Revenge of the Nerd Ch 39
- 3 years ago
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Coulybaca (Texte personnel)
Chapitre 1 : Fran?oise
Ce jeudi vers 18 heures, Fran?oise, suivie de son groupe de jeunes filles p?n?trait dans le hall de la piscine de la ville voisine, la chaleur torride qui avait r?gn? toute la journ?e l'avait amen?e ? bousculer l'emploi du temps pr?vu .
Depuis midi, les filles l'avaient press?e de s'y rendre afin de profiter pleinement d'une si belle journ?e.
Affal?s sur le ventre, autour du bassin d?couvert, les a?n?s, les gar?ons du groupe 6 semblaient les y attendre, tout bien r?fl?chi, peut-?tre les attendaient-ils vraiment, instruits de leur sortie par les grandes.
En d?bouchant dans la piscine, son maillot une pi?ce noir la moulant, r?v?lant sa lourde poitrine et ses fesses opulentes, ? leurs yeux int?ress?s, Fran?oise s'?tait sentie d?vor?e des yeux .
Sous les regards de tous ces adolescent braqu?s sur elle, insistant avec impudence sur ses seins, ses fesses, son sexe, une douce chaleur l'avait alors envahie .
Pour cacher son trouble, elle s'?tait d'abord allong?e sur une natte au bord de l'eau, quelques filles ? ses cot?s, ?a et l?, allong?es sur le dos .
Faisant fi des spectateurs attentifs, elle avait entrepris de reprendre son calme, intrigu?e de cette r?action inhabituelle ..... la chaleur ...... l'?nervement peut-?tre .
Les filles n'avaient pas tard?es ? l'abandonner, se pr?cipitant ? l'eau pour y chahuter avec leurs habituels soupirants .
Rapidement Fran?oise, qui surveillait distraitement leurs ?volutions, s'alarma de la tournure des ?v?nements :? aux jeux innocents avaient succ?d? des attitudes plus suspectes, les jeunes gars, profitant des circonstances, caressaient les seins juv?niles, les fesses plus ou moins dodues de ses jeunes demoiselles qui ne s'en plaignaient pas, bien au contraire, ne protestant pour la forme que par des petits cris effarouch?s, mais revenant se m?ler de suite au chahut, aguichant par le geste les adolescents lorsque ceux ci leur pr?taient moins d'attention.
Cet atmosph?re trouble, pesant, lourd de d?sirs exacerb?s, n'?tait pas sans r?sonner sur Fran?oise elle m?me, elle sentait son coquillage se dilater doucement, une chaleur ?trange lui embrasait le bas-ventre, ses sens chaviraient peu ? peu, elle se secoua, et, pour ?chapper ? ce trouble naissant piqua une t?te dans l'eau fra?che et se mit ? nager ? longues brass?es, accumulant les longueurs de bassin.
Bient?t Miloud et Stephan, deux adolescents parmi les plus ?g?s, la rejoignirent et nag?rent ? sa hauteur.
Ils entreprirent de la chahuter, sous l'eau ils passaient sous elle, lui agrippant les jambes pour lui faire boire une tasse, elle se d?fendait de son mieux et, prise par le jeu leur rendait la pareille.
Brusquement, elle se sentit saisie par la jambe.
Un des jeunes avait agripp? sa cheville puis suivant le galbe de son? mollet, l'arrondi de sa cuisse posait la main sur sa taille .
La peau de ses hanches se granulait sous la caresse insistante, ? la limite du maillot.
Une pouss?e violente la plongea sous l'eau, elle ferma vivement yeux et bouche tandis que le jeune profiteur engouffrait? brutalement son autre main dans le soutien-gorge l?che, ses seins furent rapidement malax?s.
Les t?tons raidis pinc?s, ruant, se d?battant, elle parvint ? remonter ? la surface mais, encore toussant et crachotant elle ne put identifier son agresseur.
Tandis qu'elle revenait p?niblement au bord de la piscine elle s'?tonnait de ne pas ressentir que de la col?re .
Ces caresses brutales l'avaient ?mue plus que de raison, troubl?e, elle regagna les vestiaires pour se rhabiller .
Seule dans la petite cabine, elle se surprit en enlevant son maillot ? caresser longuement sa poitrine, en faisant rouler lentement les pointes exasp?r?es, dard?es, et elle, si peu port?e sur l'onanisme elle passa lentement ses doigts dans sa fente qui ruisselait d'eau et de d?sirs frustr?s,
constatant dans sa chair qu'elle regrettait la bri?vet? de l'?treinte qui l'avait tant ?mue.
Etonn?e de se voir si r?ceptive aux attentions de ces jeunots, qui jusqu'ici ne l'?mouvaient nullement, pour se calmer, elle eut recours ? des caresses qu'elle croyait oubli?es depuis longtemps .
La main nich?e au creux de sa blessure elle d?busqua son clitoris qui se dressait, impatient, hors de son capuchon protecteur .
D'un doigt, elle aga?a ses petites l?vres, en appr?cia le contours, puis enfilant son majeur dans sa vulve, la t?te vide, elle accorda ? ses sens la satisfaction de leurs d?sirs .
Apr?s quelques longues caresses la brusque introduction de son majeur dans son anus l'amena enfin ? cet orgasme auquel elle aspirait maintenant de toutes les fibres de son corps.
R?veuse, l?g?rement naus?euse, elle quitta l'?dicule et gagna le parking ou l'attendaient la majorit? de ses filles .
Aux regards ironiques des gar?ons? qui leur tenaient compagnie, elle comprit que l'auteur du geste, peut-?tre m?me les deux gar?ons s'?taient d?j? vant?s de leur bonne fortune, elle se sentit rougir et se pr?cipita ? sa place sous l??il insolent de ses suborneurs .
Depuis ce jour, elle avait accord? un regard plus attentif aux activit?s de ces jeunes gens et avait remarqu? que depuis quelque temps, on les voyait souvent, l'appareil photo au poing, roder dans tout l'?tablissement
Et m?me, un jour qu'elle descendait de voiture, assis sur le terre plein ils l'avaient lorgn?e de fa?on tr?s indiscr?te .
Sa jupe ?troite, fendue sur le cot? la g?nait ?norm?ment pour sortir? de voiture .
Elle se doutait du spectacle qu'elle leur avait offert en se tortillant pour s'en extraire, Miloud? n'avait pas rat? l'occasion de photographier cet instant r?v?lateur.
Ils devaient bien s'amuser, le soir en contemplant les photos qu'ils avaient prises ; elle s'imaginait le spectacle, ? demi sortie du v?hicule, sa jupe trouss?e sur ses cuisses dodues et dor?es ? souhait, le fond de sa petite culotte pointant son triangle blanc ? la jointure de ses fesses, peut-?tre m?me pouvaient ils apercevoir quelques poils follets d?passant de la lisi?re de son slip .
De les imaginer ?tendus sur leurs lits, commentant le spectacle en se secouant la queue ? pleine mains, son ventre s'?chauffait encore ; malgr? elle, elle dessinait dans sa t?te le contour de leurs queues, quelques regards furtifs l'avait convaincue de l'importance du paquet de Miloud, qu'il exhibait d'ailleurs volontiers dans ses jeans moul?s, elle se repr?sentait une longue queue brune, ?paisse, ?mergeant d'un buisson fris? et noir.
Comme tous les alg?riens, du moins d'apr?s la rumeur, il semblait membr? au del? de la norme, certainement beaucoup plus que son mari !
Sa t?te s'il savait le pauvre ? quelles comparaisons elle se livrait !
Les pantalons de son copain ?taient beaucoup moins r?v?lateurs et elle se perdait en suppositions quand ? l'aspect du membre de Stephan.
L'orage couvait depuis la fin de l'apr?s-midi, Fran?oise se sentait excit?e au plus haut point, les pointes de ses seins s'irritaient sur la dentelle du demi-balconnet qu'elle avait enfil? le matin .
Elle ?tait responsable du groupe des grandes, jeunes de 14 ? 20 ans, toutes admises? soit en raison de leur d?bilit?, soit en raison de probl?mes familiaux graves, parfois m?me pour les deux raisons .
Les jeunes filles, ?chauff?es par l'orage et par la proximit? du groupe des a?n?s lui avaient men? la vie dure toute la journ?e, les querelles, les discordes, souvent motiv?es par des jalousies ?clataient ? tout propos : l'une trouvait que son petit ami lorgnait trop les autres filles, celle-l? pensait que sa voisine aguichait son jules ...
Enfin tout l'apr?s-midi avait ?t? de cette veine, elle se sentait ?puis?e ? force d'intervenir pour s?parer les jeunes femelles en rut .
Maintenant, elle pouvait se d?tendre un peu,le repas s'?tait d?roul? tant bien que mal, et ? ce moment toutes les filles profitaient de leurs derniers temps libres avant le coucher, certaines devisaient dans la salle de vie, d'autres s'?taient retir?es dans leur chambre pour y ?couter des disques ou discuter de gar?ons entre copines, deux ou trois ?taient parties retrouver leurs amoureux et devaient flirter, sinon plus dans quelque recoin de la propri?t? .
Avec violence, la pluie se mit ? tomber, bient?t de longs ?clairs embras?rent le ciel, les lumi?res vacill?rent ? plusieurs reprises puis s'?teignirent totalement.
La chaleur ?touffante, les cris de panique des gamines apeur?es, tout continuait ? renforcer sa f?brilit?.
Brusquement elle s'aper?ut que deux de ses donzelles n'?taient pas rentr?es elles pouvaient se trouver n'importe o?, certainement en train de flirter ou m?me plus.
Fran?oise les imaginait la culotte descendue sur les genoux, leurs petits sexes exhib?s devant les yeux de quelques gar?ons aux regards salaces.
Cela lui rappelait ses premiers ?mois sexuels .
Ag?e de 18 ans au cours d'une randonn?e en montagne, un violent orage avait ?clat?, contraignant chacun ? se r?fugier ? toute allure dans un abri provisoire.
Elle s'?tait retrouv?e avec son petit ami d'alors, Marc sous une roche en surplomb qui les prot?geait de l'averse.
Marc profitant de leur isolement s'?tait enhardi, comme, apeur?e, elle se blottissait contre lui, sa main avait lentement d?riv? sur son ?paule pour venir ?pouser la forme d'un sein, puis sa bouche s'?tait pos?e sur la sienne.
L?vres soud?es, ils s'?taient longuement embrass?s de fa?on qui lui paraissait maintenant, l'exp?rience aidant, bien chaste.
Lentement, avec douceur, il avait caress? ses cuisses, les escaladant ? pas menus, s'impr?gnant de leur tendre chaleur, comme dot?e de leur propre volont?, ses jambes s'?taient ouvertes, livrant le chemin de sa culotte de coton blanc au gentil envahisseur .
Puis f?brilement, s'?nervant soudain, Marc avait empoign? sa motte, d'abord au travers de sa culotte.
Mais bien vite, il s'?tait infiltr? sous l'?lastique empaumant son pubis soyeux qui s'en trouva tout r?joui.
Les doigts fi?vreux continu?rent leurs investigations, s?parant les l?vres virginales, d?gageant le bourgeon d?j? dress? qui aspirait ? la caresse.
Puis il avait habilement parcouru le long? corridor clos par les petites l?vres avant de s'aventurer dans la vulve serr?e pointant un doigt indiscret, il s'?tait introduit, ?prouvant l'?lasticit? du jeune vagin, une petite douleur cuisante avait marqu? la perforation digitale de l'hymen avant qu'il ne lui impose un compagnon et se mit ? tester la douce moelleur du con juv?nile.
Les caresses duraient depuis quelque temps, ses cuisses s'ouvraient maintenant largement, elle appelait de tout son corps celui de Marc, elle allait vraiment succomber, lorsque l'averse ayant cess? des appels pressants les avaient oblig?s ? reprendre une tenue plus d?cente pour rejoindre leurs compagnons .
En souvenir de ces instants d?licieux, elle avait d'ailleurs pr?nomm? son fils Marc .
L'id?e la traversa subitement que ses adolescentes se trouvaient peut -?tre actuellement dans la m?me situation ...????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Elle devait intervenir rapidement .... Avant qu'il ne soit trop tard !
Il ne manquait pas dans l'IME de gar?ons susceptibles de profiter d'un court instant d'abandon !
Avec quels gar?ons pouvaient elles donc bien se trouver?
Avec Miloud, ce jeune pr?somptueux, au regard audacieux qui toisait toutes les femmes de l'?tablissement ?
Avec son comp?re Stephan qui lui aussi passait le plus clair de son temps ? d?shabiller les filles du regard ?
Avec Daniel le petit boutonneux qui respirait le vice par tous les pores de sa peau ?
Ou encore avec Charles le grand d?gingande ? l'air blas? ?
Avec Fr?d?ric qui passait le plus clair de son temps ? exposer ses organes g?nitaux aux yeux des plus jeunes ?.....
Plus elle y r?fl?chissait, plus elle penchait plut?t pour Miloud et Stephan, si vicieux que m?me les ?ducatrices se m?fiaient d'eux l? et veillaient ? ne pas se trouver seules en leur compagnie .
Un nouvel ?clair d?chira le ciel, se secouant de la douce torpeur, dans laquelle ces ?vocations l'avaient plong?e, Fran?oise d?cida de partir ? la recherche de ses brebis ?gar?es.
La d?marche lourde de d?sirs inassouvis elle entreprit de visiter les locaux.
Elles ne se trouvaient pas dans les 3 pavillons ?ducatifs, ni dans la salle de gym, elles ne pouvaient donc se trouver qu'aux clubs ou dans les salles sous les ateliers ; elle les contourna et arriva dans les pi?ces obscures accueillant les activit?s de club.
Une lumi?re blafarde ?manait d'une des salles, elle dirigea donc ses pas vers cette derni?re, entrouvrant la porte, elle ne vit d'abord personne mais per?ut des bruits de conversation provenant d'un divan qui lui tournait le dos.
Certaine de trouver ses filles vautr?es sur le divan, peut-?tre m?me vautr?es sur des gar?ons, la col?re lui monta ? la t?te et brutalement elle surgit devant les yeux ?tonn?s de trois jeunes, effar?s de cette brusque apparition.
D?contenanc?e de ne pas trouver ses filles, Fran?oise ne sut que balbutier :
- N'auriez vous pas vu Isabelle et Marie-Claude??..
Devant la r?ponse n?gative des gar?ons, ne mesurant pas le p?ril, elle s'emporta alors :
- Mais que faites-vous donc l?? ?.
Le premier instant de saisissement pass?, Miloud vit l? l'opportunit? qu'il guettait depuis de longs jours.
Discr?tement il adressa un signe ? Charles qui s'?clipsa rapidement, puis r?pondit :?
- Nous parlions de toi ?
Au lieu de briser l? la controverse, et de partir, Fran?oise commit alors l'ultime imprudence en poursuivant le dialogue, ironique.
- Et sans indiscr?tion... Que racontiez-vous, pour ?tre oblig? de vous cacher pour discuter ?
Miloud r?pondit alors avec brutalit? :?
- On parlait de toi... De ton cul... De ta chatte... Depuis que nous t'avons bien pelot?e ? la piscine, on s'imagine tes formes... Les photos nous ont bien renseign?, on sait que t'es une fausse blonde... Les poils bruns d?passant de ta culotte t'ont trahi... Mais on aimerait en savoir plus...? Pour l'instant on imagine...
- Je ne supporterai pas ce ton plus longtemps ! Le coupa alors Fran?oise,
- Ou tu t'excuses imm?diatement devant tes copains ou je fais un rapport et c'est avec le directeur que tu t'expliqueras !? Le mena?a-t-elle.
- Tant qu'a ?tre puni... Autant l'?tre pour quelque chose ! S'enflamma Miloud l'agrippant par le bas de sa robe.
Fran?oise se sentit chuter elle tendit les mains en avant, par r?flexe et se retrouva ?tendue de tout son long en travers des cuisses des deux complices .
Avant qu'elle n'ait pu se redresser Stephan lui attrapa les seins ? pleine mains la for?ant ? se blottir sur leurs genoux.
Tout en criant elle serra les genoux ? les rompre, d?j? elle sentait les mains de Miloud s'insinuer sous sa jupe tandis qu'il commentait :?
- Alors garce... T'as gagn? c'est la pine qu'il te faut...? Vas-y, hurle ? plein poumon... Ca m'?tonnerait que quelqu'un se balade dans le coin, et... M?me si on t'entendait t'aurais bonne mine si on te trouvait trouss?e comme un poulet sur nos genoux !
Effectivement, Fran?oise se rendit compte du spectacle qu'elle devait donner, d?s ce moment elle se tut, peu encline ? ameuter des adultes, ou des enfants qui commenteraient ? leur fa?on le troublant spectacle.
Cependant elle se d?battait, cherchant ? se d?livrer, mais chacun de ses soubresauts livrait encore plus son intimit? aux doigts inquisiteurs.
Miloud promenait maintenant sa main dans sa culotte, il lui caressait les fesses, suivant d'un doigt curieux la fente ombr?e, d?busquait l'anus fr?missant blotti au plus profond de la raie .
Pour l'instant il inventoriait sa croupe, tandis que Stephan, qui avait retrouss? son chemisier sortait ? demi ses seins de leur ?crin.
Ils d?bordaient maintenant du soutien-gorge roul? sous sa poitrine, il pin?ait les ar?oles, les tirait, p?trissait toute la mamelle... S?r la trace de ses doigts resterait un moment marqu?e sur sa poitrine !
Fran?oise sentait grossir leur envie sous elle, leurs queues l'une ? hauteur de ses cuisses, l'autre sous son torse prenaient une consistance de bon aloi.
Elles raidissaient, s'irritaient contre les jeans et Fran?oise ?tait ? m?me de constater qu'elle ne s'?tait pas tromp?e quant ? la taille de la bite de Miloud, celle de Stephan qu'elle n'avait pu ?valuer, lui semblait toute aussi grosse, elle sentait son con s'humidifier et ruait de plus belle pour se d?gager.
Retombant d'une de ses ruades, elle fit crier de douleur Miloud, involontairement elle lui avait ?cras? un testicule sur la cuisse.
Le visage de Miloud s'empourpra de col?re, il s'?cria furieux :?
- Ca tu vas le payer ma garce !
A ce moment Charles, qui s'?tait ?clips? au tout d?but des d?bats, r?int?gra la salle, son ?ternel appareil photo sous le bras, il informa ses potes :??
- Pour ?viter toute surprise, j'ai mis quelques poubelles en travers du chemin, dans l'ombre du virage, si quelqu'un se pointe on entendra parfaitement le bruit !?
- Alors on y va dit alors Stephan, impatient ? ses acolytes...
- Qu'est ce que vous voulez me faire ?? pleurnicha Fran?oise apeur?e .
- Qu'est ce que tu fais ? tes enfants, quand ils d?sob?issent ou te font mal ?? L'interrogea Miloud.
Et Fran?oise s'entendit r?pondre, la voix mal assur?e, tremblante :
- Je leur donne la fess?e ! Et vivement elle ajouta Mais c'est pas pareil... Ce sont des enfants, vous n'oseriez tout de m?me pas...
La suite lui prouva que si.?
- Stephan bloque lui les bras, Charles tu prendras des photos !
Ceci dit Miloud la coin?a de nouveau sur ses genoux, elle n'eut pas le temps de rousp?ter, que d?j? Stephan lui retournait les bras dans le dos et les lui bloquait d'une main, r?servant son autre main pour un autre usage.
Malgr? ses gigotements Miloud? releva sa? jupe bien au del? de la croupe .
Elle avait conscience, ainsi trouss?e de leur exposer ses deux globes ronds encore prisonniers de leur ?crin de nylon.
Son mini slip vert devait encore renforcer l'attrait du spectacle, ils rest?rent quelques instants silencieux, immobiles, ? contempler le joufflu livr? ? leur convoitise .
Puis d'une main, Miloud attrapa l'?lastique du slip, et ainsi qu'on d?pouille un lapin, il lui arracha son dernier voile.
L'?lastique c?da d'un claquement sec imm?diatement suivi du grincement du nylon qu'on d?chire.
Un premier ?clair ponctua la premi?re photo.
Miloud fourra les lambeaux de la culotte dans sa poche et attira l'attention de ses copains sur le post?rieur ainsi d?nud? .
Les trois se livr?rent ? nouveau ? une longue contemplation, Fran?oise cherchait ? serrer les fesses, afin de r?v?ler le moins possible des secrets de son acad?mie, mais Miloud lui avait ?cart? brutalement les jambes et sur, son injonction, Charles glissa une chaise entre ses chevilles.
Fran?oise avait pleine conscience d'?tre exhib?e comme du b?tail ? l'?tal, elle sentait les yeux de ses agresseurs courir le long de la vall?e ombr?e de sa raie, lisant comme dans un livre ouvert ? la bonne page, d?couvrant d'abord l'anneau ridel? ? la texture plus sombre de son anus puis tout de suite apr?s le p?rin?e, l'ouverture de son sexe, qui vu sa position devait bailler insolemment.
Elle en soupirait de honte, elle savait maintenant que rien ne les arr?terait plus, il ?tait inutile de les supplier...
?????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????
Malgr? elle une louche langueur gagnait ses reins...? Et l'autre qui continuait ? prendre des photos !
La main s'abattit une premi?re fois sur le majestueux p?tard une vive douleur irradia alors sa croupe, la deuxi?me claque se faisait attendre, et c'est alors qu'elle d?crispait ses fesses qu'elle arriva provoquant imm?diatement un surcro?t de douleur .
La technique de fesseur de Miloud ?tait bien au point, les coups ?taient violents, vari?s, donn?s sur un rythme lent, il attendait toujours l'instant ou les fesses se d?tendaient pour frapper.
Les soubresauts de la victime obligeaient l'anus ? s'entrouvrir r?v?lant la chair sombre du tunnel, la langueur de Fran?oise avait ?volu?e, aux br?lures des premi?res claques avaient succ?d? des lames de feu qui lui traversaient les reins, irradiant dans son sexe qui ?tait maintenant tremp?, elle prenait son pied, peu ? peu ses sanglots se transform?rent en soupirs et bient?t un long spasme la secoua sur les genoux de son agresseur.
Tout le temps de la punition, Stephan avait continu? de lui peloter les mamelles, les pin?ant, les malaxant tandis que le dernier comp?re continuait ? prendre des photos.
Miloud se fit caressant, il voulait v?rifier une impression subite, s'infiltrant entre les jambes disjointes il for?a du doigt le con de la belle et le trouva d?bordant de cyprine, grandes, petites l?vres, clitoris tout baignait maintenant dans un jus onctueux.
A ce moment, retentit un juron sec accompagn? d'un bruit de poubelles renvers?es.
Imm?diatement Miloud lib?ra Fran?oise, cette derni?re en toute h?te entreprit de remettre un peu d'ordre dans sa tenue, Charles, lui, dissimula son appareil photo .
Les jambes cotonneuses, la vulve tremp?e Fran?oise vit Christophe, l'?ducateur chef rentrer dans la salle, tout de suite il interrogea :??
- Fran?oise, que faites vous ici, en compagnie de ces deux jeunes ?? Et au vu de? son visage empourpr?? il ajouta :
- Vous auraient-il importun?e ?
Miloud retint sa respiration, l'instant ?tait crucial, ou elle? se taisait et c'?tait tout bon pour eux, ou elle parlait et c'?tait le renvoi apr?s passage devant le directeur.
Fran?oise, l'esprit embrum? n'en ?tait pas l?, elle pensait seulement ? la honte d'avouer qu'elle s'?tait fait tripoter par ces jeunes, tout son esprit se r?vulsait ? l'id?e d'?taler son aventure, de savoir qu'elle serait abondamment comment?e... D?j? qu'on lui reprochait sa trop forte f?minit?... On l'accuserait de les avoir provoqu?s... Qu'en dirait? son mari si jaloux... Et ses enfants ne la consid?reraient-ils pas comme une putain...? On est si cruel ? 12 et 14 ans !
Un ange tra?na dans la pi?ce, et la voix voil?e, essouffl?e Fran?oise r?pondit :??
- Je viens d'arriver au pas de course... Sous la pluie et je questionnais Miloud et Stephan... Je cherche Isabelle et Marie-Claude qui se sont absent?es du groupe !
Cette explication suffit ? Christophe qui se tournant vers Miloud, Stephan et Charles les engueula un peu, ils n'avaient rien ? faire ? cette heure ? cet endroit, m?me s'ils s'y ?taient r?fugi?s pour s'abriter .
Tous ensembles ils retourn?rent vers les groupes.
Sous le regard goguenard des trois jeunes, Fran?oise salua son chef et rentra au groupe ou elle retrouva ses deux fugueuses.
Janvier 2008
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ThreesomesQ is Fictional By [email protected] Bob Quincy lay flat on his back and watched the ceiling tile roll by. The gurney was hard and the foam mattress provided little comfort for his 230- pound frame. In a few minutes they would slice open his chest and tear his ribs apart in an effort to repair arteries clogged with too many years of careless living. Bob Quincy might never see another sunset, and that was more disturbing than the pain. He always thought there would be plenty of time...
Introduction: Anita seduces her Dad, the only real man in her life This started out as the first of a four-part storyline that I wrote some time ago. I’ve complied it here as a stand-alone story. Consider it as a tease, or a trailer, until the original is fully edited and ready for publishing.His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother...
My girlfriend is a very busy lady and works long hours doing her job. However the harder she works the more money she earns to keep us in the style to which we have become accustomed. Her long working hours mean that sex between us is a rarity and unfortunately we do not make love that often. Sally, my wife has a very high-powered professional job, which entails traveling round local businesses giving advice and sorting out their I.T. problems. It means lots of traveling and long business...
Wildfire Part 2 Again, this is a reboot of an old series of mine from another website. The parts are going to be longer, and I definitely have a better idea of the structure for it. I hope you enjoy it. I should say again, not all characters are going to be accurate by today's standards. This idea did come up around 34 years ago, originally, so please bear with me. After Logan's vouching for me, I started to tell my story. But, Kitty pointed out something I hadn't really...
Walking down a small, less than often visited side street, in my home town here in Sweden, my attention was caught by a bust of the female anatomy, just depicting the breasts down to the mid-point of the thighs.Looking up to the name it showed it was a shop for tatoos and body piercings, and the bust had an array of piercings, showing where they could be placed.In the window down on the lower left side there was a perfectly scaled model of the female vagina, again for the purposes of body...
After my last fuck session with Nat in Memphis, I expressed a desire to try my first gangbang. Nat agreed to set this all up for me and several weeks later he called me with the arrangements. My party was set for Saturday at the Doubletree Hotel in Atlanta. Nat would be there and he invited two other friends from the Atlanta area. On Saturday I took a long bath, shaved my pussy and then picked my outfit. Nat again wanted me in my retro outfit which was an open bottom girdle, seamed stockings,...
~A sweet Fantasy of mines~I'm Alexis, 24, not so ditsy blond, ice blue orbs for eyes. The works for the perfect body. A spoiled single c***d of a loveless marriage that ended up with me having to travel between my lovely states of California to Canada. Now I was spoiled, only because my dad made me that way. But that's a different story then this.No, this story is about my trip home from visiting my dad right before my big legal 18 birthday.It was a late and tiring night for my Mother and I....
A morbid feeling of aloneness crept over Toni Baline as she watched her boy friend Jeff head down the dirt trodden path to the kennels over the hills, far enough away from the palatial stretch of lawn bordering the swimming pool and patio for no one to see. But what could she do about Aunt Claudia's oversight decision to make use of Jeff's young muscularity as chief dog trainer? He was being paid, handsomely at that, and besides, wasn't she, Toni herself the one who'd suggested Jeff join...
Hi guys. I am back again with another one of my sexual adventures. This time it was with a total stranger with whom I enjoyed heated sex sooner than I imagined. Without further ado, here’s the story. My ride was on repair for more than a week. So I was taking a bus to reach my office. I used to reach the bus station as early as possible to avoid the packed bus. But one day, I was in a rush as I woke up late and couldn’t finish house chores on time. By the time, I reached the bus and the bus had...
TOWERING PAS ION by Rumple Foreskin Late afternoon sunlight reflected off nearby treetops as we climbed the scuffed wooden stairs of the old forestry service fire tower. Once above the nearby pines and oaks, the horizon opened up. Green forest stretched for miles in all directions. It had always been one of my favorite sights. But not today—not with the incomparable, denim clad bottom of Polly Wright swaying just inches above my face as she moved ahead of me up the stairs. Last night I’d...
‘Fiye says the roof over the girl’s tower needs fixing.’ ‘That’s why she heads the roof crew.’ ‘No, sire, not maintenance. She says it looks like the frame’s rotting out beneath the tiles. Most of the tar’s gone too so it’ll start leaking if nothing’s done soon.’ ‘Mm, tar is a problem. I doubt there’s much left in the cellar. She’ll have to wait until next week when we can get some up in River Run. There’s already a request in but they’ve been taking their time.’ ‘Then let’s just hope...
We were deep into the early morning hours, and Carol had more she wanted to tell me about her past. What she had told me so far was not necessarily something I wanted to hear. It was interesting, titillating, and the supportive pictures she had shown me had raised my temperature. The rest of the story was interrupted by crying, some embarrassment on her part, and concern that I would end up not liking her. That latter part would increasingly become the focus of her telling me her tale. ...
Sharon came into breakfast Tuesday glad that her time on the graveyard shift was ending. Thursday morning, she’d be back working 6 to 2, and she would need to shift her sleep schedule accordingly. Well, she was used to it, and the Crew were a hell of a lot more accommodating than some of her friends’ families were. “I’m going back on days,” she announced when everybody was at the table. I’m on washing whites this week, and I’ll do them this morning if nobody minds.” That meant that...
“Ooh, I’ve been wandering round. But I still come back to you. (Still come back to you.) In rain or shine, you’ve stood by me, girl. I’m happy at home. (Happy at home.) You’re my best friend.” -Queen, “You’re My Best Friend” (This chapter takes place in the morning hours on the day of “A Conversation Amongst Equals.”) “TROY!” Julie shouted as she emerged out of the gantry from the plane and into the terminal of Ted Stevens International Airport. The bleariness of the redeye flight cleared...
I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...
Wife LoversHello readers, This is Priyam writing my first story here and I hope you guys like it. You can reach me at ‘’. So then lets begin. Firstly I will give you a short description of me, I am from Gujarat and 21. Slim and often called cute. I belong to a known family because of the socializing every one in my family did. That;s how I met niyati. She was in one of my mother’s group. Fair short and plumpy. A perfect milf she was. Huge breasts and her ass would make you go hard all the time. I had...
A sense of dread has come over me. My stomach is in knots. I am not sure what was going on. I am at one of those high school parties with lots of drinking and the air is redolent with testosterone. I am in a room full of boys but one boy, Jack, is standing particularly close.He is a little too close, close enough for me to feel the heat of his body. I am having trouble catching my breath and yet there is a tingling sensation in the pit of my belly. My boyfriend, Caleb, is here but not with me....
VoyeurIt wasn't easy, but I kept my promise to Mom and Elaine and Detective Maria Sanchez that Sunday. Even though I had a miserable cold I went to that service for information and evidence, and while I didn't realize it at the time I came out with more than I expected. Well that and some big concerns. But the only reason there hadn't been a murder at the Restored Temple of the Holy Redeemer Reformed Evangelical One True Church that day was thanks to my BFF Missy Wilson. I also have to give...
The girls were glad to wake up to a bright, cold morning after the unpleasant scene they had witnessed last night. They rose and stretched themselves savouring the fresh cool wind as it blew across their bodies and cleaned away the feeling of being soiled by what they had witnessed. To get the circulation going, they wrestled in a friendly but energetic manner for twenty minutes or so, gaining a couple of falls apiece. Finally Jessica sat on her friend's stomach and smiled down at her - both...
At first Kim just stood there, looking at them in shock and excitement.Jen had three fingers buried in Lisa's hot, dripping wet pussie and she was sucking real hard on her hot, hard clit. Lisa's moans increased in frequency and she began begging Jen to finish her off and let her flood her face with her sweet, hot love nectar.Kim stood there watching and next thing she knew, her hand was back between her legs rubbing her ever increasing wet pussie. Just then Kim heard Lisa cry out in pure...
I shook my head as I came back to the porch in Fairfax. Looking at old memories like that, and filtering them through what the Cat had just got done telling me about why Nancy loved me begin to make a little more sense to me. I had never looked at it like that before and I didn't really have it all sorted out. I was just feeling a lot more secure about the whole thing somewhere deep inside myself that I hadn't even been aware of. I let out my breath in a long sigh. Then I went into thank...
You come home after a day out with friends playing a game of baseball. You come home to me cleaning the house in just my bra and panties. You know the ones I’m talking about. The light blue ones you love so much. You stand there watching me as I dance, sing, and clean to the music. Watching me starts to turn you on so much that you come up behind me and grab my hips. You pull me close to you so I can feel your throbbing rock hard cock against my ass. You whisper in my ear,”you know this bra...
would think that after all the traveling, unpacking, greeting family and a serious bout of welcome home sex, I'd be able to sleep in for once. Ugh. Not in any hurry to get up, I cuddle up closer to your sleeping form. The room felt rather warm last night, so the covers are all kicked down in a bunch at the bottom of the bed. I slowly pull my arm free from under your head, propping myself up on my forearm, and slowly drag my hands across the goose-bumped flesh covering your ribs. You shiver...
I wasn't sure what to expect. Some Interweber being naughty with me? Well here I was ready to enter the lust zone ; as this was the number he had given me. Knock Knock! The door was open and my excitement was going crazy! So I walked into his apartment with a smile and there he was. An innocent looking young man looking totally surprised that this nympho had turned up! Totally wide-eyed and eager he looked to my calculating eyes...yess this will do nicely I thought to my self as I...
(This happened back in 2011 and I was 26) I'm Ben and I was 26 have always travelled a lot and have always had a couple of friends in every city that I lived. So when Amy, a college friend had invited to her daughter's birthday party I was intrigued. When I arrived at the park where the party was being held, I was surprised to see her run up to me and hugged me hard. Now, Amy and I had been friends a while but never thought of her like that since she was with a friend of mine and I try my...
6.7.2004 Paulas Freund Max gesteht ihr, dass er sie mit Vicky betrogen hat und verlässt sie. Fünf Jahre später heiraten Paul und Vicky. 17.2.2008 Jonas, Paulas Verlobter, küsst ihre kleine Schwester Hannah und will mir ihr schlafen. Hannah rennt sofort zu ihrer Schwester und erzählt ihr alles. Noch am selben Tag zieht Paula aus der gemeinsamen Wohnung aus. 25.10.2009 Paulas Freund Yannick outet sich als schwul. 4.5.2012 Paula findet heraus, dass ihr Freund Fabian sie in fast 2 Jahren Beziehung...
LesbianLater that AfternoonCheryl enjoyed the afternoon with the six black guys, being fucked multiple times, and sucking all of their cocks at one point or another. She showered and donned another pair of black hose, her shelf bra, and four inch heels. She had placed several of her dildoes around the room and was having fun teasing me with them.The black guys left and we were just sitting around the room. It was almost three when there was a knock at the door.“Go answer the door slut,” I told...
Day 76: Saturday, November 30 Chapter 1 (Saturday, Nov. 30) Suzanne stood in the middle of the living room. She stretched her body this way and that, as if she were limbering up for her daily exercises. Alan had just left, but she was still smiling from what they had done together. God, what a night! So much sex! So much love! It's exactly what I hoped for and expected. If her screaming was any indication, I gather he rocked Angel's world just as hard as he rocked mine. I just hope he has...
When does one become gay? When one’s born? When one realizes, or accepts that one likes other boys? When one has gay sex for the first time? I think it’s at birth, but some straight religious people will say no, if you never act on your urges you’re still ‘pure’ or ‘savable’. Well, this is my story. When I was sixteen I had a job delivering newspapers. I also had to make rounds collecting subscription fees. One ‘older’ man (I now think he was probably about 40) told me to come in and went to...
College Sex(ALLAHABAD SE) Mai Rajiv kumar age 17 sall height 5’5″aur mera lund 7″ka hai aur abhi tak sirf ek baar boor chod paya hoon. Baat Diwali 06 ki hai jab mujhe mauka mila us ladki ko chodne ka jiske boobs ko main 3 mahino se dekh raha tha aur wo bhi mujhe teerchi najro se dekha karti thi bus hum dono mauke ki talash me the Diwali me pahli baar hum dono ne batein ki kyonki us hum dono ki faimly sath me hi market karne gayi thi aur hum dono akele the hum dono bahar aaye ek dusre ko Diwali wish kiya...
From Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister By Jena Corso Chapter 6 The girls headed over to the mall, where they window shopped and killed some time. They dragged Carla into many different types of stores as they were working on tiring him out. He was certainly not used to shopping for a few hours, walking in heels for that long, or just wasting time in a mall which was something that he despised. As they entered a shoe store, he was thrilled when he could finally sit down,...
“Hon, wake up. Susan’s gone.”Melissa awoke and stretched, the bed sheet falling to expose one lovely breast.“Uh? Gone? Where’d she go?”“She was gone when I woke up.”Melissa yawned, trying to clear her head. Then she covered her eyes and groaned.“Oh no. What did we do?”I touched her arm. “We got a little carried away.”“I’ll say. Letting you sleep with my best friend, letting her watch us... what were we thinking?”Melissa groaned again. “And she left? That’s bad. She’s probably so...
Group SexDave was so excited that he'd been able to have a normal ... or mostly normal ... conversation with Mable that he told the others all about it when he got back with the cards. They laughed as he described it all to them, and told them what she'd said. "You're never coming back here!" said Cindy firmly. Both Denise and Dick thought they knew why. For the first time, it occurred to them that, once they all got back home, Dave and Cindy would be able to do whatever they wanted to ... any...
Nobody knew what to do. The wide streets were filled with chaos. Cars on the pavements. Fire engines roaring past. Ambulances whining endlessly like babies crying. Babies were crying. And people were crying too, screaming and sobbing into phones. I walked against the torrent running down the underpass steps and emerged into dust-filled air.It had been coming but nobody had felt it. Nobody can ever feel it. We’re too busy living. Working, fighting, loving, hating; too caught up in jobs and...
Straight SexSo here I was in bed with my brand new bride me totally starkers and her in just her skimpybtransparent negligee. I still half suspected this was all a dream I,d awaken from very shortly, but this was no dream my flesh and blood angel was beside me letting me embrace her warm breathing body and hold such a creature to me freely responding to my eager tongue as we sucked tongues passionately prior to me moving on to her left breast and sucking at the erect nipple while letting my right hand...
June – Year 1 Erin pulled into the parking lot at her apartment complex. It was a very nice place, much nicer than I expected. I guess I am not up on the amount of money that a bartender can make. She parked in a spot and turned off the car. “Paul, I am really happy that you made this choice. I know that you are uncomfortable with shit that is out of the norm. We need to have a very intimate talk when we get inside.” “I agree with the talk. I guess that right now, my idea of normal is in...
Let’s start by telling you that I love my car. It’s a shiny, black, 1994 BMW 850 that I have babied for all the years I’ve owned it. Most people mistake it for a new car when they see it, which I consider the ultimate compliment. And, up until six days ago, I had enjoyed 112,453 uneventful miles. I’m driving home late from work after a great day shooting a layout for a department store ad campaign and I’m sitting at a red light when, BLAM! This little...
After we passed through the secret door, she occasionally lit a small lamp as we traversed the secret passages and past narrow stairs. Along each wall were little silver disks. Whispering, she said: ‘These are peepholes, so we can tell when we are needed. Tonight we go to see how Monty entertains himself on Saturday nights after the opera. Most evenings he shoots billiards, smokes cigars and drinks brandy with Maurice, but tonight is different.’ ‘Okay, I guess so. Why do we need to see what...
This was the big night as far as all of the family were concerned. Mary even went out of her way to fix something for supper that they all liked. She had set up the slow-cooker early that day and started a New England pot roast. Mouths started watering as soon as each person found out what was the featured attraction for dinner that night. They were going to eat in the dining room instead of the kitchen, and that, alone, made the meal a big deal. The dining room was normally reserved for big...
I think my GF is cheating on me. And I want you guys to help me distinguish whether I'm just being paranoid or if she really is the slut I think she's turned into. The reasons exactly why I think this will be explained in full as the story goes on, but trust me here when I tell you - there is a clear reason why I suspect her of this. Her name is Kayla and she's 27 now. I am a few years older than her and we've been living together now for almost 5 years. Once things started to get a little...
As Jonathan walked into the meeting hall he looked into the eyes of the Mage council, wise men he'd known for centuries. Ha! He thought a bunch of ridiculous fools! This was a complete waste of time plus the fact that the two most powerful keeps were under attack right now. Jonathan tried to hold back his power, damn it! The fucking Crystal was more active than it should be what the hell was going on? If he lost control in here a lot of good people were going to die, though they were mostly...
Jenna Sativa has the X-mas spirit and is busy decorating her tree. And what better way to do that than with milk and cookies. When she hangs up the phone after making plans with her folks, it’s time go to bed and make the trek back home nice and early. When she gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, she notices that some of the cookies she left out are gone. Hearing a sound, she storms into the bedroom. She finds Lexi Belle aka Santa Clause, sitting on her bed....
xmoviesforyouYou wake up, still groggy, but dragged awake by the incessant pinging noise of your new phone. You've only had it a few days, and you haven't worked out how to silence the damn thing. To make it worse in your excitement when you first got it you downloaded a whole series of new apps, and now you have no idea which is making that ridiculous noise. Groping around, you find it squashed between your two pillows. Squinting at it, you try to flick the notification away, but to no avail. Instead, you...
BisexualHer hospital stay was brief, Ellen was discharged the following day. She did, however, have a session with a grief counselor before she left. While it did feel good to talk about it, she wasn’t sure that this was something she wanted to continue with. Mostly it was explained to her that people deal with miscarriages in different ways emotionally; some walk away from it with no problems at all, most have varying degrees of grief and depression. She was told younger women seem to handle it...
I had enjoyed visiting my local toilets for regional cock fun! I was edging on the age of thirty. One spring day I took a visit to the scene of so many of my earlier sexual adventures. I stood there at the urinals, cock in hand, waiting for someone familiar to fulfill my carnal needs. It didn't take long for one of the usual suspects to make an appearance, so to speak, and for them to come alongside, release themselves from the constraints of their underwear and profess their undying love for...
The bed was so comfortable that I hated to get up the next morning, but I finally did. One of the good things about the Royal Hotel was that you could order breakfast at any time and have it delivered to your room. Sure, that cost a little more, but I wanted to establish the reputation of a scatterbrain with more money than good sense before I went after Mr. Abner Folsom. After a good breakfast at the scandalously late hour of 9:30 AM, I made a trip to the Oldsmobile dealer to have my...
My name is raj. I am now 25 year old man. I want to share my true story with you guys. My english is not that much good so pls dont go on words.I was around 18 year old and was studying in 11 class(or grade). I was new in the town and was having no friends.i was living in a apartment. I was also not good in studies. I was going for tusion classes at another wing of my apartment. There i met a girl who was in same class as i and her name was riya who was living in my wing . She was ranker in her...
Lucky David 6 I must have slept really well because no sooner had the lights been turned out it seemed I was being shaken awake. I gradually woke and when my eyes opened I saw Mistress Samantha standing over me. "At last you are awake" she said "your aunt has asked me to wake you this morning and to make sure you have a quick wash and get you to breakfast, your aunt is rather busy this morning ensuring your big day goes faultlessly." As she unclipped my wrist cuffs and removed my...
Mal was running late for his lecture, he had been delayed by the building planners for his new establishment. he was introduced hurriedly but knew there were many familiar faces in the audience. he had been asked to lecture back in his home town one night by a rep, an evening talk light hearted but with a little bit of learning for the new people in his discipline. he had thought at the time i wonder where all my old friends are. as he started the talk he mentioned his start here, and how...
Over the next six months, Lisa and Ryan were practically inseparable. Suzanne joked with Lisa that she was over at Ryan’s house more then she was home. Lisa just smiled at her sister and didn’t respond. Lisa lay on Ryan’s bed and smiled at him as he lay next to her. ‘Have I told you I love you today?’ he asked running his finger over her bare breast. No matter how much they made love, he couldn’t seem to get enough of her. He ran his finger over her nipple and smiled when it puckered. ‘ ...
Spiking the game? Making it work? It was a long Friday. The last of the H&S team was now safely back and all of the hens were sitting at the couches, or grabbing something to eat. David had gotten the evening figures from Candy. Carol and Vicky were working on the last of the court filings for Night Court. Some of the magistrates there had agreed to review the last minute exception and exclusion requests, as well as granting one-week extensions. The rest of the crowd was finishing with...
It was after 1 o’clock, and Jeff was downstairs making a sandwich. Amy joined him soon after, coming downstairs wearing only her bikini. She still felt the need to get a reaction out of him! And react he did. It was a blue bikini, and his gaze kept falling on her cleavage. He did not yet see her ass because she sat down at the table. He threw a grilled cheese on the plate in front of her, and sat down at the other side of the table to eat his own. Sex still being a new thing between them, it...
Hello dosto, main Anuj apni life ke pehle aur sabse mast chudai ka kiss le kar aaya hoon. Dosto kya kabhi aapke sath aisa hua hai, ki aap apni life ki pehli chudai kar rhe ho. Jab aap chudai karke hate ho, tabhi aapko pata chale ki aapko koi aur ladki dekh rhi hai. Fir aapko usko bhi chodna padhta hai, sach me ye kya kamal ka sex nhi hoga aapke liye. Dosto kamal ki baat toh ye hai ki ye baat mere sath sach me hui hai. Pichle Sunday ko maine apni pados ki aunty ko choda aur uske sath hi mujhe...
I was so horny all the time, and he knew it. The thought of him touching me got me super hot. I spent every night masturbating to the thought of him. I wished we could replay that day when he played with my pussy, and made me cum. The thought of him touching my little clit and pussy, made me ache with urges I have never felt. And that orgasm he gave me, was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Every night I caught myself fantasizing about what his big, beautiful cock would feel like....
Life's all about choices. And about the errors we always seem to be making. Not always of course, but there's that second thought, the correction to be made, sometimes causing a lot of unnecessary work. Like now, when I'm thinking of changing my porn-site user fucking what ? You're dead right of course. It doesn't matter a fuck. Look at all the weird combinations our friends and colleagues put together for their porn-site names. Amazing collection of the weird and the...