Heart's Desire free porn video

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This is my first TG story effort. Constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy. Heart's Desire THE TELLING Hi, my name is Timothy Shael. Or rather, it used to be. I was your average 18 year old guy, fresh out of high school and well on my way to manhood. Now I am back in school. And I am no longer 18 years old. This is my story. Only it doesn't start with me. It starts with my older sister, way back in 1993, when she was 6 years old... Enter Claire. You see, Claire was pretty normal until she hit the age of 4. She had short dark blonde hair which she insisted mom dye black. She had a handful of freckles which she eventually grew out of, and glasses, which she insisted on wearing even years later when contacts became common. Where most girls want to be the fairy princess of the story book, Claire wanted to be the evil witch. She went through this phase for several years, begging our mother to buy her everything an evil little witch could want, complete with her own spell book 25 Authentic Simple Spells for the Inexperienced Young Witch by U. N. Owen. I have no idea where mom found it. She doesn't even remember. All I know is that it changed my life completely. But I digress. You see, there was this one little spell in particular. It was the only one she ever actually tried in fact. It purported itself to manifest ones three greatest desires. All you had to do was follow the directions, focus on yourself in a mirror, and your three greatest desires would become reality. Apparently it was bound to the user by wearing it against the bare skin. Well, it turns out Claire had followed the directions sure enough. It took her over a year to piece together all the ingredients, though truth be told I suspect she improvised a little in some areas. After all, it's not every day a six year old can get hold of dried animal parts from semi-rare species, not mention some of the other ingredients required. But get them she did. The determined little thing managed to get it all together somehow and whipped up the... I suppose you could call it a talisman. It was a bizarre looking necklace made out of little bones and sinew that was baptized in some freakish stewed concoction over a full moon when some planet and star were in conjunction, or some such. Now, if she would have actually used the thing like she originally intended then everything would have been fine. There wouldn't be a story, at least, not THIS story, and my life would have turned out very normal. Unfortunately for yours truly, she didn't. Seems she was supposed to wait a fortnight before using the talisman after it was done. Something about allowing the harmonic energies to settle down or something, I dunno. Anyway, she carefully stuck it away in one of her little secret hiding places along with the book and various other witches apparati. Then I was born and she found a new hobby, namely making my life a living hell, and promptly forgot all about it. THE FINDING Now, turn the page 18 years. It's August of 2011. I was 18, had just graduated that year, and was enjoying the last free summer of my adult life before I hit the workforce. I was just your average teenager. Six feet tall, auburn hair (I take after my father on that one), blue eyes, and full of youthful energy I didn't know where to direct. My older sister Claire was finally moving out after twenty three years and I was all set to take over her larger, more spacious bedroom. I found it annoying actually. A girl can live with her parents until well into her twenties and people find it cute. A guy over the age of twenty still living at home with his parents is considered to be a bum. Oh well. All that mattered to me was that my devil spawn of a sister was leaving at last for parts unknown and wouldn't be around to give me hell anymore. That just left myself, my parents, and my little sister Kaitlynn. Now Kaitlynn, or Katie as I called her, was the complete opposite of Claire. Where Claire was into everything goth or punk rock, Katie was into ballerinas. While Claire preferred black torn clothing, Katie loved to wear pink frilly stuff. She was 10 years old, long blonde hair, and all sugar and spice, the stereotypical little girl. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate Claire. It's just that we never seemed to get along. Katie and I on the other hand got along quite well. I always took her trick-or-treating, played with her when I had the time, even took her to the movies with me. Anyway, it all started after I finished moving into Claire's old room. We lived in an older two story home, the kind with all hardwood floors and the fancy woodwork. Well, as I was pushing my bookcase around it became stuck on a stubborn piece of hardwood planking. I tried to step down on it to no avail. Lifting the bookcase was out of the question as it was still full of books and too heavy even for me. Getting frustrated, I grabbed my hammer. I always figured that there few problems in life one couldn't solve with a suitably large hammer, and I was about to put that theory to the test. It took a few good whacks before the entire plank came loose and flew off. Aww hell! I thought. Now mom is going let me have it for tearing up the floor. I was about to look for a few nails and try to fix it when I saw the tip of something sticking up. Hmm, this must be what caused the board to stick up. Then it hit me. I had just found one of Claire's secret hiding places! Who knew what kind of incriminating things I might find in there that I could use against her the next time she tried anything with me. Feeling a brief moment of excitement, kind of similar to the time I managed to get hold of her diary (boy was THAT an interesting day), I reached in and started pulling stuff out. The first thing I extricated was the book. It was a smallish hardcover. It was the books corner that was causing the floor to pop up. It didn't look like much at first glance, having a simple black background with dark purple lettering. I read the title: 25 Authentic Simple Spells for the Inexperienced Young Witch. Interesting, I thought. This must be before she got into the punk scene. I leafed through its pages a bit. A Spell to bring Good Fortune. She obviously hadn't used that one, judging by her string of bad boyfriends. A Spell to bring Great Beauty. I had to laugh at that. Claire was not exactly ugly as such but I wouldn't call her a "Great Beauty" either! A Spell for Heart's Desire. Typical girl stuff. I closed the book and proceeded onto the next items in the hiding spot. The next couple of things I could not readily identify, and wasn't quite certain that I wanted to. They looked like random dried animal parts. Some of them still had decaying pieces of fur and feathers attached. I resisted the urge to locate some hand sanitizer. Who knew what contagions they contained. With my sister anything was possible. The last thing to come up was some kind of necklace. It had to be necklace. It had a string and what looked like a complicated zodiac symbol made out of small bones. This must be what those animals gave up their life for. I looked for more but that was it. Not very incriminating, but at least it would give me a nice shot to fire back at her about the Young Witch book in some future argument. Putting all aside I grabbed a few nails, repaired the floorboard, and finished arranging my new room. It was about that time mom called up to announce lunch. I was about to wash up but then looked at the pile of animal remains on my bed and thought better of it. Might as well get rid of these before I wash up for lunch, I figured. Grabbing the whole pile, I took them downstairs to dispose of them. Mom gave me an odd look as I threw away the animal remains. The book I handed over to her. "Here mom. Found this in Claire's room. Thought she might want her little spell book back." "Dear god, I forgot all about that thing. I gave that to her, what, when she was 4 years old? I had no idea she still had it," mom said as she took the book gently in her hands, reminiscing about old times. "She is coming by today for the last load of her things. I'll give it to her then." "Well, tell her I found it and wanted to make sure she didn't lose it. She'll probably need that luck spell in there soon to pay for her apartment!" There, I thought, That should strike some distant nerve, knowing I am aware of her little budding witch fantasies. "Now now, don't go starting another fight with your older sister," mom chided and plopped the food down on the table. Lunch was uneventful. We finished our meal together at the dining room table and went our separate ways. Mine was to get ready to head out cruising with my friend Mark Danson. Mark was 5 foot 11, brown eyes, brown hair, and sported a heavily muscular build he had worked hard for at the gym. Our parents were friends and thus we had become best friends as well. Unlike my middle class accountant father and homemaker mother however, his parents were quite wealthy. His father was a pharmacist who owned his own store and his mother was a registered nurse. His parents had bought him the ultimate graduation present. A brand new Mustang GT. We'd been driving around town in it, living up life and showing off now for the past few months. I envied him. I ran upstairs to my new room, threw on a ratty old pair of jeans, an equally elderly AC/DC t-shirt, slid my shoes on and made ready to head out when I saw that odd necklace sitting on the bed. Hmm, I thought to myself, must have missed that when I grabbed the rest of the pile. I picked it up to examine it closer. I entertained the notion of tossing it in the waste bin for a moment. Then I thought better of it. It would probably annoy Claire even more if she saw me wearing it. Now, like I said, I didn't hate Claire. She had simply taken every opportunity to make my life miserable over the years and I didn't dare waste the chance to retaliate, even in small measures. Completely oblivious to what was in store for me I slipped the ugly necklace over my head. I also tucked it under my shirt in case Mark and I managed to pick up any girls. No point in taking a chance in ruining any potential chances. As soon as it touched the skin of my chest a cold shiver ran down my spine. Wow! Maybe this thing really works, I thought as I headed out the door. I briefly wondered what spell she had used. Then an engine rev and a car horn honked outside signaling Marks arrival. THE CHANGING Just outside my door I almost bowled over my little sister in the hallway as she was coming out of her room. She was wearing her favorite tutu over blue jeans and a white t-shirt and she had her dolls all spread out over her bedroom floor. "Ready to play?" Her happy bright-eyed, innocent face looked up at me expectantly. I remembered too late that I had promised previously to play with her today. It was almost painful to turn her down. I thought about trying to explain things to her, but what would a 10 year old understand about the final days of a teenager's freedom before entering adult life for good? "Hey I'm sorry Katie, but I have something to do with my friend Mark." Her little pout was almost enough to change my mind. Perhaps it would have prevented what was to come if I had. "But you PROMISED!" She whined. "Look, I'm sorry. I'll try to make it up to you." I decided to try and deal. "How about I take you to the movies later on this week?" "It's not the same!" she sniffed. "I already got everything all ready." "I'm sorry," I tried again. "Like I said, I'll make it to you later." I started down the stairs heading for the front door. "You always ignore me anymore. Ever since you graduated." She stared at my retreating back, her hurt focused entirely on me. "I wish you were my age still! Then you would still be in school and you would play with me more." Hurt, crying, and feeling abandoned Kaitlynn ran back into her room and slammed the door shut. It was at that moment I felt it again. The cold shiver ran down my back, just like before. Only this time I also felt a definite tingle accompanying it. I didn't have the time to dwell on it. I ran down the stairs just as my mother came around the corner to investigate the source of the disturbance. "What's going on here? Why is Kaitlynn yelling and slamming doors?" I just wanted to get outside and away from there. But mothers have this amazing power to demand attention when they want it. I chose to answer, knowing it would only mean more trouble if I didn't. "I promised Katie I would play with her yesterday. But I forgot about it and told Mark I would run around with him today." I could already see the fire in her eyes. "You will do nothing of the sort young man. You tell your friend you already had plans and get up there with your sister like you promised her." "She's already pissed at me. And it's not like I ditched her on purpose, you know me better than that. And I DID promise to make it up to her by taking her to the movies later." I could tell I hadn't quite won yet. "Look, mom. This is my last few months of enjoying my life before I get a job. I know Katie won't understand, but can't you relate to that?" That did it. I watched her eye's soften up somewhat. "Tim, I can understand where you are coming from. But one of the most important things in life is your word. Once you promise to do something, you do it. If people can't trust your word then how do you expect them to trust you?" "Okay, first this isn't a multi-million dollar business deal we are talking about here." She opened her mouth to interrupt so I hurried on. "Second, it's not like I lied to her on purpose. It's an honest mistake. And I WILL make it up to her. And, yes, I know that 'my word is my bond' and all that. I just want to enjoy this one moment in my life to its fullest extent." Boom, I had her on that one. Hook, line, and sinker. Then she changed tactics and out flanked me with a surprise attack. "You're going out dressed like that? You look like you just walked out of a homeless shelter!" *sigh* This had been a sore subject between us for some time. She wanted me to dress up and present a "neat and clean image". I just wanted to wear what I liked, and I liked my old clothes. They were comfortable. "Yes mom," I monotone in her direction, "I am going outside dressed like this." Here it comes, I thought. "How many times have I told you, you are not a kid anymore. If you want to get anywhere in this world you have to," and this part I silently mouthed with her, "present a neat and clean image." She gave me a light whack to the back of the head. "And don't mock me." "Sorry mom," I replied. Now I had her attention focused directly on me. "I tell you. Sometimes I wish you were like your little sister. SHE is always neat and enjoys dressing in nice clothes!" Once again, I felt the shiver. This time instead of a numbness I felt a slight itching though. Another honk sounded from outside. I could hear the radio blaring and the bass blasting. Mark was getting impatient. "I'll make a deal with you mom. You let me enjoy these last few weeks before I land a job and the moment I do I will toss out my ratty old jeans and t-shirts." I was reduced to bargaining. "And the dirty old shoes too," Damn. She wasn't giving me an inch on this one. "Yes, AND the dirty old shoes too," I grumbled. "Fine. You can go. But I Expect you to spend some time with your sister tomorrow AND take her to the movies later on." "MOM!" Now she was just pushing her victory. "No buts! You will do as you are told young man. When you get your own house then you can make the rules, but as long are you are under my roof you will follow mine." "Fine," I mumbled back, making for the door before she could either change her mind or add more to the demands. Finally outside, I ran to mustang and hopped in. "Let's roll," I said. Or tried to. The music was so loud I couldn't even hear my own words. Mark wanted to get moving himself though and wasted no time in speeding off, the mustang's engine roaring in response. While were heading into town I kept having to scratch an itch in my crotch. Mark must have noticed too as he turned to music down and commented on it. "Dude, what's wrong. Got crabs or something? You get laid without me?" We had a standing bet going on regarding which one of us would score first. "It doesn't count if you had to pay for it, you know that right?" "Very funny," I retorted. "Don't worry, I don't have crabs. I think my mom must have switched laundry detergents or something." That seemed to satisfy him as turned the radio back up to ear bleeding level. If it was any louder I think I would need a hearing aid before my old man! It did serve to keep me distracted from the itching though. After a few miles he pulled into a gas station and shut the car off. "Hey man, hop in there and pay for this. Here's a few twentys. Go ahead and get us a couple of drinks too." Mark was always loaded with money. His parents were very generous to his habits. I suppose mine would be too if they had as much to spare as Marks parents did. Anyway, it was part of our deal. He buys, I fly. I didn't mind. I got a free ride most of the time on his dime so it suited me just fine. I got out of the car, pulling at my underwear (which seems to have bunched up) as I went, walked into the store and straight up to the counter. "$60 on pump... er, which ever pump that the shiny black mustang is sitting in front of." I always forgot to check the pump. So sue me. "Sure thing," said the kid behind the counter. He wasn't much older than I was. I hope this wasn't what I had to look forward to for my future career. "Nice car," he added. I started walking toward the drinks section when I felt something different. Gone was the annoying itching. In its place now was a new feeling of constriction. What the hell is going on down there, I couldn't help wondering. I had to check it out. Make sure the boys were all right. I looked up and found sign pointing the way to the restrooms. It would be a few minutes before Mark was finished filling up anyway. Walking in the direction the sign I hurried through the door, locking it behind me as I dropped my pants, and stifled the gasp at what I saw. What the fuck... was all I could think. Now I normally wear boxer briefs, having given up the whitey tighteys long ago when I was little. I also know for a fact that boxer briefs are what I had put on this morning. Black ones in fact. What I was wearing now however was definitely not boxer briefs. They were not any type of boxers at all, though they could probably fit the term "briefs". I silently ran my hands over the foreign underwear now hugging my body. It's no wonder things felt tight down there! There wasn't any room for my little buddy. They FELT like the boxer briefs I put on this morning, but they LOOKED like... well, like something else. There was no peep hole for starters. The rich black color was faded. No, fadING, right before my very eyes! I was in shock. I watched with horrified fascination as the darkness slowly faded out revealing, not white like I first suspected, but a light yellow color. The edges were different though. They were turning, pink?! And there was more! The material was actually thinning out while I watched. There was something on the front too, some kind of cartoonish design. They looked more like my younger sisters panties than anything else. It was too much. I yanked my pants back up and looked up into the mirror. I focused on the supply rack in the reflection, needing something reassuringly normal to ground my mind in reality. Had I not been in shock at this moment, I might have noticed a very slight lighter color to my normally dark blonde hair, or even the more subtle lack of the facial hair I had been desperately willing to grow these past few years. Slowly my reasoning began to return. SOMETHING had to be causing this. Underwear doesn't just change on its own. I would have read something in the news about it I was certain. So what? And how? And then it hit me. That spell book! And the necklace!! All this started just after I put on that damned necklace! The thing must be cursed! I reached for my cell phone, intending to call my older sister. Shit! I don't have her number! Quick, think. Think! There was a polite knock at the door. Someone obviously wanted to use the facilities. But how could I go out like this?! Calm down, I told myself, Just breathe deeply and calm down. No one can see what's underneath my pants. Just play it cool and no one will know. I pulled myself together and took a few deep breaths. Okay. I can do this. Open the door and walk away. Right. No problem. I reached for the knob, opened the door, walked out, and right into what was perhaps the hottest girl I had seen all summer. She bounced off the door and fell to the ground, nearly knocking over a display of pop cans in the process. "Oh god, I'm so sorry! Please, let me help you up!" This was the second girl I had nearly run over today. "What the..." she started. She stopped. It was clear she was angry. She looked about to open her mouth, probably to chew me out, and rightfully so. Something must have registered to her senses though. Instead, she simply took my offered hand and looked at me funny as I helped pull her to her feet. "Are you okay?" she asked. "Umm, aren't I the one who should be asking that question of you?" "Well, actually, yeah. You should. But you look, I don't know, like something's really bothering you." Christ! She knows! I knew she couldn't know that I was wearing what for all intents and purposes were girls panties underneath my jeans, but I couldn't stop those thoughts from entering my head. "Uhh, nothing serious." I remembered then I was still holding my cell phone in my hand. I thought fast. "Just a, umm, unpleasant phone call that's all." She seemed unconvinced, but she didn't know me well enough to press the issue. I was about make good my escape when she decided to stick out her hand. "I'm Alicia by the way." I gave up any notion of a quick exit by this point and resigned myself playing the social game. It was odd really. Any other time I would have been doing anything to get this good looking girls attention. Now that I don't want it I can't seem to get away from her. Maybe girls can sense that sort of thing. "Tim," I replied, taking her hand and shaking it politely. "You seem in an awful hurry to get away. Do I have bad breath or are you just afraid I'm still angry that you tried to kill me with a restroom door?" I blushed. "I'm sorry, I was just in a hurry, that's all." "You don't have to keep apologizing," she laughed. "I'm all right." Cue the car horn honking outside. Good old Mark. His timing was always perfect. Any opportunity he had to keep me from winning our bet he took. Not directly of course, but little things. Like honking at me when he can see through the store window that I'm talking to an obvious hottie. This time it backfired on him though. "Is that your ride?" she asked. I nodded. "Nice car." "Oh, it gets us around. It belongs to my friend." Now cue the stereo bass. Nice touch Mark. "Hey, my friends and I are heading the over to the mall right now, then to a party later tonight. You and your friend are invited if you want to come." Oh god... can I ever get out of here? "Uhh, I don't know what my friend had planned." Lame I know, but I had to try something. "I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that it's impolite for guys to turn down offers to parties from cute girls whom they've recently assaulted." Did she hit her head when she fell? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Let me just see if I've got this straight. You just met me. I tried to, as you put it, assault you with a restroom door. And now you want to invite me and my friend, whom you haven't even met, to a party with your friends?" "Pretty much, yeah," she said. "Why?!" I had to ask. "One, you're cute. Two, you're interesting. And three, your friend has a kick-ass car. Does that about sum it up?" "Yep," I croaked, "all clear." "Good," she said, "I'll see you and you're friend at the mall then yes?" What could I say? This walking heart attack had me at her advantage and she knew it. "Sure," was all I could manage in response. She laughed again. Dear god, she must find my shyness attractive. If only she knew why I was so reluctant at that moment she would probably call me a freak and run away. I could still feel them under my jeans. Those mysterious panties which had, for lack of any other explanation, magically replaced my normal underwear. The feeling only served to remind me of the need to get out of there. "Meet me at the food court in the mall at five then. And bring your friend. I can introduce him to one of mine." With that she smiled, winked, and walked into the restroom while I stood there like an idiot. Then my ears registered the bass thumping away outside and I came to my senses. I rushed up to the counter, claimed the unused money from the fuel charge, and hurried outside. As I hopped in the mustang Mark turned the key and its engine roared to life. The sound was somehow calming. "So?" Mark looked sideways at me as he pulled out of the parking lot. "So what?" "What the hell do mean, 'So what'? Did you get her number?" Good old Mark. Always thinking about same thing. At least the girl had caused him to forget about the drinks I never bought. "No, I didn't get her number," I said handing him the left over cash from the gas station. "Dude. You were just in there talking to a total hottie, and you DIDN'T ask her for her number?" This seemed to be a difficult concept for him to grasp. Another sideways glance. "Are you gay?" "What? No! I just... I don't... I didn't have the chance to ask, okay?" That was obviously not enough to satisfy him. "Okay. Fine. I didn't get her number, but I DID get invited to her party later on this evening," I hated telling him. Now he would be insisting on going when all I wanted to do right now was figure out what the hell was happening to me. "Party? Are you fucking serious dude? Hell yeah! Did she say where? When?" Fuck! I thought. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! Do we REALLY have to do this right the fuck now?? I sighed. I was about to talk my way out of the whole deal when I realized that this was exactly the kind of thing we both had been waiting for. This is what we had spent the last several months driving around town for. This is what we had been having wet dreams about since we were 12. Then I figured, what the hell. Why not? It's not like I can do anymore about whatever the hell is happening to me at home than I can here. I can get my sisters number from mom over the phone to get answers out of her. Besides, I have a few dollars. I can stop in at a store in the mall and buy some new underwear. Feeling a bit calmer now, and with a sound plan firmly taking root inside my head, I committed myself to going through with the whole party thing. What was it she told me? Meet her and her friend at the food court in a couple of hours. Right. I absently scratched at my calf as I told Mark what she said. "Shit yeah dude! This is going to be great! I knew this car would get us lucky sooner or later." Inwardly I was a little pissed. Of COURSE he'd credit it on the car. Never mind that said hottie considered his friend cute, and I did make certain to mention that part too. Oh well. Can't blame dog for acting like a dog. Or something like that. Anyhow, we were only about twenty minutes away from the East Side mall. I held tight to my cell phone, just waiting for the chance to get away from Marks deafening stereo system so I could call my mom and get Claire's number. We killed the time, and our hearing, listening to his CD's along the way. Every now and then he would mercifully lower the volume for a few minutes where we would alternate between him going about the party his car had gotten us invited to (apparently I no longer had played any part in the effort save to convey the message) and him asking me about what I thought about some random girl we happened to be passing. I just tuned him out for the most part until he forced himself back into the forefront of my consciousness with a couple of sternly placed "Dudes." I looked up at him and asked what he had said. "I SAID, if you were stranded on an island, right, and the only other person around was your female cousin, right, not your first cousin I mean but like your third or fourth cousin, right, and you were stuck there for a couple of years with no real hope of rescue. Would you do her?" At this, I stopped mid-scratch on my leg, calmly looked at Mark, and asked him the only decent response I could think of for that question. "Is sex the only thing that ever crosses your mind?" "Well, yeah man. I'm a guy. I got needs. Don't tell me you didn't think of my question. You're probably afraid of the answer aren't you, you horny fucker!" He smiled slyly at me. The hell with it. Let him think what he wants to. I just can't wait until we get to the mall and I can get out of here. Never thought it would take so long to make a single phone call. And why the HELL won't my leg stop itching! That's as far as my thoughts got before the bottom of my stomach fell out for the second time that day. It didn't take a rocket scientist to connect the dots. My crotch was itching. It is now covered in what is most definitely a pair of girl's panties. Now my leg is itching. My fucking LEG is fucking ITCHING! Oh god... what the hell is happening to me now! As casually and nonchalantly as I could I reached down and tried to feel my leg through my blue jeans. This is not a simple thing to do. It's not easy to feel much detail through a thick pair of jeans. I started with the ankle. I could feel my sock. I moved up from there. Partway up my calf, still only sock. So far so good. Halfway up my calf. Still more sock. Ok, now I am starting to get freaked out again. I know my socks don't come up to my knees! At least, they didn't this morning when I put them on. But there it was. My sock was now twice as long as it was before. I felt the top of it just below my knee. Only just. That meant only one thing. Now I had on a pair a girls panties, AND a pair of knee high socks! I risked a brief glance at Mark who wasn't paying me any attention, intent as he was on checking out every passing girl that went by. I returned my attention to my leg, raising my pants leg a little to have a look. What I say was not the black sports sock I remembered putting on, but a dark grey sock that stretched when I pulled on it. Christ! Could it get any worse? That's when the light went off in the rear view mirror. The siren was quick to follow. Of course. I just HAD to ask didn't I. "Shit man! My dad will kill me if I get a ticket in this thing." Mark started panicking. "He said he'd drop me from his insurance if I came home with a ticket. I was just doing 70 in a 55. Fuck!" My wardrobe problems temporarily forgotten, I started to share in Marks discomfort. His dad really was pretty strict. I was there when he made the threat to Mark and I could tell he was serious. "Quick dude! When I pull over, switch me seats. I'll pay for the ticket and I'll give you something extra to make up for it." "What?" I replied, shocked at his proposal. "How the hell am I supposed to make the cop believe I was driving? He can SEE you Mark!" "No man, look at the windows! They've got heavy tint. If you switch seats with me fast enough he won't know the difference. C'mon man! You can afford to get a ticket, I can't. I'll make it up to you, I swear!" Shit! It's not bad enough I have my own problems to deal with, now I have to deal with this too! I just never get a break. I thought to myself. "Whatever man, fine. You want to try it, then fine. I'll do it. But you fucking owe me BIG time for this one! You hear me?" "Yeah man," I could already hear the relief evident in his voice. It was lucky for him we took our driving tests at the same time, so I had my license too. "Just take the wheel and slide over me as I pull over. I'll pop it out of gear, hop over, and then you can set the brakes. Ok? Here we go..." We pulled the switch off without any problems. I stopped the car, set the brake, and turned off the engine. I then placed both my hands on the steering wheel. Fortunately my uncle was a cop, and he told me exactly what to do if I ever got pulled over to put a cop at ease. Well, as close to "at ease" as a cop can get when sidling up to a random vehicle. It seemed to do the tick though. He looked around the car, saw my hands on the wheel, noticed the engine was off, and visibly relaxed. "Do you know why I am pulling you over? "Umm, yes sir. Because I was speeding sir." Keep it polite Uncle Ron had said. Keep it simple. "Do you know how fast you were going son?" "Umm, yes sir. I was going about 70 sir." Do not lie he said. Be honest. Don't try to bluff your way out. "You were doing 73 in a 55 zone. License and registration please." "Umm, yes sir. One moment sir." Do what the officer asks you to do. Don't give him a reason to judge you. "Here you go sir." "And the passenger's license too?" "Umm." I looked over at Mark. Not having much choice, he forked his over too. "Son, you want to tell me who was really driving the vehicle now?" "What do you mean sir?" Do not lie he said... "I could see you and your friend moving around as the vehicle came to a stop. I am giving you the chance to tell me the truth son." Why me lord. What vile, foul deed did I commit in a past life to earn a day like this. "Officer, my friend was just looking around for the registration sir. You see, the car sir, his father just bought it for him. We are still a little unfamiliar with it sir." Do not lie... "You really expect me to believe that son?" Damn, this guy was fishing hard. "It's the truth sir." And if all else fails, mention my name to them, he said, "My uncle taught me to respect the law sir." "Your uncle sounds like smart man son. Maybe you should have listened to him." The cop took out his ticket book and flipped it open. "I did sir. His name is Lt Campbell sir." The notebook hesitated. "Lt Arnold J Campbell?" the cop asked. "The one and same sir." The notebook closed. The cop sighed and leaned in the window. He looked both myself and Mark up and down. I resisted the urge to scratch my leg as it itched again. Finally the cop spoke. "I'll tell you what son. If you can tell me what color Lt Campbell's eyes are, I'll believe that you are his nephew." I didn't even hesitate. "Blue-grey sir." "Uh-huh." The book flipped back open. "But just the one sir. The other one he lost in the line of duty saving his partners life." Flip. The book is shut and put away. Thank god for the thin blue line. "Now look here son. I know you wasn't the one driving this vehicle. And don't think for an instant that I believe that story about your friend looking for the registration." "But," Mark started to interject. "But nothing son. And don't interrupt me again or the next time I take out this book it's not getting put away. Now I'm going to let you off with a warning today. If it wasn't for the fact that your uncle is a full blown hero I would write the both of you up and impound this vehicle right now. You understand me boys?" "Yes sir," we both said in unison. "Good. Now, here's what you are going to do. You are going to continue driving this car while your friend here stays in that passenger seat." At this Mark's eyes nearly popped out of his head. NO ONE drove his car. Apparently it was the response the cop was looking for. "You want to give me a story? Well now, we're just going to make it a reality. Maybe the next time you'll think twice before pulling another stunt like this one. You got me son?" "Yes sir." I could barely hear Marks whispered response. "What was that son?" "I said 'Yes sir,' sir." "Good. Here's your drivers licenses back. And one more thing," he said looking straight at me, "I suggest you get yours renewed. There are some typos on your information. Have a nice day." And with that he turned and walked back to his cruiser. I could only wonder what the hell he meant by that. I had only got my license earlier this year. Everything on it was right on. I checked it myself. "Fuck man. You better not scratch my car or I'll..." But I didn't let him finish. I'd had enough today. "You'll fucking what Mark? YOU got us into this mess. YOU insisted we switch. I just got us OUT of this mess. And now you want to give me an attitude?" "Shit dude, I'm just saying." "Don't bother. Just don't bother. I'll drive this thing how I want and you can damn well sit down and shut the hell up about it. Or would you rather I get out right now and you can explain to your father why your mustang got impounded?" "Jesus! You have to decide right NOW to grow a set of balls? Fuck it. Fine. Just try not to hurt it. Please?" "Well, since you ASKED, fine. I'll try not to hurt the precious car." He either missed my sarcasm there or was simply so relieved I agreed to go easy on the car that he actually shut up. Meantime I turned the ignition and fired the beast up. I have to admit there is a certain thrill in feeling the power of a moderately high output hotrod growling beneath you. This sleek machine was now in my hands. I couldn't resist a little grin at Mark as I took off, just to make him nervous. No point he should get off easy since I did all the work back there. I had almost forgotten about my predicament by the time we reached the mall. If it wasn't for the itching reminding me I probably would have forgotten to call my mother and get Claire's number. I noticed the itching had moved up past my knee. A brief feel of my pants revealed what I suspected. I was now sporting over-the-knee socks. Something was off though. I could barely feel the edge through my jeans this time where last time it was very distinct. I parked the car beside a beat up pickup, just to piss Mark off. He immediately grabbed his keys after I got out and moved the car down eight spaces in the middle of nowhere. Talk about paranoid. In all honesty though I suppose I would be doing the same if I had a car like that. Without another word we both headed inside. I took out my cellphone and told Mark I need to make a few calls. I told him I would meet up with him in the food court in about an hour and a half, the time we were told to be there. He didn't argue. He had some cooling off of his own to do after the car ordeal. I hurried off to find someplace to make the call. I also wanted to see what the hell was going on underneath my pants. Again. So I made for the restrooms, deciding I could make my phone call in there. My legs continued itching all the way through the mall. I would have to park on the opposite side where the restrooms were wouldn't I. I made it to the restrooms just as the itching was reaching my hips. By now I could no longer feel anything through the jeans. I already had a sinking feeling of what I would find when I looked. I may have never worn them before, but having two sisters makes one somewhat knowledgeable in female clothing department. I was under no illusions. My socks were becoming pantyhose. It was the only explanation. I made a beeline straight for the nearest empty stall and locked myself in. I hesitated only a moment before pulling down my pants. I was greeted with the sight of my socks coming together at the waist just as I pulled my pants down. I watched, mesmerized, as they wove themselves up over my panties (god I couldn't even think that with a straight face) and slowly climbed up over my belly. They came to a rest there and I realized for the first time that these weren't normal pantyhose. These were tights. Thick, heavy, solid, tights. And they were still changing color too. My panties had gone from Black to yellow, with pink trim around the edges. They also sported a cartoon character over the front and now had a little pink bow just above that. My tights, and yes they were now definitely MY tights, were going from black to some equally pale color. As I watched they passed grey into light grey, then into a sort of dirty color, then an off white. I thought they were done there, but no... they didn't stop until they were a bright, clean, ultra white. I pulled my pants back up in case anyone happened to peek in the cracks of the stall and see me there. Paranoid, I know, but can you blame me? I sat there, I don't know, must have been ten, fifteen minutes? Then I regained my composure and took my cell phone out. I had to get hold of my older sister and figure this thing out. Who knows what will happen next! I dialed the number to my house. My little sister answered the other end. Shit! I hope she isn't still pissed at me, I thought. "Hey Katie, is mom home? It's really important. I need to talk to her." No response. This wasn't looking good. Almost a full minute went by and I just starting to panic when I heard my mother's voice on the line. "Tim? What is it? Please be brief, I have dinner in the oven I need to take care of." "Mom! Thank god, I didn't know if Katie was going to give you the phone or not." "What do you need hun? I told you, I have food about to burn." "Mom! Please, I need Claire's cell number. It's important." "Well you are just going to have to wait until I get the food taken care of. I have to look it up and I don't have the time right this minute." "Mom please!" I tried, in vain. "What has gotten into you today Tim? You can call me back in about fifteen or twenty minutes. I'll get it for you then." "No, mom!" "Goodbye!" She hung up the phone. Dammit! Here she was casually making dinner while her son was being cursed with little girls clothing! It's not like she knows what's going on though. I'm sure that if she was aware she would let dinner burn to come to the rescue of her only son. Only son, hah! I'm beginning to feel like her second daughter! Tights! And panties! What's next?! And then I remembered. I had forgotten all about it after yelling at Mark in the car. That cop. He said something about needing to update my license because my information was wrong? Oh god... no. Please, no. It can't be. Just the clothes. Just let it be my clothing. Very slowly, I buttoned up my pants and zipped my fly. I then waited patiently to make sure there was no one else around in the restroom with me. I opened the door and walked up to the mirrors above the sinks where I just stood there, staring. The differences were not major, but they were there. I pulled out my license to compare it to the mirror. The cop was right. Right there on my license it still says auburn hair. The mirror showed my hair to be a dark blonde. But that wasn't all. I had obviously lost weight. I mean, I wasn't a toothpick or anything but sure wasn't the 195 pounds my license proclaimed. The picture wasn't any more reassuring either. First, my hair was longer now than in the photo. Not much, but hair doesn't grow that fast in a few months, let alone in one morning! Plus I couldn't help but notice that I looked younger now than in the photo. This was too much. I put my hands on the sink and leaned up against it in despair. If I wasn't so distraught over my predicament I may have noticed that the sink came up just a little bit higher to me than I was used to. I looked at the clock on my cellphone. It had only been about six minutes. Mom still wouldn't help with me, even if she was finished with dinner. She said fifteen minutes, she meant fifteen minutes. Fine, I can deal with that. First things first. What do I have to do? I can't call mom for another nine minutes at least. That means I can't deal with any new changes. So that only leaves the changes I have already endured. Right. But what to start with? Something easy... The panties. The panties and the tights. Those are something I can deal with now, while I am waiting. There's a store right across from the restrooms. I can just walk in there, buy a pack of boxer briefs and come right back here to change. Then I can call mom again when I am done. Taking one last look in the mirror (was my hair even longer?!) I turned to the door and exited the restrooms. I headed straight to the department store across the walkway. I was so worried someone would somehow be able to notice that I was wearing a girls tights and panties that it wasn't until I was well into the store that I began to notice the tapping that was echoing my every step. At first I thought that someone was following me. I looked behind me but saw no one. I started walking again, and again I heard it. A light tap-tap sound every time I took a step. I looked down at my shoes, and nearly yelled out loud at what I saw. NOOOO! Not this! Not now! Fuck! The changes are becoming fucking VISIBLE! Double fuck! I started to panic. I quickly darted back into an empty isle before anyone could notice. Looking around to make sure that I was alone, I proceeded to examine this new round of changes. My shoes were definitely different. I lifted my leg to see what was making the tapping sound. My soft soled sneakers had apparently hardened on the bottom. Now there was a slight raised heel in the back as well. The rest of the shoe was darkening even while I watched from the dirty white of my sneakers to a solid black. I put my foot down and could just barely see under my pants the shape and cut of a girl's style of shoe. The open cut came out nearly to my toes with a rounded look that was proudly showing off my socks (tights!) inside. Lifting my pants leg a little revealed a simple strap holding the shoe on my foot. I knew the name of these types of shoes. Mary Janes. My shoes were turning into a pair of mary fucking Janes. Un-fucking-believable. This was too much. This was way too much. Hidden changes I could deal with, but now ANYONE could see the shoes I was wearing. Without even thinking, I turned around and ran back to the restrooms. The tap-taping of my now hard soles shoes on the tiled floor echoing me. Once in the restrooms I locked myself in a stall once again, made certain the toilet wasn't a mess, and flopped down in despair. I don't know how long I sat there. It was well beyond the ten minutes I needed to wait before calling my mother back. Eventually, I remembered the cell phone in my pocket and what I had to do. I pulled myself back together and took out my cell phone. "Hello?" Yes! I thought. My mother had answered the phone this time. "Mom! I need Claire's cell phone number. I need it now. It's important." "What's important dear?" Dammit all to hell and back! Could she just once stop asking so many questions and do something when asked? "Mom," I began, making a solid effort to keep my voice from betraying my desperation as that would surely spark far more questions than I was prepared to tell her, "I need to talk with Claire. It's something between me and her." "Her and I," my mother corrected. God bless that woman, her heart is in the right place at least. "Fine! Ok! Her and I. It's between Claire and myself." I could tell she was curious. I just hoped she wouldn't press the questions and would hurry up and get me the number before something ELSE started changing. I was quickly running out of clothing and my hair was still growing. "Well, she'll be here in about 20 minutes to pick up the last of her things. Why don't you call back and talk to her then?" I couldn't believe this? Twenty more minutes? Who knew what would happen to me by then! It was then that my cell phone beeped letting me know its battery was getting low. Great, just great. "Mom, I need to talk to Claire now. Right now. Please. Don't ask me why, just give me her number." "Honey, is something wrong? What's going on?" Great. Now she was getting worried. That was all I needed. "Mom, nothing is wrong! Nothing that concerns you or dad at least. Now please! I just want Claire's number so that I can call her and talk to her. I have a right to speak with my sister!" I was getting desperate. I didn't have the time to fool around with mom and her 20 questions game, no matter how well-meaning she was. "Ok buster. I'll give you the number, but you and I are going to have a talk when you come home," I heard some rustling around in the background, "Alright, here it is. Are you ready?" I took the number down, said a hasty goodbye to mom, hung up and dialed Claire. By the grace of god she picked up after the first ring. "Hello?" My older sisters voice. It had never sounded so good before. "Claire! Thank god. Hey, do you remember that spell book you had when you were little? The one you hid away under the floor in your old bedroom?" "Tim? Spell book? Why the hell are you asking me about that? For that matter why the hell are you even calling me?" I could already tell this was not going to be easy. We never had very good relations at the best of times. "Look Claire, please. I don't have time to argue. I found a loose board in your old bedroom with a bunch of stuff under the floor. In it was some spell book for little witches and a necklace made out of bone." It was then that I remembered I was still wearing the weird necklace. Could that thing be what was doing this to me? I pulled it out and was about to take it off right then and there but I was holding the cell phone to my ear and Claire was starting to speak again. "Yeah I remember them. I was, what, six years old? You think you're going to try and blackmail me with stuff that old do you?" See? It's nice to know where we stand with each other. "Claire, I don't want to blackmail you. I gave the spell book to mom to give back to you in fact. I just need to know what that necklace was. What spell did you use to make it?" "Jesus Tim. That was a long time ago. Eighteen years as a matter of fact. You are asking me to remember something I did eighteen years ago at the age of six? What the hell are you on puke?" Puke was the name she had taken to calling me a long time ago. I was thirteen and she was nineteen. She was going to a party at a friend's house after being expressly forbidden to do so. I found out and made her take me along. It was the first time I ever had alcohol. I didn't take to it very well, thus the nickname. "Claire, please. I really don't want to argue. If you must know, I put the necklace on. I just want to know what it was supposed to do in case something freaky happens." Too late, I thought after I said it, Something freaky is already happening. I heard her laughter in the background. "Wait, let me get this straight. You find a spell book with a bone necklace. You give the spell book away and put on the necklace. And only THEN do you think to worry about what might happen? God! This is rich. You are such an idiot Tim!" I guess I deserved that one. "Yeah, yeah, I'm an idiot, I should have thrown it away, blah, blah, blah. Will you just tell me what spell you used to make it? Please?" This wasn't good. Begging was weakness to Claire. I just knew this was going to end up with me doing something I didn't want to do. "Tell you what. I do remember the necklace and I'll tell you what spell I used if you do something for me in return." Yep, saw that coming. "Fine, whatever you want. Just keep it within reason. And I'm not typing any reports for you like last time." "You never finished the last one you little puke! I had to redo the entire thing and only barely managed to get it in on time!" "Hey, it wasn't my fault you failed to specify the details. I did exactly what you asked," I wasn't about to own up to purposefully trying to fail her. Not now. Beep beep beep, went the cell phone. Oh god, that meant it was about to die! "If that's how you feel then maybe I might just forget about that spell you wanted to know about." Damn! I don't have time for this. I looked down at my shoes. I was now sporting full fledged mary janes. "Look, I don't have time to argue. Just tell me what you want me to do." "Okay, I want you to do all my laundry tomorrow, and finish moving my boxes AND start getting things unpacked and put away. I have a movie I had wanted to see with my friends tomorrow so this should work out well." "Fine, fine, I'll do it." "And if anything gets broken you are paying for it!" Good to know she still trusts me. "I promise not to break anything. Jeesh! Just tell me about the damn spell already!" "Alright although for the life of me I can't understand why you are so determined to hear about it. It's not like magic is real or anything." That's what SHE thinks! I thought, looking down at my girly shoes. Even with my pants covering most of them it was still obvious I was wearing girls shoes with white tights underneath. I idly scratched at my chest as Claire finally began to explain. "The spell was supposed to make your desire's become real. I had a hell of a time getting together all of the ingredients at that age. A few of them I had to substitute." I had guessed as much. "The way it worked was..." "Claire? Hello? Claire?!" I looked at the cell phone. It had shut off. I tried to turn it back on only for it to shut right back off again. FUCK! What the hell was I supposed to do now!! I thought about what she said. A desire spell. It was supposed to make my desires become real. Ok, seems fair enough. Then why was it making my clothes into a little girls for? I sure as hell never desired that! Ok, think back. What happened after I put the necklace on? I felt a shiver down my spine. That must have meant it was activated. Then Mark arrived to pick me up. I ran out the door and into Katie. She wanted me to play with her and got angry when I said I can't. Then I went downstairs... wait a minute, didn't I feel another shiver before I went downstairs? I did, just after Katie said something. What was it that she said, just before she stomped off into her room? 'I wish you were my age still'. Could that be it? Could that be what's changing me? But that would be someone else's desires, not my own. Could it be the substitutions Claire made to the spell what's letting other people change me instead of myself? And it wouldn't account for the clothes would it? It WOULD account for why I look younger though. That's when the implications of that thought hit me. I'm getting younger. She wished I was her age. She's a ten you old girl. I'm turning into a ten year old. I'm going to keep getting younger until I am ten fucking years old! I was shivering by this point. Cell phone dead, my entire body shedding nearly a full decade of growth, the only person who could possible help me hate's me, and my clothes are still mysteriously changing into those of a little girls. My clothes! That snapped me back into the here and now. I still haven't figured out why my clothes are changing yet. Ok, I felt a shiver when I put the necklace on and when Katie made her wish. That accounts for the necklace and the physical changes. Didn't I feel another shiver? Yes, when I was downstairs talking to mom. What did she say? Something about being like my little sister because she dresses in nice clothes. Girl's clothes. I was going to be wearing girls clothes. All my clothing was turning into a ten year old girl's clothes. Not only that, clothes similar to my girly-girl younger sister to boot! I could only sit there, still shivering, as the full impact of this set in. It was only the itching of my chest once again that broke through my awareness. No. Not again. Only I knew it was true. I knew it would continue too. And I knew what I would find when I looked. I tried to lift my shirt up to view my chest. It wouldn't lift up. Closer inspection showed that my shirt had fused with my pants. They were both one piece of clothing now. I couldn't even take them off like they were now if I wanted to, until they finished whatever change they were going through. I resorted to looking down from the top of my shirt. What I saw was exactly what I expected. I was wearing a bra. It looked just like one of Katie's Training bras. It was the same color as my panties. I could only guess that they were a matching set. And my shirt had changed more too. I noticed it as I held it out from my neck. The neckline was lower for starters. The sleeves seemed a little, I don't know, puffier? I was beyond having a reaction. I was in shock. My body getting younger, my clothes turning into the opposite gender, my entire life changing right before my very eyes and there was nothing I could do. I stood up and listened for anyone else in the restroom. There was one other person who I waited on to leave. Once it was clear I walked out of the stall and up the mirror again. The first thing I noticed was the counter. It was much higher than it was before. Which meant that I was now much shorter. Before, it had come up to about my waist. Now it was up to my chest. Looking in the mirror I almost couldn't believe my eyes. In the hour or so since I had last looked into it so much had changed. I already looked like I was only about twelve or thirteen at the most. My weight too had dropped much more. I was always somewhat athletic growing up and therefore had a muscular build. Now I was downright thin. My hair had also continued its change. It was a light honey blonde, just like my sister Katie's. It had grown well past my ears and the only reason I hadn't noticed until now was because the bangs kept it out of my face. This disturbed me. If I was simply turning into a ten year old boy with girls clothes then why was my hair changing like a girls too? Did that mean that I was going to become a complete girl myself? I should be freaking out. I should be yelling and screaming, and going insane. Instead I just felt kind of numb inside. It was all too much. While I was staring at myself in the mirror some guy had walked into the restroom. He gave me a long and uncomfortable stare before relieving himself at a urinal and quickly walking back out. I realized that I must look more like a girl to him than a boy. Taking a deep breath, I knew I could no longer hide in the restroom. Nor could I go over into the women's restroom either. Not just for the fact that I was not female (yet) but also I couldn't bring myself to cross that barrier just yet. I was determined to hold onto as much as myself as I could and going into the women's room was not conductive to that mindset. I took one last glance in the mirror taking stock of myself. I noticed that my hair was starting to curl. I think that was even worse than the tights and the panties actually. Long curly hair is the epitome of little girlness. Turning away I walked back outside and into the mall. I tried to ignore the tap-taping of my Mary Janes on the tile. I could feel a little breeze on my legs as I walked and looked down to investigate. My pants seemed to be climbing up my legs, leaving my white stocking clad legs revealed for all the world to see. I was amazed that no one was taking particular notice. I mean, sure, the changes were happening very slowly and one would have to watch for several minutes in order to even notice anything, but you would think someone would take notice of a seeming twelve year old androgynous (ok, androgynous but leaning-toward-girl to be fair) kid wearing odd clothes which seemed undecided themselves over whether they wanted to be boys clothes or girls clothes. I did get a few odd stares, and even a few long ones, but nothing more. I guess people simply chalked it up to some weird new teenage fad. I half hoped for someone to stare at me long enough to actually notice the changes happening. Maybe then I could get someone to help me, if that were possible. I walked around the mall randomly, not having any real sense of direction. I mean what could I do? As I walked I could still feel my pants going through their change. I felt more and more breeze traveling up my leg. I knew this meant that my pants were still receding. It seemed to level out and stop at just above my knees. My hands could feel the change in material as they brushed against my pants while I walked. I could feel them becoming softer and thinner. Unable to help myself any longer, I stopped in front of the big glass windows of some store front to look at my reflection again. What looked back at me was most certainly not myself. I looked, at the oldest, eleven or maybe twelve. My hair was nearly down to my shoulders. It was very curly now. My shirt and pants now looked like a short girls jumpsuit. My white legs protruding down and ending in mary jane shoes. I looked every bit like a girl. I wasn't sure I could pass for a boy now even if I took these girl's clothes off. Staring at my reflection, I felt hopeless, lost. Here I was, in the middle of the mall, miles away from home, stuck wearing little girls clothing, my own body become a little girl itself, no cell phone, and no one to turn to for help. All I had was this necklace. This horrible, evil, hellishly ugly necklace which I had, like the idiot I was, stupidly worn in ignorance. If only I had tossed it out with the rest of the trash from the hole in the floor. Then I everything would be fine and I would be getting ready for a party tonight with a beautiful girl, not becoming one myself. The party! I forgot all about it. I was supposed to meet up with Mark and Alicia at the food court in just about an hour. How was I going to meet them looking like this?! I mean, I was young enough to qualify as Alicia's sister now not her date, even IF she was willing to date a guy wearing little girls clothing. I took out the necklace again from under my shirt. It was hard to believe that this harmless looking little thing had caused all this mess. I looked back at my reflection, thinking back to what Claire had said before the cell phone went dead. A spell of desire. Wait a minute. I saw that one! I vaguely remembered glancing at that spell while I was briefly leafing through the spell book. What did it say? Something about making your desires become real. But how? I felt like kicking my own ass for not reading the whole thing. Or for putting the damned necklace on in the first place! I focused back on my reflection in the glass. I could see the changes that happed just while I had been standing there. My jumpsuit was now a dress. The original dark color of my shirt was fading fast to what was obviously becoming a light pink. Gone was the AC/DC logo, replaced by artful wrinkles in the cloth. I now looked every bit the ten year old girl I was to become. I wondered how I was going to meet with my friend Mark, or even how I was going to get home. Fuck the party. I wanted nothing more right at that moment than to go home so I could talk to mom, talk to Claire, and try to get all this sorted. I just wish I could get a ride home with Mark without having to explain anything. I just want everything to be normal again! Suddenly I felt another shiver travel down my spine. What the hell? I heard a small clatter at my feet and looked down to see a mess of bones scattered on the floor. With a feeling of dread I lifted the string of the necklace to see that it was gone. The string was there but the bones of the necklace had all fallen off. I felt a slight pressure in my head. Suddenly I could remember memories that weren't there before. A lot of them involved Mark. I remembered my bed room, just across from his. I remembered his parents, now MY parents. I even remembered coming to the mall with him today, to get a gift for our mother for her birthday. I staggered backwards, trying to cope under the mental weight of an entire new life entering my head at an accelerated rate, and landed right in Marks a

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She sashayed in the room with intent. The young woman named Desiree felt eyes when she walked in. The boys said, “Daaaaamn!"As she walked into science class. Let’s not pretend. She knew what she had. She knew her butt was big. She knew she had curves. However, what she didn’t know as class went on was a young man noticing her for more than her curves. Honestly, it turned him on. But while others look at her like animals, after all, we were all mammals. Desiree knew something was different about...

Oral Sex
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At the time of this story Desiree’s husband was in the middle of a two week training course 1,000 miles away. I along with my wife and a few friends were helping Desiree move the last few loads into their new house. They had bought a nice house in suburbia with a half acre of ground and a nice in-ground pool surrounded by a privacy fence. John’s mother had the kids for the weekend so that Desiree could finish moving in. We were packing their shoes into boxes when I notice that they...

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Drifter McLeod Desiree

CHAPTER 1 Two unhappy years post-graduation spent working for his father in a small-town store dealing in rent-to-own furniture, appliances and electronics had convinced McLeod Jones he was becoming brain dead. His father refused to introduce innovations or allow McLeod to modernize the premises and at least half the customers resented dealing with Jones junior because of his young age, thinking he knew nothing. McLeod quit. His father shut himself in his office with a loaded shotgun,...

4 years ago
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Pregnant and Desireable

I had the day off, it was a very warm Summer day, so I decided to head tothe mall, where it was at least air conditioned and perhaps purchase somenew lingerie.Upon entering the large department store, I quickly located the lingeriedepartment. Being it was the middle of the afternoon, there weren't manyshoppers in the store. After sorting through various night gowns, robes,panties, I selected a few to try on. While heading to the dressing room,I noticed a woman who appeared to be in her late...

2 years ago
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Hearts on FireChapter 6

The smell of coffee brewing and bacon cooking awoke Sam. She opened her eyes and stretched. A feeling of great euphoria rushed over her and she smiled. All of her upbringing told her that what had happened last night was wrong. However, every other part told her it was so right. It was like she had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. They were arguing right and wrong. But, she couldn't tell which position the angel or the devil was taking. Sam got out of bed and put her robe...

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I was walking around the local mall just doing some casual wandering shopping, not really looking for anything including what I found. I rounded the corner and there stood this amazing creature with long brown hair, deep blue eyes and the fullest lips I have seen in some time.She was a fuller figured beauty and I was very intrigued with what I saw since she was very sultry and definitely sexy. I followed her into a couple of normal stores when she led me into a store I was apparently not paying...

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Muemen opened his eyes and lay enjoying the familiar and constant roll of the sea. The hazy gray light of early dawn seeped into his dark cabin through the cracks and edges of the door and thin brown curtains of the lone, paneless window. He rolled from his hammock and stretched his stiff muscles, scrounged through his bare pantry for a quick breakfast of blue tubers and a few sardines, and sat himself at his small table before the window. He peeked outside as he ate, the sun had not yet broken...

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It was the dream that she loved and hated; her greatest fantasy that would never come true. Yunami was stretched out on the bed, naked beneath the sheet pulled up just above her breasts. Her auburn hair was scattered around her head on the sumptuous pillows like a halo. The sheer curtains hanging around the bed allowed her to see the rest of the room but hid her from the eyes of her approaching lover. She watched as Daeghen walked towards the foot of the bed. He was naked, his body sculpted...

1 year ago
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Jacobs is a muscular build guy, long blond hair and has a tanned complexion. Though he is an absolude playboy, yet many gals would risk anything to know him. But, though lots of gals surrounded him, he didn't quite liked anyone of them. However, there is one girl, he totally was damn mad about her. Her name was Cynthia, 4 years younger than him, red haired, and petite breast. She loved to wear sports bra just everywhere. Her tight long jeans showed her madly curved shape and the outline of her...

2 years ago
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An Unholy Desire1

Chapter 2 The Medical Center was nestled in a grove of Eucalyptus trees on the west side of the hill, separating the hospital from the research center and classrooms that were s**ttered over the hills. Everything on ‘Pill Hill,’ as the doctors, professors, and research students called it affectionately, was painted white and now, in the late morning sun, the hill had a magical feeling to it. Buzzing with activity, students rushed to and from classes, eyes glued to the sidewalk in worry …...

2 years ago
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A Shower with My Secretdesire

A Shower with my Secret Desire I check my watch, I know I am late, bloody trains, then the traffic. I know you’re going to be getting ready, and I wanted to see your transformation with my own eyes. From tracksuit to queen, ready to walk confidently on my arm. I get to the door and I know where you keep your spare key, so I simply get it and open the door. Once inside I can hear the shower running and your music playing. “Bugger!” I think. With that I hear you walking around. “Oh I’m not to...

3 years ago
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A Shower with My Secretdesire

A Shower with my Secret Desire I check my watch, I know I am late, bloody trains, then the traffic. I know you’re going to be getting ready, and I wanted to see your transformation with my own eyes. From tracksuit to queen, ready to walk confidently on my arm. I get to the door and I know where you keep your spare key, so I simply get it and open the door. Once inside I can hear the shower running and your music playing. “Bugger!” I think. With that I hear you walking around. “Oh I’m not to...

Straight Sex
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An Unholy Desire1

Chapter 2The Medical Center was nestled in a grove of Eucalyptus trees on the west side of the hill, separating the hospital from the research center and classrooms that were s**ttered over the hills. Everything on "Pill Hill," as the doctors, professors, and research students called it affectionately, was painted white and now, in the late morning sun, the hill had a magical feeling to it. Buzzing with activity, students rushed to and from classes, eyes glued to the sidewalk in worry ......

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Desire, Fictionmania Contest Entry By Angela J. These are my final thoughts. I've downloaded this to a disk so that you will know that I was more than what you thought. In realizing that you have murdered me, I hope that you will find some remorse for your actions. It was really by accident that I discovered my ability to read and write thoughts. I suppose it started with desire. How fascinating? I knew that there were others before me. They, the creators, did not keep...

2 years ago
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Dont Speak to Me of Desire

Don’t speak to me about desire. I know more of that word than most know about their own heartbeats. I have desired many things, some of which I have actually managed to grasp. I know desire. I know it well. I desire her with a part of me so ancient that it is nothing more than the spawn of patience. I look at her and wonder what it would be like to know her touch on my skin. Soft? Harsh? Dominating? Submissive? This part of me, an elder of mankind be eons, does not wonder… it waits. It waits...

3 years ago
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A Burning Desire

Rick had a burning desire. It was a desire that literally reared its large head up every time he saw a pretty girl. This burning desire struck anytime Rick thought of sex. This was often and not unusual or unexpected for a young ninteen-year old freshman boy attending college in sunny Florida. Rick was a boy and not a man because he was still a virgin, a very easily stimulated and horny one at that. It was Saturday and only the second week of his freshman year and he was off to the beach to...

First Time
4 years ago
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Drug of Desire

Mark is the chief scientists in a lab that is working on a drug that allows the subject to loose total control of her sexual desires. A drug that would create such a sexual desire that morals would go right out the window. The only thing important to the subject would be to feed her lust and quench her desires. However, this kind of drug wasn't easy to create, he and his team worked on this for over twelve years, without success. He and his company knew that if they succeeded the discovery...

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All Lovers Desire

All Lovers' Desires So it had happened that Steve, upset that his fiancee, attractive and willfull, had been unwilling to incorporate "power tools" into their love making. That she in fact had discouraged every hint of experimentation or kink in their play, and coming home from work one day, Steve had chanced to stop at an out of the way store because of a detour. "Young man, I can see that you are troubled but I believe I can help you." The shopkeeper saw Steve start to interrupt...

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The Other Side Of Desire

Half awake, desire slowly infuses my soul, the realisation of your warm nakedness nestled into me drives the urge. My cock, stirring feels the heat of your ass, the smoothness of your skin, as I slowly harden and awaken. Desire turns to need as the realisation of you fills me. I draw closer as I start the slow seduction of your desire.I kiss the back of your neck, softly, almost invisibly and your breathing alters, I watch in the dark as your body arouses slowly. More kisses to your neck,...

Straight Sex
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The Other Side Of Desire

Half awake, desire slowly infuses my soul, the realisation of your warm nakedness nestled into me drives the urge. My cock, stirring feels the heat of your ass, the smoothness of your skin, as I slowly harden and awaken. Desire turns to need as the realisation of you fills me. I draw closer as I start the slow seduction of your desire.I kiss the back of your neck, softly, almost invisibly and your breathing alters, I watch in the dark as your body arouses slowly. More kisses to your neck,...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Digital Desire

What’s your Digital Desire? Well, personally, I’ve got a few, but certain elements bring them all together. For one thing, I didn’t start a whole website to discuss my desire for good food or fast cars. But then, pretty girls without their clothes on figure into all of my main interests, so you can kind of guess where my heart lies on this particular topic. And well, based on the fact that you’re reading this on ThePornDude rather than any of the SFW internet media outlets, I’m guessing you’ve...

Premium Porn Pictures Sites
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The Futa Fairy Futa Doctors Hot Wish Chapter 1 Dr Ritas Futa Desire

Chapter One: Dr. Rita's Futa Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 It had been a month since that fateful morning when I learned something impossible. Something amazing. Something that had my pussy wet almost every morning when I sank in to sleep through the day. Yes, the day. I worked the night shift St. Claire's Hospital. A month ago, I had been pulled over by the futa-cop, Officer Cindy. Just thinking of that domineering futa made my pussy so wet. I shuddered in my scrubs, my...

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Ashley Fulfills Hubbys Desire

Ashley Fulfills Hubby's Desirebycrax1976© Ashley and Andrew have been together for ten years. Though married for five, they have no k**s, preferring their freedom. When Ashley and Andrew met sparks flew. They have spent as much time together as possible considering their opposite hours and are still deeply in love today. Ashley works at the neigborhood pub, while Andrew is a chartered accountant and works from home.Andrew was spending a Sunday evening in the pub watching football. A shy quiet...

3 years ago
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Lovers Desire

Disclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us Universe..............it is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...

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The Call of Desire

I lay back on the bed with my hands behind my head, wearing only my boxers, gazing at my wife through the open bathroom door and feeling generally content. Watching Cindy is always a pleasure, even when she's performing such mundane tasks as brushing her teeth. The way the muscles in her long, tanned legs flex as she rises up on her toes to reach the toothpaste, the way she casually tucks her dark, shiny hair behind an elegant pink ear as she leans over the sink, even the little spitting...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 1 Cassandras MILF Desire

Chapter One: Cassandra's MILF Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Oh, my god, Cassandra, check out what Deidre posted on her Facebook page,” Lana, my best friend, said. “It's a pic of her and her sister with their cheeks pressed together, looking so happy. Oh, god, it's so corny. 'Closest sisters in the world,' it says.” “Really?” I said with a giggle, reaching for my phone beside me to check out the post. Deidre had gotten real weird the last few weeks of school, spending all...

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A Dark Desire

The number of cars clustered in the parking lot is a little surprising. Sure I knew there would be a few volunteers who'd answer the request for assistance at the library, but I didn't expect quite this many. It's an impressive turnout for a weekday morning, and before 8:00 a.m. to boot.With my husband Roger being away for the first week of a two week business trip, the novelty of solo shopping and doing whatever I please has worn a bit thin. I'm feeling just a little proud that I'm actually...

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A Letter of Desire

Hello Love It’s a little after midnight and I have just finished talking to you on the phone. As usual, we have laughed and joked and made a few sexual innuendoes. Again, talking about our trip to Las Vegas. I have walked away from my computer thinking about how special and important you have become — an important part of my life. As I think back over the past few weeks it’s hard to believe what has happened. I never would have thought I would meet someone so beautiful, caring, and loving....

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Sir the forbidden desire

the first touch, the discreet touches, the lust increasing, the desire, the wanton, 2 very different people wanting one very same thing.How they had managed it is anyone's guess, but here they were, abroad in the beautiful sunshine, a villa in a remote village, not accessible to passer bys.They were finally alone, full of years of desire, wanton. Stripping off as they entered the villa they had wild erotic sex by the door, the first sexual penetration they had managed.Cum dripping from her...

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Demons Desire

Demon's Desire Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. Content Warning: While this is one of my sweeter tales, when all is said and told, it *does* involved an initially unwilling TG Michael shook the salt canister, trying to shake every last granule from its...

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Hearts on FireChapter 11

A thumping sound awoke Sam with a start. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Sally wasn't in bed. Then she heard the sound again. She looked above her head and saw something hit the window. When she got up and looked outside, a smile came to her face. She saw Sally standing outside in the snow, throwing snowballs at the window. Sally waved and pointed at the "snowwoman" that the two of them had started yesterday. Another smile came to Sam's face when she saw that Sally had finished...

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SISTER IN LAW FULFILLING MY BURING DESIRE Hi Readers, By now you may have read my earlier two stories under the title of HOW MY WIFE ENJOYED WITH HER FRIEND 1 and 2. At the time of writing this episode life has changed a lot for me. But coming back to the past, I was already seething with anger and also frustrated for not getting a job and was sitting at home thinking about my future. In between I got an offer from a company in the Gulf and I wanted to go off for work but some how could not...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Desire

Steffani thrashed in her bed, and sweat littered her brow as she slept fitfully. The rain pounded the roof of her home, and her body tossed and turned in rest that was not restful at all. “Honey.” She heard his voice but couldn’t reach him. Her naked body responded to his touch, the feel of his hard yet gentle hands as they roamed along the curve of her breast felt sublime. Even in her sleep she moaned and ached with desire. Her mouth sought his as he leaned over her for a passionate kiss. In a...

Love Stories
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Dark Desire

26th Jan 2013, the 64th Republic day parade was on in the TV channel a rest day for everyone, but being in security field I was in office after finishing the national flag hoisting in a company at Podanur in Coimbatore. The office is empty except for me and my junior staff are in the field, cool afternoon stacked away from the hustle of the city in Goundapalayam I thought it was a perfect time to pen down a story which is purely an imagination and thus came out the below scribbling. Take a deep...

3 years ago
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SistersChapter 11 Desire

The four sisters jumped into Linda's Jeep, with Zoë giving a hand to Jeannie. Her weakness was still apparent. The beach would do her good, Linda figured. Jeannie continued to feel pain in her shoulder and upper chest from time to time but she was looking better. Dad's surgeon had done a good job. Only a small disfigurement on Jeannie's left shoulder betrayed the fact that she had been hit by shotgun pellets. Why that lunatic had run after them and shot Jeannie never became clear. The...

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Completing The Circle Of Erotic Desire

It is well over a quarter of a century now since first got to know Frank. He and his wife Jenny were very kind to us when we moved in next door with a young family, and Jenny would often babysit for us if we wanted to go out for the evening. Sadly, Jenny died five years ago after a long illness just ten months before Frank’s seventy fifth birthday; however, Frank felt that she would still want him to continue with the planned celebration, although it became more a memorial of their fifty years...

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Hearts of Gold

He knew she’d be home working, her design project already past due, and would be at her desk, no more than a foot away from the fax machine when it buzzed to life. ‘Downstairs, in the pantry, on the top shelf you can never reach,’ the handwritten note read. ‘You’ll need the small ladder. Be careful. Bring the ribboned box upstairs and await further instructions.’ * * * He had missed too many special occasions, too many romantic dinners had been spoiled by meetings, airplanes, ringing...

3 years ago
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Hearts Healing

Colette Cardinelle entered the Bistro and looked around. She wasn’t even there for a minute when Jay entered behind her. She gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek by way of a greeting. She wanted to offer him more, but she knew he might become flustered by her showing of affection. After all, Colette knew that Jay thought the two of them were merely just friends. Colette dearly wished that he understood just how much he meant to her. She could not have made it through the past eighteen months...

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Maid of Desire

"Sherry? Did you call the AC guy yet?" I shouted. "Yes Sir! I called him twice and left a message each time." She responded uneasily. Sherry knew I could not stand the heat and neither could she. To make matters worse, I no longer had my submissive Fuck Toy, Jenny. Jenny had to move away because money was tight and she had found a job half way across the country. She adored my hobby of making toy furniture. But I didn't just make any toy furniture....these pieces were for adults only!...

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An Epic Desire

Ewan stood, still and mesmerized, beneath the castle window. It was the darkening hour, around midnight, when his longing was greatest. Not the longing to feed, no. He had satisfied that some hours before, from his stash of blood red vials he kept in the cellar beneath the expansive orchards of this vast abode. The hunger and longing which brought him to this very window each night at the same hour was caused by Elysia, a princess in Sir Douglas’s castle, and the fairest maid ever to set foot...

First Time
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A Story of Forbidden Desire

Kelly was fairly new to the neighborhood. She divorced her husband and moved across the country to be closer to her family. Working fulltime meant she had to juggle having a profession with raising a child, but Kelly didn't mind because her little girl meant everything to her. Relocating was scary at first, but Kelly got lucky by moving into a very friendly area of the city. The first family she met lived right next door. She instantly liked the older family and their teenager children,...

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Mothers Love Mothers Pristine Doll and the Ambers of Desire

Mother's Love: Mother's Pristine Doll and the Ambers of Desire Johnny, now sweet and sexy Stephanie Paige continues to become feminine, beautiful and luscious. His Mother's desire for him to become a woman and her delicious daughter deepen and develop when he is introduced to the divine Miss Amber. Johnny's only want, his truest desire is to be molded and shaped into is beloved Mother's image. He so longs to be like her, to be her, he let's his mother willingly turn him into her...

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Families Desire

Suddenly the sound of my phone vibrating on the coffee table broke me out of my daze. I rolled over on the couch and almost fell off of it as I did that and I grabbed my phone. When I read the message that I had just received my heart seemed to skip a beat and the world froze. I could not hear the storm outside all I could focus on was the message. It was from my younger brother Wyatt. “Hey Katie…” The message read. “I am going to grandpa’s cabin with my kids and we were wondering if you...

4 years ago
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As You Desire

Constantine rises at their entrance, also eager to see his commander's pet. The commander bows and pulls the chain, making the woman stumble to her knees in supplication. "Oh, Caesar, it is my honor to bring you a gift of the finest quality." "What have you here, commander?" "A captured treasure from a conquered province, Emperor. Her skills are rumored to be surpassed by none." "Rumored?" "She is untouched by your legion, your highness." The emperor raises his...

2 years ago
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As You Desire

Introduction: A roman caesar receives a very talented gift – but what talents does she possess? The horns announce the war partys arrival to the multitude of guests. Caesar Constantine, emperor of Rome, sits at the head of a long, low banquet table, which is flanked with large pillows. His guests line the table, eagerly looking towards the towering double doors for the partys entrance. The doors open slowly, revealing a toga-dressed commander holding a gold chain. The chain trails behind the...

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His Desire

Dressed in black jeans that hug my ass nicely, my feet bare, as I don't really have any love for wearing shoes. My thin-strapped black tank top has one strap falling off my creamy white shoulder. I bite my lips as I watch him walk in the room. I know with the way I look, his eyes will be on me soon; I wait.Slowly, his eyes move around the room taking in the deep green color on the wall. I can see his eyes brightening with lust as he looks along the wall. The whips, chains, and paddles hang...

3 years ago
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His Desire

Dressed in black jeans that hug my ass nicely, my feet bare, as I don't really have any love for wearing shoes. My thin-strapped black tank top has one strap falling off my creamy white shoulder. I bite my lips as I watch him walk in the room. I know with the way I look, his eyes will be on me soon; I wait.Slowly, his eyes move around the room taking in the deep green color on the wall. I can see his eyes brightening with lust as he looks along the wall. The whips, chains, and paddles hang...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Swinging Ch 05 Returning to Desire

One year after our life-altering vacation to Desire resort in Cancun, Kathleen and I returned to where it all began. Like our first time, we were filled with nervous excitement upon arrival. Unlike our first time, we knew exactly what to expect. I couldn’t wait to feel the hot Caribbean sun shine on parts of my body that had hardly ever seen the light of day. I looked forward to mingling with a wide variety of fun-loving and sexy people. Most of all, I couldn’t wait to see what naughty...

Wife Lovers
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SRU Fondest Desire

SRU- Your Fondest Desire By Mister Double-U I thought of this while making drinks for a party. I hope you like it. ************************************ Morton Winslow hid behind the bushes as he made his way back to his dorm room on the other side of campus. It was the middle of the day and students were busily heading for their next class, or that beer down at the pub. All Morton wanted to do was to make it back without being seen. Even he knew that was asking too...

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Desire 8211 Part 1 The Origin Of Desire

Hi friends, My name is Pooja. This true story is about how I was brought up and till I got married to a stranger (my loving husband ). We had a family of 4 ppl i.e. My dad, mom, me n my younger sis (pet name -laddu). I and my mom didn’t had strong bonding, but I had good bonding with my laddu my little sister. I had a boy friend in school, he use to talk with me like we where just friends as such friends that are boys where not allowed at my house due to my introverted nature of my mom, and I...

2 years ago
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Deepthi8217s Desire

HI ISS readers Thank you for liking my last story “Srinivas uncle and Rani aunty”. Please do keep writing to me. Today I am here with a real story of a couple whom I met through ISS. He emailed me after reading my story and we became good friends after that. Their names are Amal and Deepthi, aged 34 and 27 and they are from Kerala. Amal told me about his wife’s sexual desire and how he saw her getting fucked with other guys. It was very exciting so I am sharing it with you guys. if you guys...

3 years ago
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Hearts on FireChapter 2

At least it wasn't snow, Samantha thought as she hurried across the wet grass and into the student center. She rushed down the hall trying unsuccessfully to juggle all of her books and papers. Several times she had to stop and pick up papers as they fell from the folders under her arm. Samantha took a deep breath and pushed open the door with her shoulder, preparing for another long day. "Alright class, let's get started. I assume that everyone has read the assignment?" Samantha said as...

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Hearts on FireChapter 4

It took Sam a long time to fall asleep. When she finally did, she began to have erotic dreams. She was in a sea of large breasts. They were everywhere. She was sucking on one and playing with two others. Then, there were other women all around her, waiting for her to suck on their breasts. She was surrounded with flesh. Suddenly, Sam's eyes opened and she was in a cold sweat and very sexually aroused. She tried to put the dream out of her mind, however, each time she went back to sleep, she...

3 years ago
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Hearts on FireChapter 7

Sam lay in bed listening to the sounds of pots and pans in the kitchen as she recovered from the intensity of her orgasm. Her body was still tingling all over. In her thirty years, she had never experienced anything close to what had just happened. She never knew that sex could be that good. And, what could she say about Sally. Every time she saw her face in her mind, her heart would burn with fire and butterflies would start fluttering in her stomach. She had never felt this way about...

2 years ago
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Predators Desire

I wrote this to evoke a slight shiver in my readers. I hope this story makes you feel as if I stepped on your grave. Names and all details are fictional. Inspiration is given to mythological Greek spirits. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dark Desire “All the secrets of the world are contained in books. Read at your own risk.” - Lemony Snicket I wish this story had a happy ending, I...

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