Entangled Chapter II : Serving Rapunzel free porn video

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“Good morning, my pet. I trust you slept well?”

Rapunzel greeted me that next morning as she always had, her voice full of boundless energy and anticipatory joy for what the day would bring. It was one of the qualities l loved best about her; her endless optimism lay untarnished despite a lifetime of imprisonment in her tower. I made to rise from our bed with a contented sigh, puzzled at first by my inability to do so, blinking the dust of sleep from my eyes as I focused on her the impish smile on her face.

“I grew bored waiting for you to wake. We will have to have a very serious conversation about your new rules, Ariel. Already, you have been a naughty girl,” she laughed merrily as she tapped me on the nose playfully with her fingertip. “And lesson number one, naughty girls get punished.”

She settled on the mattress with a grace only slightly marred by her youthful enthusiasm, and appraised me, tucking her lip between her teeth as if in deep thought. As for me, I simply lay there, staring at her, transfixed, my memory of the night before slowly returning. I’d made a promise, an oath in fact, to give myself to her, not as a lover, but as a pet, a plaything. The journey from rescuer and teacher had led, inevitably to this place. My role as equal had vanished, eclipsed like the sun by the shadow of the moon.

Vaguely, I recalled dreams of serpents coiling about my limbs. Not nightmares certainly. Nor unpleasant. Now I understood why. I lay exposed before her, my apparel but a distant memory, her fantastical hair coiled around my ankles and wrists, seeming to wake as I did, twisting restlessly. As for Rapunzel…

My god, she was magnificent. Clothed only in a veil of her own hair, she shone like the sun, her smile radiant, her lavender eyes clear guileless, if not wholly innocent. Twisting towards me, her hand coming to rest upon my quivering thigh, caressing it absently, her smile turned dark.

“I do hope you won’t make me do this again, Ariel. I find the thought of punishing you most tedious, to be truthful, and it makes me cross.”

When I attempted to reply, her hair filled my mouth wrapping around my head, tightening until I was both blind and dumb, though not deaf. Worse, my limbs began to stretch, her tresses spreading me wide, my muscles complaining as my body was drawn into the shape of St. Andrew’s Cross. When it was over, after she had released me, I discovered she’d used a quirt, something she’d acquired at a nearby stable. Most used them for goading cattle or as a form of punishment for an unruly horse. At least, I later mused, livestock had a layer of bristly hair as protection while I had none.

Once again, she left her mark on me. The harsh kiss of leather left me fighting for breath, unable to scream with the pain I felt at first, nor the pleasure I felt later as her attention shifted from my parted thighs, out stretched arms, and soft belly to my ripe tits and swollen nipple and finally to my sopping wet cunt.

Oh, God, the humiliation of my arousal outweighed any other thought as she cruelly teased me, leaving harsh red stripes paralleling my outer lips, the leather biting the tips of my once pink nipples as it flickered out time and again, and then my throbbing clit receiving the same treatment. I thrashed, fighting her hair’s grip, struggling to break free of it, cursing her silently as my body betrayed my, my hips lifting in anticipation of each blow, pumping and thrusting the empty air, frustration when she paused in her mistreatment renewing my struggles until finally I could endure no more and I exploded in an orgasmic frenzy that left me dizzy.

Afterwards, she freed me, holding me as I clung to her, sobbing with both remorse and relief, thanking her, if you can believe that, for what she’d just put me through. And oh, my words weren’t empty. Once again, I could not claim to have cum that hard for anyone, nor ever imagined doing so. If there had been any question before that I belonged to her, it was quelled forevermore. There was only one thing left, a simple ritual that I accepted without pause. A delicately sturdy band of black leather encircling my throat, a simple moon-shaped silver tag dangling and inscripted with my owner’s name as well as my new station; Property of Rapunzel


And so, a new chapter had begun. Some things remained consistent; Rapunzel’s natural zeal for learning, her curiosity, her boundless enthusiasm for knowledge both conventional and unconventional; in the realm of wickedness, her creativity knew no bounds. Our games evolved, certainly. No more was I her mentor. Now I was her plaything, a role that I dove into with an exuberance that astounded the both of us. She had made me promise that I would do all that she asked of me, and I did that and more. Nothing was too depraved, nothing too perverse for either of our sensibilities and despite it all, or perhaps because of it, we were happy.

We travelled. After eighteen years hidden away in her tower, Rapunzel was anxious to see the world. We never spent too long in one place, aware that my ex-employers might still be casting their net for my Mistress although as time passed, I slowly relaxed my guard. Days turned to weeks and weeks to months. Soon we found that a full year had passed since I’d freed her from her lonely prison. She decided that it warranted a special evening for both of us; a night of revelry. Had I known what she had planned I might have been less anxious to celebrate. Or, I confess, perhaps more.

We attended a costumed masquerade that night, one that had the reputation of being scandalously risqué, fitting her mood perfectly.

“I intend to make a statement.” She confessed without embarrassment as she dressed me for the event, and then herself, her choices of attire leaving me anxious and aroused.

We arrived by carriage well after dark, the warm spring air heralding the onset of summer. There was little doubt that we made an impression when we were announced, her clothed only in the golden silk of her hair and a red feathered mask, and me dressed in green and red ribbons, attached to her wrist by a matching leash. She’d taken great care to arrange the cloth streamers so that they highlighted, rather than concealed, my most intimate of places, drawing everyone’s gaze to my smoothly shaved mound and my pink tipped breasts, my nipples perking out, aroused by their attentions and appreciative murmurs. Even the whisper of ‘slut’ that circulated as we passed heightened my lust as I wondered what Rapunzel would do to prove the accuracy of their remarks.

It was a feast for and of the senses. Music swirled around me as I trailed behind Rapunzel like an eager dog. Laughter spilled from the crowd, as well as the tinkle of wine glasses almost, but not quite, masking lurid whisperings. I could detect with little effort the mixed musk and perfume of everyone we passed, but most especially of my Mistress, an unmistakable scent of rosewater and sex, not so different from mine.

Gaily dressed men and women, each and every one masked, brushed against me as we assumed the curved stairs, opulent marble cold against the soles of my feet. She paused, once or twice, as she rose above the crowd, helping herself to the finest chocolates or succulent fruit on platters carried by servants chosen for their beauty as well as their skills, allowing me to taste only her fingers after devouring the delights, bidding me to lick them clean before resuming our climb.

I was aware of the eyes upon us, staring hungrily at her as we passed, some reaching out to her, then thinking better of it and fondling her pet instead. I admit that it wasn’t as unpleasant as I’d imagined, to be touched intimately by strangers. By the time we had ascended to the upper floor, I was warm with desire.

“Ariel, kneel here.” She commanded, her girlish voice taking on a regal tone.

I knelt, spreading my legs apart as she tapped the insides of my thighs with her toe, displaying my cunt for her and anyone else who might bare witness, my back to the railing so that anyone below might get an ample glimpse of my bare bottom.

“Stay, pet.” She cooed, turning her attention to a Harlequined lady and her princely escort, one hand resting possessively atop my head. The ignored me, or rather, she did, as they shared innuendos that made my cheeks burns warm, the couples eyes shifting over her semi-nude form as well as over mine. Soon, however, her attention drew back to me, her fingers brushing my face softly, arousing me beyond all reason. How I wanted to beg her to touch me elsewhere. I wondered if she would and then, gazing into her eyes, I had my answer. All in good time, she promised with a single smile paired with an arched eyebrow. All in good time.

Eventually, she did fulfill her vow. Turning her back to the costumed pair, she raised first my right arms, laying it out stretched along the handrail and securing it with ribbon, and then my left, effectively binding me. Not content with that, she bound my narrow waist as well and then my ankles, leaving me helpless, my desire drenched cunt on display like a common whore, my tits thrust out as she secured my scarlet mane as well, leaving my chin tilted slightly up.

“Keep yourself entertained while I mingle, pet.” She bid me, the pads of her slender fingers resting lightly under my chin.

And then, with a cruel smile, she pressed into me, her smooth mound pressing against my forehead, her sex tantalizingly near my hungry mouth. I serviced her like that, my tongue dipping into her dripping cunt, scooping out her nectar like an industrious honey bee, flickering over her engorged clit until I was gifted with a soft moan of pleasure. She began to grind herself against me, her fingers clenching my hair as I thrust into her, hardening the muscle of my tongue as I filled her canal. She fucked me, or rather fucked my tongue, like that until I her cream run down my chin, my throat, trickling between my heaving breasts, never allowing me to push her over the edge. Finally, when I thought she might give in, she stepped back, her laughter rising huskily from her throat, and tapped me lightly on the nose.

“That, my beautiful little slut, is how I want you to treat all who require your services while I am away.”

With that, she abandoned me to fate or, more aptly, to the whims of the revelers.

The Finely dressed ‘prince’ was the first to take advantage of her hospitality, unbuttoning his codpiece and resting the head of his cock on my lower lip.

“Suck it.” He ordered, and I obeyed with vigor, bound and helpless as he pushed his meat between my lips and slowly rolled his hips, until he came in my mouth with a strangled cry, his cum filling my cheeks and leaking slowly from my mouth to join my Mistress’s sweet juices. The Harlequin was next. Following my Mistress’s lead, she too forced me to fuck her with my tongue. Unlike Rapunzel, she didn’t step back before coming, her lewd moans and eventual ecstatic cry carrying like the siren’s song, alerting all to my predicament.

I lost track that night of how many used me, and in what ways. Cocks and cunts were presented for me to service, and I did so until my jaw was sore and my tongue numb. Tied as I was, I could do no else. By the time Rapunzel ‘rescued’ me, I was drenched in cum. It dripped from my face, my tits, rivulets of it slid down my belly and past my cunt, dripping into a puddle between my legs. Some hadn’t cum in my mouth, or even on my face or breasts, instead spewing their load upon my hair until it lay on my head like the most obscene cake frosting you could imagine, soaking my scalp so that I felt deliciously unclean. In Rapunzel’s service, as I she had promised, there was nothing too perverse or depraved that I wouldn’t gladly endure.

I was not, at first, aware that she had rejoined me, watching me with a wicked smirk, her hair coiling sensuously around her like a living thing. Our eyes met, and her gaze softened, her mesmerizing lavender eyes filling with tenderness. Then, and only then, did she put a halt to the proceedings, ushering a great bear of a man away from me even as he sent a steam of hot cum down my throat, with a gentle, yet firm, command.

“Mine.” She growled, when he hesitated, her manner brooking no argument, her hand a claw as her fingers slid through my hair, smearing cum over the palms of her hand as she claimed my mouth once more, grinding against me like a soul possessed, fucking my tongue, bucking like a wild horse as a mighty orgasm tore through her.

“One more game for you to endure, pet, and then I shall take you home and reward you properly.” She whispered as she knelt before me, her lips pressed against mine hard, her tongue exploring my mouth, tasting all that I had tasted, her own sex as well as the cunts and cocks of masked strangers, stroking up and down my slippery flesh as she did so.

Finally, she sat back on her heels, holding my gaze with her impossibly purple orbs as she carefully freed me from my bindings. I wanted to collapse into her arms, but I knew better by then. Instead, I simply awaited her next capricious whim. It was not long in coming.

“On your hands and knees, facing the railing, Ariel.” her voice so casual that she might have been sharing a recipe with me.

I complied, resting my forehead on the floor as instructed, my ass raised and presented for all to admire.

“Now clean up your mess, slut.”

Once again, I didn’t hesitate. She’d positioned me so that the puddle of cum that had been between my thighs was now inches away from my lips. I began to slowly lick the floor clean, sucking the milky white spew into my mouth as swallowing it as her next game began and those who hadn’t had the pleasure of my lips wrapped around their pricks now took pleasure in another orifice, lubricating themselves in my pussy before pushing into the tight winking hole of my ass. One after another, they filled me with their seed, until I thought I might drown from the inside out. I took very little pleasure in it at first, but as the hour wore on, and my pussy became a target as well, I sang a different tune, eventually giving into my body’s needs and cumming with a strangled howl, and then again, this time with a helpless whimper, after which Rapunzel bid me to rise.

She escorted me, my feet unsteady, immune to the smirks of the crowd and the cool night air as we made our way back to the apartment in our rented carriage. There, she lay me down gently and bathed me with her tongue, cleaning all the fluids from my skin before burying her face between my shaking thighs and doing the same with my cum filled pussy and ass, bringing me, once more, to an earth shattering orgasm before wrapping me up in her arms and singing me softly to sleep.

After that, she was tender, treating me as a lover rather than a plaything, as we took up travelling the countryside once more. Yes, there was little doubt that I we were pet and Mistress as well as lovers in my eyes, but the lines became blurred as time passed. Her Passion never dwindled, not for the arts of love, nor for the love of the arts, but when it came to me, it was a softer, gentler passion. We confessed often and with great sincerity our love for each other, and in truth, in our hearts, we desired no other. At least not for love. For play, however, she still sought darker adventures, seeking playmates who could give her what I was no longer able to; pain and defilement that brought her as much pleasure in receiving as it did in bestowing. Once in a fortnight she would seek out other company, usually coming home with her clothing in distress, her hair coiling around me like a living creature, binding me to whatever piece of furniture was nearest as she clutched my head between her thighs and made me suck cum from her dripping wet pussy and asshole, shuddering with orgasm after orgasm until she was quiet spent. Those nights, I did not enjoy as much as she, although I freely submitted to them, knowing how much pleasure they brought my Mistress, my lover, my beloved Rapunzel.

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Serving Mistress Elektra

Due to my work commitments I have been away for too long from Mistress Elektra's clutches whom I serve with the uppermost devotion. Serving Mistress Elektra has its long term benefits in having your limits stretched to the maximum ! Mentally as well as physically! !!!Oh yes !..... Mistress Elektra is a lover of stretching arseholes with her great selection of strap-on cocks from medium to massive (she doesn't do small !!) Mistress is also an expert in fisting her slaves as she pushes her...

3 years ago
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sissy Britney serving Mistress Jeri James

About a month ago sissy was honored to meet and serve her Mistress.Mistress has been training me for a couple months to be her Britney sissy slave.Training included watching lots of sissy hypno vids along with BBC hypno vids.Learning to dress as Mistress likes, sucking dildoes to become a better cocksucker.Locked in Chasity, my chastity is a nub because my clitty is so small.Wearing butt plugs and once I got use to a size, I had to go purchase a bigger one to getMy pussy ready for large BBC.I...

1 year ago
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Serving my Master in rubber

Rob had asked me to meet him in Napoleons for a few drinks before we went back to his place. We had been seeing each other for about three months. He was the first guy I had really let myself go with. I’d been married to a lovely girl for five years but couldn’t resist the thrill and feeling of being with another man. She found texts on my phone from a guy who described in detail what we had done the evening before and how much he was looking forward to doing it again with me the following week...

2 years ago
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Serving My Mistress Friends pt 2

The 3rd and final part of the "Serving My Mistress" trilogy.............................................................................In the now lit up basement, I saw infront of me what my Mistress Chrissy had prepared... A torture rack! It looked like a normal long wooden table with leather wrist/ankle restraints at the top and bottom of it and a wheel at the top which, when rotated, tightens and constricts the chain attached to the restraints, causing the stretching out of the victim's...

1 year ago
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Serving My Mistress Friends

Part 2 of "Serving My Mistress".........................................................................."That'll be them now!" Chrissy stated in excitement, "go and answer the door then! Like the good slave you are."I replied, "Ms I've not got any clothes on-""What did I say about interupting me?! Don't! Now go and answer it as you are," she smiled in anticipation of the day ahead, "they'll like that."Obediently, I made my way down to the door and, with nothing but a nervous smile on my face,...

2 years ago
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Serving my Black Master 4

From what I gather the lingerie and heels I first wore, were for another sissy which belonged to Master. She had been moved on to serve another Master and I am now her replacement. I now have my own wardrobe of sexy underwear, all supplied by my Master which fits much better. The strict diet I’m on makes me look sexy as I have very long slim legs and a very slim waist. By bottom looks better in G-strings rather than panties but my new look pleases Master and I like to make sure all his desires...

1 year ago
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The Neglected Serving Girl

Annie was ready to scream with frustration. All day long she had been serving drinks and food to groups of knights, travelers, and merchants. Customers at the inn often leered at her or made comments about her body, but some days were worse than others. Today at least a dozen men had slapped her ass as she walked past and a few tried to grab her breasts. One pushed her against a wall and tried to kiss her. A particularly bold drunkard had reached up her dress. His hand was already on her thigh...

3 years ago
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Nerdy Girl Episode 2 A Second Serving

Dinner was done cooking, but needed to rest a while before cutting into it, so we chatted some more.“I'm glad you enjoyed having sex with me,” she told me, awkwardly.“Ummm... yeah,” I replied. “It was a bit of a shock you asking, to be honest.”“I know, I'm not very tactful. Sometimes I just blurt stuff out.”“So, you didn't really mean it?”“Oh, yeah, I meant it, I just didn't know how to gracefully ask, so it just kind of came out.”“Well, it worked out well enough.” By that, I meant that just...

Straight Sex
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The Serving Hatch

I usually get a little nervous when I have company round for dinner. I am a pretty good cook but I like things to go well for my husband. He has a good job, and as such, I have no need to work. I actually enjoy being a housewife. I usually find plenty to do.On that night we were hosting my husband’s new boss, an Italian gentleman. He speaks perfect English and is a little younger than my husband.I had met him once at my husband’s firm's annual dinner and dance although I only remember him...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 74 The Longest Serving Deacon

“But ... but ... how on earth did they know that Jamahl was in the function hall with us? None of us have said anything to anyone. And I am certain Sonika wouldn’t have said anything. She knew exactly what she was risking by letting us ... particularly Jamahl ... in through that back door. How on earth did they even know any of us were in there? The security entrance codes only tell you who’s disarming the alarms, not who’s coming in behind them.” Jessie Harper’s naked, pointy breasts heaved...

1 year ago
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SissyServingGirl Scene

SISSY SERVING-GIRL SCENE by Throne My Owner told me to get ready because some of his buddies were coming over. He said to make sure I dressed sexily, and added that my outfit should be mortifying as well. I hurried off to my bedroom, which is really just a converted storage space. There are a bed and a dresser, along with plenty of newly added closets, so it's rather cramped. Naturally, everything looks as girly as possible. I took off what I had been wearing all day, a short...

2 years ago
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Serving the Horde

Introduction: Emma finds herself transported to a fantasy world to serve as a whore I woke up naked, that was strange. I had gone to bed in pyjamas, when you live with your parents and two younger brothers you kind of have to. There didnt seem to be anything on top of me either, no duvet or blankets just a gentle breeze tracing over my young firm body. The bed beneath me felt silky and pleasant but that hardly made up for the general strangeness of the situation. I sat up and opened my eyes to...

1 year ago
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Serving my black Master 3

I was passed between Masters friends as they used me again and again. Days earlier I’d left work and slipped into the sauna for a quick fuck and suck before heading home and now here I was dressed in stockings and heels, shaved smooth serving my black Master and his friends.Id had hardly any sleep and when the Master gave me a break to freshen I fell asleep on the bed exhausted as he and his friends took a breaki awoke to him kissing me gently. “ you look exhausted baby” he said softly “ We’ll...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

1 year ago
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Serving the Horde

“So you are the new girl,” I turned to see a beautiful young woman, her skin was pale as alabaster, a fact that the few scraps of silk she wore did nothing to conceal. She was sat a little behind me with her legs curled up beneath her and a dainty hand on one hip. “Errm, I guess so, I mean...” I stammered “You’re confused I know,” the woman interrupted “of course you are, everyone is at first, don’t worry. I expect you want to know where you are.” I nodded. “This is a pavilion of pleasure...

2 years ago
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Sissy Serving Poker Night

I was terrified when I was actually invited to serve at the usual Friday night poker game with 5 guys I had been talking with online. Three of them are black and 2 are white. I arrived at the house to find a nice setup in a basement rec room with a card table and a pool table.I was nervous as I approached the front door and knocked having never done this before. The party host answered and immediately I was told to get dressed in something sexy and start serving drinks. Well since the only...

3 years ago
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Sissy Serving Girl Scene 2

SISSY SERVING GIRL SCENE 2 by Throne My head was still spinning from the announcement which Owner had made so casually the day before. My wife Denise was coming to see me today. Maybe to release me from my new life as a sissy slave to the man I was living with. I decided to dress extra pretty to show my spouse how cooperative and well behaved I was being. Maybe she would take that as a sign that I was willing to do whatever she said once I returned home. If she would take me back. ...

3 years ago
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Serving Sreelatha

Serving SreelathaBook One in the Story So Far SeriesBy Kurt SteinerThe Story So Far:When Sunil Kakkar, Tim Benson’s partner in a thriving retail business, passes away it brings the handsome middle-aged Englishman into contact with his late partner’s younger wife, Sreelatha.         Being something of a snob, with an attractive wife of his own, Benson had kept his dealings with his partner on a strictly business footing, finding Sunil’s wife –on the few social occasions where he had been forced...

2 years ago
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Chapter 12 Serving Two Men Betraying Both Panty Assault Branded And Penis Cake

Darting between two men’s fluttering guppy tails assured my desirability. While empowering, shifting back and forth to reciprocate their attention was stressful. The anomaly of segregating my faithful wife persona from cheating adulteress caused exposure paranoia.Hiding the good wife from Edward was easy. He knew I was married, wasn’t interested in my family life and only demanded devotion the brief times when with him. I obediently wore attire, cosmetics, and jewelry he selected as proof of my...

4 years ago
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Sometimes Crime Does PayChapter 2 Serving My Time

Saturday morning I showed up fifteen minutes early. If Mrs. Martin was giving me a break, I wanted to take full advantage of it. I would have replaced the roof on her house if she had asked. Instead, she led me to the garage and pointed me to the lawn mower. It was just a push mower; power mowers were still rare in those days, so it took me an hour or so to cut the grass. She then asked me to trim some shrubbery in the back yard. By the time I finished it was almost eleven. When I finished,...

1 year ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 33 Serving Faithfully

Obviously the girls did not know I could hear them. They were on the other side of the basement stairs, making an inventory of the winter larder. One musical voice said, "Whatever you do, don't let him in your bed in the morning. The night is bad enough." "I don't understand," said the other girl, "I see five of those." "Um," said the first. "look on the next shelf. His thing, which is outrageously big anyhow, is enormous early in the day, just enormous, like a rutting...

1 year ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 1 The Honeymoon WeekChapter 5 Amys SelfServing Talents

The next morning, the boys mentioned to the girls at breakfast that they were planning to spend the day at the beach and that they were welcome to join them if they wished. By the lustful look in the boys' eyes, the girls knew that they had enjoyed the early morning show they had put on for them. A show that started with mutual masturbation, then pussy sucking and finished with Hannah's pussy being stuffed by Ana's dildo as she bent over the bed, directly in front of the camera. Lana had...

2 years ago
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Serving Moms FriendsChapter 3

Mom's friends were getting together at our house because of the hot tub these days and on Wednesday, she told me over supper what plans they had been hatching. We were sitting next to each other at the table so Mom could play with my cock when she said, "My friends and I have been planning something special and it looks like it will happen this weekend." "Oh, what's that?" "Well, we've got the hot tub and we've got a four bedroom house, so we were thinking of a dirty weekend here...

3 years ago
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Serving Moms FriendsChapter 4

Lunchtime finally came and, really, I was ready for a break. Sure, I was sixteen and always horny but I'd already had lots of sex with my Aunt Suzanne and Helen and would be pairing-up with Sandra next for the afternoon. All eight of us, of course, were naked in the kitchen fixing lunch and playing with boobs, pussies and dicks the whole time. I did spend a little time with Mom asking her how it was for her so far and she told me that she never dreamed there could be so much sex in such a...

3 years ago
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Pirates of Caledonia I a Journey Into the UnknownChapter 5 Serving the Captain

The Captain leafed through my minutes and read them for a moment before putting them down. I was still standing by the door so she told me to bolt the door from the inside and take my jacket off ... I turned around to see her throwing her jacket onto the floor. 'It's time to see if you can satisfy me in the other way I need you to. Time to earn your reprieve', she told me seductively. 'Certainly Captain', I told her with a smile on my face and she held her hand out and pushed me onto...

3 years ago
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A Pregnant CruiseChapter 2 Serving the Crew

The boss took Lara by the hand, and moved to the door. "I feel the need for young pussy tonight. Sleep well, all." Lara waved her hand generally towards Paula and myself, and seemed quite unperturbed. In fact, her large nipples had sharpened to firm jutting points. After the boss had left, Sid took control. He turned to me. "There's a pack of cards behind the bar. Go get it, shuffle well, and deal one to each". So there I was left to deal cards to a bunch of men, to select who would...

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Living Dizyntk 2Chapter 5 Serving Dizyntk

The Dizyntk Grand Imperium would be regarded, in human terms, as a true monarchy. Although in structure it is an unusual one. There are actually three monarchs. The fourteen star systems that make up the Imperium are divided into three groups. These are the Imperial Star Cluster, the Second Star Cluster and the Third Star Cluster. As the name implies the Imperial Star Cluster is ruled directly by the Empress herself. She technically rules over the entire Imperium, but her authority is...

2 years ago
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Serving the Mistress

The phone rang four times.Hello can I speak to Igrid please.This is Ingrid, a well modulated sexy voice replied.Ingrid, you have a bridal gown advertised in the newspaper, can you tell me something about it.Yes, its very beautiful; The top is satin and quite tight to mould to your figure. The sleeves are very puffy at the top and can be worn on or off the shoulder. They have a little ruffle tied with ribbon that hangs down. I wore the gown with tight elbow length gloves, cut away at the...

1 year ago
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Serving Hard Time2

Serving Hard Time (2)   with Bud the Sub   TJ Ryderhttp://midnightx.com/fpage/links/Rhino1/rhino1.html Complete Illustrated Stories at http://www.midnightx.com/ andhttp://www.slavex.com/     A few days after his first latrine duty, now into his second month of his sentence, Bud was again between work details and back in his cell trying to figure out how to make a sit-up board out of his bunk.  He liked to keep in shape, and even with the work details the confinementof his cell made him...

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