A Day with the Champion
- 3 years ago
- 28
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Audry's boobs hurt.
She loved our son, Zack, and enjoyed breast-feeding him-she almost got off just from his sucking. The feeling of contentment and the sheer sensuousness of the whole thing was incredible.
But taking a horse over the jumps made those same milk machines bounce-even in her special 'nursing sports bra'.
That hurt.
The whole thing was a confusing mess of trade-offs. Audry wanted children. Actually, she wanted a bunch of children. She also wanted to go to the equestrian nationals this year. And she wanted another baby before the next Olympics.
She was determined to defend her gold medal in the show jumping competition. And she wanted one in dressage, too.
Problem was, she couldn't train properly with her boobs hurting so much. A baby took her out of the saddle for much of a year, anyway. So, if she had another, she'd be out of competition two out of the three non-Olympic years, and hurting with floppy boobs when the games came again.
Mom tried to comfort her.
"Audry, you can practice dressage, without that problem. You can even do it pregnant." Mom grinned. "I've done it."
"I know you're right. But Shannon needs work on the jumps, too. He's as rusty as I am..."
"Well, your best option is to wean Zack. He's old enough to start drinking from a baby cup, anyway."
"Oh, he does. I just enjoy breast feeding too much," Audry admitted with a grin.
"Me too. But I think you need to do it, if you want to compete in both events at Nationals."
That night, I got 'seconds' from her breasts after Zack was asleep in his crib. Then I got my chimes rung, when Audry did to my prick what I'd done to her nipples. She licked around it, and swirled her tongue around its head while her lips contained it.
When she felt she had my full attention, she slithered up my body-brushing her enlarged breasts against me as she went-until she could claim the passionate kiss she deserved.
THEN she mounted me, slowly sliding her hot, wet sleeve over my eager cock. I had to calculate the value of seven squared and eight squared a couple of times to keep from blowing my load on the spot.
Fortunately, Audry was on a short fuse, too. She just lay on me for a bit. But soon after she started moving up and down, she started to get frantic. Offering me a breast to suck, she began bucking. Once I had a hand on the offering, to keep it in my mouth so I could do justice to her tasty nipple, she went ballistic. Her pussy vibrated. Then the muscles in her stomach convulsed. Her body arched and she shuddered.
This was more than enough to set me off and I was spraying her cervix throughout.
Audry collapsed on me, my rapidly-wilting cock still snug in her.
Languidly caressing her back and flanks, I murmured how much I loved her-and how she'd once again blown my mind with her incredible lovemaking.
She kissed me with love and passion.
After a bit, she moved off me, clinging to my side, with a knee over my thigh, her head on my shoulder.
She explained her problem; the pain of jumping with the milk-filled boobs, and the bras that were available.
We discussed having more children.
"Audry, we can wait. We can wait until you're done competing, then have all you want."
"But Rob, I can compete for years. And I don't want to wait that long for kids. It wouldn't be fair to Zack, if his next oldest brother or sister is five or six years younger."
"I dunno, love. You can't jump if you're pregnant anyway."
"Yes I can, if I'm not too far along. I was jumping most of the way through the second trimester with Zack..."
"That's right. I forgot."
"Anyway, Rob, can't you get one of your engineer friends from OSU to design a bra that would contain these monsters and support them when I jump?"
"I suppose I could call Frank. Write down your sizes and dimensions for me. I'll call him in the morning."
That earned me a kiss that started out gratitude and rapidly turned to passion. Before I knew it, I was sunk deeply into Audry again, moving in time with her and enjoying the marvelous feelings my wife's body gives me.
My orgasm took me by surprise and I was barely able to hang on long enough to get Audry off, too.
"Sorry, love. That one surprised me."
"It's OK, darling. I'm glad that loose old thing still excites you that much."
"It isn't loose. And it excites me a lot. And so does the rest of you... If it weren't that I know it's uncomfortable, I'd say, keep your boobs that size. I love them!"
"Chauvinist pig!" she said, as she shoved a nipple in my mouth for a little attention.
Except for the first couple of months after she came back from the hospital with Zack, Audry hadn't used any birth control.
We think we lucked out again that night. Anyway, she was pregnant.
Regardless, she was determined to compete in Nationals that year.
I called my friend, Frank, who was a fraternity brother and a top-notch structural engineer, though a very junior member of a big firm. When we'd talked a bit and I convinced him that I was serious about our need, he became enthusiastic about the idea of a 'sports bra' for women with large breasts in proportion to the rest of them-whether they were big from nursing or nature.
Most 'sports bras' just flatten everything against the ribs and hold it there. If a woman was nursing, or had really big breasts, this didn't work, and a lot of flesh would bounce up and down. Skin just isn't made to take that kind of force-it was painful and caused boobs to droop as the skin stretched. Both were undesirable results.
Frank looked at several possibilities that were OK from an engineering standpoint, but not acceptable for women to wear.
He looked into materials and construction methods. And he came up with a hand-made prototype, made to Audry's dimensions.
It was much better than anything she'd tried, but still allowed too much 'flopping'.
The hardest part, for me, was allowing Frank to handle Audry's boobs. I knew he was devoted to his wife and baby daughter, but it was still hard to see another man touch my wife. There was no other way, though, that he could see where he succeeded and what still needed to be improved.
Frank's second try was a great improvement. Audry loved it! She took the full course of jumps in our training ring without a problem. Her horse, Shannon, seemed to get into it as well. It had been over a year since he'd carried such an enthusiastic rider.
To his embarrassment, she gave Frank a big kiss, when she dismounted. Frank's wife just looked on in amusement. She knew Audry was expressing appreciation and not coming on to her husband.
In fact, I was right behind her, pumping Frank's hand and slapping his back.
(With a little help from mom's family, we found a garment maker in New York who bought the patent and paid Frank a substantial royalty besides. Audry got a free lifetime supply of bras, underwear and blouses out of the deal.)
With no pain, Audry entered into her training program with fire and passion. Her horse caught it from his rider and they soon were pushing Samarkand and me hard.
Mom quietly smiled to herself, as she coached us both from her perch on the top rail of the practice rings.
Things on the ranch were peaceful. No rustlers or poachers. No one trying to mess with our entrance documents in competitions. Nothing. We liked it! All of us liked the life we were leading and reveled in our ability to make a good living from the land. That year, we made a very good living. Even mom's family was impressed, when she told them what we'd cleared. (Mom had gotten pissed off at a cousin's continual harping on what her husband made and how hard it must be for poor mom... )
Nationals were in Denver. We'd go in a motorhome and horse trailer, rather than fly.
We took two motorhomes. Audry, Zack, grandma and me in one; our parents in the other. Dad drove the big pickup that pulled the horse trailer with Samarkand and Shannon and all our tack.
Highway 20, to Ontario, Oregon, is a good road and pretty straight. We stopped in Baker to let the horses stretch and to muck out the trailer. And stayed overnight at a ranch just out of Ontario, where the horses had a corral to themselves and could roll and generally cavort, to get over the day's travel. It was the same across Utah, and into Wyoming.
Denver welcomed us at the fairgrounds with good facilities and helpful volunteers to answer all our questions and help with the little problems that always arise. That Audry and I were favorites in the events didn't hurt.
Even mom was impressed. (Dad once told me that mom considered our lifestyle to be close to abject poverty, compared to her childhood. She never complained and was, really, happy with her lot. But it took a lot to impress her.)
By now, Audry was just finishing the first trimester of this pregnancy. Morning sickness was never a problem with her and she'd merely felt a bit 'strange' a few mornings. The main thing, for her, was to win national championships in both arena events-I could have the 3-day...
We worked the horses as soon as we arrived and were set up. They needed to stretch out and to get serious about things. Experienced campaigners, the crowds and bustle didn't bother them much.
To protect them, dad and Uncle Rick slept in their stalls. Rick complained that Shannon was snorting and stomping all night... Seems a mare two stalls down was just coming into season. (Rick said he'd let Shannon cover her-as soon as her owner paid the stud fee.) By morning, the mare's condition was obvious and she was moved to another section of the facility.
After a day to find our way around and practice, the dressage event started. Sam had taken the trip well and was as strong as ever, so I entered him in the arena events, besides the 3-day.
To her delight, and my chagrin-Samarkand just would not get his head into it!-Audry won and I placed second. The following day, she and Shannon did the same thing to us in the jumping event.
I'd given Sam a talking-to about paying attention. The damn horse is so big and so strong, he sort of 'rubber-necks' like a tourist just when I need him to be paying attention. This makes him a big hit with the crowd, but causes the judges take off those tenths of points that cost us victories.
At least Audry is spectacular in bed after she wins.
Most horses can't do the 3-day after doing the individual events, so I had a whole new set of opponents there.
The first day is dressage. Sam and I won it handily, with more points ahead than I'd expected. The second day is the killer-speed and endurance. My big horse gobbled up the course, though he hadn't had the work at that altitude we'd have liked. Still, the nearest horse was almost 20 seconds behind and hadn't been close to us in dressage.
Firmly in command, we entered the jumping day. Sam was pleased with himself, almost prancing into the arena when we were announced-while other horses were pretty droopy after yesterday's test.
As we had often before, we sailed over the jumps, making two clean rounds and running away from the competition.
Afterwards, Audry and I had to pose in our 'pinks' for news and magazine pictures, and then, in our motorhome, submit to a Sports Illustrated interview. The last was a pleasure, though it was, we found, hard work. Our sport needed all the publicity it could get. Ideally, we'd start gaining large, paying crowds at our events. Audry and I were happy to do our part.
Finding that Audry was pregnant, the interviewer asked if she thought she'd be able to defend her titles next year.
"Unless something awful happens, I fully intend to!" she declared.
Her pregnancy and intent to defend next year anyway made the rounds of the horse world overnight.
~~ ****~~
Just as spring was thinking about rescuing us from winter's cold, teasing us with warm breezes on an occasional afternoon, Audry delivered our daughter, Moira.
It had been a strenuous delivery, Audry's hips being a bit narrow. But both came through the process like champions. Moira demonstrated that she shared her great-grandmother's lust for life, and her mother's determination. From me, she got size and, later, fairly broad shoulders for a girl.
Three days later, Audry was practicing dressage with Shannon, and after another four days, they took a few low jumps.
Audry discovered that her butt was fine. And the new bras kept the boobs from flying around-she could do this! She confided this to mom and me, while a huge grin threatened to split her face permanently.
The night she took the jumps, she was so excited, she was horny. Still uncomfortable with vaginal intercourse, she insisted I get in the back door. We'd done that a few times, just for the novelty.
Greasing up the pole with a little KY, I shoved it in, with a steady push. She was tighter and hotter than anything I'd experienced!
Reaching around her, I caressed a breast with one hand and her vaginal mound with the other.
"OH, ROBBY!" she screamed. "Right THERE!"
Then her body convulsed and I sprayed my load into her. I just can't take it when she comes.
She collapsed with me on top of her.
In moments, she tried to roll out from under me, so I moved off of her. Audry rolled just far enough to take me in her arms and kiss me thoroughly.
"Thanks, darling. I needed that." A gamin grin. "And I suspect you did too. It's been too long."
I smiled back at her beloved face and gently traced the outline of her lips with a finger. "Honey, you're worth the wait," I said, softly, just before kissing the corner of her mouth.
Audry smiled. "I'll bet you say that to all the girls."
"Only to the ones I make love with."
Audry had had her wild years. But I'd never had another woman. And she knew it.
She just held me tight, until I fell asleep.
When I awoke, she was still holding me; one arm under my back, the other across my chest, with a leg atop mine. Her head was on my chest and those marvelous breasts were pressed against my chest and side.
This one was all woman, in a really incredible package.
Determined to compete this year, Audry spent a couple of hours every day on Shannon. Mostly they worked dressage, but there was a half-hour of jumps daily. Mom kept a close eye on things, both to keep them from getting into bad habits, and to make sure Audry didn't overdo it.
Shannon seemed to thrive on the work and attention.
Samarkand, my big horse, loved hard work. The more the better. He was such a brute, he could do the speed and endurance routine two days in a row, if I asked him to. For Sam, fun was a 30-mile trail ride into the high country-half of it at a canter.
We tried that, a couple of weeks after Audry was back in the saddle. I took little Zack, my son, along. He could sit the small mare I'd given him, though he couldn't mount or dismount by himself. A lot of the time, though, he just sat in front of me on 'Big Sam'.
Audry rode along with us for an hour, then turned back. Moira wasn't big enough to go along yet, and Audry was breast-feeding...
Mom and dad were with us, though, making it a small family holiday.
Zack had a great time. He ran around the meadow we camped in on his stubby child's legs, chasing butterflies. He tried to catch minnows in the little stream with his hands. He watched in wonder as dad lit the fire and started cooking our supper.
He wanted to know why the horses had to eat grass. Why couldn't they have fruit loops, and mashed potatoes, and good food, like we had?
When he went to sleep, he slept the deep sleep of the innocent-while his dad and grandparents looked around at the familiar scene with wonder-having seen it anew, through the child's eyes.
~ ****~
As a result of intensive lobbying, the Nationals that year were in Spokane. That was a good drive from the ranch, but not hard to do in a day.
Again, we rented two motorhomes and pulled the horse trailer with the big pickup.
The event organizers in Spokane were very good to us, almost embarrassing us with their hospitality. Of course, Audry and I were favorites again.
And, once again, we did really well. This time I won the jumping-Sam and I had been working harder at it than Audry had been able to. She and Shannon ate our lunch in dressage, as usual.
I had some competition in the 3-day. A few really good horsemen decided that, if they wanted to make the Olympic team, 3-day was the event to do it in. At the end of the dressage stage, Sam and I were in second place. And the horse that had beaten us was, I knew, an exceptional jumper.
We needed to dominate in the speed and endurance stage.
Mom suggested I keep Sam in hand, to keep his head in it. For the first few miles, I did. He didn't spend his energy 'sightseeing', as he likes to do and, when I felt him get into it, I turned him loose. He knew how far he had to go and he wanted to get there! He set a blistering pace, finishing almost five minutes faster than the second place horse-which was not the horse that had beaten us in the first stage.
As always, mom's coaching had been crucial.
In the jumping event, we went around clean. Not in the fastest time, but right in there. With the lead we'd made in the second stage, we were once again the national champions.
I was getting almost embarrassed by our success. Sure, I'm a good rider. In fact, I'm an outstanding rider. But with Sam for a mount, I couldn't miss, as long as I made him pay attention. My only concern was that the oldest of Sam's colts would be coming of age soon.
We'd even bred a few for ourselves. One born this past spring might be Sam's replacement as my mount in a few more years. But neither Sam nor I were anywhere near ready to retire from competition.
Audry was disappointed with her showing in the jumping competition. She finished third, after me and a rider from Georgia. She'd almost been fourth, but the horse from Florida hit a rail and lost a point, giving Audry third.
A couple of weeks after we returned to the ranch, she asked me if I'd mind if she didn't have a baby that year. She wanted to concentrate and prepare for the Olympics.
I had to laugh, even when I knew I shouldn't. She was so serious about it. Like, I would grant her a big favor and not make her have another baby for a couple of years...
"Audry, honey, I'm sorry I laughed. It's just that... it's your body, baby. I love you. And I love our kids. I'm looking forward to having a couple more, when you're ready to have them. But, honey, the timing is entirely up to you."
A thought occurred to me. "You don't HAVE to have more, if you'd rather not..."
Audry just grinned, and slugged me in the shoulder. "Of course I want more. Having your babies is what I'm for. And you make the process so interesting..."
I enveloped her in a huge hug. We were on the same page. We loved.
(For the "Zero Population Growth" crowd, let me point out that we are not city folk living in an apartment, or house in the suburbs. We live on a ranch that has been a family operation over a century now. Audry and I were only children, though essentially raised together. We needed children, if one or two were to keep the ranch in the family after us.
(But more important, we wanted children. We really love our time with the two we have so far, working and playing with them and molding their attitudes.
(Little Zach is already taking riding seriously and is developing a caring attitude towards his sister, Moira. I think that's because Audry and I both have told him several times that he will have to help her and keep her from harm when she starts walking all over the place. Give kids responsibility and expect them to achieve and be responsible, and they'll grow up with a good work ethic.)
So Audry would take a couple of years to concentrate on the horses and raising the two children we had. That was surely fine with me.
Aunt Elin, Audry's mom, took over the 'day school' part of the child rearing. A gentle lady, she was very good at it. (She'd been our teacher, until the new road was built that allowed Audry and me to attend public school.) Both kids adored her. She taught them to count and the alphabet-and amazing detail about the simple things around us. When he was four, Zach started to read-and never stopped. Moira wasn't far behind him.
Grandma spent as much time with them as she could, usually in the evenings. She taught them songs (not always fit for children so young), and games, and the secrets of her special chocolate chip cookies. Grandma believed the function of grandparents was to spoil grandkids. Great-grandkids got spoiled double!
My parents got their share of time with the precocious little brats, too, teaching them about the horses and how to ride and care for them properly. But they learned in a natural way, as a part of our family heritage. It was something serious, yet fun.
~ ****~
That spring, Moira was still an infant, though weaned. I felt a need to see some city lights, buy my best girl some new party clothes, and take her dancing to show them off. We discussed it and decided that we'd take the kids and grandma (who wanted to get her ashes hauled-and had a gentleman friend in Portland she wanted to see). Mom and dad would come along, too. Rick and Elin would stay behind to make sure everything was OK at home, and supervise Gerry and the other two hands.
At the last minute, Rick decided they'd go, too. Gerry was competent and had been with us for years.
In the past, we'd always rented a motorhome to get to competitions if they were close enough to drive to. This year, dad decided he wanted his own-and that we could afford it. He came home from Eugene with a beautiful 33-foot coach that was elegant and comfortable. So when we all wanted to go to Portland, that's how we traveled. We had reservations in the Red Lion and would rent a couple of cars while we were there. But that coach was sure a plush way to get there.
Audry appreciated the big bed in back, where she could put the kids down for their naps without fuss.
We weren't in any great hurry, so we left mid-morning and took our time crossing the Cascades. It's always pretty country. I enjoy watching the scenery change from 'high desert' to 'valley'. The trees change from pine to fir, and grow much closer together. The underbrush is much more prolific-becoming a temperate climate jungle in places. Out of the mountains, farms and woods of oak and fir surround you. Of course, the valley gets more than three times as much annual rainfall as we do.
It's an easy trip on US 20, then up I-5. It was still light when we reached Portland. We'd promised to take Zach to the zoo. He didn't understand that it would have to be tomorrow...
We had two small suites, side by side. Our parents shared one, and we had the other, with the kids. With the luggage in our rooms, we were ready to see about a fancy restaurant dinner. Grandma called her friend and arranged to meet him the next day. Tonight she would baby-sit-and sleep in the sitting room of our suite.
Dinner was in the 'fancy' restaurant in the hotel. The food was very good and the ambiance of the place nice. Our ladies had dressed up for the occasion, in cocktail dresses, hair up, and makeup. They didn't get the chance to do that very often-nor we to see them that way. I think dad and Uncle Rick really enjoyed the way they looked. I know I did!
Audry is a beautiful woman. Dressed up and made up, she's breathtaking. I'd almost forgotten just how gorgeous she can be.
Western men have a reputation for reticence. Mostly justified. But I made a point of telling her how lucky I felt, being the one she went home with.
Mom and Aunt Elin aren't dogs, either. For that matter, grandma is a foxy lady, with a figure a lot of teens would kill for.
After dinner, grandma took the kids back to our suite, to put them to bed. The rest of us went out on the town.
We found a nightclub we liked and decided we'd stay a while. They couldn't give us a table for six, so Audry and I had a tiny table across the dance floor from our folks.
I thought I knew everything about her, but Audry surprised me by demanding that I dance with her. We dance, but ballroom stuff. This was disco!
"Come on, Rob. You can do this. Just move with the music."
When Audry asks, what can I do? I tried.
Audry moved with the music, all right. ALL of Audry moved. She was shaking it pretty good. In fact, a lot of guys in the place were watching her more than they were their own partners. For sure, I was watching her.
When the set ended, Audry laughed and collapsed against me. After a big kiss, she took my hand and held me in place.
The next set was slow dancing and Audry wanted to reward me for being such a good sport, by plastering her elegant, curvy shape against me.
I enjoyed it so much, the old cock sprang right up against her belly. Audry thought that was really funny and rubbed against me as much as she could.
Soon we sat back down, for a breather-a chance for me to get myself under control.
Audry barely had time to sample her drink, when a guy stopped to ask if she'd dance with him. He looked OK, so Audry looked at me, a question on her face. I just shrugged. I really didn't want to do another set of the disco dancing right then.
The guy was big, and good looking. He had a rakish look about him, as though he just didn't give a damn.
When the set was over, Audry came back to our table. Obviously, the guy wanted her to dance the slow dances with him, too. Plopping herself into her chair, she thanked him for the dance, then turned to me.
A bit later, after we'd danced again, he came over just as a slow dance set was starting. This time, Audry said, "Thanks, but I'll sit this one out." When he'd returned to the bar, Audry said, "He's coming on too strong for me. A dance is one thing. But he's looking to score-it won't be on me."
We danced with our parents and each other's parents. And I held Audry in my arms a time or two.
Audry's admirer tried again. Audry thought, 'what the hell' and danced with him another set. She also told him she was a very married mother of two children.
About midnight, we left, to return to our hotel. (We're used to rising early. That means bed early, too.)
Shortly after we returned to our suite from breakfast, grandma announced that there was some guy on the phone, asking for Audry.
Audry had a very short conversation, ending with, "Don't ever call me again!"
It was the guy from the nightclub. He'd somehow followed us and found out our suite number.
While Audry and grandma got the kids ready for the expedition to the zoo, I went next door, to tell dad and Uncle Rick what had happened.
Mom asked, "Do you have the guy's name?"
"Yeah. 'James."
"Nothing more?"
"OK. We'll all keep an eye out for him. I think Audry probably took care of it this morning, though."
"Thanks. I hope so."
Portland's zoo is a good one. Moira was too small to really enjoy it. But my day with Zach is one I'll cherish. He and I walked hand in hand. Every new and strange animal he saw fascinated him. When we arrived at the area of the hippopotamus, an animal was just taking a leak. Zach was used to seeing this with the horses, so it wasn't any big deal. Except that the hippo kept on - and on. When he finally finished, Zach, eyes huge, said, "WOW!"
And down a bit, while looking at the zebras-Zach wondering how it would be to ride one-I spotted a giraffe, through a break in the screening foliage. Putting Zach on a bench, so he could see, I pointed it out. Zach was bright enough to understand that the animal was VERY tall. He was enchanted. And I was thrilled to be able to share it with him.
WHAT A DAY! We even rode the zoo train over to the rose gardens, where we looked at the great variety of roses, in their first blooms, and enjoyed the view over the city, with Mt. Hood majestic in the background.
Every dad needs days like that with his sons. It makes having them worthwhile.
Arriving back at the hotel, Audry was accosted in the lobby by her admirer. Rick, dad and I surrounded him and suggested, in the strongest possible way, that his attentions were unwelcome and that continuing them would result in something getting broken-like his legs and arms. Mom summoned hotel security, who got identification information, then hustled him off.
The guy's name was James Richards. He had a Portland address, in a modest apartment complex. The hotel didn't know anything about him. Their security staff did check with the police. He'd had a couple of minor incidents-women claimed he'd harassed them. No arrests or convictions.
Grandma took off to meet her friend. If she missed our departure, she'd make her own way back to the ranch. Don't worry about her.
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GayCorruption of Champions (mod)! I’m always down for some sexy RPGs or fantasy stories involving kinky shit. Just look at Game of Thrones. You think that shit got so popular because of the plot? I doubt it. It was probably the incest scenes. You sick fucks seem to be loving that kind of shit recently. But, anyway, I like a good RPG focused on hot babes and crazy fetishes. There aren’t many out there. The only one that comes to mind that you fucks might have heard of is Monster Girl Quest, which...
Free Sex GamesChapter 1 We met at church camp many years ago. I won’t say what year, but I remember having to chase the dinosaur out of the dining hall a few times that year. Well, maybe that was the year before. We were young and dumb back then. All of us were going to change the world. Peace, love and stop the war were common themes. Now we have calls for brotherhood, wrap that wrascal and get out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, or the battlefield of the week. Yep, we really changed things. Herpes, you...
I was at the stove in a pair of Brian’s boxers stirring oatmeal for our first breakfast in our new home. I looked down at my thin gray wife beater. I was showing a good amount of cleavage and the blue boxers were his favorite. Oatmeal…such a sad first breakfast. We’d been unloading the truck until well past midnight. Only the big furniture was in any way ‘unpacked’ as we’d placed most where it would stay at least until it needed to be moved for the renovation. Oatmeal and a pan were the...
Jock Tales---State Champions Well, as you prolly surmised from the title, we won the state championship for Freshman football. First time ever had the Mustangs from Tyler even made it to the playoffs---let alone win. We beat the Tigers, for the third time 21-19. As usual. Me and Cole Parker meet up after the game for his now traditional fuck down—cause he lost. I think he was starting to actually get into my big, now 9” jock cock owning his ass. There seemed to be developing some 'feelings' as...
Chapter 13- Breakfast of Champions Ron was a little surprised by the state of his room when he walked into it. It was a mess, not by his standards, but in his wife’s opinion this room was a pigsty. The bed was unmade, the comforter balled up on the floor, and clothes, lingerie, and various girly things were strewn across it. Her robe lay on the floor in front of her dresser and her nightstand was open. He smiled wryly to himself bent to pick up the robe. It didn’t bother him that it was...
© 2003 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. I want to start this story off by saying "That it was the breakfast of champions!" I don't know why I was up so early this morning because I didn't go to bed until late. I guess my internal alarm clock went off and said it was time to get up. So I stumbled half-asleep into my living room, got a drink of water, said good morning to the dogs. I decided to check my e-mail, and to my pleasant surprise he was...
"Oh, Jackie," he moaned, with had one hand on her breast, the other in her panties. "Oh, Bruce! Right there. Go on. That's the spot." She ground her hips against him. He worked a finger inside her and massaged her clit with his thumb making her squeal. "Oh, I love you so much, Jak." "I love you too, Bruce. Oh, that's good." He pulled his hand from her panties and tugged at her waistband. She rushed to stop him. "Do you have... ?" "What?" "You know..." Bruce looked...
Prologue Out of breath. Out of options. Out of time. Out of luck. The silver and blue gateway fizzled out of existence as Erzulie was dragged out of the room. She fought and struggled against the stonelike grasps of her captors. It was futile. The motherly figure was blessed with assets that could barely be covered by the light silver silk robes that covered her body, and collided with her long, wavy, hair. Besides those robes, she wore nothing. She wasn’t allowed to, due to her established...
FantasyPhil had just left his apartment that morning, he was in a rush. Though he was retired he kept busy still taking classes and running and swimming. He was overweight but still strong and at his age of 78 he had earned the right to eat and drink what and when he wanted. The reason he took classes was simpler though: the young college coeds. He maintained a visible presence in the school to talk with and flirt with the coed that went there. They of course had no interest in a man whom was old...
Mind ControlWhen we hit the third tier of the city, Chandra looked at me. I could tell that she was familiar with this area. I led her to the inn and showed her the stable. "You need to find the stablehand, Gail. Gail will also take you to your quarters, have her introduce you to Orlanth; he's the wizard's apprentice that we need to return to his guild. When I'm done with lunch, I'll find you and Orlanth." I turned and left her to her own devices. I could tell that she was not all that happy with...
Since I had planned to spend the four day weekend with my family and Jennifer, I had insisted on doing most of my sluts due those days on that Wednesday. I had been warning them all that I wasn’t going to be doing these weekly fucks one on one much longer and had had threesomes with most of them at least once. I had not yet done anything more than use my magic touch on any of them, but I decided I would take it to the next level that evening. As I drove to my home, I completely forgot about...
“Tim, I really need your help,” Joey said, catching me after our class on Monday following spring break. I looked him in the eye and asked carefully, “In what way?” “I need you to let me link with you...” “Absolutely not,” I said, turning away to leave him. “You don’t understand,” he said, grabbing my arm. “I want to free all my girls.” When I didn’t struggle to leave, Joey let my arm go and waited for my response. “Why me?” I finally asked. “Why not just borrow Tommy like you did when...
A man of the age of eighteen walks forward slugglishly as the elders of the Village known as Ingram move him forward to his time. He looks around at the enviorment that he has grown used to and now forced to give up. Even though its for a good eason he just couldn't handle the idea of having to give up his life he managed to make form himself. He gives a heavy sigh as they walk into a cave where the rocks glows with darkness and an odd arouma feels the air. This was all meant to keep the...
The following is a translated quote from the Tablets of Prophecy beginning on tablet 12 side 1 and ending on side 2 of the same. The world of Light and Darkness, Hikarino'Yami, has been battled for many times since the beginning. The three Great Ones: Light, Darkness, and Balance all want to control this world as it is the heart of Manabio's spirit field, the spirit field controls the very essence of this Plane and this means that if one of the three has complete control of it they have...
Non-EroticTwo guys treacherous lust for pantyhose and Lycra.Throughout the skype session Kev had done nothing but whinge. He was still bruised after the going over Ray had given him. His boyfriend, Josh said he was tired and needed an early night, so he said goodbye and left the session. Josh smiled as he got out of his tracksuit, revealing his skintight black leotard and thick light-toast Danskin tights. His legs shimmered like glass. He put some makeup on, layered his full lips with glossy lipstick and...
I still remember every detail of the day I saw the love of my new life for the first time. The date was Monday, October 10th, and Brad and I were walking together to go to our second hour class when suddenly, out of the blue, this drop-dead gorgeous girl that both Brad and I had never seen before appeared. “Wow, man. Who is she?” Brad asked me. “Gloria Harr, junior, just moved here from California,” I said as I scanned. “So far, she hates it here, and she only digs guys who...
The Hunting Championship By RotnebOnly the first chapter is real, the rest of the story is fantasy. Cap. 1The three nude young girls have fun and swim in the crystal water of the beautiful forest pond at that early hot autumn day. They known the pond from earlier and had to swim nude in the pond more times in the late, as they hasn’t meet many people in this part of the forest. A shot break their fun.- What’s that? – Sheila looked scared around.- A shot not far away, I suppose, - Kathryn...
Hi Folks. First off, Thanks to all of the people who emailed me about my absence. It wasn't actually planned. But during the time that I didn't have the services Of a legendary editor, I started trying to finish the book I've been working on. And I sort of worked on it until it was finished. But to start us out again I wanted to write something that was more about feelings than most of my stories. I wanted to write something like Barney-R or Hermit or Jake Rivers would write. And while not...
We won. I kicked the last goal, after taking a screamer in the pocket. The hush around the ground was frightening as I lined up and ran in. With my heart in my mouth I kicked as the final siren sounded. From four points down we won by two points. There was pandemonium, the grand stands erupted and I was so relieved. I bent, hands on my knees, to gather breath. My team mates were first as they slapped my back, lifted me to their shoulders and shouted their jubilation. The coaching staff and...
Sometimes, I wonder why so many people seem to get such joy out of opposing the hard-working, determined high-achievers they encounter. I knew the answer to the question the moment I asked it of myself. Pretenders always hate the real thing. And they know it when they see it. My name is Stefan Brunswick. A young black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. Six feet two inches tall, somewhat bulky at 240 pounds, but still ruggedly good-looking, with dark brown skin and light gray eyes....
It was my third weekend in the city and my new roommate Tom walked through the door with a case of 24 beers and 3 joints.“If you don’t have plans we can get fucked up and enjoy the Mad Max trilogy.”Having no other plans I agreed; the new job was stressful and I needed to blow off a little steam.Partway through the third film, the last of the beers was gone and the pot was smoked. I was dozing off, barely able to keep my eyes open. “Hey man I’m sorry I’m gonna crash,” I said. “Can’t stay awake.”...
May 27, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Here’s a key to the house,” I said. “And your personal alarm code. Dinner is usually at 6:15pm.” “Thank you,” Michelle said. “You’re welcome. You’re OK with me going to the office now? Abbie and the kids are here.” “Yes. I’m going to class tomorrow.” “You’re sure? I still think you should call home.” “No,” she said firmly. “OK. That’s the last time I’ll ask you to do that. Is there anything else you need?” “Just my stuff. But I’ll have my old roommate...
Morning came a lot quicker than she thought it would. Riki really had been thankful when she used her own private shower, and she didn’t have to face her kids again that night. She had washed up alone, and fell into bed exhausted mentally and physically though she couldn’t deny that she was also sexually very satisfied. Riki woke up to her alarm well rested. She had slept deeply that night despite the fact that she had erotic dreams all night long as if her body was telling her she still...
When we woke in the morning, my morning wood was just hard enough. Keri was sleeping on her back with her legs spread, so I took out the lube from the bed stand and I lube myself up really well. I slowly moved between Keri’s legs and set my cock right at her opening and smoothly pushed my cock into her. I quietly laid on top of her and waited for her to wake up. As I waited, I enjoyed the smell of her hair and the feeling of her tits against my chest. Her skin was so soft from head to toe...
May 17, 1991, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania “Another whirlwind trip?” Mario asked when I arrived in the office just after noon on Friday. “It has to be. I have a wedding to attend tomorrow afternoon at 4:00pm out in Carol Stream. I have the first flight out again.” “We have two afternoon meetings today. One with McCarthy/Jenkins, and one with a medical practice associated with UPMC.” “Sounds good. How are things going in Philadelphia?” “With Nelson, Reed, and Pulver? Everything is on track...
On a Thursday night, halfway through the semester, I was sitting at my desk, shuffling my feet against the floor, trying to work my way through John Stuart Mill, for a class in Philosophy, and Kira was lying on her bed, reading a "Roots of Judaism" text for one of her Theology courses. Something had been bothering me all day, and I was finally able to find the words to express it to Kira. "Hon, can I ask you a question, and have you give me your best impartial answer?" I said. "Uh...
Robin was pouring each of her friends a glass of orange juice, looking at the slightly nervous trio as they sat around the table, their breasts bare and visible. They all knew Jax was home now, and no matter how much Robin told them it would be just fine, there was a strong undercurrent of nervousness. Well, except for Cyndi. For her it was a strong undercurrent of kinky desire. Jax had awakened quite late ... blearily looking at his clock, he thought he may have completely missed...
Mr. Labatt’s BMW on HWY 401, Ontario 6:42pm, Saturday, November 24, 1979 ‘What a fuckin’ awesome weekend!‘ I thought as four of the six key girls in my life were engaged in a flurry of various conversations as I drove Mr. Labatt’s B-mer back from Guelph on the 401 (Ontario’s equivalent to the Interstate System in the States). ‘I might as well not be in the car,’ I chuckled to myself as Shannon, Lynette, Zupena and Sammy regaled each other with their Friday night, Saturday morning escapades,...
This Story is about you, the everyday you. But who ARE you? We start the Story with three main Chars, each will be displayed here. I will begin the story with the first person described so for those people who are not interested in the other two, you can just skip to the decision part and read your way through. 1. Mark Mark is 18 years old and goes to Highschool. He always wanted a bigger cock since he was 13. In sex ed, he was told that it will grow once he gets older, but it only grew from 2...
FetishI'm a married woman with a first grader, a husband of eight years, who I started dating in high school and we have been together ever since. I'm five foot four inches tall, weigh one hundred and fourteen pounds, have a thirty four B chest with dark brown areola that take up about a third of my tits with nipples when hard, are about three quarters of an inch long. So long that when they get hard, even when I'm wearing a bra, they can't be missed and an ass to die for or so I have been told, even...
LesbianThis story is fiction, all similarities to an actual person or persons is purely coincidental. Like it goes: "Well since my baby left me, i gotta find a new place to dwell, its down at the end of lonely street at HeartBreak Hotel.” My woman left me, I don’t know whose fault it was, I wasn’t listening. She was very pretty, she was petite, she had long blonde hair, and a curly smile, she wasn’t fat, she was far from it, she didn’t have huge tits, and I couldn’t get enough of...
S2K: Your Heart's Desire By SueB Dan Talbot was once again cubby-holed in his den trying to take advantage of all the advertising he had seen to make this holiday season an "E-Season". Instead of getting in the car and driving from strip mall to strip mall, he and his wife Karen had decided that this holiday period, the Internet would do their shopping work for them. Dan had decided that his nephew, Tim, would really enjoy some books that had a Sci-Fi theme, which was his...
I woke up the next morning still inside her. My head swam. For a moment, I didn’t know who I was or what happened, and I didn’t fucking care as long as I could stay with this beautiful woman forever. It was her, the woman of my dream, Hearts. Hearts was a tall, slender Asian dream with great legs, perky breasts, tight ass and pussy, and fucked like a machine. I had assumed and dreamed all of that for months, but last night, I had seen and experienced it. I spurred a bet with her husband that...
So far, a lousy Saturday night. Why was I in the basement of this asshole’s house losing at cards? True, my four good friends were here with me, but I had lost over $400 already. I was a little drunk and very horny and there were no women around, and I didn’t give a shit for cards at that moment, and I wanted to go home.King was cleaning up. This was King’s house, or his basement anyway. He always made up come in by the basement, but it was the ultimate man cave. It had a full bar,...
“Who’s next?” Hearts asked, pulling off the black negligee and sitting back on the poker table, stretching out her legs and sliding off the black panties. She sat up on her knees, pulling on my shirt until I was leaning against the table. Hearts was our nick-name for an incredible-looking 23-year-old Asian girl, about 5’8” and not much over 110 lbs. Her long hair and face still showed streaks of cum from the four blowjobs she had just given to my other buddies: We had all won a double or...
Vesta's Hearth Chapters 7 and 8 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Helen freezes and then goes shopping and the girls have a party. 7 Paul arrived with a mini-bus and with him as escort I had the feeling nobody was going to mess with us. He was six two with the shoulders and muscled chest of a heavy in a rugby t...
This story was previously posted on this site. The text below has been re-edited. *** ‘You’re a heartless bitch,’ he shouted as he stuffed his male parts into the jeans he had just snatched on over his legs. He yanked the fly closed and grabbed his T-shirt off the floor. Cramming his arms into the sleeves, he yanked it over his head, dragging it down to cover his torso. ‘They’re right about you. You’re the queen of glaciers.’ He dropped into a chair and pulled his shoes onto his feet without...
A widower is seduced by his teenage daughter. (M/f-teen, ped, inc, exh, 1st, oral, mast, anal, rom)***I guess it was all my fault. My wife walked out on my daughter and me, four years ago. Kasey was only ten at the time. My Ex had found a new life and one day when we got home she was gone. A note that didn’t say enough was on the kitchen table. My daughter took it very hard. Me, I never saw it coming.When my wife first left, our daughter was so upset she got in the habit of climbing into bed...
Vesta's Hearth Chapters 1 and 2 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Introduction A considerable number of births throughout the world result in an intersexed child. Many are discovered at birth, some in the early years of childhood and puberty but some do not discover their condition until reaching adulthood when p...
Vesta's Hearth Chapter 21 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 Vesta's Hearth is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Vesta's Hearth is not considered suitable reading matter for minors In the final chapter of Volume 1, Helen goes home to the Caf?, buys a case of champagne, dances with Adam and buys a nest. 21 I was so alive on the way back, I heard every b...
I’m sitting alone atop the clock tower, eating ice cream, when I hear Axel approach. “You’re early.” He says. “No, you’re just late.” I respond. He takes his seat next to me. We sit there in silence for a moment. I decide to make conversation. “Today makes two hundred fifty five.” “What’s that about?” “It’s been that many days since I joined the Organization.” “You’re still keeping track? You really got it memorized, huh?” “Yeah.” I say clutching the stick of my ice cream. “It used to be all I...
Author: Slaveboyusa Please send comments to: [email protected] Title: Thief of Hearts Summary: At age 38, Tina Harlot is ready to settle down. But, what you don’t know about her is that she is an international jewel thief. She has stolen priceless diamonds from all over the world. But, she has not captured the most valuable jewel of all, the human heart. Tonight, Tina does her final job. It is 6pm on a December night and Tina Harlot is perched on the roof a Central City bank. There...
Vesta's Hearth Chapters 13 and 14 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Doctor Amy discovers the retro bug is highly infectious and takes Helen on a shopping trip to the retro shop but Helen is identified as being transgendered Later Dr. Amy drops a bombshell that involves Adam. Helen discovers the problems with m...
Vesta's Hearth Chapters 17 and 18 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Helen learns to hate telephones, yearns for a kiss and takes her brand new 50 year vintage Ford Zephyr Zodiac for a spin. 17 I cleaned the offices, Adam's first and then I threw Boris out of his whilst I did that and finished with Allen. M...
“I WANT HIM OUT OF HERE” yelled Mr. Stevens…my asshole history teacher. “HE CONTINUES TO DISRESPECT ME IN FRONT OF MY CLASS…THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED…AND YOU PRINCIPAL THOMAS HAVE DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT”! I could see Principal Thomas was not happy with Mr. Stevens bellowing and said, “Ok Mr. Stevens, that’s just about enough, you can go back to your classroom and I’ll take it from here”. Principal Thomas walked over to his office door, opened it and gestured to Mr. Stevens...
The next time she had encountered the Baron, had been both the most humiliating and proudest moment of her life. She had kneeled and sucked him off before the United States Congress. "Ah, my queen, right on schedule," he laughed as she came down through the roof of the center of American government. The Queen landed in a crouch and stood up straight. She brushed dust off her arms and shoulders. "Seriously, Baron? You think you can get away with this just block from the Hall of...
Betty watched her nude best friend fly off to go rescue more of their squad from the island of madness. Her windows rattled as Olivia broke the sound barrier. She lived with her parents in a good neighborhood and they usually left the back door unlocked. It was cold and drizzling, Washington state being a world away from the Caribbean. She went to check the door, the ugly black penis slapping on her thighs as she walked. The hideous tip almost reaching her knee. The door was unlocked,...
Edited by Zaffen Tasha hung up the phone from talking with her boyfriend Phil. He had invited her out for dinner and then to a new nightclub to which she'd been wishing to go. He's so cool she thought, how did he know she had been wishing to go to that club. She started getting ready in the early afternoon even though the reservations were not until eight that night. She spent hours in front of her closet deciding what to wear and finally decided on a simple red blouse unbuttoned just enough...
Alice felt a blush spread through her cheeks as the Knave of Hearts scrutinized her appearance, commenting to himself on her comely legs and the shape of her bottom and the perkiness of her breasts, her making her feel more like a precious commodity than a young woman‘I should be quite cross at being examined in such a matter, and yet, I am not, and I find that most curious,’ she thought to herself, glancing up through her lashes at the man, admitting to herself that he was quite handsome,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThis is my first TG story effort. Constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy. Heart's Desire THE TELLING Hi, my name is Timothy Shael. Or rather, it used to be. I was your average 18 year old guy, fresh out of high school and well on my way to manhood. Now I am back in school. And I am no longer 18 years old. This is my story. Only it doesn't start with me. It starts with my older sister, way back in 1993, when she was 6 years old... Enter Claire....
I handed Sam the keys to the Escalade and we left for dinner. I chose Pelican's because Cat was working there that night. Bobby, the owner, greeted us as we walked in. He said he would get us a table as soon as possible and led us to the bar area. We had just received our drinks when Cat came up and hugged me. She said she'd have a table for us in her section shortly. She asked if we needed anything while we waited and I told her we were fine. She gave me a sassy look as she walked...