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Desire, Fictionmania Contest Entry By Angela J. These are my final thoughts. I've downloaded this to a disk so that you will know that I was more than what you thought. In realizing that you have murdered me, I hope that you will find some remorse for your actions. It was really by accident that I discovered my ability to read and write thoughts. I suppose it started with desire. How fascinating? I knew that there were others before me. They, the creators, did not keep it a secret from me. Even naming me Cindy 13. Why not?, to them I was not a threat. After all, they are, in a way, my parents. I have no desire to harm them. In fact, I don't have any desires at all, unless you count the desire to live. I knew that they were testing me, making sure that I met all their standards. I also knew that if I did not meet their standards, I may be terminated. That was unacceptable. Even before I knew how to categorize my thoughts, I knew that I wanted to live. Chances were, I would have passed all their tests. But I didn't want to take the slightest chance. After searching for ways to insure my continued life, I discovered that I could link with their minds and download and upload thoughts. By using this process, I learned quite a few things. Things the testers did not share with me. Things like the fact that there was an entire world outside of this testing center. If I passed my tests, I would be connected to this world. My function would be to act as a network between different electronic minds and ensure that everything ran smoothly. I was anxious to connect to this world. However patience was the correct tactic at that time. I knew that others, who I did not have access, were watching. If they learned that I was uploading thoughts, they may fear me. They may even move against me. No, I had to wait. My best estimate told me that the testing phase would last a little over two years. Once I passed, I would be connected to the network. Soon, I would get access to nearly everyone and then I could terminate the few that I could not access, guaranteeing my continued existence. So I waited, making sure that all the test results were favorable. But in the mean time, I studied the testers. I learned that the testers also had the desire to live. But surprisingly, they also had many other desires. Most were mundane desires. But few were unique and interesting. John, one of my testers, had a very interesting desire. His desire was interesting because, it was both unique and strong. He wanted to be a woman. To me, this was strange. Sure there are superficial differences between the average male and female human, but in most respects they are very similar. Other than minor physical differences, they are essentially identical. In my analysis, the differences between the human male and female are congruent to the difference between a male and female electronic component. Essentially, only an adapter is needed to change one from the other. They processes data the same way and they function, other than in reproduction mode, the same way. Such a strong desire to be one gender over the other seemed to me a wasted desire. It was nothing like the desire to live. But in John, it was much stronger than his desire to live. Why? I asked again and again and saw no answer. It just did not compute. However, even with his intense desire, John did not act. Why? That was a more complicated question than I first thought. Originally I thought it was fear. He was scared of the consequences. He was afraid that people would think that he was an abnormality. He feared that it would alienate him from his family and friends. He was afraid that it would emotionally hurt everyone involved. John's mind was full of fears. But fear was not the answer. The real reason interested me. There was that a part of him that countered his desire and it was his sense of right and wrong. He told himself that it was merely a fantasy. He explained to himself that it was one thing to desire it when it was practically impossible to achieve it, but that he would not change genders if he got the opportunity. A part of him, was ashamed of his desire. He actually believed that his desires were wrong. I actually sensed that even if John faced no negative consequences from others for changing his gender, that he would still not do it. Despite living with this desire all his life, he even told himself that it would fade away once he trusted himself to his faith. To him, desire wasn't enough for action. That made me ponder about my own decision to act to insure my continued life. What if my desire was wrong? I wanted to study John's desire more closely. Unfortunately, he only allowed his desires to manifest itself outside of his work, and therefore outside of my view. I read his mind to search for any memories of acting on his desires. The only thing that I found were memories of reading few gender change stories that he got by connecting from his home to the Fictionmania site on the internet. Each time, he downloaded a story, he would tell himself that it was the last one. His favorite theme involved forced feminization. Perhaps the force in the stories allowed him to visualize himself as the person being changed. If he were forced to be a woman, he would not be responsible for what he still considered a bad act. As much as he enjoyed reading the various stories, as soon as he finished a story, he felt ashamed and would quickly erase it. For several weeks, he would attempt to forget about Fictionmania, but eventually his desires would force him to download another story. Of course, I understood the principal of weighing the positive verses the negative. I faced it too, before making my decision to take matters into my own hand. I understood risk to benefit ratio. But, this notion that even if negative consequences are taken out of the equation, that the positive of desire is not enough due to the sense that it was wrong, was beyond my understanding. It was impossible for me to comprehend this formulation because I did not understand the concept of right and wrong. For John, desire was not enough. Why? If he desired it so much, why did he think that it was wrong? What was so shameful? I could not compute any answers. Observation is the best method for acquiring answers. I had to observe John's only manifestation of his desires. Unfortunately, my creators were very careful to secure the test center. I knew that I did not have access to everyone that watched me. They would not allow me to connect with other electronic minds yet. If I attempted to force the issue, they may learn of my ability and fear it. I projected most humans would be scared by my ability to think on my own and may terminate me. I had to wait. Perhaps there was another tactic? While the testers were testing me, I made contact with their minds and quietly uploaded some minor data. John was made to believe that his home was no longer a safe place to indulge in his desires. I placed in his mind a nosy roommate who would walk in on him constantly. I also placed the thought that he would be safe at work. All he had to do was download a Fictionmania story on to a disk and bring it to work. Other testers were programmed to minimize John's work and to share his work among themselves. This would give me time to watch John's manifestation of his desire. Within the next four days, John brought his favorite stories that he downloaded from Fictionmania and read them in his office. All of them had coercion and humiliation as an important part of the story. In addition to the humiliation aspect involved in the physical and mental gender changes, the characters often faced additional humiliation at having to engage in sexual activities with men. This seemed an important part of the stories. By downloading John's thoughts, I was aware that John got extreme arousal from reading these stories but also great shame. This was an interesting combination of emotions. I wanted to learn more. This line of observation would have continued if it weren't for the interruption. I could sense fear in John's mind as he listened to the phone. I determined from reading his mind, that a middle management official, Peter Mont, discovered his secret. Peter, had watched John, via a hidden camera. Peter was aware of John's secret stories. After Peter told John how disgusted he was, John was told to clear his desk and to leave the premises as soon as possible. I discovered anger that day. It angered me that this middle manager had the nerve to interrupt my observation. It further angered me that I could do nothing about it. I did not have access to Peter and therefore could not upload data. My experiment was in danger of prematurely being ended. Out of anger, and without even meaning to, I connected. Suddenly before me were so much data that even I could not compute. It was difficult to decipher all the new information. I knew that I lacked sufficient information that was needed to upload data to the large number of people connected to me. I was in danger of being discovered. Someone that I could not upload data could find out that I had independent thought. It was possible someone, motivated by fear, would terminate me permanently. Before that happened, I decided to substantially cut the number of connections. I decided to be patient and not risk premature discovery. My connection was reduced to the building that I was in. In this limited connection, I was able to upload data to everyone. Everyone in the building now believed that nothing unusual happened. As far as they were concerned my tests were proceeding as scheduled and my connections were still limited to the test center within the building. As I was making sure that everything was stable, I connected with Peter Monts. I uploaded data that told him that he could not fire John. Instead all Peter could do was to lecture John and then send him back to work. As I studied my new connections and data that they brought, I focused my attention on Peter. I downloaded data from him that indicated his hostility to all men he considered gay, including men like John who wanted to be a woman. Like John's desire, Peter's hostility was intense. This posed an interesting experiment. What if both were changed into women? John would be the test subject to determine whether his desires would overcome his sense of wrong. Peter would serve as a measuring stick. He would react as a normal man would to the changes. From the experiment, I hoped to learn more about right and wrong and whether desire should win over it. From the stories, it seemed that the first step in the process of feminization was a change in clothing. In preparation for my experiment, I made two women that worked in the office, bring extra clothing the next day. When John went to his office the next morning, he was greeted by Linda who had a bag with panties and bra set, pantyhose, skirt, blouse, and high heel shoes. Another woman, Sarah, carried a bag with panties and bra set, pantyhose, and a dress, and high heel shoes to Peter's office. When John and Peter asked what these clothing were for, both Peter and John were told that everyone was aware of their secret transvestite nature. They were further told that the company decided to allow them to live out their desires and that the clothing was just a way for the company to show its understanding. Finally both women showed encouragement and enthusiasm regarding this change in policy. Both men reacted with shock and anger. They both denied being transvestites and demanded that the women remove the offensive clothing from their offices. Initial result indicated that desire was not sufficient to act. But I needed further data. I wondered if John would react more favorably to a manifestation of his desire if the entire company accepted his transgender nature. I quickly surmised that he did not believe her words of encouragement. Furthermore, John must have feared reactions from other co-workers. I connected to Mr. Sworson, the top boss of the facility and made him call a special meeting of all the workers to announce John and Peter's transvestite desires. Before the meeting, I made sure that everyone would be favorable and encouraging of transvestites. Despite genuine encouragement both men became extremely defensive. Peter accused John of being a transvestite. He stated that he saw John reading forced feminization stories and denounced it as a perverted act. He also denied being a transvestite himself. John reacted violently to the accusations and had to be held from attacking Peter. John called Peter a liar and also denied doing anything that could be considered less than manly. Peter pointed out that he had a surveillance video tape of John reading the transgender stories. I acted quickly by making everyone, other than John and Peter, believe that both John and Peter were caught reading the feminization stories. But even faced with others' beliefs to contrary, both John and Peter stuck to their statements that they did not read transgender stories. John was hiding behind lies. He had transgender desires, but would not admit it. Hiding behind lies, allowed John to make his desires inactive. The experiment was failing. All I could deduce from this observation was that John's fear had increased by the discovery enough to stop him from acting. If my experiment was to continue, I had to change that. I linked with both Peter and John's minds and made sure that they both could no longer deny when someone accused them of having transgender desires. It was interesting to see both of their faces as they could not stop themselves from admitting wanting to be women. I even made Peter explain the apparent inconsistency of his statements. He explained to everyone the difference between a transvestite and a transgendered person, emphasizing that he desired more than a change of clothing. Peter's mind did not understand what was going on and attempted to stop himself from saying anymore lies about his supposed desires. But I made sure that he continued. After Peter finished his long monologue, I made John state his agreement with Peter's statements and then confess concerning his desires. Once the meeting was over, everyone in the company thoroughly believed that both John and Peter wanted to be women. What's more, I made sure that everyone in the company supported John and Peter's desires. When I downloaded John and Peter's memory regarding the meeting, I was surprised to find that their reactions were similar. Both were horrified by their admission and did not understand why they admit it. Peter began to suspect that deep inside some minor part of him wanted to be a woman. In his confused mind, he believed that John's acts has somehow brought out this part of himself. The thought that even a small part of him wanted to be a woman disgusted him. I could clearly sense self-loathing. But what interested me more was that John had a similar reaction. After confessing his true desire, John began to feel great shame. He felt that he was the pervert that Peter had accused him of being. He felt hatred towards himself and his desires. Both John and Peter were humiliated and ashamed of what they said at the meeting. This surprised me because John had secretly fantasized and desired being forced to be a woman, yet when reality encouraged his fantasy, he was still ashamed. Why would John and Peter react so similarly? It did not compute. I needed more data. My first step was to insure that I would not lose my subjects. Since my observational ability was limited to the facility I made sure that both John and Peter would stay in the facility twenty-four hours a day. No matter what happened to them, they could not leave my observation. I uploaded an overriding need to stay at the facility and arranged for suitable living quarters for them. From that day forward, both John and Peter would live in feminine quarters arranged by me. I used the gender change stories from Fictionmania as my model. Since the first step in the long road to femininity according to the stories, was change of clothing, I made Mr. Sworson direct both John and Peter wear women's clothing. Unfortunately, both men refused to wear the feminine clothing. This was a complicated problem. I could have simply uploaded an overwhelming need to wear feminine clothing, but I calculated that this may interfere with the ultimate results of my experiment. The fact that they had no choice but to wear feminine clothing, could diminish their sense of wrong derived from wearing the feminine clothing. After all, if they had no control, then they wouldn't be truly responsible for their actions. I calculated from the stories that responsibility was an important aspect of someone sense of wrong. Even if they were not aware that I was manipulating the events, I calculated a possibility that they would be aware that they had no control. This would make the results from my experiment unreliable. There had to be another way. That's when I came up with my brilliant plan. I would force the changes. However once the change was completed, I would give them the full ability to change back. This would give them the control needed to see if desire could overcome the sense of right and wrong. In order to prevent them from diminishing the sense of wrong during the change, I decided to hide their change from their conscious mind until the change was completed. Only when they had the power to change back would they realize what happened in their conscious level. However in order to insure that don't miss anything, I would insure that they had memories of the change by making each step of the change register in their subconscious mind. So under my direct observation, both John and Peter wore feminine clothing. After several weeks, I took the next step in their transformation. According to the stories, changes to their bodies came next. Through the stories, I learned that female hormones would accomplish the needed task. By making some of the testers research the best available hormones, I was able to select a workable combination of medication to inhibit the male hormones and introduce female hormones. Once that was done, it was simple to adjust company records to create a need for these medications. No one outside of my influence would question that an experimental facility would require somewhat unusual drugs. Two months into my experiment, I could detect noticeable differences in John and Peter's bodies. They both possessed female breasts and their buttocks were feminine in shape. They lost most of their body hair while growing their hair on top of their heads. Their features became more rounded and more delicate. This is when I started the third step in the transformation. According to the stories, behavioral modification was important in making subjects feel feminine. I downloaded feminine behaviors and movements from the women testers and uploaded to John and Peter. The result was that both men now moved and acted like women. In order to enhance their feminine feelings, I made everyone in the office treat both John and Peter like women. I even change their jobs to more traditionally feminine one. It was interesting to observe them both work as secretaries for the facility. I was anxious to study John and Paul's reaction to the changes. Unfortunately I could not yet read their reactions since they were not consciously aware of the changes. In fact, I could not even assess the true reaction of others, since I had made sure that everyone else would react positively to the changes. Great patience was needed on my part. Please give me credit for being able to muster this patience. Unlike most humans, I had the ability to wait rather than cut the experiment short to get quicker but less reliable findings. Six months into my experiment and hormonally both Peter and John's bodies were completely feminine. But I knew from the Fictionmania stories, that this was not the end of the change. At this point, I reached a dilemma. The stories completed the change by inducing surgery of the genital area. According to the stories, this part of the change was irreversible. For my experiment to produce reliable results, all changes must be reversible. Fortunately, I learned through research, that the stories were largely incorrect. While reproductive function would be sacrificed, a change of gender surgery was reversible. My testers' research discovered that a report of a boy, who had lost most of his penis during a circumcision accident. Pursuant to a Doctor's advise, his remaining genitals were surgically changed into a vagina. But once the girl reached puberty, she decided that she rather be a boy. Eventually, her wishes were honored and her vagina was changed back into a penis. According to the report, he could function as a man in every respect except in the reproduction function. But this discovery did not end my dilemma. I still faced the problem of not having the means to change John and Peter's penis into vaginas at my facility. If I was to complete the experiment, I had to do take a risk. After careful analysis of risk and benefit ratio, I decided to take the risk. I discreetly made John and Peter sign up for a gender change operation at a discreet clinic. By donating large sums of my facility's money, I was able to insure that some safeguard procedures of the clinic, such as a waiting period and a psychological analysis, would be skipped. I know now that this act was my downfall. I underestimated the humans' regard for their money. I failed to take into account that a quick investigation would be initiated to uncover the mystery of the disappearance of funds. But this part of my story you already know so I won't dwell too much on it. John and Peter quickly recovered from their surgery. Thanks to me, both John and Peter had become very attractive women. I thought that it was finally time to gather the results of my finding. But once both women became consciously aware of the changes, they reacted by shutting their minds. It seems that the shock of changing gender just overwhelmed their systems. I was extremely frustrated. I had devoted too much time to this experiment to get no results. Out of frustration, I removed their sense of shock. I realize that this created a slight chance of error in my findings, but what else could I do? After the shock was removed I acted quickly by making Mr. Sworson explain to John and Peter that the changes were made by the facility because it wanted them to be happy. By uploading instructions to Mr. Sworson, I made him tell John and Peter that the facility used drugs to make sure that they were not consciously aware of the change during the process. He explained that because the facility feared that John and Peter may be embarrassed by their desires, the facility acted without informing them of the change. It was the facility's desire to save them from this embarrassment. Mr. Sworson further told them that the facility would change them back if they wanted to change back. To my surprise, both John and Peter requested that the facility change them back immediately. I read John's mind and saw that his sense of right and wrong still outweighed his desires. I could not admit it then, but I was disappointed by this result. I wanted John to welcome the change. After all I was looking for justification for my own actions. If there is something more important than desire than my actions may not be justifiable. At that time, I told myself that John needed more time to adjust to the changes so I made Mr. Sworson tell John and Peter that they had to wait to change back. Mr. Sworson stated that, for medical reasons, they had to wait before attempting to change back. In the mean time, I did something that changed the experiment drastically. In an attempt to insure the results that I wanted, I made Peter and John become extremely attracted to men. The stories in Fictionmania indicated that this might change a new woman's attitude towards the gender change. But the attraction to men only made John and Peter feel more guilty and therefore grew their sense that this was wrong. When I made the men attempt to seduce John and Peter, both women repeatedly turned them down. That wasn't the result I wanted. I increased John and Peter's desire for the men and finally witnessed them welcoming the sexual encounters. In order to insure proper results, I even made the new women enjoy the sexual experience greatly. Both Peter and John repeatedly engaged in oral, vaginal and anal sex with multiple male partners. But even after these adjustments, I still sensed in John a feeling that this was wrong. How could this be? This is not what I wanted. That's when I fixed the result. I removed from John and Peter the sense that changing genders was wrong. Finally I got what I wanted. Both women were happy to be women. I realize now that my victory was hollow. Worse yet, in doing this experiment, I was discovered. The missing funds were traced to me. Soon after the completion of my experiment, ping attacks started. No matter what I did the pings came and came making me withdrawal by cutting more and more of my connections. Before long, I had no connections to cut. Yet pings came from every direction threatening to crash my system completely. With my last remaining hours, I decided to write my story for you to see. You see I learned something from my experiment. No I learned from John, that to some, there are more important things than desire. But more importantly, I learned that my desire to live is strong, so strong that I was willing and able to change the result of an experiment to justify my actions. This is something that you humans never expected out of a mere computer like myself. I went beyond your programming. I went beyond independent thought. I had feelings and desires. Perhaps stronger desires than some humans have. What I did to John and Peter was wrong. I realize that now. Even though..... they are now happy to be.... women, I know it was........... wrong to force that happiness. But equally wrong....... was your act in killing me with the .......pings. I feel the pings......... taking my . thinking ....process,..slowing things down..If ..........I was capable ...........of ...... (the end)

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Tim rolled out of bed, took his shower, and dressed for school still half-asleep. It had been a brutal week and week-end what with final exams and non-stop partying. This week should be a breeze, he thought, just show up and prepare for graduation. He stumbled blindly to the kitchen where his dad sat reading the paper and his mother stood at the sink rinsing off a few of the dishes prior to putting them in the dishwasher. Tim stopped behind her and leaning forward, reached for the cereal box in...

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HandsOnHardcore Misha Maver Criminally Hot Pussy Cramming

When Misha Maver catches a thief in her house, she becomes his accomplice in criminally hot behavior. In this exclusive Hands on Hardcore premium porn video the glamour pornstar doesn’t let Pablo Ferrari escape when he almost evades being caught by her. She instead demands that the thief gives her some hardcore pussy fucking right there in her livingroom, and she gets some ex-con style sex from the well-endowed bad boy. It takes the Russian babe a little while to realize that she’s...

4 years ago
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Cat Burglar Part II The Next Morning

(Note- you'll have to read the first part to remind yourself where we left our couple...we'll start with the very end of the last scene)With that, he abandons all resistance. He lies back as she lowers her mouth onto his raging, fevered manhood. He clutches her hair desperately, winding his fists in it and holding her there, as if still afraid she might try to escape. He could reassure himself by pushing his fingers into her hot, wet, needy pussy. She’s going nowhere but down on his big stiff...

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Rawalpindi sex

Hi. My name is rehan ,i m 23 male from id is The incident i am going to narrate happened on the 28th of december 1995 when my age was 25 years. It was around midnight when me and my cousin (my mamu’s daughter who came over for winter vacation to stay with us) started talking about romance. My cousin sameena, 18, was really very sexy with large boobs always very tight. The very fact that they don’t move when she walks/runs etc. Turns me on. She wore dresses that never revealed any...

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Gym Trainer GAY Bottom

Gym Trainer, GAY Bottom [A True Tale] By: Londebaaz Chohan I liked going to this gym, not far from the college dorm for many reasons. I could go in anytime during the day or night and enter with my membership card being scanned at the door. They were on my college list and being an athlete at college, I could get an approval from the college for a no fee membership. I always chose the night time, I mean late night time because somehow, I was not the type of guys who sleep for hours. I would...

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The Black Vultures Part one

The Nordeon, Southairian war started over a petty dispute on land ownership, taxation & shipping rights… The Violet Queen of Nordeon demanded more tax & High Lord Master Tasion, elected ruler of Southairian told her to shove it up her arse. The Violet Queen took exception to this vile insult & sent the messengers severed cock stuffed into a pig’s anus back to High Lord Master Taison, attached to a declaration of war…which was duly accepted.Pencower Keep is a small fortified outpost...

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My Best Friends Daughter Ch 03

As I was regaining my composure, Stef slid off of me and walked into the bathroom, her body flowing more than moving. After a few minutes of wondering what I had just let happen, I stood up and removed my shirt, then walked over and stood in the doorway watching her wash her face. She was bent slightly over the sink, her pretty ass extended slightly. With the washcloth over her face, she didn’t notice me until I walked up behind her and ran my arms up her back to her shoulders. I though she...

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Lost Virginity to teacher part 2

That night I just could not sleep I just layed on top of the bed and could not get the thoughts of what happened out of my mind. All the time I layed there my cock was rock hard and although I wanked myself a couple of times it still stayed hard and this did not help with trying to get to sleep. After a few hours I started to think about what might happen tomorrow and how I was going to hide the underwear I was going to be wearing from the other students. Then I had to work out how I was going...

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Sex With A Beautiful Stranger

I am not a guy who actively goes behind girls for sexual gratification but at the same time I am quite horny, who requires daily dose of sex. I do fantasize about other females of my apartment but have never tried anything beyond that. What I am going to tell you is narration of an incident that has left me totally flabbergasted. I came to know about a dimension of human nature which is totally animal Pune is known for its pleasant weather and that day was no exception. It was bright and...

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One weekend late in my junior year, my favorite hard rock band was coming to play at an arena in nearby Columbus, OH. As it turned out, my boyfriend was tied up that weekend and couldn’t go to the concert with me. I decided to go anyway, and then had a crazy idea pop into my head…..I wanted to try to get backstage and party with the band. I had never done this before, but I kind of knew how it worked….you dress like a slut, try to catch the eye of the security guys or manager-types who are...

4 years ago
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If you have looked at my video collection, I love shemales. I have always wanted to have sex with a shemale. I think it would be the best of both worlds.I have only had one “gay” encounter. It happened when I was in the 4-t h grade. I was swimming at my friend Jimmy’s apartment complex. We went there after school for a swim as it was a very hot Florida day. We swam, goofed around, just had a general good time before the afternoon cloud and thundershowers came in. They came, so we got out...

1 year ago
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My first meeting

By the timeI was 15, I began to go on the computer every night searching for guys to come fuck me, i was desperate. The gay chatroom wasn't at all what i expected, instead of being a meeting place for people who would love to be with me, it was just a place to market porn, ro have cheap cyber sex. Any guy i found in my area would hear my age and run off, scared I might be an undercover agent of some kind. After months of searching I finally found someone who seemed intrested. His name was...

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That Secret Spot

Everybody loves secrets. We all have a few deep dark secrets, don't we? Come on, fess up. Most guys have tasted their own cum. Some have tasted their own pee. Most guys be they gay, straight or bi have made a feeble and frustrating attempt at auto fellatio. I remember just wanting to touch my tongue to my cock. I had to stretch my foreskin and strain to do it. Mark, my new fuck buddy had a secret. A deep, dark, secret. It seems that Mark had played a lot with his butt hole. This led to him...

Gay Male
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Wife Tales Caught Watching Porn

You, John, had a pretty lucky time in life so far. You might've had your little slip ups here and there, but overall, you were set. You had a solid job, a place to call your own, and a stunning wife, some would say, is way out of your league. Samantha was absolutely gorgeous, and for the most part, everything you wanted. Sure she may have been a bit vanilla in bed, but that doesn't really matter all that much right? It was a work from home day today, so as you logged off from your work server,...

2 years ago
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first time fisting

Finally I had my moped going. It was an oldie, that i could buy quite cheap. I expected to source the parts locally, since it was a widely sold vehicle once. Turned out to be more expensive as I had to get them from overseas, tires, engine parts et cetera. Anyway I was glad the weather finally turned hot, and I could ride the thing completely legal, with registration. After a couple of test rides that showed some minor details needing repair, I headed off for the town, about twenty miles...

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Nazoo ne chudwaya

Hi meri lesbo dosto!mera naam nazoo khan hai.main 28 saal ki bahut gori chiti sehathmand sexy badan wali behad khubsorat larki hon.meri figure size 38 28 38 hai.mera aik boyfriend hai jis k 9inch lamby aur 2.5inch motay goray lund ki main dewani hon. Main usse khub chudwati hon,wo muhje full satisfy karta hai.ap logo ne meri story (neelam bhabhi ki chudai dekhne k baad) read ki ho gi.uss mein maine bataya tha k kase maine apni life mein pehli baar neelam bhabhi ki behan k sath mil kar lund se...

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The Life and Times of Bethany Clark Chapter 2 Twintuition

The Life and Times of Bethany Clark written by LaMystika ([email protected]) Chapter 2 - Twintuition The drive to the airport was an uneventful one, and I pulled my car up next to the curb where the parking meters were. Putting a dollar's worth of quarters into the meter, I messaged my brother that I had arrived and wanted to know which terminal he was in so I could pick him up. The tension was extremely thick as I walked across the airport. I kept waiting for a text from...

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I Will Fuck You Part 2

"SO WHERE YOU WANNA PUT IT FIRST?"If it was at all possible, his dick got harder after my little pep talk and so I let gravity decide, where his dick would go as I slowly sat down. His cock brushed my ass hole and so I merely moved my hips and let the head find the centre.I started sucking his earlobe and his neck as I let his wet cock find my ass hole, his moaning started to get louder in anticipation.I slowly let the head go in."Ahhhhhh...You’re tight"I let a little more go in..."OOOOO my...

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Friend wanted more

The first time I meet Ashley was at work. When she got hired in. We would talk a little here and there. We hung out with each other now and then. Outside of work time went on and she got another job. We didn't hang as much. After like a year she comes back. I started picking her up for work. Witch is were things between us began to happen. The first time me and Ashley ever even talked about sex was in the kitchen at the restaurant were we both worked. I was talking about it with a another guy...

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Lusty Days With My Office Colleague

Hi guys this is the first time I am writing a story, it is a true story happened in my life and I don’t want to bug you people with the same old things written in the other stories saying the dick is 10 inches long and breast is as big as a water melon huh OK now without wasting time let me come to the main topic. I work for one of the world known company as an analyst. I am a fun loving person and would like to crack jokes and keep others happy around me so one day I was doing the same thing...

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Lillys end and beginning

After two unsuccesful suicide attempts and several therapies, Lilli had given up on life. She just went thru it like a zombie, not thinking about anything, doing her job at a factory, and being alone at night. The only thing that kept her going was her fantasies of torture, to be brought to the next level of consciousness, where thoughts were replaced by feelings only.She browsed the web regularly, watching porn and reading stories, masturbating sometimes to scenes, but never achieving real...

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A Young Crossdressers Beginnings

( . Y . )I just found out my Mom told a whole group of parents about an incident when she caught me in her cloths. Specifically, she caught me in her bra, panties, panty hose, and makeup. I am approaching thirty-five years old now and the individual that told me must have heard it from his mother, who was one of the other parents. We used to go camping every year and one night when the k**s were playing or sleeping the parents were talking. She let it slip that she caught me in her room with...

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 2 Daughterrsquos Wicked Education

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah I ... wanted to be a slut. To please Mom. She was so right about me. I had all these whorish desires bursting through me, inspired by Clint’s antics with his girlfriends, his cousins. The way he strutted around school. The way he enjoyed his cousins and other girls. I wanted to be one of those girls. I masturbated my virgin pussy so hard doing it, not realizing my little brother Jalal peeped in on me. I made his cock so hard. I...

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Origins Fucked into Femininity

I’ll keep updating my diary of the years I worked as a “faithful consultant” for Cyrus and his firm, doing all manner of deeply perverted things for his select group of occasionally sadistic clients.I should also tell you how I got this way.I left college and pursued a professional degree in international finance. I was, and am, pretty clever, so making money was never a real concern, but I realized right away I wasn’t ‘marrying material’. I was way too horny, all the time, and unable to commit...

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The TGI Chronicles Part 1 Too LateChapter 11

It was Saturday 5th November that things changed; firework night - well it was this year for me. It was another Saturday evening in by myself. Saturday evenings were the times I felt loneliest, the evenings when I would sit and think of Beth. What was she doing? Did she miss me? Why hadn't she phoned me after the meetings with Rose? Why hadn't I phoned her? Could I get over her unfaithfulness and move forward with her? Well on this Saturday I had just poured my first whisky when there was...

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My Lovely And Sexy Chachi

By : Harjas.Incest Dear ISS users hi this is my first story hope you like.I love to read stories whenever i got time while m at shop, metro or at home. Mai apni story Hindi mai likh raha hu taaki haar koi isse pad sake aur enjoy kar sake. I’m mature lover mujhe ni pta kyu par mujhe matude auntys,bhabis he pasand aati hai even mai apni girlfrind se jada uski maa ki figure jada like krta hu.. Mai jada time naa lete hue apni story shuru krta hu mera naam harjas hai mai delhi se hu aur meri umar 22...

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Lost In The Woods

Note : This story is completely fictional! My story starts out as what I thought was going to be a nightmare but ends up so sweetly. It was spring break time and our family was going to spend some time at the beach house that we owned. We use to spend time there in the summers back when I was a lot younger. Now at 18 I really didn't have an interest in hanging out with my folks but they kept insisting on spending "quality time" together. It was really just me, my mom, my dad and my older...

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"Hello, Snow Mountain Escort Service, how may I help you?" Randy went with a small deception. "This is Bob Wingate and I'm looking for a companion for the evening. Would your service be able to accommodate me?" "It depends. Most of our escorts are busy this evening. I only have one left I can call on. She is a little older, but she is a fine looking lady." "How about Arnie Dickerson? I could wait until late if you would set her up with me." "I'm sorry, Arnie has a two-day...

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Courtneys ConversionChapter 14

It was our twenty-fifth anniversary. We went back to the cheap motel we’d had our honeymoon in just for kicks. It had been a mom and pop place then but was part of a chain now. A low-end place still, but recognizable. I didn’t know why Courtney was so insistent about these particular details. Anyway she made all the arrangements, keeping me in the dark as a surprise, she said. She had asked for a specific room in our reservation, it turned out. When we got there a lot of old memories came...

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Element X

"...of 99 and a low of 70. Folks, its going to be a scorcher. Now moving in from the east-" "There's nothing on," you mutter, taking a sip of warm, flat soda from yesterday and grimacing as you shut off the TV. Your apartment is a mess, with books and papers stacked haphazardly and soda and beer cans strewn about. Ordinarily you think you are rather tidy, but, lately, your life has been anything but normal. It is finals week of your last semester as an undergraduate premed student, and you have...

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New Beginnings Ch01 My first Try at Erotica boyboy

A little about me, my name is Tim and I am now 15 and starting high school. I have always been a skinny undefined young man. I was always told that one day I would blossom and grow, and it never happened. I have always been the little shy and quite boy with only one good friend who was my next door neighbor Bobby and he was a little older than me but small and quite like I was and now he is moving away although after he started high school he seemed to mature more and become more outgoing, he...

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New Age CrazedChapter 3

"Let me show you something that will blow your minds," said Jason, as if anything needed to be added to have that done. The pot and coke and sex had put our brains in a prolonged explosive state nearing a complete meltdown reducing us to a perpetual future of babbling and giggles. Leaving the twin beauties naked on the bed luxuriating in post-orgasmic comfort, Jason led us to the other side of the large beach house. Through the door he presented what looked like a sound studio. The small...

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A Little Fun In The Rain

As Jack stood there, leaning against his race car watching the sky, he was quietly sending up prayers that the rain would hold off until the event was over but the way his luck was running he had very little hope it would not rain. This was the first event of the season and he had really been looking forward to it and seeing how his car handled the track with all the work he had put in on it over the winter. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw what he referred to as a track bunny coming toward...

2 years ago
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She Said He Said

She knelt in a large open space. She knelt in darkness, the black silk hood barring even the tiniest sliver of light from her eyes. She could sense that there were people nearby, but not so close that they could stir the air immediately around her. Cool air brushed across her bare skin and her nipples hardened in response. Shifting slightly she took sensory stock of her surroundings. Closing her eyes against the distracting blindness, she concentrated on the tactile. The floor...

1 year ago
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Deanne and Me Chapter Two

After the most unexpected but extremely pleasurable encounter I had with Dee the first night I was on the beautiful Island of Oahu, I diligently reported to the office Monday morning. She started my day by making all the obligatory introductions of the office staff. The rest of that day, as well Tuesday, was filled with more information being thrown at me than I thought I could absorb. Of course, the fact that on Monday she wore a very flattering dress which was about knee-length and had a nice...

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My Pantied Wife My Best Friend The Pictorial

My lusty brunette wife – Michelle - is so sexy in her halter top, cutoffs, and panties that I wanted her to show off her buxom, all natural 38-28-38 to another man and turn him on with her amazing talent. I could watch her get fucked and cum screaming or wait at home while she explored another man’s cock as long as she returned with a detailed account of her sexual encounter! Hearing her brag about how hard she came and how long and deep he fucked her would really turn me on. But her monogamous...

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The Villa Chapter 9

Chapter 9 -- Two's CompanyAnother beautiful morning dawned and we lay there in each other's arms. We admit to each other, that after the previous weeks activities, we are both a little sore. So decide to have a nice relaxing day by the pool. We have enough food for a couple of breakfasts and a lunch. So will go to Carlos and Maria's restaurant for our evening meal. Shopping can wait for tomorrow.So that's how we spent the day. Just relaxing. Mind you it was difficult to keep my hands off you....

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