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I repacked the bag and put it on. With it in place around my hips, the bag rode just above my butt. In that position, the weight was hardly noticeable.

Just to be sure it wasn't going to be a problem; I played around on my monkey bars with it on. I had a lot of fun bracing myself in different positions on the bars and then dropping to the mat from the ceiling, like a spider on its prey. Every time I did it, it made Bambi jump.

I also tried climbing up and down the pegboard. I found that I could make it much harder if I used the holes that were as far apart as I could reach. That required much more strength and perfect timing to do.

When Neeka got back, carrying a garment bag, Bambi and I were sitting at the desk, poring over the manual for the radio. We had managed to get it turned on, and were listening to the general channel to get a feel for how it was used and how people sounded. I was surprised at the clarity of the voices that we heard. I had expected a lot of static and garbled messages, but there was none of that. I had also expected a lot more formality and use of 'Roger' and 'Over' and that sort of thing, but except for the frequent use of the 10-something codes, there was very little formality.

We both laughed the first time we heard someone say, "Dispatch, show unit P31 as 10-10, I gotta take a leak." Obviously 10-10, which was on the list as 'Temporarily Out of Service' actually meant 'Restroom Break'.

We left the radio on while Neeka got into her outfit. She had a pair of black stretch stirrup-pants, a low-cut black knit top with thin shoulder straps and a leather double-breasted jacket. She also had a pair of short black leather boots and a black chauffeurs cap. With the wraparound sunglasses, she looked like the chauffeur for some biker gang. All she needed was some chains hanging from the jacket and an Iron Cross embroidered on the back.

With the front flap of the jacket buttoned back, she showed a good amount of cleavage. When she pinned her shoulder-length red hair up and hid it under the cap, she looked very imposing and stunningly beautiful.

We were so busy posing and admiring ourselves that we didn't catch the first of the radio calls reporting 'robbery in progress'. By the time we started listening, the number of calls had picked up and the urgency in the voices was obvious.

As best as we could piece together from what we heard, there had been a robbery at a grocery store out on Highway 15 on the outskirts of town. Several units had been dispatched there and an announcement was made by the dispatch operator that unit Sierra-One was on-scene and in command. We were listening intently, trying to figure out what was going on when we heard the call, "Sierra-One to Delta-Romeo-One. Delta-Romeo-One, do you copy?"

I was waiting to hear the reply, when Bambi said, "That's you, honey!"

The call came again, "Sierra-One to DR-1. Do you copy?"

I swallowed a giant lump in my throat and pressed the bar on the base of the microphone. The click and the sudden silence were terrifying. I said in as firm a voice as I could manage, "Delta-Romeo-One copies Sierra-One. Go ahead."

"DR-1, Sierra-One requests assistance at 1340 North Highway 15. We have a situation here I hope you can help us with." Sheriff Foster's voice sounded tense.

"Delta-Romeo-One copies. Dragon is en route." My voice sounded more confident than I felt.

"Thank you, DR-1. Please hurry."

Neeka and I looked at each other and the same thought echoed through both our minds, "So soon! I thought we'd have more time!"

Bambi said, "That's the Big Star on the north side of town. You'll need to hurry to beat the rush hour traffic."

We all ran to the other end of the room. Neeka jumped on the bike, Bambi hauled the double doors open and I steeled myself to climb aboard the bike behind Neeka.

When the big bike started up, I thought my knees would fail me. I had just started to climb aboard when I thought of something. I ran back to the desk, got my badge and ID out of my bookbag and stuffed it into the fanny pack.

Wishing I had time to run to the bathroom first, I hauled my butt onto the leather seat behind Neeka and held onto her waist as she raced the engine and launched us out the door. She was using the request to hurry as an excuse to see what the bike would do.

I wish I could describe the trip to the crime scene, but the truth is, I had my eyes closed most of the way. I remember us tilting to one side and then the other so far that I was sure we would fall over and go sliding across the asphalt. I remember peeking out of one eye whenever Neeka stopped at traffic signals, and vainly hoping that the trip was over each time we slowed down. At some point the wind blew my cowl back off my head. I could feel it blowing through my short blonde hair.

After what must have been much less time than it seemed, Neeka nudged me and I opened my eyes and looked over her shoulder. We had arrived at the store and were approaching the parking lot. Ahead was a police cruiser blocking the entrance and a deputy waving at us to stop. Neeka coasted to a halt beside him.

"I'm sorry girls, but you'll have come back some other time. The store is closed right now." He seemed polite enough, but his gaze seemed to be more attracted to Neeka's cleavage than the badge I held out to him.

"Where is Sheriff Foster?" I asked.

The deputy allowed himself to be distracted long enough to look at my shield and answer my question.

"The command post is on the north side of the building," he said, looking from the ID to me and back again as though suspecting some trickery. "Look for the truck, you can't miss it."

"Thank you," I managed to shout as Neeka roared off into the parking lot in search of the truck.

The command post was right where the deputy said. Neeka drove up beside the big vehicle and hit the brakes so hard I slid into her back as we came to a stop. I was off the bike instantly and headed around the truck with Neeka right behind when Sheriff Foster and a man in a black uniform and a vest with pockets all over it stepped out to meet us.

"Who the hell are you two?" The officer in black demanded. "Don't you know..." He was interrupted by the Sheriff before he could finish.

"Can it, Grogan! This is the help I told you was coming."

From the way he looked at us, Grogan obviously had strong doubts about what help we might be. He opened his mouth to express them, but shut it again when the Sheriff addressed me.

"Who's this?" He said, indicating Neeka. "Your chauffeur?"

"Yes, at my agency we like to go first class." I said. He looked at Neeka, the bike, and me. I think he thought he was being put on, but he didn't dare laugh. I decided to save him from his dilemma. "She's also my Communicator. If you talk to her, you're talking to me. She will keep you advised of what I'm doing and where I am and if I need anything."

Foster obviously didn't understand, but the concept was clear enough. He nodded to Neeka. She touched two fingers to the brim of her cap in acknowledgement.

"What's the situation?" I asked.

"We've got a robbery gone bad, I'm afraid. Two armed men tried to hold up the grocery store here about an hour ago. The manager saw what was happening and locked the safe and ran out the back. Not willing to give it up, at that point the robbers took hostages. They've got two female clerks, a bag boy, and four customers — two women and two children.

"It's the kids that bother me. If I go with Lieutenant Grogan's recommendation and call for the full SWAT team, it will take at least a couple more hours to get setup for an assault. I don't want to let this go that long. I want it resolved as soon as fucking possible so we can get those kids out of there. If it was just adults, I might let them stew for a while, but every second we wait, those children are just going to be more traumatized.

"If we wait, rush hour will be in full swing and traffic that would normally go through here will be backed up for miles. An assault will almost certainly mean gunfire, and I don't want to risk any stray shots with the road packed with traffic.

"You see, I'm in a pickle. I need to end this fast and I don't want gunfire. You are the best chance we have to take those two out quickly, before they hurt anyone."

I nodded. This was exactly the kind of situation I had told Foster I could help with.

"What's the tactical situation?" I asked, hoping to sound professional.

"Grogan?" The Sheriff said.

"Two Caucasian males, mid-twenties. Baggy clothes. Canvas shorts and t-shirts. One is armed with a double-barreled shotgun. We think the other has a knife, but the witness wasn't sure. They are in the back of the store near the meat department. The hostages are on the floor beside the refrigerated cases. The perps are walking back and forth between them and the aisles. This makes it tough to get to them with sniper fire. If it was just one, or if they would stand still for more than a few seconds..." Grogan's unhappiness with the situation was clear. He swallowed his anger and went on. "We have two men at the southeast corner of the building, and two over behind that parked car across from the main entrance. Another two are watching the freight entrance around back. The two behind the car have limited sight into the back of the store, so we know where everyone is, but not all of them are visible at one time."

"OK," I said, thinking about how to sneak up on two armed men without getting a lot of innocent people killed. "I'll go in the back and approach from there. My associate will keep you informed."

As I jogged off down the side of the building, I heard Grogan and the Sheriff talking.

"She's just a little girl! What the hell is she going to do? We're just giving them another damn hostage. She's not even armed. I doubt she has more than a tube of lipstick in that fanny pack."

"Grogan, shut up. That little girl is the scariest bad-ass in this town. I've seen her work... and the aftermath. You go call for an ambulance."

Despite the Sheriff's conviction that he had just sentenced the two robbers to a trip to the emergency room, I swore I would try to bring this off without anyone getting hurt if I could at all avoid it. Not even me.

When I turned the corner of the building, I saw a black-and-white parked next to the loading dock. One officer was peeking around the open freight door. He heard me coming up behind him and turned around. I saw that his nametag said 'Rosario'.

"Where's your partner?" I asked.

"Inside, trying to get close enough to eavesdrop on them," he said. "Who are you?"

"The cavalry. Wait here until you get orders to move in. Or until you hear gunfire, in which case something has gone very wrong. Got it?"

"Yeah, but..."

I left Officer Rosario and crept into the dark storeroom. There were big metal light fixtures in the ceiling, but they were off. The only light came from the opening behind me and the windows in the door ahead. As I got closer to the swinging door leading to the front of the store, I saw Officer Murphy craning his head around a pallet of dishwashing powder. He was trying to hear what was going on in the store without being seen by the robbers.

The crepe soles on my shoes were as silent as if I were walking across a plush carpet. I got right up behind Murphy without him even knowing I was there. I put out a hand and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hello Murphy," I said in a whisper.

He jerked but didn't make a sound. After a few seconds of deep breathing, he turned to look at me.

"Who the hell are you?" He said in a strained whisper.

"Got that citation yet, Murphy?" I asked smiling.

"No, that's on for next week. Who are you?"

"I'm your fairy godmother. I'm the one who leaves hold-up suspects lying around on street corners for lucky deputies to scrape up. In a minute, I'm going in there and deal with those two. I want to know that you're chilling here so I don't have to worry about what's behind me. If you aren't cool, go back and wait with Rosario."

"I'm good. Really."

"Great. Wait here. When I have them both disarmed and down, come and cover them and we'll get them cuffed. OK?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Anything I have to, Murphy. Anything I have to." I wanted to laugh out loud at my false bravado. I didn't have a clue what the hell I was going to do. But the time had come for me to do it.

I slipped away from Murphy and knelt on the floor right behind the right-hand panel of the double swinging doors. I eased up until I could see out the small, grimy window. I had to stand on my toes to do it.

The robbers were pacing up and down in front of the row of refrigerated cases about thirty feet to my left. I couldn't see the hostages, but they must have been on the floor at the robbers' feet because they kept looking down as they paced.

I watched for a bit to see if they followed some kind of pattern. The one with the shotgun was closest to me and always came close to the end of the row of cases before he turned to go back toward the hostages. His buddy never left the area where I thought the hostages must be. I noticed that the buddy held a knife in his right hand and waved it around as he paced. Both of them seemed highly agitated. Their movements were jerky and abrupt and the gestures they made indicated frustration. I thought the Sheriff was probably right to be worried. These two looked like they might do something stupid and violent any minute.

I decided that the one with the shotgun had to be my first priority. He could do the most damage of the two. When he was down I could go for the one with the knife.

I slid back down to the floor and 'spoke' to Neeka.

"I'm at the door to the front of the store. Murphy is here with me. He's going to back me up. Has the situation out there changed any?"

Her voice rang clearly in my head, "Just a sec... no. No changes. Everyone is still in the same position. Good luck, Sam."

I went back over to Murphy to attend to one final item.

"Look, Murphy, I'm going to show you something now so you won't be startled later, OK?"

He nodded assent, if not understanding. I looked right in his eyes and took on the aspect of the Dragon. His eyes went real big when my face changed, but after a second he nodded again. In the dim light of the storeroom, it must have been a chilling sight. I was going to need it to startle the robbers into what, if I was lucky, would be immobility.

I went back to the door and knelt behind the left-hand panel. I closed my eyes briefly and tranced. It was harder to do with my heart pounding in my chest and my nerves screaming at me and the shadows of doubt flickering at the edge of my vision, but I managed. Trance made everything seem to happen slower. I hoped that would give me another edge.

With a last deep breath, I slowly eased the right—hand door panel inward. When it was open enough for me to crawl through, I wedged it in place with a block of wood that was on the floor for that purpose.

I pulled the cowl up over my head as far as it would go and lay down flat on the floor with one eye looking around the door. I waited until the robber with the shotgun turned his back to me and started to crawl through the door. I had only gone a few feet when I realized that I couldn't get as flat to the floor as I wanted. There was a gap in my contact with the floor caused by two significant parts of my anatomy.

I carefully rolled over on my back and slowly backstroked my way out to the end of the nearest row of cases. I got there just as the guy with the shotgun did. I lay motionless on the floor on the backside of the display case as he turned and walked back the other way.

As soon as I heard his retreating footsteps, I crawled around the end of the case and peeked around it with my head pressed to the floor. Everything was as I expected. The hostages were sitting in a row, bunched together at the feet of the knife-waver. They all looked scared to death. The women customers held their children to them with a grip that was more desperation than comforting. I could see that the kids were two little girls, both about seven years old. Their faces were so screwed up with fear that it was painful to look at them. I fought back my emotional reaction as hard as I could. I tried not to think about them and that they were only eleven years younger than me. I put out of my mind that they looked just like I had at that age and that they had mothers that loved them very much. Sure I did.

When I heard the robber approach, I eased up into a crouch at the end of the case. I leaned onto it, put my head down and waited for him to walk past me. When he was two steps by, I stepped out behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around and the barrel of the gun slapped right into my waiting hand. With my other hand I brushed his hand off the stock and I bent down and slid the shotgun across the floor toward the storeroom door. It slid halfway through and stopped.

That was good enough, I thought. The first robber was no longer a problem. If he went for the gun, he would run right into Murphy and without the gun, he was no longer number one on my list of priorities.

I spun around and took one step toward his buddy with the knife, when I saw the shiny handgun stuck in his waistband. That changed things. He was at least twenty feet away. I might be able to get to him before he dropped the knife and pulled the gun or I might not. In the split-second while I was trying to make up my mind, the first robber made up his. Instead of going after the shotgun, he grabbed my arms.

I was about to yank free, when I saw the guy with the knife smile and start toward me with the knife held at the ready. He thought his friend had me under control, so he felt secure enough to rely on the blade, rather than switching to the gun. The blade couldn't hurt me much, and the further he got from the hostages, the better I liked it. I faked struggling and waited for him to come to me.

Same as Sam
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Just after I got out of high school, and I was getting ready to go to college. I had the house to myself. I had dreams of being drag out in to the woods, striped naked and left tied up out in the country. We lived on the edge of town. I can walk a 1/4 mile and be out of view of every body. There a small lake in this area where I have gone skinny dipping many times. And also nude sun bathing. I worked with self bondage. And found ways to hog tie myself, where the only way to get out was to cut...

3 years ago
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Tantalizing Tales in Tyria

As said, knowledge of the franchise is not required. Provided will be art of how the races appear, and it's a fantasy world with magic and all that fun stuff. It isn't like the story will go deep into lore anyhow. Refer to the writing guidelines if you want to add your own routes, and if you'd like, check out my other stories as I have quite a few, Some of which are interactive games. I don't write on the site as much as I used to, but I'll leave my donation link here just in case you have a...

4 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 08

The next morning, after they had breakfasted simply but well, Joanna turned to Terence. ‘Sir, I think we’ve had enough of luxury for now. I don’t wish to spend my money, earned at such risk, on these unnecessary things.’ Her dismissive gesture took in all the room and its contents. Terence frowned. He did not wish to admit his current lack of funds after having promised to pay for their stay, and he played for time. ‘Let us spend one more night here before we quit it, Joanna. This is not an...

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Becoming a Slave

The man pushed past her Masters and out of the house, gently placing her in the back seat of an unfamiliar car, she didn't want him to let go, but with her hands bound she couldn't hold onto him. She heard him talking to whoever was in the passenger seat, before he got into the driver's seat and whoever he was talking to got into the back beside her. She couldn't see who it was, and she could barely hear what they were saying, but didn't flinch away when they began to untie the knots...

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My Girlfriend Made Me a Sissy

This is my first attempt at a story so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to email me about anything: feedback requests or just to chat. When I was 16, in spite of my shyness and not being in anyway incredibly attractive, I somehow landed myself a girlfriend 2 years older than me. I was quite short for a boy then, around 5’7 and very slim having not yet developed much muscle. I had shoulder length brown hair and bright green eyes and I simply couldn’t believe my luck in...

4 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 37 The Catacombs of Saint Sebastian

In his whole life, perhaps, Franz had never before experienced so sudden an impression, so rapid a transition from gayety to sadness, as in this moment. It seemed as though Rome, under the magic breath of some demon of the night, had suddenly changed into a vast tomb. By a chance, which added yet more to the intensity of the darkness, the moon, which was on the wane, did not rise until eleven o'clock, and the streets which the young man traversed were plunged in the deepest obscurity. The...

3 years ago
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Shakespearean Choice

Having been out of work for over a year now I was becoming a little frantic. I did everything I had been advised to do by all of the organizations out there attempting to help stem the joblessness in our economy. I joined self-help groups, resume writing seminars, you name it. No one was hiring a city planner right now or in the near future. The ones who already had jobs were not leaving unless they had another a job in hand. The ones without were in the same boat that I was in.It seemed to be...

4 years ago
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Drizzling Night Sex

Hello Readers, This is my first story and please forgive me if there is any mistakes. Feedbacks and comments are always welcomed at Now I am 24 with 5’10 in height and dusky guy working in an MNC. I am sharing my experience that happened around 3 years ago. During my initial days of my college days we had a gang of friends but I was attracted to this gal named Raji(name changed). She is 5 feet tall awesome structure and nice curves. I used to look at her always and we could not speak much as...

3 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 60

Evan Cochrane was a humane man who had realized early in the deployment that, with a certain amount of finagling, he could send detachments through the Junction so that his crew members could make contact with their loved ones as much as was possible in war years. It was noticeable that the crew's adaptability allowed more partnered than single "ashore on Raffles" and the opposite in Paracelsian or Amiranti ports. Polack was one of those who enjoyed "shore leave" at Raffles but events...

2 years ago
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Exotic dream

Although I’m happily married for over 20 years, I have a strong sexual attraction to another woman. A married co-worker ‘ forbidden fruit ‘ especially this day in age. For over a year I have suppressed my feelings for Jane, but now the urge to tell her is growing stronger. So strong in fact that I find myself dreaming often about her in vivid explicit detail and waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning with a raging hard on. Sometimes I masturbate in order to go back to sleep, other times I fall...

3 years ago
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 30

Ken followed Linda off the school bus and the two of them waited for the yellow bus to leave before they turned to cross the road to his house. Linda stepped off the curb first and she smiled to herself as she felt Ken's eyes on her ass as he followed her across the road and up to the door of his house. Without bothering to knock or ring the bell Linda turned the knob and walked right into the living room. "Hi Dannie," Linda called to her friend who was resting in the nearby...

4 years ago
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Young Neighbour Lunch Break

For those who have not read our previous stories, here’s a bit of background:Troy, our young neighbour, had recently turned 23, my wife is now 45. He’s cocky for his age and rightly so. He’s tall and muscular, works out daily, is a fireman and has a cock that is over 8” long and extremely girthy with a head the size of a plum and he’d managed to seduce the hottest MILF in the area, my wife Erin. She’s extremely sexy, at 5’8” and 130 lbs with nice C-cup breasts and a tight ass and waist, once...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 15 Crystal Lake

The summer between sixth and seventh grade was just awesome. Mostly. The downside was that I didn't go to science camp. But I did get a week at a dude ranch and Dad delivered my papers. I was really beginning to like horses—even Princess and Gypsy. I couldn't take any more time off after that. I had a paper route and didn't have any way to keep my customers satisfied if I left. I needed to train a replacement for next year or I'd never have a vacation again. On the positive side, I had a...

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Joanne8217s Graduation Gift

It was lengthy but gratifying day… Joanne’s graduation signified four years of hard work with an actual social life mixed in. “Four years and an architecture major! We’re so proud of you,” Joanne’s father said to her. “Thanks, Dad. Don’t embarrass me.” He snaps a picture of her as she her two other girlfriends lean up against her. He sprinted off to take pictures of others celebrating her graduation day. Joanne continued to talk among her...

3 years ago
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Dont Be a Hero PART 1

Don't be a hero By Claire Heatherton The hot desert air hit Kenny like a ton of bricks when he walked out of the Airport towards the Taxi stand. It was Kenny Hannington's first trip to Las Vegas, he and his friend Larry were there for a one day convention and three days of relaxation. Kenny never really believed Larry's claims that it was possible to relax in Vegas but he played along anyways. The flight arrived late in the evening with the hopes to avoid the crowds. Of course...

2 years ago
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You Have My Permission Part 1

Anastasia rummaged about this as she got ready to go to bed. She and her husband, Gideon, had been very distant lately. She figured it was because of work, that he was stressed out and worried about his latest project. He had been working late for the last week or so. Or perhaps it was that their sex life was too mild. Anna knew very well it was the latter. In the past couple of months, she hadn't been very attentive with Gideon. Every time he tried to make a move on her, she...

3 years ago
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My wife and daughter are Bi

Introduction: Mother and daughter are caught by father. You are always reading stories and seeing on vids about a guy that comes home unexpectedly to find his wife or daughter being fucked by a stranger. I never expected anything like that to happen to me but it did and Im glad it did. My flight that I was to take on a business trip was canceled after being delayed for two hours. There wasnt another one till the next day so I decided to return home for the night. It was about ten pm when I...

4 years ago
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My Wife fucks another man

It has been a while since our first adventure and that was one that wasn't planned so see our previous adventure from 4 years ago.ttps:// is an account of our next true adventure that occurred last month.Debbie is now 52 and I am 53 and we have both been married for 30 years. Debbie is 5'3'' and with a nice 38 chest, and average size for a woman of her age.For the past 4 years I have lived off watching my wife being seduced by...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With A Married Lady Suman

Hi there, I am back with another escapade of mine. Well, this particular incident was completely unprecedented and it unfolded in a very different fashion. For those reading my story for the first time, I am Amit from Mumbai, 39, well built, pretty good looking, adventurous and fun-loving. Always available on This incident happened a couple of months back, while I was returning from Delhi after a meeting and had an evening flight, which got delayed. I whiled away my time in the lounge and then...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 41

The weather decided to give us a fit on the sixth day into our voyage sailing to Hawaii. Steve was on the wheel in the indoor cockpit when he sent Judy down to wake me up. Steve showed me the disturbance that was swooping down on us when I got up in the saloon helm with him. He asked me what I wanted to do. "You've had more experience than me, Steve, but everything we've learned is to take the sail in, start the engines, and keep our bow into the seas." "Yeah, that's what Dewey taught...

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Aphrodites RevengeChapter 3

The port bustled with activity. Merchants argued with tax collectors. Venders haggled with customers. Slaves were busy loading and unloading goods into the ships. The merchant ships, filled primarily with goods from China and Persia, were heading west to Athens or south to Alexandria in Egypt. Only a few would likely have room for passengers. First she would have to locate the Port Master to find out which ships where heading towards Athens. She strutted along the port towards the Port...

2 years ago
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A Little RR Ch 01

A Little R&R: Ch 1: The Big Picture Reno propped himself against one of the main support for the overhead outside the Shinra building. He flicked the flint on his lighter and touched the sparked flame to the tip of his cigarette, drawing the warm smoke into his lungs. He exhaled sharply and turned his attention to his companion and long time partner, Rude. Rude was generally the silent type and tradition stood Reno always initiated the conversation, usually with something inane. It generally...

3 years ago
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Lilith Restrained

Your phone beeps and you check your newsfeed. The header is the twentieth anniversary of the demon war monument. You were young, but you still remember those days vividly. The Lilith strain has been part of what has driven you all your life. Mankind caught a lucky break. Things easily could have gone the other way. Hell on earth. You shudder as you undress and step into the shower. You finish your shower and head out to the bedroom where you have your finest outfit lying out on the bed. You...

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Sleep Therapy

"Lindy, toss me one of those peppers, would you?" "Red one, Rob?" "Ah, yep. You said you do like curry, right?" "Yeah, I do, but nothing too extreme, okay?" "Got it Mel. I promise your mouth will be mostly intact after." "Mostly?" "Well, it's not a curry, if it's not hot." "You said 'a mild dish'. I heard you Rob." "Yeah. Mild. For Mindy. Well, I intended that, for a start." "Oh." "Yeah, 'oh'." My name is actually Melinda. Rob likes to mess with it as much...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 10 Auntie Rachael

The rest of the summer passed quickly, too quickly in the kids' opinions. All too soon, the new school year began. This year, Jeff was a freshman in high school, which meant he had his big sister to "take care of him." That consisted of her occasionally saying hi to him in the halls while he pretended not to know she existed. It wasn't that he didn't like her. He just felt that being her little brother somehow made him somehow inferior to her in social status, and the last thing he...

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 29 Saturday March 19 Part two

Thirty seconds later the three on the ground were looking on in disbelief as Armstrong's car began to approach the house at a rapid rate. 'Can they see what's happening from the way they're approaching the house?" 'Not until they come around the back Winston, which they're going to do instead of walking through the house.' I grabbed Anne and Meredith's hand and raced for the corner of the house they would be approaching from. Then I waited gun in hand for the slamming of the doors...

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The Tale of Two Midges

The Tale of Two Midges By Heather St. Claire Archie Andrews opened his report card and sighed. Once again, he had earned an assortment of B's and C's that landed him squarely in the middle of the pack among the student body at Riverdale High School. His best friend, Jughead Jones, joined him as he shuffled along, his head down, toward his old jalopy. "What's the matter, Arch?" he asked. "My grades! They're nowhere!" Jughead looked into the distance and asked, "So what...

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Her Uncle Made Her Cum and She Loved ItChapter 8

Watching K’s young teenage body moving up and down as she fucked B was an unbelievable sight. B was laying his back with his hands under his head, just watching her tight body and enjoying how he was being fucked. His hard-thick cock up inside K’s body was as hard as he had ever felt it. It was also as deep in her as she could get it. K was still fully nude like she had been since her parents left yesterday. She was enjoying the learning her uncle B was giving her as he taught her about sex...

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Incest Action With My Aunt

Hi readers and let me call myself spider for a while. I have been a fan of this website for quite a while now and had always enjoyed the stories here. Now, let me tell you a story that happened in my life. It was a one off incident but never lead to any prolonged affair. Before go on to the story first things. I stay in Pune and would be more than happy if any girls and aunties in Pune want to connect with me. Today world is full of grievances and I believe there should be one another for...

5 years ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 10

My Wonderful Obsession Part 10: Summer Love I was still on cloud nine when we walked in the front door, even though it meant life for me would have to go back to normal - well, as normal as my life could ever be! But I knew that being a girl full-time wouldn't be part of it. How sad! Mom and I set our carry-on bags down and glanced around the front entry, the living room and the kitchen ... no mess! I was amazed, and Mom looked totally relieved. Our eyes met and we smiled...

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Devious Majik Shopping Trip

Devious Majik: Shopping Trip by SifoDyasJr Alice dragged her boyfriend by the hand down the wide hallway with painted black walls. Alternating, there were cut out sections of the wall that gave brief glimpses of the store as they moved towards the back, and with each open aired space, they both caught a lungful of the sweet fragrance being pumped into the air system?it was a bit like cotton candy, but with enough of a hint of spice to mature the aroma a bit. It definitely stimulated...

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Day 2 Sissy Hotel weekend

This is a continuation of the previous nights adventureI woke up a couple times in the night with painful sissy cramps in my chastity cage but managed to ride my large dildo till the annoyance passed. I was out of bed and into the shower by 9 the next morning... my brown daddy from the night before was coming at 10 so I quickly douched and shaved and got into my purple thigh highs and my tight purple t-shirt that says sissy on it in large pink letters, I wore a black wig and just had time to...

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