A Golfer's Dream: Book II - Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 11: Old Is New free porn video

Dave was staring at the ceiling when he heard, "Are you ready to go?"
He looked up at Sarah's pretty smiling face and replied, "Definitely, lead the way."
He followed her through the maze she called home and was actually pleased he started to recognize some rooms. They walked out a third backdoor and onto a large deck surrounding an expansive pool.
He quickly peeled off his tee-shirt and dove into the warm water. He surfaced and turned to see Sarah bashfully pull off her tee-shirt, walk to the shallow end, and daintily walk down the large pool steps. Her modest pink bikini looked pretty on her and he was surprised that she was not overly tanned. He first thought how, if he had a pool in his backyard, he would spend a lot of time relaxing and sunning. Then he thought about his golf and quickly realized he was much too busy to just lay by the pool.
Dave swam a few laps of the pool before he swam over to Sarah. He asked, "You don't look like you sun yourself very much. Do you swim or tan very often?"
Sarah replied, "No, actually I don't. I am very busy with my social club at school and I also do volunteer work at the local hospital. I keep very busy."
Dave had just stood up beside her and she saw the scar on his right shoulder. She was staring at it when she asked, "Does it hurt anymore?"
He touched his scar and replied, "No, not anymore." He noticed she was still staring so he added, "You can touch it, if you want."
Hesitantly she reached out and gently ran her fingers over the rough skin. Dave made sure he remained still but the first touch sent a little shock through his whole body. He wasn't sure why but he felt a tingly feeling as she softly caressed his shoulder. He was staring at her soft green eyes and tender-looking lips when she looked directly into his glazed-looking eyes and smiled, "I'm glad your golf wasn't ruined."
Dave chuckled, "That makes two of us. But I wouldn't change anything." He looked seriously at Sarah and gently took her other hand in his, "How have you been dealing with everything?"
Sarah got very teary-eyed emotional as soon as Dave asked and he pulled her into his arms to comfort her. She explained, "When it first happened I was so worried about you getting injured that I didn't think much about what had been done to me but after you went home, I thought more and more of what could have happened and I got very frightened."
She was crying on his shoulder and he was consoling her as she continued with her story, "I was very upset for a few weeks and Mommy took me to see a counselor. The counselor was a former rape victim herself and we had several long, detailed discussions about the whole incident. Even though I wasn't physically raped, I was violated and it took several months to deal with the pain and fear. I'm still nervous when I walk alone in public but now my maid Roxanne goes with me everywhere I go and that helps a lot."
Sarah collected herself a little and looked up into Dave's eyes, "I thank God every day that you were there to save me because I don't know if I could have dealt with being physically raped and, worse, had I got pregnant or caught an evil disease..." Sarah started to cry again.
Dave hugged her tenderly and whispered, "I'm happy I could be there for you." He held her for several minutes until she calmed down.
She finally wiped her eyes, stared down at the water, and whispered bashfully, "I promised myself I wouldn't cry while you were here - but seeing and touching you brought everything back."
Dave put his hand under her chin and lifted her head so her eyes were staring into his, "I'm glad I could be there for you then and I'm happy I can be here for you now. If you ever need anything, just ask - we're connected to each other now and I will always do whatever I can to help you." He could see adoration in her eyes and, before he really thought about what he was doing, he leaned into her and gently kissed her on the lips.
After only a few seconds of contact Sarah pulled back. She looked surprised; Dave at first though he had made a mistake kissing her - but he soon realized that she was not upset.
Sarah was happy he had kissed her but she suddenly felt very uncomfortable with the intimate situation and changed the mood by challenging, "I bet I can race you to the other end of the pool." She immediately swam away from him and he chased after her laughing and calling that she got an unfair head start. He caught her before the end of the pool and matched her strokes so they reached the end together.
The sexual tension had been successfully broken and the two teen friends played in the pool for over an hour. As they exited the pool an attractive young women walked out of the house with two towels and passed one to Dave before she helped dry Sarah.
Dave dried himself while he stole looks at the pretty woman he assumed to be Sarah's maid, Roxanne. She was taller than Sarah with a stockier build than Sarah who was very petit. Her hair was black and cut very short. She didn't wear any makeup but her natural beauty was almost stunning. The short, almost boyish looking hairstyle was very erotic and Dave's naughty mind began to race. Roxanne glanced over at Dave and caught him staring. A year earlier he would have turned away, embarrassed at being caught, but the new confident Dave smiled warmly. She returned the smile, than continued helping Sarah.
After Sarah was dry she introduced Dave to Roxanne, "Dave, this is Roxanne. She has become a very good friend in the six short months she's been helping me live my daily life."
Dave put out his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Roxanne. Any friend of Sarah's is a friend of mine."
Roxanne started to reach for his hand but seemed to catch herself; instead, she nodded to Dave and replied, "Nice to meet you, Sir. I have heard many favorable stories about you." Dave was surprised by her suddenly formal reply but smiled and nodded himself. Roxanne continued, "I brought a change of clothes for you, Milady. Would you like to change in the pool house?"
Sarah thanked her, "Yes, thank you Roxanne. Do you mind showing Dave to his room - so he can change for lunch? I don't think he quite knows his way around yet. Dave, I'll come up and get you shortly."
Dave nodded agreement with Sarah then followed Roxanne as she led him through the mansion. He enjoyed the view from behind the maid as he watched her hips sway seductively. He thought she must have known he was staring because her hips swished more and more as they got closer to his room. When they arrived in his now familiar hallway she walked to his door, turned and spoke softly, but very formally, "Your room, Sir."
Dave snickered at being called sir, he looked into her eyes and replied, "My father is the only one referred to as 'Sir' in my family. I realize you have to keep up appearances but when we're alone, would you please call me Dave?" She smiled and nodded. He then surprised her by taking her hand and kissing it as he said, "It's nice to meet you, Roxanne. I look forward to seeing more of you over the next two weeks."
Dave realized the double meaning of his words after he spoke them and smiled warmly. She actually blushed slightly and replied, "Thank you, Dave." Then she walked away leaving him standing by the door.
Dave strolled into his room then headed right for the bathroom and a refreshing shower. After cleaning the chlorine off, he stepped out of the shower, dried his body, and walked into his room drying his hair as he walked. He was half-way to the dresser when he heard a squeal from the bed. By reflex he dropped his towel to cover his crotch then glanced over at the bed where a very embarrassed and red-faced Sarah was staring at his naked body.
She started to stutter an apology as she looked down at her hands. Dave laughed to himself then boldly cut off her apology, "Don't apologize. I'm not embarrassed if you're not." Sarah stood and started to leave so Dave added, "You don't have to leave if you don't want to - I don't have anything to hide from you."
With a wry smile on her face she replied, "Okay." as she sat back on the bed. Dave casually walked over to the dresser and pulled out a clean pair of boxers. He stepped into them and then turned to face a smiling Sarah. "How should I dress for lunch?" She looked at him quizzically so he added, "Can I wear dress shorts or do I need dress pants?"
She nodded understandingly and answered, "Dress shorts are fine. We aren't too formal when we are home - unless we have guests."
Dave asked, "Am I considered a guest?"
She quickly replied, "Yes, a very special guest - but not one that requires formal dress attire. You may be closer to being family than you realize."
Dave walked to the closet and pulled out a pair of pressed dress shorts and a golf shirt. Once he was dressed he did a little turn in front of Sarah and asked, "Do I look okay?"
Her face turned red as she said, "I liked you better earlier."
Dave chuckled as he walked to the bed and sat down beside her. She was staring into his eyes when he leaned close to her and kissed her passionately. He noticed that she quivered in his arms as he pulled her close. The kiss was long and soft. As he pulled away he spoke in a soft whisper. "I have dreamed of doing that since the first time I saw you in Vancouver. You are very beautiful."
He kissed her again softly but their passionate moment was broken by an "Ahem!" sound from the door. They both looked quickly towards the open door and a smiling Roxanne informed them, "Lord Thurlow and Lady Dianna are awaiting your presence for lunch."
Sarah sighed, relieved that it wasn't her parents but deep down she knew they never ventured into this wing of the house. She bounced off the bed and pulled Dave towards the door. He slowed her and said, "I need something for my feet." He had noticed his sandals on the closet floor so he walked over and pulled them on before returning to the door and taking Sarah's hand as they followed Roxanne downstairs. Roxanne smiled knowingly at the two guilty teens before she turned and led the way to the informal dining room.
Lunch was filled with talk about the upcoming two weeks. Lord Thurlow suggested that Sarah take Dave for a little sight-seeing tour for the afternoon - making sure to stop off at Blackheath. He said he would call ahead to the pro, Harry Richardson, and make arrangements for him to meet Dave. Lady Dianna had a friend picking her up and a formal function to attend during the afternoon and Lord Thurlow had to go to his office, a company car was already waiting for him to finish lunch. They asked if Dave were tired and he said he was so excited about arriving that he was no longer tired in any way.
After lunch, Sarah asked James to have Raymond bring the car around front so she and Dave could go on their sight-seeing tour. Sarah then took Dave's hand and led him to the front door and then outside. Raymond was just pulling around the corner of the house and the two teens climbed into the back of the Rolls after Raymond opened the door for them. Sarah gave Raymond explicit directions then sat back with Dave. She hit a button which closed the window between the driver's seat and the passenger compartment. As soon as the glass reached the top she cuddled into Dave as if they had been lovers for years.
Dave enjoyed the tour which included Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. After several hours of touring, the Rolls pulled up a circular driveway with a wooden post and chain fence framing the road. They pulled in front of a large brick building. Raymond opened the door and Dave and Sarah climbed out and walked up the front steps. They found their way to the pro shop where Sarah asked for Harry.
Harry walked out of his office and welcomed Sarah and Dave. He explained that Lord Thurlow had called and arrangements had been made for Dave to have an open membership for two weeks. Harry further explained that many of the members who knew Lord Thurlow were aware that Dave was visiting and had said they would probably like Dave to join them for a round.
Dave thanked Harry and asked what time the driving range opened. Harry said it opened at six-thirty in the morning and remained open until eight-thirty at night. Dave nodded his understanding then declared he would be back in the morning. Harry told Dave to just advise him if he needed anything. Dave and Sarah both thanked him as they left the beautiful old clubhouse.
The drive home was filled with animated discussion as Dave exhibited his excitement about playing one of the oldest golf courses in the world.
Sarah and Dave filled the afternoon getting to know each other better. They had come together so quickly with instant trust but they truly didn't know each other very well. Supper was another informal meal with Dave, Sarah, and her parents. Lord Thurlow surprised both of the young people when he announced that he had made arrangements for Dave and Sarah to visit the south of France for a few days. He pointedly explained that Roxanne would be their chaperone and he had booked separate rooms at two different hotels, one in Marseille for the first night and one in Nice for the second and third nights. They would spend Sunday night in Marseille before spending Monday and Tuesday nights in Nice. They would return to London on Wednesday.
After supper Sarah talked excitedly about the trip. She had been to Marseille many times but never to Nice. She and Dave took a long walk through the grounds. They sat in a gazebo and talked about the trip then talked about each other's lives. Dave told Sarah about his exciting winter of hockey. She confessed she knew nothing about the game but was happy to hear his team had won a national title. She told Dave about her friends and her school - she attended a private school in London. She had a school uniform and all.
Dave teased her about her school uniform and said she would have to model it for him. They were cuddling as they talked and without thinking they started to kiss. The soft kiss grew more passionate and Dave was about to pull Sarah onto his lap when they heard an earth-shattering "Ahheemmm!" They both looked up startled and this time they were caught - Lord Thurlow was standing at the entrance of the gazebo with Lady Dianna under his arm.
Lord Thurlow asked, "May we join you?"
Dave and Sarah separated quickly and responded together, "Of course."
The Lord and Lady sat in the seat across from the teens and both Dave and Sarah were pleasantly surprised that they weren't chastised for making out. Dave was also surprised how informal Lord Thurlow became and he again understood what his father had meant that Lord Thurlow acts like a Lord but deep down he is just a good man. Dave knew he could never live a life where he had to act differently in public but he understood why Lord Thurlow had to.
The evening was a beautiful summer evening with a light warm breeze blowing through the trees. After talking for several hours, Lady Dianna asked Sarah to walk back to the house with her. Sarah stood up and gave Dave a strange look as if suspecting her parents were up to something, but left with her mother.
Dave was a little nervous speaking with just Lord Thurlow as he had never spoken to him alone. Lord Thurlow looked very seriously at Dave and began a speech he may have rehearsed several times in his mind, "Dave, after last summer I trust you as much as I trust anyone. I will never be able to fully repay you for what you did. You selflessly sacrificed yourself for my daughter, who at the time you hardly knew. You saved her from an unimaginable fate. I know you would never hurt Sarah but the truth is you are an intelligent, attractive young man and she is a very vulnerable young lady.
"Sarah has talked of little else beside you since last summer. She is irresistibly infatuated with you. I want to speak to you man-to-man. I love my daughter dearly and want only what is best for her. As I said, I know you are of very sound character so please be gentle and careful with her feelings. Your visit will pass quickly and soon Sarah will again be here in England while you are in Canada. I think we both agree that a long-term, long-distance relationship is unlikely if not impossible. I don't plan to lecture you but I would like to make one request of you."
Lord Thurlow spoke slowly and watched Dave's reactions; then he waited for Dave to indicate he understood. Dave nodded understandingly, so Lord Thurlow made his request, "Please don't rush into anything that might change both your and Sarah's lives. I know you understand what I am talking about. I'm not telling you what you can and what you can't do - I'm only asking that you think long and hard before you do anything irrevocable. Do you understand what I'm asking?"
Dave nodded and then surprised Lord Thurlow by standing and shaking his hand. Dave then explained, "Lord Thurlow, your daughter is very beautiful and I have quickly become very good friends with her. I promise I will not do anything rash. I have always been very considerate of my friends' feelings and Sarah is no different. I can see how she feels about me and the truth is I am quite enthralled with her as well - but I will not rush into anything. I promise."
Lord Thurlow shook Dave's hand then released it, "Thank you, Dave. I appreciate your frankness." The two men then walked back to the house talking about Blackheath. Dave asked about getting to Blackheath and Lord Thurlow explained that Raymond would drive him. Dave asked if six-forty-five was too early in the morning. Lord Thurlow asked why so early and Dave explained his morning routine from the previous summer and that he wanted to begin it again starting the next day. Lord Thurlow said that Raymond would not mind the early outings for two weeks and that he would be waiting for Dave in the morning. He further explained that he would have James wake him at six-fifteen for breakfast. Dave thanked him and said he could find his own breakfast but Lord Thurlow would hear none of it.
Once inside, Dave excused himself by explaining he was finally tired. Lord Thurlow asked if he knew his way and Dave said he thought he did. Dave wandered through a few rooms until he found a stairway. He climbed the winding oak stairs then stared down the two hallways in either direction.

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