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Spencer tried not to stare at Darrin as the taxi pulled away from the curb and gave the driver the Wilshire’s address. Darrin Mathews. Never in his wildest dreams would he ever have thought that he would be sitting thisclose to Darrin Mathews. But then, he never would have imagined that he was thisclose to becoming the Assistant District Attorney, quite possibly the youngest in the city’s known history.
He tried not to laugh as well. He knew that he was vain. Dense Spence, the wild-haired nerd had evolved and Spencer H. Carlson, III had emerged from the ashes. Where Dense was shy and unsure, Spencer was confident and eloquent. The cloak of Dungeons and Dragons and Tubular Bells was cast aside in favor of Elizabeth George and Jeff Lorber. And this reunion was the final stroke in his grand masterpiece of reinvention. The chance to show everyone what the lame-ass Star Wars fanatic had become: a successful, powerful lawyer.
And so he had packed, excited to carve yet another notch on his belt of adulthood, a chance to rub his good fortune into the faces of those who had treated him so badly. But somehow, the air seemed to have been let out of his balloon once he saw Darrin. He had known who Darrin was as soon as he’d seen him. No one who graduated that year could forget the Mathews twins. Darrin, the gymnast with the perfect delts and fat-free gluts and his exciting sister, Mickie, voted Most Likely To Be Naked. And she didn’t disappoint. No one forgot the commencement ceremony.
‘So what do you do?’
Spencer watched the wide blue eyes swing around from the passing scenery to him. ‘I’m in the entertainment industry.’
‘Ah.’ Spencer shook his head, understanding yet not understanding. ‘You’re an attorney, aren’t you?’
Darrin laughed. ‘What would make you think that I was a shyster?’
‘Sorry!’ Darrin held his hands up. ‘I didn’t mean you.’
Spencer smiled, patting Darrin’s denim-clad leg and quickly retracting his touch. ‘Don’t worry, Dare, I’m used to it. Everyone just loves a lawyer.’
‘Bet the chicks do.’
‘Yeah.’ Spencer huffed in disappointment. ‘Don’t I know it.’
Darrin sized up his former classmate with a newfound sense of confusion. ‘Is that a problem?’
Spencer didn’t answer for a moment. He was back in his hometown and he was the big man on campus. He had a hunter green Aston Martin and a lilac Bentley in the garage of his $430,000 home. He had ducks and swans in his manmade pond and quarter horses wandering his twenty thousand acre spread. He had straight teeth, whitened and capped and his skinny body was thick with sinew and muscle and yet … no woman had caught his eye nor satisfied him. ‘Can I be honest with you?’
Darrin shrugged, accepting the cold Tsingtao. He didn’t really care … did he? ‘Sure.’
‘I … uh, I don’t really like girls.’
Darrin laughed. ‘What, cooties?’
Spencer dropped down onto the couch next to him, thumbing the remote into life. ‘Not unless they’re permanent.’ He gave an exasperated sigh. ‘I’m gay, Dare.’
‘Oh.’ Darrin swallowed half of his beer, deep in thought. What the hell am I supposed to say now?
Spencer saved him the trouble. ‘Thanks for your pity!’ He laughed, tossing the remote on the table and sitting back, looping his long legs ankle over ankle as the New York Giants sought to make mincemeat of an unknown team.
‘I didn’t mean … ‘
‘Ah, fuck off!’ The lawyer laughed, clapping Darrin on the back. ‘It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to.’ Both men chuckled for a moment, Spencer pausing to push the hair out of his eyes and noticing that Darrin was watching the action. ‘So, how about you?’
‘Uh, me?’
‘Yeah. How’s your love life?’
‘Great.’ Darrin stuttered uncomfortably, then stood. ‘Listen, Spence, I’d better get going.’
‘Already? You just got here.’
‘I know, but I have a million things to do and Mickie will kill me if I don’t pick up her dry cleaning like I promised.’
‘Ah.’ Spencer took a long swig, following Darrin to the door and watching his ass. Something was bothering him, no, not bothering, actually. Puzzling him. Why had Darrin suddenly decided to bolt when he’d started talking about being gay? Maybe because he was gay himself? That thought made Spencer’s cock leap in his pants. He’d give anything to fuck this juicy piece of meat. ‘Wanna have dinner tomorrow?’
Otto Bahn would have said yes. Darrin Mathews waffled, his mouth opening and closing like a fish stuck on a hook. ‘Why?’
His response intrigued Spencer. ‘Why not?’ He paused, staring at the man. ‘Are you afraid of being seen with me?’
‘No.’ Darrin barked a bit too harshly. ‘I just have to work late tomorrow.’
‘Then make it lunch.’
The idea of spending time alone with Spencer was making him uncomfortable. What would they talk about? Hey, why don’t I tell you about being a porn star? Darrin shuddered, his sadness threatening to overwhelm him again. He wanted a normal life, he wanted a relationship. But it was very evident to him that he would achieve neither. ‘How about cocktails?’
Cocktails. Spencer thought about that word, conjuring images of Darrin feeding him his cock. Unconsciously, he licked his lips, then quickly raised his beer, taking a drink. ‘Sure. That’d be great.’
‘I’ll meet you in the bar downstairs.’
‘Sounds cool.’
‘Great. See you then.’
Darrin stepped out into the hall and quickly walked to the elevator. Only then did he allow himself to turn around and look back. Spencer still stood in the doorway and raised a hand in goodbye. Darrin was glad that he was far enough away that Spencer couldn’t see his blush. The bulge in Spencer’s pants and the fact that he was watching him leave made chills run down his spine. Could there be a chance? Before he could answer himself, the elevator doors opened and Spencer slipped from view.
* * * * *
‘All right, Otto.’ Jesus checked the lighting for the fifth time and came around the edge of the bed where Otto Bahn and a twink named Jamie Hummers were lying. ‘This is the last scene for the night. Give Jamie a facial and make it a good one.’
The younger man sat up, pulling the sheet off Otto’s body and gasping in delight. ‘Damn, you’re hung like a horse.’
Inwardly, Darrin groaned but Otto just smirked, showing his muscle control by flexing his semi-hard prick and making it bob in the air. ‘Think you can fit your little mouth around it?’
‘No but I’ll try!’
‘Good boy.’ Otto leaned back, closing his eyes and lacing his hands behind his head. ‘You may begin.’
The plot was supposed to be a young man getting his first taste of cum so Jamie acted tentative, encircling Otto’s cock with a hand and stroking it into full tumescence. Otto moaned softly, opening his legs a little wider.
‘Darrin.’ Spencer’s voice was soft, his breath warm against his neck. ‘I love you.’
He turned, tears filling his eyes as he searched Spencer’s dark ones. ‘What’d you say?’
‘You heard me.’ Spencer moved closer, his spicy scent filling Darrin’s nostrils. ‘I. LOVE. YOU.’
Darrin closed his eyes and let the tears flow. Someone loved him. And it wasn’t being said to Otto Bahn. It was being said to him. Darrin Mathews.
‘Spencer … Spencer … ‘
Darrin opened his eyes, blinking against the lights. ‘What … what’s wrong?’
‘Who’s Spencer?’ Jamie asked.
Darrin looked around the room, staring back at eleven pairs of eyes. ‘No one.’
‘So quit calling his name, will ya?’ Jesus growled, turning back to the clapper loader. ‘All right, let’s take it from the top!’
* * * * *
Spencer checked his watch again. It was nearly midnight and the hotel bar was about to close. Maybe this had been a bad idea. Maybe he should have just resorted to his usual aloo
f character and avoided feelings. After all, he had been doing it for so long that it was almost second nature. But something about Darrin caught him and held him fast.
Maybe it was simply his looks. The blond hair, the rippling muscles, the ever-present smirk all combined to make Darrin hotter than the nearest star. As cynical as he was, that would be simple but deep down, Spencer knew that it was something more and didn’t have the answer. And that disturbed him.
‘We’re closing up now, Mr. Carlson.’ The bartender, Ray, said, topping off his Dewar’s and soda. ‘You can take that to your room, if you like.’
Spencer sighed, pounding the drink down, then reached for his jacket. ‘Thanks, Ray. Put it on my bill, would you?’
‘No problem, Mr. Carlson. Good night.’
‘Hey, I thought we were going to have a few drinks!’ Spencer’s heart stopped when he heard Darrin’s deep voice behind him. ‘Sorry, things ran a bit later than I expected.’
‘That’s okay.’ Spencer laughed, trying to hide the tremor in his voice. Darrin just oozed sexuality and every nerve in Spencer’s body was answering loud and clear. He wondered if his friend could sense his unease. ‘Well, the bar’s closing up so we have to go somewhere else. You mind?’
‘Naw, that’s cool.’
‘How about we hit a club instead?’
Darrin shrugged, his stomach flip-flopping. He wanted to avoid a club at all costs. There would be no way that he could hide his persona there. ‘I don’t know. I’m kinda tired. I don’t think I wanna go clubbing tonight.’
Darrin directed the twosome to the corner bar, just a few yards away from the Wilshire. Once inside, Spencer ordered a Dewar’s and soda while Darrin stuck with his usual Johnnie Walker Black and a splash of Coke.
‘So, tell me about yourself.’ Darrin just stared open-mouthed at Spencer, then swallowed half his drink. ‘Um, I didn’t think that was a hard question.’
A half-hearted chuckle escaped him and he squirmed uncomfortably in his chair. ‘It-it wasn’t. I’m just not used to being asked that.’
‘Why not?’ Again, his interest was peaked. Asking about one’s job was normal in everyday conversation. Why not in Darrin’s life?
Darrin let a bit of Otto slip in. ‘Being in the entertainment industry, if everyone knows what you do, you tend to get a target painted on your back.’
‘That’s the life of a lawyer.’
‘Yeah, sure is.’ Darrin laughed, raising his glass in a toast.
‘So, tell me about your cases. You must handle a lot of celebrities. Come on, dish some dirt.’
‘Now, you should know better than that, Spence.’
‘Yeah, I know. Attorney-client privilege. I just thought you’d have a little tidbit you could tell a fellow jurist … ‘
‘Nope. I’m well-known for keeping my mouth shut.’
‘I see.’ Spencer laughed. ‘And what about your personal life?’
Darrin sighed. No sense in keeping this private. After all, Spencer had already volunteered his status. ‘I’m gay.’
Spencer shouted happily. ‘I thought so!’
‘Jesus, will you keep it down?’ Darrin angrily shushed his friend, glancing around. ‘I didn’t ask for a broadcast.’
‘What’s wrong? I thought you were out of the closet.’ Spencer noticed that his jest didn’t raise a smile on Darrin’s face and he whispered, ‘I’m sorry. I guess it’s not as easy for everyone.’
‘It was never easy for me.’ Darrin drained his glass, gesturing toward the bartender for another. ‘Small towns don’t forgive easily.’
‘What’s for them to forgive? It was your life.’
‘I was the golden boy, remember? Star quarterback, headed for superstardom. I was supposed to put this fucking town on the map, remember?’
Spencer nodded slowly. He remembered. The scandal happened a few weeks after graduation. Darrin had been arrested for sodomy after he and Ronnie Littleton were found in flagrante delicto, his dick mercilessly pounding Ronnie’s ass. Homer Littleton was outraged, after all, he was the owner of the National Bank and a fine, upstanding citizen in their little town. Darrin had escaped the barn with his life, only to be arrested hours later when Ronnie had told the police that Darrin took him by force. Of course, the fact that Ronnie was cumming when the flashlight caught them in its beam was overlooked and Homer had Darrin’s ass nailed to the wall.
The verdict: leave town immediately. Darrin had disappeared overnight, only returning years later to purchase old man Littleton’s mansion and to happily piss on the dead man’s gravesite.
‘I was always sorry about that.’
Darrin shook his head. ‘There was nothing that you could do, Spence. Everyone knew that Homer Littleton would get what he wanted, no matter who stood in the way.’
‘But what he did to you was wrong.’ Spence watched Darrin shrug noncommittally and wondered what was going on in the man’s mind. He wondered if it had anything to do with their chance meeting on the bridge. Had Darrin been staring into that muddy water for a different reason? ‘Darrin … ‘
‘Wow, look at the time.’ Darrin made a big show of checking the time on his watch. ‘I’m sorry, Spence. I’ve got an early appointment and I’ve gotta get some sleep.’
Spencer could have sworn that he saw tears glistening in Darrin’s bright blue eyes. ‘Listen, why don’t we have dinner tomorrow night, after the opening reception for the reunion.’ Spencer tossed a twenty on the counter, turning to Darrin. ‘You are going, right?’
‘Spence, that’s quite impossible … ‘
‘Are you kidding? You’ve got to go! What better place to rub your success in the noses of those assholes!’ Spencer laughed. ‘Besides, you get to see who’s fat, who’s ugly … who’s still fat and ugly,’ He gave Darrin a knowing wink. ‘You know.’
‘No, I don’t think it would be a good idea.’ Darrin pushed through the door, fishing his gloves from his pocket. ‘I’ll come by for a drink before you go, though.’
‘Sounds great. Give me a call after your appointment.’
‘Okay.’ Darrin watched the young man depart, noticing how the streetlight’s glare bounced off Spencer’s curls and the way his hips took a seductive turn with each step. His mouth watered. ‘Spencer!’
Spencer turned and was surprised to see Darrin dashing towards him. He was even more surprised when Darrin’s mouth crashed onto his in a desperately passionate kiss that set his cock throbbing in the tight confines of his pants. Darrin’s tongue plundered his mouth in a way that he’d only dreamed about: forceful, arrogant, controlling the very breath in his lungs and leaving him limp. It was several seconds before Spencer came back to reality, lightly balanced in a pair of strong arms.
He wanted to say something but couldn’t put words to his feelings. So he just stood, staring into Spencer’s unreadable eyes and letting his fingertips gently slide along his whiskered cheek. ‘See you tomorrow.’
‘Uh, yeah.’ And with that, Darrin melded into the shadows of the street, leaving Spencer with a head full of questions and crotch full of cum.
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IncestHi, I'm Chloey. This is the first of my slutty stories series. Let's get started!It was in the Spring of 2010, and I had just turned 18 a week before this happened. I decided that since I was now old enough, that I would put out an ad online to see how many guys wanted to fuck me. I was surprised when my inbox was flooded with replies. One particular response caught my eye. He said he was in his 40's, could pick me up, take me to his hotel room, and I would be pleasuring him and a few friends....
A bright white light seared in my eyes. I squinted shy away the burning. The sound of a heart monitor beeped steadily. A figure in a white coat was turned around, preparing something. I heard the tinkering of metal on metal, and as he turned around, I closed my eyes. A high toned beep and then I heard in a fake female voice “Now recording” followed by another beep. “We have finished the operation. The subject has responded well to the operation and we will be releasing him shortly.” I had just...
GayNow that he had her bound the way he wanted, he stepped back to admire how she looked. He reached up and lightly pinched both her nipples and she jumped from both surprise and excitement. He started to fondle her tits gently in his hands and she moaned. He could hear the vibrators still buzzing in her ass and pussy and rubbing her tits the way he was, she was getting hot again. He suddenly stopped, moved his hands to her shoulders and gently pushed, letting her know he wanted her on her...
Warren and Elise were in Elise's car, on the way to the hospital. "Why she does these things to herself..." Warren said. "I know." Elise sighed. "I should have seen this coming. She's been a mess all week." Elise told him about the previous drunken episode, and about Sophia seeing him at the rink. "She was there? She heard me? And she still didn't come in?" Warren took a deep breath. "She had the opening of all time. She knew how I was going to react. And she still didn't come...
Bushwhacked! TIM THOUGHT no more about the incident with Abbey for at least a couple of months. It was just a few days past mid-December when he was forcefully reminded of it again. Once more, as was his habit on a Friday night, he left Crystal’s about midnight or so while the place was still buzzing inside, and made his way across the dark car park towards his car, parked in the far corner where he hoped it wouldn’t get bumped by careless motorists. As he walked, he buttoned his coat up...
“Wake your ass up Ramesses,” she said quietly, as she smacked my literal ass. She was a morning person. I was not. I checked my phone to see the time. 4:46 AM. “Ramesses, let’s gooo,” Geneva said urgently, shaking me. I rolled out of bed, threw some shorts on, grabbed my football and followed Geneva back out of my window, down the fire escape, and through the streets of Harlem to her dad’s garage about a half-mile away. We arrived at 4:52, which was “on time” since it was at least 5 minutes...
Bear Removal A man wakes up one morning to find a bear on his roof. So he looks in the yellow pages and sure enough ... there's an ad for "Bear Removers." He calls the number and the man says he'll be over in 30 minutes. The bear remover arrives and gets out of his van. He's got a ladder, a baseball bat, 12-gauge shotgun, and a mean heavily scarred old dog. "What are you going to do?" the homeowner asks. "I'm going to put this ladder up against the roof, then I'm going to go...
After the whole night session I left Neeru free for few days. The way she walked around in the office was indeed funny and people got suspicious and asked her, she told that her ankle got twisted but later she told me her pussy and ass was sore from the battering she got from me the other day. It was almost a week that I didn’t fuck her, my cock was aching to be in her pussy and my lips aching to suck her pussy and boobs. It was Monday and our bosses were in head office , so I planned to use...
EYES ON THE PRIZE - CHAPTER THREE "That's it, keep going - a little more ... just a bit more ..." "Are you sure you can take it, Stacey? You look like you're going to burst!" "Just a bit further," I gasped. "That's it ... Ooooh, fuck!" "I don't think I've got the equipment for that right now," giggled Natasha. I gave her - no, goddammit, him - a glare as he gave the cords on my corset one final tug and tied them in place. I wasn't sure what I found more disturbing right now -...
My boyfriend is such a jerk. He and I had never been exclusive, but now he wants me to himself. I want my lovers, so he’s out. I was depressed and wanted some attention so I called my ‘friend’ Alex. He came over right away and held me as I cried over the jerk. After venting and bawling for a few hours I excused myself. I went to my room feeling much better; I looked like a train wreck. My eyes were red and puffy and I looked very tired. In reality I was not even close to tired, I was feeling...
Straight SexCurvy Mommy Penny Barber is busy cleaning the house for long lost Uncle Ramon’s arrival and scolding her hot little piece-of-ass step-daughter for being a brat. Both ladies think that uncle Ramon is simply visiting to straighten out a small mistake in the will, not knowing that his brother did actually leave him everything, including them. He immediately starts by retracting the family Porsche from spoiled little princess Moka and makes her earn back the right to even touch the car. An...
xmoviesforyouI really enjoyed being back in show business. I worked on some routines where I shot both guns simultaneously and on others where I shot one gun right after the other with my right hand or with my left hand. There was no question that Betty was a good dancer, though never up to Sally's standard, but I was the star of the show. I knew that people would pay money to see me shoot, so I started a soft-sell to the Evans family that we should stop traveling and settle into a place where we could...
Ashley had wondered what I was typing during spring break. I eventually showed her what I was writing, including the story about our first time. She was pissed at first, i thought she might tell Missy about it. Ashley didn't talk to me for a few days, then suddenly one day I had an Email from her with an attachment.My coworker Missy and her Husband David were coming over for dinner tonight, they came over most weekends but tonight was a weeknight, my daughter's school was having a fundraiser...
I loved the shock in Mr. Armstrong’s eyes as he witnessed what a lying bitch his wife was. He was aghast as he watched his supposed faithful, Christian wife getting wild with my mother and me. The slender man trembled in his doorstep. His hand shook as he stared at the tablet held in my brother’s hand. Clint’s plan was well underway. My brother and I stood on the Armstrongs’ porch. On the tablet’s screen, you could see Mrs. Armstrong, recorded by the hidden camera in my purse I’d set up on...
“You want to step outside and take a hit?” That question was asked of me by my wife’s best friend. Normally Lori would be out with my wife, but Penny was on a marathon phone conversation with her mother. I’m sure she would have liked to hit the bong too but we don’t do that in the house. Lori was no stranger to our home; she and Penny have been friends since grade school. They work together, they play together, they are tight. Lori was maid of honor at our wedding 5 years earlier and was in the...
Chapter 2 ~~ Baby Jimmy Baby Jimmy, Cathy, and Jennifer entered the large well lit room, covered in pink wallpaper with an obvious baby motif, the 3 sissies noticed at least 20 to 25 cribs spaced throughout the room. Baby Jimmy is lead over to one of the 5 cribs colored "blue," obviously reserved for baby boys. Jimmy was placed next to another baby boy who appears to be asleep. Baby Cathy and Jennifer are lead over to "pink" cribs, and placed inside. During the 1st week of...
100% fictional! Tony was a normal healthy 18 year old student at Hazlehurst Grammar. He was the school heartthrob for most of the senior girls. He excelled at sports, and he was captain of the school football team, which played in the local school league. He was tall for his age and very fit with a quite muscular body. But Tony unknown to him, was also blessed with a larger than normal cock for his age, and the first he knew about it was when some of his team mates took notice, and started...
Incest"Hi mum," I said as I entered the living room."Hi Steve," my mum smiled. She was sitting on the sofa in the spacious living room, which was at the back of the single-storey house she and I lived. "How was school?" she asked."The usual, boring," I replied, dumping my schoolbag on the floor and kicking my trainers off. I didn't do too badly at school, and was an ace at sports, but like most fifteen-year-old boys I didn't exactly find it terribly thrilling. It was nice to be home.My mum, Helen,...
We stood apart for a few moments. The carnival sounds from the valley providing unique background music. Becky made the first move. She didn’t get dressed. Instead, she just put the hoodie back on. As she zipped up, she admitted, ‘Mosquito bites would put a damper on the evening.’ We headed back to my house. ‘Thanks for thinking of my welfare.’ ‘Ms. Croft, I’m your guide. It’s my job to look out for your best interests.’ ‘Thanks John, but I don’t want to be Lara Croft anymore tonight....
I Never Planned on Mandy - Chapter I by Tabitha The ironic thing of all was that Brian had not even been interested in going to the party at Nick's house anyhow. However, when he overheard his sister, Louise, talking to her friend Michelle about it, he had decided to prevent her going. At fourteen, Brian was a bright but socially unnoticeable individual. It was not that he was unable to make friends or get involved in activities - he was after all one of the school's top...
Back in 2003, I got locked up for the first time. I only did county time thou. Shackle to others who look scared. Not me thou as the co's put us in the cells we would be doing our time in. My celly wasn't in at the time. I had to get the boat on the floor. I put my Matt in it, made myself at home. It never settle in on me that im locked up yet & this where I'd be for 6 months. So, I went 2 sleep & tried to get this day over with. Later on I heard the cell door open. The co said to my...
He did not see much of Helen in the next week or two and nothing from up close. Sometimes he would catch her looking at him from across a classroom and then she shrugged with a sad smile. She did not move with Taylor’s clique either and from what Danny heard through the grapevine, Charlotte Konig had succeeded to bag Taylor at that picnic. Danny also noticed that Gonagle was constantly watching over Helen. He suspected that Gunderson had given the word to the principal to keep his daughter...
I realize this is a strange way to start, but actually, I really don't know exactly where to start my story; perhaps a place to start might be by telling you something about me? The problem I have with that is for me to try and describe myself, I feel I come off as if I'm conceited, or I am better than others. I honestly know that my looks and the shape of my body are just the luck of the draw. I do go to a gym and work out as much as is practical just to keep in the best condition as I can,...
Samantha was the first one to speak. "Could you pull back a bit and put yourself all the way inside me again?" When I hesitated she quickly added, "It doesn't have to be far, just a fraction of an inch." "Ok, I guess I can try that. Wow, does that ever feel good, but it's not like I'm really fucking you. I'm just keeping my dick more or less in the same spot in your pussy." After about 30 seconds I heard, "Can you do that one last time? As long as it doesn't make you too...