A Golfer's Dream: Book II - Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 32: The Dream Comes True free porn video

Dave woke shortly after six o'clock after a very restful sleep. He had dreamt about being together with both Jennifer and Katherine and he had a raging hard-on when he woke. He got up and went to the bathroom before he went to the fitness room. He decided not to work with weights today but instead just ride the bike. He rode the bike hard for thirty minutes before jumping in the pool for a short brisk ten minute swim.
He was back in the room by seven and as he stood in the shower his mind wondered back to his dream of his beautiful blonde girlfriend between his black haired girl's legs. His raging hard-on was back and he couldn't resist stroking himself to a wonderful orgasm.
He finished cleaning his hair and body before exiting the shower relaxed and ready for a big day playing a round with Vijay Singh. He brushed his hair and his teeth before he walked out of the bathroom. Roger was just waking and stumbled into the bathroom still half asleep. Dave dressed while his father showered and was watching a sports channel when Roger emerged from the bathroom rejuvenated.
They ate a good breakfast before driving to the golf course. Dave went straight to the practice range and hit balls for forty-five minutes before going to the practice green and putting. The number of pros around today was significantly fewer. Dave felt good about his putting when his name was called with Vijay Singh to report to the first tee.
Dave strode to the tee with Roger right beside him. Dave was full of confidence and ready to compete. Vijay was already at the first tee and as Dave walked onto the tee he shook the man's hand. Dave was surprised that Vijay was almost as tall as him and looked to be a very similar weight. He also noticed the heavy accent which he knew came from Vijay's native Fiji Islands.
After exchanging cards and well wishes with Vijay, Dave walked to his father and got his driver out to take a few practice swings. After the group in front of them reached the first green the PGA official announced Vijay's name and the highlights of his victories. There was a large crowd around the tee and they applauded Vijay after his introduction. Vijay hit a perfect and long drive down the middle of the first hole.
The official announced Dave's name and listed his recent tournament results. The crowd cheered even louder for Dave. Dave moved onto the tee and placed his tee in the ground. He stood behind the ball in his normal pre-shot routine. After deciding on his line he stood over the ball and visualized his shot. He drew the club back and hit a huge drive down the first hole - the ball started down the right center of the fairway and drew to the left center. The ball rolled twenty yards past Vijay's big drive and as the crowd went crazy, Dave heard that familiar, "You're the man, Dave."
Dave picked up his tee and smirked at his father. Roger grinned back and took the driver and placed it back in Dave's golf bag. Dave and Roger strode down the first hole fairway side-by-side. They reached Vijay's ball first and it was right beside the one hundred yard marker. Dave looked at his ball twenty yards farther and immediately decided he would hit a partial pitching wedge shot. He briefly thought about his vacation in England and how he had learned to play partial wedge shots in order to play the bump and run style common in England. He briefly thought about Sarah and Roxanne but was shaken from his reverie when he heard the crowd cheer Vijay's great shot. Dave looked at the green and saw Vijay's ball very close to the hole.
Dave walked over to his ball and tore some grass from the ground and threw it in the air to confirm the strength and direction of the wind. While Dave was confirming the wind, Roger stepped off Dave's distance and informed him that he had seventy-two yards to the front of the green and the hole was fifteen feet from the front and five feet from the left side. Dave noticed that a large portion of the fans that had been standing around the first tee had followed them down the fairway. He wondered if they were following him or Vijay.
Dave pulled out his pitching wedge and decided a nine o'clock swing on his distance gauge would be appropriate. Dave focused on his shot, visualized the flight of the ball then drew the club back smoothly. He drove through the shot and nipped the ball off the short fairway grass. The ball landed three feet past and one foot right of the hole; it took one bounce then sucked straight back finishing one foot from the hole. The crowd cheered much louder than they had for Vijay and Dave waved thanks to them as he handed his wedge to his father who passed him his putter. Dave strode to the first green brimming with confidence. He now knew the fans were mostly supporting him and that made him feel even better.
Dave and Vijay sank their short birdie putts. Both players seemed to feed off each other's good play and, when they eventually walked off the eighteenth green, both had shot incredible five under par sixty-five's. Dave and Vijay shook hands and Vijay told Dave he really enjoyed playing with him. They walked to the scorer's tent together and, after verifying and signing their cards, they wished each other luck on the final day.
Randy was smiling at Dave as he exited the scorer's tent and Dave simply nodded and walked behind the RCGA official. Roger walked right beside him until they reached the entrance. Dave immediately noticed that the crowd of reporters was even larger today and he took his seat behind the microphones. The same RCGA official who had introduced him the previous two days repeated his introduction then invited a question.
The first reporter stood up and asked, "Dave, your bio says you are only sixteen and will turn seventeen very shortly. Did you ever imagine that you would come to a PGA sanctioned event as a sixteen year old and shoot the lowest round currently recorded in the tournament?"
Dave grinned and replied, "A little over a year ago I was dreaming of just making the QAI junior team. This whole year and in particular this tournament is beyond imagination."
The official pointed at another reporter who asked, "You and Vijay seemed to feed off each other out there today. Do you think you helped each other play well?"
Dave answered, "Vijay Singh is an incredible golfer. To tell you the truth last night when I found out I was playing with him I was surprised that I had played as well as a player of his caliber. I came to the course very confident and the huge supportive crowd helped me a lot as well. But to answer your question I would definitely say we challenged each other, today. I know I was telling myself that if I could compete with Vijay I could play with anyone." Dave then smiled and elaborated, "And I bet Vijay was saying, "I can't let this kid beat me.""
The reporters laughed before the official pointed to another reporter. The interview continued for fifteen minutes with more and more reporters waving their arms to ask questions. The official eventually announced, "The last question will go to Steve Robinson from ESPN."
Steve looked at Dave and asked, "You said yesterday that you are planning on going to college next year. After your very strong showing this week have you considered turning pro immediately?"
Dave faked a thoughtful look and looked over at his father whose face had turned very pale with concern. Dave immediately laughed into the microphones, "If you look to the right side of the room you will see a man whose face is as white as a sheet and he looks like he is about to be nauseous. That is my father and as you can tell he is mortified by your suggestion." Dave laughed again as all the reporters stared at his father and most began laughing. Dave continued, "Dad and I have talked about my future extensively and we both agree that a college education is very important and will definitely be my priority next year. No, I do not intend to change my plans." Dave smiled at his father, "You can start breathing again, Dad."
The reporters laughed again and the same reporter pleaded with the RCGA official for a follow up question. The RCGA official nodded so Steve asked, "How does your father rank as a caddy?"
Dave grinned and replied, "I could easily make a joke and Dad would know I was just having fun but the truth is I have had a spectacular week here in Hamilton and I owe it all to my Dad." Dave's eyes got misty as he elaborated, "I have watched and idolized a lot of the golfers I am now playing with and that is great but having my father, who is my true hero, carrying my bag and helping me is the best dream I could ever have." With a tear running down Dave's check he turned towards his father and finished with, "Thanks, Dad." After a short pause Dave added, "Thanks to Mom too. She's my hero as well."
The whole room was so silent Dave could hear himself breathing. He looked at the reporters who looked at him and then at his father. Finally the RCGA official broke the silence with, "Thank you, Dave."
Dave stood and nodded to the reporters before he walked to his father and hugged him. They left the tent together. Vijay was standing at the entrance and he simply patted Dave on the shoulder as Dave walked out with his arm around his father.
Once they were out of the tent Dave whispered, "I meant every word of that, Dad. Thank you for supporting and loving me. I owe everything to you and Mom."
Roger simply answered, "Thanks Dave, you make us proud too." Roger felt a need to change the subject and added, "Let's go eat, I'm starved."
Dave and his dad drove to a steakhouse. As they entered the restaurant a man with his son walked up to Dave and asked for his autograph. Dave nodded and signed the paper. He asked them if they played golf and both nodded. Dave looked at the boy who looked to be about ten years old. Dave explained, "I had to practice a lot to get as good as I am and I still have to practice a lot to maintain my game, so don't forget to practice, okay?" The boy nodded excitedly and the man thanked Dave as they walked away.
Dave grinned at Roger as they entered the restaurant. They ate a large meal before going back to the hotel. Dave watched the results of the open for an hour and was disappointed to see that Chris Baryla had struggle and shot seventy-seven. The last groups were still on the course when Dave decided to go to the fitness room and workout. He was really pumped from his day on the course so he did a full workout before getting on the bicycle and riding hard for forty minutes. His legs were like rubber as he climbed off the bike and after a ten minute rest he climbed in the pool and pushed himself hard for another thirty minutes.
As he exited the pool he saw a familiar face sitting in a lounger. He smiled at Jeff Sluman and asked, "How did you do today, Jeff?"
Jeff grinned back at Dave and replied, "Not nearly as well as you. That was a helluva round you played today - sixty-five, wow." Dave nodded thanks as Jeff continued, "I shot seventy-one which puts me six strokes behind you. Charles Howell III was just having a fair day but Tanaka was playing good when I left so I imagine he will be the player to catch. You're going to be close though."
Jeff then nodded at the pool, "I see you're still working out hard. Your eyes have pretty well cleared up as well."
Dave agreed, "Yes my eyes are better and I find working out helps keep my mind off golf."
Jeff and Dave talked about the course and about their rounds in detail. After a half hour Dave finally said he had to get back to his room. They wished each other luck as Dave left. Dave thought how incredible it was to talk to Jeff Sluman just the way he would a fellow junior after a local tournament.
In the room Roger was still watching TSN. He told Dave that Tanaka finished at seven under par, two stokes ahead of Dave. Dave was tied with Brad Faxon, Fred Funk, Tom Pernice Jr. and Charles Howell III for second. Dave called the course and found out he was in the second last group at 1:45 and he was playing with Brad Faxon. Dave just shook his head as he thought about playing with Faxon - he still couldn't believe he was competing with the best in the world.
Dave and Roger ordered a pizza for supper then relaxed and watched a movie. Just before bedtime Dave called Jennifer and she was very excited for him. He asked how school was going and she told him good. They talked for fifteen minutes before Dave told her he loved her and would see her soon.
He then called Katherine and she was really excited explaining that she watched all the highlights of his round and his interview. She told him how handsome he looked in his dress pants and how his eyes looked much better. He asked how the Missiles were doing and she said they won an exhibition game the night before. Dave told her he loved her and would see her Monday at school. He and Roger were flying home Monday morning and because Dave had already missed the first week, he was going right to school. Katherine said she loved him and would see him there.
Roger then called Carol and Dave spoke to her. She was very proud of him and thanked him for his comments about her and Roger. Dave told her he loved her and would see her on Monday. Roger spoke for a half hour before he eventually hung up and they turned out the lights.
Dave thought a lot about being tied for second place. He tossed and turned for a couple hours before he focused on Jennifer and Katherine and managed to fall asleep. He slept fairly well and didn't wake until shortly after seven. He got up, went to the fitness room, and did a mild workout before he jumped on the bike and cycled for twenty-five minutes. He then climbed in the pool and swam for twenty minutes. He was tired but not worn out when he exited the pool.
He went back to his room and showered. Roger was already awake and had showered. Dave finished his shower and got dressed. He started to feel nervous as he pulled on his dress pants and his Hornsby golf shirt. He and Roger went out to a restaurant for breakfast. Dave managed to eat a good meal before they went to the course. Dave hit practice balls for ninety minutes before putting for an hour. He was getting more and more nervous as his tee time seemed to take forever to arrive. Roger suggested they get away from the course for a while so they went to get something to eat. Dave hardly ate as his stomach didn't feel settled enough to keep the food down. They returned at twelve thirty and Dave was still anxious to start playing.
He went back to the practice range and hit balls to make sure he was still loose then returned to the putting green and hit a few more putts. He found time was going very slow and he was happy when he finally heard his name called to the first tee. He and Roger walked there and met Brad Faxon. Dave and Brad exchanged cards and waited for the group in front of them to get on the first green.

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