Entangled Chapter V : Unleashing Rapunzel free porn video

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I gave her what she wanted or more accurately, what she needed. I gave her the world. I nourished her with knowledge. I set her loose, once more, in the greatest cities of the world, touring their libraries, their universities, their museums, encouraging her to take painting lessons, music lessons, to seek out astronomers, mathematicians, lawyers, and philosophers, and to learn from them. I taught her my own arts, the art of tracking, of fencing, and of stealth. And always, always, I kept one eye over my shoulder for pursuit. I had lost her once. I would not take that chance with her again. She was mine and I would keep her.

At night, she took to the leash quit well. Still fiery with passion and inexhaustibly playful she would submit to me as I had to her not so long ago. Yes, she still yearned to steal away and find unsavory characters to defile her, but fearing another Jean Hébert I forbade her until she could stand it no more and demanded I give her the freedom to do that one awful thing…

In the end, we compromised. I could not deny my Punz her happiness no matter how much I objected. We went forth one night, tethered together by the leash and collar she’d agreed to, pulling me along like an unruly puppy as we scoured the night for the most depraved establishment possible.

The Red Stag was noisy with drunken laughter and music as we entered it. She’d heard that women performed lurid acts upon a stage here.

“Please, Mistress.” She’d pleaded earlier that evening. “I want to watch. Perhaps I will learn something new!”

I laughed at that, carried away by her charming enthusiasm despite myself.

“I find it hard to believe that there is anything under the stars that you have not already learned, pet.” I replied with a fond kiss.

And so we found ourselves seated before a curtained stage, her hands in her lap, rubbing herself through her skirts, already aroused with anticipation and already the center of attention in a roomful of well lubricated gentlemen. As for myself, I was wary. As had become my habit when travelling the streets with Rapunzel, I had a pair of silver stiletto daggers hidden away and no qualms about using them. Should anyone one cause trouble, it would be short lived. Rapunzel, however, was oblivious to anything save the pleasure she was obviously feeling, her soft whimpered moans drawing my notice time and time again, finding it harder and harder to draw my eyes away as she pinched her nipples to attention beneath the filmy material of her blouse as the curtains parted and the performance began.

The girls were passable as pretty, and the act was merely bawdy raunch performed by amateurs, something made clear when Rapunzel decided to put on her own show during a lull between acts.

“Punz!” I hissed, thinking it might be best if we fled the establishment before events got out of hand.

With a sly smile, she ignored me, too caught up in her own lust to abandon her newly minted plans. Rising from her seat, she nimbly unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it from her shoulder, turning as she did so the male crowd, her eyes glazed with lust, her lips parted as she began inhaled and exhaled at a rate that made her breasts bounce on her small frame. The music was drowned out my appreciative whistles and remarks as she performed her impromptu strip tease, shedding all but her stockings before advancing on the suddenly silent audience. They too were brought to silence by the animal magnetism of her appeal coupled with her incredible beauty. It was as if a spell had been wrought over the entire room, one that she broke when she bent herself over the ladder back of a vacant chair, offering up her luscious orifices, her legs spread like wings, with a sultry purr.

“Take me.”

I lost track of time as I watched her, unable to keep my own desire down, my skirts pulled up, my woman-hood exposed as I pleasured myself to the sight of my beloved pet being fucked ceaselessly by every able body in the tavern. Cum covered her from head to toe, dripping from the reddened globes of her ass, down her thighs, from her cunt, her tits, her face. She took them on two at a time, sometimes three, sharing two cocks in her mouth as one was pushed roughly into the creamy mess of her cunt or her gaping, cum filled, ass. As the grey bolder, they grew rougher, pulling her from the chair and binding her arms behind her back, bending her backwards over the bar as the ravished her. I would have stopped them had she protested, or tried, but she simply spurred them on, begging and cajoling, lost in her lusts.

Even the show girls joined in, drawn to her as moths to a flame. How could they resist? She was pushed and pulled to the stage and used by a woman with a greats cock strapped to her hips while Punz speared another girl’s puckered star with her tongue. I lost track of how many times she came, or of how many times I did, just watching her. Objects were shoved into her snatch. Vegetables and kitchen utensils, mostly, using them like crude toys, much to her obvious delight. I caught sight of one man using his fist, his hand disappearing inside of her pliant cunt up to his wrist as she moaned and thrashed until she came again with an anguished cry.

I watched with growing alarm as a giant of a man pulled out his enormous cock, almost relieved when, instead of fucking her, he grabbed her by the hair and pissed into her open mouth, his bright yellow pee splashing on her tongue and lips, cascading down her breasts as she did her best to swallow it.

It was so out of control. She was out of control. When I deemed she’d had enough and leashed her, she was dripping with fluids, her lavender eyes glassy and glazed as she begged me to leave her, insatiable with lust. Wrapping her in a cloak I led her from the Stag smelling of sex and sweat and piss, my hands shaking after witnessing her voluntary defilement. All I wished to do was take her home, bathe her and fall into bed, my arms wrapped protectively around her, sheltering her from the outside world. I thought of our love nest in the hills, the little secluded cottage we’d shared, those thoughts leading to the tower from which I’d rescued her. Perhaps the hag who’d locked her away had foreseen a moment such as this…

Midway to our apartments, in a poorly lit ally, my thoughts were interrupted by a voice from my past.

“You stole something from us, fish-girl.”

I tensed, recognizing the voice instantly as one I had been dreading for some time. That they’d caught up with us was no surprise, only that it had taken them so long. My former ‘employers’ or rather, my owners, had a vested interest in both Rapunzel and me.

“She never belonged to you.” I growled, eyes narrowing as I focused my gaze on his shadowed face.

“She would have, had you done your duty, Ariel. You betrayed us.”

It was as simple as that for them. No amount of reasoning would convince them to release me from my contract nor would it lessen their interest in the girl with the magical hair. That left me with only one option.

Desperation fueled my actions as I gave silent thanks that I’d taken to carrying a blade with me wherever I travelled. It was with grim satisfaction that I watched his eyes widen in surprise as I drove it home. After that, I fled the scene, planning our exodus as I ran, knowing that they would already be closing the ring around us.

With her dressed only in a cloak and reeking of sex, and I hardly better off, we commandeered a carriage and fled the city. Fortunately, I had put aside a purse full of coin, enough to clothe and house and feed us in case of such an emergency. Rapunzel, still in a state of shock asked no questions as the coach rattled over cobblestone, the leash hanging loose between us, tethering her to me as my thoughts turned once more to the tower in which I had found her.


We travelled by day and slept by night, making our way swiftly though cities and towns, crossing border after border until we reached the small kingdom in which her old home was hidden away in a valley that only a few knew even knew existed. I smiled grimly, mentally going down the list of whom I would have to pay a visit to so that only I held the secret of the tower’s location.

We travelled by foot by the light of the moon for three days before we came upon the concealed entrance, Rapunzel protesting as I pulled her along cruelly, her collar locked tight around her throat, hands bound behind her back, her eyes swollen and red with tears. Had I not hardened my heart it would have broken in two at the sight.

“This is for your own good, Punz!” I told her, whether to convince her or me, I am still not sure, as I pushed her towards her old bed, sneezing at the dust we’d stirred up in the lifeless room of the towering prison. I watched her carefully, lips pressed together grimly, my resolve unflinching as she turned to me, her despair clearly writ in her glistening lavender orbs as she fell to her knees before me.

“Why, Ariel?” she whimpered, clutching at my hem with trembling fingers.

“To keep you safe, Punz.”

“To keep me caged.” She spat, unfamiliar fury making her voice rough.

I flinched, turning my head, unable to meet her gaze, suddenly doubting my intentions, my heart thundering against my ribcage.

“No.” I whispered, staring out the arched stone window at the steep cliffs that marked the borders of this unmapped secluded valley.

“I thought you loved me. You only want to possess me. That’s all you ever wanted.”

Her words were bitter and sharp, driving a knife into my heart with unerring aim. I opened my mouth to refute her and found myself mute. I let my thoughts wander, examining our relationship since I’d first laid eyes on her in silence. I had wanted to possess her. I had also fallen in love with her. Were the two mutually exclusive? Perhaps I had fooled even myself. Perhaps she was right.

“No.” I breathed, shaking the thought from my head. If I did this, she would hate me forever. I had been prepared for that. For her own good, I’d told myself. Now, faced with the reality of my crime, I faltered. I recalled the hag who had hidden her away, wondering if I had it in me to become her, shuddering at how near I had come. To lock her in this tower, watching her pine for the wonders I had introduced to her and then withdrawn Better to lose her then to destroy what she was, what she had become. I made my decision quickly, knowing the dangers of dwelling too long on the subject, knowing the weakness within me concerning Rapunzel. No longer would this bright light be shut away in darkness. For my sake as much as hers, she needed to be shared with the world. She needed to be unleashed. With shaking hands, I knelt before her, our eyes meeting as I deliberately unlocked the collar around her delicate throat and set her free one final time…


Perched in the window of our apartment overlooking a well groomed garden, I stared out at the horizon, contentment filling me as I listened to Rapunzel stirring from our shared bed, smiling at the soft fall of her footsteps as she drew near, feeling the warmth of her nakedness as she slipped her arms around me and rested her chin upon my bare shoulder.

“I love you.” she whispered into my ear, giving it a playful nip then giggling and dancing out of my reach.

“Spoiled little slut.” I growled, giving chase. I caught her easily, tangling my hands in her hair and pulling her back to me, her silken tresses coiling around my arms, seeming to betray her.

Her mane shone in the light of the morning sun, weaving about me, pulling us together until nothing separated us. I kissed her, her eyes filling my horizon, wide with the wonder of love as I suspect mine were.

“Good morning, Punz.” I murmured, running my finger tip along her throat, a reminder of where her collar had once rested.

“Good morning, wife.”

With that, she sank to her knees and clenched my bottom, her strength surprising, trapping my cunt against her face as she pushed her tongue inside of me. I held on as best I could, my fingers clenching her scalp, shivering and squirming as she drove me to the heights of ecstasy, laughing as I collapsed to the floor and gathered her up in my arms.

“Now it’s your turn, you naughty little beast.”

“Spank me? Please?” she pleaded, her eyes luminous and full of lust.

With a smile, I pulled her over my lap, and smacked her raised ass until it was bright red, one smack for every year we’d been together, listening to her squeal as she breathlessly counted out all forty blows, thanking me for each and every one.

The End.

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Hidden Desires UnleashedChapter 2

Note: although I recommend you read the first chapter to put everything into context I think this chapter can be read as a stand-alone story. Just about every day after their first meeting Amy had been fucked by Kasib and his friends. She’d been taken again in the cafe, in the back of Kasib’s car, in the local park and also back in the alley where it all started. That time they triple teamed her while a group of around fifteen men watched. The mature woman couldn’t get enough of their...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 13 and 14

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 13 & 14 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Two doctors agree on their assessment after Charlotte attends a meeting and has...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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The Writers Secret Chapters 34

Thanks for all the wonderful comments on the first two chapters! Here are the next two chapters. It's time to teach Loren a bit about being Laura before their dinner party. The Writer's Secret (Chapters 3-4) by Ann Michelle http://annemichellesworld.blogspot.com/ Chapter 3: The Education of Laura As they settled on the couch, Stephanie slipped her feet out of her slingbacks and pulled her legs up underneath her. Loren sat uncomfortably on the other end of the couch with...

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Meeting Jenn Chapters 3

MEETING JENN Chapters 3 & 4 Note to the reader: Please read chapters 1 & 2 of 'Meeting Jenn: How I fell in love with my best friend.' All feedback and more ideas are welcomed. I'm working on Chapters 5 & 6 now and should be able to post it in a week. Thanks for reading... Indy CHAPTER 3; What next? I seemed to toss and turn through the night, I wasn't used to sleeping next to anyone. Jenny slept like a baby, at one point letting out a cute little snore. I...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 5 and 6

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 5 & 6 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Wilderness and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

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A Lesbian Love Story Chapters 4 and 5 of 7

This is a continuation of the story I wrote for an XH user that challenged me to write a Lesbian Love story in the first person, meaning I need to write as if I was one of the women.I am relying on flashbacks based on the first chapter to make this more than a love story and more than erotic sexual contact between two women. So if you jumped into this story without reading the previous chapters you may be confused.This work, when completely posted, is over 40-pages long so breaking it up in...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 10 12

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 10 - 12 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 7 9

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 7 - 9 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 4 6

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 4 - 6 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and...

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Twin Switch Chapters 3336

Twin Switch Chapter 33-36 By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction featuring an evil step-mother who is determined to switch the sexual identities of her twin step-children. I highly recommend that you read all preceding chapters before reading this one. The basic plot to Chapter 33 was written by Trish Simpson who did a wonderful job. Thank you Trish. Chapters 34 plus had a lot of help from Troxis. This story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use not expressly...

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Mutual Benefits Chapters 1115

It was a miracle that the memories of that second date didn’t make me fail all of my finals. School should have been the first thing on my mind, but it came at a distant second place, after Morgan, and the time we got to share together at the movie theater. Any time I wasn’t texting her, I was thinking of her. Kevin of all people reminded me that I should study for the finals, though Mother also was glad to give her two cents as well. That said, I tried to be humble but I wasn’t delusional –...

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Exhibitionist Sister Chapters 4 6

This portion of the story covers chapters four, five, and six. If anybody has any feedback or requests in the comments, I'd be happy to hear 'em! A brief synopsis of the first three chapters if your'e starting out here: Brian and Ashley are dating. Madison is Ashley's sister. Madison is dating a girl named Alyssa. The four of them are having a movie night in Ashley and Madison's basement when Brian and Ashley break away to have sex. Nobody suspects anything initially. After the...

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BANGING AROUND BANGKOK: Chapters 4 – 8thanks to those who chose to like and comment, it helps.Chapters 1, 2 & 3 can be found here if you have not yer read them[/i]: https://xhamster.com/stories/banging-around-bangkok-the-amorous-adventures-of-981990BANGING AROUND BANGKOK: THE AMOROUS ADVENTURES MEOW MORRISONby: dookiewin/freshCHAPTER 4: DIPLOMATIC RELATIONSMy hand phone was ringing and it was one of those times when you just wished that technology hadn’t...

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The Class Project Chapters 17

Author's Note: This is a very slightly edited (cleaned up) version of the original 7 chapters of Class Project which I first posted to the alt.sex.stories.tg newsgroup back in 1995. I've let this tale languish for a long time and I'm not quite the same person I was when I first started writing it. Recently I saw a hyperboard thread listing stories which need to be completed. Class Project was on at least one of those lists. Since then I've been working on the continuation and will be...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 7 and 8

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 7 & 8 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Charlie introduces Will to the passenger who has been hiding in the Pacific Wanderer...

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Trouble and Strife Chapters Three and Four

Chapter Three The next morning, wearing a clean and dry pair of jockey shorts, Charlie headed into the office where he was met by knowing looks from Simon and a hug from Beatrice. Beatrice was three years older than Charlie with a plump figure and an open, welcoming smile that spread all the way into her eyes. In her own way she loved both of the men she worked with but she found neither of them attractive. Preferring to gaze at the parade of young women that walked passed the...

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The Department of Keeping it Real Chapters 45

Below are chapters 4-5 of my novella, Keeping it Real! If you like what you see, check out my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/OvidLemma) for unpublished chapters, release announcements, and Patron-only stories. Thanks for reading! THE DEPARTMENT OF KEEPING IT REAL VOLUME I: KEEPING IT REAL by OVID LEMMA CHAPTER FOUR: HEADQUARTERS All of them had changed, but none nearly so much as Trevor. Olivia was tall and definitively in the 'cute' camp now - and probably encroaching on...

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The Department of Keeping it Real Chapters 67

Below are chapters 4-5 of my novella, Keeping it Real! If you like what you see, check out my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/OvidLemma) for unpublished chapters, release announcements, and Patron-only stories. Thanks for reading! THE DEPARTMENT OF KEEPING IT REAL VOLUME I: KEEPING IT REAL by OVID LEMMA CHAPTER SIX: A CARTESIAN THEATRE "Are you okay, honey?" Meghan said. Alyssa... Trevor... she shook her head. "What happened?" Her voice was different. She was different....

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JOALT chapters 7

JOALT-chapter7&8-the walk/revealing-G The continuing story of Chris and Daniel met up after school to work on the war of 1812 report. They take the long way home and discuss their alternate selves, Dani and KC. As a reminder this story is about growing up in the 60's and 70's, things are not the same as they are now. Note: Decided to combine these two chapters into one. Upon reviewing and rewriting I just didn't like where I broke the chapters apart. I found this helped the...

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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 4 One Naughty Choice

Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My teenage daughter, fourteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to her pussy. She rubbed me against her flesh. The shower sprayed on my back as my wicked daughter guided me right to...

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Suzy Unleashed Chapter 1 formatting corrected

Chapter 1 I've always had a fondness for women's clothing, dating back to when I was a young boy. For most of my life, I kept that under control, but, as I got older, the fascination only increased. After I got married, I discovered I had an entire wardrobe of women's clothes to try on whenever my wife wasn't around. Eventually, the fear that I might soil or tear something of hers and get caught pushed me to invest in my own female clothing, which I managed to keep hidden in the...

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Suzy Unleashed Chapter 1

Chapter 1 I’ve always had a fondness for women’s clothing, dating back to when I was a young boy. For most of my life, I kept that under control, but, as I got older, the fascination only increased. After I got married, I discovered I had an entire wardrobe of women’s clothes to try on whenever my wife wasn’t around. Eventually, the fear that I might soil or tear something of hers and get caught pushed me to invest in my own female clothing, which I managed to keep hidden in the attic. ...

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