SandcastlesChapter 24 free porn video

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The start of the opera and symphony concert season occurred each Fall and was a big social event in our community. The first concert to be performed at this year's gala was scheduled to be a collection of pieces by one of Sally's favorite composers. I thought his work was pretty good but personally I liked a more bombastic style, like Wagner. But for romance and setting the mood, the season opener held a lot of promise.

Two weeks prior to the concert I announced that the opening night would be a special event for both Sally and Janey. Both of my girls immediately started bugging the shit out of me but, as I expected them to try their damnedest to get a hint out of me, I was able to simply smile at them. It drove them nuts. They didn't have a clue what to expect.

The ornately wrapped packages from The Guild began arriving shortly after my announcement. Everything that organization did, they did with style and their delivery service was no exception. All packages not taken by the customer immediately were delivered by shining golden vans with ornate filigree detailing. It was much in the style of the royal coaches in the 18th century. There was no mistaking one of these very special delivery vans as it drove through the countryside. You could almost feel the envy of the neighbors when one of those vans arrived in your driveway. Some particularly nosy gossips had been known to follow a van for miles out of their way just to see who the lucky person was who was on the receiving end of the delivery.

The vans were driven by special bonded couriers dressed in distinctive red uniforms and pompous-looking tall hats with plumes. The couriers were male or female, fit, polite, well-trained and well-armed. It was a good thing, too, given the value of some of the deliveries they had to make.

The delivery area for the golden vans included a five-state area. Beyond that, the bonded couriers hand-delivered each package using whatever mode of transportation was best suited to meet the delivery schedule. It was always done with that dash of style and panache, of course. More and more of the distinctive red uniforms were being spotted on over-seas flights as the craftsmen of The Guild became known throughout the world for the quality of their work. It was unparalleled. The red uniforms soon provided automatic and easy entry into countries with normally very strict customs officials. It didn't usually take more than one reprimand from a king or high official to grease the skids.

I had specified that the packages were to be delivered sealed and they were. Sally and Janey had some very unkind words for me when they realized the boxes were sealed with a wax Guild seal, and their efforts at snooping were thwarted. Again, I merely smiled, enjoying the mounting frustrations and tensions in them. Anticipation and the unknown make a wonderful combination in a woman. I only hoped what I had planned for the evening lived up to their expectations.

The morning of the event I placed new silk robes on their beds and awoke each with a kiss and a light breakfast. They were instructed to bathe for at least 90 minutes - not shower - using the special bath beads I had placed in their bathrooms and not to leave their rooms. They were to be in my office down the hall ready for their first appointment of the day at 11:00 that morning.

Both appeared in my office about 5 minutes early, their reddened skin glowing pink through the light white silk of the short robes. The robes had no belts, much to Sally's disappointment, I think and opened with the slightest motion. I smiled at them, motioned for them to sit in the chairs in my office and proceeded to ignore them for the next 5 minutes; with extreme difficulty on my part, I might add. The robes were opened quite often and intentionally. I didn't get any actual work done but I made my point, I hope. I was surprised they were only 5 minutes early.

At exactly 11:00 I stood up, kissed the back of Janey's hand and led her out to the family room. There was a massage table set up inside a cloth booth. I held out my hand for her robe, which she gave me. I looked at her nude form for several moments, touching her lightly. As I anticipated, even those light caresses caused shivers of delight to chase each other up and down her spine. She was panting by the time I helped her up onto the table and instructed her to lie face down.

I placed a folded towel across her glorious posterior. This brought a moan of disappointment from her. I think she thought I was going to screw her on the table right then. As tempting as that was, I had other plans.

I held back one of the flaps of the booth and motioned for the person standing silently outside to enter. The slightly built woman of Asian descent moved gracefully into the booth. She bowed low to me, then shrugged off her over-blouse. This left her in just a short band of cloth covering her genital area, tied at one side sarong style. As she turned to Janey, I caught sight of a pair of firm apple-sized tits topped with chocolate nipples.

The masseuse kneeled up on the table next to the girl, lightly tracing the lines and patterns of the muscles on her back. As I left the cubicle, I heard the first of many moans as Janey relaxed into her first massage.

Sally was pouting prettily when I returned for her, but brightened as I took many more liberties with her than just kissing her hand. I brought her quickly to the edge of a climax, then eased off and just let her simmer on the edge. When I was done teasing her, I pulled her robe back around her to cover her arousal and led her into the family room. A table in the second booth waited for her.

She gave me a quizzical look when she heard the low, long moans coming from the adjacent booth. I held out my hand and helped her off with her robe in answer. I beheld her naked beauty once again, appreciating it as if for the first time. My open — and very obvious — admiration of her charms brought a pleasing blush to her skin, spreading from her face, down her neck and on to the tops of her creamy breasts.

I helped her onto the table. With nudges and lingering touches I maneuvered her so she too was face down and then let her masseuse into the booth. The two Asian women could have been twins, the only difference being that Sally's had longer hair. She, too, climbed on the table and straddled Sally's waist, one knee on each side of the prone woman. One rubbery ass cushioned the other. I waited until the low purring Sally makes when she is contented started to come from her booth as well and left them alone.

I grinned maliciously as I went back to the office, not to work but to rest. I was definitely going to need it. The two masseuses had instructions to keep the two women relaxed but aroused for the next hour. Under no circumstances was Sally or Janey to be allowed to orgasm. I wanted them so on edge their teeth hurt. Tonight would be special indeed.

Sally and Janey kind of oozed into my office an hour later, their eyes glazed and knees wobbly from the stimulating massages they had just undergone. The blush on their cheeks, however, was unmistakable. Janey's expression mirrored her mother's and I was very familiar with Sally's 'if I don't get fucked in two seconds, I'll chop it off and stuff it in myself' look. It was time for the first box.

I reached into my desk and pulled out two small packages. I handed one to Janey and one to Sally.

"You may open these now," I said.

The bows were ripped off with the ferocity of lions at the first kill in a month. Their twin gasps of pleasure were almost synchronized to the nanosecond.

"Oh, Dad! It's beautiful! Mom, look!" Janey cried.

She held up a white-gold necklace with a ruby encrusted key on the chain. The length of the chain let the key snuggle into the top of her cleavage. I moved around behind her and put it on her. It was her first piece of expensive jewelry, and she was as pleased as I had ever seen her.

"That is the key to my heart, Honey. I wanted you to know how I felt about you and that you will always have a special place there," I whispered in her ear as I hooked the clasp securely.

She turned and hugged me, tears in her eyes.

"I love you, Dad," she said. "Thank you so much! It's beautiful."

Sally was still staring at her present. It, too, was jewelry.

"Here, my Love, let me help you with that," I said calmly.

I moved behind her and waited until she finally lifted the ends of the jewelry into my hands. Her head bowed as I fastened it behind her neck with a solid click.

I leaned down and whispered so that only she could hear. "Do you understand what it means when you wear this?"

She nodded. Her hand slipped up to lightly touch the bejeweled slave's collar I had locked around her neck. The collar was wide, about two and a half inches. It was an intricate weave of platinum wire and rods that let it flex around her neck, but not warp or roll in any other axis. The wire and rods were embedded with reflective stones, mostly diamonds with some emeralds mixed in. The effect was to create a band of light around her neck with mysterious flashes of emerald. It was more beautiful than I had hoped when I described it to the jeweler. It was devastating.

As I stood behind her, watching her reaction, drinking in her beauty, I noticed the trembling of her body and I wasn't sure if it was fear or excitement. I hoped the latter. I brushed her cheek lightly with my lips before continuing.

"I want this night to be special for you. I know how much you have longed for this to begin and it will, tonight. But it will still be a little while, yet. You may wear this collar now, or not, your choice. I will not require anything of you until all your preparations for this evening are complete. Until then, you will behave as Sally. Understood?" I finished.

I lifted her chin and looked her in the eye.

"Yes, Master," she whispered softly.

Then she threw her arms around me, squealing with delight. The two women ooohhed and aaahhhed over each other's adornments until I ushered them out to the next appointment.

I led them back into the family room. The booths and the massage tables were gone and in their places stood two barber-style chairs. An exclusive beauty salon from a near-by town had sent two highly skilled technicians and two assistants to pamper my two princesses. When they had been comfortably seated in the chairs, the technicians flew into a choreographed dance of activity around my two blondes. I had ordered the works for them. They were manicured, pedicured, trimmed, oiled, scrubbed, rubbed, tubbed, sanded, face-packed, mud-packed and every other tortuous process women go through for the sake of beauty.

As much as I loved doing it myself, I had Sally shaved. Janey's pubic region was trimmed way back from her bikini wax to just a thin strip of short soft hairs pointing to paradise. The technicians and assistants had the same instructions as the masseuses. They were to keep the treatments as sensual as possible without letting them go over the edge. From the cries of frustration I heard coming through the open door of my office, they were very good at their jobs.

When the treatments were done, two of the technicians led the pampered women to their respective bathrooms where the assistants had drawn yet another steaming bath for each of them. There the girls were stroked, soaked, soaped and rinsed, stroked some more, hair washed and conditioned, and then stroked and soaked again in steaming hot water with bath oils added.

When they were done, they were led back into the family room where their hair was done. At my instructions, Janey's blonde tresses were done up in an elegant style leaving her shoulders and neck bare. Sally's hair was braided in an elegant French braid, the broad intertwining stands hanging down in a single plait that reached halfway down her back.

Makeup was applied skillfully after their hair was done. Although only 15, Janey looked much older when she was finished. Sally was made up just as skillfully, looking regal but more like her sister than Janey's mother. Of course, all the powders and paints could only accent the beauty of the canvases they were applied to. The flashes of excitement in the eyes of the two painted ladies were repeated many times over in the tiny sparkles embedded in the blush applied to their faces. I smiled in satisfaction. They were like two little kids, full of excitement on Christmas morning.

The day was creeping by, closing in on the opening of the opera. I saw the technicians out to their van. They would return after we left to pack their equipment. Their service had been excellent. They would be retained again, and often.

Alone with Sally and Janey, I began the difficult final phase of the preparation. I would now have to reveal more of my plans for the evening to them, taking away some of the mystery. I took Janey by the hand and led her to her room. There I presented her with a stack of boxes, all with The Guild's seals.

"Your attire for this evening is in those boxes. I hope you like it." I paused, feeling almost like a teenager again. "Uh, Janey, I would like this evening to be kind of like our first date; a special time just between you and me. Will you go with me as my 'date' this evening?" I offered formally.

Her eyes got big, then clouded as she remembered Sally. "What about Mom?"

I looked directly at her, holding her hands in mine.

"Janey, your mother will be there, too. She will be with us, but she won't be, kind of." She looked quizzical. "Look, I hope I'm doing the right thing with her tonight. It's kind of hard to explain. When you have dressed, come into our room. Perhaps you will understand after you see her. She will be happy tonight, Honey. At least, I hope so."

I could feel her questioning eyes burning holes in my back as I left the bewildered teenager standing there. At the door, I turned.

"Is it a date?"

"Oh, yes! I'm sorry. Yes!" she said happily.

She shook off the rest of her questions and tore into the many boxes. I wished I could stay and watch the reverse striptease as the buxom teen got dressed. I had no intention of disrobing her this evening, but it would have been delectable. I had chosen clothing that appealed to my sensuous side and I hoped it would appeal to hers as well.

I had purchased soft silky under things that were as sheer as possible for her to wear tonight. They were more for window dressing than function. Unfortunately, I wasn't planning to be doing any window shopping tonight. The tiny bra and panties were virginal white and had a matching garter belt. I had a sense it would be her first, but the sheer white stockings only came to just above her mid-thigh, so it was necessary. Besides, I wanted her to be aware of the availability of her sex. Pantyhose, while convenient for the workplace, acted like armor plating in a romantic situation.

Her dress was a simple black affair, deceptive in style. The material was silk, with silver highlights woven into it. It was not a revealing cut and fully covered her, yet the dress revealed her charms to the sharp observer. With the exception of two silver straps over her shoulders, she was bare above the swells of the tops of her breasts. The material fell to ankle length, hugging her body closely, outlining and defining her breasts, abdomen, hips and legs. Two sexy slits in each side of the skirt from the bottom hem to just above mid-thigh allowed her to move freely.

I had also provided her with the highest heeled shoes she had ever worn. I hoped she wouldn't be too off balance by their height. The dress was designed to be worn with that height heel. The silver shoes, the silver straps, and the white gold of her necklace brought out the highlights in the dress. She was going to look elegant.

There were also some strange accessories from the Rosen Clinic in a separate box. I hoped she wouldn't object to them. Having been fitted for them, they shouldn't cause much, if any, discomfort, either on application, or wear. There were two soft plastic cups that fit perfectly over each breast. They were so exactly shaped that they were labeled 'Left' and 'Right' so they wouldn't be confused. They were thin and pliable and you could still see her erect nipple through her dress when aroused. I intended for her to spend most of the evening in that state.

Two other accessories were designed to slip into the vagina and rectum. They were thin, relatively innocent looking devices that could shake her to her core. There were instructions with drawings enclosed in the boxes showing how and where to insert each special accessory. The vaginal probe had a small curved arm at about 90 degrees that ended in a small hollow cap. The cap fit snuggly over her quiescent clitoris, but would expand as necessary.

The finale of the Rosen's gadgets was a pair of earrings, sparkling like diamonds, which they were. The clasps of the earrings incorporated a Rosen unit that turned the ears into a highly erotic zone. I wasn't sure how it worked, but I believed in their work, so I was sure it would be effective. Janey was in for a memorable night.

But I didn't watch her dress. I had other things to do. Namely, I had to prepare my lover for her own special night. I wasn't really sure how she would receive the news about my date with her daughter. That was a gamble on my part. I only hoped it paid off.

I went back into the family room to find Sally on her knees, her hands clasped behind her neck, her head bowed down. God, what that did to her tits! I was tempted to let her stay in that position and use her mouth. It had been a 'hard' day for me. But this was too early yet for what I had planned. And she was just a bit too eager.

"Sally, stand up, please. Your preparations for this evening are not yet complete. I have some things to ask you which require an honest and open response. Please?"

I held out my hand.

She looked at me sexily, glancing up through those gorgeous lashes; my favorite look. Her smile ignited my heart as she gracefully took my hand and got up. I held her gaze and never noticed when she released my hand. I was lost in a sea of emotion, torn between my need to treat this woman I loved with all my heart with tenderness and love and fulfilling her need to be dominated and bound. Steeling myself to keep to the plan I had chosen for the evening, I took her hand and led her to the bedroom, where I had laid out her attire.

It wasn't much. She still had on her glittering slave collar. I ushered to her dressing table and sat her in the low stool in front of it. I first took a slender package and opened it, withdrawing a pair of stockings similar to Janey's. These had a bit more cling around the top banding to hold them without garters, however. I slowly slid them over the smooth skin of her long legs, caressing each one as the stocking slid into place. We were both trembling when it was over. It was one of the most erotic things I had ever done for her, and her excitement was visible, as was mine.

Next I selected a long narrow box. Amud and his wife had made this piece. I withdrew a pair of shoulder-length white gloves of the finest leather. They looked and felt like velvet and were without blemish. She held out one hand, then the other as I slipped them up her proffered arms. As I smoothed them out, working the wrinkles up to the tops, I squeezed the top of each glove, tightening my hand around her upper biceps. The faint click of a ratchet could be heard as the metal rings hidden in the tops of the gloves closed on themselves, locking the gloves on her arms.

Sally's eyes were wide with excitement at this development, though she stayed silent. When I closed the rings at each elbow and wrist, tightly binding the gloves to her arms, she closed her eyes and shuddered.

"You may not cum until I give permission. Is that clear, Sally?" I commanded her.

She nodded, silent, not trusting her voice.

I gently pulled her wrists behind her and fastened the metal rings that were embedded in the gloves together with tiny hooks. Other hooks were hidden in the seams of the gloves and I joined and locked them one by one, until her forearms were touching from elbow to wrist behind her back. The final connection was at the level of the metal rings just above her elbows. Sitting on the stool, her chest thrust forward, she held my gaze with her fiery green eyes. Not defiant, but victorious, in a sense. I didn't know what she thought she had won, other than my heart, but there was victory was in her eyes.

I moved around in front of her and slipped silver heels on her feet. Unlike Janey's four-inch heels, Sally's were outrageous. The heels were six inches, at least, in height and they had a narrowing toe to torture her all night long. Her foot was pointed almost straight down in those shoes. A low moan escaped her as the shoes tightly gripped her feet and were buckled tight with a strap across her instep and another that wrapped tight around her ankle.

Two boxes remained. A large box, and a small one. I leaned over to the bed and picked up the small one. Still in front of her, I got down on one knee. The big moment.

I took a deep breath. "Sally, I love you with all my heart. In all that happened during and since that time when you agreed to marry me, I never formally proposed to you." I placed my folded hands on her stocking-clad thighs, got down on one knee, and looked up at her. "Sally, would you do me the honor of consenting to be my wife?"

There. It was said. She had the option of backing out, saying 'No, ' crushing me like a bug. Of course, she did have her hands tied behind her back, so at least I figured she wouldn't slap me. My groin was exposed to her feet, though, and with this family...

The silence was unbearable. The heat stifling. I broke out in a sweat. A lump the size of New Jersey and almost as toxic formed in my throat. I think my lower lip trembled.


My heart resumed beating, my lungs filled with sweet air. I cried. Well, just a little.

I beamed, grinned, the proverbial mile-wide, shit-eating grin.

"We never talked about rings and stuff, but I noticed you don't wear rings much. I took the liberty of getting you a temporary engagement ring. If you don't like this one, there are other styles..."

I opened the box and showed her the heart-shaped diamond I had had designed for her.

She gasped. "Oh! It's gorgeous! Oh, Larry, you shouldn't have. You didn't need to. You know that. I don't need such an expensive stone. Oh, dear..." She suddenly noticed her hands were bound. "Larry? I don't see a setting. Just the stone. How... ?"

I took a fine platinum wire ring from the box. Lifting up my hands I gently grasped her left breast. I worked my thumb around the tip until the excitable flesh hardened and swelled up. Grasping the end of the nipple with my thumb and forefinger of one hand I pulled it slightly towards me. It was unnecessary for what I was about to do, but I loved that little flare of her eyes and her nostrils when I did that.

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Susan woke up feeling like something was missing. She was waking up like that a lot these days. It was a major dry spell and her dreams were making it harder for her to deal with it. Checking she felt that familiar moistening between her legs and she knew she needed to make herself come soon. Looking at the clock, Susan groaned, there was no time for her vibrator today; she was going to have to use her shower head again. What good is masturbating if you can't take your time and enjoy yourself,...

1 year ago
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Xhamster user teenolivia and her friend Amanda at

Hi everyone, This whole story started out as a dirty comment I left for an xhamster user, teenolivia on one of her photos. I decided to make it an entire story based on that one photo in her profile which is this one: story is told to Olivia, from me. I meet you and Amanda at the park near the lake in this photo. I can’t take my eyes off of your hot little bodies and both of you girls keep looking down at my hardening cock in my shorts and...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Leda Lothario Green Eyes

Leda Lothario definitely has that shy girl in the back of class vibe. The only reason she’d take her nose out of a book is to look around for a thick cock to suck, and today, this girl gets what she’s been searching for. She grabs hold of our stud’s veiny dick and pops it between her lips, letting spit drip down the sides of his shaft. Her pretty green eyes gaze straight ahead as she works her wet mouth down on his dong, and she savors the flavor of every inch of his hard cock. Bookworms suck...

3 years ago
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Fairy StoryChapter 3

Their trek through the mountain took the best part of the day. Progress might have been quicker, but Cerberus insisted on stopping every so often and lifting a leg against outcrops of rock as if marking the way back with his scent. Progress might have also been quicker if they didn't have a lengthy stop to give Susan another good seeing to. Cerberus, still quite satisfied from their previous, was content to lick her pussy until she creamed her self and made a mess of his middle snout. It...

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Great Encounter With My Colleague8217s Wife

Hi, I am Rahul, 25 years of age working in Bengaluru in a MNC. I have been a reader of ISS since last couple of years and the stories I read have encouraged me to share my first experience. It is a real life experience and I shall try my best to share with you exactly how it happened. This incident happened 3 years back. I got a job as a site Electrical Engineer once I passed out from My Engineering College. It was a big company and I was posted in a big project in the outskirts of Madhya...

3 years ago
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Imagination 11

Imagination 11 "Wake up, Frilly. We have a lot to do today and you have promised to co- operate!" I opened my eyes at about the same time as I realised that I was sporting a really painful dawn boner, or, at least, I would have been without that cage giving little Henry real Hell. Sister Sarah was standing by my bedside gently playing with him and with that evil smile on her face as usual. One hand was quickly checking everything: my training bra, belt and my feet while the other...

2 years ago
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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 9 A Friendly Chat by the Side of the Road

"Important news: we've had several advances. Each of the cities we've visited has established a functioning community. The people are working together with at least one person who can treat anyone who contracts the plague. Everyone we've treated has agreed to treat at least two people to replace them before moving on. This means each community will grow stronger, more reliable and more self-sustaining. We mention this to encourage everyone to either seek these cities out or prepare for...

4 years ago
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"Come on, it'll be fun!" My best friend Julie was throwing a Halloween party, and like every year, she wanted us to dress up in the same costume. Except that this year, she wanted to go as a sexy, girly black cat. "Julie, that's great for you, but what am I supposed to do?" "Don't worry Chris, you'll make a great girly kitty cat!" I have had a huge crush on Julie for five years, as long as we've been friends, but I've never had the courage to tell her. We're both 18 now, in our...

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The Land of Arkegia

Into the world comes a hero or a villian who will make choices that will change the fate of the world. Will you help the world thrive or will you plunder it till it's demise. All rely on you. Now choose your destiny.

1 year ago
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Eye Of The Storm

It was late. Storm clouds hung in the air, each adding another dark textured layer to the night sky. A flash of lightning illuminates all around for the briefest of moments before the deep rumble of thunder and darkness descends once more. Heavy rain pounds relentlessly against the floor to ceiling office windows, the bustling city swarming below. Building lights span as far as the eye can see, the red streak of blurred taillights painting a vivid picture as people feverishly rush to get out of...

Office Sex
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 556

With the hugs and kisses that went on all day Saturday, we said our final goodbyes and then departed for Morton Field. We were airborne by 2110 headed east for Portugal. The flight was to be five to six hours, depending on winds. I made the call to the Portuguese customs office at the Lisbon international airport that a state department delegation would be arriving with armed bodyguards as was protocol; the delegation would go direct to the US embassy. Then we did as we always did, reclined...

4 years ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 30

We woke up earlier than usual. I was eager to get back to the machine and try my new test cases. We had a quick breakfast, and Sandy said, "I need to stop by my office for a few minutes. While I'm there, I'll see if I can catch Paul and give him an update". "I think I'd like to go directly to the test cell and start punching these programs. You won't be long, will you?" "No, I'll be there by the time Miguel and Aaron get in". I went to the test cell and, my notes in hand,...

2 years ago
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Birthday surprise for hubby

Well it's was my hubby birthday and I wanted to do something for him that he would never forget. Well it turn out to be a night neither one of us would forget lol. Well I decided I would take him to a strip club for his birthday. I knew he has never been to one and now I am bicurious and love looking at sexy women I figured it be a great adventure to share together. Well where we live there is not one so we had to travel about a hour to a bigger town that did have some. So I decided I get us a...

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Shyam In Ranis Village

Hi readers, this is the second part of Shyam and rani. Shyam is brother in law of rani. Shyam’s wife rani went to her native for delivery. Meanwhile rani is enjoying Shyam completely. She took the permission from her husband (Kannan, Shyam’s bro) to seduce Shyam. Kannan went for a foreign trip, rani and Shyam came to rani’s village. (Shyam) I and rani reached her home in the evening. The door was opened; no one was there in the house. Rani told me to wait in the hall and showed me the sofa to...

4 years ago
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The Early Morning Rain

The rain was falling outside the window when she awoke. Thunder rolled in the distance, coming closer with each roll. She stretched under the goose down comforter that had been pulled up around her neck against the soft breeze coming through the open window. The clock read 7 am and she didn’t have to go to work. She turned over onto her side and listened to her body and to the rain. She could hear her heartbeats in the drops that fell on the windowsill. Underneath the covers, she began to touch...

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Building ones empire

Well, today is the day. You rub your hands excitedly as you look over the pile of games and the sleek black cover of the magic device you had purchased with a good chunk of your savings. Today was the day you would be able to put your plan in action of seducing, or just out fucking gorgeous video game ladies and fathering your children with them. A life-time geek, you had often longed to nab a hot babe just ?like everyone else? and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. However, while you are...

1 year ago
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Toms AdventuresChapter 54

It was Tuesday when Victoria made another appearance. Janet once again followed her into the library and closed the door. Victoria didn't seem happy to have her sister watching the events. She stood before Tom sitting at the desk. "Charlotte's party is on Saturday. I need to be fitted by Wednesday, or they won't have time to make my dress." Tom looked at her and expected her to continue, but she just stood there. "I still don't see why you are coming to me. I explained all of this to...

3 years ago
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Best Friends Exchange Club

A flash of memory: A modest slap on my bare butt brings me back to awareness. I'm breathing I've just run a mile, except that I seem to be lying across the thighs of a woman, on a love seat. Her fingers are gently massaging my G-spot, giving me total-body aftershocks. Across the room on the sofa, I hear my best friend Sarah in the throes of orgasm. A quick glance between my aftershocks lets me see the black hair of the woman between her thighs, apparently licking her very well. "Miriam, how...

3 years ago
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Introduction: I finally get to actually fuck my sister After over a dozen years since I have last seen my sister, Nancy, she has decided to start mending fences. It took the recent birth of her daughter to finally have her come around. She lives less than 300 miles from me, but her stubbornness has kept her away since before I was married to Nicole. On Friday morning, Nancy drove with her baby girl to see us for a four-day stay. Nancys husband is active in the military and couldnt join her on...

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The Gifts of SummerChapter 2

Waking, Summer felt the morning sunlight filtering into her bedroom. Listening as she climbed out of bed, she smiled to herself when she realized she was the first one up in the house. Quietly closing the door to the bathroom, she took a pee and brushed her teeth. Amused by the wild lioness look of her messy bed-head, she ran her hands through her auburn hair, fluffing it up while playfully growling at herself in the mirror. She considered padding out naked into the kitchen; dismissing the...

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Funtime with a whore

The following is a mail sent to me by a friend Soham (name changed) from Calcutta. Here he describes his experiences with a whore at a whore joint in the Park Street area of Calcutta, a place where I have been several times in the last 10 years. I am reproducing it with his permission. It’s great stuff. Read it… Last Sunday afternoon I had gone to the Park Street area to recover some long outstanding payment. I was expecting a cheque but I was paid a part in cheque and the remainder about...

4 years ago
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PotentialChapter 6

“Now, bitch!” Mandi came running. Starla, one of the other dancers, was sitting with her legs spread, glaring at her naked co-worker. At first, the other girls had bullied her, envious of her position - not only was she the most popular dancer at the club by far (especially with the increasingly-growing demon clientele), but Marty obviously favored her as well. Even his constant mocking hadn’t helped - the other dancers saw that he verbally treated her like trash, but continued to give her...

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Searching for Mr Right

Ever since the first time I'd had anal sex, I'd loved it. My boyfriend at the time had been very careful and gentle, preparing me well so there was no pain, only pleasure. After that first time he'd wanted my ass constantly. We bought plugs and toys, a lube injector and anal douche so that I could be ready for him whenever he wanted me. It wasn't unusual to wake up to the feeling of him sliding his thick morning wood into my welcoming rectum.That relationship ended, though, and I was left with...

4 years ago
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I Dream of DemieChapter 7

When I got home Friday evening I grabbed a beer and plopped my ass down on the couch. I was tired! It had been almost two weeks since Demie had come into my life but sometimes it felt like longer ... months ... years? I heard a cat howling outside. One of the neighbors hadn’t gotten her fixed so she was calling out for the local toms* to come put some kittens in her belly. The thought gave my dick a little pep. Cripes, my newfound impregnation kink knew no bounds! (* The irony of the...

2 years ago
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Sex In An Empty Classroom

Having lost my virginity to an older woman a few years earlier, I had been on a quest for my next sexual experience. It seemed that every girl that I would meet instantly became the object of my sexual desires. I guess that is what an undersexed teenager’s mind will do. Admittedly, there were moments of heavy petting over clothes with other girls and an occasional hand inside of a bra, but the ultimate score continued to elude me. There so many doubles and triples a guy can hit before growing...

College Sex
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A Sexy Romp Through SpaceTime

I basically wrote this story just to see if I could pull it off. It is an unedited once over piece but it has gotten good feedback so I decided to post it and see what other people think.OF WIZARDS AND STARSHIPSA SEXY ROMP THROUGH SPACE-TIME A cold and bitter wind blew through the darkened English countryside, carrying the promise of snowfall before morning. Across the land, Muggles and Wizards alike wisely chose to avoid the winter weather and instead found things to do indoors where it was...

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Pagan Sex Goddess PSG

She described herself as a Pagan Sex Goddess, that was enough to get me hooked! I had always assumed the last of those to have died out with Conan of Aquilonia. How wrong can you be Far from living in the Hyperborian age though, this one so I discovered, lived but a metaphoric hop, skip and a bungee-jump from the Grand Canyon itself. How did I find her?....I didn't. She found me! Any reader of my deviate writings would have worked out by now that I have - if not a fixation,...

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Inest Harem

Carter's POV: I rolled over on my matress. It smelled like decade old spices and various shampoos. Just my luck to have this hunk of junk on the floor. "You awake? Mother wants us ready for breakfast in five minutes." Hope tells me, popping her head into my room. My walls were covered in my paintings. Every square inch was a piece of art I dreamed up from reading the dusty books my father had left with us in this shitty hellhole. I mean, the bunker was all I knew. It was life to me. I'd been...

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My Girlfriends Girlfriend

My Girlfriend's Girl Friend Although this is fictional, many parts of this story actually happened. You, the reader can decide for yourself which are real and which are entirely a lifetime crossdresser's vivid imaginations. My name is Don. This story takes place in the late 60's when everyone had a little different or new view of their sexuality. From the time I was able to masturbate, I was in my mother's lingerie drawer trying on her silky panties and hose. I was probably 12...

4 years ago
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The Best Policy Part Two

By five o'clock on a cold winter's afternoon, the interior of St. Stephen's was warm, welcoming, and filled with any number of partially-inebriated students celebrating the imminent end of the university term. Over the muted thump of the music, voices were raised in convivial chatter, punctuated by laughter and the occasional squeal of delight or excitement. Lucas ducked through the low doorway into the main bar, unbuttoning his heavy winter coat and pulling his snow-spotted scarf from around...

Straight Sex
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The Overlords GambitChapter 9

The guardsman Roquan had hired to keep watch at the Manor gate opened it just enough to allow Amanda and Sirinna to pass. He smiled at them, allowing his gaze to roam over their naked bodies in a manner that bespoke more of appreciation rather than lasciviousness. Amanda even smiled back at him as she passed. As the two of them soon turned from the main road, they passed into the encroaching darkness of deep twilight. It lasted for only a few moments. Magical torches lined the sandy path...

2 years ago
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The Bar Flashing Wife

When we planned on going to Spain for a little trip I decided there was a fantasy of mine that I wanted me and my wife to live out.The last time we where there we visited a really nice bar.It was more of a local place than the usual British pubs that are the majority. The atmosphere is relaxed, the alcohol is top quality and the decor is quite sophisticated with its mood lighting and private booths surrounded by string curtains.The plan was for my wife to wear some kind of little summer dress...

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The Politics of Dancing

"What the fuck are we doing here. Seriously?" I growled in his ear. I was still smiling, and I doubt anyone was going to be lip reading.We were on the dance floor, my arms around his neck, slowly swaying to a crappy Lawrence Welk-wanna be band."You know what we're doing here, darling." His reply was sugar coated, sappy with his big grin. And why shouldn't he be smiling. He was dancing with the most beautiful woman in the place. The men were obviously jealous of his new trophy wife, and...

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Shes Special Ch 04

It had been two weeks and three days since that night in the kitchen with Clint. True to his word, he didn’t even try to touch her even in passing. Katherine should have been happy with that decision, but she’d known from the moment he told her she’d have to ask for it, she was screwed. She was in hell. Working with him and trying to forget the way he kissed her and made her feel was damn near impossible. Especially when he decided that he needed to share her office. In the past, she had no...

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SunniDee SD arrives at NATTC Memphis start of

My wife, SD, said she arrived at NATTC Memphis on Tuesday (December 3, 1974) after a two week break/leave from Boot Camp (Orlando Florida). She stayed with her parent’s in SoCal (Chatsworth) for that time and partied most of the time with her boyfriend and others. I found out recently (from one of her High School friends) that she was known for NOT fucking during her time as a cheerleader at Chatsworth High – she didn’t want to take any chances of getting pregnant and wanted to “save herself”...

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PornMegaLoad Moretta Coxxx Tiny Teen Gets Big Anal

How does a small girl like you take such a big cock? Have you had a lot of practice? “I’m not going to tell you the number of guys I’ve fucked, but let’s just say I have some experience. Enough to know that I love big cocks, and I can handle them. I don’t know how I take these big cocks. I just do!” Do you ever feel like big cocks stretch out your little pussy? “Yeah, totally. But I like that feeling. The guy’s cock should be so big that he can...

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Magic Returns Drafted

Drafted By Circe John Spencer yawned mightily as he waited for the scanner to finish copying his latest work. He glanced at the clock and sighed. It was past midnight, which meant that some of his fans would be already posting bets on the forum as to when or if he would upload the latest episode of his web comic "Justice for Hire." Finally the scanner beeped and a window appeared on his computer monitor. John leaned forward in his chair and smiled as he looked over the...

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The Blowup Doll

A couple enters the bedroom, holding hands. Their bodies are closely touching as their lips meet every few seconds in brief kissing. Smiles are plastered to their faces, and they occasionally laugh as their hands fumble underneath clothing, hoping to touch flesh. When the door finally closes, the girl breaks away from him and walks over to the bed, clumsily slipping out of her clothes. She bites her lip contemplatively when staring over the bed and, then, smiles as a strange idea pops in her...

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