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I repacked the bag and put it on. With it in place around my hips, the bag rode just above my butt. In that position, the weight was hardly noticeable.

Just to be sure it wasn't going to be a problem; I played around on my monkey bars with it on. I had a lot of fun bracing myself in different positions on the bars and then dropping to the mat from the ceiling, like a spider on its prey. Every time I did it, it made Bambi jump.

I also tried climbing up and down the pegboard. I found that I could make it much harder if I used the holes that were as far apart as I could reach. That required much more strength and perfect timing to do.

When Neeka got back, carrying a garment bag, Bambi and I were sitting at the desk, poring over the manual for the radio. We had managed to get it turned on, and were listening to the general channel to get a feel for how it was used and how people sounded. I was surprised at the clarity of the voices that we heard. I had expected a lot of static and garbled messages, but there was none of that. I had also expected a lot more formality and use of 'Roger' and 'Over' and that sort of thing, but except for the frequent use of the 10-something codes, there was very little formality.

We both laughed the first time we heard someone say, "Dispatch, show unit P31 as 10-10, I gotta take a leak." Obviously 10-10, which was on the list as 'Temporarily Out of Service' actually meant 'Restroom Break'.

We left the radio on while Neeka got into her outfit. She had a pair of black stretch stirrup-pants, a low-cut black knit top with thin shoulder straps and a leather double-breasted jacket. She also had a pair of short black leather boots and a black chauffeurs cap. With the wraparound sunglasses, she looked like the chauffeur for some biker gang. All she needed was some chains hanging from the jacket and an Iron Cross embroidered on the back.

With the front flap of the jacket buttoned back, she showed a good amount of cleavage. When she pinned her shoulder-length red hair up and hid it under the cap, she looked very imposing and stunningly beautiful.

We were so busy posing and admiring ourselves that we didn't catch the first of the radio calls reporting 'robbery in progress'. By the time we started listening, the number of calls had picked up and the urgency in the voices was obvious.

As best as we could piece together from what we heard, there had been a robbery at a grocery store out on Highway 15 on the outskirts of town. Several units had been dispatched there and an announcement was made by the dispatch operator that unit Sierra-One was on-scene and in command. We were listening intently, trying to figure out what was going on when we heard the call, "Sierra-One to Delta-Romeo-One. Delta-Romeo-One, do you copy?"

I was waiting to hear the reply, when Bambi said, "That's you, honey!"

The call came again, "Sierra-One to DR-1. Do you copy?"

I swallowed a giant lump in my throat and pressed the bar on the base of the microphone. The click and the sudden silence were terrifying. I said in as firm a voice as I could manage, "Delta-Romeo-One copies Sierra-One. Go ahead."

"DR-1, Sierra-One requests assistance at 1340 North Highway 15. We have a situation here I hope you can help us with." Sheriff Foster's voice sounded tense.

"Delta-Romeo-One copies. Dragon is en route." My voice sounded more confident than I felt.

"Thank you, DR-1. Please hurry."

Neeka and I looked at each other and the same thought echoed through both our minds, "So soon! I thought we'd have more time!"

Bambi said, "That's the Big Star on the north side of town. You'll need to hurry to beat the rush hour traffic."

We all ran to the other end of the room. Neeka jumped on the bike, Bambi hauled the double doors open and I steeled myself to climb aboard the bike behind Neeka.

When the big bike started up, I thought my knees would fail me. I had just started to climb aboard when I thought of something. I ran back to the desk, got my badge and ID out of my bookbag and stuffed it into the fanny pack.

Wishing I had time to run to the bathroom first, I hauled my butt onto the leather seat behind Neeka and held onto her waist as she raced the engine and launched us out the door. She was using the request to hurry as an excuse to see what the bike would do.

I wish I could describe the trip to the crime scene, but the truth is, I had my eyes closed most of the way. I remember us tilting to one side and then the other so far that I was sure we would fall over and go sliding across the asphalt. I remember peeking out of one eye whenever Neeka stopped at traffic signals, and vainly hoping that the trip was over each time we slowed down. At some point the wind blew my cowl back off my head. I could feel it blowing through my short blonde hair.

After what must have been much less time than it seemed, Neeka nudged me and I opened my eyes and looked over her shoulder. We had arrived at the store and were approaching the parking lot. Ahead was a police cruiser blocking the entrance and a deputy waving at us to stop. Neeka coasted to a halt beside him.

"I'm sorry girls, but you'll have come back some other time. The store is closed right now." He seemed polite enough, but his gaze seemed to be more attracted to Neeka's cleavage than the badge I held out to him.

"Where is Sheriff Foster?" I asked.

The deputy allowed himself to be distracted long enough to look at my shield and answer my question.

"The command post is on the north side of the building," he said, looking from the ID to me and back again as though suspecting some trickery. "Look for the truck, you can't miss it."

"Thank you," I managed to shout as Neeka roared off into the parking lot in search of the truck.

The command post was right where the deputy said. Neeka drove up beside the big vehicle and hit the brakes so hard I slid into her back as we came to a stop. I was off the bike instantly and headed around the truck with Neeka right behind when Sheriff Foster and a man in a black uniform and a vest with pockets all over it stepped out to meet us.

"Who the hell are you two?" The officer in black demanded. "Don't you know..." He was interrupted by the Sheriff before he could finish.

"Can it, Grogan! This is the help I told you was coming."

From the way he looked at us, Grogan obviously had strong doubts about what help we might be. He opened his mouth to express them, but shut it again when the Sheriff addressed me.

"Who's this?" He said, indicating Neeka. "Your chauffeur?"

"Yes, at my agency we like to go first class." I said. He looked at Neeka, the bike, and me. I think he thought he was being put on, but he didn't dare laugh. I decided to save him from his dilemma. "She's also my Communicator. If you talk to her, you're talking to me. She will keep you advised of what I'm doing and where I am and if I need anything."

Foster obviously didn't understand, but the concept was clear enough. He nodded to Neeka. She touched two fingers to the brim of her cap in acknowledgement.

"What's the situation?" I asked.

"We've got a robbery gone bad, I'm afraid. Two armed men tried to hold up the grocery store here about an hour ago. The manager saw what was happening and locked the safe and ran out the back. Not willing to give it up, at that point the robbers took hostages. They've got two female clerks, a bag boy, and four customers — two women and two children.

"It's the kids that bother me. If I go with Lieutenant Grogan's recommendation and call for the full SWAT team, it will take at least a couple more hours to get setup for an assault. I don't want to let this go that long. I want it resolved as soon as fucking possible so we can get those kids out of there. If it was just adults, I might let them stew for a while, but every second we wait, those children are just going to be more traumatized.

"If we wait, rush hour will be in full swing and traffic that would normally go through here will be backed up for miles. An assault will almost certainly mean gunfire, and I don't want to risk any stray shots with the road packed with traffic.

"You see, I'm in a pickle. I need to end this fast and I don't want gunfire. You are the best chance we have to take those two out quickly, before they hurt anyone."

I nodded. This was exactly the kind of situation I had told Foster I could help with.

"What's the tactical situation?" I asked, hoping to sound professional.

"Grogan?" The Sheriff said.

"Two Caucasian males, mid-twenties. Baggy clothes. Canvas shorts and t-shirts. One is armed with a double-barreled shotgun. We think the other has a knife, but the witness wasn't sure. They are in the back of the store near the meat department. The hostages are on the floor beside the refrigerated cases. The perps are walking back and forth between them and the aisles. This makes it tough to get to them with sniper fire. If it was just one, or if they would stand still for more than a few seconds..." Grogan's unhappiness with the situation was clear. He swallowed his anger and went on. "We have two men at the southeast corner of the building, and two over behind that parked car across from the main entrance. Another two are watching the freight entrance around back. The two behind the car have limited sight into the back of the store, so we know where everyone is, but not all of them are visible at one time."

"OK," I said, thinking about how to sneak up on two armed men without getting a lot of innocent people killed. "I'll go in the back and approach from there. My associate will keep you informed."

As I jogged off down the side of the building, I heard Grogan and the Sheriff talking.

"She's just a little girl! What the hell is she going to do? We're just giving them another damn hostage. She's not even armed. I doubt she has more than a tube of lipstick in that fanny pack."

"Grogan, shut up. That little girl is the scariest bad-ass in this town. I've seen her work... and the aftermath. You go call for an ambulance."

Despite the Sheriff's conviction that he had just sentenced the two robbers to a trip to the emergency room, I swore I would try to bring this off without anyone getting hurt if I could at all avoid it. Not even me.

When I turned the corner of the building, I saw a black-and-white parked next to the loading dock. One officer was peeking around the open freight door. He heard me coming up behind him and turned around. I saw that his nametag said 'Rosario'.

"Where's your partner?" I asked.

"Inside, trying to get close enough to eavesdrop on them," he said. "Who are you?"

"The cavalry. Wait here until you get orders to move in. Or until you hear gunfire, in which case something has gone very wrong. Got it?"

"Yeah, but..."

I left Officer Rosario and crept into the dark storeroom. There were big metal light fixtures in the ceiling, but they were off. The only light came from the opening behind me and the windows in the door ahead. As I got closer to the swinging door leading to the front of the store, I saw Officer Murphy craning his head around a pallet of dishwashing powder. He was trying to hear what was going on in the store without being seen by the robbers.

The crepe soles on my shoes were as silent as if I were walking across a plush carpet. I got right up behind Murphy without him even knowing I was there. I put out a hand and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hello Murphy," I said in a whisper.

He jerked but didn't make a sound. After a few seconds of deep breathing, he turned to look at me.

"Who the hell are you?" He said in a strained whisper.

"Got that citation yet, Murphy?" I asked smiling.

"No, that's on for next week. Who are you?"

"I'm your fairy godmother. I'm the one who leaves hold-up suspects lying around on street corners for lucky deputies to scrape up. In a minute, I'm going in there and deal with those two. I want to know that you're chilling here so I don't have to worry about what's behind me. If you aren't cool, go back and wait with Rosario."

"I'm good. Really."

"Great. Wait here. When I have them both disarmed and down, come and cover them and we'll get them cuffed. OK?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Anything I have to, Murphy. Anything I have to." I wanted to laugh out loud at my false bravado. I didn't have a clue what the hell I was going to do. But the time had come for me to do it.

I slipped away from Murphy and knelt on the floor right behind the right-hand panel of the double swinging doors. I eased up until I could see out the small, grimy window. I had to stand on my toes to do it.

The robbers were pacing up and down in front of the row of refrigerated cases about thirty feet to my left. I couldn't see the hostages, but they must have been on the floor at the robbers' feet because they kept looking down as they paced.

I watched for a bit to see if they followed some kind of pattern. The one with the shotgun was closest to me and always came close to the end of the row of cases before he turned to go back toward the hostages. His buddy never left the area where I thought the hostages must be. I noticed that the buddy held a knife in his right hand and waved it around as he paced. Both of them seemed highly agitated. Their movements were jerky and abrupt and the gestures they made indicated frustration. I thought the Sheriff was probably right to be worried. These two looked like they might do something stupid and violent any minute.

I decided that the one with the shotgun had to be my first priority. He could do the most damage of the two. When he was down I could go for the one with the knife.

I slid back down to the floor and 'spoke' to Neeka.

"I'm at the door to the front of the store. Murphy is here with me. He's going to back me up. Has the situation out there changed any?"

Her voice rang clearly in my head, "Just a sec... no. No changes. Everyone is still in the same position. Good luck, Sam."

I went back over to Murphy to attend to one final item.

"Look, Murphy, I'm going to show you something now so you won't be startled later, OK?"

He nodded assent, if not understanding. I looked right in his eyes and took on the aspect of the Dragon. His eyes went real big when my face changed, but after a second he nodded again. In the dim light of the storeroom, it must have been a chilling sight. I was going to need it to startle the robbers into what, if I was lucky, would be immobility.

I went back to the door and knelt behind the left-hand panel. I closed my eyes briefly and tranced. It was harder to do with my heart pounding in my chest and my nerves screaming at me and the shadows of doubt flickering at the edge of my vision, but I managed. Trance made everything seem to happen slower. I hoped that would give me another edge.

With a last deep breath, I slowly eased the right—hand door panel inward. When it was open enough for me to crawl through, I wedged it in place with a block of wood that was on the floor for that purpose.

I pulled the cowl up over my head as far as it would go and lay down flat on the floor with one eye looking around the door. I waited until the robber with the shotgun turned his back to me and started to crawl through the door. I had only gone a few feet when I realized that I couldn't get as flat to the floor as I wanted. There was a gap in my contact with the floor caused by two significant parts of my anatomy.

I carefully rolled over on my back and slowly backstroked my way out to the end of the nearest row of cases. I got there just as the guy with the shotgun did. I lay motionless on the floor on the backside of the display case as he turned and walked back the other way.

As soon as I heard his retreating footsteps, I crawled around the end of the case and peeked around it with my head pressed to the floor. Everything was as I expected. The hostages were sitting in a row, bunched together at the feet of the knife-waver. They all looked scared to death. The women customers held their children to them with a grip that was more desperation than comforting. I could see that the kids were two little girls, both about seven years old. Their faces were so screwed up with fear that it was painful to look at them. I fought back my emotional reaction as hard as I could. I tried not to think about them and that they were only eleven years younger than me. I put out of my mind that they looked just like I had at that age and that they had mothers that loved them very much. Sure I did.

When I heard the robber approach, I eased up into a crouch at the end of the case. I leaned onto it, put my head down and waited for him to walk past me. When he was two steps by, I stepped out behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around and the barrel of the gun slapped right into my waiting hand. With my other hand I brushed his hand off the stock and I bent down and slid the shotgun across the floor toward the storeroom door. It slid halfway through and stopped.

That was good enough, I thought. The first robber was no longer a problem. If he went for the gun, he would run right into Murphy and without the gun, he was no longer number one on my list of priorities.

I spun around and took one step toward his buddy with the knife, when I saw the shiny handgun stuck in his waistband. That changed things. He was at least twenty feet away. I might be able to get to him before he dropped the knife and pulled the gun or I might not. In the split-second while I was trying to make up my mind, the first robber made up his. Instead of going after the shotgun, he grabbed my arms.

I was about to yank free, when I saw the guy with the knife smile and start toward me with the knife held at the ready. He thought his friend had me under control, so he felt secure enough to rely on the blade, rather than switching to the gun. The blade couldn't hurt me much, and the further he got from the hostages, the better I liked it. I faked struggling and waited for him to come to me.

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Wedding Bell Blues

(Jenn) "No way! There is no way I'm going to do that." "Oh shut up and suck it up," was the most printable of the replies I received. I looked over all the faces before me. These were supposed to be my friends? My closest friends in the whole world? I saw no mercy, no hint of yielding. Just drunken determination on their faces. Oh, what the hell. It was a good thing I was drunk myself. I managed to climb up on the platform and stood there, weaving back and forth a bit. Someone, Carol,...

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The first time I ever squirted

Well I can tell you the first time I ever squirted it was a huge shock to me!!! As my fantasies were evolving overtime I was getting more and more turned on. I could literally feel my pussy open wide for my husbands cock while he was plowing into me. My clit would swell up squelching and dripping with my pussy juice....and the best thing of all was my hubby was more than happy to indulge me with these fantasties and I with his :-) This particular night I was playing porn star on a live cam show...

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My sweet sweet Daddy

“Daddy, I'm home!” I hollered as I came banging through the front door after another boring day at school. Anyone who said that high school was the best time of your life was sadly mistaken. Freshman year was long and drawn out. I threw my backpack on the floor and grabbed a drink from the fridge. I poked my head into the living room to see if my favorite person was in there. “Daddy? Where are you hiding?” I climbed the stairs leading to the second floor. “Oh dear, sweet father of...

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Gunslinger a Somewhere in Time NovellaChapter 9 The Ranch

Clint’s first stop was the mercantile once more. He stood over in the corner by chance, away from the exit, but also across the store from the clerk. He was looking at a clothing rack with shirts when a pair of men entered. Clint looked at them and instantly got an uneasy feeling in the pit of his gut. He made his way around the shelving, keeping a wary eye on the two. They had stepped up to the sales counter and started a disturbance. Clint decided it was time to interfere. He stopped a...

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Some Kind of HeroChapter 25

We stopped at Applebee's and picked up a chicken Caesar Salad to go, then headed home. We'd managed to kill a few hours of our day and had started the ball rolling on getting the exercise equipment we wanted. On top of that it was just a great day to be out on the bike, and now we could listen to music while the miles zipped by. I spent the time while those miles zipped on in thought. The silent, me only kind, though I assumed Cooper would get at least a sense of it, the way things seemed...

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Our Long Journey Into The Lifestyle Part One

The only way to really start this is at the beginning, though it takes us back a good 20 years. Right now, my wife Samantha and I are in our late 30s, but when we first met, we were teenagers in high school. I'm a year older, and had dated around a bit before we got together, had a few serious girlfriends I'd slept with, but she'd only had a couple of boyfriends, none of whom had gotten past "second base" (hey, we were k**s, that's what we called it back then). We hooked up when she was 16 and...

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Half and Half Part 2

Half and Half by T.R. Sias Part 2 Roger Harmon sat in his car cursing the trick that had been played on him at the beach House. The lower half of his body had become female, and his host had given him two choices: remain half female for the rest of his life, or put on the bathing suit top, go back into the ocean, and become a complete woman. There was no other alternative. What's more, if he managed to get himself pregnant in his present form, the spell would be broken and the...

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A Tragedy Resurfaces

CHAPTER 1 Working as a trainer in a gym was beginning to depress Dean Armstrong. So many people with excellent potential started with good intentions and would be doing fine. But all too many would gradually weaken and finally opt out, their resolve crumbling. He was relieved other trainers also experienced similar frustration. It was so wasteful. And then his older brother Callum, aged thirty, pressed Dean to join him in business selling mobile phones and other communication equipment. Dean...

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One Thing Leads to Another You Scared Me

"Hey girl, you coming over yet?" Maria answered. "Yeah, Im on my way. Do you want to do anything?" "I wasn't planning on it, Im just lounging around in my pajamas still." "That's cool, I'm in my sweatpants." "Eww... You sloppy bitch," Maria teased. "You used to be so funny. What happened?" Christine replied. "You want to go to Walmart and show off your sweatpants later?" "Shut up." "It's okay to wear sweatpants in public, you're so very...

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He kisses you like he loves you. That is the bitter, brutal part of it that will keep you awake at night for weeks after this. He kisses you frenzied and deep but somehow gentle, his breath shivering and startled against your mouth as he pulls away to steady himself. It is dark in this section of the stacks, the fluorescent light a few rows over flickering with exhaustion, and his face is mostly in shadow but you can still read the awe and tension in his features. His eyes have long since...

Quickie Sex
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How I Met Rachel

My name is Rob, this story is about how I met my girlfriend, Rachel, and how our relationship developed in the early days. Rachel is very pretty. She has shoulder length blonde hair, deep blue eyes, firm little breasts, a cute bum and a beautiful smile. I met Rachel at work. We worked for different departments but our paths regularly crossed. We would attend the same meetings and we socialised in the same group. Most Friday evenings, after work, a group of us would go to the pub to unwind...

Love Stories
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My Friend His Sster and Me

My Friend, His S!ster and MeMy best friend and I grew up together. We had become friends in grade school, and got very close quickly. He had a younger s!ster by 2 years, who always pestered us whenever she could. She was a skinny girl with red hair and freckles. As we got older, my friend and I experimented with sex we started jacking off and then tried oral on each other. When we were seniors we had made plans to go further.One day the chance came. His parents were going out of town for the...

3 years ago
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The Ritual1

Tonight was to be my initiation in a girl’s student club. I was a little nervous – it was a rather exclusive club, all members were extremely gorgeous and I was the only new girl they had decided to take on. That made me feel pretty special. I rang the doorbell for the house they told me to come to. The door was almost immediately opened by Claire, one of the newer members. “Hi! Come in!” “Hi, thanks,” I said as I stepped inside. “They’re all awaiting you.”, she said, excitement obvious...

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A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story Chrissie to Chris to Christopher

A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher By Trapper Jock McIntyre Chrissie Latham sat pouting as the Greyhound bus trundled down the highway. As she stared out the window she had a hard time imagining anything like what she was seeing. There were no malls, no McDonalds, no nothing. Just miles and miles of wheat and corn and cows. She couldn't imagine what she had done to deserve such a fate. She was being banished from her friends, from shopping, from...

2 years ago
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Home Schooled Siblings

Home Schooled SiblingsBy: Londebaaz Chohan Sylvia was almost 6 years younger to me but growing up to be a very tight woman with just the right amount of meat at all the desired places of her body. Since the split of our parents; we both were living with the parents of our dad because our mother was a drunk bitch woman who fought tooth and nails to get the custody as against our dad but soon after she ran away with some of her lover who also did arrange for her smokes and drinks in addition to...

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Super Secretary 2

Super Secretary By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 Alan spent the rest of the day following instructions and typing memos. At three o'clock, he walked down to security and waited there while Chuck was on the phone. He could see all the facility's workers checking him out before finally Chuck called him over. "Miss Cummings, place you thumb here and hold it until you hear the beep please." Chuck positioned Alan's hand the way he wanted it. "Sure," said Alan. When...

1 year ago
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Caleb 14 The showdown

As always, my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 14 – The Showdown Saturday morning, I got up at four. Everyone else seemed to be having a lie-in. I did a couple of hours of martial arts and then...

2 years ago
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Daughters Incestuous TherapyChapter 5 Mother and Daughterrsquos Naughty Session

Group Session 1 with Jill and Mercedes Daniels “Mercedes, honey, please, strip naked,” Jill Daniels cajoled her daughter. The older woman, a sexy MILF with curly-brown hair and large breast, was already naked. She had her thighs pressed tight together like she was hiding her pussy, but she seemed open about the rest of her nudity. Her breasts jiggled as she smiled at her daughter. “We’re here to help each other and mend our relationship.” “I’m here because you made me come,” said Mercedes,...

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Our First Time

I smile at the light and sparkle in your eyes. I reach out and gently stroke your cheek. It feels so downy and soft under my fingertips. I lean forward and softly brush my lips over yours. So soft, so sweet, so absolutely enchanting, I must have more. I am instantly drunk on your breath. I place my hand at the curve of your back and pull you gently to me. As our curves shift and mold to each other I take your face in my hand and begin to kiss you in earnest. God you taste so amazing! I sigh...

3 years ago
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Lost at SeaCast List

Author’s Note: Because this story takes place in a fantasy analogue of the Age of Sail, I am using the Imperial measurement system in all it’s outdated glory. For most of you, that will mean it’s hard to figure out what the weights mean. It’s a way to give a rough idea of how much someone weighs without being locked down to a particular number. The ambiguity is purposeful. As for the bust sizes, well, those are modern. You’ll just have to deal with the anachronism. Because this story is an...

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The Last Time Part Three

‘I. . . I want you,’ he said. Ash didn’t know what else to say. She understood everything about him, to the point were he didn’t need to take the extra steps to explain himself. Iris didn’t need an explanation. He gently pushed her against the apartment wall, taking note of how relaxed she was becoming. She would let him do anything to her. His body instantly responded, the logic of it all slipping away with the start of a flexing down into his groin. She didn’t even hide her wide eyes,...

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Rebecca swayed lithely from side to side as she danced in the firelight. Here in the darkness of the trees at the bottom end of the three-acre garden little light penetrated. She swayed and sashayed around the fire, enjoying the heat from the flickering flames. The orange and yellow flames enhanced the natural sheen of her body as she danced. It seemed so natural to dance naked in the warmth of the African night. The fire was hardly necessary to add warmth, but its glow, and the flickering...

1 year ago
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Delia Robbie and Me

My sister, Delia, and I stood outside his bedroom door, both of us trying desperately to suppress a giggle. Our little brother was beating his meat again, and he isn't quiet about it. We could hear slapping noises, amidst the grunts and groans, as he whacked himself off."Oh God, oh God, Sib, suck my cock, baby...Dee, keep rubbing your pussy.... Ohhh."Delia dragged me away from the door. "Did you hear that, Sybil? He's calling our names.""I think it would be fun to make his fantasies come...

3 years ago
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My Mistake Chapter 3

My Mistake By Jessica81 Copyright 2004 [email protected] Before I get into the third chapter, I want to thank my two editors who I know personally and trust with my life (and stories) Erica and Beth, I owe a lot to you two for checking these before they ever make it to any website where their posted. I also would like to thank all of my readers for the kind comments, several people have said that I have the talents of a good writer; unfortunately, I normally don't have the...

2 years ago
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The Girl Who Must Not Sing Ch 02

‘The Outfliers are coming for an inspection again.’ ‘Again? Hmm, I’m starting to think they might suspect us of some wrongdoing… Have the orphans said much to them in the past?’ ‘Nothing unsavory, sire.’ ‘And what of the men and women? Could any be spinning stories down in River Run over a mug?’ ‘I can’t know for certain but I should think not. Why would they make things up?’ ‘Then perhaps the guards know about our prize in the tower. At any rate, I’ll leave the details of the visit...

1 year ago
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Hot Night at the Club

It was a only the beginning of something wonderful, the week before we met on the lake, she was hot! She had tan smooth skin and a beautiful body, built, her lips were juicy and her tongue like candy. I had desirers for her and she was into me too. I dreamed of her all week and when we spoke on the phone together I played with my intimate spot thinking of her licking me. I reached the point of pure pleasure. We made plans to meet Thursday night at a club. I could not wait to see her again....

1 year ago
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Pink Lemonade and a Lesson

Spring was trying to arrive. The grass was becoming greener, buds were coming to life on the trees, and there was a twinge of new life in the air. Suzanne rounded the curves on the old road like a pro, she’d been driving them for eleven years. She was able to take in the scenery since her hands on the wheel were on auto-pilot. When the cluster of trees came into focus, she was just one curve away from home. Suzanne took her foot off the accelerator and let her car coast to a stop in front of...

3 years ago
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Brendan and Tim

I have two friends named Brendan and Tim. They are both bisexual and have recently become partners. Brendan was a huge 25yo stud, and Tim was a 19yo twink with blue eyes and blonde hair. One day, as they were preparing for their second sexual experience, they were watching some nude wrestling porn. They were both supporting different people. Tim said "Go fuck him," towards his wrestler. Brendan responded "did i say you could talk, Cunt""Why are you my manager""Causes i fucked you last time. I'm...

1 year ago
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Veroniques First Time Sailing Chap 5

It had been almost midday when Valerie and I arrived home. We had Aaron help us with the salads, cold meats and setting the table. I was feeling horny from what Valerie and I had gotten up to out at the olive orchard.I had been very worried about how Aaron would take my infidelity, but he actually seemed to be quite turned on by the thought, as he was paying me a lot of attention and kept brushing his hand around my waist and thighs each time he moved near me.Sally and Rex arrived at 12:30, and...

First Time
1 year ago
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New Girl Next Door Thanks for the Lemonade

I paced over to my full length bedroom window and sparked up a cigarette. As I took a drag, I gazed over the garden, absorbing the sun light upon my face. I turned my gaze to the adjacent garden, and saw an angel of a woman, who's beauty astounded me. She lay elegantly on her deck-chair, her slim body worshiping the sun. She wore only a white bikini, perfectly framing her smooth buttocks and pert breasts. Her legs, sleight and tanned, caressed each other, sliding up and down as if unable to...

Adult Humor
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wifes teen helper

Since I am often out of town, my wife and I decided to find a young man to help with chores while I was gone.We put a tear off add in the foyer of the grocery store with our number and general area asking for a "Young man to do household chores".we got only a few call backs and set up 3 interviews for the coming weekend. Friday evening a knock on the door turned up our first interview. The young man was nicely dressed and good looking. small frame and not quite skinny, but a bit thin.His name...

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Prototype TenChapter 5

Will had no way of knowing that Dr. Robinson was under pressure to produce at least one working prototype. If he had known, it might have made some difference in the way he proceeded - at least until he discovered the fates of the other prototypes. As it was, he spent hours on end exploring the strange visions, odors and sounds being routed to his brain from the artificial sensors implanted in his body. Once a day, Carlos would appear and take him to the gym for a workout. Will went along,...

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