Midnight Ch. 03 free porn video

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No Sex until chapter 7 – VirtualAtheist


It was getting on for six o’clock and there only a few people wandering around on whatever business they were on. When I reached Building G5, I stood outside and looked at the double doors that were still wide open.

Don’t ask me why, but I was suddenly quite scared. What did I think I was doing? I had no idea who he was and I was just inviting myself into his world. I knew that I had no business being on campus. That bus had passed three years ago when I had to drop out of school… But still, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I took a deep breath, steeled myself and marched in through the doors. A sign inside on the wall directed me to the offices of the various doctors and professors who worked here. Under the heading Palaeontology I found the name Dr N Smethwick with an arrow pointing down the corridor to the right.

I made my way along it until I reached an area that opened out with a desk with a computer sat on it and several doors leading into several offices, only one of which was open. I could see Dr N Smethwick inside. He had just tipped his briefcase on to the desk and was searching through the contents.

Before I could make my presence known, he glanced up at me as I held out his notebook.

Those eyes. Those fucking eyes!

I stammered slightly, ‘I… I think you’re looking for this.’

When he realised what I was holding, he sighed with relief, ‘Thank you.’

I handed it to him and then looked around the office. To be honest it was in a right state. Books and papers were just dumped in piles all over the place with no rhyme or reason. There were a couple of large bookcases covering the far wall, but they too were just piled haphazardly with books. I could see a very old wooden clock high on the other wall. It had a large brass pendulum that swayed to and fro with a gentle tick tick tick. His desk had a computer on it, but it didn’t look like he had ever turned it on and his in and out trays were piled with neatly typed pages of script, hastily scribbled notes and more than a few stubs of flight and train tickets.

As he skimmed over one of the pages in the notebook, I said, ‘You’re not terribly organised.’

He nodded, ‘I know. I suppose I should try and sort it all out, I just don’t have the time.’

‘Being a Dr of Palaeontology is hard graft is it?’

He glanced up at me quite sharply, but his expression softened when he saw the grin on my face, ‘I need an assistant really. It’s not just the University stuff. I work in the field as well.’

I moved further into the office and glanced down at one of the papers on the desk, it was the first page of a treatise entitled, ‘The Miocene Mammal Necrolestes Demonstrates The Survival Of A Mesezoic Nontherian Lineage Into The Late Cenezoic Of South America’ whatever that meant.

‘What’s this?’ I asked, pointing to the paper.

He glanced at it and said, ‘Oh that’s a PhD paper. I was on the board for his defence of it… I keep meaning to file it. Just never have the time.’

‘I see.’

I pointed to another pile of papers, ‘And these?’

‘That’s my script for a presentation tomorrow… Or at least part of it.’

‘Where’s the rest?’

Once again he looked directly into my eyes, pinning me in place. His hand reached out and waved towards the computer on his desk, ‘Somewhere,’ he said, ‘In that fucking thing!’

I laughed, ‘I’m guessing that computers aren’t your speciality.’

He joined in with my laughter and replied, ‘Definitely not. Give me a dig site full of specimens over a computer any day.’

The laughter stopped and an uneasy silence followed as we remained staring into each other’s eyes. I don’t know about him, but I simply couldn’t look away. His eyes wouldn’t let me.

I murmured, ‘Maybe…’

‘Maybe what?’

‘Maybe I could find it for you?’

‘Feel free to try.’

I sat at the desk and fired up the PC. Once it was booted up, I asked, ‘What’s the talk about?’

‘It’s called the The Architecture of Ediacaran Fronds.’

My brow furrowed, ‘Can you spell Eddie Karen for me?’

He did.

Then I used the Windows search feature to see if that would find the document. After a few minutes, it did. I said, ‘Got it. You seem to have placed it in the recycle bin. I’ve retrieved it back to My Documents and it’s printing out now.’

I smiled at him and he stared back thoughtfully. I got shivers down my spine again.

‘What?’ I asked eventually

He looked around the room and then returned his attention to me. He sat down opposite me and rested his elbows on the desk tapping the heels of his hands together rhythmically and gazed at me earnestly, ‘Tell me,’ he said, ‘If I asked you to sort this office out, what would you do?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean. If you had to organise this space, tell me what you’d do. Step by step.’

I managed to drag my eyes from his, which I freely admit was fucking difficult and looked around the room. I said, ‘Would I be allowed to use the area outside the office at all?’

‘Temporarily I suppose, as long as you didn’t inconvenience the other members of staff.’

I rested my my elbows on the desk as well and placed my chin on my fists. I blew out heavily as I looked around. Before I could say anything he added, ‘Also, think about how you would fit an extra desk in here.’

I giggled, ‘Do I have to stand on one foot as well?’

Once again I received that little smile, ‘No. But I’m interested in your thoughts.’

‘Right. First thing, I’d get all the books out of here and stack them against the wall outside the office so they didn’t get in people’s way. Then I’d collect all your papers up and stack them on your desk. Question. Are all of your documents on the PC or are some of them just paper copies?’

‘Why do you ask?’

‘Well, any that are on the PC can just be binned, unless you’ve made amendments in pen. No point gathering and sorting paper documents if I don’t have to. Its just wasted effort.’

‘They’re all on the computer, but I’m not sure where.’

‘Fine then. Make a note of the titles and try to find them on the PC. Once found, place them in your document directory if they aren’t already there. Bin the hard copy, if not, keep the hard copy.’

‘Okay, what else?’

‘Sort the books into alphabetical order and stack them on the bookshelves.’

‘What about my ticket stubs?’

‘Do you need to account for them?’

‘Yes. But there’s no system in place. I use a company to look after my accounting, but I’m very behind with my returns at the moment.’

‘Okay, I would contact the company and find out when they last received your return. I’d need to know the yearly budget. Then I’d create a simple spreadsheet on Excel and start it from your total yearly minus your last return. Then I’d enter all of the costs for the tickets. Print off the costings for each complete month up to the current date and send it off to the accountants,’ I shrugged, ‘Then it’d be easy to keep up to date, as long as you entered the costings as and when.’

‘Suppose I need to be in Sydney, Australia from 1 November to 17 December. I fly business class and normally stay in three star accommodation where available. But I’ll sleep anywhere if I have to.’

I smiled, ‘The Internet is a wonderful thing. Loads of websites to book flights and hotels. They also allow you to price check so you get the best deal.’

‘What if I need a car to get about?’

‘Car hire companies are on-line as well.’

‘Can you use Outlook? ‘

‘Of course. I’ve just finished an MS Office course.’

He stood up and paced up and down a couple of times, tapping the heels of his hand together as he walked. Then he stopped and said, ‘This is going to sound strange, but… Would you be willing to come b
ack to my house?’

Shocked, I blurted out, ‘What?’

He looked at me and said, ‘It’s not what you think, and I know it’s… certainly unusual, but I have good reasons. I don’t just work here, I work from home as well and that space needs sorting too. Trust me on this.’

I’ll admit, his request surprised me, and if I’m honest, going off to his place when I didn’t even know his first name would be a fucking stupid thing to do… But… I have no idea why, I was seriously entertaining the idea. I can’t explain it, but even after the short time I’d spent with him… I don’t know… I got the same vibe from him as I did with Alan. I felt safe with him.

I gazed at him as he looked out of the window and then came to a decision, ‘Okay,’ I said, ‘I’ll check it out.’

He smiled at me and replied,’Good. You won’t regret it.’

‘Couple of things though.’

His brow furrowed, ‘What?’

‘First, you need to tell me your name.’

He laughed, ‘Sorry. I sometimes forget the social niceties. I’m Nathan.’

‘And I’m Manni.’

‘Charmed. And the second thing?’

‘You have to promise I won’t turn up in tomorrow’s papers as the latest victim of the Hull Strangler.’

His mouth opened and closed a couple of times before he grinned, ‘I promise. Besides, I’ve run out of rope, although I do have some spare boot laces I can use at a stretch.’

He reached out a hand, ‘Deal?’

When we touched it was almost as though a shot of electricity had shot up my arm. His grip was firm, yet gentle and his skin felt surprisingly soft. I saw his eyes widen slightly and his hand trembled very slightly too, but he didn’t say anything. And once again I found myself falling into his eyes.

I stammered, ‘D… Deal.’

I didn’t want to let go of his hand and simply held it until he gently pulled away and led me out of the building and over to his car. I was surprised to see that it was a BMW X5 and going by the plates it was only a couple of years old.

‘Palaeontology pays well then,’ I said.

Nathan shrugged, ‘I get by.’

The drive only took a few minutes as we travelled just a mile or so from the university to his house on Hall Road. It was at the Cottingham Road end, and a much nicer area than where Hall Road terminated at Orchard Park. We pulled into the drive of a rather smart three bedroomed semi-detached house and he led me inside.

I sat down on a small sofa in his lounge and looked around. The room was separated from the dining room by a wide arch bisecting the space at the halfway point. The front of the room was dominated by a large wooden desk sat in front of the bay window. It too was smothered in notes, papers and textbooks as well as a top end Apple Mac.

Although there was a fireplace, it had been blocked off as the house was centrally heated. The dining room had a simple wooden dining table with four chairs and the entire place was in just the same state as his office at the university.

I watched as he rummaged through various documents and papers on the desk, when he looked over his shoulder and asked, ‘Would you like a drink?’

I realised I was actually quite thirsty and asked if he had any fruit juice. Nathan wandered into the kitchen at the back of the house and shouted through, ‘I’ve got orange and grapefruit.’

‘No pineapple? Ah well, orange please.’

After he’d supplied me with my drink, he sat down on the office chair in front of his desk and said, ‘Right Manni, have a look around and tell me what you’d do to sort this place out.’

I looked around and said, ‘I have absolutely no idea.’

Nathan gazed at me quizzically, ‘Why do you say that?’

‘Well for one thing, is this a living room or an office?’

He grinned, ‘It’s supposed to be a living space. I rather planned on using one of the bedrooms as an office, but it’s just as much of a state up there. I just never seem to have the time to sort my life out.’

As he was talking, he switched on the Mac and shuffled a few papers around on the desk.

I stood up and positioned myself behind him, I leaned down to look at the Mac, ‘Ooh! Shiny!’

Without thinking, I placed my hand on his shoulder and once again felt a shiver down my spine.

He turned his head towards me and we looked each other in the face once again. We were only inches apart and my nostrils filled with the scent of his aftershave and it was intoxicating. I’ll be honest, it took all of my resolve not to kiss him. I blinked and then quickly stood up straight, slipping my hand back to my side, ‘Sorry,’ I murmured, embarrassed.

He looked at the papers on his desk, almost as though he was afraid to look at me and said, ‘No problem.’

Suddenly, he spun round and fixed his hypnotic gaze upon me once again,’Tell you what, I’ll give you the quick tour and then you can see what’s what.’


He led me upstairs and showed me the second bedroom, it had a double bed in it along with the usual furniture, but there were also several cardboard boxes piled in there filled with books, files and a few other things. He didn’t show me the master bedroom, ‘Nothing in there you need to see,’ he explained, ‘It’s just a bedroom.’

Then he showed me the single room at the front. It contained a couple of four drawer filing cabinets, both of which were battered, bruised and empty, and several more cardboard boxes full of palaeontology shit.

‘Right,’ I said, ‘I’ve seen enough.’

We headed back downstairs and I took up residence on his sofa once again. This time though, he settled down on the sofa next to me, but positioned himself at the other end, leaving a large gap between us. He stretched out his legs and crossed them at the ankles, then put his hands behind his head and said, ‘So? What would you do?’

I took a sip of my drink and gathered my thoughts. I made sure not to look at him as I knew that would just set me off thinking about kissing him again. Besides, those eyes of his seemed to be able to drive all rational thought straight out of my head, ‘Okay. I can see that you don’t have a telly, so clearly this room would be best suited as an office. For one thing, that room upstairs is far too small for you. What with all the reference material you have. I would use the upstairs room as a box room, but I would keep the filing cabinets in there.’

I pointed into the dining room, ‘I’d reorganise that area into a lounge/dining area. With only one person living here, I don’t suppose you need any more space. This room… Get a few bookcases in. Tall ones to maximise the storage space and then sort all your books in order.’

‘Anything else?’

I looked at the Mac, ‘Is that connected to the University?’

‘Yes. I’ve got WiFi and the University uses an online document sharing system.’

‘Do you spend a lot of time traipsing about?’

His brow crinkled, ‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean, do you spend a lot of time in the countryside doing palaeontology stuff? Digging up dinosaurs and whatnot.’

He smiled indulgently and his eyes sparkled, ‘Yes I suppose I do.’

‘Then you should get an iPad, one with a mobile connection. You’d have access to all your info from anywhere.’

‘Anything else?’

I looked around, ‘Yes. These walls could do with a coat of paint, and when did you last hoover your carpets?’

Nathan laughed out loud. His teeth were pearly white and even. I found myself strangely gratified that I had made him laugh. What was it about this man? Why did I find myself so eager to gain his approval?

His laughter died down and then he said, ‘Manni. I like you. Tell me, you’ve done the MS Office courses. Any others?’

I nodded, ‘I’ve done a shorthand and a typing course and I’ve just about completed a basic bookkeeping course.’

‘Ideal. Do you want a job?’

I was startled, ‘What?’

He gazed at his hands briefly as he tapped the heels
together, I was beginning to understand that this was his habit when deep in thought, eventually he said, ‘I’m not sure why, after all I barely know you, but… We seem to click. I need an EA and I think you would be ideal.’


‘Executive assistant.’

‘You want me to be your secretary?’

‘No, I’m offering you the job of my executive assistant. It’s more than just a secretary. The money’s better too.’

‘Why are you doing this?’

Once again his eyes held me in place like I was a butterfly pinned down in display case, ‘Honestly? I’m not sure. It’s just… There’s something about you,’ he glanced up at the ceiling and I could move again, he continued, ‘That sounded way too creepy,’ his eyes sparkled as he returned his attention to me, ‘Wasn’t meant to I assure you.’

I thought about it briefly. This was incredible! Could it be that my luck was changing for the better at fucking last?

Could this be the escape from the dead end of being a barmaid and a cafe assistant? I glanced around the room and thought about the state of his office at the university.

Sure, it was a massive amount of work to sort out the shitty state he’d got himself into, but once I sorted that out… How difficult could it be?

I looked at him, ‘Okay. I’d love to. Thank you.’

He gave me a beaming smile and my nipples became as hard as bullets.

What the fuck?!?

Nathan said, ‘I have to be in York all day tomorrow, but maybe you could be here tomorrow evening at say…Eight? We’ll need to do some paperwork and then we can have a proper chat about what’ll be expected of you. Okay?’

Still confused about how he was turning me on so much with just a smile, I could only nod my agreement and murmur, ‘Eight PM.’

We made our goodbyes and I left the house. I stood in the street and thought about catching the bus home, but my nipples were still fucking hard. I rubbed the front of my jeans surreptitiously and could feel that my panties were soaking. I was so fucking horny it was unreal.

‘Fuck it!’ I said to myself, ‘Looks like Steve’s getting lucky tonight.’

Decision made, I set off towards Steve’s house, it wasn’t all that far from here. As I arrived there, I saw the side gate was open and I could hear loud voices coming from his back garden. I made my way down the path and entered through the open gate, before I came around the corner of the house, I heard a drunken sounding voice say, ‘Oi Steve. You still shagging that fat nigger?’

I froze. The blood in my veins turned to ice.

I heard Steve’s voice respond, ‘No need for that sort of talk… And yes I am if you must know. At least when I can’t get a decent bird.’

‘Ha! Braver man than me. It must be like fucking an African elephant.’

I was mortified. I knew that Steve wasn’t my boyfriend, but I thought he was at least my friend. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I was so… disappointed. So hurt that he could be party to jokes like that at my expense. I’d been in such a good mood, so happy, so fucking horny. But not now.



I wanted to rush into the garden and give that utter bastard a piece of my mind. But I didn’t. I simply turned around and walked away to the bus stop to go home.

I cried myself to sleep that night. It should have been such a happy day and Steve had fucking ruined it!

I was still in a bad mood when I woke up the next morning. I hadn’t slept well and was feeling very tired. Still, I thought to myself, at least I had the new job to look forward to. That was at least a bright spot in my life. An opportunity to try and drag myself out of the shitty place I was stuck in.

I got to the cafe and let them know I was handing my notice in. The manager couldn’t care less about me working off the rest of the week, so she just told me to work my shift and then bugger off. There were always students looking for part time work.

Suited me.

I also rang Romeo’s and told them not to expect me back there. Same story. This new job working for Nathan was my golden opportunity and I wasn’t going to waste it. It looked like I was burning my bridges, but I really couldn’t give a fuck. They were both dead end jobs and I was sick of them. I needed a challenge, I needed to be stretched and being Nathan’s EA seemed like just the ticket.

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That Sunday, Bill drove Carolyn home from church. He parked and offered to walk her to her door. Of course, he was thinking of the goodbye kiss at that door. “No,” she said. She reached over and pulled his face into a kiss. Their tongues dueled. Minutes later, she pushed his face away. “That’s enough. We can say goodbye here. Goodbye” “Goodbye.” He watched in the mirror as she walked to the door of the dorm. Someday, he’d promised her, he would understand her. That day was looking more...

4 years ago
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The Supreme Driving School

I know that this is going to sound rather unfair, but I want to be honest about some of my experiences. I’ve found it odd how a new relationship with a woman can vary so much in the way it gets started. I'm thirty-seven and have gone through a long marriage which was followed by a divorce. I had eight girlfriends before that.Sometimes I pursue a certain woman for a while, and nothing happens. Often they are not honest about their real intentions and yet they dangle sex in front of me to keep me...

2 years ago
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The Time of My LifeChapter 8

I awoke the following morning when I saw the light in the bathroom come on. I gently pulled myself away from Jessica and got up. Quietly I pushed the door to the bathroom open. "Oh, I'm sorry," I said and started to close the door when I saw Sandy sitting on the toilet, her panties at her feet. "That's okay, I'll be finished in a second, come in," Sandy whispered. I was embarrassed but still pushed the door open and stepped inside. Incredibly, I heard the hiss of urine as Sandy...

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With The Vacuums

This story is about masturbating with several types of vacuums.  People say this can be dangerous. I guess I’ve been lucky.  I’m a male about fifty-seven years old.  I work an opposite shift than my wife; she works days, I work nights.  During the day, I am usually up a lot and very horny. Many years ago, I had heard stories of guys masturbating using a vacuum, but was afraid to give it a try thinking the suction could damage my dick.  One day, I was home alone so I decided to try getting...

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I Have Gynecomastia

I have Gynecomastia By Terry Hansay Chapter One of Two, Enjoy... I am 19 years old and have gynecomastia. I just saw my doctor and she explained what I have. I am sick, emotionally sick to hear this. I can't believe my chest has developed so much and the doctor says I will develop more, that I have this disease. I am a little overweight and that is what I thought was my problem, why my chest was bigger than normal. I started hurting around my upper chest and went to my...

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My Fairy TaleChapter 2

All four of them pulled long knives from their belts and advanced on Verine and I. "I am warning you now, don't press this or you will be hurt or killed," I told them. They continued to advance and spread out. I raised the Uzi and shot the leader in the forehead. The others rushed me and I began shooting them. I got the second one closest to me and Verine shot the last two at the same time. The Tik girl came up to me and said, "Thank you, sir." I said, "You are welcome, Miss. Thank...

3 years ago
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A Winter Morning Part 1 My First Step To Seduce Mom

It was a Friday morning, winter was in full swing looking out of my room into the wet, grey and somewhat frozen landscape. The night before the thermometer had dropped into sub-zero conditions the perfect weather for plotting and executing my devious plan, after all, I had enough. My mum, a faithful loyal wife to my dad had her day off. She works a rotating shift but her daily routine regardless of being off or on shift, the duties of a wife and mum never have a day off. She wakes up before...

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A Sheltered LifeEpilogue

I had lived a very sheltered life. That all changed the summer of my seventeenth birthday. During that summer, I had several experiences that would shape the future of me and my life. Lauren taught me a lot about women, and a fair bit about myself, things I will never forget. The day she died is engraved in my memory, and so is the face of the bastard that did it. I understand he did not do well in prison, but I still miss her. I learned I was right about the Killer Bs. Under that blonde...

4 years ago
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Train Me Super Sexy Lady Ko Choda

Mera naam anil hai age 24y. maine kuch kahaniya aaplogo ko post ki unme se sirf ek hi fake hai lekin aaj jo mai aap logo ko story batauga wo real hai or 3 din pahle hi mere sath hui mai aap logo ko bata du mujhe young ladki virgin ladki slim ladkiyo ka jara bhi sauk nai hai mujhe married bhabhi aunty pasand hai mujhe yaha tak ki ye achcha lagega ki meri jis ladki se saadi ho wo sex kar chuki ho I don’t like virgin. Well mai story me aata hu mujhe bilaspur jana tha to mai bus se satna pahucha or...

4 years ago
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Eve and Her DadChapter 7

After twisting and pulling on the rubber cock stuck in his daughter's tight ass Jake pulled it out completely and threw it onto the bed. He rolled Eve onto her side with her knees pulled up tight against her bare breasts. Jake found the jar of Vaseline on the nightstand and dipped two fingers deep into the slime pulling out a generous dollop and began rubbing it all over his erect cock saving a substantial amount to use on his bulbous cock head. Jake wiped his greasy hand on the bedspread...

3 years ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 6

By now Julie was hooked to what was happening to her. She gazed down at the kneeling Bo and smiled. "Maybe I should take these off," she said. "Before they stain." "That would be reasonable," Bo agreed. Hesitantly, Julie Moran, crack reporter for Entertainment Tonight, stood unsteadily to her feet and began to unbutton her sweat drenched silk shirt. She removed it delicately and laid it over the back of the chair. She was wearing a flesh colored bra over her voluptuous breast. Bo...

2 years ago
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Redheads really are hornier

I'm sure most of you are familiar with the show "Manswers". One episode was questioning the hornyness of Blondes vs Brunettes vs Redheads. I've always had an affinity towards blondes, but have always been attracted to pale redheads, but had never had the pleasure of ones company. As most of you would assume, I thought blondes would be the hornyest, but Redheads were determined to be more horny and more sexually active! "Yeah right" I thought, "Bullshit". It wasn't long after I saw this episode...

3 years ago
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Oh God No

Walking out the side door, you look up at the sky. It's dark out but you cann't see many stars. The bright city lights prevent it. Only a few very bright ones manage to shine through and can be seen. Glancing down the driveway, you take in the neighborhood. All familiar. Seen it all a thousand times before. You grew up here. Well, sorta. But you don't want to dwell on that now. You're busy and need to get going or you'll be late. You turn and head to a motorcycle that sits in the...

3 years ago
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Hawaiian Wedding part 2

So my soon to be sister in law Lexy and I had come up with a plan to help my brother Mark become a better lover. He was according to Lex a good man but an average lover only twice has he given her an orgasm. So she asked me as a wedding present the night before to help her teach my brother how to not make love to her but fuck her stupid. I had my doubts it work but I was willing to try to help, personally I felt he would punch my lights out and call off the wedding but she really wanted him...

3 years ago
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A Starry Night

Exhausted, I flopped onto the couch. Work had been horrible and it had taken its toll on me. I had come straight home, taken a shower, and put on my pajamas. I was ready for a two-day exodus from everything and everyone. ‘Ah, here’s to Friday,’ I said to myself as I twisted the top off my beer. The frothy, amber colored liquid tasted bitter as I downed my first gulp, but it was good and cold. Tempers ran as hot as the late July temperatures outside. No matter, I had videos, beer, and plans to...

3 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 8 Recuperation

Mom went back to work down in the ER the next morning, which I found a blessing. I mean, I loved my mother, but she was driving me completely nuts hanging around the room with me. She still dropped in at lunchtime, but I could handle that. Otherwise, I had her bring in a few books from home that I could read holding up with my left hand. Kelly came over after school on Tuesday. She had worked out an arrangement to take a different bus over to the hospital, and then either Mom would take her...

2 years ago
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A Midnight Drumming Lesson

The crash of thunder startled me awake. The clock on the night stand indicated that it was almost midnight. I rolled over in bed and realized that Sully wasn’t there. I knew he sometimes woke up in the middle of the night with new ideas for songs, which he liked to write down or record right away. Having his own recording studio in the house made it very convenient for him. I laid there for a while, but was unable to fall back asleep, so I got up, went to the bathroom, and ventured downstairs...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 247

Laura drifted awake in the morning to the sweet, faintly erotic odors of Shontay's naked flesh pressed against her cheek. It happened to be one of the girl's exquisite, teacup breasts, so round and firm, the nipple so soft and delectable that she could not keep from taking it into her mouth. Shontay stirred and moaned, coming awake. She watched Laura languorously sucking her nipple. "I never slept with anybody before," she said quietly, stroking the hair away from Laura's forehead....

2 years ago
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Prema Ki Chudai 3

Doston mujhe pata chal chuka hai ki apko meri adhi adhuri kahani bahut pasand aayi hai jismein ki kis tarah maine prema ko chudne ke liye raaji kiya aur woh pehle to ghabrayi , sharmayi, gussai par baad mein control mein aa gaayi aur phir shaam ko chudne ane ko keh gayi. main shaam nhone ka intezaar karta raha. aab apko age ki kahani deta hoon jisme prema janeman ki chudai hai.dopahar ko main market gaya aur sexy ladkiyon ke kapde liye phir khane peene kasaman liya aur pastries liya aur ghar...

4 years ago
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Addictive Choices Ch 03

Shaun runs into his old obsession, Cam, in this chapter. For background, you should read Chapter 01 in the series. Don’t forget to vote…and send feedback! Time – The Present I hadn’t seen Sherri, or Cam for that matter, in three years. I’d missed them. I’d also undergone therapy for my sexual addiction during that time and had confined my physical pleasures mostly to weekends. So my recent chance meeting with Cam was pleasant, though – as always – platonic. We’d become good friends during the...

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ProeliatorChapter 7

During the night I had the hot tub drained and then filled once more. There had been a lot of dirt usually at the bottom and I needed a way of rinsing most of the dirt off in a shower before entering the tub. I made do with a basin and some soap to get off the worst of it. I wanted this invention shown in a good light to the Romans. I had just got settled in the tub when Publia and Mamercus walked by. They had not seen me but appeared to be looking for me anyway. I waved and said, "Over...

3 years ago
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My first gloryhole and BBC experience

A few months ago I decided to go to a sex shop in South Jersey that was 30 minutes from my beach house. I was driving by when I saw it and, intrigued, decided to stop and have a look around. As I looked at all of the movies and toys they had, I noticed a small corridor to the back of the shop. My curiosity killing me, I decided to walk back there, noticing a bunch of booths lined up next to each other, with a few playing naughty sounds that I guessed were porn videos that other men were...

4 years ago
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Naa Mani Naa Dhya Ni Part 4

Hi mitrano kashe ahat sagle majet naa.. Mitrano mala maza stories che kup kup mail milale mala saglyani kup chagle chagle rep dele mi saglyacha abhari ahe. Mala tumhi ashach pathimba dya .. Mi ata tumcha vel n vaya ghalavta story la surwat karto.. Mi ani pooja ne kup masti keli . Poojala mi lavdaa hatat pan dila ani tondat oan dila ani ticha kadun mi maza lavdyach pani halun kadal. Ani tiche lahan limbu naa chagala ragadal ani chokal ani tichya lahan puchila sucha mi chola ani tich pani kadal...

3 years ago
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My Sweet Client In Bangalore

hi to my all sweet iss readers this is your ravikrishna going to narrate a awesome experience.my name is ravikrishna aged 21 with a height of 6 ft and I have a hard rock penis with a size of 6 inches which can satisfy all types of women.any girls ladies or aunties in and around Bangalore wants to get sex pleasure can drop a mail on I am an engg student studying in a reputed college in Bangalore but I had joined a escort company to make myself satisfied and also to satisfy the sex urged girls.I...

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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 18 A New War

Amanda opened her eyes and looked around. She hurt all over, especially in her back where she felt a big lump. Mark sat slumped over in his chair sound asleep. She yawned and tried to stretch. That hurt too much. She raised her right arm high enough to stare at her hand. She never realized how much she had taken her wonderful body for granted all her life. From then on, she vowed to herself, she would treat her body with more respect, much more. Life was too precious to waste. Mark opened...

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A Hot Night In Midsummer

When I walk into the room, I notice you immediately, sitting alone by the bar, looking deliciously sexy and provocative as you perch on your stool, daintily sipping your drink. I take in the gentle swell of your pert little breasts under your blouse, your nipples pushing against the silky fabric, and I think how nice it would be to suck and nibble them, making you wriggle with pleasure in anticipation of the delights to come. I notice that your complexion is pale olive, suggesting a...

5 years ago
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My first experience with teasing small guys

My First Time Teasing And The Begnning Of A FetishGrowing up, I never knew there were so many guys that loved being teased for having tiny little cocks. I'm so glad I decided to google one of my favorite fetishes months ago when I was super horny one day! Now I get to imagine more than just my own experiences. There are so many great stories out there and I'm getting new ideas too and want to humiliate my boyfriend's tiny cock even more now. (not really small, but he enjoys my teasing...

3 years ago
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Eve and James Her sister

———————————————— I smiled watching Eve strut down the road in her tiny skirt imaging tying her up when she gets home and covering her in massage oil and running my hands up the inside of her legs. I moved into the living room noticing the cushions all over the floor after our earlier experience. I rearranged them switched on the TV and slumped back onto the sofa. My mind began to wonder back to Charlie and those perfect little erect nipples I had seen earlier. What was I doing, she’s my...

2 years ago
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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 04

Chapter 4 22. Operation Day It was a little after 5:00 o’clock in the morning and the lights went on in Payne Temple’s room. She neither saw nor heard anything because she was sound asleep, at least for the moment. The nurses went about their business, setting up the intravenous bags, injectable medications, razors, and sterilization items and then, they woke Payne up. Payne looked around the room, with a mixture of anxiety, apprehension, and outright fear. She had waited her entire life...

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MageChapter 12

My views on family had shifted but not my perception of how the members interacted. I had seen most other families from the rich to the poor but they didn't have the same glue to bind them. They also didn't have all the sex that was usual in a harem, or a master that had forced this to happen. I didn't force any girl/girl sex recently and regretted doing so with my oriental girls. Now I was forcing all the girls to love other girls by simply having too many woman to comfort and not able to...

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Into The Garbage Chute

Han stirred from what felt like a year-long slumber and his lungs sucked in humid air. Humid? This was the opposite of Tatooine. His last memory was on that arid, desert world. What happened? He'd been on Jabba's barge, outside the palace and above the Sarlacc pit. He was about to be executed. There'd been a battle and then... Nothing. That must have been when he lost consciousness. 'Where the fuck am I?' He rose from the simple bed and observed his surroundings. It was a basic room,...

1 year ago
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Young wife Groomed Part 2

Could anything but just a few pictures really happen ? Jane slowly lifted up her skirt, allowing her stockings and white suspenders to fully come into view. She stopped at her panties, not sure whether she could display them. Seeing her obvious reluctance, Charles smiled, "Raise them all the way my dear, I need to see everything". She then raised her skirt up to her waist, allowing Charles to see what he wanted. He could tell that she had, as instructed, worn a white see through thong. He...

4 years ago
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Code Sign Omega

I felt my sister’s warm body. We were on a mattress on the floor under the covers. The warmth was spreading into the cold feathers and getting reflected back to us. I was caught in a dilemma of feeling her body, relaxing into the warmth of bedding, and pulling away from my own blood, getting physically too close. The door yanked open. Our mother stormed in. She ripped me up to standing and out of the room by my hand. Standing dazzled and receptive for the surely coming admonition, I saw her...

4 years ago
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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 6

Virlane and DeClan quietly entered the bedchamber, both Zara and Kat looked up quickly, DeClan looked at Zara with Tabby cradled in her arms sleeping and just wanted to wrap his arms around his little one and his children and cry, Zara seeing the look on DeClan’s face got up and tucked Tabby in the cradle next to a sleeping Mal and TeeLinn. Zara put her hand on his arm “what happened?” Zara found herself crushed in DeClan’s arms, Kat glanced at Virlane waiting for someone to say something,...

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The Fortunate Jepordy

The Fortunate Jeopardy - part 1 By Sissie Maid Cuckold "YOU BASTARD! I don't know why I ever married you! Why would you do something so stupid? You risked me just as much as you and I'm NOT going to jail for you or because of you Tom. They offered me immunity and said I could keep most of what we own if I would testify against you and I'm telling you right now I might just do it!" "You Can't Laura, you can't testify against me by law!" "You dumb ass that's not how it works, they...

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Nautical DelightsChapter 25 Courting

Second Officer Charles LeBoeuf had been contemplating acquiring an English wife for some time. He was well aware that he could not court an English woman while on duty for long periods in the Gulf, and that a mail-order bride, or something comparable, was his best hope. He realised that a virgin was out of the question, but felt that virginity was over-rated. After all, virginity was once-only and in an English bride would always come with a total lack of sexual training. With the return of...

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The Ghost of Dixie Highway A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...

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