each outward stroke. Kathy realized that her beloved was enjoying her "dear"...

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RunChapter 55 The Final Twist

“It’s not here.” Tamara let those words settle a moment before adding, “Victor must have gotten it already and got away...” “What does that mean for us?” Bridgewater asked calmly. “He still needs you to turn it on, right?” “Yes. Unless he’s found another way. Another key.” Bridgewater’s expression soured. “A possibility we’ve discussed...” “But,” Gene cut in, “we never did come up with what to do should this be a goose chase. Is there any way to stop Victor if he’s got his last piece and...

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Hurricanes and Titty Twisters

He saw her hanging onto a tree, her body buffeted like a rag doll by the intense wind and pelting rain. Can I get to her? he wondered. She's going to let go and be swept under by the water at any moment. Don drove his Ram to the highest spot he could find, and stopped, without turning off the engine. The water still covered the wheels. He picked up the binoculars he had in the glove compartment and focused them on her. She saw his vehicle. The look of total despair on her face suddenly...

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Ah, Twistys Network. I have fond memories of abusing the wicked stick for hours at a time, watching girls licking cocks and playing with each other’s tits on the site. It’s practically an institution; if you’re the type to pay for sex movies, there’s a good chance you’ve subscribed at some point. Their collection of hardcore smut was really at the top of the Internet porn game for a while. I have to admit, though, I’ve thought about them less over the years.Less than a decade ago, Twistys was...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Knowing the kind of naughty freak you are, I’m guessing you have a collection of adult images and hot memes you’ve collected when not fapping your small dick sore. Getting a free image hosting site to place your erotic stash should be your next step. Which is why today I’m the bearer of good news in the name of a free image hosting site; Image Twist. Even better, you get fucking paid according to the number of views your photos have garnered, which is as good an incentive for you to share some...

Adult Image Hosting Sites
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Ignoring Mrs. Williams proved a task easier said than done. “Hi Megan!” she exclaimed in a perky tone the moment we entered the kitchen. “Who’s your little friend?” From Megan’s less-than-complimentary stories of her step monster, I had expected a foul-tempered troll possessing the appearance and personality of a constipated pit bull. Instead I saw a stunning young woman, seemingly in her mid-twenties. Her short pleated mini-skirt with a scandalously high hemline offered an unobstructed...

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Hot Twister

“This is me,” Megan said, pointing to a charming Victorian-style two-story with strands of ivy ascending the old brick walls. She turned off the tree-shaded sidewalk, through the creaky white picket gate, and headed down the winding garden path as I followed along. “If my stepmom is home, she’ll be all chatty,” she warned. “Just ignore her.” I nodded in agreement as Megan rattled the key in the stubborn front door lock and the mechanism finally released. Ignoring Mrs. Williams proved a task...

4 years ago
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A Game of Twister

The Hughes and the Coulter families, are having a game of twister one weekend in the Coulter residence in Atlanta. They were able to acquire a much bigger twister mat and fixed it on top of cushions. There’s a few modifications to the rules. With more people included, more than one person could be in one color at the same time to make it more interesting. The game begun with the first spin. Right hand red, the second spin was left foot yellow. The game went on and on until finally, the...

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Twisted Twister

My wife Adele and I were married 18 about years ago. Adele is a very attractive brunette with perky C cup breasts and an ass to die for. She has always had a bit of a wild and exhibitionist side to her which she's passed on to our oldest daughter Brittney. Brittney is a senior in high school and on the cheer leading squad. She's always bringing home the other squad members. I swear they all purposely tease or flirt with me when they come over. There's always someone bending over in front of...

1 year ago
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Nipple Twister

Nipple Twister When my little sister was about eleven years old she started having her periods. She had cramps, she had an upset tummy, and she ran fevers…every twenty-eight days…just like clockwork. She got to miss a lot of school because of it too. Then just after she turned thirteen she came into my bedroom and said, “Twist my nipples just as hard as you can. Mom said that you had too.” Well fuck that shit. I wasn’t about to fall for that. I just got off being grounded and...

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Twisted By Morpheus I stifled a yawn, hoping that my English teacher didn't see how bored I was with his lecture. I couldn't help it though because he had one of those monotone voices that just burrowed into your skull and forced you to fall asleep. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford to antagonize him since I'd gotten a D in this class on my last report card and my parents would skin me alive if I got another one. Even though I tried to pay attention, my mind continued to wander....

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The Frontier IV The Twist

She caught on quickly to just what was happening. She pieced together her memories - tiny parts of what happened earlier appeared in her mind's eye. "Holy fucking shit" She remembered what she could only describe as a ghost attacking her and miss Smith. "Why would a ghost lock me in a closet?" she said under her breath as she tugged at her binds. Then she heard a booming voice in the distance "NO!" and then a commotion. Glass shattered. Furniture screeched. A girl shrieked out in...

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Virtually Twisted

Virtually Twisted By D.A.W. The following story is set in Morpheus's Twisted Universe. All characters, any locations in the town Clearville, and the town Clearville itself are my own creation. Any resemblance to real life individuals events or locations is purely unintentional. Only Fictionmania, and have permission to post this story Before reading this story, I recommend you read Morpheus's three twisted stories: Twisted, Twisted Pink and Hair and Now before...

4 years ago
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Toy Store Boy Chaper Four Unexpected Twists

Chapter 4: Unexpected Twists I had just put on my jeans when I sat back down on my bed again. I leaned my head into my hands more confused then I could ever remember. Was it possible to be in love with two women? What had Katie wanted from me this morning? Wed had all year to talk about this stuff. Now that shes leaving, she wanted me to admit my love? She knew I had a girlfriend. I loved Katie more then anything, but at that moment I really didnt want to choose between them. Katie had said...

2 years ago
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Expect The Unexpected Twists

Hello Everyone I’m Krish from Hyderabad, 22-year-old guy with 6ft height and well built body and a 6 in cock to satisfy the needs of a women. I do have a good smile well that’s what many have told me, I have been a big fan of ISS as it allows people to share their experiences with the world which may help a few in spicing up their sexual encounters. Now coming to this incident it happened a couple of months back with one of my friends’ friend, her name is Indu, she is 25 years old dusky in her...

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Nipple Twister

Fbailey storyNipple TwisterWhen my little sister was about eleven years old she started having her periods. She had cramps, she had an upset tummy, and she ran fevers…every twenty-eight days…just like clockwork.She got to miss a lot of school because of it too.Then just after she turned thirteen she came into my bedroom and said, “Twist my nipples just as hard as you can. Mom said that you had too.”Well fuck that shit. I wasn’t about to fall for that. I just got off being grounded and I wasn’t...

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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 23 Naked Twister

Once everyone got comfortable being totally naked together again Lynn Barry dished up the most amazing meal. It was superb by all standards. This was despite the very short notice she had given herself to prepare it. As for the Creme Brulee that was served up after the main course was cleared away - well - that was truly magnifique! It was so light and fluffy in texture that it was a wonder it did not float up off the table and out the window with just the slightest of breezes. As for Tom...

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Birthday with a Twist

Sarah smiled as she held Don's present in her hands. He was going to enjoy his birthday but not in the way he was expecting. He was sitting naked in the chair as per her instructions, his cock was harder than it had been for their last six months together. Anticipation was written across his face as he watched his wife walk towards him. Sarah knelt between his open legs, her short dress riding up showing off her bare ass as she placed the wrapped box under the chair. Slowly, she started to...

3 years ago
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Girls Gone Wild with a Twist

He watched her dance from the side of the stage, watched her whirl and grind to the music. He smiled. She was young, first year of college and knew just how hot she was. She turned around again, throwing her weight into the move, hips gyrating, hands rubbing down her own torso. Her breasts weren't large, but bobbed tantalizingly beneath the scant cover her red and white flowered bikini top afforded. He nodded. Yes, she would most certainly do. The lights glinted off of...

1 year ago
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A father8217s love for his daughter takes on a surreal incestual twist

“Hello! Webart by Design! How can I help you?” The youthful voice said over the phone. “You can stop working and go outside to play,” I said. “Oh, daddy,” my daughter half whined, half chuckled. “Are you coming home?” “I should be there soon. Do you know if we need anything at the store?” “I don’t think so. Mom went shopping this morning. We’re pretty well stocked up.” “Okay. Is your mother...

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Summer Fun Takes a New Twist

Introduction: This is the 3rd part in a series of stories. As with the other stories, if you are uncomfortible with the subject matter listed, no need to read on. This is the 3rd part of a true story of my summer discovering myself (and many other things). I knew the next few days would be rough and full of anticipation. With Matts brother in town for the weekend, I figured many family events would happen and I would not see him much. It was likely better off this way regardless, as I did not...

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Married With Children With A Twist

It’s late on a Monday morning we see Al in bed with Peg, her eyes covered by the sleeping mask. We see Al slowly look over at Peg, looking carefully at Peg's face Al slowly starts to ease himself out of bed, but before long he notices that he's stuck. The much-teased pompadour that is Peg's head pins his arm to the bed. Miming the urge to smack Peg Al bites the side of his fist then slowly lifts Peg’s sleeping head and eases his arm out from under it carefully. Almost free Al starts to smile;...

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One Night stand with a Twist

My name is Stefan and this is my story of a one night stand I had many years ago, I was 27yrs old and to remind you 6ft tall, olive skin, average build and a decent 9” cock. I was down my local having a few beers with nothing much happening. I did something I have never done before and decided to go to the club in town on my own, always gone with a group before, nothing fancy just your usual run of the mill club. A short journey and I’m in the club, get a drink and find some where to watch...

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An intriguing but bi twist

I have a very nice, comfortable home life although I travel way too much for my wife’s liking. Sex has always been great but in the past year things have taken a downturn due to a physical issue my wife has. While she enjoys the intimacy I bring through my hands, cuddling, kissing and oral, she doesn’t have enjoyable intercourse with me due to this ailment, as in her walls are drying up and medication hasn’t helped much yet. Even a finger penetration causes pain. I’ve always been...

3 years ago
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A Morning Tryst With A Twist

I was prevented from fucking Steven the other day, and today, I would not be denied. Steven said he was going to be here at nine, and he had yet to be late, so I knew I had half an hour before he showed up. This time I would have makeup on and shower and put on just a little scented oil.I made myself a coffee and opened my computer, reading erotic stories and chatting with a couple of people. I was trying not to touch myself, but alas, temptation got the better of me… again. I rubbed my already...

Wife Lovers
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Amazing SexWith a Different Twist

Like most unmarried guys the only thing I really knew about girls having their period was that they got grouchy before it came and sex was off limits when they were on. The best you could hope for was a hand job or BJ while the pussy was out of commission. It wasn’t until I was in my late 20’s that I met a woman who gave me the wildest sexual experience I had ever had and opened my eyes to some things about women. I ended up marrying her but that’s another story. At the time this incident...

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Twister with a Twist

My name is Amanda and this is the story of the most exciting night of my life. I’m 18 and about to graduate high school, so four of my friends and I planned one last party before we all go off to college. We had the slumber party last night and it was nothing like what I expected. First I’ll tell you who was there: there was me, a 5 foot 6 inch blonde with hazel eyes and 32 C tits. I’m mostly a good girl, I get good grades and I’ve been on a few dates with boys from school, but I’ve never done...

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Hentai conventions can sometimes have a real twist

I’ve been into Japanese Animation for years, starting back in college when I was a member of the campus anime club. I’ve always been fascinated by such incredible art, and the different perspective on things that the Japanese use. So I should have been ready for something strange when I went to this last convention. I’d booked a room at the con this time instead of offsite. Offsite is nice for being discrete, but when the music’s pumping at 2 AM, and the drinks have...

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