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Chapter 1

Andrew Marx was sitting at the bar of a local club having a drink when
he saw her walk in. It was Chelsea, his old girlfriend, and she was with
a very tall and muscular African-American man.

Andrew let out a sigh and decided to finish his drink and head out
before she saw him. She had left him nine months earlier, stating that
she wanted something more in a relationship, and judging by the man with
her, she had found it. He was tall, handsome and dressed in what looked
like a very expensive suit.

On the other hand, Andrew was barely five-ten, thin and wearing two year
old jeans and a gray t-shirt. His shaggy blonde hair was pulled back
into a ponytail. He had the money to get it cut, but just never got
around to it.

Chelsea looked the same, he thought. She was the same height he was and
still had her incredible figure. Her red mini-dress looked like it had
been painted over her shapely body. The outfit was very revealing, which
didn't shock him, as Chelsea had a very wild side.

He was about to get up and walk out when he felt someone tapping him on
the shoulder; it was Chelsea.

"I thought it was you," she greeted cheerfully, before wrapping her arms
around him and giving him a wet sloppy kiss.

"It's good to see you too," he replied even though he didn't mean it.

"I was hoping to see you in here. I have someone I want you to meet,"
she said as she took him by the hand and led him to a booth.

Andrew sighed. He knew that she just wanted to rub it in his face that
she was dating someone successful.

"Andrew, this is Frank Martin," she introduced

The large man stood up and smiled at Andrew.

Andrew estimated that Frank was nearly 6-3 and over two hundred pounds -
- all of it muscle. He appeared to be in his mid-thirties. With his
shaved head and goatee, he looked like he should have been in action

"Please to meet you. Chelsea has told me much about you," he said as he
extended his hand.

Andrew nodded back as they shook hands. He felt as if his hand was going
to be crushed in the larger man's strong grip.

"Please sit down and join us," said Frank.

Andrew did as asked.

"I ordered some champagne for Chelsea. Would you like some?" asked

Andrew wasn't pleased meeting his ex-girlfriend's new lover, but he also
saw no reason to be rude either.

"Thank you," replied Andrew.

He just planned on staying just long enough to be polite, before

Chelsea then began to tell him about Frank. It turned out that her new
lover was a very rich and successful businessman. He owned of several
bars and nightclubs across the East Coast

"In fact, he's thinking of buying this one," said Chelsea.

"It would be a good investment; it's always crowded," replied Andrew.

"Chelsea said that you're self-employed," said Frank.

"Something like that. I'm a software designer for small businesses, and
I work out of my apartment," he replied.

"Maybe I can have you take a look at our business software. I'm always
looking for ways to improve my system," said Frank. "Do you have a
business card?"

Andrew nodded and gave Frank one of his cards. Business had been slow
lately, and he wasn't in the position to be choosey with his clients.

"Excellent! I have a new project that has some special requirements,"
said Frank.

Andrew began to wonder if he had been too hasty in his opinion about
Frank. It would be nice to have a new, rich client.

"Great! Just give me a call," said Andrew.

"I will," replied Frank.

Chapter 2

The following week, Andrew got a call from Frank.

"I was hoping that we could get together and talk about what I need,"
said Frank.

"Sure, send me your system requirements, and what you're currently
using," said Andrew. "I'll take a look at it, as soon I get it."

"How about to save time I bring it in and show you. I have everything on
my laptop," replied Frank. "If possible, I would like to come by today.
I'm out of town the rest of the week."

Andrew looked at his watch. He didn't usually let clients come to his
place, but this could be a big job and he needed the work.

"Um, by don't you stop by around five this evening," said Andrew.

"Perfect! I appreciate this," said Frank.

"I'll text you my address," said Andrew.

"Great! Thank you very much," said Frank.

Chapter 3

Frank arrived right on time, and Andrew let him in.

Frank walked in pulling a large suitcase and carrying a computer case.

"I had to catch a cab over here, as I'm on the way to the airport.
That's why I have the suitcase," said Frank.

"That's okay," said Andrew. "Sorry, my place is a bit of a mess. I
usually don't see clients here."

Andrew lived in a large apartment in what had been a warehouse. One
corner of the living room served as his work area.

"Interesting place," said Frank.

"It was cheap. It's the only apartment on the third floor so I have
privacy," said Andrew. "I also have room to work. The rest of the floor
is used for storage and maintenance."

"Sounds perfect. So let me show you what I have in mind," said Frank.

He sat down on the couch and opened up his laptop.

"Take a look at this," said Frank as he handed Andrew the laptop.

Andrew looked at the computer screen and gasped. He was so shocked that
he almost dropped the laptop.

"Chelsea gave these to me. I must admit that you're a better looking
woman than a man," stated Frank with a sly smile on his face.

Andrew had no idea that Chelsea would do something like this. The photos
were taken when they were dating. She came up with the idea of playing
some gender games. They continued for weeks until she dressed Andrew
completely as a woman.

In the photo Andrew was dressed in a leather corset dress, fishnet
stockings and thigh-high black leather boots. His makeup was very Goth
with heavy eyeliner and dark lips.

"I didn't tell you to stop, bitch; keep scrolling," ordered Frank.

Andrew looked up and then back down at the computer. The last photos
weren't very good, but they showed two women sucking off a man. He
remembered that night. Chelsea insisted on going out to a bar with them
both dressed in sexy outfits. She had picked up the guy and insisted
that Andrew join in. He was drunk at the time and had no idea there were
photos of the event.

"Chelsea said she taught you to be a good cocksucker. The man was very
pleased with your work," continued Frank. "Oh and it doesn't matter if
you only did it once. That is enough to make you a cock-sucking slut."

Andrew felt a growing panic inside his body.

"I also noticed that you two sucked off a black guy," continued Frank.
"I know how much Chelsea loves sucking my cock, and judging by your
enthusiasm in these photos you must like it too."

"It wasn't my idea," said Andrew meekly.

"I don't care; you sucked his cock. Chelsea isn't very big and not that
strong, so if she was able to dominate you into sucking cock, you must
be a real sissy," continued Frank.

"So what do you want?" asked Andrew cautiously.

"Your total obedience, bitch," he replied. "Inside the suitcase is
everything you need to transform yourself into a sexy slut. I want you
to take your time and do it right. The directions are in the suitcase.
Chelsea provided me with the outfit, so everything should fit. I will
wait out here."

"You can't be serious," stammered Andrew.

"I'm very serious, bitch. After you're dressed, I will explain more to
you. Now, are you going to cooperate with me or do I have to force you?"
he asked.

Andrew looked back in fear. He quickly realized that Frank could easily
overpower him.

Frank laughed.

"I don't need to beat you up. If you refuse to dress up, I will send
these photos out to the world. Chelsea has given me a sizable list of
your friends, family and business contacts," he stated. "And from now
on, you will call me 'Daddy.' Is that clear, bitch?"

Andrew stared back for a moment before nodding.

"Well, what is it, bitch?" asked Frank.

"Yes ... Daddy," he replied weakly.

"Good, then get to work, bitch," ordered Frank.

Chapter 4

As he opened the suitcase, Andrew couldn't believe that Chelsea had done
this to him. He knew she could be petty at times, but this was well
beyond that.

He unpacked the large bag and set the clothes on the bed. The outfit was
all black, including the lingerie. Next he read the instructions and was
amazed by how detailed they were.

Andrew read the first sentence and then found the bottle of hair removal
solution. It was a good thing that the instructions gave him information
about how to use it, as the bottle appeared to be in Chinese.

Andrew went into the bathroom and coated his entire body with the
strongly scented cream from his face down to his toes. The instructions
stated to keep it on for twenty minutes, which seemed long, but he
followed them verbatim. There was a strong tingling over his body, but
it wasn't painful. What was strange was that the sensation of tingling
spread all the way up to the top of his head, even though he was careful
not to spread the cream higher than his beard.

After twenty minutes, he stepped into the shower. The instructions were
to make the water as hot as he could stand it.

When he stepped out of the shower, his skin felt so soft. He then
noticed that, besides the lack of hair, his body looked different. While
he had never been tanned, he was now very pale. His whole body was the
same very light complexion. The main things that stood out were his
bright blue eyes, his lips which now looked very pink, and his nipples,
which were much darker.

He could only shake his head in disbelief at the changes. There was
nothing to do but move on with the rest of the instructions.

Chapter 5

Two hours later, Andrew walked out his bed room. He was dressed now in a
black mini-dress, fishnet stockings, and knee-high, high heel boots. His
makeup was done heavy to give him a Goth girl look, with dark heavy eye
shadow and eyeliner, lots of mascara, blush and dark red lipstick. To
complete the look, he wore a spiked platinum blond wig. Additionally,
he had on several silver rings, bracelets and a necklace.

Frank was sitting on the couch and clapped slowly.

"Very impressive," he stated. "Your makeup isn't bad."

"Thanks," he replied.

"That's 'thanks, Daddy'. The next time you forget, I will put you over
my knee, bitch," he snapped.

Andrew lowered his head.

"Yes, Daddy," replied Andrew.

"See how easy it is to submit. It comes very natural to you, doesn't
it?" he asked.

"Yes, Daddy," he replied fighting back tears.

"Now come and sit next to me, Pearl," ordered Frank.

"What do you mean, Daddy?" asked Andrew.

"With your pale complexion, it's a very fitting name. Besides, Andrew
doesn't fit you anymore; it's a male name, and you are no longer male,"
he stated.

Frank held up Andrew's wallet.

"You won't need this anymore, and besides the ID doesn't match you now.
I will ensure that you get the proper replacements."

Frank saw the fear in Andrew's eyes and smiled.

"This isn't dress up, my pet; this is now your life," he stated as he
took photos of Andrew. "More fodder for the file, should you disobey me.
Now, what is your name?"

Andrew felt like crying. He had submitted so easily, just as Chelsea had
taken control of him.

"Please, Daddy," he begged.

"No slut, no begging. Tell me your fucking name!" demanded Frank.

"It's, it's Pearl."

"And what are you? Are you a man?" he taunted. "You don't look like

"I'm a, I'm a woman," replied Pearl.

"Not yet, you're a sissy, let me hear you say it," ordered Frank.

"I'm a sissy, Daddy," replied Pearl as she fought back tears.

"Very good, bitch," he replied. "Oh, and it's okay to cry, you're no
longer a man. That life is over."

Pearl felt a tear run down her cheek, and she wiped it away.

Frank then played back Pearl's words, which he was recording on the

"Don't worry. I won't out you, if you do as I ask. Of course, in time
you'll out yourself," he said. "Now, come sit by me, my pet. I have a
present for you."

Pearl nodded and slowly walked over to Frank.

"How do you like your new titties?" he asked.

Pearl looked down the huge silicon breast pads that were in her bra.

"They're very big; they're hard to get used to, Daddy," she replied.

"Well, I like big tits on my girls, so you better get used to them," he

"Yes, Daddy," she replied.

All she could hope for was that this would only last this evening.

She sat down next to Frank.

"Close your eyes bitch," he ordered.

Pearl sighed and did as he ordered.

"Yes, Daddy," she replied.

"Very good! In time, you won't have to think about replying. It will
come out automatically," he replied.

Pearl sat there for a moment, and then she felt something cold around
her neck followed by a loud metallic click.

"Open your eyes now," ordered Frank.

She did as he ordered.

Around her neck was a thin metal collar. She reached up and couldn't
feel a clasp. There was a ring attached to the front.

"It's locked in place, and there's no way you will be able to remove
it," he said. "It's a symbol that you are now my property. People in the
scene will know what it means. They will know you are a slave, even when
I'm not leading you around on a leash."

"Why are you doing this to me, Daddy?" she asked.

"You are just the latest to be added to my stable. I have owned many
slaves. I have also lost interest in most of them and have either sold
them off or given them jobs in my clubs. Slaves make excellent
employees," he explained. "However, I have always wanted a sissy white
boy to turn into a totally depraved sex slave. When Chelsea shared with
me what she had done to you, I knew this was too good of an opportunity
to pass up."

Pearl felt ill, as she absorbed his words.

"Chelsea is going to be my wife and have my c***dren. You will be my
sexual outlet, as there are things a man cannot do with his wife. You
will be feminized completely and eventually undergo a sex change -- when
I tire of you being a sissy that is. One of the benefits of having a
she-male for a mistress is that you cannot get pregnant. Chelsea
understands that I have a high sex drive and like to explore my dark
side. She has agreed to let me use you as an outlet for these desires."

Pearl stared back in shock, trying to come up with a way out of this

"You will continue to do your job, for the time being anyway. The fact
that you don't actually meet with your clients allows this. At the same
time, I will transform you into a very beautiful and very feminine
slave," he continued. "I'm afraid the next few days will be rather
traumatic for you, as I jumpstart your change. This is necessary so you
give up all thoughts of escape. You are no longer Andrew Marx, you are
Pearl Andrews, and the sooner you accept this fact, the easier your life
will be. Now, I don't want to hear any begging or pleading. Your fate
has been sealed."

Pearl lowered her head in defeat. She had no idea how to get out of this

"Okay, before we go out, I want to see if you can suck cock like Chelsea
said you can," stated Frank as he unzipped his pants.

He pulled out his erect cock which was nearly eight inches long.

"Get on your knees, bitch, and suck my cock," he ordered. "Don't make me
tell you twice."

Pearl sighed and slipped down on her knees in front of Frank's cock.

"Okay, bitch, get started," he ordered.

Pearl saw no way out and leaned over and began to kiss and lick Frank's
large cock.

"Yeah, that's right," he moaned as he leaned back.

For a moment she debated fighting back, but realized that it would be
futile. Even if she managed to escape, what good would it do? She was
dressed as a slut and had nowhere to go. She accepted the inevitable and
began to take his cock into her mouth.

Slowly she took it in, inch by inch. The last guy she had sucked off was
much smaller than Frank, but eventually she was able to take him all the
way in. She then began to slowly pump his cock in and out of her mouth.

"Yeah, that's good. No one can suck cock like a white shemale slut,"
moaned Frank as he placed his hands over the back of her head. "You know
what makes a man feel good, bitch."

Pearl began to suck him off faster. Partly because she wanted it to end,
but also because she felt a terrifying sensation -- she was becoming
aroused by what she was doing.

She picked up speed and found that it was working, as Frank began to
force her head up and down.

"Oh yeah, that's good, make me cum slut," he cried out.

He then let out a loud cry of sexual pleasure, and she felt his hot cum
fill her mouth. He held her head down, and she had no choice but to
swallow his cum. As she did, he pumped more into her mouth.

"Damn, you're even better than Chelsea said you were," he said. "Suck it
all, bitch, swallow it all. Show me how much you love black cock. Admit
it, Pearl, you are a white slut who loves black cock, and soon you will
be addicted to it, craving your next fix of my cum."

His verbal abuse only made her more aroused, and these mixed feelings
both ashamed and excited her.

For Frank, it was a dream come true. He had long wanted to transform a
white man into a totally submissive white sex-toy. When Chelsea had told
him about Andrew, he knew he couldn't pass up this opportunity. Yes, he
was moving fast, but he knew that he had to make it impossible for Pearl
to become Andrew ever again. This would involve both physical and mental
domination. So far, Pearl was submitting to his demands, but he had to
break her will quickly.

"Very good bitch. Now, go clean yourself up," he ordered. "But before
you do, I want you to tell me how much you love black cock and that you
want to be my slut. Tell your Daddy that you want me to transform you
from a man into a white slut-slave. Be creative and I won't punish you."

Pearl looked up, as she licked cum off her lips.

"Daddy, I want to be your white slut. Please turn me into a sexy woman
who craves black cock," she stated.

She then described how much she loved sucking her master's cock for the
next few minutes.

Frank smiled, as Pearl did as he ordered.

"Good girl. Now, go clean up and reapply your makeup."

Chapter 6

Frank inspected Pearl and was very pleased.

"You did well," he stated.

"Thank you, Daddy," she replied meekly.

Inside she hoped that this would be just a one-time event, but deep-
down, she knew that her life was about to become a living nightmare.

"Oh, before we go out I have something to show you," he stated as he
showed her his laptop. "I think it came out quite well, considering I
only had a few minutes to create it."

Pearl felt a sickening sensation, as she watched a video of her sucking
his cock. The video ended with her begging to be turned into a slut.
Frank had edited out his orders, to make it look like it was all her

"Don't worry, my pet. This is just a tool to ensure that you stay
compliant. If you give me any trouble, it will be sent out, and as you
know, once something is out online it's out there forever. Notice I put
your phone number at the end of the video. If I do send it out, you'll
get all sorts of new customers, and they won't want help with their
computers. Oh, I have already forwarded it to my account, so this isn't
the only copy," he explained. "Now, let's get going; we have much to

"You mean you're taking me out, dressed like this, Daddy?" she asked.

"Sure, why not? In time, it will seem quite natural for you. I know your
outfit is revealing, but it suits you. Now, let's go," he ordered. "Of
course, if you want to stay here, you can. But I expect you'll get
plenty of calls regarding the video. I will send it out right now."

She fought back tears, as she nodded. It was all happening so quickly,
and she was giving in completely. With each step, she was being dragged
down even more.

"Good girl," he said as he handed her a leather jacket. "You might as
well get used to this. You're never going to dress as a man ever again.
I find the idea of shemales like you dressing as a man offensive. You
have forfeited the right be a man, so you might as well accept wearing
dresses and skirts."

Chapter 7

They walked several blocks to his car. Pearl felt her face turn red, as
she endured the leers and comments from the men they passed. She was
actually glad that Frank was there, and she stayed close to him for

She was quite relieved when they reached Frank's car. He opened the door
for her, and she slipped inside.

"You did very well," he stated. "I'm very proud of you."

He then leaned over and gave her a deep kiss. She offered no resistance
and took his tongue into her mouth.

"Thank you, Daddy," she replied meekly.

She felt ashamed that she was becoming so submissive to him and also
that she was actually aroused by his actions.

"It's a good thing that I want you all for myself," he continued. "I
could easily find many men who would want to have sex with you,
especially after you've been altered. Those men on the street obviously
thought you're a whore."

Pearl felt a chill run up her spine and wondered what he meant by that.
However, she was too timid to ask.

Twenty minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot behind a salon.

"Go in and introduce yourself. They are expecting you and know what I
want done. Don't worry about the cost; I have it covered," he stated. "I
will be back before they are done. I have a few things to do."

Pearl stepped out of the car and began to walk towards the salon. She
turned and watched Frank drive away. For a moment, she debated leaving,
but again where would she go? She had no money, and he had the keys to
her place. And if she did leave, he would then release the video and
photos. She let out a sigh and headed into the salon.

A Hispanic woman greeted Pearl, as she entered the salon.

"Are you Pearl?" she asked.

"Yes, I am."

"Great, I've been waiting for you," she replied. "My name is Selena."

"Pleased to meet you," greeted Pearl.

"I must admit that Frank wasn't k**ding when he told me about you. This
is going to be very easy, as you already look quite feminine," she
replied. "Well, come with me, and we'll get started."

Selena walked over and locked the front door.

"You're my last client of the evening," she said as she led Pearl to the
back. "Did Frank tell you what he wanted?"

Pearl shook her head.

"Well you're in for a real treat then. By the time I'm done with you, no
one will suspect that you were once a man," she replied.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, how long ago did you know about me?"
asked Pearl.

"A month ago," she replied as she led Pearl towards a salon chair. "Have
a seat and I'll take off your wig."

Pearl did as she was told. So Frank had been planning this out for at
least a month. He really was serious about this transformation.

"Not bad, you have nice hair," said Selena as she ran her fingers
through Pearl's hair. "Now, sit back and relax, I'm about to make you

Chapter 8

"Well, you're done," said Selena. "What do you think?"

Pearl wasn't sure what to say as she looked at her reflection in the
full-length mirror.

Her hair was now in a very feminine punk style that surrounded her face,
and it was also now bleach blond.

"You look like you just came off the plane from Scandinavia," said
Selena. "With your pale skin and blond hair, you look quite stunning."

Pearl didn't reply, as she continued to study her new appearance. Her
eyebrows were pencil thin and highly arched. Additionally her lips were
now ticker and plumper due to the collagen injections.

Even though she was heavily made up, she knew that she would look very
feminine without makeup, due to the permanent makeup that Selena had
applied. She now had dark eyeliner and pink lips.

She looked down at her long nails. They were colored a very dark shade
of red. The same color was now on her toenails too.

"I can't believe that I'm looking at myself," commented Pearl.

"I know this must be traumatic for you, but Frank does care about you,"
interjected Selena.

Pearl turned and stared with disbelief at the woman.

"I've known him for years. Yes he's very dominant, but he's an excellent
master. He couldn't, and wouldn't, have done this to you, if there
wasn't a part of you that craves being transformed and controlled,"
stated Selena. "Yes, I know his methods are extreme, but in time you'll
fully accept them."

Pearl stared back in silence.

"I've only known you a short time, but I can tell that you're naturally
submissive. I was expecting some resistance from you, especially when I
applied the permanent makeup, but you didn't say a word. I know that,
due to what society says is normal, this is difficult to accept, but
you're going to be so happy as his girl," continued Selena. "In fact, if
he didn't want you, I would consider taking you for myself."

Before Pearl could reply there was a knock at the front door.

"That must be Frank," said Selena. "I know he's going to be so happy the
way you turned out."

Chapter 9

Frank drove Pearl back to her place.

"So what happens now, Daddy?" she asked.

"You do your job for now. Don't take on any new clients," he replied.
"The fact that you don't come into contact with your clients will be a
plus. And if you do, they will just assume that you work for Andrew."

Pearl nodded.

"I will pick you up tomorrow after lunch. We have some appointments to
keep," he continued.

"Um, how do you want me to dress, Daddy?' she asked.

"Very good, you're thinking ahead. I only want you to look like a bimbo,
not be dumb like one," he replied. "I'll show you what I want you to

Ten minutes later he led Pearl into her bedroom. She discovered that
while she was at the salon, Frank was replacing her wardrobe. All her
male clothing was replaced with dresses, skirts, blouses and tops.

Frank picked out an outfit for her to wear. It was a skirt, blouse and
pair of high heels.

"You'll look sexy but respectable," he said. "For now you'll only wear
skirts and dresses, but in time I will let you wear jeans and shorts,
after your body had changed so that no one questions your gender ... not
that many would suspect you were once a man."

Pearl wanted to say that she was still a man, but she knew that it
wouldn't matter to him.

She stepped into the bathroom, and it looked like a young woman lived
there. The counter was covered in various cosmetics and other feminine

"I will be replacing your furniture, too," he continued. "Along with
changes to the rest of the décor, it will make it more appropriate for a

"What will my landlord think, if he sees me, Daddy?" she asked.

He let out a hearty laugh.

"I don't understand," said Pearl with a look of confusion on her face.

"I think it's great. I bought the building last month," he replied with
a grin. "Yes my dear, your fate was sealed long before tonight. Now,
let's back out to the living room and talk."

She felt a chill go up her spine, as she absorbed his words.

"Yes, Daddy," she replied.

Chapter 10

Frank had Pearl sit next to him on the couch.

"Now, tell me the truth: you dressed as a woman long before you met
Chelsea, right?" he asked.

Pearl nodded.

"I suspected that. Did you ever tell Chelsea about it?"

"No, Daddy," she replied.

"Please tell me about it," he asked softly.

Pearl was taken aback by his gentle manner.

"It was back in high school. I was over at a friend's house for the
weekend. His parents were out of town, and he had the place to himself,"
she said.

"What was his name?" asked Frank.

"Steve," replied Pearl. "He was much bigger than me. He was on the
wrestling team."

"Go on," he said.

"Anyway, we were partying -- smoking pot and drinking beer -- and he
asked if I wanted to see some porn. I said sure, and he took me to the
den and put in a DVD," continued Pearl. "The movie started and at first
I thought it was a regular movie, but then I saw that the woman in the
video had a cock."

Frank smiled.

"As she had sex with the man, Steve pulled out his cock and began to
stroke it. I was shocked, but I couldn't take my eyes off him," said

"So you hadn't see another man erect?"

Pearl shook her head.

"Steve began to stare back at me. He motioned for me to come over to
him, and before I realized what I was doing, I was crawling towards him.
He nodded, as I began to take his cock into my mouth. As I sucked him,
he held my head down and called me his bitch," said Pearl.

"So he obviously knew you were submissive, even though you didn't fully
understand it," stated Frank.

"That's right, Daddy," she replied meekly.

"What else happened?"

Pearl sighed.

"I've never told anyone this before. It feels good to get it off my
chest," she replied. "Later, he led me upstairs and had me dress in his
mother's clothing. She had a very large wardrobe, including several
stylish wigs. I ended up spending most of the weekend dressed up as a

"And you were confused by this, right? You were ashamed by what was
happening and at the same time it felt strangely right, am I correct?"
asked Frank.

Pearl nodded.

"How long were you his girlfriend?" asked Frank.

"A few months," replied Pearl. "I was over at his home every weekend."

"Did you ever go out in public with him?"

"No, never, Daddy," she replied.

"Too bad. Well, you'll get plenty of time out and about now," he said.

"Um, Daddy, what do I do if someone does recognize me?" she asked.

"Tell them that you're transsexual and that you got tired of living your
life as a lie. Your life as a man is over; you need to accept that," he
said. "One of things we will be doing tomorrow is seeing my lawyer. I
have taken the initial steps to change your identity officially."

Pearl nodded. She should have been shocked, but it was becoming very
clear that he had spent a lot of time preparing to enslave her.

"So my name will be Pearl?" she asked. "I mean, legally."

"That is correct. It matches your fair complexion," he replied. "Well,
wash up and go to bed. You have had a long day. I will see you

He then gave her a long deep kiss.

Chapter 11

The trip to the lawyer was very businesslike. Pearl obediently signed
many documents, including several powers of attorney, that gave Frank
legal control over her life. She had no choice but to obey.

Pearl was dressed in a tight blouse, short skirt and high heels. Her
makeup was less heavy than the previous night, but it still made her
look very sexy. Of course, the collar was still locked around her neck
showing that she was owned.

The lawyer was also African-American, and he was very pleased to see how
far Frank had feminized her. His name was Darryl Jackson.

"I'm very impressed how feminine she is, Frank. This is very hot, seeing
what was once a white man now a very sexy looking woman," he stated.

Frank nodded.

"Can you get me one of these? I would love to have one as my secretary,"
continued Darryl.

"That can be arranged," replied Frank. "I will have to find the right

Darryl laughed.

"It will be worth it," he said. "It will be nice to have a sexy bitch
working for me that I don't have to worry about getting pregnant."

"So when will you have the documents finished?" asked Frank.

"A few weeks," replied Darryl. "But then she'll have a perfectly legal
identity as a woman. I'll have everything from a birth certificate to
driver license. I can get it done faster, but that will cost more."

"A few weeks is perfect," replied Frank. "Just think my dear, soon your
old life will be truly over."

Pearl sat there in stunned silence, as the idea that his male identity
and life had been so easily changed.

The next stop was a few miles away. Frank led Pearl inside to what
looked like a holistic clinic. A short thin woman came out and greeted
Frank as if they were old friends.

"Pearl, this is Chariya. She's originally from Thailand, and she has
helped many like you make the shift from male to female," he said.

"Pleased to meet you, Chariya," replied Pearl.

Chariya smiled back.

"Pleased to meet you Pearl," she replied. "I can see why Frank picked
you. You're already very feminine. Don't worry, I will complete what
nature left undone."

Pearl wondered what she was talking about, but knew better than to ask.
She was ashamed by how quickly she was becoming so subservient. The
urges had been strong before, but never like this.

Chariya then turned to Frank.

"Come back in three hours," she said. "That will give me plenty of time
to make her more acceptable.

Frank nodded, kissed Pearl and departed.

"Come with me," said Chariya.

Pearl was led to the back of the clinic and ordered to undress.

"Okay, my dear. I'm going to start you on a treatment that change's you
physically to give you a more feminine figure, but you probably already
suspected that. You'll see some changes today, but in the coming weeks
you'll develop a very feminine body," she explained. "First we'll start
by doing a purge of your body. There will be some discomfort, but it is
necessary. By doing this, the feminization process will go much faster."

"What do you want me to do?" asked Pearl.

Chariya smiled.

"Frank said you were very subservient. This will make my job much
easier," she said. "I will give you a drink. It will, how do I put this,
clean you out. Afterwards I will insert two plugs, one in your mouth and
one up your ass. A special solution will then be put into your body.
Initially, it will repress your male hormones and at the same time give
your body a huge injection of female hormones. Over time, it will change
your body's chemistry to one that it's closer to that of a woman. Yes,
you will still have your penis, and you will be able to achieve orgasm,
but it will be smaller and you will be sterile. You will also develop
breasts and other female curves. These changes won't happen instantly,
but it will happen much faster than standard hormonal treatments. It all
depends on your body chemistry."

Pearl nodded.

"Additionally you will be given a supply of special protein shakes. You
will have two a day. Don't worry, the flavor is quite pleasant. Anyway,
they will supplement the treatments you will get here," continued

"How often I will come here?" asked Pearl.

"Every week for the next few months. It all depends on your body
chemistry," said Chariya. "Well, let's get started."

Chapter 12

Pearl rested on an examination table with the two plugs in her body. To
her relief, the process was very relaxing. Chariya explained that the
solution had a mild natural sedative in it.

"You only have thirty more minutes," said Chariya as she looked at her
watch. "You're doing very well for your first time."

Pearl nodded as she sucked on the plug in her mouth. The flavor in the
fluid was both exotic and familiar, but she couldn't remember where she
had tasted it before.

"I've been doing this for years," said Chariya. "I learned the process
from my mother and grandmothers. They used it to help bargirls back in
Thailand. I decided to take my skills here."

Pearl listened, as Chariya told her about her company.

"There are two side effects that don't allow me to use this process for
more mainstream transformation. I mean, I'm sure that many transsexuals
would love the transformation of their bodies without harsh prescription
d**gs. However, the process does make the user more submissive and
obedient. This won't be a huge issue for you, as you are already very
subservient," said Chariya. "The bargirls back in Thailand don't mind

Pearl stared back as she took in the fluid.

"The other effect is also popular with the working girls; it increases
your sexual drive. You will find that you crave sexual activity. You
won't be a nymphomaniac, or anything that bad, but you'll love sex.
Frank is particularly looking forward to this," she continued. "He will
be able to transform and train you to crave sex with him. Soon, you'll
do things that would shock you without a second thought."

Pearl listened and wondered what sort of things Frank would train her to

"I know this must sound scary right now, but soon you will accept this
as part of your life as if you have always been this way," she
continued. "In a way, it's a blessing, as you won't have to deal with
guilt or shame."

Pearl wondered if Chariya was right.

Chapter 13

"How do you feel?" asked Frank.

They were in his car after leaving Chariya's clinic.

"Very relaxed, Daddy," she replied honestly.

"Very good," he replied. "Oh, I have stocked your fridge with the
shakes. You have a month's supply."

"Thank you," she replied automatically.

"Did you notice any changes in your body?" he asked.

"My nipples seem slightly swollen," she replied.

"Good. I'm pleased to hear that," he replied. "Chariya feels that you
should soon have very large breasts. It will be good that you won't need
those pads."

"Yes, Daddy," she replied.

"What did you think of the process?" he asked.

Pearl told him about the flavor of the fluid, and he nodded knowingly.

"You have been getting small doses for the past few months. You never
changed your locks, after you broke up with Chelsea, and she gave me the
key. This allowed me to prep your body, so that once you went on the
full treatment the changes would happen quickly," explained Frank. "As I
said, your fate was sealed, as soon as Chelsea told me about you."

Pearl nodded submissively.

"We have one more stop to make, before I take you back to your place.
Oh, I also brought in some new furniture for you," he continued, "along
with some other things, but you'll see all that in a while."

"Thank you, Daddy," she again replied automatically.

She knew that she would find out soon what he was talking about.

Ten minutes later, they stopped in front of a tattoo and piercing

Pearl let out a gasp, and Frank laughed.

"Don't worry my dear. I'm not going to cover your body with ink, but I
have some additions to your body that are necessary," he explained. "I
need to emphasize that you are my property. This doesn't mean that I
will abuse you, but you are not my lover or girlfriend, rather you are
my sex slave. I own you; you belong to me, and I will control all
aspects of your life from now on. Look at everything that I have done in
the past few days, and how helpless you have been to prevent it. In fact
you crave control; you want to surrender to me."

Pearl found herself nodding.

"Yes, Daddy," she replied.

"It's good that you fear the changes in your life, but soon you will
accept them. Now, let's go inside," he stated.

Chapter 14

"Well, what do you think?" asked Victor, the man who owned the salon. He
was a burly, heavily tattooed Latino with a shaved head.

"Very good work. I'm very impressed with the code you put on her back,"
stated Frank.

"I've done quite a few of them lately. The code is the one you requested
that registered her as your property," stated Victor.

Pearl looked in the mirror at the tramp stamp tattoo over her ass. The
pattern was floral, but in the center was a computer scan. She learned
that the code identified her as Frank's sex slave and that she had been
entered in worldwide online database.

"If you have any trouble with the piercings, just come on back in. As
long as she follows the directions, there shouldn't be any infection.
But that's what I love about piercing sex slaves, they are so obedient.
I wish my regular customers followed directions as well," said Victor.

Pearl looked in the mirror at her new piercings. Her tongue now had a
stud in it, and she had a ring in her nostril. She had several new studs
in each ear too. Looking down, she saw the ring in her navel, and the
last ring, the one that ran through the head of her clitty, as she was
now directed to call it.

"Once her breasts come in, I want her nipples pierced," added Frank.

"Of course," replied Victor. "That won't be a problem. Will you get any
additional ink?"

"Not at the moment," replied Frank. "Why? Do you have any suggestions?"

Victor grinned.

"How about a heart with 'I love Black Cock', instead of 'Love', on her
ass cheek? Just low enough that when she's dressed in a short skirt it
will show, should her skirt flip up," he suggested. "And maybe 'white
sissy slut' on the other?"

Frank smiled back. "I will consider your suggestion. In time, she may
even beg me for something like that."

"A white sissy needs to be constantly reminded of their place in the
world; going from being a white man to submissive feminized cock-sucker
must be deeply humiliating," said Victor. "One of the good things about
that cock ring is that it pretty much makes it necessary for her to sit
to pee, just like a real girl."

Pearl felt her face turning red as she blushed

"Does she like serving you and sucking your big black cock?" asked

Pearl suspected that Frank had put the man up to what he was saying, or
at least she hoped so.

"Well, Pearl, do you love my black cock?" asked Frank.

"Very much so, Daddy," she replied automatically.

"And you love sucking it, right?" he asked with a grin.

"Yes, Daddy," she replied softly.

"And would you suck Victor's cock, if I ordered you to?" he asked.

"Um, yes, of course, Daddy," she replied cautiously.

"Very good," he replied. "I won't make you do it today, as you need time
to heal."

Victor flashed a big smile.

"I'd love to see how talented she is. White shemales are the best
cocksuckers in the world," continued Victor. "They know what feels good
and are so submissive that they don't protest or complain."

"I agree, that's why I'm making her my slave," replied Frank. "Okay my
pet, get dressed. I need to take you home."

Chapter 15

Pearl was to have one additional surprise that day. She found that while
she was out, Frank had made many changes to her place.

She looked at the fully stocked bar that was now in the corner of the
living room.

"Part of your duties will be to see to all my needs and desires," said
Frank as he watched her inspect the bottles of expensive liquor. "I will
teach you what I like."

"Yes, Daddy," she replied.

"Come, let's look at your bedroom," he said.

Pearl walked into her bedroom, but no longer recognized it. Everything
was different. The walls were no longer white. They were now covered
with very feminine floral wallpaper. The windows had matching pink
curtains. The art of the walls was very erotic in nature with images of
men and women having sex.

The bed was now a large canopy bed. As she looked at the posts she could
see metal rings firmly attached. It didn't take a genius to know what
they were for.

The sheets on the bed were silk and pink in color. The bedspread was a
bright floral pattern. As she looked around the room, she took in the
other changes. There was now a makeup table in the corner of the room,
where her desk had been.

There was a large wooden chest at the foot of the bed. It was propped
open, and when she looked inside she saw that it was filled with sex
toys and bondage equipment.

"Well, what do you think? Be honest!" he asked.

"It looks like it belongs in a whorehouse," she blurted.

Frank laughed.

"That's the look I was going for, my dear. I decided 'what better way
for you to accept what you are than to have a room that is a constant
reminder of your new status'," he said. "For the time being, your work
area out in the living room will stay as it is. In time, I suspect that
you'll want a new line of work -- one more fitting," he said.
"Eventually I will have the ceiling mirrored."

"What do you mean by my new line of work, Daddy?" she asked nervously.

"I'm not much of a day person. I prefer the night, and so that means
that you too will become a night person. It fits your pale complexion
too," he explained. "I may have you become a barmaid in one of my clubs,
but that's nothing you need to worry about right now."

Pearl remembered the way the women employees were dressed in the club
where she had met Frank. They wore very skimpy and revealing outfits.

"Now, you need to change for dinner. Go with the short, black silk dress
and heels," said Frank. "Make yourself sexy for me."

Chapter 16

Pearl could feel the stares of the other guests in the restaurant, as
she was escorted by Frank to their table. She wondered how many of them
knew she was his slave. From the way they were looking at her, it was
obvious that many must have thought she was an escort or worse.

Frank leaned over and gave her a long passionate kiss.

"Get used to it," he whispered. "People see a sexy white woman with a
man like me, and they can't help but stare."

Pearl nodded.

During dinner, Frank brought up her crossdressing experiences back when
she had been in high school.

"You said that you were Steve's girlfriend for several months, right?"
asked Frank.

"Yes, that's right. I was with him several times a week," she replied.
"When I'd arrive, he'd lead me up to his room. There would be an outfit
laid out for me to wear. He would leave me to get dressed and do my
makeup, and I'd go downstairs to meet him."

"What sorts of outfits?" asked Frank. "You mentioned that he had you
wear his mother's clothes."

"At first, it was one of her dresses or a skirt and blouse. But he got
some things that were more suitable for a teenage girl. He even got one
of the high school cheerleader uniforms for me to wear," she admitted.

"Really? I would have loved to see that," said Frank.

"I wore it the first night he fucked me," she admitted.

"So up to then all you had done was suck his cock?" asked Frank in a low

"Yes, that's right," she replied.

"Did you wear a wig that night?"

She shook her head.

"My hair was long enough to put into pigtails with ribbons, that was his
idea too," she admitted. "Anyway, I dressed up as a slutty cheerleader,
and at first it was the same thing, we'd kiss and then I'd get him hard
and give him oral. This time he decided that he wanted to fuck me."

"How was it?"

"I was too scared to enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, he didn't **** me or
anything like that, I gave in willingly. But it was the first time I had
a cock up in me like that," she said.

"You'll be taking me soon," said Frank. "In the chest are dildos and
lubricant. You need to start practicing, to get your body ready for me."

Pearl nodded.

"Scared?' he asked.

"A little. Your cock is so big," she replied softly.

"You'll get used to it. You obviously like sex with a man, you were very
good at sucking me off," he said.

Pearl glanced around to see if anyone could hear them.

"Soon you'll be sucking me often," he continued. "I love getting oral,
and Chelsea has other things on her mind. She's pregnant with my c***d,
and yes, I plan on marrying her. I know this may sound funny, but there
are things that I don't feel comfortable doing to her now. I read
stories about how mob members always had mistresses so they could do
things with them that they couldn't do to their wives."

"I understand, Daddy," she replied.

"So you'll get a lot of sexual attention not that you'll mind," he said.

Pearl nodded.

Frank smiled back at her.

"I have a few more questions for you. Chelsea told you didn't have much
of a family life. Tell me about that," he ordered.

Pearl took a deep breath and sighed.

"Not much of a family life? That's an understatement. At least I don't
have to worry about upsetting any of them with all this. My mom is a, to
put it bluntly, a slut. She had many 'boyfriends' as I grew up, most of
whom barely knew I existed," said Pearl.

"What about your father?" asked Frank.

"Never met him. And to be honest, I doubt that my mother really knew who
he was," replied Pearl.

"I see," replied Frank. "So did any of her lovers stick around for a

"There was one; he was there for a couple of years," replied Pearl.

"When was this?" he asked.

"When I was in high school," she replied.

"What was his name?" asked Frank.

"Chuck," she replied.

"And was this what you called him?" he asked.

Pearl nodded.

"So this was when you were with Steve, right?"

Pearl nodded again.

"Did you dress at home?" he asked.

"Sometimes," she replied.

"And did you ever get caught?" he asked.

Pearl sighed.

"Yes, by Chuck," she replied. "He didn't actually catch me dressed; he
found some photos of me dressed on my computer. I came home one day, and
he was waiting for me. He told me what he'd found and ordered me to go
up to my room. I found an outfit laid out on my bed."

"What was it?" asked Frank.

"It was a school girl uniform: a short plaid skirt, white blouse, knee
socks and patent leather shoes," she replied.

"And you obeyed?" asked Frank.

Pearl nodded.

"Of course you did," replied Frank. "And did he fuck you?"

"We had sex many times, over the next few months," she said. "Eventually
he left Mom, and that was the last time I saw him."

"See, you were meant to be a slut," said Frank.

"I know that now, Daddy," she replied.

"Have you been with a man since then?" he asked.

"Just the one that I was with in the photo that Chelsea showed you,"
replied Pearl.

"Very good. Now, I'll be out of town for a week. When I get back, I
want you ready to take me," he continued.

"I will be ready," she replied, not sure if she would be.

"I know you will," he replied. "Now, if you need anything, don't
hesitate to call me."

Chapter 17

Back at her place, Pearl discovered that Frank had bought her numerous
sex toys to train her body to take his cock. One was a very realistic
looking cock which looked identical to Frank's erection. She then
noticed the note from Frank telling her that it was modeled after his
own cock, and he had it made especially for her.

She put it down with the other sex toys and stared at them for several
minutes. She really didn't want to use them, but she knew that she had
no other choice. Her old life was almost over. Yes, she still had her
job, but she suspected that he would soon end that too. It was obvious
that he was grooming her for something less intellectual. And if she was
going to be his full-time concubine, then she wouldn't have time to
devote to her job.

She then began to wonder if Frank was behind the gradual slowdown in her
business. Being he had put her on the hormonal solution months ago, it
made sense.

In a way, it was just as well. Her heart wasn't in her business now,
especially the way she looked. There was something else -- maybe it was
just her imagination -- but she found it difficult to concentrate on
anything else besides the way she looked and on sex. She wondered if the
solution that was physically changing her body also had an effect on her
mind too.

With that, she began to undress, so she could complete her training for
her master.

Chapter 18

Pearl was shocked by how fast her body was changing. Yes, her breasts
were still small, but she could see growth almost daily. Her nipples
showed the fastest growth. Additionally, they had become very sensitive,
and she found herself playing with them often.

To fill her days, she worked on her remaining contracts -- in between
using the sex toys to prepare her body for Frank.

In the middle of the week, she got a phone call from one of her clients.
He had an emergency and begged her to meet him and troubleshoot his
computer. He was getting ready for a big presentation and was desperate.

Pearl said she would call him back shortly, and as soon as she hung up,
she called Frank.

"Tell me about him," ordered Frank.

"His name is Miguel, and he's been a client for a few years," replied
Pearl. "However we've only met in person once or twice."

"Good. What does he look like?" asked Frank.

"He's in his forties, pretty good shape, slightly shorter than you," she

"Would you consider him handsome?"

"I guess so," she replied.

"Good, then you will meet with him. When you call him up, tell him that
your assistant, Pearl, will help him," said Frank.

She knew that arguing would be useless.

"Yes, Daddy," she replied.

"Make yourself look ... sexy and accessible," he continued. "And if he
comes on to you, give in to your inner slut."

She paused for a moment, before telling him that she would obey.

Chapter 19

Pearl walked up to the hotel door and knocked. The door immediately
opened and she saw Miguel standing there.

"Are you Pearl?" he asked anxiously.

"Yes," she replied.

Miguel stood in the doorway, running his eyes up and down Pearl's body.

She was dressed in a short plaid skirt, a tight top and thigh high
boots. Her makeup was done to make her look Goth, and she used hair
products to give her a more alternative style. She had decided to go for
an alternative sexy geek look, and judging by the way Miguel was staring
at her, it had worked.

"May I come in and see the computer?" she asked.

"Um, I'm sorry. Yes, please come in," he replied.

Pearl followed him in and sat down in front of the computer.

"I have a huge sales presentation and the files won't load," he said as
he stood next to her.

"Yes, Andrew told me about it," she replied. "Why don't you sit down and
let me take a look, okay?"

She then flashed a smile at him.

"Sure," he replied.

"It's okay, I'm very good ... with computers too," she continued.

Okay, she thought, if that wasn't obvious enough then nothing was going
to happen.

As she suspected, the problem was pretty simple, and in less than an
hour she had everything working. She would have been done sooner, but
she was distracted by the way Miguel was staring at her. At first it was
because he was worried about his computer, but then she could tell that
he was lusting after her. The idea that he found her sexually
attractive, made her very aroused. Maybe Frank was right; maybe she was
a natural slut.

"There! Everything is fixed," she replied.

Miguel came over to confirm that he could call up the files he needed.

Pearl also noticed that he was looking down her top.

"Thank you," he replied. "I had my doubts when you came in."

"Why? Don't you think that a woman can fix a computer?" she asked
playfully. "Or is the way that I'm dressed?"

He nodded.

"It's okay," she replied. "I don't mind."

"Really?' he asked.

"No, I like the way I look. Andrew doesn't care anymore either," she

"How long have you been working for him?" asked Miguel as he wrote out a

"A few months, but we've known each other for years," she replied.

"Oh, are you ... um," he asked.

"No, we're not dating," she interjected.

"I'm sorry, that was too personal," he replied as he handed her the

"It's okay," she countered. "So is there anything else I can do for

He was standing in front of her. She could see that he had an erection
through his trousers.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked.

There was a wicked grin on his face, as he stared back at her.

"I know what I'd like you to do for me," he continued as he rubbed his

Pearl moved closer, and he took her into his arms and gave her a long

As they kissed, she began to rub his erect cock through this trousers.

"I'd hate to see this go to waste," she cooed.

Miguel smiled back, as he nodded.

"Well, who am I to argue with you?" he replied.

He then sat down on the couch.

Pearl knelt down, immediately undid his pants, and pulled his cock out.
It shocked her how easy this all was. She then leaned forward and took
his cock into her mouth.

Miguel let out a moan, as his cock slid into her mouth. He had been
lusting after her the whole time she had been working, but he never
thought that he would actually have sex with her. He placed his hands on
her head and guided it as she sucked him.

Pearl instinctively knew that it wouldn't take long to get him off. The
man had been lusting after her, the whole time she worked on his

Moment later, Miguel let out a loud moan as he came.

Chapter 20

"Very good," said Frank over the phone. "You were very professional in
both aspects. If I ever tire of you, I think you'll make a first class

"Really?" she asked nervously.

"Yes, but don't worry your little mind. I want you as mine, right now.
This was just a test to see how well you obey me. It also reaffirms in
your mind that you are a slut and that this has always been inside you.
Am I right?" he asked. "I didn't turn you into a slut, I just unleashed
the real you."

Pearl paused for a moment and thought about how easily she had given in
to Miguel.

"Yes, you are right, Daddy. I know that now," she replied.

"Tell me what you are," he ordered.

"I'm a slut; I am your property; I am your slave," she replied.

"Very good! When I get back, you can show me. I want you to pick me up
at the airport. You will be dressed scantily, so that anyone who sees
you will know what type of girl you are."

"Yes, Daddy," she replied.

"When is your next treatment with Chariya?' he asked.

"Today, Daddy," she replied.

"Good. You should see a rapid change in your body," he said.

"Yes, Daddy," she replied.

"Oh, I'm texting you a website; please take a look at it, when you can,"
he said as hung up.

A short time later, Pearl was looking at the website. She was both
shocked and aroused to see that the video of her sucking Frank's cock
had not only been posted online, but that it had hundreds of comments.

Pearl found herself reading the comments, and as she did she began to
rub her nipples. She knew that she should have been angry or embarrassed
by what she was reading, but instead she was becoming very excited.
There she was, posted online as the property of a dominant man. The
comments ranged from those who found her attractive to those who offered
suggestions on how to further feminize and enslave her. Many of the
posts made offers to buy her.

Glancing at her watch, she realized that she had to get going for her
next treatment, which would make her body even more feminine. A smile
appeared on her face, as she realized that soon her body would be even

Chapter 21

Chariya nodded knowingly, as Pearl told her about how different she

"I told you this would happen" said Chariya.

"Yes, I know, but to be honest I didn't believe it," replied Pearl as
she undressed.

"Well, if Frank ever tires of you I can definitely use you," said
Chariya. "Especially if you still have your cock."

"What do you mean?" asked Pearl.

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CommunityChapter 37

Nikki's turn: I'm kind of excited about going home. Only 'kind of' because honestly, since Grandma passed away, 'home' wasn't much until I found myself in the care of Dan Granger. Since then it's been a wild, exciting and happy ride. It's like my world turned upside down. Every negative I suffered, school, people in my age group, home life, all those things turned positive. So I'm looking at me and my Dan flying back to Louisiana for WORK. I'm kind of like an intern, really. All...

2 years ago
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My Teaching Days Part 2

Someone was knocking hard on the hotel door. “Miss Taylor!” Loud knock. “Mrs. Lee!” Loud knock. “Miss Taylor!” Rushing to the door, I barely got my robe tied. I completely neglected to put the chain on first. My big city skills aren’t so good. As soon as the door was open a foot, Chad pushed past me. “Sorry, Miss Taylor! Gotta whizz!” The door to the room sighed and latched shut. I heard the lid slam against the toilet and the sound of pee jetting into the bowl. I actually stuck my head...

3 years ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 7

As I drove home, I had some thinking to do. First and foremost, should I sleep in Sabrina's bed like I have been all week? She won't bring anyone home on a first date? If she were going to bed with him, surely she would do it at his house. Surely. As I approached the house, I declared that bed to be my turf. I will sleep in it. When I went inside, I noticed that it was about 1:30. No sign of the male enemy. During my evening routine of brushing and flossing, I looked at the mirror. The...

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iCarly behind the scenes

"Hi out their in internet land I'm Miranda Cosgrove and this is iCarly behind the scenes!," she said. "And on tonight you're gonna see me get oiled up and have all my holes fucked licked and see me get cummed on now lets get going."With that Nathan took the cap completely off and poured the oil all over Miranda's face and body. Even getting some in her hair and down her back. Miranda for her part rubbed the oil sexily all over herself. Until the bottle was almost empty. Miranda then moved onto...

2 years ago
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The WagerChapter 5

Ren opened his eyes to morning light. Scarlet lay beside him, her arm and leg across him. He brushed aside some of her hair and she stirred. "Good morning." "Mmm ... Did we stay wrapped around each other all night?" "I think we did." Ren began caressing her cheek with the backs of his fingers. "Do you need breakfast?" "Not a breakfast person," she replied. "Me, neither." He stroked her eyebrows with his finger. "What are you doing?" "Looking at you ... taking in all the...

2 years ago
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Temptations of Monica

My Name is Monica Rodriguez; I’m currently a senior in high school and at the top of my class. I’ve always been school first as in regards to my social life but now that high school is coming to an end, I’ve been branching off into the social world being that it’s a house party, bon fire, or even the occasional club scene (Thank you fake I.D). Now as for my appearance I’m original from Puerto Rican and have the darker skin to prove it, have long dark hair stopping just before my lower back and...

2 years ago
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Sebastian and Ciel

Sebastian opens the door, and allows Ceil to walk into the room. The Hotel Room is large, but enough for three people to sleep in one bedCeil walks forward and sits on the bed, grumpy. Sebastian steps forward and slowly and sensually takes off his shoes, tying them out and slowly taking them off. He puts them in the shoe closet and takes off his coat. He looks at his Master; "Master you are a mess" he says and Ceil looks up;"it's because of all these free hugs and glomps, when you were not...

2 years ago
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Ainsely 19

Jack and I are sitting in our little car, packed to the ceiling, driving back to Carolina. My mom already looked into some classes that I can use toward my Louisville program, that is if I decide to stay with it. I'll be with my folks, enjoy the Country Club lifestyle for a while and get to see my hubby on weekends when he gets away from the training assignment he's here for. My hubby,... the man who really loves me, no matter what. Stroking his arm, I surprised him out of the blue, “I love...

Wife Lovers
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A Chefs JourneyChapter 10 Another Retreat

Jason I missed Tameka before I had managed to drive fifty miles, and if not for the threats of her mother's friends, I would have turned the car around. Her mother seemed to dislike me from the moment she appeared in town, and many of her friends appeared to come from a less than respectable part of the population. I never considered heading towards Phoenix, instead I traveled to the east for a week, wandering around until I stumbled on a small beach resort near the Georgia, South Carolina...

3 years ago
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Andrea Perkins

Andrea Perkins was a conservative, cross-legged, straight-laced woman who lived in the neighborhood. She was a natural beauty. Every time I've seen her she's had on very little makeup and is always dressed fashionably but very conservatively. She was the type of mom that June Cleaver could identify with. So when I got a call from her I was a bit mystified why she would be calling me and what was so urgent? I of course knew her son Frank. He is much like his name. He is an average kid of...

1 year ago
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Wet Dream Part III

Wet Dream - Part III By TwoSpiritsTG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is Part 3 of 3 XXX smut that will be updated from time to time with new chapters. Each chapter will feature a different scenario, and the table of contents will tag each chapter with keywords and cup-size so you can skip and read at your leisure. I will attempt to write each chapter so that they can be skipped if desired, but with an underlying plot for those that wish...

2 years ago
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Getting Fucked By Sister8217s Groom And His Friend

Hey everyone! This is Karishma Singh back with another hot experience. I once went to attend my relative’s marriage. I was travelling by train. I was wearing a lehenga to the sangeet. The lehenga top was short and sleeveless. Therefore, when I danced in the wedding jiggling up and down, I began to get attention. A few boys were passing comments like, “What a body she has got! Oh my god, I would do anything to get her to my bed”. I ignored those comments as I didn’t know them and they were from...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 51 The Reverend Proposes

As Marleen Greaves was sucking on Jock Ramsden’s cock, again, the Reverend Unsworth was just next door getting his own ‘needs’ seen to by Jessie Harper’s mother. They had not been in the room long and had no idea about what was taking place in the shower room next door or on anything else going on in the rest of the camp grounds for that matter. They each had no idea that right across Camp Starkers a new level of sexual freedom was unfolding amongst these members of the Redsands First...

3 years ago
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A Day With my Master

I am dressed in a short black dress and boots with stockings and a metal collar on my neck. Master loves to see me like this when he comes to pick me up for the weekend. My pussy is already wet just thinking about what Master might do to me. The whole time we are in the car he teases me to keep me on the edge of cumming. We get to the hotel and Master tells me to take my clothes off and I'm not aloud to put them back on. He then tells me to lie on my stomach on the bed, and I obey him like the...

2 years ago
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First Date Ch 02

Chapter 02: The Day After Saturday morning I woke up, hard and ready, and thinking of Ann and last night’s date. How I wished she were next to me now — no, underneath of me now — curvy firm thighs spread wide, with my hands on her tits as she took my cock, and my seed into her body until we came together. I hungered for the taste of her sexy pussy and our cum inside her, thoroughly mixed together by the pumping of my cock. I called Ann, who was already awake and cleaning at her place. ‘I’m...

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Sylvia visits her Aunt Ida in Berkeley

Before I could actually do anything about whoring for Al, any more sex stuff with Al, Rosali or MIchael,, I got a call from my mom's sister, my aunt Ida."I hear you and your mom are not doing so well right now.. If you can do it, get on the damn train and come up here and see me. You know where I live, right?"That's all she said, but three days later, I received a round trip ticket in the mail for the Santa Fe train that went right through the middle of Berkeley and stopped at the station on...

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I had fallen into the mindset of wondering how idyllic my situation had become. The house and property are a dream come true. This is comfortably isolated, private, beautiful, and peaceful. For once in my life since … a very long time, I am content and satisfied physically and emotionally. Professionally, my writing flows with detailed eroticism; I am actually nervously excited to see what my agent thinks. And, personally, I have a group of middle-aged women in town I enjoy from time to...

3 years ago
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Finding AnswersChapter 32

Julie seemed happy when we talked by phone after dinner. I was still a little worried that having sex with me might change things. She seemed fine. Things at school on Wednesday were perfectly normal. Julie and I held hands as we walked between classes. We kissed when we had opportunities. Julie and I had a couple minutes to talk after lunch on the way to deutsche Unterricht. "Are you OK with what we did yesterday?" I asked. "No regrets?" "I've dreamed of a big handsome prince coming...

2 years ago
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Marathi 8211 Kakucha Haidos Ani Mi 8211 Part 1

Maze baba sarkari nokrit hote. Tyanchi nehamich badli hot ase. Tyamule amhi satat vegveglya gaavat ani shaharaat firaycho. Mazi shaala nehamich badlat ase. Mala aathavte babanchi badli punyala zaali. Amhi punyachya sarkari vasahatit rahayla gelo. Sarva saman halavla. Amhala 4th floor la 1 BHK milalela. Pahilyach diwshi dar vaajle. Shejarchya Radha kaku olakh karun ghyayla aalelya. Radha kaku ani kaka aamche navin shejari banle hote. Kaka pan sarkari nokrit hote ani kaku gharich asaychya....

2 years ago
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Decided To Live Out A Fantasy Part 1By Xzibitsubmitted September 27, 2014Categories: Bathhouse Tales, Gay Erotic Stories, Men's Clubs, Secret Clubs (Men)I hadnt had sex in a while. I was on the internet every night looking for my big cock to worship. I am a sexy passionate submissive bottom. Love when a man rubs me and puts his hands on me. I cant resist wanting to suck cock and fuck. I love giving nasty sexy blow jobs. looking in my mans eyes and licking his cock. I love putting a mans balls...

1 year ago
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Remembering Tracey Part Seven

This is chapter 7 of a series. It is based on a true couple, but 90% of the stories, except for the first-time flashbacks, are fantasy. I loved it when I was awakened in the morning to the feeling of Tracey sliding into bed with me. It was the morning after her web cam performance and I was sleeping late. It was around 11 a.m. when she quietly lifted the comforter and slid into bed with me. She snuggled up against my back. I could feel the heat of her body through the thin t-shirt as she...

3 years ago
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Adhunik mahabharata

Se aj theke bohu kal ager kotha. Tokhon cable tv ar eto tv channel er romroma chilo na. Matro duto channel dd-1 ar dd-2, tao barite antena lagate hoto. Se samoy barite barite sada kalo tv-r chol chilo. Khub borolok hole ekmatro rongin tv kinte parto. Karon colour tv-r dam tokhon khub beshi chilo. Se samoy tv te sobcheye popular programme chilo ramanand sagor er ramayana ar mahabharata. Robibar bela 9 ta bajtei rasta ghat sunsan hoye jeto. Bhison dorkar na porle keu bazar-e beroto na. Barite...

3 years ago
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Wifes fed up

"I'm sorry baby. I don't know why this keeps happening." you say to your wife, who is lying almost naked in front of you. Her silk camisole is pulled up around her waist, her glistening pussy awaiting your cock, which at the moment is hanging limp between your legs. When she sees she's not going to get any action from that, she begins to rub her clit in small circles, almost unconsciously. "It's ok honey. I know work must be super stressful since the acquisition." You nod your head, but feel...

2 years ago
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A story with a young Chinese woman III

Most of her co-workers were leaving the office, when Bai Jie came out from the rest rooms. She said good bye to a few of them. Then, while waiting for the elevator, she pretended to have forgotten something in her tiny cubicle. She waited, and when they were all gone, she quickly walked to the staircase and began to climb it while she took some of her clothing off. She now had her light summer jacket over her arm. Her shirt was now in her handbag and her panties had disappeared when she had...

3 years ago
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Early 80s ExcitementChapter 6 Saturday Morning and Sherry Sleeps with Brent

He knew in his heart of hearts that she was probably awake last night. That's what gave him even more strength to go ahead and turn the knob. If she indeed was awake last night and she let him do that, then she would be willing to do it again, right? He pushed the door open slightly inside. The curtains were drawn so it was still rather dark. But there was just enough light so he could see. She was lying on her belly on the left side of the bed. So again he could easily reach her. He quietly...

4 years ago
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The Hotel Rep

The wife and I decided to have a couple of days in a different town to experience their Christmas atmosphere, we’d been out and about and had just eaten in the hotel’s restaurant and had been in our room a couple of hours when she decided she was tired. She turned the light out and was asleep in minutes, I couldn’t sleep and got up, she stirred and I said “I’m going for a drink at the bar”, “OK” she answered.The bar was quite full and on the comfy seating was a large woman, at least 20 stone,...

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Auria came from an upper class white American background of privileged and financial wealthy gain. She had never known the life sucking hardships of any poor community or places diseased by poverty, joblessness, crime or drug infestations. Her mum was a ex beauty pageant winner besides being a airlines stewardess in her early years just after university before meeting her dad who grew up in the very lap of luxury and wealth passed on through generations within his family. Her dad had...

2 years ago
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black bang part 2

He tagged me with his cock and I opened my mouth and took his hard cockinto it. I sucked his cock for nearly 20 minutes when he pulled it freeand jerked his hot cum on my face, and for the second time that day andever I tasted cum. Hot, delicious, mouth-filling cum. I wanted more and Isucked his dick back into my mouth with a cock lust I never felt before.We heard a horn blast and door slam with me still savoring his cum hepulled his pants on and patted my head. He told me he would stop...

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Lady in Red Pt 02 Ch 20

The Lady in Red group was approaching Blakely early the following afternoon when Gwen tapped Steve on the shoulder and indicated that she wanted him to pull over. She was addressing her friends as soon as they turned their bikes off. ‘This may be a little tense up ahead, so we need to be cautious,’ stated Gwen. ‘I don’t have to tell any on you that our men are capable of handling almost anything if we stay out of their way. However, we need to be smart, not tough, when possible. We have to...

2 years ago
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Wife and 2 CDs

My wife surprised me for my promotion. I got home to a note telling me that the k**s are out of the house and to change into the clothes she laid out for me. I looked at them. It was a short mini skirt that barely went past my ass and balls, stockings, garter belts, and matching thong. A course tShe also had some sexy hooker boots. They went up just past my knees. I changed and went into the bedroom. She was wearing a corset that barely covered her big sexy belly and her tits were out. She had...

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Post workout sex

It was a cool winter morning. I had just returned home from my daily morning 7km run. I was a little bit sweaty but it wasn't too bad considering it was only 7am. I walked in the door of my house and into my room where my boyfriend was sitting on the bed. I took my shoes and socks off and took my shirt off. Sam walked over to me and kissed me gently on the lips. I kissed back. He pushed me on the bed and lifted my legs and started worshipping my feet. He licked the soles of my feet up and...

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The Accidental MasterChapter 10 The Bearable Lightness of Being

The doctors apparently kept me in a deep sleep with pain medications the rest of the day, because it was morning when I next awoke. I had been moved to the VIP suite in the hospital and scattered in chairs and on cots around the room were all the women in my life. Erika was plastered to my side and Angela lay behind her, the three of us in a small hospital bed. Emily was on the cot pressed as close to the bed as it would go, and Kayla was asleep on the other side of her. Cathy was standing...

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The New Neighbor Chapter 1

THE NEW NEIGHBORCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONSLiving in Tucson was the best choice I made. As a travel tech in the health industry I selected a contract after living a short while in Iowa. What a difference! And after a couple years of renegotiating my contract and finally getting my employer to hire me permanently, I bought a house in an upscale neighborhood with lots of privacy. The payments were high, but well worth it. And the weather is simply divine. Yes, I love it hot. The hotter the...

3 years ago
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'Oh God I'm coming,' Dave shouted his face going red as he thrust into me. 'Bloody hell, already?' I thought. It had only been 30 seconds since he roughly pushed his cock inside me. This was not one of my best one night stands! Dave rolled off me and laughed, thanking me for a good fuck. At least he was polite I thought. I moved closer to him, trying to get him to play with me. I leaned over and kissed him but he was already nodding off. Within a couple of minutes he was spread-eagled on the...

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It was a Tuesday, after work. I was kicking back at the house, having a cold beer, when there was a knock at the door. I got up and when I answered the door, to my surprise it was Suzette. We have been friends for a long time, I have always thought she was hot, but she has always had a boyfriend, so trying to be respectful, never made a try. But as I looked over her, I instantly got turned on. She looked so good, with short shorts, tight shirt that squeezed her beautiful tits so nicely. Mmm,...

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This Story Is About Cindy 15

Introduction: Chapter five. This is a fun one. Enjoy. PART 1 CHAPTER 5 As we approached the tree line, Sunny broke away from Greg and I, I guess to make it less suspicious as to what they were doing. She pranced off to the right and circled around so it looked like she was coming from the bathroom. I was still in a little bit of a daze. Sunny had been totally into me watching her get banged… and I had no idea how I felt about that. I had a hard time getting the image of her cute B-cup tits...

1 year ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 2

It was more than two months since the Saturday when Deborah Tyler had seen her young niece, Sarah Newsome walking awkwardly away from the High School. But Principal Amos Thompson had been sufficiently discreet in the subsequent couplings that she had been unable to identify who might have had sex with her underaged niece or even confirm that it had happened. Sarah Newsome wondered at the interest her aunt was showing in her schooling and she soon figured out that Aunt Debbie suspected...

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Housewife1On1 Ella Knox 24733

Why yes, of course there’s a reason your wife Ella Knox is heels-deep in your yard’s woodchips, clad in a tight, black, cleavage-baring dress at dawn. It’s been a while since you’ve taken your wife out, and now that you’re just arriving home from the club at sun-up, Ella’s ready to thank you with a blowjob. See, the two of you just recently moved and haven’t been able to give each other much attention. But she’s ready for you to suck on her big natural tits while she rides your hard cock...

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New Roommates

You are sitting your room looking at the list you've written out yourself. Is the list about apartments you might be moving into or is it about the people you've got to interview for moving into your apartment.

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A sensual taking

It was a very sunny and hot day, the kind of day when the women are wearing next to nothing after a streak of cool weather. So needless to say my hormones were in over drive all day and they kept me on edge as well. So when I was leaving work, I dropped the top on my car and got on the highway and out of all days, I got pulled over on this day. It was a very sexy officer, but she was very intent on giving me a ticket. Apparently the hot weather made her bitter this day which only led to an...

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Fun in the Woods

My name is Carl and I'm seventeen years old. I'm super horny and always masturbating. I was so excited when school ended that summer. My friends and I were going to have the best summer ever. A few of the neighborhood girls entertained me during the summer. We played a lot of truth and dare and seven minutes in heaven. I had my dick sucked a lot and even got to fuck a few of the girls. A few of my guy friends even had a threesome with a few of the girls. We had a very sexy time all summer...

4 years ago
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Family PetChapter 3

He was holding her upon his lap, and Sunny felt like a fragile doll because of his size. She wasn't afraid of him anymore, not of his bulk, nor of his monstrous prick. She loved that, loved him, also. He seemed as if he couldn't get enough of just touching her, and his big hands were never still, roaming over her smooth back, down it to the flaring of her sleek hips, around to caress the curvings of her asscheeks. In seconds, his hands were slipping up and over her belly to cup her small...

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VortexChapter 3

Wendy was still in an emotional turmoil when Tim dropped her off, elated that she had got the job and could do something in recompense for Rick and dumbstruck at Mr Richards's generosity: a bedroom and her own sitting room, driving lessons and the use of his late wife's car, and a hundred and fifty quid a month. She had never dreamt of living in such comfort. She hugged herself and danced around her flat. She liked Mr Richards too. He was warm and friendly, gentle too she sensed. How he...

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Bless me Father for I have sinned

Awakening. The priest had heard the door shut quietly and settled into a comfortable position, ready to hear the usual liturgy of minor transgressions that would be forgiven with his scale of “Hail Mary’s” by way of absolution. Twenty minutes later, and having received an education in the emergence of one of his parishioners from drudge to the exalted woman she now was, he was, for the first time in his life, unable to dispense a suitable punishment and suspected that the occupant of...

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A Lush Encounter

A Lush Encounter I reckon It started innocently enough. I had discovered Lush Stories and was becoming slightly hooked, making fast and intimate friends among the membership and enjoying the erotic writing. I found myself very much attracted to a handful of Lushies because of their humor, intelligence and just plain sexiness, truth be told! When I first started viewing Lush frequently I had just moved to a new town and rented a couple of rooms in my band mate’s home until I found something...

1 year ago
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Black RepublicChapter 2 The Death Of The Black Republic

Tim Patton was a Marine and Piling Contractor. He had been born and raised in Pritchard a city adjoining Mobile Alabama. His father had been the owner of the business before he was killed by a senseless drive by shooting on the main street of the city. Witnesses said that it was done by a car load of blacks. One of them had pointed a gun at Tim's father and fired it five times into his chest. Tim's Father had been waiting for the traffic light to change. It was just another "Drive by...

3 years ago
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There was No turning Back Gay

My life changing ordeal began last summer when my wife and I decided to attend a party thrown by the cfo of her company. My wife Kelly is a secretary, or executive assistant for one of the vice-presidents of the company and thought it would be good for us to acquaint ourselves with the administration types. I had no real interest in going but it meant a lot to her and I agreed to it.The party was located in a gated community and I was nervous from the outset. We were not underdressed, thank...

4 years ago
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Premature Ejaculation Man

In a world where the internet is overflowing with well-endowed male porn stars who can fuck for hours and women across the globe are expecting an orgasm with every sexual encounter—where every spam folder is brimming with adverts for performance-enhancing drugs and men everywhere have started doing Kegel exercises—there is one man who will stand up and speak out against the injustice and discrimination the ordinary lover faces, one man who has made it his life’s mission to awaken delusional...

1 year ago
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Helen had just turned 18, the world was her oyster so to speak. It was a Friday night in a small Californian town. The beach was looking inviting on a hot summer night. Helen knew there was probably some of the college kids doing their usual bonfire out on the beach that night. Every Friday there was something happening somewhere where she could find trouble to get into. With the summer heat she decided the beach would be her best bet. She got into her Jeep and headed to the beach towel in...

First Time
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Hatchery RoadChapter 14

“Oh, this is so good!” Grant couldn’t help but laugh. The look of sheer bliss on Sarah’s face after she bit into the enormous cheeseburger she’d ordered was priceless. Lindsey recommended the place to her and the pretty young blonde had been looking forward to this all day. And after all the work she’d put in today, she deserved it. “I’m serious!” She loudly exclaimed to her dinner companion, though it came out a bit garbled as she was still chewing. “And I really like this cheese! What is...

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Alex and Jessica Ch 03

After taking her shower, Jessica decided to walk around the neighborhood and, for the first time during her schooling, enjoy the outdoors. As she walked down the road from the campus, she spotted him with some of his friends at the local coffee house. She was contemplating whether or not to walk up and talk to him or to just leave and wait till later to talk to him. Before she made a decision, she saw him and his friends get up, leave a tip at the table for the waitress, and start walking...

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The GovernorChapter 5 Colt Kalashnikov and Cock

Howard was torn. He sat in his dormitory staring into vacant space, thinking and worrying about Lucy, as he'd been thinking and worrying since the night in the rain. He didn't like keeping secrets and right now he was carrying a horrible, terrible secret, but what could he do? He couldn't unburden himself. He couldn't, if for no other reason than the Major had told him that what had happened was classified and disclosure was a crime. He was torn. "You have two lives," the Major had...

4 years ago
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You LIke It There

comes to your door step in nothing but a black silk teddy. You can see her perky nipples through the top and notice that she has nothing covering her bottom. You bring her in outside of the cold and pull her close to give her some warmth. Then you lead her to the living room and sit her on top of the piano and spread her legs so you can get a better view of her freshly shaven pussy. She enjoys you looking and moves her hand down to the top of her clit and starts to...

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Star Wars wonderful things happen to a Mandalorian Jedi Padawan

{Coruscant, Senator Riyo Chuchi's apartments, Five Months Ago} You and the Pantoran senator were in an intimate but Passionate fuck session, you were Pounding into her as your balls slapped violently Against her Light Blue ass. You finally blew you load deep into her pussy. Still erect but spent you slowly and weakly Thrust inside of her as she cuddles up to you. ''We could get into very serious trouble you know?'' She responds softly as you caress her icey blue face. ''As long as I am with you...

1 year ago
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Friends mother

Here’s one little tale of fucking a friend’s mother. Nothing unusual in that you might think but there is a twist at the end. If any of you read my first story ‘Lessons in Life’ you will know that I have always had a thing for women much older than myself. This story starts from 30 odd years later.One day I was driving from Manchester to London and I decided to stop off in Birmingham, where I was born. Once there I remembered an old friend’s mother called Jean and I knew that all her k**s had...

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Summer of 77

--A young man's introduction into CFNM--Chapter 1Young Adam was a very shy boy.A little awkward, a little on the geeky side, Adam was very much into science and building models. He spent much time in his room.By the time he was 18, Adam had won a scholarship to attend Indiana University. It was the summer of 1977, and Adam had a few weeks left with his step mom, Natalie, and his step sister, Rachel.Adam lost his father when he was very young, and spent his entire c***dhood growing up with two...

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