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   Chapitre 1 : Fran?oise

   Ce jeudi vers 18 heures, Fran?oise, suivie de son groupe de jeunes filles p?n?trait dans le hall de la piscine de la ville voisine, la chaleur torride qui avait r?gn? toute la journ?e l'avait amen?e ? bousculer l'emploi du temps pr?vu .

  Depuis midi, les filles l'avaient press?e de s'y rendre afin de profiter pleinement d'une si belle journ?e.

Affal?s sur le ventre, autour du bassin d?couvert, les a?n?s, les gar?ons du groupe 6 semblaient les y attendre, tout bien r?fl?chi, peut-?tre les attendaient-ils vraiment, instruits de leur sortie par les grandes.

  En d?bouchant dans la piscine, son maillot une pi?ce noir la moulant, r?v?lant sa lourde poitrine et ses fesses opulentes, ? leurs yeux int?ress?s, Fran?oise s'?tait sentie d?vor?e des yeux .

Sous les regards de tous ces adolescent braqu?s sur elle, insistant avec impudence sur ses seins, ses fesses, son sexe, une douce chaleur l'avait alors envahie .

Pour cacher son trouble, elle s'?tait d'abord allong?e sur une natte au bord de l'eau, quelques filles ? ses cot?s, ?a et l?, allong?es sur le dos .

  Faisant fi des spectateurs attentifs, elle avait entrepris de reprendre son calme, intrigu?e de cette r?action inhabituelle ..... la chaleur ...... l'?nervement peut-?tre .

Les filles n'avaient pas tard?es ? l'abandonner, se pr?cipitant ? l'eau pour y chahuter avec leurs habituels soupirants .

Rapidement Fran?oise, qui surveillait distraitement leurs ?volutions, s'alarma de la tournure des ?v?nements :? aux jeux innocents avaient succ?d? des attitudes plus suspectes, les jeunes gars, profitant des circonstances, caressaient les seins juv?niles, les fesses plus ou moins dodues de ses jeunes demoiselles qui ne s'en plaignaient pas, bien au contraire, ne protestant pour la forme que par des petits cris effarouch?s, mais revenant se m?ler de suite au chahut, aguichant par le geste les adolescents lorsque ceux ci leur pr?taient moins d'attention.

Cet atmosph?re trouble, pesant, lourd de d?sirs exacerb?s, n'?tait pas sans r?sonner sur Fran?oise elle m?me, elle sentait son coquillage se dilater doucement, une chaleur ?trange lui embrasait le bas-ventre, ses sens chaviraient peu ? peu, elle se secoua, et, pour ?chapper ? ce trouble naissant piqua une t?te dans l'eau fra?che et se mit ? nager ? longues brass?es, accumulant les longueurs de bassin.

  Bient?t Miloud et Stephan, deux adolescents parmi les plus ?g?s, la rejoignirent et nag?rent ? sa hauteur.

Ils entreprirent de la chahuter, sous l'eau ils passaient sous elle, lui agrippant les jambes pour lui faire boire une tasse, elle se d?fendait de son mieux et, prise par le jeu leur rendait la pareille.

Brusquement, elle se sentit saisie par la jambe.

Un des jeunes avait agripp? sa cheville puis suivant le galbe de son? mollet, l'arrondi de sa cuisse posait la main sur sa taille .

La peau de ses hanches se granulait sous la caresse insistante, ? la limite du maillot.

  Une pouss?e violente la plongea sous l'eau, elle ferma vivement yeux et bouche tandis que le jeune profiteur engouffrait? brutalement son autre main dans le soutien-gorge l?che, ses seins furent rapidement malax?s.

Les t?tons raidis pinc?s, ruant, se d?battant, elle parvint ? remonter ? la surface mais, encore toussant et crachotant elle ne put identifier son agresseur.

Tandis qu'elle revenait p?niblement au bord de la piscine elle s'?tonnait de ne pas ressentir que de la col?re .

Ces caresses brutales l'avaient ?mue plus que de raison, troubl?e, elle regagna les vestiaires pour se rhabiller .

  Seule dans la petite cabine, elle se surprit en enlevant son maillot ? caresser longuement sa poitrine, en faisant rouler lentement les pointes exasp?r?es, dard?es, et elle, si peu port?e sur l'onanisme elle passa lentement ses doigts dans sa fente qui ruisselait d'eau et de d?sirs frustr?s,

constatant dans sa chair qu'elle regrettait la bri?vet? de l'?treinte qui l'avait tant ?mue.

Etonn?e de se voir si r?ceptive aux attentions de ces jeunots, qui jusqu'ici ne l'?mouvaient nullement, pour se calmer, elle eut recours ? des caresses qu'elle croyait oubli?es depuis longtemps .

La main nich?e au creux de sa blessure elle d?busqua son clitoris qui se dressait, impatient, hors de son capuchon protecteur .

D'un doigt, elle aga?a ses petites l?vres, en appr?cia le contours, puis enfilant son majeur dans sa vulve, la t?te vide, elle accorda ? ses sens la satisfaction de leurs d?sirs .

  Apr?s quelques longues caresses la brusque introduction de son majeur dans son anus l'amena enfin ? cet orgasme auquel elle aspirait maintenant de toutes les fibres de son corps.

R?veuse, l?g?rement naus?euse, elle quitta l'?dicule et gagna le parking ou l'attendaient la majorit? de ses filles .

  Aux regards ironiques des gar?ons? qui leur tenaient compagnie, elle comprit que l'auteur du geste, peut-?tre m?me les deux gar?ons s'?taient d?j? vant?s de leur bonne fortune, elle se sentit rougir et se pr?cipita ? sa place sous l??il insolent de ses  suborneurs .

  Depuis ce jour, elle avait accord? un regard plus attentif aux activit?s de ces jeunes gens et avait remarqu? que depuis quelque temps, on les voyait souvent, l'appareil photo au poing, roder dans tout l'?tablissement

Et m?me, un jour qu'elle descendait de voiture, assis sur le terre plein ils l'avaient lorgn?e de fa?on tr?s indiscr?te .

Sa jupe ?troite, fendue sur le cot? la g?nait ?norm?ment pour sortir? de voiture .

Elle se doutait du spectacle qu'elle leur avait offert en se tortillant pour s'en extraire, Miloud? n'avait pas rat? l'occasion de photographier cet instant r?v?lateur.

Ils devaient bien s'amuser, le soir en contemplant les photos qu'ils avaient prises ; elle s'imaginait le spectacle, ? demi sortie du v?hicule, sa jupe trouss?e sur ses cuisses dodues et dor?es ? souhait, le fond de sa petite culotte pointant son triangle blanc ? la jointure de ses fesses, peut-?tre m?me pouvaient ils apercevoir quelques poils follets d?passant de la lisi?re de son slip .

  De les imaginer ?tendus sur leurs lits, commentant le spectacle en se secouant la queue ? pleine mains, son ventre s'?chauffait encore ; malgr? elle, elle dessinait dans sa t?te le contour de leurs queues, quelques regards furtifs l'avait convaincue de l'importance du paquet de Miloud, qu'il exhibait d'ailleurs volontiers dans ses jeans moul?s, elle se repr?sentait une longue queue brune, ?paisse, ?mergeant d'un buisson fris? et noir.

  Comme tous les alg?riens, du moins d'apr?s la rumeur, il semblait membr? au del? de la norme, certainement beaucoup plus que son mari !

Sa t?te s'il savait le pauvre ? quelles comparaisons elle se livrait !

Les pantalons de son copain ?taient beaucoup moins r?v?lateurs et elle se perdait en suppositions quand ? l'aspect du membre de Stephan.

     L'orage couvait depuis la fin de l'apr?s-midi, Fran?oise se sentait excit?e au plus haut point, les pointes de ses seins s'irritaient sur la dentelle du demi-balconnet qu'elle avait enfil? le matin .

Elle ?tait responsable du groupe des grandes, jeunes de 14 ? 20 ans, toutes admises? soit en raison de leur d?bilit?, soit en raison de probl?mes familiaux graves, parfois m?me pour les deux raisons .

  Les jeunes filles, ?chauff?es par l'orage et par la proximit? du groupe des a?n?s lui avaient men? la vie dure toute la journ?e, les querelles, les discordes, souvent motiv?es par des jalousies ?clataient ? tout propos : l'une trouvait que son petit ami lorgnait trop les autres filles, celle-l? pensait que sa voisine aguichait son jules ...

Enfin tout l'apr?s-midi avait ?t? de cette veine, elle se sentait ?puis?e ? force d'intervenir pour s?parer les jeunes femelles en rut .

  Maintenant, elle pouvait se d?tendre un peu,le repas s'?tait d?roul? tant bien que mal, et ? ce moment toutes les filles profitaient de leurs derniers temps libres avant le coucher, certaines devisaient dans la salle de vie, d'autres s'?taient retir?es dans leur chambre pour y ?couter des disques ou discuter de gar?ons entre copines, deux ou trois ?taient parties retrouver leurs amoureux et devaient flirter, sinon plus dans quelque recoin de la propri?t? .

  Avec violence, la pluie se mit ? tomber, bient?t de longs ?clairs embras?rent le ciel, les lumi?res vacill?rent ? plusieurs reprises puis s'?teignirent totalement.

La chaleur ?touffante, les cris de panique des gamines apeur?es, tout continuait ? renforcer sa f?brilit?.

Brusquement elle s'aper?ut que deux de ses donzelles n'?taient pas rentr?es elles pouvaient se trouver n'importe o?, certainement en train de flirter ou m?me plus.

  Fran?oise les imaginait la culotte descendue sur les genoux, leurs petits sexes exhib?s devant les yeux de quelques gar?ons aux regards salaces.

Cela lui rappelait ses premiers ?mois sexuels .

Ag?e de 18 ans au cours d'une randonn?e en montagne, un violent orage avait ?clat?, contraignant chacun ? se r?fugier ? toute allure dans un abri provisoire.

  Elle s'?tait retrouv?e avec son petit ami d'alors, Marc sous une roche en surplomb qui les prot?geait de l'averse.

Marc profitant de leur isolement s'?tait enhardi, comme, apeur?e, elle se blottissait contre lui, sa main avait lentement d?riv? sur son ?paule pour venir ?pouser la forme d'un sein, puis sa bouche s'?tait pos?e sur la sienne.

L?vres soud?es, ils s'?taient longuement embrass?s de fa?on qui lui paraissait maintenant, l'exp?rience aidant, bien chaste.

Lentement, avec douceur, il avait caress? ses cuisses, les escaladant ? pas menus, s'impr?gnant de leur tendre chaleur, comme dot?e de leur propre volont?, ses jambes s'?taient ouvertes, livrant le chemin de sa culotte de coton blanc au gentil envahisseur .

  Puis f?brilement, s'?nervant soudain, Marc avait empoign? sa motte, d'abord au travers de sa culotte.

Mais bien vite, il s'?tait infiltr? sous l'?lastique empaumant son pubis soyeux qui s'en trouva tout r?joui.

Les doigts fi?vreux continu?rent leurs investigations, s?parant les l?vres virginales, d?gageant le bourgeon d?j? dress? qui aspirait ? la caresse.

Puis il avait habilement parcouru le long? corridor clos par les petites l?vres avant de s'aventurer dans la vulve serr?e pointant un doigt indiscret, il s'?tait introduit, ?prouvant l'?lasticit? du jeune vagin, une petite douleur cuisante avait marqu? la perforation digitale de l'hymen avant qu'il ne lui impose un compagnon et se mit ? tester la douce moelleur du con juv?nile.

  Les caresses duraient depuis quelque temps, ses cuisses s'ouvraient maintenant largement, elle appelait de tout son corps celui de Marc, elle allait vraiment succomber, lorsque l'averse ayant cess? des appels pressants les avaient oblig?s ? reprendre une tenue plus d?cente pour rejoindre leurs compagnons .

En souvenir de ces instants d?licieux, elle avait d'ailleurs pr?nomm? son fils Marc .

L'id?e la traversa subitement que ses adolescentes se trouvaient peut -?tre actuellement dans la m?me situation ...????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Elle devait intervenir rapidement .... Avant qu'il ne soit trop tard !

  Il ne manquait pas dans l'IME de gar?ons susceptibles de profiter d'un court instant d'abandon !

     Avec quels gar?ons pouvaient elles donc bien se trouver?

Avec Miloud, ce jeune pr?somptueux, au regard audacieux qui toisait toutes les femmes de l'?tablissement ?

Avec son comp?re Stephan qui lui aussi passait le plus clair de son temps ? d?shabiller les filles du regard ?

Avec Daniel le petit boutonneux qui respirait le vice par tous les pores de sa peau ?

Ou encore avec Charles le grand d?gingande ? l'air blas? ?

Avec Fr?d?ric qui passait le plus clair de son temps ? exposer ses organes g?nitaux aux yeux des plus jeunes ?.....

Plus elle y r?fl?chissait, plus elle penchait plut?t pour Miloud et Stephan, si vicieux que m?me les ?ducatrices se m?fiaient d'eux l? et veillaient ? ne pas se trouver seules en leur compagnie .

  Un nouvel ?clair d?chira le ciel, se secouant de la douce torpeur, dans laquelle ces ?vocations l'avaient plong?e, Fran?oise d?cida de partir ? la recherche de ses brebis ?gar?es.

La d?marche lourde de d?sirs inassouvis elle entreprit de visiter les locaux.

Elles ne se trouvaient pas dans les 3 pavillons ?ducatifs, ni dans la salle de gym, elles ne pouvaient donc se trouver qu'aux clubs ou dans les salles sous les ateliers ; elle les contourna et arriva dans les pi?ces obscures accueillant les activit?s de club.

  Une lumi?re blafarde ?manait d'une des salles, elle dirigea donc ses pas vers cette derni?re, entrouvrant la porte, elle ne vit d'abord personne mais per?ut des bruits de conversation provenant d'un divan qui lui tournait le dos.

Certaine de trouver ses filles vautr?es sur le divan, peut-?tre m?me vautr?es sur des gar?ons, la col?re lui monta ? la t?te et brutalement elle surgit devant les yeux ?tonn?s de trois jeunes, effar?s de cette brusque apparition.

D?contenanc?e de ne pas trouver ses filles, Fran?oise ne sut que balbutier :

-          N'auriez vous pas vu Isabelle et Marie-Claude??..

Devant la r?ponse n?gative des gar?ons, ne mesurant pas le p?ril, elle s'emporta alors :

-          Mais que faites-vous donc l?? ?.

Le premier instant de saisissement pass?, Miloud vit l? l'opportunit? qu'il guettait depuis de longs jours.

Discr?tement il adressa un signe ? Charles qui s'?clipsa rapidement, puis r?pondit :?

-          Nous parlions de toi ? 

Au lieu de briser l? la controverse, et de partir, Fran?oise commit alors l'ultime imprudence en poursuivant le dialogue, ironique.

-          Et sans indiscr?tion... Que racontiez-vous, pour ?tre oblig? de vous cacher pour discuter ?

Miloud r?pondit alors avec brutalit? :?

-          On parlait de toi... De ton cul... De ta chatte... Depuis que nous t'avons bien pelot?e ? la piscine, on s'imagine tes formes... Les photos nous ont bien renseign?, on sait que t'es une fausse blonde... Les poils bruns d?passant de ta culotte t'ont trahi... Mais on aimerait en savoir plus...? Pour l'instant on imagine... 

-          Je ne supporterai pas ce ton plus longtemps !  Le coupa alors Fran?oise,

-          Ou tu t'excuses imm?diatement devant tes copains ou je fais un rapport et c'est avec le directeur que tu t'expliqueras !? Le mena?a-t-elle.

-          Tant qu'a ?tre puni... Autant l'?tre pour quelque chose !  S'enflamma Miloud l'agrippant par le bas de sa robe.

Fran?oise se sentit chuter elle tendit les mains en avant, par r?flexe et se retrouva ?tendue de tout son long en travers des cuisses des deux complices .

  Avant qu'elle n'ait pu se redresser Stephan lui attrapa les seins ? pleine mains la for?ant ? se blottir sur leurs genoux.

Tout en criant elle serra les genoux ? les rompre, d?j? elle sentait les mains de Miloud s'insinuer sous sa jupe tandis qu'il commentait :?

-          Alors garce... T'as gagn? c'est la pine qu'il te faut...? Vas-y, hurle ? plein poumon... Ca m'?tonnerait que quelqu'un se balade dans le coin, et... M?me si on t'entendait t'aurais bonne mine si on te trouvait trouss?e comme un poulet sur nos genoux !

Effectivement, Fran?oise se rendit compte du spectacle qu'elle devait donner, d?s ce moment elle se tut, peu encline ? ameuter des adultes, ou des enfants qui commenteraient ? leur fa?on le troublant spectacle.

  Cependant elle se d?battait, cherchant ? se d?livrer, mais chacun de ses soubresauts livrait encore plus son intimit? aux doigts inquisiteurs.

Miloud promenait maintenant sa main dans sa culotte, il lui caressait les fesses, suivant d'un doigt curieux la fente ombr?e, d?busquait l'anus fr?missant blotti au plus profond de la raie .

Pour l'instant il inventoriait sa croupe, tandis que Stephan, qui avait retrouss? son chemisier sortait ? demi ses seins de leur ?crin.

  Ils d?bordaient maintenant du soutien-gorge roul? sous sa poitrine, il pin?ait les ar?oles, les tirait, p?trissait toute la mamelle... S?r la trace de ses doigts resterait un moment marqu?e sur sa poitrine !

Fran?oise sentait grossir leur envie sous elle, leurs queues l'une ? hauteur de ses cuisses, l'autre sous son torse prenaient une consistance de bon aloi.

Elles raidissaient, s'irritaient contre les jeans et Fran?oise ?tait ? m?me de constater qu'elle ne s'?tait pas tromp?e quant ? la taille de la bite de Miloud, celle de Stephan qu'elle n'avait pu ?valuer, lui semblait toute aussi grosse, elle sentait son con s'humidifier et ruait de plus belle pour se d?gager.

Retombant d'une de ses ruades, elle fit crier de douleur Miloud, involontairement elle lui avait ?cras? un testicule sur la cuisse.

Le visage de Miloud s'empourpra de col?re, il s'?cria furieux :?

-          Ca tu vas le payer ma garce !

  A ce moment Charles, qui s'?tait ?clips? au tout d?but des d?bats, r?int?gra la salle, son ?ternel appareil photo sous le bras, il informa ses potes :??

-          Pour ?viter toute surprise, j'ai mis quelques poubelles en travers du chemin, dans l'ombre du virage, si quelqu'un se pointe on entendra parfaitement le bruit !?

-          Alors on y va dit alors Stephan, impatient ? ses acolytes... 

-          Qu'est ce que vous voulez me faire ??  pleurnicha Fran?oise apeur?e .

-          Qu'est ce que tu fais ? tes enfants, quand ils d?sob?issent ou te font mal ?? L'interrogea Miloud.

Et Fran?oise s'entendit r?pondre, la voix mal assur?e, tremblante :

-          Je leur donne la fess?e !  Et vivement elle ajouta  Mais c'est pas pareil... Ce sont des enfants, vous n'oseriez tout de m?me pas...

La suite lui prouva que si.?

-         Stephan bloque lui les bras, Charles tu prendras des photos !

Ceci dit Miloud la coin?a de nouveau sur ses genoux, elle n'eut pas le temps de rousp?ter, que d?j? Stephan lui retournait les bras dans le dos et les lui bloquait d'une main, r?servant son autre main pour un autre usage.

  Malgr? ses gigotements Miloud? releva sa? jupe bien au del? de la croupe .

Elle avait conscience, ainsi trouss?e de leur exposer ses deux globes ronds encore prisonniers de leur ?crin de nylon.

Son mini slip vert devait encore renforcer l'attrait du spectacle, ils rest?rent quelques instants silencieux, immobiles, ? contempler le joufflu livr? ? leur convoitise .

Puis d'une main, Miloud attrapa l'?lastique du slip, et ainsi qu'on d?pouille un lapin, il lui arracha son dernier voile.

L'?lastique c?da d'un claquement sec imm?diatement suivi du grincement du nylon qu'on d?chire.

Un premier ?clair ponctua la premi?re photo.

  Miloud fourra les lambeaux de la culotte dans sa poche et attira l'attention de ses copains sur le post?rieur ainsi d?nud? .

Les trois se livr?rent ? nouveau ? une longue contemplation, Fran?oise cherchait ? serrer les fesses, afin de r?v?ler le moins possible des secrets de son acad?mie, mais Miloud lui avait ?cart? brutalement les jambes et sur, son injonction, Charles glissa une chaise entre ses chevilles.

  Fran?oise avait pleine conscience d'?tre exhib?e comme du b?tail ? l'?tal, elle sentait les yeux de ses agresseurs courir le long de la vall?e ombr?e de sa raie, lisant comme dans un livre ouvert ? la bonne page, d?couvrant d'abord l'anneau ridel? ? la texture plus sombre de son anus puis tout de suite apr?s le p?rin?e, l'ouverture de son sexe, qui vu sa position devait bailler insolemment.

  Elle en soupirait de honte, elle savait maintenant que rien ne les arr?terait plus, il ?tait inutile de les supplier...

?????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????

Malgr? elle une louche langueur gagnait ses reins...? Et l'autre qui continuait ? prendre des photos !

La main s'abattit une premi?re fois sur le majestueux p?tard une vive douleur irradia alors sa croupe, la deuxi?me claque se faisait attendre, et c'est alors qu'elle d?crispait ses fesses qu'elle arriva provoquant imm?diatement un surcro?t de douleur .

La technique de fesseur de Miloud ?tait bien au point, les coups ?taient violents, vari?s, donn?s sur un rythme lent, il attendait toujours l'instant ou les fesses se d?tendaient pour frapper.

Les soubresauts de la victime obligeaient l'anus ? s'entrouvrir r?v?lant la chair sombre du tunnel, la langueur de Fran?oise avait ?volu?e, aux br?lures des premi?res claques avaient succ?d? des lames de feu qui lui traversaient les reins, irradiant dans son sexe qui ?tait maintenant tremp?, elle prenait son pied, peu ? peu ses sanglots se transform?rent en soupirs et bient?t un long spasme la secoua sur les genoux de son agresseur.

  Tout le temps de la punition, Stephan avait continu? de lui peloter les mamelles, les pin?ant, les malaxant tandis que le dernier comp?re continuait ? prendre des photos.

Miloud se fit caressant, il voulait v?rifier une impression subite, s'infiltrant entre les jambes disjointes il for?a du doigt le con de la belle et le trouva d?bordant de cyprine, grandes, petites l?vres, clitoris tout baignait maintenant dans un jus onctueux.

  A ce moment, retentit un juron sec accompagn? d'un bruit de poubelles renvers?es.

Imm?diatement Miloud lib?ra Fran?oise, cette derni?re en toute h?te entreprit de remettre un peu d'ordre dans sa tenue, Charles, lui, dissimula son appareil photo .

Les jambes cotonneuses, la vulve tremp?e Fran?oise vit Christophe, l'?ducateur chef rentrer dans la salle, tout de suite il interrogea :??

-          Fran?oise, que faites vous ici, en compagnie de ces deux jeunes ?? Et au vu de? son visage empourpr?? il ajouta :

-          Vous auraient-il importun?e ?

Miloud retint sa respiration, l'instant ?tait crucial, ou elle? se taisait et c'?tait tout bon pour eux, ou elle parlait et c'?tait le renvoi apr?s passage devant le directeur.

  Fran?oise, l'esprit embrum? n'en ?tait pas l?, elle pensait seulement ? la honte d'avouer qu'elle s'?tait fait tripoter par ces jeunes, tout son esprit se r?vulsait ? l'id?e d'?taler son aventure, de savoir qu'elle serait abondamment comment?e... D?j? qu'on lui reprochait sa trop forte f?minit?... On l'accuserait de les avoir provoqu?s... Qu'en dirait? son mari si jaloux... Et ses enfants ne la consid?reraient-ils pas comme une putain...? On est si cruel ? 12 et 14 ans !

Un ange tra?na dans la pi?ce, et la voix voil?e, essouffl?e Fran?oise r?pondit :??

-          Je viens d'arriver au pas de course... Sous la pluie et je questionnais Miloud et Stephan... Je cherche Isabelle et Marie-Claude qui se sont absent?es du groupe !

Cette explication suffit ? Christophe qui se tournant vers Miloud, Stephan et Charles les engueula un peu, ils n'avaient rien ? faire ? cette heure ? cet endroit, m?me s'ils s'y ?taient r?fugi?s pour s'abriter .

  Tous ensembles ils retourn?rent vers les groupes.

  Sous le regard goguenard des trois jeunes, Fran?oise salua son chef et rentra au groupe ou elle retrouva ses deux fugueuses.


Janvier 2008

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My wife is not a perfect size, her tits do not point straight up. Her legs and ass are not muscular and she does not look like she is 21 years old. She is real, 41 years old, her legs are a little thicker and her butt has filled out nicely and those big tits have gotten even bigger and heavier, 36DD. She has put on some weight and is now described as a tall fleshy blonde, 5’8 and 175lbs. She has green eyes and a porcelain complexion. She has long legs and wide hips. But I am glad I have...

2 years ago
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My Naked Stepmother Makes A Pass At Me

My father recently married another woman. He met this one on a flight he was on. She was the airline stewardess. He told me, he fell madly in love with her and knew he had to make her his wife. He had to work quickly to put a diamond on her finger. He wined and dined her for about a month and popped the question. She, of course, accepted. He took her on a whirlwind honeymoon to Hawaii for two weeks. They recently came back and my father had to go on an extended business trip. My mother threw...

1 year ago
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MagnifChapter 10

The hygiene droid had their cleaned clothes ready when they returned to the transport as they prepared to leave the Wxy'n sector. If Jeff had thought about it earlier, he would have made sure the cum-stained black dress he got yesterday from Minia was included in the hygiene procedure. The flight back to the command center was quiet and not just because it was missing Brogan, Leyla, and Weston. Beth didn't say anything. "So who do you think is guilty of destroying your ship?" "I...

1 year ago
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She had all of the shots and a lot more, and even though she was only eighteen, the other pros on the International Women's Professional Tennis Tour said she was a "can't miss"!!! Ever since she had picked up a racket at age three it was apparent to anyone who watched her that Raye Anne Malloy was a phenom!!! And not only was she a special tennis player, she also had the blonde good looks that plastered her face all over teeny bopper and women's sports magazines!!! It was a well known fact in...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 532

... Jeff let out a sigh. “From our scouts’ reports, we should have a tremendous edge on speed and maneuverability, but after Ship reviewed the recordings of the Paladins’ weapon fire, she thinks our interceptors’ shields won’t hold long against their concentrated fire. And those fucking things are practically bristling with weapons – heavy weapons. Still, with the years of training you guys have received in the last months, due to the time effect in the simulators, you’re ready if you will...

1 year ago
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The room had begun to feel warmish, even with the air conditioning blasting away. A slight sheen of sweat clings to your breasts and your belly. A few full drops pool in your cleavage. Perhaps you may have been tempted to wipe them away, were your wrists not bound together, stretched above your head, and then secured to the headboard. The effect gave your body a long, graceful and sinuous look, a woman caught in her first morning stretch as she wakes, rather than a woman bound. Ravishing in her...

2 years ago
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Chapter One The Seduction

The sensuous spurns of music filled the air at her entrance. They told a story of desire just as fast as they filled the room with lustful promises. Her appearance brought out the most raucous behavior, the leering grins of many men who stripped her naked in their minds, the gleam of arousal in the eyes of the rest. She stepped into the candlelight, her cream and ivory ensemble molding to her luscious figure and exaggerating her transparency. The sheer silk fabric accentuated her long toned...

1 year ago
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Me And My Sister Have Fun

It was a warm summer afternoon. Our parents were both at work. I ran up the stairs to use the bathroom, I had to piss really badly but the bathroom was in use. My bladder was ready to burst. I knocked on the door. There was no answer, so I knocked again, harder this time. “I’m having a shower”, my sister Sushma shouted from the other side. “Hurry,” I replied. “I’m having a shower,” she said again. Annoyed, I headed back down the stairs, walked into the garden and pissed on the...

2 years ago
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The Rosetta girls part 6

Introduction: Linda the new sexy woman The Rosetta girls part 6 Linda got up this Sunday morning feeling like she would throw up. She managed to drink some orange juice and forced herself to eat some of the breakfast she prepared for her family. She managed to keep it all down and told Mike of her problem. She called it morning sickness but it lasted most of the day. She had to force herself to eat and drink fluids to stay healthy. She went to the local gym with Mike and both of their...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Claire Roos G353

Claire Rooz is on the pedestal and is about to get six cream pies loaded up into her ass. All the men make sure her pussy is ready and lubed up for landing. Rico is the first to lube himself up and enter Claire’s sweet ass. She seemed so quiet, but once a few dicks got in her and her inner freak was coming out to play! The cocksmen take turns on Claire’s tight ass. The cocksmen take Claire for a ride as they fuck her in all kinds of positions, even using a hitachi on her pussy until they’re...

1 year ago
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A jealous Mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai reader I hope you enjoy all of my stories the stories getting satisfied you I assure that write to me. Over the last ten years since my husband left, my son, Kate, has been the man of the house. My son, Kate, has taken care of all my needs except my sexual desires. This recently changed, I am happy to say about our Illicit relation but we enjoy that feels. My son, Kate, asked me to move in with him and his wife, Anarca. I jumped at the chance since...

1 year ago
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Bad Girl needs a friend or fifty Hayley

Hayley arched her back, hands behind her, staring up at the ceiling. She held the pose for a few moments before bringing her hands to her hips, sitting up on her knees."Good," the voice said from above her. A hand pushed slightly on her back, "now let's work that back side."He guided Hayley down, her hands on the ground with her ass up in the air, "That's it."Hayley glanced up at the yoga instructor. She sighed when he moved away from her and to the person in front of her. She had taken up...

1 year ago
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Fun with Cucumbers at the Grocery Store

Prelude: Hot sexy woman describes her sexual escape with a cucumber in the produce section.I get up this morning and take a quick shower, then put on my favorite short denim jean skirt and a matching color tube top.I check out myself in the mirror one last time, then say to myself, "Honey, for being a middle aged woman, you look hot!"After I put on my dark blue high heel shoes, I am off the to store!The first shopping cart that I choose has a front wheel that clicks, so I decide to turn around...

3 years ago
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My Wife My Hooker Part 2

I return to my slut, completely filled and used. I lean over to her and say "How was that, exactly what you wanted?", she replies "Yes and so much more" I pull everything out of her. All of her holes are gaping open, cum is dried on her face and hair and I think to myself she never looked sexier. Aimee takes a shower and when she is done we both fall asleep. We both wake the next morning. I turn and look at the clock and it displays 9:30. I roll back over and look at Aimee. She is...

4 years ago
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MagicChapter 5

Sean knocked on the back door of Suzie’s house. Her mother answered the door and said, “Look at what the cat dragged in.” “What?” Sean asked looking around for a cat. “The Witless Wonder.” Sean smiled and said, “Oh, I get it. Here I was thinking the cat dragged in something nice like a dead mouse or something. I can just imagine your disappointment at finding me camped upon your back door like yesterday’s left-over meatloaf.” Suzie’s mother smiled in spite of her better judgment. A lot of...

1 year ago
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On Her Majestys Sissy Service A Call To Action

On Her Majesty's Sissy Service - A Call To Action By Katharine Sexkitten The anteroom looked more or less the same as it had fifteen years ago, the last time I'd been inside. The last time I'd been an employee of the organization. Sure, they'd painted and spruced up since then. The walls were a slightly different shade of boring. The colour of a week old newspaper. The desktop was almost bare now, gone were the multiple phones and piles of paperwork strewn about. Clutter was a...

3 years ago
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Ever After Chapter 4

White paper wings drifted on a lazy midday breeze across the office. It passed across a basin of water, and between two bottles of wine flanking it. The front dipped once towards a pile of papers on the desk. Then, a second one dropped it amid purple hairs of a detective. Arcavato clicked his tongue in annoyance.This was my sixth perfectly landed airship. Pulling it free of its moorings, Arcavato sighed, “Alright, you win the bet. What’s your question, Etace?”“Why do you make me answer the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Love in the Woods Part 1

After placing the bottle back in my pocket I kept walking. I loved the woods; it was always so calm and peaceful. I could be alone. And right now, that was what I needed. My best friend was ignoring me because she didn’t approve of my relationship (even though I supported her with every relationship she’d EVER had) my mother had jus lashed out at me in a drunken rage, telling me I was worthless, and my boyfriend had decided to break up with me, calling me childish and telling me to grow up. ...

3 years ago
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The Legacy Of PriamChapter 5 Dig This

There had been plenty of activity in the valley over the previous few days. Freddie decided that it was time to find out a bit more about what was going on and found his way down from the road and onto the site. Bethany was sitting to one side of the valley, puzzling over a plan of the site. Clegg waved a greeting. She beckoned him across. "Good morning," he called. "Hi," said Bethany. "Checking up on us?" "Just interested to see if you've found your temple or tombs or whatever it...

3 years ago
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Show Daddy what you can do

Introduction: A father catches his 13 year old daughter getting fucked. The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. _________________________________________________________________ 16 year-old Monica lay on her back in her bed with a well built 17 year -old senior from her school between her legs pounding his hard cock deeply into her cunt. Her eyes were closed and she had her...

4 years ago
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Seducing the Midget at work

Ever know something was destined to happen. It happen to me the day I saw Lucy. She is in the payroll department of the company I work for. I am in the call center part of the building which is on the floor below the administration offices. When I saw Lucy I knew she would be mine and I I am not going to stop until she is.Lucy is a dwarf. She is four foot nine inches tall. I have never thought about a dwarf this way but there is just something smolderingly sexy. She has long fire red...

3 years ago
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OstafrikaChapter 8 Retreat

Gerda and the first aid party try an erect some canvas shelters over the wounded lying on the ground. In the middle of the camp, the Captain remains standing, as the sun gets higher in the sky. A man takes him some water; he doesn't acknowledge or attempt to take the bottle. The man leaves it on the ground next to him. It is about mid-morning before they see movement along the road from Rungwa, a party of riders and some wagons. The first-aiders watch nervously as the distant procession...

4 years ago
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The al Within

I originally wrote this story and posted it at I have edited it to more accurately reflect what actually happened that night. I will edit and repost the other stories I wrote on the subject in the coming weeks if this one is well received.I've been with my live-in boyfriend and now pet, Anthony, for just over five years. In my prior relationships I’d had a boring if not unpleasant sex life; little or no foreplay, no concern for my needs or desires. My first few serious...

1 year ago
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It was tough for me to get used to the idea of being single again after 22 years of marriage. At my age, it wasn’t easy to find female companionship — at least the kind that I wanted. Sure, there were a couple of gold-diggers. I mean, I wasn’t rich, but I was pretty well-fixed. I had no mortgage on my home, no car payments or other serious bills, and a considerable salary. As I said, not rich but comfortable. My job was also interesting. I was the chief software engineer for a medium-sized...

2 years ago
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First Action

© Copyright 2003 by Cyan Gosl was tired, I could feel that. I urged him on, figuring he would soon see the lights in the distance and surmise that the end of his exhausting day was close at hand. I felt a nervous twitch about whether the lights did indeed represent safety but that no doubt that stray thought was due to my day's experience. "That's definitely Stornum," said Gared. Our destination for the night, the warmth of a town, a room to sleep in. I considered whether to ask if...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 I've shared some of my other experiences with you in the "babymaker for hire" business (see "Tom's Mating Service"). It's definitely one of the hottest jobs I've ever had. Here's another story about one of the situations where I was asked by various young women to impregnate them and give them the babies they so badly wanted. It's a long story of how I came to find myself being requested for "stud service" but it's one that I'd never change. What an experience to...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 100 My Best Friends Girl

When school let out, Katherine left immediately to go clothes shopping, looking in particular for 'catty' items like those with leopard skins or tiger stripes. She hoped she could talk some of the others in the family four into going to a sex shop later on so she could pick up even more outrageous items. This left Amy by herself as she bicycled home. Amy was very distraught by what she'd learned of Alan's near disasters. She hurried back to the Pestridge home, dumped her bicycle in the...

3 years ago
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Rileyrsquos New Professor Pt3

When they woke in the morning they made love one more time, this time tenderly, like lovers are supposed to. They revelled in the luxury of the crisp white sheets, in ordering room service for breakfast, and in just having time together alone.He noticed how she winced when he touched her backside, and, now his lust had somewhat subsided, almost felt guilty for what he had done to her - especially when he saw her bottom, streaked with red welts, turning to bruises, as she climbed into the bath...

4 years ago
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Isle of Thorns 2 Hellbeast

The harpooner was drunk.Quinn lay passed out on the floor of his quarters, naked, stinking of sweat and cheap whiskey. The shouting of his colleagues could not rouse him, nor could their pushing and shaking. The boatswain finally left the room and returned quickly with a bucket of cold seawater, which he threw in desperation onto the motionless shape on the floor. Quinn stirred, bolted suddenly awake, and twisted around toward his crewmembers.“Battle stations have been called, you sotted...

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RV Travelling fun with the Kagans Hot Wife

We arrived with our 5th wheel camper at our destination deep in the Colorado rockies. Got it all set up and settled in with a beer on the deck while taking in the late afternoon sun as it dropped slowly behind the range. I couldn't help but notice the 2 guys in the 5th wheel next to us. I wondered if they were solo or had their S.O.'s with them? By the next day we realized they were here by themselves. Both were in their mid to late 20's. Had Colorado plates on the truck and appeared to be in...

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The Stripper and the Student an Altered Fates story

The Stripper and the Student an Altered Fates Story Gina had been stripping for years when she came across the Medallion of Zulo. She loved old clunky jewelry and had spotted this at a stand at the flea market. It was just the kind of jewelry she loved. She had no idea about it's properties until she bought the guy's shirt thinking to use it in her act. When it came into contact with the Medallion she began to change, turning into a male version of herself. Now most women would...

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Wormholes Are a Serious BusinessChapter 4

Sandra scrubbed Shemba's bare back with gusto. She envied the alien girl her smooth skin and hairless exterior. It was a chore for her to remove the disgusting hair from between her legs and from all those places that it seemed to reduce men's libido. She now allowed Shemba the joys of tending to her backside to get rid of the tiny wisps that sometimes grew relentlessly around her constantly quivering pucker hole. She had grown fonder of using that entry after her sojourn on the uncharted...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 18

I was even more sore the next morning, but nothing other than that thankfully. No gut pain, the headache was fading, and the bruises were darker than before. We went to the chow hall and had breakfast, where several came up and asked how we were. Then the Chief Petty Officer in charge of the MWR facility came up and asked, then apologized. “Chief, it’s not your fault. But you all reacted quickly, that is the important thing.” “Thanks Corporal, we do try. And I’m glad they are gone, we don’t...

2 years ago
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Thibadeau the PirateChapter 6

Work was beginning to trickle in. I had two house inspections and a title search the first part of the week. Wednesday I just had to see Sarah, so I called and made arrangements to meet her at the diner for lunch. It cracked me up to see the little sign that stated Sarah Bernhardt dines here. The place was packed when I entered. Sarah and Tim were seated in a booth and there was a waitress hovering around. As I sat down, Tim shook my hand. He didn't give me a chance to more than say hello to...

4 years ago
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Master Kashi

In a remote area in Asia, atop a green covered mountain, sat a dojo with a long stairway. Each step was carved out of the mountain with detail. Two, beautifully sleek legs wrapped in black tights started to ascend the steep and tall mountain. A perfectly shaped ass swayed inside those very tight pants. Her name was Gina Johnson. She is known the world over for her title victories in martial art competitions. Gina is at the top of her game, leaving her challengers forever scarred, emotionally...

1 year ago
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Lynn the naughty wife at the mall

Just got off of work and I was feeling good so I will go to the mall and shop a little and maybe have a glass of wine so before I leave I took off my bra and my panties and my panties were all wet cause my pussy is always leaking juice and I know she wants to be fucked again so I put on some make up and I looked in the mirror and I look hot and sexy so off I go so as I was walking I notice a young white guy kept looking at me and he smiled so I smiled back so I continued looking at some shops...

3 years ago
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Wow it was fun in pub

I am a doctor 29 years old and from Chennai. I am 6 feet tall and have a good physique. And looking for friendship with girls. I want to enjoy masturbating with girl since I find sex unsafe. This is a story which happened 2 years back when I was in Pune at MG Road Pune and is a true story which thought let me share with u. As is the case with most boys (and as far as I can guess most girls), my first sexual experience was a solo one, i.e. Masturbation. From the very first time I held my cock...

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Fantasy about my wife on our wedding night

It was the second marriage for both of, we were both in our 40s but inshape and she is very attractive. Her pics are on my profile. We had lives together 6 years before we were married and she had told me she had fucked black men before we had met and I think a couple after. The thought of her taking a big black cock in her tight little white pussy has always turned me on. This is what I fantasize that happened on our wedding night. I had made a deal with her that if we got married she could...

3 years ago
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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Absence Makes Our Lust Grow Hotter “This evening I need to pack for my cross-country business trip,” I continued my Sept. 23 email reply to Eric. “I'm going to leave for the airport about 6:30 tomorrow morning. We’ll be apart for just 6 days, until my return on Sunday the 28th. But after FINALLY getting to touch those special parts of each other, those 6 days are going to seem like 6 years to me! “Hope to hear from you tonight. Then, I'll go to sleep with sweet dreams of us....

Love Stories
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Thank You from Jessica Simpson

As a free lance writer, I pick up jobs wherever I can, and one of the things I most like to do is write for television shows. The money is good, and it tends to be fun, and there are some great side benefits sometimes. A few days ago, in collaboration with my sometimes writing partner, Duane, I worked on a variety show. I like working with Duane. As an African American man in his early forties, he often sees things from a different angle than I do, and I like having him join me in some of those...

2 years ago
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Intruder Laura Vandervoort 58

Chapter 5“Oh God,” Laura whispered, scared. “Okay, I’ll…I’ll do what you ask…I’ll spread my legs for you…” “No. You had your chance, and you refused to cooperate. Now you’ll have to do things my way.” Jan grabbed one of her slim ankles and pulled her leg to the side of the bed, then tied the rubber strip around her knee and fastened her leg to the front bed post. He did the same with the other leg until she was lying with her knees pulled back, her pussy completely exposed to him. He...

1 year ago
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My Daughters BFF

When we moved into town my daughter right away hit it off with the girl across the street. At the time they were both freshman and and since have done everything together. About two years after the move, my wife left us. It was now just my daughter, Mel and I. I worked alot and Mel learned to take care of herself. It seemed like every night I came home her friend, Bea was there. Which was fine. Bea and my daughter were very good looking girls. Both were 5′ 6′, brunette, and very slim. Bea had...

2 years ago
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Crystals QuestionsChapter 2

Kayla Simpson was known throughout the city, as a complainer. Crystal had worked with her at another company, and Kayla had filed sexual harassment complaints against every man on her work team. Management at that company had moved her to a group of all women, which slowed the complaints, but didn't stop them. Kayla began complaining about every man she encountered, and at least two women. Only one man had been immune to her complaints, and as far as anyone knew, he'd never even looked at...

3 years ago
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Eve Adam

My sister was a slut; there was never any doubt about that. It was like she hit puberty running. There was no stopping that girl. Maybe things would've been different if Mom had still been around. Though, er ... um, scratch that thought. Dad did the best he knew how. He got her a box of tampons, then took her to the doctor for a round plastic box of circular pills. Maybe at some point the old man should've bought me a box of rubbers, but that wasn't the way it was back then. If you had a...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 91

Joy put her garment bag into the back of her Mitsubishi Spyder just as her father's Cadillac pulled into the drive. She gave a slight wave and jumped into the driver's seat before she had to talk to the man. She had the car in reverse when she noticed William hobbling toward the house. She almost put the car into drive and left him to his own devices before her mother's words from the morning before entered her brain. With a sigh, she turned back into the drive and got out. "Are you OK,...

1 year ago
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Chastening Day

This story is a work of fiction. Do not copy anything in the story.CHASTENING DAY   Act I:   A BOY?S LUCK, A PRIEST?S CALLING? smack magnetCh 1: A priest, a boy and a villagePavel couldn't wait for chastening day. After years of imaginings, he was old enough, and fortunate enough, to join in the spring festival. There were so many girls he might be paired with. There were two or three who he had often imagined chastening. Many were astonished at his luck in being chosen at all. But to be chosen...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 16

Chapter Sixteen ‘Demure,’ the woman who had once been Glade’s mistress replied hesitantly in the Knights’ language. ‘Not Lady Demure. I no longer have a title, just as I no longer have an estate or a husband.’ Glade crouched down beside Demure under the shade of a palm tree. The appearance of both women had changed in the intervening years. Their hair was much longer and fell over their faces. Although Demure was as elegant as ever, there were small scars on her knees and ankles that hadn’t...

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JAG Macs Witching HourChapter 4

A few more nights of her initiation had passed before things started getting out of her control. She was the last remaining initiate, the others having dropped out early. At first she didn't even notice anything unusual happening to her. She didn't consider how the drugged dust was slowly affecting her judgment over the past few nights. How it loosened her morals steadily each and every time she was exposed to it. As with the other night's events, the Wiccan members dropped their...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 11

The following new character appears in this chapter and the remainder of the story: Crendenor Robert's Blue Dragon, its size varies from a miniature Dragon that can walk around on your palm to a huge monster of a Dragon with a wing span of some 120 feet. I awoke late on the morning of the second day here with a raw throat, but was a very satisfied woman even if I was starved. All of the love and sex had used up a lot of energy which we needed to replace. My throat was easily repaired...

1 year ago
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Fucking A Beautiful Married Neighbour

Hello there! I am rajdeep and I am here to tell you a story of my success in fucking a cute lady who is actually my colleague’s wife. What started as a fantasy ultimately ended up in a hardcore session and in fact it’s still in continuation. I am married to girl and I do love her a lot, though I am mentally satisfied yet physically I am not that much happy with her but I never tell her this things as I know it’s not her fault, actually it’s because of my nature. I am not that muscular built and...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 142

This is compliments of Pepere Now We Know Why He Was a General In an interview, General Norman Schwarzkopf was asked if he thought there was room for forgiveness toward the people who have harbored and abetted the terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks on America. His answer was classic Schwarzkopf. The General said, “I believe that forgiving them is God’s function ... OUR job is to arrange the meeting.” Dana Perino (FOX News) describing an interview she recently had with a Navy...

3 years ago
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Online Cheating

She loves her husband. She loves her children. At least that's what she always told her online lovers. It set the ground rules and put up boundaries so that none of them got too serious or requested a meeting. It was a grand rationalization, to put it mildly. By getting this up front, she was able to tell herself that none of this was real, that it was all fantasy and fun and that no one would get hurt. If she had believed that, then perhaps it wouldn't have gone so wrong, caused so much hurt,...

2 years ago
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I Dream of Demie 30 Jenny

--- I Dream of Demie 30 - Jenny (MF, caution, cons, humil, magic, impreg?, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- Last night: We drank the tea that Ron had made for my visit. I hated tea, but wasn't going to let Ron know that. The guy had set out a nice spread, with some butter cookies, or biscuits, as he called them with his muddled, possibly British accent. We played some Rocket League, and even though Ron owned the game, he was terrible at it. I was about to ask Ron how long he'd had...

3 years ago
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The Dirty Girl

I knew exactly three things about Astrid, besides her name of course.One. She was Swedish. If her name wasn’t enough of a hint, her height partnered with hair the color of wheat and blue eyes that put the sky to shame sealed the deal. Oh, and I should mention that her nearly impeccable English was colored by an obvious accent as well.Two. She was single. No, I didn’t ask. She volunteered the information right before she started leading me up the stairs and shortly after she’d announced, purring...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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A Cats FancyChapter 7

Over the next few days, Missy keeps Brock at bay despite her appetite for his cock. The boy has waited patiently for her to change, finding any chance to be alone with her. But Missy decided to make him wait because it is her that is ultimately in charge of thing. But when his parents slip out for the night in the middle of the week, not even Missy can hold out. Once his parents are out the door, Missy comes down the stairs in all her naked glory and right into Brock’s arms. Their lips...

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