- 3 years ago
- 43
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No Sex until chapter 7 – VirtualAtheist
It was getting on for six o’clock and there only a few people wandering around on whatever business they were on. When I reached Building G5, I stood outside and looked at the double doors that were still wide open.
Don’t ask me why, but I was suddenly quite scared. What did I think I was doing? I had no idea who he was and I was just inviting myself into his world. I knew that I had no business being on campus. That bus had passed three years ago when I had to drop out of school… But still, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I took a deep breath, steeled myself and marched in through the doors. A sign inside on the wall directed me to the offices of the various doctors and professors who worked here. Under the heading Palaeontology I found the name Dr N Smethwick with an arrow pointing down the corridor to the right.
I made my way along it until I reached an area that opened out with a desk with a computer sat on it and several doors leading into several offices, only one of which was open. I could see Dr N Smethwick inside. He had just tipped his briefcase on to the desk and was searching through the contents.
Before I could make my presence known, he glanced up at me as I held out his notebook.
Those eyes. Those fucking eyes!
I stammered slightly, ‘I… I think you’re looking for this.’
When he realised what I was holding, he sighed with relief, ‘Thank you.’
I handed it to him and then looked around the office. To be honest it was in a right state. Books and papers were just dumped in piles all over the place with no rhyme or reason. There were a couple of large bookcases covering the far wall, but they too were just piled haphazardly with books. I could see a very old wooden clock high on the other wall. It had a large brass pendulum that swayed to and fro with a gentle tick tick tick. His desk had a computer on it, but it didn’t look like he had ever turned it on and his in and out trays were piled with neatly typed pages of script, hastily scribbled notes and more than a few stubs of flight and train tickets.
As he skimmed over one of the pages in the notebook, I said, ‘You’re not terribly organised.’
He nodded, ‘I know. I suppose I should try and sort it all out, I just don’t have the time.’
‘Being a Dr of Palaeontology is hard graft is it?’
He glanced up at me quite sharply, but his expression softened when he saw the grin on my face, ‘I need an assistant really. It’s not just the University stuff. I work in the field as well.’
I moved further into the office and glanced down at one of the papers on the desk, it was the first page of a treatise entitled, ‘The Miocene Mammal Necrolestes Demonstrates The Survival Of A Mesezoic Nontherian Lineage Into The Late Cenezoic Of South America’ whatever that meant.
‘What’s this?’ I asked, pointing to the paper.
He glanced at it and said, ‘Oh that’s a PhD paper. I was on the board for his defence of it… I keep meaning to file it. Just never have the time.’
‘I see.’
I pointed to another pile of papers, ‘And these?’
‘That’s my script for a presentation tomorrow… Or at least part of it.’
‘Where’s the rest?’
Once again he looked directly into my eyes, pinning me in place. His hand reached out and waved towards the computer on his desk, ‘Somewhere,’ he said, ‘In that fucking thing!’
I laughed, ‘I’m guessing that computers aren’t your speciality.’
He joined in with my laughter and replied, ‘Definitely not. Give me a dig site full of specimens over a computer any day.’
The laughter stopped and an uneasy silence followed as we remained staring into each other’s eyes. I don’t know about him, but I simply couldn’t look away. His eyes wouldn’t let me.
I murmured, ‘Maybe…’
‘Maybe what?’
‘Maybe I could find it for you?’
‘Feel free to try.’
I sat at the desk and fired up the PC. Once it was booted up, I asked, ‘What’s the talk about?’
‘It’s called the The Architecture of Ediacaran Fronds.’
My brow furrowed, ‘Can you spell Eddie Karen for me?’
He did.
Then I used the Windows search feature to see if that would find the document. After a few minutes, it did. I said, ‘Got it. You seem to have placed it in the recycle bin. I’ve retrieved it back to My Documents and it’s printing out now.’
I smiled at him and he stared back thoughtfully. I got shivers down my spine again.
‘What?’ I asked eventually
He looked around the room and then returned his attention to me. He sat down opposite me and rested his elbows on the desk tapping the heels of his hands together rhythmically and gazed at me earnestly, ‘Tell me,’ he said, ‘If I asked you to sort this office out, what would you do?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I mean. If you had to organise this space, tell me what you’d do. Step by step.’
I managed to drag my eyes from his, which I freely admit was fucking difficult and looked around the room. I said, ‘Would I be allowed to use the area outside the office at all?’
‘Temporarily I suppose, as long as you didn’t inconvenience the other members of staff.’
I rested my my elbows on the desk as well and placed my chin on my fists. I blew out heavily as I looked around. Before I could say anything he added, ‘Also, think about how you would fit an extra desk in here.’
I giggled, ‘Do I have to stand on one foot as well?’
Once again I received that little smile, ‘No. But I’m interested in your thoughts.’
‘Right. First thing, I’d get all the books out of here and stack them against the wall outside the office so they didn’t get in people’s way. Then I’d collect all your papers up and stack them on your desk. Question. Are all of your documents on the PC or are some of them just paper copies?’
‘Why do you ask?’
‘Well, any that are on the PC can just be binned, unless you’ve made amendments in pen. No point gathering and sorting paper documents if I don’t have to. Its just wasted effort.’
‘They’re all on the computer, but I’m not sure where.’
‘Fine then. Make a note of the titles and try to find them on the PC. Once found, place them in your document directory if they aren’t already there. Bin the hard copy, if not, keep the hard copy.’
‘Okay, what else?’
‘Sort the books into alphabetical order and stack them on the bookshelves.’
‘What about my ticket stubs?’
‘Do you need to account for them?’
‘Yes. But there’s no system in place. I use a company to look after my accounting, but I’m very behind with my returns at the moment.’
‘Okay, I would contact the company and find out when they last received your return. I’d need to know the yearly budget. Then I’d create a simple spreadsheet on Excel and start it from your total yearly minus your last return. Then I’d enter all of the costs for the tickets. Print off the costings for each complete month up to the current date and send it off to the accountants,’ I shrugged, ‘Then it’d be easy to keep up to date, as long as you entered the costings as and when.’
‘Suppose I need to be in Sydney, Australia from 1 November to 17 December. I fly business class and normally stay in three star accommodation where available. But I’ll sleep anywhere if I have to.’
I smiled, ‘The Internet is a wonderful thing. Loads of websites to book flights and hotels. They also allow you to price check so you get the best deal.’
‘What if I need a car to get about?’
‘Car hire companies are on-line as well.’
‘Can you use Outlook? ‘
‘Of course. I’ve just finished an MS Office course.’
He stood up and paced up and down a couple of times, tapping the heels of his hand together as he walked. Then he stopped and said, ‘This is going to sound strange, but… Would you be willing to come b
ack to my house?’
Shocked, I blurted out, ‘What?’
He looked at me and said, ‘It’s not what you think, and I know it’s… certainly unusual, but I have good reasons. I don’t just work here, I work from home as well and that space needs sorting too. Trust me on this.’
I’ll admit, his request surprised me, and if I’m honest, going off to his place when I didn’t even know his first name would be a fucking stupid thing to do… But… I have no idea why, I was seriously entertaining the idea. I can’t explain it, but even after the short time I’d spent with him… I don’t know… I got the same vibe from him as I did with Alan. I felt safe with him.
I gazed at him as he looked out of the window and then came to a decision, ‘Okay,’ I said, ‘I’ll check it out.’
He smiled at me and replied,’Good. You won’t regret it.’
‘Couple of things though.’
His brow furrowed, ‘What?’
‘First, you need to tell me your name.’
He laughed, ‘Sorry. I sometimes forget the social niceties. I’m Nathan.’
‘And I’m Manni.’
‘Charmed. And the second thing?’
‘You have to promise I won’t turn up in tomorrow’s papers as the latest victim of the Hull Strangler.’
His mouth opened and closed a couple of times before he grinned, ‘I promise. Besides, I’ve run out of rope, although I do have some spare boot laces I can use at a stretch.’
He reached out a hand, ‘Deal?’
When we touched it was almost as though a shot of electricity had shot up my arm. His grip was firm, yet gentle and his skin felt surprisingly soft. I saw his eyes widen slightly and his hand trembled very slightly too, but he didn’t say anything. And once again I found myself falling into his eyes.
I stammered, ‘D… Deal.’
I didn’t want to let go of his hand and simply held it until he gently pulled away and led me out of the building and over to his car. I was surprised to see that it was a BMW X5 and going by the plates it was only a couple of years old.
‘Palaeontology pays well then,’ I said.
Nathan shrugged, ‘I get by.’
The drive only took a few minutes as we travelled just a mile or so from the university to his house on Hall Road. It was at the Cottingham Road end, and a much nicer area than where Hall Road terminated at Orchard Park. We pulled into the drive of a rather smart three bedroomed semi-detached house and he led me inside.
I sat down on a small sofa in his lounge and looked around. The room was separated from the dining room by a wide arch bisecting the space at the halfway point. The front of the room was dominated by a large wooden desk sat in front of the bay window. It too was smothered in notes, papers and textbooks as well as a top end Apple Mac.
Although there was a fireplace, it had been blocked off as the house was centrally heated. The dining room had a simple wooden dining table with four chairs and the entire place was in just the same state as his office at the university.
I watched as he rummaged through various documents and papers on the desk, when he looked over his shoulder and asked, ‘Would you like a drink?’
I realised I was actually quite thirsty and asked if he had any fruit juice. Nathan wandered into the kitchen at the back of the house and shouted through, ‘I’ve got orange and grapefruit.’
‘No pineapple? Ah well, orange please.’
After he’d supplied me with my drink, he sat down on the office chair in front of his desk and said, ‘Right Manni, have a look around and tell me what you’d do to sort this place out.’
I looked around and said, ‘I have absolutely no idea.’
Nathan gazed at me quizzically, ‘Why do you say that?’
‘Well for one thing, is this a living room or an office?’
He grinned, ‘It’s supposed to be a living space. I rather planned on using one of the bedrooms as an office, but it’s just as much of a state up there. I just never seem to have the time to sort my life out.’
As he was talking, he switched on the Mac and shuffled a few papers around on the desk.
I stood up and positioned myself behind him, I leaned down to look at the Mac, ‘Ooh! Shiny!’
Without thinking, I placed my hand on his shoulder and once again felt a shiver down my spine.
He turned his head towards me and we looked each other in the face once again. We were only inches apart and my nostrils filled with the scent of his aftershave and it was intoxicating. I’ll be honest, it took all of my resolve not to kiss him. I blinked and then quickly stood up straight, slipping my hand back to my side, ‘Sorry,’ I murmured, embarrassed.
He looked at the papers on his desk, almost as though he was afraid to look at me and said, ‘No problem.’
Suddenly, he spun round and fixed his hypnotic gaze upon me once again,’Tell you what, I’ll give you the quick tour and then you can see what’s what.’
He led me upstairs and showed me the second bedroom, it had a double bed in it along with the usual furniture, but there were also several cardboard boxes piled in there filled with books, files and a few other things. He didn’t show me the master bedroom, ‘Nothing in there you need to see,’ he explained, ‘It’s just a bedroom.’
Then he showed me the single room at the front. It contained a couple of four drawer filing cabinets, both of which were battered, bruised and empty, and several more cardboard boxes full of palaeontology shit.
‘Right,’ I said, ‘I’ve seen enough.’
We headed back downstairs and I took up residence on his sofa once again. This time though, he settled down on the sofa next to me, but positioned himself at the other end, leaving a large gap between us. He stretched out his legs and crossed them at the ankles, then put his hands behind his head and said, ‘So? What would you do?’
I took a sip of my drink and gathered my thoughts. I made sure not to look at him as I knew that would just set me off thinking about kissing him again. Besides, those eyes of his seemed to be able to drive all rational thought straight out of my head, ‘Okay. I can see that you don’t have a telly, so clearly this room would be best suited as an office. For one thing, that room upstairs is far too small for you. What with all the reference material you have. I would use the upstairs room as a box room, but I would keep the filing cabinets in there.’
I pointed into the dining room, ‘I’d reorganise that area into a lounge/dining area. With only one person living here, I don’t suppose you need any more space. This room… Get a few bookcases in. Tall ones to maximise the storage space and then sort all your books in order.’
‘Anything else?’
I looked at the Mac, ‘Is that connected to the University?’
‘Yes. I’ve got WiFi and the University uses an online document sharing system.’
‘Do you spend a lot of time traipsing about?’
His brow crinkled, ‘What do you mean?’
‘I mean, do you spend a lot of time in the countryside doing palaeontology stuff? Digging up dinosaurs and whatnot.’
He smiled indulgently and his eyes sparkled, ‘Yes I suppose I do.’
‘Then you should get an iPad, one with a mobile connection. You’d have access to all your info from anywhere.’
‘Anything else?’
I looked around, ‘Yes. These walls could do with a coat of paint, and when did you last hoover your carpets?’
Nathan laughed out loud. His teeth were pearly white and even. I found myself strangely gratified that I had made him laugh. What was it about this man? Why did I find myself so eager to gain his approval?
His laughter died down and then he said, ‘Manni. I like you. Tell me, you’ve done the MS Office courses. Any others?’
I nodded, ‘I’ve done a shorthand and a typing course and I’ve just about completed a basic bookkeeping course.’
‘Ideal. Do you want a job?’
I was startled, ‘What?’
He gazed at his hands briefly as he tapped the heels
together, I was beginning to understand that this was his habit when deep in thought, eventually he said, ‘I’m not sure why, after all I barely know you, but… We seem to click. I need an EA and I think you would be ideal.’
‘Executive assistant.’
‘You want me to be your secretary?’
‘No, I’m offering you the job of my executive assistant. It’s more than just a secretary. The money’s better too.’
‘Why are you doing this?’
Once again his eyes held me in place like I was a butterfly pinned down in display case, ‘Honestly? I’m not sure. It’s just… There’s something about you,’ he glanced up at the ceiling and I could move again, he continued, ‘That sounded way too creepy,’ his eyes sparkled as he returned his attention to me, ‘Wasn’t meant to I assure you.’
I thought about it briefly. This was incredible! Could it be that my luck was changing for the better at fucking last?
Could this be the escape from the dead end of being a barmaid and a cafe assistant? I glanced around the room and thought about the state of his office at the university.
Sure, it was a massive amount of work to sort out the shitty state he’d got himself into, but once I sorted that out… How difficult could it be?
I looked at him, ‘Okay. I’d love to. Thank you.’
He gave me a beaming smile and my nipples became as hard as bullets.
What the fuck?!?
Nathan said, ‘I have to be in York all day tomorrow, but maybe you could be here tomorrow evening at say…Eight? We’ll need to do some paperwork and then we can have a proper chat about what’ll be expected of you. Okay?’
Still confused about how he was turning me on so much with just a smile, I could only nod my agreement and murmur, ‘Eight PM.’
We made our goodbyes and I left the house. I stood in the street and thought about catching the bus home, but my nipples were still fucking hard. I rubbed the front of my jeans surreptitiously and could feel that my panties were soaking. I was so fucking horny it was unreal.
‘Fuck it!’ I said to myself, ‘Looks like Steve’s getting lucky tonight.’
Decision made, I set off towards Steve’s house, it wasn’t all that far from here. As I arrived there, I saw the side gate was open and I could hear loud voices coming from his back garden. I made my way down the path and entered through the open gate, before I came around the corner of the house, I heard a drunken sounding voice say, ‘Oi Steve. You still shagging that fat nigger?’
I froze. The blood in my veins turned to ice.
I heard Steve’s voice respond, ‘No need for that sort of talk… And yes I am if you must know. At least when I can’t get a decent bird.’
‘Ha! Braver man than me. It must be like fucking an African elephant.’
I was mortified. I knew that Steve wasn’t my boyfriend, but I thought he was at least my friend. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I was so… disappointed. So hurt that he could be party to jokes like that at my expense. I’d been in such a good mood, so happy, so fucking horny. But not now.
I wanted to rush into the garden and give that utter bastard a piece of my mind. But I didn’t. I simply turned around and walked away to the bus stop to go home.
I cried myself to sleep that night. It should have been such a happy day and Steve had fucking ruined it!
I was still in a bad mood when I woke up the next morning. I hadn’t slept well and was feeling very tired. Still, I thought to myself, at least I had the new job to look forward to. That was at least a bright spot in my life. An opportunity to try and drag myself out of the shitty place I was stuck in.
I got to the cafe and let them know I was handing my notice in. The manager couldn’t care less about me working off the rest of the week, so she just told me to work my shift and then bugger off. There were always students looking for part time work.
Suited me.
I also rang Romeo’s and told them not to expect me back there. Same story. This new job working for Nathan was my golden opportunity and I wasn’t going to waste it. It looked like I was burning my bridges, but I really couldn’t give a fuck. They were both dead end jobs and I was sick of them. I needed a challenge, I needed to be stretched and being Nathan’s EA seemed like just the ticket.
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THIS HAPPENED IN 2010 – DONNA – The Stag DoAs I sat in the bar after I could feel all the spunk congregating in my knickers, I stood up and went to the toilet as it leaked out of me. Sitting in the cubicle I wiped as much as I could out of me but as I did I felt a little tingle, I let my fingers roam over my clitoris and I felt a shudder go down my spine. I thought ‘god it was good’ as I had a wee and headed back to the bar.Sitting down the guy who I’d original seen before I went to the coach...
Saturday, August 7, 2010 “You seem upset,” Jake said to Lizzie as he sat at the kitchen table and grabbed a sandwich for himself. “I’m not sure how I feel. I’m grateful, but I wish she hadn’t done it.” “Who is she and what did she do?” “Leanne bought us a bunch of furniture,” Emily said. Jake looked over at Leanne who was ignoring them and calmly eating her sandwich. “Oh? Tell me the story.” Jake said turning back to Lizzie. “Leanne took us to some furniture stores this morning,” she...
This is compliments of the ‘Shy One’ Maxine For President Everyone concentrates on the problems we’re having in this country lately -- illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida... ... Not me -- I concentrate on solutions for the problems -- it’s a win-win situation. * Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border. * Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levees. * Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border. Any...
Heather turned the volume down on her stereo and answered the ringing phone. “Hello?” “Hey girl. What are you up to tonight?” Jillian chirped. “Not a thing. What’s up?” “Just thinking about heading across town. I told you about my brother, DJ, didn’t I?” Heather and Jillian had met two years ago in their sophomore year of college and Heather felt as if she knew DJ even though she‘d never met him. “Anyway, he’s going to be at Jeri and Mike’s tonight and I thought maybe you’d want to ride over...
“Would you like coffee with your cobbler?” “Please.” She headed for the kitchen and I followed her to help. Once inside the kitchen, she turned and came into my arms. We kissed for a long, endless time before doing anything else. To my surprise, the cobbler was warm. Beth smiled. I asked Marie to leave it warming in the oven.” The cobbler was very good. Once it was eaten, we moved with our refreshed coffees to the living room and sat together on the couch. “Gerald, I want to go with you...
Shania Taylor was too damned young to be a widow. But, that’s what she was. Her husband had been killed in one of those idiot drunk driving accidents. Unfortunately, he’d been the one drunk. Fortunately, he’d lost control and slammed his truck into a tree. He didn’t kill anyone else. The impact broke his neck, and left his 27-year-old wife a widow. She looked stunning in black. Her blonde hair and pale skin contrasted with the dark fabric. As much as I pitied her situation, the vision of her in...
"Wooooo! Girls' weekend in the woods!" "Great. Lexi's drunk already. Couldn't you have at least waited until we actually got to the cabin?" "That'd be boring. You're boring, Sophia. You should--you should learn to be more fun." Sophia rolled her eyes at her friend as she, Lexi, and the rest of her friends piled into the van. The six of them had rented a remote cabin in the woods for a weekend away; it seemed like a beautiful place, with a lake nearby and some very pretty looking hiking trails...
LesbianWe arrived back in the merged town at 3AM. I was a little surprised that they expected to get into The Haven at that time of the night. The judge assured me that it wouldn’t be a problem. And he was right. Alison and I waited just to be sure. Then she drove back to my place. I’m sure she had decided to stay before we arrived. She had obviously developed a coping mechanism for the small bed. I can’t say that I minded her company at all. She had actually developed some seriously soothing...
‘So it pleases you to have been bested by a woman then Sir?’ ‘Oh God!’ He winced to think of it. What ignominy! ‘Oh no’ he groaned. The highwaywoman smiled wide, her white teeth flashing in the gloom. ‘Make up your mind Sir! Are you more pleased that you were responding to a woman? Or more chagrined that you were beaten by one?’ Though her tone was playful, she awaited his reply intently. For a moment he pondered the idea of stubbornly refusing to answer, even whilst thinking his feelings...
Rachel had told me to wear something cool and loose for our first fitness session as we would be doing some stretches and muscle toning so I decided that my tatty old silk boxers would fit the bill as they would allow the movement required so after Mrs J had gone I slipped them on and sent my neighbour a text to say I was ready whenever she was.10 minutes later a smiling Rachel tapped on my open patio door, “Hi Frank” she said as she walked in and OMG she looked ready to rock-n-roll in her...
Sex Without My HusbandHello, my name is Nicki, married with three c***dren. My husband always tells me I'm a knockout. I have some of the not-so-great leftovers from having my babies but I try to keep in fairly good shape. I have shoulder-length brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a great pair of boobs and smile. My husband is always telling me I am a beautiful "self made" woman that any man would be proud to call his wife. It is funny the effect one person can have on another. Take my story...
"James, sorry to bother you! I know that you didn't want to be disturbed.But there's a courier here from UPS who says that he won't leave thisdelivery without your personal signature..." My intercom rang out to me."Okay, Julie, send him in. I thought that you were leaving early today?""If it's okay with you, I'll leave now.""That's fine. Lock the front door on the way out. I'll let the courierout my back door."With that my office door opened with the gorgeous Julie presenting thecourier to...
Finishing School For Young Ladies By Michele Nylons Chapter Seven - Bethany Valerie lay in bed fast asleep. As usual she was dressed in a satin negligee, nylon panties, satin brassiere and had left on her stockings having had sex just before falling asleep. She was enshrouded in satin sheets and enraptured by the feel of the silky, slinky, feel of her lingerie cosseting the bed linen. The feel of the gossamer-like garments against her sensitive flesh invoked memories which...
While Reverend Gillis was renewing his connection with his niece Cindy Ramsay and while Cindy Ramsay's father was furthering the education of young Julie Smart, Principal Amos Thompson was planning to meet with attractive, fifteen year old Janice Garner, one of his Grade Ten students. After his shocking discovery that the hooker he'd hired for two hours was actually one of his Grade Nine students he began looking at the nubile beauties in the school differently. It had been more than two...
Weena had a great time looking at face plates. She decided that the two switch plates should have animals on them, but rejected giraffes and zebras. She picked macaws because they were "close enough to galahs." I agreed. They were both psittacoids. The fact that galahs were grey and pink and macaws were brightly coloured was irrelevant. That Weena was happy was relevant. I asked her about door handles. She looked at me blankly until I pointed out that we had knobs at home, but hospitals had...
I sat in the back of the car, holding Jessica's hand. The driver, Lucio, hummed along to the song on the radio - it was business as usual for him. For us, it was to be an evening that we would never forget. Only fifteen minutes ago, I had been at home, having returned from a typical night out at a local restaurant with my husband. The babysitter, being eager to finish watching a movie she had started, was still at our house and, given the time, it was likely she would spend the night in the...
ReluctanceIt’s purely fictional but based on an incident that actually happened but the character is actual and a former girlfriend in Thailand. I hope you enjoy the story. .............................................................................................................. Coming home one day I found my flatmate Tan going through my bathroom cabinet. This is the story that followed. Tan is 34 and I was four years older and that is why we got on so well we looked after each other, she...
The Waterfall Campsite ... Dessie straightened up and stared at Ann. “I have eaten pheasant, fish and rabbit until they’re practically coming out my ears. I’ve had MREs while backpacking and wasn’t in love with them all that much, but I think I would love some now, no matter what the meal consists of.” “We have an assortment. I noticed a Brisket Entreé, Chicken something or other, and a Beef Stew, with whatever goes with them, and several more besides. We just grabbed some at random in...
So I decided to rewrite one of the scenes. I tried keeping it short because I invite readers to do two things and that will take time :) Watch the scene. It can be found on a lot of streaming sites. The website is called "d@ughtersw@p" (just with real "a"s) and the scene is called "Beach Bait and Switch part 2". And after you watched the scene, read my story and the rate both in your replies. Depending on the feedback I might rewrite some of the other scenes, too. The characters...
The young goddess walked around the room. By the door was a platter of burgers, fries, and a six pack of Coke. Rosa woofed down most of the lunch, leaving a little for Carlos. She started pacing around the room. Carlos may be sated, but she wasn't. Not by a long shot. Who could she do next? The priests are off limits. Her sisters licking and tweaking her, fucking her with strap-ons, sounded like fun. But she wanted a real cock spurting inside her. The boys in her class weren't ready...
Copyright© 1992 All rights reserved Joining the District Attorney's office hadn't exactly been a dream for Toni Minelli. But after graduating from law school she figured her best bet to get lots of trial experience was there. She got exactly what she wanted, though she, like the rest of the staff were tremendously overworked. There was little time for socializing during work hours, but it was standard procedure to go out for a few drinks with the guys after work, and that included Carla...
Hello ISS readers. I am Meet, I am from Chandigarh. Main iss apr apni pehli story likha raha hu. Agar aap logo ko pasand aaye to comment jarur karna. Girls, bhabhiya can email me on Main 25 saal ka hu. Height 5.9″ hai. Main Chandigarh ka rehne wala hu. Any girl, bhabhi and aunty can contact me on Main apni story par aata hu. Maine Haryana ke ek engineering college se b.tech ki degree ki hai. Ye aaj se 6 saal pehle ki baat hai jab maine college me admission liya tha. Meri dosti Priya(name...
Introduction: A parallel to another of my stories, where comets and plague have made the world a harsh and dangerous place. But some remain civilized, and can even form bonds with each other. A Man of the Modern Era I am become, without choice, a modern kind of guy though Im over fifty. I recall the heady days of JFK and his Camelot, when all seemed right with the world. As a kid back then, I had a head full of pie-in-the-sky ideals, everything seemed magical. I later watched men walk on the...
Dandy Edge. by Tanya H. One. For all the time I'd spent on Dandy Edge, a lofty limestone outcropping overlooking a twisting, tree-lined gorge, I never troubled myself to discover the story behind the name. While it never had the visual impact of Millers Dale or Chee Tor, neither did it attract the visitors and its solitude drew me powerfully when I needed space, time and peace. Or, on that particular afternoon, a quiet, vertical spot to kill myself. Having left the car beside...
At high school, which Jean had just finished, the boys wanted to go after her but the jocks didnt - they knew Jean was no slut and would not fall for the dumb football type - and the geeks felt themselves completely inadequate. Those in between, the modest, good looking guys, would occasionally ask her out and be treated to a nice, if distant, date. However, Jean never went further. Unknown to these fumbling boys, Jean had a voracious sexual appetite hidden beneath a smooth exterior. She was...
Hi mai rajesh, iss ka regular reader umar 28 saal height 5.9″ bank mai cleark hu, meri shadi ko 1 saal ho gaya meri biwi meenu gori 5.2″ figure 36 30 36 sexy, bed paar kar kamal ki cheez hai, mai uski jitni bi chudai karu wo muje pyasi hi lagti hai.hum donoblue film etc dekhtee rehte hai, har trah se khul kar baat karte hai, par usne muje kabi gaand nahi marne di chalo mai apni baat par aata hu mera duty time 10 se 5 hai mera bank ghar se 10 min ki duri par hai… 1 din mai bank gaya to pata...
The next morning was mild, if not as clear and sunny as the day before. Clouds hung in a haze over the sky, drab and dreary and promising cold and snow to come, but all in all it was a favorable day for the middle of a Dale winter. Rael was sitting against a wall in an alley mouth, studying the grand building across the street. He was on the opposite end of Trelling’s Rest, right in the heart of the Palace District, watching the Hall of Valor, home and seat of power for the Knight Brotherhood...
The cottage part one It was a grey and gloomy sky that seemed to reach down and chill your very heart as we drove through Edinburgh. Tom and I were on our way to a xmas party. This was to be, no ordinary party. Finally we approached the entrance to the driveway that led up to Mark’s cottage. Small flurries of snowflakes were falling as we drove slowly up the winding driveway that led to Marks cottage. The driveway was lined by very old, crooked trees,...
Group SexMaidensdoom Wyrm Copyright Oggbashan March 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************Lads and Lassies, listen now to meWhile I relate the tale so dire:Maidensdoom Wyrm roaming freeCondemning some to eternal...
Please read all my other stories and leave comments. Thanks. Seriously? I turned 49 on my last birthday, my wife turned 56 on hers. When we were younger the age difference never mattered, emotionally, it still doesn't. Physically however, it has reared its ugly head. Two years ago my wife told me that as much as she loved me, her interest in sex was about nil. She was sad because that part of her life had ended but despite her lack of "urge", she was still willing to participate...
Next morning at work I got a call to come and see Brian. As I entered his office I thought he looked worried. "No calls," he told his secretary, and closed the door firmly. "How did it go last night?" he asked. "Fine, I thought," I replied guardedly. "Everyone had a good time. I gave George plenty of chances to tell us all how successful he is so he should have been happy." "Mmm," said Brian absently. "I've just got off the phone to him. We had a few bits of business we needed...
Alexis dropped me off at the airport that morning on her way to work asking me to call her and let her know what was going on as soon as possible. I kissed her goodbye and promised her I would call her as soon as I could. When I arrived at the airport, I rented a full size Mercedes CL600 Coupe, it was quite a machine. For some reason, it seemed I always arrived back home on a Wednesday, I laughed to myself as I pulled into the school parking lot. It was just after one thirty, less than thirty...
I drove 4 hours just to meet her. We spent a long time on the Internet chatting and emailing back and forth. We knew each other’s interests and enjoyed talking about them. We even moved to speaking on the phone. That’s when I mentioned I would be close to where she was. She, and it was a complete shock to me, asked me to visit her and stay at her place for the weekend. How could I say no? The 4 hour drive seemed to take 24 hours. I had never seen her picture and she had never seen...
The Riverlands, not far from the Neck, Four days later... “Your Graces, this is report that three different battalions of ‘Faith Militant’ seem to have simply been former Sparrows that lined up for their dragonglass and showed up armed with cudgels for now. When they were denied dragonglass as yet, because it’s not available here, and were instructed to put away their cudgels, they caused an uproar and the Gold Cloaks were forced to kill several before gaoling the rest. They will instead...
Hi, My name is Midhun…I am 28 years old…I am going to tell you one of my sweetest memories when I was in Teenage. I never thought in my dreams that I would involve in incest. I never thought that I would have sex with my cousin, whom I always felt as my sister.But few incidents changed my attitude and my way of seeing her. I was in my early teens. I am the only one to my parents. I was brought up in a typical Indian family, where the word ‘Sex’ itself is a sin. So, I had no idea of it or for...