MenagerieChapter 36 free porn video

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I left the Stables shaking my head in disgust. That would explain why the trainers had so little stamina, if they were only doing it once a day and trying to hurry so they wouldn’t raise my uncles ire. Maybe I should arrange for a couple of my pets to go over and give lessons. A few of them would jump at the chance to teach the trainers to be better lovers. I would have to think about that for a couple days and see if the changes to the breeding schedules have any effect first.

At least it worked out with Debbie. I was sure part of her willingness to respond the second time was just her figuring if she was going to be punished anyway she should take advantage of it, but when she wasn’t punished tonight it would start to sink in. The other ponies will talk about what they saw and what I said. When they saw Debbie wasn’t punished, some of the braver ones should start responding slowly, to test if it is true. By the end of tomorrow, all the ponies would have heard about it at least. It may take a couple months before they all accepted it, but it was progress.

I walked around the Stables, looking for William. When I finally located him in one of the training rings, I waved him over. “How much do you have left today,” I asked as the two younger ponies he was working with nuzzled into me to be petted.

“Just conformation drills with Stacy and Kelly here,” he replied, nodding to the perky blonds I was petting. “Plus I still need to update the records for the other ponies from earlier today.”

“Give your paperwork to Periwinkle, and I’ll finish up the drills with these two. I need you to go into the office to talk with Antonio,” I told him. “I like the thin client idea for the new system, but I want to add tablets for the trainers. It will be far easier if they could update each pony’s records at their stall, instead of having to take notes and input them later in the main system.”

“That should be easy enough,” he said as he handed me the training lash. “We just need to find some rugged tablets that can take any extra abuse because of the location. You won’t really need that except to guide them. They’re both very well behaved.”

“I don’t think they would be any problem anyway,” I replied as I ran my fingers down their flanks. “You both want to be very good for Master, don’t you?”

They both whinnied and nodded their heads as they smiled at me. They were both at the age where they had fully submerged into their pony mode and had been at the beach days on several occasions. From the way they were rubbing up against me, I knew they both were hoping I would play with them after training.

“I will see you tonight at the twin’s party,” I told him as I lead the ponies into the center of the ring. “I know you are both excited to be working with me today. If you do well on your drills today, I’ll take care of both of you when we are finished.”

They smiled and nodded as Kelly stepped out to the end of her lead rope. When I tapped her hip with the lash, she immediately assumed the conformation present position. Head up, shoulders back, chest thrust forward, hands crossed at the small of her back and her feet exactly shoulder width apart. The bright smile on her face told me she knew her form was perfect as I tapped her hip again to start her walking.

I watched her walk around me for a moment, her perky C-cups and braids bouncing in time to her steps. After a couple circuits, I tapped her hip again to send her up to a trot. This was the hardest part for new ponies, as keeping your balance with the five-inch heels and your hands behind your back at a trot took a lot of practice. After a couple more circuits of trotting, I put the lash against her stomach to stop her, and she stopped perfectly in present position.

“That was perfect my dear, let’s see how Stacy does.” She whinnied as she stepped back and I picked up Stacy’s lead rope. I smiled as I led her through the same drill. Their form was perfect, as expected of any pony that had been with us more than six months. The conformation drills were more a way to keep them in practice than anything.

I alternated leading them through the drills for the next forty-five minutes, until they had a light sheen of perspiration from the exercise. “I think both of my ponies did perfectly today,” I told them as I gently rubbed them down with the towel William had left on the fence. “Would you like your rewards here, or would you rather go back to your stalls and take turns?”

They both snorted and shook their heads as they stepped up and molded their bodies against me. I smiled as I slipped my hands between their legs, and my fingers found their smooth silky folds. None of the younger ponies would choose to return to their stalls earlier than they had to. Even after I got them off, I would take them to the corral if there were other ponies there.

They were already wet for me, and moaned as I slipped my fingers between their lips and pushed deep inside of them. That was probably what irritated me most about the pony’s response to breeding. I knew they had normal sexual response, and would both be cumming in minutes from me playing with them. Yet my uncle had chosen to abuse them for showing it during breeding.

While they weren’t up to the standards of my personal pets, they were both quite pretty, and if I had more time I would take one of them into the breeding stalls after I was done playing with them. Maybe the next time I came down to the Stables I would take both of them. The rumors would have spread by then that it was safe to respond during breeding, and it would be easier to get them to let go.

I pushed my fingers deeper inside of them, searching for and then stroking their G-spots as my thumbs started to circle their clits. I smiled when I thought about how I had done the same thing to Cadence yesterday, but I wasn’t trying to draw it out this time. I had watched them get hotter as they went through their drills, anticipating the reward of having their Master play with them.

After a few minutes, they were both panting and clinging to me. I heard Stacy’s low drawn out moan followed by Kelly’s quiet little squeal as they both started to climax within seconds of each other. I gently stroked them through their climaxes, and then put my arms around their waists. They both made quiet little whinnying noises as they nuzzled in and planted little kisses along my neck.

“I think my little ponies were a bit excited today, but it looks like that calmed both of you down some. Would you like me to take you over to the corral, so you can run with the other ponies now?” They both nodded against my neck and kissed it again before they pulled away and stomped at the ground to show me they were ready.

I picked up the towel again and dried their juices off their thighs before picking up the lead ropes and leading them out of the ring. When I got to the corral, I took them inside and unhooked the lead ropes from their collars. With a light swat on their rumps, I sent them off to play with the other ponies.

I walked back out and handed the lead ropes to Aaron, who was monitoring the corral. “Let whoever picks them up know that they both had an extra orgasm today. They were a little excited to be working with me.”

“I kind of guessed that from the rosy glow they both have sir, but I’ll let them know,” he replied. “I was surprised to see you leading them in though. You don’t work with the ponies very often.”

“No, but I needed William to work on some computer issues, so I took over his last session of the day,” I told him as we watched the ponies run. “How did you get put on corral duty? That usually goes to one of the junior grooms.”

“I volunteered for it,” he admitted. “I love to come over in the afternoons and watch them run. They’re beautiful when they’re in motion.”

I understood what he meant, but I was also watching his eyes. “You do spend far more time here than my other trainers, did you have a favorite pony, Aaron?”

He chuckled as he realized I knew. “Aye sir and I want to thank you for treating her so well earlier. I was her trainer when she first arrived, and the one who nursed her back to health. Normally she would be over here with me, but she was worried she would be punished if you saw her out of pony mode after her slip earlier.”

“No, I actually ordered that she not be punished for anything today,” I told him. “I didn’t want any confusion on her not being punished for climaxing during breeding. Not even routine punishments, although I need to speak with Raoul about stopping those as well.”

“You don’t need to worry about that one sir,” Aaron replied with a laugh. “That was his first change as soon as he found out he was in charge. None of the ponies are getting swats unless they earn them now. He was a very good choice for your new stable master, as he really does care about the pony’s welfare.”

“That’s what I heard, and the reason he got the job. I’ll leave you to spend time with Debbie though, as it is getting close to dinner time,” I said. “I was going to pick up Sophia and bring her over for dinner before the party. I want you to do something for me though, as you are over here most afternoons. Take Debbie into the breeding stalls every time you come over when there are other ponies in there. The more they see her cumming freely while being bred, the sooner they’ll accept that they can as well.”

He chuckled, “I think that’s an assignment I could really enjoy doing, sir. I will see you at the party later tonight.” I nodded before turning and walking back to my cart. Originally I had planned to send one of the trainers to pick them up after dinner, but I still had time to kill and I knew Hope in particular didn’t get to spend much time with Sophia yesterday. I figured they would appreciate the extra time.

I pulled up to Paige’s cabin and knocked on the door. She looked surprised when she answered the door. “Master, I wasn’t expecting anyone for another hour at least. I haven’t had time to get Sophia any dinner yet.”

“It’s alright, pet, I came over early to see if you would like to join us for dinner as well,” I told her. “She didn’t get to spend much time with Hope yesterday, so I thought they would enjoy a chance to catch up.”

“DADDY-MASTER!” Sophia screamed as she came out of her bedroom as saw me before running up and throwing herself in my arms. “I did extra good in school today, and Paige helped me get dressed and did my hair all pretty for the party. Is it time to go see my sisters now?”

“What was that? I think you made me deaf with that first scream and I can’t hear you now,” I teased her.

Sophia giggled. “Sorry Daddy-Master. I’m really excited to go to my sister’s birthday party though.”

“I thought you would be, so I came over early to see if you would like to come and spend some extra time with your sisters before the party. You can stay for dinner, and then have cake and homemade ice cream at the party,” I said. “You have to ask Paige if she would like to come over early though, as you didn’t give her a chance to respond when I asked her.”

Sophia turned those big green eyes on Paige. “Please can we go over early so I can spend extra time with my sisters, Paige?”

Paige had a very amused smile as she looked at Sophia. “Well, Master did come all this way to invite us and give us a ride. It would be very rude of us not to accept his offer. You should go in and try to use the bathroom before we leave, okay?”

Sophia nodded as I set her down, then rushed off to the bathroom. “Was she that excitable all day?”

“Not really,” Paige replied, “Only when she is talking about you or her sisters. She was very good in school, and far ahead of what we expected her to be. From her age we were figuring she had just finished first grade, but her math and reading are easily at third grade level and she was picking up concepts from the end of second grade in her other subjects. If she keeps advancing, as she appears to have done so far, she’ll finish our curriculum before she turns fourteen. She also seems very determined to become your pet so she can be like her sisters. That and the party are all she has talked about since we got back from school.”

“I hope she calms down on that one, as I have no intention of claiming her before her sixteenth birthday. The twins were an exception, and I wouldn’t have claimed them early if I had another way to prevent them from losing their virginity,” I explained. “If their mother had been able to keep them under control, it never would have happened.”

The conversation stopped as Sophia came rushing back out of the bathroom. “I’m ready to go. I even washed my hands, see?”

“Yes I can see, but apparently you forgot how to use a towel,” I said as I picked her up again. “Good thing it’s still warm out so you’ll be dry before we get to the pens. Let’s get you to your sisters before you explode from all the excitement little one.”

I carried Sophia out to the cart and Paige followed behind me, closing the door as we left. Sophia entertained me with stories of everything she had done in school, and all the people she had met today until we arrived at the pens. We checked the dining hall before heading down to the courtyard to find the twins.

As I released Sophia to go play with her sisters, and watched as Katherine rushed off, Paige stepped up next to me nervously. “Um, Master, what should I be doing while Sophia plays?”

“Go mingle with my pets. You know them from all the time you have spent with them and the children after school,” I told her. “It is no different here, just because you are in their home now.”

“They are all naked now Master,” she replied quietly as she stared hungrily at the pets. “Even when I was in the Stables I never had a body like that, and would be embarrassed to get undressed.”

“You don’t have to get undressed unless you wish to,” I explained to her. “They won’t mind either way. I know you’re worried because your breasts aren’t as firm as theirs are, but from what I saw when your robe was hanging open this morning, they’re still quite lovely. They were full of milk for almost twenty years, and sag a bit now that they no longer are. The pets have enjoyed your body’s gift, and would rejoice in seeing a pair of breasts that helped support the island. Go visit, and undress or not as you feel comfortable.”

I watched as she went and sat down with the others, then turned to head back to the dining hall. On the way, I saw Katherine hurry back down to the courtyard with a big smile on her face holding a cloth bag. I was a bit curious, but I enjoyed my pets little surprises.

I found out what the surprise was half an hour later, when Sophia came into the dining hall with my pets. The little cloth kitten ears were made out of the same material Katherine used to make Shelly’s tiger striped bikini, as was the tail that was hanging out below her dress.

I shot Katherine a hard look. I trusted she had not given the child a plug, but it certainly looked that way. She quickly came over to explain. “It’s not what it looks like Master. It’s held on with a safety pin, she just asked if I could attach it to the back of her panties so it would look more like her sister’s tail. Isabella suggested this instead of the pajamas, as she could wear it with anything. Is that okay Master?”

I sighed with relief. “That’s fine. I didn’t think you would give her a plug, but I was worried for a minute. With it hanging down under her dress like that, it reminded me of how Anna was wearing her tail at the office.”

“I know I push the limits a bit with your future pets’ outfits,” she replied. “I would never go that far though, even for one who was close to being chosen unless you asked me to. You should know that Violet would love it if you gave her permission though, as she has been asking about her tail for several months. Even Sophia is probably going to start asking for a proper tail in a few years.”

“Umm, I think Violet is old enough to be allowed her tail, since everyone knows I’m choosing her. I still want her to have the smallest plug you can manage with a gazelle tail,” I said after a moment of contemplation. “She still has to ask me for it though, so you can mention it next time she comes over to try to wheedle more sexy outfits out of you. Sophia has at least seven more years before I would even consider that request, so let’s just forget it.”

“Violet is going to be thrilled. I’ll make it for her and send her to ask you the next time I see her. That may not be for a couple weeks though as I have told her not come over too often so she will not get in trouble,” she said as she leaned down to kiss me. “If you will excuse me though Master, I need to get dinner. I will bring you a plate because you may be stuck for a while as you have someone waiting to talk to you.”

I glanced over and see Sophia and the twins waiting to talk to me. “Thank you my pet, you may want to pile it a bit high, as I think it would be safer to keep her in my lap through dinner.”

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Fuck WeedChapter 2 The Big Black Hard Sell

"Mr. Markman, wake up, it's almost time for your dinner presentation." The waitress knelt beside him, her red lips close to his. "You should hurry before the evening rain starts. The island experienced a brief rain shower almost every afternoon. It was typically short, but intense. While Chase tried to himself wake up the waitress sat next to Mindy and woke her up. Chase envisioned the pretty black girl kissing his wife to wake her up and the two women enjoying a wild lesbian tryst, with...

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A holiday awakening

In our early 30's, Susan and I had been married for 7 years. We had always talked about having a threesome but never built up the nerve to do it. But we found out we didnt have to try make it happen, we just had to let it happen. We were away on holiday for a week when things just fell into place. The place we were staying had a pool tucked away among some palm tree's. After a few drinks we decided to slip down for a late night swim. The place was deserted. Susan had her arms and legs wrapped...

2 years ago
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 10

Tonya awoke several hours later; she was in the soft bed that she'd slept in when she first arrived. She shook her head, confused. "Did I just dream that she did all that?", She asked herself. She tried to touch her mons veneris, remembering that she'd been shaved. To her surprise, she couldn't move her hands; they were tied to rails that she noticed had been added to the bed. She tried moving her feet; they were secured as well. "I can assure you, Tonya," the Doctor said, startling...

4 years ago
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Nikki8217s K9 adventure

Nikki stumbled toward the exit of the nightclub. The place was overcrowded, the music was thumping in her head and she had had too much to drink. She was wearing a tight black leather mini-dress that barely got halfway down to her knees, it was cut low enough that she couldn’t wear a bra with it, her small breasts pushed up and together to form an attractive cleavage. She had to dress this way incase the paparazzi were around, any photos of her had to make the newspapers, she needed...

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Unexpected encounter Part 1 Kindred Spirits

I truly felt like a fish out of water when it came to travelling. Maybe it wasn't so much to being in a different place, it was just the moving around, not being able to do anything which I would consider constructive. I hadn't really wanted to go on this stupid training course but my boss had nagged at me to go on this thing. I'm convinced he felt that sending me on one of these things was to do me good and not just for the good of the business. The rooms we were given were really...

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I getting close to my release when, “Hey, Kevin?” On hearing my mum voice, I instantly cover my crotch with the only thing i had the mag, “Mum, what the hell?” “Is that one of my tattoo magazines?” “What?” I look down at it. “Um... yeah.” “Were you just…” “Mum, it’s none of your bloody business.” “Oh, I know, I just find it kind of funny, that you’re wanking to one of my ink mags.” “Well…” I stammered, “the chicks in it are hot. Mum, seriously, what do you...

4 years ago
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Naughty Niki God Daughter Gets Dicked

I'm usually not given to voyeurism, but this time I couldn't help myself. Niki, my eighteen-year-old god daughter, had left her bedroom door open, and there I was, standing in the hallway outside watching her put on her nightie. The thin material of the night gown had tangled in her hair and was bunched up, covering her face. Concentrating on trying to separate hair and gown and unaware of my presence, she was oblivious to the scene she presented. And a delightful scene it was. Even though I...

1 year ago
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Neha The Deliciously Sexiest Milf

This is my first story here on ISS. I hope that this will reach numerous people. I hope guys jerk off to this and girls finger themselves to the best orgasm of their lives.  To begin with myself, my name is Shaumit. I am 20 years old and currently live in Mumbai alone. I have just done with my graduation in BMM. I won’t be bragging about my dick being this and that big and me being muscular. I would just say I am an average looking guy, with an average body with a good-sized dick, lol. Also,...

2 years ago
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Permanent Farm Help

Permanent Farm Help----------As I entered my office I could see the backs of two heads sitting opposite my dad; they appeared to be in an intense conversation, hands were animatedly waving and gesturing. The door was closed and I could not quite hear what the discussion was. I tossed my daily paperwork down on the desk, picked up my water bottle and took a drink, continuing to look into the other office. Dad seeing me waved for me to come into his office. I stood up, straightened my clothing,...

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My Failed Attempt to stop it all Part 5

We finished our meal in relative silence, inanely watching the television on the wall above the work surface opposite the kitchen table, I still felt intensely embarrassed about the way I was dressed in front of her and was desperate to finish so that I could run upstairs and rip the damn things off, yet I still sat there meek and quiet .She finally finished her food and taking her glass she got up. "I'm going into the lounge, make sure you clear and wash up properly, I don't want to...

3 years ago
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Sinful CyndiChapter 13

We were having a nice family breakfast some weeks later. Dad was sitting across the table from me with Cyndi sitting next to him; they kept flashing flirtatious glances at each other and I knew quite well what they were thinking. I figured they'd go upstairs after breakfast and Dad would get a little of his daughter's sweet pussy before work. I was staring into my cereal, thinking about how much I was going to miss Cyndi's body when I went back to school--and I knew that Megan would miss...

2 years ago
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My Three Ladies part 2

Mum's turn Well Beth and I have been together now for almost a year. We don't fuck all the times, only when we can be together at our grandparent's home or in the city. When she meets me at the house, we live like man and wife. She'll cook me dinner, then we have a lazy night together having sex on the lounge room floor, in bed or anywhere. Sometimes when she's at the kitchen sink I'll come up behind her, grab her around the waist and rub my stiff cock into her arse. She'll then say...

1 year ago
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Taking the Class Part 2Chapter 3

Saturday Morning, 10:50AM – Idiocy Is The Essence Of The Male Mind This was a bad idea. I should have offered to meet her at the landfill or out in the woods or literally anywhere but here. Shit, if Father comes back... Will took a deep breath. He’s out golfing with a 10:30 tee-off at a club an hour away. There’s no way he’ll come back to the house this early. Relax. He took another deep breath, forcing himself to release the death grip that his hands had taken on the chair’s...

3 years ago
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Beg me not to Stop Pegged

She was working the dildo in my mouth like it was her real cock and she could feel all of the moves and thrusts. Her body moved like this was natural for her to be shoving a cock in a man's throat. She coached me at times by telling me to move faster or slower. At times, she grabbed me by my ears and would make thrusts, in and out, just like she wanted so that she could control the feeling and edge around an orgasm."You wait till I get this dick in your ass. It's gonna feel so good you're going...

2 years ago
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Billys sexlife 2

A Whole New Level After my two year or so stint in Virginia I finally moved back down to south Florida just in enough time to start high school. Even though my first experience was epic, I hadn’t had any luck since then. The closest thing I can to was kissing my date at 8th grade prom and getting to feel her up most of the evening. Back in SOFL I felt I would have a way better chance. I was attending Hallandale High School, and the first few days were very nerve racking. I ran into a...

4 years ago
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Feeding an addiction A Threeway Street Ch 19

Karonga, Malawi: Friday 20th October 2017As I looked at Sue and Francis, so close and intimate after their passionate love-making, I knew I’d made the wrong call. I knew I’d let my addiction get the better of me. That I’d allowed Jenny to manipulate and suck me into a place where I’d forgotten all the painful lessons learned. Forgotten just how bad it had been with Brandon.I picked up the phone and pressed the speed dial for Sue. I knew what I had to do. Whatever I’d said and done before, I had...

Wife Lovers
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Chance meeting with my ex final

Daylightcomes creeping in through the curtains. I’m still holding Nancy in the same position as fell into last night. We’ve had passionate sex before, but nothing as animalistic. I can still see the expression of pure lust on her face as I drove myself into her. “Where the hell did that come from,” I thought, ”and would it change the way she felt about me?” I was beginning to feel more for her than just some woman I had sex with. I wanted more from her than just a weekend of pleasure. Tonight...

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The first moonshine birch spanking in villgage

That day mother was exciting and announced that she had received a long-awaited invitation to work in Belgium and that she needed to leave next week.Sveta was happy, but her mother immediately cooled her. “I will go first, settle in a new place, and then I will come for you.” In the meantime, you will live with Aunt Marina. And do not even argue.Sveta had a summer vacation. She was ready to go to Belgium even right now and share all the hardships of arranging in a new place, but in this case it...

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The creaking of the bedroom door behind him draws Miles' attention away from the illumination of the computer monitor. Standing in the doorway is his mother, Roslyn. Clad in nothing but dark purple, draping lingerie that accentuates her well-endowed chest and wide hips. A damp towel hangs around her shoulders, her brown hair freely displaced across the surface. For a woman in her forties--let alone a mother of two--Miles couldn't resist glancing at her voluptuous profile. She didn't look a day...

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Roasting of Komal

I have been married to my Indian wife Komal for nearly 15 years. There is one thing I have learnt about Indian wives, they are very loving, very submissive and are willing to serve their husband. We have had good sex life and have tried some kinky things. She is a beautiful Indian woman with light brown smooth skin, big boobs with dark tits and a pussy just designed to be fucked and fucked. No doubt, she had acquired many admirers. After few years of our marriage, once our trust had built up,...

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Anita wins a bet

I had lost a bet that I had made with Anita….My sweet wife gave me an evil smirk, while she told me that she would have to think about what she wanted as her winning. I expected it would be something about sex and I was right. Two days later, as I came home from my office, Ana met me at the door, wearing a long robe, black seamed stockings and stilettos.She rushed me into the bathroom to shower and told me to shave my crotch. After I did all this, she called me to our room.I had an erection...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 67

I waited patiently for Lena to return. Fortunately, for once I wasn't feeling as randy as hell, I'd just had two really good fucks so I didn't mind so much being left half way through a shag. I stepped out of the shower and began to towel myself down, I had an idea what Lena was up to. Sure enough, back she came, dripping water all over the deep pile carpet, and carrying a big pink strap-on. "Here," she said breathlessly "Put this on for me, I need something hard and thick up me." I...

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Bang Bang With Monstrous Cock Incest Angle

(I thank Mrs S.A for sharing her unique experience and giving me the liberty to modify the story with incest angle and spice it with imaginary incidents) I heard the door bell chime, rushed from kitchen and opened the door. A beaming Mrs. Mala Tiwari walked in. She is the Manager in charge of our colony, she allocates accommodation to staff and looks after maintenance. She is also a very good friend of my mother in law, Bhakti. Mala grabbed my 3 year old son Rahul from me and kissed him. Rahul...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Lily Adams Sibling Perks

When stepbrother Markus Dupree returns home after four years in Russia, Lily is just a regular chatterbox. She sure hopes he notices how much her body has developed since then. As she gets him up to speed on their annoying parents, she explains they don’t give her an allowance. And since she needs money because she doesn’t have a job, she proposes doing a job for him, for $50. Markus may be jet lagged, but he catches her drift and rejects his stepsister right away,...

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I am an attractive six foot tall, muscular black man who has a thick ten inch dick. To say that I am a bit of a freak is an understatement. I enjoy just about everything when it comes to sex. I love all women who are of legal age. Race, religious beliefs and education mean very little to me, when I am looking for pussy. With that said, I must admit that I do enjoy being the first black dick in a sophisticated, educated, beautiful white woman. I have said it many times, I have an addiction to...

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The Operation 1316

Chapter Thirteen Running to the office with the towel barely hanging on for the ride, and my left arm and hand protecting my still tender bouncing breasts, I reached the phone on the fourth ring. Not even thinking, I answered, breathily, "Hello?" "Oh, uh, do I have the right number?" Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit again! My voice! My body was still numb and tingling and exhausted, my mind still awash in endorphins from marathon sex and reeling from the delights of a woman and I had...

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Give me your vcardJust A Quickie

Introduction: (Here we go again, gotta add another story to this one…sorry) Also, the first story is semi-fiction. the second story is non-fiction. (: This story isnt gonna be hardcore or anything, Im just cranky and bored.. Girl point.of.view.— Its Finals Week, and everyone is stressed. Whats a better stress reliever than sex? I joke quietly as I walk to my friend Miros house with him and our friend Trevor. Miro grins and hugs me, groping me and then lets go. I smile and push him away....

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Norton Towers ndash apartment block for ladies w

Chapter oneWhat does a reasonably active professional man of 60, full head of hair and reasonably libido do when made redundant? In my case it was a case of being realistic and finding any job that pays the bills. So when I saw this ad for a mature concierge porter/handyman, I thought why not?’ After submitting the application I was invited to be interviewed by the ‘property management committee’. As I entered the old upmarket Edwardian mansion block in the suburbs I was met by a smartly...

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Old Man from the Video Store

Back when I was finishing grade 13 in high school, I had just reached the age when I could finally vote (among other things) and had access to one of the household cars. My folks had started a Friday night routine where they would go out for dinner and then catch a movie afterwards. They were always out of the house from 6pm until 11pm at the earliest. When I could rely on their being gone for that long every Friday night and having the house to myself for the evening, I would make up some...

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Movie stars

It had been almost six months since Maggie's last fuck and she was about to start climbing the walls if she didn't get some cock in a hurry!!! "Will you sit your ass down, girl," Jada said while looking up over the top of her book, "you're driving me nuts with all your pacing!!!" "Jesus christ I can't stand it for another minute," Maggie replied to her cell mate, "if I don't get some pecker quick I'm gonna loose my mind!!!" "You and me both, honey," Jada shot back with a crooked grin, "but...

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It was a hot Monday afternoon in late June at the university library and it was six years since Jack had been back to the university. The basement of the old library was nice and cool and smelled exactly as he remembered. As Jack wandered through the building, the old smells and sounds were like an old familiar friend and he opened his mind to the flood of great memories. He had taken classes off and on at the local extension university while he was teaching, but this summer he returned to his...

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