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I have been trying to figure out what happened since I was placed into the cave. My parents named me Gregorii. Gregorii Schiff. I grew up as an Avar, learning the ways of battle at the hand and knee of my father and his brothers. I learned early that there was a treaty in place since the time of my grandfather, one that limited our moving south, over the Dan river. We raided across the river for cattle and wives whenever the signs favored our cause. I was a freeman, just as my father was, but my skills with the hammer brought me to the smithy at a young age. I learned to find ore, crush and melt the bronze, skim the dross and pour tools in clay molds carefully dug in the ground. I could swing the hammer and the axe with the best of the warriors and for longer than they could. I had to or I could not be a smith.

I must have been about four hands old when we went on a long raid. My father's health was failing from living a hard life while I was well into my prime. We crossed the river at night to avoid the river patrols. We made our way south to the next range of mountains then turned east. We had to swing north again to miss the foothills which had guard posts every day's march. Finally we came to a giant lake that I could not see across. The air smelled different. Not good, not bad. Just different. between the waves I dug my hands into the gravel beach and brought up hand fulls of stone. I saw glints in there that wasn't water. I found bits of metal and chunks of a strange orange substance that was light, yet hard. The others laughed at me as I waded down the beach, kicking the gravel back and forth, looking for more metal.

That had always been the doom of a smith. Never enough metal, never enough coal.

We had exercised our curiosity and turned north along the coast to eventually return home. About two weeks later we came to what we believed to be the Dan river, emptying out in a great fan. We turned inland again, now watching for what we could seize. I was getting older and was constantly ribbed about having wed my forge as I had no wife.

I suppose that we had thumbed our noses at our southern neighbors a bit too long. They came at us from three directions, many on horseback and many more on foot. We were but three hand fulls and regarded it as a compliment. We knew enough not to let them get between us and the water so that we had a way to break off and retreat. The only problem was their war leader knew enough to get us involved in melee and block out way to the water while it was out of sight. Once we knew that we were surrounded we pledged to do our best for the gods. We fought in waves, day then night then day again. Towards the second evening even I was getting a little tired. A storm was quickly blowing up and it refreshed me. I had my rhythm, swinging my sword and shield. A huge man came at me with a big double-bitted man killing axe. It slid off my shield and I chopped him under the arm with my tree limbing axe, the only weapon that I had left. He bled out in front of my eyes. I reached down to take up his axe as the enemy drew back, seeing me with his fearsome weapon. I shouted out my best bellow and started running for where I'd seen someone with a crown or circlet sitting a horse. The crowd around him panicked which kept him from fleeing. I cut down the horse then cut off his head. I raised my axe to the sky. It was the last thing I knew for what I later found to be a very, very long time.

When I woke I HURT. Everything from my hair to my toenails yelled at me, and everything in between joined in the awful chorus. I groaned and covered my face with my hand. It was then that I knew that something was wrong. My hand felt wrong. My face felt wrong. My jaw stuck out. I had a big goddamned nose and my eyebrow stretched across my forehead. I had high cheekbones and sunken eyes. I was lying on a rock slab somewhere. It was pitch black. I could hear water off in the distance. I was suddenly thirsty as hel. I struggled to my feet and almost fell on the floor. What a joke--me, a big, strong smith not able to get up off his ass. When I did manage to stand up I noticed that my arms were nearly long enough to touch the ground as I stood. I nodded. They would give me quite the reach in combat and help enormously at the forge.

I squinted in the dark. Slowly, slowly I began to see features. I was in a cave somewhere. There were chests all around the slab I had been laying on. They were for later. I really wanted that water! I followed my ears until I found a pool with a little rill falling into it. I dipped my hands in and brought the sweet, sweet liquor to my mouth. I hawked and spat to the side, then coughed out what must have been a handful of what looked like coal dust. I washed my hands, arms, face and chest in the water, then drank again. It looked like I was glowing. I held my hand open to the ground. I could see the gravel by the light my hand gave off. I smiled. I'd never need to fumble in the dark again. I washed the rest of myself, including the hair that somehow had grown to fall down my back to my hips, and my beard that did the same. By the look at the club hanging from my crotch I didn't need a weapon. All I had to do was to threaten to ... Nope. Not even funny. As I found my way back to the slab I woke on I mindlessly braided my beard and hair to keep them out of the way. A smith couldn't afford wild hair anywhere lest they be laughed at for big bald spots caused by their inattention at the forge.

Back at the slab I cast open the various chests to see what was left me. Most were full of ingots of metal. I slapped my hand to my forehead. This was a king's fortune. I closed the chests and peered around, looking for what else had been left, either on purpose or by chance. My axe and shield lay near where my head was, and that huge fucking war axe that I had taken in combat lay near where my feet were. At one side I found my pack and was thankful. Within were my hammer, tongs, fire kit, travelling gear and some spare clothing. I opened it to find all the food dried to powder and my spare clothing was sized for a man two feet taller than I was, and much slimmer. Well, I had breeks to keep my ass off the stone and an over shirt that I could cut down to my knees (once I split open the sides). The belt was much too short. I had to resort to a piece of rope.

I was getting hungry. I searched about the cave. I found a path that led away from the spring, past the slab and ended at a pile of rock. I began putting them to one side. I wasn't in the best of moods when I came upon a stone plug that filled the entire passageway. Somebody didn't want me getting out. Fuck them. I brought out my hammer and started tapping around on the stone, which I found to be quite sound, then on the surrounding stone. I was lucky to find some rotted areas, or seams. I could almost see how they angled. I used my bronze limbing axe as a chisel (poor thing!) and followed the seams, loosing great shelves of stone from around the plug. I had nothing else to do but sleep, drink, pee and work. Within three days I had enough space opened up to squeeze past the blockage. I found nothing but smaller stones wedging the plug into place on the other side. Someone had carved many runes into the face of the cave a long while ago since they were well worn. I slowly made out the words.

"Lightning struck a warrior lies never dying ever sleeping always cursed always blessed beware the day the sleeper wakes."

What the hel? I felt hammer-struck not lightning struck. I had been re-shaped, and that was the work of a hammer.

I looked up into the stars of the night sky. I could see the grass blades beneath my feet as if it were an overcast day. I looked about for landmarks so that I would not lose my treasure or safe holding. A few rocks and pulled-up bushes hid the opening quite well, as far as I could see. Once supplied with a blanket, some heavy cord, a knife, my fire kit, a weapon and a leather bag full of sweet water all in my pack I went off looking for break-fast.

I found a stream where I retrieved several stones the size of my fist. I turned upstream and waded in the water so as not to disturb the game coming down to drink. I took a wild hog that way. Once it was gutted and cleaned up I hauled it back to the cave. I had noticed a deep depression that appeared very dark to me and felt quite cold to my skin. I cut the pig into sections, then took them down into the pit. I kept back the skin. One could always use leather.

I went out with my pitifully beaten axe and gathered firewood, as well as some slender green wood for making a drying rick. I wanted to preserve some meat for carrying with me.

I thought about all that wealth in the chests. I realized that no sane man would go about with that much wealth and not have the necessities of life as well. I went back through the chests and piled them against the wall of the cave to keep them both together and sorted. I came upon a chest of linens, bowls and table wear. The linens were hopeless, rotted away. I smiled and kept the remains. If twisted and braided they would make fine lamp wicks. Some of the bowls were obviously intended to be used as lamps, some as cooking vessels, some as drinking vessels. The brass table services needed a good sand bath to get rid of the green, as did the vessels. I could clean some suet from the pig into lard with boiling water. My tongs would serve me well. I looked for an awl but did not find one. I used my tongs to break away a tine from a fork then polished it sharp against the floor. This I used to fashion a bag from the pig skin to hold the finished lard.

I didn't seem to need much sleep. I ate when I needed, drank when I needed, slept when I needed and used the bushes when I needed. I kept no calendar or track of the days while I worked. Why? What would it gain me?

I was thinking about that cave and the fact that I had no forge. It came to mind that I had not fully explored the cave and did not know where the smoke went from the fire. I began exploring with my left hand never leaving the wall. To this day I have no idea where I went and how long it took. I seemed to be taken to places that should not be there, that smelled of dry dust one moment and rotting forest floor the next. I came upon an opening filled with pumice and bits of rotten trees. I used my axe and fingers to tear it open, revealing a short passageway into a broad domed chamber with a shelf to stand on, dropping away into the dark beyond that. The wind constantly howled up past me, tearing at my clothing. An anvil the size of a king's bed stood at the edge and a river of molten fire dropped down into the vaguely visible depths below, illuminated through the smoke and fire by the stream of white hot lava. I thought to myself 'this is a forge fit for a god. I am not a god." I turned away, back across the shelf, back to the passageway. I heard a tremendous crash behind me. The ground beneath my feet shook a bit. Once securely braced within the passageway I turned to see what had happened when I retreated. There was nothing left but the chimney and waterfall of white hot lava. If I, in my pride, had stayed then I would have been annihilated.

Quite rattled, I continued exploring. I stopped after a while to eat some dried meat, drink a bit of water and wind up in my blanket for a little sleep. Upon rising I continued. I did not guess, I did not anticipate, I did not attempt to encourage fate as to what would happen next.

Something flipped through my mind, pausing here, dashing there, exploring elsewhere. I stood stock still, not quite knowing what to think about the sensation. When I continued I came upon a heavy wooden door with an arched top. I pulled it open and slowly eased my way within.

After walking down a passageway with a bend in it I found myself in a grassy glade. There were jagged, young mountains rising all about me. I could see in the moonlight that a tall waterfall in the distance splashed into a large pool. That fed a stream that cut the valley and led away somewhere.

A forge made of huge stone blocks was laid against one of the cliffs beneath an overhang that protected the working area. A strong breeze blew up from within a crevice in the side of the mountain, blowing across the firebox. I walked about the glade. Someone had brought in slabs of rock to fashion a two room cabin against the cliff side near the forge. There was no furniture to be found within it, but a small fireplace was built into one end and a deep counter lay built into the walls surrounding the fireplace, hip-height on me and nearly four feet deep. A ways away lay a privy. I looked out at the sky and did not recognize any of the star formations. Someone, something somewhere was playing games with me.

I was not a toy to be played with. I felt something like despair, something like fatalism as I stripped and sat outside the cabin. I sat down to sleep. When I awoke, I sat there a while, then did my best to fall back asleep. Despite hunger and thirst, I forced myself to fall back asleep. It was a beautiful place to die.

I woke lying in a quiet pool of the stream, warmed by the sun. I was weak from lack of food. I crawled back out of the water and slowly made my way on all fours back to the wall of the cabin. There I curled up and went back to sleep.

I awoke in the arms of a huge being, covered in short silvery fur. She had the eyes, ears and mouth of a cat. I felt her dugs pressing into my back. She said nothing yet I heard a voice.

"Do not try to die again. I am more patient than you are. You were brought here to be tested to see if you had the right balance. I suppose that it is only fair that I have been tested as well.

I have found a race that needs guiding. You have been shaped to be their teacher. They are born, live, breed and die deep within the mountains like animals, yet they have a language that has been handed down to them from father to son. They rarely if ever see the light of the sun. They forage only at night. I have brought you here to give balance to their lives. They live under ancient prophecies that have become curses through narrow-minded interpretation.

Near here is another cave that backs onto an enormous hard coal seam. I shall have your metal and more moved here. You must practice with the new metal. You must learn to call it, sing to it, listen to it. The tempering and quenching of it will teach you a new art. Another close cave will lead you to a long mountain valley with a broad floor and good water, designed for hunting and the raising of crops. Many more such valleys are close to that one. Teach yourself, find the others then teach them. This is your task. This is your doom." I fell asleep in her arms.

I slowly rose to make my way back to the cabin where my pack lay. I thought long and hard about what I had been tasked with. I slowly ate my dried meat, then folded a pallet and slept on the cabin's shelf with my pack for a pillow.

After I rose I circled the pool, to pull out dead limbs to dry for firewood. At one side of the water I found cattails. I cut them to weave storage baskets and gathering baskets from the reeds, nearly mindlessly as I had as a youth. Each day I returned to cut more cattails, to find them replenished. I gave my thanks and continued. With six poles driven into the ground in pairs I built a mat loom. Using cordage, a lifter bar and a beater bar, mats made from green or dried reeds can be fashioned that can serve as doors, roofs, walls, bedding, blankets and furniture. I wove a small amount for my current usage, then hung as many reeds as I could forage to dry for later use. I managed to flip a few large fish out of the pool onto the shore where I baked them in clay.

I found the coal cave. There I filled my baskets and brought them back to my as-yet unused forge. I continued to weave baskets and harvest coal until my arms and back ached. I slowly regained my strength. I cold-hammered my axe back into shape and gave it its edge back. Cold hammering bronze makes it harder, tougher.

I found the hunting and farming valley that was promised. I left it for later. I needed seed, tools and patience to make it fruitful. I had little of any of that at the time.

I passed out of the door I had dug to the outside world. I took along several small gathering baskets, a handfull of mixed coins from the chests and a blanket worn as to cover all but my pack. I noticed that the coins were of various sizes and mixed metals, some bronze, some silver and some, the smallest, were of gold.

By purchase, hook or crook I was going to find salt. I needed it desperately.

It was muddy, the early spring of the year. I had difficulty seeing in the bright sunlight. I took a piece of leather and fashioned small slits in it, then tied it across my eyes with a few short thongs. I must have looked the very travesty of a man. I was short, wide, dark and stumped along like a walking boulder.

I came upon a trade road next to a river. Could it have been the old Dan? No. I recollected the words of the old one. I had been transported elsewhere. I took careful note of my landmarks then followed the road down river. I lived on game and water for some weeks until I came to a large town. It had no palisade about it, but a stone wall. Impressive! A lot of work had gone into that wall, as it was twice as tall as a man. I knew that it was thick and strong enough to support platforms because I saw men's heads and shoulders standing behind it. I followed the road along to a gate where guards were letting people through.

"What is your name?" I thought it better to make something up.

"Eric the smith."

"Why do you come here?" Stupid man. To trade. Why else?

"Supplies. Trade." He looked me up and down. He must not have thought much of me because he let me through without any more questions.

Once within the gates I spotted many children, filthy and ill-dressed, sitting in the dirt at the edge of the street. They all watched carefully. I motioned an older one over to me. He was almost as tall as I was. With all the greedy eyes about I did not wish to show coin.

"I want a load of salt and a mule. Take me to where I can buy such and I promise payment."

"What payment?"

"A bronze the size of my smallest fingernail." I held out my hand for him to see. He turned and walked away. I did not know that we had a contract until he impatiently turned his head and motioned me to follow. I shrugged and followed behind. I kept my eyes open and my hand on the haft of my axe. If I were led into a trap it would not be me doing the dying that day. I did feel a bit naked without my shield though.

He must have been an honest fellow as we stayed by the widest of streets. I soon found myself in a cobbled courtyard half surrounded by corrals, sheds and warehouses. Yes. This was where I wanted to be. I paid off the youngster who appeared very happy to not have been scalded in the deal. Before he left I asked, "Where can I find food and shelter for the night? Is there anyplace close?"

He nodded, happy with his new wealth. I realized then that I had overpaid. Oh, well. He nodded at one street leading off between two warehouses. "There are several places down that street that cater to the carters and the traders. Go down a block before you pick one or they'll skin you."

I found a factor by looking for a signboard on one of the warehouses. Once allowed in by the guards I asked for four mules with pack saddles, two to be loaded with good salt and a third with cracked dried grain. I also wanted a bushel of seed wheat to be placed in smaller bags and distributed among the animal's loads. We haggled on a price, then I added a silver to insure that I would get healthy beasts able to pull a plow for five years or so if they were well tended to. I contracted to pick them up early in the morning of the second day. We signed a contract and I paid him half his due, the rest to be paid upon receipt.

I went shopping for iron pots and other cooking furniture, a good piece of rope to pull the rock away from the cave entrance, A plane, bits and a brace to make pegged furniture, an empty mattress that I could stuff with grasses, canvas to make clothes as well as cover the cottage openings, a few buckets and several good wool blankets. I would need twine for many things so I bought out what several vendors had. I bought enough sacks to let me load my purchases on the fourth mule. I spotted a vendor selling dried-up wrinkled apples from the last year's harvest. I bought several pounds worth to make friends with the mules.

I made a special trip to where I heard the ring of hammers on anvils. There I bought steel tools to replace my bronze ones. I needed a hammer, tongs, several punches and chisels a small vise and a fifty pound anvil. While there I also bought shovels, a pick, scythe blades and a pitch fork.

One smith was a blade maker. He had some done some very nice work. I bought a long knife in a sewn sheath from him. I wanted to examine it to see what he had done, and I needed a short-sword. I couldn't go around swinging an axe in town, after all. The soldiers frown on that, thinking that you're hunting on their private territory or something like that. All this fit into a barrow cart that I took back to the factor for safe keeping.

I paid the landlord of the Sheaf of Wheat for a room that I wouldn't have to share and a locking door. After visiting the room I realized that I had bed-mates after all after lifting a corner of the mattress and seeing things moving. I was not amused.

I found an apothecary not to far away. There I purchased a big jar of burn salve, a pound of peppers, a dozen candles, a quarter pound of sulfur and a small glazed dish, all for a silver. "Bed bugs bite?"

"I'm not going to give them the chance to try."

"Better air the place out for an hour before you sleep or you won't want to be in there, either. Beat the bedclothes and shift the mattress before fuming the place."

"Yep. I've done this before. Works good on bearskins, too." We parted with a wave.

Once back at the inn I set a chunk of sulfur the size of a small walnut on top of the dish. That went under the bed. Then I cocked the mattress to expose the supports and stretched out the bedding on the floor. I lit the censer and left with my pack over my arm. It didn't need sulfuring. I sat at a table slowly drinking beer, or ale, or whatever the hell that came out of his barrels. I soon heard coughing and wheezing as a few people came down the stairs. They started getting all indignant and complaining until I told them that I was killing all the bedbugs. Then it was all smiles and I got a few free beers. It didn't seem to hit me like it used to. I just got a little happy and stayed that way.

When I noticed evening creeping up on us I went up to throw open the window and door. Back down stairs I ordered my meal, ate, used the privy and went back up to beat the stink out of my bedding and go to sleep. I hammered a wood peg between the knob-side of the door and the frame to keep it closed. I was not bothered during the night.

In the morning I dressed, packed my gear and went down stairs. I wasn't about to leave my valuables alone and undefended in a strange city. If I owned something, it was going to stay that way until I had something to say about it. I did strap that big knife to my waist, under my blanket.

I had the entire day to explore. I had a few things that I wanted to buy but I had all day to find them. First came a trip to the privy and breakfast.

Two big guys tried to kill me on my way to the crapper. I guess that they never heard that you don't try to bushwhack an Avar without expecting to lose some people. With my new longer reach I snaked out that fancy new knife to cut one of them up high inside the groin. He was down and dying before he knew it. The other one tried to block my blade, but he caught my forehand across the temple which sheared through the front of his skull. I wiped off the knife and admired it again. Damn. Nice work! Then I raided the bodies for loot and weapons and pissed on the both of them. I did up my breeks and went back inside.

I was eating my sausages and bread with a short beer when all the yelling started.

"Who's gonna pay to get rid of the bodies?"

"I guess the guy that told them a trader with coin had a room upstairs." He turned a few shades whiter and backed up into the kitchen while keeping an eye on me. I was sipping on my second short beer when an older fellow, dressed in black leathers with silver shoulder patches walked in and eased down into a stool across from me. He ordered a beer like mine and we sat sipping, just enjoying the morning, you know?

"Had a little excitement on the way to the pisser?"

"Eh, a little. Took out the trash."

He nodded. "Good way to put it." He reached out a hand and we shook. "Hey, watch the landlord. The way he acted when I accused him of putting them onto me, well, the glove sure fits." He grinned and nodded. After he left I took the rest of my stuff down to the factor's for keeping. I took the barrow with me for shopping. I had a feeling that I'd be needing it.

Then I started wandering. I didn't plan it that way, but it was Saturday and the streets were packed. I felt a few fingers searching for my wallet. I left the fingers, just damaged a bit. I found the weavers. Good. I wanted a high quality waterproof hooded cloak or two that would blend into the background. One lightweight, one winter weight. They had a few light and heavy tunics that would fit me as well. The leather workers had good thigh-high boots, gauntlets, belts, pouches, a tunic reinforced with sewn-in rings and a long hooded over-cloak that would stop any wind and was built to wrap around me almost twice, even with a pack on my back. It was made of tanned, dark-dyed deerskin so it wasn't that heavy. I bought quite a few things there along with a couple jars of cream to keep the leather garments waterproof and flexible. Once I figured out what was in the salve I 'd be making my own.

Then I was headed back to the smiths. I wanted a couple big bags of white bitter earth for welding. I'd watched one of them working the day before and that's what he used. I examined his work after words. It made a fine, nearly invisible weld. I also stopped back to visit the arms maker and complimented him on the performance of his work. We stood there for a while examining the short sword after its trial. Not a mark was to be found. We shook hands, grinning like fatuous fools.

I found a book-seller. Now, that was amazing in itself. Most book-sellers were found up near the high-rent district where the guard could be summoned in a flash. I greeted the short slender fellow behind the counter and asked him if he had anything to interest an old smith. He looked at me kind of funny. For a moment I thought that his face looked like a cat's, but I quickly shook it off. Too many fumes, I supposed. That foundry area wasn't any too well vented.

He smiled all the way up to his eyes, which crinkled. He asked me to wait a moment, then turned to the back of his shop, where he disappeared for a bit. I looked around and found a seat to wait in. I supposed that it was a tease, but there was a slender book bound in a smooth silvery material resting on the table. I took it up and opened it towards the center. I saw long runes with hooks at the bottoms. I shrugged and was about to close it, when I found that I was reading the damned thing. It was discussing maker's chants. I flipped towards the front of the book to find recipes involving sand and ash. What the hell was 'glass'? I knew what tin was, but floating glass on molten tin? When he came back with two books I asked him if he knew what glass was. He dropped the books on the counter and lost his breath for a moment, then sat down.

"You can read that?"

I held it up and twisted it in the light. a faint pattern was inscribed in the cover. "Yuh. I don't know how or why, but I can. It talks about floating glass on molten tin in one place."

He looked at me very, very seriously. "The people that wrote that are so long gone that all we have left of them are the books, the books that nobody can understand. But you can. Unbelievable." He shot to his feet. "Do not, under any circumstances, leave. I have something that you should have. I received it long ago and held out hope against hope of ever selling it, much less selling it to someone that could use it. Stay here."

That little man seemed to grow six inches as he dashed back into his shop. This time it took nearly an hour. He returned covered in grime, carrying what appeared to be a finely made chest, grinning like a fool. He gently placed it on the counter. Instead of a key way it held a flat plate holding the top closed. He spoke as if in a house of worship. "If this is what I believe it to be, your thumb on the plate will open it."

I'd never heard of a thumb lock, or even the possibility of creating such a thing. Nevertheless I placed my right thumb flat against the panel. I saw a slight blue-purple flash, then a moment later I heard a loud click. The lid lifted a bit beneath my hand.

He was in his house of worship. He whispered, "By The Maker." I gently eased back the lid. Within were some twenty rows of tightly packed miniature books, each perhaps half the length of my little finger tall. I gently prised one free and took it out of the chest. By the time I had it in my hands it was about two feet tall, two feet wide and six inches thick. Now, this made no damned bit of sense to me. I gently opened the book to find it filled with diagrams and very regular tiny script, all done in those odd characters with tiny hooks at the bottoms. The pages were almost thin enough to see through. There could have been a thousand pages--or more-- in that book alone. "There is not enough time in a person's life to read so much." I caught him in my gaze. I felt myself almost panting. "You know what this is. I can see it in your face. Tell me."

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The world is dying, but it has been so since the coming of the Chaos Gods. For years beyond reckoning, the Ruinous Powers have coveted the mortal realm. They have made many attempts to seize it, their anointed champions leading vast hordes into the lands of men, elves and dwarfs. Each time, they have been defeated. But a storm is building, and enemies of the Dark Gods must stand united or fall one by one. In the frozen lands of Norsca, savage tribes of Chaos worshipers clamor and struggle...

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Warhammer Emergence of Malevolence

At the heart of the Old World sprawls the Empire, the largest and most powerful of the human realms. Known for its engineers, sorcerers, traders and soldiers, it is a land of great mountains, mighty rivers, dark forests and vast cities. And from his throne in Altdorf reigns the Emperor Karl-Franz, sacred descendant of the founder of these lands, Sigmar, and wielder of his magical hammer. But these are far from civilized times. Across the length and breadth of the Old World, from the knightly...

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Hammerson House

Hammerson House by Zedd I inherited the old Hammerson mansion when I was 22, back in 1992. At that time I was busy doing my stint in the navy, keeping the country safe and all. So I never had the time to come and take a look at the old place until now. Of course, 'now' was seven years later with me out of the service and still having no source of money. All I had to show for my efforts were a duffel bag full of almost out of date clothes, except for blue jeans, and $27 in a...

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Hammerson House 3 A Special Girl

Hammerson House 3: One Special Girl By Zedd The Mansion was looking good both inside and out. Shingles on the roof had been replaced, gutters cleaned and repaired, new paint or siding had been done, and the front deck had been completely rebuilt. Melissa liked the way things were going. Melissa Hammerson. That was her name now since inheriting the house from her great Aunt. Although, she didn't exactly look like she did when she finally showed up to claim it. It took a little...

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i was on a web site looking for well endowed black men .one day i seen one he had a 10inch cock and liked bbws .so i sent him a link to get back to me in now time he adid me back and we met at a hotel .as soon as we were in the room he orderd me to take all my cloths off. as i was pulling my nickers down knock was at the door he was naked his cock was so thick and long it was like a rounders bat but black he opend the door and eight black men came in . iwas stood there...

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Hammers Garden of Rare Beauties

Hammer's Garden of Rare Beauties By Rohmer Fan I reloaded my shotgun after another zombie burst into bloody pieces. Ever since I graduated high school last month, I had done almost nothing else but play this zombie game at the truck stop down the road from my house. A neighbor of mine worked behind the cash register and showed me how to open the machine and get all the free games I wanted. Because my parents both worked graveyard shifts at Walmart, I had a lot of time to...

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Warhammer The Smut Times

In a part of the Warp.. The Elven Archer Kerrilian is on the floor, pinned by Norscan slavers and bred by them for pleasure, her eyes empty and her tongue out and wet.. her mind broken. In another she is with her party, slaightering the same slavers along with hordes of Skaven . A Tau woman is captured by the forces of Chaos, her cunt assaulted and moaning as she felt these new pleasures.. In another, she is executed by a Commisar. The same Commisar is captured by Drukhari slavers, she is...

3 years ago
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Warhammer 40k the assassin and the untouchable

Bloody Sunday walked the station of footfall, looking for something. A small itch in the back of his mind spurred him on, as the dead blue eyes behind the metal mask scanned impassively, sizing up the local muscle. Casually vaulting the metal turnstiles, he strolled into a small encampment of beggars. The traditional cries of "alms, alms" abruptly ceased, and most of the beggars looked away if he stared at them. Walking the encampment, he stopped as a pair of young adults were getting into a...

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Warhammer 40000 Take as PrizeChapter 2

“I am afraid I do not quite follow. I know that navigators are queerly helpful aboard ships – they cannot seem to sail without them. Further, I know that the navigator families own quite a deal of wealth. Navis Nobiline, the saying goes, never a day without a golden throne for the pocket and for the loo. But, well, I don’t see the connection between them and your cruise and the sailing and such.” Jon paused in his conversation to move a piece on the Regicide board set between him and Vynn....

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Warhammer 40000 Take as PrizeChapter 3

Being away from her ship filled Vynn with an intense, animal excitement. It was not that she longed to be away from the Hegemony – far from it – rather, it was that she was taking part in a Captain’s tradition as old as the oldest heroes of the Age of Conquest. They were legends, whispered names: Fletcher, Church, Bordeaux, Genoveis, Sysko. And now she was joining their ranks, setting foot on an alien world, bearing the Imperial flag, backed by armsmen and a true natural scientist in the form...

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Warhammer 40000 Take as PrizeChapter 4

Rumble rumble, rata-tat-tat. The sound of the drums carried along every deck, every corridor, into every berth and nook and cranny. The officers in their quarters to the twists in the lower holds heard it, and went to their assigned posts with a will. That sound was to be obeyed, drill or not, and there was a crackling rumor that moved cross the Hegemony at a speed faster than even transtelepathic message: This was no drill. In the high gilded spires of the Navigator’s home, Regencia put her...

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Warhammer 40000 Take as PrizeChapter 5

Kar’Toba was, of course, welcomed aboard the bridge in the same way that a visiting god or the physical reincarnation of the Emperor, or a prize agent might be welcomed aboard. With bows and doffed caps and murmured snatches of High Gothic that may have been complimentary but tended to be so half-recalled that the officers in question may have been telling him about his finely shined shoes or the way that he looked like green vomitus. Kar’Toba took this all as his due, while Jon and Vynn...

2 years ago
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Warhammer 40000 Take as PrizeChapter 6

Vynn was in the midst of shaving her legs, a most odious and irritating chore that she preferred never be imagined by her crew, her confessor, her companions, even the Emperor himself she’d prefer not think too much on how her legs remained smooth. While an Aquiosian had little body hair, thanks to years of harsh selection favoring those who were the best at swimming and evading the numerous horrors of the oceanic xenofauna that made her homeworld a Death World and not merely a garden...

1 year ago
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Warhammer Fantasy Dark Tidings

Demon Prince. Everchosen. The Neverborn. The Ruiner. The Despoiler. These were the names thought by those who saw Orgmund, or Raghaz as he went now. Though born a human, he was a warrior and wizard without peer, and devoted entirely to the Chaos Gods. With such benefactors, his skills did not go unnoticed for long. He was marked by Chaos from a young age, and his gods giggled with every life he took, moaned with every ounce of blood spilt, roared with every home pillaged, and whispered power...

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Star Struck

It's 2am. I wake up needing to go to the toilet. Rather than relieve myself in the ensuite I go down the hall to the family bathroom. Light comes from the gap under the closed door of my daughters bedroom. My daughter is having a sleep over with a few friends I hear quiet giggling. I head down the hall to the kitchen, pour a glass of water, and head out on to the patio to enjoy a quiet moment under the stars. I sit in a deck chair. The sky is full of stars. Living in the countryside there is...

4 years ago
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21 A Deal Is Struck

4:57 P.M., Monday, July 13, 2015 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI The day had started normally enough: Ted Michaels’ cousin Rosi and her fiancé John were staying for a couple of days and they had offered to fix dinner. Having fallen short of mangos, Rosi had asked Ted to go pick a few and John, charged with dessert, had added figs to nature’s grocery list. There were several spots on Ted’s land where he could pick mangos OR figs, but only one spot where they grew close together. So,...

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It was 1987 and nine year old Shirley Mansell was sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the TV. It was the one night of the week that she really looked forward to, and tonight was going to be that extra bit special. She was oblivious to everything going on around her ... a bomb could have gone of in the street outside and she wouldn't have noticed, or been interested. Then... ... It's still number one, it's Top of the Pops! Shirley liked most of the songs in the show that week and...

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The downpour hit hard and fast. So hard, in fact, that just the sound of the heavens opening and the deluge smashing against the concrete slabs outside made us both jump. The day started off with a low, cold, harsh sun, the kind that forces you to squint as a bitter wind pinches at your face. The kind of weather that stops customers from heading to your pub, no matter if the heating was on full and the beer was good...I moved from my usual spot in the hatch to get a closer look at the rain...

3 years ago
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Victor and my new sex toy

Victor and my new sex toy It was a lazy Sunday morning in bed. We were snuggling. Back to back. Butt to butt. I woke up first and watched my loving Victor still relaxing for the past hours. We had been fucking all night long like crazy. We had sucked and licked each other, I had been tied to the bed as he had fucked my arse… I turned around and leaned over, kissing him on the neck in way to show him my satisfaction. I looked down and laughed to myself. When I kissed him, the last cum from...

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From BDSM Sex Slave To A 8216Wife8217

Hello everyone, my name is Ajay Kumar and I am based in Visakhapatnam. A little introduction about me. I became bi-sexual under different circumstances. I was later diagnosed with erectile dysfunction which made me more drawn towards the bisexual world. The following story is a work of fiction, which I hope happened in my life. It’s a bit lengthy and sorry for any grammatical errors. I am an active member of gay dating sites looking for Dominant Masters and Couples. I was browsing through...

Gay Male
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the girls next door pt1

He watched as an older military type of man and a very hot redhead got out of the car and walked in. He could tell the man was definitely military by how he was walking and talking to the redhead that could only be his wife. He was easily 6'4" and ripped and looed to be about 37. He was most likely assigned to the army base about 15 miles away. The red head was gorgeous for being around 30. She was 5’9" probably about 130lbs with what John suspected was probably 34DD tits and a gorgeous...

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Transition in Lessor Plumpton

The private bar of the Cock Inn, Lesser Plumpton was a bit more private than most. The residents of the village used it for orgies to which selected paying guests were invited. Currently it was occupied by a couple of country solicitors a doctor. A lab technician and their business people spouses who were fucking as if it was going out of fashion.Di was the Cocks part time cook and had just finished deserts so she went through to the bar to chat to the barmaid. Lisa was filling in as the...

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As I walk by the window of a restraunt I notice a gentleman sitting in the corner booth all alone. It is very cold out today. Damn me for wearing my favorite jean skirt that barely covers my ass. At least I decided to wear my black leather knee high boots. As I pull my arms around my waist I notice my nipples are hard. Crap, I should go have a cup of coffee and warm up a bit. As I enter the restraunt I notice there are a number of people inside. I take a seat at the table...

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The History

Hi!!I’m Ashu,18 ,male, from Mumbai. This is another of my creations for all your readers enjoy!!! And mail your comments on A lot of history has happened since then, but there are parts of that year I remember like it was yesterday. I remember being a shy, eighteen-year-old kid, in my second-last year of high school, and I remember that I was not exactly Mister Popularity, either. I remember that feeling of not always fitting in, although I still had a few friends of my own, and I wasn’t a...

4 years ago
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Naturist School CounselorChapter 5 The Tension Builds

The pajama party was fun, but just sitting around as we waited for camp to 'go to bed' was hard. I distracted myself by volunteering to help clean up after the pajama party, but tonight wasn't my turn to make sure that the cabin got to sleep, so I had at least half hour to kill before things started to get interesting. Luckily I wasn't alone as Katie and Julie soon joined me in the counselor's cabin. They were still wearing their silk teddies and I took a moment to admire the view before...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush River Lynn 07102021

“You see that? That’s cornbread and palates there. I’m going to fuck that and right there’s were my dick is going to be. I’m going to fuck that,” states ISIAH the stud to the MAX as he gazes in awe of today’s ambushee. WELL put. Very WELL put my man. I kind of wish I was putting my dick right in there as well because River Lynn is one fine piece of ass and I’m sure as fuck thinking everyone watching this is wishing the same. So you guessed it and River is fresh off her first ever sex on camera...

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The woman in red or a little more christmas tale

The trip had started with promise but so far it's reality had gone from bad to worse through an almost unbelievable series of events. Canceled flights, delays, and now the storm delay. I won't bore you with all of the details. Suffice it to say that it was christmas eve and late enough that the airport was down to only a few travelers and employees who either had no life or drew the short straw. The incoming plane for my flight was delayed and so I sat in relative silence and continued...

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Bumping on my former black trainer

That Wednesday early morning I woke up feeling my black lover’s seed flooding out from my stretched anus. I had a warm shower and I felt horny again, recalling the wild good sex session I had with Jimmy the day before.At midday I went to the gym for a rather good workout. On my way out to the parking lot I bumped in to David, my former black trainer, who had given me some wild sex moments in the past. We chatted for a while and I got wet as he said I looked gorgeous as ever.After some flirty...

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Sex With My Neigbhor Pooja

Hi to all gals /aunty /women this is true story and it was happen with me first time so I need to share this with all my one of the friend suggest me to post my story here so I am here if any gals/aunty/women or lady wanna have fun with me the they are always welcome you can mail on Let’s start this story is true and still now no one know this except my close friend this was happen when I’m in BSC (IT) final year. I was usually busy in my studies and my exam was on my head as you know mumbai...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Shalina Devine Desperate Anal MILF

Hot MILF Shalina Devine picks up a stranded Vince Karter, taking him back to her place. The dirty blonde wears a tight mini dress to start, but she surprises Vince by changing clothes: She dons sexy lingerie. Shalina caresses her body, flaunting big tits and tan, long legs as the stud watches the show. They kiss and caress; Vince fingers her twat and eats her out, and the busty babe gives him a blowjob. Messy cocksucking leads to hard fucking, with Shalina riding dick and Vince slamming into...

2 years ago
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Special institution for naughty girls 18 to 22 Cha

CHAPTER 4It was as Jacinda found out to begin very soon. Just after dinner a wardress approached giving the order to follow her. What’s going to happen asked Jacinda. OK the wardress said walk beside me. As Jacinda complied the wardress said, from what I have heard. You are going to get your knickers taken down. You are going to get severe cunnilingus.I don’t know what that is replied Jacinda, does it hurt. Well replied the wardress it hurts alright you will be barking like a rapid dog before...

4 years ago
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Autoloading ShotgunChapter 5 A wedding proposal

Leah joined us after we had finished our cigars, and Mrs. Schwartz came out very shortly thereafter. We talked for about an hour before it was time for bed. I left for my hotel room and walked on air the whole way! WOW!!! I became a fixture at the Schwartz home over the next week. I was invited to dinner every night except Saturday for the next eight days. I did not think about the missing Saturday invitation—I just assumed that Mrs. Schwartz was tired of fixing enough food for a freeloader....

3 years ago
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Every Breath You Take

‘Every breath you take, you will go deeper into trance for me. ‘I know. It doesn’t sound like much of an induction, does it? You were probably expecting something to do with hypnotic spirals, or glittering crystals, or an endless recitation of your body parts and how they were relaxing one by one. But really, I don’t need all that. You don’t need all that. Your own mind does most of the work when you go into trance. All I really need to do is show you the way. ‘And now that I’ve shown you the...

1 year ago
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Jans quest

The night was young. Jan left the cubicle after a long hot shower, beads of water dripped from her skin to the floor, wetting the towel mat and the cool tiles. She took a towel from the rail but did not wipe her glistening skin with it, but draped it over her shoulders. She opened the bathroom door, looked left and right down the corridor, then boldly walked slowly down to her bedroom. It was early evening and she could have run into a member of her family. Jan half-wanted that to happen but...

4 years ago
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C-Bob grinned at himself in the bathroom mirror. Shiny teeth glinted in the yellow light and he narrowed his eyes in what he imagined was a steely, piercing and hot squint. Looking good, he told himself for the fifteenth time since he started getting showered and dressed. He couldn't resist looking downward at the heavy flaccid tube dangling between his thighs. It looked very realistic, thick veins coursing along the fat shaft, a bulbous dark-colored head bobbing several inches from...

2 years ago
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A nice surprise

Steven and Lyndsey had a great sex life. No complaints from either of them, but they liked to try new things and keep it fun and interesting. One day Steven asked if she would like to go for a drive in the evening. He had a look in his eye that she knew meant more than just a nice evening drive. She was intrigued and of course said yes. She found it very hard saying no to Steven. All day she tried to get clues from him as to where they were going. Each time the reply was the same, ‘It’s a...

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Introducing the Princess in Black

This was being read by the highest paid hitwoman/female spy in the world, known only as the Princess in Black. She was finishing her cup of tea as she read the rest of the information. On its first trip, the ship was to carry the richest customers of them all, and the agency's new client needed for all of them to disappear. They were their competitors in the business world. Her mission was to locate the captain, replace him and take the ship to the client's private island, to be found...

4 years ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 16 Old Rivals

Helen was enjoying the Saturday afternoon drifting through her favorite mall. She was not really out to buy anything specific, but she enjoyed the leisure. It was a rare treat for a single mother to have an afternoon for herself and she wanted to make the most of it. Irina had volunteered to have Larissa for the afternoon and Helen much appreciated the offer. Of course, Irina would spoil her granddaughter rotten, but to Helen’s mind that was far preferable to her own parents’s...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex Life II Sophomore SeasonChapter 5

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 “What’s on your mind,” I asked as I closed my car door carefully. Jen seemed to stiffen and forced herself to turn towards me in her seat so that she couldn’t avoid looking at me. “What I said about the dance wasn’t entirely true.” “So you DO want to go to the dance?” I said with a lopsided grin. “I don’t know,” she said softly. “Let me finish.” “OK,” I replied, letting her continue. “I have gone to a dance before. It was, it was horrible.” “Go on,” I...

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The Mind Control Device Short Schoolgirl Studies Anal

A teenage girl jogged with her mother through the park, unaware that Dean Michaels was moments away from testing his mind-control device. While the girl was just getting going, her mother was panting and groaning, needing to take a break. The girl rolled her eyes as her mother headed over to a park bench. She sat down next to a guy. To the girl, he looked like a teacher. The man was typing on a laptop. The girl shrugged and kept jogging, unaware of what was about to happen to her. The device...

2 years ago
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Megan an Acceptance

Megan, an acceptance Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Hi Janet, this is me. Listen, I want to come home, but you know how they are, they won't let me in the house. I guess they think that because I don't dress like a banker or something and lead what they call a hippie type lifestyle that I don't measure up or something. I need a favor, can I stay with you for a few days until I can persuade the folks to let me come home?" "Mark, you know how uptight the neighborhood I...

3 years ago
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Just a little more 3

Introduction: George and Annette Annette and I kissed and hugged each other. As I slowly started to finger her ass hole. I was surprised that it was already wet and lubed. So I feel that you have been busy….Was all that hard work just for me. I said Yes, I wanted to be ready this time. I wanted you inside my ass so bad, Ive been waiting for this for a long time. I just couldnt get the nerve up to do it. I told her you know I want it, and I always have. She reached back and gripped her butt...

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Camilla Ch 067

Monday was Labor Day, Camilla’s last day of summer vacation before beginning university. That morning around 11 AM, she and Candice woke up with a blanket over them to cover up their nakedness, obviously Agape, who was in the kitchen, had woken up earlier, gone down into the living room, and seen the naked girls sleeping there on the floor, he then put a blanket over them. ‘I’ll bet your dad was more than surprised to see us like this,’ Candice said as she reached for her dress. ‘I’ll bet...

1 year ago
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FamiliesTied London River Chloe Foster Spoiled Mommy Teen Anally Degraded and Double Penetrated

Gorgeous suburban MILF London River is displeased when her bratty step-daughter Chloe Foster is holed up in her mansion for the summer, having just lost an internship. This little blond teen troublemaker is a spoiled bitch and more importantly is going to get in the way of London’s BDSM affair with hot stud butler Seth Gamble. Seth is a sadistic sex demon and wastes no time isolating London in a spare bedroom and giving her the proper beat down this horny submissive slut craves. London...

3 years ago
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Sweet Indian Incest delicacy

It's been a week or so since I am getting these same type of dreams, the type which seems quite real and Everytime I sleep again the dream continues from where I left it last time when I woke up. In that dream I wake up in my own house and start doing my daily chores starting from brushing my teeth, taking bath, having breakfast and going out etc. But there is one difference which I can make out. It is that my mom and sister behave unusually flirty or approachable. Nothing similar to what they...

1 year ago
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Babette Johnny And Me

The other day when I was flicking through one of my many scrapbooks, I came across a photograph of a young naked blonde girl on a beach. Underneath it I’d written, ‘Babette, Argeles summer two thousand and four,’ and the vivid memory of my first wonderful threesome came flooding back. Ever since I can remember, we enjoyed annual summer holidays in Southern Europe within easy walking distance of a nudist beach, but now that my brother, sister and I were in our late teens or early twenties, this...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Tyler Part 2 A dream comes true

A week after our first encounter, Tyler came around to clean again, only this time my wife Tanya was in. Tyler was wearing blue jeans that sat on her hips and gripped her firm ass just right. Her grey zipped top was baggy with the zip down slightly, showing just the faintest glimpse of her young breasts to really tease. I was desperate to touch her, kiss her, caress her smooth tight flesh, but the risk was just too much. My desire for her however took control, and I seized the first opportunity...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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It Will Be Okay

Chapter 1: I Do Secretly Believe Differently DELTA She drew in her journal. A poem? A song? Delta didn't know what it would be. Probably a poem. She thought to herself. Sitting at the table was her and her best friend Friday. Friday sat across from her and asked Delta the question that was consuming her. "What are you writing?" She didn't look up at her. She focused on her work. "Probably a free verse poem." "Can I see it?" Friday asked. "Fine but it's not finished." She handed over her black...

2 years ago
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Nice Surprise when you get Home from Work

When I woke up this morning after a good night’s sleep I looked over where you fell asleep. I knew you went to work that morning but not to my shock I see a rose and a note. It reads: “Kitten, I will be working really late tonight. I don’t expect you to wait up for me. Just so you know I love you and I’ll see you tonight.” This has not been the first time this week that I have seen this note. I groan and slump back into the bed. We haven’t had much of a relationship because of his long hours...

1 year ago
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Bristols Birthday Party

Todd & Sarah drove home from the airport, both tired after a long trip on the campaign trail. October had been a rough month for Sarah... First was the debate against Biden a few weeks ago. She hated talking in public. She always came across sounding like an idiot. Then about a week ago, the Alaskan legislature started making noise about Sarah firing Walter Monegan. The past week had been spent in seclusion with Cain's PR folks figuring out how to address the issue and recover from the debate...

2 years ago
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Same Time Wednesday

It’s Monday and work is agonizingly slow. I’m the only staff today and I might as well not even be there. Nobody is really browsing books, nobody is really selling them. Usually when things are slow I clean, organize, go over the schedules, or read. I was reading, but the written words surrounding me, both wise and beautiful, are ignored. My nose is all but pressed up against the computer screen as I read erotica. I’m dressed in a mid-length frilly summer skirt and a see through blouse. My...

4 years ago
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Wide Open PlainsChapter 8

A deputy marshal showed up in only a very few minutes, and he knew every one of the regulars in the poker game. Cruikshank explained that the dead man had threatened us with a cocked pistol, and I had been the one with enough presence of mind to shoot the fool before he had time to do any serious damage. The deputy marshal took his word for the whole thing; after all, who was going to dispute the word of a prominent banker when there were three other well-known men to back up the story. The...

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