McKayla's MiracleChapter 4 free porn video

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I awoke with McKayla spooned up behind me. Her breath was warm against my neck. One arm was draped around me, cupping my breasts.

I lay there for a long time, wondering what I had done the night before. I had taken another woman as my lover. I didn't have anything against lesbians or homosexuals. I only knew a few, and they seemed just the same as anyone else. I liked guys then; I still do today.

Yet, that first morning I woke up in McKayla's bed, I knew there was no turning back. She had spoiled me.

I could count the number of lovers in my life on two hands. Some were good in bed. Some were not. Yet all of them were ultimately out for one thing: themselves. When a guy has sex, he is pretty much guaranteed an orgasm.

For the girl, it's different. We need to be built up. Slowly. I had a boyfriend in college who was very good in bed. But even then, sometimes he just used me to get off. I truly didn't mind, because our good trysts outnumbered the bad, and he was a pretty good guy. I think we would have been more serious if the Marine Corps Reserve hadn't activated him and sent him overseas.

My ex could be good if he wanted something. He could be bad if he just needed to bust a nut. Right after I moved to the beach, I went out with a guy who was a jackass most of the time but he had a "magic penis." He could do wonders with that thing and he could last for hours. He was my fuck buddy.

But none of them were even close to being in the same league as McKayla.

She did everything right. Even when she was touching or kissing me with just a hint of desperation, she never pawed at me. My breasts weren't speed bumps on the way to my cunt. When she touched me, it wasn't just to get me wet enough to slip it in; she primed me up and sent me over the top. She didn't eat me out thinking that it would automatically entitle her to a blowjob.

No, McKayla spoiled me for all men on that night. As I lay next to her, I knew that she was the one for me. In the soft light, I wondered if I could hold on to her.

The sun had just come up, its rays trying to creep in from behind the drawn curtains. I rolled over on my back. McKayla's head fell on to my shoulder. She looked so content. Her breathing was slow and steady.

My hand brushed the hair out of her face. She purred in her sleep.

I pushed her on to her back and rolled over on to my side. The top sheet fell away, exposing one of her wondrous breasts. I cupped it in my hand. Beneath her soft skin, it was firm.

The nipple hardened when I pinched it. A sleepy gasp escaped her lips. Leaning over, I gave her a soft, gentle kiss.

She tasted slightly of wine mixed in with a little bit of me.

"Good morning," I whispered.

McKayla smiled dreamily. "Yes, it is."

My hand hadn't left her chest. She bit her lip when I squeezed her breast, a little harder this time.

Her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer. We shared a long, sensuous kiss. Our naked bodies pressed together.

I rolled on top of McKayla, pushing the sheet away and straddling her hips. I felt the soft mound of her pussy brush against mine. That reminded me of the night before and the burning lust I felt between my legs that only the woman beneath me could quench.

We kissed some more, a little longer and a little harder each time.

Her hands roamed by body. I loved the tenderness of her touch. It was gentle and eager at the same time.

I began to kiss my way down her body as she had done to me the night before. I wasn't in any hurry. I wanted to appreciate her beauty. Slowly.

She moaned as I took control. I didn't really know what I was doing. Instead, I just let my hands and mouth roam, doing all the things to her that I liked having done to me.

My lips lingered on her collarbones. She gasped and stuck her chest out for me.

McKayla's nipples showed her excitement. Hungrily, I took her breast in my mouth.

"That feels so good," she gritted her teeth to keep from crying out.

Her hips started to grind against me in a familiar rhythm. I pressed back against her. We started to grind and hump against one another. It didn't matter that my pussy was empty.

Just having my lover close excited me. The motion started that tingle between my legs. She thrust her chest forward and I suckled on her breast. All the while our hips moved in tandem.

With every nibble McKayla moaned a little louder. When I squeezed her breasts like ripe melons, she gasped with a little more enthusiasm.

I had to have her in my mouth. I wanted to know what she tasted like. I needed to give her as much pleasure as she had given me.

McKayla let out a disappointed sigh when I pressed her body flat against her bed. I wedged one of my knees between her legs and pushed them so they were spread wide for me.

I looked down at her neatly trimmed pussy. Her body was splayed out beneath me. My hair hung down and I brushed the tips against her skin.

She closed her eyes and smiled. Planting a series of light kisses down the sensitive sides of her body, I worked my way down, taking care not to rush.

Every inch of her body was sexy and I savoured her, my first sapphic lover. Her skin was so soft.

"Oh, that feels so good," she purred. I bit her gently right above the hip, drawing another, louder, moan and a sharp gasp.

I felt her hands running through my hair. I know she wanted to grab me by the ears and plant my face right in her pussy—that's what I had wanted the night before when our positions were reversed—but she didn't. She was letting me take my time.

My lips left a line of slobbery kisses along her flat belly. I made sure to blow gently on her skin, making the hairs stand up.

"Mmmmmm ... I like that," McKayla whispered.

I smiled to myself, happy to be pleasing her.

My next move was to kiss the inside of her thighs, right below the hip. That drives me crazy. And not just a little bit. It makes me in-fucking-sane.

And it had the same effect on McKayla.

She inhaled sharply and thrust her hips forward. Her head was thrown back, her eyes closed.

"Did you like that, too?" I asked, teasingly.

"Fuck, yeah." Her voice was trembling.

I inhaled the scent of her pussy. It was sweet and pungent. Her pussy was sopping wet and I was happy to have made her that way.

Her labia were swollen, the folds of her pussy was a bright pink against her dark, tan skin.

The previous night had been the point of no return for me. I looked up at her one more time. She lay there, looking back at me.

Her eyes were full of lust and desire. I wanted so desperately to please her. As she had done to me the night before. But not just to bring her physical pleasure. I wanted to make her loneliness go away. I wanted to give her the love and comfort she deserved.

As I had realised last night, I knew I wanted McKayla to be my love.

Her eyes hooded over as my mouth descended on her pussy. It was slick with anticipation.

My stomach was a bundle of nervous energy. A month ago, this was something I never would have imagined myself doing. Yet there I was, not only about to go down on another woman for the first time, but feeling eager to do so.

I hoped I wouldn't disappoint her.

One of the things I always hated when guys were giving me oral sex was when they rushed. For them, I think eating a girl out is just some foreplay before getting to the fuck.

So I tried to take it slow. I remembered all of the things I liked and did them on McKayla.

There was lots of tongue involved. She moaned and bucked her hips into my mouth.

When she would draw in her breath I knew I had done something right. When her body tensed, I made sure to file that move away for future use.

Her eyes were closed, her head thrown back. Those perfect breasts fell slightly to the sides. Her nipples were erect, the areolae wrinkled pinches of flesh.

"Oh, yes!" she cried out as my tongue lovingly massaged her swollen clit. My hands were underneath her ass, lifting her slightly off the bed.

I continued to work her over, trying to avoid going to fast, but also trying to build her up to a climax.

"That feels so good, Amberle," she whispered. I felt her hands brushing through my tangled hair. "So ... fucking ... good..."

My tongue moved faster, brushing over the sensitive nub. Her breaths were coming shorter.

The rise and fall of her chest was more pronounced.

Her moans were louder. More intense.

"That's it ... right ... right there!" Her head thrashed from side to side. My excitement grew as her grip on my hair became tighter.

I remembered something McKayla did to me the night before. I took two fingers and entered her. That brought a surprised—but delighted—gasp.

She continued to moan, a little louder each time, as I penetrated her, slowly at first, then in rhythm with my mouth.

"Jesus ... oh, god," my lover mumbled. "Oh! ... Yes, right there ... just ... like that!"

Inwardly, I smiled to myself, happy that my first experience giving head to a girl was much more satisfying than my first experience with a guy.

McKayla ground her pussy in my face, trying to meet each pass of my tongue with her clit. She arched her back and I knew she was close.

"Fuck ... fuck ... fuckfuckfuck," her voice devolved into a stream of unintelligible sounds, each louder and faster than the last.

With one final cry, McKayla threw her head back on her pillows. She released my hair and began pawing around the bed, looking for the first thing she could find and hold on to. She made a sound that was a mixture of lust and desire. Pure, unmitigated bliss.

Her pussy flooded with juices around my fingers. My tongue lapped up all I could for as long as her orgasm went on. It seemed like forever as she continued to cum.

McKayla's moans gradually subsided and I let up on her. Soon, the only sound in the room was her ragged breathing.

I continued to gently kiss and nibble around her pussy. Softly. Gently. Just to tease her a little bit more. I withdrew my fingers from her velvety folds and tasted my lover. She was sweet and delicious.

With one final kiss to her clit, I crawled up the length of her body. I brushed her hair out of her face and brought her lips to mine.

Our kiss was hungry, yet tender. She wrapped her arms around me and we held each other. I felt her round breasts pressing against mine. Her fingertips ran up and down my back.

Every now and then our lips pressed together. McKayla nuzzled up against my neck, her teeth digging slightly into my skin. I sucked on her earlobe, just hard enough to draw a squeal of delight from my lover.

We must have stayed in bed for an hour, not speaking, just content to be in each other's arms. The sun was well over the horizon and McKayla lifted her head just enough to look at the clock.

With a regret-filled sigh, she sat up, but not before stealing one more kiss from me. Her hair was a glorious mess. I admired her tanned, naked body.

She looked into my eyes, a glimmer of hope and something else on her face. "Are you hungry? Can I make you something for breakfast, or would you like to go out for brunch later?"

"I thought you were breakfast." I took her hand and pulled her back onto the bed with me. After a night of passionate lovemaking, I didn't want her to be out of my reach. I kissed her hard, but she pulled away from me. Frustration welled up from within me.

"I've, um ... I've got to go to church in a little bit," she said. Clearly, she didn't want to leave me either, and that made me feel a little bit better. At least I wasn't that bad in bed. "Would you like to come with me?"

The look I gave her was one of bewilderment and uncertainty. I had given up going to church when I was in middle school. My folks went some when I was little, but after mom died, dad never went back except on Christmas Eve and Easter. I called myself a Presbyterian, but in truth, sleeping off Saturday night's excitement was more interesting to me than a boring Sunday morning service.

"I didn't bring anything to wear," I uttered the first excuse that came to my mind.

McKayla smiled wistfully, seeing through my bullshit. "God doesn't care about your clothes, silly. You don't have to go; I won't be long."

I felt awkward. On the one hand, I didn't have any real reason not to go. My motivations were purely selfish. I didn't want to be with anyone other than my new lover. I didn't want to be anywhere except next to McKayla in her bed.

She was also Catholic and that presented another set of quandaries. The papal stance on homosexuality was well-known and pretty much non-negotiable. And since we had spent the past day or so doing nothing but having homosexual sex made me not want to be in their building.

Yet at the same time, I knew that going to church was something that was important to McKayla. I also knew she was going with or without me. I took her hand and we stumbled out of the comfortable bed.

We shared a quick shower that was highlighted by some playful flirting, some not-so-playful groping and a little bit of soap. I ruffled through my bag and found a skirt and blouse outfit that was presentable. McKayla was dressed in a yellow sundress that only made her more radiant. Her hair was pulled back. I admired and envied her beauty at the same time.

The service was a typical mass. For me, that meant boring with lots of Latin that I didn't understand. I followed McKayla's lead when she stood, knelt and sat. The service wasn't packed, but it wasn't empty either. I looked around nervously, especially after I inadvertently slipped my hand inside hers at one point during the sermon.

I withdrew it a second later, afraid that maybe we'd be stoned or cast out as the priest was saying mass. It was an odd experience for me. I was used to showing my affection for my lovers publicly and without shame. Now, I had to watch myself. I chewed on my lip as the full implications hit me.

If what McKayla and I shared was more than a one night fling, if we really had something, could I live my life hiding some secret? What would my family think? Would I lose my job because of this? Could we go out in public and hold hands or kiss and not worry about someone taking a swing at us?

As I looked over at McKayla, who wasn't paying any attention to my silent musings, I realised that my life was at a crossroads. The only question was what I was going to do.

The service ended as I was in the middle of my contemplations. We go up to leave. Several people stopped by to greet McKayla. She introduced me as her "friend".

Is that what I was? Her "friend"? I stood by, trying not to look obviously infatuated with her, but at the same time, not wanting to appear aloof or snobby. I smiled a lot and didn't say much.

The people at her church were warm and friendly. A part of me felt as if each one were scrutinising me, as if they knew and were going to shout it out at any moment. But they said nothing of the sort and soon we were back in her car. The top was down and our hair whipped around in the warm breeze. We held hands.

"Want to go out or get something at home?" she asked.

I just shrugged. I didn't care as long as I was with her.

She drove back to her house and made a full breakfast. Once again, she wouldn't hear of me helping her out. I sat on a barstool at the end of her counter as she talked and cooked.

McKayla set a plate of bacon, eggs, hashed browns and toast down in front of me. "Thanks for going to church with me, Amberle. You didn't have to and I appreciate that."

I began to nibble at my food. There were some things I wanted to ask, but I didn't know if this was the time. I looked up and her eyes were on me. They seemed to bore right through me.

"You're wondering why I go, aren't you?" she said softly.

My reply stuck in my throat. She flashed a knowing smile.

"I wonder that a lot myself."

"Why the Catholic church?" I blurted out. "Why not one that's more..."

My voice trailed off.

"More what?" she asked, an impish grin on her face. "More gay?"

I was relieved that she could at least find something funny in this conversation. "Well ... yeah."

She shrugged. "I grew up Catholic. It's not something you just give up. They're not so bad ... despite what you think about the Pope."

I blushed and looked away.

Neither of us spoke for a long while. I searched for the right words. "I just don't know that I could stick around people who condemned me or my lifestyle. How can you go to a church that says that the most basic part of your life is a sin?"

Had I just pushed my luck with McKayla too far?

She had a thoughtful look and smiled reassuringly at me. "We're all sinners. Every one of us. If not for being a homosexual, then for coveting or stealing or whatever. Our lives are filled with sin, and it is only through the Grace of God that we are saved. I am reminded of that Grace every time that I go to church. I guess I could go to a different church, but there is something..."

Her gaze grew distant for just a second.

"There's something comforting about the rituals and liturgy of the Catholic Church," she continued. "I've been worshiping that way all my life. Some people think that our services are staid and boring and not very contemporary, but I like its regularity. I like that I know when to stand up, sit down and sing. Sometimes ... sometimes, I think that predictability is what has kept me sane..."

I reached out and touched her hand, wondering how much she was going to open up to me today. I wanted to let her know how much I appreciated the trust she was showing in me.

For a second she was silent, as if lost to a memory. Then she blinked and was back in the present. "I go to that church because they're actually pretty friendly towards gays and lesbians. Oh, not openly, Father can't come out directly in opposition to the Pope, but for the most part, that parish is much more open-minded than mainstream America would like you to believe about Catholics."

"So why does the church so vehemently oppose homosexuals?" I asked. "Not that I want you to speak for Catholics everywhere."

McKayla chuckled. "Why does any church oppose homosexuality?"

I shrugged.

"Because every church is one generation away from extinction," she replied. "If you are a church—Catholic, Mormon, Baptist, Muslim, whatever—what's the best way to ensure the world will always have Catholics, Mormons, Baptists or Muslims? You make more. Churches have always relied on raising young people in the faith to serve as the next generation. Conversion will bring a few new members, but for the most part, the way most churches propagate themselves is—pardon the expression—by breeding more."

"Why does that make gay people a threat to civilization?" I asked.

"It doesn't," McKayla replied. "That's what makes gay people a threat to the church, not civilization. What's the one thing straight people can do that gay people can't?"

"Have babies."

"Exactly," she smiled, seeing that I was catching on. "The Catholic church believes that the sole purpose of sex is to make more babies. That's why they oppose abortion, birth control and homosexuality. All of their arguments revolve around making more Catholic babies to perpetuate the church. In the sixties, there were a handful of 'churches' that advocated celibacy for all their members. They died out ... literally. Not only did they not make more members, but who wants to go to a church where you have to give up sex?"

We both shared another laugh.

"So why do some Catholics not mind homosexuals?" I asked.

"I guess they feel that the world is already over-populated," McKayla replied with a smirk. "God made us in His image. That includes people who are black, people who are white, people who like dogs and people who don't like sushi. And it includes gays and lesbians. God loves me, despite all my flaws and no matter who I have in my bed."

She squeezed my hand.

"When you hear people say, 'God hates fags' and other shit like that, they're not speaking for God," my lover said, "They're speaking for themselves. They've read His Word and have interpreted it one way, but you can use the Bible to justify just about anything."

"Like what?" I said. Not only was McKayla beautiful, but she was smart, too.

"People have used the Bible to justify slavery, misogyny, you name it. And lately, homophobia." Our breakfast was forgotten. She took my hand and led me to the back of her house, past her bedroom.

In one of the spare rooms, she had set up a small private office. In another, there were stacks and stacks of books. McKayla is a neat person. Think of every anal-retentive accountant stereotype you know and that's her.

But this room was unlike any other in her house. Along one wall, a set of mahogany bookshelves stretched from the floor to the ceiling. The shelves were filled with books of all types, but that wasn't all. On the floor, on tables, in boxes. Books were everywhere. They weren't messy; everything was in an ordered pile, but it seemed to me that she was reading books faster than she could find space on the shelves for them.

Same as McKayla's Miracle
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Hello this is my first story I really hope you enjoy it I am a crossdressing truck driver and with my job I have a lot of time to enjoy dressing up in my truck. One night I was all dressed up in one of my sexy outfits watching some porn and thinking about trying to find a nice hard cock to suck. So I put an ad on Craigslist and got a few but none of them wanted to come to me then I got a message from a guy, he said that he was a driver and was at the truck stop. I ask him what he wanted to do...

2 years ago
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Her Blue Eyed Guy Part 4

Saturday morning… The past week had gone so slowly that both Daniel and Sarah were glad that it was the weekend. Neither had to be on set, so they had decided to have a long lie in bed, before heading to Sarah’s apartment to pack away some more of her things. Sarah stirred slightly in her sleep, but did not wake. Daniel was looking down at her, watching her sleep. Just like he had done every morning since she had moved in with him. He kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose. This caused...

Straight Sex
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Fantasy come true

The IntroductionThe night begins as any other for three good friends meeting up for a drink. The only difference is that all three are bi and all are totally hot for each other. Alex is sat next to Craig and opposite me. I am wearing a low cut top and Alex can't help but stare at my chest as I breath heavily, knowing all the time I'm thinking about how much I want to grab him and kiss him. Then Craig suggests a game of vodka shot drinking. We take random numbers and must drink the flavoured...

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Cuckolded by BlueCollar Cocks

This story is part two of my story ‘Sucking Blue-Collar Cock in a Storm’.  It would be helpful to read the first story, but I will provide a synopsis in the following three paragraphs which will allow this story to pretty much stand alone.My name is Ed, and in Part One, I described how my wife Sue and I were in our fifties and had just moved from Minnesota to Knoxville. We previously lived in a very tight knit community with lots of close friends and family so the move was rough for us. I...

2 years ago
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Just Like A Girl Part 8

Just Like A Girl Part 8 by Mellissa 43 Authors Note: A short chapter adding to the anticipation. Thanks for all the feedback it really makes it worthwhile to know some people are enjoying my first ever story! If you want to send feedback direct: [email protected] Chapter 8 My legs were aching but I wanted to ensure my nose stayed on the mark. I was sure the hour was up, then I heard John, "That's a good 45 minutes now for the final 15 it will be harder! But it will all...

4 years ago
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Secret Agenda

I arrived to find I was the youngest by at least twenty years among the grey suited grey haired men sat around the big boardroom conference table, and I was the only woman. Normally when I enter a room full of men I get that exciting little thrill from sensing their attention. I'm mid thirties, brunette, with a good figure and legs that I thought my white blouse and pencil skirt just above the knee were showing off nicely. This time I got just a subdued "Good morning Mrs Sanders" from the...

3 years ago
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worth the wait chapter one a new beginning

Kat stood in the corner where she had been told to wait. She had been sent here to prepare for her punishment. To think over what she had done. She had done that. There is only so much thinking about one topic one can do before the boredom sets in and your mind starts to wander. It had been a long time since she had been punished by Uncle Mike. In fact it had been years. She was too old to be treated this way and she would tell him so. As the time stretched into what felt like eternity her...

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An Evening out Or is that in

Monday, and Jenni and Dave were off out for the evening, the kind of evening they both loved as what would happen was always unpredictable. They were going to the Club Vistamar, an upmarket place that ensured it was out of reach of the unwashed and uncouth, which is why they went there. They wanted a cultured person.Jenni looked fantastic in a very short, Grecian style dress, deeply scooped under the arms, so much so that from the side you could catch a glimpse of her perky, braless breasts. In...

Wife Lovers
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The Academy Chpt 3

Flight attendant: Hello, we will be taking off soon for our flight to the tournament, we will be stopping twice for fuel but you six should be sleeping during those stops. We all buckled ourselves except for Matthew and Kevin who were sleeping together in a seat, we stowed are bags and got ready for a long flight. Will: Aren’t the twins just the cutest thing? All snuggled up together? Kyle: Yea totally. Adam: Yea they are. The plane took off and within minutes, the seatbelt sign went...

1 year ago
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Poem No Regrets

  A touch of skin, soft and slippery,With a hint of sweat,Eyes meeting briefly, begging for a chance,To abandon our uncertainties. You began your work on my lips,Probing gently, as if drawing sex,Then heated tongues met in the midst,Of quickening and hottening breath. Our clothes found resting place on the floor.Piece by piece,Until there were no hiding places,For our glistening bodies.   Then skin meshed with skin,And the floor became the stage.As a gasp broke the...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Sissy Summer SchoolChapter 13

I had already begun to regret agreeing to eat off the floor. It isn’t easy, and it is very messy to remain on all fours and just dunk your nose and mouth into a mushy bowl of food. My Aunt made me some Beef Chunky soup that I could lap up together with soft mashed potatoes. She cooled it so I didn’t burn my face when I dunked my nose and mouth in it to slurp it up. It was humiliating to eat it that way but I thanked her and she smiled at me. My Aunt Sam looked proud of me for eating on the...

3 years ago
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Being a slut of Moms boyfriend

It was my nineteenth birthday. A few hours earlier, I was enjoying the party with my friends, and now I was in my room, fucking my mom’s boyfriend, John. My panties were on the floor next to me, I was bending over the bed and John was fucking my ass from behind. I wasn’t a virgin, but he took my anal virginity. I wasn’t kinky but in the past one hour he had turned my ass red by spanking me hard. Earlier he was calling me a slut and now I was screaming and moaning, asking him to fuck me good as...

2 years ago
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Den of Iniquity Ch 04

While Claudio was speaking to the waiter, Chantelle and I finished our ports and a busboy cleared our table. The dull orange glow of the sun was no match for the lights of the city, and would soon give way to the night. I was wondering if I was becoming a nuisance. I looked at Chantelle, who was organising her handbag. "Chantelle, are you sure it's okay if I tag along again tonight? I don't want to overstay my welcome... or cramp your style." "Nonsense Roger, of course it's okay. You must learn...

1 year ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 26 Cooktown finally

Thursday Week 10 Jill woke early and rolled over to wake Dave saying "we better have breakfast as we have to leave soon." Dave, though, remembered his promise from last night and rolled over between her legs putting his tongue and fingers straight into her vagina. Jill gasped with delight as he worked quickly on her, licking, sucking, kissing, biting, fingering, doing everything he could to bring her quickly to her release. Fortunately she was more than ready and relaxed straight into the...

4 years ago
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Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 18

Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10.  You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts?  Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” his is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...

1 year ago
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My True Odyssey of Slavery and SubmissionChapter 2

Was it was a test? It had to be a test. Why else would he leave me here, spreadeagled and naked on the cold tiled floor? He wanted to see if I would do as I was told. My head was spinning with emotions but the rest of my body knew exactly what it thought of the situation. I was incredibly aroused. Slipping my fingers between my legs, they came up soaking wet. This only added to my confusion. Why was I so aroused? Was it the memory of the incredible orgasm Renaud had given me with his fingers...

3 years ago
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Camp Dsvid

Camp David I met him on a train. I was working on my laptop, and he walked past. He was incredibly fashionable and everything he had on looked like it had come out of the pack moments before. He had rather a sharp nose which was the only masculine thing that stood out. stood out through his hair. He wore very tight narrow legged black trousers, very highly polished pointy shoes, and a short tweed coat with sleeves so narrow you would have to have pipe cleaner arms to get it on. The coat...

3 years ago
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Lost At Sea Book 2 Drifters Chapter 17 Part 1

“So there was something under the water?” Captain Vex asked. “Yeah,” Will nodded, as he bolted down the last of the spotlight-lanterns on the railing next to the ship’s wheel. The other three hadn’t survived the fight on the prow. Captain Vex wasn’t thrilled about that, those lanterns were expensive. Will’s hands hurt badly, but he still had a bit more to do before he could let the doctor look him over. Besides, there were a lot of crew worse off than he was. “I started to figure it out when...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Bay Resort

This morning I was sleeping so hard and good. I was lost in an X rated dream. The kind of dream where your brain pulls out a deep dark fantasy that you've never told anyone and plays it out in perfect form with the hottest actresses and actors. Just when its getting to the best part, the part where things really heat up and you start to climax things stop. That bitch, Alarm Clock, starts screaming at you to get up and get going. This morning was different though. This morning was Masters...

3 years ago
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Sarah Part Fourteen

I woke around 10:00 a.m., showered, dressed and went downstairs. Maybe Sarah and Maggie would be in the mood to fool around again. Maybe not. The only way to know was to be present when the two emerged from Sarah’s room, if they had not already done so. Sarah’s door was closed. I started to make a pot of coffee when I noticed that Maggie’s car was no longer in the driveway. All of her photography equipment was gone as well. I sat at the kitchen table and waited for Sarah, assuming that she was...

Straight Sex
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Spanking School 8 Sexy Shae 1

Sexy Shae is a pilot in public, in private a personal fine friend from long love at long distance of ten hours.Sexy Shae is sometimes at Schphol for a short stop-over, but never ever came at coffee meeting me there.Sexy Shae is aware I am in Amsterdam, but prefers privacy above all. She does not want to risk her juicy job.Sexy Shae is commuting up and down in her hot long hauls across the Atlantic Ocean to me in Amsterdam.Sexy Shae shares her looks with me, "real time":...

3 years ago
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next morning

9am next morning george wakes me up standing next to the bed naked hard cock, i ask him wheres jimmy? jimmy took the dogs to the park... i told george i'm not doing anything without jimmy and to leave me alone, he wouldnt listen, he stuck his cock down my mouth and started fingering me, i went for it although i knew that if jimmy finds out its over! we fucked really rough he slapped me a lot and pulled my hair kissed me then spat in my mouth and told me to swallow! them on my face and slapped...

3 years ago
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Mom Had Too Much To Drink Part 2

I woke up first, mom was still out of it. She was laying next to me, naked and looking beautiful. I didn't want to disturbe her, so I quietly got up, slipped on some shorts and went out to the kitchen to get som coffee.I was sitting at the kitchen table, working on my third cup of coffee, when mom came wandering into the kitchen. I guess she thought she was at her house, because she came out naked. When she saw me sitting there, it gave her a bit of a scare at first, but then with a puzzled...

1 year ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 51

It was noon when we landed at Polokwane, but only after calling the men Andy had sent to verify everything was safe. The men were part of the crew that had come with me to kill the Prince. It almost looked like they were riding in some of the vehicles that were used by the Prince’s bunch of derelicts. They were! After we had killed the Prince, the Saudi investigators had instructed everything be placed in one of the aircraft hangars. After the investigation was completed, the Saudi’s - for...

3 years ago
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Having Fun In Dubai 8211 Part 4

Hi readers – this is my next story in the series of having naughty fun in Dubai with my colleague Surabhi. My earlier experiences with her can be found . This one did not end up in a fuck session. But we had a very erotic experience and amazing fun that I can never forget. That day in office, we had our annual awards function. Surabhi’s project won the best project in a category and she was beaming with joy. Lots of the employees were congratulating her and she was on cloud 9. I also wished her...

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Parents Again Part 2 Finale

The kids went out with the Walshes and Lees Saturday night so their parents could pack. They endured paparazzi disturbing their arrival at the museum, but had "Little Lee" blushing as Tracy kissed him on the lips to give them what they wanted. She happily whispered to him, "I don't mind looking like I'm your boyfriend, it's a nice feeling. Plus, you are pretty handsome. Maybe girls will start to notice you after they ask why you broke up with your 'girlfriend'." The museum was fun for...

2 years ago
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Another Sissy Husband 3

This is the conclusion of the story. For it to make sense, you should read the first two parts prior to reading this one. All characters are a product of my imagination and any similarity to any person, real or fictional is purely coincidental. I wish to thank Ananabelle Brito for reviewing an making meaningful suggestions, most of which I have adopted to make the story more readable. She has a great website. If you haven't looked at it I suggest that you do. The link is Forced...

1 year ago
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Desirees Star Ch 05

Desiree only cried harder when she heard a car in the driveway start, thinking that Gabriel was driving Jessica home. In her mind she could picture them fucking everywhere, in the car, at every stoplight, in Jessica’s room. She had totally forgotten that Jessica had driven her own car back to Desiree’s house. She sat on the floor with her head in her hands trying to figure out what the hell was happening to her. Things between her and Gabriel were going from bad to worse, and now they just...

2 years ago
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Wish Shift What Cant Be Unseen

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Four What Can't Be Unseen Year 1 A.S. Day 185 "He said what to you?" Danny asked L.J. "He said that both of us needed to be ready to leave school soon," L.J. said. "Do we really have to leave school now grandma?" he asked. "It just started up again and I don't need any more breaks if I am going to graduate with the rest of the class next year." The school's summer break had been shorter this year because of making up for the chaos that the Shift had...

1 year ago
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A Snowy Mounatin Road Part 2

Linda woke up as the sun began to rise, casting an orange cast over the inside of the car where they had slept soundly, despite the freezing cold. She almost didn’t realize that Harlan’s cock head had somehow ended up just inside her lips (considering the position they were still in, she blamed herself for that). Realizing how cold it was now that the car had been off overnight, she quickly pulled herself off of her new fuck toy and reached over to the ignition. Firing the Subaru back to life...

3 years ago
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names and a few other little details were disguised to protect the innocent. It’s not all sex and action, more about falling in love, and being in love. I tried to make the sex scenes sensual rather than blatant, so I don’t really care if it gets low ratings. However any feedback will be welcome. Her thirty second birthday had been a blast, it lasted three days. She couldn’t remember the last twenty four hours of it, but she knew that she had had a good time, if hangover was...

4 years ago
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School Lunch

As an early teen prefect at school I was allowed to leave school at a lunch-time, I used to go to an aunts for my lunch, usually just a sandwich or just a snack. During one time my aunt was having some building work, new kitchen extension to include a new bathroom upstairs. It was one lunchtime when I was desperate to visit the toilet for a pee, “ You’ll have to pee in a bucket” my aunt said. No problem I thought, until she brought a bucket out and held it and said, “Go on, it’s not if I’ve...

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Cowboy of Bangkok

All sorts of expatriate “characters” gravitated to Bangkok, Thailand, in the seventies and eighties, and none were more colorful than the man known simply as Cowboy. Cowboy was a six-and-a-half-foot black American stud, who was said to have been a pro basketball player of some note who had retreated to Bangkok in the face of possible charges for point shaving and racketeering. In Bangkok, Cowboy had built a small empire of girlie bars in the Phatpong tenderloin district, the most notable one...

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Cousins Night 2

She had always been very good looking, with D boobs, and if not very close, and an ass that would have you breaking your neck to get a good look. She had breast length brown hair, surrounding her sheerly beautiful face. A few scattered frekkels keep her looking young, but her lips and their fullness give away her age of 16. I looked at Jenn, who looked very serious about her question. Then I looked at Allison, who looked unsure about this whole thing, but I didn't mind having two of my...

2 years ago
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The Last Weekend before School

The Last Weekend before SchoolThis work is a fictional story, and is intended for the enjoyment of adults only. This is a sample of My New Story……Part 1 & 4. My Blog has all the other parts. But, the stories in My Blog can only be Read by those on My Friend List.If you are interested in Reading more…….sent Me a Friend Request, and I will consider adding you to my list.From Part 1:--------- Chapter 1Early Friday EveningPamie and Billy wrestling……The last weekend of Summer had Kim feeling...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 6

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. It was morning. I opened my eyes. There she is, still sleeping. But she has turned to her right now. Our heads are facing each other. Gosh! She looks so pretty! Her face looks really cute! My dick was...

1 year ago
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Janet gets sent to grandpas farm

Janet gets sent to grandpa's farmJanet had just turned 18 and told her parents she didn't want to go to school any more. She was a shy small girl only 4' 6' and the other girls made fun of her. Her mom and dad said " if your not going to school then we are sending you to your mom's step-dads farm to work." When she got there grandpa was in the barn. he showed her some chores she had to do around the farm and then said "Janet, why don't we take a little break for a while. Come sit on grandpa's...

3 years ago
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Tahiti A Dream Come Through

By Larry Malone I had scored a dream discount deal on a two-week last minute, deluxe Tahiti vacation all expenses paid. The Island paradise had been on my “bucket list” forever. The fact that I had a ready valid passport and unused accumulated flexible vacation time made it possible for me to take advantage of the opportunity when I heard from my travel agent to make it all perfect. By the first Saturday night on the Island, the end of my first week, I couldn't have been happier. I had...

2 years ago
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GameplayerChapter 21

Sam had given Hugh Fulcher the task of checking out service people who recently may have visited Emma Majeski's home. Using her checkbook record, Fulcher had located and interviewed three men -- a plumber, an electrician, and a chimney sweep -- each of whom acknowledged visiting Emma's home for service calls during the past four months. "Far as I can determine," Fulcher reported, "the plumber and the electrician got nothing to tell us. They're both solid citizens, and they don't come...

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