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   Chapitre 1 : Fran?oise

   Ce jeudi vers 18 heures, Fran?oise, suivie de son groupe de jeunes filles p?n?trait dans le hall de la piscine de la ville voisine, la chaleur torride qui avait r?gn? toute la journ?e l'avait amen?e ? bousculer l'emploi du temps pr?vu .

  Depuis midi, les filles l'avaient press?e de s'y rendre afin de profiter pleinement d'une si belle journ?e.

Affal?s sur le ventre, autour du bassin d?couvert, les a?n?s, les gar?ons du groupe 6 semblaient les y attendre, tout bien r?fl?chi, peut-?tre les attendaient-ils vraiment, instruits de leur sortie par les grandes.

  En d?bouchant dans la piscine, son maillot une pi?ce noir la moulant, r?v?lant sa lourde poitrine et ses fesses opulentes, ? leurs yeux int?ress?s, Fran?oise s'?tait sentie d?vor?e des yeux .

Sous les regards de tous ces adolescent braqu?s sur elle, insistant avec impudence sur ses seins, ses fesses, son sexe, une douce chaleur l'avait alors envahie .

Pour cacher son trouble, elle s'?tait d'abord allong?e sur une natte au bord de l'eau, quelques filles ? ses cot?s, ?a et l?, allong?es sur le dos .

  Faisant fi des spectateurs attentifs, elle avait entrepris de reprendre son calme, intrigu?e de cette r?action inhabituelle ..... la chaleur ...... l'?nervement peut-?tre .

Les filles n'avaient pas tard?es ? l'abandonner, se pr?cipitant ? l'eau pour y chahuter avec leurs habituels soupirants .

Rapidement Fran?oise, qui surveillait distraitement leurs ?volutions, s'alarma de la tournure des ?v?nements :? aux jeux innocents avaient succ?d? des attitudes plus suspectes, les jeunes gars, profitant des circonstances, caressaient les seins juv?niles, les fesses plus ou moins dodues de ses jeunes demoiselles qui ne s'en plaignaient pas, bien au contraire, ne protestant pour la forme que par des petits cris effarouch?s, mais revenant se m?ler de suite au chahut, aguichant par le geste les adolescents lorsque ceux ci leur pr?taient moins d'attention.

Cet atmosph?re trouble, pesant, lourd de d?sirs exacerb?s, n'?tait pas sans r?sonner sur Fran?oise elle m?me, elle sentait son coquillage se dilater doucement, une chaleur ?trange lui embrasait le bas-ventre, ses sens chaviraient peu ? peu, elle se secoua, et, pour ?chapper ? ce trouble naissant piqua une t?te dans l'eau fra?che et se mit ? nager ? longues brass?es, accumulant les longueurs de bassin.

  Bient?t Miloud et Stephan, deux adolescents parmi les plus ?g?s, la rejoignirent et nag?rent ? sa hauteur.

Ils entreprirent de la chahuter, sous l'eau ils passaient sous elle, lui agrippant les jambes pour lui faire boire une tasse, elle se d?fendait de son mieux et, prise par le jeu leur rendait la pareille.

Brusquement, elle se sentit saisie par la jambe.

Un des jeunes avait agripp? sa cheville puis suivant le galbe de son? mollet, l'arrondi de sa cuisse posait la main sur sa taille .

La peau de ses hanches se granulait sous la caresse insistante, ? la limite du maillot.

  Une pouss?e violente la plongea sous l'eau, elle ferma vivement yeux et bouche tandis que le jeune profiteur engouffrait? brutalement son autre main dans le soutien-gorge l?che, ses seins furent rapidement malax?s.

Les t?tons raidis pinc?s, ruant, se d?battant, elle parvint ? remonter ? la surface mais, encore toussant et crachotant elle ne put identifier son agresseur.

Tandis qu'elle revenait p?niblement au bord de la piscine elle s'?tonnait de ne pas ressentir que de la col?re .

Ces caresses brutales l'avaient ?mue plus que de raison, troubl?e, elle regagna les vestiaires pour se rhabiller .

  Seule dans la petite cabine, elle se surprit en enlevant son maillot ? caresser longuement sa poitrine, en faisant rouler lentement les pointes exasp?r?es, dard?es, et elle, si peu port?e sur l'onanisme elle passa lentement ses doigts dans sa fente qui ruisselait d'eau et de d?sirs frustr?s,

constatant dans sa chair qu'elle regrettait la bri?vet? de l'?treinte qui l'avait tant ?mue.

Etonn?e de se voir si r?ceptive aux attentions de ces jeunots, qui jusqu'ici ne l'?mouvaient nullement, pour se calmer, elle eut recours ? des caresses qu'elle croyait oubli?es depuis longtemps .

La main nich?e au creux de sa blessure elle d?busqua son clitoris qui se dressait, impatient, hors de son capuchon protecteur .

D'un doigt, elle aga?a ses petites l?vres, en appr?cia le contours, puis enfilant son majeur dans sa vulve, la t?te vide, elle accorda ? ses sens la satisfaction de leurs d?sirs .

  Apr?s quelques longues caresses la brusque introduction de son majeur dans son anus l'amena enfin ? cet orgasme auquel elle aspirait maintenant de toutes les fibres de son corps.

R?veuse, l?g?rement naus?euse, elle quitta l'?dicule et gagna le parking ou l'attendaient la majorit? de ses filles .

  Aux regards ironiques des gar?ons? qui leur tenaient compagnie, elle comprit que l'auteur du geste, peut-?tre m?me les deux gar?ons s'?taient d?j? vant?s de leur bonne fortune, elle se sentit rougir et se pr?cipita ? sa place sous l??il insolent de ses  suborneurs .

  Depuis ce jour, elle avait accord? un regard plus attentif aux activit?s de ces jeunes gens et avait remarqu? que depuis quelque temps, on les voyait souvent, l'appareil photo au poing, roder dans tout l'?tablissement

Et m?me, un jour qu'elle descendait de voiture, assis sur le terre plein ils l'avaient lorgn?e de fa?on tr?s indiscr?te .

Sa jupe ?troite, fendue sur le cot? la g?nait ?norm?ment pour sortir? de voiture .

Elle se doutait du spectacle qu'elle leur avait offert en se tortillant pour s'en extraire, Miloud? n'avait pas rat? l'occasion de photographier cet instant r?v?lateur.

Ils devaient bien s'amuser, le soir en contemplant les photos qu'ils avaient prises ; elle s'imaginait le spectacle, ? demi sortie du v?hicule, sa jupe trouss?e sur ses cuisses dodues et dor?es ? souhait, le fond de sa petite culotte pointant son triangle blanc ? la jointure de ses fesses, peut-?tre m?me pouvaient ils apercevoir quelques poils follets d?passant de la lisi?re de son slip .

  De les imaginer ?tendus sur leurs lits, commentant le spectacle en se secouant la queue ? pleine mains, son ventre s'?chauffait encore ; malgr? elle, elle dessinait dans sa t?te le contour de leurs queues, quelques regards furtifs l'avait convaincue de l'importance du paquet de Miloud, qu'il exhibait d'ailleurs volontiers dans ses jeans moul?s, elle se repr?sentait une longue queue brune, ?paisse, ?mergeant d'un buisson fris? et noir.

  Comme tous les alg?riens, du moins d'apr?s la rumeur, il semblait membr? au del? de la norme, certainement beaucoup plus que son mari !

Sa t?te s'il savait le pauvre ? quelles comparaisons elle se livrait !

Les pantalons de son copain ?taient beaucoup moins r?v?lateurs et elle se perdait en suppositions quand ? l'aspect du membre de Stephan.

     L'orage couvait depuis la fin de l'apr?s-midi, Fran?oise se sentait excit?e au plus haut point, les pointes de ses seins s'irritaient sur la dentelle du demi-balconnet qu'elle avait enfil? le matin .

Elle ?tait responsable du groupe des grandes, jeunes de 14 ? 20 ans, toutes admises? soit en raison de leur d?bilit?, soit en raison de probl?mes familiaux graves, parfois m?me pour les deux raisons .

  Les jeunes filles, ?chauff?es par l'orage et par la proximit? du groupe des a?n?s lui avaient men? la vie dure toute la journ?e, les querelles, les discordes, souvent motiv?es par des jalousies ?clataient ? tout propos : l'une trouvait que son petit ami lorgnait trop les autres filles, celle-l? pensait que sa voisine aguichait son jules ...

Enfin tout l'apr?s-midi avait ?t? de cette veine, elle se sentait ?puis?e ? force d'intervenir pour s?parer les jeunes femelles en rut .

  Maintenant, elle pouvait se d?tendre un peu,le repas s'?tait d?roul? tant bien que mal, et ? ce moment toutes les filles profitaient de leurs derniers temps libres avant le coucher, certaines devisaient dans la salle de vie, d'autres s'?taient retir?es dans leur chambre pour y ?couter des disques ou discuter de gar?ons entre copines, deux ou trois ?taient parties retrouver leurs amoureux et devaient flirter, sinon plus dans quelque recoin de la propri?t? .

  Avec violence, la pluie se mit ? tomber, bient?t de longs ?clairs embras?rent le ciel, les lumi?res vacill?rent ? plusieurs reprises puis s'?teignirent totalement.

La chaleur ?touffante, les cris de panique des gamines apeur?es, tout continuait ? renforcer sa f?brilit?.

Brusquement elle s'aper?ut que deux de ses donzelles n'?taient pas rentr?es elles pouvaient se trouver n'importe o?, certainement en train de flirter ou m?me plus.

  Fran?oise les imaginait la culotte descendue sur les genoux, leurs petits sexes exhib?s devant les yeux de quelques gar?ons aux regards salaces.

Cela lui rappelait ses premiers ?mois sexuels .

Ag?e de 18 ans au cours d'une randonn?e en montagne, un violent orage avait ?clat?, contraignant chacun ? se r?fugier ? toute allure dans un abri provisoire.

  Elle s'?tait retrouv?e avec son petit ami d'alors, Marc sous une roche en surplomb qui les prot?geait de l'averse.

Marc profitant de leur isolement s'?tait enhardi, comme, apeur?e, elle se blottissait contre lui, sa main avait lentement d?riv? sur son ?paule pour venir ?pouser la forme d'un sein, puis sa bouche s'?tait pos?e sur la sienne.

L?vres soud?es, ils s'?taient longuement embrass?s de fa?on qui lui paraissait maintenant, l'exp?rience aidant, bien chaste.

Lentement, avec douceur, il avait caress? ses cuisses, les escaladant ? pas menus, s'impr?gnant de leur tendre chaleur, comme dot?e de leur propre volont?, ses jambes s'?taient ouvertes, livrant le chemin de sa culotte de coton blanc au gentil envahisseur .

  Puis f?brilement, s'?nervant soudain, Marc avait empoign? sa motte, d'abord au travers de sa culotte.

Mais bien vite, il s'?tait infiltr? sous l'?lastique empaumant son pubis soyeux qui s'en trouva tout r?joui.

Les doigts fi?vreux continu?rent leurs investigations, s?parant les l?vres virginales, d?gageant le bourgeon d?j? dress? qui aspirait ? la caresse.

Puis il avait habilement parcouru le long? corridor clos par les petites l?vres avant de s'aventurer dans la vulve serr?e pointant un doigt indiscret, il s'?tait introduit, ?prouvant l'?lasticit? du jeune vagin, une petite douleur cuisante avait marqu? la perforation digitale de l'hymen avant qu'il ne lui impose un compagnon et se mit ? tester la douce moelleur du con juv?nile.

  Les caresses duraient depuis quelque temps, ses cuisses s'ouvraient maintenant largement, elle appelait de tout son corps celui de Marc, elle allait vraiment succomber, lorsque l'averse ayant cess? des appels pressants les avaient oblig?s ? reprendre une tenue plus d?cente pour rejoindre leurs compagnons .

En souvenir de ces instants d?licieux, elle avait d'ailleurs pr?nomm? son fils Marc .

L'id?e la traversa subitement que ses adolescentes se trouvaient peut -?tre actuellement dans la m?me situation ...????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Elle devait intervenir rapidement .... Avant qu'il ne soit trop tard !

  Il ne manquait pas dans l'IME de gar?ons susceptibles de profiter d'un court instant d'abandon !

     Avec quels gar?ons pouvaient elles donc bien se trouver?

Avec Miloud, ce jeune pr?somptueux, au regard audacieux qui toisait toutes les femmes de l'?tablissement ?

Avec son comp?re Stephan qui lui aussi passait le plus clair de son temps ? d?shabiller les filles du regard ?

Avec Daniel le petit boutonneux qui respirait le vice par tous les pores de sa peau ?

Ou encore avec Charles le grand d?gingande ? l'air blas? ?

Avec Fr?d?ric qui passait le plus clair de son temps ? exposer ses organes g?nitaux aux yeux des plus jeunes ?.....

Plus elle y r?fl?chissait, plus elle penchait plut?t pour Miloud et Stephan, si vicieux que m?me les ?ducatrices se m?fiaient d'eux l? et veillaient ? ne pas se trouver seules en leur compagnie .

  Un nouvel ?clair d?chira le ciel, se secouant de la douce torpeur, dans laquelle ces ?vocations l'avaient plong?e, Fran?oise d?cida de partir ? la recherche de ses brebis ?gar?es.

La d?marche lourde de d?sirs inassouvis elle entreprit de visiter les locaux.

Elles ne se trouvaient pas dans les 3 pavillons ?ducatifs, ni dans la salle de gym, elles ne pouvaient donc se trouver qu'aux clubs ou dans les salles sous les ateliers ; elle les contourna et arriva dans les pi?ces obscures accueillant les activit?s de club.

  Une lumi?re blafarde ?manait d'une des salles, elle dirigea donc ses pas vers cette derni?re, entrouvrant la porte, elle ne vit d'abord personne mais per?ut des bruits de conversation provenant d'un divan qui lui tournait le dos.

Certaine de trouver ses filles vautr?es sur le divan, peut-?tre m?me vautr?es sur des gar?ons, la col?re lui monta ? la t?te et brutalement elle surgit devant les yeux ?tonn?s de trois jeunes, effar?s de cette brusque apparition.

D?contenanc?e de ne pas trouver ses filles, Fran?oise ne sut que balbutier :

-          N'auriez vous pas vu Isabelle et Marie-Claude??..

Devant la r?ponse n?gative des gar?ons, ne mesurant pas le p?ril, elle s'emporta alors :

-          Mais que faites-vous donc l?? ?.

Le premier instant de saisissement pass?, Miloud vit l? l'opportunit? qu'il guettait depuis de longs jours.

Discr?tement il adressa un signe ? Charles qui s'?clipsa rapidement, puis r?pondit :?

-          Nous parlions de toi ? 

Au lieu de briser l? la controverse, et de partir, Fran?oise commit alors l'ultime imprudence en poursuivant le dialogue, ironique.

-          Et sans indiscr?tion... Que racontiez-vous, pour ?tre oblig? de vous cacher pour discuter ?

Miloud r?pondit alors avec brutalit? :?

-          On parlait de toi... De ton cul... De ta chatte... Depuis que nous t'avons bien pelot?e ? la piscine, on s'imagine tes formes... Les photos nous ont bien renseign?, on sait que t'es une fausse blonde... Les poils bruns d?passant de ta culotte t'ont trahi... Mais on aimerait en savoir plus...? Pour l'instant on imagine... 

-          Je ne supporterai pas ce ton plus longtemps !  Le coupa alors Fran?oise,

-          Ou tu t'excuses imm?diatement devant tes copains ou je fais un rapport et c'est avec le directeur que tu t'expliqueras !? Le mena?a-t-elle.

-          Tant qu'a ?tre puni... Autant l'?tre pour quelque chose !  S'enflamma Miloud l'agrippant par le bas de sa robe.

Fran?oise se sentit chuter elle tendit les mains en avant, par r?flexe et se retrouva ?tendue de tout son long en travers des cuisses des deux complices .

  Avant qu'elle n'ait pu se redresser Stephan lui attrapa les seins ? pleine mains la for?ant ? se blottir sur leurs genoux.

Tout en criant elle serra les genoux ? les rompre, d?j? elle sentait les mains de Miloud s'insinuer sous sa jupe tandis qu'il commentait :?

-          Alors garce... T'as gagn? c'est la pine qu'il te faut...? Vas-y, hurle ? plein poumon... Ca m'?tonnerait que quelqu'un se balade dans le coin, et... M?me si on t'entendait t'aurais bonne mine si on te trouvait trouss?e comme un poulet sur nos genoux !

Effectivement, Fran?oise se rendit compte du spectacle qu'elle devait donner, d?s ce moment elle se tut, peu encline ? ameuter des adultes, ou des enfants qui commenteraient ? leur fa?on le troublant spectacle.

  Cependant elle se d?battait, cherchant ? se d?livrer, mais chacun de ses soubresauts livrait encore plus son intimit? aux doigts inquisiteurs.

Miloud promenait maintenant sa main dans sa culotte, il lui caressait les fesses, suivant d'un doigt curieux la fente ombr?e, d?busquait l'anus fr?missant blotti au plus profond de la raie .

Pour l'instant il inventoriait sa croupe, tandis que Stephan, qui avait retrouss? son chemisier sortait ? demi ses seins de leur ?crin.

  Ils d?bordaient maintenant du soutien-gorge roul? sous sa poitrine, il pin?ait les ar?oles, les tirait, p?trissait toute la mamelle... S?r la trace de ses doigts resterait un moment marqu?e sur sa poitrine !

Fran?oise sentait grossir leur envie sous elle, leurs queues l'une ? hauteur de ses cuisses, l'autre sous son torse prenaient une consistance de bon aloi.

Elles raidissaient, s'irritaient contre les jeans et Fran?oise ?tait ? m?me de constater qu'elle ne s'?tait pas tromp?e quant ? la taille de la bite de Miloud, celle de Stephan qu'elle n'avait pu ?valuer, lui semblait toute aussi grosse, elle sentait son con s'humidifier et ruait de plus belle pour se d?gager.

Retombant d'une de ses ruades, elle fit crier de douleur Miloud, involontairement elle lui avait ?cras? un testicule sur la cuisse.

Le visage de Miloud s'empourpra de col?re, il s'?cria furieux :?

-          Ca tu vas le payer ma garce !

  A ce moment Charles, qui s'?tait ?clips? au tout d?but des d?bats, r?int?gra la salle, son ?ternel appareil photo sous le bras, il informa ses potes :??

-          Pour ?viter toute surprise, j'ai mis quelques poubelles en travers du chemin, dans l'ombre du virage, si quelqu'un se pointe on entendra parfaitement le bruit !?

-          Alors on y va dit alors Stephan, impatient ? ses acolytes... 

-          Qu'est ce que vous voulez me faire ??  pleurnicha Fran?oise apeur?e .

-          Qu'est ce que tu fais ? tes enfants, quand ils d?sob?issent ou te font mal ?? L'interrogea Miloud.

Et Fran?oise s'entendit r?pondre, la voix mal assur?e, tremblante :

-          Je leur donne la fess?e !  Et vivement elle ajouta  Mais c'est pas pareil... Ce sont des enfants, vous n'oseriez tout de m?me pas...

La suite lui prouva que si.?

-         Stephan bloque lui les bras, Charles tu prendras des photos !

Ceci dit Miloud la coin?a de nouveau sur ses genoux, elle n'eut pas le temps de rousp?ter, que d?j? Stephan lui retournait les bras dans le dos et les lui bloquait d'une main, r?servant son autre main pour un autre usage.

  Malgr? ses gigotements Miloud? releva sa? jupe bien au del? de la croupe .

Elle avait conscience, ainsi trouss?e de leur exposer ses deux globes ronds encore prisonniers de leur ?crin de nylon.

Son mini slip vert devait encore renforcer l'attrait du spectacle, ils rest?rent quelques instants silencieux, immobiles, ? contempler le joufflu livr? ? leur convoitise .

Puis d'une main, Miloud attrapa l'?lastique du slip, et ainsi qu'on d?pouille un lapin, il lui arracha son dernier voile.

L'?lastique c?da d'un claquement sec imm?diatement suivi du grincement du nylon qu'on d?chire.

Un premier ?clair ponctua la premi?re photo.

  Miloud fourra les lambeaux de la culotte dans sa poche et attira l'attention de ses copains sur le post?rieur ainsi d?nud? .

Les trois se livr?rent ? nouveau ? une longue contemplation, Fran?oise cherchait ? serrer les fesses, afin de r?v?ler le moins possible des secrets de son acad?mie, mais Miloud lui avait ?cart? brutalement les jambes et sur, son injonction, Charles glissa une chaise entre ses chevilles.

  Fran?oise avait pleine conscience d'?tre exhib?e comme du b?tail ? l'?tal, elle sentait les yeux de ses agresseurs courir le long de la vall?e ombr?e de sa raie, lisant comme dans un livre ouvert ? la bonne page, d?couvrant d'abord l'anneau ridel? ? la texture plus sombre de son anus puis tout de suite apr?s le p?rin?e, l'ouverture de son sexe, qui vu sa position devait bailler insolemment.

  Elle en soupirait de honte, elle savait maintenant que rien ne les arr?terait plus, il ?tait inutile de les supplier...

?????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????

Malgr? elle une louche langueur gagnait ses reins...? Et l'autre qui continuait ? prendre des photos !

La main s'abattit une premi?re fois sur le majestueux p?tard une vive douleur irradia alors sa croupe, la deuxi?me claque se faisait attendre, et c'est alors qu'elle d?crispait ses fesses qu'elle arriva provoquant imm?diatement un surcro?t de douleur .

La technique de fesseur de Miloud ?tait bien au point, les coups ?taient violents, vari?s, donn?s sur un rythme lent, il attendait toujours l'instant ou les fesses se d?tendaient pour frapper.

Les soubresauts de la victime obligeaient l'anus ? s'entrouvrir r?v?lant la chair sombre du tunnel, la langueur de Fran?oise avait ?volu?e, aux br?lures des premi?res claques avaient succ?d? des lames de feu qui lui traversaient les reins, irradiant dans son sexe qui ?tait maintenant tremp?, elle prenait son pied, peu ? peu ses sanglots se transform?rent en soupirs et bient?t un long spasme la secoua sur les genoux de son agresseur.

  Tout le temps de la punition, Stephan avait continu? de lui peloter les mamelles, les pin?ant, les malaxant tandis que le dernier comp?re continuait ? prendre des photos.

Miloud se fit caressant, il voulait v?rifier une impression subite, s'infiltrant entre les jambes disjointes il for?a du doigt le con de la belle et le trouva d?bordant de cyprine, grandes, petites l?vres, clitoris tout baignait maintenant dans un jus onctueux.

  A ce moment, retentit un juron sec accompagn? d'un bruit de poubelles renvers?es.

Imm?diatement Miloud lib?ra Fran?oise, cette derni?re en toute h?te entreprit de remettre un peu d'ordre dans sa tenue, Charles, lui, dissimula son appareil photo .

Les jambes cotonneuses, la vulve tremp?e Fran?oise vit Christophe, l'?ducateur chef rentrer dans la salle, tout de suite il interrogea :??

-          Fran?oise, que faites vous ici, en compagnie de ces deux jeunes ?? Et au vu de? son visage empourpr?? il ajouta :

-          Vous auraient-il importun?e ?

Miloud retint sa respiration, l'instant ?tait crucial, ou elle? se taisait et c'?tait tout bon pour eux, ou elle parlait et c'?tait le renvoi apr?s passage devant le directeur.

  Fran?oise, l'esprit embrum? n'en ?tait pas l?, elle pensait seulement ? la honte d'avouer qu'elle s'?tait fait tripoter par ces jeunes, tout son esprit se r?vulsait ? l'id?e d'?taler son aventure, de savoir qu'elle serait abondamment comment?e... D?j? qu'on lui reprochait sa trop forte f?minit?... On l'accuserait de les avoir provoqu?s... Qu'en dirait? son mari si jaloux... Et ses enfants ne la consid?reraient-ils pas comme une putain...? On est si cruel ? 12 et 14 ans !

Un ange tra?na dans la pi?ce, et la voix voil?e, essouffl?e Fran?oise r?pondit :??

-          Je viens d'arriver au pas de course... Sous la pluie et je questionnais Miloud et Stephan... Je cherche Isabelle et Marie-Claude qui se sont absent?es du groupe !

Cette explication suffit ? Christophe qui se tournant vers Miloud, Stephan et Charles les engueula un peu, ils n'avaient rien ? faire ? cette heure ? cet endroit, m?me s'ils s'y ?taient r?fugi?s pour s'abriter .

  Tous ensembles ils retourn?rent vers les groupes.

  Sous le regard goguenard des trois jeunes, Fran?oise salua son chef et rentra au groupe ou elle retrouva ses deux fugueuses.


Janvier 2008

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Hey guys dis is my first story hope u all like this one..this one of the real incident which happened to me.. this happened wen i was 19 years old wen me and mom went a trip to mom is a very traditional and very strict and very shy kind of a woman.. My dad went to Bangkok for some work he had there..i had holidays and it was very boring so i planned to go somewhere and i thought on it for few days..suddenly one thing flashed in my mind that my mom asked me about Goa.. because she has...

2 years ago
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His Volleyball Player Giving In 2

  Alex is her name. Alex Petrov. She's from Russia. Her hair is jet black and wavy. Her lips small and bow-shaped. Her eyes are quite the attraction. They're big, round, and black. Every time I stare into them I get lost somehow. It's like an endless black hole that traps me. But that's not the only thing. She has this perfect hourglass figure that I have been craving for quite a while now. It drives me crazy.    Not being able to have her because of the restraints that keep me...

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GSP Chapter 213 Lost in the City

* * * "What is the situation?" Thundercloud asked as he closed the door to the cockpit. Inside some of the other G.S.P. members waited. "Didn't you listen to the alert?" Mindeye grumbled as a small vibration slipped through the floor. "Type C creature doesn't tell me much," Thundercloud responded in a calm voice. "Put yourself on the seat so that the G.S.P transport can take off," a metallic voice said from the intercom. "Damn AI," Thundercloud complained. "Could it ever...

2 years ago
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2 bi or not 2 bi

Wir beide sind in einer fremden Stadt, niemand kennt uns. Es ist ein lauer Sommerabend. Da wir beide bockgeil sind und etwas Bestimmt-Unbestimmtes vorhaben, gehen wir in ein dunkles Pornokino im Zentrum. Du hast lediglich einen Rock (ohne Slip, keine Strümpfe) und darüber einen dünnen, ziemlich weiten und somit leicht nach oben zu rollenden Pulli angezogen. Kurz vor dem Verlassen des Hotels habe ich Dir die Muschi rasiert, so dass sie glatt wie die eines kleinen Mädchens ist. Nachdem das Licht...

4 years ago
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A Healthy Relationship

(This story is so ridiculous that you’ll either laugh, cum, or both. However, if you do not like the story please do not comment. If you do enjoy it, please comment and write why you enjoyed it. Thank you.) A Healthy Relationship Chapter 1: At The Doctor’s “Doctor, Timmy’s penis growth is really worrying me,” I said to my gynecologist. My son’s pediatrician was out of town and I needed a doctor’s opinion as soon as possible. My ten-year-old boy was sitting next to me and...

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With My Gf8217s Shy Bestie In Manali

Hello everyone.. I’m Raj 21;) from Bangalore , I’ve been reading here from a few years and now I’m writing down my 1st story .. This happened recently i,e on 26th of March (And yeah this story is going to be a bit long so that you get that same exact feeling .. I’ll try to narrate wit all the details possible, so if you’re here for a quickie then I’m sorry buddy this story is not for you .. And if you want real pleasure stay tuned)   Without wasting anymore time on introduction I’ll come to...

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Contractor to the Porn Stars Chapter 4

When I entered the house I found it cleaner than it had been for a while. I’d been too busy to do much more than a lick and a promise, but Ann had it shiny. She looked a little tired so I made a pitcher of lemonade and persuaded her to take a break. We sat out back on the patio and Ann visibly relaxed. I explained the progress I had made about Chuckie and she relaxed even more. I told her, “You did a great job, Ann, but you look a little tired. Why don’t you take a shower and clean up and...

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The tuna salad recipe called for two boiled eggs. Two organic boiled eggs that looked too much like they were about to hatch in the boiling pot of water, threatening to burst open with chicks that would immediately cry out for something I could never provide. I really wondered what the difference was between organic and regular eggs, besides the color difference. Maybe if they were natural brown instead of white they had more nutrients in them? Kind of like wheat bread was better for you versus...

1 year ago
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The Breeding Party Part 1

We had, just a couple of weeks before, moved into our house after returning from Germany. We had a mobile home, and had parked it in the same park that we had lived in before we went to Germany. In fact, we were only 7 lots removed from the lot we had occupied before.Linda had gone the second day back and talked to the lady who owned the day spa where she had been employed before going to Germany. They visited for a couple of hour before the lady asked Linda if she was interested in coming back...

4 years ago
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The Playroom My First Visit

I had never visited your home before. I think it was mainly because I did not trust you, or myself when it came to that. I knew that you had designs on my body and although I enjoyed your attentions, and encouraged them in fact, I also enjoyed keeping you waiting. But then, I have always been a tease.You knew that from the beginning though, back when you first saw me in the club dancing with a girlfriend and wearing my favourite little black dress. Remember that dress? It was a little short...

2 years ago
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A Girls War

A Girl's War By Cindi Johnson © 2006 Part 1 ------ I recalled something my father told me during one of his more lucid alcoholic states. "Danny," he said, "always keep your secrets. Bury them deep. Hold them down with a strong grip. Strangle them, violently, when necessary. You let them out, and they'll come back around and take you down. Trust me on this, Danny." That odd memory came back to me as I gazed at Tania's reflection in the pane glass window. She looked so...

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Quest For Orgasm

Find yourself a beautiful girl and make her cum. It's essentially a Quest for Orgasm. This website delivers premium porn for those who love watching hot girls rub their wet pussies or use a vibrator on them until they cum. Quest for Orgasm is a part of the LetsDoeIt brand of porn. So, initially, I'm already going in expecting something pretty good. On the surface, starting with a masturbation genre and seeing how the site is presented to me, I'm pleased.As I start to unravel what this site is...

Premium Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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The Gangbang

Copyright -2010 – by Jillbaby. I cursed as the engine in my car kept cutting out on the quiet, dark road. I hadn’t a clue where I was. I had visited a new friend and had got lost after setting out for home. It was a part of the city I had never been in before, and had a very run-down and threatening feel to it. I had been sure I had enough gas to get home, and of course, sod’s law applied. I had left my mobile phone at home on the charger. It was after midnight, and the streets were...

Group Sex
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Daughter Swapping

Single fathers with growing daughters, is not the anomaly of yesteryear, it is more common than many think, and as I tell you my story, I think you might get other ideas, because these lonely men get to see things, and do things, that other families don't, simply because the female figure has gone, and the father is free to make decisions, and the daughter develops in the fathers eye, and appeases his sexual take as she grows and develops, would you normally see three beautiful teenage girls...

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A New Start in Life Chapter 16

A New Start in Life Part 16 In March Clive was due in court, to give him his due (begrudgingly) he pleaded guilty saving Shoni the stress of testifying, this was his first offence and he got a suspended 2 year sentence and had to go on an anger management course. We three discussed this and as Shoni was happy that justice had been done we left it at that. The months passed and all too soon it was time for the exams, we thought we had done enough work. Stress levels were really...

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emma waston 2

Emma! Emma!" I shouted with other fans from behind the velvet rope. "Can I get an autograph?"Despite our pleas, Emma Watson could only flash me a curious glare before she was ushered away by her people and unceremoniously bundled into the packed theater. I had to snicker to myself as I watched her glance over her bodyguard's shoulder one final time, trying hard to recall where she had seen me before. It had been almost three whole years since we had last seen each other in person, and although...

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The neighbor

This story is mostly fiction. The names & location are based on where I grew up!In a small cul-de-sac in a quiet town, I was being raised by my grandparents, while my neighbor Amanda went to the same school as me, being raised by her parents. One day, I heard her dad committed suicide and she wasn't happy. I was also friends with her mom, Rose, and tried to be their friend in need. About a few months later, in the summer, I was cutting grass when Amanda came running towards me. I stopped...

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Our First Time swinging Adventure

My wife and I are your typical middle class family. We are in our upper forties and had been married for almost twenty years. Our sex life over the years had been nothing more than fantastic. I think both of us were quite happy with it until the past year. We had been together for a total of twenty five years, and our relationship had hit a bump in the road. It carried over into our sex life and we were lucky to make love once or twice a month. We needed something desperately to get the passion...

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Degrading A Young Lady

Rebecca was 22, tall and blonde, but was a virgin and had never been kissed because guys didn’t like her arrogant attitude. Whilst being very insecure on the inside, she portrayed a snobby personality and ‘looked down’ on others. Her parents noticed this behavior and were concerned that it would affect her finding a husband. The family was very wealthy, and prided themselves on being the most perfect, rich family within their upper-class community. Rebecca, however, was spoiling...

4 years ago
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Starlight 300Chapter 9

"What's that?" asked Candy, when I picked up an item from a vendor's table. We had docked at Starbase 19, so that Candy could buy new inlet manifold couplings. One of ours had cracked on our last trip, and Candy had put a temporary patch on it. "This, ladies, is the famous (or should I say infamous) Sex Pistol," I said holding up the yellow plastic object. "What?" asked a confused Candy. Candy didn't really want to go wandering through the market square with us. She wanted to get...

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Mom and the boarder

I’ve been living at home for some time now, but have always helped my mom by paying room and board to help her out sence I’m over the age of twenty-one and have a full-time job. The recent change in the economy has forced her to rent the basement out to compensate the recession, so she placed an ad in the local Capital paper looking to rent a portion of basement. About six people came by to check out the room, but only one seemed promising. Despite the open space in the basement, it is...

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The Assignment

The Assignment By RogerGirl Melvin and Ambrose were at their makeup stations goofing off as usual. The assignment for the class was to give the girls in the chairs glamour makeovers, but the two guys had no interest in the assignment. While they were both very talented makeup artists and could very easily complete the assignment, they had only taken the course for the movie makeup portion. They had both completed their other assignments with great enthusiasm, impressing their...

4 years ago
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A Quiet Night As Usual

It was a quiet night, as usual. Therese had gone to her boyfriends for the evening for their weekly Wednesday night sleepover; Annaleze was out working late. I settled onto the couch with my grandmothers hand crotched blanket and turned on the television. There wasn’t a lot on, again as usual. MTV was the closest thing to sanity, and even that was far gone – Jersey Shore, The Real World Las Vegas, Teen Mom, 16 and Pregnant; anything to separate my mind from the world. My mind must not have...

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A date with Anna

Author's Note: My first story, "An evening with Anna" was a fantasy inspired by other storied I've read here and on other tg fiction websites. I didn't really plan on writing any more stories. However, once I started writing, I got quite attached to the character I had built. I now want to see where I can take it. This story takes off where the last one stopped. So without further ado, here is the next installment in Anna's story. A Date with Anna by Hazel M Golden sunlight...

3 years ago
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Older Pussy

Maureen's Older Pussymaureen is a older woman i used to work with she is 62 years old short brown hair to her neck glasses,nice tits, some sag to them but still nice, nice ass and a trimmed pussy, this happened a few years ago, i meet maureen at work very nice from the day i started, sweet lady, grandma like, would help you out anything you need she was there, very sweet lady. she was set to retire and the office staff wanted to take her out for drinks and dinner, maureen was surprised when...

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WANTED by Elaine Please do not read any further if: 1. You are under the age of 16, or 2. You are offended by explicit sexual and/or erotic writing. This long story describes situations where genetic males are offered the opportunity to live and work in the female clothes and to become members of the opposite sex. If this sort of story is likely to offend you, then please do not continue. There may be areas of attitude or technical content that might be wrong but the...

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Fingering Anita during a night flight

I had gone to Salt Lake City on a business trip; but this time my sweet wife had joined me to stay there for a full week. We had enjoyed the trip so much; dinners outside, sunny days, too much sex during the nights…Now we were getting back home, in a long overnight flight…Ana was a bit tired, but she looked beautiful and sexy. She was wearing a short summer dress for the flight, with a pair of nice high heeled sandals.She also looked hot with her tanned body…Anita was not wearing a bra because...

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After duty meeting

This story is true and happened while serving in the military the names have been changed to protect every one involved. Please any feedback good or bad is most welcome as it will make me a better writer. Another week in the books today was Friday and with no duty for the weekend all i could think about was the last few hours of my work day hoping they would fly by and a start of the week end. 5:P.M. finally arrived the last formation of the day then would be released to start what ever your...

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Twitter Stories

So, I asked my followers for ideas and if they would like me to write something for them. "Can I interest anyone else in a free, naughty little personalised story? I can write it from whichever perspective you'd like and whatever fetish you'd like me to write."

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Becoming Bea 4

'Becoming Bea' Chapter four There I was, dressed as a woman and sitting next to a handsome man who had no clue that I wasn't really a woman. I sat with my smooth legs crossed, giving no impression that I had, supposedly, the same type of genitalia as him. But I had no doubts that the little nub that I had nestled inside my panties could not compare to Frederick's cock. He sat there with his legs spread wide apart and... I can't lie, my eyes glanced quickly at his crotch and I noticed...

4 years ago
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Behind The BarChapter 7

Jenny Cooper wasn't planning on stopping for a drink after work but the dim, cool interior of the BRANDYWINE looked so inviting, she was drawn in and found herself sitting on a bar stool before she quite knew what was happening. "Uh... a glass of white wine please," Jenny said timidly as the good-looking bartender came over to her. "I... I don't want to stay too long. I've got to get ready for my wedding tomorrow." Dave's eyebrows raised in surprise. For a girl getting married...

2 years ago
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Batteries Not Included

© 2003 "Just wait till you see what I got this summer," Natalie said to her friend and roommate Jennifer. It was a conversation that had happened every year in this same dorm room by different girls. Usually one girl would show the other a dark tan or a picture of a boyfriend. This time it was something completely different. Jen watched in amazement as her friend Natalie pulled out something entirely more wicked than a boyfriend's picture out from a hidden portion of her...

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Old wine tests better

Hi everybody, here is a 28 yr old guy from kolkata. I have been reading this site for years but it’s only now that I have the guts to recount one of my most memorable experiences. This happened last year. I used to stay in a rented house and my bedroom window used to face another apartment. Being a bachelor, I would usually wear only shorts and after bathing wud come out nude and change. One day I noticed a lady in the balcony opposite who was staring at me while I came out. Luckily that day I...

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Sissy Night at Brucys

• We moved into auntie’s place, who is desperate for sexual relief, she being single. Dad discovers me dressed in auntie’s clothes and makes me fuck the neighbor and more. I am still in college and have friends who think outside the box.• This happens on a Friday morning and I stay home for the weekend to pleasure Harry our neighbor, who loves my dressing and looking gurly. Daddy thought my long blonde hair to my waist was sexy, and with my plump butt, skinny by some opinions, was perfect hand...

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The Dolls House Hotel Chapter Nine

The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter Nine By AmyAmy. November 25th, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including...

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Toilet Fantasy With Cousin

Hi I am Sayan. I’m a regular reader of iss and I’m especially attracted to the incest. So I thought how about sharing my own experience with my dear cousin sister Nina (nickname). This is my first story so pardon any mistakes. My cousin sister Nina is a total hot babe. Her stats are 34-26-36 so called perfect figure. It happened about 2 months ago when she visited my house in Kolkata after her 12 board exams. She is 19 years old and has a fair complexion. I used to dream about her and even...

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Vengeance Is MineChapter 5

The sun in my eyes woke me up. I was lying in bed and felt the warm rays of the sun on me. My mind drifted back to the dream I had. The dream I had last night was so real. I remembered exactly what she looked like, and for a lack of a better word, she was perfect. The way she walked was so alluring and desirable. “She’s a dream Meredith, that’s all,” I said to myself. Still, there was a feeling of desire that hadn’t been there before. She intrigued me and I wanted to know more about her, but...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 21 Thinking outside the box

George was one of the leaders in the chicken project, “This project came about from our class brainstorming on what we could do to help feed all people. We receive a thousand fertilized eggs from a nearby farmer every week. We ask for donations when we give a certain number of baby chicks away to individuals to help cover our costs. Included with the baby chicks, we provide a pound of food with every chick. We give half of our donations to the farmer that produces the eggs. The other half...

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B IS FOR GIRL chapter 2 B is for Back To School

"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 2: "B" is for Back To School "Good morning, Beverly," said mummy. "Time to get up. It's Monday! You're going back to school today. Your first day at junior school, too! Isn't it exciting?" When I had stopped being a little baby girl on Saturday, two days before, mummy had moved me back into my old bedroom. I hadn't been in my bedroom since the start of the six weeks summer holidays. When I was a little boy, my bedroom walls were blue, except for one...

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Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen The Cameo Murder Part 2 of 2

Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 2: Finding Their Way Chapter 6 - "Crossing Arizona" Friday, June 7, 1872 Jessie slowly - regretfully - opened her eyes. "Uhh," she moaned, putting her hand to her head. "Why the...

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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 18

"Quick kid, grab the cart." I grabbed the cart and pulled. The thing in the barrier roared and jumped at me. All I could see was a mouth bigger than my head and fangs as long as my forearms. Screaming, I fell on the floor as it hit the barrier. I looked up to see it biting at the barrier and scratching it with black claws, each the length of my hand, trying to get to me. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" I sat up. My heart was pounding and I was struggling to catch my breath. I was trembling...

3 years ago
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Those Six Days

Those Six days ?This is not a fantasy or a story of fiction. It’s a true story that happened to me a few months ago. I am from India, where sex is still considered taboo. Here, Slave, Mistress, BDSM are words people would not have even heard of. Your comments are invited on [email protected] ?Those days, I was working in a private firm in a good position. I got this job after a lot of painstaking efforts and hence this job was extremely precious to me. ?My immediate boss was a South Indian...

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New roommate

This happened after I had gotten a divorce. I was kicked out of my house and renting an apartment. My exwife and I used to be swingers and some of the couples would message me from time to time. Most of the time they would not do anything with just a male. One day a new number message my phone saying that person was in the same shape as me and we used to swing together. After a few text messages I figured out it was a guy that we would swing with and his wife had kicked him out. Since they had...

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River 15

Chapter 15 So far: Two new characters are introduced and their backgrounds explored, along with their odyssey to the river. Now they have met River and are invited into the water. ----- --- ------ River welcomed the new people into the river. Nick was hesitant, knowing how cold the water could be, but Carla immediately smiled at River's soft voice, and entered the water. Nick followed, and they waded out to the deeper part of the river. Nick was astounded how warm the water was,...

4 years ago
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She liked my story

She read his first story eagerly. The though of being in control of a man like that was driving her crazy. She could feel her juices flowing into her panties. Unable to stop herself she lifted her skirt and slipped her hand under her panties, cupping her mound. She continued to read as her fingers spread her lips. She imagined her man lying naked on the floor waiting for her to site on his face as she slid her finger down between her wet lips. She could feel his tongue sticking out, parting her...

3 years ago
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Finding True Love

"I can't believe that I'm in America" I thought to myself as I was exiting the plane from the long and boring trip. The last thing that I had seen before I went to sleep was the crystal clear blue beaches of FIJI. Now I was in America on holiday, and I was hoping to meet up with some friends I had made online. During my trip abroad, there was one special and dear friend who I wanted to meet ever since we started to chat through e-mails, "Here I come Jessi" I thought to myself. As I...

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Beckrsquos Present

Beck’s PresentTori was scared, not the kind of scared when Trina was holding a sharp object, no, this was different. She was standing with her arms and huffed above her. She tried to move her limbs but they were restrained. She tried to scream but had a ball gag on. She couldn't even see due to the blindfold.Tori was trying to keep calm but was failing. She struggled against the restrains and tried to scream but it was muffled. She then heard a familiar voice, "Aww don't do that.” It was…...

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My SlutsChapter 4

On their way out of the door, with clean laundry, Nadia stopped to whisper, “I’ll be home after ten am. I can’t wait.” I took the bag she was trying to carry out to the car for her. After it was all put in the back seat of their van, Nadia grabbed my balls and said, “I want these full. Don’t do anything tonight please?” “I may have made a promise, but I’ll do my best. See you at ten o one.” They both chuckled as I waved good-bye to them. I came back closing the door. I saw Sally looking...

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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 21 Jonathon

"The Program has been suspended," Mr. Shaw said when Jackie and I walked up to him. "Why, Mr. Shaw," I asked, but I felt I knew why. "The school administration felt it would be a good idea in light of what happened last night. The board wants to reevaluate The Program and make a decision on whether to keep it or not," Mr. Shaw told us and the kids that had gathered around us. I knew there was no use in trying to debate what was happening, it wouldn't do any good. Taking Jackie's...

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New lease on life

See back a little over four years ago I caught my husband fucking Beth our then 41-year-old neighbor in her pool house. I did not bust in on them, but I was hurt, angry, and jealous all at the same time as Rick, my husband, was fucking Beth with much more enthusiasm than he had fucked me in many, many years. Beth being seven years my senior (I was 34 at the time and Beth was 41 remember) had a body that put mine to shame. She is a petite woman around 5’1”, all of about 105 lbs, with a...

1 year ago
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xHamster Amateur

I know you’re a regular visitor to xHamster. You might not count it among your favorite websites if somebody asks out in public, but their mountain of pornography has got to be one of the reasons the Internet was invented. It’s massive and throbbing, engorged with an ever-flowing torrent of hardcore smut delivered straight to your phone or laptop. In a little over a decade, xHamster has amassed one of the biggest dirty movie collections on the Internet. Let’s talk about their Amateur...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Lottery WinnerChapter 33

Wendy said, “They’re all here to gang bang my ass. You’re welcome to do me, too.” They had come inside and were all shedding clothes as she talked. All of us went out back. Wendy went over to the grassed area and got on her hands and knees. One of the guys moved behind her and pushed into her ass. She grunted. Devon was the only girl who had joined us. I sat on a chaise lounge and she moved over me and lowered her ass onto my cock. She had an easier time taking me since she was usually with...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbour

Another weekend is almost over. It’s already Sunday and I haven’t gotten off properly. Looking at my mom’s porn lesbo videos and magazines just don’t cut it for me anymore. Yeah, I know a 15 year old girl shouldn’t be as horny as I am.I need the real thing, but the thing is, everyone treats me like a “little girl”. I mean I am mature for my age. I have light brown hair, deep sexy brown eyes, a fair complexion, and a tight little body. I see the teen boys and some of the teen girls at school...

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Chavvy teens first climax

In a local supermarket is a McDonalds, as I’d just done a bit of shopping I fancied a burger, as I queued up I noticed a youngish girl count some coins in her hand. As I placed my order she said “I’ll give you a blowjob if you buy me a burger I haven’t eaten since yesterday”, she looked ordinary but I thought ‘why not’, I gave her £10 and said “Get what you want”.When she got her order she came and sat opposite me, “Thanks” she said. Then she told me about herself, she was 17, on the dole, her...

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My Nieces High School GraduationChapter 5

“Oh Uncle Jeff! Your cock is so big and hard again. It’s beautiful,” she said as her eyes seemed mesmerized by my rigid member throbbing with need, just inches from her face. Her tongue flicked out unconsciously and ran sexily around her pouting lips as she watched the growing globule of precum hang from the tip of my cock. “You want a little taste, honey?” I asked teasingly as I slowly waved my dripping dick back and forth in front of her face. “Oh yes! Please Uncle Jeff?” she said...

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