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Favours The next time I am asked to do a favour for someone especially someone who shall we say is attractive I shall run a mile and most probably two. Even though its more than 20 years ago it still seems like yesterday to me I can only blame myself for agreeing and Shirley my sister for asking and of course lets not forget the lovely Emma for landing me in it Right up to my neck and probably way, way higher than that I'm not sure if it's a shooting offence but then again if I had a gun I would most probably have shot the beautiful pair of them Always a sucker for a pretty face As it turned out that face was mine, interested? Then dear reader read on To explain I need to run back the 20 years to when I was an innocent 16 year old, I mentioned before, 1953 to be precise, August 1953 in fact That was the date of our cousin Sandra's wedding, August 22nd 1967 11:00 on a beautiful summers day St Aidan's Church in the beautiful leafy suburb of Elswick For those who know the area they will know I am taking a literary liberty Never mind lets press on regardless as they say Going back a little further to June of that year all of the female members of my family had turned up at our house to sort things out as they put it It was a nice warm afternoon when they all trooped into our house One of my aunts, Sandra's mum had gotten hold of two bottles of the finest mothers ruin and along with the rest of the gathering had started to demolish the bottles The reason our house had been selected for the fitting of the wedding dress and the witches' convention was that my mother was probably the best seamstress this side of the Tyne, bar none I decided that my place was definitely not the place to be at that time and had started to make myself scarce But my aunts had other ideas for me They started with the usual comments, don't you think its about time you were getting married our Alan After all you are close on sixteen and should be courting by now What makes you think I'm not I came back According to your mum your not She doesn't know everything about me for Christ sake Don't take the lord's name in vain our Alan I might not have met the right one yet I never learn let them harp on and get out But I had to have the last word The folly of youth I suppose You don't think he's a bit funny do you another aunt chirped up This conversation and back answering had gone on for quite some time although I hadn't realised it at that time Nor had I realised that all the men in the family had escaped to the Benwell pub and left me to the crones Another thing I wasn't aware of at the time but our Sandra was well and truly pissed as a fart and found it extremely difficult to stand without the assistance of the pack, who if truth were known were also having some difficulty in standing Adding to the problem Sandra had to stand on one leg at a time Aunt Violet the mother of the blushing bride said we should let our Alan wear it at least we could finish the fitting and get to the club for a game of Bingo Not a bad idea someone else shouted out You must be off your trolley the lot of you Come on you can keep your own clothes on under the dress and you're almost the same height as our Sandra Not a hope in hell I answered There he goes again with the bad language Someone fetch the soap Mum who seemed the least affected by drink said it may not be such a bad idea What? Look they have all had too much to drink and they don't seem to be taking no for an answer, half an hour is all I need to finish off here and as they said you can keep your clothes on underneath the dress Besides you may enjoy it, it will be a new experience for you Mum saw that I wasn't at all happy about the situation but to keep the peace I gave in Luckily I am a similar size to Sandra but possibly slightly smaller in height than her I stepped into the dress to the applause of the gathering Sandra at this time was collapsed into a heap with a tongue to the side of her mouth and half out of this planet When mum tried to fasten the zip and buttons on the back she discovered that no amount of coaxing would pull it together and make the dress hang right After 10 minutes she had to admit defeat You will have to take some of your outer clothes off Mum could see the look of horror on my face; there was no way I was going to strip off in front of this coven I was taken into the kitchen by Sandra's mum Violet and my own They explained to me (seemingly my aunt wasn't as drunk as I thought) that a lot of time effort and money had gone into this afternoon and a few juvenile complaints from me weren't about to spoil it The look on my face made it abundantly clear that I was having none of it Before I could say another word my aunt pushed a very large gin into my hand Loosen up lad we aren't talking about a lifetime commitment dressing as a girl for the rest of your life Only an hour or two at the most Talking a large mouthful of this fiery liquid and almost bringing it straight back I asked with a resigned attitude what the answer was Mum explained simple you wear all and I do mean all of your cousin's clothes I would be a laughing stock if word got out about this No one will tell What about them in the other room My aunts who were at the door but discretely remaining on the other side all said it would be our secret and stays here with us As I looked towards the direction of the door 10 heads pulled back sharply It seemed my fate was sealed and I agreed although reluctantly Looking at the clock on the wall I stated 1 hour from now I expect to have finished and back in my own clothes Be fair Alan we have to strip Sandra's dress you make whatever alterations were needed and then let you get back into your own clothes One hour will never be enough to finish all of that How long are we talking then? Aunt Violet looked at the clock poured me another drink larger than the first and said under her breath 3 hours How long 3 hours dear and we needed to start now I finished the remains of the drink and felt a warm glow flooding my system but a cold shiver of realisation as to my agreement offset this One of my aunts complained that they needed to leave now if we want to get seats in the club Another commented if you think I'm missing this show The words were never finished Mum said Alan is doing this as a favour and he is embarrassed enough so lets not make it harder for him than it needs to be Sandra was taken into one bedroom and I into my mothers Three of my aunts went with Sandra who was by now singing loudly to herself although god knows what Aunt Violet told me to strip off and that they would pass the clothes around the door to me If you need any help your Aunt Sarah will be only too happy to lend a hand and give advice Aunt Sarah wasn't really an Aunt of mine but she was a long time friend of the family so out of courtesy to the age difference she was given an honouree rank of Aunt because of the age difference between the two of us She needn't bother I said I can manage Ah the confidence of youth How would a lad of your age know the what's and where's of a female wardrobe Sarah called out and laughing like a drain I had to admit I was confused as the clothes were handed around the door The clothes I had seen hanging on washing lines over the years but the sequence puzzled me and I knew I would need help before long Whether it was the Gin or nerve I'm not sure of but before long I was asking for some help from Aunt Sarah Whilst this was going on someone had turned the clock in the kitchen back an hour, they wanted more than an hour or two It seemed they wanted a floor show and I was the act for the night Cheaper than going to the club girls as the hands of the clock were turned back We do need to be finished before the men return from the pub the worse for wear Aunt Sarah told me to put the French knickers on and shout when that was done Ok I called but Aunty Sarah only; I stood behind the wardrobe door as she entered the room Sarah was only in her early thirties a big buxom woman with a big smile and heart to match You cant stay behind there all night can you Alan I suppose not Come on lets get a look at you and what I have to work with Promise not to laugh I said Fair enough then but I cant help you dress if you stay behind the door now can I Talking a deep breath I emerged Sarah looked me over from top to toe and gave out a low whistle I then turned a bright shade of red and headed back to the safety of the wardrobe door Sarah was surprisingly nimble and took me by surprise catching my wrist before I was able to move more than one step Only joking she said with a big smile something like a cat playing with its prey The look on my face revealed that jokes were not the right approach at that time Sarah smiled and spent 5 minutes sitting on the bed and putting me at my ease With me resigned to my fate she looked through the clothes and handed me a Pantie Corselet Putting that on took some pulling and tugging and I was able to wriggle into it A little extra help in the cleavage department was enhanced by the use of strategically placed tissues I turned around to arrange my extra bit into a more comfortable position I was glad of the help Sarah was able to give me Sarah said that it would help control and flatten the extra bit between my legs A knock at the door brought me back to reality Thought you could both use a drink? I said a drink was the last thing on my mind and my head was now thumping from the Gin but a cup of tea would be nice Sarah said she had something that would relax me She asked one of my other aunts to pass her handbag into the room We sat and talked for 10 minutes before the tea and bag arrived Sarah handed me three tablets My headaches not that bad I said One is for the headache the other two will help you relax What are the tablets I asked, just a mild sedative and aspirin she said I took all three and swallowed them one after the other We sat and talked again while finishing our tea As the conversation continued I was aware that my head was easing but that I was feeling a little dizzy Don't worry that will pass in a few minutes I had to admit that with my head clearing I felt more relaxed and wanted to continue and get the ordeal over with Sarah told me to relax and enjoy the attention Looking through the rest of the clothes Sarah found the stockings and placed them on the bed next to me She ran her hands up and down both of my legs commenting that very few hairs had sprouted on my legs so no need to shave them this time It hadn't registered with me that this time meant it could happen again or that I may be expected to shave my legs at sometime in the future Wonderful tablets I thought to myself Sarah looked deeply into my face examining it closely and commented; very few hairs on your face are you shaving yet? No not yet Good you would be better using a cream at the moment Cream why did she say such a strange comment I thought Sarah knelt in front of me and placed my foot on her knee and began to roll one of the stockings up my leg and attaching it to one of the four suspenders dangling down she then repeated this with my other leg once attached she told me to stand She then stood behind me and fastened the other suspenders onto the stockings pulling them into place until they looked just right She then ran her hands over the tops of the stockings and seemed to linger around my bottom and around the front panel How does that feel? In honesty it felt electric and it showed on my face You will get used to it Alan Again an inference that this she expected was not a one off and would be repeated at some time in the future Last but not least before the dress was a full slip in a bouffant style Sarah told me to put my arms above my head and the slip was lowered into position I was then told to step into the dress and this was then pulled and tugged until her full satisfaction was reached the zipper was pulled slowly up the back for two reasons, one was that the dress would not be damaged and the other was to give it a more sensual feel to the proceedings Nearly done lift one of your legs and put it on my knee Sarah reached into her bag and pulled something pink from it At first I didn't know what it was but as she slid it over my leg and began to slide it over my leg the reality struck home, it was a garter This was mine to be worn on my weeding day I didn't know you were married I wasn't my fianc? was killed the year before we would have walked up the aisle Sorry I didn't know Don't be sorry I have special needs and he wouldn't have met those needs I decided not to delve too deeply into those needs Sarah left me sitting on the bed and went out of the room returning shortly after with a pair of shoes with 3in heels Let me slip these on to you Sandra wasn't wearing those shoes I know but you are slightly smaller in height and they will make up for the difference Seemed to make sense to me Sarah asked me to sit at mums vanity table, The mirror section had been covered with a throw that was on top of the bed I must admit I was extremely curious by now to see what I looked like, I certainly felt different now Taking a brush from the back of the table she brushed my hair into as feminine shape as possible In those days my hair was longer that it had been for many a year the Beatles and Stones were the inspiration for longer hair Clips were placed strategically in my hair and before I was able to stop her generous amount of hair spray were setting the style in place Almost finished only one more touch Again she dipped into her bag and pulled out another bag but a lot smaller than the first The reality didn't hit me a first that was until the smell of perfume filled the room No way am I wearing perfume That wasn't the idea dear The reality hit me again like a hammer Look I have helped you for the last hour to get dressed it would be nice if you let me finish the job it will only be a little make-up, and believe me no isn't an option I had never seen the look of determination on her face at any time in the past Besides you were worried that you would look ridiculous and this will most definitely not be the case I made sure of that Come on you have come this far its only a little favour I am asking It seems a favour is the thing that got me into this in the first place What the hell things can't get any worse So with a resigned attitude I said do your worst Before I could stop her she was Appling make-up as if it was going out of fashion 20 minutes later she said wait until you see yourself you wont believe its you Can I ask one last favour? Ask, but will I be allowed to say no Your hands let me fix them for you For you or me I enquired Your learning fast So for the next twenty minutes my nails were filed shaped and varnished Sarah said that's as good as it gets this time but just think what we could achieve with a full weekend Hold one of your hands out Which one I asked You choose I held out my right Two rings were slipped on to two of my fingers and a bangle placed around my wrist A pity about your ears but that can be remedied easily enough in the near future Hang on Sarah went back to the vanity table and found my mother jewellery box, opening it she found exactly what she hoped would be their Two ivory clip-on earrings just what the best-dressed bride should be wearing Now we have finished Oh I nearly forgot what was I thinking of stoop down What for A surprise How many more can a girl take I curtsied Why did I do that? It didn't go unnoticed and a big smile played across both our lips A silver necklace with locket was hung around my neck; I will find a photograph of me to put in for next time I had lost count of how many inferences that this was not a one off experience The tiara and veil was placed on my head the veil was folded back over my head and fastened with more clips Sarah said close your eyes She took me by the hand and led me over to the wardrobe and stood me in front of the door I heard the doors creak open when she had arranged my dress into just the position she wanted Now open your eyes When my eyes opened I was stunned into silence that couldn't be me but I knew it was Sarah leaned in close and whispered well how do you feel worth all the effort? Wait until next time Caroline

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Flirting with Strangers cuckold

When my now husband and I first got together we were just fuck buddies, he was staying in my flat under the agreement we were just good friends with benefits, he would often come home after sleeping out, before he had a chance to wash I would suck his cock knowing that it had just been in another woman (I liked it) well, after a while I found this a little one sided so I decided to make him jealous in the hope we could be more than just friends with benefits, after chatting up a guy (Adam) in...

2 years ago
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Moumita Ami Ar Sei Dupur

By : Tomal Majumder Paray sobai dakto Tomal bole. Amar valo naam je kingsuk majumde, seta parar lok vuliyei diyechhilo. Khela-dhulay ami borabor e valo. Ar shorir ta o chokhe porar moto… Bisesh kore meyeder. Oi boyosei jothesto guno-mugdho mohila gosthi chhilo amar. Paray besh kolar uchu korei choltam. Ucchomadhyamik pass korlam darun number niye. School er teacher ra bollo amar kolkatar boro college e vorti haoa uchit. Maa er o tai ichha. Ogotta amar guno-mugdha der chhere kolkatar college e...

2 years ago
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Diary of A Face Sitter

I don't know whether its the feeling of power, the control, the naughtiness or the orgasms. It may just be all combined. Whichever it is, I know I have never loved my husband more for his wonderful ideas. It started off a simple sexual suggestion. My husband Liam asked me to sit on his face one time when we were playing around. I told him I really wasn't comfortable doing it. I was scared I may smother him and for some odd reason, I felt a bit self-conscious about it. Liam would ask time and...

4 years ago
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My Niece and Her FriendsChapter 3

“Tanya, you nasty little bitch,” I said as I interrupted her story, “turning Martin into your own little slave like that?” “I wouldn’t exactly call him my slave. More like an enthusiastic student.” “And that part about his mother. He must have been shocked when you guessed that he wanted her, especially when you mentioned about him jerking off with her dirty panties. You asked straightaway about his mother; no older sister or anything first?” “When we’d chatted in the car on the way over,...

4 years ago
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The Sting by Couture email: [email protected] (FM, Strapon, CD) Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. (c) 2003 Couture *********** "So honey, any ideas for the costume party?" my wife asked. Pam was standing at the kitchen counter, chopping carrots for the salad. She was a petite brunette and her hips shifted as she leaned against the counter, giving a nice curve to her back. Even after five years of...

2 years ago
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Little Ditty bout Jill and Dianne

(I hope John Mellencamp will excuse me) They got off the elevator and headed down the hall toward their room. Two twenty-five year old recently promoted executive assistants sent to this conference by their employer.Their respective bosses had decided that it would be team building, not to mention expense saving, to have the women share a room while attending the three days of workshops and seminars covering various tasks they would be required to perform in their new roles. Jill joined the...

2 years ago
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Hidden Fantasies Part Two Naughty Girl

Previously: “Are you comfortable enough? Is this alright?” he asks me, a hint of compassion in that deeply arousing and authoritative voice. I nod, holding back yet another lust filled moan, wishing the blindfold wasn’t over my eyes so that I could put a face to the voice. “Good, I’ll see to you in a bit. I have some errands to run first. If you have been good when I get back, you will be rewarded, if you have been bad you will be punished. Do you understand?” he says, all authoritative, no...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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My First Cuckold Experience

Part 1 – A true story I used to drive my fiance Elizabeth (Beth), crazy with talk about my fantasies of seeing her engage in a sexual escapade with a black man. She would always laugh and pass it off, not really paying me any mind. It's just one of those fantasies I've always had. I kept on and on until she told me – mainly because she was getting annoyed and wanted to shut me up – that she in fact DID have a fling with a black guy once. Of course, that had the opposite effect of shutting me...

2 years ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 10

When I woke up, I had a similar problem as yesterday. This time though, I left it alone and got dressed for the gym, selecting a pair of running leggings that would show off my legs, ass and bulge a little more than yesterday’s outfit had. I wore it occasionally, but more often, I picked something less revealing. When I got to the gym, several of the ladies were there earlier than normal, just hanging around. I started my warm-up and stretches, aware that they were watching me intently. I...

4 years ago
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A Transforming Invention

In this story, somebody comes across a transformation device. This device allows the user to transform themselves or anybody else into anybody and everything. First choice is... What situation does this story start out with?

1 year ago
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Fucking My Sisters Black Pussy Part 8211 1

Hi i am kumar age 30yrs with 7inches cock with 4thickness.I will say story in telugu ma intlo motham 5members amma nana me kumar 30 yrs na pedda cheli rani 27yrs chinna chelli vasavi 23yrs now. Amma white color lo nana black color vundatam valla naenu white ga puttanu na chellilu eddaru kasta nalupu ga vuntaru maemu village lo vundae vallam ma intlo rendu rooms matrame vundaevi oka room lo andaram padukunae vallam naku apudu 18yrs.A night naku melukuva vachindi laechi chusae sariki amma motham...

3 years ago
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Hot HusbandChapter 4 Triad

We saw Louisa at least once a week, and though it was a little odd with the three of us, it was remarkably similar to ordinary dating, going out to dinner, going to the movies and such. On the third Friday after that first dinner, Louisa asked to go home with us. We said no. Just kidding, we couldn’t say yes fast enough. As soon as we got in the door, Louisa immediately led us to the bedroom, and surprised me by taking me in her arms and locking lips with me, thrusting her tongue deep into...

1 year ago
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My hunger for geting my tight ass hole screwed by a hunk gets true

hello every one my name is bobby i am 22 yrs old . am slim fair boy weighing 59kgs 5'9 ft height. from teenage i had desire to have gay sex but was not knowing how i used to download gay movies and enjoy masturbating my hole with the vibrating dildo. at the start it would pain a lot but after practice i enjoyed it. it felt so good inside and i was happy i had discovered hidden pleasures . but later i was bored and i wanted to suck a real cock and get some hot cream inside my tight ass. i would...

4 years ago
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Jackie is a smalltown Montana girl that loved the outdoors. She wasn't into all that girlie stuff, but she wasn't a tomboy either. She was 5'7" with light-brown hair and green eyes. She had a fit body with not so large 34B breasts. With a light tan to top it all off. Suni is a girl born and raised in Hollywood. She was Daddy's girl and always the popular one. Standing at 5'5" she has a supermodel body with 34C breasts. Blonde hair (that was always in a pony-tail), blue eyes, and not a spot on...

2 years ago
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You Have Three WishesChapter 3

It was a very successful morning - I had fucked young married mother of two Andra to the enjoyment of both of us. It had wet my appetite to try some of the other young (and not so young ladies) in the office. After scanning the office, I had decided that Courtney would be my next conquest. She was 25 years old, 5ft 6ins tall with long straight blonde hair down to the middle of her back. Her hair was so evenly blonde that I wondered whether it was natural, or it was out of a dye bottle....

1 year ago
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We went to bed spooned, as we often do, but this evening I just couldn’t seem to fall asleep. My mind wouldn’t relax, and my body, though comfortable, wouldn’t really let go. You know how that happens sometimes. The mundane niggling events of the workday just wouldn’t leave my head. I tried to distract myself with songs, memories, even sheep for goodness sakes, but nothing worked. I was about to excuse myself from the bed and go to the den to read or watch the tube or something, but stopped...

3 years ago
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Home for the Week

  It was spring break and i was heading home to the small towni had been so desperate to get out of. My friends and i had spent 3 days on thebeach, drinking and flirting, and now it was time to spend some time with myfamily. As the plane landed i looked out onto the tarmac and say a small congregationof people, i recognised my mother and father even from this distance but there were threeor four signs, each welcoming home a different person. Looks like i wasn’t theonly one home late. I...

2 years ago
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My BBW Landlady

To say that I’m a nerd would be an understatement, but here I was a 27 year old male, in a government department and still Virgo intacto. Its not that the opportunity hadn’t presented itself, it’s just that I was too stupid to recognise it. Francis was a 39 year old divorcee who was my boss and my landlady as I stayed next to her garage. She was blond with green eyes, a big woman, she had big proportions except for her boobs which were a C cup at the most. She had an air of sexuality about her...

3 years ago
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The Making of Violet

The Making of Violet It happened one day I was taking the bus to the grocery store. As my roommates the pigs that they are had eaten all the food again. I looked over the list again of what they wanted and damn junk food and micro wave meals again. I thought of making a wager on which one would have a coronary first and how they could eat so much and stay so thin when I have to diet and starve myself and still cant lose any weight. At least they have girlfriends, me I'm stuck by...

1 year ago
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Good porn 2 the art of spanking

The art of spanking and capturing it all on video is basicly very simple you just follow my few rulesThe usual spanking scenario on video has two major mistakes: the reason for spanking and camera angleSpanking is almost always for punishment, with a lot of uninteresting babbling at loud voice before itSpanking for punishment is a contradictio in terminis serious spanking does hurt but it arousesThe position of the spankee is mostly correct: bent over with arched back to bring out bums for...

1 year ago
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Sex with mature servant in village

Hai readers I santosh is writing a true story of my friend who has narrated to me. His name is gopal. He is from north india. He has farm over there which is looked by his servant. Now I start the story as narrated by gopal. My parents died in the accident after that my servant had looked after me and my farm. They had no kids so they loved me very much. My servant age was 60 yrs and his wife age was 45 yrs. I used to call them uncle and aunty. Compare to my uncle aunty was very beautiful and...

4 years ago
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PupsRUsChapter 5

The only dog without a fuck that day was Attila, so they decided to fix that with a pairing of Attila and Joe. To Grace's surprise, she was feeling so horny that she was about to scream. She announced that she wanted to be Attila's partner, and Sue and Liz could decide between themselves who would fuck Joe. Liz wanted that job, and Sue gave in without the thought of an argument. Sue brought in Attila, and Liz brought in Joe. They went through the same routine as with Bruno, and Grace...

1 year ago
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Madison Ivy 19000 686000

How many of you mother fuckers remember the first time you saw Madison Ivy? When she first hit the scene, it was as if an alien species figured out how to craft the perfect woman, then sent her to Earth. Or if you are a spiritual dipshit, it looked like a real goddess was walking the Earth. My God, what a fucking body!Look, she’s still fucking hot. That body still hasn’t stopped. But time comes for all of us, and she made the unfortunate mistake of thinking that she needed to modify her face...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Inability And Fantasy 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, My name is Rohan. You can contact me at ,I am an unmarried guy from Pune, I am 26 years old engineer and work for a reputed MNC firm here. I have normal physic and I keep myself healthy by jogging and little exercise in morning. I live in a apartment at posh society which is somewhat away from the city. I used to participate in local body meetings at society so everyone in society personally knows me. In my apartment very few flats were actually used by owners for living otherwise...

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Mom and I together Forever

I grew up in Mumbai, my name is Ajay. Girls/Women of any age could get in touch with me on My father was a mild mannered man who worked in a mill. He had one addiction, he drank heavily and many a night he would pass out and had to be helped to bed. He was good to my mother and I could see that she respected and loved him. But I sensed there was also sadness in her and at that time I could not understand why. I helped mother out at every opportunity. I had a crush on her and this way it...

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Jennifers Obsession Secrets

Alan looked into her eyes, piercingly. ‘There’s something I’ve got to tell you, Jen, and it’s serious… very serious,’ he said, staring so hard at her now she suddenly started to feel a little uneasy. The people, the shops, the traffic, it all seemed to melt away and left them feeling as if they were the only two things left on the planet. Christ, what on earth is he going to say to me, she thought, but drawing a blank. I’ve never seen him looking like this… never. Alan gulped and then took a...

4 years ago
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Obeying Katie Ch01

It all started one day at the laser hair removal salon. I never had much body hair and so when I was very young, 14 or so, I started trimming or shaving my abdomen, pubis, genitals, perineum and perianus. I just thought I didn’t look normal when I let my hair grow out naturally. It was so sparse and thin I just didn’t like it. I had done this on and off for 25 years. My ex-wife even prodded me to go the salon years before we got divorced. She loved me smooth but I couldn’t get up the nerve...

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