TalisChapter 2 free porn video

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"We should have gone back," I whispered.

"Hmmm?" Christian sighed, almost asleep.

"To Los Angeles," I said. "We should have gone there just to make sure."

"Kelly," my husband yawned, "it's almost midnight."

"They could still be alive."

"No." Christian turned in the dark and hugged me. "They couldn't."

"You don't know," I said. "I saw on the TV today, they found three people in Chicago. They were in a basement eating rats."

"You shouldn't watch that stuff."

"There's nothing else to do." I frowned.

"You could always go back to school."

"And be the only married girl in tenth grade?" I asked sarcastically. "Let them put me in gym class with the boys?"

"Hmph, you'd like that, huh?" Christian chuckled and he snuggled up against me nicely, sliding his hand over my tummy, beneath my thin nightie.

"I could find a job maybe," I said. "Like at the mall or something."

"Yeah, that's a good idea," he murmured into my hair. "You should look around."

"Are you sure?" I asked him, stretching my arms and reaching for the headboard of our new bed.

Stretching felt good and I even pointed my toes as Christian's hand went higher, finding my small tits and he pinched the left one gently. I wasn't tired at all and I knew Christian was wide awake now, all he ever needed was a little push and I'd gotten pretty good at that. He probably thought this was his own idea and I smiled to myself.

"I'm sure, baby." Christian pinched my nipple harder and I arched my back off the mattress for him. "You need a job to keep you out of trouble."

"Ha!" I laughed and then gasped as he tugged my nipple hard, pulling my hot flesh taut. "Do you want to tie me up again?"

"Your hands?" Christian asked and I nodded against his cheek and lips.

"My legs too," I whispered. "Up high, like last time."

"You like that stuff, don't you?"

"Yeah." I swallowed hard and I'd never thought about it before, not until after we'd gotten to Denver a couple weeks before.

Christian tied my hands to the headboard, to the big round knobs at either side of it, so that my arms were stretched wide apart. He used some ugly neckties I'd bought just for that, ninety-nine cents each in a red tag clearance bin, and my husband had thought I'd been crazy at the time. He pushed my legs up and tied them the same way. It felt uncomfortable as my knees were touching my shoulders and my legs were spread so wide that the tendons in my thighs ached. I liked it though. I liked it a lot and I was already hot inside and out, my girlish cock straining in my panties for release and my nipples throbbing with excitement.

"Are you okay?" Christian asked me and the bedside lamps were on now. It was midnight.

"Yeah," I breathed.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked, sitting on his knees close to my upturned ass, stroking my thighs slowly.

"Spank me," I told him, lifting my head as best I could to see his brown eyes. "With the belt, okay?"

"Kelly..." Christian sucked his top lip and then nodded.

"Good." I smiled at him. "Yeah."

Christian enjoyed some of this, but not all of it. I wasn't even sure if I enjoyed it as much as I told him I did, but it made me feel better. He used his leather belt, his old one because it was soft and supple. He doubled it over in his fist, spanking my panty covered ass with slow, deliberate strokes.

"Ummm ... uh ... yeah..." I moaned, breathing through my nose mostly, gasping sometimes, but Christian never spanked me very hard. Not like my dad used to.

"You're alright?" he asked.

"More," I breathed. "Harder ... Call me a faggot too..."


Christian spanked me a little harder, but he wasn't going to call me names. My ass burned from the belt, the tension building with every stroke and I made a perfect target like that. I could see his cock hard for me as it bobbed and weaved with his movement. He knelt naked and flushed, spanking me with sharp stinging slaps to punctuate our breathing.

"I'm a cocksucker," I whispered, closing my eyes tightly. "I'm a sissy faggot. I'm a boy, not a girl. Queer bastard ... Faggot ... Pansy homo..."

"Enough!" Christian stopped and I realized I'd started crying and I blinked at him.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked. "I like it."

"I don't." Christian tossed the belt to the floor. "You're not any of those things, Kelly."

"I know."

"It won't bring your parents back," he sighed, putting his hands on my butt and massaging me, feeling the heat left there by his belt. "You don't have to feel guilty about what happened."

"I don't."

"Then what is it?" Christian asked me gently. "Tell me. Talking will work better than this, I promise."

"I don't know." I took a deep breath and my penis was going soft, even though his hands felt really good.

"Yeah, you do."

Christian had moved close to me again, squeezing my ass through the thin white cotton; his thumbs came together, rubbing my balls. He'd have to rip my panties soon, it was the only way to get them off now that I'd been bound to the headboard. We were both ready for it too. He lowered his face to my crotch, licking and kissing my cock and balls and anus through the thin fabric between us. My asshole quivered beneath him and my leg muscles were drawn tight as I strained against my bonds helplessly. God! I loved this, if he only he would play the role I wanted him to.

"Tear them," I breathed and Christian sighed, knowing I wasn't ready to talk just yet.

He took a bit of cotton in his teeth, biting to make a small hole and then using his fingers to widen it with a soft ripping sound. He tore them completely and his tongue quickly found my vulnerable asshole. Christian licked and kissed me, making me gasp with delight and forget everything else but our lovemaking. His nose pressed against my balls while he sought to worm his tongue past my tight sphincter. I wanted to hold his head and feel his thick black hair under my fingers, but I was caught and bound and I enjoyed that part of it as well.

Christian ate my ass for a long while, as if punishing me with pleasure for the things I wanted him to do and say. My pretty penis had grown hard again, aching with precum running freely from the tip to spill onto my satin nightie where it bunched up on my tummy. He wetted a finger in his mouth and pressed the digit to my asshole and then inside, enjoying my low moaning as he fingered me slowly in and out. His lips found my scrotum, my soft hairless sack, and Christian drew it into his mouth, sucking my balls while he finger fucked my ass.

"Oh yessss..." I hissed between clenched teeth, jerking my body uselessly so that the bed creaked beneath us.

"Kelly," he breathed my name, letting my balls fall from his lips, and I knew he was in love.

He reached for my cock, pulling it back so it pointed upward and he could mouth me there as well. Christian sucked my penis hard, moving his tight lips up and down the pink shaft while he stretched my asshole with another finger, working two of them inside my hungry hole. I came quickly, too quickly, with a high pitched squeal that might have made us giggle any other time.

My swollen cock pulsed inside the warmth of Christian's mouth and he didn't swallow, but rather collected my orgasm behind his pursed lips and then brought them to my well stretched anus. I did giggle then, watching as he spit my cum out slowly, working my semen into my ass with his fingers and tongue and making a sexy mess of it.

I was wet and sloppy with saliva and sperm; and whatever else Christian had done, he'd prepared me well for his cock as he pushed into me hard and fast. My orgasm became our lubricant and that felt insanely good as I was only just coming down from the climax he'd given me. My asshole protested, but only weakly and what pain I felt was quickly replaced with the sheer ecstasy of being filled completely with my husband's cock.

He squatted above me on his feet with knees bent, fucking straight down into my ass. It seemed awkward and I'm sure it would have appeared almost ludicrous as Christian had to brace himself with his palms against the wall, but it felt amazing for both of us and all we could see was each other.

He came quickly after such long foreplay, and Christian groaned with pleasure, shoving his cock inside me until his heavy balls rested on my ass. I felt his sperm spreading inside me, drawn deeper into my bowels by my position, but maybe I only imagined that. It felt like it anyway and we were both panting for air and smiling.

"God!" I giggled, "I'm full of cum."

"Yeah, you are," Christian agreed and he pulled out of my ass slowly and then got on his knees, putting his face close to my asshole.

"What're you doing?"

"Looking." He smiled and then I felt his fingers inside me, feeling my stretched rectum holding his semen like a vase.

"Is it gross?" I wondered.

"What?" Christian rebuked me with a look. "There's nothing gross about having sex with you."

"I wish I had a real pussy," I sighed. "Would you like me better?"

"If you were a real girl?" Christian shook his head. "I love you the way you are. If you were different..."

"What?" I asked him.

"I wouldn't have met you."

"Yeah." I smiled. "That's kind of weird, huh?"

"You're perfect just the way you are, Kelly."

"But I need bigger tits!" I giggled and Christian nodded.

"Yeah, that would make you even more perfect," he agreed and then he kissed my gaping asshole, shoving his tongue inside the spermy mess he'd made and I rolled my big blue eyes.

"You're such a fag sometimes!" I teased him.

"Hmmmph..." Christian sighed. He'd eat my cum filled ass until he got hard again, I knew, and then we'd do it all over again.

"I got some bruises," I said taking a birth control pill with some orange juice. "People are gonna wonder."

"Where?" Christian asked as he fixed his tie. He'd gone from being a television producer to an assistant programming director at a local television station.

It didn't pay as much, but he said it was sort of the same job and we were doing okay. The government had been as good as their word and provided us with guaranteed loans for a house in the suburbs and free money to furnish it with. Not a lot of money, but enough for what we needed. Being survivors, we'd gotten a lot of donations from people all over the country too. I had clothes anyway and the radios and televisions worked again, and like everyone else we were always watching the news.

"Here." I held out my wrists and there were some black and blue marks from being tied down.

"Hmmm..." Christian frowned and took my hands in his and kissed my wrists. "We'll have to be more careful."

"It's not bad though," I said. "I kinda like it. Looks cool."

"You're a wild child, Kell," he said, giving me a kiss on the mouth.

"And you're gonna be late."

"Yeah, shit." Christian frowned at his watch. "I really miss my car."

Everybody missed their cars, according to the news. There were suicides because people couldn't drive anymore. All the gas went to vital services, like the police and ambulances and whatever. There were a lot more busses around now and they were free, so I guess that was okay. After awhile people would probably forget they'd even had their own cars once. The environmentalists were happy, but only quietly because nobody likes getting punched in the nose.

I had a new bicycle, a real mountain bike thing with twelve speeds that I didn't really know how to use. I liked riding around though, except I tired quickly. Christian said it was because we were in the mountains, a lot higher up than we'd been in Los Angeles, so the air was thinner. Whatever the reason, I was usually breathing hard after just a little exercise, but it was fun and I had to enjoy the summer while it lasted. Everybody said Denver got pretty cold in the winter.

I rode my bike about a mile to a small strip mall, not much of one, and the store fronts were all outside. It was sort of a big U-shaped building with about twenty stores that opened up into the parking lot in the middle. Nobody parked in the parking lot anymore, of course, so a flea market had been set up, which was really a black market, if you were cool. The police looked the other way mostly because the stuff they were selling was the stuff people needed. Like batteries, the government rationed those too. And coffee and sugar, a lot of imported stuff that you wouldn't even think about. A pound of sugar cost like twenty dollars now and coffee was even more expensive than that.

It wasn't because they stopped growing the stuff, or making it, the reason I'd heard was that the system countries used to move products back and forth had broken. Like nobody really knew what a dollar was worth anymore and so the news said a lot of people were getting all their money out of banks and buying gold. That just made gold more expensive and the dollar worth even less, or something. I should have paid more attention in high school and Christian really wanted me to enroll for the upcoming school year. That would be so weird though.

Everything seemed weird, like stuff you wouldn't even think about. Religion? That was way trippy and I'd never really gone to church or anything, but now everybody wondered where the aliens fit into the bible. Did God give man dominion over the other planets too, or just this one? Maybe he gave the aliens dominion over everything? Did they even believe in God? I didn't know. The Pope didn't know either. The only ones who did know were the Muslims and they hated the aliens so they said God hated them too. They were still fighting them, except the aliens never bothered to show up, so mostly it was just a bunch of angry people burning cardboard flying saucers in Iran or someplace.

That's the thing, see? Nobody even knew what these aliens looked like. I'd seen a UFO though, so I knew they were real, but a lot of people hadn't. So there were some people saying there weren't any aliens at all. They said that the government had dropped nuclear bombs or something on Los Angeles and the other cities just so they could take over like in the 1984 book. Those people tended to get arrested quick and nobody ever heard from them again, but that made more people want to believe them. It was all insane.

But the craziest part was how normal everything seemed. People went to work and did all the regular stuff, but it felt like we were walking on eggshells too. Everyone was frightened and still in shock, really. Like it wasn't uncommon to see someone just start crying for no reason. It would take a long time before people started to get over what had happened, but we tried to. We pretended like we were okay and that's the worst part. How every time someone laughed, it sounded kind of forced. Smiles came harder and went away faster. If you were watching television and it went blank for a second, your heart stopped, or if there was silence on the radio, like between songs ... You just held your breath until the next one started.

As soon as I came home from somewhere, night or day, the first thing I did was turn on a light. I just wanted to see it work and know things were okay. Mostly we left at least one light on all the time anyway, to tell the truth. Life did go on though and while I cried every single day, Christian was the reason I didn't fall into a really deep hole of depression. He loved me and I loved him and so...

"What are you taking?" the nurse at the health clinic asked me.

"Um, Norgestrel," I told her as she looked at the papers I'd filled out.

"Do you have your prescription?"

"No, that's why I'm here," I said and lowered my voice. "I'm from Los Angeles and..."

"Oh." She blinked at me and she was older, with kind of graying red hair.

" ... so I don't have it."

"Okay, well, you need to be looked at by a doctor first," the nurse said. "Have you ever had a pap smear? You left that blank."

"No, I never did." I frowned. "Do I need one?"

"No, you don't." She looked at me funny and I swallowed hard. "You're not ... Come with me."

She knew, I could see it in her eyes and I felt like running, but I didn't. I followed her into an empty examination room, walking past half a dozen other girls, mostly in their teens and early twenties. They'd come to the women's health clinic for birth control like me, but for entirely different reasons. And I'd been busted.

"You're not a girl are you, sweetie?" the nurse asked me once the door was closed and I shook my head.

"No. I mean, I am ... but ... no," I admitted weakly.

I looked down at my shoes, brand new like the plaid skirt I wore. New like the yellow blouse and my underwear beneath, my bra and panties. Everything was new and I felt new, and I just wanted a new prescription so I could keep taking female hormones, estrogen and progestin.

"How old are you?" She looked at my paperwork. "Are you really sixteen?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I didn't lie about anything else."

"And you're taking birth control because..."

"I want bigger breasts," I answered, feeling my face redden. "I want to be a girl."

"Have you gotten any counseling? Ever talked to anyone about this?"


"Are you thinking about having a sex change eventually?" The nurse sat down and she pointed at an empty chair for me.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "My husband, he, um ... he likes me sorta the way I am."

"You're married?" The woman smiled and she had nice green eyes.

"Yeah, not like in a church or anything, but..."

"I understand," she said.

"I was going to see a doctor about hormone treatment, but then..." I cleared my throat, " ... you know."

"You can see a doctor here for that," the nurse told me. "But you're going to have to get counseling as well."

"Why?" I stared at her. "I'm normal."

"I know. I'm not saying you're not, but there are factors involved, psychological factors which can affect your health."

"I don't understand," I sighed. "I just want to look nice."

"You do look nice, Kelly," she said. "You're very pretty and I'm sure..."

The door opened then, as much to the nurse's surprise as mine, and a man stood there, tall and thin and dressed like a funeral director.

"You can't come in here!" The nurse blinked at him and she looked a little offended actually.

"That's her," the man said and I noticed for the first time that he held a small device, like a pocket calculator or something.

"What are doing?" the nurse demanded, and we were both standing up. "Who are you?"

Two other men were there as well, and when the undertaker stepped back, they stepped forward to fill the open doorway.

"Kelly Michaels?" one of them asked me.

"Yes?" I frowned at them.

"We need you to come with us, please." They were large men, one white and the other black, with short hair and unhappy faces. They looked like football players, except they had suits on.

"Why? Where?" I wasn't moving.

"That'll be explained later," the black man said. "Would you come with us, please?"

"Can I call my husband?" I asked them softly.

I'd become frightened again, almost shaking, and my first thought was that they'd found out I wasn't Christian's wife at all. They were arresting me and going to move me someplace else, wherever they'd put all the J's, and I didn't want to go.

"Where are you taking her? Who are you people?" the nurse asked, but she seemed frightened too.

"FBI, ma'am," the black man said and he showed her his badge. "Would you step back, please?"

"You'll be able to contact your husband later," the white man told me. "Let's go."

"Am I under arrest?" I asked them. "What did I do?"

"FBI?" The nurse looked from the men to me and back.

The white agent stepped into the room and took me by the arm, not painfully, but firmly and I knew he wasn't going to let me go. He tugged me towards the door and I had no choice but to follow reluctantly. I looked at the nurse.

"Call him for me?" I asked her desperately. "The number's on the paper ... Please?"

"I will," she promised, following us until the FBI agents took me outside and into the sunshine.

They put me in the back of a car, which surprised me. I hadn't been in a car since Christian and I had left his Corvette sitting in the middle of an empty highway outside Bakersfield. There were very few of them around and that just made me more nervous because it meant whatever was going on had to be serious. All kinds of thoughts filled my head and the one I clung to was that maybe my parents were alive.

The two big men sat in the front and the thin man joined me in the back. None of them were smiling and the doors locked automatically with a dull thudding sound that made me jerk.

"What did I do?" I asked, looking at the man beside me and he narrowed his eyes, looking at me like some sort of bug.

"You didn't do anything," he said.

"Where are we going then?" I swallowed hard.

"We don't have much time," he told me. "How old are you?"

"What?" I blinked at him.

"How old are you?" he asked again and we were driving now, pulling out of the parking lot, driving past the people at the flea market as they stared at the car.


"Tell me about your medical history." He opened a notebook. "Have you ever been sick?"

"Yeah." I stared at him. "Of course."

"What did you have?"

"I dunno, um..." I shrugged, " ... chicken pox. I had colds before. Why?"

"Were you ever hospitalized for anything?"

"No. I don't think so."

"You don't have a medical condition, or physical abnormality?"

"What?" I almost laughed. "Yeah. I got seven toes on my right foot."

"Really?" he asked me seriously and I did laugh then.

"God!" I shook my head and I almost told him I had a dick, but I wasn't gonna say that and I didn't think it was abnormal anyway.

"How about school?" he continued, "What were your grades like?"

"I dunno, C's mostly, some B's I guess. I got an A once in my home economics class." I watched him write that down. "I made a dress, it was nice."

"Talents? Are you especially adept at anything?"

"Adept? What are you looking for?" I asked, feeling more frustrated now than anything else. Frustrated and confused. "I'm just me."

"I'm trying to find out what makes you different from about fifty million other people, Miss Michaels."

"It's Mrs. Michaels," I corrected him. "Maybe that makes me different."

"No." He shook his head. "That's not it."

"Fuck," I breathed. "I'm not different."

"Yes, you are." The man stared at me. "But we don't know why."

"Well, it's a mystery, Shaggy," I said and I was going to cry. I felt scared and angry and stressed because this wasn't supposed to happen. I didn't even know what 'this' was.

I crossed my arms over my chest while the man kept asking me the same questions over and over. He ignored mine and I'd gotten really frustrated by the time we reached the airport. Enough so that I didn't even know we were there until the car stopped near an air force plane. It looked much like the one I'd ridden before with Christian, except this one might have been a little smaller maybe.

"You said I could call my husband." I stared at the ladder leading up to the open doorway of the plane.

"Let's go. Up the stairs, please." The black guy had taken me by the arm.

"This is so unfair." I licked my lips and looked around, but there wasn't anyone else. Nobody was coming to save me. "Just tell me where I'm going."

"We don't know," the white man told me and the tall skinny guy watched me from inside the car.

"I bet he does," I said and I gave the guy the finger and started going up.

"Kelly Michaels?" another man asked me, standing just inside the doorway with a clipboard and this was getting old fast.

"Yeah," I said with a frown.

"We've got a seat for you right there." He pointed and there were a lot of empty seats.

The plane was spacious, like a regular passenger jet would be if it was all business class instead of coach. The seats were large and had a lot of room between one row and the next, but there were only about a dozen of us scattered throughout the cabin. We were all between about sixteen and twenty-five maybe, male and female both, healthy and confused and not saying much. The man with the clipboard, who looked like he was in the army except he wore blue coveralls, had been joined by another man. The two of them walked around, making sure we were all strapped in with our seat belts fastened. They ignored our questions, such as they were.

"Where are we going?" a guy asked, a little older than me maybe and sitting two rows back.

"Forget it, man," another guy said, sort of an older, hippie looking guy sitting a couple rows in front of me and on the other side of the center aisle. "They won't tell you anything."

"Why not?" I wondered, having a lot of questions of my own.

"Cause they're Nazis," he replied loudly and pointedly at one of the men who ignored him. "We're kidnapped now. Disappeared, you know?"

"Disappeared?" I swallowed hard. "What does that mean?"

"Don't you watch the news? People are disappearing all the time!" He looked at me and his nose was pierced with a gold ring. "This is how it happens..."

"What? Shut up!" some woman said and it looked like she'd been crying.

"Cool it, buddy," another man said, early twenties and sitting way behind me.

" ... In broad daylight," the guy kept talking. "In front of your friends. In front of your kids. Nobody can stop them. Nobody will ever see us again."

About that time the air force guys decided to give the man an injection of something. To calm him down, they said. He put up a little fight, but in the end he took his shot anyway, and it just scared the rest of us like you wouldn't believe. After that he stayed very quiet. It was a long time before anybody said another word.

"Hey." The young man several rows behind me had moved up and now he leaned forward, whispering to me. "Kelly, right? I heard the guy say your name. I'm Matt."

"Hi," I said, turning my head and kind of wondering why he'd be talking. Nobody else spoke, but it looked like most of them were sleeping anyway.

"Hi." He smiled and it was a nice one. "Did they tell you anything? The guys who picked you up?"

"No." I shook my head. "They just asked a lot of questions."

"Me too," he said and paused for a second, so I thought Matt was done. "Denver looked kinda nice. I've never been there before."

"Yeah?" I wasn't sure what that meant exactly. "Where are you from?" I asked, expecting him to say Los Angeles probably, or maybe New York or Chicago, but he surprised me.

"Boise," Matt said and the look on my face made him smile. "You know, Idaho? Potatoes?"

"Oh." I felt my face redden. "Sorry, I just ... I thought you were, um ... like me."

"Like you?" He gave me a curious look and we hit a little air turbulence so his head sorta rattled between my seat and the empty one next to me. "Wait a sec..." He changed seats, getting out of his and then squeezing past me so he could sit next to the window. "There, now we can talk."

He kept smiling and so I smiled back, thinking Matt looked pretty cute, but that just made me seriously miss Christian. I wondered what my husband was doing and if the nurse had called him like she promised. I hoped so. I hoped he could find me and get me back. This had to be some kind of mistake or something and I kept thinking of what that crazy guy had been saying and it still scared me. More than ever.

"So, what did you mean when you said, you thought I was like you?" Matt asked me and he'd turned a little, leaning against the molded plastic wall next to him.

"I thought you came from LA or something," I said. "I mean, I thought everyone here was, you know..."

"A survivor?" Matt nodded. "That's where you're from?"


"I'm sorry. I thought you were from Denver," he said, looking genuinely apologetic, but he didn't need to be.

"No," I replied. "I'm not. My husband and I were relocated and..."

"Husband?" He made a face and looked at my hands, but I didn't have a ring yet. "You're married?"

"Yeah," I said, looking into Matt's brown eyes without flinching. I was so used to the lie after just a couple weeks and really, it didn't feel like a lie at all to me.

"I never woulda figured that," he said. "I guess I should have though."

"Why?" I laughed lightly.

"Because you're so beautiful."

"Come on!" I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously." Matt grinned. "You're gorgeous. I just ... Married, okay. That sucks."

"Yeah, yeah." I giggled. "That's ... Okay, thanks."

He'd laid it on kind of thick for a second there, but I won't say I didn't like it. There wasn't any way I'd cheat on Christian, of course, but being talked to by a guy, a cute guy ... I dunno. Probably I just really needed something like that right then, you know? Something that didn't scare me, or raise a bunch of questions that nobody could answer. It seemed almost normal, except for where we were and why and all that. I missed normal a lot.

Same as Talis
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“HERE’S YOUR COFFEE, MR. SMITH. It’s time to get up and do office things. You know ... Ack! There’s a woman in your bed!” Mattie screamed. “Thank you for the coffee, Ms. Baines. Could you bring a cup for Mr. Smith, too? Oh, I’m Dr. Mrs. Smith.” Elizabeth took the cup from Mattie and offered her hand to shake. Mattie took it uncertainly. “Isn’t everyone?” she mumbled and fled from the room. “So?” Elizabeth asked, poking Ramsey in the ribs. “There are other Mrs. Smiths?” “No, dear. She was...

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Gianna michaels catches a peeping tom 5

Gianna Michaels catches a peeping tom 5By lilguy [email protected] humiliated cuckold man tries to stand up for himselfAuthor note- this is a Fanfiction..base on my own warp femdomy fantasies of Gianna a porn star. Note she probably doesn't behave like this in real life and if she did she probably be serving a long Jail sentence and be force to seek help from several mental health professionals. Not this has humiliation, female physically overpowering people, cuckolding, slapping,...

2 years ago
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254 Just a few precious months 7

254. Just a few precious months 7 By now it was late May, time was slipping away, the two of us took a fortnight off to the Caribbean, the water did her good and occasional gentle love making and fab food was the****utic as we/she recuperated, so it was in the last couple of days of June after our return that the minibus pulled in with 7 of the biggest rugby backs you have ever clapped eyes on and driven by the manager old harry a little runty bloke that stood about 4ft 6 tall. I had known...

4 years ago
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A Night with my Friend Furry MM

Finally I got up, with the clump of tissues with my own semen in my paw and walked over to the bedroom, throwing it in the toilet before sitting down to go on with my business. I took my phone along and checked what was on the agenda. “Oh yeah, Luke wants to come by later. So what’s going on in the world?” I browsed through my news-feed with nothing too interesting going on except the usual political feuds, rising and falling trends in various stocks – only reading for curiosity and being on...

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Nancys Curiosity

Chapter 1 Nancy's father had gotten a request from one of their neighborhood friends to try to help one of their sons setting up an import export business in New Orleans. Her father had to refer his usual clients to his partner while he travelled. It was planned that he stay from six months to a year in New Orleans which he thought he would need in order to do the work necessary. The red headed detective Nancy had just graduated from high school along with her buddy George(Georgina). Nancy...

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Chances AreChapter 10

I let her rest and breathe deeply for several long minutes before I gently revived her from unconsciousness, caressing her hair and kissing her lips gently. Pinching her nipples and rubbing her over-stimulated clit a bit seemed to help too. It wasn’t her desire to be controlled and be made into a passive object of violent sexual use that was starting to frighten me, now that the frenzy of our wild lovemaking was over, but that I had so willingly obliged her. I had sensed empathically with my...

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A Time for SharingChapter 7

The next six months were the most difficult time I'd ever had. I worked from sunrise to sunset, and still couldn't do everything I needed to have done. Rob tried to help, but with his knee function so limited, he was too slow to be of much real help. I had tried out four different people who had each claimed they were experienced farm workers. They might have had farm experience, but none of them knew anything about hard work, or about thinking for themselves when something didn't go...

3 years ago
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Liams First Encounter My Best Friends Mom

Introduction: Liams first time doesnt go the way he expected. Note: This is the first piece of erotica Ive written in some time. I used to write a lot when I was 15 or 16 and I thought Id give it another shot. Feedback would be appreciated. Im thinking of doing a series of Liam fucking older women. Hope you enjoy! There I was, sitting in my best friend Franks bathroom, masturbating. It was about midnight and I was wearing a pair of his sisters lacy black panties and I was yanking my cock...

1 year ago
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Sally gets a suntanPt2

It feels very nice having your th!@#$$n year old,naked,virgin neighbour straddle your naked body.Her small young pert tits ,with their hard nipples, facing you.Her peach fuzz pubes glazed in her pussy juice gently tickling you belly,and her virgin pussy leaking more juice on you,leaving a little pool .Sally looked at me,smiled,winked and reached behind her back,her little fingers searching for my solid cock. She found it and wrapped her little hand around me and began stroking my incredibley...

3 years ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 16

As Liana lies sleeping on the ground with Kaito’s armlet glowing a bright blue color, Elinore and Bonny sigh with relief. Bonny turns away sitting down on the ground and staring off in the distance blushing. “How was it for you?” Bonny asks. “Huh?” “How was having sex for you!?” She yells out. Elinore blushes. “It was uncomfortable at first. But it felt great after a moment, it’s still weird to think about.” “It was kind of humiliating to me, but it still felt good in the end. Even if I...

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Winter Date at Skyline Ridge Park

“I know you’ll have a great time,” I told Julie as we headed towards a secret date I had planned for us. I had only one thing on my mind and had worked out the perfect plan. I was taking Julie to Skyline Ridge park, a pretty common year round attraction in our area. However, this time of year the park always decorates one of its 3 mile long trails with Christmas lights. Along the path are places to stop for hot chocolate or to listen to groups performing holiday songs. I knew this was a perfect...

2 years ago
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My First But Not My Last BBC

I am going to try to tell this as best as I can remember, it was about four years ago. My boyfriend and I had been broken up several weeks. I was over my mad/hurt feelings and was now missing the sex that I used to have pretty much every day so I decided that Saturday night I was going to a club and hopefully hookup with a hot guy to satisfy my needs. I planned to look really hot that night so Sat morning I had my nails done and bought a new, black lacy/sheer demi bra and matching thong. ...

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Winter At Beech Mountain

You won't find guys like me in the phone book. I work off referrals from the women who have been on my table. I'm in the underground world of Erotic Massage. It is a taboo subject among most professional therapists. I was taught many years ago to give my client what ever she desired, within reason. From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist:It was mid-winter here in western North Carolina and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places same faces had given me the 'itch' to travel. My...

1 year ago
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Sweaty sports

Charles Collins opened the note with a trembling hand. "I'll see you after the game", it said. "Don't get changed." The note wasn't signed, but he knew exactly who it was from, for he had repeatedly asked his friend Peter to go up to the barn with him after rugby. To- day, at last, Peter had agreed, and Charles knew that the moment he had longed for was close. The game seemed endless; at half-time, Charles would gladly have walked off the pitch, even though the score was level and his chances...

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Fantasy gay fuck

I guess seeing that Matt is on of my friends made easy. I worked and spent most days with him so that October night was bound to happen. We went out on the town and crazed a couple bars and had a few drinks, Matt had said he was horny and needed sex, but it was a night of masterbating for us...or was it I passed out in his spare room but awoke to soft moans and a squeezing bed, I listened for a while then my curiosity got the best of me and walked down the hallway and thew a cracked in the...

3 years ago
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DchasChapter 5

Once outside they walked four abreast with Rusty in the middle and their arms intertwined. The view down the valley in the late evening light was picture perfect. The sun was just touching the edge of the cliffs at the end of the valley when they came to a small overlook. After pausing to look around, Sarah guided Rusty to sit in the middle of a bench. She then straddled his lap facing him so his cock lay nestled between her warm wet labia. Terry and Sally sat straddling the bench facing them...

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After School

high school tease gets the tables turned on herEighteen year old Sonia Kay admired herself in the mirror. She stood infront of the looking glass naked, her blonde hair still very damp andher skin slightly moist from her morning shower. Sonia placed her handsover her D-cup breasts and squeezed. She then ran her hands down herstomach, her fingers lightly touched her neatly trimmed pussy. Sheturned around and admired her tight teen ass./I look goooood/, Sonia thought. She quickly grabbed her pink...

2 years ago
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UnconventionalChapter 14

“Konrad ... it’s really you!” Karen leaned over and kissed me as if we had never been estranged at all. “It’s me, sis. Alive and ... well, as well as can be expected, given everything. What was our little feud about, anyway?” I asked my freckled, pale, rather pleasantly plump ginger of a sister. “You left the Lutheran Church, remember? Mom and Dad forgave you quickly, didn’t care as much, but I was a seminary student back then. Well, as you can see, I kinda left that career track and went...

1 year ago
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A Dirty Valentine Night

Valentine’s day this year was going to be super sexy.  Lucy had planned out a sexual evening for her boyfriend.  She was going to delight him in every way she could think of.  She had several hours to prepare for her night of lust.  The day before she got a wax and had her nails and toes painted blood red.  She went to a sex shop and picked up a sexy toy.Her boyfriend loved the color red.  She went to a lingerie store and bought a sexy bra and pantie set.  She also bought a garter and silk...

Strap-On Sex
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The Stone of Lao Tzu

Part 2 shot off on several tangents. I struggled with all my might to keep them in line, but it felt like I was a herding cats. -Armond The Stone of Lao Tzu Parts 1 and 2 By Armond "In the opening and closing the gates of heaven, Cannot he do so as a female bird?" -Lao Tzu Part 1 As Raquel hurriedly drove to Sarah's apartment, she tried to make sense of what Sarah had said - about Stephen being in some kind of serious trouble and needing her help. The fact that...

1 year ago
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18Eighteen Avery Cristy She Likes Bros

“I was very naughty. I fucked my boyfriend’s little brother,” Avery told us, sharing her deepest, darkest secret. We decided to recreate her naughty fling for you guys. “He was lifting weights, and it turns me on so much to see a guy working out. He looks like my boyfriend too, so I was curious to see if his cock looked the same. It did, but bigger! He liked his dick sucked the same way as his brother, too. His cock felt so good sliding in and out of my pussy. I could...

3 years ago
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A Missed Call Take Me To Beauties Bed

Hi readers, This is Rahul from Bangalore working in Private Ltd Company. I am staying alone here & I stayed in a flat. I am fair dashing good looking guy without mustache. My friends call me Sharukh, because of same looks. In first visit itself ladies attract towards me. This story started with unknown call & my heroine name is Juhi (name changed & she looks exactly like film actor Juhi Chawla). let me describe her, She is very fair milky white color with nice structured i.e. 32- 36-32 with...

2 years ago
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Me and Charlie Blake

I lay in a swing-chair, my arms folded softly over my belly, feeling the tips of my long golden curls. The sun is warm as it seeps through my skin, heating my whole body. My eyes are closed and I can smell the sweet scent of the garden around me. Yes, this was bliss, this was my life, my perfect happy life. My soft eyelids flutter open as I hear the heart of all my happiness approach the swing I am on. A gentle hand places itself on my head and I giggle “Hey.” I say it like a little girl still...

Straight Sex
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Whiskey JackChapter 2 Welcome Home

"Gordy, get my ass away from here and over to my house. You remember where it is?" Jack pled with his friend. "Yeah, I remember where it is." Gordon answered with a half smile. "Just think a minute, what will you do over there, all by yourself? You need help to get a drink of water. Is there anyone there? You need a care giver or whatever they're called." "Look," just get me there and call the local nurses' registry. Loan me one of your credit cards and a thousand in cash." He...

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The Pump part 2

Knock! Knock! Knock!I stood on the doorstep of Kelly's house again with another bag full of baby accessories that my wife wanted me to drop off to her friend. Images raced through my mind of our last encounter and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest as I stood there trying to look as calm as possible. The fact that she called my wife and asked if I could drop off a few more things on my lunch break hinted to me that she wanted to play again. But I did my best not to get too...

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Silver KnightsChapter 3

The twins went through the 4th Grade without any major incidents at school. Several of the kids who were taking the strengthening and the elementary martial arts classes decided that they wanted to organize a formal group, so they got together to form what they called the Silver River Knights (SRK). They never got around to having formal meetings or anything like that, but they did form a solid front whenever bullies started putting too much pressure on students in grades 1-4. Initially,...

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A Mothers Curiosity

The Caraballo family consisted of Wayne, Lillian, and their son James. They lived in a ranch in the Midwestern part of the United States, away from the chaos and judgments of modern society. If you saw where and how they lived, you would think they were living in the 1970s.Lillian, 34, grew up poor and met Wayne when she left home at eighteen looking for work. She found stability with him at the ranch, and it wasn’t long before she ended up pregnant and making wedding arrangements. She was now...

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Like Mother Like Son 7

Written by Sharon Parsons and edited by Victor G. 16 year old Darren Peterman tries out his older woman disguise and is presented to his little brother as the boy's Aunt Nancy- a 46 year old smoker. Later that day, Aunt Nancy takes her young nephew to the park. *************** Chapter 7 ************** When I woke up Sunday morning, I felt as if an elephant was sitting on my chest. Of course, my heavy breast forms played a big role, but so did my heavy smoking the day...

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Altered Fates Spare the Rod Spoil the Child

SPARE THE ROD SPOIL THE CHILD (c) Jennifer Adams, 1997 "I hate you!" the young girl said, rubbing her red and now tender rear end. "I love you. That is why I correct you when you miss behave," her father said to her reaching out to hold her. She pulled away from him and ran to her bedroom to get dressed for school. "I wished that you could be the child and I could be the adult just once. Then you'd see what it's like," she said as she slammed the door. He hollered through the...

1 year ago
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Always Lock Your Door

It all started when my husband and I were thinking about getting a seperation. We loved each other just a little too much to go the one step further and get a divorce. The reason why we were getting a seperation was because we had really different ways to please our sexual desiers-He liked it the old fashioned way, but me-I liked it nice and rough with a little extra and he just couldnt please me. One day at work I was really frustrated and I could have really used a little "satsifaction"to get...

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Surprise Nooner

It was mid summer when Vince decided to step our game up a notch. A married mother of 2, early 40s, back in shape with a petite 5'1" body, and feeling hot again. We started playing about 2 years ago, when Vince set me up in a St Louis hotel. I met my first BBC at the bar and sat down and talked over drinks. That was the beginning of our sexy adventures. It was a Thursday morning, house was empty and I was on my tablet drinking coffee. I get a text from Vince about nine, asking if I wanted a...

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Eden on the RailsChapter 24

They both rushed to meet him. Muriel demanded, "Well?" "It was as I feared. Spontaneous abortion; happens in about 15 per cent of all teenagers, often for no apparent reason, but usually because of a genetic abnormality. I am assuming no history of drugs, smoking and drinking of alcohol." "Nothing like that, Doctor", said Gloria, "And she eats well - we make sure of that - so not a nutritional problem." "In that case, just a non-viable foetus. There should not a be any problem...

2 years ago
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Cumming at the poker game 12

Jim was an average fifteen-year-old teenager, his grades were fair and as every teenage boy he is always horny. Jim’s mom and dad have a large house in the center of the town, since his dad got a promotion he travels two or three weeks a month. His mom Joann is always fighting with him about being out of town, things are not as smooth as they should have been. Jim’s two best friends are Bill and Juan. Recently the three boys have taken too playing cards in the garage after dinner. The real...

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Chucks Forced VacationChapter 11

Liz, or Elizabeth, was shaking me, "Wake up, Chuck, Bonita said I had to wake you since she isn't supposed to get up yet." I groggily looked at the miniature Sue and smiled, "Okay, I'll get up. Go ahead and go tell her I'm getting up." "No, she said I have to wait until you're up, she says she waits until you're through in the bathroom and dressed." I closed my eyes, trying to think of a way out of this problem. Mercy came into the cabin and smiled at me, "You can't keep the...

1 year ago
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Night Flight

The flight was only half full that night. “Well hello again Mr Taylor, welcome aboard.” The flight attendant smiled warmly at me in recognition. We all filed into the cabin and went through the usual routine of cramming more luggage than was technically permitted into the overhead compartments and under the seats. With so few people, however, there was plenty of space for everyone, as well as their belongings. Moving towards the back of the plane, I took a seat in the last aisle, right by the...

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Working at the General Store

It had been about a week since my training had ended and now I was on my own. So far nothing unusal I had gotten into a rountine while getting to know the local clientel.(the street hookers, street studs, and the average local people) I had gotten used to what hours were busy and which were slack, that you could devote to sweeping floors, cleaning restrooms etc. I also was getting usted to the store sex, in the restrooms as well out in the store. My first encounter was while cleaning the womens...

1 year ago
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The Maze part I

THE MAZE  part I   “Has the little rat been found yet?”  The lady sitting on the throne questioned. “Not yet, my Queen Mother.”  The woman kneeling in front of the throne responded, her head cast down towards the ground, long red hair hanging loosely to the polished stone floor. “See to it that this man is found and punished.” The Queen Mother of Spankers stated and sighed.  “You are the Mistress Captain General of Spankers, are you not?” “Yes my Queen Mother. The rat will be found and...

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Piccola peste

Se siete mai stati sul lago di Garda sicuramente avete visto anche la mia casa: è una villa talmente grande e talmente sfarzosa che la potete vedere da qualunque punto del lago, attira l'occhio come un capezzolo turgido attraverso una t-shirt bagnata. Qui è dove da dieci anni passo le mie estati, assieme ai miei tre sfigatissimi amici: Matteo, detto il castoro. E' un ragazzo dall'aria persa, con i capelli perennemente unti e la forfora che gli ricopre gli occhiali, una vera disgrazia quando...

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Guests part 2 Chapter 10

We continued with the idea of Monday through Thursday I would fuck the girls and Friday 5 PM the girls would  tie me down, ankles/wrists,  put the gag on my mouth and blindfold my eyes. Once again I was at their mercy. Although their mercy was my sexual pleasure. This Friday, as it was with so many other Fridays, the girls put a vibrating butt plug and I would go into this sexual pleasure that would have me thinking of sexual heaven. I do not know how long they were out but I fell them coming...

Group Sex
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Those Few Days With Pihu 8211 Part 1

Hello all, this is abhi and I am back with one more sizzling incident of lust and sex. I apologized for the delay of few months as I got numerous mails from all you guys for new story but here I am back in form ready to blow your minds [blow whatever] again. This time the incident involving my friends wife called Phankhuri aka Pihu. Amit was a college friend of mine and we use to share rooms while studying BTech in banglore. Like me he was also from Delhi and we moved along quite nicely. 4...

4 years ago
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The CircleChapter 39 Tracy in a plane crash

The TV announcer was talking at a rapid rate. Several of the others in the room stopped what they were doing to look at the screen because of the panic in the announcer's voice. " ... the plane had just taken off from St. Louis' Lambert Field. According to local sources, a microburst from a nearby thunderstorm may have interrupted the flight's climb out, forcing the jet to the ground along a road in an industrial park near the airport. The plane broke into pieces at the hard impact, and...

2 years ago
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Nice guys do not finish last

I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. I have fucked many guys on first date. I know that is the standard for having no morals or self esteem or a classic definition of a slut. But I am completely secure in my sexual desire and for me fucking a guy is a conquest for me. I have no shame fucking a guy on first date if he is hot and has potential. I was told otherwise by my friends but I realized there...

Straight Sex
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by Maximillian Excaliber Introduction This is a bit of a departure from what I normally write. I hope you enjoy it. Whether you do or not, please rate the story. Your feedback is always welcome. Maximillian Chapter One - Club Noceur The night it happened Kayla Burch was sitting at her favorite table at 'Club Noceur'. The club, although new, had already gained a reputation as one of Atlanta's most notorious swingers' hangouts. Normally Kayla didn't go there by...

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A Dream of the Heart

We ended our regular Friday nightclub gig at near 2am, the usual time with the usual bored, drunken crowd in attendance. All they wanted to hear were the oldies from the sixties and seventies and eighties, maybe a few early nineties songs. They would even get a bit surly if we tried to play something original or anything newer than those eight-year-old nineties songs. Oh well, maybe tomorrow’s crowd at the other place would be more open-minded. I had a few new tunes that I wanted to try out,...

4 years ago
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It was a dark and stormy night! How many creepy stories have been started this way? Lots and so does this one! It was a night like no other lightning was crashing up in the sky and the thunder was so loud it sounded amplified! I was in my bed brave guy that I am wishing away the storm so I could get some sleep but the storm raged on hour after hour I tried counting the flashes and the rumbles but got bored with that quickly then something happened that changed my life forever...Suddenly a...

2 years ago
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Hot Young Thing Part Two

I awoke feeling great, although it was already stifling outside. I slipped on my flimsy pink miniskirt and a skimpy white halter top that wrapped around and tied in the front above my belly. I had heard the shower shut off in the bathroom, and I caught a glimpse of something white through Uncle Clyde’s “secret” heat vent. He was toweling off in front of the mirror. I suspected he was giving me a show, so I bent over to take a closer look. At first, I could see that his man area was clean...

3 years ago
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Innocent But Sexy Mom 8211 Part 1

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, I am a horny teen boy. I have a hot sexy mom who is innocent. She believes everything I tell her. I fantasize all perverse things with her, even while standing with her she doesn’t know. I will explain some of such events here. Once my friend was with me in my room. We were supposed to study. We were fooling around on his laptop watching some porn etc. He had a boner and wanted to jack off. I showed him the washroom. That’s...

3 years ago
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How Do I Know

(This one’s for you, baby. I love you.) * How will I know, I asked my Momma. You’ll know, she said. That was when I was a lot younger. You, you did me a favor. It was a small thing for you. It was a big thing for me. I’d made a mistake at work and you caught it before it made it to the boss. I could have lost my job. You helped me fix it and I told you I would do anything you wanted out of gratitude. Like anything a woman tells a man she’s interested in, my declaration was a test. I...

1 year ago
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Convincing My Sister

When I was about eighteen, I started to become quite attracted to my little sister who is two years younger than I am. It was no big deal at first. She was cute and I assumed it was normal and temporary. I didn’t think much of it. Then, one day, when I was home on break from college, I happened to notice a pair of purple cotton panties in the hamper and I sniffed them and got so horny that everything changed. I was now obsessed, but my family and my sister are all very conservative religious...

2 years ago
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She is Suffering

She is Suffering Belladonna [Author's note: This story was based on an idea provided to me by Miss Simone (a/k/a Mistress Simone), the brilliant captioner of The Modern Goddess: TG Captions of Decadence blog. It was written way back in August of 2011 and was originally submitted for the Haven Quarterlies over at Rachel's Haven. This story contains the first three parts previously posted over there with some modifications, as well as the last part that was never...

1 year ago
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Losing My Virginity In Two Parts Part 1

I lost my virginity in two parts. Okay, maybe that's technically impossible. I officially lost my virginity after a prom, probably like many other girls that night. It wasn't great, but it wasn't horrible either. The guy just turned out to be a jerk. The second time a few months later was with the guy I wish had been my first. Looking back now, I like to think of him as my first lover. I don't know why I've been thinking about losing my virginity. Maybe it's because I've written recently...

First Time
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Oh boy what an interesting little meeting we had. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this was going to happen and how my brother really didn't mind. At least he has never told me but we haven't really talked about it either because it just feels uncomfortable to talk about I guess. But I will tell you, it will be something I will never forget. It's about time to start at the beginning. This happened about a year ago now. I had helped my brother move into his new apartment about a year...

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