Ending Earl free porn video

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Ending Earl He was miserable. How odd it felt to wear a dress, he thought. Yet, he knew, how beautiful he was. It was a sweet summer's day in the year 3095. He knew that was the date because he'd done the calculations soon after he'd been reanimated. He'd died in the year 1999 of cancer of the stomach. He didn't remember much about it, but he knew it hadn't been a pleasant death. That was for certain. He could still remember the pain. The doctors had refused him to fully medicate him. It seemed that it was against the law. Something about making certain he wouldn't become drug addict. Dear Goddess, he thought, the stupidity of it! He calmed himself. But that was a thousand years ago. He'd been frozen in liquid nitrogen. And, then, a millennium later, he'd woken at the Reanimation Center. "We've rebuilt you," the doctors had said. "People have changed a bit since you've been gone. But you'll fit right in, now." So he did. He was smaller, now, hardly more than 1.6 meters. And he weighted, he guessed, less than a third of what he had before. I'm the original 98 pound weakling, he thought. But what he'd lost in weight, he'd gained in loveliness. He had the graceful body of young dancer. His face, with its great violet eyes and framed by his soft, flowing hair, was breath taking. His sexual organs, meanwhile, were now works of art. His penis and gonads were smooth and golden. And, then, on his chest, he had the firm, round breasts of a professional model. "Wonderful the way things have changed," the doctor- machines had him. "Humans no longer reproduce inside their bodies. Babies are created in the labs now. That means sex has become just for pleasure. And people have modified themselves to get as much as possible." Indeed, he thought. But how could he be part of it all? He felt so out of place. When he'd died, sex had been a dangerous thing. Pregnancy, disease, all these had been the risks. And men had been the pursuers. Oh, yes, feminism was making inroads, but, still, most of the time women were won and men were the wooers. Now... Well, no sense in just sitting here, he decided. He wouldn't be any happier sitting in his apartment with no one for company except the house robots. He might take a walk. The little city in which he lived, Ambrosia, was a superb walking town, with many little squares and fascinating side streets. He could explore a little, at least, even though he would do so alone. He checked his appearance. Yes. Quite presentable. He was in a full red skirt that reached to his knees, and over that was a white blouse that revealed his white creamy shoulders, with a sort of transparent front that hinted at the golden orbs of his breasts. He added to the ensemble a little red jacket and a broad brimmed hat. Then, leaving instructions for the house robots, he headed out into the street. It was a warm day and the streets were crowded with pedestrians. Couples - huge women and their tiny, delicate men - walked hand in hand and window shopped. Laughter came from sidewalk cafes. Robots moved here and there on errands for their masters. He strolled up the avenue. For a moment the sunlight and the crowds lifted his mood. Then, slowly, the light began to fade and the day moved on intoevening. As the stars began to shine here and there, he felt himself sinking again into depression. He stood, finally, in front of a shop window, half admiring a dress, half wondering how he could go on living. "I say... don't I know you?" The voice from behind startled him. He turned slowly. Behind him was... a goddess! She was huge woman, with the face of an Amazonian conqueror, and a great main of hair that played over her powerful shoulders, and she was standing directly behind him. "I... I..." he stammered. Then, he collected himself. "I don't know. Who are you?" The giantess laughed, a great booming sound that thrilled him to the core. "Excellent question. My name's Villaflame. What's yours?" He tried to answer. "My name? Well, in the old days they called me Earl." "Earl? What kind of a name is that for a sweet little boy like you?" He tried to answer, but each time he did he would glance up at her eyes... and his heart would beat like a drum while his mouth went absolutely dry. Finally, he managed, "It was a thousand years ago." "Oh ho," another laugh. "So you're from the past. Are you keeping the name Earl?" He shook his head, confused. "I... I don't know. I haven't settled on a name." "They didn't give you one at the Ream Center?" "No, they said I could pick one for myself." She gazed down at him for a moment... a moment that seemed to go on and on forever. He felt his penis grow huge and erect under her gaze, and his nipples were hard! "Hmm," she said, finally. "A name. Well, for the short term, I'll call you Luscious." Luscious! He started to object... how dare she try to name him! But, then, when he glanced up at her, and saw her huge, dark eyes smiling down at him, he felt himself turn into a puddle of warm submission. "Luscious," he said, his eyes turning to the ground again. "Umm... Miss Luscious... I like that. Well, how do you do, Miss Luscious?" He wasn't used to being called Miss, yet. Actually, the word she used was Beesa. But it meant basically the same thing. It meant young, unmarried person... except, a male person... and had overtones of delicacy and submissiveness. He was still getting used to the new language that he spoke here, in this odd new world, and he translated Beesa into Miss almost automatically. "I'm fine..." he realized he was blushing. "Oh, that rose color," the giantess laughed, watching him flush. "Delightful. And I know you, now." "You do?" It didn't seem possible. "Indeed, from the Hospital. You were there when I picked up my Aunt." He remembered suddenly. Yes! It was his third of fourth week after being revived. There had been an air car crash, the doctor-robots had said, and some citizens had been hurt. One had even been killed, something almost unheard of in this day and age. The body had been brought to the Center to be revived. He remembered, now, that this laughing titaness had come to the collect the rebuilt woman. She'd paced down the hall that morning and glanced into the door of his room. "You noticed me?" he gasped. "How could I not?" a sly smile covered her magnificent face. "You were nude at the time." He remembered that, too, now. Oh dear heaven. The nurse-bot had been giving him a sponge bath. He'd been rolled over on his stomach and the machine had been toweling him dry. He quavered with embarrassment. She had seen him... like that! Another warm chuckle from the woman. "Oh, what a wonderful wiggle you have when you are mortified. But, don't be ashamed. You have a delicious body. Ripe as a peach. I kept thinking about how spankable that little tail of yours looked." He was aghast. "How dare you... " "Oh, I'm a daring woman." She reached down to link her arm with his. "Well, come along Miss Luscious. I'm on the way to a tea shop and you look as though you could use something refreshing." He found himself walking rapidly beside her. He knew he should be terribly insulted. In fact, he knew he should be afraid. And he was afraid of this woman. But it was a terror linked with a great nameless desire. He wanted something... but he couldn't say what. All he knew was that he was being whisked along with this great erotic tigress, and he couldn't resist. She conducted him quickly into a shop along the road. It was a great wooden place with huge windows and a dance floor. Robots appeared and he ordered for them. "The Beesa will have" -- she consulted a menu --"a glass of the Hot Poppy. I will have Northern Shore." A moment later the robot returned with beakers of hot liquid. She poured for them. "Try that," she commanded. He raised the glass to his lips and sipped. The taste was strangely delicious. There were hints of honey and fruit. "What is it?" he asked. "A veritable melange," the titaness responded. "Tea, dried fruit, a little bit of opium poppy..." "Opium!" "Oh, don't worry. You can't get addicted. Not in that new body you're wearing. But it will make you feel a bit warm and cozy, and relax you." He sipped again. It did taste nice. In went down quickly. One sip followed another. He realized that the beaker was empty. "Can't have that," laughed the giantess. She motioned to the robot and another full beaker appeared. This time he went more slowly. But felt himself growing warm. He felt a little dazed, and he knew he must be blushing again. He didn't know it, but the effect was to make his eyes, already starry, shine even more brightly, and his eager little face seemed to glow. "Good heavens," the giantess said, looking down at him. "You're breath taking. Genuinely breath taking." "You flatter me," he said, the words seemed to slur ever so slightly. "No, just telling the truth. Why, have you no idea of the effect you produce?" He shook his head. "I wasn't very good with women. I mean, when I was alive." Villaflame shook her mighty head. "Well, you are now. I was watching you walk down the street. Women's heads were turning in your wake. All the Dominas were dreaming of you. And you didn't notice a bit. You just hid behind that hat." He stared at her, disbelieving. Then, unable to prevent it, the tea got him... and he was mortified by a great hiccup. She burst into laughter. "You are so adorable." Somewhere a robotic band began to play. Other couples drifted to the dance floor. "Come on," she commanded, and pulled him to his feet. The next thing he knew, she was leading him onto the floor. She danced with the graceful power of a panther, and within her powerful arms he felt tiny and warm. The music ended and she led him back to the table. Next, she ordered food for them. He ate, and after a bit, felt his head clear a bit. "Tell me about yourself," she commanded, when the robots brought coffee. "Well," he confessed. "I haven't much to tell. I've only been alive, again, for a few months." "Then tell me about your first life." He tried. He explained his frustration and his failure. He mentioned the long burden of his disease. He talked about his loneliness and how his girlfriend had left him rather than face his end. "A woman left you! To die!" "Things were different, in those days," he answered, quietly. "It's appalling," she responded. "No little boy like you should be left alone. Not to die." He couldn't answer that. Instead, he said, "Tell me about you. " "Ah," she mentioned her name again. She was of the great Villa clan of bankers and stellar traders. Her own work was in cybernetics. Her hobbies included speed boxing and skiing. He listened and listened, and didn't know that his eyes were adoring. She ordered a bottle of champagne. An hour later, they were back at her townhouse. He wasn't quite sure how it happened, but he seemed to be nude and he was sitting and giggling on her lap while she sat on a huge sofa. "Now," she said, "shall we test it out?" He giggled again. "What?" "The little tail of yours. Shall we see if it is as spankable as I thought." He found himself grinning. Well, why not? He rolled onto his stomach. His belly was over her knees. His legs were on the sofa. He could feel the soft cloth between his toes. "You've been a naughty little boy," she said, her voice coming from high above him. "Yes, Domina, I have... I have... I have been so naughty" he answered, eagerly. "You deserve to be punished." "Please, Domina, My Master, please punish me. Please give it to me." "Then you shall have it." Down came her hand! It struck his buttocks with a great crack. The pain was real! And so was the pleasure! He found himself moaning with delight. "And again!" Once more there was the sound of flesh against flesh! The pain was an explosion of sensation... pain, followed by waves of pleasure, beginning at his anus and then ringing out from there! "And again!" He moaned and squirmed as blow after blow rained down on his soft flesh. Oh, the delight! The delight! "Enough," she said, finally. "And now what do you wish?" Defeated, he lay face down, passive before her. "I want you to fuck me, Master." "Louder," "I want you funk me, my Master and Domina!" "That, too, you shall have." She stood, picking him up as she did so. He might have weighted nothing for all the effort he caused her. Kissing him again and again on his soft, full lips while she walked, she carried him into the bedroom. He felt himself being lowered into the satin sheets. Then, she was beside the bed, removing her clothes. He watched her, hungry, longing, adoring, and powerless. She was on him! She mounted him, crushing him deep into the bed. He whimpered with delight as she eased him into her. He felt her vagina seize his penis. He felt her great, powerful hands softly crush his breasts. He reached up and touched her own small, hard ones. Then, in a blur of motion, she caught his hands and directed them above his heads. He felt something wrap around his wrists. Silken cords! He was secured to the bed posts. He was utterly, totally helpless before this glorious she- lion! She bent down and he felt her burning kisses rain upon his face. She reared up again. He felt her hips rolling into him. He gasped! She rolled and thrust and drove him into the bed. He couldn't move! The pleasure was like a whip! It filled him. It destroyed him. He was nothing but a vessel of her power...and she was filling him! She was his master. His queen. His Domina. He knew nothing but her power. He was nothing but her thing. She orgasmed! He felt himself explode upwards, yielding his seed... and a great white light burst upon him... He had no name. He awoke several hours later. It was already daylight outside. There were birds singing in the trees. I'm Luscious, he thought. He was alone in the bed, but he heard her moving about in the next room. The door creaked open. It was her. In her hands was a tray and on it were cups and a small pitcher coffee. "Wake up, sleepy head," she said gently. "Here's something to get you started while we wait for the robots to make breakfast." He stretched luxuriously. He felt wonderful. "Well, Earl," she said. "Did you enjoy last night?" "Earl," he laughed. "I'm not Earl." "Who then?" "I am," he felt the weight of his breasts on his chest, his penis growing erect between his legs. "I am... I am Luscious. Miss Luscious. And I am yours forever, my Master." "Of course," she said, cheerfully, and poured the coffee.

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Bartending Fake ID

pretty sure how this would go. I was going to ID her before she entered but what the heck, I’ll play the game. I walked around the bar and asked her for ID. She handed me a driver’s license. Fast…too fast. I smiled and looked. Low and behold the ID was issued a week ago. It was real. The DUP in the corner told me it was a duplicate. The photo matched the girl but I doubted the information was really hers. I looked for what I would question her on. Zodiac sign? Zip code? The street name...

4 years ago
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Bartending Competition with Benefits

“Sounds like someone is jealous,” someone said. “I just hope you talk about me to the other bartenders,” I joked. “I’m not sure I appreciate youse talking about another bartender in front of me. I don’t talk about my other customers in front of you.” We all laughed. “I feel like they you’re cheating on me.” I made a pouty face and jokingly stomped to the other side of the bar. “We are cheating on you,” one said. “I knew I smelled beer on your breath when you walked in,” I...

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Trending foursome

They had just pulled into the long driveway of a huge home in the old quarter of town. It was one of those turn of the century railroad tycoon sort of homes with huge pillars, a carriage house and grand gardens. Most of these homes in the downtown area were turned into lawyer’s offices or corporate headquarters. There was a line of cars ahead of them leading up to the entrance of the mansion and waiting for valet service. Her husband Jeff looked over and asked her to put her mask on...

1 year ago
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Patience or Finding the Pearl

As she walked, Patience Gardiner was a bit surprised to find herself remembering passion. She could call it that now though she would have not then. She had been raised, as was proper, to think of these things modestly, if at all. That morning when he had stroked her hip she had crossed her legs very firmly and turned her face into the pillow even as he touched her oh so gently and she felt her will leave her. As Patience skirted the boulders perched along the cliff’s edge, she smiled to find...

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This was my tenth pickup, and frankly it didn't look too promising. They'd picked a popular watering hole that was featuring the first two drinks free for ladies. Granted there was a large selection of women to choose from, but I didn't think I'd find what I was looking for. Let me explain a bit about myself. My name is Jim Fellows and I'm sixty-seven, although after the Confederation treatments you wouldn't know it. I look twenty-six and fit. I'd been married to the same wonderful...

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Defending sis CH 0102

by jessy19 I heard my mother and twin sister Natalie talking in the living room that Friday afternoon. She was getting ready for her big date with Keith Reynolds, the captain of the wrestling team. At that time my sister and I had just turned 18 and were both seniors in high school. She was a cheerleader and very popular. I on the other hand was more into the academics but still had a good amount of friends. "Oh sweetie you look beautiful. That Keith guy is going to drool when he sees you," I...

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Defending Sis Again

This is a sequel to a story I did last week called "Defending Sis." It's best to have read the first story to understand this story. It's a little bit long, hope you will not get boared reading this story...Ryan was busy chugging his big glass of orange juice when he felt a soft touch on his back. He turned and saw his little sister Natalie smiling up at him. She looked around cautiously and when she realized no one was in sight, she threw her arms around her brother and gave him a long wet...

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Ending up in a dogging area with mum

It was a nice sunday afternoon and me and mum had taken a drive out to a shopping centre which was a good hour away. We had set off about midday and I was driving. We had never been to this shopping centre so we was driving blind, just on rough directions. I was quite close with mum, we got on really well. Little did she know I did like to spy on her every now and then. Tina my mum was in her early 50's small, brown hair brown eyes. slimish build with a large busty chest, 34dd as I had...

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Of Wine And Pearls

The hospital Amy works for had its annual awards banquet recently.We had to go because Amy was getting a 10-year employee plaque. It was a semi-formal soiree, so we both dressed up very nicely. I’m average height and weight, in my 40s and I wear my curly auburn hair at my shoulders. I would have looked stupid trying to dress as if I was 30, so I wore a plum knee length knit skirt, a matching cowl-neck knit top, and a pair of pumps. I also wore a double strand of pearls that found an interesting...

3 years ago
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Opals and Pearls

Opals and Pearls by Caitlyn Masked ------------------------------------------------ This is my first story written specificaly for publication as a story and not a captioned image or picture based story. While any and all comments are welcomed, I'd certainly love any feedback for this story as I hope to be writing many more. ------------------------------------------------ When I first got our membership at the exclusive Artemis Club, Opal was pissed. It was the known that the...

1 year ago
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Of Wine and Pearls

The hospital Amy works for had its annual awards banquet recently. We had to go, because Amy was getting a 10 year employee plaque. It was a semi-formal soiree, so we both dressed up very nicely. I wore a plum knee length knit skirt, a matching cowl-neck knit top, and a pair of pumps. I also wore a double strand of pearls that found an interesting use later in the evening. Amy wore her little black dress, which makes my pussy wet whenever I see her in it. God that woman is HOT! I suspect she...

2 years ago
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Mending the Rend

Like my other stories I am writing this one speradically. If you want to know when the entire thing is finished I will gladly email you and let you know. Feedback will be highly apprecieted. Also all copywriting law apply To the Alexandria Children’s Orphan Asylum, I am a young woman looking for three small children to raise and love. I understand that, as a single woman, you may have your doubts about my ability to care for three children, but I can assure you, I am quite capable. I own a...

3 years ago
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Mending A Broken Heart

This is based on the true story of some close friends, the participants have read and allowed the author a little poetic license but basically the story is true. Chapter I: I laid my head back onto the overstuffed arm of the leather couch that was the centerpiece of my sparsely decorated living room. Immediately my thoughts were taken over by the memory of the young lady I had met in the conference room of Jan-X Corporation. As my memory captured her image I stripped away the formal business...

2 years ago
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Mending the Rend Ch 02

To the Alexandria Children’s Orphan Asylum, I am a young woman looking for three small children to raise and love. I understand that, as a single woman, you may have your doubts about my ability to care for three children, but I can assure you, I am quite capable. I own a farm just outside of Knightsville, and I have plenty of room to care for them. I also have a steady income from the livestock I sell every year. I grow a healthy crop of corn, and beans as well. They bring in enough to pay...

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Mending fences

Well the wife was going out of town yet again on her business trip and I needed to go to the farm and catch up on chores. Our farm is in the middle of nowhere and off the road quite apiece. So, Saturday morning I loaded up and headed out. The usual task were at hand, mowing weed eating and checking fences etc.I gassed the Kubota and started my day. A pleasant summer day great temperatures nice sun, all was well. As the day wore on, the sun and heat increased and I was soon stripping of my...

4 years ago
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Mending A Cable

Ted had been thinking recently how bored he was with his job as a computer mechanic. Upon reflection he decided it was not so much the job. It was the workshop environment. The work was still interesting, reasonably well paid, he got on with his boss, the female clerk in the office and his one co-worker at the bench. It was an informal environment, a four person, owner-managed business and that side of it Ted liked very well.But the nature of the work had changed over time. Instead of moving...

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Mending Daddy

© 2003 Anne lay in her sexy undergarments, and stockings on the plush sofa. So many nights she would come home, peel off her work clothes, and down load a sexy story from her favorite web site. Tonight, she had seen a father, and daughter story that had caught her eye. She began to read the story of a father that gave his sexy, teen daughter rub downs after her swim class. Anne started to feel her neglected body start to awake. She hadn't been loved by her over weight husband in months....

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Mending a Cable

Ted had been thinking recently how bored he was with his job as a computer mechanic. Upon reflection he decided it was not so much the job, it was the workshop environment. The work was still interesting, reasonably well paid, he got on with his boss, the female clerk in the office and his one co-worker at the bench. It was an informal environment, a four person, owner-managed business and that side of it Ted liked very well. But the nature of the work had changed over time. Instead of moving...

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Ending the party at Helenas house

I watched as Anita went to the kitchen to make more margaritas. Then I could see some fresh semen sliding down her thighs from her crotch less costume. I was staring at her from outside, when Helena came up to me and asked if I had enjoyed a god blowjob from her girlfriend. I nodded a yes and Helena then reminded me that she wanted to fuck me later. I asked her if both she and her friend were married, and if so where were the husbands. Helena told me she did not really like Anita’s husband and...

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Ending the Dry Season Male Multiple Orgasms

My life was not exactly where I wanted it. I am at the financial peak of my life, but my sex life is sadly starved. My name is Elaine and I have a problem, no one wants me sexually. Some men do say they would love to, but they back out when they find out how strong I am. I am a twenty eight year old woman with red hair and blue eyes. I take pride in my body and work out five days a week and do yoga everyday. My 38CC cups can draw a man's attention, as does the curve of my hips. But when the...

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Ending Up With FatherInLaw

By : Anahitagarwal Ever since being a whore kicked up, I started maintaining a separate private number for business. Having screwed by my father, I felt like floating on cloud number 9. It had hardly been a week, when I received a call from daddy on my business phone. I was shocked. He must have got it through Rohan (my brother-in-law cum pimp). I picked up the call, and found that he was offering me thirty grands to spend a night with one of his friends. None of his friends had seen me since I...

4 years ago
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Ending This Mess scene

(Being part four of the memoirs of the Respected Thomas Williams, Imperator and Caesar) scene: The Governor's Executive Conference Room, deep in the Womb. The "inner circle" meeting after the incoming destroyer brings news of Earth's conquest by the Sa'arm and requests repairs for his ship and sanctuary for his passengers, mostly upper management from DECO... Kevin was the worst, the bluntest. "Governor, you send your mother a letter every week. Now you are talking about taking in the...

1 year ago
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Ending of working together and becoming lovers

So here we were lusting for each other every chance we got. We did it in dark parking lots, shopping centers, top floors of garages. We did it in her house, my house when no one was home. Sometimes we would lick and suck the other one while we drove down the street going home. We did it in allies after work in the summer, in dark corners of buildings we could locate, or on the top floors of buildings. We did it in the woods, parks and in cheap motel and hotels at lunchtime. We did it every...

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E063 Thirtysix pearl

After their nap and giving of the most recent pearl, Donald and Emma, now back to that state, get up.   They have a nice dinner together chatting about how both felt about that day’s play.  Now with no plug-in, Emma eats, after the long day with the tail in her. Their conversation then turns to general things.  Emma talks about having painters come in to make her house much more enjoyable after all the old furniture is removed.  Which the auction house is yearning for her to release all of...

Love Stories
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E062 The ThirtyFifth pearl

Soon after, Donald and Emma go to bed.  As he holds her close to him, which he seems to do to automatically now, Donald thinks about what he is planning for Emma tomorrow.  Neither of them has any appointments, obligations or must be anywhere, so it will be a full day of preparing her and playing this new game out.  He only hopes that she will enjoy it.When they wake on Thursday morning, Donald tells Emma to go tan and get massaged. Now, nicely tanned, and even the suit marks disappearing, she...

Love Stories
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E061 The ThirtyFourth Pearl

After Emma earns her pearl, Donald asks her if she is hungry, and wants to have dinner? She does hear her stomach rumble a little, she hasn’t eaten since yesterday, and tells him it sounds like a great idea.At the kitchen table, Donald prepares her ass for the plug.  Yes, they do need to keep working at this, but now, he has her press one up in him too.  Together they feel that wonderful rush as they eat.He brings the food to the table, and while they are both plugged, naked, and with Emma’s...

Love Stories

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