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Pamela was swept away by the powerful alien.

Pamela had been driving for hours, the mountain roads were twisting and deserted this time of night or really early morning. The sky was dark, no moon tonight but every once in a while she would get a glimpse of the stars through the windshield.   This area of the North Carolina Mountains was almost completely deserted, not even any side roads marked by lonely mailboxes. The radio was Pamela’s only companion as she drove along, she sang along trying to stay alert  

Just pulled into Nazareth, I was feelin' about half past dead;
I just need some place where I can lay my head.
"Hey, mister, can you tell me where a “woman” might find a bed?"
He just grinned and shook my hand, and "No!", was all he said.

As she sang Pamela noticed the road and trees around her were lit up as though the Moon had risen. At first she was glad to see the light, the area she was driving through had been so dark it was scary but as the light got brighter Pamela realized the Moon was New this night and the light couldn’t be the Moon or anything else natural. Pamela’s pulse began to race as the light suddenly became so bright it was blinding and her pickup truck cut off and coasted to a halt in the middle of the road.

“What the fuck is going on” she said out load, “this shit is not funny!”

Pamela tried to restart her truck but the engine wouldn’t even turn over, the radio had stopped as well and her headlights went out. Almost in a panic Pamela opened her truck's door and looked out to see a huge extremely bright object floating above her over the road.


She couldn’t really see the form of the object just a very bright light. As she tried to shield her eyes from the light she felt the hair on her head begin to stand up as the object got closer and closer. Pamela was not a shrinking violet type woman but enough was enough,

“FUCK THIS” she shouted

Pamela jumped out of the truck and began to run.   She saw a small side road that went out into the thick woods beside the road and she took it. As she ran she began to think about what was happening, her lungs were beginning to burn as she came to a halt,

“Dammit!”, she thought, “has to be some asshole in a helicopter playing games!” She bent over to try and help catch her breath, “Probably some jackasses from the military testing some new bullshit to make motors stop and they decided to play with a lone car on this deserted road! I’m going to give those assholes a big piece of my mind! Scared the living hell out of me!”

Pamela began to walk back the way she came, she was much pissed, she went over in her mind what she was going to say to the bastards! As she approached the edge of the woods She could see her truck sitting in the dark, a dark figure was walking around it.   As she got near the edge of the road Pamela shouted “Hey asshole get away from my truck!”

Just then Pamela looked up to see a dark round disk shaped object floating in the air above her truck. Her mouth dropped open as she realized the dark shape near her truck was not even close to being human! For a second she was frozen, her heart paused, her brain paused, her knees got weak! The disk suddenly lit back up super bright! Pamela turned and ran again, faster this time, as she ran her mind tried to put what she had seen in some kind of perspective.

“What the fuck was that by my truck? Damn, damn, damn, what the fuck was that thing in the air!

She ran faster, past where she had stopped earlier, she was running on adrenaline now. No thought of stopping, her heartbeat was so loud she thought she could hear it! As she ran she could hear someone screaming, she wondered who was screaming, some other person who had stumbled on this crazy nightmare scene? Suddenly Pamela realized she was the one screaming just as her feet left the ground as she was picked up bodily by something huge and powerful, she looked down to see hooves beating the ground under her, she looked up to see a face, a human face, a big human face, bigger than any she had ever seen but a human face none the less.

Pamela tried to struggle, but he creature that had her handled her easily.

She screamed “Let me go you , you, what ever the fuck you are!”

The creature just looked down and smiled, huge hands held her tight as the creature thundered along, Pamela noticed the creature had breasts, bare breasts, really big bare breasts! Then she looked ahead to see a cliff approaching or more correctly the creature was running hell for leather toward a cliff! As it leaped out into the air Pamela finally could stand no more and as they fell into a deep river she passed out from the stress.

Pamela woke up to find herself being carried along a river bank, the creature still had her, she was wet, soaked to the skin and it was cold! She could feel the creature’s warm skin under her, it felt good or at least warm. Pamela looked up and tried her best to get free from the huge arms and hands, but as before the creature proved to be far to strong to be affected by Pamela’s efforts. As she struggled she realized she could hear the thunder of a waterfall, Pamela struggled harder, her efforts were just wearing her out, the combined stress of her efforts and the craziness of what was going on caused her to black out again. The creature paid Pamela’s departure from the world of consciousness no mind as it slowly walked up to the waterfall and through it, the creature dumped her on the ground in front of a campfire in a small cave behind the waterfall.

As Pamela woke up she was first aware of the warmth of the fire, it felt good on her bare skin, she could remember having been very cold before, she rolled over on the bed of soft moss to look at the warming fire, such a crazy dream, a creature had taken her away.

“DAMN, THERE IT IS! ACROSS THE FIRE FROM ME! As she sat up reflexively Pamela looked down to realize she was naked! “WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY CLOTHES YOU MONSTER PERVE!”

The creature smiled it’s weird human but not human smile again. “Your clothes little human are drying on the rack over there.” It pointed to a rack made of sticks near where it stood.

“You speak English? How can you speak my language?” Pamela slowly stood up and began to walk toward her clothes.

The creature put out it’s huge hand and stopped her. “I do not want you to dress just yet little human, I have captured you and now you are mine. I want to look at you.”


Pamela suddenly became aware that the creature was also naked and that despite the breasts it had a huge cock between it’s front legs, an erect huge cock!


He laughed a deep laugh “HEH HEH HEH,   Little human do your people not remember mine? Do you not tell tales around your cave fires about the mighty centaur race?”

Pamela inched back toward her clothes again, an insane alien, just her luck, she decided if she couldn’t get her clothes she would run out of her naked if necessary! He held out his huge hand and stopped her again.

“WE DON’T’ LIVE IN CAVES ANYMORE YOU DUMB FUCK!” She stared at him, “what the hell was he?”

His voice is big and deep, “Many , many of your short years ago we found this planet and it’s inhabitants. My people found your woman fair and used them as sex slaves. My grand father told me about it and I decided to come here and start the tradition going again. You are very lucky I chose you for this honor!”   

“OH FUCK,” thought Pamela, “whatever he is, he really is insane or I’m in a coma having a nightmare to end all nightmares! Yes, that must be it, I’ve had a car wreck, and I’m in a coma having a crazy nightmare, that has to be it! Maybe I should just go with it, what else can it do? I’m probably in the hospital being given some real good drugs and this is my reaction to it! Where the fuck did I get this shit from?”

“Come to me little human, let me look at you closely! You remove the hair on your female places, I like that”

Pamela slowly walks over to him, she takes in his presence, her thoughts run over what she sees, “his human half is quite human, human skin, five fingers, his ears are long and look funny, no beard, he looks very feminine in the face, he has large breasts, huge, must be EEE at least but he has a penis, a human penis! Rather large but not impossibly so, maybe 10” long, thick as my wrist, damn, my nipples are getting hard looking at him!”

“He is not a monster really, just very strange.” She runs her hand over his belly, hard like a human male with a six-pack. Then she sees his breasts again! “Tell me Centaur, why do you have breasts if you are male?”

Again he smiles that strange knowing smile, “My people have three sexes but only two individuals. Both sexes can bear children so we both have breasts” he states this so matter of fact it seems almost reasonable!

“Females of my species have two vaginas and one penis, males have two penis’s and one vagina!”

“You have two penis’s? Pamela reaches down to grab his penis, “this one isn’t enough?” Pamela thinks, “this dream is going to be fun, I hope they don’t wake me up too soon and I hope I remember this craziness!”

“Look underneath me little human!”

Pamela looks under his belly to see a huge penis slowly descending from its anterior sheath. “Oh shit, this had better be a damn dream, that looks real as hell! It’s at least 24” long and twice as big as beer can is thick and it’s still   flaccid!”

“Don’t worry little human, I won’t expect you to take that one inside you.”

“Wait a damn minute, this is getting out of hand, this is my dream and I’m not taking anything inside of me you half donkey bastard!”

“Ok then, where is your vagina? You said you had one!”

“Look under my tail little human”

Pamela looks at him perplexed, “First let's get some things straight, I have a name, it’s Pamela!” As she walks to his hind quarters Pamela looks as he raises his tail to see what looks like a human vaginal opening, larger than hers or any other human by far but amazingly human, she can even see a clitoris , lips, everything just like a human. She walks back and catches herself running her hand along his flanks like she would a horse but he has skin, human skin not hair. Pamela jerks her hand away like it touched something hot as fire!

“Pamela,” he replies, “I to have a name, it would be impossible for you to pronounce, he makes a several noises that sound vaguely musical, but it translates fairly closely to Moontanman, I would like it if you called me Moon.”

Pamela stands in front of Moon, all she can think of is that his must be a crazy dream from being in a drug-induced coma. Suddenly he picks her up to his face level and kisses her, his mouth is large but his kiss is human, she finds herself kissing him back, his breath tastes of apples and cinnamon. 

“What the fuck, this can’t be real, why not go with it?” She wraps her legs around him and hugs him close, she can feel his breasts smashing up against her own. His hands are huge and each one has a hand full of her butt cheeks as he holds her up to be kissed over and over.

As she returns his kisses by kissing his neck and his long pointed ears Pamela finds herself thinking, “Apples, how could he smell like apples? I love the smell of apples reminds me of when I was kid lying under the apple tree in our yard daydreaming!

Pamela realizes his hands are so big they reach all the way around her small waist, his fingertips and thumbs meeting on each side. He is really huge! She sucks in her breath as he picks her up higher, she can see down on the top of his head and down his back. 

He has long wavy black hair all the way down to his broad equine back! His long thick tongue rubs across her breasts and he takes her right breast completely into his mouth and sucks it like man might suck one of her nipples. All she can think is “this feels wonderful!”

Pamela wraps her arms around his head and hugs him close as Moon sucks and licks her breasts, “God I hope I don’t wake up anytime soon!”

He picks her up and slowly runs his broad tongue down her flat belly, she can feel it, a broad wet swipe, as it heads for her kitty. Pamela gasps as his tongue runs down between her legs and fills her kitty up, he sucks her whole kitty with his mouth as his tongue probes her over and over. 

Orgasm sneaks up on Pamela slowly, builds to a height she has never felt before and continues for an impossibly long time. Finally she feels herself being slowly put down on the ground her feet feel the soft moss under them.

Pamela looks up at her lover, Moontanman, his broad smile looks nice now, not strange, she tries to wrap her arms around his huge for quarters to show him how much she enjoyed his attentions. Suddenly she is aware of his fore cock sliding past her chin and beside her neck, good god it’s right at her face level, hard and tight, even bigger than it was before! As she backs away she can see the pre-cum dripping from the end of it. She feels his huge hand on the back of her head.

“Pamela, suck it for me, you will like my cum, it’s intoxicating to humans!”

She looks up and him, she can see his desire written on his broad face, Pamela opens her mouth and feels his hand pull her onto his cock. She grips it with both hands and begins to tug on it as she sucks and swirls her tongue around it. “tastes like freakin’ apples!” 

Moontanman pulls her forward and his cock slowly disappears into her mouth and throat. Pamela can feel his balls pressed against her chin begin to move as he begins to cum, she feels a hot load gush down her throat, she thinks, “it didn’t take long, evidently that spaceship is a lonely place,” in her mind she smiles as she swallows his huge load. 

When he lets her back away, when Pamela looks up at Moontanman she feels like she has just taken about 6 shots of tequila, the whole situation seems to have taken on a glow, almost hallucinogenic. “Damn, he was telling the truth, what a buzz! That’s not fair!”

“Moon” she whispers up to him, “just tell me what you want me to do,”

He smiles down and picks her up again, he holds her in his hands, one butt cheek in each hand and her legs draped over his arms and slowly pushes his still hard and tight cock into her kitty, Pamela sighs with satisfaction as the pint of cum she swallowed deepens her buzz and his huge cock begins to slid in and out of her. Pamela begins to drift as he continues to fuck her.   

Her mind begins to play little fantasies about her new alien lover and what he might want from her, “damn he has a vagina too!”. He raises her up to his chest as he slowly strokes her and places on of his huge nipples in her mouth, Pamela sucks it in without question and hears his breath suck in sharply as she bites it gently, his nipple is long and as she sucks she realizes it is gushing milk, Pamela drinks it down greedily, all thoughts of what is happening gone and just going with what is offered her is all she can do.

Moon groans and pulls her body to him tightly, she feels his cock hit bottom, his balls squish against her butt as she feels her kitty fill up with warm cum. “God,” she exclaims in her mind, “no one is ever going to believe this, do I even believe it?” Her orgasm shoots through her body as he fills her up.

Moon again puts Pamela down, she hugs him again, not worrying about the huge slippery cock sliding under her chin as she does so.

 Moon looks down at her and says in his huge voice “Pamela, I want you to ride my anterior cock, ride it like it’s a pole you slide up and down, I want to feel your little slick kitty sliding up and down as you grip it and I want to bathe you in my cum!”

Pamela blushes for an instant, “whatever you want my equine lover,” she says with a suddenly husky voice, “this is going places I never even had dreams about!”

As Moontanman slowly laid down and rolled over she saw his anterior cock rise up, really erect now, it was gargantuan! At least a yard long and 4” thick, his balls were as big as soccer balls and made a huge pile around the base. All she can think is “Damn two sets of balls too!

The huge penis is throbbing up and down as Pamela takes hold with both hands and straddles it, as she sits she can feels his huge balls under her butt! She reaches up to grip the huge cock under the head and begins to slide up and down, pre-cum is running down it in small sticky rivulets and soon her kitty is lubed enough to let her slid up and down vigorously. As she slides the smell of apples and hint of cinnamon is strong in the air. Pamela takes deep breath and smiles at her own thoughts, “Apples and cinnamon, why would an alien smell so damn good, so damn familiar!!!”   

With each stroke she squashes his balls with her butt and feels the head under her chin, then as she stands up she feels his cock slide between her legs, her own orgasm begins to build as she does this over and over, pre-cum running out of his cock covers her chest and drips off her chin. As she does this she thinks, “if this had been filmed it would be worth millions, hell I’d pay much just to have a record to show I’m not crazy!”

As she slides up and down the driving need to orgasm begins to overwhelm her, the feel of this giant cock in her doubled hands and between her legs is to unreal and yet so real, as she feels the head hit her under the chin a huge squirt of white cum gushes out, like a water hose. It sprays her under her chin and splatters everywhere, as she rides back up another huge squirt sprays up her chest and splatters her breasts. Pamela pushes the head away and sees the huge rush of cum shoot out through the air, it must be several feet long and looks like a one inch white rope. Her own orgasm is exploding in her body and soul as she slides down one more time but instead of   squirting under the chin Pamela turns her head down and opens her mouth. The flow is so huge and hard she chokes as she tries to swallow as much as she can, cum bubbles are coming out of her nose. She slides up and then down again, she puts her mouth over the end one more time but this time she is ready and swallows at least a quart of the sticky white fluid. The intoxicating effect of so much cum over whelms her as she slides off Moontanman’s cock and sits on his balls to watch another hug squirt of cum fly out through the air. Pamela notices Moon is stroking his fore cock as he watches her try to deal with this outrageous anterior cock. She sees him cum with both cocks at once, she is too woozy to do anything but smile at him as he finishes up.

“Come here Pamela,” she hears his deep voice command, “I have one more task for you,” Pamela walks to stand in front of him   and looks at him as he stands up. “My kitty needs to be licked and sucked the way I did yours,” Pamela blushes big time even under her drunkenness.

“How did you know I wanted to taste your female parts Moon,” she says with a silly wicked grin! “I have loved girls before!”

Moon just smiles a knowing smile, “who’s dream is this Pamela?

She giggles as she slowly walks down his side, her hand rubbing his entirely human skin to his rear and his Kitty! “Way to big to be a kitty my Moontanman! You need to call it a tiger or a lion, maybe a panther, NO, I know, a Cougar!” She laughs at her joke and suddenly she is staring at his “Cougar” She begins by rubbing it with her open hand, then she gives it a kiss, “Damn, it tastes like apples too!”  

Pamela kisses his cougar and begins to lick it up and down, she notices the clitoris is erect and hard, Licking it causes Moon to shake all over, Pamela smiles and begins to give him the best pussy licking she can possible give him, a thought comes to her mind and she slowly pushes her arm into his vagina as Moon moans…..

“Pamela, Pamela!”

What the fuck!, that’s my Mom! Everything begins to swirl around her, she sees Moontanman’s face, “Moon don’t leave!”

“I’m not leaving Pamela, you are!” She hears him say. “Don’t forget me Pamela”

No, No, No, she feels her eyes slowly open, a tube is up her nose, the room is bright white, she is lying in a bed. Pamela sees her mom’s face looking down at her with worry written across it.

She hears her sister's voice from somewhere over her head. “You’re going to be ok, Pam, you in a hospital, you’ve been in a coma for five days! But the doc says you are going to be ok!”

“What happened , where did Moon go!?”

Moon? Pam, you are in the hospital, it’s daytime no moon outside”

Pamela lies back, “what has happened to me, was it all really a dream!”

She hears her Mom say, “Pamela you were in a wreck, you fell asleep at the wheel and drove over the mountainside. It took them three days to find you, you’ve been in a coma all that time. You’re going to be ok sweetie!”

Pamela tries to understand what has happened, damn what a fucked up kinky as hell dream! She lays back and relaxes as she starts to drift off, she hears her sister's voice whisper in her ear. “Pam, why were you naked in your truck? They said you were naked when they found you!”

“What!” Pam’s voice was in a panic, she looks over at her sister, and in a low voice asks, “what do you mean naked?”

Her sis smiles, “You know, Nude, sans clothing, not a stitch, they said they couldn’t even find your clothes! The doc says you have no injuries, not even a bump on the head, and no reason for you to be out! Your truck wasn’t even damaged, the EMT’s said it looked like it had just been sat down easily at the bottom of the ravine!”

Pamela is suddenly aware of the stickiness between her legs, she reaches down and runs her finger through it and brings it to her lips, a huge smile splits Pamela’s face “Damn tastes like APPLES!”   





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Hey, that guy over there just bought you a drink.Yeah, and his wife just bought us dinner.WHAAA...?Yeah, she just paid me a hundred bucks to cum on her in the ladies room.JEEZUS FUCKING CHRIST, GRETCHEN, IS THERE NOWHERE YOU WON'T BLOW YOUR FUCKING WAD?!?!Hee hee hee hee!! ... Hey, you'll never guess who I saw over at the blackjack tables....Who?JOEY!! You remember Joey...?How could I forget?!Well, c'mon, I'll introduce ya!AAAAAARGH!! ... GRETCHEN!! I CAN'T GO OVER THERE!!Well, why not?BECAUSE...

2 years ago
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Masturbation is his hobby common in retirement co

About 5 years ago I met up with a much older gentleman over the holiday while visiting family in FL. Not cut for a porn movie but at least it was real. I only embellished a few things. Guess and I'll tell you at the end what I exaggerated.Anyway, this old man, 70, had several hobbies, including one new hobby, one we had in common.It was early evening, shortly after dinner, and his wife had already gone to bed. I knocked softly, as instructed, and he greeted me in a shirt and bathrobe. "I...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Natalie Brooks College Goes By In A Flash

Natalie Brooks is having a great time at college, and she wants to share all the fun she has been having with her loving stepbro. He picks her up in his car, and she tells him all about it. It turns out, her favorite part of the whole thing has been the flashing! Of course, when Natalie gets home, she tells her mom a whole different story. But when she and her stepbro finally get a minute alone, Natalie assures him he has nothing to be nervous about when it comes to college. She shows him all...

4 years ago
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Beas PonyChapter 5

I was in the bathtub soaking, telling Helen of my narrow escape that morning. I had filled the tub full and was able to submerge all of me, except for my head. The water was good and hot. Helen was sitting on the toilet seat in her robe listening intently, her feet propped up on the edge of the tub. I could see everything she owned in that position, and what I saw was deliciously pleasing. Remembering the comments made about my hairiness that day, I wondered what, if any, remarks would have...

2 years ago
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My New Neighbors Part 4 of 5

Please read Part’s 1 through 3 of My New Neighbors in order to make sense of this story. Thank you. Over the next few days, Benny and I jerked, grinded, touched and sucked each other every chance we got…until Benny got bored with jerking and sucking, and was ready to graduate to the next level ! One day it was overcast and raining when he appeared, drenched and dripping at my house. It took him no time to take the wet clothes off, and throw them in the dryer. He must have been...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 166 Rhonda

The year was moving quickly to a close. The last five weeks of school seemed to be flying past. Somehow, I managed to spend time with each of my local girlfriends, even though Elaine was in Indianapolis until Memorial Day and Jennifer and Courtney were in school until the twelfth. Once I understood what Whitney's plan was, I took the beatings she gave me every day with good grace—as much as possible. I got pretty sore. I found a local natural health store that sold arnica cream. I was going...

1 year ago
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The China Connection

I found myself in the position of having a fanatic admirer from a few videos I posted. I called him "V", which was the first letter of his name that I struggled to pronounce. V had figured out what college I attended and emailed me several times a day. Initially, I found V's pursuit flattering and we started communicating. I even agreed to meet him for oral sex back in the archives of the college library. I actually was excited to meet a "fan". I arrived about ten minutes and V was already...

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In a crowded Bus in Delhi

I am a working woman, 32 years old & have been married for about 8 Years now I am working for a reputed travel agency in India and enjoy my work quite a lot. I am considered ambitious, attractive and have a well maintained figure of 38-27-35 of which I am obviously proud of. I am a quite broadminded & independent & have quite a few admirers at work. One evening I had to work a little late at work and as a result missed the staffs pick up bus to return home. Also no autorickshaws were available...

2 years ago
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A Night With A Couple In Vizag India

Dear All, I have always been told by my friends that I am a good looking guy and can make out with any girl of my choice if I try. I never believed in what they say because our friends always talk good about us. To start with, I used to stay alone in Vizag and work for a MNC there. As I was a little shy kind of a person I was mostly involved in online dating and chatting as I felt more confident doing dirty talks online then in real face to face. I made many friends online and had webcam sex...

3 years ago
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Awakenings Part 2

Having watched my first real gay action I now knew that is what I wanted for myself. I kept up the pretence with friends and still kissed girls behind the bike sheds but what I really wanted to do was get together with a man. This may have been a bit upsetting if the boys at school were aware that I was looking at their bodies and cocks but it was really the thought of mature men that got me going most. I had seen how men had made love but I really wanted to feel it too.I started to play with...

1 year ago
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18 and not a virgin

you are greeted by the smiling face of Natalie your freind sincre 9th grade "hey abby, I am so glad we are out of school I can do anything legaly" she said "I know" you replied " I already saw gina on pornhub" "That horny girl!" "I think she gave a guy a blojob in the bathroom last month" you smile that guy was aron the person person who was sheltering them "shall we go see aron?" She asks

Group Sex
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The Chase

She should have been dead, my car missed her by inches. I rounded a corner and she stood there in the middle of the road. My angry words gave way to concern as she ran up to the car window. Her eyes looked scared, her clothes looked like she had been in them all night. There were smudges of dirt on her yellow blouse and her cheek. She said in a scared voice, “I’m in terrible trouble and I’m desperate. Will you help me?” I looked at her. She was about twenty-five or so with mousy brown hair...

3 years ago
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Sex With Mami In Tirupati 8211 Part II

Hi, Its me manu back again with the continuation of my first story ‘sex with mami in tirupati part 1’. for those who have not read my story the link is https://www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/sex-mami-tirupati-part/ Thank you all for your support.sorry for the delay.I received many mails to my mail id from many people appreciating my story and asking for second part.I also thank iss for giving me this opportunity without them I would not have been able to do it.some asked if it is real? These...

3 years ago
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Knox County Ch 04

Cynthia had the house in good order now. The rooms were all cleaned, polished, floors mopped or vacuumed. She was folding the last load of laundry when the phone rang. ‘Mr. McMahon’s residence.’ ‘Cynthia?’ said the cheery voice. ‘Good morning, Ms. Cuthbert.’ ‘Emily,’ she reminded. ‘Please call me Emily.’ ‘Of course. Emily it is.’ ‘How’s he doing?’ ‘He’s sleeping.’ He head turned to the doorway to his bedroom. ‘Been sleeping almost nonstop for a day.’ ‘Oh yes, he does that. Works himself...

1 year ago
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Author’s Note: Thanks for reading my Valentine’s submission! When finished, please take a few seconds and rate this story – one click is all it takes. And, if you have a minute, leave me feedback and tell me what you liked or didn’t like. Cheers! * On occasion someone will ask me about my favorite Valentine’s Day memory. I usually reply it’s from the sixth grade when Jeff Hill asked me to ‘go with him.’ It lasted all of four hours and we only held hands, but he was my first love. That may...

2 years ago
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Absence makes the cock grow stronger part two

I’m sitting on my hotel bed looking at a blank screen that seconds earlier had been displaying my wife’s freshly shaved and fucked pussy. I was massively aroused and outrageously jealous at the same time. She had betrayed me by being unfaithful and breaking every rule we had agreed on before I took this overseas assignment. One night stands only. No anal sex and no sex in our marital bed. She wasn't showing any signs of remorse as she revealed the previous night’s sexcapades, even wearing the...

3 years ago
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Time PushChapter 3

"I'm dying!" Babs gasped, snapping Leon wide-awake. "My, my head is about to explode! The room won't stop spinning!" she whimpered softly. "What's happening to me?" Leon nearly fell as he jumped from the bed. "Babs, it's okay, you're going to be fine!" he whispered while openly staring at her beautiful body. The troubled girl tried to focus bleary eyes on him. "Please stop yelling at me! My head is gonna burst like a toy balloon!" His nakedness caught her attention. "It's...

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At my friends playing playstation

My name is Chris, i'm 18. One day, I went over to my friend Alex's place, because his dad was out and he was feeling bored. Alex is a small guy with curly blond hair, and he loves to play playstation more than anything. So I knocked on the door and it was quickly answered by Alex. He was standing there in a plain white t-shirt and jeans. "Hey man", "hey Chris" he replied, "come" he beckoned for me to come inside with him, so we went inside and I stood in the middle of his living room while he...

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Matt was celebrating his twenty-first birthday alone. There was no cake or ice cream, nor even a standard bachelor bash with kegs and naked girls . Matt lived alone in the big city and decided to head down to the local pool hall in hopes of striking up a game or two with some locals who frequented it. He stood in front of the mirror and ran a comb through his thick black hair. His blue eyes and facial stubble gave him that just rolled out of bed and didn't have time to shave look. A light...

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Pure Social Sex Service For Ladies

Hello iss readers. Let me introduce myself. Im surya from Coimbatore. Age 23 normal color tall with 6inch long and 2.75 inch thick dick that is penis. Im a hardware service engineer in a computer showroom here. Any divorcees or married aunties or widows can contact via I will satisfy all your needs if u wish. It will be kept very secret. Im trustworthy. Let me go into the story be ready to have a hot masturbation after reading this short fast story. This story is about how my sex service...

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Movie Theater

My boyfriend was hard and jacking off while I told him about his friends fucking me while he was at school. I had no idea, but he had fantasies about me fucking other guys. i was spread wide in front of him while I played with myself. Since he was so hot, I told him that I would love to do it again, but this time with strangers. He came on my pussy. I got up and kissed him and told him that I wanted to be his slut to watch. I got up and put an impossibly short skirt on, so short that it didn’t...

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I Needed That

Susan stomped through the house. She wondered where her husband had gotten off to, then she remembered that he had called out saying that he was going next door to help Becky. She had gotten divorced four months ago, and every now and then asked both for help. Susan had gone over a couple of times to help as had Kyle. They had known Becky for three years total; just before her marriage to Dan, who she had just divorced. He had been one of those who had acted one way while courting her, but...

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My Two Friends Fucked My Sister

By: Supernova I wasn’t supposed to be home that night. If everything had gone according to plan, I would be fucking my girlfriend that very moment. Pushing my 8 inches cock into her tight slit and fucking her like there was no tomorrow. But we had had a fight earlier in the evening, so when I walked into our family mansion I wasn’t really sure if we were still together. Frankly, after what happened that night, I wasn’t sure if I cared we were together or not. My parents were out and wouldn’t...

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Kirk Creek 3

I woke up the next morning with an intense hard on. I made sure that I did not touch myself one bit over night. After what seemed like 50 slices of bacon and some orange juice, I spent the day helping my father with the farm chores. Shoveling pig shit is a great way to keep the mind off sex.Soon it was 2:30. I showered, put on my bathing suit and headed for the creek. I walked through the corn fields and finally began to hear the frogs croaking. Mosquitoes, dragonflies and bees buzzed all...

2 years ago
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An Erotic Tale of a SchoolmarmChapter 2

I didn’t think about Ed and Jimmy again until it was Jimmy’s night to be tutored. I had a secret smile when the two of them came in, and it reminded me how I used them in my fantasy last week. After greeting the boys, Ed went to the living room, and Jimmy came with me to the kitchen. The lesson went well, and I thought a few more weeks and Jimmy would be all caught up. It was a few minutes past 7:00 pm when I was about to show the boys out when Ed asked Jimmy to wait in the car. Ed told...

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My Retreat

I am about halfway home, but this section of the highway seems to go on and on. You know what I mean; it's the point in the trip when it feels like the next town you're headed for picks itself up and moves further on down the road. Yes, I have already been driving for 6 hours and the whole trip would take over 13 hours but this was the last time. In fact, the trailer was only half-full; over the last year I had moved all but a few items to "My Retreat" as I refereed to my new home. I am...

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The Broken Lock

It was late summer and Katie, one of my oldest friends, was staying with me. We had been at school together and had managed to remain good friends even though we had gone to different universities. She had just graduated and was thinking of moving to the city, so I offered her the spare bed while she looked for work and explored the city. Katie was younger than me, having just turned twenty-one. She was quite short, with a slender figure, long blonde hair and bright, sparkling blue eyes. She...

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I Found Sheri A True BBW

Hi there. I like BBW stories and I want to write a BBM story soon. I believe in love and romance, and I believe erotica can be included within any human story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it — even if your primary motivation is just good sex… Single people tend to have habits they fall into. One of mine is meals. I don’t like to dirty dishes or cooking, except on very special occasions. I don’t mind dishes, it’s just nicer to eat with someone around. I have three...

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pumpspanties and purse II

Panties,Pumps and a Purse - II Leslie stood at the Dresser, staring into the Drawer for a long minute before the enraged voice of Aunt Helen made her jump. " what in Gods name are you staring at you silly twit"." i'M sorry Auntie, I don't know if I should wear Pantyhose or Stockings and a Garter Belt"." wait right there and I'll show what to wear, you are so dense, if you make me late for work your behind will regret it". Helen stormed out and returned a minute later holding a stiff...

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CherryPimps Jade Reign Down For Fun

Naughty girl Jade Reign loves when someone admires and runs their hands all over her body. It sends chills and excitement all throughout her. Pinch her nipples. Lose yourself in between her legs as you eat her out! That is what she wants and just what Codey Steele does as he kisses and licks every inch of her delicious self. She loves the way his finger works over her clit as he kisses her and wants that hard cock in her mouth! She loves to fuck and loves making sure whoever she is with gets...

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Jade And Her Sugar Daddy Adventures

I've come to terms that I really love older men. When I was growing up, I never had a father. I really missed that love that a girl gets from her dad. I've always enjoyed dating much older men. Of course, this is something that my mother doesn't understand. My friends think I'm too pretty to keep such old company. I love all the men that I date. I guess some people might call me a "Gold Digger." I honestly love the men who care for me. I know I must be the unusual one. Older men love to be in...

Group Sex
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Andrea Finally Overwhelmed

CHAPTER 1 Spoilt brat Sophia Rhodes chewed a lock of golden hair as she talked to the caller at the lunch table, disrupting conversation. ‘Raymond, how wonderful that you are back home from France. Yes, I can come now. Bye.’ Sophia’s mother looked guiltily at their guest Grady, guilty because she’d allowed her younger daughter to develop into a wild child. ‘Sophia darling, Grady is your date for that cookout this evening.’ ‘Huh? Oh of course – sorry Grady but my old date is back in town and...

3 years ago
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Classmate Fucked After 3 Years

Hi everyone… I was a regular reader of ISS and it all started when i was doing my B.E degree. I was slim and not an athletic body and little younger than the age of 24. This story that I’m writing happened just two days back. I’m fond of girls and i’ll help whatever they ask me. Hence got a lot of friends. Rizwana is my college met and she was just a friend of mine until things happen. After completing my degree, I wasn’t in touch with her, since i lost her number. One week back, i got a msg in...

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A Roni B story LOUIEs TREAT

LOUIE GETS A GOOD LOOK Part One: THE MIRROR IMAGEI don’t know how many times I had caught my friend Lou looking down Roni’s blouse or up her skirt. In high school we were all on the swimming team and even at the beach we wore our team tank suits that were nothing more than flimsy nylon. When Roni walked out of the water, her hard nipples poked through the thin fabric like acorns under a cotton sheet. Louie would stare at her tits and his cock would get hard and show through his swimsuit.My dick...

1 year ago
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My mom great slut

100% fiction! Hi guys this is harsha 24,m, from chennai. i first of all want to thank this wonderful website, it gives pleasure of sharing our real life incident with our fellow friends and enjoy. i love this website more than anything else. My native is from rajasthan and we settled in chennai very long back before my birth. my sex life was started very long bfore while i dont know anything abt cock, pussy or sex plays.......In my family it was just me and my mom sunitha. we dont know abt my...

2 years ago
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Anal sex fisting and degradation Part 2

I almost overslept. Hectically I took a shower, put on some make up and got dressed. My mum asked where I was going and I told her, I was attending a sleep over at Anna. Anna! I had totally forgotten about her. A second time within 24 hours. While sitting in the bus, I read her texts. More than 50 messages since midnight. I texted her back and informed her about the events. She replied immediately and wished me best luck. A few minutes after 7 o’clock I rang Andy’s bell. The dog barked and...

3 years ago
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Becoming Succubi chapter II

I was furious at him for not telling me this. He had actually transformed me! However, at the same time I knew that this was my chance to prove my worth to him. It was an important mission and an adventure unlike anything I would ever experience again. I really wished to help my master and gain his full appreciation. Slowly, my rage subsided and gave way to a strange kind of resignation. It was just temporary, and I’d get the chance to fly. Flying spells weren’t scheduled until the sixth year...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My ultament Fantasy

I always had fantasies growing up. I Pictured that they would all come true. The One i can never get over is my fantasy that .....it all began when i discovered i was about 18 years old. id sit behind my computer jerking my cock to porn of women.On day came across this video of an orgy with a man, a women and a tranny. now im not gay so why watch this but it grabbed me in and my body felt warm as im watching it i just picture this being me. This sent my body into a craze as i came watching them...

1 year ago
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Fulfilling Payback

Naomi was just the typical trophy wife, 5'7" with long blond hair and a body that could make most of the hottest women in the world ask for beauty tips. She was married to a successful industrial businessman, however she was unhappy. She obviously married John for the money but secretly there was another reason. John was the best lover she had ever known, he could fuck her all night long and make her see stars in the process. Naomi was always up to spice up their lives because although John...

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