Entangled - Chaper 3 free porn video

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Entangled - Chapter 3 I am sorry it has taken so long (almost 2 years) for me to write the next chapter but things rather overtook me in my life. You would need to read chapters 1 and 2 to fully understand why Mike finds himself where he is now, but he has volunteered to become The Aficionado's new victim. The Aficianado's are a group of men who enjoy seeing a young man totally feminised before being subjected to a series of humiliating and degrading situations, the young man was known to the group as their 'victim' but he was always a willing subject, though once he had signed the agreement his fate was out of his hands and no matter how hard he pleaded he was unable to prevent anything that was to happen to him. All the victim got out of the deal was a makeover to make him as pretty as possible for the group while the Aficionado's got a great deal of sadistic sexual satisfaction as they devised a series of increasingly arduous ordeals for the young man, inevitably it would end in their victims orifices being abused many times over. But The Aficianado's also filmed their victims ordeal and sold copies over the internet ensuring that the clubs funds were constantly topped up to pay for ever more elaborate makeovers for the young men. Mike had originally joined the group as an admirer himself and had enjoyed a session where a beautiful T-girl called Debbie had been ritually assaulted and debased, all through the girls ordeal Mike couldn't help imagining himself in her position as she writhed within her bondage and moaned behind her ballgag as she was forced to endure all manner of abuse and degrading situations. Little did he know that he had only been invited as a potential new victim and he had fallen right into the trap, as soon as he had signed the disclaimer form he had been taken out of the meeting and locked into a comfortable, but secure room. Mike looked at himself in the mirror and gazed in awe at the vision of femininity that peered back. It was less than 72 hours since he had attended his first meeting of the Aficionado's as an admirer and had indulged his sadistic fantasies as he joined the other men abusing poor Debbie, he remembered the look in her eyes as she lay on her tummy, bound in an agonisingly tight hog tie, her mouth held wide open by a dental brace and her prettily made up eyes streaked by tears of pain. She seemed to know something as their eyes met fleetingly and she had a look of superiority even though she was helpless to prevent the abuse she was being subjected to. Mike didn't wait long before grabbing the transvestites' ears and thrusting his penis into her wide open mouth. Now Mike was about to attend his second meeting, though this time he was to be the victim and he became increasingly nervous as he heard a door open downstairs and steps coming up the stairs. He took a final look in the mirror, gazing back was a very pretty, actually beautiful was more accurate, young lady, her long blonde hair fell in luxuriant waves to her shoulders before tumbling down her back. Her face was extravagantly made up, her eyes were gorgeous with subtle shades of blended brown and green eyeshadow framed by thin, heavily plucked eyebrows and black eyelashes that were obviously false though not out of place for her evening makeup. Her pink lips were large and set in a kissable pout, Mike knew that it had taken around two hours for the girls to apply his makeup and he could no longer see any trace of the young man he knew he really was. His femininity was further enhanced by large dangling earrings hanging from his pierced earlobes, every movement sent them jingling as they tugged mercilessly at the freshly pierced lobes. The girl was dressed in a beautiful Ivory coloured silk and lace dress that fell to around 6" above her shapely knees, her narrow waist emphasised by the cut of the dress though Mike knew that was only achieved by a heavily boned traditional corset that reduced his natural waistline by fully 5" but meant he could only take shallow breaths, sheer stockings were attached to his corsets suspenders that were threaded beneath his pale pink panties edged with delicate red lace and his bra matched his panties. The ensemble was completed by a pair of white strappy sandals with almost unwalkable 5" stiletto heels. Unbeknown to Mike but he was the Aficionados most elaborate makeover to date. They had recognised his potential and groomed him into being their latest victim enticing him into signing the disclaimer form without him reading the full implications. It had taken three days to transform him from an admirer who had never worn female clothes before into the vision of ultra-femininity that gazed back nervously from the mirror. The first day had been devoted to his hair, two middle aged women entered his room at 7 in the morning and ordered him to smother his body in a foul smelling depilatory cream, waiting 10 minutes before entering the shower and watching the little bodily hair he had disappear down the plughole. They then dressed him in panties, bra, tights, mini skirt, blouse and medium heeled court shoes, the first time that Mike had ben dressed as a woman in his life. A little makeup and a wig and Mike was escorted to a car waiting in the garage and taken on a short trip into the town centre, he was very conscious of the breeze playing at the hem of his skirt as he walked with the women a short distance from the multi-storey car park to a ladies hairdressing salon where he was to spend the rest of the day. Over the course of the next few hours he was sat in his chair with a pink cape round him as two young ladies attached permanent extension to his own hair, he watched in the mirror as his head became slowly covered with much loner hair although it did not match his own hair colour exactly. The process took over 5 hours and then the girls turned his chair round and leant it back so his head was over a sink. They applied an several foil wraps and a chemical smelling lotion before rinsing his hair several times, applying a different lotion at each stage, when they had finished they wrapped a towel around his hair and his chair was returned to the upright and rotated to face the mirror again, the towel was removed and Mike was amazed to see that his originally short mousey brown hair was now a mass of honey blond. The girls combed it out before cutting his hair into a feathered style with a fringe over his forehead. Before it was dry his hair was put into rollers of different sizes then a large dryer which encompassed his whole head was wheeled into place. After an hour this was removed and the girls took out the rollers and combed him out leaving a gorgeous wavy style that framed his face accentuating his feminine features. The whole process had taken all day and Mike was escorted back to the house, fed with a salad and locked into his bedroom for the night, for the first time Mike slept in a little babydoll nightie with matching panties. The second morning Mike was again collected at 7 but it was past 8 before he emerged from his bedroom after the ladies had dressed him in a knee length dress and medium heels again, for underwear they put him in a 50's style pantie girdle which gave him some shape and he wore stockings for the first time. Most of the day was spent in a beauty salon where he was given 'the works'. His eyebrows were plucked into a thin arch, he had permanent eyelashes attached which were then tinted and curled, he had a pedicure and manicure, long acrylic nails were attached to his finger nails then a pale pink varnish applied to finger and toe nails. They pierced his ears and put in gold sleeper studs for now and he had a full facial after which they applied a daytime makeup and brushed out his hair. After a light lunch he was taken to a clinic and shown into a small, sterile looking room with what resembled an operating table in the centre, he was told to strip to just his knickers and lie down on the table, with some trepidation Mike did as he was instructed. After a couple of minutes a middle aged balding man entered wearing a white coat and a stethoscope he wasted no time and without any preamble he inspected Mike's breast, tweaking his nipples between finger and thumb before taking some measurements. Mike asked what he was doing but the doctor just smiled to himself and told Mike to keep quiet while he was working, he said he would explain later. After a while the doctor went to a cupboard and busied himself selecting a pair of glass jars from among a dozen or so of varying sizes. He put the two that he selected on the counter top and fixed a tube to them both, Mike saw they were shaped exactly like a female breast and the tube was attached to where the nipple would be. The doctor then proceeded to strap Mike into place with straps around his legs, thighs, stomach, shoulders and arms, when Mike protested the white coated man just laughed and said this nothing to what mike could expect so he had better get used to it. When he was strapped down the doctor carefully placed the glass jars in position directly over his nipples, there was a rubber seal around the bottom of the jars which felt cold for a couple of minutes until Mike got used to it, then the doctor flicked a switch that activated a vacuum pump, Mike felt his nipples and the skin around them expand into the glass jars as the air was evacuated. It happened very slowly and as the pump was running the doctor filled a large syringe and chose that time to tell Mike what was happening. 'This is a saline solution with an additive which, for want of a better description, resembles a wallpaper paste so thickening the solution. I am going to inject this into your breasts to give them form and shape, when you leave here this evening you will have a shapely C cup but you will be returning tomorrow morning for another treatment which will enhance your breasts to a double D or perhaps even an E cup. It is a new treatment developed by me and is completely harmless, your new breasts will remain shapely and pert for around 48 hours but after that the additive will stop its work and the saline solution will be gradually absorbed by your body, after 5 days you will be back to a C cup and after 10 days your chest will be back to normal.' Mike felt the prick of a needle below his new breast and watched as the doctor emptied the syringe into him, the process was repeated on his other breast by which time the glass jars were filled with his new breasts. The doctor covered Mike with a blanket and told him that he would leave the pump running for an hour as the solution hardened, he left the room leaving Mike strapped to the bed. Ninety minutes later Michael left the clinic with his two female 'minders', he was very aware of his new breasts as they jiggled inside his bra with each step he took. He was taken back to the house and, after another light supper, he was locked in his room, this time his breasts filled his nightie in the appropriate area and felt very strange when he turned over in bed. The following morning Mike was allowed to sleep in. it was the morning of the party and he was beginning to feel rather nervous though he was enjoying the experience of being feminised. The women dressed him in a short skirt and tight fitting white jumpers through which the form of his lace bra could clearly be seen, the first stop of the day was back at the clinic where Michael was again told to strip down to his knickers and strapped down, when he was secured the doctor grinned and said he didn't think that was the last time he would see Mike bound that day, and went on to say that he was looking forward to enjoying the fruits of his work later that night! The doctor selected a couple of larger jars and placed them over the feminised young mans' already prominent breasts before starting the pump and injecting more solution under Mike's breasts, again he was left for an hour with the pump still running. When he eventually strutted out of the clinic a couple of hours later he was wearing a much larger bra and his E sized breasts attracted a lot of male attention as they jiggled beneath the tight confines of his jumper. Next stop was the hairdresser where his new luscious locks were washed, set and put into rollers before he was put under the dryer for another hour. When his hair was eventually brushed out he looked fabulous and loved his newly found femininity although as the time of the party came nearer his anxiety level raised knowing a little of what was to befall him in a few short hours, he thought back to Debbie who had to deal with six men and Mike wondered if the same guys would be attending to him later, he remembered how the large West Indian gentleman had made the helplessly bound transvestites mouth wider before slowly entering her until her nose was nestled in the depths of his springy pubic hair, all the time her rectum was being violated by a huge vibrating dildo and her genitals being shocked by electricity. Mike wondered how he would be able to cope with that and was scared at the prospect, although another part of him was also excited at being completely helpless and at the total mercy, or rather the lack of mercy, of a group of men whose sole aim was to take gratification from their victim. Mike was unable to think for long as he was next taken to the beauty parlour where his extravagant evening makeup was applied and his nails given a final coat. The girls at the parlour cooed and giggled over him when they had finished, they knew that their client was a male and also why he was being feminised which made Mike feel very humiliated, but he knew they had all done a wonderful job on him and he really liked the way he looked. They arrived back at the house around 5.30 in the afternoon where Mike was ordered to strip completely. The women then attached his cage locking Mike's small and insignificant cock into a metal cage, he noticed the small screws and knew full well what they were for, suddenly the significance of the disclaimer form he had signed hit him and his nervousness turned to fear at what he was going to have to endure. He was given little time to dwell on his thoughts though as he was laced into his corset, the women were unrelenting as they tightened the laces until the edges of the corset touched behind his back, his breathing was shallow as he was simply unable to take deep breaths. Sheer stockings were attached to the corsets 8 suspenders and then a pair of pink silk panties edged with red lace were slid up his legs, Mike loved the feeling of them and his cock twitched into life though the confines of the metal cage made it very uncomfortable for him. A matching bra was added to his ensemble enveloping his very ample breasts, the bra had a front fastening which, when clipped closed lifted his boobs displaying a lot of cleavage, a matching short slip was soon added before he stepped into the ivory coloured silk dress that one of the women held open for him. It felt delicious as it slid up his body, the dress was zipped up at the back and the tight bodice displayed his cleavage and tiny waistline beautifully before flaring out in a series of tiny pleats to end some 6" above his knees. Mike was told to sit on the bed and his feet were strapped into the white strappy sandals, he was then told to walk over to the dressing table which he managed to do with some difficulty as he was unfamiliar walking in heels. The women laughed at his efforts. 'Luckily for you, you won't be doing much walking tonight anyway!' One of them laughed with a cruel gleam in her eye. When he was sat at the dressing table the women made a few final adjustments to his makeup and hair, the final touch was to remove his sleeper studs from his ears and put in a pair of long and heavy dangly earrings which tugged at his still sore earlobes and tickled his shoulders when he moved his head. They sprayed him liberally with perfume, put a couple of rings on the fingers of each hand half a dozen silver bangles on his right wrist and a silver chain around his neck before pronouncing him finished. 'Well Sweetheart, you're done.' Pronounced one of the ladies. 'You look heavenly and I know you will be a big hit tonight, I know you were at the start of Debbie's ordeal a few nights ago so you know some of what is likely to happen to you tonight, though you must also know that the Aficionados like to vary what they do to their victims so I am sure you will be in for quite a few surprises tonight. You will probably find it difficult to do at the time but you should try and savour and enjoy your experience, you are a perfect 'victim' and I have a feeling we will be seeing you again and again, it is strange because when the girls are released from their ordeal they all swear they will never do it again, but most of them come back for more. So sweetheart, have fun. We will lock you in now and they will come and get you in about an hours time.' With that they both gave him a peck on the cheek and a comforting squeeze on his shoulder before leaving him to his thoughts, he heard the lock turn in the door and his nerves took over. Standing, Mike looked at his reflected image in the full length mirror, he knew he looked fantastic and loved his image and the way his sensuous clothes made him feel. He was also excited about being the centre of attention but he knew that was going to involve pain and humiliation, on one hand he found that exciting but on the other he was scared of the unknown. He sat on the bed as his heels were very uncomfortable to stand in, and his nerves increased with each passing moment. After a while he stood and admired himself in the mirror again and slid his manicured hands down his body, touching his breasts he felt his nipples harden and loved the sensation, his hands went to his narrow waist before sliding down his bottom feeling the taut suspenders beneath his dress. Mike lifted the hem of his dress to reveal the lace edged slip, which he also lifted displaying his silk knickers with the rather odd small bulge inside, his cock naturally hardened in excitement but had nowhere to go causing a lot of discomfort, he dropped the hem of his dress and concentrated hard, trying to minimise the discomfort. Then he heard the door slam downstairs and steps coming up the stairs. His nerves took over when he heard the lock turning and he turned to face the door as it opened, Max, the leader of the Aficionado's walked in followed by George the huge West Indian man. Max spoke with a huge grin on his face. 'Wow, Mikey, have they done a number on you or what? But we can't call you Mikey looking like that, can we George?' He turned and faced his friend who also had a big grin on his handsome face. 'No way!' George responded. 'She looks more like a Michelle to me.' 'Perfect, Michelle it is then.' Said Max. 'Now Michelle, just turn round please while we sort out a couple of things.' Realising he had no choice, Michael tottered round on his heels, he felt Max grab one arm and George the other as they fastened a rope round each wrist, the men took their time to but after five minutes his arms were folded neatly behind his back and secured in place, the rope wasn't too tight and Mike wasn't all that uncomfortable but it was impossible to break free and further emphasised to the feminised and very pretty young man exactly what his role was in the nights proceedings. Michael was told to sit on the bed as Max and George tied first his ankles and then his knees together before helping the now helpless young man to his feet. A blindfold was produced and tied behind his head shutting out all light, Michael was scared now and his breathing became faster. 'Umm, I'm sorry guys.' He whimpered. 'But I am not at all sure about this anymore!' The men laughed mercilessly. 'It's far too late for any second thoughts now Michelle.' Max told him. 'You've signed the release for and you are ours to do with as we please, besides there are a lot of club members waiting downstairs all eager to enjoy you this evening, including a certain doctor you have already met. You are the first of our victims to have her own tits and we have lots of plans for you.' With that Max slid his hand inside Michelle's bra (we will call her Michelle from now on to avoid any confusion) and fondled one of her breasts pinching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Michelle gasped as Max was being quite rough but her nipple jumped to attention. 'Ah, I see you like that Michelle, that's good.' 'Please don't, that hurts.' Michelle complained but her moans were met with laughter from the two men. 'If you think that hurts Sweetheart, you are in for quite a shock tonight!' Michelle recognised George's gravelly voice. 'You won't believe some of the things we have got lined up for you, but it's probably better you don't know about it until it happens anyway!' Michelle was feeling scared and incredibly nervous now but any further protestations were prevented by a large ballgag inserted between her luscious lips, she tried to prevent it by clamping her mouth shut but felt one of the men lift her dress up and slap her hard on her silk clad bottom, she was unable to stop herself from opening he mouth in shock and suddenly a large ball was in place, her teeth and lips held open as she felt a strap being fastened behind her head. All she could now utter was a very muffled moan. 'Michelle, that was very disobedient of you!' Max told her in a stern voice. ''Just for that we will have to discipline you before we take you downstairs.' She heard someone sit on the bed while the other man took her shoulders and pulled her forwards, she found herself placed over someone's knee, her dress and slip was pulled up and her knickers pulled down a little exposing her shaven white bottom, then she was subjected to a thorough and very hard spanking, first on one cheek, then the other, then both together. She squirmed trying to avoid the rain of blows that were landing mercilessly with a resounding slapping noise but a firm hand on her back kept her in place, the other man held her ankles to the floor so all she could do was lie there whimpering behind her gag and take her punishment. She lost count of the number of smacks but it went on for a good few minutes before she felt her knickers being pulled back into place and someone helping her to her feet. The men didn't bother talking to her anymore, they now saw her as merely an object there for their own gratification, George lifted the feminised boy onto one of his shoulders and Max opened the door for him, George descended the stair supporting Michelle with one hand up her dress and kneading her already very sore bottom. The young man felt very precarious and hope George wouldn't drop him as they went down two flights of stairs, he realised they were now in the basement where, only 72 hours previously he had attended with five other Aficionado's to enjoy the humiliation and degradation of Debbie, Michelle couldn't now believe he had been so stupid as to want to take her place, but there was nothing he could do to prevent whatever these men wanted to do to him now and the realisation of his fate made him go week at the knees as he was lowered to the ground. Someone caught him and helped him to stand upright and he felt someone untying his blindfold, Michelle blinked as the light hit him, he was in the same dungeon but there seemed to be several new pieces of apparatus but he didn't have time to look at them as he realised he was standing in the middle of the room surrounded not by 6 men, as had been Debbie's fate, but by around 30 men all leering at the vision of femininity helplessly bound before them. I promise it will not take me as long to write the next chapter describing in lurid detail how Michelle is subjected to a series painful and humiliating ordeals. I hope you enjoy this story, are you imagining yourself as a member of the Aficionado's or as poor Michelle?

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The Naughty Chaperone

I am a very suspicious and unemotional woman. Yes, I am fully aware that the other teachers in my school call me "The tight-assed bitch". I can't help that. It is just the way that I am. I would like to be open and bubbling with enthusiasm but I always get bogged down in analyzing the consequences. Here I am almost 25 years old and I am still a virgin. It is not because I am unattractive. I don't want to brag or seem like an egomaniac but I am what guys call "stacked". Ever since I was...

2 years ago
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I emerged from my office, half blind with too many hours of screen time, and fully primed for the evening activities. The parameters were discussed (“make me cum while you shave my cunt,”), the details to remain the domain of my imagination. Sliding the blindfold over your eyes (a ‘deal-breaker’ in your words) sends a spasm through my cock, your sharp intake of breath coinciding with the plunge of my hand down the front of your pants. Your cunt is already beginning to sweat. I pull my hand...

1 year ago
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I emerged from my office, half blind with too many hours of screen time, and fully primed for the evening activities. The parameters were discussed (“make me cum while you shave my cunt,”); the details to remain the domain of my imagination. Sliding the blindfold over your eyes (a ‘deal-breaker’ in your words) sends a spasm through my cock, your sharp intake of breath coinciding with the plunge of my hand down the front of your pants. Your cunt is already beginning to sweat. I pull my hand...

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A Late Night Adventure

I was about 24, had determined I was a bisexual and was married about 3 yrs. It was friday night and I was at a held by a friend from work. Most of my coworkers were there along with a close friend that I worked with and his girlfriend Sharon. They were both about 18. We had been drinking and dancing for several hours and the party was winding down. I could hear my friend in the kitchen having a fight with his girlfriend about how drunk he was. I said my farewells and walked out the door. As I...

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The Photo Shoot

She looks in the mirror. Checks herself out. Black dress hugging her curves, a hint of cleavage, a flash of stocking clad leg. She looks incredible, just as he asked.She turns in front of the mirror, her hands moving over her body, feeling her curves under her touch, just as he said to do. She walks over to the dresser, repositions the camera, sets the timer and moves back into position.She smiles as the shutter clicks. She sets the timer again, moves back into position and turns as the shutter...

2 years ago
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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 11

We left town after three days of partying. The 50 gold coins were used up in party expenses, but we had a ball while it lasted. We got out before any open animosity developed between us and the town fathers; they weren't all that evil, I just didn't like them and their holier-than-thou attitude. I felt no particular urge to travel in any specific direction, so we headed south to escape the cold weather coming with winter. I had heard that the weather was perpetually warm a few hundred...

2 years ago
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Kay My Sister Cums 2 Town 2

“God that was fun! Did you see how much that k** shot on my tits! Oh my God!” Kay was nearly skipping as we got out of our cars on the other side of the interstate at a hotel I had suggested we use. We went in and I paid cash for the room carrying the bag emblazoned with the porn shop’s logo. “I am going to get a shower.” Kay said and she stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. I turned on the TV. I did not really want to watch porn, but I did watch start to watch a couple of previews....

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Twenty year old Mikey, real name Michelle, and her twenty-two year old brother Don had both been in the same industry for nearly eighteen months, though neither knew it. Each had heard of the other's reputation, but only through the acting names they used, and it wasn't until they were both cast in the same hard core porn film that each found out what the other did. Mikey was already sitting in the lounge of the flat being used as a studio, going through the 'script' when Don was shown in....

1 year ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 151

~~The Ripper~~ God damn it felt good to be in the driver seat again. God damn it felt good to end someone’s life with his bare hands. Jack the Ripper dropped man’s corpse, and it burst into a pile of ash as it collided with the street. Joe was no more. Finally. Fucking finally! Irritating god damn worm. Jack laughed as he stepped onto the pile of ash, and kicked it away. Finally. He looked to the Carthians who’d shown up. Some stared down at him from nearby buildings. Some stared at him...

1 year ago
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Having Anna for Dinner

A brunette girl, who appeared sixteen years old, lay on the floor watching TV with her younger sister, a blonde girl who was six years younger. Their father had lost his job about a year ago and was only recently able to find another. He hadnt gotten his first paycheck yet, and wouldnt or several weeks. The brunette propped herself up on her long, thin arms. Is there anything for dinner today, mom? Im afraid not, Susan. We dont have much food left, their mother called back. They were lucky to...

2 years ago
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1 Great Memory

1 Great MemoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan The Liberty, International Airport; Newark, NJ or the Newark city in NJ, none of these is new to me. I used to live in Newark NJ little over 5 years ago. The mother fucking city was dirty, smelly and crimes ridden even then but except one small portion across the rail road tracks where most of the hard working white collar migrant people lived; ready to fuck any criminal element in a flash to keep their community clean and safe. I rented 2 rooms from such a...

2 years ago
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Yoga Room To Bedroom

I was a silent follower of Indian sex stories dot net site since a long time. I stay near BHEL, Hyderabad, if any women (aged between 35 to 50 year preferable) interested in doing friendship with me please mail me at (palforchatting at gmail dot com) I’m 42 years of age married with one kid, but never been in any relationship until this incident happened. And this is the first and last relationship till now. She is also 42 years of age married with one kid. Let her call as KS For yoga class,...

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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 10 Blood Pressure

Reid was awoken by the sound of heavy footsteps on the wooden floor, the moans from her colleagues and the rumbling vocalizations of the Krell as the aliens descended upon them jolting her from her sleep. She rose to a sitting position, peeking over the lip of her chosen recess, unsure of what was going on. Were they being attacked? The room had suddenly become packed with Krell, should she attempt to escape? No, those were mating calls, and it sounded as if her team were caught up in the...

1 year ago
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Stoned and Fucked

When we were separated my wife went thru and ordeal that took her years to tell me about after we got back together. She wasn’t too used to being single and sort of went along with anyone in doing stuff. She had not been very experienced in sex before we wed but had gained experience quite rapidly with me. This didn’t help her on this episode. She had went dancing and drinking at a local night spot on this date and had met a guy she thought was nice and was good looking. He said his name was...

3 years ago
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Flirting Can Be Harzardous to Your Health 3 Whos in Charge Now

To those who emailed me asking for part 3, I apologize for being so long in getting this installment to you. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Jane [email protected] Flirting Can Be Hazardous to Your Health, Part 3: Who's In Charge Now? - by Jane Steele 'Ken' I awoke to the morning sun coming in through the French doors that lead out to the balcony. Slowly I floated up to consciousness from a deep restful sleep. I smiled as I remembered...

2 years ago
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Becoming a slut at 17 part 3

I was pleasantly sore after having been fucked by no less than three men in one afternoon. I made my way back to the bed and collapsed. I was asleep in no time between Dan and John. I woke in the early evening alone. I heard voices in the living room. I opened a dresser drawer and grabbed a t-shirt. I slipped it on and stepped out into the living room. Standing there, wearing nothing but a t-shirt with my hair disheveled and a little sleepy, I was unaware of how I looked. The talking stopped...

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She Hires Ted The GayMaker

To help me relax, Susan booked my massage a few nights before we left for Vegas."You're going to love it. Ted is a professional.""A professional?" I asked, "What kind of professional are we talking about?"Susan refused to give me too many details and looked at me with a smile, "The kind of professional that will help you relax and work out those tight spots. You're going to love it...trust me...have as much fun as you want and are comfortable with."The next night I went to the address Susan...

3 years ago
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15 August 2008Chapter 10

Heather’s face was flushed from Dan’s talented mouth and fingers bringing her to the brink of a strong climax. Before he could make her cum, she was replaced by the next young woman who smiled as Dan moved out from under the table. “Wish I could have service like that,” she grinned. “Maybe I can help you next time,” Heather offered. “Or my Dan could eat your pussy like he did for me.” “I’d like that, both ways,” she smiled. Heather had Dan go back under the table and briefly enjoyed the...

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Sam and Marge passionate threesome adventure

As some of you are aware of our with Johan and since then we have had another experience. After our experience with Johan we talked about if we should invite him back or not. For me, Sam, I was alright with Marge’s decision either way. Marge enjoyed Johan as a person but as a lover he did not do much. So we decided that we would look for someone else. At first our search was slow we went to our favourite ad site, reviewed our profile, made a few updates to it, and waited for replies. This site...

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A New Friend Part 1

Another experience to share with you all.Just after Christmas, a woman I'm friends with on a social networking site asked if I'd like to go for a drink with her and her fiancé , just a drink and maybe watch a movie or something. It sounded relaxing and fun so we agreed a day. I looked forward to it every day, Liz is mid thirties, tall, long straight blond hair, dark eyes - to tell the truth, I'd masturbated a few times while looking at her pictures online, but I'd never told her that. It wasn't...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 291

Say thanks to Gary... The Six Most Important Men “In a Woman’s Life” 1. Doctor - Because he says, “Take off all your clothes.” 2. Dentist - Because he says, “Open wide.” 3. Milkman - Because he says, “Do you want it in the front or back?” 4. Hairdresser - Because he says, “Do you want it teased or blown?” 5. Interior Decorator - Because he says, “Once it’s in you’ll love it.” 6. Banker - Because he says, “If you take it out too soon, you’ll lose interest.” ✧ ✧ ✧ Say thank you to Al for...

4 years ago
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Cool Hand Krystal Teasing the Road Crew

I lay down on the stage, totally nude, as the frenzied crowd cheered him on. My lips could still taste the whipped cream I’d licked off the stripper’s massive cock. As another heavily-muscled stripper straddled my face and offered his thick member to my eager mouth, I felt the other’s hardness pushing into my gushing pussy…“Clank! Rat-tat-tatta-tat! Drum-dra-da-drum-crash!” A cacophony of noise erupted from outside and shook the walls of my house.“Goddamn fucking damn shit cunting...

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FamilyHookups Liv Wild Hot teen Liv Wild fucks her handsome stepdad to get to know him

Liv Wild is talking to her mom on the phone and she’s telling her to get some dinner with her new stepdad to get to know him. She tries to find him around the house, only to catch him jacking off to pictures of her! She’s a little shocked at first, but if she’s really honest with herself, her stepdad is hot and it turns her on. He’s shocked to hear this admission, but they both want it, so why let taboo stand in the way? They fuck each other like crazy, they both know...

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Locker room

As you probably know if you read my profile and look at my pics, I have a fetish for sexy panties....the more girly the better! I don't fully dress up much...if I do, I don't go out that way but I will go out is some pretty sexy shorts (or like my recent pics posted, some "revealing" jeans). I really wear panties almost all the time because I love how they feel and how they make me feel. I'm always clean shaven, (sometimes legs too) and try to stay clean, tan and fit. So much for the...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 27

New characters appearing in the next two chapters: Earl O'Donnell Earl of Tir Connell (Donegal), and Ah O'Damhnill, The O'Donnell, 5'-10" tall, 190 pounds, 53 years old, gray hair, beard, and eyes We reappeared in our room on the second floor. The twins were very passionate, hugging and kissing me now that we were alone. However, they had trouble walking, and nearly collapsed before I could get them to the bed. "What's wrong with you?" I asked them. "Too much wine," Almha...

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Chachi Ke Asli Chudai

Yeh meri asli indian sex story hai jo mein batane jaa raha hun. Yeh kaafi time pehle ke baat hai jab mera lund khada hona shuru hua tha naya naya. Mein shaayad 13 ya 14 ka hounga tab. Hum sab joint family mein the. Mere grand parents, chachu aur unki family aur meri family mom and dad. Hamare ghar mein 3 stories thi. First floow meri family ka second mere grand parents aur chachi ka. Third floow mein mera room tha. Meri chachi bahut he sunder thi. Woh kaafi gori thi aur thodi healthy bhi thi....

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Best Birthday Ever

How many guys remember their first crush on an older woman? It could have been a teacher, or a friend's older sister, or a friend's mom... How many remember the first older woman they knew that they wanted to fuck? That woman that you took one look at as a boy or young man and just knew that you had to see her naked, caress her body and fuck her silly... I know I'll never forget mine. It was the summer of my thirteenth birthday. My best friend was having a sleep over to celebrate his...

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Turning to Darkness P21

TURNING TO DARKNESS PART 21( by popular demand, one last chapter in this story )Rachel spent three more nights at the hillside hotel undergoing the transformation ritual. Glorious sex with the shadow prince, that pushed her to her limits and more tender passions with the small princess. Unlike some common fiction, a person does not simply become a vampire if bitten once. If that was the case the world would soon be converted and the human race would cease to exist. The vampires would then...

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I was a new child case social worker.  I had just graduated from college and was eager to start.  I had a wonderful childhood with loving parents; however, I had a few friends that did not.  They were shuffled from foster home to foster home and it grieved me to see it.  I vowed to care for lost kids when I was in junior high school and now I can do something about the system that looses so many kids.  My first day on the job the lead social worker gave me a case.  A 17 year old girl lost both...

First Time
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The Island Chapter 3

The tropical moon poured through the window, filling the room with soft blue light. In the bed next to me she slept, a smile playing across her lips. Our bodies touched in every possible place. In our sleep we moved as one, neither wanting to lose contact. Dreams of her poured through my head. She stirred against me causing tingling sensations to pass through my sleeping body. My hand gently cupped her nipple, feeling it swell unknowingly in response to some deep dreamed touch. I responded...

3 years ago
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the little special pill 3

I drove to aunty Polly's not really looking forward to the day, my mother had volunteered me to give her hand clearing out the belongings of her recently deceased husband Joe, my uncle, so it wasn't going to be a happy cheerful day, plus I was probably going to have to do a lot of lifting.When I arrived at aunty Polly's I was surprised to see her friend May there, but also relieved I wouldn't have to make a lot of small talk during the day as we worked, and so with Aunt Polly and May busy...

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Under the Grandstand

fine figure, in fact she's downright sexy. Her best asset is her ass. She is 5' tall with reddish blonde hair, blue eyes and a bubble butt ass to die for. We have always been a perfect match in that she is a true exhibitionist and I really get turned on when some strange man is viewing her privates. Its even better because she gets hottest when she can show her asshole and that is also what makes me the hottest. So it all makes sense. Her sexiest part is what turns...

3 years ago
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My Sisters Girlfriend Part 2

I must have slept well into the middle of the morning before I awoke to find sunlight flooding my room. It took me a while to wonder whether everything that happened last night was just a dream, but I eventually concluded that it had actually happened. I got dressed quickly and hurried downstairs for some breakfast. When I got to the kitchen, I found Kelly sat alone at the kitchen table. Today, she was wearing a long white lace top through which I could see her white bra, and seemed to be...

First Time
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Because of an affair my late Mother had resulting in the birth of my younger brother Austin her sexual relations were poor as my late Father nevervreally forgave her and would rarely have sex and even then he forced himself on her. Eventually my Mom who at one time treated me badly had changed completely once she seduced me. I had been a virgin till then despite messing around with my best friend Burt, butbthen both at sixteen Burt and I had not had sexual relations with a female or so I...

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No Half Measures Part 5

NO HALF MEASURES PART 5 By Jenny Walker © 2003 Author's note: This is a shorter instalment than previous ones. I feel that it leaves the reader in a nice position... apologies in advance! However, the next four chapters are almost complete and I will submit them after a suitable period of time. Thanks and credit are due to the wonderful Hebe Dotson and Anne Baker who tirelessly correct my mistakes and improve my writing ? any errors that remain, are mine. CHAPTER 29 I had...

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BBW Wife Gone Wild Part III

I am sorry it has been so long since my last story but a lot has happened since the last time I wrote. Those of you who read the last story recall the night she had a gang bang with some college boys. Well it turns out it was a lot more wild then we thought. A few weeks after that we found out that she was pregnant. However we did not know who the father was. We weren't sure if it was me or one of the college guys. After nine months she gave birth to a red red headed girl. Obviously was...

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Foot Fetish

The gift card was in an invitation that was as interesting as the establishment I was about to enter. “Happy Birthday, Peggy Anne. We are about to make your fantasy come true. Come prepared for a great pedicure and perhaps a little bit more.” The building was a charming southern cottage with magnolias and old oak trees. The Spanish moss hung like lace from the branches. There was just enough for atmosphere but not enough to make it spooky. There were rocking chairs on the wrap around porch....

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Nude Live has been operational since 2014, and in such a short time, the site has remarkably solidified its position as a leading live cam site. Everyone including their mothers knows about this site which is illustrative of its growing popularity among consumers of live sex cams. Obviously, you don’t become a major player in whichever industry if you are not doing something right and Nude Live is doing a LOT of things right. Join me as I look at what this excellent site has in store.Let’s...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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My name is Jeff. I am eighteen-years-old, and I wanted to share with you the story that changed my life forever; when my Mom and I became lovers.One weekend, my dad, my mom and my twin sister Beth, were working on a big landscaping project in the backyard. We had done a lot of digging and excavating and the day was hot and muggy. We were almost finished with the digging when Dad sent me and Mom to the Home Depot to pick up the supplies we ordered for the job. Dad agreed to stay and finish up...

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