A Golfer's Dream: Book II - Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 12: Touch Of A Princess free porn video

Dave, standing in front of the clubhouse entrance, was staring into space and thinking about the bump-and-run technique when he saw the Rolls pull up. He moved towards the front door but noticed Raymond get out the far side and shake his head at him. Dave looked quizzically as Raymond walked around the car and opened the back door. Dave looked in at a smiling Sarah. She said, "I hope you don't mind me coming to pick you up?"
Dave smiled back and climbed into the car beside her. She explained the reason she had come, "We've been invited to a formal tonight. We hadn't planned on going but the Harrison family insisted we attend - so Daddy has made arrangements for you to have a good tuxedo for tonight. Assuming you agree to join us, we will pickup the tuxedo on the way home."
Dave looked surprised and asked, "Who is the Harrison family?"
Sarah replied, "Lord Harrison is an advisor to the Queen. He is very important and once he heard we had declined attending because of your visit he insisted you join us. He very much wants to meet you."
Dave's look of surprise didn't change as he wondered how some advisor to the Queen would know him. What Dave didn't know was that his rescue of Sarah in Vancouver the previous summer had received huge publicity in London and all of the Thurlows' friends knew about him.
Dave readily agreed to attend the dinner group so they stopped at a very posh men's clothing store. A salesman helped him pick out a shirt, tuxedo with a vest, bow tie, and pocket square. Dave couldn't resist looking at the price tag on the tux. It was 1,000 pounds and when he did the quick and rough two-to-one conversion he knew it was over $2,000. He looked at Sarah, "This is 1,000 pounds."
She replied, "I know; it's not a very expensive one - but it will do for tonight!" He looked at her bewildered and she misunderstood the look. She suggested, "You can pick out a nicer one if you like."
He just shook his head and simply replied, "No, this is more than enough."
He tried everything on and looked in the mirror. He was surprised how distinguished he looked; when he exited the change room, Sarah squealed, "Oh, my God, you look gorgeous."
Dave shrugged to modestly accept her compliment as the tailor motioned for him to stand on a low stool so he could mark the proper length of the pants. The tailor made several other marks on the pants, the vest, and the jacket with a piece of chalk. He then turned to Sarah and said, "Miss, I can have the alterations completed in thirty minutes." Dave walked back into the change room and pulled his comfortable shorts and golf shirt back on. The salesman took the tux from him and Dave left with Sarah. They did some shopping in a nearby store and Dave quickly realized he was in a very expensive shopping area. Sarah took him into a shoe store where she picked out shoes to go with his black tux. Sarah seemed to be enjoying shopping for Dave and he was enjoying the time with her even though he wasn't usually much for shopping. He was having a hard time trying to ignore the amount they were spending to get him ready for one dinner party. Another thing he noticed was that Sarah did not actually hand over cash or sign credit card slips; the cashiers simply packed up the purchases and handed them to her - Sarah and her family must be regular customers.
Thirty minutes later he and Sarah returned to the clothing store and were met by Raymond who had already picked up the tux. Returning in the car, Sarah talked excitedly about the party and Dave nodded agreement even though he would have been just as content to stay at the house.
When they reached the house they decided to have an afternoon swim. Dave found the water refreshing as the summer weather continued to get hotter and hotter. When they exited the pool Roxanne was waiting again and a similar routine ensued where she helped Sarah dry off then guided Dave back to his room.
Dave actually knew the way now but he enjoyed the view behind Roxanne so he didn't complain about the escort. As they climbed the stairs, Dave couldn't resist peeking up her dress. He didn't want to be too obvious but he managed a few glimpses of her black panties and the way they covered her ass.
When they arrived at his door, she turned and said, "Sarah is very excited about the party tonight. I think she has bragged you up so much to her friends that now she wants to show you off. She said you looked debonair in your tuxedo today. I can tell you're not too excited about the party - but please try to have a good time for Sarah's sake. She truly cares for you."
Dave nodded understandingly. As he entered his room, he heard, "See you later, Dave."
He said goodbye then went into the bathroom to shower.
As usual he hadn't closed the room door; when he exited the bathroom and was picking out boxers he heard a noise by the doorway. This time it was Roxanne and she was the one staring at his large swaying member. He looked at her calmly and eventually asked coolly, "Can I help you, Roxanne?"
She finally smiled, looked into his face, and replied, "Sarah asked me to invite you down to the library. She is on the computer and thought you might like to send an e-mail home." Dave hadn't covered up but instead had dried his hair with his towel as he listened to Roxanne. He noticed her trying not to glance down but finally she just looked right at his manhood and finished with, "You really should close your door, Dave."
Dave cockily replied with a smile, "Why? Sarah said her parents don't usually come into this wing and you and Sarah don't seem to mind."
Roxanne replied, "You mean Sarah has seen you as well?"
Dave explained, "Yes, she was the one waiting for me yesterday when I walked out of the shower."
Roxanne replied, "The little minx. That is why she was so insistent I come up here and get you. She wanted me to walk in on you as well."
Dave laughed and turned to get his boxers from the dresser. He casually pulled them on then found a clean pair of shorts and golf shirt. He pulled on his sneakers and said to Roxanne, "I'm ready when you are."
She grinned and wryly replied, "I'll remember that." Then she turned and led Dave downstairs. He chuckled as he realized the possible double meaning of his words, once again.
Sarah was smiling bright-eyed at Roxanne when they entered the room and Dave heard Roxanne whisper to her, "You are so bad."
Sarah just smiled wider as she patted the chair beside hers for Dave to sit in. She showed Dave some of her favorite websites then she created a new user icon on the Windows XP home desktop. She asked him if he needed any more assistance and he replied no. She left the room with Roxanne and Dave heard them giggling down the hallway as he started his messages. He sent one to his parents and one each to Julie and Beth. He told his father about the old Royal Blackheath course and explained how difficult it had been for him to adjust to the bump and run.
He was just finishing his last message to John when Sarah walked back into the room. She said high teawas waiting in the informal dinning room. Dave hit the send key, logged off, and then followed Sarah to the dinning room. He was getting very familiar with the house layout now and was confident he could find his way.
High tea was another fabulous meal. A conservative amount of salmon was cooked to pink perfection and served with bright green vegetables and white rice. Tea cakes followed the main course and Dave noticed that the portions were smaller than the previous evening. He surmised this must have been what Sarah meant as high tea. He further guessed there would be more food at the formal dinner party. The Thurlows mostly talked about the evening's activities. They were leaving at eight o'clock and would not likely return home until after midnight. Dave thought how tired he would be in the morning but nodded attentively. After eating, he walked into the kitchen and thanked Margaret for the wonderful meal. She was surprised but pleased.
Dave found Lord Thurlow sitting in his study and asked if he could speak to him. Dave explained about not wanting to bother James or Margaret in the morning and Lord Thurlow reluctantly agreed to speak to them. Then Lord Thurlow asked Dave who he had golfed with and Dave told him. Lord Thurlow nodded and said, "I know them well. Did you have a good day?"
Dave explained he had some adjustments to make to the different style of golf but he had enjoyed the new experience. Dave eventually thanked Lord Thurlow then went back to his room.
It was just past seven-thirty so Dave decided to get dressed. He put on his pants and they fit perfectly. The shirt was next but Dave soon ran into trouble. He couldn't tie the bow tie. He finally gave up and went for his shoes - it suddenly dawned on him that he didn't have anything but white ankle-length golf socks. He laughed to himself as he pulled the shoes on without socks. He pulled on the vest and jacket then carried the bow tie and pocket square in his hand as he walked to Sarah's room.
He knocked on the door and heard shuffling then Roxanne peeked through a small opening. She saw Dave holding his tie and pocket square then smiled, "Just a minute." She closed the door and after a few moments opened it again and invited Dave inside. He walked in and was pleasantly surprised by Sarah's beautiful looks. She was wearing a formal white dress that accentuated her dainty physique. Her hair was pulled back and Dave was again drawn to her riveting green eyes.
He stared at her dumbfounded and she seemed to be looking at him quizzically. He finally mumbled, "You... look... You look gorgeous!" Her smile widened and she blushed slightly.
She eventually responded, "Having trouble with the tie? Let me help you. Mommy showed me how to fix Daddy's long ago."
She walked over to Dave, took the tie from his hand, put it over his head, and tucked it under his collar. She tied a perfect bow then adjusted his jacket and patted down his shoulders. She folded the pocket square and placed it carefully in his breast pocket. She stepped back and said to Roxanne, "Didn't I tell you he was ravishing."
Dave smiled then lifted his pants up for the girls to see his bare legs. Both broke out laughing and Sarah chided, "Very nice touch, Dave. I'll borrow some socks from Daddy."
She left the room as Roxanne stood back and continued to inspect Dave. She paced around looking at him from several angles, then finally walked over to him and whispered in his ear, "You look almost as good as you did this afternoon - almost, but not quite."
Dave was about to reply when Sarah's tapping shoes announced her return. He could only shoot an arched eyebrow at Roxanne.
Sarah handed Dave the black socks; he pulled them on, pulled his shoes back on, and stood up. He said, "Now, I'm all ready."
He and Sarah walked downstairs arm-in-arm and briefly waited in the front hallway for her parents. Lady Dianna's face light up when she saw them standing together and Lord Thurlow smiled warmly.

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