A Golfer's Dream: Book II - Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 10: The Seasons Change; The Old Country Awaits free porn video

Dave walked up to Katherine's door still nervous about the evening they would spend together. Her mother answered the door and, after a brief cordial discussion, Katherine herself came down the stairs and she and Dave left.
Katherine's mother watched as they pulled out of the driveway. Her heart was breaking for her daughter - she knew her daughter cared very deeply for Dave but he wouldn't or couldn't fully return that affection. She had watched her quiet shy teenager blossom into a popular outgoing young woman. Katherine had always lived in the shadow of her cousin Suzie but her relationship with Dave had given her the confidence she needed.
Katherine's parents liked Dave very much. He was a smart, well-mannered young man with clearly defined goals. He treated Katherine with great respect and things went smoothly - up until his old girlfriend came back into his life. Even then, he was honest with her but Katherine couldn't let him go and he seemed to be having the same problem. Katherine had been so happy when he included her in his home-coming celebration but then he didn't call and Katherine was again devastated. She hoped her daughter's date with Dave would go well.
In the car, Katherine made small talk by asking Dave how his golf went. He told her he had been hitting the ball really well - but his home course was in rough shape from the winter. He mentioned that his competitive play would begin with the first Merit Tour tournament on the following Saturday. He and John didn't have to qualify this year because of their strong finish the previous season.
Katherine asked why the course was in such rough shape. Dave explained that golf courses which have to endure harsh winters sometimes get severely damaged. His understanding of it is that a nice thick coating of snow often acts like an insulator. The past winter saw an early thaw of the snow then subsequent re-freezes and re-thaws led to major damage to the greens. Hornsby had rebuilt all their greens a half-dozen years ago and, since then, the new bent-grass greens had endured the winters well - but not this year.
Katherine nodded as she understood a little better but it wasn't totally clear. Dave noticed her slightly puzzled look but the fact was most professional greens keepers struggled themselves to understand why courses were damaged and he didn't have a clear understanding himself.
When Dave pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant, Katherine asked with a smile, "We're not eating at a fast food place?"
Dave replied, "No, I thought this would be nice for a change."
The restaurant was not overly fancy but the food was very good and Dave was hoping to have a nice long talk with Katherine in an atmosphere less hurried than a noisy fast-food place would be.
After the waitress had taken their order, Dave went right to the core of what he wanted to say, "You've been on my mind a lot and I'd like to share my thoughts with you. Katherine, I really care for you and I enjoy spending time with you. The truth is I haven't asked you out since we broke up because I didn't want to lead you on - my feelings for Jennifer have not changed. However, that said, I don't want either of us to sit home every weekend alone. John is usually dating someone and I don't have many other friends that I hang out with. I asked Vickie out last night - it was a really stupid thing to do; I forgot how tight you two were. Anyway she said no and asked why I didn't ask you out. I thought you were moving on by dating other guys but she said you would rather go out with me.
"Katherine, this is very confusing for me so you might be as well. What I would like to suggest is we date until school ends; then suspend our dating for the summer. If next fall, we mutually decide to begin dating again that would be an option but so would both of us going our separate ways. If you don't want to date now, I would totally understand and I will not pressure you. As I said, I really enjoy your company and I don't want to lose your friendship."
Katherine was quiet for a few minutes as she digested what he had said; Dave patiently waited for her response. Finally she replied, "Vickie called me last night after she talked to you. She told me what you discussed, so I have had a little advance time to think about this. You're right when you say I'm very confused. I love you deeply and can't seem to move forward. I'm not sure I like dating you without a long term commitment, especially when I know it will end in a month; however, the alternative of seeing you at school and not knowing how to act around you is even harder. When you returned from Alberta and included me in your celebration, I thought we were getting back together. But then you didn't call and I knew you hadn't changed your mind. I too enjoy our time together so I guess I would like to date you until school ends."
Dave reached across the table and took Katherine's hand in his, he smiled and looked into her eyes, "I'm very pleased; I've missed our talks and our good times together."
The rest of the meal went much better as the two friends, their dating decision behind them, talked about mutual interests. Dave told Katherine about his applying for the American Junior Golf Association and starting his scholarship search. She spoke about her soccer team and how she was invited to tryout for the provincial under-seventeen team. Their friendly discussions were disrupted when the waitress served their meal. They both enjoyed the food and even ate desert before leaving for the cinema.
The movie was a chick flick but Dave enjoyed the closeness with Katherine under his arm. He even cried a little during the sappy ending. After the show they drove around town for a couple of hours just talking and catching up on the last two months.
Dave drove her home well after midnight and kissed her tenderly before she ran from the car into the house. Dave was happy to have Katherine back in his daily routine but he was still worried about how she would react when they broke up after school finished.
Katherine entered her house and was pleased to see her mother waiting up for her. They were very close and Katherine explained the new relationship and the intended timing. She told her mother it wasn't perfect but she hoped that she could win Dave's love over the coming month. Her mother was realistic and warned her to be prepared for the breakup but that should not stop her from the hope for something better.
Dave spent the next morning practicing with his new clubs before playing a round with his father in the afternoon. He shot sixty-nine and was very pleased with his ball striking. Roger, on the other hand, struggled with his new clubs and shot eight-two. Dave especially enjoyed his father/son time, regardless of their scores.
The next week saw a consistent routine of school, practicing golf, studying hard, talking to Katherine, and getting a good night's sleep. Dave knew he had to get his school marks as high as possible for his scholarship applications, so he actually spent more time studying than practicing golf.
The first tournament of the year was set for the Squirrel Creek Golf Course and Dave was ready. He had talked to John the night before the tournament but, because John didn't want to go early to hit balls, Dave asked his dad for the use of his car. He drove to the course by eight o'clock and hit balls for an hour before putting for another hour. He teed-off in the third group and played really well. He won the tournament easily with a sixty-eight. The next closest player was seventy-two. John had a poor day and finished in the middle of the forty players with eighty-one.
John had teed-off in the second last group, a half-hour after Dave. He had not yet arrived at the course when Dave teed off and left the course as soon as he finished. Dave was slightly disappointed that John was not taking his golf very serious but, in the end, Dave decided that John's priorities were definitely in a different place. Deep in his heart, Dave hoped John would at least make the golf team.
Roger was waiting for Dave to tell him the news and Dave went through the whole round, hole-by-hole. After the long discussion they went to the family computer and together developed a summer schedule. The schedule was very busy looking but Dave was excited.
June 7th - Merit tournament
June 14th - Merit tournament
June 21st - Merit tournament
June 25th to July 9th - England
July 12th - Merit tournament
July 14th to July 17th - Ping Junior at Peninsula Club in North Carolina
July 21st to July 23rd - Merit Tour Championship
July 28th - Atlantic Junior Tournament at Belle Bay, Cape Breton, NS
August 5th to August 9th - National Junior Championship at Mont Tremblant, Quebec
August 11th to 14th - Greater Hartford Open Junior Classic at Hartford, Conn
Dave sat back and looked at the list, dumbfounded. His dad asked, "Are you up for that? That's a lot of golf."
Dave finally smiled, "I don't know how I will do but I am starting to get really excited about it."
Roger sighed in relief. Inwardly, he was afraid that he was putting too much pressure on his son but, after the previous summer, Dave had proven he was up for the challenge. The more research Roger did on the internet the more he realized that the scouts would be looking at Dave's results at recognized tournaments. In that regard, the only tournament Dave had played in that was considered a recognized tournament was the previous National Championship.
Roger knew he was walking a fine line between encouraging his son and pushing him. He had always promised himself he would not live his life through his children - he had seen too many over zealous fathers chase their children from hockey. There were however exceptions, like Brad Prichard's dad who moved his son to Saskatchewan when he was in his mid teens to play hockey. Now Prichards was a multi-million dollar superstar. Roger's head was spinning as he thought how he wanted the best for his son.
Dave took a shower before his weekend date with Katherine.
He picked her up at eight o'clock and they drove around for an hour before they went to a teen party they had been invited to. Dave talked animatedly about his golf schedule and how busy his summer was going to be. She was happy he was excited about the schedule but secretly she wasn't looking forward to a summer without him. The party was at Vickie's house. It was supposed to be a small party for about thirty people.
Dave and Katherine arrived relatively early and only about twenty friends were there but eventually that number grew significantly. Word had gotten around school and the entire Edwardton area -- hundreds of crashers showed up. Initially, everyone was just partying and having fun. However, there were a lot of teens drinking and, as the alcohol started to take effect, some of the guys started to get out of control.
Dave and Katherine had been chatting with various friends. Most of Dave's midget AAA team players were there and a lot of the major midget team as well. Dave was talking with Ken Jackson in the kitchen when he heard a loud smashing sound. Dave then heard screaming and he immediately recognized one of the voices as Katherine's.
Dave rushed into the living room and saw Katherine and Vickie yelling at two guys fighting. Dave had been worried when a large number of students from the other high school in Edwardton showed up. He himself had been glad to see his major midget teammates, Ken and Rudy, but he suspected that something bad could eventually happen.
Katherine was yelling at one of the combatants. She was trying to get them outside before they broke something else in Vickie's house. Dave recognized one of the fighters to be Lenny MacTavish, a real troublemaker from his school. The other guy didn't look familiar but when Katherine grabbed the other guy's arm in an attempt to separate the two, he shoved her against a wall. Dave raced across the room. He pointed at Lenny and in a very stern voice he warned, "Back off, right fucking now, Lenny."
Lenny recognized Dave immediately and didn't want any part of him so he immediately stepped back. Dave stood in front of the other guy and said in the same stern voice, "Outside, right now."
The guy seemed to know who Dave was and replied, "Fuck you, MacDonald."
Dave was expecting he would have trouble dealing with him; suddenly Ken walked up beside him and said, "Tony, you don't want to fuck with me, so get the fuck outside."
Tony looked at Ken with a lot more respect than he had given Dave. He finally raised his hands in front of his face, open palms facing Ken and Dave, "Fine, Ken, I'll go outside." Tony then pointed at Lenny, "We're not through with this."
Ken and Dave escorted Tony outside. Dave had glanced over at Katherine before he walked out of the room and she was hugging a very upset Vickie. Once outside, Ken and Dave watched Tony find several of his friends and they all loaded into a jeep and left.
Dave turned to Ken, "Thanks, Ken; I appreciate the help."
Ken replied, "No problem; Tony is a real asshole. We had a run-in last year but he knows better than to mess with me now."
Dave smiled and nodded his head understandingly. They walked back inside to find Vickie still very upset. Dave walked immediately over to Lenny and said, "Party is over Lenny. Find your friends and clear out."
Lenny just stared at Dave for a second then walked out of the house with his three friends in tow. Dave talked to Katherine and she asked Dave to see if he could clear everyone out. Dave went to Ken and between the two of them they sent everyone on their way. It was almost midnight when the last person left.
Dave stayed with Katherine, Vickie, and their other good friend Helen to help clean up. At two o'clock everything was pretty well tidied up and, except for the broken lamp that had crashed to the floor when the fight broke out, the house looked as good as new.
Vickie finally calmed down when she realized the house was back in order. She hugged Dave tightly, "Thank you, Dave. Mom and Dad would have killed me if this ended in a house-trashing party. Thanks." She then kissed Dave on the cheek and hugged him tight again. Dave could feel her large breasts push into his upper stomach and he had to fight off a quickly growing bulge in his shorts.
Dave knew what she meant about a house trashing party. Over the last three years, several parties had gotten out of control and the houses ended up being almost destroyed. Dave remembered hearing stories about one incident where chain saws were used to cut the house to shreds; it may have been an urban legend, but brawls and vandalism could be very destructive even without chainsaws.
Dave and Katherine left shortly after two o'clock. Katherine cuddled into Dave in the car and whispered, "Thank you for coming to my rescue." She kissed him on the cheek.
Dave drove her home and they talked in the driveway for thirty minutes. They talked about Katherine's soccer and Dave's golf. They both loved sports and found common motivation to improve their respective games. Dave wished her luck in her game the next evening before they kissed passionately then she went inside.
Sunday was another day of golf and study. Dave did take a two hour break Sunday evening to watch Katherine play soccer. He was impressed with how good she was and he noticed her smiling at him during the game. She was a strong aggressive forward playing the striker position and she used her speed to create several scoring chances. Early in the second half she took a pass, split between two defenders, and kicked a solid shot into the far corner. She celebrated with her team and she seemed to smile when she saw Dave cheering her goal.
Dave waited after the game and teased her how sexy she looked in her shorts. She smiled bashfully and they kissed before she went home with her parents.
The first week of June was the last week of classes because the following two weeks were set aside for final exams. Dave received a lot of calls trying to convince him to attend the hockey draft on Saturday, June 7th - but he explained that he was golfing. One team in particular wanted to draft him first overall; but after he refused to commit to their team, they said they would have to pass on him. He told them that was a good idea because he currently had no plans to play hockey the next winter.
John talked non-stop about the draft and Dave could see that his training time with Elliot was paying off - he was getting thicker through the chest and legs. Dave wished John well at the draft on Thursday when he and his father left for Quebec.
Dave didn't know much about the draft but Alan had explained that, basically, the league had owners and managers meetings on Friday then on Saturday morning they spoke to various prospective players. The draft started early in the afternoon and each team chose a player based on the leagues standings the previous year. The last place team went first and the first place team went last. Teams often traded players and picks during the draft. Each team often drafted up to ten or twelve players. The prospective players usually sat in the stands of the host arena then walked to the stage if and when their name was called.
Dave continued his routine with even more emphasis on his studies. On Saturday he again won the tournament shooting seventy-one. He was disappointed with his score but it was still enough to win by two strokes.
Later that night, he and Katherine went to a movie then to McDonalds. They hung out with their friends and both enjoyed seeing common friends.
On Sunday Dave golfed then studied. He again went to Katherine's soccer game. It was a warm day and he noticed her top sticking to her body. He wondered if she was wearing one of those sexy sports bras. He distractedly watched her score another goal and help her team to tough three-two victory.
He arrived home after the game and his father told him that he had been drafted in the second round by Gatineau. Gatineau had won the Quebec league this year and went to the Memorial Cup. Dave had heard they were rebuilding and that is probably why they drafted him. Dave just kind of shrugged to show he was mostly indifferent to the news; then he asked, "Who drafted John?" His father reported that John had been drafted by the Missiles in the third round. Dave knew the Missiles had just signed an agreement with the City of Edwardton to relocate to Dave and John's hometown. Dave was pleased for John and also pleased that he would still be able to hang out with his best friend.

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