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   Chapitre 1 : Fran?oise

   Ce jeudi vers 18 heures, Fran?oise, suivie de son groupe de jeunes filles p?n?trait dans le hall de la piscine de la ville voisine, la chaleur torride qui avait r?gn? toute la journ?e l'avait amen?e ? bousculer l'emploi du temps pr?vu .

  Depuis midi, les filles l'avaient press?e de s'y rendre afin de profiter pleinement d'une si belle journ?e.

Affal?s sur le ventre, autour du bassin d?couvert, les a?n?s, les gar?ons du groupe 6 semblaient les y attendre, tout bien r?fl?chi, peut-?tre les attendaient-ils vraiment, instruits de leur sortie par les grandes.

  En d?bouchant dans la piscine, son maillot une pi?ce noir la moulant, r?v?lant sa lourde poitrine et ses fesses opulentes, ? leurs yeux int?ress?s, Fran?oise s'?tait sentie d?vor?e des yeux .

Sous les regards de tous ces adolescent braqu?s sur elle, insistant avec impudence sur ses seins, ses fesses, son sexe, une douce chaleur l'avait alors envahie .

Pour cacher son trouble, elle s'?tait d'abord allong?e sur une natte au bord de l'eau, quelques filles ? ses cot?s, ?a et l?, allong?es sur le dos .

  Faisant fi des spectateurs attentifs, elle avait entrepris de reprendre son calme, intrigu?e de cette r?action inhabituelle ..... la chaleur ...... l'?nervement peut-?tre .

Les filles n'avaient pas tard?es ? l'abandonner, se pr?cipitant ? l'eau pour y chahuter avec leurs habituels soupirants .

Rapidement Fran?oise, qui surveillait distraitement leurs ?volutions, s'alarma de la tournure des ?v?nements :? aux jeux innocents avaient succ?d? des attitudes plus suspectes, les jeunes gars, profitant des circonstances, caressaient les seins juv?niles, les fesses plus ou moins dodues de ses jeunes demoiselles qui ne s'en plaignaient pas, bien au contraire, ne protestant pour la forme que par des petits cris effarouch?s, mais revenant se m?ler de suite au chahut, aguichant par le geste les adolescents lorsque ceux ci leur pr?taient moins d'attention.

Cet atmosph?re trouble, pesant, lourd de d?sirs exacerb?s, n'?tait pas sans r?sonner sur Fran?oise elle m?me, elle sentait son coquillage se dilater doucement, une chaleur ?trange lui embrasait le bas-ventre, ses sens chaviraient peu ? peu, elle se secoua, et, pour ?chapper ? ce trouble naissant piqua une t?te dans l'eau fra?che et se mit ? nager ? longues brass?es, accumulant les longueurs de bassin.

  Bient?t Miloud et Stephan, deux adolescents parmi les plus ?g?s, la rejoignirent et nag?rent ? sa hauteur.

Ils entreprirent de la chahuter, sous l'eau ils passaient sous elle, lui agrippant les jambes pour lui faire boire une tasse, elle se d?fendait de son mieux et, prise par le jeu leur rendait la pareille.

Brusquement, elle se sentit saisie par la jambe.

Un des jeunes avait agripp? sa cheville puis suivant le galbe de son? mollet, l'arrondi de sa cuisse posait la main sur sa taille .

La peau de ses hanches se granulait sous la caresse insistante, ? la limite du maillot.

  Une pouss?e violente la plongea sous l'eau, elle ferma vivement yeux et bouche tandis que le jeune profiteur engouffrait? brutalement son autre main dans le soutien-gorge l?che, ses seins furent rapidement malax?s.

Les t?tons raidis pinc?s, ruant, se d?battant, elle parvint ? remonter ? la surface mais, encore toussant et crachotant elle ne put identifier son agresseur.

Tandis qu'elle revenait p?niblement au bord de la piscine elle s'?tonnait de ne pas ressentir que de la col?re .

Ces caresses brutales l'avaient ?mue plus que de raison, troubl?e, elle regagna les vestiaires pour se rhabiller .

  Seule dans la petite cabine, elle se surprit en enlevant son maillot ? caresser longuement sa poitrine, en faisant rouler lentement les pointes exasp?r?es, dard?es, et elle, si peu port?e sur l'onanisme elle passa lentement ses doigts dans sa fente qui ruisselait d'eau et de d?sirs frustr?s,

constatant dans sa chair qu'elle regrettait la bri?vet? de l'?treinte qui l'avait tant ?mue.

Etonn?e de se voir si r?ceptive aux attentions de ces jeunots, qui jusqu'ici ne l'?mouvaient nullement, pour se calmer, elle eut recours ? des caresses qu'elle croyait oubli?es depuis longtemps .

La main nich?e au creux de sa blessure elle d?busqua son clitoris qui se dressait, impatient, hors de son capuchon protecteur .

D'un doigt, elle aga?a ses petites l?vres, en appr?cia le contours, puis enfilant son majeur dans sa vulve, la t?te vide, elle accorda ? ses sens la satisfaction de leurs d?sirs .

  Apr?s quelques longues caresses la brusque introduction de son majeur dans son anus l'amena enfin ? cet orgasme auquel elle aspirait maintenant de toutes les fibres de son corps.

R?veuse, l?g?rement naus?euse, elle quitta l'?dicule et gagna le parking ou l'attendaient la majorit? de ses filles .

  Aux regards ironiques des gar?ons? qui leur tenaient compagnie, elle comprit que l'auteur du geste, peut-?tre m?me les deux gar?ons s'?taient d?j? vant?s de leur bonne fortune, elle se sentit rougir et se pr?cipita ? sa place sous l??il insolent de ses  suborneurs .

  Depuis ce jour, elle avait accord? un regard plus attentif aux activit?s de ces jeunes gens et avait remarqu? que depuis quelque temps, on les voyait souvent, l'appareil photo au poing, roder dans tout l'?tablissement

Et m?me, un jour qu'elle descendait de voiture, assis sur le terre plein ils l'avaient lorgn?e de fa?on tr?s indiscr?te .

Sa jupe ?troite, fendue sur le cot? la g?nait ?norm?ment pour sortir? de voiture .

Elle se doutait du spectacle qu'elle leur avait offert en se tortillant pour s'en extraire, Miloud? n'avait pas rat? l'occasion de photographier cet instant r?v?lateur.

Ils devaient bien s'amuser, le soir en contemplant les photos qu'ils avaient prises ; elle s'imaginait le spectacle, ? demi sortie du v?hicule, sa jupe trouss?e sur ses cuisses dodues et dor?es ? souhait, le fond de sa petite culotte pointant son triangle blanc ? la jointure de ses fesses, peut-?tre m?me pouvaient ils apercevoir quelques poils follets d?passant de la lisi?re de son slip .

  De les imaginer ?tendus sur leurs lits, commentant le spectacle en se secouant la queue ? pleine mains, son ventre s'?chauffait encore ; malgr? elle, elle dessinait dans sa t?te le contour de leurs queues, quelques regards furtifs l'avait convaincue de l'importance du paquet de Miloud, qu'il exhibait d'ailleurs volontiers dans ses jeans moul?s, elle se repr?sentait une longue queue brune, ?paisse, ?mergeant d'un buisson fris? et noir.

  Comme tous les alg?riens, du moins d'apr?s la rumeur, il semblait membr? au del? de la norme, certainement beaucoup plus que son mari !

Sa t?te s'il savait le pauvre ? quelles comparaisons elle se livrait !

Les pantalons de son copain ?taient beaucoup moins r?v?lateurs et elle se perdait en suppositions quand ? l'aspect du membre de Stephan.

     L'orage couvait depuis la fin de l'apr?s-midi, Fran?oise se sentait excit?e au plus haut point, les pointes de ses seins s'irritaient sur la dentelle du demi-balconnet qu'elle avait enfil? le matin .

Elle ?tait responsable du groupe des grandes, jeunes de 14 ? 20 ans, toutes admises? soit en raison de leur d?bilit?, soit en raison de probl?mes familiaux graves, parfois m?me pour les deux raisons .

  Les jeunes filles, ?chauff?es par l'orage et par la proximit? du groupe des a?n?s lui avaient men? la vie dure toute la journ?e, les querelles, les discordes, souvent motiv?es par des jalousies ?clataient ? tout propos : l'une trouvait que son petit ami lorgnait trop les autres filles, celle-l? pensait que sa voisine aguichait son jules ...

Enfin tout l'apr?s-midi avait ?t? de cette veine, elle se sentait ?puis?e ? force d'intervenir pour s?parer les jeunes femelles en rut .

  Maintenant, elle pouvait se d?tendre un peu,le repas s'?tait d?roul? tant bien que mal, et ? ce moment toutes les filles profitaient de leurs derniers temps libres avant le coucher, certaines devisaient dans la salle de vie, d'autres s'?taient retir?es dans leur chambre pour y ?couter des disques ou discuter de gar?ons entre copines, deux ou trois ?taient parties retrouver leurs amoureux et devaient flirter, sinon plus dans quelque recoin de la propri?t? .

  Avec violence, la pluie se mit ? tomber, bient?t de longs ?clairs embras?rent le ciel, les lumi?res vacill?rent ? plusieurs reprises puis s'?teignirent totalement.

La chaleur ?touffante, les cris de panique des gamines apeur?es, tout continuait ? renforcer sa f?brilit?.

Brusquement elle s'aper?ut que deux de ses donzelles n'?taient pas rentr?es elles pouvaient se trouver n'importe o?, certainement en train de flirter ou m?me plus.

  Fran?oise les imaginait la culotte descendue sur les genoux, leurs petits sexes exhib?s devant les yeux de quelques gar?ons aux regards salaces.

Cela lui rappelait ses premiers ?mois sexuels .

Ag?e de 18 ans au cours d'une randonn?e en montagne, un violent orage avait ?clat?, contraignant chacun ? se r?fugier ? toute allure dans un abri provisoire.

  Elle s'?tait retrouv?e avec son petit ami d'alors, Marc sous une roche en surplomb qui les prot?geait de l'averse.

Marc profitant de leur isolement s'?tait enhardi, comme, apeur?e, elle se blottissait contre lui, sa main avait lentement d?riv? sur son ?paule pour venir ?pouser la forme d'un sein, puis sa bouche s'?tait pos?e sur la sienne.

L?vres soud?es, ils s'?taient longuement embrass?s de fa?on qui lui paraissait maintenant, l'exp?rience aidant, bien chaste.

Lentement, avec douceur, il avait caress? ses cuisses, les escaladant ? pas menus, s'impr?gnant de leur tendre chaleur, comme dot?e de leur propre volont?, ses jambes s'?taient ouvertes, livrant le chemin de sa culotte de coton blanc au gentil envahisseur .

  Puis f?brilement, s'?nervant soudain, Marc avait empoign? sa motte, d'abord au travers de sa culotte.

Mais bien vite, il s'?tait infiltr? sous l'?lastique empaumant son pubis soyeux qui s'en trouva tout r?joui.

Les doigts fi?vreux continu?rent leurs investigations, s?parant les l?vres virginales, d?gageant le bourgeon d?j? dress? qui aspirait ? la caresse.

Puis il avait habilement parcouru le long? corridor clos par les petites l?vres avant de s'aventurer dans la vulve serr?e pointant un doigt indiscret, il s'?tait introduit, ?prouvant l'?lasticit? du jeune vagin, une petite douleur cuisante avait marqu? la perforation digitale de l'hymen avant qu'il ne lui impose un compagnon et se mit ? tester la douce moelleur du con juv?nile.

  Les caresses duraient depuis quelque temps, ses cuisses s'ouvraient maintenant largement, elle appelait de tout son corps celui de Marc, elle allait vraiment succomber, lorsque l'averse ayant cess? des appels pressants les avaient oblig?s ? reprendre une tenue plus d?cente pour rejoindre leurs compagnons .

En souvenir de ces instants d?licieux, elle avait d'ailleurs pr?nomm? son fils Marc .

L'id?e la traversa subitement que ses adolescentes se trouvaient peut -?tre actuellement dans la m?me situation ...????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Elle devait intervenir rapidement .... Avant qu'il ne soit trop tard !

  Il ne manquait pas dans l'IME de gar?ons susceptibles de profiter d'un court instant d'abandon !

     Avec quels gar?ons pouvaient elles donc bien se trouver?

Avec Miloud, ce jeune pr?somptueux, au regard audacieux qui toisait toutes les femmes de l'?tablissement ?

Avec son comp?re Stephan qui lui aussi passait le plus clair de son temps ? d?shabiller les filles du regard ?

Avec Daniel le petit boutonneux qui respirait le vice par tous les pores de sa peau ?

Ou encore avec Charles le grand d?gingande ? l'air blas? ?

Avec Fr?d?ric qui passait le plus clair de son temps ? exposer ses organes g?nitaux aux yeux des plus jeunes ?.....

Plus elle y r?fl?chissait, plus elle penchait plut?t pour Miloud et Stephan, si vicieux que m?me les ?ducatrices se m?fiaient d'eux l? et veillaient ? ne pas se trouver seules en leur compagnie .

  Un nouvel ?clair d?chira le ciel, se secouant de la douce torpeur, dans laquelle ces ?vocations l'avaient plong?e, Fran?oise d?cida de partir ? la recherche de ses brebis ?gar?es.

La d?marche lourde de d?sirs inassouvis elle entreprit de visiter les locaux.

Elles ne se trouvaient pas dans les 3 pavillons ?ducatifs, ni dans la salle de gym, elles ne pouvaient donc se trouver qu'aux clubs ou dans les salles sous les ateliers ; elle les contourna et arriva dans les pi?ces obscures accueillant les activit?s de club.

  Une lumi?re blafarde ?manait d'une des salles, elle dirigea donc ses pas vers cette derni?re, entrouvrant la porte, elle ne vit d'abord personne mais per?ut des bruits de conversation provenant d'un divan qui lui tournait le dos.

Certaine de trouver ses filles vautr?es sur le divan, peut-?tre m?me vautr?es sur des gar?ons, la col?re lui monta ? la t?te et brutalement elle surgit devant les yeux ?tonn?s de trois jeunes, effar?s de cette brusque apparition.

D?contenanc?e de ne pas trouver ses filles, Fran?oise ne sut que balbutier :

-          N'auriez vous pas vu Isabelle et Marie-Claude??..

Devant la r?ponse n?gative des gar?ons, ne mesurant pas le p?ril, elle s'emporta alors :

-          Mais que faites-vous donc l?? ?.

Le premier instant de saisissement pass?, Miloud vit l? l'opportunit? qu'il guettait depuis de longs jours.

Discr?tement il adressa un signe ? Charles qui s'?clipsa rapidement, puis r?pondit :?

-          Nous parlions de toi ? 

Au lieu de briser l? la controverse, et de partir, Fran?oise commit alors l'ultime imprudence en poursuivant le dialogue, ironique.

-          Et sans indiscr?tion... Que racontiez-vous, pour ?tre oblig? de vous cacher pour discuter ?

Miloud r?pondit alors avec brutalit? :?

-          On parlait de toi... De ton cul... De ta chatte... Depuis que nous t'avons bien pelot?e ? la piscine, on s'imagine tes formes... Les photos nous ont bien renseign?, on sait que t'es une fausse blonde... Les poils bruns d?passant de ta culotte t'ont trahi... Mais on aimerait en savoir plus...? Pour l'instant on imagine... 

-          Je ne supporterai pas ce ton plus longtemps !  Le coupa alors Fran?oise,

-          Ou tu t'excuses imm?diatement devant tes copains ou je fais un rapport et c'est avec le directeur que tu t'expliqueras !? Le mena?a-t-elle.

-          Tant qu'a ?tre puni... Autant l'?tre pour quelque chose !  S'enflamma Miloud l'agrippant par le bas de sa robe.

Fran?oise se sentit chuter elle tendit les mains en avant, par r?flexe et se retrouva ?tendue de tout son long en travers des cuisses des deux complices .

  Avant qu'elle n'ait pu se redresser Stephan lui attrapa les seins ? pleine mains la for?ant ? se blottir sur leurs genoux.

Tout en criant elle serra les genoux ? les rompre, d?j? elle sentait les mains de Miloud s'insinuer sous sa jupe tandis qu'il commentait :?

-          Alors garce... T'as gagn? c'est la pine qu'il te faut...? Vas-y, hurle ? plein poumon... Ca m'?tonnerait que quelqu'un se balade dans le coin, et... M?me si on t'entendait t'aurais bonne mine si on te trouvait trouss?e comme un poulet sur nos genoux !

Effectivement, Fran?oise se rendit compte du spectacle qu'elle devait donner, d?s ce moment elle se tut, peu encline ? ameuter des adultes, ou des enfants qui commenteraient ? leur fa?on le troublant spectacle.

  Cependant elle se d?battait, cherchant ? se d?livrer, mais chacun de ses soubresauts livrait encore plus son intimit? aux doigts inquisiteurs.

Miloud promenait maintenant sa main dans sa culotte, il lui caressait les fesses, suivant d'un doigt curieux la fente ombr?e, d?busquait l'anus fr?missant blotti au plus profond de la raie .

Pour l'instant il inventoriait sa croupe, tandis que Stephan, qui avait retrouss? son chemisier sortait ? demi ses seins de leur ?crin.

  Ils d?bordaient maintenant du soutien-gorge roul? sous sa poitrine, il pin?ait les ar?oles, les tirait, p?trissait toute la mamelle... S?r la trace de ses doigts resterait un moment marqu?e sur sa poitrine !

Fran?oise sentait grossir leur envie sous elle, leurs queues l'une ? hauteur de ses cuisses, l'autre sous son torse prenaient une consistance de bon aloi.

Elles raidissaient, s'irritaient contre les jeans et Fran?oise ?tait ? m?me de constater qu'elle ne s'?tait pas tromp?e quant ? la taille de la bite de Miloud, celle de Stephan qu'elle n'avait pu ?valuer, lui semblait toute aussi grosse, elle sentait son con s'humidifier et ruait de plus belle pour se d?gager.

Retombant d'une de ses ruades, elle fit crier de douleur Miloud, involontairement elle lui avait ?cras? un testicule sur la cuisse.

Le visage de Miloud s'empourpra de col?re, il s'?cria furieux :?

-          Ca tu vas le payer ma garce !

  A ce moment Charles, qui s'?tait ?clips? au tout d?but des d?bats, r?int?gra la salle, son ?ternel appareil photo sous le bras, il informa ses potes :??

-          Pour ?viter toute surprise, j'ai mis quelques poubelles en travers du chemin, dans l'ombre du virage, si quelqu'un se pointe on entendra parfaitement le bruit !?

-          Alors on y va dit alors Stephan, impatient ? ses acolytes... 

-          Qu'est ce que vous voulez me faire ??  pleurnicha Fran?oise apeur?e .

-          Qu'est ce que tu fais ? tes enfants, quand ils d?sob?issent ou te font mal ?? L'interrogea Miloud.

Et Fran?oise s'entendit r?pondre, la voix mal assur?e, tremblante :

-          Je leur donne la fess?e !  Et vivement elle ajouta  Mais c'est pas pareil... Ce sont des enfants, vous n'oseriez tout de m?me pas...

La suite lui prouva que si.?

-         Stephan bloque lui les bras, Charles tu prendras des photos !

Ceci dit Miloud la coin?a de nouveau sur ses genoux, elle n'eut pas le temps de rousp?ter, que d?j? Stephan lui retournait les bras dans le dos et les lui bloquait d'une main, r?servant son autre main pour un autre usage.

  Malgr? ses gigotements Miloud? releva sa? jupe bien au del? de la croupe .

Elle avait conscience, ainsi trouss?e de leur exposer ses deux globes ronds encore prisonniers de leur ?crin de nylon.

Son mini slip vert devait encore renforcer l'attrait du spectacle, ils rest?rent quelques instants silencieux, immobiles, ? contempler le joufflu livr? ? leur convoitise .

Puis d'une main, Miloud attrapa l'?lastique du slip, et ainsi qu'on d?pouille un lapin, il lui arracha son dernier voile.

L'?lastique c?da d'un claquement sec imm?diatement suivi du grincement du nylon qu'on d?chire.

Un premier ?clair ponctua la premi?re photo.

  Miloud fourra les lambeaux de la culotte dans sa poche et attira l'attention de ses copains sur le post?rieur ainsi d?nud? .

Les trois se livr?rent ? nouveau ? une longue contemplation, Fran?oise cherchait ? serrer les fesses, afin de r?v?ler le moins possible des secrets de son acad?mie, mais Miloud lui avait ?cart? brutalement les jambes et sur, son injonction, Charles glissa une chaise entre ses chevilles.

  Fran?oise avait pleine conscience d'?tre exhib?e comme du b?tail ? l'?tal, elle sentait les yeux de ses agresseurs courir le long de la vall?e ombr?e de sa raie, lisant comme dans un livre ouvert ? la bonne page, d?couvrant d'abord l'anneau ridel? ? la texture plus sombre de son anus puis tout de suite apr?s le p?rin?e, l'ouverture de son sexe, qui vu sa position devait bailler insolemment.

  Elle en soupirait de honte, elle savait maintenant que rien ne les arr?terait plus, il ?tait inutile de les supplier...

?????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????

Malgr? elle une louche langueur gagnait ses reins...? Et l'autre qui continuait ? prendre des photos !

La main s'abattit une premi?re fois sur le majestueux p?tard une vive douleur irradia alors sa croupe, la deuxi?me claque se faisait attendre, et c'est alors qu'elle d?crispait ses fesses qu'elle arriva provoquant imm?diatement un surcro?t de douleur .

La technique de fesseur de Miloud ?tait bien au point, les coups ?taient violents, vari?s, donn?s sur un rythme lent, il attendait toujours l'instant ou les fesses se d?tendaient pour frapper.

Les soubresauts de la victime obligeaient l'anus ? s'entrouvrir r?v?lant la chair sombre du tunnel, la langueur de Fran?oise avait ?volu?e, aux br?lures des premi?res claques avaient succ?d? des lames de feu qui lui traversaient les reins, irradiant dans son sexe qui ?tait maintenant tremp?, elle prenait son pied, peu ? peu ses sanglots se transform?rent en soupirs et bient?t un long spasme la secoua sur les genoux de son agresseur.

  Tout le temps de la punition, Stephan avait continu? de lui peloter les mamelles, les pin?ant, les malaxant tandis que le dernier comp?re continuait ? prendre des photos.

Miloud se fit caressant, il voulait v?rifier une impression subite, s'infiltrant entre les jambes disjointes il for?a du doigt le con de la belle et le trouva d?bordant de cyprine, grandes, petites l?vres, clitoris tout baignait maintenant dans un jus onctueux.

  A ce moment, retentit un juron sec accompagn? d'un bruit de poubelles renvers?es.

Imm?diatement Miloud lib?ra Fran?oise, cette derni?re en toute h?te entreprit de remettre un peu d'ordre dans sa tenue, Charles, lui, dissimula son appareil photo .

Les jambes cotonneuses, la vulve tremp?e Fran?oise vit Christophe, l'?ducateur chef rentrer dans la salle, tout de suite il interrogea :??

-          Fran?oise, que faites vous ici, en compagnie de ces deux jeunes ?? Et au vu de? son visage empourpr?? il ajouta :

-          Vous auraient-il importun?e ?

Miloud retint sa respiration, l'instant ?tait crucial, ou elle? se taisait et c'?tait tout bon pour eux, ou elle parlait et c'?tait le renvoi apr?s passage devant le directeur.

  Fran?oise, l'esprit embrum? n'en ?tait pas l?, elle pensait seulement ? la honte d'avouer qu'elle s'?tait fait tripoter par ces jeunes, tout son esprit se r?vulsait ? l'id?e d'?taler son aventure, de savoir qu'elle serait abondamment comment?e... D?j? qu'on lui reprochait sa trop forte f?minit?... On l'accuserait de les avoir provoqu?s... Qu'en dirait? son mari si jaloux... Et ses enfants ne la consid?reraient-ils pas comme une putain...? On est si cruel ? 12 et 14 ans !

Un ange tra?na dans la pi?ce, et la voix voil?e, essouffl?e Fran?oise r?pondit :??

-          Je viens d'arriver au pas de course... Sous la pluie et je questionnais Miloud et Stephan... Je cherche Isabelle et Marie-Claude qui se sont absent?es du groupe !

Cette explication suffit ? Christophe qui se tournant vers Miloud, Stephan et Charles les engueula un peu, ils n'avaient rien ? faire ? cette heure ? cet endroit, m?me s'ils s'y ?taient r?fugi?s pour s'abriter .

  Tous ensembles ils retourn?rent vers les groupes.

  Sous le regard goguenard des trois jeunes, Fran?oise salua son chef et rentra au groupe ou elle retrouva ses deux fugueuses.


Janvier 2008

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2 years ago
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ExxxtraSmall Chloe Temple The Masking Tape Muff

An extra small chick like Chloe Temple sometimes needs help doing physical labor. Like today, while she is moving, there is no way she can handle all those boxes by herself. Luckily, our stud is there to lend her a helping hand. He brings her boxes inside and soon, Chloe is showing off her own special box. He tapes her mouth and wrists before letting her lips free to suck his fat cock. Then, he eats her pussy while holding her up in mid air! She rides his thick prick and then he spurts hot jizz...

2 years ago
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My New Bull part 3

Arriving at the bar, I glance at my watch, 4:45, 15 minutes early. I take a seat at the bar and order a scotch. I glance at my phone, 4:46. My drink arrives and I take a sip. Shit! I think to myself. I am sitting here for a business meeting and know nothing about the company or the executives. I google Global Fitness. 5 minutes later I learn Global Fitness is a chain in over 50 cities in the Midwest and continually growing by 3 cities a year. A former college football player, DeSean Jenkins,...

4 years ago
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Vennoa the Halfelf SorcererChapter 10

The cart was small. Much smaller than they had thought. So small, in fact, that only two people could conceivably fit in it. The couple had also loaned them their donkey, after Pua steadfastly refused to pull the cart. However, the donkey looked rather old and hungry, so all it could do was to pull the cart. There was no way anyone could ride on it. Fender had jumped onto the cart and plopped herself down. The rest of them hesitated, not sure if they should also get on the cart. Vennoa took...

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Suppers Ready

It was obvious the poor girl was suffering from a sort of semi-terminal sexual frustration suffered by a healthy white woman who marries a neurotic Jew. The incessant whining and irritating self-centered/obsessive behavior is enough to drive a self-respecting woman over the edge. In Jamie's case the symptoms of infection were obvious. Her once lovely and usually innocent smile had turned to something sour and manipulative... an early sign of the sexual and social frustration so common once...

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Dreams do come true0

He woke up feeling a little drowsy. He had been sleeping fine, and having quite the dream, but he was no longer comfortable and that's what roused him. Something didn't feel right, but in his groggy state he couldn't quite figure out what it was. As his eyes started focusing he realized that the room was bathed in a faint flickering light. As he looked around there were a dozen or so candles spread out all over the room, casting a warm glow throughout the room. Attempting to get up and...

4 years ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter TwentyEight

Sissy Farm - Chapter Twenty-Eight - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me, Michelle: A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Doctor Shirley Williams: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine, AKA. Uncle Penny: My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.); James,...

3 years ago
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First time part 2

First time - continuedSo there I was. I came out of the darkroom with a drop of cum hanging from my chin, and the guy Inoticed earlier was looking at my still hungry face. I just had my first taste of cock and of cum - and Iloved it! It felt slutty and good to be there in the dark with an unknown mans cock inside me, hearinghim moan as my tongue caressed him, feeling him unload in my mouth. This was what I hadfantasized about so long.My new friend looked at me and I looked back and I went to...

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Vignettes of the day I fondle your cock, encouraging you to wake up. It’s warm and a little damp, eager and awake before you are. My fingernails draw little etchings over you, tracing real and imaginary patterns up and down your shaft, your balls and your already darkly, enflamed head. Your eyes are still closed, but your body is awake. I can tell by your ‘cat ate the cream’ smile and the way you keenly arch into my hand. I settle down into a lazy stroking pattern, your favourite way to start...

4 years ago
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Kerala aunty

Lalitha chechi was very tasty. This happened when I was 18 year old. I am born to a good aristocratic family. I know about sex from 18 year of age. I used to read lot of sex storybooks and masturbate at least two times in a day. My teacher, Lalitha was aged 32 was from Kollam. She was staying in our big house as a paying guest since she was a friend of my aunty since no body was there except my mother and me. All others were in various places with their jobs. She was from a middle class family....

2 years ago
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DickDrainers Zerella Skies She Gotta Study Ass After School

Zerella has always been a really good student. Last year she only got 2 Bs on her report card the entire year! She loves learning new things. Shes always been really focused on school but especially this year. Its her senior year and her grades matter now more than ever. So she’s been studying really hard, taking really good notes and making sure she finishes high school strong. Today, Zerella is preparing for another long night of studying. Math is so fun, yay. But a girls got to do what...

3 years ago
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Andy and Me First Time

We were at my house alone during the day and playing one of my game consoles as all teenagers do. About a couple hours in, Andy said almost nonchalantly, “I don't know about you, but I am horny as all hell.” That threw me completely. What a strange thing to say out of nowhere I thought, but then thinking about it, so was I. When I realized that my heart skipped a beat. 'Where is this going?' I thought. 'Does he want to do... something with me?' And suddenly all I could think about...

2 years ago
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The Deal

I am so in love with her, she is so beautiful to me. she can cook and she keeps the house clean. and the flavor of her cunt is to die for. I Had never tasted anything so wonderful in my life. And when I sucked on her clit she would pull my hair and fuck my face in earnest, God I love her. She sucked my cock better then any of the young girls or older women I had been with and when my balls would tighten up and my cock began to twitch she would take it all the way to my balls and swallow until...

3 years ago
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it started with my mom 4

I sat next to Allison and Kelly, they were 3 years younger to me Allison was 12 minutes older than Kelly. They both were really chubby….both were nerds, and they were proud of it, Allison was into science and Kelly preferred technology, both wore big identical nerd glasses, and I guess both were at least a 38D. My mother came and sat down next to me and handed me my morning coffee, “well let’s see, Em and I will take the master bedroom, and you...

4 years ago
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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 24

The same evening - at Polly's - Thursday, 10-June [Sarah] I heard the car in the drive. Car door slamming. Footsteps. Coming quickly. Hopeful. The front door. I couldn't move, or breathe. Life was poised on a knife-edge, the pendulum suspended at one end of the swing. Then he was in the room striding down, Barbara standing and being moved out of the way. He looked haggard; his beard untrimmed, hair untidy, wearing slacks and an old sweatshirt. Weary. The pendulum began to swing. I put a...

4 years ago
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The Young Immortal

_When we are no longer able to change a situation–just think of an incurable disease such as inoperable cancer–we are challenged to change ourselves. - Victor Frankl_ “Jakob Seilberg!” He froze. In an act of will, he forced himself to step forward. The impact of his heel on the concrete jarred him from the voice’s spell. “Jakob Seilberg, don’t turn your back to me, ... please.” “Stay here, Donna.” He went to the withered white haired woman. Every step cut him, he died a little... “Hello,...

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Oregon Coast Ch 04

This one is a little personal, my father in law was a Japanese-American GI in WW2 and there are a lot of echoes of my family in Doc M’s family. The Battle of the Lost Brigade happened in October 1944. Like the Light Brigade at Balaclava, the 442d was ordered by incompetent generals to do a militarily impossible task and did it on sheer courage, at great loss to themselves. For this and many similar feats the all Japanese-American 442d became the most decorated unit in the US Army, including...

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Banged A Hifi Prostitute In Open Balcony

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back to share my another experience and for those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai 6 feet tall average body and have a 6 inch tool and I thank you for all your response for my last story. Any ladies can contact me through This is my experience of me fucking a prostitute. Now coming to the story I have always had a desire of fucking a high profile prostitute in a nasty and a forceful but I feared it was risky but finally decided to...

3 years ago
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Too Big To Handle

Let me say I'm a big dude. 6'4" and 220, big-boned, thickly muscled, and a high school football and wrestling stud. But that's not all that's big; my dick is 8, and that might not be awesome, but it's so fucking thick, I can't get my hand around it. It' so fat, as girls have told me. But on top of the 8, and on top of the thickness, is I'm uncut. I'm not just uncut, but my foreskin hangs down 3 and a half inches from my dickhead. I always called it my dick-rope, cause it's thick, long, and...

5 years ago
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Teaching Timmy

‘Timmy, what’s the problem?’ He blushed and lowered his head until the tip of his nose was almost in his cereal bowl. ‘Nothing Mommy.’ She tightened the tie around her silk dressing gown and walked over to the breakfast bar. ‘You’ve had your hand inside your pajamas ever since you came down to breakfast. There must be something wrong.’ ‘It’s my ... my ... my thingie ... it won’t stop itching.’ ‘Let me see.’ ‘Mom!!!!’ ‘Look at me, son.’ Timmy raised a reluctant face, but couldn’t meet her...

3 years ago
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The Revenge of Jonnnixx a Rae Arizona Adventure

A Rae Arizona Adventure: The Revenge of Jonn-Nixx by Vernon Welles © Jorbello Adoud Goud looked up from his game of Escher chess to see a member of his personal guard standing respectfully before him. "A stranger is requesting an audience with you Master Goud. He brings information relating to Rae Arizona and her companions." The Legate of the Red Moon Brotherhood seldom granted an audience to anyone, much less a stranger. However this person's news was of immediate interest. That woman...

4 years ago
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Midnight Ch 03

No Sex until chapter 7 – VirtualAtheist CHAPTER THREE It was getting on for six o’clock and there only a few people wandering around on whatever business they were on. When I reached Building G5, I stood outside and looked at the double doors that were still wide open. Don’t ask me why, but I was suddenly quite scared. What did I think I was doing? I had no idea who he was and I was just inviting myself into his world. I knew that I had no business being on campus. That bus had passed three...

3 years ago
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Carolines MomChapter 5

Caroline sat at the table, her eyes were red. Rachel immediately went over to her and kissed her. She hugged her daughter and told her daughter that there were many men better than Jeff around. Rachel then whispered into Caroline's ear. Caroline giggled, and blushed. "Mom!" Rachel said. "Why not?" I was completely lost. "I can't do that mom." "Well, at least think about it." I just had to ask "What is going on?" "I just told Caroline that you are a great lover. Then I...

2 years ago
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Prologue: This is a story written by adults for adults and contains adult language and mature sexual content. It involves no young children, however, it does involve a teenager slightly below the age of consent. It does involve mildly non-consensual sex but no overtly illegal activity. It is completely fictitious and is written solely to entertain and arouse adult readers. If you object to erotic literature stop right here and read no further. The story is difficult to categorize…there is...

3 years ago
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A surprise at a wedding

Me and my friend attended the wedding of one of his old mates and I was pretty much invited along just to keep him company, and it was beautiful, a big fancy wedding, delicious food, and lots, I repeat, lots of great looking women.It seemed pointless me being there because it wasn't long before my friend hooked up with one of the bridesmaids and just left me alone at the bar, sipping on my drink, until low and behold, I caught a cute, petite woman staring at me with a smile on her face, I...

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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 18

We could see animals walking around on the shore, but we couldn't make out what they were, even with our enhanced vision. About all we could tell from their proportions was that they weren't camels. Travel over the water had become a bit boring, so we decided to land and see what interesting sights we could find. Maybe these animals would offer something to see or do. I moved into shore and unloaded the carts before shifting back to human form. We just about had ourselves organized when...

4 years ago
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Forced Sex with sister

Kamran’selder sister Hiba was 21. She had married last year and moved to her husband’s farmhouse last year. Kamran missed her dearly, she was his best friend and confidant. When summer came, he made the journey during the holiday’s to spend time with his sister and her husband. Things went well, the 1st few days, Haroon his brother-in-law was a good man and they got on fine. One night, Kamran could not sleep, he sliped outside to have a smoke and wander the gardens. On the moonlit night, he...

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Adult Nudist Camp Part 3

And we keep going. Part 2 ended with me fucking Julie, The lady I saw in the office in part 1. When I returned to my site from fucking Bonnie in her ass, I found Julie sitting a chair naked. we fucked each other it the outdoor shower. It turned out that Bonnie and Julie are great friends and had a challenge on who was going to fuck me first. So after finally getting some rest,I decided to go to the dance. Still not comfortable being naked in public with a lot of strangers, but I did go...

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Moti Gand Tagadi Chudai

Mera naam rohan hai, me baroda se hun, me Indian sex stories ka bahot bada fan hun , kai stories mene favorite hai. Aur me pahele gay bhi nahi tha. Par isako padhane ke bad aesa experience karane ka moka mila, me vahi apase share kar raha hun. Meri age 24 hai aur me dikhane me achha hun, matab white, clean shave, good height, par me thoda mota bhi hun, kai ladakiyo se mere riste rahe, au aaj bhi hai, par jab bhi sex hot man ko dekhata hun to pata nahi nasha sa chad jata hai.mere cock ki size...

4 years ago
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Positively Glowing 4

"It's called 'Galactorrhea,'" Dr Annette Falcone sat at her desk, a file open and test results strewn about her desk. "It is an abnormal development of milk production. Typically, the condition manifests itself in women who are caring for an infant and start lactating spontaneously, but it has been known to happen in men. It is very rare though." "I did a little research on my phone while Gerry was in the examination room," Stevie said, "and I found a condition called 'gynecomastia.'...

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School Days

When I was in school there was this one teacher named Miss Snow that made all the boys (as well as all the male teacher) drool. When she walked down the hall all the males would stop, turn around, and follow her like little puppies. She couldn't have been much older then 24. She had long straight black hair. A nice body, not overly large in the tit department but they were nice. Miss Snow was in Media/Video; which meant she was in charge of all the films, video, cameras, VCR's, and...

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SandcastlesChapter 24

The start of the opera and symphony concert season occurred each Fall and was a big social event in our community. The first concert to be performed at this year's gala was scheduled to be a collection of pieces by one of Sally's favorite composers. I thought his work was pretty good but personally I liked a more bombastic style, like Wagner. But for romance and setting the mood, the season opener held a lot of promise. Two weeks prior to the concert I announced that the opening night...

4 years ago
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Sophisticated Sins

His throbbing cock was lodged deep inside his frisky, young mistress. He was kneeling in back of her slamming his rod all the way into her clenching pussy. The middle aged king gave it to the young concubine extremely hard and fast. It was obvious to Eloise that her Lord relished her wet, firm tightness. The young harlot energetically enveloped his stroking penis with her juicy love hole. If it was true that the king loved to sport inside his latest conquest, than it was also true the...

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Door To Door WifeChapter 5

Back on the home front, I must confess that I had let things go. My normal duties as wife and mother seemed trivial and boring indeed compared with the excitement of working for S.E.X. Needless to say, it was only a matter of time before I had a confrontation with Fred. "You bitch!" he cornered me one night after I'd served TV dinners for the fourth time in a row. "How long do you think I can stand living like this?" I tried to weasel out of it, but it was no use. The irritation had...

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Badge Bunny Adventures Pt 3

I stared into the sky as I lay next to Ward. He rubbed my leg gently and asked if I had enjoyed my evening. I looked at him then smiled and expressed that I was indeed pleased. We laid there for a while and talked about random things. I knew that Ward had a gun; of course he did, he was a cop. What I didn’t know, was he was a firearm enthusiast. He went on about his different guns, competitions, etc. and asked if I’d like to go shooting with him; I was never one for shooting, but I thought...

Straight Sex
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Alka And Ajay 8211 Part 1

Greetings everyone! This is Lingeshwaran (Yahoo: ; gtalk: ; skype: ) here. You can add me to your buddy list if you are interested in chatting or real meet up or just need a companion for talking. Feel free to add me to your chat list or you can mail me at my Gmail id. Feel free to send me your comments on how to improve my writing too. I would be glad to improve. You can search using for my other stories in Like my other stories, this will also be a slow moving, but...

2 years ago
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A Night of Firsts pt 2

I opened the door to the club and walked inside. From the outside, the older brick building looked sort of run down, but once inside I found myself in a club with large bar on one side, polished brass railings, mirrors, subdued lighting, tasteful seats at the bar, hardwood floors, tables, a few booths further away and at the very end of the club a large stage with karaoke being sung. This was no seedy dive bar, thank goodness.The lights, the music (karaoke music is always so loud as if...

2 years ago
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Missed CallChapter 4 You tell me that you need me

So exactly three hours after I just sat there telling you how great my life was, my life started to royally suck. And I mean suck. It's never been quite so bad. Rachel and I sat on my bed. I was, of course, sobbing. She tried to comfort me ... but it wasn't working. I told her the entire story, not that there was really much of a story to tell. My boyfriend had gotten head from Natalie ... the bitch from Hunter. What could you do? My phone started ringing, his ring. Good ole fucking...

3 years ago
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Dirty Kelly 3

Jimmy woke up to the sound of groaning and wailing. Turning over and looking at his bedside clock it read just after 0545. That was in his estimation....early. Who the fuck, shaggs at this time of the morning. He remembered....Kelly. Her man had told him she was always horny as hell when she was hungover. And boy was she pissed. He remembered what he'd done to her, and, although he wasn't proud of it, he was still pleased he'd done it. He also had the evidence, which he'd download, and watch...

4 years ago
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A Standard TG Story Scientific Part 1

Dear Readers, This is my first attempt at fiction writing. I ask that you please give constructive comments and try to overlook the many mistakes that I am sure that I have missed. I hope that you enjoy the story. For those interested in the sexy parts those will be along in part two. ***PROLOG*** //////////////////// "We are screwed if we don't produce some results soon. How long before we can do a human test? We have until August and then the DOD grant will be past time for...

3 years ago
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Last night

I had some fun last night with my male friend. We went to dinner, show a movie, and went back to my place. My friend and I start discussing about sex, then, we put on a black porn flick (very nasty). My pussy starts to get wet and moist. My friend ask me; 'Do you want me to eat your pussy?' I reply back to say; 'YES!' so, we begun to take off our clothes, standing front of each other butt naked, he starts to rub his hands all over me, sucking on my big tits. I can feel his dick against my...

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A Surprise at the Truck Stop

This is a True Story that happened about 5 weeks ago. I left home and was heading South on Interstate 81 on my way to Christiansburg Virginia to visit with an old friend. I had just noticed whenever I got to the Virginia Line that I was running low on gas, and was also getting hungry. I knew that there was a Flying A Truck Stop a few miles up ahead and decided to pull in and get gas and something to eat. After I filled my tank up I pulled to the parking area to go inside and grab some lunch....

2 years ago
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An Unwanted Gift 8211 Part II


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Wifes Doggy PositionChapter 11

"Are you alone?" Molly asked as she stood on the doorstep. "Yes... come on in," said Carla. It was possible that never in the history of mankind had there been two such hot cunts in the same place at the same time. If cunts had been made of uranium, their two seething pussies would have reached critical mass and set off a nuclear explosion. They went into the living room, both squishing as they walked. "Want a drink?" asked Carla. "Okay." There was a certain tension between...

3 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 8

After we walked in, I told Mistress that mom had left some money in case she wasn't home when we got back, they told me we could order pizza, or go out for burgers. She said, "I think pizza would be good, then when they get here, you can answer the door naked. Won't that be fun?" She called a pizza place ordering what she wanted, and said we had about 30 minutes before it arrived. I checked the answer machine to see if there were any messages, there was one. It was mom saying, "Hi...

3 years ago
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What A Massage

So I answered the ad in the “Body Rubs” section of an online trade forum. The price was about twice the going rate for a therapeutic massage, so it sounded like it might be quite more enjoyable as well. When I arrived at the appointed time at the nondescript suburban home I went to the side door and rang the bell as requested. The lady who answered was good looking and about my age, which surprised me (I had imagined her to be younger for some reason). She was dressed in a casual short sleeve...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Scarlett Alexis Ambitious Alexis Scarlett Prefers The Extra Credit

Asian student Scarlett was annoyed when her professor White just showed up at her house looking for her mom, that he just started dating. Mr. White could not understand why she was so upset and thought she would like the idea of easy passing grades. But slutty Scarlett liked her idea better, of earning passing grades with her hard earned extra credit work after class on his big cock instead, deep down her throat, balls deep inside her hot tight pussy and his thick creamy cum sprayed all over...

2 years ago
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Master Harry Part 1

********************************************************************************************************************** Kajira boarded the Hogwart’s Express with all the other students. They all spoke in their snooty English accents and this grated on her nerves immensely. Being Irish and from America she was twice at odds with the English. It didn’t help matters either that she didn’t want to go to Hogwarts. She had been perfectly happy in her wizard school in America. This however was of no...

2 years ago
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MyFamilyPies Penelope Kay June 2022 Flavor Of The Month Penelope Kay

Penelope Kay is trying to become a therapist. She’s working on her clinical manner and her stepbrother, Apollo Banks, is helping her out. Penelope really fixates on it when Apollo starts talking about having a girl is important to him. She asks him if there’s any problem in his personal sex life, and when he admits that he doesn’t have as much stamina as he’d like. Penelope has her stepbrother lay down on the couch as she describes a sexy situation where a hot girl is...

3 years ago
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Two Months

Daniel had been waiting for this moment for so long now that he thought he might spurt a hot stream of cum all over her the minute she undressed. She was standing at the end of his bed, smiling down at him with that provocative smile of hers. The look in her eyes that said ‘I know your secret’. She was so beautiful, with the candlelight casting a soft, warm glow on her pale skin and adding a subtle gold to her rich, brown hair. ‘How about this,’ Cassandra murmured. ‘Promise me that you won’t...

2 years ago
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My First Blow Job

Looking back, I am perpetually amazed by my naivety and that of my friends. I read stories about kids nowadays and how sexually aware —and experienced!-they are. When I was their age, members of the opposite sex were as known to us as quantum physics. Which is my excuse as to how my first blow job was as a giver rather than a receiver. I look back now and don't regret it. The only regret I have is that it took me so long to discover the pleasure. Like most boys fresh into our teens, we...

5 years ago
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Morning Call

Clark rolled over in bed as the sun burst through the window and shone through his eyelids. "Ughhh" he mumbled as he voiced his frustration at being woken up prematurely. As he rolled to his left, Clark bumped gently into his long term girlfriend of two years, Cindy. A beautiful smiling breedee he met several years ago and fell in love with the minute he brushed her hair back against her face. She had been able to connect and understand him on a level like no other woman and to him, she had...

3 years ago
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An erotic encounter

I once had the most erotic encounter. I had been infatuated with a girl who lived down my street, when I was about 18 or 19. She was hot. And she knew it. She wore outfits that were revealing, that flowed over her exaggerated curves, her youthful breasts lightly swaying when she walked with the fabric bristling and sneaking glances of her porcelain skin, her firm butt twitching a her hips swayed and the light breeze blowing her dress against her mons pubis to reveal a smooth and sexy outline....

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Paula Grant was angry. In fact she was more than mere angry, she was livid. Her fury sparked around her like little electric shocks, making her unable to stand still. She stalked around the house like a maniac, tidying up behind her, though so unable to stand still that her tidying was haphazard at best. Her husband and, if she had her say, soon to be ex-husband, was the cause of this fury. Over the last few months they'd been rowing over just about anything and everything, and they had each...

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Youngest I Ever Had

My wife and I lived on a dead end street on a fairly secluded area of the island of Trinidad. We owned a club in the sister isle of Tobago so every other day one of us would take the trip across to manage the business. When she left I would be the one having to do the chores in the household and I dreaded such since it took away most of my free "play time" with the guys. Sometimes on the weekend one of us would stay until Monday and then return, so it's a dull weekend whenever I'm the one...

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