A Little R&R Ch. 01 free porn video

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A Little R&R: Ch 1: The Big Picture

Reno propped himself against one of the main support for the overhead outside the Shinra building. He flicked the flint on his lighter and touched the sparked flame to the tip of his cigarette, drawing the warm smoke into his lungs. He exhaled sharply and turned his attention to his companion and long time partner, Rude. Rude was generally the silent type and tradition stood Reno always initiated the conversation, usually with something inane. It generally didn’t take much since Reno never really shut up when around others.

‘So… still have that… thing? You know… for Tifa?’ Rude blushed, a gesture anyone but Reno would have missed. Only the tips of his ears turned pink. Reno rolled his eyes and shook his head. ‘Man, what is it with her, anyway?’

‘She kicks high.’

‘So she kicks ass. So what?’

‘But it’s high.’ He blushed more and made an outward gesture with his arms as if this would clarify everything. Reno cocked his head to the side and stared at Rude with questioning eyes.

‘Soooo…?’ He blinked several times for emphasis.

‘…She’s got nice legs.’ He pushed himself back a bit further in his lean.

‘That’s it. She’s got nice legs, eh?’

His bald head cocked down a bit towards Reno.

‘So what’s it to you? Not like you don’t have somethin’ for Miss Ellie.’

‘Ellie? Whozzat?’

‘Elena.’ Rude elbowed him a bit roughly to the ribs. Reno’s brow furrowed thoughtfully as though he were seriously contemplating the idea.

‘Nah. You got me confused with Tseng again. I just keep her from working herself to death.’

‘…but that doesn’t explain all those pictures you’ve got.’

Reno righted himself, leaned back against the support and brought one of his legs up, his heel resting on the smooth stone.

‘What pictures?’

‘Your pictures. The ones you think no one knows about and keep hiding

inside a tissue box.’ Shock played for a moment over his face.

‘What ones… in particular?’ He blinked hard, hoping Rude hadn’t found anything more than just the pictures of Elena. He knew he hadn’t left any of his special pictures in the tissue box. Those were all in an envelope hidden in his stand. Rude laughed heartily.

‘You’ve always been one for the specifics,’ he chuckled, clapping him a bit hard on the back.

‘No… really. What ones did you find?’ His voice picked up a nervous tone and seemed a bit worried, something that was unusual for the Turks’ resident trickster deity.

‘…We were wondering if there were more of them.’ He chuckled again. ‘The ones with the sombrero-thing.’

‘So, uh, anyone else you found pics of? Or just her?’

‘Well no one’s brave enough to go near your laundry, so I bet those are still safe.’ Reno sighed with relief and flipped the switch on his usual charm.

‘There aren’t any in my laundry. Why would I keep anything in there?’

‘I’ll be sure to let them know that then. You do know that they’re hauling your mattress out to burn it today, right?’ His head snapped back in his standard casual gesture.

‘Nothing under my mattress and there’s nothing in it, either. I don’t keep anything in there anyway.’ He stared out over the water spreading from the entryway fountain, watching the sun play gently across the ripples. A thought suddenly struck him. ‘Hey, wait… why are they burning it?’

‘Because it smells, or so the cleaning ladies are claiming. From what I hear they take bets and the loser changes your sheets.’

‘They act like I never shower.’

‘I think it was when they went looking with the black light that creeped them out the most… I’m just tellin’ ya what I’ve heard is all.’ He patted Reno on the shoulder.

‘Heh, I warned them about that. Specifically told them not to.’ He shrugged jovially. ‘So they doin’ anything else in my room I wanna know about? And why do they tell you this stuff and don’t they tell me?’

‘…Dunno. Orders came through Rufus by way of Tseng.’


‘Yeah, last minute too. Also said something about…’ He dropped off, scratching his head.

‘No, what?’ Reno was playing it cool, but he was slightly worried someone had found out about his hobby. Rude looked a bit unsettled.

‘It’s probably nothing…’ He tried to give blank stare out to the street.

‘Rude, there’s no secrets like that with us, yo. We’ve been together too long.’

‘Look, all I know is I’m supposed to keep you out here until after 5 o’clock.’

Reno’s eyes narrowed, a thoughtful look playing for a moment over his features. If it was one thing he couldn’t let them find, it was the nudes he had snapped and tucked away. They were potentially damaging not only to Reno, but to his subject as well. If it was one thing he wasn’t about, it was allowing a bomb to drop before he was the one to light the fuse. It was one thing for him to expose someone’s dirty habits or kinks and quite another to have them stumbled upon by chance, especially when the person damaged was someone he cared about. He took a long drag off of his smoke and exhaled slowly, dropped the butt and crushed it with the toe of his shoe before he strolled back into the building.

‘I don’t know anything about why they scheduled hazard training, and I certainly don’t know anything about… um… I think I’ll be over here for a bit,’ Rude muttered. Noticing Reno was gone, he raised an eyebrow, then tore down the hallway after him.

‘Reno! Reno!’ he huffed. ‘Can’t let you go down there.’ Reno’s pace slackened but he continued walking down the hall toward his room.

‘Why not?’

‘Because of… they’re going to be fumigating down there.’ Rude held his arms up to try and block the way. He paused so the quirky redhead was only an inch from his own chest, forcing him to stop dead in the middle of the hallway, nearly bumping into him.

‘Fumigating.’ He contemplated the concept for a moment, wrinkling his nose. ‘So why didn’tcha tell me that earlier?’

Rude raised a hand to rub the back of his head. ‘There was a lot to that memo,’ he offered with a sheepish grin. Narrowing his eyes, Reno leaned into Rude, their noses nearly touching.

‘How come I never got a memo? No shitting me, Rude. What’s going on down there?’

‘You’re asking me why you never got a memo. You? The king of missed messages…’ Rude gave a nervous laugh: it was false and Reno knew it. He smiled, but it took on a rather dangerous hue.

‘Rude….’ he warned.

Rude cleared his throat and straightened back up. ‘Sorry, man… You’re just going to have to stay out of there.’

‘Just tell me they’re leaving the nightstand.’ Rude turned his head to the side as quiet squawking was heard over his shoulder.

‘What’s that?’ He turned his head further as the squawking continued.

They couldn’t find those pictures! Reno took a step back, shifted his weight slightly, and then darted around Rude.

‘Like hell you do…’ Rude pivoted on his heel and tackled Reno.

‘You better be glad you snagged me, Big Man, ’cause y’know I’m faster than you,’ he taunted, wriggling in Rude’s grasp.

‘It’s for your own good, man,’ he grunted, squeezing tighter.

‘Like hell!’ Reno twisted himself onto his back, his usually loose clothes twisting tightly around his body. Rude struggled to stay on top as his captive wedged a knee into his stomach, shoving hard against him.

‘You don’t … understand … what I’m … losing!’ His speech was peppered with grunts from the exertion it took to keep ahead of grasping hands.

‘It’s not about the flesh, man,’ he moaned. ‘There’s something bigger… ow… you’re gonna have to… guh!’ Reno planted his hands on Rude’s shoulders and shoved against him, attempting to free himself as Rude grappled to get a fresh grip.

‘What do you MEAN bigger!?’

‘Bigger… like beyond you and tissue time.’

‘I don’t care about the Elena pics. There’s something ELSE that I DO care about!’ Reno argued, straining against his captor’s embrace. Rude slowly lessened his strain so he could listen. ‘Just tell me they’re burning it without looking inside.’ He was begging to hear the words. As long as they were just burning everything it wouldn’t make a difference. Rude’s jaw slackened slightly.

‘But you said nothing was in there…’

‘Yea, so I… fibbed… a little.’ To make his point, he grabbed the front of Rude’s jacket and tugged. ‘Just tell me they aren’t looking for anything.’

‘I don’t know. Honest! All I know is they said to keep you out of their way until after five.’

One of the many Shin-Ra employees wandered from one hallway to the next, not necessarily paying much attention to anything outside of the report she held in her hand. Catching movement out of the corner of her eye, she stopped and did a double take, eying them weirdly.

‘Uh, excuse me,’ she murmured, stepping around them and continuing down the hall they had just exited. Believing she was out of earshot, she added, ‘And I thought the stories about them were false!’ Reno looked up at his hands, startled a bit at how intimate it appeared and let go.

‘Look, it’s not me I’m worried about, alright? It’s someone else. Someone important to me. Let’s just hope they burn it,’ Reno murmured, a faint stain of crimson touching the tips of his ears. Rude got up, releasing Reno. He looked about and took out the ear wire, and with a heavy shoe, crushed it.

Reno leaned back against the wall and lit a smoke. He took a drag and slid down the wall, slumping to the floor and chastising himself for not paying enough attention to the details of the memos and made a mental note to be more observant. He did NOT want this happening again.

‘We could always go check it out. You know my room’s right down the hall…’ Reno’s attention shifted from the rug to Rude as he started to meander down the hallway.

‘Hey, how long have you known, yo?’

‘Known about what?’

‘Why don’t you tell me what you know about first? S’too open-ended for you.’

‘You know what I know… except… you know…’

‘The hell you talkin’ ’bout?’ Although he had never been a cunning linguist, Reno had stopped attempting complete sentences.

‘You do… a lot more… stuff.’ He used quotation fingers and walked a little bit faster.

‘Hey!’ Reno leaped to his feet and sprinted down the hall after Rude. ‘What stuff?’

‘You know… ‘stuff’… like how you got those pictures of Elena. She was only gone for 2 days, was that really what she was smiling about?’

‘Eh, those,’ Reno shrugged, falling into step with Rude. ‘Can’t say why I was taking them… not supposed t’have the copy. They were for… someone else…’

‘And then there’s the guy from receiving… there’s things I’m not real sure about from his side of the story.’ He gave Reno a sideways look, his comment finally sinking in. ‘Who someone else?’

‘…and she knew about them, so don’t gimme that.’ Reno continued as though he hadn’t heard a word the other man had said.

‘Yeah, but… you must know something I don’t because you’ve had more pu—’ He stopped dead, flattening against the wall and careened an ear as best he could around the corner they had just come to, Reno following suit. Two office personnel breezed by them going across their way. Rude continued, ‘All I’m sayin’ is you’re damned lucky.’

‘Damned lucky ’bout what? You’re actin’ like I have something I shouldn’t.’ He paused thoughtfully. ‘Well… more something I shouldn’t.’

‘You do, don’t you…’

‘Why didn’t you tell me they were doin’ this?’

‘I didn’t know, man. Honest! I thought Tseng was off on another power spree!’ Rude held up both hands in an act of submission. Reno blinked in his rather catlike way.

‘Rude. You open your mouth and tell me what’s goin’ on.’ Rude’s only response was to flap his lips like a fish. Reno deftly slapped him across the back of the head, knocking his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose slightly. ‘Hey, I’m the wiseass here, yo.’

Rude readjusted his glasses with a pulled brow. ‘That hurt.’

‘Why’d ya take out the wire if you didn’t know anything? You’re tellin’ me you seriously don’t know anything?’ Rude stopped walking.

‘They got down to the mattress, now no one wants to touch it.’

‘How many of them are there?’ Reno bobbled around Rude’s back, trying to see around his massive frame. Rude shrugged.

‘I remember hearing something about Third Division being up for training… thought it was a bit extreme, even for Tseng.’

‘Third Division?’ Reno blinked hard. The Third Division was only called in for extreme cases, generally involving hazardous materials, bomb threats or suspected bugging. ‘Are you serious?’ Rude nodded slowly. ‘And they’re looking in my room…?’ Rude nodded more. Reno laughed out loud, his eyes picking up their usual mischievous glee. ‘You’re supposed to keep me out of there, right?’

‘Well… yeah.’ He gave the shorter man a puzzled look.

‘So you’re incapacitated. Fall down.’

‘The hell? No way…’

‘Rude,’ Reno chided.


‘Then make like you did. Just trust me, will ya?’

‘You did not just take me out.’ Rude looked at Reno with a hard eye.

‘I got the drop on you! Come on, work with me here,’ he pleaded. Rude rose tall in his stance and folded his arms across his chest.

‘Eh, your ass. Don’t say I didn’t try to save you.’ Reno shrugged and sighed, strolling around his friend and into the room. ‘Hey! What’s happenin’,’ he called out to those assembled, Rude following along behind. The only solution he could see out of this situation was to sweet-talk using the old Reno Charm. He strutted into the room, looking around casually.

‘Ah! Housekeeping finally got the idea, did they? Do I get new furniture out of this, yo?’ Reno asked as Rude evaded death looks from both Rufus and Tseng, stooping his head into his jacket. ‘Cause if I do… y’mightaswell just burn all that. I don’t think most of you wanna touch it. So what all are you getting rid of, anyway? Am I being evicted for being a bad neighbor? S’that why Rude fought so hard t’keep me out? Ah, that’s it! You reported me, didn’t you?’ he chattered like a chipmunk, grinning at his partner playfully.

‘Wha??’ he questioned with a shocked look. Tseng gave a long blink and quirked his eyebrow at Reno.

‘It looks like he barely did anything to you at all. We have our warrant for entering your dormitory.’

‘Yea… so… How long you tearing up my room, yo?’ Reno’s eyes lit on the nightstand. It was still completely in tact and appeared to have been unopened. If they had found where he stashed his pictures they wouldn’t have bothered putting everything back in it. He relaxed a bit inwardly.

‘That is none of your concern at this point. If you would do as you’re told and have Rude escort you back out, you will be notified when you may return.’

‘Hey, I’ll do you a favor if you give me one, eh?’ Reno appealed, side-stepping Tseng. Rude raised an eyebrow.

‘Favors? Do you really think you are in a position to make such an offer? From some of the rumors I’ve heard, and no doubt some of the loose pieces we’ve unearthed, you stand to lose an awful lot as it is.’

This was a bit trickier than Reno had expected. There had to be a way to get his hands inside that nightstand for only a few moments. He looked near frantically around the room.

‘Mister President, I have a proposition,’ he challenged as he jaunted across the room toward Rufus Shinra, the president of the company. Rufus turned and looked between the two.

‘Tell you what… If it’s alright with my partner, here,’ he turned and patted Rude in the center of the chest, his fist
against the drum of his chest making a dull noise like a full wine barrel. ‘I’ll grab a clean suit, a blanket and I can bunk with him until you’ve finished here.’

‘I assure, you, Mr. President, it won’t take us much longer,’ Tseng assured him.

‘Man, are you blind? Just look at that mattress! Unless you are proposing to be the one to open ‘er up, I suggest we take into consideration more long-term plans.’

‘Clean suit,’ Rude snorted, muttering under his breath.

‘Hey, I own one!’ Reno turned and grinned up at Rude, playing off of his joke. This was not the time for Reno to lose his head, that was for sure. He kept himself in check. Rude always made remarks like that. All he had to do was get at the nightstand and he would be home free. He kept a blanket and a suit under the stand, just for an emergency and to hide some private possessions. ‘And I thought it would be nice if I got, you know, clean, especially if we’re going to be rooming together.’ Seeing the look Rude was trying so valiantly to cover, he wagged his finger in Rude’s face. ‘Don’t… even.’

‘Who are you and where’s the real Reno?’ Rude boggled slightly.

‘Didn’t I say ‘ don’t even’?’ He turned back to Rufus expectantly. ‘Whaddya say, eh? I swear. Only take a minute.’

Tseng was now extremely uncomfortable.

‘I… um…. errr… I’m not touching that thing. Fine, let the man have his blankie and everyone else clear out for Third Division!’

The tissue box was still sitting on the corner of the stand, apparently untouched as well. The wheels in Reno’s mind ground against one another to figure a way to get Elena’s pictures safely out of the hands of the Third Division. He snorted softly to himself. Elena would kill him if he had given the pictures to their intended recipient, but it was either this or her reputation would be completely tarnished. He was too fond of her to let that happen. Reno flipped his head back toward Tseng.

‘Hey, Tseng. Come’re a sec.’ Tseng, miffed, sauntered over proudly. Reno ambled to his nightstand and picked up the tissue box and held it out. ‘I borrowed these from you without your permission awhile back. Take ’em back now.’ He eyed him seriously, hoping he took the bait, seeing the wheels turning in Tseng’s head.

Tseng squinted his eyes, trying to read Reno’s face. He knew the guileful Turk had something up his sleeve, he just wasn’t sure specifically what he had planned.

Undiscouraged, he dropped his voice and leaned in slightly toward Tseng, making sure he got his point across without raising suspicions. ‘You don’t want the Third Division with these.’ He pressed them against Tseng’s chest with emphasis before raising his voice and turning on the jovial charm. ‘You should use one of them, yo. You have brown on your nose, there.’

His cheap shot to Tseng’s ego successfully delivered, he bent low and pulled a clean suit and a blanket from the cupboard of the nightstand. Tseng’s hand popped to his nose and he eyed the tissue box like it might explode. Rude snickered as Reno tucked the suit and blanket under his arm. ‘Come on, Rude.’ He tapped Rude on the chest on his way to the door.

‘What are you laughing at, Rude?’ Tseng flashed him a sharp look. ‘You’re getting a write-up up for not doing your job.’ He continued to holler at them down the hallway.

‘Oh, is he gonna spank you next.’ Reno snickered.

‘Who’s gonna spank me next??’

‘Didn’t ya hear ‘im? You’re ‘written up’.’ He stopped outside the door, rolling his eyes.

‘Only ‘cuz of you.’ Rude elbowed him.

‘Hey, I got what I needed. Y’gonna let me in or y’gonna make me sleep outside your door like a dog?’

‘Fine… Welcome, Master of Trickery.’ He bumped the door open with his ass.

‘Master now, eh?’

‘Don’t let it get too far to your head.’

Reno waved his hand in dismissal. ‘I did that an’ I’d be Tseng. Course I’d also turn coal to diamond in my ass…’

‘Only one of his many special hidden talents,’ Rude chuckled.

Although it was decidedly cleaner than his room, Rude’s was just as sparse. Reno’s grip slipped on his bundle and the manila envelope he struggled so hard to keep secret slid from inside the blanket and skidded across the floor, landing just under the tip of Rude’s shoe. Rude raised an eyebrow and bent to pick it up.

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FamilySwap Christie Stevens Kenzie Reeves April Fools Prank Gets Swapdad In Bed With Swapdaughter

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Christie Stevens decides to prank her swap hubby and swap kids by bringing them big bowls of broccoli for breakfast. Since they’re doing April Fools pranks, swap siblings Kenzie Reeves and Nathan Bronson decide to do a prank of their own. They know their swap mom Christie takes a nap every day and they suspect that during that time she’s fucking their swap dad,...

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Married Delhi Client Divya8217s Weird Sex Request

Hi, I am Amit. I live in NCR. I work as a sex worker and masseuse to support myself through college. I am 6 feet 5 inch, handsome and fit guy and 26 years old. This story is about a recent service I provided to a client in Indirapuram. This client is about 40 years old and works as a teacher. She has an amazing body and features. She contacted me through a story I posted in ISS account. I got an email after my story was published on ISS from a woman named Divya Chaudhary (name changed). She...

2 years ago
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60 year old receptionist 3

Leather gloved finger, slowly rubbed my ass, is it wrong my cock grew even harder? Last time I left the story this 60 year old had me on all fours, wanking my shaft her grip reducing me to grunts of pleasure, I couldn't see but I knew I was leaking pre-cum! I never noticed when this (apparent) frail lady tightened the knot around my ankles rendering me helpless to her whims, my hands already tied, watching as she walked and stood legs apart right before my face, "now my little bitch, you're...

3 years ago
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PART ONEHaving fun with a good friend on public

Hi my cute furry xhamsters!! I am Anne also known as Anna or low key Micha...Shhh!!! So I was with one of my Bff/Bf/boy toy Alex, we were on a casual trip/adventure to L.A for the day. Well me and Alex had just finished a lil bottle of alchy, well he had a surprise he had brought some nose candy*(shhh..Again) I told him my experience with this shit it makes me dumb and horny and some what ratchet...lol.. Plus I was dressed supper cute as always with a lil skirt and a cute shirt... Alex...

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ANTICIPATION SLUT !!A recently married couple were having a tough time only been married 1 year and 3 month, they got to a point where things went so bad that the wife moved back home it had been about 2 weeks but the husband and wife were talking and still meeting and actually missing each other as both were a combination that u cant do with out eg salt+pepper, barbie and ken , batman and catwoman So one day they met in the park the wife had asked for a few things that she needed so the...

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Visiting My Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Recently I was visiting my Mom for a couple of weeks in Florida. I was just getting through with a nasty divorce. Mom was 68 and had been a widow for 16 years. She had an old rooming house that was becoming too much for her to handle. The tenants had all moved out and I was going to visit to try to help her sell it. I stayed on the second floor. Being a rooming house the 2nd and 3rd floors had a share bath in the hall. Later, after dinner, I went...

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Picking up a hard Moroccan guy

After moving to Savannah, my sweet wife told me she had noticed too many black men in the streets.I said sure, since now we were in the real south…My fantasy had always been to watch my sweet wife fucking a well hung black man. I had mentioned it many times when we have both been having sex; Ana said it would turn her on to have someone watch her having sex with a black man, especially if it was me.One evening we went to spend a while in a local pub. After so many drinks I could not remember...

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Christmas Gifts pt 1

The first half of his college freshman year was the most sexually frustrating period of Luke Gerard's life. He was tall, handsome with his mother's blue eyes and his dad's dusty blonde hair, and had taken a baseball scholarship at Brown University. All of these factors lined up to get him laid, and he had still been dumb enough to try the long distance think with his high school sweetheart Kelly Gibbons. So he had resisted. He had been faithful. And he hadn't been home three hours before she...

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Mere Favorite Jiju Ne Choda

Hi friends, thanks for all your reply and comment. Mujhe ye jankar bohut khushi hui ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni achhi lagi. Please ek request hai. Main kisi se number share nahi karti. Main Nafeesa, aaj apne jiju ki story publish karne ja rahi hu. Main 23 saal ki hu. Mera figure 34-28-34 hai. Main fair hu aur slim bhi. Koi bhi ladka agar ek baar dekh le to tabhi hi uska lund khada ho jayega. Mujhe ladko ko tease karne mein bohut maza aata hai. Main bisexual hu mujhe ladke aur ladkiyo dono...

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I Enter My Masters Service

I knew within the first hour, and that without ever having even clearly seen his face, that I had at last found the Master I had been looking for. The road to the door of this man's house had been long and fraught with frustration, but as I crawled across the threshold of his home, naked and with my wrists and ankles cuffed, I was virtually certain I would find here the training and the introduction to real slavery that I had sought for years.There had been several would-be masters, but I had...

Gay Male
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Arab Cuckolds Do Exist

"Ahmad, tonight, my dear husband, I am cuckolding you," Fatima Ali said, smiling wickedly at her husband, Saudi Government Minister and career diplomat Ahmad Ali, and then she winked at her Bull. The object of her desire was a handsome Somali stud named Bilal Osman, whom Fatima met while visiting the University of Ottawa. The tall, burly and dark-skinned East African Muslim student waved his big Black dick at her, and the sultry and very voluptuous Saudi woman knelt before him, and put her...

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BlacksOnBlondes Kenzie Reeves 03092021

Kenzie has just gone on her first date with a very nice young man she met online, Jack. In fact things go so well she goes back to his place and the two settle into a make out session watching tv. That’s when big brother Jax shows up and joins them. Immediately he starts hitting on little Kenzie when Jack goes to get her a soda. She’s not ready for a threesome yet as she has just met Jack but later when she is kissing Jack, his brother Jax starts finger fucking her. What’s a...

3 years ago
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Waking up to Her

I looked at her body, just lying there, still asleep. I sighed smiling. It’s such a wonderful feeling to know she’s mine now. We’ve been together since we were teenagers, but now we’re out of college and living together. She sleeps naked now. I can see every groove in her body. Damn, she’s so sexy, it’s unreal! I can feel myself getting wet just looking at her body. The blankets that are covering us form to her toned thighs and calves. Her short brown hair is spread on the pillow, tangled from...

1 year ago
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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part VIII IX

Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi” Part I,to VII Thodi der mein didi laut kar aa gayin, unke chehre ke hav bhav kuch normal nahi the. Maine poocha kya hua didi to wo boli ki tumhaare Jeeju, Anjali aur bachhe so gaye hain, isliye main laut aayi, koi baat nahi ye baaki passengers next station par utar jaayein to main neeche wali seat par aur tum upar wali seat par so jaana. Maine kaha theek hai didi. Thodi der baad next station aa gaya aur jo extra...

4 years ago
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The Rules of Golf

I have recently started to take up golf again after a long time off. One Saturday while cleaning out my garden shed I took the golf clubs out; clubs that hadn’t seen the light of day in fifteen years, and decided that I would scrap them. Once I put them in the back of the car to take them to the dump I thought to myself: why not go to the driving range and see how it feels to hit a ball again before I throw them away?  And that is exactly what I did. Arriving at the range and seeing and hearing...

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Biter Bit

You may have been wondering why I haven’t written anything much lately, though in truth, I doubt whether many have even noticed. There’s a reason! I’ve read about it and written about it but never at my age ever expected to find myself in a similar position to the poor chaps that I feature in so many of my stories. Yes, my wife has … There’s someone else. The biter bit, or perhaps the writer hit indeed! His name is Joss, and no despite the name he is quite white as white could be though...

3 years ago
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The SgtMaj fucks two Marines

The Sergeant Major fucks two MarinesBy Buck JonesNo matter what video you are watching or what toy you are playing with, it is your imagination that takes you down into the batehole and to the finale with your sperm shooting out in all its glory. Or your insides ripped to shreds by that new and usually larger instrument of inserted pleasure. The road to the point of satisfaction can be a long one or one that develops quickly and leads to an almost instantaneous gratification. And the attack of...

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NubileFilms Sydney Cole Wanted

Sydney Cole is visiting with her boyfriend Brad Sterling. When he won’t pay her the attention she thinks she deserves, Sydney struts to the other side of his desk and makes sure that he knows exactly what she wants. Soon Brad is sucking Sydney’s titties and rubbing his hands all over her lithe body. Leading Brad by the hand, Sydney moves to the edge of his desk. She hops up and spreads her legs wide, making it easy for Brad to roll her thong down her long legs and then settle in for...

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viva sunny spain

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!Back in the good old days when everyone went to Spain for their hols, a group of us from the pub decided to go, as a group!Before you knew it someone’s mate wanted to tag along,...

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Peheli Baar Ka Maza Sagar Ke Sath

Hi guys and girls, mera naam sapna hai. Main 2 years se ISS ke stories read kar rahi hoon aur maine har variety ka post padha hai. Mujhe aap logon ki stories bahut acchi lagti hain aur mujhe iss me time spend karna bahut accha lagta hai. Meine posts padhte hue ye notice kiya ki yahan par boys jyada story telling karte hain aur ladkiyon ki story telling kum hai to maine socha ki iss ne mujhe itna kuch diya hai to mujhe bhi ise kuch dena chahiye. Is liye mein aap logon ke sath apna pehla sex...

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Another ChanceChapter 72

Grace and I didn't want to be dragged into the coming mess and we had our own means of escape. The Minus Q was soon winging it's way to Janesville. Piper was glad of the heater. The kittens had a sandbox so we weren't going to do anything strange and they loved the buffalo sleeping bag ... Grace and I were appreciative of the armor plate between the kittens and the cockpit. The -Q had a long tapered canopy that looked similar to a T-33 canopy but slightly longer. It's a big aircraft and...

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A night of DJing takes an interesting twist

Before I get into much of the story let me describe myself. Names Mitch, I’m 5’10” with brownish-black hair, and while I’m not the most muscled guy around I could hold my own in a fight. Most of my body weight was natural muscle. Mainly in my chest and shoulder areas. I’ve had more than one lady comment on my broad shoulders and my stamina in bed. I’ve never been super big as some of the other guys. 7” dick and about an inch and a half thick. Too me I laughed at the “jar-heads” that thought...

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This takes place roughly 6 years ago. My mother in law at the time came to visit one summer. She was this 50 year old blond stunning lady with big fake titties 38DDD to be exact. Long blonde hair and skinny with a tiny little ass to die for. She was there a few days laying out in the sun in our back yard in her tiny bikini not covering much at all. I can see where her daughter (my wife) got her looks and body from. it was a pretty hot day out she was laying out after watching her lay out I...

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As usual Ted rang her on Wednesday, by which time she was feeling more positive, consoled by Mike's words and subsequent passionate love making. Ted sounded hesitant and apologetic, and she smiled as the image of him tied naked to the bed with her panties over his face popped into her head. Eventually he apologetically told her that a friend had invited him to the races on this coming Saturday, so if she could make it any other day to come, that would suit him better. Feeling slightly put out,...

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The Mirror lover

Matthew was sitting in front of his mirror, staring at what happened to not be his reflection but a boy who looked exactly like him, but with some differences. Matthew was only seventeen, still barely a junior. He had somewhat of a light wavy blonde hair that draped down to his chin. His eyes were a bit large, and doe like, and the colour was a shade of violet, with large circular frames that covered it. His skin was light, as if he avoided the sunlight half of his life. The boy in the mirror...

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WarlockChapter 23

"At least you've finally admitted that the food from the galley is safe to eat." Bren said as he shifted Sophia's med chair closer to the small table that served as both desk and dining table in his quarters. His voice was soft as ever; the revelation that Philip Esterhazy was a spy had distracted him for only a moment. The best Sophia could give him in response was a faint grimace that was intended to be a smile. She was too busy kicking herself mentally. How could she have forgotten...

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The Walk after the Busted Date or My first Job as a Hooker Part 3

The Walk after the Busted Date or My first Job as a Hooker Part 3 "So what did you have in mind?" I said in my best sultry voice while turning part way around. My back was arched slightly to make my ass stick out just right. It must have made the two young men a little nervous. One, for being so forward and assuming in my nature and what would you expect. My body was well worked over finishing less than a hour ago by four delicious cocks and the opportunity to make a couple more...

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Shamus JournalsChapter 92

I laid down and fell asleep on the couch, but I bet I hadn't been sleeping for a half hour when my personal cell started ringing. I wasn't going to answer it, but something told me I should. I got it out of my vest and looked to see who was calling. It was Floyd from Florida, so I answered. "Harry, man I am glad I was able to get a hold of you. I think we have a problem on this end. Have you been out of Nevada in the last few days?" "Not hardly. I have been too busy here to leave to go...

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Jeremys Christmas

Jeremy Carstairs was greeted by his Aunts Frances and Josephine as he stepped out of the December cold into the hall of their old house and into its cosy warmth. He remembered of old the warmth of the house and the friendly welcome. How could he not, after so many visits to these dear old ladies over the years? Jeremy and his parents had spent many happy Christmases with these two friendly maiden ladies. Unfortunately, this Christmas was to be a little different. Jeremy's parents had been...

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CDTV presents A New Brady pt 3

Later on that day Alice called everyone to dinner. Everyone gathered around the crowded dining room table. "So Alex," Peter started. "Wanna play some basketball tomorrow with me and a few of my friends? I can introduce you to a lot of people before school starts so you won't have to feel you don't know anyone." Before Alex could reply, Marcia said, "Sorry little brother, but Alex is coming with me and the girls tomorrow to the ice cream parlor," "Says who?" asked Peter. "Says...

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The Awakening Chronicles Chapter 3

Chapter 3 === === The rest of the work day went like any normal day for Nathan. For Rebecca however, it was an odd day. After the incident with Sheila she was very horny, and decided to see if Nathan had one more round in him by sneaking under the table to clean off the naughty bosses juices from his cock. She was very surprised when Nathan had told her to stop, but she was even more surprised when she was compelled to do so. Something wasn't right. A genie is never compelled by...

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Center of MassChapter 14

I didn't let Joe wear his guns in camp, yet, for fear that he might be tempted to show off and hurt somebody accidentally. However, that didn't keep him from strutting around the rest of the day and through supper. Of course, after supper, he had to tell in excruciating detail all about his experiences with a "real gun." There were some secret smiles at all of this, but everybody encouraged him to keep up his training so that he could become a hunter and scout that they could depend on....

4 years ago
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Catholic School

I hate my life, I hate my father, and I definitely hate Catholic School. My name is Angelica but everybody calls me Angel. Don’t let the name fool you. I’m almost fifteen years old. I have light red hair that is kind of a blend of red and blonde but I escaped all of those freckles that usually go along with red hair. Mom always called it strawberry blonde! My hair is soft and hangs almost to my waist but it is thin too and I like to keep it in a ponytail. I like the way it swishes when I...

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A Wider Sky Ch 07

A Wider Sky: Beyond Eclipse Series by Talyis Bagley Ellison Chapter 7 I’m floating around my dorm room with my arms flung out like a helicopter, in circles, I’m twirling and unwinding my day of mixed emotions of complete elation and pent up fears. I made it through my first day of classes and my last class – wow! I’m completely enamored by my last class of the day, and after it wrapped, I skipped to my room so full of joy. My Human Art History class opened my eyes to something amazing. I...

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Sissy Sister Sitters

SISSY SISTER SITTERS by Throne Claire and Rosa stopped as they approached the front door of the latter's house. They wore sexy outfits and a touch too much make-up, which was appropriate because they had been out clubbing. They looked at each other and began laughing spontaneously. "This is SO funny," Claire said. "I mean, us going out for the evening and leaving our husbands in the care of a sitter, like they were little boys." "You mean our SISSY husbands. And you should say...

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SHEILAChapter 2

Sheila - synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living, android Sheila went on at a fast pace for what seemed like hours. “I think I have adjusted my speed enough to allow you proper protection with my air shield.” She told my when we stopped. Looking around I saw that we were at what appeared to be an underground mining operation. Well it had been as it appeared now that it was abandoned. There were signs everywhere warning of the dangers of the mine. I looked further around...

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How I met her

On my 35th birthday I was going to a buddies wedding at niagara falls. While there we had a few things scheduled. I was part of the wedding party we went to a club had a VIP section, hookah set up and bottles at our table. I met a beautiful female who was not skinny but chubby and voluptuous as she approached me with a drink saying "you are very handsome man, enjoy" "Thank you, how do I know you didn't slip a mickey in my drink and want to take me to your room" I laughed as I said that....

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