Midnight Ch. 03 free porn video

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No Sex until chapter 7 – VirtualAtheist


It was getting on for six o’clock and there only a few people wandering around on whatever business they were on. When I reached Building G5, I stood outside and looked at the double doors that were still wide open.

Don’t ask me why, but I was suddenly quite scared. What did I think I was doing? I had no idea who he was and I was just inviting myself into his world. I knew that I had no business being on campus. That bus had passed three years ago when I had to drop out of school… But still, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I took a deep breath, steeled myself and marched in through the doors. A sign inside on the wall directed me to the offices of the various doctors and professors who worked here. Under the heading Palaeontology I found the name Dr N Smethwick with an arrow pointing down the corridor to the right.

I made my way along it until I reached an area that opened out with a desk with a computer sat on it and several doors leading into several offices, only one of which was open. I could see Dr N Smethwick inside. He had just tipped his briefcase on to the desk and was searching through the contents.

Before I could make my presence known, he glanced up at me as I held out his notebook.

Those eyes. Those fucking eyes!

I stammered slightly, ‘I… I think you’re looking for this.’

When he realised what I was holding, he sighed with relief, ‘Thank you.’

I handed it to him and then looked around the office. To be honest it was in a right state. Books and papers were just dumped in piles all over the place with no rhyme or reason. There were a couple of large bookcases covering the far wall, but they too were just piled haphazardly with books. I could see a very old wooden clock high on the other wall. It had a large brass pendulum that swayed to and fro with a gentle tick tick tick. His desk had a computer on it, but it didn’t look like he had ever turned it on and his in and out trays were piled with neatly typed pages of script, hastily scribbled notes and more than a few stubs of flight and train tickets.

As he skimmed over one of the pages in the notebook, I said, ‘You’re not terribly organised.’

He nodded, ‘I know. I suppose I should try and sort it all out, I just don’t have the time.’

‘Being a Dr of Palaeontology is hard graft is it?’

He glanced up at me quite sharply, but his expression softened when he saw the grin on my face, ‘I need an assistant really. It’s not just the University stuff. I work in the field as well.’

I moved further into the office and glanced down at one of the papers on the desk, it was the first page of a treatise entitled, ‘The Miocene Mammal Necrolestes Demonstrates The Survival Of A Mesezoic Nontherian Lineage Into The Late Cenezoic Of South America’ whatever that meant.

‘What’s this?’ I asked, pointing to the paper.

He glanced at it and said, ‘Oh that’s a PhD paper. I was on the board for his defence of it… I keep meaning to file it. Just never have the time.’

‘I see.’

I pointed to another pile of papers, ‘And these?’

‘That’s my script for a presentation tomorrow… Or at least part of it.’

‘Where’s the rest?’

Once again he looked directly into my eyes, pinning me in place. His hand reached out and waved towards the computer on his desk, ‘Somewhere,’ he said, ‘In that fucking thing!’

I laughed, ‘I’m guessing that computers aren’t your speciality.’

He joined in with my laughter and replied, ‘Definitely not. Give me a dig site full of specimens over a computer any day.’

The laughter stopped and an uneasy silence followed as we remained staring into each other’s eyes. I don’t know about him, but I simply couldn’t look away. His eyes wouldn’t let me.

I murmured, ‘Maybe…’

‘Maybe what?’

‘Maybe I could find it for you?’

‘Feel free to try.’

I sat at the desk and fired up the PC. Once it was booted up, I asked, ‘What’s the talk about?’

‘It’s called the The Architecture of Ediacaran Fronds.’

My brow furrowed, ‘Can you spell Eddie Karen for me?’

He did.

Then I used the Windows search feature to see if that would find the document. After a few minutes, it did. I said, ‘Got it. You seem to have placed it in the recycle bin. I’ve retrieved it back to My Documents and it’s printing out now.’

I smiled at him and he stared back thoughtfully. I got shivers down my spine again.

‘What?’ I asked eventually

He looked around the room and then returned his attention to me. He sat down opposite me and rested his elbows on the desk tapping the heels of his hands together rhythmically and gazed at me earnestly, ‘Tell me,’ he said, ‘If I asked you to sort this office out, what would you do?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean. If you had to organise this space, tell me what you’d do. Step by step.’

I managed to drag my eyes from his, which I freely admit was fucking difficult and looked around the room. I said, ‘Would I be allowed to use the area outside the office at all?’

‘Temporarily I suppose, as long as you didn’t inconvenience the other members of staff.’

I rested my my elbows on the desk as well and placed my chin on my fists. I blew out heavily as I looked around. Before I could say anything he added, ‘Also, think about how you would fit an extra desk in here.’

I giggled, ‘Do I have to stand on one foot as well?’

Once again I received that little smile, ‘No. But I’m interested in your thoughts.’

‘Right. First thing, I’d get all the books out of here and stack them against the wall outside the office so they didn’t get in people’s way. Then I’d collect all your papers up and stack them on your desk. Question. Are all of your documents on the PC or are some of them just paper copies?’

‘Why do you ask?’

‘Well, any that are on the PC can just be binned, unless you’ve made amendments in pen. No point gathering and sorting paper documents if I don’t have to. Its just wasted effort.’

‘They’re all on the computer, but I’m not sure where.’

‘Fine then. Make a note of the titles and try to find them on the PC. Once found, place them in your document directory if they aren’t already there. Bin the hard copy, if not, keep the hard copy.’

‘Okay, what else?’

‘Sort the books into alphabetical order and stack them on the bookshelves.’

‘What about my ticket stubs?’

‘Do you need to account for them?’

‘Yes. But there’s no system in place. I use a company to look after my accounting, but I’m very behind with my returns at the moment.’

‘Okay, I would contact the company and find out when they last received your return. I’d need to know the yearly budget. Then I’d create a simple spreadsheet on Excel and start it from your total yearly minus your last return. Then I’d enter all of the costs for the tickets. Print off the costings for each complete month up to the current date and send it off to the accountants,’ I shrugged, ‘Then it’d be easy to keep up to date, as long as you entered the costings as and when.’

‘Suppose I need to be in Sydney, Australia from 1 November to 17 December. I fly business class and normally stay in three star accommodation where available. But I’ll sleep anywhere if I have to.’

I smiled, ‘The Internet is a wonderful thing. Loads of websites to book flights and hotels. They also allow you to price check so you get the best deal.’

‘What if I need a car to get about?’

‘Car hire companies are on-line as well.’

‘Can you use Outlook? ‘

‘Of course. I’ve just finished an MS Office course.’

He stood up and paced up and down a couple of times, tapping the heels of his hand together as he walked. Then he stopped and said, ‘This is going to sound strange, but… Would you be willing to come b
ack to my house?’

Shocked, I blurted out, ‘What?’

He looked at me and said, ‘It’s not what you think, and I know it’s… certainly unusual, but I have good reasons. I don’t just work here, I work from home as well and that space needs sorting too. Trust me on this.’

I’ll admit, his request surprised me, and if I’m honest, going off to his place when I didn’t even know his first name would be a fucking stupid thing to do… But… I have no idea why, I was seriously entertaining the idea. I can’t explain it, but even after the short time I’d spent with him… I don’t know… I got the same vibe from him as I did with Alan. I felt safe with him.

I gazed at him as he looked out of the window and then came to a decision, ‘Okay,’ I said, ‘I’ll check it out.’

He smiled at me and replied,’Good. You won’t regret it.’

‘Couple of things though.’

His brow furrowed, ‘What?’

‘First, you need to tell me your name.’

He laughed, ‘Sorry. I sometimes forget the social niceties. I’m Nathan.’

‘And I’m Manni.’

‘Charmed. And the second thing?’

‘You have to promise I won’t turn up in tomorrow’s papers as the latest victim of the Hull Strangler.’

His mouth opened and closed a couple of times before he grinned, ‘I promise. Besides, I’ve run out of rope, although I do have some spare boot laces I can use at a stretch.’

He reached out a hand, ‘Deal?’

When we touched it was almost as though a shot of electricity had shot up my arm. His grip was firm, yet gentle and his skin felt surprisingly soft. I saw his eyes widen slightly and his hand trembled very slightly too, but he didn’t say anything. And once again I found myself falling into his eyes.

I stammered, ‘D… Deal.’

I didn’t want to let go of his hand and simply held it until he gently pulled away and led me out of the building and over to his car. I was surprised to see that it was a BMW X5 and going by the plates it was only a couple of years old.

‘Palaeontology pays well then,’ I said.

Nathan shrugged, ‘I get by.’

The drive only took a few minutes as we travelled just a mile or so from the university to his house on Hall Road. It was at the Cottingham Road end, and a much nicer area than where Hall Road terminated at Orchard Park. We pulled into the drive of a rather smart three bedroomed semi-detached house and he led me inside.

I sat down on a small sofa in his lounge and looked around. The room was separated from the dining room by a wide arch bisecting the space at the halfway point. The front of the room was dominated by a large wooden desk sat in front of the bay window. It too was smothered in notes, papers and textbooks as well as a top end Apple Mac.

Although there was a fireplace, it had been blocked off as the house was centrally heated. The dining room had a simple wooden dining table with four chairs and the entire place was in just the same state as his office at the university.

I watched as he rummaged through various documents and papers on the desk, when he looked over his shoulder and asked, ‘Would you like a drink?’

I realised I was actually quite thirsty and asked if he had any fruit juice. Nathan wandered into the kitchen at the back of the house and shouted through, ‘I’ve got orange and grapefruit.’

‘No pineapple? Ah well, orange please.’

After he’d supplied me with my drink, he sat down on the office chair in front of his desk and said, ‘Right Manni, have a look around and tell me what you’d do to sort this place out.’

I looked around and said, ‘I have absolutely no idea.’

Nathan gazed at me quizzically, ‘Why do you say that?’

‘Well for one thing, is this a living room or an office?’

He grinned, ‘It’s supposed to be a living space. I rather planned on using one of the bedrooms as an office, but it’s just as much of a state up there. I just never seem to have the time to sort my life out.’

As he was talking, he switched on the Mac and shuffled a few papers around on the desk.

I stood up and positioned myself behind him, I leaned down to look at the Mac, ‘Ooh! Shiny!’

Without thinking, I placed my hand on his shoulder and once again felt a shiver down my spine.

He turned his head towards me and we looked each other in the face once again. We were only inches apart and my nostrils filled with the scent of his aftershave and it was intoxicating. I’ll be honest, it took all of my resolve not to kiss him. I blinked and then quickly stood up straight, slipping my hand back to my side, ‘Sorry,’ I murmured, embarrassed.

He looked at the papers on his desk, almost as though he was afraid to look at me and said, ‘No problem.’

Suddenly, he spun round and fixed his hypnotic gaze upon me once again,’Tell you what, I’ll give you the quick tour and then you can see what’s what.’


He led me upstairs and showed me the second bedroom, it had a double bed in it along with the usual furniture, but there were also several cardboard boxes piled in there filled with books, files and a few other things. He didn’t show me the master bedroom, ‘Nothing in there you need to see,’ he explained, ‘It’s just a bedroom.’

Then he showed me the single room at the front. It contained a couple of four drawer filing cabinets, both of which were battered, bruised and empty, and several more cardboard boxes full of palaeontology shit.

‘Right,’ I said, ‘I’ve seen enough.’

We headed back downstairs and I took up residence on his sofa once again. This time though, he settled down on the sofa next to me, but positioned himself at the other end, leaving a large gap between us. He stretched out his legs and crossed them at the ankles, then put his hands behind his head and said, ‘So? What would you do?’

I took a sip of my drink and gathered my thoughts. I made sure not to look at him as I knew that would just set me off thinking about kissing him again. Besides, those eyes of his seemed to be able to drive all rational thought straight out of my head, ‘Okay. I can see that you don’t have a telly, so clearly this room would be best suited as an office. For one thing, that room upstairs is far too small for you. What with all the reference material you have. I would use the upstairs room as a box room, but I would keep the filing cabinets in there.’

I pointed into the dining room, ‘I’d reorganise that area into a lounge/dining area. With only one person living here, I don’t suppose you need any more space. This room… Get a few bookcases in. Tall ones to maximise the storage space and then sort all your books in order.’

‘Anything else?’

I looked at the Mac, ‘Is that connected to the University?’

‘Yes. I’ve got WiFi and the University uses an online document sharing system.’

‘Do you spend a lot of time traipsing about?’

His brow crinkled, ‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean, do you spend a lot of time in the countryside doing palaeontology stuff? Digging up dinosaurs and whatnot.’

He smiled indulgently and his eyes sparkled, ‘Yes I suppose I do.’

‘Then you should get an iPad, one with a mobile connection. You’d have access to all your info from anywhere.’

‘Anything else?’

I looked around, ‘Yes. These walls could do with a coat of paint, and when did you last hoover your carpets?’

Nathan laughed out loud. His teeth were pearly white and even. I found myself strangely gratified that I had made him laugh. What was it about this man? Why did I find myself so eager to gain his approval?

His laughter died down and then he said, ‘Manni. I like you. Tell me, you’ve done the MS Office courses. Any others?’

I nodded, ‘I’ve done a shorthand and a typing course and I’ve just about completed a basic bookkeeping course.’

‘Ideal. Do you want a job?’

I was startled, ‘What?’

He gazed at his hands briefly as he tapped the heels
together, I was beginning to understand that this was his habit when deep in thought, eventually he said, ‘I’m not sure why, after all I barely know you, but… We seem to click. I need an EA and I think you would be ideal.’


‘Executive assistant.’

‘You want me to be your secretary?’

‘No, I’m offering you the job of my executive assistant. It’s more than just a secretary. The money’s better too.’

‘Why are you doing this?’

Once again his eyes held me in place like I was a butterfly pinned down in display case, ‘Honestly? I’m not sure. It’s just… There’s something about you,’ he glanced up at the ceiling and I could move again, he continued, ‘That sounded way too creepy,’ his eyes sparkled as he returned his attention to me, ‘Wasn’t meant to I assure you.’

I thought about it briefly. This was incredible! Could it be that my luck was changing for the better at fucking last?

Could this be the escape from the dead end of being a barmaid and a cafe assistant? I glanced around the room and thought about the state of his office at the university.

Sure, it was a massive amount of work to sort out the shitty state he’d got himself into, but once I sorted that out… How difficult could it be?

I looked at him, ‘Okay. I’d love to. Thank you.’

He gave me a beaming smile and my nipples became as hard as bullets.

What the fuck?!?

Nathan said, ‘I have to be in York all day tomorrow, but maybe you could be here tomorrow evening at say…Eight? We’ll need to do some paperwork and then we can have a proper chat about what’ll be expected of you. Okay?’

Still confused about how he was turning me on so much with just a smile, I could only nod my agreement and murmur, ‘Eight PM.’

We made our goodbyes and I left the house. I stood in the street and thought about catching the bus home, but my nipples were still fucking hard. I rubbed the front of my jeans surreptitiously and could feel that my panties were soaking. I was so fucking horny it was unreal.

‘Fuck it!’ I said to myself, ‘Looks like Steve’s getting lucky tonight.’

Decision made, I set off towards Steve’s house, it wasn’t all that far from here. As I arrived there, I saw the side gate was open and I could hear loud voices coming from his back garden. I made my way down the path and entered through the open gate, before I came around the corner of the house, I heard a drunken sounding voice say, ‘Oi Steve. You still shagging that fat nigger?’

I froze. The blood in my veins turned to ice.

I heard Steve’s voice respond, ‘No need for that sort of talk… And yes I am if you must know. At least when I can’t get a decent bird.’

‘Ha! Braver man than me. It must be like fucking an African elephant.’

I was mortified. I knew that Steve wasn’t my boyfriend, but I thought he was at least my friend. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I was so… disappointed. So hurt that he could be party to jokes like that at my expense. I’d been in such a good mood, so happy, so fucking horny. But not now.



I wanted to rush into the garden and give that utter bastard a piece of my mind. But I didn’t. I simply turned around and walked away to the bus stop to go home.

I cried myself to sleep that night. It should have been such a happy day and Steve had fucking ruined it!

I was still in a bad mood when I woke up the next morning. I hadn’t slept well and was feeling very tired. Still, I thought to myself, at least I had the new job to look forward to. That was at least a bright spot in my life. An opportunity to try and drag myself out of the shitty place I was stuck in.

I got to the cafe and let them know I was handing my notice in. The manager couldn’t care less about me working off the rest of the week, so she just told me to work my shift and then bugger off. There were always students looking for part time work.

Suited me.

I also rang Romeo’s and told them not to expect me back there. Same story. This new job working for Nathan was my golden opportunity and I wasn’t going to waste it. It looked like I was burning my bridges, but I really couldn’t give a fuck. They were both dead end jobs and I was sick of them. I needed a challenge, I needed to be stretched and being Nathan’s EA seemed like just the ticket.

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The Blind Date        When Devon’s best friend’s wife approached him about going out on a blind date with a girl from her office, he wasn’t enthused.  Devon enjoyed being single and what his life was like and had no real interest in finding a girlfriend or wife.        Devon had some bad experiences with relationships and almost went to jail because of his last girlfriend.  Devon’s ex-girlfriend had called him a sick bastard, who only saw women as sex objects to be used.  Actually, his ex...

1 year ago
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Drooping Drippers

Chapter 1 I work in an office filled with women. Ah, you say, I must be in heaven surrounded by sweet luscious sexy females. Yeah I think of it as heaven but not for the reasons you might imagine. Not one woman I work around is what you would call sexy. Not a single one. All of them are at least pretty with a couple down right beautiful, but none of them would normally be called sexy. Sexy, in the minds of most men, would have them slender with a narrow waist, nicely curved buttocks and big...

2 years ago
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My Uncle Fifi My Beautiful Laundrette

I know, I can't believe I wrote another one of these, either. :) I didn't plan for it to be quite this long, but I wanted to try stepping things up a notch by having a few threads going to ramp up the comedy rather than just following Terry everywhere. And no worries if you haven't read the first story...like all good sitcoms, this is accessible to new viewers! Enjoy! MY UNCLE FIFI: MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE by Jenny North Terry Riley leaned back on his bed with his arms crossed...

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10 The Julie Journals

***** "It will be fun," giggled Julie down the telephone, "Anyway while the men are away the girls will play". Julie was talking to Sarah, the wife of one the men who served in the same regiment as her boyfriend. They had been out as a group and whilst they all got on, Sarah always seemed a bit straight laced when it came to the subject of sex. Sarah would blush and get very shy if Julie tried to raise the subject outside of the men's earshot about their respective love lives. Sarah...

1 year ago
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Pretending to be a Girl part 3

Pretending to be a Girl Part 3 By Sissie Maid Cuckold "Hey Robin...come with me a minute please," said Abigail. "Robin, you know what's going on here. I know you were dating some Blacks guys for a while and I was thinking maybe you knew one who liked to get his dick sucked and would be up to helping out Missy learn to do it right." Robin got a big smile on her face, "Ya sure, no problem. I dated this one guy, Tyrone, he loved to have his cock sucked I mean he liked it too much. I...

2 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 28

I borrowed our tapes of the Tulpehoken Raiders and watched them again on Saturday afternoon. The Raiders had three losing seasons previous to starting out 0-1 this year. Their passing game looked very simplistic. I couldn't be sure after Friday night, but they didn't look like they should challenge us. Zack Hayes called me on Sunday afternoon. As soon as I answered Zack asked, "What the hell happened? How could you guys lose to LS?" "A lot of little things – too many penalties,...

3 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 34 Burial

Right after that, I told Captain Foster I needed to check with my spies in Trenton, and I headed down to see if I could help Nancy bury her Pa, hoping she had not already married and taken care of that task It was still pretty cold with ice in the creeks, so I doubted that she had. I reached her small home about nightfall, and she was happy to see me. Kissed me, fed me, and bedded me. "I'm goin' to marry him." she said, when we paused after exhausting each other under the covers of her...

2 years ago
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Left for Dead

I was ten when my parents and brother went out to the summer estate. I had a series of tests and would be brought out the next morning. Only there was the accident no one would talk about and my parents died. My brother was fine but he acted different after that. He was meaner and crueler and more of a bully. I was the scholar and he was the handsome stud. He was into sports and fitness and hung around with a few guys that were as bad as he was. When our parents died our grandfather became our...

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Sheena Di My Sex Teacher 8211 Final Episode

Hi my dear ISS fans, I am Shanu back with the final episode with Sheena Di. I understand that I have taken time to complete the story, but at last I could. I kept on busy with some of my horny fans in satisfying their urges. Today I am sharing with you all the experience of having sex, body to body with My Teacher, who really taught me the great lessons of Sex and the secrets of Woman to satisfy all the urges. I always keep 100% secret of the female with whom I was in touch. So please mail me...

2 years ago
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My sweet Betty

About Betty I told you when I and a guy fucked her for a modelling job for a Danish pornomagazine. We answered on an advertise for appear in a photosession for pornografic production.. After we had finished the shooting we stayed overnite with Betty. And had a greatfultime. A few weeks later The phone rang and there was a guy in the phone. He introduced him as Bettys husband. We were talkin a shiort while. When he suggested me to meet up with him and Betty. I began Think whats goin on. I dont...

4 years ago
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Little Sister Part 2

Introduction: A Brother is torn between what is right and wrong when he falls in love with his little sister. Chapter Two It was early in the morning when Alan walked out of his bedroom. Angel was asleep, looking so beautiful. But he couldnt stop thinking about Brianna. He knew that she was in her room, waiting for him under the covers. As he slipped into her room, he turned on the small desk lamp. Brianna was fast asleep. Her covers had rolled off, revealing her gorgeous young form in her...

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Monoped Muse Ch 01

[i]Every longer story needs an ouverture, and “Black Ice” forms the upbeat for this one. Please read it as such, I’ve only allowed scoring after chapter 3, feeling you should read the whole thing before giving any scores. I’m much indebted to Damppanties and Alex- The_bragis for commenting on earlier drafts of this story. Hope you enjoy! PaulX35[/i] [b]I. Black Ice[/b] – “Fucking hell,” she said to herself. The view out the window wasn’t promising. From a slate grey sky the fine rain...

2 years ago
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Sir Ki Beti Ko Choda

Hi friends how’s u Mere bare me jaante to honge Height 5’11 land ka size 6 inch nine six two five three five seven six To me apko apni story bata hoon SIr ki Bewi ka to apko bata diya ab apko unki beti ka bata hoon jiska naam aashiya he jo 18 saal ki he mujhe se do saal choti figure 36,28,36 dekhne me itemgirl rang gora usne mujhe or uski mum ko sex karte dekha tha par kuch Boli nahi na uski mum ko pata he ki usne dekha he mene usko uske agle din pakada woh niche office se uper ghar ja rahi thi...

4 years ago
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Sarita Ki Choot Ko Chodha

Hi friend mera naam raj hai aur main 26 ka hoon Aur ye meri pehli kahani hai jo main ISS ke writers se impress ho kar likh raha hoon . ye ek sachi kahani hai. Jo mere saath kooch dinon pehle ghati. Mere friend ka ek ladki ke saath affair tha aur usne mujhe bataya aur uski girl frien se baat bhi karaya then I talked to her sister wo usase badi thi Aur use mujhse baat karma acha lagta tha . Aur 27 march ko mera birthday tha aur usne mujhse party mangi. To main ne usase kaha ki main party 6th ko...

1 year ago
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Late night flight

I was sitting in the Mumbai airport restaurant lounge waiting for my flight which didn’t leave for another three hours. It was a late night flight for I never could predict if the meeting could be over in time for evening flights to get back to Delhi, I rushed to the airport n not thinking of checking in some hotel just for few hours. I quietly sat and looked out the window, had some coffee, and watched the other people in the lounge. When few of the flights left, I was the only person in the...

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The time my wife and I had as girls

This took place in fort Bragg Ca my wife had just found out that I crossdress and was ok with it i was so relieve and to show me she took me shoping for my own sexy underwear she had made me put on nylons garder belt bra and panty and a dress my out fit was not very good so on with a trench coat luckily it was winter . Right be for we go in she wants to suck my cock out in the parking lot I was all for that . It seams ever sins she found out she has bin Horner than ever I came real fast and as...

3 years ago
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Badi Behen Didi Kajal Ki Gaand Mari

Hi Saifullah again… Here I come with new fantasy story… Please read my last 3 stories & feed me back… Ye stroy mere shadi ke 1 mahine baad ki hai…. Meri wife ka naam anushka hai & coincidently wo dikhti bhi anushka sharma ki tarah hai thodi si… Figure,lips, hair etc etc… Mai shaadi ke dusre din se hi sex kar raha hu uske sath ab wo bhi bahot khul chuki thi… Ab story ki shuruat yahan se hui … Raat ko sex karne ke baad mai aur anushka nange hi so gaye… Aur jab mai subha utha to dekha ke anushka...

1 year ago
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The Mystery Guest

Emma had waited so long for this night. It had seemed a lifetime since she and John had had any swinging fun, due to the new baby. She had that feeling as though her insides were doing somersaults. It had been John’s idea to meet someone in a hotel, mainly to get back in the 'swing' of things. The only detail Emma knew is that she was in for a treat, but not who it was with, or how many. John arrived back from the hotel bar with a couple of glasses and a bottle of wine. He had a very happy...

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Horny when drunk

Hi all, I am a 38 year old married house wife. I have always had a bit of an issue when drinking. I get really horny when drunk and have trouble keeping my knickers on. This has been an issue all through my life and started at uni and I have repeatedly cheated on a number of boyfriends. None found out. All the cheating happens when I am drunk. After getting married I didn't cheat for about 5 years but then it started again. I want to tell you about the most recent....I am a size 10/12 and...

3 years ago
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Claudette of the North

Hi, I'm Katie Richardson, and do I have a problem! Even though I'm just 14 years old, my parents think I'm just too worldly. I could say I'm shocked, but really, they don't know the half of it. Ha, ha, ha! It started about three months ago when my daddy said he was going to invite the daughter of one of his business associates to stay for the summer. You can bet I got suspicious right away. I sure did. Daddy told me her name is Claudette. Yep, Claudette de Pardieu. She lives with...

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Sperm BankChapter 3

The Next Day Sam woke up feeling a little sick again. The pain medicine he was given was working, but his appetite was slow to come back. He thought about getting another blowjob again but realized he was on his own today at the sperm bank. Sarah made a small breakfast and was getting ready when she heard her son come downstairs. She wanted to wear something a little sexy but a guilty conscious kept her from wearing anything too revealing. Sarah made a compromise and wore her sexy g-string...

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No Strings Attached An Education In Sex Chapter 1

It's Halloween, and I stand in front of my mirror, considering my physique as I button up my black shirt, dressing to impress. It's been three weeks since I broke up with Ruth, and after much agonising, I'm finally ready to make my move. Tonight I plan to be honest about my feelings and tell Justin exactly what I think about him.I've practised what I want to say repeatedly in my head for years, trying to work out the best way to get it out, but I'm nervous knowing our friendship is on the line...

2 years ago
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Fucking For Grades

Barbara stood in front of the bulletin board and searched for her student number. Sliding her finger down the print out, she found her number and her test score written beside it - 55. It was barely an improvement over her last score and she realized that she was going to flunk her course in humanities. A lot rode on this. She'd gone off to university with all of her friends after graduation and had a great time at school. Unfortunately, her priorities were parties and sororities and not...

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Third Times the CharmChapter 5

"Mr. Austin?" Charles was just about to step off the boat. There was a plane to catch and he had appointments he had had to cancel. The lawyer looked up, "Miss Te Wherowhero?" "Hineahuone, please." "What can I do for you, Hineahuone?" She handed him a New Zealand dollar, "I need you to represent me." "I'm not qualified to practice here." "That doesn't matter. I want you to speak to your children." "What's this about?" "I know they have to go home ... I don't want...

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Special MotherChapter 9

The knock at the door was persistent. Rita tried to tune it out and focus once more on the novel in her hands, but it wouldn't stop. She frowned as she put the book aside, put her feet into high-heeled slippers, rose, and fastened her robe. Tommy wasn't due for an hour or more. Besides, he had his own key. She opened the door. "Why, Bill!" she said. "Tommy isn't here just yet, but come on in." "Thanks, Mrs. Baylor," he said, following her in. "We don't need to be formal. It...

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Sensuous Journey

Sensuous Journey - The Beginning She greeted me at the door wearing the most beautiful costume the mind can imagine. It was a gorgeous dancing dress with a wonderfully bouffant skirt that was held nearly straight out by many, many layers of lacy crisp petticoats. As she moved, I could hear an inviting rustle as the many tiers of her white taffeta and organza petticoats reflected the motion. Her skirt was so full that it was quite impossible for her to completely cover the enticing...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Kylee Reese Cheerleader Gets Naughty In The Gym

Cheerleader babe Kylee Reese practices her cheers in full uniform with her pompoms in the weight room, knowing full well that’s precisely the place to find studs to fuck just as she does in this Penthouse scene when she comes across Rocco Reed working out on the weights. The college cutie sexily saunters right over to his bench and he takes his cue to grab and suck her little titties. The blonde nymph hungrily goes for his dick, giving a blowjob, and gets pounded until she’s sprayed...

4 years ago
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Sex on the Beach Our Yearly Family Vacation The Secret Arrangement

My family actually owns a beach house, but it was currently having the roof repaired so we were renting this one. I’m not sure who the “real” owner of our house is -- maybe my grandparents, but my whole family used it as they pleased. We just coordinated amongst each other to make sure two parts of the family didn’t unintentionally try to use it at the same time. (We often all went together every summer, but sometimes different subsets of the family took mini-trips by themselves, especially my...

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Quantum Computing Size Play

After a long day at work, you finally make it home. Working at the IT department at the University of California Sacrimento (UCS), where you also go to school, is fairly convenient. It's barely 3pm on a Friday and you've already made it home... Michelle shouldn't be home till her usual 6 or 7pm. As you open the apartment door, your surprised to see Michelle furiously typing and taking notes on a notepad on a very odd looking laptop. The next thing you notice, is Michelle is wearing only a...

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Letting my wife fill her fantasy fills mine and i

When my new wife and i got together we were sitting around having a few drinks and just talking. i was playing with her pussy while we were sitting on the couch and i ask her do you have a fantasy that you would like to try. She was shy telling me and then she said i have always wanted to try a black man. She had very little experience with men anyway as far as numbers go. I told her that would be cool but i would love to watch him do you. At this time she had no idea that i loved cock too. ...

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Return of the Bull1

It's late at night, Sunny is totally exhausted from her long day and it's time for her to relax. She took a nice, long warm soothing shower. The warm water easing her tired aching body. She retreats to her bedroom and toweling herself dry, I look out the window, noticing a full, silver moon. Its soft glow shining down making the night almost like day. I decide to open my window to share my evening with the warm summer wind. As she stood there, naked, letting the warm air finish drying her,...

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The Great DepressionChapter 2

Robert Leclair had always been lucky in money matters. By the time he was twenty-two, he was the owner of a small cannery in Atlantic City and he had six people working for him. He would go and talk to the fishermen as well as the farmer in a fifty miles radius and try to buy from them - at a low price - some of the surplus that their garden produced or the excess harvest from the sea in the case of fishermen. He would buy everything that could be canned. He had his own brand name for the...

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Eerie Saloon Seasons of Change Spring part 8 of 13

Eerie Salon: Seasons of Change - Spring By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson © 2014 Sunday, May 19, 1872 Jonah Morrison put down his plate and took a seat at the long table next to his brother, Reuben. It was 7 AM, and the hands at the Triple A Ranch were having their breakfast. Jonah quickly poured himself a cup of coffee and downed it in a single, long gulp. "Damn, I needed that," he said, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "Sounds like you had too much of something else...

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Office Colleague Payal Ko Choda

Hello friend lovy is here from delhi 29 year old and doing job in company in delhi. Meri mail id . Or agar story pasand aaye to jarur mail karna. Ye meri iss par pehli story hai. Mere lund ka size 5.5 inch lamba or 2.5 inch mota hai. Or mujhe jyadatar married bhabhi or aunties pasand hai. Agar koi unsatisfied babhi or aunty ncr se ho or mujh se chudna cahti ho to mujhe mail jarur karna. Jyada bor na karte hue sidha story par aata hu. Ye story aaj se 1 month pehle ki hai. Payal jo ki married...

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Zuriel the recruit

Zuriel:The Recruit I was an oddity, even before I was born. Which only got worse moments after my birth when my parents named me Zuriel. The name came about because both my parents were sure I was gonna be a girl, until they saw the little thing between my legs, and as they hadn't bothered to have a boy name ready, they found a list of baby names and started at the back until they found one they liked. Unfortunately, they were kinda right about me - I have always felt more like...

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The Heart Thief Chapter 1

The night of San Francisco held many lights, lighting up the city brightly. Though, because of this the stars were very rarely noticeable. The tall buildings towered into the night sky, as cars drove through the streets, and the few pedestrians hobbled home after a long days work. It was a normal night, a peaceful night, and all was well. "No! My beautiful vase!" Well, almost peaceful. A woman's scream echoed through the air, cutting through the silence as sirens roared in the distance, getting...

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Summer Time

I love summer time. Especially the clothes.Naomi was wearing those short shorts over her bikini. You know the type, the ones that would show off the color of her panties if she went for the full-bottom briefs. She even decided to forgo a shirt over her top. I’d pulled on a muscle shirt with my suit and we were off for a day at the beach.We probably should have paid attention to those dark clouds on the horizon.Naomi was hot as hell, the taut fabric of her bra stretched even tighter by the fact...

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