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Paula Grant was angry. In fact she was more than mere angry, she was livid. Her fury sparked around her like little electric shocks, making her unable to stand still. She stalked around the house like a maniac, tidying up behind her, though so unable to stand still that her tidying was haphazard at best.

Her husband and, if she had her say, soon to be ex-husband, was the cause of this fury. Over the last few months they'd been rowing over just about anything and everything, and they had each begun to hate the sight of the other with a passion. Today he'd gone just that bit too far and she'd flung a knife at him. The knife had missed him by quite a long way, which was just as well though at the moment she couldn't admit it, because it was a large, heavy, knife and would have done him serious damage no matter where or how it hit.

She'd just found out that he'd been having a five month affair with a colleague from his office. He'd not denied it and in fact had virtually boasted about it, taunting her that he could still 'cut it'. She'd snarled at him about cradle snatching, and that the woman in question, who was only nineteen, would soon see what a 'perverted shit' he was, but it was what he'd flung back at her in response that had caused the fury that was still rattling around inside her nearly two hours later.

"At least I don't have the hots for my own kids", he'd yelled at her. He'd known he'd gone too far the moment he'd said it, the look on her face had been enough even without the heavy eight inch cooks knife that had come hurtling down the kitchen at him. He'd beaten a hasty retreat, and hadn't been near the house since.

The implication that she had the hots for their sons was completely untrue, but it had come from a light hearted remark made nearly four years previously. Their eldest son, Joshua, then eleven, had been learning about human reproduction in biology at school. Paula and Ray had been remarkably frank about sex, explaining in a fair amount of detail, more than perhaps a eleven year old really needed to know, but they'd felt that not knowing enough could be worse.

At the end Josh had remarked that it was a shame he couldn't try it out with his mother to make sure he understood it all. He wasn't angling for anything, and indeed didn't realise quite what he'd said. Paula had just laughed, kissed him on the forehead, and told him to go to bed. "Maybe," she'd laughed, "you never know."

Ray had teased her about it for a while, to her embarrassment, but he'd stopped after a while, until today that was, when he'd thrown it at her like an accusation.

Now, two hours later, she was still fizzling with a fury that hadn't diminished in the slightest. She went into the bathroom to replace a towel, when she suddenly stripped off and climbed into the shower. She couldn't have explained it, but it was just what she needed. The cold water cascading over her took her breath away, but she resolutely stood there until it began to get warm and then hot. The cold calmed her, the hot relaxing her, but it turned her hot and raging fury into a cold hard knot of anger deep within her.

"Maybe I should," she said aloud to the mirror, some ten minutes later, back in her bedroom. "They're good looking boys, and I'm not exactly bad looking either." She stood and looked at herself in the mirror. She was very tall, 5'11, but never looked particularly tall as she was proportioned just right. She went swimming twice a week, played both squash and badminton as often as she could throughout the year, and during the summer tennis as well. When all the walking and cycling she did as well was added in, as well as the occasional bit of aerobics, she was an exceedingly fit and strong woman. At just turned thirty five she still had a firm figure, smooth skin, slim waist, flat belly though the stretch marks from her two pregnancy's seemed very obvious to her, large flaring hips, and 36C breasts that barely sagged. Turning slightly, she could see that her buttocks were still firm, her thighs and legs still slim and firm. The hair on her head was still a rich chestnut brown, falling in waves to her shoulders, but she knew that some of that came out of a bottle, having found her first grey hair a few months previously. She'd trimmed her pubic hair a little, the so-called bikini line, but otherwise it was a thick matt of dark curls that she knew extended right between her legs. She spread them slightly, and slid a hand between, parting the hair and tilting her hips to enable her to look at her labial lips in the mirror. Surprisingly, she found she was slightly aroused by touching herself like that.

She knew a few men at work fancied her, so she knew she was still attractive to the opposite sex, but she didn't know whether she'd be attractive to Josh, now fifteen, or Tom, thirteen. Although Tom had had sex and human reproduction explained to him, it had been rather more abbreviated than with Josh, and he'd seemed to be less interested. In fact, unknown to their parents, it had been Josh himself who had done most of the explaining late one night, about a year after he had himself learned.

Paula stood gently stroking herself in front of the mirror for a while, but then went and lay down on the bed and began to masturbate. She'd masturbated regularly, even though Ray had never liked her doing it, simply because she rarely got any true satisfaction from their lovemaking, and there had been no regular lovemaking for nearly five years, and none at all for nearly three.

She didn't let herself get too aroused in case Ray came back home, though by now she didn't expect he would, instead she was waiting for her sons.

She went to sleep with one hand on her breasts, one between her thighs, and only woke up when she heard the front door slam. She tensed for a moment, but then heard the laughter and shouting of her sons. She listened intently just in case they'd brought a friend home, which they occasionally did, or in case Ray himself had come in with them, but after a few minutes decided that it was just the two of them. The waiting, and the long sleep, had done her the power of good, but it had also crystallised her desire to make love to her sons, even if it was just as a way of getting back at her husband.

When she heard them come upstairs, she called them into the bedroom. They stopped and stared at her, their mouths open in surprise.

"Wha..." gasped out Josh.

"Do you remember when we were talking about sex?" asked Paula gently.

Josh nodded jerkily, his eyes tearing themselves away from her crotch to look into her face.

"Well, you said it was a shame you couldn't try it out to make sure you understood it all, and I said maybe, one day. Today's the day. Today I'm going to make sure you both know what to do when you get girl friends of your own. Today, tonight, we are going to make love, you are going to..." she paused a moment, "you, both of you, are going to, err, fuck me."

She smiled warmly at them, noticing the movements in the crotches of both boys jeans that told her they were both getting erections. She held out her hands to them. "Come and sit on the bed next to me."

They sat down next to her, unable to take their eyes off her, her hands each gripping one of theirs. She deliberately placed each hand onto her belly, and slid them in slow circles. "Touch me," she whispered. "Touch me all over, feel me, feel what a woman is like. Use your eyes and watch how I react."

Tentatively at first, but soon with great enthusiasm, both boys began to stroke and fondle her. At first they steered clear of her breasts and crotch, but when Tom put a hand on her breast and she just smiled, they began to fondle her breasts as well.

"Not too rough," she said after a while, "and use your tongues as well. Nipples like to be licked and kissed." Josh took her at her word and bent to kiss and lick her nipple, feeling it erect and harden in his mouth. Paula put one hand on his head and ruffled his curly hair, lightly stroking his back and shoulders.

"Take your shirts off," she whispered.

Tom wasted no time in removing his shirt, and indeed was naked very shortly afterwards, but Josh was too busy with his mothers body. One hand had finally reached her pubic bush, but although he stroked it, he wouldn't yet go any lower. Tom on the other hand, had spread her legs quite wide and had now lain down between them, looking intently at her pussy. She could feel his breath on her aroused body, and her hips began to rotate slightly as she became even more highly aroused.

"Kiss it," she whispered, looking directly into Tom's eyes. She saw him blanch, but he gingerly lowered his face to her crotch and gave her a quick kiss. Paula gave a gasp as a quick jolt of pleasure went through her, she was ready for more though, far more. "Again," she whispered.

Tom lowered his face once more, but again it was just a quick, uncertain kiss.

"Come here," she smiled at him. Tom crawled over her, leaving a trail of fire wherever he touched her. She took him in her arms, and kissed him on the forehead, feeling his hard prick against her hip. "Don't worry, there's lots of time."

She looked at her elder son, who by now had stopped licking her nipple. "Get undressed," she said quietly.

Josh nodded, and moments later, he too was naked, and on the bed next to her. She cuddled them both to her, feeling their chests against hers, their legs against hers, their pricks pressing against her hips and belly. She reached between them and took both erect pricks in her hands. This was too much for Tom, and he came, ejaculating over her belly. He buried his face in her neck, too embarrassed to look at her.

With some difficulty, Paula raised his head, so she could look into his eyes, but he kept them downcast. "Thank you," she whispered.

He was startled into raising his eyes to hers. "Thank you?" he asked.

Paula nodded and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Definitely, and you're going to do a whole lot more before the end."

"I am?"

"Oh yes. You both are." She looked at Josh. He too was staring into her face. She kissed him on the lips, pushing her tongue between both their lips, but his teeth were together. "Open your mouth a little," she told him. She felt him relax a little, until, tentatively, he opened his mouth. Her tongue darted in to find his. At first Josh just tried to push it back, but very quickly found that the touch of her tongue on his was even more arousing than he could have imagined.

He allowed his tongue to just stroke and twist around hers, and when she retreated a little followed her until his tongue was in her mouth.

Paula was completely lost in the taste of her elder sons mouth, so she didn't feel Tom wipe up his sperm from her stomach with a tissue. Instead, her hands stroked Josh's back, pulling him even tighter against her as they kissed passionately. They paused for breath, but within moments they were kissing passionately again. Paula tugged on his prick, pulling him between her legs, and all three gasped as she slipped his solid erection inside her. She'd not had sex for three years now, and the physical sensations of her son's prick sliding into her, filling her, was almost more than she could take, and she felt herself becoming even more aroused than she already was.

Josh froze for a moment, the firm body of his mother beneath him unlike anything in his imagination. He felt her strong thighs slowly wrap themselves around him, pulling him even tighter into her, and then her hips began to thrust strongly against him. He had no choice it seemed but to follow her, match her every movement, and soon he was thrusting in and out of her, feeling her wet pussy gripping his hard prick.

She was amazed just how right this felt, to have her son moving inside her like this, and revelled in the unexpectedly wonderful sensations. She'd expected to get a physical high from this, but to get such an emotional high as well was more than she dreamed of. This was right, and as she glanced at Tom beside them, she knew that he too would be perfect. Josh's prick was about the same size as her husbands, Paula noted, but it was much harder, much more rigid. She felt him sawing into her, and angled her hips to try and get some extra pressure on her clitoris. She was only partially successful, but it was enough to keep her going strongly. She noticed Tom frantically pulling at his prick, masturbating wildly. She reached out one hand and took hold of his, preventing him from masturbating, and pulling him closer to her. At that moment she felt Josh's prick suddenly expand and give an extra twitch inside her. Looking into his face she could see the strain as he climaxed, jetting his come into her waiting body. The swelling of his prick inside her tight vagina was enough to tip her over into a small climax of her own.

She kissed Josh's face congratulating him on a successful orgasm, holding him tight to her, not wanting to lose his physical presence inside her hyper aroused cunt. Although he'd climaxed, she could feel his prick was still just as hard as ever, but she wanted her younger son now. Pushing him off her, she felt his rigidity slide out of her, and sighed softly, almost sadly, as it dropped free of her.

Taking hold of Tom's shoulders, she pulled him on top of her, kissing him as not long before she'd been kissing his elder brother. Tom's prick was quite a lot smaller, but even though he'd already come once, it didn't take him long to come a second time, and Paula felt herself being filled with spunk for the second time in less than five minutes. Tom continued to thrust away at her for a few seconds, but eventually Paula stopped him.

When she pushed Tom away a few minutes later, Josh almost dived on top of her again. She laughed at his eagerness, a laugh that turned into a sigh of delight as his prick slid inside her once more. Their movements were slower this time, more deliberate, but the effect on Paula was much more profound and sensual, it was unfortunate though that her own climax just never came, even when she felt him climax and ejaculate inside her yet again.

Tom's smaller, lighter, frame seemed almost to be swallowed up by his mothers body when he too came back for a second helping. Paula wrapped herself around him, and almost cuddling him as they made frantic, ecstatic love. Although his prick was hard, he had already had two orgasms, and his third was a long time in coming. When it eventually did, he froze for a few moments, and then collapsed on top of her, panting heavily. Paula was delighted with the results of her plan.

All three lay for a long time with little movement. Both Tom and Paula liked the feeling of him lying on top of her, his slowly softening prick still inside her, his face between her large breasts. Josh was fondling one of her nipples, stroking one finger lightly around the erect tissue. Paula had only had one orgasm though, and now her blood was up and she wanted more.

After about five minutes, she pushed Tom gently off, and sat up. "You've made me feel good, now you two are going to make me feel really good," she said softly.

"What do you mean?" asked Josh.

"How?" asked Tom simultaneously.

"You're going to start off by giving me a blow job."

"What's a blow job?" asked Tom.

Josh looked confused. "I thought only boys could have a blow job."

Paula shook her head. "Oh no," she said emphatically. "Anyone can have a blow job."

"What's a blow job?" demanded Tom.

Paula smiled at her younger son. "There's two sorts. There's the sort where I lick and suck your penis and testicles, and there's the sort where you suck and lick my vulva and clitoris."

"Is that what you wanted me to do before?"

"Yes, it always feels very very nice. Try it." She lay back and spread her legs wide. "Go on, it won't hurt, and I'm told that men really like the taste of women."

Tom crawled between his mothers legs and looked at her crotch closely again. Her vagina was gaping open and glistening pink now, where before it had been barely open and mostly dry. He was surprised to see that there was almost no spunk dripping out, given that he and his brother had fucked her four times between them. He kissed the open pussy again, but this time he didn't pull his mouth away again quite as fast. Tentatively, he stuck out his tongue and lightly touched the tip to one labia. Paula gave a little gasp. "Go on," she muttered. He pressed harder, tasting something now, though quite what the taste was of he was never sure. He slid his tongue around her pussy and then touched it to the opening.

He lifted his head a little. "Can I push it inside you?"

"Oh yes love. Please please do."

For about three minutes he slid his tongue around her labia and inside the edge of her vaginal opening. "Try using your lips a little as well," gasped Paula. Tom thought about this for a moment, and the put his mouth right onto one labia and sucked it into his mouth. Paula gave a great shiver of delight. "Yes, that's right."

He hadn't touched her clitoris yet, but at the moment Paula didn't care. The light touches on the rest of her aroused crotch were driving her wild. Another minute of this and Paula was desperate for release but Tom's light touches were not enough. "Let Josh have a go," she gasped. Tom moved reluctantly away. He had liked the taste, and his prick was now rock hard again.

"Where's your clitoris?" asked Josh, once he had taken Tom's place.

Paula pulled her labia wide apart and lightly touched her quivering, engorged, clit. "Here," she muttered. "You can suck and lick that as well."

Both boys leaned over her, staring closely as she fingered herself. "Go on," she gasped eventually.

Like his brother, Josh began by just licking her pussy, but this time he included her clit. After a very short while he sucked the clitoris into his mouth. Paula arched her back, her whole body tensing in delight, her muscles quivering in expectation. Tom reached out to touch one breast, and Paula gave another gasp.

"Go on," she groaned. "Lick my tit's as well." Tom needed no further invitation, and was soon licking his mothers nipples, mauling her breasts. The combined assault on her body, inexperienced though it was, was enough to trigger a huge orgasm in Paula's body.

She bucked and moaned, one hand holding her elder sons face firmly to her crotch. The boys were too inexperienced to really understand what was happening, and once their mother had started to orgasm, they stopped what they were doing to watch her, despite Josh's face being pressed to his mothers crotch. This had the natural consequence of allowing Paula's climax to finish long before she was really ready.

"Again," she whispered a few moments later. Both boys set to willingly, and before long she was again in the throws of a climax, but again they stopped too soon.

This time Paula just lay there, exhausted, but not really satisfied. It would do for the time being though. After about ten minutes, she began to feel a little cold. "Time to get dressed," she said. She sat up and looked about her. Both boys got to their feet, looking a little embarrassed.

Standing, she hugged them to her. "That was very special for me," she said. "But you didn't do it as well as you could. Next time I'll teach you how to do it properly."

"Next time?" squeaked Tom.

Paula laughed. "Oh yes. You've got me wanting more, as much as you can give me, as often as you can. You don't think I'm going to let you off that easily." She smiled and kissed them both lightly on the lips. Josh's prick was erect again, and when Paula felt it pressing against her thigh, there was a sudden spurt of wetness between her legs. "Oh god," she groaned. "I can't wait. It's got to be now."

She sat down on the bed, and pulled the two boys on top of her. A fit of ridiculousness hit her, she burst out laughing, and began to tickle them. Soon all three were rolling around in a laughing giggling heap. Despite their nakedness, it was what all three of them needed to relax and soon they had all lost their arousal.

"Come on," laughed Paula eventually. "We really must get dressed."

They dressed amid much laughter and fondling, before finally going downstairs for their evening meal. For the rest of the evening, Paula encouraged them to touch her by being openly available to them, and by stroking and touching them at every opportunity.

Shortly before nine that evening, they were sitting in the lounge watching a comedy on television, the two boys were sitting either side of their mother on the couch, leaning against her, their hands inside her clothing, lightly stroking and fondling her. Suddenly there was a commotion outside, and they all heard Ray stumble into the kitchen.

Fortunately it took only moments to tidy themselves up. "You'd better go up to bed," said Paula. "If I can, I'll be up to see you later."

The two boys nodded and left the room just as their father entered. "'Night dad," they muttered as they slipped passed him.

He ignored them, and stared belligerently at his wife. He had enough sense to wait until they were out of earshot before starting on her. Paula stood slowly up and stared coldly at him.

"Yes?" she asked in a cold hard voice.

Ray flinched a little. "I've come to get my things, then I'm going, and I'm taking the boys with me."

"Oh are you? Well we'll just have to see about that. For a start they are probably in bed about now. If you want to talk to them, come back in the morning when you're sober."

Ray laughed. "Oh I'm sober all right. You may be a little surprised to find out that I've not had anything to drink today. And I'm still taking MY boys with me."

"Oh yes, and where exactly is that?"

"We'll sort something out, never you fret."

"Well when you have something sorted, then you can come and get them. That is, if they want to stay with you, which somehow I doubt."

Ray looked at her a little surprised. He had expected her to put up a stronger fight. "You mean that?" he asked her. "When I have a place to stay sorted out, you'll let me take them with me?"

"If they want to go with you, yes ... They are now almost of an age where it probably doesn't matter as much. At least, Josh is, though Tom..." She trailed off and shrugged. "In return though, if they say they want to live here, then you have to let them."

"They're not old enough to make that decision."

"Oh but I think they are. And you can't have it both ways. If they want to stay with you I will let them go, and with my blessings, and if they want to stay with me, then you have to do the same." Then she raised her voice a little, emphasising each word, "until such a time as you have somewhere suitable for them to stay, they stay here. You can come and pick them up for the day on any Sunday, but otherwise you leave them alone. You hear me."

Ray nodded, grinning wolfishly. He believed he had the perfect lure for them. He wasn't going to say anything just yet, it would take him about three weeks to set it up. "Alright, I agree. Now I'm just going to get some of my things. I'll come for the rest on Sunday."

Paula narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Ray had agreed too easily. She paced nervously until he had gone, and then rushed up stairs to check on Josh and Tom.

"What's happening?" asked Tom as she went into their room. Both boys sat up as she turned the light on.

"It's fine. Your father has moved out, but he'll be back on Sunday to pick up some things. We'll be divorcing as soon as possible I guess." She paused and then sat on the foot of Josh's bed. "I don't know what's going to happen altogether, but we'll still have each other, and your father will be around to see you."

"Can we stay with you, or do we have to go with dad?" asked Josh.

Paula smiled at her son, half her battle already won. "You can stay with me for as long as you want."

Tom got out of bed and came and sat next to her. He took hold of her hand but didn't say anything. Paula put her arms around him and hugged him to her, kissing the crown of his head. "Don't worry," she whispered, "you won't have to do anything you don't want to."

She smiled at Josh as he crawled out of bed to hug his mother, and as she did so, she accidentally caught a brief sight of his prick, now soft, and remembered that barely half an hour before, both these boys had had their hands inside her clothing, touching her, fondling her semi aroused body.

Something snapped inside her. "Come on," she said briskly, "into my room." She undid her jeans letting them drop to the floor, and then strode out of the room flinging off first her tee-shirt and then her bra.

Tom plucked her jeans up and scuttled after her, catching his mothers clothes as she dropped them. Josh stripped off first, following them moments later to find his mother lying on her bed in just a pair of lacy white briefs.

"You're going to learn how to make a woman happy," whispered Paula. "And I'm going to teach you how, and we're going to have a lot of fun doing it."

Both boys nodded, grinning like loons.

"Well come on then. Tom why are you still dressed?"

Tom took a quick glance at his elder brother and stripped off his pyjamas. They both approached the bed and sat on it, looking in awe at their mother. "Well do something then," whispered Paula. Josh put one hand on her thigh and slowly slid it up to her crotch, Paula watched him, her eyes narrowing, as his hand got higher. She said nothing until he tried to push his hand inside her knickers.

"Not yet. You have to get me ready first. Kiss me."

Tom got there first, crawling up the bed and kissing his mother. Paula returned the kiss, proffering her breast for Josh. While Paula and Tom kissed, Josh kissed and stroked his mothers breasts, but after a few minutes moved down onto her stomach and kissed her navel. His hands were stroking her stomach and belly now, leaving her breasts for Tom's roaming hands. This time his mother didn't stop him when he slid a finger inside the crotch of her knickers to stroke her pussy. He slid her knickers off her hips, and worked them down her legs, throwing them onto the floor.

He didn't quite understand what he was doing, but he began to kiss all around his mothers pussy, almost, but not quite touching her main centre of pleasure. This caused Paula to give a little croak of delight, and her whole body began quivering.

Paula could feel her elder son's fingers as they lightly twirled her clitoris, and his mouth and tongue as it got closer to her pussy. She could also feel her younger son's hand mauling her breasts while they kissed. It was a heady mixture, and before long she let out a yell as she climaxed. To her intense frustration, both Tom and Josh immediately stopped what they were doing.

She flung herself into action, pulling Tom on top of her and sliding his small erection inside her. They thrust and strained at each other for less than thirty seconds before it became too much for Tom. He climaxed, shooting more sticky sperm inside his mothers waiting body. Almost as soon as his ejaculations had finished, she pushed him away, and pulled Josh up to take his place.

Josh's much larger prick filled his mother's body much more completely as she wrapped her legs around his waist and urged him on, their belly's slapping wetly together as they fucked. Josh came first, Paula not far behind, the two of them straining at each other for the last bit of their orgasms.

Ten minutes later, they were lying cuddled together in bed, talking softly. Although they talked about sex and lovemaking, they didn't make love again that night, although they did fondle each other. They finally went to sleep entwined around each other,

Paula awoke the following morning to the delicious feel of her sons slowly caressing her body, she smiled at them, kissing first Tom and then Josh, before lying back and letting them have free rein of her body.

When Josh began to kiss her pussy, Paula lifted his head and look him in the eyes. "You mustn't stop until I tell you to. You've both been stopping too soon. Keep going, don't stop. Alright?"

Josh nodded.

"That goes for you to," Paula told Tom. "Whatever you do, don't stop just because you think I'm climaxing. In fact, that's the most important time to keep going." She lay back and spread her legs a little wider, her whole body tensed in expectation. This time it all went perfectly. As her sons gently brought her to her climax, she began to arch her back, moaning in pleasure and lust. Soon it was all she could do to maintain any semblance of control, and then she was flying as her orgasm overcame her. This time, despite her writhing, her moans, her cries, neither Tom nor Josh stopped what they were doing, taking their mother into two, three then four earth shattering climaxes. Each one bigger, stronger, more powerful and longer than the previous.

As her forth orgasm began to subside, Paula pushed both her sons away from her, and lay there, panting and exhausted. They sat and looked at her for a moment, before running their hands lightly over her quivering body. As Tom's hand slid lightly across her crotch, he knocked her clitoris. Paula arched her back again and gave a long drawn out groan. "Yessss," she moaned. "Do it now."

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"What is going to happen to us?" I asked the elderly officer with sergeant stripes at the desk. Roger still wept bitterly and had an arm around me for support so I knew I would have to be the one to ask. He looked me up and down in a leering way and halting his gaze at my blonde pubic hair for what seemed an age, causing me more embarrassment, and wrote our names in a book then sifted through a pile of papers and read a sheet of an email. "You're to be kept chained together and no one is...

1 year ago
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Brother Sister Experimentation

I was only 17, my younger sister, Jessica, was 16.  She was intrigued with by my body since she began to become sexually aware and her curiosity transitioned into her later teen years. We both went to the same high school, but saw each other rarely there. At home our rooms were separated by a small bathroom with a shower, this was mutaul territory for the both of us. The bathroom was rather old, along with the doors, which had old fashion key holes that had been used so much that they were the...

2 years ago
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Yuis Awakening Part 11

"Hello Yui, I'm back!"Emi's voice sounded like the most beautiful sound she had ever heard to Yui, as she hurriedly got ready to meet Emi at her dance studio.Spring was in the air, the breeze along the street was warm, and it was still light as Yui reached the door and buzzed the intercom.Emi was at the top of the stairs, and threw her lovely arms around Yui as she got to the door. She buried her face into Yui's breast and hugged her tightly."I missed you Yui chan!""I missed you too Emi", Yui...

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Friday Night Spanking

Friday Night Spanking Friday Night Spanking   Joe relaxed and leaned against the wall of the kitchen, watching as Pita finished the last of the dishes. He looked down her long copper-red hair to the edge of her pink, cotton skirt that ended about three inches beneath her ass. He watched intently when the material swished with her movements. He knew there was nothing under the soft fabric except even softer skin. He could feel his hand itch with his want for her. Tonight was to be...

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Wife keeps up with husbands fantasies

1A wife keeps up with her husband’s fantasiesPublished by sexblog on October 20, 2018 ________________________________________I was in what sociologists would call an “at risk”group. You’ve read the same stories I have and know thetype: long dirty blond, some would say red hair, greatfigure, married to a sweet guy who makes plenty ofmoney, two c***dren in preschool. I was ‘ well a ladynever tells her age, but I’d hit that time in life weall know is coming, when women start to get hornyenough to...

1 year ago
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Then I got pregnant, moved back to the town I grew up in, got married to a local real estate broker, and had a second child. Life was generally good, albeit a little boring. Fortunately my mother loved looking after my two kids, which allowed me to get a job and have a little autonomy. The job I landed was as a counter cashier at a Carroll’s Hamburgers fast food joint, which was a regional business, very similar to the much more popular McDonald’s. I was 28 by then – still an attractive...

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The Consequences and Rewards of Playing HookyChapter 18 Night of Reckoning Part 1

"So, what do you hope to accomplish by this?" asked Brett, as he talked to Devin over his cell. "Think of it as a controlled burn; a fire that is set for a purpose, but in a controlled environment, with the understanding it will result in something positive." "Well, Suzanne and I have responsibilities to care for Sadie for the next couple of days, but I guess Tom and Carrie are in and Kyle and Tara too, right?" "Yeah. Hopefully with me and Rachel it will be enough." "Speaking of...

2 years ago
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My Neighbour Aunty

Hi, Indian sex story readers, I am a 35yr. Old guy residing in Hyderabad. I am 5.6 feet tall, average built & work in an MNC. Any girl/bhabhi/aunty/widow want to talk or have chat or cam sex or real sex can contact me on All information about will be kept secret and private. Before I post the sex story just wanted to inform that this story is being posted after getting permission from my neighbor to avoid any privacy issues about her. The sex story goes like this. We are staying in an...

3 years ago
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A Private Function

A Private Function OKAY, I'm not sure what I've got myself into. I'm not sure what is going to happen. I'm not even sure where I am! But, what I do know is that I look pretty, I feel amazing and I am teetering on the edge of going crazy with excitement... Let me tell you what I'm talking about. I'd been swapping pictures and fantasies with Gwen for a while. You must know Gwen, the prettiest, subbiest sweetest party-girl. You must have seen her pictures. Those long long legs in...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Matty All You Need

Matty is just taking some to make herself up in the morning when her lover, Hans, opens his eyes. Rolling out of bed, Hans makes a good case for his teen love to come back with him. He tugs her shirt up to cup Matty’s breasts, then peels her shorts off so he can rest his warm hand on Matty’s smooth twat. Giving in to temptation, Matty falls back into bed with Hans. He keeps on rubbing her clit as he covers her chest and neck in soft kisses. Working his way lower, Hans settles...

3 years ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 08e

I looked at Kay, like me she was dressed casually. Kay was in a short skirt button up white blouse and I knew she was not wearing any underwear. To me she looked stunning. The entrance was down a flight of steps and just inside the doorway were a couple of bouncers. They looked us up and down, obviously decided a cool looking guy with an attractive leggy blonde in a mile high mini skirt and high heels both in their early forties were the kind of clientele they wanted, and let us through. A...

2 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 17

Joan's fingers trembled as she buttoned the last button of her blouse. She was trying her best not to show exactly how nervous she was, and thought she was doing rather well. Really, it was ridiculous! Here she was, a grown woman, freaking out about a meet-the-parents thing. Oh well, time to go. "Joan," said Eric for the hundredth time as they drove to his parent's house,"you have nothing to worry about!" "Eric, what makes you think I'm worried?" asked Joan in a voice that had...

1 year ago
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the dessert

I seriously never tought of him as someone like thisI was his son friend from soccerhe was married and very seriousyet , on a nice summer night i cross him at the park and he was smoking weed in secrettrying to make sure it was him, myself a bit drunk from the party downtowni really dont know how it all endup like it did he was trying to explain he does this for stress relief and anxietythat his wife dsnt understand and all but i ask if i could smoke with himwe smoke together and both went to...

2 years ago
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The Little Purple Dress Part II

The Little Purple Dress ... Continued “When will you get tired of making love to me?” you asked. With a big smile I answered, “Probably when you start wearing granny panties and a flannel nightgown to bed.” You smiled back and said, “I’ll bet if you knew that I was naked underneath the flannel nightgown you wouldn’t care.” “You may be right about that,” I answered. “Now then … do you want to get into that big tub or shall we just start all over again right here? You know what that purple dress...

Straight Sex
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Whos that Girl Pt3

I sat in my office looking at my smartphone. “The wonders of technology!” I smiled to myself. It was simple really and even though I was frustrated that my keen intellect hadn’t been able to work out who ‘Buttercup’ was, I also knew that it would have been impossible to work out. She had never even been on the radar.This was the second-best birthday present I’d ever got.My intercom beeped and Eleanor announced Tamara’s arrival for my birthday lunch; a moment later she walked in and headed...

4 years ago
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My car had to break down in the middle of nowhere. As I looked around all I could see was hills in the distance. I hadnt passed another car for atleast 2 hours. And it was another 2 hours to the nearest town. All I had was a frilly mini skirt and a tube top and my string bikini kexs. I could see my nipples poke through the top. I hadn’t worn a bra. I don’t generally wear tube tops as I had 34DD breasts. I could see something coming from down the road. As it came closer I could see it was a...

4 years ago
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Negro Se Chudi Or Shadi Ki

Hello Dosto. Kya haal hai? Pehle main apne bare mein btati hun. Main Ritika hun or 20 saal ki hun. Main Chandigarh k rehne vali hun or main college mein padhti hun. Meri height 5’7” hai or dekhne mein bhi main bhot sunder hun. Mera rang bhi gora hai. Figure bhi acha hai jaisa aam ladki ka is age mein hota hain. apka jyada tym na waste krte hue sidha apni baat pr aati hun. To dosto baat 2 saal pehle ki hai jabb main 18 saal ki thi or 12th mein study krti thi. main bhot hi ache ghar ki ladaki...

2 years ago
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Kinky Nerdy Girl Needs My Cum

Hey guys. HarDick69 is back after not at all following the ‘No nut November.’ You guys must have read . I went inside girls’ washroom and masturbated onto a door after writing kinky stuff about my Mallu Milf Queen Beena. This incident which I am about to tell you happened a few days after that. I was walking down the verandah of the college to my classroom in the morning. The nerdy girl, Riya from my class, joined me. Riya wasn’t sexually attractive like her friends. It was as if you could see...

1 year ago
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FTL II First ContactChapter 25 A Few Good Men

Star Date 5.121 Captains log, UFP Flowsman. We are now orbiting the planet Earth with our shields at maximum to avoid detection by Earth technologies. We are here to recruit a few people to help in the training of our carrier forces and in the combat tactics needed for Star Fleet. We have identified three candidates for the job, two men and one woman. We have set up a nice area in the observation deck for the interviews. For some reason it's called Ten Forward, even though it is located on...

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Night Play

The room is in semi-darkness, the only light coming from the bright full moon outside, filtering through the slats of the mini-blinds covering the window. You sit there, slouched down, in a chair, half of your face and naked torso illuminated by the self-same light keeping the room in shadows. I see you smile at me and motion me forward, my feet answering your summons of their own volition, though my mind is in accordance. As I approach, my hands pull off my shirt then reach around me to the...

1 year ago
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Neighorhood Slut Mom Chapter 2

Introduction: Naked mom enjoys being used by her son and friends Neighborhood Slut Mom part2 By Janexxx The weekend of Randys birthday had gone just fine. We spent the time getting to know each other better sexually. I had spent the time alone with him naked just like he wanted me too. Randy would watch me as I cleaned the house and fixed meals nude. I would bend over so he could see my bare cunt from behind. He enjoyed seeing my naked ass and tits as I wiggled and jiggled them for him. In...

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Caroline Ch 1205

Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Just a good old threesome. Oral, straight, anal, DP, etc. Mikes tale: Double Teaming Amy I awoke first in the morning and, leaving them both sleeping, went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. Guy must have heard me because he came in a few moments later. ‘Bloody hell...

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The room next door

Last summer I was translating for my boss on an international business meeting in Okinawa. We stayed at one of those fancy resort hotels with a great view over the ocean. Of course we had a double suite room, because we make love every night, but one evening he had a meeting with some old friends, and I wasn’t invited. So I did what a girl would do. Take a swim in the hotel pool and check out a few boys on the beach. But there weren’t any. So I went to our suite room, sat in the chair at the...

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New Years Eve- The Temple of Love Towers- Uptown Manhattan Domina Goodhead was a beautiful woman. Stunning in actual fact. Five-foot-eight in her bare feet. Not that she often had bare feet. She usually wore killer heels with designer and very expensive labels. Much like she was wearing now. She liked to screw in them. Always had done. She knew full well that one of the things many men fantasised over were heels and stockings. She wore full fashioned seamed stockings now. Heels,...

3 years ago
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Round Two Anal

Me and Cindy had been dating for about five months. Our relationship seemed to be going just fine except for a little problem in our sex life. Cindy was allergic to all forms of birth control that she tried meaning that we used a condom every time we had sex. To make maters worse, Cindy was always paranoid that she was going to get pregnant, she always wanted to stop a couple times in the middle of sex to check and make sure the condom didn't break. It was a total mood killer and made it hard...

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BurningAngel Vanessa Vega Cum on my Tattoo

Vanessa Vega is pure trouble, an inked-up sex doll looking for the right man to fill up all her sweet holes. She finds that man in Ramon Nomar, a guy who’s got exactly what Vanessa needs. He kisses her hard and bends her over, licking her clit as he spreads her supple ass cheeks. Now that she’s nice and juicy, he slips his throbbing cock into her tight pussy. She screams with pure pleasure as he slams his dick into her balls-deep. It doesn’t take her long to cum all over his...

4 years ago
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A Sexagenarians Fantasies Ch 03

Crump, crump, crump. The sound of the snow underfoot is oddly comforting. It is over 50 years since I heard the sound regularly as a child and youth in England. Since arriving in Australia, it has been a very rare sound indeed. But it always brings back the memories of freezing fingers and toes, yet laughter and gaiety as snowballs were thrown and toboggans were ridden. It is hard to believe that only 2 days ago we were making love in the clearing of the forest, less than half a kilometre...

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Turning Straight Guys Gay

I think my latest conquest might be my favorite yet. I just can't seem to let go of the straight guys, y'know? It was a revelation when I realized guys kept sneaking glances at me that weren't so innocent. I can't really blame 'em either. Without sounding too narcissistic, I'm pretty as fuck. High cheek bones, thin and well defined lips, bigger eyes and a metabolism that made people hate me. Hell, I barely ever had to shave either, I was virtually hairless, even my eyebrows are just naturally...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Adriana Chechik Performing Magic Butt Tricks With Jules Jordan What Will Disappear In Her Ass

Dirty Diva Adriana Chechik goes to Slut School with Jules Jordan! Adriana’s dressed in her sexy schoolgirl outfit and makes her way around the house as she shows off her perfect body, stopping to give us little peaks underneath her skirt to entice us to keep following her. She climbs on top of the counter to expose her tight ass then pulls her panties to the side to show off all of her amazing holes. Jules jumps in an gets right to worshiping her pretty butthole with his tongue before...

2 years ago
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Aunty 8211 The Fiesta Begins

Greetings dear readers, I am not going to apologize even if this is the first time I am submitting a sex story. It’s simply because we are all one bunch of pricks that think with our crotches. I thought I will be spared but then again, oh boy I was wrong. I too was drawn eventually into this forbidden world of pleasure. This is a story and hopefully a series of stories of my unassuming escapades with my aunty. The muse of my story is called, premila. We’re just a upper-middle class family from...

3 years ago
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Punjaban Ladki Ki Chudai

By : Abhi1207 Hi, This is Abhimanyu, this is my first story on ISS and I hope you all will enjoy this story. I will give you a short intro of mine; I am a working with a reputed software company in Noida as a Soft Eng. Age 27, Height 5-10, athletic body, fair color, look killer. I do gym, yoga, and meditation regularly to manage my fitness. Just come to the story, ye ek saal pehle ke baat hai, actually mare office main log groups main kam karte hai, and that time I was handling that group. Mere...

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The Commissars in TownChapter 11

“Woah ... honey ... you can do that to me ... anytime you like!” Joanna reacted to the way that Alycen had rimmed the holy hell out of her sweet ass, “was that safe to do while pregnant?” “At this stage, probably. Besides, you cleaned it up pretty damn well. I didn’t hear any complaints while I did it, anyway. You gonna get a hall pass for this or keep it our dirty little secret?” Alycen asked her girlfriend. “Oh, baby, I won’t have any more secrets from Les. That’s where it all went...

2 years ago
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Master Is Home

When her master arrived, she was lying on the floor playing with ink as if it was a watercolor. She was wearing black knee socks, white panties, and an oversized dark-brown sweater that has a bear roaring on it. She was so into her art that she didn't realized he was there until she heard his voice, which never fails to make her heart stop."I am home, little whore. Is this how you receive your master?""I’m sorry, sir, I was drawing...""Come here," he ordered with a stern voice as he pointed at...

3 years ago
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Sex And The Clitty my first lesbian experience

Nicole - My first Lesbian ExperienceI should point out in this story the "fanny" I am referring to is the UK meaning,i.e. poonani, chuff, quim, cunt. April 2002 :When I first started to spend a lot of time in London, I met a new group of people.I was networking, I needed people to spend time with in the week, and bizarrelyI was introduced to a girl called Nicole, by a gynaecologist I visited. Nicole was from Luxembourg via San Francisco , and had been a model, had been a lotof things the...

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Hawk in a Chicken CoopChapter 4 A Second Attempt at Conscription

October 21, 1986 Major Chavan had a problem. The rebels were running all over the southern portion of Inra. The regular army wasn’t able to catch up with them. Everyone said that it was because the army was slow, that it took too much time to provision the forces, load them in the trucks, and get them to the destination. He knew the real problem. The men in charge wouldn’t move until they knew with absolute certainty where the rebels were located. However, by the time they arrived, the...

1 year ago
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Hopelessly Addicted

He was up way too early for a Saturday, but he had a pick up to make. He stopped at Starbucks for a coffee before pointing his BMW south and commencing to drive. He glanced in the rearview mirror to check the traffic behind him and then caught sight of his own blue eyes."You're a weakling," he said to himself as he drove.He cursed himself along with the firm he worked they were partially to blame for this situation."If only they had kept to their regular routine I wouldn't be in this...

3 years ago
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My first time sucking a man

At last I could surf and perv to my heart's content. I was very inquisitive, naive and extremely hungry. I was turned on by almost everything I found (but I do not like illegal porn, scat, pain, rape - I prefer when all involved are enjoying themselves willingly). There were teenies, young women, mature women, grannies, 3somes, orgies, groups and so forth. I obviously also stumbled on some gay porn, but I made a berth around this (I was initially not interested). At first I did not notice,...

1 year ago
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My Sexual Odyssey Part 1 How I Got Started

I was always extremely sensuous, expressed in the love of the feel of satin and silk, as well as the feel of going barefoot, which was nearly impossible in the city, even indoors, not part of the culture. Where I live now it is, and so I go not only barefoot but also nude when at home. I don’t know if this is significant or not. However, the first time I noticed anything unusual was probably when I saw a film on TV in which a boy masqueraded as a girl for some reason or other. I recall how...

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Sylvia and her friends at the drivein 1963

. Judy and I made a lot more love. We had had more sex than most people do in ten years. Rachel and Judy and I had a lot of sex over the next year until she left for New York, but my mother and Cecil and I...never again. She wouldn't even talk to me about it till years later.I was about sixteen and one half when all that stuff happened...there were only two ways I could go after fucking my mother, I cold become celibate or be a whore., I decided I had out to see where it would go. I didn't have...

4 years ago
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SG69 Mission 1Chapter 7

"You have won the Challenge," repeated Orla. "That is a rare occurrence, and should be celebrated." Several large warriors made their way through the crowd of people until they were standing behind the Chief, weapons at the ready. "It would be bad luck if you did not start our last evening of Festival by allowing us to watch you share joy with your reunited mating group," she said. "I'm sure that Reed misses the special way you treat her, and I am anxious to see how she is treated...

2 years ago
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Summer in Sexual Hell

A Summer in Sexual Hell        Tim Prescott was on a plane from Atlanta to Los Angeles to spend six weeks of his summer vacation with his father.  Tim was seventeen and had lived in Atlanta for nearly four years since his mother had moved there to be near her parents after she and Tim’s father, Peter Prescott, divorced.  Tim spent summers and winter vacations with his father.  Peter, 44, was a multimillion dollar real estate tycoon in LA with a palatial mansion in Bel Air, beach homes in San...

3 years ago
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Neha Aur Uski Tanhaai

Hello dosto kaise hai aap sab, ye saal khatam ho raha hai aur ye saal ne mujhe bht khushiya di hai. Jo main aapko yaha bata chuka hu. Aapke bht se mail mile jinhe maine jawaab dene ki puri koshish ki hai. Aage bhi aapka pyaar aise hi dete rahiyega. Meri mail id hai Ab main aapko apne saath hue ek haseen kisse k baare me batata hu yaa kahu to meri ek khwahish k baare me jo mujhe umeed nahi thi ki itni jaldi puri ho jayegi. Wo kya hai aap iss kahani se jaan jayege. Jaise ki maine bataya aapne...

2 years ago
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First Time Sex

I was in 12th standard when my cousin brother married a beautiful teacher. She had medium sized boobs and I wasn’t much obsessed with her at first. After a year or two, I started developing an intense sexual attraction for her. Now I was in college and one day after we had some electricity issue, me and my brother were told to spend the night at my cousin’s house because my real brother had an exam the very next day. There were total four members of my cousin’s family. My paternal aunt, uncle,...

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Before my boyfriend and I met and became a couple, my boyfrend lived in a collective. First in one with seven others, both men and women, also one with three girls. When my boyfriend moved for himself, he moves into an apartment with seven others. Many worked, some commuted from house, family and to work. The first time he had sex with just one man was one who lived there for only weeks for work, but had houses and family outside the city. He had had sex with men before, but only in groups....

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Schoolgirls First DateChapter 10

Julie sat looking at Billy, but her mind was occupied with the problem he had set for her. How to take off all her clothes, with her hands bound behind her back! She was dressed in her tight white blouse, with thin ruffles down the buttons and around the collar and wrists. She had on a black skirt that was riding more than halfway up her thighs, almost to the tops of her flesh-tone stockings. Under her tight blouse, the pretty teen was wearing her favorite training bra. Under her skirt, she...

1 year ago
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Short but sweet begining of a year long affair

Where do I start my first post? I have so many stories to tell.I'll start with the first married woman i was with. I was 20 and she was 40! We had met at work like most affairs start at.Her name was Sue (we'll keep name's different cause you never know who's reading!)Sue was for me at that age an older woman, she had great legs a little belly and nice tits! she was in descent shape for her age and i was a horny young guy.Trying to remember how it started was a blur but if memory serves me...

1 year ago
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The old Manor in SwampPoint Revisited

Rain was pouring down over the small town of Swamp-Point. It was very dark, the moonlight was hidden by thick clouds. The few street lamps still in functioning states were not giving much light. A man was running down the deserted street. He wasn't running toward somewhere but away from something. He was clearly afraid of something and couldn't see where he was going, tears were blurring his eyes. The man stopped running as he reached the bridge leading outside the town toward the swamp area....

3 years ago
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My sister Cassie

Introduction: sorry about the story set up, I don't like giant walls of text. “Knock it off already.” Cassie had the remote control firmly entrenched in her hand and was doing her best to keep it out of reach. The TV was stuck on basketball, which sucked. I knew that there had to be some combination of leverage and brute force that would cause my sister’s fingers to open and let me gain command of the remote. Getting up and walking to the TV was simply out of the question.“Knock what off?,” I...

4 years ago
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My Best Year So FarChapter 4

Margie and I made love whenever we could find a time that was convenient to both of us and sometimes when it was inconvenient. Well, I say we made love but as often as not it was just down and dirty animal-level fucking. I couldn't see any signs that our craving for each other's bodies was losing any steam. Every time felt like the first time except better if that were possible. One thing that weighed on our minds was how Davey would deal with it if he found out. What we were doing was,...

2 years ago
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Alex and Jakob Morning Glory

Jakob woke as the sunfiltered through his curtains. As he tried to move he realised that his sister was asleep on his arm, he smiled as he watched her start to stir in the morning light. Alex woke with a yawn and her brother’s eyes hungrily soaking in the view of her body. Alex pulled her brothers lips towards her own and kissed him deeply. Jakob’s tongue snaked its way into her mouth through her lips and she wrapped her tongue around his as his arms wrapped around her. His hands were sliding...

4 years ago
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Drive in Mom pt 5

I gazed down at my cock. It was sticking straight up, still bone hard and coated with mom's saliva."So, son of mine...still upset that your date stood you up?" Mom asked."No way." I signed.Mom smiled, her big tits giggling, as she ran her fingers through my hair."Top or bottom?" She asked."What?" I asked."Time to cash in all those points, sweetie-pie. Top or bottom?" She smiled."Bottom." I said.Without hesitation Mom threw one of her long legs her leg across my lap and straddled me. I gazed up...

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