EllenChapter 26 Le Roi et Mort Vive le Roi
- 2 years ago
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Optio Samantha Redburn sat in the Officers' Club, having lunch with Lieutenant Carruthers, the engineer who was in charge of all facilities on Thule.
"So what's this big problem you've got?" he asked, as the scantily clad concubine waitress left with their order.
"Well, I'm supposed to be running a whorehouse," Samantha began.
The Lieutenant, looking far younger than his 36 years, snorted into his Manhattan. "I bet your mother's proud of that!"
"Like you wouldn't believe," she confirmed sarcastically. "But to make it brighter for Mom, at least it's a whorehouse without any whores."
"What? Nobody?"
"At the moment, no." She sighed. "I got four when that last draft arrived Sunday of last week, two more when that private went nuts on us on Tuesday, gave one of his away to her brother that night, Wednesday had three boys turn 14 and CAP test out at over 6.5 so they took the remaining five. The one boy is still shy a concubine."
"I'm sure one will pop up with the third draft weekend after this," the lieutenant reassured her.
"Great, except I don't need just one."
He flashed her a quizzical glance.
"I have over the next six months, some three hundred boys and girls, mostly boys, coming of age and the AI estimates that of that total, I can expect maybe 20 concubines." She leaned back, took a swig of her Twilight Dove and made a face. No, she decided, let's not order this mocktail again. She decided she didn't like lavender soda.
"So you need a few girl concubines."
"I need about five hundred and eighty girl concubines, all unassigned. Notice any ready source of supply around here?" She indicated the elegant creme-white Streamline Moderne dining room, done in a style evoking a restaurant for a four-star hotel from the 1930's. The room was filled with men and women in full-dress officers' uniforms representing all four branches of the Confederacy military, all sipping fancy cocktails and sitting at tables with real cloth napkins and gleaming cutlery and glassware that matched the room's retro style. The only concubines present were already owned by somebody else, functioning as waitresses and bartenders, and dressed up in costumes based on the one worn by Josephine Baker in her Danse Banane, only skimpier.
"OK, I'll concede you have a challenge."
"Yes, it's a challenge all right. Do you have anything in the way of a solution?"
Lieutenant Carruthers leaned back in his chair and took another swig of his cocktail. "The Office of Targeted Extractions."
"The what?"
"Targeted Extractions. It's this tiny department that's officially attached to DECO, but operates fairly independently. It's small but stuffed full of oddballs. They're headed by this completely off-the-wall Decurion named Whitefeather – apparently the Old Man and him go back aways." He took another sip of his Manhattan. "That's the crew that snagged your dad. If anyone can help, they can."
"So I should talk to the Colonel, then."
"Yep. Well, as Governor and as senior military officer, it's his problem as much as it is yours. Get the Old Man involved."
"I probably already am involved," advised a voice from behind the Lieutenant.
"Oops," Carruthers whispered. "Colonel, Sir, may I get you a drink?"
"Thank you Carruthers, I'll have a Bronx."
"Very good, Sir." The lieutenant gestured to the waitress.
Two days later, a high-speed supraluminal message drone showed up in the Thuleat system – not the routine weekly message drone, carrying routine messages between Earthat and the colony, but a special courier. It triggered a special meeting, in which every officer and NCO was "invited" to participate, and further "invited" to bring one concubine, preferably their straw boss. In order to accommodate all the bodies, the Junior Ranks Club was persuaded to offer their facilities.
Bob's pod was the only one with 100% attendance from his pod: Samantha's Aunt Alice got in under the young CS officer's ticket. Even the usually unflappable Alice felt a little overwhelmed surrounded as she was by almost every NCO and officer in the Brigade, and other services besides.
Each table was served coffee or tea – no cocktails – and glasses of water. Most of the concubines wore their shifts, although a few scattered through the crowd were wearing different apparel. The Colonel's (former) wife wore a string of pearls and her "hooker heel" shoes, with her hair up in a fancy wave ... and that was pretty well it.
As the noise died down, Michael stood up and strode to the podium. "We have been chosen for a unique honour," he announced to the assembled throng, using his lapel device to project his voice rather than an old-fashioned microphone. "A special operation is under way, and we are the lucky recipients of the fruits of their labour.
"I refer to the Office of Targeted Extractions." The enormous wall behind him lit up with the title, "Operation: Filles du Roi"
The crowd erupted in surprise. If the Office of Targeted Extractions was involved this wasn't military, necessarily, but it certainly held potential to be interesting.
"The name translates into English as 'The King's Daughters'. Let's talk about the background behind that name. Prior to 1663, the King of France and his advisers regarded New France as an outpost rather than a true colony, and had allowed the local population to be largely voyageurs, soldiers and priests – men, in other words. The few women present had had to pay their own way to get there and therefore most of them were either indentured servants or nuns.
"In that year, they realized that with the expanding English colonies along the Atlantic coast, they needed to treat New France less as an outpost and more as a true colony, and that meant families with children." He paused for dramatic effect.
"And that meant women."
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by grig314 (Warning! I'm not using 4-letter words like "fuck" in this story. I hope you like it as is, just for the story value. I'm willing to risk turning some of you people off by not putting in much porn content, but I think it is an interesting story.) This was one project that we did not want to get into the hands of large countries because they would just turn it into a military project and create armies of robots, and that's not what we wanted. And so, in small groups,...
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The attractive young concubine entered the anteroom. "The Colonel will see you now." She stood aside so they could enter the Colonel's board-room. Ensign William Barker looked at Sergeant Ken Kowalski, Private Bob Redburn and young Samantha Redburn. Nodding, he entered first. The four found themselves entering a meeting room occupied by Colonel Michael Deschenes, Lieutenant Colonel Chaz Desrocher, Sergeant-Major Butch Blondell, and from the kilopod transport CSS Grey Goose, still in...
At the Unassigned Concubine Quarters, organized chaos reigned. Most of the newly arrived concubines had no dependants, but all too many were fluttery, fluffy-headed fourteen-year-olds. They were settling in, but in so doing they were driving the straw bosses nuts. One who was taking it all calmly and in stride was Colonel Deschenes' concubine, Penny, giving out instructions, suggestions and hugs. She was dressed considerably more comfortably than any time that Samantha had seen her before:...
The past week had been a busy one for Optio Samantha Redburn. Two of the sponsors from last weekend's draft had managed to pick up so many defaults for their violent behaviour that at their courts-martial they were ordered to get an immediate CAP rescoring. The results on both of them came back with psychotic levels, and the men had to be recycled – she'd had to sign off on the death of both men and take in their four traumatized concubines, all females. She'd so far killed more Chosen...
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Samantha opened a bleary eye, and decided she was awake. It had been a wonderful birthday party, the like of which she could well believe no 14-year-old Earth girl would ever have the chance to experience. She and Carruthers had gone twice more, followed by a stream of people congratulating her. After the show she and the Base Logistics Officer had put on, there were other impromptu couplings around the floor, including her own parents (followed by her aunt and father). She opened the second...
In the end, they'd had to recycle James Corbell. His psychological profile indicated that he was dangerously unstable, and CAP scoring proved to be impossible. Simply put, Private Corbell had been stressed by the events at Hesperus to beyond the breaking point. Fleet Auxiliary Corporal Henri Cournoyer happily adopted mother and child. The AI agreed that his less aggressive nature would allow Mary-Jane and her daughter to heal more quickly, and the Governor happily signed off on the request...
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Tribune Whitefeather sat with his fellow members of the Office of Targeted Extractions, Sub-Decurion Chan and Major MacAllistor, in the Arctic Princess pod currently assigned to Sandy Hause and her camerawoman, Lyn MacDonald. The three Confederacy officers were enjoying lunch and watching the results of Sandy's editing efforts. All wore their dress uniforms, Whitefeather and Chan in Civil Service grey and MacAllistor in Marine green. The two concubines wore fancy hairdos and gold-threaded...
The ringing of a virtual alarm clock jolted the bedroom's three occupants awake. "Good morning, Private Wilson," came the calm voice of the AI. "It is oh-six-hundred hours ship's time. You have one hour to prepare yourself, your concubines and dependants, and get yourselves to the mess room. It is recommended that you consume breakfast in the ship's mess with your fellow sponsors. The mess room will be open for breakfast from oh-six-thirty." "Very well," Dave sleepily advised the...
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"Show me this ship," snarled Captain Tal. The screen changed and a ship that was five times larger than their own appeared on the screen. Her white hull was gleaming and her navigational lights were lit up. She was less then five miles away from his command. Tal stood there, and looked at the huge ship; he then turned to his weapons officer, and said, "Fire on that ship! Turn us hard starboard, full speed ahead. Launch countermeasures." The Dancer opened fire with her pitiful weapons...
DC Comics has a wonderful range of Heroines to choose from. Whose story do you want to follow?
BDSMWorking with Jose was something of a trial. ‘Alan, may I ask what you are thinking you are doing with that torch and those tanks of gas?’ I closed the jeep door and frowned at Jose’s shadowy figure, standing against the crumbled wall in the darkness. ‘We have to get in somehow, don’t we? The door is reinforced with iron and the lock will be corroded shut, but some work with a cutting torch and chisel should get us through.’ ‘This is still technically church property-‘ ‘We have to get in...
I’m a Navy sailor, not a master spy. My paperwork had Fermin Ramos on it and I didn’t have the slightest idea how to get paperwork that said anything else. I was taking on a crazy amount of risk. The trip to Haiti had been chancy, but the weather had cooperated and the small fiberglass hulled sailboat, pushed along by a motor as long as the fuel had held out, had done what I’d hoped it would do – avoid notice. I had the sense to reserve a little fuel for docking – I’m passably competent with a...
Many years later in present day Canada ours "hero" dean is in a room tied up with five men who are "asking" were his friend is hiding. "he is hiding under there" dean said "under were" the first man yelled And dean just laughed In his face and said " haha I just made you say under were. That one definitely never gets old" the first man looked at one of the other men and tells him to refill the jug "yes monkey" and he runs out the back door and dean can hear the water running....
‘There.’ ‘Pillar.’ Wakahisa-san advanced one frame and pointed at the screen. ‘Right there.’ ‘Pillar.’ ‘OK, now watch how she waves her arms around like she’s trying to grab something or catch her balance.’ Wakahisa-san played the video forward again until the train hit. ‘Yep.’ ‘The kimono woman totally pushed her.’ ‘Can’t see,’ Shimizu said, looking over Wakahisa-san’s shoulder. He wasn’t convinced. A structural pillar obscured the best view they had of the platform. Detective Wakahisa...