Chosen Ch. 06 free porn video

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Working with Jose was something of a trial.

‘Alan, may I ask what you are thinking you are doing with that torch and those tanks of gas?’

I closed the jeep door and frowned at Jose’s shadowy figure, standing against the crumbled wall in the darkness.

‘We have to get in somehow, don’t we? The door is reinforced with iron and the lock will be corroded shut, but some work with a cutting torch and chisel should get us through.’

‘This is still technically church property-‘

‘We have to get in somehow, padre, and I don’t think you’d do well climbing over the wall.’

He sighed, softly. ‘You don’t understand. This is church property and I am a historian with the backing of the church. The lock was badly corroded — which is why I had it removed three hours ago…’ He held up a piece of paper. ‘…with permission from the archdiocese.’



The small walled enclosure was badly crumbled, and climbing in would not have been that daunting for me, but it was the sort of thing I was used to. Once inside, a quick survey with flashlights told me others had not found it daunting either — there were remnants of a picnic and several empty bottles of wine near the remains of a campfire. I picked up a bottle: cheap stuff, with a date two years ago.

‘Young lovers can’t resist a secluded spot,’ Jose said. ‘Though I’m not sure how anyone would convince a girl to climb down that crumbled wall.’

I chuckled. ‘Padre, it’s more than likely she dared him to come here and offered herself as a prize if he got her in.’

He shook his head. ‘Unchaste creatures.’

‘You have noooo idea. Is that why the church kept it locked all this time? To discourage lovers?’

‘No. It’s just not safe. Crumbling stone everywhere… there’s no interest in architecture this ruined and there are better examples of the building style all over Spain. It was just never important enough to unlock.’

‘The stone has held up pretty well, for seven hundred years. Wasn’t there a big earthquake here in the sixteen hundreds?’

‘Sixteen forty seven. But a good distance east of here.’ He ran the flashlight beam over the church and single outbuilding, both freestanding within the enclosing wall. ‘Both buildings burned. Whoever did the torching was desperate and didn’t know where the records were.’

‘Setting fires takes time. Wouldn’t some priest or friar grabbed the records at the first sign of trouble and escaped the flames with them?’

He swept his flashlight around the enclosing wall. ‘In some places yes. But this is fully walled with only one way out, and the people who came to do the burning would have been numerous enough to prevent escape. By legend, no one who lived here survived the fire, which means, of course, that anyone trying to escape was pitched back into the flames.’

‘Nice. How many lived here?’

‘The records don’t say. This isn’t a large site. Less than thirty, certainly.’

‘So scarcely a large enough population to justify building the enclosing wall.’

Jose shook his head, but in the darkness I only knew this because of the faint rustle of cloth. ‘You’re thinking politically, not ecclesiastically. In the church, walls are built to protect and concentrate knowledge, not protect people. Or sometimes to keep secrets.’ He shifted the flashlight. ‘The smaller building was a library. It was separate from the church, so it was a place where information was kept that was not of theological importance — profane writings, science, things of some value but not things of God. An excommunication gone wrong… the people of the time would have thought it was evidence of the power of darkness, opposing the will of the church. So an account of the event would have gone in there. But if we are right, this place was attacked to destroy that very record. And someone here wanted the record protected. So I’d assume it was removed and hidden in the church itself, before or during the attack.’

‘Instead of being taken far away?’

‘Only if they had enough warning. Even then… whatever the secret was, they didn’t want it getting loose. Maybe better to let it be destroyed than risk it on the open road? A priest would trust in the provision of stone and prayer long before he’d trust strangers on the road, or maybe even a priest in some other library. Thirteen ninety one … It was not a time of trust and cooperation. The church itself was divided. Spain was rarely so bloody.’

‘Brilliant reasoning… which does us no good, since both buildings were burned. Who attacked this place?’

‘History doesn’t say.’

‘Just to know who is driving — what a help it would be,’ I sighed.

‘Alan Saint Laurent is fond of old, obscure progressive rock,’ Jose commented. ‘Who would guess such a thing.’

‘Not that obscure. And it’s not as unlikely as a priest who knows there is such a thing as magic and keeps it secret from the world.’

‘I don’t believe in magic. I believe in mysteries and Divine power, and powers that are not so Divine. That some mysteries and powers might have a physical form… it is not inconceivable to me.’

I walked towards the church. The door wasn’t inset, and being exposed to the elements for a few centuries left it rotted. When I pushed on it, it crumbled. Inside, the once-wooden floor had rotted entirely away and there was greenery growing in many spots. The ceiling had been destroyed in the fire, and the stone walls were sagging and leaning at points.

Moonlight peeked over a wall, but the light was very dim. I swept it with a flashlight, but the additional light didn’t make me feel more confident.

‘The fire weakened the foundation and took off the roof. Centuries of rains have made things worse.’ I said. ‘This really is unsafe. I’m surprised the walls held up this long.’

‘Then let’s stop and think before going inside. Pick the best areas to explore in case it all collapses, and we can’t finish.’

I nodded. ‘The book had to have been here at one time. My guess is it somehow recorded the events that caused all this, it somehow remembers things. I am making a leap of faith here, padre. I am believing that God, or an angel, or whatever you believe in that dispenses powers, wanted the memory of events preserved, and that is what the book has become. A memory. And if some such being wanted that, the book must still exist.’

‘For you that must be quite a leap of faith, indeed.’

‘I’d never believe it if I didn’t own a candle as old as this building. Things have been preserved that cannot have survived on their own. So the book must still exist. It exists even though someone politically powerful enough to do all this burning, wanted it destroyed very badly. Who? You said the excommunication was political. Were the political leaders of the day strong enough to run around and destroy churches?’

‘I’d have said no, but…’ he shrugged, gesturing at the ruins.

‘There was a church burned in Seville, sixty years later. So the book survived this, went there, and someone tried later.’

Jose nodded. ‘Perhaps. But sixty years is a long time. Assume someone powerful did something politically inconvenient to the church. He’s unjustly excommunicated. The excommunication somehow goes awry, creating these… three artifacts, but some rumors still get out. This church is later burned to hide the evidence of his wrongdoing, and my best guess is that it happened perhaps ten years after the excommunication.’

‘So many guesses.’

He nodded. ‘I know. It’s a stretch, but I can believe all that is possible. But the Seville fire happened sixty years later. Whoever he was, he was dead by then. He’d have been at least ninety. People did not live that long in those times, not often anyway. And yet the account of his sins still mattered enough to burn another church. That’s where the theory fails for me. Political events can seem terribly important at the ti
me. But they rarely are to the next generation.’

‘So the Seville fire was unrelated?’

‘I am not certain. The tale there is different. Not everyone died, very few did. But two church burnings in southern Spain… it’s not that common that anyone tries it, let alone succeeds. I smell some connection.’

I shook my head. ‘But we’re still making crazy assumptions. Maybe the Seville fire was set to destroy evidence of the bell, book and candle. People might have starting investigating rumors of magic… I ran across a letter that condemned the investigation of forbidden mysteries. An account of where the book and bell were sent to might have become dangerous.’

‘I am having trouble accepting the church would burn an entire library to destroy a few of its own records. Libraries are nothing today, but in these years they were important and serious undertakings, a labor spanning decades of collecting and organizing. Say what you want about the church, but it preserved knowledge when the rest of Europe was chaos. But still what you say is true. We know nothing. All we have are guesses.’

I sighed, and looked over the floor of the church, now an irregular tangle of half-starved greenery.

‘Place needs a gardener.’

He nodded, settling against a wall carefully. ‘The climbing vines are jasmine. You can smell traces of it. Those vines can be rough on stone walls, over time. Most of the rest is Esparto grass. The larger plants by the puddle are Cistus.’

‘Botany expert?’

‘No. But I visit ruins a lot, and I keep a garden. The grass gets into everything.’

‘And it doesn’t grow in sandy soil or strong sun?’

‘It doesn’t mind either of those. Why?’

‘Look at this bare spot just in front of us. Isn’t this the north side of the narthex? With the roof gone the sun would have beaten down strongest here.’

‘You’re a little turned around. North is more to the left. And the grass is very hardy…’

‘So why is that spot bare? I don’t see anything else this barren.’

He paused. ‘Because… the soil is shallow there. Know your New Testament, Alan. That which has no root, withers in the sun.’ He stepped in and knelt. ‘Shallow in a square area, so there must be stone underneath — but there was never a pillar here. Help me dig!’

There was very little digging to do. We brushed back a thin coating of soil and found a stone support with a flat top. ‘Oh. It’s just a pillar support, after all,’ I said.

‘No. Look at the other pillar supports. They are raised a good twenty centimeters above this one. This would have been below the level of the wooden floor. It was meant to look like one, to be certain…’ He dug around the side of the support. ‘Look! Just an inch down, a crack… give me your crowbar!’

Mineral deposits had formed in the crack, and it took us a few minutes to work the stone top free. Underneath was a tiny chamber, with a book inside.

‘Found you!’ I said, reaching in.

Jose slapped my hand aside. ‘That was never used in an excommunication, Alan. They are public rituals, done in front of crowds. The book would be sizeable, not this tiny thing. And after all this time I’m certain it’s very fragile. I am no expert but I clearly know more about handling old books than you seem to. Allow me.’

From his pocket he took out a square of leather, and few small pieces of wood, a pair of white gloves, and tweezers. In a few moments he donned the gloves and assembled the wood into a small book stand, then carefully placed the book on the stand, and opened it with tweezers.

‘It’s just a hymnal,’ he said in disappointment.

‘Perhaps it’s a code!’

He looked at me and rolled his eyes. ‘You watch too much drama. Spare me your badly written modern ‘historical’ mysteries. The Freemasons were never planning to rule the world, no one ever wrote a message in code in a piece of music, and the Voynich manuscripts were not given to us by aliens. Do you need clarity on any other conspiracy theory? I promise you, as a Catholic historian, I know them all.’

‘So the Da Vinci Code wasn’t real?’

‘My vows as a priest prevent me from beating you with this crowbar.’

I looked at the book. ‘Then why-‘

‘Wait. What have we here? A few pages in the middle that are not hymns.’

I crowded in, but the discolored old writing was in Spanish, and not modern Spanish. I chuckled at my impatience. ‘Perhaps I’ll let you translate.’

‘That might be best. So. It starts out with an apology to God for resorting to the deception of hiding his writing in a book of hymns. I like him already. He has respect for the sacred and a disdain for lies… this is grim reading. He stumbled on a book he was not meant to find, in the library. It contained… this is hard to translate. No, he simply didn’t know how to say it. ‘A confusion of ever shifting letters that said one thing and whispered another, and then I awoke with unclear memories.”


‘I don’t know. I’d have assumed a dream, but he goes on. The book told him men were coming to destroy both books and men, and the book needed to be sent away, with as many men as possible. A book that can predict the future? Now that is a terrible thought.’

‘Could be useful at the casinos. And a huge help with the babes. And then what happened?’

‘He tried to persuade the head priest to move men and books, and was laughed at. The library had been founded by the order of the pope himself… I wonder if he meant Clement seven or Boniface nine? Anyway. They had no intention of deserting a library founded by a pope just because of a dream had by a young priest. He stresses over and over that he had no authority and could not get himself believed. In the end he smuggled the book out himself. No! He doesn’t say where he took it to! By all the saints, why?’

‘Is that it?’

‘No. The last entry is rather terrible. There’s a group of horsemen advancing on the church from the northwest, and he knows they are coming to kill. Sacred mother! The marauders are of the church, he gives the name of the priest leading them! We can forget this squabble between church and state we’d come up with, Alan. This was internal to the church… He commits this account of his actions to this hiding place and his soul to God, and will go out and take up arms with the rest… and there it ends. A few blank pages and then more hymns.’

He folded the book into the leather he’d brought, crossed himself, and got up.

‘We’ve done well, Alan. We can leave.’ Grunting, he pushed the heavy stone plug back into place. It settled with an echoing thump.

‘I think there is far more searching to be done. They built one hiding place, there could be others. We can split up-‘

Behind me there was another thump, much louder. I swung the flashlight around — that large chunk of stone had not been there before…

‘Run!’ we both screamed, and bolted through the doorway.

We had a few seconds to spare, but not many. Three more stones fell, and then a large mass… and then the stone over the doorway collapsed suddenly into ruin. The collapse slowly cascaded until a quarter of the building was spilled over the ground.

‘Exploration is over. I believe we’ve been invited to leave,’ Jose said. Shaking a little, I nodded.

‘All this for nothing though,’ I said. ‘We find a book, but it is useless.’

‘Always the thief you are Alan, and never the historian. We got something of great value.’ He gingerly patted the pocket that held the tiny book. ‘In this is the name of the priest that wanted the book we seek destroyed. Finally we have a name to research. That could be of more value than maps and gems.’

More stone collapsed behind us. We exited quickly through the arch of the enclosing wall, before it got similar ideas.


I looked in the mirror. Every time I did, I remembered the girl looking into the water… and seeing my face.

‘I’m me. My name is Adrienne. I am not an Adriana.’

The last twenty four hours had not been… good. My sleep had been punctuated by disturbing dreams, of being chased by angry men shouting at me in ways I didn’t understand. During the day I’d had weird moments of… they were like blackouts. I’d just come to, in a different room, with nothing in my head and ten minutes gone. After one of them, the kitchen had been left a mess. I was nowhere near the book, so I wasn’t having visions.

‘I live now. What happened long ago isn’t anything to do with me.’

I was afraid to go out, a blackout as I was driving would be a disaster.

‘I… books can’t be magic, I’m hallucinating… books can’t talk. It’s just a dream. But I can’t wake up? I…’

My fingertips touched my face.

‘This is her face not mine. Mine is… underneath…?’

The phone rang.

Phones were too… easy. Anyone can talk to anyone, anywhere. So much would have been different if I’d had a phone.

Wait, that made no sense…

My fingernails caressed my cheeks.

Ring. With a confused half sob, I answered it. ‘Ring ring, Adri- uh, hello?’

‘Addy, have you signed that paperwork yet? The insurance company is on my ass.’

I was going to Spain. Someone wanted me photographed, naked, in chains. Chains, why was that familiar? ‘Steve. Sorry, no. I don’t have a printer here, you shouldn’t have emailed them-‘

‘For Pete’s sake! Addy, this is the biggest job of your career, can you please get on this?’

I bridled. ‘If it was so fucking important you could have driven over with the papers! I’m what, ten miles away? But since that’s not your style I’ll hike down to the library and get them printed!’

I punched End Call, snarled at the phone, and wandered out to the living room. I fished a thumb drive out of my purse, copied the paperwork with a skill that belied too many years in front of a computer, and fussed around for a pair of shoes. The library was only three blocks away, I hoped I wouldn’t black out on the way.

Maybe I needed a doctor. No. Doctors were bad. Leeches.

I gave a little half-sob again. Something was very wrong. But I needed to get to the library. It was important. The library was very important…

I grabbed the thumb drive and walked out, leaving the book behind. Maybe the blackouts would stop if I got away from it.


Libraries are surreal places.

All those printed books. Why? The internet knows everything, and any e-book reader can hold a thousand books in a space thinner than one single printed one. A vast collection of printed material, and no way to search it? Why bother? I know there are people who love the feel of pages, the smell of old books… I knew that because I’d read about people like that in a story on my e-reader. How did research and learning ever happen when everything was on paper? And once upon a time even books had been rare. No wonder the dark ages had been so… dark.

Profound, I thought. Dark is dark. And water is wet, too.

I paid the small fee to have my paperwork printed, and signed and faxed it. I generally didn’t have other reasons to come here. They had a section with computers, mostly deserted. A newspaper rack, who reads newspapers anymore? A little music and video library. Those were becoming irrelevant too… everything was online.

This place really didn’t need to exist. Overwhelming walls of books, mostly out of date… things that people once believed were true, or once found entertaining. Really, who even reads anymore? Some of my friends stuck to videos.

I could read and write, the priest had insisted I learn. I was an exception. The other children there had not been taught. They’d laughed at me, or pitied me, for having to learn. But I was proud of my skills. I was not ignorant.

Wait… what?

I wandered the shelves. How much of what was printed here was lies? People in authority, writing things down they knew weren’t true. Genealogies. I knew now…

My eyes snapped open. I was at a desk, staring at nothing. Fists clenched.


I looked over. Older women, gray hair, concerned eyes. Librarian.


‘Are you… ok?’

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Day One: the hike into the park Shelby and Paige had decided to go to Red Rock Canyon for the second weekend of their spring break. After spending Easter weekend with their families the two girls were ready to get back to nature, and to the solitude and tranquility of being without their parents and grandparents and pesky younger siblings that wouldn’t leave them be for 5 seconds at a time. Always asking about boys and college and are the college parties as fun as they say etc. They’d...

3 years ago
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Genderwave Raped

It was hard to believe, but Ken had missed all the warnings and reports on the strange phenomenon that people called the Gender wave. There was a good reason for it though. You see Ken had just run away from another foster home and was looking out for a chance to steal some cash. Ken was headed straight for a life of crime. His mother had left him on the street as a baby with only a note attached saying that his name was Kenneth. So he was admitted to an orphanage and from there had been put...

2 years ago
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Red Orchids Ch 03

‘The Decisions We Make’ EDITED BY: Miriam Belle CREATIVE CONSULTANT: Simply_Cyn Author’s Note: ‘First off let me say thank you to everyone who supported the first installment of ‘Red Orchids.’ People either loved it or hated it, which is cool. Everyone who has commented or sent me feedback agrees that Mark Gordian is the biggest asshole ever to walk the face of the Earth. Let me say that while Mark is a lot of fun to write, in no way do I share his philosophies. He’s based a real guy I...

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Valerie LewisPart 2

I enjoyed my time with Leo that afternoon. After we had slept he had woken me up tied to the bed. He had brought me to near orgasm three times before finally letting me cum. It had been torturous and exhilarating. But our time had come to an end. Monday morning came and he had to be getting back into town. We said our goodbyes, he patted my round ass, kissed me on the forehead and left. I didn’t delay and quickly gathered all my things, making sure I looked composed- hair was in place, lips...

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Tourist Courting

Callie wrote the check to pay for four rooms and tore it out of her checkbook before handing it to the woman behind the check-in counter. The woman looked at the check for a moment, but didn't say any words of thank you. She just pulled her receipt book forward and wrote the receipt, which she handed over without comment. Callie remembered the sour-faced woman from more than forty years of visits, particularly when Callie and the woman had been much younger. The woman had been a sour-faced...

1 year ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 3 Jason

"Hello the shop!" The voice was unfamiliar, but Jason hoped the man needed some work done. Since he'd moved back to his childhood home he'd spent much more of his savings than he'd anticipated and needed the extra money. "Hey," Jason said as he greeted the balding guy standing in the open bay doorway. "Can I help ya'?" "I hope so," he said and looked back at a bus-sized RV that was idling in the gravel driveway. "A guy named Ronny back at the gas station on 28 said you work on...

4 years ago
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My Life as a Shemale Part9

It is now almost a year later and I am a year older, my hormone treatment has been going on for some time. The short version of the past few months seems some of the most poignant in my life but not conducive to this readership. My skin was getting softer, my body hair lighter and most important to me, I started to grow breasts. Sam was watching the whole process and thought that I would, some day, have nicer breasts than her. My oversized penis was still that but at this point I didn't mind....

2 years ago
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Our Fantasies vol 2

They'd been together for some years, slowly revealing their hottest fantasies to each other. She had surprisingly dark, kinky desires which he knew she'd love to realise. After lots of dirty bedroom talk and hot sex as they discussed her needs, they agreed to try it! A week passed and Saturday night finally came; tonight was the night. They parked in the side street in what they decided would be a good spot; past the night club, on the way to the taxi rank. They sat in the car, both jumpy and...

4 years ago
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GolemChapter 1

(System reboot.) (60sec) (unknown control software error) (attempting to interface with neural wetware) Bright lights flashed across my eyes, I had no idea where I was, but there was a buzzing in my head that was becoming more and more persistent. I was staring up at the sky, with the wind flying through my hair. (50% sensors restored, HUD Activated) "Well that's not right. Since when did I start seeing text before my eyes, at least not before I woke up?" (Wait, altitude falling) I...

1 year ago
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Just last night

omg last night was sick! I came in the bathroom and i stood there watching him soap himself up, he told me to come in and shave his balls but before i did that, he wanted me to squat down and open my mouth.. I did what i was told, but the whole time my pussy is wett cause i have this vibrating plug deep in my ass.. As i'm there waiting he decides to piss all over me, piss in my mouth, on my chest, on my face, i can feel it all dripping down my whole body, down to my pussy, i couldnt help but to...

4 years ago
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How I Became a Cum SlutChapter 6

I was now 16, Barbara had just turned 18, and that meant she was legal. Ha ha ha like that stopped her from fucking my dad or whomever she wanted. She was now in college locally and I was in high school starting my junior year. I was now 5’4” and had the same body as before except my hips were a little bigger, I was maturing. My measurements were 33B/C 19 32. In school my classes were OK, just average. That is except for one class which had a God as the teacher. He was tall, build like an...

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Man That Was Some Rabbit HoleChapter 10

We did manage to kill an antelope. Actually, Bear did the killing. I was so out of practice with my atlatl and darts that I was lucky to get close to the animal with my cast. Nevertheless, it was still great fun to get outside and push my body to do the best it could. The antelope was large enough that we were able to divide it into three parts and give a portion to Fox. The idea was to let him know that he was still our friend and we were thinking of him, even though he was not actually with...

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“Hands off immediately!” I said sternly as I slipped away from him and off the couch. Daddy looked at me, shocked. He’d never experienced such hostility from me before and didn’t know how to react! I had always been quiet and submissive to him and the expression on his face read as, “What the hell is going on?!” I slipped a pair of handcuffs out of from under the cushion and he eyed them suspiciously. “Wrists out front!” After a moment’s pause, he held them out to me. I clicked...

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The Misadventures of Zeek

THE MISADVENTURES OF ZEEK by Long Tall MaryZeek was enjoying his prey. Carol, a twenty one year old local bar slut, had been enticed to his ramshackle farmhouse with a promise of fifty dollars’ worth of marijuana, in exchange for a blow job. What Zeek failed to mention was that the sex would be accompanied by bondage, an activity which she found repulsive.Carol presently was naked and hogtied, lying on Zeek’s bed demanding that she be set free, the pot no longer mattered. ?Bitch you will do...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Dana Dearmond French Anal MILF Maids

Dana DeArmond and Tommy Pistol work as the help for a couple of rich jerks – she, a housekeeper forced to wear a rather sexist French Maid outfit, and he – a weird-ass butler. Dana just can’t take it anymore, and decided to deviously take revenge by putting her titties and ass on her employers’ expensive possessions! Tommy is quite tickled by the idea of butle-ing that ass, and engages in what evolves into a bizarrely hot anal romp between coworkers on their...

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Carry On Nurse

I’ve spent the last thirty days in this hospital and it’s costing my insurance company a fortune. After twenty years without a claim for anything I figure I got it coming, so fuck ‘em. During the day I plug my computer in, log into the wireless internet and work, just like I would if I were out and at home, so it’s not like I’m actually slacking. It’s more like I’m working from a really expensive hotel room with only mediocre food. It’s the side benefit that keeps me here. I would have been out...

4 years ago
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How my inclination for sex started

My uncle lives 2 streets away from our house and my auntie lives in another town. My uncle hired a maid servant to cook for him and do the household. She is very young and hot. My uncle, who is always horny, did not have the courage to tell the maid servant that he wanted to fuck her. So he got me into the house and told me that he wanted to have her and that I suggest a way for him to approach her. As per the plan, my uncle started touching my private parts when she was just walking into my...

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Divorce A Daddy Daughter Story

Rylee lay in bed, softly touching herself as she cried. She missed her dad so much. Her only solace came in the brief moments of pleasure she could give herself before falling asleep. It all started when she was 13... Her ear up to the door, she listened as her mom and dad argued, yet again. She heard a door slam and footsteps. Rylee ran back to her bed and feigned sleep as her father came in. He leaned over and kissed her forehead and whispered he was sorry, but he had to leave. Hesitating...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 94 Shocking Mistake

Greg wondered how things would change, now that Crystal had sucked him off. She had been flirting with him like crazy this past week, and he had mostly just taken it as her usual teasing. But she had taken it to the next step, so maybe there was something more to it after all. Maybe she really was attracted to him like she claimed. If anything, for the rest of the evening her flirting increased. After the incident in the rec room, she wasn't just content to flaunt her body in front of him...

1 year ago
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Sir Full of Surprises

“Baby girl I have a surprise for you.”“A surprise Sir?”“Yes, we are going away on a little trip.”“What should I pack Sir?”“You won’t need much baby girl, I’ll take care of it. Charles will pick you up in an hour, be ready.”“Yes Sir!” It’s been a while since Sir took me anywhere overnight. I’m so excited I can’t sit still. He had said I won’t need much, I have no idea where he is taking me. Charles arrives right on time, just as he’s closing door, I ask to wait I need to run back in to grab my...

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DominionChapter 3 Encroaching Shadow

Dominion kept a low profile for the next several days, wanting to see the results of his fun. He sent his minions out into the town to observe how the people acted, seeing and hearing through them like drones. Invisible to mortal eyes, the unholy beasts were forbidden from interacting with the humans, all of them slaves to Dominion’s will. Word had spread of something unholy in the woods, a demon that violated and killed. During the day, small groups of people would gather behind buildings...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Kylie Page Kylies got it going on

This we we have the gorgeous Kalie Page with us to show off those amazing natural tittys, the beautiful quirky alone really knows how to get our dicks rock solid over here at Bangbros, Kylie has this mixture of subtle innocence and an amazing body that is a must see! We started outside for some topless sunbathing and too things inside for a real good hard core fuck fest. Kylie was begging for the dick and that she did receive. i hope you fuckers enjoy this one just as much as we enjoyed brining...

2 years ago
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Love thy tender

It all started a few years back when my parents said we were going to Pune to visit relatives for the holidays. Well I was intrigued and was sort of happy all the same. Well after the long flight there we finally arrived. We went in and said our hi’s, and gave our hugs and stuff like that, the usual family greeting. When out of the corner of my eye I noticed and sweet young girl standing on the other side of the room. She was about the same age as me and I thought to myself, “Man that can’t be...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 2 The Ritual of the Holy Virgin

I was bored as I waited in the antechamber to the High Virgin Vivian. She was the leader of all the Temples of Saphique, our Virgin Goddess. I wasn't afraid of the trouble I was in. So I blew off prayers to play with a pair of novices. I didn't break their cherries. They were still pure enough to be inducted into the priesthood. I really didn't see what the fuss was. My mother would have to give another donation, and that would be that. Then I could go back to relaxing in the arms of a...

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Desert Encounter

No. Yes, there it was again. It was a car. Non-descript, probably a rental, my mind automatically catalogued this. Beside it, waving her arms frantically, was a beautiful woman obviously, short sleeve low cut blouse and very short shorts. As I got closer, I could see she was youngish, twenty nine something, sunglasses, clearly overheated. I saw the exasperated look on her face as I passed her, remembering that she had passed me, obviously speeding. Serves her right, I started to think, then...

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Mom Turned Bitch With The Help Of Me And My Friend 8211 Part 5

Yan amma regular ra gym workout and massage lam panni ava pody ya romba sexy ya maduna.Ava size eppo 32 24 30 ku vanduche.Avala pakum pothu oru 15 year teenage girl pola erudha.So yan amma ku australiya la naraiya ad lam vanduche.So naga aus leya settle aitom.Last one year la kita tatta 30 ad’s kum mela nadicha.Athu polave last one year la ava pundai kulla 100 perkum mela sunny vidupaga.Ava tha antha year oda top model aita. Then yan amma ku oru top magazine landu oru call vanduche na atha...

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Biker Bitch Chapter Nine

Biker Bitch By Michele Nylons Chapter Nine: Fuck the Trans Cooze! Cassie sat behind a desk in a stark interview room at the Los Angeles County Jail. ATF do not have their own detention facilities; they use Federal penitentiaries and often borrow local law enforcement facilities to temporally incarcerate suspects and interrogate them. She had been freed of her cuffs and her clutch purse and its contents lay on the melanite desk sealed in clear plastic evidence bags. The burly...

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SaralindaChapter 14 Saralinda

I woke up groggy, and it took me a while to figure out that Moira was telling me we were sailing through the Hawaiian Islands, and I should get up and see because it was gorgeous. I sat up, and stared glassy-eyed out the window. Vague shapes that could be islands were slowly passing astern. I noticed a glass of orange juice on the bedside table. "Is this for me?" I thought I saw Moira nod, and I gratefully drank a good swig. It tasted kind of funny, but I was thirsty, and I drank it down...

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LucianChapter 4

What if the people you hate become the only ones to turn to? November turned into December, and the weather refused to really get cold. It was wet and misty, though, but that didn’t stop Lucian Gaines from running two times a day, just wearing his long lycra tights and a top. The park had maybe become the only place he felt save anymore, escaping the eyes that were everywhere, the whispers and the giggles. Wherever he saw Barbs, he wondered if they might be the ones that raped him. Maybe...

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The Steam Bath

The steam bath looked to be empty. It's just about dinner time, so most of the hotel guests should be off making arrangements for supper. My husband and sons are on a snorkeling trip, and won't be back until later in the evening, so I have all the time in the world to relax. Wrapped in my towel supplied by the resort, I walk past the spa and towards the steam bath. I've just come up from the beach, and I'm looking forward to some "me" time in the steam bath. It's wonderful! The steam is so...

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 18

10:10 Wednesday, August 28th, 1991 28910 Matadero Creek Lane Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 "San Francisco Post, how may I direct your call?" "Melissa Penley, please." Deb waited patiently, with the call on the speakerphone while she typed. Finally, the voice of the Society reporter came on the line. "Hello, what is it?" Deb tsked quietly. "Melissa, I'm Deb Reineau, you'll remember me from a conversation we had last month, at the California Academy of Sciences." The voice was now...

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granny loves muscular men

After Mrs. Fabian left, I finished the floor by late afternoon and was starting to put sheet rock up as the sun dropped and dusk began. Covered in dust and dirt, my hands crusted with glue and sheet rock crumbs, I locked up and drove back to grandma's.On the dining room table, I found a note: "Frank, I'll be back around seven. Big news! Love, G." I smiled and began pulling my clothes off on the way to the shower. The hot water felt great on my sore muscles, and I stood with my arms against the...

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Victoria Justice Photoshoot Fun

I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I've always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I dedicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day.I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine. Apparently Kode magazine got a hold of my portfolio and they were impressed . They got into contact with me and told me that...

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Cupcake by the outsider @page Section1 {size: 595.3pt 841.9pt; margin: 72.0pt 90.0pt 72.0pt 90.0pt; mso-header-margin: 35.4pt; mso-footer-margin: 35.4pt; mso-paper-source: 0; mso-gutter-direction: rtl; } P.MsoNormal {FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; DIRECTION: rtl; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"; unicode-bidi: embed; TEXT-ALIGN: right; mso-style-parent: ""; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; mso-fareast-font-family: "Times New Roman" } LI.MsoNormal {FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt;...

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My new car

Monday evening when my husband got home from work, he told me that unfortunately he would he hear on Friday when I got my car as he had to fly to Cape Town on Thursday evening for a business meeting and would only return on the Tuesday. I was a little disappointed but knew that there was nothing either of us could do. The next morning once my husband left for work and after I got home from gym I decided to message Nick. I told him that I was getting a new car on Friday morning and that my...

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Shela ka biaah aik army major arun sey howa aur unkey han aik ladrka aour aik ladrki paida howi. Ladrka badr tha aour ladrki chotti. In bachoon key baad arun ki sey ki chahat kam honey lagi. Shela ney subhi kuch ker dekha mager aik wakat aisa aagia ki arun maheno shel ko na chodta. Ahista ahista uska dhian baher ki aourton ki terf honey laga aour wo yeh sub kuch chupa ker nien kerta tha bulkey shel ko na serf pata tha ki uska pati kiya kerta hey bulke arun baher ki aourton ko ab gher laney laga...

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