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This story is entirely fictitious.? If you enjoy reading it, we?d be delighted to hear from you.? The club.?


[email protected]


Chosen at random.


The young woman smiled indulgently as she watched her husband and their thirteen-year-old daughter setting up their caravan.? She had been looking forward to this holiday for so long, knew how hard her husband worked, how much he needed a break.? They looked so happy as they prepared the caravan for their week-long camping holiday.? She looked around at the site they had chosen and sighed happily.? They had selected a small area a short distance away from the main site, giving them privacy and seclusion.? She smiled again, this would do nicely.


Hers were not the only eyes watching the man and his daughter.? Some distance away, concealed within a dense hedge, a young man also watched with interest.? Jerry was nineteen, short, slightly built with a thin, pale face.? He studied the scene through his binoculars and grinned to himself.? As the young girl bent over to pick up some items he studied her small, shapely bottom and absent mindedly dropped his hand and began to stroke his crotch.? He heard a noise behind him and turned swiftly, clenching his fist as he did so, ready to attack.


?Easy boy!? It?s only me.?? The older man said softly, ?What you got then????


Jerry grinned, ?They?re fucking perfect, Phil, look at ?em.?? He handed the binoculars to the second man.


Phil brought the glasses to his eyes and quickly took in the scene. He studied the location, the positioning of the caravan, then ran his eyes over the figures of the girl and her parents.? The girl was a pretty little thing, a lithe, slim body, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.? Her bright, blonde hair was tied up in bunches.? Her father was tall and powerfully built, his arms and legs were tanned and muscular.? The mother was simply a larger version of her daughter, blonde and tanned, her breasts looked firm and sat high on her chest.? Her long, slim legs rose elegantly until they met her shapely arse.


?See??? Jerry whispered urgently, ?They?re right by the trees. We can get to them easy.? Have a look at the mother?s arse.? Fucking tight, yes??


Phil grinned.? ?Sweet!? We?ll have a go at them tonight.? Get the stuff ready.?


The younger man shrank back into the bushes and began to retrieve several items, stuffing them into a hold-all.? Then he zipped the bag shut and gave it a pat for luck.? ?All set.? When do we move??


Phil grinned again.? ?We?ll have to wait until dark, you know that!? I think we?ll have to wait until about midnight, when the site goes quiet.?


?Shit!? That long?? Can?t we go earlier??


?Not unless you want to get caught.?? Phil chuckled.? ?Let?s go and get some food and come back later.? They?re not going anywhere, so we can take our time.?


?Yeah, but when I think of those sweet, tight little cunts, fuck Phil, I want to go over there right now!?


They looked at one another and both laughed at Jerry?s urgency.? Then they began to retreat back into the hedge, carefully avoiding being seen by anyone.


An hour or so later Phil finished his bag of chips with a contended sigh and a belch, and then reached for another can of beer.? He grinned to himself at the thought of how easy this little scam was.? Six months ago he?d met up with Jerry, who had demonstrated at once how adept he was at all manner of theft, whether it be shop-lifting, burglary, stealing cars, whatever, Jerry seemed to be able to achieve his objective with ease and the minimum likelihood of capture.? Phil had quickly taken the young man under his wing, and began to benefit from his artful abilities.


And then a few weeks ago they?d been sleeping rough at the back of some old hospital buildings when he?d found a small, cast iron canister, of the sort used to contain compressed gas.? Unable to read the label, he?d persuaded one of the other men sleeping rough to take a sniff of the contents. The man had immediately drifted off into a sleep so deep Phil began to fear he?d killed him.? Nothing they did seemed to rouse the sleeping man.? Phil and Jerry left quickly, having thrown the canister into a ditch.


Some days later they?d met up with the man he?d put to sleep, who told them he had woken some hours later, perfectly well, but with an awful, thumping headache.? Over a few cans of beer that night Phil considered the possibilities.


He had retrieved the canister and persuaded a man he knew to read the label for him.? It was then he?d realised that he?d found a canister of powerful anaesthetic.?


Their first use of it had been on a wealthy looking middle aged man who had decided to pull over into a lay-by and have a rest.? He had fallen asleep in his car, one window slightly ajar.? Phil had carefully approached the car, slipped a length of rubber tube through the open window and opened the valve.? Within moments they had been able to drag the comatose man from his car, remove every item of value from his pockets, including cash, credit cards, jewellery and mobile phone, roll him into a ditch and make off in the stolen car.? They had driven for mile after mile, until the car ran out of fuel, then they?d abandoned it.


It became their regular source of income and they roamed the country in search of victims.? When they ran out of anaesthetic Phil took Jerry to the nearest hospital and told him to do his stuff.? They?d never even come close to capture, and were soon living comfortably off the profits.


And then late one night they?d targeted a couple who were snoozing in the car park of a motorway service station.? They?d quickly and easily sedated the couple, then began to search the car.? As he started to rifle through their belongings, Phil had become aware of the large, firm breasts of the woman asleep in the passenger seat.? With a trembling hand he?d slowly reached out and began to fondle each breast in turn, savouring the feel of the smooth skin.? He?d opened a couple of buttons on her blouse and slipped a hand inside, then slowly he?d pushed her bra cup aside and rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger.


He?d looked up to see Jerry watching in fascination.? As he continued to stroke and maul her breasts Jerry also reached out and began to assault the sleeping woman, giggling as he pushed his grubby hand into her bra cup.? After a few moments Jerry had thrust his hand between her legs, and then had started to open the trousers of her business suit.? Phil licked his lips at the memory.? Smiled lecherously as he pictured her pink, lacy underwear as Jerry quickly opened her clothing.? And then the car park had been raked by strong headlights and they?d quickly abandoned the couple and made off in another stolen car.


They had talked excitedly about their assault on her as they drove through the night, putting many miles between them and the unfortunate woman.? They had discussed how they could find a victim, how they could have their fun, and how they could avoid capture.? Finally, Phil had hit on what her thought was a perfect solution.


?All we need to do, kid is find one that?s already asleep.? Then we just give her some magic gas and away we go.?


?You mean break into a house or something???


?No, better than that, we go to one of them camping parks and do the business there, see??


Jerry had seen immediately.? Had been desperate to try out the plan for days, until finally they?d found the prefect site.? A large site, with plenty of people, many caravans and lots of possibilities.? They?d been looking around for a few days, unable to find the perfect target. And then Jerry had spotted the family setting up for a happy holiday.? Phil felt his cock stir at the thought of the pretty young woman and innocent young girl. He checked his watch, eight thirty.?


?Listen.?? He said to Jerry, ?If this goes ok we?re going to have to get out of here afterwards real quick, ok?? When they wake up and find out what we?ve done they?ll have every policeman in the county here, so we need to get some transport, right??


Jerry nodded.


?So you go and find us some wheels, and leave it somewhere handy so we can get off right away.?


?Sure thing!? Jerry grinned.? In moments he had left.? Phil grinned to himself.


Four hours later they stood between the target caravan and a copse of tall trees.? They both stood motionless, ears straining to pick up any sign of movement or life from within the caravan.? The silence was broken only by the soft snoring of the man within.? Phil fed the tube in through the open roof vent and opened the valve.? The soft hiss of the escaping gas was barely audible.? After a couple of minutes he turned the valve to shut off the supply of gas.


He glanced around at their location.? The couple had positioned their caravan so that the door faced away from the main site, giving them more privacy, but also allowing the two men to enter entirely unseen.? Phil looked around at Jerry and nodded.? The younger man then swiftly and silently approached the door, and within moments had picked the lock.? He opened the door and made to go inside.


?No!?? Phil hissed, ?Let the gas out first you idiot.?? In the darkness he saw a glint of white teeth as Jerry grinned apologetically.


?Sorry Phil.?


They stood back and let the gas escape from the caravan, then Phil stepped inside.? His eyes were well accustomed to the darkness, and he could clearly make out the sleeping forms of the two parents at the end of the caravan, and the smaller form of the girl closer to him.? He motioned for Jerry to stay, then made his way silently to the parents? bed.


He put his hand to the man?s mouth, checking for breathing, then reached out and gently shook his shoulder.? There was no response.? He shook harder.? Still no response.? He reached out and took hold of the sleeping woman?s face, pinching the jaw and shaking her roughly.? Again, no response.? Then he moved quickly, drawing the curtains at every window.? He beckoned Jerry to enter, then closed the door behind him and switched on the light.


?Are they out??? Jerry whispered.


?The two up there are definitely out.? Why don?t you check on the kid??


A slow, lecherous grin spread across Jerry?s face.? ?Sure, why not?? He chuckled.


Phil watched as he sauntered over to the sleeping girl.? Jerry bent over her, reached out and tickled her ear.? The girl didn?t move.? Then he pinched her ear between thumb and forefinger, pulling and twisting.? The girl slept on.


?I reckon she?s well out, Phil.? Can I have a play??? He grinned.


?Be my guest.?? He laughed.? He sat back and watched as Jerry began to drag at the zip of her sleeping bag.? As more of the girl?s body was exposed he could see that she was wearing pink pyjamas.? Jerry pulled the zip down until the bag was opened entirely, then peeled it back, exposing the girl completely.? He put his hands on both her shoulders and shook her violently, still she slept on.? Phil heard him chuckle and mutter ?Sweet.?


Jerry reached out and ran his finger tips across the small breasts visible beneath the pyjama top, then he groped and mauled them, his confidence growing.? He quickly pushed his hand under the top and Phil saw his hand climb.


?Oh fucking hell!?? Jerry muttered, ?Fucking hell Phil these are just fucking gorgeous!?? He pushed the top up, exposing the small breasts, each topped with a small, pink, puffy nipple.? ?Fucking look at them!? He said, squeezing them in his hands.? Phil felt his cock stiffen, rubbed his crotch as he watched Jerry reach for the waistband of the girls pyjama bottoms.


Jerry began to drag the thin, cotton garment lower and lower.? Soon her plain white knickers were visible.? Jerry grabbed hold of these too and continued to drag.? The girl was being pulled around like a doll as Jerry undressed her.? Jerry groaned as a small blonde patch of pubic hair was exposed, and then her slit was visible.? Jerry quickly removed her pyjama bottoms and knickers, putting her underwear to his nose and inhaling deeply.


?That?s got to be a virgin cunt, that has Phil.? Want to smell?? Fucking lovely.?


Phil smiled and shook his head.? He was enjoying watching Jerry strip and abuse the young victim.? Jerry took hold of the girl?s legs behind each knee, then pushed her legs up and apart in one swift movement, exposing her entirely to his hungry gaze.


?Oh yes!? Oh fucking hell yes!?? Jerry groaned, then dropped to his knees and thrust his face into her stretched cunt.? He began to lick and suck at her exposed slit.? Phil could hear him slavering and grinned again.? Then Jerry was opening his trousers, seized by an urgent need.


?Oh fucking yes!? Oh I?m going to fuck that tight little cunt.? Shit!? She?s fucking gorgeous, she is.? Oh fuck me!?


In moments he had dragged his trousers down to his knees, exposing his erect cock.? As Phil watched he moved between the legs of the sleeping girl and began to rub the head of his cock along her slit.? Phil saw him shudder with pleasure.? Then he positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to her virgin tunnel and began to push in.? Almost at once he met resistance as he encountered her hymen.


?Fuck I can feel her cherry!? Fucking hell Phil I?m right up against her cherry! Oh fuck she feels good.? It?s like fucking velvet, her cunt is.?


He began to push his cock into her, stabbing away at the delicate folds.? Phil could hear him grunting with each stroke, and then he fell forwards, her defences broken.? He drove his cock deep into her, groaning with pleasure with each stroke.? Phil chuckled to himself, then decided it was time to have some fun of his own.


He approached the bed of the sleeping parents. They looked so peaceful.? If only they could wake and see what the scrawny, rat-like Jerry was doing to their precious daughter!? They were covered by a duvet, Phil took hold of it and pulled, dragging it from them.? He wore a T-shirt and jogging bottoms, she wore blue, silk pyjamas.?


He climbed onto the bed and crawled up to the woman.? He reached out and began to stroke her breasts.? Immediately he knew she wore no bra, he could feel her nipples beneath his roving fingers.? He took hold of each side of her pyjama top and pulled roughly apart.? Buttons flew in all directions as her breasts were exposed.? He took in the sight; her full, firm breasts topped with dark brown nipples and small, tight aureole, then began to stroke and maul them, pulling the nipples taught, then letting them fall again.? He ducked his head and took each one into his mouth in turn, sucking on the nipples, biting the breasts, leaving marks, meaning to do so.


Then he climbed off the bed and took hold of the legs of her pyjama bottoms.? He pulled each in turn, relishing the increasing exposure as they slowly descended her body.? Black cotton knickers were soon revealed, and a few stray pubic hairs escaped from around the sides.? He removed the pyjama bottoms, then pushed her legs apart and studied her crotch.


He put his face between her legs, his nose almost touching her knickers, and inhaled, drawing in her aroma.? He ran his tongue up the inside of her thighs, then reached for the waistband of her underwear.? He quickly removed the small garment, then spread her legs wide and took in the view.


She was completely exposed for his enjoyment, her breasts bore the evidence of his attentions and her legs were spread obscenely, her slit clearly visible beneath her thatch of blonde pubic hair.? He reached out and began to play with each lip of her pussy in turn, spreading them apart.? Then he spread both and inserted a finger into her.? Her tunnel was warm and moist.? He quickly slipped another finger into her, began to finger fuck her with increasing speed.? He grinned as he felt her body begin to lubricate her pussy, responding to his assault despite her lack of consciousness.


He freed his aching cock from his trousers, then ran it across her face, pushing it into her mouth.? As he hit the back of her throat she gagged reflexively.? He grinned again.? He took his cock from her mouth then rubbed his glans against her nipples.? He let his cock rest between her breasts, then pressed them together and began to slide gently back and forth.


Then he positioned himself between her open thighs.? He took hold of each leg and lifted it, spreading her still wider, then he placed his cock at the entrance to her cunt and drove in deeply.? Her pussy felt wonderfully warm and inviting.? He couldn?t remember when he?d last had a woman, and he?d never in his life enjoyed one such as this.? He drove into her repeatedly, savagely, smirking as he watched the shock wave of each new violation transmit itself to her breasts, which shook in response.? He felt himself approach climax, increased his speed and depth of stroke, and then collapsed on her as he emptied himself deep inside her.


Still gasping for breath he climbed off her and turned to where Jerry was still ramming his cock into the young girl.? As he watched Jerry groaned and his body stiffened as he spent himself inside her.? After a few moments Jerry rolled off the unconscious girl.? Phil noticed the small patch of blood on the bed between her thighs.? He pointed to it and said, ?She was a virgin then, look.?


Jerry examined the evidence, then grinned, ?Yes, was!?? They both laughed.


?What now Phil? Is that it, then??


?No, not at all.? I haven?t had a chance to enjoy the little girl there yet, and you can have some fun with the other one if you like.?


Jerry grinned, ?Fucking brill.? I think I?ll watch you having some fun with the kid first though.? You don?t mind, do you??


?It?s all the same to me kid.? Watch this then!?? Phil picked up a small cosmetics bag belonging to the mother and began to search through the contents. He brought out a small bottle of baby oil and moved to sit next to the sleeping girl.? He rolled her onto her front, then stroked and kneaded her small, firm bottom.? He poured a quantity of the baby oil onto her bottom, letting the liquid run into the crack between her cheeks, then pulled her cheeks apart and began to stroke his fingers along the channel between them.?


He found her tight little hole and began to work the oil into it, slipping a finger into her tight arse, moving it around, stretching the sphincter.? As Jerry watched in fascination he lay on top of the girl and began to press his stiffening cock against her anus.


?Fucking hell Phil, are you going to give it to her up the arse??? Jerry asked, a note of awe in his voice.


?Fucking right I am.? I?ll leave her with something to remember alright!?? He laughed as he began to apply more pressure.? He grunted as he forced his cock against the tight hole, then sniggered as he felt his thrust start to overcome the resistance of the sphincter.? Gradually the muscle gave way and he felt his cock start to enter her.? He paused for a moment to pour more oil onto her arse and his cock, then pushed slowly in until his cock was buried up to the hilt in the little girl?s tight hole.? He shuddered with pleasure at the sight of his cock buried in her small body, then began to pump into her with strong, slow, deep strokes.? He heard Jerry mutter ?Fucking hell.?


Amused and fascinated, Jerry watched as Phil took his time raping the small girl?s bottom, then smiled to himself.? He picked up the bottle of oil, which Phil had used and made his way to the bed of the girls parents.? The mother was still as Phil had left her; legs spread wide, a small amount of semen now leaking from her slit.? Jerry quickly turned her over and began to massage the oil into her bottom as he?d seen Phil doing.? Then he positioned his cock against her anus and pushed hard.


He was expecting resistance, to have to force his cock into her.? Instead her sphincter allowed his stiff cock to enter her immediately.? He chuckled to himself, then called out to Phil.


?Hey Phil, who?d have thought it, hey?? This one here?s had it up the arse before by the feel of it.? I just stuck my cock against her arse-hole and it slipped right in, right up to the hilt!? Dirty fucking stuck up bitch, can you believe it??


Phil laughed back.? ?They?re all the same kid, they all look like they?re too nice to do anything like that, but secretly they love it!? This little girl here will be really sore in the morning though, when I?ve finished with her arse, that is.?


The two of them continued to rape their unknowing victims, ploughing their cocks into the bowels of the two unconscious females.? Finally Jerry groaned and began to spurt into the mother?s bottom.? He collapsed onto her, gasping for breath before letting his softening cock slip from her.? He stood up wearily, reaching for his trousers.? He heard a groan and then Phil moaned ?Oh fucking yes.? Oh have some of that you little bitch.?


Having satisfied themselves with the bodies of the mother and her daughter, the two of them then searched the caravan, taking everything of value they could find.? Then they positioned the two sleeping females on their backs with their legs spread wide, exposing their bodies.? As they were making for the door Jerry giggled and said, ?Wait a minute Phil, I?ve got an idea.?


Phil watched in amusement as Jerry walked back to the parent?s bed.? ?I need a piss before I go, and where better than right here??? He laughed.? He took out his cock and began to spray a stream of urine across the body of the man sleeping in the bed.? He covered his body and his face, giggling as he did so.? Phil let out a snort of laughter, then walked over and joined in.


?I?d love to see his face when he wakes up.?? Jerry chuckled, ?At first he?ll think he?s wet himself, then he?ll realise what?s happened to his wife and kid, and then he?ll realise that whoever did that has pissed all over him.? Cute!?


?Come on, let?s go.? I think we should go south.? I?ve heard there are loads of camping sites down there!?


They both left the caravan, turning out the light and closing the door behind them.


This story is entirely fictitious.? If you enjoy reading it, we?d be delighted to hear from you.? The club.?


[email protected]


Chosen at random.


The young woman smiled indulgently as she watched her husband and their thirteen-year-old daughter setting up their caravan.? She had been looking forward to this holiday for so long, knew how hard her husband worked, how much he needed a break.? They looked so happy as they prepared the caravan for their week-long camping holiday.? She looked around at the site they had chosen and sighed happily.? They had selected a small area a short distance away from the main site, giving them privacy and seclusion.? She smiled again, this would do nicely.


Hers were not the only eyes watching the man and his daughter.? Some distance away, concealed within a dense hedge, a young man also watched with interest.? Jerry was nineteen, short, slightly built with a thin, pale face.? He studied the scene through his binoculars and grinned to himself.? As the young girl bent over to pick up some items he studied her small, shapely bottom and absent mindedly dropped his hand and began to stroke his crotch.? He heard a noise behind him and turned swiftly, clenching his fist as he did so, ready to attack.


?Easy boy!? It?s only me.?? The older man said softly, ?What you got then????


Jerry grinned, ?They?re fucking perfect, Phil, look at ?em.?? He handed the binoculars to the second man.


Phil brought the glasses to his eyes and quickly took in the scene. He studied the location, the positioning of the caravan, then ran his eyes over the figures of the girl and her parents.? The girl was a pretty little thing, a lithe, slim body, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.? Her bright, blonde hair was tied up in bunches.? Her father was tall and powerfully built, his arms and legs were tanned and muscular.? The mother was simply a larger version of her daughter, blonde and tanned, her breasts looked firm and sat high on her chest.? Her long, slim legs rose elegantly until they met her shapely arse.


?See??? Jerry whispered urgently, ?They?re right by the trees. We can get to them easy.? Have a look at the mother?s arse.? Fucking tight, yes??


Phil grinned.? ?Sweet!? We?ll have a go at them tonight.? Get the stuff ready.?


The younger man shrank back into the bushes and began to retrieve several items, stuffing them into a hold-all.? Then he zipped the bag shut and gave it a pat for luck.? ?All set.? When do we move??


Phil grinned again.? ?We?ll have to wait until dark, you know that!? I think we?ll have to wait until about midnight, when the site goes quiet.?


?Shit!? That long?? Can?t we go earlier??


?Not unless you want to get caught.?? Phil chuckled.? ?Let?s go and get some food and come back later.? They?re not going anywhere, so we can take our time.?


?Yeah, but when I think of those sweet, tight little cunts, fuck Phil, I want to go over there right now!?


They looked at one another and both laughed at Jerry?s urgency.? Then they began to retreat back into the hedge, carefully avoiding being seen by anyone.


An hour or so later Phil finished his bag of chips with a contended sigh and a belch, and then reached for another can of beer.? He grinned to himself at the thought of how easy this little scam was.? Six months ago he?d met up with Jerry, who had demonstrated at once how adept he was at all manner of theft, whether it be shop-lifting, burglary, stealing cars, whatever, Jerry seemed to be able to achieve his objective with ease and the minimum likelihood of capture.? Phil had quickly taken the young man under his wing, and began to benefit from his artful abilities.


And then a few weeks ago they?d been sleeping rough at the back of some old hospital buildings when he?d found a small, cast iron canister, of the sort used to contain compressed gas.? Unable to read the label, he?d persuaded one of the other men sleeping rough to take a sniff of the contents. The man had immediately drifted off into a sleep so deep Phil began to fear he?d killed him.? Nothing they did seemed to rouse the sleeping man.? Phil and Jerry left quickly, having thrown the canister into a ditch.


Some days later they?d met up with the man he?d put to sleep, who told them he had woken some hours later, perfectly well, but with an awful, thumping headache.? Over a few cans of beer that night Phil considered the possibilities.


He had retrieved the canister and persuaded a man he knew to read the label for him.? It was then he?d realised that he?d found a canister of powerful anaesthetic.?


Their first use of it had been on a wealthy looking middle aged man who had decided to pull over into a lay-by and have a rest.? He had fallen asleep in his car, one window slightly ajar.? Phil had carefully approached the car, slipped a length of rubber tube through the open window and opened the valve.? Within moments they had been able to drag the comatose man from his car, remove every item of value from his pockets, including cash, credit cards, jewellery and mobile phone, roll him into a ditch and make off in the stolen car.? They had driven for mile after mile, until the car ran out of fuel, then they?d abandoned it.


It became their regular source of income and they roamed the country in search of victims.? When they ran out of anaesthetic Phil took Jerry to the nearest hospital and told him to do his stuff.? They?d never even come close to capture, and were soon living comfortably off the profits.


And then late one night they?d targeted a couple who were snoozing in the car park of a motorway service station.? They?d quickly and easily sedated the couple, then began to search the car.? As he started to rifle through their belongings, Phil had become aware of the large, firm breasts of the woman asleep in the passenger seat.? With a trembling hand he?d slowly reached out and began to fondle each breast in turn, savouring the feel of the smooth skin.? He?d opened a couple of buttons on her blouse and slipped a hand inside, then slowly he?d pushed her bra cup aside and rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger.


He?d looked up to see Jerry watching in fascination.? As he continued to stroke and maul her breasts Jerry also reached out and began to assault the sleeping woman, giggling as he pushed his grubby hand into her bra cup.? After a few moments Jerry had thrust his hand between her legs, and then had started to open the trousers of her business suit.? Phil licked his lips at the memory.? Smiled lecherously as he pictured her pink, lacy underwear as Jerry quickly opened her clothing.? And then the car park had been raked by strong headlights and they?d quickly abandoned the couple and made off in another stolen car.


They had talked excitedly about their assault on her as they drove through the night, putting many miles between them and the unfortunate woman.? They had discussed how they could find a victim, how they could have their fun, and how they could avoid capture.? Finally, Phil had hit on what her thought was a perfect solution.


?All we need to do, kid is find one that?s already asleep.? Then we just give her some magic gas and away we go.?


?You mean break into a house or something???


?No, better than that, we go to one of them camping parks and do the business there, see??


Jerry had seen immediately.? Had been desperate to try out the plan for days, until finally they?d found the prefect site.? A large site, with plenty of people, many caravans and lots of possibilities.? They?d been looking around for a few days, unable to find the perfect target. And then Jerry had spotted the family setting up for a happy holiday.? Phil felt his cock stir at the thought of the pretty young woman and innocent young girl. He checked his watch, eight thirty.?


?Listen.?? He said to Jerry, ?If this goes ok we?re going to have to get out of here afterwards real quick, ok?? When they wake up and find out what we?ve done they?ll have every policeman in the county here, so we need to get some transport, right??


Jerry nodded.


?So you go and find us some wheels, and leave it somewhere handy so we can get off right away.?


?Sure thing!? Jerry grinned.? In moments he had left.? Phil grinned to himself.


Four hours later they stood between the target caravan and a copse of tall trees.? They both stood motionless, ears straining to pick up any sign of movement or life from within the caravan.? The silence was broken only by the soft snoring of the man within.? Phil fed the tube in through the open roof vent and opened the valve.? The soft hiss of the escaping gas was barely audible.? After a couple of minutes he turned the valve to shut off the supply of gas.


He glanced around at their location.? The couple had positioned their caravan so that the door faced away from the main site, giving them more privacy, but also allowing the two men to enter entirely unseen.? Phil looked around at Jerry and nodded.? The younger man then swiftly and silently approached the door, and within moments had picked the lock.? He opened the door and made to go inside.


?No!?? Phil hissed, ?Let the gas out first you idiot.?? In the darkness he saw a glint of white teeth as Jerry grinned apologetically.


?Sorry Phil.?


They stood back and let the gas escape from the caravan, then Phil stepped inside.? His eyes were well accustomed to the darkness, and he could clearly make out the sleeping forms of the two parents at the end of the caravan, and the smaller form of the girl closer to him.? He motioned for Jerry to stay, then made his way silently to the parents? bed.


He put his hand to the man?s mouth, checking for breathing, then reached out and gently shook his shoulder.? There was no response.? He shook harder.? Still no response.? He reached out and took hold of the sleeping woman?s face, pinching the jaw and shaking her roughly.? Again, no response.? Then he moved quickly, drawing the curtains at every window.? He beckoned Jerry to enter, then closed the door behind him and switched on the light.


?Are they out??? Jerry whispered.


?The two up there are definitely out.? Why don?t you check on the kid??


A slow, lecherous grin spread across Jerry?s face.? ?Sure, why not?? He chuckled.


Phil watched as he sauntered over to the sleeping girl.? Jerry bent over her, reached out and tickled her ear.? The girl didn?t move.? Then he pinched her ear between thumb and forefinger, pulling and twisting.? The girl slept on.


?I reckon she?s well out, Phil.? Can I have a play??? He grinned.


?Be my guest.?? He laughed.? He sat back and watched as Jerry began to drag at the zip of her sleeping bag.? As more of the girl?s body was exposed he could see that she was wearing pink pyjamas.? Jerry pulled the zip down until the bag was opened entirely, then peeled it back, exposing the girl completely.? He put his hands on both her shoulders and shook her violently, still she slept on.? Phil heard him chuckle and mutter ?Sweet.?


Jerry reached out and ran his finger tips across the small breasts visible beneath the pyjama top, then he groped and mauled them, his confidence growing.? He quickly pushed his hand under the top and Phil saw his hand climb.


?Oh fucking hell!?? Jerry muttered, ?Fucking hell Phil these are just fucking gorgeous!?? He pushed the top up, exposing the small breasts, each topped with a small, pink, puffy nipple.? ?Fucking look at them!? He said, squeezing them in his hands.? Phil felt his cock stiffen, rubbed his crotch as he watched Jerry reach for the waistband of the girls pyjama bottoms.


Jerry began to drag the thin, cotton garment lower and lower.? Soon her plain white knickers were visible.? Jerry grabbed hold of these too and continued to drag.? The girl was being pulled around like a doll as Jerry undressed her.? Jerry groaned as a small blonde patch of pubic hair was exposed, and then her slit was visible.? Jerry quickly removed her pyjama bottoms and knickers, putting her underwear to his nose and inhaling deeply.


?That?s got to be a virgin cunt, that has Phil.? Want to smell?? Fucking lovely.?


Phil smiled and shook his head.? He was enjoying watching Jerry strip and abuse the young victim.? Jerry took hold of the girl?s legs behind each knee, then pushed her legs up and apart in one swift movement, exposing her entirely to his hungry gaze.


?Oh yes!? Oh fucking hell yes!?? Jerry groaned, then dropped to his knees and thrust his face into her stretched cunt.? He began to lick and suck at her exposed slit.? Phil could hear him slavering and grinned again.? Then Jerry was opening his trousers, seized by an urgent need.


?Oh fucking yes!? Oh I?m going to fuck that tight little cunt.? Shit!? She?s fucking gorgeous, she is.? Oh fuck me!?


In moments he had dragged his trousers down to his knees, exposing his erect cock.? As Phil watched he moved between the legs of the sleeping girl and began to rub the head of his cock along her slit.? Phil saw him shudder with pleasure.? Then he positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to her virgin tunnel and began to push in.? Almost at once he met resistance as he encountered her hymen.


?Fuck I can feel her cherry!? Fucking hell Phil I?m right up against her cherry! Oh fuck she feels good.? It?s like fucking velvet, her cunt is.?


He began to push his cock into her, stabbing away at the delicate folds.? Phil could hear him grunting with each stroke, and then he fell forwards, her defences broken.? He drove his cock deep into her, groaning with pleasure with each stroke.? Phil chuckled to himself, then decided it was time to have some fun of his own.


He approached the bed of the sleeping parents. They looked so peaceful.? If only they could wake and see what the scrawny, rat-like Jerry was doing to their precious daughter!? They were covered by a duvet, Phil took hold of it and pulled, dragging it from them.? He wore a T-shirt and jogging bottoms, she wore blue, silk pyjamas.?


He climbed onto the bed and crawled up to the woman.? He reached out and began to stroke her breasts.? Immediately he knew she wore no bra, he could feel her nipples beneath his roving fingers.? He took hold of each side of her pyjama top and pulled roughly apart.? Buttons flew in all directions as her breasts were exposed.? He took in the sight; her full, firm breasts topped with dark brown nipples and small, tight aureole, then began to stroke and maul them, pulling the nipples taught, then letting them fall again.? He ducked his head and took each one into his mouth in turn, sucking on the nipples, biting the breasts, leaving marks, meaning to do so.


Then he climbed off the bed and took hold of the legs of her pyjama bottoms.? He pulled each in turn, relishing the increasing exposure as they slowly descended her body.? Black cotton knickers were soon revealed, and a few stray pubic hairs escaped from around the sides.? He removed the pyjama bottoms, then pushed her legs apart and studied her crotch.


He put his face between her legs, his nose almost touching her knickers, and inhaled, drawing in her aroma.? He ran his tongue up the inside of her thighs, then reached for the waistband of her underwear.? He quickly removed the small garment, then spread her legs wide and took in the view.


She was completely exposed for his enjoyment, her breasts bore the evidence of his attentions and her legs were spread obscenely, her slit clearly visible beneath her thatch of blonde pubic hair.? He reached out and began to play with each lip of her pussy in turn, spreading them apart.? Then he spread both and inserted a finger into her.? Her tunnel was warm and moist.? He quickly slipped another finger into her, began to finger fuck her with increasing speed.? He grinned as he felt her body begin to lubricate her pussy, responding to his assault despite her lack of consciousness.


He freed his aching cock from his trousers, then ran it across her face, pushing it into her mouth.? As he hit the back of her throat she gagged reflexively.? He grinned again.? He took his cock from her mouth then rubbed his glans against her nipples.? He let his cock rest between her breasts, then pressed them together and began to slide gently back and forth.


Then he positioned himself between her open thighs.? He took hold of each leg and lifted it, spreading her still wider, then he placed his cock at the entrance to her cunt and drove in deeply.? Her pussy felt wonderfully warm and inviting.? He couldn?t remember when he?d last had a woman, and he?d never in his life enjoyed one such as this.? He drove into her repeatedly, savagely, smirking as he watched the shock wave of each new violation transmit itself to her breasts, which shook in response.? He felt himself approach climax, increased his speed and depth of stroke, and then collapsed on her as he emptied himself deep inside her.


Still gasping for breath he climbed off her and turned to where Jerry was still ramming his cock into the young girl.? As he watched Jerry groaned and his body stiffened as he spent himself inside her.? After a few moments Jerry rolled off the unconscious girl.? Phil noticed the small patch of blood on the bed between her thighs.? He pointed to it and said, ?She was a virgin then, look.?


Jerry examined the evidence, then grinned, ?Yes, was!?? They both laughed.


?What now Phil? Is that it, then??


?No, not at all.? I haven?t had a chance to enjoy the little girl there yet, and you can have some fun with the other one if you like.?


Jerry grinned, ?Fucking brill.? I think I?ll watch you having some fun with the kid first though.? You don?t mind, do you??


?It?s all the same to me kid.? Watch this then!?? Phil picked up a small cosmetics bag belonging to the mother and began to search through the contents. He brought out a small bottle of baby oil and moved to sit next to the sleeping girl.? He rolled her onto her front, then stroked and kneaded her small, firm bottom.? He poured a quantity of the baby oil onto her bottom, letting the liquid run into the crack between her cheeks, then pulled her cheeks apart and began to stroke his fingers along the channel between them.?


He found her tight little hole and began to work the oil into it, slipping a finger into her tight arse, moving it around, stretching the sphincter.? As Jerry watched in fascination he lay on top of the girl and began to press his stiffening cock against her anus.


?Fucking hell Phil, are you going to give it to her up the arse??? Jerry asked, a note of awe in his voice.


?Fucking right I am.? I?ll leave her with something to remember alright!?? He laughed as he began to apply more pressure.? He grunted as he forced his cock against the tight hole, then sniggered as he felt his thrust start to overcome the resistance of the sphincter.? Gradually the muscle gave way and he felt his cock start to enter her.? He paused for a moment to pour more oil onto her arse and his cock, then pushed slowly in until his cock was buried up to the hilt in the little girl?s tight hole.? He shuddered with pleasure at the sight of his cock buried in her small body, then began to pump into her with strong, slow, deep strokes.? He heard Jerry mutter ?Fucking hell.?


Amused and fascinated, Jerry watched as Phil took his time raping the small girl?s bottom, then smiled to himself.? He picked up the bottle of oil, which Phil had used and made his way to the bed of the girls parents.? The mother was still as Phil had left her; legs spread wide, a small amount of semen now leaking from her slit.? Jerry quickly turned her over and began to massage the oil into her bottom as he?d seen Phil doing.? Then he positioned his cock against her anus and pushed hard.


He was expecting resistance, to have to force his cock into her.? Instead her sphincter allowed his stiff cock to enter her immediately.? He chuckled to himself, then called out to Phil.


?Hey Phil, who?d have thought it, hey?? This one here?s had it up the arse before by the feel of it.? I just stuck my cock against her arse-hole and it slipped right in, right up to the hilt!? Dirty fucking stuck up bitch, can you believe it??


Phil laughed back.? ?They?re all the same kid, they all look like they?re too nice to do anything like that, but secretly they love it!? This little girl here will be really sore in the morning though, when I?ve finished with her arse, that is.?


The two of them continued to rape their unknowing victims, ploughing their cocks into the bowels of the two unconscious females.? Finally Jerry groaned and began to spurt into the mother?s bottom.? He collapsed onto her, gasping for breath before letting his softening cock slip from her.? He stood up wearily, reaching for his trousers.? He heard a groan and then Phil moaned ?Oh fucking yes.? Oh have some of that you little bitch.?


Having satisfied themselves with the bodies of the mother and her daughter, the two of them then searched the caravan, taking everything of value they could find.? Then they positioned the two sleeping females on their backs with their legs spread wide, exposing their bodies.? As they were making for the door Jerry giggled and said, ?Wait a minute Phil, I?ve got an idea.?


Phil watched in amusement as Jerry walked back to the parent?s bed.? ?I need a piss before I go, and where better than right here??? He laughed.? He took out his cock and began to spray a stream of urine across the body of the man sleeping in the bed.? He covered his body and his face, giggling as he did so.? Phil let out a snort of laughter, then walked over and joined in.


?I?d love to see his face when he wakes up.?? Jerry chuckled, ?At first he?ll think he?s wet himself, then he?ll realise what?s happened to his wife and kid, and then he?ll realise that whoever did that has pissed all over him.? Cute!?


?Come on, let?s go.? I think we should go south.? I?ve heard there are loads of camping sites down there!?


They both left the caravan, turning out the light and closing the door behind them.


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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 21 Butterflies are Free

The Marines on Thule were racing to get ready to meet the latest Swarm incursion – the 121st Brigade's Third Training Platoon was off to the range to qualify on the RLA-1, marching smartly through the snowdrifts in their matte white battle suits, laser rifles at the shoulder. Behind them, similarly attired, strode two purposeful forms. These forms were trying to stay away from the Marines, hoping to mask their diminutiveness through the powers of perspective. Their path led off from the...

3 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 22 Sphere of Influence

Confederacy Navy Major Matt Schlemmer burst from his ready room onto the bridge of his charge, CSS Barnegat, hull number LFR-003. The meeting he'd just had with Commodore Swanson and that Payne fellow had been eye-opening, and a little scary. He'd been told what his ship's weapons could accomplish if handled in a certain way. He wasn't sure he wanted to handle his vessel's weapons in that certain way at all. He had one other concern in addition to those planted there from this meeting...

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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 24 Confrontations

"Here it comes," remarked Ensign Wattie, preparing to button up. Three more Rommels had been delivered to their location, First Squad. The impossibly young ensign was happy to have the commander of the lead tank, Lieutenant Satterthwaite, there to back them up. They'd also received another platoon of infantry and a brace of SPT-301 medium missile launchers, bringing the self-propelled artillery up to two full, if mixed, batteries. "Prepare to move out!" the Lieutenant called. "Wattie,...

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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 25 Home Fires

Christmas was now just a week away, but you'd never know it by the lack of seasonal decor in the Thuleat System Control Centre. The room lacked any kind of artwork. Nothing that might distract the duty controllers' attention from their sensors' readouts was permitted within this most sacrosanct compartment. Suddenly, the klaxon began blaring – something was emerging into normal space. There were two possibilities, the first being Confederacy ... and no Confederate ships were scheduled....

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Chosen FrozenChapter 3 New Home

The pod gently settled into its new home, a ditch on the northwest side of the dome. As soon as the pod confirmed it had successfully mated with the cradle that would support it in place and had connected the utilities to the base facilities, an action that took a mere matter of minutes, the engineering vehicle began to bury it and the other four pods beside it deep beneath the frozen soil of Thule. Within hours it would be connected to the primary tunnel at its front and the secondary tunnel...

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Chosen FrozenChapter 5 Beauty Saloon

Optio Redburn met Decurion Shultz outside of the vacant school set up in the enormous dome of Camp Shackleton. As she saluted him, he asked her, "Have you decided where your office is going to be?" "There's a space by the unassigned concubine quarters set aside for the ranking Civil Service officer, but that entire compound is not ready yet. We haven't any unassigned concubines yet, although I expect that to change shortly. In the interim, I'll use the Principal's Office at the school...

4 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 6 Learning Curve

Rather than a message torpedo, the Colonel's communications staff sent off a supraluminal message addressed to the ranking Civil Service officer of Demeter, Legate David ap Rhys. Within 24 hours, a high-speed drone was winging its way through the highly theoretical dimension that is supraluminal speed, bearing the requested information about their educational system. Meanwhile, a request went around the Brigade to permit Optio Redburn to search for and borrow concubines with the desired...

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Chosen FrozenChapter 7 Drinking Buddies

The second full day as a member of the Confederacy's Uniformed Services had been a stressful and energy-draining one for the 13-year-old, but Samantha walked into the Officers' Club with her head held high. Starting first thing this morning, she had been officially on her own – the Grey Goose was on her way back to Earthat with a fresh load of pods to pick up yet more potential survivors from the Swarm. Feeling quite grown-up, she went to the bar and ordered an appletini from the list that...

1 year ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 8 Days of Innocence

Monday, 08:00. Samantha stood at ease at the corner of the parade square. Across the parade square, two distinct sets of ranks of Marines faced the Old Man: three rows of the by-now well-disciplined first draft in front, and the three ranks of the less-well-disciplined second draft behind. Two thousand men and women, most patiently waiting for the next order from Colonel Michael Deschenes. Some of the men and women were newly-promoted NCO's from the first draft to arrive at Thule, including...

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Chosen FrozenChapter 9 School Daze

The next morning, Samantha escorted the older children in her care to the school. On the previous day the AI had processed the paperwork to enrol them, now she just needed to introduce them to the Principal, a once-again-young woman who went by the unfortunate name of Winnifred. Winnie had been a principal in her past life, of first an elementary and then a middle school, and had been picked up with her husband, her daughter Jolene and two sons back at the same Sault Ste. Marie hockey...

4 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 10 Brothers and Sisters

Samantha was sweating, despite the temperature in the room, as she stood at ease, eyes boring a hole into the wall opposite. Behind her, standing stiffly at ease like the teen before her, Sergeant-Major Blondell was sweating, boring her own hole. Lieutenant-Colonel Desrocher sat to Samantha's right, silent and grave, facing toward Samantha's left. Sergeant Kowalski and Corporal Redburn stood to Samantha's left, facing the Lieutenant-Colonel, likewise at ease, likewise unmoving, likewise...

2 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 12 Bienvenue la Colonie de Thul

It was a race that the Engineering team won by putting forth a truly herculean effort right up to the last minute. By the time CSS Aurora arrived a little after breakfast, Lieutenant Carruthers' team had identified the needed pods at the fabrication facilities located in orbit around the planet's tiny moon, cleared space for them in the first basement layer under the Beauty Saloon and the already-existing Unattached Concubine Quarters, and joined them into an elaborate tunnel system. It...

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Chosen FrozenChapter 14 Cat House

Vickie Arbuthnot woke to find herself in the middle of a tangle of feminine arms and legs, having slept in the brothel's massive second-floor bedroom, or playroom, or whatever you'd call it, along with an indecent number of unclad and currently unconscious 13-year-olds, all classmates of her promised future sponsor, Samantha Redburn. Quite a few of her fellow Filles du Roi were also snoozing next to the just-slightly-underage girls. Over in a bed in the corner her two charges, Mickey and...

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Chosen FrozenChapter 15 Swimming with the Fishy Barber

Optio Samantha Redburn was the first to show up for the meeting. She'd called her father to collect Smokey and bring him home to the family pod, and gone directly to the Colonel's gathering from the pet pods. The others showed up shortly after that, most still taking a moment to adjust the fastenings of their daily uniform. As Lieutenant Carruthers arrived, the Colonel harrumphed and addressed the staff. "You are going to love this. There's a push on to get this sector up to plan. We're...

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Chosen FrozenChapter 16 Fun and Games

All work and no play makes Jack a depressed sailor or marine. And, aside from Kenji's radio network and pickup games of chesterfield rugby played between sponsors and concubines (and occasionally between sponsors), not much was going on. And some of the officers noticed, and brought it to the attention of the one person on the entire planet who was in a position to do something about it: the senior Civil Service officer. She, in turn, brought it to the attention of the planet's already...

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Chosen FrozenChapter 19 Midday at the Oasis

The relatively tiny mob of select officers and enlisted men, each accompanied by at least one of their concubines, stood in front of the mysterious building located just off to the side of Camp Shackleton's headquarters building. Like the rest of the structures scattered across the cavernous dome, it was designed in High Streamline Moderne style, which happened to be the Colonel's favourite style architecturally speaking. Mike felt it hearkened back to an era of sophistication, something...

3 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 20 Date with Destiny

Aside from the fact that one of the participants was the single highest-ranking officer currently on Thule, this was not all that much different than any other date meeting that two underage kids had dragged their parents into in the history of Thule. Samantha wore her "home" hockey jersey, a pair of sandals and a winning smile. The jersey covered more than a concubine shift, but also allowed her to quickly adjust her dress appropriately if it turned out that the pod was full of naturists....

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