SpaceChapter 42 free porn video

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Jerry and Chuck liked this job and I gave them authority to see that it was done properly. A lot more earth working machines had to be made and again this meant more work for me.

Kaacha was using this same idea to make a completely new camp a few hundred klicks from Toxlo. This was in the mountains but here floods were a much greater danger. The camps we found were really not that suitable for the cadets yet.

The Aristis on the ship came down as some of the Tomma ascended. The Tomma, as well as Betts and Erica were pregnant again and the Aristis women did not mind this state for themselves. I did not think they loved me that much but the chore was not difficult and it tied them to me much tighter. My Aristis children though did not have as many hang ups as their mothers and treated me like their father.

The older Tomma girls in the city went on the rampage and had to be controlled much like Jamma did. There was a lot of subterfuge because I had to assess each situation as I had the first time. The munchkins started up again but this group were all Tomma. I needed Paul but he wanted no part of this. In desperation I took some of my male Tomma children and brought them with me too.

Everything looked to be going good until we found a ship snooping around our parameter.

We immediately went on a heightened posture. The ship could have been Aristis but it could have been any other race of beings too. The recent antimatter explosions could be heard loud and clear a thousand lights away with the proper equipment. An explosion emitted energy into the other dimensions that was not limited by the speed of light.

The investigation showed that the ship was the size of a scout and it was a given that probes of one type or another would be coming our way. We wanted to capture some if possible to get an idea of who the visitor was.

The Aristis were still afraid of the Wikki. I used their name as a possible visitor but the Aristis knew it could easily be some of those that left the planet recently. The destroyed missile manufacturing machinery was started up again. We went for heavier ordinance this time as if we were going to take on the Wikki. This seemed to help the Aristis because few people would waste a missile like these on the small ships the fleeing Aristis had.

Techs were in demand as always. I had killed many of them here in Toxlo but more were found but their numbers were still low. Earth was kept appraised of our position and they had a large stock of crystals and missiles made. We could get some of the latter if we made a trip there or Wesley sent us some in a small automated ship.

Walt and I were worried that the Aristis here would think that their own people were coming back to 'save' them. Walt acted like King Rontem and he ranted about the Wikki coming enough that a sizable amount of the population believed him. This was the same way human governments worked. Too many people just liked others to do the thinking for them and would believe anything as long as it was fed to them right.

To cement the idea of foreign invaders, we taught everybody about the Wikki and other races that were known. The Wikki to me were the innocent party that fought back against King Rontem. They acted civilised in my eyes but I could not take that position just yet. There were enough other races that reached the stars that were real bogeymen. These were used to frighten the population into helping more and fighting less.

Human cadets and my mates were guarding this planet while students newly raised to Star Fleet guarded earth. I had to have more ships and I needed the crews adequately trained. I broke a few long held Aristis beliefs and had Aristis women as well as my Tomma mates take children into space to train them in how to fight.

Aristis soldiers went too as observers to see how they functioned. In reality I was getting them prepared to begin taking orders from women if they were able to adequately command. The Tomma had this ability but I did not want it to seem that the Tomma were taking over.

Adults were given responsible jobs even if they were female. This left a lot of older children. I called it schooling but they were pushed into the academy to learn how to fight. The youngest learned what they were able and no more. I wanted this life to be interesting and enjoyable to them as the first generation of our amalgamated race. Young Aristis males of my age were not around. They had made up the majority of the forces that opposed us and were now dead or had left with the leaders.

This method allowed me to siphon off the young females that wanted me. They saw this as a way of gaining fame, prestige and my favour. Jamma was one of the first to volunteer. Other Tomma girls went and some boys too as long as they did not stay far away from the planet. Maska gloated at me when I did this until I said, "You look very pleased at the way I avoided all the entanglements?"

"Not just that. They were actually happy to leave."

I said, "It is too bad you are not going to be as lucky."

"Why is that?"

"You are going to be the captain of one of the small ships."

"I can't. My place is here beside you. My belly is getting bigger too."

"That never stopped you before Maska. Train them as a team. Perhaps you can get four more ships built."

"I do not fight in space. My place is with my family."

"You will be with a portion of our family. If it looks very serious we will use computers to fight and I want the children kept as safe as possible."

"I can't do this alone."

"Then find somebody that will be able to help."

"I would choose Erica."

This hurt but I said, "Take her if she is willing. You are all role models. You have to show the children how to act and they will follow. The rest of us will do other tasks. You will not be alone. More of our mates will be going into space."

"What about the crystals we need for the new ships you want? We may not have a chance to build much."

"Wesley is sending a pod here. He's building large missiles now too, just in case. We should have time before any visitors come here in force."

Eldhino was summoned next and she chose Betts as her partner. This was not want I wanted. It also showed that my mates talked a lot among themselves about what was happening. I could not tell them that I valued a human life over that of a Tomma because it was not true. I just happened to love Betts and Erica more than the rest but not by a lot.

Three days later four pregnant ladies had a public brawl in front of their students. Betts fought Erica as Eldhino fought Maska. The Aristis children were aghast while the Tomma ones cheered them on. Apparently the two teams were trying to inspire their children to do better than the other team.

There was little bloodshed and the girls left happy with their actions. The rivalry continued for two more days as everything was established. The Tomma had used this sort of training a lot and it worked even on human or Aristis children. When Wesley's pod came in it was seized by the cadets to make new ships.

Much of the administration of the planet I left to Garbo. I was back at work making crystals for computers, shields and engines. The large missiles were the same as ships in size and needed more crystals because of the forces exerted on them that a ship would never have. There was simply no inertial compensator built that could take the strain.

I could use more help from earth in the form of my older children. They were very proficient in making good crystals and even ships. I had to make do with their gifts and not their presence. Coming here now was too dangerous though I had no way of knowing this for sure. It was only a feeling.

There had been trouble on earth too and Doc did his best to make sure some well equipped armies did not pounce on some countries hurt by the EMP. Argentina had helped us and we helped them in return. They provided aluminium castings and weldments and we gave them a lot of electrical power to get back on their feet. When they did they decided to invade Chile. There were no nuclear weapons used, thankfully. I saw images of one of our ships positioning itself a metre in front of a large tank. The tank had fired once and the explosion that was so close, it deafened the crew. We never cut off the electrical power we were giving as part of our agreement and had to stop the conflict other ways.

Wesley informed me that China had instigated this as a way of finding out what we would do. Doc had made some heavy lift platforms like the thousand tonne units we had sent here to Cralto. He had simply found an asteroid that weighted nearly eighty thousand tonnes and placed it in the middle of Tiananmen Square as a warning. If it had struck the planet from space then Beijing would be a large hole in the ground. It had a lot of nickel in it so the Chinese could not bitch much but they got the point.

Doc wanted more help from us and we needed more help too. We simply did not have the trained personnel to do all that was needed. Doc would have even more problems if the earth knew that we had tentatively taken over this planet. Right now they thought we were fighting. They also believed we were keeping the Aristis from coming back to earth. The cadets guarding earth was the only real defence.

We began designing a computer similar to Wesley for my children. I hoped that they would be able to repair and manufacture crystals as well as do everything else that was needed to run an advanced civilisation. The only way I could encourage this was through the environment the fetus grew in and the surroundings the child grew up in.

A computer had complex fields and so did a ship but only less so. I hoped that the ship would be enough to help evolution along. It would also provide mobility for all of us regardless of race or age.

The battleship keel in orbit had not been damaged that much by either side in the disagreement. The missile battery had been taken out with as little damage as possible. Its construction allowed a way of using those that had no real skills at doing anything else. In a way this gave the Aristis freedom because they flew back and forth from the ship. This would theoretically allow them a method to flee the system.

I was the busiest person on the planet. There was always a crystal in my mouth. Most of the time my head was inside a computer to give me the fields I needed to do a better job. Garbo handled most of the day to day affairs but he could not handle all of them.

My mates deserved more than Garbo and some matters had to be handled by me personally. I was the king's right hand man and had to meet the people. All of my ladies were pregnant by now and I hoped I could take it easy. It had not worked the last two times but I had learned more tricks since then.

One trick was to visit the larger Tomma communities that my family members came from. The trips were short because it was difficult to stay out of the other female clutches. Being sociable was to fuck but there were limits to how sociable I could be. The Tomma usually promoted their younger daughters.

The first village I went to was Tors'. There were not that many people and I managed to get away in an hour with some hugs and kisses. A week later I got to Corrma's and I had to stay longer because there were many more people.

I was used to feeling like a piece of meat before a group of carnivores but this group was even more hungry. Magga was the mother of Corrma and wanted a proper greeting. Corrma tried to intervene. "Mother, he's busy all the time. He just came to make a courtesy call and see if there were anybody here that wished to help us build."

Magga did not look at her daughter but me. She said, "You are too busy to greet your new family?"

I replied as earnestly as possible. "I came out here to do just that. During my time with my mates I learned that they all want a little time with me but it never turns out to be a short time. I simply cannot stay here for days until you are all sated. I cannot last that long and there is the threat of somebody coming here with ideas of taking over."

"You could still do the minimum necessary. Our men take this duty seriously. I see that you do not."

"Magga, you see your village and try to protect it. I am trying to protect my family and my relatives. That means I have the entire planet to watch over. Most of my mates are of your people but some are the Aristis. A few are human but not many."

"We have done very well even before the Aristis came here. We will do well after as well."

"Not all of the beings that live among the stars are sane. Some enjoy killing for killing's sake. There are records of some worlds where everyone that was above the simplest of animals would die through hunting. They did not hunt with a bow but with energy weapons. They have devices that show children that had been sent into hiding. You cannot fight them and win even once."

"Have you seen this?"

"No, records are kept the way you have story tellers."

"Even if this is true, why do you think this will happen here?"

"I do not. I just prepare for what could happen. I want my family safe."

"A child has to face danger and overcome it to grow."

"That is your way and the way of my people long ago. I love my family enough to give them more of a chance. My family came here to this world and many died. We have proved ourselves. We could not have done what we did with a bow and a knife."

"You destroyed much of this place to gain what you wish."

"I follow the orders of King Rontem. This was a family fight. Our opponents had mighty weapons and we had to use similar tools. We tried hard to minimise our destruction. There may have been more of my family alive if we had used our mighty ship to kill from space. That would have killed many more of my family here."

"Corrma has mentioned how you rode fire to come here. That is a brave thing to do. We cannot do such a thing."

"Corrma could not either at one time. She fights to make our children safe. All of my family should learn these new ideas even if they are not used."

"Why should we bother if we are not going to use them?"

"You know how to use a bow to kill Tomma but do not use it. I want you to gain the stars even if you come here to plant crops and hunt."

"Why should we learn that?"

"If our enemy is strong then some of us may escape with the children. Even the Tomma warrior knows that sometimes it is better to run than fight."

"Will you fight me?"

"Why should I do this? You are the mother of Corrma, my mate."

"I wish it."

Corrma said, "Mother, he does not need more mates. You can fight for fun only."

"You do not wish for me to have a powerful mate, Daughter?"

"A war may come soon and you wish to have your fun. I will fight you."

"I wish to fight for your man."

"I say no. I will fight you in this."

Magga smiled and jumped at her daughter with no warning or hesitation. Corrma knew it was coming and punched her mother as she got close. I stepped back out of the way. This was their main sport apart from sex and I let them enjoy themselves.

A circle formed and the two women fought viciously. This was the Tomma way. Magga was able to grasp Corrma's hair but an uppercut to Magga's abdomen. The fight got even more brutal from that point. Magga got Corrma down and kicked her in the face with her bare foot. Corrma held the foot after a few strikes then kicked upward at her mother's crotch. This stunned the older woman and Corrma used the opportunity to flip Magga onto her face and then jumped on her back. In seconds she had a hold on her mother that the older woman could not break. Corrma pulled and squeezed enough until Magga blacked out.

After a few seconds more, Corrma released her hold and massaged her mother's neck to get the blood flowing again.

Corrma looked up to me with a bloody face and a big smile, "My mother must be getting old. She let me win."

"Corrma, I think you won fairly. You are a fearsome adversary to face."

Corrma's eyes grew large and I felt danger from her. I fell to my left just as a club came down on my right forearm. I continued my fall and tried to pivot just as a kick came to my face. I caught the foot and twisted. Somebody was starting to fall as a girl of twelve of so charged in with another club.

I released the foot I held and rolled behind my fallen opponent. I had enough time to see that this was a girl of about the same age. There was no reasoning with a Tomma woman and especially when she was fighting.

The first girl was getting to her feet. I could beat one of them easily but not two. I thought like a Tomma and kicked at the first but moved close to the second and backhanded her as hard as I could. The first came at me again and I moved away just as the club fell. I moved so I was always facing both opponents. I had a chance to think now and find a reason for the attack as if females needed one.

I was an outsider and a male too. The two may be wanting to conquer me so they could have their way with me even if they had to use weapons. Youngsters got away with a lot and they could use a club against an adult but not usually two of them. I had to worry though besides the fact that I could be hurt. They wanted me for their man and I did not need any more members added to the rank of mate.

My workload had precluded my own fighting but adrenaline was flowing heavily through my veins. The girl on my left was a bit more anxious than the other. She came rushing in and I moved more to my left. Her club came down and I was close enough now to push the club to my right while my left fist came out and punched the child at a nerve cluster in her right shoulder.

The other girl was hit by the deflected club but not hard. I had to move out of her swing too and stepped behind the other girl then pushed the two together. The one I pushed, fell but not the other. She danced out of the way. I moved in toward the fallen girl and kicked her side with my booted foot but not hard enough to injure. The girl rolled away from me and the other attacked to give her friend a chance to regain her feet.

I moved in too and stepped on the other girl's chest as she was starting to get up. This drove her into the damp ground and the wind from her lungs. The club came down and I had to retreat. The girl followed and jumped over her friend. That was when I attacked. The club was swung like a person playing baseball. I had to back up so the club just missed me then I raced in before she could get a good back swing going.

This time my right hand swung at her and she backed up, only to fall over her comrade. I was on her quickly and put my boot on her neck and pushed down. The girl abandoned her club and tried to dislodge my foot and then kick me like Corrma had done. I just pushed down harder.

Corrma and Magga were there beside me now. Corrma said, "What are you going to do with them?"

"They are not going to be my mates if that is what you think. They used clubs like children then they will be treated like children. Find me some rope for both of them." Corrma did as I asked and Magga even assisted.

Before the rope came I had to flip the girl over on her face and then take care of the other girl the same way. She was put across the first and I sat on them.

Capturing arms was not easy but I managed to get them tied behind her back. The cordage was in different lengths and I found another short one to tie the other girl the same way.

Flipping one of the girls on her back I captured a foot but I was almost kicked with the other one. A rope went from one knee around the back of the girl's neck then to the other knee. She was splayed wide but not able to do anything but fling invectives at me.

The other girl saw what was happening and fought harder to keep me away but I managed to tie her the same way without any of us getting hurt.

A large male Tomma was closer than anybody else. Since they were all naked I saw that he was not aroused but he looked worried. His emotions he kept in so I could not read them.

This was not true about Corrma and Magga. They were bleeding and bruised but they held each other. I could detect a lot of eroticism coming from them and it was not all because of their own recent fight.

Corrma said, "Are you going to 'chastise' them?" The Tomma word actually meant the treatment that the older adults did to the girls of this age to promote civilised thinking.

"I do not want to hurt the girls but I do not think it is right to attack people in the village with clubs, especially where there are two of them. I was hoping that you would do this for me?"

Corrma smiled and so did Magga. "I would but they did not attack me. You have to do it." She read my own feelings about this and added, "You cannot talk to them. It will never work. You are a weak male that does not have to be listened to."

I looked at the nearby male and said, "Tomma males look far from weak. They look strong enough to fight any woman and win."

"They are weak in the fighting spirit. They only wrestle so they do not hurt each other. A young girl listens to her father when she is young but not later."

"Is this man one of their fathers?"

"He is father to both."

I walked over to the large Tomma then and said, "Greetings, I am called Wally."

"I am called Asmal."

"Corrma has told me that the two on the ground are your daughters."

"They are."

"I want you to know that I will do my best to not damage them. They attacked me and I simply wish to make sure they understand that what they did was wrong. I am not seeking vengeance."

The man looked at me and I tried to get even more calm as my thoughts were read. "I see that. You want to keep them though."

"I need cadets. I will ask the village if I may have them. Only if they agree will this happen."

The girls were screaming all the time and even more now. They both had the effrontery to ask their father to save them. Eventually Asmal said, "I love my daughters. I want them to grow to be happy women. Corrma had not said so but I see that she is far happier than when she used to live here. I would like them to go but I would also like to see them in forty days to see if they are happier."

"I can do that Asmal. I would invite you to come with us too so you can see the process."

"That sounds interesting but my place is here with my family."

"Would you visit with us for a day once in a while? Your duties are not that stringent."

"It may be interesting to visit the city but the visit depends on if you can control my daughters then get permission for them to leave."

"You may visit me no matter what. The permission that had to be received before is no longer in force."

"I may come. How are you going to proceed with my daughters now?"

"I would like some slippery liquid and some clean water to wash them."

"We do not use that."

"I will. In the culture I came from, we are more gentle. This has not always been the case but it is now. I wish to cause as little pain as possible."

"I sympathise with you. A man does not chastise a youth very often. In fact, I have never seen it done. We are rarely attacked. They must want you very much."

The two on the ground denied this and both Corrma and Magga laughed. Corrma said, "They want children by you Wally. If they had to, they would force you to do that. Now tell me what you need."

Ten minutes later I had the girls near the river and laying on a bed of reeds. Corrma handed me buckets of water and I threw the contents onto the girls. I was not dainty in doing so because this would hurt the girls' standing within the community.

When I was done I crushed some more reeds and put the girls in this dryer section by dragging the rope that went around the back of their necks.

Asmal brought a clay bowl of animal fat with both hands. It was done as near to a ceremony as I had seen the Tomma perform. "I think you Asmal for this gift."

"It is nothing. It is to help a friend."

I put out my right arm and grasped his forearm as he did mine. He was worried about his daughters but not so much now. "Friend Asmal, will you tell me the names of your beautiful and strong daughters?"

"The one who leads is Marok. She is very intelligent but headstrong like all females. She is also very loyal. Dalk is slightly younger. She too is intelligent but foolish. She just has to be told of an outrageous idea and she will do it."

The two girls were cursing their father and me for what was said and had not quieted down except when water was thrown on them for cleaning. I said, "I'll start with Marok. Dalk can see how she is led astray and what happens from doing that."

I bent down to Marok and said, "I am sorry we had to meet this way. I do this with no hate. I want you with me but not as mates."

"I never wanted to be your mate. You are only a stupid male fit only for fun if you last long enough."

"I will last this time." I looked at Dalk now. "I think you would make beautiful mothers one day. Your children would be strong and as beautiful as their mothers."

"You are a fool. When I get the chance I will hit you with my club."

"Then I will have to watch my back."

She screamed, "I will attack you from in front." This was not the way she had done it last time but a frontal attack was the way of a warrior if they were good.

I bent down and took some fat on my fingers and started to caress Marok's mound. She fought me as I did this. Asmal said, "Friend Wally, this process works much better if you use the lower passage. The lesson is learned better and hurts no more."

The Tomma anus stretched a lot even for one that had not had a hand in their previously. My mates loved this too and came even more violently. It was only because of the smell that I did this less often. "Thank you Asmal. I will follow your advice."

Marok screamed her disapproval but it was no stronger or weaker than what I had originally wanted to do. Marok moved further away from me as I worked on her anus but Asmal just happened to be standing in the way and she could get no further.

I used two hands now. One hand caressed Marok's clit while I slowly worked into her anus. Minutes later Marok was quiet and so was Dalk. The first had two involuntary orgasms and now wiggled to help me. It took longer to get in but I managed to get there. Her anus closed up about my wrist and I moved slowly back and forth until she orgasmed on just this arm.

My other arm was caressing Dalk's clit. Her rope was now slack because she was trying to give me more room. My fingers got more grease and I went back to work on her anus. She wiggled just like Marok so I could get into her.

A few minutes later I had a hand in each girl and moving back and forth. Marok was out of it now and just responding to my actions. After a few more orgasms, Dalk was the same way.

"Marok, Dalk. You two have done wrong by attacking me with clubs. That is the way of a wilful child and not a warrior woman. That was a cowardly attack on a male that you wanted to father your next child." I repeated this in different ways in this hypnotic technique that I had so much experience listening to. Later I went onto the proper conduct of a woman warrior. By now the two girls were orgasming in unison.

The Tomma around me found this time good to relieve their own tensions but strangely Asmal and I were not aroused. This was important to me and I did not want to do this incorrectly because of the consequences involved. It was only after I was finished that I continued to give the girls more pleasure that I started to react.

Asmal was kneeling now and caressing the heads of the girls. He gave me a smile of encouragement because I had done this to his satisfaction. I pulled out of Marok first and then Dalk. Their holes closed up quickly but their legs stayed in place for more.

I walked a little ways away and cleaned my arms. There was some soap there probably left for me. I washed my arms and hands then returned to get Marok. I untied the ropes and carried the twitching body to the river and set her into the warm water to clean her.

When she was laid down in a new and clean area I did the same thing for Dalk. When I brought her back, I set her laying down on Marok in the 69 position. It was no different than the way many of the Tomma were now.

Asmal and I went for a walk. He said, "You were very careful with my daughters. I thank you for that."

"They are part of my family too Asmal. You are the same. Female Tomma are crazy but we love them anyway. They need to be protected but allowed enough room to grow."

"We have been doing this for a long time. The All Mother must have had a great joke as she formed us. Our women though are kinder than they used to be."

"Kinder? I cannot think of them being more warlike."

"Let me tell you what it used to be like."

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It was the week after Fourth of July, and Tracie got the house from her folks. She was busy with the bank getting a loan secured for the improvements that we discussed. In August Tracie got her loan from the bank, and I went to work spending her money on improvements. I started to demolish the inside of the house. I had the house rewired, painted inside and outside, new roof, new carpet and flooring, new appliances, and new furniture. It helped to work for a very large general contractor. We...

3 years ago
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Room 412

I opened the hotel room door and scurried down the hallway, my bare feet grazing against the tough of the carpet. The air had turned cold, or maybe it hadn't, it might have been because I had on only the complimentary bath robe provided to the room. I made my way down the corridor and around the corner without seeing anyone and approached the final door of the hallway, 412. I swiftly knocked and waited. Looking over my shoulder, the dimmed hallway remained barren. A moment passed and then I...

1 year ago
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Female DelightsChapter 23 Despair

The next morning Fatima woke to find herself in her own bed in the harem. She had been washed and cared for after the mini-orgy of the wedding night and put to bed by unknown hands. Thinking of what had transpired she felt revolted with herself for going along with it, for letting herself get excited by three pricks in her at once. That ghastly ceremony where she had been used as a servant to hold the virgin he was deflowering. Then the Emir had simply given her to the bridegroom and the...

1 year ago
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Teachers Pet Ch 14

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....

2 years ago
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Taking the Plunge

It seemed strange to be standing in the Doctor’s office naked to the waist. There was a Nurse and two physicians there, both men. The older man, Doctor Tillman, was busy drawing little lines on me. The nurse just stayed out of the way. It tickled, I stifled a giggle. The younger man, Don Hansett looked up at me and smiled. I had already noticed that his eyes were darting to my bare breasts and away. I am also a Doctor, a G/P. The only reason I was here in the first place was due to an...

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RARBG Handjob

Imagine this scenario. Your dick gets hard, and you are in the right mindset, just ready to rub one out. You hop on the net and find the perfect porno to strut your stuff to. As you get to the best bit, your video starts buffering, your net starts bugging, and your day is ruined. I am pretty sure that we have all been there, and this is why I am introducing a website that will never let that happen.I mean, videos that are downloaded will never buffer, right? So, if you are ready to make a nice...

Handjob Porn Sites
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The crew had a layover scheduled, so as we started walking toward the pick-up spot for the hotel shuttle, I hung back and waited for the pilot, Alan, to leave the cockpit. As he joined me, we changed course and headed to the taxi stand together. Since I started working with Alan about three years ago, we’ve always paired up during our layovers, unless one of us had other arrangements, or unless Alan’s wife was flying with us. On that particular day we were both flying solo, so we grabbed a...

2 years ago
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Fold Space 2 SettlingChapter 3

I dare say I was not much company during the nearly two hour flight to our first stop. Towards the end, though, I was looking out at scenery not so very different to that back at base. It occurred to me that we would probably have to make up titles or names for the different places. We didn't even have a name for our base. Was it 'home'? Or... 'Headquarters'? 'Home Base', maybe? "Lieutenant..." Anya looked at me strangely for a few seconds, but then responded, "Yes, sir?" in a...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Marica Hase Wild Sex Makes MILF Marica Hase Squeal

Marica Hase starts off as a shy sweet thing, but once the exquisite Asian brunette gets turned on she’s certainly not shy about squealing loudly with pleasure as handsome Brad Newman licks her hairy pussy. Rock hard from a blowjob he slides his cock into her wet snatch in spoon. The Penthouse Pet cougar rides him cowgirl while fingering her clit and gasping as his long shaft fills her up. After a hardcore doggystyle fuck this lucky guy climaxes all over the cum loving cougar’s big...

3 years ago
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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 34

“Okay. Aim for leaving in the morning. Can you pass the word, and I’ll tell Numa what we are doing?” “Don’t you know? She has managed to match the distance qualification, so she is coming too.” “Damn!” was all John could come up with. Gomla went on, “It is not too difficult if you get plenty of practice. We have all been at it until our fingers are sore from plucking that cord and sending the arrow on the way.” “We?” “Oh, yes. I qualified too. You don’t think your wives are going to let...

3 years ago
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An affair to remember

Introduction: It all started with a simply phone call from my preferred university then it all started to spiral out of control. An affair to remember It all started the day I got the phone call from the university I wanted to transfer to, they had an opening mid semester and I arrived late on a rainy day and had a class which I was now late for. I dumped my bags in my dorm room and headed straight over to my first class with Professor McDonald, the head of the art department who was teaching...

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Der Schwimmbadspanner

Ich wuchs als Einzelkind in einer zumindest nach aussenhin prüden Familie auf, in der Nacktheit nie ein Thema war. Als ich langsam erwachsen wurde und anfing, mich dafür zu interessieren, wie die Geschlechtorgane anderer denn so aussehen, habe ich das Spannen für mich entdeckt. Damals gab es noch in vielen Schwimmbädern sogenannte Spannerlöcher in den Umkleidekabinen, durch die man gut beobachten konnte, was so in der Nachbarkabine vor sich ging. Auch gingen viele Umkleidewände nicht bis zum...

2 years ago
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Road Trip part 11

Part 1 It was late July and school started in a few weeks me and Zack had been blowing each other for awhile now and no one knew. Since Doug had moved to Florida we only talked to him a little. We were both sixteen and wanted to and in the middle of puberty. Zack had his license and so we got are parents to let us take a road trip to a baseball game in Miami, FL. We packed are bags and were on are way. Once on the highway it was a good 8 hours of driving. We talked and talked for a few...

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the camping trip

Joey and I had been friends since pre-school, we did nearly everything together. We graduated from the seventh grade and his father said he was taking him camping and wanted to know if I'd like to come, I asked my mother if I could go and she said yes. I packed some clothes and grabbed my sleeping bag. Mr. King pulled in the driveway and spoke with my mother while I climbed in the van. Soon we were on our way to the mountains and setting up camp. Joey asked if we could go exploring, his dad...

4 years ago
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I invite you to my account:GayStoriesPLBelow, you can read the story "Thriller", have a good reading and please leave a comment after reading.ThrillerAutumn afternoon. Outside the window pretty nice weather. Colorful leaves fall from the trees. Despite this, I was a little depressed, but it's probably normal for this time of year. With headphones the sound was coming out my favorite piece. At least that in some way improved my mood. With thoughtfulness rescued me my phone vibration rhythm....

1 year ago
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The New Girl2

I laid back down on my bed and sighed, shutting my eyes. Suddenly I heard someone say, "Hi." It was the new girl from next door. I opened my eyes and looked at her and mumbled, "H-hi there." She sat down next to me on my bed smiled and said, "So was that you?" I nodded my head yes and noticed that her very short shorts where unzipped and I could see her pink panties. When she saw me looking she unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them down. I was hard and the bulge in my shorts...

2 years ago
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Flattery Gets You Everywhere Part 2

‘Holy Fuck, she wants to meet!’ I blurt out loud. My cock starts to twitch as my filthy mind flicks into overdrive. I was amazed that she had gone so far on webcam, and was not expecting her to suggest that we meet up. I tap away at my phones keyboard and simply type ‘YES!! Where and When? xx’ I’m eager to receive a message back from her, but need to get ready for work, so I throw my phone onto the bed and make my way towards the shower where I find I have an impressive hard on that is NOT...

3 years ago
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Fucking with the EnemyPart 4 The Enemy Camps Establish a Truce

Lieutenant Sadaki was troubled. His small unit was to have received two Junior Geishas some time ago but the girls never showed up. He learned by radio that two other outposts to the south had received girls, but two other units to the north had not. He concluded that some misfortune must have befallen the Junior Geisha's boat on the way to his island. Sadaki expected that there would have been some search made, but he learned that the military commanders were too occupied with war plans to...

3 years ago
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Tesco Tart Part Seven

All writings in this series are purely works of fiction and any reference to companies or people are fictitious for the purposes of this fictional writing. Tesco Tart - Part 7 David took his usual seat in the staff canteen and quietly considered this new development in the Store Management team. Sitting alone was the norm for David for several reasons, some his own choosing and some the obvious decision of his colleagues both male and female. In David's mind he was happy not to...

3 years ago
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Daddy Issues 8211 Part 2 Issues Addressed

As I walked out of the bathroom, I knew what I wanted. I entered the hall found her checking notes on her calendar. She looked at me and smiled. I walked beside the couch and looked at the photographs of her family on the wall, old, new, many. They looked weirdly bright in the dim light of the chandelier coloring the room with a shade of yellow. I pointed at a picture on the wall, “Your dad is an exceptionally handsome man.” She stepped beside me and nodded, looking at the photograph tenderly,...

1 year ago
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A Memorable Train Journey With A Hot Aunty

I was traveling to Hyderabad on Saturday, I had exam the next day around 11.30am. So I boarded my train and hopped into my seat, it was upper birth and the train would start from 5pm from place. So have to something till I sleep which is around 11pm and it would reach Hyderabad early in the morning around 5.30am. So I had brought a book and opened it reading also checked who are there in my compartment. Lower births were occupied by all oldies and even on the side ones. When I looked opposite...

2 years ago
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The Education And Corruption Of Joseph Potter

How did it come to this?I’m sitting between my wide-eyed and frankly startled parents, waiting for my name to be called. My mum keeps saying that I haven’t done anything to be ashamed of and that I have done nothing wrong.“It’s all her fault,” she insists, “she made you do it; her and that twisted husband of hers, they forced you.” That’s what she wants to believe, and I let her.The press, of course, is having a field day. Stories of our relationship have covered the front pages of the nation’s...

First Time
1 year ago
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TJ MorgChapter 62

Saint knocked on the cabin hatch, TJ turned in his lift chair and waved him in and onto the other lift chair. The twitch had finally surfaced. Handing one of the medical update chips across, "The dates on those papers ... when I correct them for time space... ?" "Threep get this?" "Actually, no; I managed it on my own." "That's the trouble with 'bots, even the sapient one. They have no intrinsic curiosity; what is, is! You are a natural mutie?" "I'm not sure. My family...

2 years ago
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Temptations Of the Flesh Part 4

Now that Sister Katherine and I had mated several times, Magdalene had informed me that her work here was done. Since I had now accepted and embraced physical pleasure as an important part of my life, She felt compelled to seek out others and leave me to explore the depths of my feelings. Last night, I received a phone call from the convent on the other side of the church. Apparently there were some plumbing issues and, since it was after hours, could I come over and snake out some pipes,...

4 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Gregs Story Part IV

Greg arrived with Cathy just after six o’clock that Friday evening, complete with an overnight suitcase. He had taken her shopping the day before and had bought her some new clothing. Al and Greg had chatted in the morning and Al had told him the kind of clothing he liked to see on a woman. His taste was something classy and yet sexy.Many cuckolds had this assumption that men preferred the slutty look for the Hotwife but it was rarely the case. Like many Alpha males, Al liked clothes that only...

3 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 36 Metalton

As Smithy had predicted the snowfall wasn’t that bad. It was a very chipper crowd that greeted Trixi and me at the fire the next morning. We did get a few head shakes after the night before, and I did blush. You see I tried something new. Trixi was exhausted after four days of helping me recharge and the magic she had used that day. My girls had indicated to me in the past that it wasn’t so much the sex but me channelling the magic through them when I came. I was going to try to be the...

1 year ago
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Fee Fie Faux Fox

AUTHOR?S NOTE: This story was inspired by the works of Tebra. However, I have changed portions of the plot and substituted my own characters for the ones he used. Now, on with the show. FEE FIE FAUX FOX (Another Super-Hero Fantasy) By Dale Ribbons Portent City, a few hours before dawn. A black sports car sped through the empty streets, its driver on a mission of grave importance! The man behind the wheel was Charles Chambers... the Sentinel! The Sentinel is what is...

2 years ago
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Blackmail Fuck

Hi, I received a great response for my previous story ‘Hot Blooded Bang’ and hence I decided to share another one of my recent experiences. Please note that whatever I write is completely true and not fiction. I share my deepest secrets here online as it allows me to retain my secrecy. My previous experience, which I shared earlier was the first one of it’s kind I experienced. What I wish to share with you now is something which happened with me very recently. So now I had a broker – Bake Lal,...

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sister Love

sister Love – Strap-on FantasyBy billy69boyEmma found herself smiling as she drove to the airport to pick up her little sister Amy. The two girls were very close, despite the disparity in their ages. They really missed each other, and now they were going to spend the entire summer together.Emma was proud of herself. At 20, she landed a good job, and she could afford her own place in the city. She was finally on her own; free to call her own shots. Funny thing, though, she was only away from her...

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Boundaries Redefined

In my first two stories, I told of our first meeting with Mike and Sally and how we had pushed our boundaries and, in some cases, destroyed them. This is the final episode in our journey and how things have developed in a rather unusual fashion.Having ignored Sally comments about “you are mine” after the last meeting it was not brought up again as we continued to meet over the next few months. The comment had unnerved me a little and for the next few meets I engineered situations where we...

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And Baby Makes ThreeChapter 14

"Hi, mum. Sorry to wake you. It's a boy. Patrick Scott Hollister. 12:30 am, Easter Sunday, 16 April 2006. 52 cm., 3725 gms. I'll send a photo later. Love you." "Hi, Bob. 12:30 am; 52 cm., 3725 gms. Both are fine. I'll send a photo later." I contemplated waking Chaz and Michiko or Charlie and Maddy or Maggie or Evans or Willy. I decided against it. But it was really something. I was a daddy. Just as the healer said. I drove home, stripped, showered and fell into bed. It was nearly...

1 year ago
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Love Or Leave 8211 Part 4

Everyone heads to their respective rooms. Suraj and Amelia both look quite happy, but Suraj still has his focus on Amira. Amira, on the other hand, is very disgusted as she saw Suraj having sex with Amelia. She now has to share the room with Samir for a whole one week until the final tasks. Amira feels bad for herself. She now has to share a room with Samir, who fooled around with the slutty Manisha on the first day of the show. Samir still cannot believe that he is sharing a room with the most...

2 years ago
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My Wife Teachs me to be a Gurl

There was a note and a small box on his desk when he arrived home. The note said, "A gift for you, do not open until I arrive home, Mistress Victoria." As was Her wishes he sat naked except for his collar, ready for anything Mistress wished. Shortly after She arrived and entered the den, carrying a bottle of lube and a small towel.She grinned and said, "I see you saw My gift and like a good slut you did not touch it until I arrived."She knelt in front of him and poured some of the lube into her...

1 year ago
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Keith MurrayChapter 10

The little convoy had gone about 13 miles over fairly rough country, and the day was coming to an end. Fortunately, they were close enough to a little hamlet with a saloon/hotel where Alice Brown had scheduled an overnight stop. Naturally, everybody but Alice spent some time in the saloon after supper. Keith got into a long conversation with a couple of local businessmen and came to bed shaking his head. The next day, they made about 20 miles in country a little less demanding on the mules....

2 years ago
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Missed Train Led To Sex With A Stranger 8211 Part 2

Hi, My name is Anu. I hope you remember me from the last post. You already know I am a fun-loving girl with beautiful assets. In my last part, I told you how my lust took over me. In this, I will tell you how tables had turned and how I ended up being fucking bitch and enjoyed sex with a stranger. Please read my previous story as it is related to that one. As I mentioned earlier, Mrinal and I played a game where I got the chance to tease him as much as possible. I could see that he was getting...

3 years ago
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Nighttime Cavern part 1

Chapter one It was nighttime, and I had just gotten back from swimming in the sea. It can't really be called swimming, since I was just splashing around near the shore. Skinny dipping would be a good word for it though. Water dripped off my glorious wet naked body. I looked down at myself, seeing perky C- cups and an overall curvaceous body. I turned my head and looked at my voluptuous behind. My boyfriend was still at dinner, but he knew very well what I was doing. As I had told him, a dark...

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Stranger in the DarkChapter 3 Youve Got Mail

After tossing and turning all night, I went in search of coffee. I found everyone in the kitchen. Brie and Jack were at the breakfast table, a laptop and a couple of books open in front of them. Fish was sitting at the kitchen island, watching Eddie make eggs and toast. I went straight to the coffeepot. Eddie handed me my favorite huge mug, and I filled it to the brim. The first sip was hot and tasted oh, so good. I closed my eyes and savored it. “Hey, Tess?” I opened my eyes and looked at...

3 years ago
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Gay Male Cage Fighters Fuck 1 Erotic Gay Male

Caucasian male cage fighter friends in their late 20’s betrayed each other and had sex with each other behind each others backs. They got in trouble with law officers who blackmailed them for sex. When his ex-boyfriend crashed in and discovered the law officers blackmail red-handed and his best friend and lover’s sexual betrayal, all sexual hell broke loose! This last August 2nd, 1:30 p.m., near Friendswood, Indiana, a small town just outside Indianapolis, (part of the U.S.A. mid-west), Aaron...

4 years ago
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Grampas GirlChapter 2

Nowadays, when Saturday arrived I always look forward to visiting Grampa. Sometimes we'd clean house and on the other days play naked games, where he'd teach me about sex. It's had been going on for about six months now, and so far no one had caught on to "our little secret." Friday night, I was lying in the tub pampering myself with a bubble bath, while I daydreamed about what we'd do tomorrow. I started pretending that Grampa's was washing me. His hands rubbed the wash rag across my...

4 years ago
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Newly married teacher gangbang

Hi friends this is aditya from new delhi, this is a real story which happened in this december 2007 with my newly married teacher at my friends house My age is 26 and i study in class 10th and i have two best friends in school ashish and rahul who both stay in my society.Yeh aaj se ek saal pehle ki baat hai hamare school mein ek teacher thi english ki jinka naam simran tha. Simran mam ek sardarni thi aur us waqt unmarried thi. Unki age 28 ki thi us waqt 5.8 height thi ek dum gori lambe baal jo...

3 years ago
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Another wild pool party as usual

Saturday afternoon my sexy Anita set a pool party at our back yard.I knew she was aroused and horny, just seeing the tiny bikini she was wearing. My sensual babe was looking for a big cock for sure.Her swimsuit was green lime; a very tiny piece of nylon that barely covered her nicely shaven pussy lips and her hard nipples.Her sweet camel toe was in plain sight for everyone…and it was wet…During the whole afternoon, Ana went from time to time inside the house, coming back an hour later. Every...

2 years ago
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Make Yourself Comfortable

A few days had passed since I had caught Miranda fucking herself in my bed with my toys. In other words, I had jerked off 8 times to the image of her filling her asshole with an extremely thick fuck toy. The image of her, three fingers deep in her cunt with her eyes closed and headphones on is burned in my eyelids. I spent the entire three days figuring out how to approach this.The responsible adult in me said to let sleeping dogs lie so to speak. I assumed that she was vulnerable at this...

1 year ago
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Layla and I

“He dumped me because he found someone else, he said its cause I’m fat and ugly and she’s beautiful” I was shocked at this, Layla wasn’t the skinniest of people, she was curvaceous but nowhere near fat. She was also gorgeous, she had such a cute, innocent face and bright blue eyes that made her look angelic. She had long blonde hair that had a natural wave to it, which was shockingly different to my straight brunette hair and dark eyes. “Hes an idiot, your absolutely gorgeous!” She didn’t...

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Mother in law

Hi friends i am vicky.i am avid reader of this group’s stories. I like experiences you narrate in desipapa about sex with mother, Bhabhi, aunty. I love incest sex. I have inclination towards sex With family members as i have seen accidently initially and then Chupke chupke women of the house changing clothes, bathing, Masturbating. When i married i got mother in law who was not careful About her activities. She did many things unknowingly that aroused Me sexually. As i had bent of mind for...

2 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 34

It wasn’t quite at a run that we made it to the stable but close. “Jordris, grab a horse. Giemund, you know us by now from caring for our horses. We need another.” He nodded and told me a fair price that I immediately paid. “Okay, mount up and ride as if Elisif’s life depends upon it. Which I suspect it does.” We left at a gallop. “Lydia, Serana, this is the way we first went when we headed for Castle Volkihar. Be ready in case of animals, don’t stop, just ride over them.” We actually did...

3 years ago
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The Gift cont

"It's been a long time since we had that kind of fun." I paused then decided to try to bring up something I'd been trying to discuss lately, "You know Brad, we should...""Let's have more fun." He interrupted.Pulling away from me he made to sit on the couch, when he spoke loudly "Hey, Trish you hear something?"Trying not to laugh I began to turn around, "Yeah, I thought I heard something on the stairs.""Shit, is it Ashley?" he gasped.Brad did such a good job of sounding serious, I had to pause...

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AvatarChapter 12

Nicole and Anna went down to a local dance hall/bar that Anna used to frequent before she had become preoccupied with Nicole. As soon as they entered the bar, the bartender, a pretty, tall, dark haired, slightly overweight woman, waved her hand and said, "Anna, long time no see! How've things been?" Anna walked up to the bar, and the two leaned over and gave each other a friendly hug. "I've been well. Much better recently." "That's great. Who's your friend?" "Oh, where are my...

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The School Band

20/06/2020 A/N: Hello there. I have resumed work on this story once again. I will be editing up the current stuff quite significantly (no real change to the overall storyline, just the words itself). I would just like to say at this time that I will be focusing on progressing the story primarily, then add alternate choices at a later time. The incessant beeping of your alarm rouses you from your slumber. 'Isn't it Saturday today? Why would I turn the alarm on?' You stretch out your arm towards...


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