Toy Store Boy Chaper one That Dumb Ass Song
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Chapter 4: Unexpected Twists
I had just put on my jeans when I sat back down on my bed again. I leaned my head into my hands more confused then I could ever remember. Was it possible to be in love with two women?
What had Katie wanted from me this morning? Wed had all year to talk about this stuff. Now that shes leaving, she wanted me to admit my love? She knew I had a girlfriend. I loved Katie more then anything, but at that moment I really didnt want to choose between them. Katie had said herself we couldnt have a real relationship together. We would have to move far away, and lie to everyone that we werent siblings. I would do it for her, if thats what would make her happiest.
However, Abby had taken our relationship to a new level today. There was an unspoken undertone that she expected me to take the same step with her. She had told me she loved me and I had narrowly avoided the problem. I felt like an ass, but I didnt want to lie to her. I knew that the only reason she had been here this morning willing to give herself to me was out of a love she thought we shared. I didnt want to be that guy who used that to hurt her. But I couldnt tell her the truth. I could never tell anyone, ever.
I walked down the hall and knocked on Katies door.
Go away.
Katie, Abbys gone. Can I come in.
NO! she shouted, I cant even look at you right now. I heard the door lock click as I reached for the door knob. She had never locked me out when I wanted to talk.
Katie please. Im not moving until you open your door. I stood there for 10 minutes before I finally sat down. I had meant it when I said I wasnt moving. I thought about what I would say to her anyway. I truly didnt know what to do. I mean I was just a confused teenage boy. Even if I told Katie how I felt and she felt the same way, she was still leaving soon. There was no way I was going to get in the way of her collage. What kind of relationship would we have when she was cross country anyway?
Abby would be here with me this year. She was already my girlfriend and she was in love with me. Did it matter I didnt love her the way I loved Katie? At least I would be able to have a real relationship with Abby without having to move away and hide who we were. I was starting to realize that Katie had been right a year ago. We couldnt date, even in secret.
Abby really was a great girl, no body would ever compare in my mind to Katie, but anybody would be lucky to be with Abby. No matter how I looked at it, I would some day have to settle down with some one else I didnt love as much.
I snapped out of my thoughts only after I heard the front door open and my grandmother talking. I jumped up and ran into my room. I through on a shirt and headed to the door to greet everyone.
Joey, called dad, Go out to the car and get your grandmothers bags. I smiled at everyone and headed to the car. My grandmother wished me a happy birthday and gave me a hug. I brought the luggage in and took it down to my parents room. It had been decided days ago that she would stay in the parents room and my parents would use the hide a bed couch in the livingroom.
Wheres your sister, Lilly asked me when I returned to the livingroom.
In her room. I think shes upset about her boyfriend. I said as a cover story. It had worked with Abby so I just went with it again, Ill go let her know you guys are home.
I walked down the hall again and knocked on Katies door.
I told you to leave me alone.
Katie, Mom and Dad are home. I heard a shuffle and the door unlock. I slipped into the room. She was on her bed again sobbing into her pillow.
Dont bother nothing you say will change anything, she told me looking up at me, her face was red and puffy, I cant go out there. How can I explain how I look? I cant tell them I caught you in bed with Abby.
I already told them you were in here crying about your ex-boyfriend, I told her.
Your covered for me?
Well yeah, what was I going to do tell them you caught me and Abby and it upset you?
We really should talk.
Now really isnt the time, she said wiping the tears out of her eyes, Come on lets go get your birthday started. She got up with out another word and walked to the livingroom. Grandma took one look at her and pulled her into a hug, asking what was wrong. This led to her making up a whole sob story about how her boyfriend had hurt her. But then again she had never told me why she broke up with him so her story could have been true.
I didnt want to do anything more with Abby until I could talk to Katie, but she was supposed to be coming over tonight. I tried the rest of the day to get one moment alone with Katie that didnt happen.
Before long friends and guests started coming over for the big party. I gave up trying to talk to her. I decided to leave every thing alone for now and talk to her about it before she left. I mean we did have all summer.
We ended up with a packed apartment that night for the party. Everyone gave best wishes to both of us for our futures. Katie did a great job of keeping a smile on her face while often glancing my way. I didnt care about the whole party. I pretended to smile while waiting for Abby.
Lillys sister Linda showed up rather late by herself that evening. I was really happy she hadnt brought her husband. I hadnt liked him the night of the wedding because of what Katie had told me about him.
As it turned out her husband had cheated on Linda. This left the two now separated heading into what looked to be a messy divorce. I felt bad that her life was falling apart.
We had lots of family and friends come and go all night long. Not long after Linda showed up, Lillys parents arrived. They wished me happy birthday and congratulated Katie on both the graduation and the scholarships.
There were a number of little kids running around I didnt know, one in particular stood out. She was a little girl about 10 to 12 years old. She had really pretty blue eyes, I remember thinking that she was going to be a really beautiful girl someday.
As the night progressed every time I turned around the little girl seemed to be standing right behind me just gazing at me. I wasnt sure if I should be flattered or creeped out by her. I wouldve said something to her but every time I looked at her she had the most captivating smile. How could I be annoyed by that adorable face.
Who is that little girl there? I asked Lilly after escaping from the child for a minute.
I knew it wouldnt take you long to spot her, Lilly said flashing me a crooked smile, Thats Ashley. Soon as Lilly told me her name I knew who she was instantly. I just hadnt met her before.
Hard not to spot some one who follows you around all night.
Thats cute, Lilly patted me on the shoulder and walked away. It wasnt more then a couple minutes and Ashley was right behind me again. It annoyed me less knowing who she was, but I still didnt need a little shadow. I just hoped she stopped following me around before Abby got here. I really need a moment alone to talk with her too.
While is spent the night trying to avoid my shadow and waiting for Abby little did I know that my grandmother had invited Katie to drive her home and stay with her over the summer. Grandma had told Katie that she shouldnt let a guy get her so down. She suggested that Katie should just get out of town, spend the summer with her cousins and have fun before school started. Katie thought it was a really great idea.
I heard the news the next day. That gave us only a week to have our talk. I spent the whole next week trying for one moment to talk to her, it never happened. Every single time I thought that moment had come she found a way to be busy and I lost the moment.
You cant leave, I cried out walking into her room a week later. I had, had enough trying to find the right moment. She was packing her bags, How can you? I…………. it was hard enough knowing it would be August, but Im not ready for you to leave yet.
Its ok little brother, she said sweetly. She had never called me little brother before, Its better this way.
But I think I…………. I think I love…….. I started and she cut me off. I knew I loved her I just couldnt say it that way.
Dont make this worse then it already is. She walked over and kissed me on the cheek, tears in her eyes.
We werent meant to be, she whispered into my ear.
We dont know that, I wasnt willing to give up.
She looked at me and nodded. I turned and left her room. As I walked through the door I turned to look at her. She jumped on her bed and buried her face in her pillow.
Katie left the next morning before I got up. I looked at my watch to find that it was already 11:00. I dont know if I could have held it together to say goodbye anyway. I would have given it all away in front of our parents. I didnt want Lilly to know especially, I couldnt imagine her response if she found out I had almost slept with her daughter. It could break up her and my dads relationship.
I woke to find a note next to me. I opened it to read,
I know how confusing Ive been lately. Im confused myself. Dont get the wrong idea, I do love you little brother. But there was no reason to make things harder on ourselves then necessary. I need time. We were kids when all this started, I need time to grow up. Ill see you next summer. Well talk then. If our feelings havent changed by then maybe we can work on this problem together.
In the mean time I want you to keep seeing Abby. She is my best friend and a great girl. You guys are really good for each other. As much as I hurt inside seeing you together, youve both really grown up this year. Be as good a boyfriend to her as youve been a brother to me. I know what a warm gentle man your growing into. If you can be all the things I love about your for her, I will be happy.
Love you always
I was upset that I didnt at least get to hug her goodbye as she when she had snuck in and left the note. But she was right, only one of my relationships had an actual future. I just had to get over myself to realize it. I made the decision to move on at that moment. I could always have Katie in my mind and heart, just not in body. That was when she became the girl of my obsessions, not of my reality.
I hadnt talked to Abby all week, and it was about time I did. I had never given her or our relationship the full attention that she deserved. I hadnt even called to find out why she never came back the day of my birthday. I was a horrible boyfriend she deserved better. I could be better.
I called Abby right away. She actually apologized to me for not calling. She said that there had been some tension going on at home this week and we needed to talk. I was worried when she said talk I knew what that usually meant. Was she mad I hadnt returned the love comment?
I had known for a while that her family was all extremely religious. Her father was a reverend at the local church, and her mom played the role of the reverend wife to its breaking point But her parents hadnt gotten in the way of our relationship in the past. She told me on the phone that her mother had told her she wasnt allowed to date anyone now until she was 18. She still had a year until then.
I convinced her to have her mom drop her off at the library and I would meet her there so we could talk. She said that a good idea and agreed to meet. I went and got something to eat before going to meet Abby at the library.
Abby was waiting for me on the steps out front when I got there. I grabbed her hand leading her upstairs to one of the reference study rooms. Closing the door behind us I moved in and kissed her. I couldnt stop myself. The blinds to the room were open and the door had no lock but I couldnt stop kissing her.
Abby responded, she swung me against the back of the door and kissed me passionately. I put all my love, sadness, and sense of loss for Katie into my kissing Abby. I longed to be distracted from my hurt feelings right now. She didnt know any different she took my passion as if it were for her and matched it.
Our tongues danced together like never before. She pulled back for just an instant.
God baby, she breathed in my ear, I should stay a way for a week more often. I didnt respond I attacked her neck. Kissing and licking furiously. She moaned deeply and I started unbuttoning her shirt with one hand while running my other hand up her leg inside her skirt.
Yes, baby, she moaned in my ear. I slipped my hand in the side of her panties and began to finger her lips, Oh god yes. I had her shirt half unbuttoned not wanting to take it all the way off in case someone came along. I slid my hand under her bra and found her nipple causing her to grind against my fingers inside her.
With out warning I pulled away from her, she groaned in response. I glanced out the window, seeing no one I slid down the door reaching up grabbing her hips and drawing her to me.
As I explained before, Abby had wanted to wait for sex. Which meant that she had what we called an underwear rule. She could pull me out of my pants I could finger her though her panties but I was never allowed to pull her panties off. She believed also if I were to ever lick her she would lose control and we would end up having sex. I really wanted to eat her out. I had never broken her trust trying to push her to far.
My birthday was the very first time that we had broke the underwear rule, but she had removed her own panties then. I didnt count it as a break of the rules if she did it herself. I slid down the door grabbing Abbys hips drawing her to me. I slid my head under her skirt and pulled her panties to the side. I couldnt hold out any longer I wanted to taste her. I was shocked that she didnt complain. Instead she opened her stance wider to let me in. She braced herself, hands palm flat on the door behind me.
I ran my tongue across her tasting her wetness. I couldnt believe she was letting me do this finally, and of all places in a library. Her moaning was getting loud and I knew we would be caught. I didnt care. I closed my eyes and in my mind I was licking Katie. I was lost in the moment sliding my tongue inside her. Thrusting as deeply as I could. She drew her arm over her mouth and screamed into it.
Abbys breathing was heavy and labored as she pulled me up to her mouth and kissed me hard. She reached down and fixed her panties never breaking our kiss. Her shirt still unbuttoned I slid my hand under her bra again as we kissed. I had leaned forward and Abby pushed me up against the door again. She slid herself down in front of me looking up into my eyes the whole time. She unzipped my pants and reached inside.
She began stroking me as best she could then pulled me out. I looked back at the windows again still seeing no one. Abbys lips enveloped me deep. Her mouth was incredible. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as far as I could enjoying every moment. It wasnt as slow and loving as it had been the last time. Considering where we were and how she was working me as fast and deep as possible I came within a few minutes. I loved the danger of this kind of fun but it always caused me to go off even faster. I shot deep down her throat.
Thats so damn sexy, I gasped out as she swallowed.
Dont get used to it, she said pulling me out of her mouth, I still find it gross. But considering where we are I didnt think it right to spit it somewhere. She rose back up as I stuffed myself back into my pants. We kissed for a couple minutes before she took my hand and led me to the table. We sat down in chairs facing each other still holding hands.
I looked at her for several minutes before she said anything.
Im sorry I didnt make it back to your birthday, she started, I really wanted to but my mom wouldnt let me out of the house.
So what happened?
Well you know Sara, she started referring to her 14 year old younger sister. Sara was one of 3 younger sisters. He others were Shawna who was 12 and Michelle who was 9.
She explained after she left my house on that Saturday she arrived home to find her little sister crying in their room. It had taken Abby about an hour to find out what Sara was crying about. When the younger girl finally opened up to her she admitted she was pregnant. Sara had gone to her boyfriend that day to tell him the news, he called her a whore and said it wasnt his.
Joey wasnt surprised. He had seen older guys do the same thing. He didnt think it was right but he had seen it many times. Sara had pleaded with her boyfriend that it was his and in return he broke up with her. Joey knew he would never do that to some one, he couldnt understand how someone couldnt want their own child. He felt bad for little Sara, he had always felt she was such a sweet adorable little girl.
Abby went on to explain that when she finally got the story out of Sara she told her that she needed to go to their mom. Sara was scared because she knew her mom would over react. Abby knew she would too but she convinced Sara it was the right choice.
Abby walked Sara out to the back yard art studio where their mom had been working all day. Their moms hobby was to paint paintings of Christian imagery. The girls walked into the studio and explained to their mother what had happened.
Abby told me that she had known that her mom would be angry but she hadnt expected the full extent of that reaction. Her mother didnt just go into hysterics she went into a fit of over dramatics. She gathered up all her daughters, making them hold hands. She made them all kneel down with her and pray to the lord for forgiveness.
When they were done praying she sat all the girls down at the kitchen table to have a talk about premarital sex. When she was done laying into Sara she turned her anger on Abby. Their mother told Abby she was just lucky that she hadnt ended up with child herself. Abby tried to explain to her that she was still a virgin, but her mother didnt believe her. She said that being older and with a full time boyfriend she didnt believe at all she had waited.
Abby tried to argue with her and finally in a fit of anger their mother took the 3 older girls to the doctor. She claimed that Sara needed looked at for her pregnancy to make sure she was safe an healthy. Her mother felt that Abby and Shawna needed to be checked to see if their hymens were still intact. The only reason Abby had agreed to it because she wanted to throw it in her moms face that she wasnt lying. She was just lucky she hadnt accidently broken it playing sports like some of her girlfriends.
Abby said that night had gone on forever. They had a church friend who had his own medical practice, her mother called him and he agreed to meet them there that night. He was doing it more for the sake of Saras health then anything else but at least he had agreed.
Abby explained that she had assumed that her mother would let up after she proved to her she was still a virgin. She said of course her mom never needed to know what else she had done, but she could now act like she was innocent.
She said she was really happy that Katie had walked in on us when she did. Ten more seconds and I would have punched through her hymen. I agreed that it was probably the best piece of luck that ever happened to her.
Abby said that after the examinations her mom only minimally calmed down. It was at that point her mother told the girls they were no longer allowed to date until they were 18. She had been happy to find Abby intact but she would be now having her checked every month. Abby knew it was only a threat but she got the point. Her mom claimed that the family couldnt afford to be raising more babies. I told her I could understand that.
Not long after explaining the whole situation she looked at her watch and said her mom would be coming back to get her soon so she should head back to the front stairs. She re-buttoned her shirt and I leaned in and kissed her, it was just a simple goodbye kiss.
Unfortunately it was that moment the door burst open.
I knew it! Abbys mom screamed, I thought it was strange that youd want to hang out at the library. You dont read!
Mom nothing happened! she yelled back, I was just telling him about not being able to date anymore.
Thats why I find you kissing and this room smells like youve been having sex?
Mom! Abby exclaimed shocked, I would never do that in public! She put on a really good show of being offended by the statement.
But I still caught you kissing.
Yeah. He was giving me a break up kiss thats all. I was hoping I was doing a good enough job hiding my embarrassment. If her mom would have really looked at me, my face would have given everything away.
Ok, she mumbled, Ill wait outside, with the door open, and you can say goodbye.
I know youre a good boy, Joey, her mom told me, But your still a boy. If she told you whats going on, youll understand why I dont want you seeing her anymore.
I guess, was all I could say. She left the room and I turned to Abby. I was hurt beyond measure I was losing both the girls I cared about in the same day. I kissed Abby deeply for a few minutes, until she pulled away slightly resting her forehead on mine. We looked into each others eyes. I fell for her in that sweet moment between us. Dont get me wrong I still loved Katie most of all, but I fell for my girlfriend in that moment. She had gone though a deeply personal exam to protect our relationship. I didnt know what I could do that would be that loving back for her, but from now on I would try.
Dont worry its not forever. With that said she turned and left.
Bye Abby, I called after her as she walked out. I closed the door and sat down at the table again literally beginning to cry.
With Katie gone from the house, and Abby not allowed out of her mothers sight the summer was the slowest I had ever had. I ran around town trying to find things to do to keep my mind off of them. Nothing worked. I found myself falling back into the same routines I had before Abby was around to help me with my needs.
I found at 17 my urge to stroke myself was just as bad as it had been at 15 without a girlfriend to help with that outlet. Doing it myself got the job done but it wasnt anywhere near as satisfying as when I was with Katie or Abby.
I was in a strong depression and couldnt hold back. I was spending all my time in my room, meaning all my time was spent stroking myself trying to find some bit of happiness.
Most parents would probably have noticed when their kids pulled into themselves and never come out of their room. Not my parents. They both worked and Lilly got herself involved in the community center after work 3 nights a week. It was like they almost forgot I was there.
In mid July just weeks after Katie left to grandmas house, something happened that changed our family forever. Lillys parents had gone on vacation, a romantic weekend alone kind of thing. They were taking one of those tours by air plane when something had gone wrong and the plane crashed. Lillys parents had died in the crash.
Lilly left that night with Linda for about 3 weeks out of state. When Lilly came home she had her Ashley with her. I guess I should explain that now because I never explained who she was earlier.
Lillys mom died during Lindas birth. The pregnancy had taken so much out of her she didnt make it. Lilly being 6 years older then Linda helped her father raise her sister. When their dad was about 45 years old he met a younger woman in her mid 30s who had one child herself. They dated for about a year before getting married.
They decided that they needed to have one child of their own. A year later Ashley was born. This is one of those things that always piss me off. They already had 3 kids but felt they needed one of their own. I hate it when I see couples get together that have a bunch of kids between them and they need one of their own. With the world as it is I dont see the point.
Anyway so Lilly brings home her step-sister Ashley(who went by Ash), with the reasoning that Linda wasnt in a good position to take care of her and neither was ashs step-brother Kevin, the child of her mother before the marriage.
Linda and John were still going through a messy divorce at the time. Linda was about to move out of state to live with a girl-friend of hers. She couldnt take Ash.
Apparently Kevin was in collage now and in no way capable of taking care of a child. That wasnt the only reason. For some reason, Lilly explained to me, Kevin didnt want anymore to do with Ashley. He had said he never really accepted her as a sister because they had different fathers. Lilly of course didnt tell her that. Ash was aware there wasnt a lot of love between them but didnt know her brother actually resented her.
Lilly didnt have a problem at all taking in her little step-sister. Lilly really loved Ash and looked at it as an honor. I was less happy about it. I really didnt want a bratty 12 year old following me around all the time from now on. I didnt get a vote, Lilly had called dad and talked it over with him. He didnt have a problem with it either, it was decided before I even knew it was happening.
They called Katie and told her about the situation and asked if she minded letting Ash share her room. Katie was happy to let her aunt move into her room. With that decided Ashley was here to stay filling the place in the house that shouldve been filled with the girl I loved.
What made things worse, with Ash going through that boy crazy faze right now so I never got a moments peace. Starting the very first day she started making kissy faces and winking. She was also having a hard time dealing with her parents death and the transition to our home. One minute she would be flirting with me and winking and the next you might find her in her room sobbing into her pillow.
I did my best to comfort her when I found her crying, but I didnt know how to handle the kissy faces and flirting. She was a little girl and sometimes it creeped me out a little. After a couple of weeks I actually talked to Lilly about it.
I only brought it up to Lilly because I would never do anything with a 12 year old girl and I didnt want her to think something was going on behind her back. With the way Ash acted toward me at times things could really be misinterpreted. Lilly was kind of touched by my shyness about the subject. I think it just traced back to my upbringing from my over bearing step-mom a couple years ago.
I told Lilly about the little comments, winks, flirting and kisses. Lilly told me to sit down. So we sat on the couch. Lilly took my hand in both of hers and told me that I was such a sweet guy and that was why Ash was flirting with me. She explained that Ash was at a critical point right now. She was at an age were girls are discovering their sexuality and wanting to feel attractive but at the same time she was having a hard time dealing with the death of her parents. She explained that the flirting wasnt really serious. It was a coping mechanism for her grief. She wanted to feel sexy and was seeking approval from a me as a way of feeling better about herself.
I asked what I should do in return. Lilly said that it would do the girl a world of good for her self esteem if I just simply played along. She said to smile back and act like I thought she was cute. She told me there was no harm in me flirting back. She thought it was lucky Ash had turned her attention to me instead of some random guy who would abuse her innocence. She knew I wouldnt cross the line with her, so it kept things safe and harmless. She said as long as I could do that for Ash then maybe it would be enough to keep her from seeking male attention elsewhere.
It kind of made sense to me, I thought about what had happened to Sara. Sara wasnt much older then Ash, only a year and a half. Had Sara simply been seeking validation of her own sexuality when she had sex with her boyfriend? I didnt want to see that happen to Ash. I was still a little uncomfortable with the flirting but I would do my part.
Summer was over and I had what was basically a little sister running around. Ash turned 13, 4 days before the start of the new school year. We had a big party for her, inviting all the neighborhood kids, since she hadnt had much time to make friends yet. Linda actually made the drive to be there for her little sister. Ash thought that was one of the best gifts all day. To have both her sisters there with her meant a lot.
I called Abbys mom telling her what was going on and I convinced her to let the girls come to the party. She agreed because she thought it was nice that I cared about Ashs big day and there would be plenty of parental supervision.
We went all out for little Ashs birthday party. We rented the cabana at our apartment complex for more space for guests. That gave us the cabana the apartment and the outside courtyard off the cabana for the party. It was the first big day that had come along since the death of her parents and we really tried o make it a day to remember. Aside from Abby and who was 17 like me, most of the kids from the neighborhood were about 10 to 12 years old.
I didnt take more then a couple hours for me to have enough of giggling children. I tried to get Abby alone for a minute but Lilly had promised her mom she wouldnt let us be alone together. I begged for just 5 minutes and Lilly smiled.
Well Im going to use the bathroom for about 10 minutes, she smiled at us, As long as Abby is right here when I get back, I dont know anything. I hugged her and she walked away. I looked at my dad he nodded, I dont know anything.
We ran to my room.
God Ive missed you. I told her kissing her hard.
I know…… its been all summer……….. she said thought kisses.
We didnt have much time so all we did was kiss. I was burning inside so badly that I wouldve made love to her in front of the entire party if she would have let me. After about 5 minutes or so she pulled away.
I have to go. We made a deal.
I know…………. I pulled away. She slipped out of the room and I laid down on the bed. I pulled a pillow over my head to block out the noise and the light. I was so hard just from kissing her. It had been a couple months since I had kissed her. I was so tempted to pull out my dick and work it off right there, but with a house full of children I was still afraid of getting caught. Just because I had escaped my step-mother didnt mean I still didnt have the same old fears and guilt surrounding masturbation.
I was laying on my bed trying to resist the urge to stroke myself stupid over the few minutes of kissing, the urge was killing me. I finally just drifted off to sleep when I felt a hand run up my leg. I hadnt even heard the door open or close but I could feel a hand rubbing me through my jeans.
Found a way to sneak back in huh? I asked.
Shhhhhh, came quiet sound then a low whisper, Just relax. Her hand moved mine away from the pillow when I tried to move it off my face. The next thing I knew hands were sliding up my head covering my eyes with one of my shirts.
Keep it there like a blind fold, came the low whisper again. Then the hands tied my shirt to my head so it couldnt slip away. Wow Abby was getting fun.
What happened to the promise to your mom, baby? I asked her. I was enjoying this game we were playing but I did have a touch of guilt about being lying to her mom and Lilly. We were betraying their trust in us, but at that moment I didnt care.
Shhhhh, she whispered again. I felt my hands being lifted first one then the other was tied to my bed frame. Wow Abby was getting REALLY fun. I felt my pants unzip slowly. I was so hard and going crazy when I felt a small hand slip into my pants and pull my dick out. I started to worry then, it didnt feel like Abbys hand. Moments later I felt lips on my cock. It really didnt feel like Abbys lips. Who ever it was could really suck. She was somewhat inexperienced but she could really suck. I knew it wasnt Abby because the feel was all wrong. OH GOD was it Ash? I was freaking out.
If it was Ash and we were caught I was tied to the bed. I had deniabillity so I decided to go with it. It was starting to feel really good now so I stopped struggling. God this was starting to be great. I hadnt had anything since the library. Then I heard another zipper and heard rustling of clothes. Seconds later I felt bare skin against my cock. I could feel her pussy rubbing up against my dick. I had, had this done to me once before.
The last night Katie and I were together she had rubbed me with her pussy without putting it in, just like this. I panicked. I didnt know who this was but it wasnt Katie. As she rubbed me I wondered about her intentions, was she going to put it inside her or just rub her pussy against me? I was conflicted I really wanted to feel what sex felt like, but I didnt want to lose my virginity to mystery girl here and now.
Bet you liked that, Came the whisper again moving up my body her thigh touching my dick. In response I came on her thigh, Guess I was right. She giggled.
My turn, she whispered. I felt her move upside down and take me back into her mouth. She wiggled up on me until her pussy was in my mouth. I attacked it like nothing before. Even after having one orgasm I was more worked up then ever. I drove my tongue in her so deep I couldnt breath. I licked her as hard as I could with out being able to move my arms. I wanted to grab her ass and pull it to me. I didnt care who it was anymore she had the sweetest tasting pussy ever.
Her breathing went crazy and she tensed up on me. I went off again in her mouth.
That was just what I needed, I said to her. I thought now she would let me see her.
Me too, came the whisper. I heard cloths rustling and she stuffed me back inside mine.
Thank you, she whispered, You can have me again anytime you want, if you figure out who I am. With that she untied one of my arms and ran out of my room. I quickly pulled off the shirt tied to my eyes as the door was closing I had missed who was there.
I untied my other arm and left the room. I scanned around all I knew for sure was it wasnt Abby, besides she was still standing with my parents outside. I looked around to see Ash and Shawna were standing outside under a tree talking about something and giggling. I couldnt spot Linda anywhere outside and I hadnt seen her in the apartment when I was exiting. Would she have done that to me? I didnt think so, besides I was pretty sure from the weight of the girl she was young. I also couldnt see Sara or Michelle anywhere, but that seemed almost crazy that I would be one of them. Sara was pregnant and had never showed even the slightest sign she liked me. Michelle was 9 and as far as I knew she still thought boys were icky. That about covered all of the girls I really knew at his party. I shuttered to think about which of the other underage girls it couldve been. I wondered would this had happened at all if I wouldnt have happened to have been in there dozing off? How does this just happen at random? Had some one been watching me waiting? That made me think of Ash again. She was always following me around, but this girl definitely had more experience then I hoped Ash did yet.
I stood outside, juices still drying on my face thinking I really wanted to know who the girl was. That had been the kinkiest moment of my entire life. My body was aching again already for more. But at the same time I wanted to tell this girl I had a girlfriend and fun as it was, what we had done was wrong. I felt bad that I had been with someone else.
Abby came up behind me and put her arms around me.
Hey baby, she smiled, I escaped your parents for a minute. Do you want to hide behind the building and make out for a minute?
Yes. I said without thinking. We walked around to crack between the cabana and the apartment building. I started kissing her and she tensed up. The harder I kissed the more she seemed to pull away.
Whats wrong?
Youve been with someone, dont deny it……. I can taste her on you.
Abby its not what you think, I started.
Who was she Joey? Her face was red and tears were forming.
I dont know.
Dont give me that shit! She screamed, Who was the whore you slept with at Ashs 13th birthday party.
I really didnt sleep with anyone, I wasnt technically lying, Im still a virgin like you.
I can taste her on you! It wasnt there an hour ago when we kissed.
I really dont know, I told her. I sat down with my head in my hands, I really didnt cheat on you, I wouldnt, Im not that kind of guy.
Go fuck yourself! Abby screamed. She kicked me in the side as she left. I sat there hiding in the crack between buildings not moving for at least an hour. We hadnt been allowed to spend any time together that summer but at least I had still technically had a girlfriend. I couldnt say that anymore. Thanks a lot mystery girl. I hadnt meant to cheat. At first I didnt even know it wasnt my girlfriend. I watched as Abby gathered up her sisters and walked them away from the party.
It was Ash who finally found me. I dont know how she found me sitting there but I wasnt surprised. She usually didnt let me out of her sight for long. I looked up to see her looking down at me.
Are you ok Joey?
No. Go have fun at your party.
Its not very fun since Sara left, she said with a slight pout, Why did Abby leave so soon?
I cant tell you.
Really? What did you do Joe?
I cant tell you. Your not old enough.
OOOhh reaaaally? Come on dont treat me like a little kid. I am kind of your aunt after all.
Its not the kind of story I should be telling someone your age.
Joey, please dont treat me like everyone else, I could hear the need for approval in her voice. I thought back to what Lilly had told me and I dont know why but I started talking to her about how I felt about Abby and what had happened today.
To my surprise Ashley didnt cringe or go EEWWW once. I explained what happened and she really seemed to be grown up about it. She asked a few questions and really seemed to want to help.
You do have to admit that it does sound unbelievable.
I agree, but I can prove it, he took her hand and led him into his room. When we got there I showed her the pieces of clothing where I had left them after unfastening myself. She looked at every thing closely. The only one that still had the knot in it was the shirt blind fold I had pulled strait off my head.
Its not much proof.
I know. I laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling. Ashley sat down next to me taking my hand.
I believe you.
Yeah, she said sweetly, Youre the sweetest guy I know. I dont think you would ever intentionally hurt someone. She leaned over and kissed me. I was so shocked I didnt react. The kiss lasted about 30 seconds before she pulled back.
Was it…………. was… it… you? I asked still in shock. She laid down next to me and put her head on my shoulder, No, it wasnt me. I dont know if Im ready to go that far yet.
Good, I told her. I could see a change in her face. She seemed some what sad so I added, Not that I wouldnt be honored when you are ready. her face lit up again.
Really? she giggled.
Really. She hugged me and left my room.
There she was! A six feet tall brunette flashing her D cup to the other shore, in the shadow of her sunshade. She placed it next to a rock, far from the eyes of passersby. She clearly wanted to be left alone, but that wasn’t going to stop me. I placed my towel next to her, pretending to gaze at the coastline. My eyes were glued to her body. She was lying prone directly on the sand, her arms obstructing my view to her naked chest. She looked in her thirties. Her facial features made me think...
Characters Introduced Renee, Tiffani's Sister – 26 5'4 Red hair Green eyes 36C Breast Her daughters: Rachel and Reanna twins – 14 5'2 Brown hair Blue eyes 36D Breasts Sarah and Sam twins – 12 4'10 Red hair Green eyes 32 C Breast Roy, husband and father, 45 a drunk without a job, 5'10 with a 5” cockold. Alice, wife 36 6'2 Black hair brown eyes 36DD with swan-like neck Jennifer, daughter 16 5'10 Black hair brown eyes 36 C with swan-like neck like her mother. Officer Sally...
“Yeah well that’s your story mate, Luna won’t even let me go downtown if u know what I’m saying.” Replied Ron. Hermione quickly increased her walking pace to leave the boys to their silly conversation about sex and girls. Her usual reaction when they did this was to just listen and not make any comments. She thought it was quite rude of them to talk about sex at age 16, let alone do it in front of her. She was going to save herself for when she was married. Happy that the day was over and...
So saying, he grabbed Anna by the hair began pumping his hard shaft down her throat, ignoring her feeble moans and choking. "Nice of you to greet me with no kit on too," he grunted, thrusting. "That's the way a father wants to be met at the door. St. Pavel, get ready for it girl!" He pulled her back and pumped his fist on his cock, spewing a fountain of white jism over Anna's face and breasts. "Ah, that hits the spot," he said finally as the spurting slowed. "Clean it off,...
My phone rang at about 11 oclock at night. I regained sight and looked over at it, it was Ricky. Hello? I asked groggily. Hey, I need you over here…NOW. He said. What? Its elev- Excuse me…slave…did i tell you to question me? Get your little ass over here! He commanded. I paused, there was noise in the background…someone was talking to him. Y-yes sir. I said. I was so tired…but it was Ricky… Ugh, fine, Ill go. I got out if bed, ran a brush through my hair and walked all the way across campus to...
P90SEX Chapter 3: THE BEACH PARTY From in front of my computer, I called out to my wife who was in the next room, “Allie, I just got an email from Natalie. She says that we can arrive at her place any time from three o’clock this Friday. I might schedule myself off so that we can get there early.” “Great idea,’ Allie replied. “I’ll make plans to take the day off too so that we can leave right after breakfast and be there in plenty of time. How long would you expect it to take us?”
P90SEX Chapter 3: THE BEACH PARTY From in front of my computer, I called out to my wife who was in the next room, “Allie, I just got an email from Natalie. She says that we can arrive at her place any time from three o’clock this Friday. I might schedule myself off so that we can get there early.” “Great idea," Allie replied. “I’ll make plans to take the day off too so that we can leave right after breakfast and be there in plenty of time. How long would you expect it to take us?” “About...
Group SexWife Takes Charge Forever Chapter Two At the end of the first chapter, Dear Reader, you learned of the change my life was going to go through at the hands of my beautiful wife Sarafina. As a recap, let me say that as I write this to you, Dear Reader, I am strapped to my computer chair while my Mistress is downstairs fucking the attorney she got to draw up the papers as she took complete control of my life, assets, and future. I have not left the house in over three months and...
My First Time as a Girl, Chapter 2 By Erin McGee Synopsis - I had just turned 17 and was living with my Mom and sister, Janice. My Dad had been killed in an automobile accident when I was 10 and my Uncle Todd, Dad's twin brother, tried to set a good example for as to what it was like to be a man. He gave me a summer job, with his construction company, so that I could buy a car and encouraged me to get into sports. He did...
We layed on her carpet fro a few more menutes than i started to suck her cock again going down here shaft to her balls back to her very beautiful ass hole. I was so hot from just cumming in mouth the was very horny and her cock started to get hard all over again she starts to moan over my ass hole side do you want to fuck my ass i said hell yes. So i raise up her ankles to her head which really opesn up her ass and slip right in she very hot and she looks so sexy. I get a rythm going in and out...
Entangled - Chapter 3 I am sorry it has taken so long (almost 2 years) for me to write the next chapter but things rather overtook me in my life. You would need to read chapters 1 and 2 to fully understand why Mike finds himself where he is now, but he has volunteered to become The Aficionado's new victim. The Aficianado's are a group of men who enjoy seeing a young man totally feminised before being subjected to a series of humiliating and degrading situations, the young man was...
Chapter XShe: I reach out to the woman, to pull her close and The Man smiles. He steps back a bit and watches. Then he whispers something to the woman and she touches my bare wrists.. For the first time in days I am unbound. The warm sunlight sparkles on my soft oiled skin. I am free, but never really free. She touches my lips, and I touch hers. My heart is pounding and I want nothing more than to lie on this blanket with her. I want to taste her lips, her sex, her essence. I have a need to...
Chantelle Chapter 5 Once Bobbi had inspected my body we went into the shower - she stripped off her clothes and displayed her body to me - long legs, big breast, shaven pussy, and plump ass - she was a goddess. She pushed me under the shower and washed my hair and my body with shampoo and soap and once I was rinsed off, she took another solution and rubbed it all over my body from the neck down. "Now" she said turning off the water "don't move for the next 10 minutes while this does...
Hello Everyone I’m Krish from Hyderabad, 22-year-old guy with 6ft height and well built body and a 6 in cock to satisfy the needs of a women. I do have a good smile well that’s what many have told me, I have been a big fan of ISS as it allows people to share their experiences with the world which may help a few in spicing up their sexual encounters. Now coming to this incident it happened a couple of months back with one of my friends’ friend, her name is Indu, she is 25 years old dusky in her...
I opened the bedroom door. It wasn’t my bedroom it was the room that we all were sharing this week. All other thoughts of people and where we were just disappeared out of my mind as the door opened and I saw her standing there. I didn’t know she was in the room when I had left the pool, but there she was none the less. I was downstairs swimming in the pool when that dumb ass song came on, that stupid dumb ass song. I could feel myself getting hard as that washed up pop star sang, so I...
After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...
Hi! I am Ritika! I live in southern parts of Chennai. I hail from telengana and m staying here for my job purpose in my rented house where i used to stay alone! Ok! Coming to the topic. I m a normal Indian girl from a normal family. 5.5 is my height and m chubby with 34 C boob and 38 butt! This all happened back in 2014 November. It was a cold rainy winter night and i came home from work after a very tired day. As it was Friday, it was casuals day i was in jeans and t-shirt and i came home...
Gladys Simms was cooking breakfast as she did every monday morning. Hubby Bert was sitting reading the morning paper, just grunting when Gladis spoke, as usual not taking much notice just waiting for breakfast. "I'm gonna find my self a toy boy." Bert looked up over the paper,"what did you say?" he asked. I'm gonna find a Toy Boy like like Jill over the road," she stared at her husband to see the effect. "Don't be silly Jills a tart and a flirt, your not like that, anyway your too old." "Jill...
Cheating WifesAfter he was long gone I peeked out to see if my Dad or Selena was out there, but all was clear. I hurried down the hall, my feet making light footfalls as I hurried to the bathroom I share with her, I went in, locked the door. I let my clothes fall to the floor around my feet then Looking at my body in the mirror and for the hundredth time I noticed my breasts were smaller than Selena's but feeling it now especially. "Pff, what ever." Shoving the idea out of my head I turn on the shower...
When a vengeful woman turned the teenage Clark Kent aka Superboy into Claire Kent aka Super-Sister, that was the last anyone ever saw of Clark, or so Supergirl believed. So why, when she travels back in time from a period when her now adult cousin is the world-famous Superwoman, does she find a Smallville in which Superboy is back, and Claire Kent is one of the town's bad girls? CLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE RETURN OF SUPERBOY by BobH (c) 2006 All characters herein...
May 10th 2003 Farmhouse Indiana high school town of Farmhouse Indiana 18 Year old Mike George is at his high school graduation ceremony when it is his turn to accept his diploma. He walks up to the front of the gymnasium and he accepts his diploma then he returns to his seat. When the ceremony Mike and his fellow graduates walk to the cafeteria to enjoy the small party that the school staff has setup for them. After partying for two hours Mike and his grandma Hallie George get into his Ford...
So you all remember Latoya, the singer who looks like Misty Stone? Well, we were supposed to go camping with friends, but they pulled out. So, having the weekend free, me and Latoya opted to go hiking. Latoya showed up at my house dressed in jeans, a half shirt, and she was wearing one of those old plaid shirts the grunge freaks wore in the ninties, only she'd cut the shirt down and cut off the sleeves, turning it into a vest. I wore jeans and a Poison shirt. For those that aren't aware exactly...
I led Jay down the short corridor, opening the bathroom door for him to see. It was neat and clean. Then I led him the next few steps to the bedroom. The door was open and he pushed past me. His shoulder and arm brushed across my chest as he moved through the doorway. My cock was already rock hard. I watched him walk to the closet and open the door. As he checked it out, I checked out his body.Jay was tall and muscular, but not overly developed. He wore some long shorts and a tight fitting...
A few years back when the wife was out of town I decided to go rent a porn vid so I could come home and jerk off. I went to my favorite adult store north of Atlanta where I was surprised at the number people there that day. I guess I was not the only horny person around that day. I started to peruse the videos and walked from section to section. When I got to the bi-section a slightly heavy-set guy started chatting me up about the video selection. "Are you finding what you like" he asked. "Not...
Whiteboy Whipping Club!TJ Ryder[img][/img] Dear Diary, Since this is like my first installment to be published in 'Lavendar Cellblock' I am supposed to intro myself a little forthe readers. And nobody buys Cellblock unless theyr'e gay or at least heavily bi, and into S&M a little bit at least, so I'm taking that into consideration here. I'm (no last names or any data that can identify me or where Iwork) a part time...
Something happened to me last week that changed the way I look at my wife sexually. My wife, Karen is 30 years old, about 5’3″, with light brown hair and blue eyes. She stands a firm 37-24-36 with a really cute baby face. She works as the local regional manager for a national bookstore chain, so she usually dresses and acts in a fairly conservative fashion. Last Friday she had to fill in for one of her managers who called in sick. Normally she works from 9-5, but since she was...
When I answered it, Jay's voice sent a thrill of excitement through my body. "Yo, whiteboy. I got me a new piece of furniture. I need some help getting into my place. Figured, you know, since you're the landlord and all, you could help me move it in.""Um, well, sure Jay. When do you need me?""In about thirty minutes whiteboy. Get your ass over here."It was across town to Jay's place, so I got under way. In about fifteen minutes, I had pulled up in front of his apartment. There was a pickup...
mmm …so hes a younger guy and we were both very nervous…he made me a drink and we sat in his lounge chatting, me on the sofa, he was opposite in his armchair, we had a little kiss when i got there but things had got pretty intense with us so i guess we were both really not sure how things were gonna go, i had my legs crossed and my dress had ridden up, i knew he could see my stockings..that turned me on because i knew he kept looking when he thought i wasnt…so he went upstairs and when he came...
mmm hes a younger guy and we were both very nervous...he made me a drink and we sat in his lounge chatting, me on the sofa, he was opposite in his armchair, we had a little kiss when i got there but things had got pretty intense with us so i guess we were both really not sure how things were gonna go, i had my legs crossed and my dress had ridden up, i knew he could see my stockings..that turned me on because i knew he kept looking when he thought i he went upstairs and when he...
Toyboy Boytoy By Beverley Ann Miles I must have been heavily asleep. I finally awoke, as my mouth was forced open - and something plastic was being crammed in - and by that time, it was already too late to do anything about it! The little plastic circle had been inserted, covering my teeth and locking my mouth open. I couldn't figure out what it was. I lay on my side on the bed, already bound at knees and ankles, my wrists were secured behind my back. I was rolled face down...
Boytoysub0069 Caught I have been into cross dressing and tight inescapable bondage for as long as I can remember, and my need to push the envelope got stronger all the time. The times of dressing up and binding myself at home were long gone as far as the ultimate excitement. Now I found myself going out into the outside world, where the risk of been seen were much greater. Thanks to the internet and such places as the sub shop, and of course E bay, I had gathered an extensive...
mmm hes a younger guy and we were both very nervous...he made me a drink and we sat in his lounge chatting, me on the sofa, he was opposite in his armchair, we had a little kiss when i got there but things had got pretty intense with us so i guess we were both really not sure how things were gonna go, i had my legs crossed and my dress had ridden up, i knew he could see my stockings..that turned me on because i knew he kept looking when he thought i he went upstairs and when he...
THE TOYBOY (leads to my first cocksucking experience).We both stared at his cock in awe. This was the erection of youth, iron hard and standing vertically from his groin. Connie smiled and reached out and touched it with her fingertips. It twitched as she touched the sensitive head. This was hers and she knew she was going to enjoy it.I suppose the story is an all too familiar one. We had been married a long time, and while we still loved each other the physical side of our life had diminished....
I like to recall some nice experiences from a while ago. When I was twenty and living in another country as a student, I was living in an apartment block where I had rented a furnished studio apartment. A couple of doors down, in a 1 bedroom apartment, was an older lady living by herself. I say older but she was only about 40, give or take a few years, some grey hairs, divorced and a very nice figure. She took very good care of herself, doing fitness, and sports, using only very little make up...
Hello dear readers… Hope you are ready to be aroused by my new unexpected yet wonderful experience. Not delaying any more… here I start my experience :) I am a male bdw ;) and I am staying with my friends in a house. As many guys have that anxiety about woman and their hidden treasures, I was also curious about them and always wanted to have some fun with woman but never got a chance. So… why am I writing this post? It’s because every one is given a fair chance, I also got mine and that too in...
Black Man’s White Pussyboy Story from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog. I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom, furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped to rent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time to some maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at...
Black Man's White PussyboyStory from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog.I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at...
Black Man's White PussyboyStory from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog.I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at...
Black Man's White Pussyboy Story from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog. I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked...
Story from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog.I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had...
I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had filled out just a minute earlier. From the datelisted as his birth date, he was 22 years old, three years younger than I.I watched him, explaining about the living room area and kitchen, as...
Many thanks to Kirk2004 for editing this story. Easter is a booming time at North Scandinavian ski resorts. The weather is usually above zero and very pleasant and sunny. Everybody is at least four days off the job. I was at one of the larger more popular hotels in our North together with three friends. A gorgeous brunette gave me a bright smile and some kind comments during breakfast and now at the "after ski" I saw her sitting only a few tables away from my gang. Once again I got a bright...
Pantyboy Honeymoon By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- The Wedding Day "You have to stop crying, Stacey," Daddy said. "You want to look pretty for Mr. Biggenstiff, don't you? The man's so excited about marrying you, he's practically jumping out of his skin." "But, Daddy," Stacey bawled. "I don't want to marry Mr. Biggenstiff! Or any man. I'm too young. I won't even be 18 until tomorrow. And I'm a boy!" Well. Stacey Wigglebottom was right on both counts. But Daddy...
Mom Gets Angry With Pussyboy SonStory about a pussyboy son who is turned into a sissy cockwhore by his mother.At 31 years of age, I shouldn’t be planning on moving back in with my mother, but I was recently divorced, my ex-wife kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees to my mom for a roof over my head.It was with mixed feeling that I went back through the front door of my old home and my mom. Mom is 61 but still looks great and of course I wouldn’t want her to know it, but she turns...
What a great start to the New Year! I can’t believe how randy Kyle got after that...rather fucking hot Christmas Eve. Maybe Calvin unlocked something inside him; he just couldn’t get his hands off me once we got under those sheets! One night I was woken up to feel his hands fixed to my crotch! It was so nice, that had to be one of the best nights so far. But it was yesterday that I was taught a valuable lesson. Here’s how it goes: Morning: nothing new, woke up to find Kyle holding onto me,...
I've always been the type of man into really feminine boys. I like skinny little twinks who want to be fucked and roughed up by a real man. Nothing makes me harder than a pussyboy begging to ride my hard cock and moaning "Daddy" as I slide in and out of his tight hole.I'm 6'-2", solid muscle and proud of it. Little fag bitches go weak when they see how big my arms are and picture how hard I could fuck them. When I finally get them on their knees and my hard 9" thick cock is in front of their...
Calvin was at the playboy mansion talking to Pamela Anderson when she felt a tingle in her pants. It was her cell phone. She answered the phone and told Calvin she would be right back. Calvin decided to head down to the grotto and chill in the hot tub. There were the usual playboy bunnies down there. There were a total of six girls and Calvin didn’t mind getting in the grotto with them. Calvin had on his orange Hawaiian style bathing suit that went down to his knees. He hopped in and sat near...
Fairy Boy and Tomboy by Peggy Sue I was always a fairy boy, even before I started dressing in girl's clothes. I always cried at sad movies and stopped to admire flowers. I had long pretty hair from the time I was seven. The bullies taught me early that I'd better learn to defend myself, so I was a tough street- fighter when attacked. None of the bullies ever picked on me twice. I lived alone with my mother. I must have had a father once but no one ever talked about him. By the...
Black Knight Takes White Pawn Pussyboy Story from the perspective of a white teen pussyboy who becomes the sex slave of a couple niggers who use him for gang bangs and fuck films.I first met Arnim, my future nigger buck master, when we both worked for a well-known department store in London: in the packing and returns department at the rear of the building. Mr. Potter, the person in charge of the department, was a hard man to please. He was ex-army and arrived for work each morning dressed in a...
I opened the door. The paper boy was walking down the path. He come up to the door and handed me the paper. Bless him, he was shivering and his fingers were blue. It was a freezing cold winter’s day. I took him inside so he could get warm and I sat him down on the sofa. He was freezing. I rubbed his hands one at a time. He got embarrassed. I rubbed his hands one at a time between my hands.“Your hands are like ice.”“It’s all right. I’m used to it.”I carried on rubbing his hands to get ‘em...
In 2027, a mad horny scientist unleashed her diabolical weapons in an attempt to turn the world into her sexual paradise. She released two custom-made viruses. one that would affect men, and one women. They rapidly spread to the entire population, brining their effects with them. For women, the effects caused futafication, causing all women to grow massive dicks, the smallest of futa dicks are around 16in, and they can grow up to even 36in and beyond in some cases, with balls to match the...
In 2027, a mad horny scientist unleashed her diabolical weapons in an attempt to turn the world into her sexual paradise. She released two custom-made viruses. one that would affect men, and one women. They rapidly spread to the entire population, brining their effects with them. For women, the effects caused futafication, causing all women to grow massive dicks, the smallest of futa dicks are around 16in, and they can grow up to even 36in and beyond in some cases, with balls to match the...
Chapter 1 It was after ten o'clock on a gloomy January night. There was a cold rain falling, and it was being driven by a stiff wind. It was a good night to stay in. I was sitting in front of my computer about to finish my data entry assignments for the night. I thought I would read a porn story or two after that. The only light I had on in the house was the one on my desk. Suddenly, I was startled by a knock on my door. Being naturally suspicious of such unexpected visitors at...
It had been about three months since I had given Khrystiana that first (and last) spanking. It was now the first week end of August. As we had done the previous three months, Khrys and I were getting together at her place to see how her finances were going. We had also had a number of ‘dates’ in which we had dinner, had gone to a concert, had a picnic at the lake or just spent some time together. The time we had spent together was 100% platonic. Both of us just simply enjoyed our...
SpankingThis occurred over 20 years ago... and I am still surprised, somewhat embarrassed, and quite aroused by my unexpected reaction to receiving my very first enema. Jim and I had been married about three years when we decided that it was time to live a more respectable lifestyle and start raising a family. If you have read my earlier stories, you know that up to this point our sex life had been nothing short of steamy and tawdry. Early in our relationship, Jim awakened an exhibitionist streak and...
FetishI had just met Parth yesterday morning as a stranger from some different school. But as already been shared with you, what a wonderful unexpected night I had yesterday. And how can I not mention the super kinky morning I had today ;) And also, the unexpected and harsh afternoon which had led to the red ass of Parth. It was going great. I was loving every bit of it. So as I had told you, even the night was unexpected. I thought I will make out with Parth and sleep, but that did not happen. It...
Gay MaleI haven’t been back to the movie theater where I work since last Thursday, when I had that unexpected, amazing romp with my manager in his office. But tonight is my first scheduled night back at work, so I’m headed up there now. I’m a little nervous. I haven’t heard from Rick all week, except for the message he left on my voicemail telling me what day and time to come back to work. Knowing I’m going to see him tonight, I tried to dress up, but it’s really hard to make those burgundy polyester...
Group Sex"Yo, man, it's Jay. Come on over. Yeah. In the bedroom. Just come on in. Front door's not locked. You bet he is. He'd say hi, but he's got his mouth full." Jay laughed. I stared up at him in shock, but unable to protest his inviting someone over while my mouth was full of his cock. I wondered if it was that guy, Bobby, who had been on the phone the other day. The thought of another young black stud making me service his cock was exciting. But then I realized it could just as easily be anyone,...